OECD Economic Survey of Malaysia 2024 - Presentation

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Putrajaya 27 August 2024



The current monetary policy stance is appropriate


growth has recovered and is set to remain solid

Growth of goods and services exports

Average of Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam

Note: OECD projections as of the third quarter of 2024 (dotted lines and shaded area).

Source: OECD projections, OECD Economic Outlook, May 2024.

Growth is picking up

Source: OECD projections.

Strengthening public finances

Fiscal consolidation will need to accelerate

Note: The primary fiscal balance does not include interest expenses. Values for 2024 are projections.

Source: Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Outlook and Federal Government Revenue Estimates 2024

Future spending pressures require higher revenues

% of GDP

Baseline scenario

Mobilising additional tax revenues and cutting subsidies

Higher growth scenario

Source: OECD calculations. Federal government debt scenarios

Note: The baseline scenario assumes that public spending will need to rise to accommodate the costs of population ageing and the green transition. The blue scenario assumes that additional revenues compensate these costs, while the green scenario assumes stronger GDP growth.

Fuel subsidies should be reduced

Source: OECD Tax Revenue Statistics database.

Composition of tax revenues, 2021


Goods and


Social security

Corporate income

Personal income

Creating better opportunities

Impact of taxes and transfers on income inequality, latest available year

Reductions in the Gini coefficient through public policies, in points of the Gini

Source: World Bank (2023); Commitment to Equity Institute (2023).

Better access to childcare would allow more women to join the labour market

Making micro, small and medium-sized enterprises an engine of growth

Note: EU15 is an average of 15 European Union countries including Belgium Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

Source: Asian Productivity Organisation, APO Productivity database 2023.

Administrative burdens on startups should be reduced

Product Market Regulations: Administrative burdens on start-ups

Index scale of 0-6 from least to most restrictive

Source: OECD, Product Market Regulation database; and OECD-WBG, Product Market Regulation database.

A more equal playing field between micro, small and mediumsized enterprises and state-owned enterprises would help small firms grow

Product Market Regulations: Distortions from state involvement Index scale

Note: MSMEs refers to micro, small and medium enterprises.

Source: OECD, Product Market Regulation database; and OECD-WBG, Product Market Regulation database.

Competition in digital services can be strengthened

Services trade restrictiveness in telecommunications, 2020

0 (open) to 1 (closed)

Source: OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness database.

Addressing climate challenges

Rising emissions require stronger policy action, especially in the energy sector

Source: Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change, Malaysia.

Introducing carbon pricing would help to curb emissions

Environmental regulations could support decarbonisation

OECD Environmental Policy Stringency Index - non-market-based policies

scale 0 (least stringent) to 6 (most stringent), 2020 or latest available year

Source: OECD calculations.

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