OECD Economic Surveys: Ireland 2025 - PPT

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Boosting resilience to tackle longer-run challenges


12 February 2025

Strong job creation has driven domestic demand

GDP, modified domestic demand and employment

Volume, index 2019 fourth quarter = 100

Note: Modified domestic demand excludes large transactions of foreign corporations that do not have a big impact on the domestic economy.

Real GDP growth, %

Modified domestic demand

Unemployment rate, %

Harmonised consumer price inflation, %

Note: The historical data reflect the Central Statistics Office’s 28 January 2025 preliminary GDP estimate, but the projections are those from the December 2024 OECD Economic Outlook. Modified domestic demand excludes large transactions of foreign corporations that do not have a big impact on the domestic economy.

Source: OECD, Economic Outlook (database).

Ensuring longrun fiscal sustainability

The current fiscal situation is robust

Improving planning and spending control processes, including in the health sector, would boost public spending efficiency

Cumulative monthly health spending overruns Billion EUR

Source: Irish Fiscal Advisory Council.

Improving the business environment

Reducing labour shortages would help boost growth and deliver key investment

Source: Central Statistical Office and Eurostat. Job vacancy rates 4-quarter moving averages

Note: The job vacancy rate measures the number of job posts that are vacant as a percentage of all jobs, i.e., vacant and occupied.

More public support to reduce childcare costs would help address labour shortages

Note: Net childcare cost measures the net reduction in family budgets resulting from the use of full-time centre-based care. Estimates are for a couple with two children, with both parents working at the average wage not receiving any housing and social assistance benefits.

Source: OECD, Tax and Benefit model.

Enhanced competition and digitalisation would lower legal costs

Note: Legal services and accounting is the closest Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices category to legal fees and includes charges for assistance with income tax payments.

Making housing more affordable

Housing supply has not kept up with population growth

Source: Central Statistical Office.

Increasing the use of modern technologies would boost productivity in the construction sector

Note: The EU aggregate refers to the unweighted average of 27 EU member countries. The values refer to euros in purchasing power parity.

Source: Eurostat, National Accounts.

More efficient social housing allocation systems can help address homelessness

People experiencing homelessness

Note: Based on recent data from Ireland’s Housing Agency, the number of individuals registering for emergency accommodation was 15,199 in November 2024, up from 10,448 in November 2019.

Source: OECD, Affordable Housing database.

Accelerating the climate transition

More action is needed to reach net-zero emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions and targets Million tons CO2 equivalent

Note: The linear path is the interpolated path to the emissions reduction targets relative to 2018 levels for 2030 and 2050 (net-zero emissions) as stated in the 2021 Climate Action Plan.

Source: Environmental Protection Agency; International Energy Agency, Environment Statistics (Air and Climate) –


A more efficient planning system would speed up the expansion of renewables


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