OECD work in support of a sustainable ocean
of traded goods are transported via ocean shipping.
Ocean shipping and shipbuilding
the maritime logistics chain and digitalisation – both by private and public stakeholders - can help to further reduce inefficiencies and support smooth operations. The challenge is to make sure that digitalisation is not used as a business strategy by a few powerful players to lock in
The main transport mode for global trade is ocean
customers and reduce competition. Guidance to policy-
shipping: around 90% of traded goods are transported
makers is provided in “Information Sharing for Efficient
by ship. As such, the oceans provide the main transport
Maritime Logistics” (ITF, 2018).
arteries for global trade. This comes with opportunities and challenges. The OECD is helping chart the course for
Navigate new policy challenges
more efficient and sustainable maritime transport. Ocean shipping is also part of a larger maritime cluster Maritime transport forms part of a whole cluster of
in its position as buyer and customer. The shipping sector
economic activities that can create economic value
buys ships, so sustains the shipbuilding industry, and
added. Efficient maritime transport can lower the costs
uses ports, terminals and logistics services. Such maritime
for exports and as such enlarge markets. Maritime
clusters are considerable sources of economic value
transport costs have decreased over the last decades
added, jobs and know-how in port-cities, as is illustrated
because of containerisation and increased ship size.
in the paper “The Competitiveness of Global Port-Cities”
This has contributed to global outsourcing, which has
(OECD, 2012). This know-how could be essential for
increased global industrial specialisation patterns but also
new ocean-based activities, such as off-shore energy
contributed to the decline of manufacturing employment
provision. The challenges for policy makers is to make
in OECD countries. As such, the increase in maritime
sure that policy support to the shipping sector realises
trade has had mixed effects. Many parts of the maritime
wider economic benefits and not simply facilitates a “race
supply chain have improved their efficiency, but potential
to the bottom” of flag states trying to attract shipping
for efficiency improvements exist for the interfaces
companies with tax incentives, subsidies – a tendency
between these stakeholders. Information sharing within
described in the 2019 ITF report “Maritime Subsidies” –