In 2023, the OECD Local Development Forum was on the move! Growing our community to over
local development practitioners and policy makers worldwide.
Sparking conversations on hot topics: Platform Skills for the green transition Community wealth building
co-operatives and the digital economy The future of SMEs in city centres
Integrating local Measuring the impact services of sport, culture and global events
And more!
Bringing together diverse voices:
Speakers from countries, regions and cities Representing: Local government
Training providers
Employment services
Chambers of commerce
Economic development organisations
Social entrepreneurs
Launching the P.L.A.C.E.S. web portal with the latest and greatest on local development: Providing Local Actors with Case studies, Evidence and Solutions
Want to take part? Save the date for the next meeting in the Greater Copenhagen cross-border region in September 2024!
Thank you to our partners!