1 minute read
Strategic Partnerships Division
Sheronne Blasi, Division Director
Success story examples resulting from this grant:
An elderly Navy veteran applied for OVEFAP during winter, requesting assistance with repairing the furnace in her home. The veteran reported that her home had been without heat for two months, and she was not able to pay the repair costs on her fixed social security income. She was distressed and worried about her health if she were to not get the heat going before the Klamath Falls snow started. The veteran was granted her full requested amount, and when contacted to discuss next steps, she cried “happy tears” and arranged for repair the next week. The veteran was also connected with her County Veteran Services Officer and given referrals to Oregon Department of Human Services, Aging and Disability Services. Once repairs were completed, she contacted ODVA to let us know that she was warm and toasty, right as temperatures dipped into the teens.
An Iraq War veteran applied for OVEFAP requesting assistance with past due housing expenses. As a single mother of high needs children, she had been doing her best to find odd jobs that would allow her to pay childcare expenses, while also having enough left over to contribute to household expenses. At the time of the OVEFAP request, the veteran was facing eviction and had been waitlisted for several community resources. ODVA was able to grant her request for past due rent, which aided in her avoiding eviction, and connected her with a number of community resources. The veteran was also able to connect with the ODVA LGBTQ+ and Houseless Veterans Coordinators to further aide in her and her family’s stability.
Veterans Health Administration
H.R.3967: Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2022
SES Conference | February 21, 2023
Opening Remarks
• Data
• Eligibility
• Outreach
Gulf War Era
Post-9/11 Afghanistan and Iraq
The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson
Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2022
is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. This law helps us provide generations of Veterans and their survivors with the care and benefits they have earned and deserve.