OECD Key Titles Catalogue 2013

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OECD Publishing

Key Titles Catalogue 2013

OECD Member Countries • Australia

• Hungary

• Norway

• Austria

• Iceland

• Poland

• Belgium

• Ireland

• Portugal

• Canada

• Israel

• Slovak Republic

• Chile

• Italy

• Slovenia

• Czech Republic

• Japan

• Spain

• Denmark

• Korea

• Sweden

• Estonia

• Luxembourg

• Switzerland

• Finland

• Mexico

• Turkey

• France

• Netherlands

• United Kingdom

• Germany

• New Zealand

• United States

• Greece

Candidates for Accession • Russian Federation

Key Partners • Brazil

• India

• China, People’s Republic of

• Indonesia

• South Africa

OECD Publishing



About the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development The OECD brings governments, business, labour, academia, and civil society organisations together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. Our mission is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world, and to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change. We analyse and compare data to predict future trends. And we set international standards on numerous issues, from the safety of chemicals to the quality of fruit and vegetables. We look, too, at issues that directly affect the lives of ordinary people, such as how much they pay in taxes and social security. We compare how school systems around the world are readying young people for modern life, and how different countries’ pension systems will look after their citizens in old age. This information is published in books, journals and data services, all of which are available via our global knowledge base, the OECD iLibrary (www.oecd-ilibrary.org). OECD Core Values • • • • •


Objective: Our analyses and recommendations are independent and evidence based. Open: We encourage debate and a shared understanding of critical global issues. Bold: We dare to challenge conventional wisdom, starting with our own. Pioneering: We identify and address both emerging and long-term challenges. Ethical: Our credibility is built on trust, integrity and transparency.

OECD Key Titles Catalogue Table of Contents Better Life Index


Science and Technology


OECD Insights


Social Issues, Migration and Health








OECD Factbook


OECD Observer/Yearbook











Urban, Rural and Regional Development 83 OECD iLibrary



OECD Online Bookshop






OECD Statistical Annuals and Periodicals


Finance and Investment


OECD Statistical Packages




OECD Journals


Industry and Services


Ordering OECD Publications


Nuclear Energy


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OECD Better Life Index For more than 50 years, the OECD has been driving better policies for better lives. On its 50th anniversary in 2011, OECD launched the Better Life Initiative, a web portal enabling users to visualise progress graphically. By asking the question, “How’s life?”, across 11 fundamental determinants of well-being, the OECD incorporates the quality of citizens’ lives into a common understanding of progress. Each user can create their own Better Life Index (BLI), comparing well-being in their country to that of others, and their own country’s overall performance with their personal priorities. By using this instrument, they also discover how each of the 11 factors affects quality of life overall, and learn about the best policy practices in these areas. In 2012, the portal was enhanced with updated data. Create your own BLI at www.oecd.org/betterlifeindex

How’s Life? Measuring Well-being October 2011, 250 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11161-5 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111615 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264121164-en $49


¥4 500

This presentation of the Better Life Index in book form shows how OECD countries compare across 11 determinants of well-being: housing, income, jobs, community, education, environment, governance, health, life satisfaction, safety, and work-life balance. It presents the numbers behind the comparisons, thus making it a unique tool for comparing countries.




OECD Insights

Economic Globalisation


Origins and Consequences


November 2012, 106 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11189-9 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111899 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264111905-en €15



¥2 000

Few subjects are as controversial – and poorly understood – as globalisation. While in its broadest sense, economic globalisation is as old as trade itself, the recent fi nancial crisis has amplifi ed the complexity associated with the global interconnectedness of the world’s economies and its ramifi cations on our livelihoods. This publication reviews the major turning points in the history of economic integration, and in particular the pace at which it has accelerated since the 1990s. It also considers its impact on four crucial areas: employment, development, the environment and fi nancial stability. Does globalisation foster development or create inequality? Does it promote or destroy jobs? Is it damaging to the environment or compatible with its preservation? Are we heading towards de-globalisation or can globalisation in fact enable recovery?

OECD Insights

Water Spring 2013, 140 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11151-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111516 $19


¥2 000

The main impacts on water availability and use are due to human activity. Economic expansion and rising living standards will continue to drive the demand for water in the years to come. Over 90% of projected population growth by 2050 (3 billion more people) will be in developing countries, often in regions that already are water scarce. This book looks at how issues ranging from infrastructure fi nancing to climate change infl uence water resources, as well as at the importance of water in activities ranging from energy production to agriculture.




OECD Insights

From Aid to Development


The Global Fight against poverty


August 2012, 188 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11152-3 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111523 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264123571-en €15



¥2 000

The balance of economic power is shifting. Countries that were once poor are becoming economic powerhouses. Yet poverty persists worldwide, depriving billions of people of basic necessities and the prospects of creating a better life. How are we responding to this challenge? This book explores the multi-faceted world of aid and development co-operation – a range of global, and sometimes contested, efforts aimed at reducing the impact of poverty. It traces the history of these efforts, explains where they come from and where they are going, and asks whether they are achieving as much as they could. It also examines some of the ways in which development efforts can be made more effective in achieving lasting benefi ts through good governance and the creation of a deeper partnership between developed and developing countries. And it looks at how the economic emergence of countries like China and India is bringing a new dynamic to development co-operation.

OECD Insights

From Crisis to Recovery The Causes, Course and Consequences of the Great recession




¥2 000

How did the sharpest global slowdown in more than six decades happen, and how can recovery be made sustainable? OECD Insights: From Crisis to Recovery traces the causes, course and consequences of the “Great Recession”. It explains how a global build up of liquidity, coupled with poor regulation, created a fi nancial crisis that quickly began to make itself felt in the real economy, destroying businesses and raising unemployment to its highest level in decades. Is the worst of the crisis over? A swift return to strong growth appears unlikely and employment will take several years to get back to pre-crisis levels. High levels of public and private debt mean cutbacks in savings are likely to become the main priority, meaning the impact of the recession will continue to be felt for years to come.


October 2010, 146 pages ISBN 978-92-64-06911-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264069114 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264077072-en


OECD Factbook 2013 Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics


October 2012, 292 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17706-2 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177062 €50



¥6 500

OECD Factbook 2013 is a comprehensive and dynamic statistical annual publication from the OECD. More than 100 indicators cover a wide range of areas: agriculture, economic production, education, energy, environment, foreign aid, health, industry, information and communications, international trade, labour force, population, taxation, public expenditure, and R&D. This year, the OECD Factbook features a focus chapter on gender. Data are provided for all OECD member countries including area totals, and in some cases for selected non-member economies (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa). For each indicator, there is a two-page spread: a text page includes a short introduction followed by a detailed defi nition of the indicator, comments on comparability of the data, an assessment of long-term trends related to the indicator and a list of references for further information on the indicator; the opposite page contains a table and a graph providing – at a glance – the key message conveyed by the data. A dynamic link (StatLink) is provided for each table where readers can download the corresponding data. The OECD Factbook is also available as a free iPhone/smart phone app. Visit your app provider to obtain it!


OECD Observer / OECD Yearbook 2013




¥9 500

The OECD Observer is OECD’s quarterly magazine that features articles by OECD experts and other guests summarising its latest fi ndings. Each issue includes an editorial by the Secretary-General, news items about what is going on in the organisation, articles grouped by theme, listings of new publications and book reviews, and interesting data nuggets as well as a data bank covering the latest economic data for OECD countries and the BRIICS. Bundled with the OECD Observer is the annual OECD Yearbook, which includes articles by prominent contributors as well as by OECD experts, grouped by theme. In addition it includes snapshots for each OECD country and the BRIICS. These snapshots include key statistical information, interesting facts, a summary of recent economic developments, and other information.


4 issues of 50-100 pages each + 1 yearbook of 200 pages SUB-01011S1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?SUB-01011S1 www.oecdobserver.org


OECD Economic Outlook Two issues annually (May and November), 300 pages SUB-12011S1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?SUB-12011S1 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/16097408 2013 Subscription:




¥ 19 800

OECD’s twice-yearly analysis of major economic trends and prospects for the next two years. Prepared by the OECD Economics Department, the Outlook presents a consistent set of projections for output, employment, prices and current balances. Coverage is provided for all OECD member countries as well as for selected nonmember countries. Each issue includes a general assessment, chapters summarising developments in and providing projections for individual countries, and an extensive statistical annex. Subscribers to the print edition (online+archive) also have access to the online edition, published at least one month prior to the print edition and providing access to spreadsheets of included statistical data. Latest issue: OECD Economic Outlook Volume 2012, Issue 1 May 2012, 298 pages ISBN 978-92-64-13047-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264130470 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eco_outlook-v2012-1-en €102 $147



£91 ¥12 200

OECD Economic Surveys At least 18 issues annually, 150 pages SUB-10011S1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?SUB-10011S1 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/16097513 2013 Subscription: $990


¥95 300

OECD’s periodic reviews of member and non-member economies. OECD member country reviews are generally done on an 18-24 month cycle, while non-member reviews are done as agreed with the subject country. A minimum of 18 surveys are done each year. Eash issue provides a comprehensive analysis of economic and policy developments since the last survey in the subject country along with individual chapters covering key economic challenges being faced and recommendations for dealing with the challenges.




Economic Policy Reforms Going for Growth One issue annually, 150 pages SUB-12071S1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?SUB-12071S1


2013 Subscription: €75



OECD’s annual report highlighting developments in structural policies in OECD countries. Closely related to the OECD Economic Outlook and the OECD Economic Surveys, each issue of Economic Policy Reforms gives an overview of developments followed by a set of indicators that refl ect structural policy evolution. A set of country notes summarises priorities suggested by the indicators with actions taken and recommendations. The country notes section also includes a set of indicator tables and graphs for each country. Each issue also includes several thematic studies. Latest issue: Economic Policy Reforms 2012: Going for Growth February 2012, 220 pages ISBN 978-92-64-16825-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264168251 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/growth-2012-en €35 $49


¥9 500

£31 ¥4 500

Divided We Stand Why Inequality Keeps Growing

January 2012, 388 pages ISBN 978-92-64-111639 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111639 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/10.1787/9789264119536-en $105


¥9 700

In the three decades before the recent economic downturn, wage gaps widened and household income inequality increased in a large majority of OECD countries. This occurred even as countries were going through a period of sustained economic and employment growth. This report analyses the major underlying forces behind these developments. It examines to which extent economic globalisation, skill-biased technological progress and institutional and regulatory reforms have had an impact on the distribution of earnings. The report further provides evidence of how changes in family formation and household structures have altered household earnings and income inequality. And it documents how tax and benefi t systems have changed in the ways they redistribute household incomes. The report discusses which policies are most promising to counter increases in inequalities and how the policy mix can be adjusted when public budgets are under strain.




OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021 July 2012, 282 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17302-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264173026 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/agr_outlook-2012-en





¥7 800

This is the 18th edition of the Agricultural Outlook and the eighth prepared jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It brings together the commodity, policy and country expertise of both organisations, and input from collaborating member countries. The report provides world market trends for biofuels, cereals, oilseeds, sugar, meats, fi sh and dairy products over the 2012-2021 period and contains an evaluation of recent developments, and key issues and uncertainties in those commodity markets. A jointly-developed modelling system, based on the OECD’s AGLINK and on the FAO’s COSIMO models, facilitates consistency in the projections. This edition includes a special feature on the challenge of increasing agricultural productivity growth in a sustainable manner. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML. 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-51021S1 €62 $82

£49 ¥7 800

2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-51021S2 16

€40 $54

£32 ¥5 000

Agricultural Policy: Monitoring and Evaluation 2012 September 2012, 288 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17352-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264173521 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/agr_pol-2012-en €54



¥7 000

This report is a unique source of up-to-date estimates of support to agriculture in the OECD area and is complemented by individual chapters on agricultural policy developments in OECD countries.


This report on agricultural policies covers OECD member countries (including the new members who joined during 2010 – Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia). This edition shows that after an increase in 2009, producer support in OECD area declined in 2010 and remained rather stable in 2011. In the longer term perspective the OECD estimates of support confi rm the downward trend in support to farmers.

Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML. 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-51031S1 €62 $82

£49 ¥7 800

2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-51031S2 €40 $54

£32 ¥5 000


Environmental Peformance of Agriculture at a Glance 2013


January 2013, 150 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18115-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264181151





¥4 500

In OECD countries, agriculture uses on average over 40% of land and water resources, and thus has a signifi cant effect on the environment. This report provides the latest and most comprehensive data and analysis on the environmental performance of agriculture in OECD countries since 1990. It covers key environmental themes including soil, water, air and biodiversity and looks at recent policy developments in all 34 countries.

Development Co-operation Report 2012 Lessons in Linking Sustainability and Development December 2012, 280 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17808-3 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264178083 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/dcr-2012-en $133


¥13 000

The Development Co-operation Report is the key annual reference document for statistics and analysis on trends in international aid. This year, the Development Co-operation Report 2012 seeks to provide insights into how to address today’s sustainable development challenges, with a focus on inclusiveness and good governance to ensure that our fi nite resources are equitably distributed, now and in the future. Sharing fi nite resources among a growing number of people – and consumers – is a critical challenge. It is in this spirit that J. Brian Atwood, Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), invited several prominent experts on sustainable development to contribute to this year’s report.



Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML. 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-43061S1 €103 $137

£82 ¥13 000

2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-43061S2 €67 $89

£54 ¥8 400


Perspectives on Global Development 2013 New Strategies for productive Development


February 2013, 250 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17711-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177116 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/persp _glob_dev-2013-en €60



¥7 800

First launched in 2010, Perspectives on Global Development (PGD) is OECD’s annual fl agship publication on emerging development issues. The PGD takes the new geography of economic growth, poverty and power as a point of departure. Each year, the report identifi es, analyses and provides evidence and policy solutions to the most pressing global development challenges in the new multipolar world. It provides an overview of global trends and structural transformations in the world economy and informs policy makers in developing countries on the implications in the formulation and implementation of national policies. Each year, the report focuses on a different topic covering diverse socio-economic facets of development from trade, development fi nance, infrastructure, production development and innovation to gender, employment, migration, fi scal and social policies. During the past decade, the global economic centre of gravity has shifted eastwards and southwards, creating new opportunities for economic co-operation, trade and investment but also new challenges. This “shifting wealth” is a game changer for economic policy and is at the centre of the fi rst three editions of the Perspectives on Global Development, which document the phenomenon (PGD 2010) and analyse its implications for social cohesion (PGD 2012) and productive growth strategies (PGD 2013).


Tax and Development Aid Modalities for Strengthening Tax Systems November 2012, 120 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17757-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177574 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264177581-en $49


¥4 500

Tax and Development: Aid Modalities for Strengthening Tax Systems examines the aid instruments that donors can use to assist developing countries in strengthening their tax systems. From general or sector budget support, to basket fi nancing modalities and other joint instruments, stand-alone bilateral aid and South-South regional programmes, it looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each modality. It considers the needs and context to which each one best responds and describes how mixed “packages” may often best fi t the bill. Crucially, it also affords thoughtful insights into how tax reform can yield governance dividends and provides examples from the experience of a number of developing countries, culminating in six illuminating case studies in tax reform. Although they consider diffi culties as well as successes, they offer practical pointers to future directions for research and action.




Latin American Economic Outlook 2013 SMEs in Latin America


November 2012, 155 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18072-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264180727 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/leo2013-en





¥7 800

Latin America has weathered the recent turbulence in the global economy with relative strength, but the region now faces – beyond the short-term global uncertainty – important medium term risks. Policy makers need to make use of the policy space at their disposal to lay the foundations for inclusive and sustainable growth. SMEs play a key role as they are an integral part of the economic fabric, comprising over 95% of fi rms in the region as well as providing employment for over 60% of the region’s inhabitants. Nevertheless, relative to SMEs in the OECD, on average SMEs in Latin America exhibit low levels of relative productivity and weak links with the rest of the economy. With this perspective in mind, the report explores key policy areas that address some of the main challenges to SMEs in the region including access to fi nance, skill development, innovation, and productive development.

African Economic Outlook 2012 promoting Youth Employment May 2012, 300 pages ISBN 978-92-64-176096 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264176096 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/aeo-2012-en $70


¥6 500

The African Economic Outlook is an essential reference for monitoring the economic, social and political developments of the continent. The 2012 edition contains: • Original macroeconomic analysis and forecasts • A special focus on how to promote youth employment in Africa • Individual country notes for 53 of the continent’s 54 countries • Rigorous and politically independent analysis • A rich statistical annex




Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2013 With perspectives on China and India


January 2013, 200 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18076-5 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264180765





¥5 400

This edition of the Southeast Asian Economic Outlook examines medium-term growth prospects, recent macroeconomic policy challenges, and structural challenges including human capital, infrastructure and SME development. It also looks at economic disparities “between” and “within” countries in the region. While solid growth is forecast to continue until 2017, countries must address structural issues in order to sustain this favourable outlook. Narrowing development gaps presents one of the region’s most important challenges.

Education at a Glance 2012 Highlights

September 2012, 90 pages ISBN 978-92-6417956-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264179561 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag _highlights-2012-en €28



¥3 600

• Education levels and student numbers • Economic and social benefi ts of education • Paying for education


Education at a Glance 2012: Highlights summarises the compendium of education statistics, Education at a Glance. It provides easily accessible data on key topics in education today, including:

• The school environment • Equity: A special section introduces issues relating to equity in education: how important is pre-primary education, how does socio-economic background affect educational performance, how easy is it for older people to access education, and how wide is the gender gap? Each indicator is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains the signifi cance of the indicator, discusses the main fi ndings, examines key trends and provides readers with a roadmap for fi nding out more in the OECD education databases and in other OECD education publications. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel® format. 25

Education at a Glance 2012 OECD Indicators September 2012, 568 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17715-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177154 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-2012-en






¥9 700

Featuring more than 140 charts, 230 tables, and 100 000 fi gures, Education at a Glance provides key information on the ouput of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; the fi nancial and human resources invested in education; access, participation and progression in education, and the learning environment and organisation of schools. Coverage is provided for all OECD and some nonOECD G20 nations. In the 2012 edition, new indicators focus on the effect of the global economic crisis on education expenditures, the state of early childhood education systems, intergenerational mobility in higher education, the impact of education on macroeconomic outcomes, the factors that infl uence the level of education spending, career expectations among boys and girls at age 15, the makeup of the teaching force in different countries and training requirements to enter the teaching profession, and the impact of examinations on access to secondary and higher education. Excel® spreadsheets containing the data found in tables and charts in Education at a Glance are available via the StatLinks provided throughout. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML: 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-96021S1 €82 $109 £66 ¥10 400 2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-96021S2 €53 $70 £42 ¥6 700

Education Today 2012 The OECD perspective

November 2012, 100 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17710-9 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177109 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/edu_today-2012-en €28



¥3 600

Organised into eight chapters, this report examines early childhood education, schooling, transitions beyond initial education, higher education, adult learning, outcomes and returns, equity, and innovation. The chapters are structured around key fi ndings and policy directions emerging from recent OECD educational analyses. Each entry highlights the main message in a concise and accessible way, with a brief explanation and reference to the original OECD source.


What does the OECD have to say about the state of education today? What are the main OECD messages on early childhood education, teacher policies and tertiary education? What about student performance, educational spending and equity in education?


Trends Shaping Education 2012 November 2012, 100 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17708-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177086 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/trends_edu-2012-en





¥3 900

What does it mean for education that our societies are increasingly diverse? How is global economic power shifting towards new countries? In what ways are working patterns changing? Trends Shaping Education 2012 brings together international evidence to address questions like these. To make the content accessible, each trend is presented on a double page, containing an introduction, two charts with brief descriptive text and a set of pertinent questions for education. The trends presented are based on high quality international data, primarily from the OECD, the World Bank and the United Nations. The charts contain dynamic links so that readers can access the original data. Trends Shaping Education 2012 is organised around fi ve broad themes, each with its own “fi nd out more” section: • The dynamics of globalisation. • Well-being, health and security • Changing dynamics in the labour market • Families and childhood • Information and communications technology


This book is designed to be robust, non-specialist source to inform strategic thinking and stimulate refl ection on the challenges facing education, whether in schools, universities or programmes for older adults.

The Impact of Arts Education What Do We Know?

December 2012, 220 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18077-2 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264180772 €45



¥5 800


Arts education is often said to be a means of developing critical and creative thinking. Arts education has also been argued to enhance performance in non-arts academic subjects such as mathematics, science, reading and writing, and to strengthen students’ academic motivation, self-confi dence, and ability to communicate and cooperate effectively. Arts education thus seems to have a positive impact on the three subsets of skills that we defi ne as “skills for innovation”: subject-based skills, including in non-arts subjects; skills in thinking and creativity; and behavioural and social skills. This report examines the state of empirical knowledge about the impact of arts education on these kinds of outcomes. The kinds of arts education examined include arts classes in school (classes in music, visual arts, theatre, and dance), arts-integrated classes (where the arts are taught as a support for an academic subject), and arts study undertaken outside of school (e.g., private music lessons; out-of-school classes in theatre, visual arts, and dance). The report does not deal with education about the arts or cultural education, which may be included in all kinds of subjects.


Let’s Read Them a Story! The parent Factor in Education July 2012, 82 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17619-5 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264176195 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264176232-en






¥1 900

Most parents know instinctively that spending more time with their children and being actively involved in their education will give their children a good head-start in life. But since most parents have to juggle competing demands at work and home, there never seems to be enough time or they feel ill-equipped to help. This book from the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has some good news for concerned parents: it does not require a Ph.D or unlimited hours for parents to make a difference in their children’s education. In fact, many parentchild activities that are associated with better reading performance among students involve relatively little time and no specialised knowledge. What these activities do demand is genuine interest and active engagement.

Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives A Strategic Approach to Skills policies May 2012, 120 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17729-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177291 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264177338-en €39



¥5 000


Recognising both the complexity of skills policies and the potential for peer learning, the OECD has developed a global Skills Strategy that helps countries to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their national skills systems, benchmark them internationally, and develop policies that can transform better skills into better jobs, economic growth and social inclusion. This book presents a strategy that will help countries reach the goal of having and making the best use of a high-quality pool of skills. The OECD Skills Strategy shifts the focus from traditional measures of skills, such as years of initial education and training or qualifi cations attained, to a much broader perspective that includes the skills people can acquire, use and maintain – and also lose – over a whole lifetime. Without suffi cient investment in skills, people languish on the margins of society, technological progress does not translate into economic growth, and countries can no longer compete in an increasingly knowledge-based global society. In addition, the book points out that for skills to retain their value, they must be continuously maintained and upgraded throughout life so that people can collaborate, compete and connect in ways that drive economies and societies forward.


OECD Employment Outlook 2012 July 2012, 260 pages ISBN 978-92-64-16668-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264166684 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/empl_outlook-2012-en






¥10 400

This 30th edition of the OECD Employment Outlook examines recent labour market trends and short-term prospects in OECD countries. It fi nds that the recovery from the recent economic and fi nancial crisis has been slow and uneven. Unemployment remains unacceptably high in many countries and long-term unemployment has risen, increasing the risk of higher unemployment becoming entrenched. An analysis of how labour markets weather economic shocks shows that policies to lower structural unemployment also help to dampen the adverse effects of economic downturns on unemployment, earnings losses and earnings inequality. The report documents the decline in the labour share of national income that has been occurring in many OECD countries, primarily as a result of globalisation and technological change. Finally, the impact of climatechange mitigation policies on the labour market is examined. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML: 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-81061S1 €103 $137 £82 ¥13 000 2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-81061S2 €67 $89 £54 ¥8 400

Closing the Gender Gap Act Now October 2012, 296 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17936-3 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264179363 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264179370-en €80



¥10 400

Key policy messages include: • Greater gender equality in educational attainment has a strong positive effect on economic growth. • Stereotyping needs to be addressed in educational choices at school from a young age. For example, adapt teaching strategies and material to increase engagement of boys in reading and of girls in maths and science; encourage more girls to follow science, engineering and maths courses in higher education and seek employment in these fi elds. • Good and affordable childcare is a key factor for better gender equality in employment. But change also has to happen at home as the bulk of housework and caring is left to women in many countries. Policy can support such change, for example, through parental leave policies that explicitly include fathers. • Support policies for women-owned enterprises need to target all existing fi rms, not just start-ups and small enterprises. Equal access to fi nance for male and female entrepreneurs needs to be assured.


Gender gaps are pervasive in all walks of economic life and imply large losses in terms of foregone productivity and living standards to the individuals concerned and the economy. This new OECD report focuses on how best to close these gender gaps under four broad headings: gender equality, social norms and public policies, gender equality in education, and employment and entrepreneurship.


World Energy Outlook 2012

November 2012, 750 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18084-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264180840 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/weo-2012-en





¥19 500

World Energy Outlook 2012 presents authoritative projections of energy trends through to 2035 and insights into what they mean for energy security, environmental sustainability and economic development. Oil, coal, natural gas, renewables and nuclear power are all covered, including the outlook for unconventional gas, building on the recent WEO special report on the Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas. Global energy demand, production, trade, investment and carbon dioxide emissions are broken down by region or country, by fuel and by sector, including: • An in-depth outlook for Iraq’s energy sector. • A comprehensive look at the strategies to unlock the potential of energy efficiency. • An examination of the cost of delaying action on climate change. • An exploration of the implications for energy production of water resources being stressed in some regions. • Indicators to monitor progress towards providing modern energy services to the billions currently lacking them. With extensive data, projections and analysis, WEO-2012 provides invaluable insights into how the global energy system could evolve over the next quarter of a century. It is indispensable for anyone with a stake in the energy sector.


Electricity and a ClimateConstrained World Data and Analysis November 2012, 100 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17552-5 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264175525 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264175556-en €50



¥6 500


Electricity use is growing worldwide, providing a range of energy services: lighting, heating and cooling, specifi c industrial uses, entertainment, information technologies, and mobility. Because its generation remains largely based on fossil fuels, electricity is also the largest and the fastest-growing source of energy-related CO2 emissions, the primary cause of human-induced climate change. Forecasts from the IEA and others show that “decarbonising” electricity and enhancing end-use effi ciency can make major contributions to the fi ght against climate change. Global and regional trends in electricity supply and demand indicate the magnitude of the decarbonisation challenge ahead. As climate concerns become an essential component of energy policy-making, the generation and use of electricity will be subject to increasingly strong policy actions by governments to reduce their associated CO2 emissions. Despite these actions, and despite very rapid growth in renewable energy generation, signifi cant technology and policy challenges remain if this unprecedented, essential transition is to be achieved. This book provides an authoritative resource on progress to date in this area, with statistics related to CO2 and the electricity sector across ten regions of the world. It also presents topical analyses on meeting the challenge of rapidly curbing CO2 emissions from electricity, from both a policy and technology perspective.


Medium-Term Gas Market Report 2012 Market Trends and projections to 2017 June 2012, 100 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17797-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177970 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264177987-en





¥13 000

With ample recoverable resources, natural gas seems destined for a bright future. It nevertheless faces many challenges to increase its share in the primary energy mix, including insuffi cient upstream development, inadequate pricing structure, competition from other fuels, and geopolitical issues. The IEA Medium-Term Gas Market Report 2012 reviews how gas markets managed the challenges of 2011, from the consequences of the Fukushima incident to the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa to a further deteriorating economy. It gives detailed gas supply, demand and trade forecasts up to 2017, by region as well as for key countries, while investigating many of today’s crucial questions: • Will regional gas markets diverge further or will the shale gase revolution spread worldwide? • Will North America become a signifi cant LNG exporter? • Can China meet its goal of doubling gas consumption in four years? • Will natural gas replace nuclear energy in the US power sector? • Can a spot price emerge in Asia?


Amid a fragile economy and widely diverging regional gas prices, the report provides an in-depth look at future changes in trade patterns as markets absorb a second wave of LNG supply.

Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2012 Market Trends and projections to 2017 July 2012, 100 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17799-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177994 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264178007-en â‚Ź100



ÂĽ13 000


As the fastest growing sector and accounting for around a fi fth of worldwide electricity production, renewable energy has emerged as a signifi cant source in the global mix. Much of this success has stemmed from signifi cant policy effort and economic incentives at the country level, particularly in the OECD. Massive investment has taken place on a global scale, with costs for most technologies falling steadily. As a result, renewable energy technologies are becoming more economically attractive in an increasing range of countries and circumstances, with China, India and Brazil emerging as major deployment grounds. This new annual IEA publication, Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2012, provides a key benchmark, assessing the current state of play of renewable energy, identifying the main drivers and barriers to deployment and projecting renewable energy electricity capacity and generation through 2017. Starting with an in-depth analysis of key country-level markets, which represent 80% of renewable electricity generation today, the report examines the prospects for renewable energy fi nance and provides a global outlook for each renewable electricity technology. The report analyses enablers and barriers to renewable energy deployment in detail, examining larger electricity market issues that have implications for renewable development, including countrylevel demand projections, anticipated changes in conventional generating capacity and power system integration.


OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 The Consequences of Inaction


March 2012, 350 pages ISBN 978-92-64-12216-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264122161 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264122246-en





¥10 400

Humanity has witnessed unprecedented growth and prosperity in the past decades, with the size of the world economy more than tripling and population increasing by over 3 billion people since 1970. This growth, however, has been accompanied by environmental pollution and natural resource depletion. The current growth model and the mismanagement of natural assets could ultimately undermine human development. The OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 asks, “What will the next four decades bring?” Based on joint modelling by the OECD and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, it looks forward to the year 2050 to fi nd out what demographic and economic trends might mean for the environment if the world does not adopt more ambitious green policies. It also looks at what policies could change that picture for the better. This Outlook focuses on four areas: climate change, biodiversity, freshwater and health impacts of pollution. These four key environmental challenges were identifi ed by the previous Environmental Outlook to 2030 (OECD, 2008) as “Red Light” issues requiring urgent attention.

Environment at a Glance 2012 OECD Indicators

November 2012, 150 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18140-3 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264181403 $56


¥5 200

This book includes key environmental indicators endorsed by OECD Environment Ministers and major environmental indicators from the OECD Core Set. These indicators refl ect environmental progress made since the early 1990s and thus contribute to measuring environmental performance. Organised by issues such as climate change, air pollution, biodiversity, waste or water resources, they provide essential information for all those interested in the environment and in sustainable development.




Greening Household Behaviour Lessons from the Second Household Survey


June 2013, 270 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18082-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264180826 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264181373-en €42



¥5 400

Developing growth strategies that promote greener lifestyles requires a good understanding of the factors that affect people’s behaviour towards the environment. Based on periodic surveys of more than 10 000 households across a number of countries and areas, this publication presents responses from the most recent round of the OECD survey implemented in 2011 in energy, food, transport, waste and water - and in 11 countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Israel, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Analysis comparing the data across countries, policy conditions and households’characteristics reveals which measures most effectively change behaviour. Each round of the survey also allows tracking changes over time and exploring new emerging issues. This book is a milestone for all those interested by the challenging question of ways to promote greener behaviour, from policy makers to individual citizens.


OECD Green Growth Studies

Water and Green Growth

February 2013, 100 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18141-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264181410 $44


ÂĽ4 100

This report demonstrates the benefi ts of a green growth perspective for water resources management (WRM). It pays particular attention to transition: how to inject green growth elements in WRM policies, or in national water strategies, and how to make reform happen (what are the benefi ts; how they can materialise). The report builds on OECD analyses and a wealth of case studies collected by several institutions. It covers four main issues: allocation (where is water most needed?); investment in ecologically sensitive water storage and distribution systems (how to guarantee access to the resource); water-related innovation (e.g. smart water systems, which can save water, energy and investment costs) and the policies which can stimulate it; and water supply and sanitation (as improved access yields signifi cant benefi ts on health, the environment and the economy).



The report also considers a series of cross-cutting issues: linkages with biodiversity; pricing; equity; governance (national/local initiatives, the role of communities); and strategic planning (a key political tool to make reform happen).



OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook 2013

December 2012, 125 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18139-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264181397 €35


¥4 500

Each year, the OECD circulates a survey on the borrowing needs of member countries. The responses are incorporated in the OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook to provide regular updates of trends and developments associated with sovereign borrowing requirements and debt levels from the perspective of public debt managers. The Outlook makes a policy distinction between funding strategy and borrowing requirements. The central government marketable gross borrowing needs, or requirements, are calculated on the basis of budget defi cits and redemptions. The funding strategy entails decisions on how borrowing needs are going to be fi nanced using different instruments (e.g. long-term, short-term, nominal, indexed, etc.) and distribution channels. Accordingly, the OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook provides data and information on borrowing needs and funding policies for the OECD area and country groupings, including: • • • • •



Gross borrowing requirements Net borrowing requirements Central government marketable debt Funding strategies and instruments Distribution channels

Competitive Neutrality Maintaining a Level playing Field between public and private business




¥3 900

Most policy makers agree that competitive neutrality is a sound idea and member governments of the OECD have demonstrated their commitment to a level playing fi eld. This report identifi es the main challenges in obtaining competitive neutrality between public and private entities operating in mixed markets. It also sheds light on some of the remedies to these challenges based on actual practices in OECD countries as well as existing OECD instruments and best practices bearing on the topic. It is organised around the eight “building blocks” that governments should address if they seek to obtain competitive neutrality.


September 2012, 110 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17894-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264178946 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264178953-en


OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises FINANCE AND INVESTMENT

2011 Edition


October 2011, 92 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11528-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264115286 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264115415-en €24



¥3 100

This 2011 edition of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises commits 42 countries to new, tougher standards of corporate behaviour. The updated Guidelines include new recommendations on human rights abuse and company responsibility for their supply chains, making them the fi rst inter-governmental agreement in this area. The Guidelines establish that fi rms should respect human rights in every country in which they operate. Companies should also respect environmental and labour standards, for example, and have appropriate due diligence processes in place to ensure this happens. These include issues such as paying decent wages, combating bribe solicitation and extortion, and the promotion of sustainable consumption. The Guidelines are a comprehensive, non-binding code of conduct that OECD member countries and others have agreed to promote among the business sector. A new, tougher process for complaints and mediation has also been put in place.

Annual Report on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2012




¥9 100

These Guidelines are recommendations by governments covering all major areas of business ethics, including corporate steps to obey the law, observe internationallyrecognised standards and respond to other societal expectations. This report describes the actions taken by the 44 adhering governments over the 12 months to June 2012 to implement the Guidelines, a reporting period which saw the implementation of a proactive agenda to promote and apply the recommendations found therein. In particular it highlights the activities of governmental National Contact Points, whose powers were reinforced during the 2011 update. It includes a summary of the capacity building session on national contact point mediation held during the 11th meeting of the National Contact Points.


November 2012, 200 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18144-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?979264181441


Government at a Glance 2011 (Next edition mid-2013)


July 2011, 268 pages ISBN 978-92-64-09657-8 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264096578 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/gov_glance-2011-en €35



¥4 500

This second edition of Government at a Glance more than doubles the number of available indicators of OECD governments’ performance. The indicators compare the political and institutional frameworks of government across OECD countries as well as government revenues and expenditures, employment, and compensation. They also include indicators describing government policies and practices on integrity, e-government and open government, and introduce several composite indexes summarising key aspects of public management practices in human resources management, budgeting, procurement, and regulatory management. The report also offers two special chapters, on leveraged governance and on the policy implications of fi scal consolidation. The 58 data sets of member and partner countries in this edition of Government at a Glance include the fi rst ever international comparison of public sector pay for selected professions and public service occupations, which points to a fairly egalitarian pay structure in the public sector; estimations of country-specifi c fi scal consolidation requirements, which have been found to be large in many countries; the level of disclosure of private interests in the three branches of government; and the implementation gap of Open Government policies to promote transparency, effi ciency and trust.


Restoring Public Finances 2012 Update September 2012, 240 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17944-8 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264179448 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264179455-en $106


¥9 800

This report gives an update on fi scal consolidation strategies across OECD member countries since last year. It describes the scope and composition of country plans, compares them with calculated fi scal need, and provides information on the timing and details. It also contains notes on each of the 29 countries, which present the current fi scal position and announced fi scal paths, the consolidation plans, and detailed expenditure and revenue measures. Finally, it discusses the fi nancial situation and consolidation needs of sub-national governments, and the policies that are being carried out at both levels of government to reach the consolidation objectives.




Institutional and Financial Relations across Levels of Government


April 2012, 160 pages ISBN 978-92-64-16689-9 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264166899 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264167001-en





ÂĽ5 800

As fi nancial markets put more and more pressure on governments to reduce their defi cits and debts, sub-central levels of government are a key player in the implementation of national strategies. The room for manoeuvre to implement consolidations strategies co-ordinated across levels of government highly depends on the institutional structure of intergovernmental relations, and the effectiveness of their multi-level governance structure. This was already the case for recovery strategies, in the beginning of the crisis. This report provides an overview of the institutional and fi nancial relations across levels of government that enables policy makers evaluate their position and identify good practices for mobilising sub-central governments for national growth, equity and stability objectives. This report is divided into two parts: the fi rst part is analytical and the second part provides institutional and quantitative country information and comparisons.

Reforming Fiscal Federalism and Local Government beyond the Zero-Sum Game




¥5 200

This book describes and examines reforms of fi scal federalism and local government in 10 OECD countries implemented over the past decade. The country chapters identify common patterns and factors that are conducive to reforms of the intergovernmental fi scal framework, using a common methodological approach. The summary chapter highlights the cross-cutting issues emerging from the country chapters and shows the key factors in the institutional, political, economic and fi scal areas that are supporting reform success. The report’s approach results in valuable insights for policy makers designing, adopting and implementing fi scal federalism and local government reforms.


March 2012, 136 pages ISBN 978-92-64-09841-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264098411 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264119970-en


Lobbyists, Governments and Public Trust, Volume 2


promoting Integrity through Selfregulation December 2012, 105 pages ISBN 978-92-64-08493-3 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264084933 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264084940-en €28


¥3 600

This second volume of OECD’s study on lobbying examines regulation and selfregulation of lobbying. It includes chapters defi ning and examining lobbying, describing the role of professional lobbying associations, exploring various codes of conduct and examining specifi c codes in various countries, examining lobbyists’ attitudes toward regulation and self-regulation, and exploring various options for enhancing transparency and accountability. Also available Lobbyists, Governments and Public Trust, Volume 1 Increating Transparency through Legislation December 2009, 170 pages ISBN 978-92-64-07336-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264073364 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9799264073371-en €30 $40 £25 ¥3 700



OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2012




¥11 700

This report provides comparative knowledge, both policy and data, through thematic chapters and country-specifi c policy and statistical profi les. The report highlights key tourism policy developments, focuses on issues that rank high on the policy agenda in the fi eld of tourism and provides a broad overview and interpretation of tourism trends in the OECD area and beyond. Tourism Trends and Policies is becoming an international reference and benchmark on how effectively countries are supporting competitiveness, innovation and growth in tourism, and sheds light on policies and practices associated with this. It is published on a two-year basis. The 2012 edition has been undertaken in co-operation with the European Commission.


July 2012, 451 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17755-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177550 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/tour-2012-en



Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2013


May 2013, 136 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18385-8 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264183858 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/entrepreneur_aag-2013-en €45



¥5 800

This third issue of Entrepreneurship at a Glance, a product of the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme, presents an original collection of indicators for measuring the state of entrepreneurship, along with explanations of the policy context and interpretation of the data. New to this issue are special chapters addressing high growth entreprises and venture capital.

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2012 An OECD Scoreboard




¥8 000

Access to fi nance represents one of the most signifi cant challenges for entrepreneurs and for the creation, survival and growth of small businesses. As governments address this challenge, they are running up against a major and longstanding obstacle to policy making: insuffi cient evidence and data. Better data is needed to understand the fi nancing needs of SMEs and entrepreneurs and to provide the basis for informed institutional and public policy decisions. This fi rst edition of Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs: An OECD Scoreboard represents a major step in addressing this obstacle by establishing a comprehensive international framework for monitoring SMEs’ and entrepreneurs’ access to fi nance over time. Comprising 18 countries, including Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States, the Scoreboard presents data for a number of debt, equity and fi nancing framework condition indicators. Taken together, they provide governments and other stakeholders with a tool to understand SMEs’ fi nancing needs, to support the design and evaluation of policy measures and to monitor the implications of fi nancial reforms on SMEs’ access to fi nance.


April 2012, 196 pages ISBN 978-92-64-02802-9 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264028029 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264166769-en


Uranium 2011


resources, production and Demand


July 2012, 488 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17803-8 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264178038 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/uranium-2011-en €140



¥18 200

In the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, questions are being raised about the future of the uranium market, including as regards the number of reactors expected to be built in the coming years, the amount of uranium required to meet forward demand, the adequacy of identifi ed uranium resources to meet that demand and the ability of the sector to meet reactor requirements in a challenging investment climate. This 24th edition of the “Red Book”, a recognised world reference on uranium jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency, provides analyses and information from 42 producing and consuming countries in order to address these and other questions. It offers a comprehensive review of world uranium supply and demand as well as data on global uranium exploration, resources, production and reactor-related requirements. It also provides substantive new information on established uranium production centres around the world and in countries developing production centres for the fi rst time. Projections of nuclear generating capacity and reactor-related requirements through 2035, incorporating policy changes following the Fukushima accident, are also featured, along with an analysis of long-term uranium supply and demand issues.

Nuclear Energy Data 2012




¥5 400

This annual compilation of statistics and country reports on nuclear energy contains offi cial information provided by OECD member country governments on plans for new nuclear power plant construction and nuclear fuel cycle developments as well as current and projected nuclear generating capacity.


October 2012, 140 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17785-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177857 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/ned-2012-en-fr


Nuclear Energy Today


Second Edition


October 2012, 112 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17784-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177840 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264179233-en €36



¥4 600

Meeting the growing demand for energy, and electricity in particular, while addressing the need to curb greenhouse gas emissions and to ensure security of energy supply, is one of the most diffi cult challenges facing the world’s economies. No single technology can respond to this challenge, and the solution which policy makers are seeking lies in the diversifi cation of energy sources. Although nuclear energy currently provides over 20% of electricity in the OECD area and does not emit any carbon dioxide during production, it continues to be seen by many as a controversial technology. Public concern remains over its safety and the management of radioactive waste, and fi nancing such a capital-intensive technology is a complex issue. The role that nuclear power will play in the future depends on the answers to these questions, several of which are provided in this up-to-date review of the status of nuclear energy, as well as on the outcome of research and development on the nuclear fuel cycle and reactor technologies.

Global Value Chains




¥5 800

Global Value Chains (GVCs) have exploded in the past decade and refer to the international dispersion of design, production, assembly, marketing and distribution of services, activities and products. Different stages in the production process are increasingly located across different economies, and intermediate inputs like parts and components are produced in one country and then exported to other countries for further production and/or assembly in fi nal products. The functional and spatial fragmentation that has occurred within GVCs has signifi cantly reshaped the global economic landscape, thereby raising some new major policy challenges for OECD countries and emerging countries alike: trade policy, competitiveness, upgrading and innovation and the management of global systemic risk.


May 2013, 150 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18386-5 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264183865



Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 October 2012, 280 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17032-2 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264170322 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/sti_outlook-2012-en €60



¥7 800

Based on the latest information and indicators in science and innovation, the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 reviews key trends in policies and performance in OECD countries and major emerging economies, and across a number of thematic areas. In this edition, individual policy profi les and country profi les trace the driving role that science, technology and innovation are expected to continue to play towards a sustainable and lasting recovery from the economic crisis. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML of both Science Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 and the Science Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2013: 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-92151S1 €72 $96 £58 ¥9 100 2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-92151S2 €46 $62 £37 ¥5 700


Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2011 (Next edition Fall 2013)




¥8 400

This tenth edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard builds on the OECD’s 50 years of indicator development to present major world trends in knowledge and innovation. It analyses a wide set of indicators of science, technology, globalisation and industrial performance in OECD and major non-OECD countries (notably Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa) and includes some experimental indicators that provide insight into new areas of policy interest. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML of both Science Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 and the Science Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2013: 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-92151S1


September 2011, 208 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11165-3 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111653 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/sti_scoreboard-2011-en

€72 $96 £58 ¥9 100 2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-92151S2 €46 $62 £37 ¥5 700



OECD Internet Economy Outlook 2012 October 2012, 302 pages ISBN 978-92-64-08645-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264086456 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264086463-en €90



¥11 700

The Internet is now a fundamental infrastructure supporting the economy and is fi rmly in its 2nd stage of development, having evolved from a data network connecting PCs with wires to a much broader network of new portable devices from mobile phones to tablet computers. It is also on the cusp of a much larger expansion to objects that typically did not have communications capabilities: the “Internet of things” is projected to have more connections than the people using them. Supported by time series data, this publication begins with an overview of trends and highlights how the internet sector has proven to be resilient during the recent economic crisis. It then examines the various drivers and impacts of Internet use and deployment, as well as emerging technologies, e-health, digital content, security and privacy, and refl ects on a methodology for measuring the Internet economy. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML of both the OECD Internet Economy Outlook 2012 and the OECD Communications Outlook 2013: 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-93041S1 €103 $137 £82 ¥13 000 2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access, when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-93041S2


€67 $89 £54 ¥8 400

OECD Communications Outlook 2011 (Next edition mid-2013)




¥11 000

This eleventh edition of the OECD Communications Outlook covers developments such as the emergence of next generation access (NGA) networks and the imminent exhaustion of unallocated IPv4 addresses, and aims to provide an overview of efforts on the part of countries to promote competition and foster innovation in communication markets through regulation. It also examines the issues surrounding broadcasting markets, Internet infrastructure, communications expenditure and use by households and businesses, and trends in trade in telecommunications services. It fi nds that the communications sector has emerged from the global fi nancial crisis (GFC) with a resilience and underlying strength refl ecting its critical role in today’s economies. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML of both the OECD Internet Economy Outlook 2012 and the OECD Communications Outlook 2013: 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-93041S1


June 2011, 388 pages ISBN 978-92-64-09837-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264098374 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/comms_outlook-2011-en

€103 $137 £82 ¥13 000 2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access, when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-93041S2 €67 $89 £54 ¥8 400



Space Technologies and Food Security


November 2012, 80 pages ISBN 978-92-64-07744-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264077447 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264077454-en €24



¥3 100

Space systems – earth observation and meteorological satellites, space communications, global positioning systems – are becoming an indispensable tool in the international effort to track and better understand our atmosphere, oceans, forests, fresh water resources and land use. As global food supplies increasingly face political, demographic, economic and climate-related challenges, space applications play a fundamental role in providing more accurate and timely information on agricultural production prospects as well as on fi sh stocks’ evolution. This publication reviews key trends in global food supplies and provides an assessment of current and forthcoming capabilities of space technologies. It also examines diverse socio-economic impacts which may be derived from the use of selected space applications (e.g. improved precision agriculture practices using GPS, from planting to harvest, can reduce in some cases input costs and increase productivity), while considering the sustainability of different economic models in place today.

Making Innovation Policy Work




¥7 800

The book explores emerging topics in innovation policy for more inclusive and sustainable growth, building on concrete examples. The book develops the notion of experimental innovation policy – policies which integrate monitoring and feedback to improve policy impact and policy implementation. Rather than undertaking monitoring and evaluation at the end of a policy programme, monitoring is incorporated from the outset, at the policy design stage and occurs continuously to have the greatest impact on policy implementation. This approach should help improve the quality and effi ciency of public expenditures supporting innovation policy. Experimental policy making is particularly important for new and emerging innovation domains, where the scope for learning and improvement is the greatest. To make the discussion as concrete and relevant as possible for practitioners and policy makers, three emerging domains of innovation policy are explored in greater detail: innovative entrepreneurship, green innovation, and pro-poor or base-of-the-pyramid (BoP) innovation.


November 2012, 200 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18387-2 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264183872



Society at a Glance 2011


(Next edition December 2013) December 2011, 103 pages ISBN 978-92-64-09852-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264098527 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/soc_glance-2011-en €35



¥5 200

This sixth edition of Society at a Glance, OECD’s biennial overview of social indicators, updates some indicators from previous volumes and introduces several new ones. It also features a special chapter on unpaid work. It includes data on the four newest OECD members: Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia. Where available, data on major emerging economies Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa are also included.

July 2012, 365 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17720-8 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264177208 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/migr_outlook-2012-en €90



¥11 700

OECD’s annual publication analysing recent developments in migration movements and policies in its countries. Each edition provides the latest statistical information on immigrant stocks and fl ows, immigrants in the labour market, and migration policies. This 2012 edition covers all OECD countries, as well as the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania. Two special chapters complement the information on movements and policies: “Renewing the Skills of Ageing Workforces: The Role of Migration” and “The Changing Role of Asia in International Migration”. The publication also features country profi les and a statistical annex. Also Available: Subscription that includes online access to statistical tables in XLS, PDF and HTML. 2013 Online+Archive Subscription (includes delivery, when available, of 2013 print publication plus online access to PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the tables) SUB-81051S1 €103 $137 £82 ¥13 000 2013 Online Only Subscription (includes online access , when available, to the 2013 PDF of the book and XLS, PDF and HTML versions of the statistical tables) SUB-81051S2


International Migration Outlook 2012

€67 $89 £54 ¥8 400 65


Health at a Glance 2011


(Next edition December 2013) November 2011, 264 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11153-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111530 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/health_glance-2011-en €30



¥3 900

This sixth edition of Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data on different aspects of the performance of health systems in OECD countries. It provides striking evidence of large variations across countries in the costs, activities and results of health systems. Key indicators provide information on health status, the determinants of health, health care activities and health expenditure and fi nancing in OECD countries. Each indicator in the book is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major fi ndings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the defi nition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.

May 2013, 150 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18096-3 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264180963 €40



¥5 200

More than fi ve million new cases of cancer are diagnosed every year in OECD countries. Mortality rates are declining, but not as fast as for other big killers such as heart disease, and cancer survival rates show almost a four-fold difference across countries. In short, many countries are not doing as well as they could in the fi ght against cancer. Cancer Care: Assuring Quality to Improve Survival surveys the policy trends in cancer care over recent years and looks at survival rates to identify the why some countries are doing better than others. It sets out what governments should do to reduce the burden of cancer in their countries. As well as an adequate level of resourcing, a comprehensive national cancer control plan appears critical, emphasising initiatives such as early detection and fast-track treatment pathways. Countries also need better data, particularly for patients’ experiences of care, in order to provide high quality, continuously improving cancer care.


Cancer Care: Assuring Quality to Improve Survival



Drinking Lives Away


Fighting the Health, Social and Economic Harms of Alcohol June 2013, 250 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18085-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264180857 €50



¥6 500

Alcoholic beverages, and the problems they engender, have been familiar fi xtures in human societies since the beginning of recorded history. Worldwide, alcohol is responsible for a larger share of the burden of ill health and premature mortality than tobacco or obesity. It accounts for 1 in 15 deaths in the European region, and for an even larger proportion of disability, especially in men. Its social costs are estimated in excess of 1% of GNP in high- and middle-income countries. Drinking is a social phenomenon, with strong cultural connotations. Alcohol use is driven by social norms more than other health-related behaviours. This is refl ected in unique patterns of social disparity in drinking, showing the well-to-do often more prone to hazardous use of alcohol, and a polarisation of problem-drinking at the two ends of the social spectrum. Governments can play a major role in tackling the harms associated with alcohol use, and have many tools at their disposal to achieve this goal. Some policy approaches are more effective and effi cient than others, depending on their ability to trigger changes in social norms, and on how well they can target the groups that are most at risk. This publication provides a wide-ranging assessment of the health, social and economic impacts of key policy options for tackling alcohol-related harms in three OECD countries (Australia, Canada and Finland), extracting policy-relevant messages for a broader set of countries.

June 2012, 230 pages ISBN 978-92-64-16939-5 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264169395 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264169401-en €60



¥7 800

This edition of the OECD Pensions Outlook examines the changing pensions landscape. It looks at pension reform during the crisis and beyond, the design of automatic adjustment mechanisms, reversals of systemic pension reforms in Central and Eastern Europe, coverage of private pension systems and guarantees indefi ned contribution pension systems. It closes with a policy roadmap for defi ned contribution pensions and a statistical annex.


OECD Pensions Outlook 2012



Pensions at a Glance 2011


(Next edition end 2013) March 2011, 348 pages ISBN 978-92-64-09523-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264095236 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/pension_glance-2011-en €35



¥4 300

The theme of this fourth edition of Pensions at a Glance is pensions, retirement and life expectancy. Many countries have increased pension ages in the face of population ageing and longer lives. Some have introduced an automatic link between pensions and life expectancy. Improvements to the incentives to work rather than retire are also a common part of recent pension-reform packages. However, ensuring that there are enough jobs for older workers remains a challenge. An in-depth look at these important policy issues is provided by fi ve special chapters on: pension ages, retirement behaviour, pension incentives to retire, the demand for older workers and linking pensions to life expectancy. This edition updates information on the key features of pension provision in OECD countries and provides projections of retirement income for today’s workers. It offers an expanded range of 34 indicators, covering the design of national retirement-income provision, pension entitlements, incomes of older people, the fi nances of pension systems, the demographic and economic context in which pension systems operate and private pensions. More countries are analysed than in previous editions, including four new members of the OECD: Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia. Where possible, data are also provided for the other major economies in the G20: Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa. Along with data on the European Union’s 27 member states, this brings to 43 the number of economies covered in the report.

Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital 2010 Full Version July 2012, 2000 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17517-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264175174 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264175181-en €325



¥42 200


Replacing the old loose-leaf version, this long-awaited full version contains the full text of the Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital as it read on 22 July 2010, including the Articles, Commentaries, non-member economies positions, the Recommendation of the OECD Council, the historical notes (now expanded to go back to 1963), the detailed list of conventions between OECD member countries and the background reports. Also available: Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital 2010 Electronic Version on USB Key for a Single User November 2012, USB Key ISBN 978-92-64-09084-2 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264090842 Pre-pub price €105 $147 £94 ¥13 600 Post-pub price €150 $210 £135 ¥19 500 Includes all of the content included in the full version listed above plus features only available digitally including fast search; internal linking between articles, commentaries, and country positions; and the abililty to append personal notes. This version is designed for individual users needing the notes feature. Institutional users should access the electronic version with the OECD Taxation iLibrary.


Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital 2010 Condensed Version September 2010, 468 pages ISBN 978-92-64-08948-8 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264089488 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/mtc_cond-2010-en






¥8 900

This publication is the eighth edition of the condensed version of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital. This shorter version contains the full text of the Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital as it read on 22 July 2010, but without the historical notes, the detailed list of conventions between OECD member countries and the background reports that are included in the full-length version. The Model Tax Convention and the worldwide network of bilateral tax treaties based on it provide clear, consensual rules for taxing income and capital while avoiding having income or capital taxed twice by two different countries. Because the economic and tax environment is constantly changing, article and commentaries are constantly under review and are periodically updated. Compared to the previous edition, this edition includes substantial revisions of Article 7 on Business Profi ts and its related Commentary and other Commentaries that relate to Article 7.

OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010 September 2010, 372 pages ISBN 978-92-64-09033-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264090330 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/tpg-2010-en €89



¥11 500


The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations provide guidance on the application of the “arm’s length principle”, which is the international consensus on transfer pricing, i.e. on the valuation, for tax purposes, of cross-border transactions between associated enterprises. In a global economy where multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a prominent role, transfer pricing is high on the agenda of tax administrators and taxpayers alike. Governments need to ensure that the taxable profi ts of MNEs are not artifi cially shifted out of their jurisdictions and that the tax base reported by MNEs in their respective countries refl ect the economic activity undertaken therein. For taxpayers, it is essential to limit the risks of economic double taxation that may result from a dispute between two countries on the determination of an arm’s length remuneration for their cross-border transactions with associated enterprises. In the 2010 edition, Chapters I-III were substantially revised, with new guidance on: the selection of the most appropriate transfer pricing method to the circumstances of the case; the practical application of transactional profi t methods (transactional net margin method and profi t split method); and on the performance of comparability analyses. Furthermore, a new Chapter IX, on the transfer pricing aspects of business restructurings, was added. Consistency changes were made to the rest of the Guidelines.


The Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Amended by the 2010 protocol June 2011, 112 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11544-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?978926411544-6 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264115606-en





¥4 100

This publication contains the offi cial text of the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Assistance in Tax Matters as amended by the 2010 Protocol. The original Convention was developed jointly by the Council of Europe and the OECD and opened for signature by the member states of both organisations on 25th January 1988. The original Convention was amended in 2010 to align it to the international standard on information exchange for tax purposes and to open it to all countries, responding to the call of the G20 to make it easier for all countries to secure the benefi ts of the new co-operative tax environment. The amended Convention entered into force on 1st June 2011. This Convention aims to help governments enforce their tax laws, provides an international legal framework for co-operation among countries in countering international tax avoidance and evasion. It offers a variety of tools for administrative co-operation in tax matters, providing all forms of exchange of information, assistance in tax collection and service of documents. It also facilitates joint audits and information sharing to counter other serious crimes (e.g. money laundering, corruption) when certain conditions are met. It preserves the rights of taxpayers, provides extensive safeguards to protect the confi dentiality of the information exchanged, in particular in relation to personal data.


Implementing the Tax Transparency Standards A Handbook for Assessors and Jurisdictions, Second Edition June 2011, 228 pages ISBN 978-92-64-10723-6 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264107236 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264110496-en €50



¥6 500


This handbook is intended to assist the assessment teams and the reviewed jurisdictions that are participating in the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the “Global Forum”) peer reviews and non-member reviews. It provides contextual background information on the Global Forum and the peer review process. It also contains key relevant documents and authoritative sources that will guide assessors and reviewed jurisdictions through the peer review process. This handbook is also a unique source of information for governments academics and others interested in transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.


Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: Peer Reviews Amended by the 2010 protocol 2010, 2011, 2012, Average of 80 pages each http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/2219469x-en


2012 Reviews per copy:





¥4 600

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is a multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency is carried out and information is exchanged among the more than 100 jurisdictions that participate in the Global Forum. It is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of standards of transparency and exchange of information. These peer reviews care conducted in two stages, with the fi rst phase assessing legal and administrative frameworks and the second phase reviewing the implementation and effectiveness of exchange of information.

So far in 2012, reports for the following countries have been published: Malta 2012, Phase 1

Brazil 2012, Phase 1 & 2

Marshall Islands 2012, Phase 1

Chile 2012, Phase 1

Mexico 2012, Phase 1

China 2012 Phases 1 & 2

Montserrat 2012, Phase 1

Cook Islands 2012, Phase 1

Niue 2012, Phase 1

Costa Rica 2012, Phase 1

Russian Federation 2012, Phase 1

Cyprus 2012, Phase 1

Saint Lucia 2012, Phase 1

Czech Republic 2012, Phase 1

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2012, Phase 1

Domenica 2012, Phase 1

Samoa 2012, Phase 1

Greece 2012, Phases 1 & 2

Sint Maarten 2012, Phase 1

Grenada 2012, Phase 1

Slovak Republic 2012 Phase 1

Guatamala 2012, Phase 1

Slovenia 2012, Phase 1

Korea 2012, Phases 1 & 2

South Africa 2012, Phases 1 & 2

Lebanon 2012, Phase 1

United Arab Emirates 2012, Phase 1


Argentina 2012, Phases 1 & 2

Liberia 2012, Phase 1


Taxing Energy Use A Graphical Analysis

February 2013, 210 pages ISBN 978-92-64-18125-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264181250 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264183933-en






¥7 800

The taxation of different sources and uses of energy (particularly those that give rise to emissions of greenhouse gases) will play a key role in governments’ efforts to mitigate the scale of global warming and climate change. At present, effective tax rates vary widely across different sources and uses of energy within countries, as well as across countries. This publication provides the fi rst systematic statistics of such effective tax rates – on a comparable basis – for each OECD country, together with ‘maps’ that illustrate graphically the wide variations in tax rates per unit of energy or per tonne of CO2 emissions. These statistics and maps should be an invaluable tool for policymakers, analysts and researchers considering both domestic fi scal reform in response to climate change and other environmental challenges (e.g. to achieve emissions reductions targets most cost-effectively) and wider international responses.

OECD Trade Policy Studies

Illegal Trade in Environmentally Sensitive Goods September 2012, 112 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17422-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?978926174221 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264174238-en â‚Ź33



ÂĽ4 200


Illegal trade in environmentally sensitive goods, such as threatened wildlife, timber, hazardous waste, and ozone-depleting substances, has been a long-standing issue in the international trade and environment agenda. The nature of such illegal trade makes it diffi cult to fully understand its extent and impact on the environment. Developing effective policies to reduce illegal trade requires a clear understanding of what drives this trade and the circumstances under which it thrives. In this report, evidence based on customs data and information from licensing schemes is used to document the scale of illegal trade, as well as the economic and environmental impacts of such trade. National and international policies have an important role to play in regulating and reducing illegal trade and the report highlights a range of measures that can be taken at both levels.


Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels 2012 December 2012, 500 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17898-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?978926178984 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264178991-en






¥19 500

This Inventory is concerned with direct budgetary transfers and tax expenditures that relate to fossil fuels, regardless of their impact or of the purpose for which the measures were fi rst put in place. It has been undertaken as an exercise in transparency, and to inform the international dialogue on fossil-fuel subsidy reform. For each of the 34 OECD countries covered, the Inventory provides a succinct summary of its energy economy, and of the budgetary and tax-related measures provided at the central-government level (and, in the case of federal countries, for selected sub-national units of government) relating to fossil-fuel production or consumption. The transfers associated with these measures are reported for recent years using the Producer Support Estimate (PSE) and Consumer Support Estimate (CSE) as organising frameworks. These frameworks have already been used extensively by the OECD, most notably in respect of agriculture. The Inventory covers a wide range of measures that provide a benefi t or preference for a particular activity or a particular product, either in absolute terms or relative to other activities or products, against a specifi ed baseline. Many measures listed in this inventory are relative preferences within a particular country’s tax system rather than absolute support that can be readily compared across countries, and for that reason no national totals are provided.

Trends in the Transport Sector 2012 September 2012, 75 pages ISBN 978-92-821-0371-5 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789282103715 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/trend_transp-2012-en $39


¥3 600

This publication presents data on global trends in the transport sector with up-to-date fi gures on the impact of the recent economic crisis. In addition to highlighting major trends in the transport sector, this brochure provides the reader with the latest statistics on transport markets and on road safety in the International Transport Forum member countries for the period 1970-2010 for all modes of transport.




Pedestrian Safety, Urban Space and Health


August 2012, 109 pages ISBN 978-92-821-0364-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789282103647 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789282103654-en





ÂĽ3 900

Walking is the most natural form of mobility; however cities have not always evolved to accommodate the needs of pedestrians and walking has in many cases been neglected in the development of transport systems. Improving the pedestrian environment can contribute signifi cantly to meeting the challenges of climate change, air pollution and health. This report aims to present decision-makers with hard evidence on the important place of walking in transport policies and provide guidelines for developing a safe environment conducive to walking. This is an essential contribution to creating liveable cities. Every single trip begins and ends by walking.

Compact City Policies A Comparative Assessment June 2012, 284 pages ISBN 978-92-64-16784-1 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264167841 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264167865-en €90



¥11 700

This book examines the concept of the compact city and the implication of the current urban context for compact city policies. It explores their potential outcomes, particularly in terms of how it can contribute to Green Growth and looks at developing indicators to monitor compact city and track policy performance. It reviews compact city policies currently being implemented across the OECD in relation to the pursuit of Green Growth objectives and provides ideas to achieve better outcomes. And it assesses the key governance challenges faced by decision-makers as they seek to implement practical compact city strategies. This report is thus intended as “food for thought” for national, sub-national and municipal governments as they seek to address their economic and environmental challenges through the development and implementation of spatial strategies in pursuit of Green Growth objectives. It also illustrates best practices presenting key elements of successful compact city policies.


OECD Green Growth Studies



Redefining “Urban” A New Way to Measure Metropolitan Areas June 2012, 148 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17405-4 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264174054 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264174108-en €27



¥3 500

This report compares urbanisation trends in OECD countries on the basis of a newly defi ned OECD methodology which enables cross-country comparison of the socioeconimic and environmental performance of metropolitan areas in OECD countries. The methodology is presented and results from its application to 27 OECD countries are discussed together with policy implication both on national growth and governance of cities. The report also includes three original papers that present the urbanisation dynamics and prospects in China and South Africa and the governance challenges resulting from the new policy agenda on cities in the United Kingdom.

building resilient regions for Stronger Economies December 2011, 296 pages ISBN 978-92-64-11170-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264111707 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264120983-en €60



¥7 800

The OECD Regional Outlook 2011 provides an overview of the main developments in performance among OECD regions and the challenges for regional policy after the crisis. The fi rst two chapters present fresh analysis of regional growth and labour-market trends, exploring their implications for policy. This is followed by three chapters offering focused analyses of key policy issues. The fi rst, and most immediate, concerns the state of sub-national government fi nances in the wake of the crisis and its implications for managing public investment, in particular, during a period of austerity. The next two chapters are concerned with the potential contribution of regions and regional policies to addressing the longer-term challenges of innovation and green growth. Part 3 of the Outlook presents a “policy forum”, a wide-ranging debate on the role of regional policy today involving experts and offi cials from within and outside the OECD. Finally, the Outlook includes individual country pages providing detailed quantitative and qualitative information on regional performance, institutions and policy settings in OECD members.


OECD Regional Outlook 2011



Regions at a Glance 2011

August 2011, 160 pages ISBN 978-92-64-10514-0 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264105140 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/reg _glance-2011-en €50



¥6 500

OECD Regions at a Glance is the one-stop guide for understanding regional competitiveness and performance, providing comparative statistical information at the sub-national level, graphs and maps. It identifi es new ways that regions can increase their capacity to exploit local factors, mobilise resources and link with other regions. Measuring such factors as education levels, employment opportunities and intensity of knowledge-based activities, this publication offers a statistical snapshot of how life is lived – and can be improved – from region to region in the OECD area. This fourth edition of OECD Regions at a Glance showcases the contribution of regions to stronger, fairer and cleaner economies, drawing on both the latest comparable data and past trends across regions in OECD countries. It highlights the persistence of regional disparities, underscores unused resources that can be mobilised to maximise regions’ competitive edge, and shows the common characteristics of performing regions. The report includes data on the four newest OECD member countries: Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia. Where available, data on Brazil, China, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa are also included. This publication provides a dynamic link (StatLink) for each graph and map, which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel®.

November 2012, 270 pages ISBN 978-92-64-17462-7 www.oecd.org/bookshop?9789264174627 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264174634-en €80



¥10 400

This publication highlights the importance of promoting growth in all types of OECD regions, particularly in underdeveloped ones. Helping such regions to catch up will have a positive impact on a country’s national growth; in some cases more so than in already well-developed regions. Furthermore such growth helps to build a fairer society, in which no territories and their people are left behind. An important question is whether this potential to catch up is possible? The evidence suggests that this is the case. Examinations of patterns of growth reveal that underdeveloped rural and intermediate regions tend to grow faster. Their catching-up potentially largely depends on human capital development, infrastructure and innovation-related activities but also on institutional factors and policies. This publication is based on anlaysis among all OECD regions and 23 regional case studies from ten OECD countries over the period 1995-2007.


Promoting Growth in All Regions




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OECD iLibrary

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Statistics on the OECD iLibrary OECD has long been an innovator in the production and dissemination of statistics, making them easy to find, use and cite. The OECD iLibrary Statistics Home Page provides entry to three types of statistical content according to the profile of the user and the format of information required.

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OECD iLibrary

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Other features of the OECD Online Bookshop include: Ability to browse by series, subjects, and content type Ability to view related titles Ability to see availability in various languages Multilingual summaries of selected titles Ability to view and purchase books of the International Energy Agency, the Nuclear Energy Agency, the International Transport Forum and the OECD Development Centre

All books listed in this catalogue are available on the OECD Online Bookshop. Visit it today!

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OECD Statistical Annuals and periodicals 9696

OECD Statistical Annuals and Periodicals Now available online on a subscription basis With the introduction of ready-made tables in multiple formats (XML, PDF and HTML), OECD is now making its statistical annuals and periodicals available online on an annual subscription basis. This new offer brings the user the following benefits: • All tables are available in three downloadable table formats: XML, PDF and HTML • Users can subscribe to OECD annual publications at the same price as for the book only • Full online access is provided to the extended table of contents with all the chapters and Excel® tables available individually (up to 300 objects) • Free access is provided to all the back issues published since 1998 • Perpectual access to back issues is provided even after expiry of the subscription • Ability to set up network access via IP or by username / password is available • Automatic notification or renewal is provided, without the customer having to remember to buy • Automatic reception of the print /archive copy is included in the subscription • The possibility to subscribe online only is also available All titles are available both online plus archival print version and online only. In some cases, several related titles have been combined into a single subscription.

The following OECD Annuals and Periodicals are available in Archive (print copy) + Online and Online Only forms. We include online with the print to enable reader access to ready-made statistical tables in PDF, XML and HTML formats. Individual copies of annuals in print form (without online access to the tables) can still be purchased via the Online Bookshop or through our sales agents. See www.oecd.org/bookshop for print version prices and online prices in other currencies. Code


Euro Price

Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries


SUB-51031S2 SUB-51031S1

Online only Online + Archive

40 62

Annual National Accounts of OECD Countries (2)

SUB-16321S2 SUB-16321S1

Online only Online + Archive

268 412

Education at a Glance

SUB-96021S2 SUB-96021S1

Online only Online + Archive

53 82

Energy Prices and Taxes

SUB-62011S2 SUB-62011S1

Online only Online + Archive

319 456

Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries

SUB-43233S2 SUB-43233S1

Online only Online + Archive

67 103

International Trade by Commodity Statistics (2)

SUB-34061S2 SUB-34061S1

Online only Online + Archive

610 940

Main Economic Indicators

SUB-31021S2 SUB-31021S1

Online only Online + Archive

450 690

Measuring Globalisation: Activities of Multinationals (2)

SUB-01291S2 SUB-01291S1

Online only Online + Archive

67 103

Monthly Statistics of International Trade

SUB-32061S2 SUB-32061S1

Online only Online + Archive

255 395

OECD ANBERD: Research and Development Expenditure in Industry

SUB-01271S2 SUB-01271S1

Online only Online + Archive

40 62

OECD Development Co-operation Report

SUB-43061S2 SUB-43061S1

Online only Online + Archive

67 103

OECD Economic Outlook

SUB-12011S2 SUB-12011S1

Online only Online + Archive

102 158

OECD Economic Policy Reforms

SUB-12071S2 SUB-12071S1

Online only Online + Archive

49 75

OECD Economic Surveys (2)

SUB-10011S2 SUB-10011S1

Online only Online + Archive

492 762

OECD Statistical Annuals and periodicals

OECD Statistical Annuals and Periodicals


OECD Statistical Annuals and periodicals 9898

OECD Statistical Annuals and Periodicals Code


OECD Employment Outlook


SUB-81061S2 SUB-81061S1

Online only Online + Archive

Euro Price 67 103

OECD Information Technology and Communication Outlooks

SUB-93041S2 SUB-93041S1

Online only Online + Archive

67 103

OECD Institutional Investors Statistical Yearbook

SUB-01301S2 SUB-01301S1

Online only Online + Archive

40 62

OECD Insurance Statistics Yearbook

SUB-01171S2 SUB-01171S1

Online only Online + Archive

94 144

OECD International Direct Investment Statistics Yearbook

SUB-01261S2 SUB-01261S1

Online only Online + Archive

67 103

OECD International Migration Outlook

SUB-81051S2 SUB-81051S1

Online only Online + Archive

67 103

OECD Labour Force Statistics

SUB-01181S2 SUB-01181S1

Online only Online + Archive

107 165

OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators

SUB-94031S2 SUB-94031S1

Online only Online + Archive

80 125

OECD Productivity Statistics

SUB-01311S2 SUB-01311S1

Online only Online + Archive

40 62

OECD Revenue Statistics

SUB-01321S2 SUB-01321S1

Online only Online + Archive

94 144

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook and Scoreboard

SUB-92151S2 SUB-92151S1

Online only Online + Archive

46 72

OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services (2)

SUB-01121S2 SUB-01121S1

Online only Online + Archive

121 185

OECD Structural and Demographic Business Statistics

SUB-01151S2 SUB-01151S1

Online only Online + Archive

67 103

OECD Taxing Wages

SUB-23081S2 SUB-23081S1

Online only Online + Archive

107 165

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook

SUB-51021S2 SUB-51021S1

Online only Online + Archive

40 62

Oil, Gas, Coal and Electricity - Quarterly Statistics

SUB-60021S2 SUB-60021S1

Online only Online + Archive

319 456

Quarterly National Accounts

SUB-36021S2 SUB-36021S1

Online only Online + Archive

117 183

STAN: OECD Structural Analysis Statistics

SUB-01281S2 SUB-01281S1

Online only Online + Archive

40 62

OECD Statistical Packages New Statistical Packages replace stand-alone databases

Therefore, access to these ready-made tables is now also included in the subscription to the databases, when available. In some cases, such as the IEA Statistical Databases, table files are not available. Online + Archive versions include delivery of print copies of relevant annuals and periodicals as well as an archival CD-ROM of the data. Online+Archive includes online access to both the database and the annuals/periodicals and their table files in XLS, PDF and HTML.


Following the same philosophy as for the annuals, we want to make sure our statistical data subscribers have the best possible options in order to find, access, manipulate, share and make the most out of OECD statistics. Now that databases such as Main Economic Indicators and OECD National Accounts, also have more recent data available in ready-made tables in three formats (XLS, PDF and HTML), we want all data subscribers to benefit from them as well.



OECD Statistical Packages, continued

100 100




Euro Price

International Trade by Commodity Statistics (package)

SUB-17451S2 SUB-17451S1

Online only Online + Archive

620 950

Main Economic Indicators (package)

SUB-17461S2 SUB-17461S1

Online only Online + Archive

820 1 300

Monthly Statistics of International Trade (package)

SUB-17441S2 SUB-17441S1

Online only Online + Archive

265 410

OECD Agriculture Statistics (package)

SUB-17521S2 SUB-17521S1

Online only Online + Archive

248 364

OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (package)

SUB-17481S2 SUB-17481S1

Online only Online + Archive

450 700

OECD Education Statistics (package)

SUB-17531S2 SUB-17531S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics (package)

SUB-17541S2 SUB-17541S1

Online only Online + Archive

248 364

OECD Environment Statistics

SUB-17721S2 SUB-17721S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Health Statistics

SUB-17651S2 SUB-17651S1

Online only Online + Archive

317 490

OECD Institutional Investors Statistics (package)

SUB-17691S2 SUB-17691S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Insurance Statistics (package) includes database and periodical

SUB-17501S2 SUB-17501S1

Online only Online + Archive

304 436

OECD International Development Statistics (package)

SUB-17551S2 SUB-17551S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD International Direct Investment Statistics (package) SUB-17601S2 SUB-17601S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD International Migration Statistics (package)

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

SUB-17561S2 SUB-17561S1

OECD Statistical Packages, continued Code


Euro Price

OECD National Accounts Statistics (package)

SUB-17471S2 SUB-17471S1

Online only Online + Archive

507 790

OECD Patent Statistics

SUB-17671S2 SUB-17671S1

Online only Online + Archive

296 436

OECD Pensions Statistics

SUB-17661S2 SUB-17661S1

Online only Online + Archive

296 436

OECD Product Market Regulation Statistics

SUB-17711S2 SUB-17711S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Productivity Statistics (package)

SUB-17701S2 SUB-17701S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Regional Statistics

SUB-17681S2 SUB-17681S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Science, Technology and R&D Statistics (package)

SUB-17571S2 SUB-17571S1

Online only Online + Archive

315 457

OECD Social and Welfare Statistics

SUB-17731S2 SUB-17731S1

Online only Online + Archive

248 364

OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services (package)

SUB-17491S2 SUB-17491S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Statistics on Measuring Globalisation (package)

SUB-17611S2 SUB-17611S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Structural and Demographic Business Statistics (package)

SUB-17641S2 SUB-17641S1

Online only Online + Archive

174 248

OECD Tax Statistics (package)

SUB-17511S2 SUB-17511S1

Online only Online + Archive

496 710

OECD Telecommunications and Internet Statistics (package)

SUB-17581S2 SUB-17581S1

Online only Online + Archive

304 436

STAN: OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (package)

SUB-17631S2 SUB-17631S1

Online only Online + Archive

315 457




IEA Statistical Databases

IEA Statistical Databases





Euro Price

Energy Projections for IEA Countries


Online only


IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics


Online only

1 100

IEA Coal Information Statistics


Online only

1 100

IEA Electricity Information Statistics


Online only

1 100

IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics


Online only

1 800

IEA Natural Gas Information Statistics


Online only

1 100

IEA Oil Information Statistics


Online only

1 100

IEA Renewables Information Statistics


Online only


IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances


Online only

2 800

OECD Journals The following OECD journals are available in Online+Archive (includes delivery of print versions) and Online Only versions. Consult www.oecd.org/bookshop for more information and prices in other currencies.



Euro Price

The OECD Observer (including the OECD Yearbook) special offer : 2-year subscription

SUB-01011S1 SUB-01061S1

Online+Archive Online+Archive

75 104

OECD Economic Outlook

SUB-12011S2 SUB-12011S1

Online+Archive Online Only

103 67

OECD Economic Policy Reforms

SUB-12071S2 SUB-12071S1

Online+Archive Online Only

75 49

OECD Economic Surveys

SUB-10011S2 SUB-10011S1

Online+Archive Online Only

762 492

OECD Journal

SUB-18011S2 SUB-18011S1

Online+Archive Online Only

252 164

Nuclear Law Bulletin

SUB-67011S2 SUB-67011S1

Online+Archive Online Only

125 80

OECD Journals



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OECD iLibrary themes economics Agriculture and food development education employment energy environment finance and investment governance industry and services nuclear energy science and technology social issues / migration / health taxation trade transport urban, rural and regional development

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