OECD Economic Survey of UK - Presentation

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Improving fiscal and structural policies to support growth

11 September 2024


Growth is gathering momentum

Real gross domestic product Index, 2019Q4 = 100

Note: G7* refers to the G7 average excluding the United Kingdom. Flash estimate for 2024Q2.

Source: OECD Main Economic Indicators (database).

GDP is projected to grow slightly above 1%

Source: OECD Economic Outlook: Database and Projections.

Addressing fiscal challenges

Source: OECD Main Economic Indicators (database).

Supply-side reforms would contribute to public debt sustainability

Current fiscal policies

Indexation of pensions to an average of CPI and wage inflation

Selected tax and supply side reforms to boost labour and investment

Note: The Baseline scenario assumes current fiscal policies, average GDP growth of about 1.6% over the simulation horizon, and a deterioration in the primary balance from not offsetting health and longterm and pension-related spending; the Triple Lock Reform scenario assumes an improvement in the primary balance compared to the Baseline scenario due to savings from indexing pensions to an average of CPI and wage inflation; the Selected Tax Reforms scenario assumes a gradual improvement in the primary balance over a 5-year horizon from improved tax compliance and unfreezing the fuel duty; the Selected Tax and Structural Reforms scenario further assumes a gradual 0.5% increase in labour supply over a 5-year horizon and a gradual increase in productivity enhancing investment to G7 average.

Source: Simulations based on the OECD Economics Department Long-Term Model.

Further reducing tax exemptions would reduce distortions and strengthen revenues

Difference between tax collected and the total amount of tax that should be collected % of GDP

Note: Years refer to fiscal years, lasting from April in the given year to March in the following year. the The tax gap estimates, measuring the difference between tax collected and the total amount of tax that should, in theory, be collected if individuals and businesses paid all due tax, only cover the taxes administered by HMRC, so they exclude any taxes and duties administered elsewhere, such as council tax, business rates and vehicle excise duty, as well as charges such as the congestion charge.

Source: Office for Budget Responsibility.

Enhancing business investment

Higher investment would support productivity growth

Note: G7* is the simple average of G7 countries without the United Kingdom

Source: OECD Productivity statistics.

United Kingdom

A transparent tax strategy can increase planning certainty for businesses

Source: Institute for Fiscal Studies 2024.

Boosting labour supply

Note: G7* refers to the G7 average excluding the United Kingdom.

Source: OECD Labour Force Survey (database).

Source: Office for National Statistics.

Cumulative change in inactive population

Thousands of 16-64-year-olds

Inactive population, by reason and gender, 2023

Thousands of 16-64-year-olds

Source: OECD Social and Welfare Statistics (database); Office for National Statistics.

Net childcare cost, 2022 % of average wage

Greening the residential housing sector

The United Kingdom has a strong track record in reducing emissions

Note: Data for 2023 are preliminary.

Source: OECD (2024), Environment database; ONS, Climate Change Committee (2023), 2023 Progress report to Parliament.

Note: Selected sectors only. Sectors not depicted include transport, agriculture, land use and forestry, international aviation and shipping, and fuel supply.

Source: OECD (2024), Environment database; ONS, Climate Change Committee (2023), 2023 Progress report to Parliament.

Note: ETS = Emissions Trading System.

Energy efficiency needs to improve through tighter standards, especially in the rental market

Mean Energy Efficiency Score by tenure

Score from 1 (least energy efficient) to 100 (most energy efficient), England, 2013-2021

Note: The Energy efficiency of a property is rated from A (very efficient) to G (very inefficient), based on a score between 1-100. Band A refers to a score of 92-100; Band B: 81-91; Band C: 69-80; Band D: 55-68; Band E-G: 1-54.

and Not

Main messages

- Gradual fiscal consolidation is needed to support the return of inflation to target and rebuild fiscal space.

- Reducing tax exemptions would reduce distortions and support revenues.

A long-term strategy, including for the corporate tax system, can provide businesses with the certainty needed to make investment decisions.

Stronger work incentives within health-related welfare, stepped up childcare support, and more adequate skills are necessary to reduce inactivity.

A clear long-term strategy, including better pricing signals, regulatory timelines, and financial support to stimulate the clean heating market – are needed to accelerate emissions reductions in residential housing.

For more information


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