Green Recovery: Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia - Selected OECD Activities

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Green Recovery: Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia SELECTED OECD ACTIVITIES

Green Recovery: Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia The Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP) was launched at the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting in May 2014. The SEARP aims to support domestic reform priorities, regional integration efforts, and to bring the region closer to OECD standards and instruments. It also seeks to foster mutual learning and the exchange of good practices between policy makers in Southeast Asia and OECD countries. The SEARP spans a wide range of policy areas and involves key stakeholders from both Southeast Asian and OECD countries. It is comprised of 13 work streams built on the work of substantive OECD Directorates and Southeast Asian bodies and dialogue processes. Green Recovery was added as a new work stream of the SEARP in May 2021.

Activities under Green Recovery Work Stream of SEARP Water Security in select Asian countries Accelerating Water Policy Reforms, Finance and Investments for Water Security and Sustainable Development


Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation (CEFIM) Developing policies and instruments to help scale-up the pipeline of bankable clean energy projects in Southeast Asia

Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia (SIPA) Supporting Asia’s transition to low-carbon and resilient energy, transport and industry systems Sustainable Ocean Economy: Marine Plastic Pollution Promoting policy coherence and financing to address the problem of marine plastic pollution in the Southeast Asia Region


Accelerating Water Policy Reforms, Finance and Investments for Water Security and Sustainable Development In May 2019, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea (MoE), the Asia Water Council (AWC) and the OECD agreed to strengthen collaboration to facilitate the achievement of the water-related sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Asia and to promote good international practices.

Objective •

To identify policies, technologies and financing approaches that can accelerate investments that contribute to water security and sustainable development in Asian countries

To foster enabling conditions that contribute to waterrelated investment in the region.

The collaboration takes the form of two tracks: A domestic track, where National Dialogues in specific SEA countries are undertaken to identify priority areas for water-related investment, options to address financing needs and enhance financing capacities, and technologies and innovation in line with policy priorities, financing strategies and capacities. The NPDs are demand-driven and tailored to the specific needs of countries. A regional track, where common issues are addressed, experiences from Asian countries are reported and good practices are shared.

Country activities Domestic track •

Assess exposure and vulnerability to water risks.

Consider structural and non-structural measures required to support the preferred policy options.

Design investment pathways that maximise water security and sustainable growth over the long term.

Develop guidance for long-term investment and financial strategic planning in line with policy options, institutional arrangements and technologies.

Identify technologies in line with the policy recommendations, institutional arrangements and capacities.

Regional track •

Convene one regional meeting per year, in conjunction with existing major events, to promote lessons learned and foster a regional dialogue.

Outputs • Domestic track: Tailored recommendations on policies, institutions, financing options and technologies to address water challenges • Regional track: Regional cooperation on strengthening the enabling environment for water-related investments.

Key dates Project implementation: 2020 - 2025 Policy seminar in Thailand: 9-11 March 2022 2nd Asia International Water Week – 1st meeting of the regional track: 14-16 March 2022 Special events at World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal, World Water Week in Stockholm and COP27 in Egypt: 22-26 March 2022, August 2022 (tbc), November 2022 (tbc)






Developing policies and instruments to help scale-up the pipeline of bankable clean energy projects in Southeast Asia CEFIM Programme in Southeast Asia In 2021, CEFIM delivered the Clean Energy Finance and Investment (CEFI) Review in Viet Nam and Indonesia, providing holistic analysis and recommendations that draw on international best practice. In both the Philippines and Thaliand, the programme started in 2021, with planning underway for a CEFI Roadmap in each country, bringing together stakeholders to determine an action plan that identifies and addresses bottlenecks constraining finance and investment. Starting in 2022, CEFIM will also collaborate with the public and private sectors of Indonesia and Thailand in developing financing solutions to accelerate the decarbonisation of the hard-to-abate industry sector.

Country activities In Indonesia, CEFIM works closely with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and draws on extensive stakeholder engagement. Activities include a joint research project on aligning Indonesia’s financial system with the clean energy transition; technical assistance in developing a green taxonomy; technical assistance in the design of the emissions trading scheme in the power sector and a CEFI Training Programme. The Viet Nam programme collaborates with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to support the development of investment-grade clean energy policies. The programme has presented analysis based on interview data from prominent lenders and investors in Viet Nam’s renewables market on financing conditions that informed the development of the Viet Nam Energy Outlook 2021. The Philippines programme was recently launched with Department of Energy, and the upcoming CEFI Roadmap will be complemented by the creation of a CEFI Database as well as a CEFI Training Programme. The Thailand programme will work closely with the Ministry of Energy to align economic recovery with clean energy ambitions in the forthcoming National Energy Plan. Investor dialogues will support the Roadmaps’ implementation.

Objective CEFIM aims to strengthen enabling conditions to attract finance and investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. The governments of Denmark and Germany support the programme financially.

Outputs •

OECD (2021) CEFI Policy Review of Indonesia

OECD (2021) CEFI Policy Review of Viet Nam

Assessment of social discount rates and financial hurdle rates for energy system modelling in Viet Nam 2021

CEFI Roadmap of Thailand, (OECD, forthcoming 2023)

CEFI Roadmap of the Philippines, (OECD, forthcoming 2023)

CEFIM activities Programme activities are designed according to the specific needs of each country, and can include the following:


Events and webinars CEFIM engages directly with countries in Southeast Asia, through virtual review missions and stakeholder consultations, attracting over 775 participants across 21 meetings. Visit the CEFIM website to view 12 webinars held in partner countries or to showcase their successes in cross cutting events.

Approaches to emissions trading schemes in the power sector in Indonesia (23 November 2021)

Digitalisation Webinar - Opportunities for Fintech to Scale up Finance for Clean Energy (11 June 2020)

CEFIM commentaries and blogs: •

RUPTL 201-30: PLN steps up ambitions to accelerate clean energy investments in Indonesia, 16 November 2021

Towards a Clean Energy Transition in Viet Nam, 1 July 2020

Empowering women as clean energy entrepreneurs, 14 April 2020




Supporting Asia’s transition to low-carbon and resilient energy, transport and industry systems The pace of infrastructure investment in Asia is expected to double in the coming years. With infrastructure accounting for some 60% of GHG emissions globally, the investment decisions made today could lock countries into carbon-intensive development pathways for years to come. As countries design recovery plans to address the impacts of the COVID crisis, there is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build back better, and tackle the triple challenge of closing the infrastructure investment gap, stimulating a resilient recovery while reaching long-term climate and development goals. The OECD Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia (SIPA) aims to help countries seize this opportunity and transition toward cleaner energy, transport and industry systems through better alignment of infrastructure investment with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Country activities Activities in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand will support public and private stakeholders to mainstream climate goals into the infrastructure investment cycle. The OECD and its partners – including the International Transport Forum, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the UNDP – will provide policy advice and capacity building on improving infrastructure planning processes to strengthen resilience, decarbonising key sectors (energy, transport, industry) and encouraging the adoption of responsible business conduct (RBC) and sustainable finance principles. SIPA will also perform multidimensional sustainability assessments of large-scale infrastructure projects to showcase how short-term investment decisions can be better aligned with long-term climate and development goals. Ultimately, SIPA aims to build a unique, multi-stakeholder and regional coalition of sustainable infrastructure practitioners by bringing together policy makers, relevant government entities, businesses and civil society organisations.

Objective •

Align infrastructure investment decisionmaking with decarbonisation and resilience goals in Asia.

Create local capacity to carry out sustainability assessments of pilot infrastructure projects.

Improve policy frameworks in energy, transport and industry to leverage investment in decarbonised infrastructure systems.

Encourage the adoption of responsible business conduct (RBC) and sustainable finance principles.

Outputs •

Policy recommendations, tools and training programmes to mainstream resilience in infrastructure decision making, including nature-based solutions.

Decarbonisation strategies for energy, transport and hard-toabate industries.

Multidimensional assessments of major infrastructure projects.

Workshops and country reviews on RBC and sustainable investment.

Key dates Project implementation: 2020 - 2025 Regional Policy Dialogue in Southeast Asia: 6-7 April 2022 (tbc) Regional Policy Dialogue in Central Asia: 30 June 2022





Sustainable Ocean Economy: Marine Plastic Pollution Promoting policy coherence and financing to address the challenge of marine plastic pollution in the Southeast Asia region OECD Sustainable Ocean Economy Programme •

Supports government efforts to transition to a more sustainable ocean economy.

Working with both developed and developing countries, the OECD aims to ensure that all societies can harness the benefits of the ocean on a sustainable and inclusive basis.

Topics covered in the programme include: climate change and the ocean; fisheries and aquaculture; ocean conservation and sustainable use; ocean economy; ocean economy and developing countries; ocean pollution; ocean shipping and shipbuilding.

Marine Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia The OECD in partnership with the Indonesian Co-ordinating Ministry of Marine Affairs and Investment, the UNEP/COBSEA, the ASEAN Secretariat and UNESCAP organised Regional Policy Dialogues on Marine Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia (SEA). •

3-4 December 2019 (Bali Indonesia): 1st Regional Policy Dialogue under the theme Harnessing the Sustainable Ocean Economy in Southeast Asia exchanged on policy challenges and solutions to promote a sustainable ocean economy in SEA.

15-16 December 2020 (virtual conference): 2nd Regional Policy Dialogue under the theme Financing Solutions to Address Marine Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia provided a platform to share analysis and experiences to enhance regional co-operation, policy coherence and sustainable financing solutions to address and prevent marine plastics pollution in SEA.

A set of Country Fact Sheets provides an overview of key plastics waste indicators, governance arrangements and measures to address the marine plastics waste issue in ten ASEAN countries. The web-based OECD Sustainble Ocean Policy Platform was set up in 2020. It helps to summarise and highlight, in an accessible and searchable way, a curated selection of OECD’s work on sustainable ocean policy covering both developing and developed economies in order to facilitate peer learning. The OECD Sustainable Ocean Economy Database was developed in 2020.

The Global Plastics Outlook (forthcoming 2022, in two volumes) •

A stocktake that contains global and regional data about the amounts of plastics used in our economy and plastic waste.

Quantifies plastic leakage of marine of activities and microplastics that may leak into the marine environment.

The global information is presented for 15 world regions including SEA.

The 1st Volume to be released on 22 February 2022 (tbc).

Suggested future activities to address marine plastic pollution in SEA Country-specific approach: Expanding •

Data Collection on SEA.

Country Fact Sheets (adding information on finance and partnerships).

Deepening Policy Analyses: •

Preparing Policy Guidance on policy coherence and financing to address marine plastic pollution.

Sharing Informations and Policy Practice: •

Building on the 1st & 2nd Regional Policy Dialogues, hold a 3rd Regional Policy Dialogue focusing on plastic pollution, financing and policy coherence.

Expanding the Sustainable Ocean Policy Platform.


Fact Sheets on Marine Plastic Pollution in 10 ASEAN Countries: Brunei-Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam. Available on:

Related blogs: •

High tide for ocean data: How to enrich ocean-related data gathering, 24 January, 2022

Bigger Biodiversity Benefits for your Buck: How economic instruments can help safeguard nature, 6 September, 2021

The price of plastic waste and solutions to turn the tide, 7 January 2021

The case for sustainable ocean finance, 23 October 2020

Building back bluer, 30 September 2020

COVID-19 and the looming plastics pandemic, 7 July 2020



Green Recovery: Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia SELECTED OECD ACTIVITIES


Marine Plastic Polllution: @OECD_ENV

Photo Credits: ©Shutterstock/Nguyen Quang Ngoc Tonkin /BlackCat Imaging /TheOldhiro ©

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