OECD Rights Guide - Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

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Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

RIGHTS GUIDE Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

The information per title are in alphabetical order by Directorate, then by title.



Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development Centre for Tax Policy and Administration Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs Development Co-operation Directorate Development Centre Directorate for Education Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Environment Directorate Public Governance and Territorial Development International Transport Forum Public Affairs and Communications Directorate Statistics Directorate Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry Trade and Agriculture Directorate

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2012

ISBN Author Theme

9789264177550 Alain Dupeyras (CFE) Industry and Services (Main), Employment, Entrepreneurship, Public Governance 21 x 28 451 380 57 €90 $126 £81 ¥11700 MXN1620 30/07/2012

Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This report features thematic chapters and country-specific profiles to provide an international comparison of policies and trends. The report highlights key developments and challenges in tourism policy, as well as giving an overview and interpretation of broader trends in the OECD and beyond. Tourism Trends and Policies is becoming an international indicator of countries’ progress in supporting competitiveness, innovation and growth in tourism, and it sheds light on relevant policies and practices. The 2012 edition of this biennial publication was undertaken in co-operation with the European Commission.


CHAPTER 1. Tourism governance in OECD countries CHAPTER 2. Evaluating tourism policies and programmes CHAPTER 3. Policy approaches to skills development in tourism CHAPTER 4. Country profiles: Tourism trends and policies - OECD member countries - OECD non-member countries ANNEX A. Basic methodological references ANNEX B. National tourism administration and related websites

Further reading

- Innovation and Growth in Tourism - The Impact of Culture on Tourism - Climate Change and Tourism Policy in OECD Countries - Food and the Tourism Experience: The OECD-Korea Workshop - Climate Change in the European Alps: Adapting Winter Tourism and Natural Hazards Management

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Mapping Energy Use and Taxation in OECD Countries

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Price Release date

9789264181250 James Greene (CTP) Taxation (Main), Energy 21 x 28 150 €45 $63 £40 ¥5800 29/01/2013 (forecast)


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


The taxation of different sources and uses of energy (particularly those that give rise to emissions of greenhouse gases) will play a key role in governments’ efforts to mitigate the scale of global warming and climate change. At present, effective tax rates vary widely across different sources and uses of energy within countries, as well as across countries. This publication provides the first systematic statistics of such effective tax rates – on a comparable basis - for each OECD country, together with ‘maps’ that illustrate graphically the wide variations in tax rates per unit of energy or per tonne of CO2 emissions. These statistics and maps should be an invaluable tool for policymakers, analysts and researchers considering both domestic fiscal reform in response to climate change and other environmental challenges (e.g. to achieve emissions reductions targets most cost-effectively) and wider international responses.

Further reading

- Taxing Wages 2011 (see separate flyer) - Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Taxing Wages 2011

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264173279 Maurice Nettley (CTP) Taxation (Main), Employment 21 x 28 579 134 126 €150 $210 £135 ¥19500 10/08/2012


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Taxing Wages provides unique information on income tax paid by workers and on social security contributions levied upon employees and their employers in OECD countries. In addition, this annual publication specificies family benefits paid as cash transfers. Amounts of taxes and benefits are detailed programme by programme, for eight household types which differ by income level and household composition. Results reported include the marginal and effective tax burden for one- and two-earner families and total labour costs of employers. These data on tax burdens and cash benefits are widely used in academic research and in the preparation and evaluation of social and economic policy making. The data in this publication are also available on line via www.oecd-ilibrary.org under the title Taxing Wages, OECD Tax Statistics (http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/ctpa-twg-data-en)


SPECIAL FEATURE: Trends in personal income tax and employee social security contribution schedules PART I. International Comparisons PART II. Tax Burden Trends 2000-2011 PART III. Country Details PART IV. Methodology and Limitations

Further reading

- Consumption Tax Trends 2010 - Taxation and Employment - Revenue Statistics 2011 - Tax Expenditures in OECD Countries

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Competitive Neutrality

Book subtitle

Maintaining a Level Playing Field Between Public and Private Business

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Price Release date

9789264178946 Hans Christiansen (DAF) Industry and Services (Main), Governance, Entrepreneurship 16 x 23 110 €30 $42 £27 ¥3900 MXN540 07/09/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Most policy makers agree that competitive neutrality is a sound idea and member governments of the OECD have demonstrated their commitment to a level playing field. This report has a twofold objective. First, it identifies the main challenges in obtaining competitive neutrality between public and private entities operating in mixed markets. Second, it sheds light on some of the remedies to these challenges based on actual practices in OECD countries. It is organised around the following eight “building blocks” that governments should address if they seek to obtain competitive neutrality.


Part I. Introduction Part II. Aspects of competitive neutrality 1. Streamlining the operational form of government business 2. Identifying the costs of any given function 3. Achieving a commercial rate of return 4. Accounting for public service obligations 5. Tax neutrality 6. Regulatory neutrality 7. Debt neutrality and outright subsidies 8. Public procurement Part III. Options for implementation based on national practices

Further reading

- Corporate Governance, State-Owned Enterprises and Privatisation - Privatising State-Owned Enterprises: An Overview of Policies and Practices in OECD Countries - Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: A Survey of OECD Countries - Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: Change and Reform in OECD Countries since 2005

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook 2013

ISBN Author Theme

9789264181397 Hans Blommestein (DAF) Governance (Main), Finance and Investment / Insurance and Pensions 21 x 28 125 €35 $49 £31 ¥4500 MXN630 15/12/2012 (forecast)

Format Pages Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Each year, the OECD circulates a survey on the borrowing needs of member countries. The responses are incorporated in the OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook to provide regular updates of trends and developments associated with sovereign borrowing requirements and debt levels from the perspective of public debt managers. The Outlook makes a policy distinction between funding strategy and borrowing requirements. The central government marketable gross borrowing needs, or requirements, are calculated on the basis of budget deficits and redemptions. The funding strategy entails decisions on how borrowing needs are going to be financed using different instruments (e.g. long-term, short-term, nominal, indexed, etc.) and distribution channels. Accordingly, the OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook provides data and information on borrowing needs and funding policies for the OECD area and country groupings, including:     

Further reading

Gross borrowing requirements Net borrowing requirements Central government marketable debt Funding strategies and instruments Distribution channels

- OECD Economic Outlook Volume 2012 Issue 1 - Economic Policy Reforms 2012: Going for Growth - Public Sector Compensation in Times of Austerity (see separate flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Development Co-operation Report 2012

ISBN Author Theme Featured Countries Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264178083 Christine Graves (DCD) Development China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Korea 21 x 28 280 15 162 €100 $133 £80 ¥13000 MXN1800 04/12/2012 (forecast)

Rights available in all languages except English, French and German.


The annual report of the Chairman of OECD’s Development Assistance Committee. It provides detailed statistics on and analysis of each member’s foreign aid programs as well as an overview of trends and issues currently being discussed in the development community. This edition includes a Preface by Mary Robinson and the usual Chairman’s report, sections dealing with population and natural resources and green growth featuring contributions from experts in the field, profiles of bilateral donors and an extensive statistical annex.


PART I. Challenges and progress since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 PART II. High stakes for people and natural resources PART III. Green growth for sustainable development PART IV. Towards the future we want PART V. Profiles and policies of bilateral donors

Further reading

- Latin American Economic Outlook 2012 (see separate flyer) - Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2012/13 (see separate flyer) - African Economic Outlook 2012: Promoting Youth Employment - Perspectives on Global Development 2013: New Strategies for Productive Development - Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries 2012: Disbursements, Commitments, Country Indicators

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

Conflict and Fragility


Improving International Support to Peace Processes

Book subtitle

The Missing Piece

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264179837 Erwin van Veen (DCD) Development 16 x 23 112 2 3 €24 $33 £21 ¥3100 26/09/2012


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Peace processes hold the promise of re-starting non-violent efforts towards creating more equitable, resilient and developed societies. Yet, such processes are politically and psychologically complex, as well as high-risk. Many fail and such failure is harmful, as it reduces confidence and increases cynicism amongst parties to a conflict, citizens and international partners alike. International support can help a peace process to succeed but its nature and quality matter greatly. “The Missing Piece” identifies seven recommendations to improve the quality of support that states and international organizations provide to peace processes. It does this through a thorough analysis of: the characteristics of today’s violent conflicts, the factors that influence the success and failure of a peace process and the current strengths & weaknesses of international support.


CHAPTER 1. Violent conflict and organised violence today CHAPTER 2. What are ingredients for success in a peace process? CHAPTER 3. Strengths and weaknesses of international support CHAPTER 5. From recommendations to action: Country responses

Further reading

- Supporting Statebuilding in Situations of Conflict and Fragility: Policy Guidance - Managing Risks in Fragile and Transitional Contexts: The Price of Success? - Investing in Security: A Global Assessment of Armed Violence Reduction Initiatives - International Engagement in Fragile States: Can’t We Do Better?

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Poverty Reduction and Pro-Poor Growth

Book subtitle

The Role of Empowerment

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264168343 Earnan O’Cleirigh (DCD) Development (Main), Social Issues/Migration/Health 21 x 28 300 4 10 €84 $117 £75 ¥10900 MXN1510 06/06/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Empowerment of those living in poverty is both a critical driver and an important measure of poverty reduction. It is the decisions and actions of poor people themselves that will bring about sustainable improvements in their lives and livelihoods. Inequitable power relations exclude poor people from decision-making and prevent them from taking action. Sustainable poverty reduction needs poor people to be both the agents and beneficiaries of economic growth - to directly participate in, contribute to and benefit from growth processes. Strengthening poor people’s organizations, providing them with more control over assets and promoting their influence in economic governance will improve the terms on which they engage in markets. This economic empowerment combined with political and social empowerment will make growth much more effective in reducing poverty. This report aims to build donor understanding of empowerment and how best to support it.


PART I. Policy Guidance Note: The role of empowerment for poverty reduction and growth PART II. Good Practice Notes

Further reading

- From Aid to Development: The Global Fight against Poverty (see separate flyer) - Trade for Growth and Poverty Reduction: How Aid for Trade Can Help - Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Tax and Development

Book subtitle

Aid Modalities for Strengthening Tax Systems

ISBN Author Themes Featured countries Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264177574 Opal Taylor (DCD) Development (Main), Taxation Ghana, Guatemala, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Tanzania 21 x 28 133 5 4 €24 $34 £14 ¥3100 MXN440 22/11/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Tax and Development: Aid Modalities for Strengthening Tax Systems examines the aid instruments that donors can use to assist developing countries in strengthening their tax systems. From general or sector budget support, to basket financing modalities and other joint instruments, stand-alone bilateral aid and South-South regional programmes, it looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each modality. It considers the needs and context to which each one best responds and describes how mixed “packages” may often best fit the bill. Crucially, it also affords thoughtful insights into how tax reform can yield governance dividends and provides examples from the experience of a number of developing countries, culminating in six illuminating case studies in tax reform. Although they consider difficulties as well as successes, they offer practical pointers to future directions for research and action.


CHAPTER 1. Introduction CHAPTER 2. Taxation and Governance CHAPTER 3. Aid Modalities for Supporting Tax Systems CHAPTER 4. Technical Assistance and Cross-Cutting Issues CHAPTER 5. Six Case Studies CHAPTER 6. Findings and Recommendations for Stronger Tax and Development Aid

Further reading

- Governance, Taxation and Accountability: Issues and Practice - Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Latin American Economic Outlook 2013

Book subtitle

SMEs in Latin America

ISBN Author

9789264180727 Avendano, Daude, Gutierez, Jankowska, Nagengast, Perea, Vasquez (DEV). In co-edition with United Nations Economic Commission for America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) Development (Main), Emerging Economies 21 x 28 155 26 42 €60 $84 £54 ¥78 MXN1080 01/02/2013 (forecast)

Latin Themes Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except Chinese (option), English and French.


Latin America has weathered the recent trubulence in the global economy with relative strength, but the region now faces - beyond the short-term global uncertainty - important medium-term risks. Policy makers must lay foundations for inclusive and sustainable growth. SMEs play a key role, as they comprise over 95% of firms and employ over 60% of inhabitants. Nevertheless, relative to SMEs in the OECD, on average SMEs in Latin America exhibit low levels of relative productivity and weak links with the rest of the economy. In light of several decades of blanket SME policies with limited impact,this report proposes a more integrated approach that caters to the productive context and firm specificities. SMEs are part of a greater productive structure, and productive development policies need to be designed to address the particularities of heterogeneous SMEs. Providing policies which are adapted to the productive context requires coordination between various policy areas and levels of government to ensure that inteventions are complimentary and effective. With this perspective in mind, the report explores key policy areas that address some of the main challenges to SMEs in the region including access to finance, skill development, innovation, and productive development.


CHAPTER 1. Macroeconomic Outlook 2013 CHAPTER 2. Characterizing Latin American firms and SME Policies CHAPTER 3. SME Financing CHAPTER 4. SME Innovation CHAPTER 5. Skill Development for SMEs CHAPTER 6. Clusters, Production Linkages and Value Chains: Strategies for SMEs in Open Economies

Further reading

- Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2012/13 (see separate flyer) - African Economic Outlook 2012 - SME Policy Index 2012: Eastern Partnership Region (see Europe flyer) OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Perspectives on Global Development 2013

Book subtitle

New Strategies for Development

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Price Release date

9789264177116 Laure Brillaud (DEV) Development (Main), Social Issues/Migration/Health, Governance 21 x 28 250 €60 $84 £54 ¥7800 MXN1080 01/11/2012 (forecast)

Rights available in all languages except Chinese (option), English and French.


First launched in 2010, Perspectives on Global Development (PGD) is OECD’s annual flagship publication on emerging development issues. The PGD takes the new geography of economic growth, poverty and power as a point of departure. Each year, the report identifies, analyses and provides evidence and policy solutions to the most pressing global development challenges in the new multipolar world. It provides an overview of global trends and structural transformations in the world economy and informs policy makers in developing countries on the implications in the formulation and implementation of national policies. Each year, the report focuses on a different topic covering diverse socio-economic facets of development from trade, development finance, infrastructure, production development and innovation to gender, employment, migration, fiscal and social policies. During the past decade, the global economic centre of gravity has shifted eastwards and southwards, creating new opportunities for economic co-operation, trade and investment but also new challenges. This “shifting wealth” is a game changer for economic policy and is at the centre of the first three editions of the Perspectives on Global Development, which document the phenomenon (PGD 2010) and analyse its implications for social cohesion (PGD 2012) and productive growth strategies (PGD 2013).


1. Shifting Wealth: The Recalibration of World Development 2. A New Geography of Production and Innovation 3. Rationale and Framework for New Productive Development Policy 4. Fostering Industrial Development and Innovation 5. Addressing the Skills Challenge 6. Overcoming Infrastructure Gaps 7. Mobilising the Financial Sector 8. The Political Economy of Production Development Politics

Further reading

- Perspectives on Global Development 2010: Shifting Wealth - Perspectives on Global Development 2012: Social Cohesion in a Shifting World OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2012/13

Book subtitle

With Perspectives on China and India

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Price Release date

9789264180765 Kensuke Tanaka (DEV) Development 21 x 28 220 €42 $58 £37 ¥5400 01/01/2013 (forecast)


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This edition of the Southeast Asian Economic Outlook examines: - medium-term growth prospects - recent macroeconomic policy challenges - structural challenges including human capital, infrastructure and SME development - economic disparities “between” and “within” countries in the region While solid growth is forecast to continue until 2017, countries must address structural issues in order to sustain this favourable outlook. Narrowing development gaps presents one of the region’s most important challenges.


PART I. Regional Economic Monitor of ASEAN, China and India 1. Medium-term Economic Outlook and Recent Macroeconomic Developments 2. Evolving Development Landscape PART II. Structural Policy Country Notes 3. Medium-term Policy Challenges and Responses PART III. Special Thematic Focus: Narrowing Development Gaps 4. Disparities “Among” Countries 5. Disparities “Within” Countries

Further reading

- OECD Economic Surveys: Indonesia 2012 (see Southeast Asia flyer) - OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2012 Issue 1 - OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy 2012: Southeast Asia (see Southeast Asia flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Education at a Glance

Book subtitle

OECD Indicators ( / Highlights)

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price

9789264179295 ( / 9789264179561) Corinne Heckmann (EDU) ( / Sue Kendall-Bilicki, Julia Laplane) Education 21 x 28 568 ( / 90) 153 131 €75 $105 £67 ¥9700 MXN1350 (/ €28 $39 £25 ¥3600 MXN500 ) 11/09/2012

Release date

Rights available in all languages for the OECD Indicators except Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish. Rights available in all languages except English and French for the Highlights.


Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators provides accurate and relevant information on the structure, finances, and performance of the education systems in the OECD’s 34 member countries, as well as a number of non-member G20 nations. Education at a Glance: Highlights summarises Education at a Glance, with each indicator condensed to a two-page spread. In the 2012 edition, new indicators focus on: • the effect of the global economic crisis on education expenditures; • the state of early childhood education systems around the world; • intergenerational mobility in higher education among different socio-economic groups; • the impact of education on macroeconomic outcomes; • factors that influence education spending in different countries; • career expectations among boys and girls at age 15, as compared to higher education graduation rates by field; • the makeup of the teaching force in different countries; and • the impact of examinations on access to secondary and higher education.


CHAPTER A. The output of Educational Institutions and the Impact of Learning CHAPTER B. Financial and Human Resources Invested in Education CHAPTER C. Access to Education, Participation and Progression CHAPTER D. The Learning Environment and Organisation of Schools

Further reading

- Trends Shaping Education 2012 (see separate flyer) - Education Today 2012: The OECD Perspective (see separate flyer) - PISA for Schools (see separate flyer) OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

Educational Research and Innovation


Education Today 2012

Book subtitle

The OECD Perspective

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Graphs Price Release date

9789264177109 David Istance (EDU) Education 16 x 23 100 15 €28 $39 £25 ¥3600 01/11/2012 (forecast)


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


What does the OECD have to say about the state of education today? What are the main OECD messages on early childhood education, teacher policies and tertiary education? What about student performance, educational spending and equity in education? OECD work on these important education topics and others have been brought together in a single accessible source updating the first edition of Education Today which came out in March 2009. Organised into eight chapters, this report examines early childhood education, schooling, transitions beyond initial education, higher education, adult learning, outcomes and returns, equity, and innovation. The chapters are structured around key findings and policy directions emerging from recent OECD educational analyses. Each entry highlights the main message in a concise and accessible way, with a brief explanation and reference to the original OECD source.


Introduction CHAPTER 1. Early Childhood Education and Care CHAPTER 2. Schooling: Investments, Organisation and Learners CHAPTER 3. Transitions Beyond Initial Education CHAPTER 4. Higher Education CHAPTER 5. Lifelong Learning and Adults CHAPTER 6. Outcomes, Benefits and Returns CHAPTER 7. Equity and Equality of Opportunity CHAPTER 8. Innovation and Knowledge Management

Further reading

- Closing the Gender Gap: Act Now (see separate flyer) - Financial Education in Schools: Policy Guidance, Challenges and Case Studies - OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education - PISA for Schools (see separate flyer) - Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the 21st Century: Lessons from around the World (see separate flyer) OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title



Let’s Read Them a Story!

Book subtitle

The Parent Factor in Education

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Price Release date

9789264176195 Pablo Zoido (EDU) Education 16 x 23 82 €15 $21 £13 10/07/2012



Rights available in all languages except English, French, Spanish and Portuguese (option).


Most parents know instinctively that spending more time with their children and being actively involved in their education will give their children a good head-start in life. But since most parents have to juggle competing demands at work and home, there never seems to be enough time or they feel ill-equipped to help. This book from OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has some good news for concerned parents: it does not require a Ph.D or unlimited hours for parents to make a difference in their children's education. In fact, many parent-child activities that are associated with better reading performance among students involve relatively little time and no specialised knowledge. What these activities do demand is genuine interest and active engagement.


CHAPTER 1. Get involved! CHAPTER 2. Read your children a story CHAPTER 3. Talk with your children about the world around them CHAPTER 4. Get involved at school because you want to, not because you have to CHAPTER 5. Show your children that you value reading, too

Further reading

- Education at a Glace 2012 (see separate flyer) - Education Today 2012: The OECD Perspective (see separate flyer) - Trends Shaping Education 2012 (see separate flyer) - PISA for Schools (see separate flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


PISA for Schools



Book Title

Untapped Skills

Subtitle Realising the Potential of Immigrant Students ISBN 9789264172296 Author Georges Lemaître, Pablo Zoido Format, Pages 21 x 28, 204 Tables / Graphs 60 /30 Release date 10/08/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

Public and Private Schools


How Management and Funding Relate to their Socio-economic Profile ISBN 9789264174917 Author Miyako Ikeda Format, Pages 21 x 28, 108 Release date 06/06/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

Learning Beyond Fifteen

Subtitle Ten Years after PISA ISBN 9789264172043 Author Pablo Zoido Format, Pages 21 x 28, 120 Tables / Graphs 18 / 32 Release date 02/05/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Other series titles

- Let’s Read them a Story! (2012, see separate flyer) - PISA 2009 Technical Report (2012) - PISA 2009 Results: Students On Line (2011) - Against the Odds: Disadvantaged Students Who Succeed in School (2011) - PISA 2009 at a Glance (2011) - Quality Time for Students: Learning In and Out of School (2011) - PISA 2009 Results: Overcoming Social Background: Equity in Learning Opportunities and Outcomes (2011)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the 21st Century

Book subtitle

Lessons from around the World

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264174214 Andreas Schleicher (EDU) Education 21 x 28 108 0 35 €32 $44 £28 ¥4100 10/07/2012


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This book uses PISA data to show that a substantial proportion of students in OECD countries now attend schools that have high degrees of autonomy in different areas of decision making. But effective school autonomy depends on effective leaders, including system leaders, principals, teacher leaders, senior teachers, and head teachers, as well as strong support systems. That, in turn, requires well-distributed leadership, new types of training and development for school leaders, and appropriate support and incentives.


CHAPTER 1. Developing Effective School Leaders CHAPTER 2. Preparing Teachers to Deliver 21st-Century Skills CHAPTER 3. Matching Teacher Demand and Supply ANNEX A. Selected comparative data from OECD sources

Further reading

- Teaching Practices and Pedagogical Innovations: Evidence from TALIS - Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS - The Experience of New Teachers: Results from TALIS 2008 - Educating Teachers for Diversity: Meeting the Challenge - Mathematics Teaching and Learning Strategies in PISA - Building a High-Quality Teaching Profession: Lessons from around the World

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


The Impact of Arts Education

Book subtitle

What Do We Know?

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264180772 Stephan Vincent-Lancrin (EDU) Education and Skills (Main), Social Issues 21 x 28 220 70 10 €45 $63 £40 ¥5800 MXN810 01/12/2012 (forecast)

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Arts education is often said to be a means of developing critical and creative thinking. It has also been argued to enhance performance in non-arts academic subjects such as mathematics, science, reading and writing, and to strengthen students’ academic motivation, self-confidence, and ability to communicate and cooperate effectively. Arts education thus seems to have a positive impact on the three subsets of skills that we define as “skills for innovation”: subject-based skills, including in non-arts subjects; skills in thinking and creativity; and behavioural and social skills. This report examines the state of empirical knowledge about the impact of arts education on these skills. The kinds of arts education examined include arts classes in school, arts-integrated classes (where the arts are taught as a support for an academic subject), and arts study undertaken outside of school. The report does not deal with education about the arts or cultural education, which may be included in all kinds of subjects.


1. Introduction 2. Cognitive Outcomes of Multi-Arts Education 3. Cognitive Outcomes of Music Education 4. Cognitive Outcomes of Visual Arts Education 5. Cognitive Outcomes of Theatre Education 6. Cognitive Outcomes of Dance Education 7. Creativity Outcomes of Arts Education 8. Motivational Outcomes of Arts Education 9. Social Skills Outcomes of Arts Education 10. Brain Outcomes of Arts Education 11. Conclusions

Further reading

- Connected Minds: Technology and Today’s Learners - Let’s Read Them a Story! The Parent Factor in Education (see separate flyer) OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

Series Title

Educational Research and Innovation


Trends Shaping Education 2012

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Price Release date

9789264177086 Tracey Burns (EDU) Education 21 x 28 100 €30 $42 £27 ¥3900 01/11/2012 (forecast)


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


What does it mean for education that our societies are increasingly diverse? How is global economic power shifting towards new countries? In what ways are working patterns changing? Trends Shaping Education 2010 brings together international evidence to address questions like these. To make the content accessible, each trend is presented on a double page, containing an introduction, two charts with brief descriptive text and a set of pertinent questions for education. The trends presented are based on high quality international data, primarily from the OECD, the World Bank and the United Nations. The charts contain dynamic links so that readers can access the original data. Trends Shaping Education 2012 is organised around five broad themes, each with its own “find out more” section:     

The dynamics of globalization. Evolving social challenges. The changing world of work. Transformation of childhood. ICT: the next generation.

This book is designed to give policy makers, researchers, educational leaders, administrators and teachers a robust, non-specialist source to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the challenges facing education, whether in schools, universities or programmes for older adults. It will also be of interest to students and the wider public, including parents. Further reading

- Education at a Glance (see separate flyer) - Education Today 2012 (see separate flyer) - PISA for School series (see separate flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Cancer Care

Book subtitle

Assuring Quality to Improve Survival

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Price Release date

9789264181052 Vladimir Stevanovic (ELS) Social Issues / Migration / Health 21 x 28 150 €40 $56 £36 ¥5200 MXN720 01/05/2013 (forecast)

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


More than 5 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed every year in OECD countries. Mortality rates are declining, but not as fast as for other big killers such as heart disease, and cancer survival rates show almost a four-fold difference across countries. In short, many countries are not doing as well as they could in the fight against cancer. Cancer care: assuring quality to improve survival surveys the policy trends in cancer care over recent years and looks at survival rates to identify the why some countries are doing better than others. It sets out what governments should do to reduce the burden of cancer in their countries. As well as an adequate level of resourcing, a comprehensive national cancer control plan appears critical, emphasising initiatives such as early detection and fast-track treatment pathways. Countries also need better data, particularly around patients’ experiences of care, in order to provide high quality, continuously improving cancer care.


CHAPTER 1. Cancer care systems: Increasing burdens and existing performance gaps CHAPTER 2. Resources for cancer care CHAPTER 3. Cancer care practice CHAPTER 4. Governance of cancer care systems CHAPTER 5. Explorative analysis CHAPTER 6. Policy recommendations

Further reading

- Health at a Glance 2011 - Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2012 - Health at a Glance: Europe 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Closing the Gender Gap

Book subtitle

Act Now

ISBN Author Theme

9789264179363 Monika Queisser (ELS) Social Issues/Migration/Health (Main), Education, Employment, Governance 21 x 28 296 €80 $112 £72 ¥10400 MXN1440 31/10/2012 (forecast)

Format Pages Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Gender gaps are pervasive in all walks of economic life and imply large losses in terms of foregone productivity and living standards. This new OECD report focuses on how best to close these gaps. Key policy messages are as follows: • Greater gender equality in educational attainment has a strong positive effect on economic growth; • Stereotyping needs to be addressed in educational choices at school from a young age; • Good and affordable childcare is a key factor for better gender equality in employment, but policy change should also support more equitable family structures; • Support policies for women-owned enterprises should target all existing firms, and equal access to finance for male and female entrepreneurs should be assured.


PART I. Gender equality: The economic case, social norms and public policies PART II. Gender equality in education PART III. Gender equality in employment PART IV. Gender equality in entrepreneurship

Further reading

- Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2012 (see separate flyer) - OECD Employment Outlook 2012 (see separate flyer) - Women in Business: Policies to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in the MENA Region (see MENA flyer) - Atlas of Gender and Development: How Social Norms Affect Gender Equality in non-OECD Countries - Equally prepared for life? How 15-year-old boys and girls perform in school

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Drinking Lives Away

Book subtitle

Fighting Health, Social and Economic Harms of Alcohol

ISBN Author Theme Featured countries Format Pages Price Release date

9789264180857 Michele Cecchini (ELS) Social Issues / Migration / Health Australia, Canada, Finland 21 x 28 250 €50 $70 £45 ¥6500 MXN900 01/06/2013 (forecast)

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Alcoholic beverages, and the problems they engender, have been familiar fixtures in human societies since the beginning of recorded history. Worldwide, alcohol is responsible for a larger share of the burden of ill health and premature mortality than tobacco or obesity. It accounts for 1 in 15 deaths in the European region, and for an even larger proportion of disability, especially in men. Its social costs are estimated in excess of 1% of GNP in high- and middle-income countries. Drinking is a social phenomenon with strong cultural connotations, and is driven by social norms more than other health-related behaviours. This is reflected in unique patterns of social disparity in drinking, showing the well-to-do often more prone to hazardous use of alcohol, and a polarisation of problem-drinking at the two ends of the social spectrum. Governments can play a major role in tackling the harms associated with alcohol use, and have many tools at their disposal to achieve this goal. Some policy approaches are more effective and efficient than others, depending on their ability to trigger changes in social norms, and on how well they can target the groups that are most at risk. This publication provides a wide-ranging assessment of the health, social and economic impacts of key policy options for tackling alcohol-related harms in three OECD countries, extracting policy-relevant messages for a broader set of countries.


1. Introduction. Alcohol: a social phenomenon 2. Recent trends in alcohol consumption in the OECD area 3. Social disparities in alcohol drinking 4. Tackling alcohol-related harms: what are the options? 5. Assessing the health and economic impacts of key policy options 6. Conclusions

Further reading

- Health at a Glance 2011 - Health at a Glance: Europe 2012 OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


International Migration Outlook 2012

ISBN Author Theme

9789264177208 Jean-Pierre Garson (ELS) Social Issues/Migration/Health (Main), Transition Economies, Emerging Economies 21 x 28 365 175 35 €90 $126 £81 ¥11700 MXN1620 09/07/2012

Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


OECD's annual publication analysing recent developments in migration movements and policies in its countries. Each edition provides the latest statistical information on immigrant stocks and flows, immigrants in the labour market, and migration policies. This 2012 edition covers all OECD countries, as well as the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania. Two special chapters complement the information on movements and policies: “Renewing the skills of ageing workforces: The role of migration” and “The Changing Role of Asia in International Migration.” The publication also features country profiles and a statistical annex.


EDITORIAL: Immigrant Labour Wanted? Recent Lessons EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART I. Trends in International Migration A. Trends in migration flows in and in the immigrant population B. Employment C. Migration policy developments PART II. Revewing the Skills of Ageing Workforces: The Role of Migration PART III. The Changing Role of Asia in International Migration PART IV. Recent Changes in Migration Movements and Policies

Further reading

- Tackling the Policy Challenges of Migration: Regulation, Integration, Development - Open for Business: Migrant Entrepreneurship in OECD Countries - Naturalisation: A Passport for the Better Integration of Immigrants? - Settling In: OECD Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


OECD Employment Outlook 2012

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264166684 Mark Keese and Paul Swaim (ELS) Employment (Main), Social Issues/Migration/Health 21 x 28 230 0 105 €80 $112 £72 ¥10400 MXN1440 26/07/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This 30th edition of the OECD Employment Outlook examines the labour market performance of OECD countries as well as the prospects in the short term. Chapter 1 offers an overview of recent developments, focusing on how marginalised groups (youth, the low skilled, women, the chronically unemployed) have fared during the crisis. Chapter 2 looks at what structural factors may contribute to labour markets being able to weather economic downturns with limited social costs. Chapter 3 examines the relationship of labour compensation to domestic output. Chapter 4 looks at the policy challenges posed by green growth and jobs. The chapters are complemented by a comprehensive statistical annex.


EDITORIAL – Achieving a Sustainable Recovery: What Can Labour Market Policy Contribute? CHAPTER 1. Waiting for the Recovery: OECD Labour Markets in the Wake of the Crisis CHAPTER 2. What Makes Labour Markets Resilient During Recessions? CHAPTER 3. Labour Losing to Capital: What Explains the Declining Labour Share? CHAPTER 4. What Green Growth Means for Workers and Labour Market Policies: An Initial Assessment STATISTICAL ANNEX

Further reading

- Taxation and Employment - Off to a Good Start? Jobs for Youth - Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising - Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work - Free Movement of Workeers and Labour Market Adjustment - Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives: A Strategic Approach to Skills Policies


OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Greening Household Behaviour

Book subtitle

Lessons from the Second Household Survey

ISBN Author Theme Featured Countries

9789264180826 Z. Brown, N. Johnstone, Y. Serret (ENV) Environment and Sustainable Development Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland 21 x 28 200 €42 $58 £37 ¥5400 MXN750 01/02/2013 (forecast)

Format Pages Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Developing growth strategies that promote greener lifestyles requires a good understanding of what factors affect people’s behaviour towards the environment. Recent OECD work based on periodic surveys of more than 10 000 households across a number of countries and areas represents a breakthrough by providing a common framework to collect unique empirical evidence for better policy design. This publication presents a data overview of the most recent round of the survey implemented in 5 areas (energy, food, transport, waste and water) and 11 countries. Analysis comparing the data across countries, policy conditions, and the attitudinal profiles of households reveals which measures most effectively change behaviour. . Each round of the survey also allows to track behavioural changes over time and to explore new emerging issues. The new survey confirms the importance of providing the right economic incentives for influencing our decisions. The findings indicate that “soft” measures such as labelling and public information campaigns also have a significant complementary role to play. Spurring desirable behaviour change requires a mix of these instruments. This book is a milestone for all those interested by the challenging question of ways to promote greener behaviour, from policy makers to individual citizens.

Further reading

- Greening Household Behaviour: The Role of Public Policy - Sustainable Development: Linking Economy, Society, Environment - Cities and Climate Change

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

OECD Trade Policy Studies


Illegal Trade in Environmentally Sensitive Goods

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264174221 Nick Johnstone (ENV) Trade (Main), Environment and Sustainable Development 16 x 23 112 10 2 €33 $46 £29 ¥4200 MXN590 01/10/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Illegal trade in environmentally sensitive goods, such as threatened wildlife, timber, hazardous waste, and ozone-depleting substances, has been a long-standing issue in the international trade and environment agenda. The nature of such illegal trade makes it difficult to fully understand its extent and impact on the environment. Developing effective policies to reduce illegal trade requires a clear understanding of what drives this trade and the circumstances under which it thrives. In this report, evidence based on customs data and information from licensing schemes is used to document the scale of illegal trade, as well as the economic and environmental impacts of such trade. National and international policies have an important role to play in regulating and reducing illegal trade and the report highlights a range of measures that can be taken at both levels.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Defining illegal trade in environmentally sensitive goods 2. Key drivers and main impacts of illegal trade ANNEX: The role of China 3. Assessing illegal trade flows based on customs and licensing scheme data 4. Licensing and trade controls for environmentally sensitive goods 5. The effect of domestic environmental policies on illegal trade 6. Illegal trade in environmentally sensitive goods: Conclusions

Further reading

- Energy and Climate Policy: Bending the Technological Trajectory - Sustainable Materials Management: Making Better Use of Resources - OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050: The Consequences of Inaction - Meeting the Water Reform Challenge - OECD Environmental Performance Reviews OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

OECD Green Growth Studies


Water and Green Growth

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Price Release date

9789264181410 Xavier Leflaive (ENV) Environment and Sustainable Development 21 x 28 100 €32 $44 £28 ¥4100 MXN570 01/02/2013 (forecast)

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This report demonstrates the benefits of a green growth perspective for water resources management (WRM). It pays particular attention to transition: how to inject green growth elements in WRM policies, or in national water strategies; and how to make reform happen (what are the benefits; how they can materialise. The report builds on OECD analyses and a wealth of case studies collected by several institutions. It covers four main issues: allocation (to where water is most needed); investment in ecologically sensitive water storage and distribution systems (to guarantee access to the resource); water-related innovation (e.g. smart water systems, which can save water, energy and investment costs) and the policies which can stimulate it; and water supply and sanitation (as improved access yields significant benefits on health, the environment and the economy. The report also considers a series of cross-cutting issues: linkages with biodiversity; pricing; equity; governanace (national/local initiatives, the role of communities); and strategic planning (a key political tool to make reform happen).

Further reading

Other series titles (see separate flyers): - Linking Renewable Energy to Rural Development - Compact City Policies

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

OECD Green Growth Studies


Compact City Policies

Book subtitle

A Comparative Assessment

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Maps Price Release date

9789264167841 Tadashi Matsumoto (GOV) Urban, Rural and Regional Development 21 x 28 284 20 €90 $126 £81 ¥11700 MXN1620 27/06/2012

Rights available in all languages except Chinese, Japanese, English and French.


This book examines the concept of the compact city and the implication of the current urban context for compact city policies. It explores their potential outcomes, particularly in terms of how it can contribute to Green Growth, and develops indicators to monitor compact city and to track policy performance. Compact city policies currently being implemented across the OECD are reviewed in relation to Green Growth objectives, and providing ideas to achieve better outcomes. It assesses key governance challenges faced by decision-makers as they seek to implement practical compact city strategies. This report is thus intended as “food for thought” for national, sub-national and municipal governments as they seek to address their economic and environmental challenges. through the development and implementation of spatial strategies in pursuit of Green Growth objectives. It also illustrates best practices (which present key elements of successful compact city policies) based on empirical evidence that can be shared across OECD member countries.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1. The compact city concept in today’s urban contexts CHAPTER 2. How can compact city policies contribute to urban sustainability and green growth CHAPTER 3. Measuring the performance of a compact city CHAPTER 4. Current compact city practices in OECD countries CHAPTER 5. Key compact city policy strategies CHAPTER 6. Key compact city governance strategies

Further reading

- Redefining “Urban” (see separate flyer) - Cities and Climate Change - OECD Regional Outlook 2011: Building Resilient Regions for Stronger Economies - Towards Green Growth - Other titles in the OECD Green Growth Studies series OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

OECD Green Growth Studies


Linking Renewable Energy to Rural Development

ISBN Author Themes

9789264180420 Raffaele Trapasso (GOV) Urban, Rural and Regional Development (Main), Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States 21 x 28 273 64 25 €80 $112 £72 ¥10400 MXN1440 01/10/2012

Featured Countries Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


In many OECD countries, governments have invested large amounts of public money to support renewable energy (RE) development and are requiring significant quantities of it to be sold by energy providers. But what are the economic impacts of these policies on the rural regions where deployment takes place? How can RE bring the greatest benefit to host regions? Drawing on case studies in 16 regions in 10 countries, research finds that while RE indeed represents an opportunity for stimulating economic growth in rural communities, its development benefits are not automatic. Realising them requires a complex and flexible policy framework and a long-term strategy, as well as a realistic appreciation of the potential gains from RE deployment. Forging a positive connection between RE development and local economic growth requires more coherent strategies, the right set of local conditions, and a place-based approach to deployment.


PART I. Synthesis and Policy Implications 1. Trends in global renewable energy markets and national policies 2. Overcoming the barriers to renewable energy deployment 3. Renewable energy and rural development: Making the link 4. The challenges of linking renewable energy to rural development 5. Putting renewable energy to work in rural areas PART II. Case studies

Further reading

- Compact City Policies (see separate flyer) - Redefining “Urban” (see separate flyer) - OECD Regional Outlook 2011 - Towards Green Growth - Cities and Climate Change OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Promoting Growth in All Regions

ISBN Author Themes Featured Countries

9789264174634 Jose Enrique Garcilazo (GOV) Urban, Rural and Regional Development France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom 21 x 28 270 42 37 €56 $78 £50 ¥7200 MXN1000 31/10/2012 (forecast)

Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This book examines the main sources responsible for bringing growth in some OECD lagging regions. The publication combines quantitative methods and a series of case studies and will provide a series of policy recommendations targeted to lagging and distressed areas.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1. Growth trends and implications for aggregate growth CHAPTER 2. How do lesser developed regions grow? CHAPTER 3. Bottlenecks and growth factors in 23 case studies

Further reading

- How Regions Grow: Trends and Analysis - OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: 15 Mexican States 2009 - Regions Matter: Economic Recovery, Innovation and Sustainable Growth - Regional Development Policies in OECD Countries - Regions and Innovation Policy - OECD Regional Outlook 2011: Building Resilient Regions for Stronger Economies

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Public Sector Compensation in Times of Austerity

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264177734 Oscar Huerta Melchor (GOV) Governance 16 x 23 149 3 15 €45 $63 £40 ¥5800 31/10/2012 (forecast)


Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Austerity drives are leading governments to reduce operational cuts through the wage bill and staffing levels. A big lesson from past experience suggests that when pay cuts and freezes are necessary, it is essential to assess the savings relative to the costs – the loss of institutional knowledge if key contributors retire or resign, the time lost by managers and employees who have to deal with the issues related to vacancies and reorganizations, the lost productivity while people acquire new skills and learn new jobs, and the falloff in performance among employees who become discouraged or unsatisfied. This assessment does not appear to have taken place in the current crisis. This report argues that any new approaches to public sector pay must help to: enhance external competitiveness of salaries; promote internal equity throughout the public sector; reflect the values of public organisations; and align compensation with government’s core strategic objectives. It calls for a recognition of the supply and demand for specific expertise.

Further reading

- OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2012 Issue 1 - OECD Regional Outlook 2011: Building Resilient Regions for Stronger Economies

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Redefining “Urban”

Book subtitle

A New Way to Measure Metropolitan Areas

ISBN Author Theme Featured Countries Format Pages Maps Price Release date

9789264174054 Monica Brezzi (GOV) Urban, Rural and Regional Development (Main), Governance South Africa, China, United Kingdom (England) 16 x 23 148 5 €27 $37 £24 ¥3500 MXN480 06/06/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This report compares urbanisation trends in OECD countries on the basis of a newly defined OECD methodology which enables cross-country comparison of the socio-econimic and environmental performance of metropolitan areas in OECD countries. The methodology is presented and results from its application to 27 OECD countries are discussed together with policy implication both on national growth and governance of cities. The report also includes three original papers that present the urbanisation dynamics and prospects in China and South Africa and the governance challenges resulting from the new policy agenda on cities in the United Kingdom.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1. Redefining urban areas in OECD countries CHAPTER 2. Urbanisation and migration trends in South Africa: theory and policy implications CHAPTER 3. Urbanisation in China today CHAPTER 4. Focusing on functionality: changing approaches to economic development in England

Further reading

- OECD Green Growth Studies: Compact City Policies (see separate flyer) - Cities and Climate Change - OECD Regions at a Glance 2011 - OECD Regional Outlook 2011: Building Resilient Regions for Stronger Economies

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Restoring Public Finances

Book subtitle

2012 Update

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264179448 Knut Klepsvik and Keum-Chol Park (GOV) Public Governance 21 x 28 239 62 246 €76 $106 £68 ¥9800 MXN1360 14/12/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


This report gives an update on fiscal consolidation strategies across OECD member countries since last year. Chapter 1 describes the scope and composition of country plans, compares them with calculated fiscal need, and provides information on the timing and details. Chapter 2 contains notes on each of the 29 countries which present the current fiscal position and announced fiscal paths, the consolidation plans, and detailed expenditure and revenue measures. Chapter 3 discusses the financial situation and consolidation needs of sub-national governments, and the policies that are being carried out at both levels of government to reach the consolidation objectives.

Further reading

- OECD Journal on Budgeting, Volume 2011 Issue 2 - OECD Economic Surveys

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Pedestrian Safety, Urban Space and Health

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Price Release date

9789282103647 International Transport Forum (ITF) Transport 21 x 28 116 €30.00 $42.00 £27.00 ¥3 900 26/09/2012


Rights available in all languages except English, French and Spanish (option). Description

Walking is the most natural form of mobility; however cities have not always evolved to accommodate the needs of pedestrians and walking has in many cases been neglected in the development of transport systems. Improving the pedestrian environment can contribute significantly to meeting the challenges of climate change, air pollution and health. This report presents decision-makers with hard evidence on the important place of walking in transport policies and provide guidelines for developing a safe environment conducive to walking. This is an essential contribution to creating liveable cities. Every single trip begins and ends by walking.


Foreword Key Messages Recommendations Chapter 1. Introduction: Walking and the Challenges of the 21st Century Chapter 2. Walking: The Neglected Transport Mode Chapter 3. Walking Patterns in ITF/OECD Countries Chapter 4. Walking, Health and Well-Being Chapter 5. Safety and Personal Security: Facts and Feelings Chapter 6. Key Elements and Planning Principles to Promote Walking Chapter 7. Need for a Walking Strategy: Role of Governments and Stakeholders -7.1. Chapter 8. Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions Recommendations


OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

Series Title

OECD Insights


Economic Globalisation

Book subtitle

Origins and Consequences

ISBN Author Themes

9789264111899 Loic Verdier (PAC) General Economics and Future Studies (Main), Development, Emerging Economies, Trade 14.5 x 22 106 0 16 €15 $19 £10 ¥2000 MXN190 18/09/2012

Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Few subjects are as controversial – and poorly understood – as globalisation. While in its broadest sense, economic globalisation is as old as trade itself, the recent financial crisis has amplified the complexity associated with the global interconnectedness of the world’s economies and its ramifications on our livelihoods. This publication reviews the major turning points in the history of economic integration, and in particular the pace at which it has accelerated since the 1990s. It also considers its impact in four crucial areas, namely employment, development, the environment and financial stability: does globalisation foster development or create inequality? Does it promote or destroy jobs? Is it damaging to the environment or compatible with its preservation? Are we heading towards de-globalisation or can globalisation in fact enable recovery?


1. Introduction 2. The Merchant, the Inventor and the Sovereign (from the Neolithic Age to World War Two) 3. Growing Economic Integration in a Divided World (1945 - 1990s) 4. A Global or a Semi-global Village? (1990s - present) 5. Is Globalisation Conducive to Development? 6. Does Globalisation Generate Employment? 7. Is Globalisation Compatible with Environmental Preservation? 8. The 2008 Financial Crisis: A Crisis of Globalisation?

Further reading

Other series titles: - From Aid to Development (see separate flyer) - Water (see separate flyer) OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

OECD Insights


From Aid to Development

Book subtitle

The Global Fight against Poverty

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264111523 Brian Keeley (PAC) Development (Main), General Economics and Future Studies 14.5 x 22 188 0 0 €15 $19 £10 ¥2000 MXN190 03/08/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


The balance of economic power is shifting. Countries that were once poor are becoming economic powerhouses. Yet poverty persists worldwide, depriving billions of people of basic necessities and the prospects of creating a better life. How are we responding to this challenge? This book explores the multi-faceted world of aid and development co-operation – a range of global, and sometimes contested, efforts aimed at reducing the impact of poverty. It traces the history of these efforts, explains where they come from and where they are going, and asks whether they are achieving as much as they could. It also examines some of the ways in which development efforts can be made more effective in achieving lasting benefits through good governance and the creation of a deeper partnership between developed and developing countries. And it looks at how the economic emergence of countries like China and India is bringing a new dynamic to development co-operation.


1. Introduction 2. The persistence of poverty 3. What is aid? 4. Shifting development goals and motivations 5. Are we getting results? 6. Changing relationships and policies 7. Governance matters 8. New partners for development

Further reading

- Perspectives on Global Development 2013 (see separate flyer) - Development Co-operation Report 2012 (see separate flyer) - Economic Globalisation: Origins and Consequences (see separate flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 Series Title

OECD Insights



ISBN Author Themes

9789264179943 Patrick Love (PAC) Environment and Sustainable Development (Main), General Economics and Future Studies, Agriculture and Food, Energy 14.5 x 22 140 0 18 €15 $19 £10 ¥2000 MXN190 31/10/2012 (forecast)

Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


The main impacts on water availability and use are due to human activity. Economic expansion and rising living standards will continue to drive the demand for water in the years to come. Over 90% of projected population growth by 2050 (3 billion more people) will be in developing countries, often in regions which already are water scarce. OECD Insights: Water looks at how issues ranging from infrastructure financing to climate change influence water resources, as well as the importance of water in activities ranging from energy production to agriculture.

Further reading

- Water Governance in OECD Countries: A Multi-Level Approach - Water Quality and Agriculture: Meeting the Policy Challenge - Meeting the Water Reform Challenge - A Framework for Financing Water Resources Management Other series titles: - From Aid to Development (see separate flyer) - Economic Globalisation (see separate flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2012

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264173095 Mariarosa Lunati (STD) Industry and Services (Main), Trade 21 x 28 136 8 93 €45 $63 £40 ¥5800 MXN810 27/06/2012

Rights available in all languages except English, French and Spanish.


This second issue of Entrepreneurship at a Glance, a product of the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme, presents an original collection of indicators for measuring the state of entrepreneurship, along with explanations of the policy context and interpretation of the data. New to this issue are special chapters addressing measurement issues on women entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance, as well as selected indicators on women entrepreneurship.


RECENT TRENDS IN NEW FIRM CREATIONS AND BANKRUPTCIES PART I. Measuring Entrepreneurship CHAPTER 1. Measuring Women Entrepreneurship CHAPTER 2. Measuring Entrepreneurial Finance: A European Survey of SMEs PART II. Entrepreneurship Indicators CHAPTER 3. Structural Indicators on the Enterprise Population CHAPTER 4. Entreprise Birth, Death and Survival CHAPTER 5. Employment Creation and Destruction CHAPTER 6. Enterprise Growth CHAPTER 7. Women Entrepreneurship CHAPTER 8. Determinants of Entrepreneurships: Selected Indicators

Further reading

- New Entrepreneurs and High Performance Enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa (see MENA flyer) - Women in Business: Policies to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in the MENA Region (see MENA flyer) - Open for Business: Migrant Entrepreneurship in OECD Countries - High-Growth Enterprises: What Governements Can Do to Make a Difference - Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2012: An OECD Scoreboard

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


OECD Factbook 2013

Book subtitle

Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264177062 David Brackfield, Trevor Fletcher (STD) General Economics and Future Studies 21 x 28 300 120 190 €50 $70 £45 ¥6500 MXN900 18/10/2012

Rights available in all languages except English, French, German (option) and Japanese (option).


OECD Factbook 2012/13 is a comprehensive and dynamic statistical annual publication from the OECD. More than 100 indicators cover a wide range of areas: agriculture, economic production, education, energy, environment, foreign aid, health, industry, information and communications, international trade, labour force, population, taxation, public expenditure, and R&D. This year, the OECD Factbook features a focus chapter on gender. Data are provided for all OECD member countries including area totals, and in some cases for selected non-member economies (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa). For each indicator, there is a two-page spread: a text page includes a short introduction followed by a detailed definition of the indicator, comments on comparability of the data, an assessment of long-term trends related to the indicator and a list of references for further information on the indicator; the opposite page contains a table and a graph providing – at a glance – the key message conveyed by the data. A dynamic link is provided for each table where readers can download the corresponding data.

Further reading

- OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook 2013 (see separate flyer) - How’s Life? Measuring Well-being - Society at a Glance 2011 - Health at a Glance 2011 - Education at a Glance 2012 (see separate flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


OECD Internet Economy Outlook 2012

ISBN Author Theme Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264086456 Taylor Reynolds (STI) Science and Information Technology 21 x 28 302 25 152 €90 $126 £81 ¥11700 MXN1620 04/10/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


The Internet is now a fundamental infrastructure supporting the economy, having evolved from a data network connecting PCs with wires to a much broader network of portable devices. It is also on the cusp of a much larger expansion to objects that typically did not have communications capabilities: the “Internet of things” is projected to have more connections than the people using them. This raises many important socio-economic and political issues for stakeholders, as economies and societies become increasingly inter-meshed. Supported by time series data, this publication begins with an overview of trends and highlights how the Internet sector has proven to be resilient during the recent economic crisis. It then examines the various drivers and impacts of Internet use and deployment, as well as emerging technologies, e-health, digital content, security and privacy, and reflects on a methodology for measuring the Internet economy.


EXPANDING CONNECTIVITY AND MEASURING THE INTERNET ECONOMY CHAPTER 1. ICTs, the Internet and the crisis: Macro trends CHAPTER 2. Internet trends and development CHAPTER 3. Internet adoption and use : Households and individuals CHAPTER 4. Internet adoption and use: Business CHAPTER 5. Developments in digital content CHAPTER 6. ICTs for health and ageing CHAPTER 7. Security and privacy CHAPTER 8. Government priorities and policy developments ANNEX. Methodological Considerations

Further reading

- OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 (see separate flyer) - OECD Communications Outlook 2011 OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012

ISBN Author Themes Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

9789264170322 Ester Basri and Mario Cervantes (STI) Science and Information Technology (Main), Industry and Services 21 x 28 280 90 300 €60 $84 £54 ¥7800 MXN1080 08/10/2012

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Based on the latest information and indicators in science and innovation, the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 reviews key trends in policies and performance in OECD countries and major emerging economies across a number of thematic areas. In this edition, individual policy profiles and country profiles trace the driving role that science, technology and innovation are expected to continue to play towards a sustainable and lasting recovery from the economic crisis.


PART I. Innovation and the macroeconomic environment 1. Innovation in the crisis and beyond PART II. Innovation for global and societal challenges 2. Transitioning to green innovation and technology 3. Science and technology perspectives on an ageing society 4. Innovation for development: The challenges ahead PART III. Main trends in science, technology and innovation policy 5. STI policy profiles: Innovation policy governance 6. STI policy profiles: Building competences and capacity to innovate 7. STI policy profiles: Strengthening interactions for innovation 8. STI policy profiles: Human resources for innovation 9. STI policy profiles: Facing new challenges PART IV. Measuring STI performance 10. Science and innovation: Country profiles

Further reading

- OECD Internet Economy Outlook 2012 (see separate flyer) - Intellectual Assets and Innovation: The SME Dimension - OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2011 - Meeting Global Challenges through Better Governance: International Co-operation in Science, Technology and Innovation - Future Prospects for Industrial Biotechnology - Knowledge Networks and Markets in the Life Sciences OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Space Technologies and Food Security

ISBN Author Themes

9789264077447 Claire Jolly (STI) General Economics and Future Studies (Main), Science and Information Technology, Agriculture and Food 16 x 23 80 10 10 €24 $33 £21 ¥3100 MXN430 05/11/2012 (forecast)

Format Pages Tables Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English and French.


Space systems –earth observation and meteorological satellites, space communications, global positioning systems– are becoming an indispensable tool in the international effort to track and better understand our atmosphere, oceans, forests, fresh water resources and land use. As global food supplies increasingly face political, demographic, economic and climate-related challenges, space applications play a fundamental role in providing more accurate and timely information on agricultural production prospects as well as on fish stocks’ evolutions (for example, governments, farmers and researchers can find today a range of near real time information on vegetation and land use, particularly on what types of crops are being planted around the world). This OECD publication reviews key trends in global food supplies and provides an assessment of current and forthcoming capabilities of space technologies. It also examines diverse socio-economic impacts which may be derived from the uses of selected space applications (e.g. improved precision agriculture practices using GPS, from planting to harvest, can reduce in some cases inputs costs and increase productivity), while considering the sustainabibility of different economic models in place today.

Further reading

- OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 (see separate flyer) - Improving Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems - Meeting Global Challenges through Better Governance: International Co-operation in Science, Technology and Innovation

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021

ISBN Author

9789264173026 Pavel Vavra (TAD) In co-edition with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Agriculture and Food (Main), Industry and Services, Trade 21 x 28 282 40 and 80 €60 $84 £54 ¥7800 MXN1080 25/07/2012

Theme Format Pages Tables/Graphs Price Release date

Rights available in all languages except English, French and Spanish.


This is the 18th edition of the Agricultural Outlook and the eighth prepared jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It brings together the commodity, policy and country expertise of both organisations, and input from collaborating member countries. The report provides world market trends for biofuels, cereals, oilseeds, sugar, meats, fish and dairy products over the 2012-2021 period and contains an evaluation of recent developments, and key issues and uncertainties in those commodity markets. A jointly-developed modelling system, based on the OECD’s AGLINK and on the FAO’s COSIMO models, facilitates consistency in the projections. This edition includes a special feature on the challenge of increasing agricultural productivity growth in a sustainable manner.


Outlook in Brief Chapter 1. Overview Chapter 2. Special feature: Achieving sustainable agricultural productivity growth Chapter 3. Biofuels Chapter 4. Cereals Chapter 5. Oilseeds and oilseed products Chapter 6. Sugar Chapter 7. Meat Chapter 8. Fish and seafood Chapter 9. Dairy Glossary Methodology Statistical Annex

Further reading

- Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2012 (see separate flyer) - Food and Agriculture - Fostering Productivity and Competitiveness in Agriculture - Water Quality and Agriculture: Meeting the Policy Challenge OECD Rights Contacts

Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

More titles by Region Australia and New Zealand East Asia Europe Germany and Austria Latin America and the Caribbean Mexico Middle East and North Africa Slovenia Southeast Asia Sweden Ukraine

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Australia and New Zealand

Book Title

Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Australia

ISBN 9789264170728 Author IEA Theme Energy Format, Pages 20 x 27, 196 Tables / Graphs 12 / 28 Release date 21/11/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Further reading

- Drinking Lives Away: Fighting Health, Social and Economic Harms of Alcohol (see separate flyer) - Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Cook Islands 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


East Asia

Book Title

Energy Policies of IEA Countries: the Republic of Korea

ISBN 9789264171503 Author IEA Theme Energy Format, Pages 20 x 27, 160 Release date 31/12/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and French. Series Title

Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education

Book Title

Lessons from PISA for Japan

ISBN Author Featured countries

9789264118515 Andrew Reilly (EDU) Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Finland, Japan, Poland, Singapore, Sweden, United States Format, Pages 21 x 28, 210 Tables / Graphs 32 / 48 Release date 29/03/2012 Rights available in all languages except English, French and Japanese. Series Title

Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: Peer Reviews

Book Title

People’s Republic of China 2012 Combined: Phase 1 + Phase 2 ; Republic of Korea 2012 Combined: Phase 1 + Phase 2

ISBN 9789264178250 ; 9789264178250 Author Monica Bhatia ; Donal Godfrey, Andrew Auerbach (CTP) Format, Pages 16 x 23, 124 ; 116 Release date 20/07/2012 ; 02/05/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Further reading

- Redefining “Urban” (see separate flyer) - Illegal Trade in Environmentally Sensitive Goods (see separate flyer) - Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2012/13: Special Focus on China and India (see separate flyer) - Greening Household Behaviour: Lessons from the Second household Survey (see separate flyer)

Other forthcoming

- OECD Economic Surveys: China 2012 - OECD Economic Surveys: Japan 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012



Series Title

Competitiveness and Private Sector Development

Book Title

SME Policy Index for the Western Balkans and Turkey

Subtitle ISBN Author Themes

Progress in the Implementation of the Small Business Act 9789264178854 Antonia Fanelli, Jakob Fexer and Anita Richter (DAF) Finance and Investment (Main), Industry and Services, Emerging Economies, Trade Featured Countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey Format, Pages 21 x 28, 120 Tables / Graphs 40 / 40 Release date 20/11/12 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

SME Policy Index 2012: Eastern Partnership Region

Subtitle ISBN Author Themes

Implementation of the Small Business Act 9789264178847 Marina Cernov, Jibran Punthakey and Daniel Quadbeck (DAF) Finance and Investment (Main), Industry and Services, Emerging Economies, Trade Featured Countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine Format, Pages 21 x 28, 250 Tables / Graphs 47 / 43 Release date 29/10/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English, French and Russian.

Further reading

- Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Greece 2012 ; Cyprus 2012 ; Czech Republic 2012 ; Malta 2012 ; Slovak Republic 2012

Other forthcoming

- OECD Economic Surveys: Austria 2012 - OECD Economic Surveys: France 2012 - OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Italy 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Germany and Austria

Book Title

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Germany 2012

ISBN 9789264169296 Author Ivana Capozza (ENV) Theme Environment and Sustainable Development Format, Pages 21 x 28, 162 Tables / Graphs 10 / 28 Release date 21/06/2012 Rights available in all languages except English, French and German.

Other forthcoming

- OECD Economic Surveys: Austria 2012 - OECD Environmental Performance Reveiws: Austria 2013

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Title

Water Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Subtitle ISBN Author Themes Countries covered Salvador,

A Multi-level Approach 9789264174535 Aziza Akhmouch (GOV) Governance (Main), Environment and Sustainable Development Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El

Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru Format, Pages 21 x 28, 150 Tables / Graphs 12 / 29 Release date 31/10/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and Spanish.

Book Title

Revenue Statistics in Latin America

ISBN 9789264110526 Author Maurice Nettley (CTP) Theme Taxation (Main), Emerging Economies Format, Pages 21 x 28, 168 Release date 17/01/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and Spanish.

Book Title

Consumption Tax Trends 2012

Subtitle VAT/GST and Excise Rates, Trends and Administration Issues ISBN 9789264181380 Author StĂŠphane Buydens, Piet Battiau (CTP) Theme Taxation Featured Countries Brazil, India Format, Pages 21 x 28, 180 Tables / Graphs 25 / 5 Release date 03/12/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Further Reading

- Latin American Economic Outlook 2012/13 (see separate flyer) - Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Grenada 2012 ; Montserrat 2012 ; Saint Lucia 2012 ; Brazil 2012 ; Chile 2012 ; Costa Rica 2012 ; Guatemala 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012



Book Title

OECD Territorial Reviews: Chihuahua, Mexico 2012

ISBN 9789264128972 Author Javier Sanchez-Reaza (GOV) Theme Urban, Rural and Regional Development (Main), Governance Format, Pages 21 x 28, 262 Tables / Graphs / Maps 9 / 70 / 8 Release date 11/05/2012 Rights available in all languages except English, French and Spanish.

Book Title

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Mexico 2013

ISBN 9789264180086 Author Brendan Gillespie (ENV) Theme Environment and Sustainable Development Format, Pages 21 x 28, 150 Tables / Graphs 12 / 32 Release date 10/01/2013 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English, French and Spanish.

Further Reading

- Revenue Statistics in Latin America (see Latin America flyer) - Water Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean (see Latin America flyer) - Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Mexico 2012

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Middle East and North Africa

Series Title

Competitiveness and Private Sector Development

Book Title

Women in Business


Policies to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in the MENA Region ISBN 9789264179059 Author Nicola Ehlermann-Cache (DAF) Themes Industry and Services (Main), Emerging Economies, Trade Format, Pages 21 x 28, 133 Tables / Graphs 4/1 Release date 08/10/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Series Title

Competitiveness and Private Sector Development

Book Title

New Entrepreneurs and High Performance Entreprises in the Middle East and North Africa

ISBN 9789264100251 Author Antonio Fanelli, Sara Sultan (DAF) Theme Industry and Services (Main), Emerging Economies, Trade Format, Pages 21 x 28, 120 Tables / Graphs 10 / 20 Release date 03/12/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

Policies for Private Investment in Renewable Energies in the Middle East and North Africa

ISBN Author Theme

9789264183698 Ania Thiemann, Vanessa VallĂŠe (DAF) Finance and Investment/Insurance and Pensions (Main), Industry and Services, Employment, Trade, Environment and Sustainable

Development Format, Pages 21 x 28, 112 Tables / Graphs 6 / 12 Release date 21/12/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and French.

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Middle East and North Africa

Book Title

OECD e-Government Studies: Egypt 2012

ISBN 9789264178786 Author Barbara Ubaldi (GOV) Theme Governance (Main), Science and Information Technology Format, Pages 16 x 23, 220 Tables / Graphs 5 / 100 Release date 15/12/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Series Title

Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: Peer Reviews

Book Title

United Arab Emirates 2012 ; Lebanon 2012

ISBN 9789264178236 ; 9789264178151 Author Donal Godfrey, Andrew Auerbach (CTP) Format, Pages 16 x 23, 116 ; 80 Release date 20/07/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Further reading

- Closing the Gender Gap: Act Now (see separate flyer)

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012



Book Title

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy 2012: Slovenia

ISBN 9789264167223 Author G. Hutschenreiter (STI) Theme Science and Information Technology Format, Pages 21 x 28, 188 Tables / Graphs 27 / 28 Release date 03/08/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Slovenia 2012

ISBN 9789264169258 Author Michalak Krzysztof (ENV) Theme Environment and Sustainable Development Format, Pages 21 x 28, 184 Tables / Graphs 16 / 38 Release date 28/06/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012


Southeast Asia

Book Title

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy 2012: Southeast Asia

ISBN 9789264128705 Author Gernot Hutschenreiter (STI) Theme Science and Information Technology Format, Pages 21 x 28, 200 Release date 05/11/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

OECD Economic Surveys: Indonesia 2012

ISBN 9789264128200 Author A. Mourougane, J. Arnold (ECO) Theme General Economics and Future Studies Format, Pages 21 x 28, 105 Tables / Graphs 13 / 38 Release date 03/10/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

Consumption Tax Trends 2012

Subtitle VAT/GST and Excise Rates, Trends and Administration Issues ISBN 9789264181380 Author StĂŠphane Buydens, Piet Battiau (CTP) Theme Taxation Featured Countries Brazil, India Format, Pages 21 x 28, 180 Tables / Graphs 25 / 5 Release date 03/12/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Further Reading

Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2012/13 (see separate flyer)

Other forthcoming

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Vietnam

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012



Book Title

OECD Territorial Reviews: Sk책ne, Sweden 2012

ISBN 9789264177505 Author Soo-Jin Kim (GOV) Theme Urban, Rural and Regional Development (Main), Governance Format, Pages 16 x 23, 296 Release date 03/07/2012 Rights available in all languages except English and French.

Book Title

OECD Territorial Reviews: Sm책land-Bleikinge, Sweden 2012

ISBN 9789264169494 Author Carlos Icaza Lara Theme Urban, Rural and Regional Development (Main), Governance Format, Pages 16 x 23, 252 Release date 29/03/2012 Rights available in all languages except English, French and Swedish.

Further reading

- OECD Territorial Reviews: Sweden 2010 - OECD Economic Surverys: Sweden 2011

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012



Book Title

Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Ukraine

ISBN 9789264171510 Author IEA Theme Energy Format, Pages 20 x 27, 160 Release date 19/10/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English, French and Ukrainian.

Book Title

SME Policy Index 2012: Eastern Partnership Region

Subtitle ISBN Author Themes

Implementation of the Small Business Act 9789264178847 Marina Cernov, Jibran Punthakey and Daniel Quadbeck (DAF) Finance and Investment (Main), Industry and Services, Emerging Economies, Trade Featured Countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine Format, Pages 21 x 28, 98 Tables / Graphs 47 / 43 Release date 29/10/2012 (forecast) Rights available in all languages except English, French and Russian.

OECD Rights Contacts Laurence.Gerrer-Thomas@oecd.org Copublications and Rights

Sophie.Alibert@oecd.org Translation Rights

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