Egypt’s OECD Green Growth Policy Review 2024

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Egypt’s OECD Green Growth Policy Review

Evidence-based, systematic, country-tailored

About Within the Egypt-OECD country programme the Environment Directorate is conducting a Green Growth Policy Review of Egypt (GGPR) under the “Sustainable Development” work stream (pillar 5). The GGPR provides an independent, evidencebased and country-tailored assessment of Egypt’s green growth strategies and policies with targeted recommendations to help the government identify options to achieve objectives more effectively and efficiently. GGPRs assess the environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of the environmental policy mix, including fiscal and economic instruments, regulatory and voluntary instruments, as well as public and private investment in environment-related, lowcarbon infrastructure and services. Reviews also emphasise governance issues to help countries strengthen effective implementation of policies and measure progress.

Other OECD non-members such as Brazil, China (P. R. of), Indonesia, Peru and South Africa have conducted similar reviews. OECD member countries are regularly reviewed within the OECD Environmental Performance Review (EPR) programme. An in-depth chapter chosen by the reviewed country explores a theme of particular interest. Egypt's review focuses on the theme of "Building climate-smart, resilient and inclusive cities". Where possible, the review also looks at distributional issues and applies a gender lens. The ultimate goal of the review is to inspire policy makers, business and civil society to take action, to promote sound policies, and to help Egypt pave the way towards a sustainable future. Under the leadership of the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, in close co-operation with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, the review process takes a whole-of-government approach, engaging key ministries, subnational authorities and stakeholders.

Kick-off meeting of Egypt's OECD Green Growth Policy Review, Cairo, 19 March 2023


Green growth opportunities The review draws on a broad range of expertise and cross-country economic and environmental data. It is structured in three chapters:

Chapter 1. Key enviromental trends Chapter 2. Towards green growth Chapter 3. Building climate-smart, resilient and inclusive cities

The first chapter provides a snapshot of Egypt’s key environmental achievements and challenges. Drawing on OECD green growth indicators and national information sources, the chapter reviews progress towards national policy objectives and targets, as well as with international commitments. To the extent possible, it compares Egypt’s environmental indicators with those of OECD member countries, regional peers and other emerging economies. The chapter examines major policy developments in key environmental areas, including climate change, air, waste, water and biodiversity. The second chapter assesses the environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of the environmental policy mix, including fiscal and economic instruments, regulatory and voluntary instruments, as well as public and private investment in environment-related, low-carbon and circular economy infrastructure and services. It identifies opportunities for leapfrogging towards more environmentally-sustainable economic growth and development. It also includes a focus on greening national accounts and environmental information systems.

The third chapter focuses on the theme of "Building climate-smart, resilient and inclusive cities". It examines Egypt's urban development dynamics and provides targeted recommendations on how to better reconcile urban development with environmental and climate pressures. It analyses recent trends in urban development and related environmental impacts, the institutional framework as well as relevant policies and spatial planning tools. The chapter identifies opportunities and challenges in the urban sector, buildings, sustainable mobility and climate resilient infrastructure. It includes a focus on the Governorate of Alexandria and Al Kharga, a small oasis in the New Valley Governorate. The analysis builds on best practices and lessons learned from other cities in OECD and partner countries.

Coastal defence structures in Alexandria


Mutual learning OECD Green Growth Policy Reviews are an integral part of a family of systematic peer reviews at the OECD, together with Environmental Performance Reviews, Economic Surveys and Development Cooperation Reviews. Peer reviews, where each country’s policy is examined by fellow members on an equal basis, have been an integral part of facilitating peer-to-peer learning at the OECD since its founding.

The Assessment & Recommendations (A&R) document summarises the main findings of the review and presents policy recommendations to help Egypt improve its environmental performance and develop green growth opportunities. It is discussed and approved by consensus within the OECD Working Party on Environmental Performance (WPEP).

WHO DOES WHAT? THE REVIEWED COUNTRY National authorities facilitate information collection and liaising with other ministries, local authorities, specialised agencies and external stakeholders. They work closely with the OECD review team throughout the review cycle.

OECD WORKING PARTY ON ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE WPEP delegates review the key findings of the GGPR. Delegates discuss, ask questions and exchange best practices on the subjects covered in the GGPR. WPEP approves the Assessment and Recommendations by consensus. Key findings will be presented at a back-to-back event of the OECD Environment Policy Committee (EPOC).

PEER REVIEWERS Peer reviewers have an opportunity to share their country’s experiences in overcoming common challenges. They participate in discussions with the reviewed country and provide comments on the draft report and Assessment and Recommendations. In the process, they gain useful insights from the reviewed country.

OECD REVIEW TEAM The team is composed of members of the OECD Secretariat (policy analysts, economists, statisticians), external experts and peer reviewers. A co-ordinator leads the process.


June 2023

October/November 2023







In-country meetings with Egyptian officials and field visit to Alexandria

Series of virtual consultations with Egyptian officials

Definition of scope and timeline, choice of the in-depth chapter, information and data collection


Impacts & synergy

Egypt has embarked on a pathway towards green growth and we are committed to streamlining environmental concerns into all policy areas. I believe that the review will provide further insights by exchanging experience from other countries towards a green transition. H.E. Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of the Environment, Egypt We are making all efforts towards turning green. Alexandria is the first governorate to establish a factory for recycling solid waste, in addition to the use of clean energy in several fields, including the use of solar-powered lighting poles in the main axes, and the use of electric buses to reduce carbon emissions. These programmes contribute to the implementation of Egypt's Vision 2030. Major General Mohamed El Sherif, Governor of Alexandria We have high expectations for the in-depth chapter of the GGPR. It will provide a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities associated with building climate-smart, resilient and inclusive cities. We expect the chapter to highlight best practices, identify areas for improvement, and offer policy recommendations tailored to our local context. Ultimately, we hope that the in-depth chapter will serve as a valuable resource for guiding our urban development strategies and accelerating our progress towards sustainable and inclusive cities. Eng. Khaled Seddik, Chairman of the Urban Development Fund

February 2024

May 2024

Q2/Q3 3024







Bilateral discussion of findings and recommendations at high level and policy dialogue workshop

Back-to-back event of EPOC meeting: presentation and dialogue on findings and key messages

Public event in Egypt, including civil society and the media

In figures

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews



30 years





available in English abridged version in French OECD. Tinjauan Kebijakan Pertumbuhan Hijau


review cycles

Indonesia IKHTISAR


~25 recommendations per review

Global reach


available in English and national languages @OECD_ENV © 2024. OECD Environment Directorate Image credits: Cover: Shutterstock; mission pictures; Conception: Wanjiru

38 OECD member countries

6 non-member countries

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