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Benefits Corner: 2020 State and Federal Benefit Updates
Federal Benefit Updates
Annie text message program guides veterans during COVID-19 pandemic
Veterans looking for guidance for staying safe or managing stress can register for the free Annie automated text messaging program. Veterans can subscribe to a number of protocols including Coronavirus Precautions, Coping During COVID-19, Stress Management, and Influenza information.
Contact: blog.sva.gov/VAntage/76272/annie-text-messageprogram-guides-veterans-covid-19-pandemic
VR&E gets a new name, focuses on readiness
One of VA’s oldest benefits – Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) – is now the Veteran Readiness and Employment Service. The service office will remain abbreviated VR&E, but the new name reemphasizes VBA’s mission to encourage, promote and support transitioning and serviceconnected disabled Veterans’ employment goals.
Contact: va.gov/careers-employment/vocationalrehabilitation
REACH campaign strives to reduce veteran suicide
The REACH campaign, unveiled July 7, 2020 aims to educate all Americans that suicide is preventable and encourages them to REACH to those in need to provide hope. It also encourages people who are hurting to REACH to provide help.
Contact: reach.gov
VA’s collaboration with NARA digitizes Vietnam-era deck logs
The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 gave VA an opportunity to consider new and previously submitted Blue Water Navy claims. Now, thanks to collaboration with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), VA and NARA are helping to determine ship locations and to digitize more than 1,800 vessels’ deck logs.
VA estimates that there are between 420,000 and 560,000 Vietnam-era Veterans who may be considered Blue Water Navy Veterans. The law also extends benefits to survivors and dependents of those Veterans with confirmed service and whose claims would have been granted as a result of the new law.
If Veterans, survivors or dependents have previously filed and were denied a claim, they can file a supplemental claim. VA encourages Veterans to work with an approved claims representative or VSO to determine if they qualify.
Contact: benefits.va.gov/benefits/blue-water-navy.asp
Caregiver stipend expansion launched
The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC), which offers enhanced clinical support for caregivers of eligible veterans who are seriously injured, launched an expansion of eligibility effective October 1, 2020. Learn more about the expansion and the application process here: caregiver.va.gov.
VA launches new electronic health record system
The federal VA began using its new electronic health record (EHR) system Oct. 24 at select VA facilities in the Pacific Northwest and Las Vegas, marking the beginning of a transformation in how VA delivers care to Veterans. The EHR Modernization program will continue rolling out the new software until it is in place nationwide at all VA facilities by 2028.
Veterans, Gold Star Families get free entrance to national parks, refuges, other public lands
As of November 11, 2020, entrance fees for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and standard amenity recreation fees for the Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau of Reclamation sites will be waived for Veterans and Gold Star Families. They will have free access to approximately 2,000 public locations spread out across more than 400 million acres of public lands, which host activities to fit any lifestyle, from serene to high octane, including hiking, fishing, paddling, biking, hunting, stargazing and climbing.
Contact: blogs.va.gov/VAntage/80547/veterans-gold-starfamilies-get-free-entrance-national-parks-refuges-publiclands

Veterans and Gold Star families get free entrance to national parks, refuges and other public lands such as Capitol Reef National Park in south-central Utah (pictured).
VA billing to resume in January 2021
Veterans should be aware and plan accordingly that the current suspension of VA collection actions and extension of terms of previous repayment agreements is scheduled to end December 31, 2020.
VA stopped sending monthly billing statements for medical care debt starting April 6, 2020. This change followed the President’s April 2 announcement that was part of the nation’s relief response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, all actions on debts owed to VA in the form of copayments under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Treasury were suspended.
With the conclusion of the mandated deferral, VA plans to begin billing Veterans in January 2021 for those postponed copays. In January, veterans should receive a patient statement that includes new copay charges for any care or prescriptions from April 6, 2020, through December 31, 2020, and any unpaid copays from before April 2020.
Contact: portland.va.gov/PORTLAND/features/VA_ billing_to_resume_in_Jan_2020.asp and blogs.va.gov/ VAntage/81266/va-debt-management-center-resumesending-notification-letters-january-2021/
Oregon Benefit Updates
Bend VA clinic renamed after local hero Robert Maxwell
On October 26, 2020, Bend’s Veterans Affairs clinic was officially renamed after local veteran Robert Maxwell, on what would have been the war hero’s 100th birthday. When Maxwell died last year at the age of 98, he was the oldest Medal of Honor recipient in the country. Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden introduced a bill in the Senate to rename the clinic, while Rep. Greg Walden introduced the legislation in the House. The legislation was approved in September.
Campus Veteran Resource Grants awarded to 14 Oregon public universities and community colleges
ODVA awarded one-time Campus Veteran Resource Center Grants to all 14 of the public universities and community colleges that applied. The purpose of the Campus Veteran Resource Center Grants is to augment existing campus resources by funding innovative and impactful projects or programs designed to improve the lives of student veterans and help them succeed.
Contact: https://oregondva.com/2020/08/17/campusveteran-resource-grants-awarded-to-14-oregon-publicuniversities-and-community-colleges