PPT - OECD Economic Surveys: Belgium 2024

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23 September 2024


Source: OECD Analytical database.

The fiscal deficit has widened following the COVID-19 pandemic and the energy price crisis

Source: OECD Analytical database. Government budget balance %

Economic growth is expected to remain solid

Source: OECD Economic Outlook database.

Putting public finances on a sustainable path

Fiscal consolidation measures are needed to prevent public debt from increasing

Current tax and spending policy

Consolidation scenario plus reforms generating higher output growth

Note: The “current tax and spending policy ” scenario is a continuation of the primary fiscal balance remaining constant at its estimated 2025 level (-2.5%) before accounting for net ageing-related costs. The “consolidation plus reforms” scenario assumes that the primary budget surplus reaches 0.6% of GDP by 2030 and is maintained until 2060, and higher GDP growth from the implementation of an ambitious package of


Source: OECD calculations.

Restricting early retirement would foster employment of older

workers and improve pension sustainability

Source: OECD, Pensions at a Glance database. Difference between the statutory and the effective retirement ages Years, 2022

Improving labour market outcomes

Strengthening in-work benefits would raise work incentives,

especially for second earners

Effective marginal tax rate on labour income of second earners % of earnings, 2022

Note: Effective tax rates when raising working hours from 50% to 100% for second earners earning the average wage, with two children and a partner working full-time in an average wage job.

Source: OECD Taxes, Wages and Benefits database, 2022.

Improving the assessment of work capacity can help limit entries into the disability benefit system

Strengthening rehabilitation programmes can support employment of persons with disabilities

Rehabilitation spending

% of total spending on disability, 2019

Note: “OECD” refers to the average share of rehabilitation spending in total spending on disability across 27 OECD countries for which data are available.

Source: OECD Social Expenditure database.

Strengthening productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises

Regulatory and administrative burdens for businesses should be lowered

Product Market Regulation indicators

Scale 0 to 6 from most to least competition-friendly regulation

Belgium OECD average 2023

Average of 5 best performing OECD countries 2023

Source: OECD 2023/2024 PMR database.

Improving access to training can help reduce labour and skills shortages

Job vacancy rate

Number of job vacancies in percent of total occupied and vacant posts

Note: Job vacancy rate in the business economy which includes industry, construction, distributive trades and services.

Source: Eurostat.

Boosting energy efficiency and electrification


Public support for greening the housing sector should focus on efficient renovations

and heating decarbonisation

Greenhouse gas emissions from heating and cooling activities by households

Tons per capita, 2022

Source: Eurostat (2023), Energy Statistics: Disaggregated final energy consumption in households; Emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants: Air emissions accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity (database) and Population: national level (database).

For more information


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