iliad literary-art magazine Volume XXXII Clarke Central High School
iliad 2008
literary-art magazine
Volume XXXII
Dedicated with love to Dr. Maxine Easom In loving memory of Dr. Miller Jordan and Eve Marie Carson
Clarke Central High School 350 S. Milledge Avenue Athens, Georgia 30605
2008 iliad
theme for the 2008 iliad For some reason, tonight, I am lying outside.
freckled with stars.
My eyes glaze across the night, I fumble for the myths my teachers told me were written in the constellations, the lives spelled out in the sky. The language scattered across this navy page is foreign to my eyes, but I remember the stories. Isn’t that the hem of
Andromeda’s dress?
I am suffocating under the sky, this anthology. I feel insignificant. I am perishable, swaddled in this thick blanket of humidity and immortal, overwhelming, inky blue. I stumble inside. It’s the only thing to do. My hand spews chicken scratch on a piece of yellowed notebook paper. Back outside, I’m lying down again. Now, with this paper, I feel assured of my permanence. My
story is here, beneath my folded hands.
I hold the tattered sheet up against the sky as moonlight bores through it. Three stars
gleam through each hole, perfectly aligned. They swoop down, each attached
to a thin silver thread like ethereal spiders. They wind through the holes of my paper, lifting it out of my hands. I let it go, relieved, watching as they bind my story
in the sky.
-- Bryan Barks Co-editor-in-chief
iliad 2008
Letter from the editor This is the 2008 iliad, Clarke Central High School’s literary-art magazine. It is the combined effort of the staff and the school that helps to create this representation of our diverse student body into one magazine. This is the second year I have been a co-editor and it has been quite a struggle to outdo the great product that my former co-editor Lisa Glaser, and past-dedicated staff produced. But with the fresh ideas of the new co-editor Bryan Barks, and the different style that she brought to the magazine, the product has turned out to be one of which we were all very proud. Again, the feelings of anxiety and uncertainty were abundant throughout the production of the magazine. The goal to fairly and accurately represent our school was top priority. So, at times, the poetry can be filled with angst, or the prose can be about the stereotypical teenage struggles, but that is who we are -- teenagers, and so that is who we represent. The iliad is something that many students don’t find anywhere else -- an outlet. It allows them to be free in their creative forms of expression, whether it be through a camera, a pen, a keyboard or a paintbrush. The voices throughout the magazine are ones which may otherwise go unheard or unseen. It is the iliad that gives the student body a tangible product, which helps to validate the idea that creative writing is important, and in turn, that each individual is important. It brings people of different grade levels, ethnicities and cultures together, creating a sense of community in the format of a magazine. This year has been stressful, invigorating and scary. Again, the iliad has helped me to grow as a leader, and to understand and accept all of the frustrations that come with producing a high school magazine. Hopefully, everyone who stumbles across a copy of this years star-struck iliad, will see the dedication of CCHS shine through. -- Sophie Kohn Co-editor-in-chief
Phoenix: life 7- Splash - Kristie Wickwire 7- Just Three Steps - Stephanie Aronson 8- Music and Water - Ainsley Liken 8- Rhythmically - Fiona Sheehan 9- Peanut Butter and Jelly - Caroline Foster 10- Soar - Lexi Deagen 10- 11 The Political Ballet - Chris Miller 11- Elegance - Lexi Deagen 12- New Town - Joe Hopper 13- Looking Glass - Lis Carney 14- Not the Marrying Kind - Rachel Amster 15- Point - Jake Yang 15- Courthouse Pandemonium - Anonymous 16- Vogue - Mica Blake 17- Life - Ryan Stoddard 17- My family: a mosaic - Connelly Crowe
Andromeda: love
Hydra: self
19- Deafening - Chrismon Hinsch 19- A Renewed Light - Stefan Maurer 20- Sass - Johniya Carter 21- God Will Make a Way - Janelle Pittard 22-23- Butterfly - Emily Hubbard 23- Hunter of the Light - Claire Rosemond 24-25- Zero Gravity - Chrismon Hinsch 24-25- I Float - Cassie Evans 26- Expression - Buthayna White 27- Moment I found out - Devante Derricotte 27- Purged - Leah Pinholster 28-29- Untitled - Ben Jordan 29- Ode to Sleep - Alex Morris
31- Baby boy - Sahar Golabi 31- Miss you - Will Spencer 32- The Whale - Stephanie Aronson 32- Everlasting Quarrel - Courtney Combs 33- Hands - Ria Mehta 34- Roses - Candace King 34- Last Prayer - Yadira Padilla 35- Recycled - Connelly Crowe 35- Beautiful hallucination - Lauren Weinrich 36- Single and ready to mingle - Amber Thomas 37- Your light - Sopnie Kohn 37- The lake - Kiersten Hammock 38-39- Morning - Bryan Barks 39- Stare- Candace King
Lyra: blue 41- No Coincidence - Sarah Nehf 42- Butterfly - Brittany Eberhart 42- The Epidemic - Buthayna White 43- Transfixed - Lis Carney 43- Solitary - Emily Goodhue 44- Pride - Kristie Wickwire 44- The Weeping Woman - Cassie Evans 45- Orange Jumpers - Hannah McFay 46-47- A day in the life of - Lisa Glaser 48- Escalator - Ella Grace Downs 48- Fall - Mariah Smith 49- The Ant Speaks of Giants - Anonymous
Orion: international flavors 51- Les yeux d’un viex homme (The Old Man’s Eyes) - Sara De La Torre Berón 51- Age - Heather Williams 52 - Fly Away - Emily Goodhue 52-53- So bin ich (I am like that )- Felix Ehmann 53- Untitled - Rasik Winfield 54- Tower - Gayatri Setia 54- L’herbe (The grass) - Cassandra Liles 55- Tree - Ella Grace Downs 55- Flotar por el aire (Floating through the air) - Lauren Corcino 56-57- Words of Wisdom ( a poem in Arabic) Yasine Honerkamp 57- Water- Caroline Foster
59- Amount of beauty - Carlo Nasisse Ursa Minor: baby glads 59- Chase me ‘til my feet touch the ground Arielle Cross 60-61- Chapter four - Laura Sherman 62- Apple - Kiersten Hammock 62-63 - Creepy love letter - Chris Walker 63- The snowglobe - Katie Downs
Pleiades: staff 65- Friends of the iliad 66- Staff 67- Index 68- Colophon
2008 iliad
At the end of its life, the immortal phoenix is said to ignite its nest, crumbling into ashes from which a new phoenix is resurrected.
iliad 2008
Kristie Wickwire
Just Three Steps Muscles tighten, Just three steps, And it will be over shortly. I bite my lip The pain overcomes my fear. I close my eyes. Pictures flash in my head, Never a smooth outcome, Needles stab my entire body. Open. The pain is gone, Nothing has happened, The thought brushed Away with a deep breath. I look out at the end, The turquoise plank blends With the vast deep blue.
Eyes are watching Expecting something great. I move my feet, Three steps down, A forceful jump. I am flying, But only for a second. Then splash. A perfect entry.
Stephanie Aronson
2008 iliad
Her water’s lapping Rhythmically pulling her down Rock-a-bye baby.
Fiona Sheehan
Music and Water
Ainsley Liken
iliad 2008 and devouring all of the peanut butter stuck in her mouth. After the last bite of the sandwich, she Caroline Foster tried to suppress a burp, but hot air with the scent of peanuts and large, round woman shaped like a balloon waddled in to a jelly still escaped her mouth. room and headed to an empty, two person café table. She One of the two students packed scratched her head as she walked, plucking out a few gray up his laptop bag and left his hairs mixed in with a mop of brown. Students reading and studying chair in disgust. The last stuin lounge chairs and at tables picked up their heads momentarily as dent, with black hair and already they heard her white sneakers squeak on the tile floors. One student balding, continued to scribble passing her felt the floor sink half an inch under her weight. The stuin his notebook, attempting to dent attempted to hold in a sound of surprise or disgust, but emitted write an essay. a choked squeak, similar to the beginning of a coughing attack. While Both the student and the the squeak was small and generally would have passed unnoticed, woman continued to write and everyone in the room who hadn’t already picked up their heads did read, completely absorbed with so. the task at hand. The room was The woman didn’t pay attention and she finally reached her two silent again, with no smacking person table against a wall. She took a wooden chair and slowly sat or rustling of papers as people down, her weight drooping over both ends of the chair. She opened changed positions. Finished her purple lunch container and pulled out a Seran wrapped peanut with her reading, the woman butter and jelly sandwich. Unwrapping it, blobs of peanut butter sursquished the sandrounded by wich wrappings jelly fell onto A few smears of peanut butter on her thumb together and closed the table, her lunch box, caustransferred to the book as she turned the a result of the pressure to the sandpages. Taking a napkin, she tried to remove the ing release a whiff of wich being peanut butter, but it only smudged it further. peanut butter and squished in jelly mixed with prea box for a vious contents into whole mornthe air. She put her book back ing. in her tote and trudged across Ignoring the fallen contents, she held the sandwich with her swolthe room with her white sneaklen hands and took a large bite. Setting the sandwich down on the ers squeaking, leaving some wrappings as she chewed, impressions of her fingers stayed on the jelly with peanuts included on sandwich bread, moist from resting on a sweating icebox for hours. the table. A few students raised She continued to chew her bite, making large smacking sounds that their heads again, watching her echoed across the room as she attempted to get all of the peanut butexit the room as she tossed the ter from the roof of her mouth down to her stomach. sandwich wrappings into the The students sitting in the chairs closest to her gritted their teeth and tried to block the sounds of eating. The woman, taking no notice, trashcan. took a thick book from her tote and began to read between bites of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Occasionally, she shoved her large, round glasses back up her stubby nose so they wouldn’t slide off her face. A few smears of peanut butter on her thumb transferred to the book as she turned the pages. Taking a napkin, she tried to remove the peanut butter, but it only smudged it further. Without a drink to help wash down the sandwich, her smacks became louder and longer as she tried to wipe all the crumbs from her teeth. One of the students closed her textbook in annoyance and then stood up, swinging her book bag around her back, and relocated to another part of the room. A few other students followed, snickering in whispers, until only two were left near the eating woman. The woman didn’t pay attention to the others, absorbed in her text
Peanut Butter and Jelly
2008 iliad
The Political Ballet As the lights rise curtains open Flag hangs the girl bows, exhales, thanks The chief speaks, breathes, dances, Slowly the first step “My fellow Americans…” Slowly not to truthfully express the dance, The words As if speaking candidly But to mark each one With a supposed purpose as a child in a leotard stepping on stage before mom and dad each move much harder to remember than the last
but painstakingly practiced, memorized the audience winces at every timid movement Every plea for approval, support of the budget legislation all artfully crafted by another’s hands lights blinding the cherub’s face His mind is not as innocent careful not to forget the steps spins, verbs, leaps, adjectives, twirls, Words spilling over his chin like heels over toes, stumbling across a slippery black stage the patter of her feet fills her parents ears He says everything they needed to hear The men in plain suits stand and cheer loudly With their red and white and blue ties And buttons from the wings a women in black dances along
Lexi Deagen 10
iliad 2008 Never fear though When the last words are spoken and the bow dips low, Like the occasional opinion pole The flag will be folded the curtains will close but only to open again For tomorrow’s performance. runs out and picks the child up when she slips
Chris Miller
A grand smile to the crowd Beneath a weakening gaze A sip of water And another glance at the speech He did not write But thought was memorized
Lexi Deagen
2008 iliad
New Town The Piper and the Prostitute, together they play. In the hours of dusk, between the night and the day. As the piper plays softly, the woman salutes. He’s wearing jeans, and she, leather boots. Together they sway as if caught in a breeze. They float through time like ships on seas. They live in a town full of wonder and awe. I’ve been to this place, and that’s what I saw. The trains go by, schedules unknown. The old rusty tracks rattle and moan. They glide away, like magnificent beams. I stand here shocked at the beauty surrounding The place I discovered is quite astounding. I think I will stay at the place I have found This remarkable land that I call New Town.
Joe Hopper
iliad 2008
Looking Glass
Lis Carney
2008 iliad
Not the Marrying Kind Rachel Amster
un came through the window and beat onto movements viewable from the forth story winhis face. Chapped lips and a blistered face dow. groaned as nature’s alarm clock dragged “You know I would marry you, right?” him into consciousness. Also, the incessant ring“And I’d marry you, if I had the money to buy ing of the doorbell had thoroughly ruined his a big enough ring for you. That delicate finger of sleep for the past half an hour. Sharp, unknown yours shouldn’t wear anything but the best.” objects punctured his foot on the way to the “Stop, I was being serious.” door. “So was I.” “Good morning. I see you’ve had a good night’s She turned and looked back into the dark rest,” she said with thinly guarded sarcasm. As room. A patch of sunlight lay on the floor, but she was scheduled to be married that morning, the rest was dark. She moved the curtains and he was more than pleased and only a little surlet the eerie shadows creep back into the walls prised to see her there. for a moment. He flinched beneath the sunlight, “Good morning darling. How’s married life exposed. treating you?” “Marriage would ruin all the fun. When you’re “That is not funny. Do you see a ring on my gone I write beautiful tragedies and when you’re finger?” here I write poems. If we got married, I wouldn’t “I hadn’t really taken the time to notice.” be able to write either.” He took the time now and felt inwardly ecstat“Oh, so this is all in the name of art?” ic at the ring-less finger, which was quickly folHe stood beside her, looking off at the ocean lowed by the desire to throw up. As he regurgitat- while she stared into the cluttered room. The ed everything he had eaten in the last 24 hours, words still images of the seemed to ring previous night’s He stood beside her, looking off at the ocean in his ears. adventures came while she stared into the cluttered room. The She glanced back in waves. The towards the clinking of glasses, words still seemed to ring in his ears. night table “speech!” and a and noticed wedding occurred a small, in the wrong order. Everything seemed blurred unopened box. except the speech. “Do you want to get breakfast?” “I’m not on a plane.” “No, I’ve got a train to catch.” “Neither am I, which is just one more thing we “Going home?” have in common.” “Yeah, wherever that is.” “I don’t find you amusing.” “On the contrary, you came to my apartment instead of attending your wedding.” “The wedding wasn’t really an option anymore. And at this point in time, I am without many other compassionate acquaintances” “At least I didn’t wait until after you were married to ruin things. I think that shows progress.” She went to the window and looked out. An ocean breeze filled the room and streamed through her hair. Every ounce of sand was perfect and clean as the tide dragged it out to sea. The repetitive motion created a calm rhythm to the
iliad 2008
Jake Yang
Courthouse Pandemonium Perhaps we will refresh your memory Pocketa-Pocketa-Pocketa Pandemonium broke loose in the courtroom He snapped a cop as the light changed The greatest pistol shot in the world It’s the millionaire banker He kicked the slush around the streets aimlessly for time Intimate airways of his mind Having the devils of his own time It was one of those days.
2008 iliad
Mica Blake
iliad 2008
My family: a mosaic an editorial by Connelly Crowe
Life What is true? What is real? In this life A major ordeal Who are you? Who are we? What will truly Make you see? In this Life We truly try Always honest Never a lie Life obsession Everyday We work so hard For little pay Give and give Never take True kindness We forsake True love So hard to find Truly looking Or fooled by your mind One lesson You need to learn Live life and love And always yearn
Ryan Stoddard
hows such as “Leave It To Beaver” depict what has come to be known as the “All-American Family”. You know… constant smiling, a tidy house, and, “Dinner will be ready at six, Dear.” But I have never known such an environment. I have two families. My parents are divorced. As a kid, maybe seven or eight years old, I can remember stepping off of the Clarke County school bus to a small public housing complex, where I opened the door that led to a one-bedroom cinderblock apartment. Twenty-four days each month, this was home, a place where my mother and I lived alone, but together. The rest of the month I spent with my dad, an hour and a half away from the city of Athens, in a rural town of southern drawls. Yet, despite the difference in culture, I considered this to be my home as well. I had two homes and two separate families with whom I could connect equally. But with age comes new ideas and opinions, and I have several. My liberal views aren’t well received by my dad, who is a raging conservative. As I’ve gotten older, I have realized how difficult it is to maintain strong relationships with two families that are completely different. I feel a connection with my Athens family, but I am still searching for common ground with my father. Our differences were apparent when, at age twelve, he gave me a shotgun for Christmas. I often find myself getting caught up in the feelings of my family, neglecting my own wants for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times I have skipped a party or social event because I didn’t
want to hurt my dad’s feelings. It sometimes leaves me feeling that I am missing out on the things that I love to do. Any child of a divorced family can tell you that holidays are a hassle. You could say that I spend Christmas in the car, traveling from one family to the other. Unfortunately, I do not feel that I have time to really enjoy the family that I am with before having to rush to the next. Besides, nobody wants to spend their holiday listening to the drone of the car engine. Still, I try to keep a positive attitude, and I can’t complain about the extra presents. Switching between families is hard, emotionally and psychologically, especially as a teenager. I’ve had to adapt to a stepmom, and stepdad, and four new siblings. At times it can seem as though I’m transferring from one world to another, with no time to adjust, and I know that it is only going to get harder. Perhaps the exposure to such different environments has made me a better person. Maybe my position has made me stronger. Maybe I am slowly going crazy. Who knows? I do know that my family is not perfect. Then again, whose is?
2008 iliad
iliad 2008
Deafening Chrismon Hinsch
A Renewed Light I was once wandering a cold, wet lane. It was a path I didn’t know, Once I saw the light ahead, I started running, running, running until I couldn’t run any further, But I never got any closer to the light. Then I heard a voice. Was I hearing things, or was someone lurking in the shadow? I didn’t know, Turns out it was my thoughts, And all of a sudden, Behold, There was a light again. And I started running, running, running out Into the light until I couldn’t run any further.
Stefan Maurer
2008 iliad
Johniya Carter
iliad 2008
God Will Make a Way I am an Intelligent mother I wonder what my child is doing while I’m away I hear a grasshopper making beautiful music I see a pretty bird flying by I want a good future I am an intelligent mother I pretend that my life is OK I feel that I am loved in every way I touch a beautiful baby cub I worry about where I will end I cry of being a single mom I am an Intelligent mother I understand that I can be what I want I say that God will make a way I dream my baby will have a father I try and not be depressed I hope I can make a good impression I am an intelligent mother
Janelle Pittard
2008 iliad
iliad 2008
Hunter of the Light She is the hunter of the light, chasing the last rays of the sun as they slip out of sight. Drowning in the darkness of night, orange, pink and red are fading fast. The time is now, the light won’t last. She’s out chasing the sunset.
Claire Rosemond
Emily Hubbard
2008 iliad
Zero Gravity Chrismon Hinsch
I float I float above all of the petty conversation, All of the boyfriend admiration, All of them who this chick is dating, I float above it, I float above all of the hatred and the lies, All of the racism in their eyes, I float above it, I float above all of my obstacles that I face, All of the judgments of my race, They hate me just because of my face, I float above it, I float above the ignorance and stupidity, The hating because they’re not as good as me,
The faking just to get next to me, I float above it, But it gets so hard to float, The weight of a wasted life has pinned up against the ropes, Why do I waste my time in trying when I already know the ropes? I’m not gonna change the world, So is it the towel I should throw, Should I let my ambitions go? Shoot, Lord I don’t know, But what I do know is that I’m on a different level,
iliad 2008
You couldn’t get deeper than me if you were digging with a shovel, I’m floating, I’m floating on another level, And God won’t even level with me, I might as well be gone, And no I don’t want your pity, But what’s the use of living life with no one to live it with me, Happiness is a myth and I believe that, Because when I found love the owner took it back, So I float above relationships, picture that, I don’t love because I refuse to give a man that, The same way that they refuse to show a girl that …
They really love them and I real live hate that, But look I’m getting sidetracked, Just know if you don’t know where Cassie at, Look up in the sky and if I ain’t there, I crashed, And I bet all of my haters gonna laugh and all the fakers gonna be glad, And all the true people gonna be sad, And as I’m floating I’ma laugh, Because I was never there with them anyway, So how can they hate or miss something they never had?
Cassie Evans
2008 iliad
Moment I found out I was only fourteen When I cried Face almost turned green My heart dropped Like a rollercoaster, My mother was afflicted The car stopped Like my heart She explained I shed my tears My heart busted Like a frozen beer I said mom Why is this happening She responded, “Son, sometimes people go through things.” I figured it out She had the Big C Cancer in her breast Moving to her knees Begging God Assist her please He received my message…?
Devante Derricotte
Expression Buthayna White
iliad 2008
Purged It starts bubbling at the back of my throat; Rising steadily, I push it away. Swallow it down. It continues to float. I use my fingers so that it might sway It is pounding at the base of my skull, Delivering lies in a rhythmic beat. It seeps into my temples and pulses. I rest my head on the stone in defeat. But now there is finally some release Every thought and feeling begins to pour Into the water, disrupting the peace. I ring out the rest to empty my core. Illogical, out of my mind, insane. I dive in and slide myself down the drain.
Leah Pinholster
2008 iliad
Untitled Ben Jordan
iliad 2008
Ode to Sleep Losing consciousness I lay my head down tonight I surrender
Alex Morris
2008 iliad
Andromeda, the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, was saved from sacrifice by her lover, Perseus, after being chained to a rock to serve as punishment for her mother’s arrogance.
iliad 2008
Miss you Waking me up too early Wanting to watch Saturday morning cartoons Sitting contentedly As I sleepily try to cooperate Repeating whatever I say Attempting to be what you think is “cool” Trying your hand at a deep voice, To hilarious results Grabbing at my legs Instigating a new wrestling match Needing me to participate In the latest pillow fight
Baby boy Sahar Golabi
Leaving marker drawings At my place at the table Proving you can write your name Curving the letters outside the lines Crying as you get back in the car again Driving back, the usual journey Having no clue when you’ll be back I sure do miss you.
Will Spencer
2008 iliad
Stephanie Aronson
Everlasting Quarrel The passion burning throughout his and her eyes died and fell like autumn ashes slipping from the heavenly sky. Like light breaking from the dawn. Something ending. Once lost and never found. A love simple and pure ending on this day. Their everlasting quarrel fades at last. Just like a ship disappearing into the dark sea.
Courtney Combs
iliad 2008
Your tender lips quickly brush by my hair The honey colored rays gleam on each strand My frail hands grow clammy and I prepare For my waist to be enveloped by your hands Your dark bristly brown beard touches my cheek Then I start quivering in your immense Shadow, my weary eyes close, I am meek Your youthful hands are taunting my defense But then the hot radiant rays erase My flimsy hair succumbs to the sore wind The jet black strands blind your striking face Still, your hands grasp harder, we are entwined Yet, I surrender to your loyal heart As long as your fair hands do not depart
Ria Mehta
2008 iliad
Candace King
Last prayer When the snow starts to fall and you’re still not here, I hold to me all that is dear. From your pictures to
the sweet memories we shared, you’re the only person who saw me and actually cared. To how I felt and the things that went through my head, you stayed silent and listened to everything I said. I fell in love with you not because of the way you act, you made me see the good and not the things I lacked. But as this war continues So I send this last prayer for you to return to me before another year passes by,
and if you realize you don’t want to be with me just tell me before I wither and die.
Yadira Padilla
iliad 2008
Beautiful hallucination One minute you’re there, the next, you’ve vanished. One moment I see you, the next, I don’t. I try to hold you in my mind, to savor your beauty, not wanting to let you go. But you slip away. To where? I will never know. It is somewhere in the depths of my mind. I will recall you another day, maybe. I will see you again someday, maybe. I will see you, but others won’t. That is because you are just a fragment of my imagination. You are just a beautiful hallucination.
Lauren Weinrich
Recycled Connelly Crowe
2008 iliad
Single and ready to mingle an editorial by Amber Thomas
o he cheated on you, dumped you and broke revenge with, you are ultimately hurting that peryour heart. So what? Move on. son just as someone has hurt you. The only time I was one of those girls who thought the world that jealousy rebounds are okay is if the rebound ended when my relationship did. At school, it was knows they’re hanging out with you for jealousy difficult not being able to speak to him in the hall. purposes. It seemed like everyone knew and asked questions Rule number two: don’t get so caught up in about the break-up. finding a rebound that you become desperate. But At home if you are desperate to I went find love, at least don’t Then it hit me like a ton of bricks: why do I through show it. need a boyfriend to be happy? There are too the usual Single ladies, stop phases: many fish in the sea to be caught up on putting on size seven loss of jeans when you know one guy. appetite, you wear a size 12 just watching to get a man, it looks romantic ridiculous. movies, and crying with a box of tissues by my As for you single gentlemen, putting on the side. When I finally decided that I did want to eat, whole bottle of cologne will not do you any good. nothing was more soothing than chocolate. It will hurt your chances because nobody wants to Then it hit me like a ton of bricks: why do be around somebody who smells like “Dr. Musky”. I need a boyfriend to be happy? There are too A solution like this is just a trick to ease the many fish in the sea to be caught up on one guy. temporary pain. Not saying that I don’t use it, I If there’s a guy you like and he doesn’t notice you, just don’t feel like I need to have a solution to then find someone who will. being single. To me it is like a guy-vacation. I’m If you give him the digits and he doesn’t call more focused on my schoolwork, family and you, it really doesn’t matter. That’s just one less friends. potential stalker that you have to worry about. I enjoy being single, and until I find the one, I’ll Being single is stress-free. You don’t have to just mingle. lie and say, “I love you” every day, or worry that you won’t get a Valentine’s Day gift. You don’t have to blow off your friends to hang out with Being single is stress-free. You don’t have to him every weekend, and lie and say, “I love you” every day, or worry no longer do you have to pretend that you like his that you won’t get a Valentine’s Day gift. weird family. Of course, I do feel a bit lonely at times, but there’s a solution to help ease the pain. Try getting a rebound. Rebound, for those not familiar with of dating lingo, means the following person after your current break-up. You don’t necessarily have to date this guy; he could just be a friend that you “talk” to. But, there are two major rules to rebounding. First, don’t get a rebound to make your ex jealous. If you are looking for someone to seek
iliad 2008
Your light The precious days pass quickly, unprepared, For what lies ahead is much more fierce. Moments in time are no longer declared As meaningful instances are pierced. The slow moving days and the sleepless nights Are an unfamiliar burden’s life. Oh, To trail along without your light, Pointless paths leading to definite strife. Emptiness continues to prevail Living buried within a saddened soul Moments of joy are always too frail For what is gone will never again be whole. Desire to want and strength to proceed Is immense; an unfathomable deed.
Sophie Kohn
The lake
Kiersten Hammock
2008 iliad
All that was before I started going to church, before He pulled me up out of that thick smoke Bryan Barks and the drips from the broken bottles scattered all he handlebar of the shopping cart has red and around my house. Before He gave me my baby back gold fingerprints smeared on it, kinda like the for good. And I held her in my arms and prayed into her forehead. And she sorta trembled -- I think she shape of my fingers, from summer days when was kinda moved by Him, like me. the air conditioning in the grocery store would give And things have really changed -- really. I sorta out and folks’ hands would stick to the metal with smile at the people who pass when I’m walkin to sweat. Today isn’t one of those days, though. the store or something. Not too much, though. My I kinda wish it was hot like that today, so my teeth are kinda woody. I saw this thing on TV that hands wouldn’t be so stiff and icy, clutching the can make cart like the hands of some corpse lady, your teeth or some ghost pushing a grocery cart up a And I held her in my arms and white like hill so early in the morning. prayed into her forehead. And she all the The milk keeps shifting into the cereal, ladies in and the bottom of the egg carton is kinda sorta trembled -- I think she was the ads. sticking through the holes in the cart, kinda moved by Him, like me. They swear making a whole lotta noise. I feel kinda they can do bad being so noisy on such a quiet mornit, even for ing. Every sound I make, I think I’m gonna wake someone like me. somebody. Everyone can hear these eggs, the I always got something to do on Sundays, too. squeaking of the wheels, and my long breaths from Sunday used to make me feel real bad. Saturday pushing the cart up this hill. night was for drinkin and smokin. And Sunday’d I’m breathing real heavy. It’s a long walk from the be awful -for sleepin and listenin to my stomach store to home, and I don’t go much. Only when I growl. I’d be real hungry on Sunday. have to, when Jasmine won’t have milk otherwise. But now, I wake up at seven on Sunday. For the Like today. I do it for her, but it’s harder these days. church and all. Jasmine goes to Sunday school at Because of the cold and all. It’s so cold that my eight sharp. And I cook with the ladies while she’s breath is smoky -- billowing out of my mouth like there -about seven of us all smashed in that small the stuff I used to smoke back when I was sick, and church kitchen, but we don’t mind, really. With the she was all scared of me. food smellin so good and all, and everybody always I was scared of myself back then, too. Sorta. I laughin, we don’t really mind. mean, I’m scared of going back there now. With I always have to make dessert. And there’s this those red branches in my eyes and all. And folks one real old lady who always helps me, so I don’t who’d drive by would be scared, cause I looked have to do it alone. Bernadette kinda rough back then. Not like no Everyone can hear these eggs, the -- that’s her real name, but everyone just call her Bernie. And she lady or nothinsqueaking of the wheels, and my always talk to me about God and even Jasmine long breaths from pushing the cart stuff while we’re making pie crust. would say my Says she been going to church loneyes looked scary. up this hill. ger than she been making pie-she She said I looked started Sunday school when she at her real angry. was three years old. She always be I didn’t mean to-my eyes just always burned, sorta. tellin me she never had a doubt about Him -- over And I think folks thought I was gonna try to rob her whole life she never questioned Him. And as we em or something. But it was just cause of my eyes. fill the pies, I always pray for Jasmine to grow up Scared em, I think. like her. But all that was before Reverend drove by me that After we cook, we have service. And Jasmine one day. He stopped to talk, and invited me to a dinmeet up with me at our spot -- three rows back. And ner the church was having. And I didn’t have no food we pray and sing and enjoy the Lord. But what really or nothin, so I went.
iliad 2008 gets me is the music. It starts in my ears and drips down into me. Like the light that comes down Candace King through the windows of the church and makes everybody faces shine. The music go through me like that. And all of the sudden, my heart is lit up. Lit up with joy. But most of all, God. Bluebirds flyin round the tops of the trees, kinda lookin at me with the cart. They can be some chatterboxes, but not this morning. This morning too cold and pretty for all that twittering they do. Later, in the afternoon, they come out, when I’m sittin on the stoop waiting for Jasmine bus, and they sing to me. Remind me of Sundays. Things like that is the reason I don’t go back to where I was back then. I’m a decent person now; I always return the cart back to the store. I used to keep one out on the front stoop all the time and roll it to the store when I needed something-a drink or something. But now I take it back after I unload it at home. I’m gonna take it back later today, after I get Jasmine fed and everything. And this one man, always smiling at me when I roll up with the empty cart. And he always say “thank you” and he appreciate it. Eggs are rattling with these rickety wheels. I’m scared I’m gonna wake up everybody in the whole damn neighborhood. The street is quiet and empty, cept for one car, coming real slow over the hill. It’s a pretty nice carthe same as my baby’s toenails, and shiny. There’s a girl driving. She got a cup of coffee in her hand and she stretchin her neck out over the steering wheel like she kinda lost. I pick up my shoulders as she gets closer, turn towards her. And I kinda smile. She drive past me, no smile or nothin. I see her lookin at me in her mirrors as she passes. And then, I hear her four car doors click. I think she even had the kind that would lock the trunk at the same time. The eggs keep shaking, and I hunch my shoulders down to keep an eye on em. Wouldn’t want em to break or nothin before I can get home.
2008 iliad
Lyra represents the mournful lyre of Orpheus, which he played after his bride Eurydice, died from fatal snake bites to the legs.
iliad 2008
No Coincidence It was 2 a.m. when the crash was heard, when Water proved to be stronger than man. The waves showed no mercy, And when it was over Neither did the men Who weren’t There to Help.
Sarah Nehf
2008 iliad
Brittany Eberhart
The Epidemic Agonizing, excruciating, bitter pain emotionally distressed, physically drained, no prayers can bless, no voodoo can change this Internal, imprisonment, no healing tears of rain, just many tears of blame, followed by reckless trains of “what ifs?” and “I should haves” that can never change this Deadly, heartless, non-being, but beings lives it will claim. From the most innocent, chaste, to the most vile beings, none contain the money, the power, the fight to change this Specific in power destructing lanes, branching off of intersections: white bread grains, blackberry fields, the Latina grass planes, all part of a dirty world, yet not a solution to clean and change this Agonizing, Internal, Deadly, Specific none can change this disease of AIDS But who can change this epidemic? YOU!
Buthayna White
iliad 2008
Solitary Waves crash on the beach. The winter sun Beats steadily Upon the water. He grabs his board And walks toward the surf, The sand grinding Between his toes. A cold breeze Bites at his cheeks, Chilling him Through his wet suit. He reaches the water’s edge And takes a deep breath, Then plunged in Gasping as he submerges.
But always getting up. He will not stop For this is where the belongs, Out here with just the ocean And the surf. He surveys the beach Where children are playing. But that’s not for him He just doesn’t belong. So here he will stay, A dot on the horizon, Riding the waves Until the bitter end.
.............Emily Goodhue
A cold prickles his skin, But it will fade To be replaced By a pleasant numbness. He is in his element, Riding the waves, Crashing on the shore,
Lis Carney
2008 iliad
The Weeping Woman Pride
Kristie Wickwire
No one sees her struggle No one feels her pain But yet we all laugh and whisper As she expresses her love of that holy name, But now everyone sees her tears, Now everyone hears her cries, And as I now see her struggle, As I now feel her pain, Tears form in my eyes, Tears of guilt Tears because I found her amusing Tears because I want to soothe her, but my feet continue moving.
Cassie Evans
iliad 2008
Orange Jumpers I was raised with the intent to be good The eyes glared and gasped at my mistake A life I once knew hangs in the balance But the guilt is weighing me down Spears pierce the garbage accumulating in the blades of vegetation I replace the trash and strike my heart The orange blurs my vision The exhaust fumes cloud my thoughts The asphalt calls my name I break for it I was killed with the intent to be good
Hannah McFay
A day in the life of Lisa Glaser
2008 iliad
waiting room:
Where sick kids stick a rainbow of colored blocks in their mouths. Drooling, spitting, slobbering flesh. Caramel coated fingertips trace the ups and downs of 3-D puzzles. A thin coat of candied saliva melts over the plastic room. Fluorescent lights hover above, making each waitee’s eyes more sensitive than before. Month old magazines scatter the fake wooden end table. Crumpled and only scanned by bored readers. “Are you dating someone? It’s Joe, isn’t it? Joe, right? Or is it Mark? Mark, right? No, it’s Joe. I know it’s Joe. You can’t hide these things from me forever.” I am over this.
Caramel coated fingertips trace the ups and downs of 3-D puzzles. A thin coat of candied saliva melts over the plastic room.
he doctor:
Old and detached. A smart aleck, bitter, walking midlife crisis. When he leans over the patient’s chart, his shining forehead is like a spotlight for his receding hairline. He’s confident yet stumbling. It’s all the same though, same old, same old, same old. Everything will check out and he gets paid. A degree in monotony. His wrinkled hands massage hard candy in his lab coat pocket, a stress reliever for a recovering pill popper. Dr. Jeff Speigel offers me a lemon drop. I’m chewing gum, but thanks. “You should marry a doctor. Don’t settle; you need a smart boy. The smart ones make all the money.” Settle? Yeah.
iliad 2008
car ride:
She brushes her teeth with a lollipop. The sugar drips from her mouth, her spit turning a dull shade of cherry red. Her lips stick and un-stick themselves from one another as she chews the tootsie roll center. The highway forest behind her vomits out a blurry green when she pushes on the gas. My legs ache from exhaustion, the bones brittle and shaken by the dashboard that lies beneath them. The 80s Oldsmobile’s white leather interior smells of smoke and headache inducing perfume. Breathe the humidity in and out, just focus on the inside of your eyelids. “You’re so beautiful. A model, honestly. You’ve got my genes, my eyes and my legs. Long, thin legs. I’m sure you’re a man-eater with those legs.” Fat Cow.
The steam from a few minutes ago shower trickles down the edges of my bathroom mirror. Hot moisture bubbles over into the hallway, the wooden floor slick with condensation. My arms sweat, heavy with soapy water. Thick mascara lines run down my cheeks, an art palette with runny paint. The peeling wallpaper edges have become irrigation lines in the wall. I am tired. I curl up on the tile floor, wishing the transition between bathroom and bed would happen without my involvement. There is a gummy adhesive between the cabinets I face. My voice has been pushed down into the deep, sour lining of my throat. “I probably shouldn’t eat that. I’ve been feeling heavy lately. What do you think dear? I shouldn’t right?”
“You’re so beautiful. A model, honestly. You’ve got my genes, my eyes and my legs. Long, thin legs. I’m sure you’re a man-eater with those legs.”
2008 iliad
Ella Grace Downs
Fall Destroyed valuables Stronger gusts of wind blown harder Families lost hope. They just are Going to start over Again it all depends if The wind is going to blow Harder again.
Mariah Smith
iliad 2008
The Ant Speaks of Giants I’ve known giants so tall I’ve known giants so immense and uncaring, walking upon me without any hesitation. I have learned to avoid these giants I sometimes eat their food but get crushed I have had my home destroyed by these callous creatures, They carelessly trample on me without hesitation. I get so angry at them, I bite them, only to feel the burning slap of their massive hands. They don’t know, they don’t help, they tread upon me like dirt. My family, ancestors, siblings are dead and their murderers don’t care.
2008 iliad
Myths of Orion, the hunter, have united cultures across the globe, as Orion is one of the only constellations visible from any place on earth.
iliad 2008
Les yeux d’un vieux homme L’homme regardait le paysage gris Asseyé sur le petit lit. Vieilles mains et cheveux blancs Donnait de la compagnie à Yeux qui brillaient, mais sans vue. Il attendait tous les jours Quelqu’un: son fils, sa fille, Ses petits et inquiets grand-fils Mais personne venait. Et soudainment, la porte a ouvert en silence. Le vieux homme ne l’a ecoutée pas. Il a senti le frais vent entrer dans la chambre. Il a tourné sa maigre tête, Yeux brillant, maintenant, avec larmes salées. Et la lumière de la chambre a brillé plus intensement Et le soleil est apparu derrière la fenêtre Et l’herbe est devenue verte et douce Et les oiseaux ont chanté mélodies heureuses Mais, avec yeux fatigués et vieux Il a vu, c’était seulement L’infirmier avec son dîner chaud. Comme toujours.
Heather Williams
The Old Man’s Eyes The man regarded the gray landscape Sitting on the small bed. Withered hands and white hair Giving company to Shining eyes, but without sight.
Eyes shining, now, with salty tears. And the light in the room shone more brightly And the sun appeared through the window And the grass became green and soft And the birds sang happy melodies
He waited every day For someone: his son, his daughter, His little and inquisitive grandchildren But no one came.
But, with eyes tired and old He saw, ‘twas only The nurse with his hot dinner. As always.
And suddenly, the door opened in silence. The old man heard it not. He felt the cool breeze enter the room. He turned his feeble head,
Sara De La Torre Berón
2008 iliad
So bin ich... So bin ich... Ich bin nicht unversch채mt, weil Ich Sage was Ich denke. Ich bin nicht arrogant, weil ich Manche Leute Nicht mag. Ich nib nicht eingebildet, weil Ich Selbstbewusst bin. Ich bin nicht verbissen, weil ich Stur bin. Ich bin nicht ignorant, weil mir Manches egal Ist. Ich bin nicht vorlaut, nur weil ich Mir nicht Alles gefallen lasse. Ich bin nicht pessmisitisch, ich Bin einfach Nur realistisch Ich bin nicht auch kein kleines Kind, weil ich manchmal albern bin. Ich bin nicht schlecht, weil ich
Fehler Mache. Ich bin nicht verschlossen, weil Ich nicht Jedem alles erz채hle. Ich bin nicht verr체ckt, weil ich Mein eigenes Leben lebe. Ich bin nicht schecht erzogen, nur weil ich manchmal Laut bin. Ich bin nicht naiv, wenn ich f체r Andere Menschen da bin. Ich bin einfach ICH! Und wer mich so nicht haben Will... will mich anderst auch Nicht!
Fly Away Emily Goodhue
iliad 2008
Rasik Winfield
I am like that... I am... I am not impertinent, because I Say what I think. I am not arrogant because I Don’t like Some people I am not conceited, because I am Self-conscious. I am not bitter because I Am bullheaded. I am not ignorant, because I Don’t care sometimes I am not impertinent, just because I Am indecisive. I am not depressed because I contemplate a lot. I am not pessimistic, I Am simply Just realistic. I am also not childish, Because I Am sometimes silly.
I am not bad, because I Make mistakes. I am not reserved because I do not Tell everybody everything. I am not crazy, because I live my own Life. I am not poorly raised, Only Because I Am sometimes vocal. I am not naive when I Care about others. I am just me! And who does not want me the way I am... Shouldn’t want another me either. Not!
Felix Ehmann
2008 iliad
L’herbe Le printemps est vif L’herbe est haut et tout l’amour Tu encadres la vie
The grass Spring has come The grass is high and all is love You frame the life
Cassandra Liles
Gayatri Setia
iliad 2008
Flotar por el aire Flotar por el aire Una melodĂa suave Rompe el silencio
Ella Grace Downs
Floating through the air Floating through the air A soft melody Breaking the silence
Lauren Corcino Orion
2008 iliad
Words of Wisdom (a poem in Arabic)
iliad 2008
Caroline Foster
I once heard a wise man in Morocco say, “Don’t ask about the person, ask about his friends.” For, he said:Friends follow each other in their manners and ways.” “If a person is not good leave their company quickly.” “If they are good keep their company, you will find a good example.” His advice was like gold, I took with me from Morocco to Athens, Georgia Whoever wants gold here it is -- for free
Yasine Honerkamp
2008 iliad
Arcas, the son of Callisto and Zeus, killed his mother on a hunting escapade, unaware she had been reincarnated as a female bear. Zeus, taking pity on the mother and son, fixed their image, a mother and baby bear, in the stars.
Ursa Minor
iliad 2008
Amount of beauty
he heat was overwhelming. It seemed to sink into the very depths of my soul. Scorching, binding, never ending. There was no reprieve. The light reflected from the broken glass on the grubby floor. It danced playfully along the wall, distorting graffiti made by rival gangs years ago. I sat there dazed, staring. What was the point? Why even notice beauty when it was so seldom revealed? How had the world come to this? War, sorrow, pain … It dominated everything. There was no longer such a thing as love. There was only hate. There
were people out there among the ruins of our once great society, who shared my beliefs about life and love, but they, like me, just sit there, staring at the miniscule amount of beauty that still remained in this ravaging world.
Carlo Nasisse
Chase me ‘til my feet touch the ground This beautiful flower Slips through my fingers With her blood driven eyes And boney wrists Scars overlap, trailing alongside Those anxious veins Her face is masked by a sheet of despair She taunts me, as I beg for more Her hips mingle, Swaying with the beats Of his rock solid hands against stretched skin I topple forward, determined She must be mine, to imbibe To caress and hold… Tainted love awaits, If only she would stop spinning so fast Slow down my nymph, for I am here But she runs, deep into the illuminated trees With her wings of angst She can only hear whispers Yet she doesn’t realize they are telling her To come down…
Arielle Cross
Ursa Minor
2008 iliad
Chapter four Laura Sherman
hite, porcelain skin sparkled before “I’m going to make it.” my eyes in the gentle rays of the “Make it where, Danny?” late sun. Danny’s eyes twinkled like “All the way.” water swishing behind his pupils. My brother I paused. I didn’t know what else to say. I is a darling boy. He is the center of the most rubbed his forearm gently with the tip of my tender hearted and the flesh of happiness. finger. His lower lip quivered gradually until it His fingers are calloused from trees, his heart shook. Startled, I gripped his wrist tighter. Then, is thickened by wonder, and his motives are he lifted his eyes to align with mine as his exprespowered by life. I thought these words after sion went through a spectrum of emotions in one my nap, waking up to a window view of Danny swift movement. He started to cry. It came out of climbing the same tree again. I will never nowhere and without any warning as to the reason understand why he climbs so much. He only why. I don’t think Danny has ever cried…at least climbs that tree. No other tree has had to carry not around me. There hasn’t been a moment that the weight of his body on their branches. I I haven’t been watching, wondering, or worrying wonder about him all the time. He confides about him. Somehow, I suppose, I knew that if I in me more than anyone else but I have yet to did, this would happen. I pressed his forehead to really know him. my breast. My shirt absorbed his tears before he I walked out had the chance to the front yard, His lower lip quivered gradually until it shook. to feel them. pulling down the He was about ends of my pants, Startled, I gripped his wrist tighter. Then, he to speak, then lifted his eyes to align with mine as his expres- stopped. He crumpled over sleep. I grabbed started again, sion went through a spectrum of emotions in hold of the tree swallowed, and Danny was in and one swift movement. then stopped sat upon the first again. or second branch “Where, from the ground. I’m not really sure which. He Danny?” I prompted through a whisper. He looked paid no attention as I think he was occupied up at me with infant eyes. They seemed miserable with something else. I could hear him wheezand scared - lost and traumatized. ing heavily. The kind of noise a sick, old man “Dad!” He cried hard back to me and hid his face would make after living for a century or two. I on my chest again. He coughed and choked on his had been asleep for half the day and was sure tears. Whining and sniffling, he attempted to turn he had been climbing since then. That is all he away from me. A sudden jolt of energy ran through ever does. He climbs in the morning until the him as he tried to run away up the tree to be alone. day is done. That is, unless I’m there to stop He glanced back at me once more, gesturing for him for any reason. Otherwise, he climbs until me to let him be, and my consciousness blanked he’s had two times too much. I should have for a moment. known better than to leave him alone like that. A memory, seeming to come from Danny’s mind, I decided to go after him and maybe try to get intruded into my own. A man, looking like me, a word out. We met halfway. towered above, laughing and grinning. Actually, “Stop,” I grabbed his arm before he could crawl then, maybe that was my own. He did say Dad back up again. “What are you still climbing for?” that it what he said, isn’t it? Yes, I think so. How He seemed near insanity or somewhere can that be? I don’t know my dad. It was the day of close to being near. I don’t even know. Maybe his death the following day, I remember. He was he had already reached insanity. Muscles just and old man. He didn’t die any unnatural way. tensed, hands fisted, and a glow in his eyes He just did. Danny was his little boy. He was his that may have been angry or clueless. father’s son. Of course, I couldn’t be, I was maybe
Ursa Minor
iliad 2008 Those who knew, who did not two or three. Mom told me he said to Danny that For you were never, never he would take him wherever he went because he followed him a lot. He followed him to work, to From Liv Cathedral the store, and even to bed. He loved Danny so much, and he, in My fingers return, loved him. lingered on His father was on his deathbed and my mom One day, the surface of Danny wanted wouldn’t let Danny see him. It would be too the window, to go with him much to have to watch him die. following the but he couldn’t rhythmic pattern go that time. His of Danny’s body. father was on his Up and down, side to side, branch to branch, my deathbed and my mom wouldn’t let Danny see nails tapping silently along with it. The lights him. It would be too much to have to watch him were entirely out, except for a dim glow from the die. His father’s memory faded eventually and moon. I still watched him. I still worried. I felt his language did, too, along with the rest of him. empty inside, now. He was not himself. I wanted He was just old; taken away peacefully. It wasn’t him to be. My stomach churned and my heart much longer until his entire body failed. Danny beat against the side of my pillow, quietly tickdid not know. He could not know. He would not ing, reminding me, I’m awake. Not wide awake, understand. but awake. Aware and alert of the flood I felt. “Where is Daddy?” Danny had asked when she My muscles relaxed and my hand hit the floor, returned. weary. My heavy eyes, the subtle rustling of the “Gone.” Mom said. That is all she ever did say. branches outside, and the glow of the moon sent Yes, yes, I knew. I knew where Danny was me to another night’s sleep. My thoughts never climbing. I understood. I let go of his arm and he stopped. They raged and traveled through my darted up the tree again. I wasn’t going to bother veins. The pressure imploded my dreams and him tonight. He was breaking down on the inside. whirled the night into a horrible mess. As I walked away, I heard the echo of his grunts and shouts. I felt like crying for him but I could not feel the way he did for a man I never met. He knew that and I knew that. It was just the way it was. I wish I could sit by his side and talk about the memories that I don’t have and feelings I haven’t felt. He will climb forever. God, the world, and I will watch and wait until he makes it. I hope he does. Not now, but someday, when everyone is ready. The sun set in a copper explosion of pink and blue shades as I sat in my bedroom watching the scene over and over by the window. Danny climbing up and down the same tree like brainwashed spiders go. The sky faded to black behind him but he ignored it and continued climbing. I yawned, laid down in my bed, and still watched him. He slowed down but never grew tired; and he paused, but never stopped. The more I watched him, the heavier my heart grew. Requiem for Donald R. Cathedral Husband of Cassandra Cathedral Father of Daniel and Liv Cathedral Live eternally, my dearest father All shall remember forever
Ursa Minor
2008 iliad
Kiersten Hammock
Creepy love letter Dear Mrs. Hutchingson, I have been watching you for a long time now and I finally think it’s time for me to reveal myself. I just love the way your eyes twinkle in the daylight while you are walking to work. In class, I love how you look when you are teaching. And at home when you always burn your food and have to order out. Most of all, especially I love the way you turn the knob to get into your house. Also I was really wondering will you trick-or-treat with me? Sincerely, Frankenstein Frogger
Ursa Minor
iliad 2008
The Snowglobe In the mist of our confusion we’re smaller than we think Once in awhile A child comes along Shakes the planet vigorously It fumbles out of control Suddenly Pluto isn’t a planet Cars collide on the highway Death Destruction He suffers from boredom Tosses the thing aside Perched on the table, all is still Clear Calm At least For now When night falls A voice calls Wafting through the vacant halls “Turn off the lights”
Herds of microscopic humans swarm in chaos Once again the juvenile grows weary As tots usually do He places the amusement on the mantle On its throne The universe continues to smolder Gradually growing older Inside the dwarfed planet Another boy is sleeping And his mother is peeping In to his puny room “Turn off the lights” His world rustled in the night Sleep tight Sleep tight
Katie Downs
His world rustled in the night Sleep tight Sleep tight Another glorious morning Permeates the window treatments Slowly the temperature rises
Dear Frogger, I don’t know who you are but I am going to inform you that I have told the police. So if you follow me anymore you will be caught. I will find who you really are and what’s your deal, and no I will not trickor-treat with you, no way, no how! Sincerely, Mrs. Hutchingson
Chris Walker
Ursa Minor
2008 iliad
The Pleiades, the seven sisters, were the nymph daughters of the titan Atlas. The sisters were literally transformed into stars by Zeus in an attempt to immortalize their memory.
iliad 2008
Friends of the iliad Diamond Sponsors: $300
Clarke Central Athletic Department Clarke Central PTSO Emily Carr Mayor Heidi Davidson Bill Sheehan and Jennie Alvernaz
Platinum Sponsors: $100
Clarke Middle School John Lewis and Sharla S. Campbell Bruce Evans the Foster Family Kittsu Greenwood Jim Jones Pamela Kohn Tamela Pope Peter Smagorinsky
Gold Sponsors: $50
Margaret Blanchard Jodie H. Bolgla Anne Brightwell Elizabeth Conroy Bob Fecho Dr. Peg Graham Allisa A. Hall Susan and Wilbur Mull Barbara B. Scott Buddy Sims Mark Streiter Tracy Tata Jane Williams Clarke Central French Club Burney-Harris-Lyons Middle School
Silver Sponsors: $25
Ian Altman Laura Ambrose Jeff Barnett Meredith Blackburn the Boza Family Winona Castles Harry Cooper Nancy Crew the Hager Family the Jimenez Family the Knowlton Family Dinah L. Posey the Shoemaker family Nicki Stephens Dr. Mark Tavernier Brock Miller Teresa Nestor Mr. Ragsdale’s 1st block AP Lit. Class
Bronze Sponsors: $10 Dale Autry Allison Firor Erin Honeywell Tia and Greg Turco Heidi Nibbelink
Special Thanks for services rendered to the iliad staff: Ian Altman Jeff Barnett Mayor Heidi Davidson CCHS English Department Emily Dowd Dr. Maxine Easom George Harwood Dr. Robbie Hooker Meghan McNeeley Patricia Monger Marion Montegomery Anne McLeod Melanie Sigler Dr. Ken Sherman Dr. Jon Ward A.Y. Woods
2008 iliad
Left to Right: Gayatri Setia, Caroline Foster, Sara De La Torre Berón, Paul Kasay, Chris Miller, Ria Mehta, Ella Grace Downs.
Sophie Kohn
Bryan Barks
David Ragsdale
“Look up there, to the sky ... what do you see? Those are the only things greater than you are. Remember that.”
-- Ragsdeezy 66
iliad 2008
index Anonymous Courthouse Pandemonium 15 The Ant Speaks of Giant 49 Aronson, Stephanie Just Three Steps 7 The Whale 32 Amster, Rachel Not the Marrying Kind 14 Berón, Sara De La Torre The Old Man’s Eyes 51 Blake, Mica Vogue 16 Carney, Lis Looking Glass 13 Transfixed 43 Carter, Johniya Sass 20 Combs, Courtney Everlasting Quarrel 32 Crowe, Connelly My family: a mosaic 17 Recycled 35 Corcino, Lauren Floating through the air 55 Cross, Arielle Chase me ‘til my feet touch the ground 59 Deagen, Lexi Soar 10 Elegance 11 Devante, Derricotte Moment I found out 27 Downs, Ella Grace Escalator 48 Tree 55 Downs, Katie The Snowglobe 63 Eberhart, Brittany Butterfly 42 Ehmann, Felix I am like that 52-53 Evans, Cassie Float 24-25 The Weeping Woman 44 Foster, Caroline Peanut Butter and Jelly 9 Water 57 Golabi, Sahar Baby boy 31 Goodhue, Emily
Solitary 43 Fly Away 52 Glaser, Lisa A day in the life of 46-47 Hammock, Kiersten The lake 37 Apple 62 Hopper, Joe New Town 12 Honerkamp, Yasine Words of Wisdom 56-57 Hinsch, Chrismon Deafening 19 Zero Gravity 24-25 Hubbard, Emily Butterfly 22-23 Jordon, Ben Untitled 28-29 King, Candace Roses 34 Stare 39 Kohn, Sophie Your Light 37 Liken, Ainsley Music and Water 8 Liles, Cassandra The grass 54 Maurer, Stefan A Renewed Light 19 Mcfay, Hannah Orange Jumpers 45 Mehta, Ria Hands 33 Miller, Chris The Political Ballet 10-11 Morris, Alex Ode to Sleep 29 Nasisse, Carlo Amount of beauty 59 Nehf, Sarah No Coincidence 41 Padilla, Yadira Last Prayer 34 Pinholster, Leah Purged 27 Pittard, Janelle God Will Make a Way 21 Rosemond, Claire Hunter of the Light 23 Sheehan, Fiona Rhythmically 8 Setia, Gayatri Tower 54 Sherman, Laura
Chapter four 60-61 Smith, Mariah Fall 48 Spencer, Will Miss you 31 Stoddard, Ryan Life 17 Thomas, Amber Single and ready to mingle 36 Walker, Chris Creepy love letter 62-63 Weinrich, Lauren Beautiful hallucination 35 Wickwire, Kristie Splash 7 Pride 44 Williams, Heather Age 51 Winfield Rasik Untitled 53 White, Buthayna Expression 26 The Epidemic 42 Yang, Jake Point 15
2008 iliad
colophon iliad headlines were printed in Gregoire. All copy and bylines were printed in Ogirema. Starstruck was used for headings and on the outer and inner covers. Piedmont Impressions, a subsidary of Greater Georgia Printers, of Athens, Ga. printed 200 copies of this book on 80 lb. gloss text. The cover was printed on 80 lb. Camelot Gloss Cover, and designed by Chris Miller. The summaries of each constellation at beginning of each section were written by Sophie Kohn and Bryan Barks. The 2007 iliad recieved a Gold Medal from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association of Columbia University. The 2007 iliad recieved an All American evaluation from the National Scholastic Press Association. The 2007 iliad earned a Superior rating in the General Excellence competition from the Georgia Scholastic Press Association of the University of Georgia. The 2007 iliad received an Excellent rating from the National Council of Teachers of English. The 2007 iliad earned an All Southern rating from the Southern Interscholastic Press Association. The iliad accepts short stories, editorials, articles, poetry, art, photography and other creative work from the students and faculty of Clarke Central High School in Athens, Georgia. All submitted works are evaluated by a student editorial board. The magazine’s sponsor, David Ragsdale, has approved all work for publication. The iliad actively recruits rising 9th grade students while still at our two feeder middle schools, Clarke Middle and Burney-Harris Lyons Middle, by giving them a section of their own, Baby Glads. The artwork in the Baby Glads section this year, however, was submitted by high school students. The goals of the iliad are to 1) encourage creative writing among students and faculty; 2) support work in the fine arts among students and faculty; 3) publish creative work in each academic year; 4) involve interested students in the selection and publication of literary and artistic works. The editors, staff, and adviser are grateful to everyone who submitted work for this issue of the iliad. We would also like to thank everyone for their confidence and support in this endeavor.