OECD on the road to COP21

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C L I M AT E A N D. . . 1. International negotiations 2. Mitigation policy 3. Low-carbon transition 4. Investment and finance 5. Political challenges 6. Supporting developing countries 7. Adaptation 8. Agriculture




1 April OECD Global Forum on Development: Post-2015 financing, Paris Report on Synergies for Environment & Development Finance


19-20 May Green Investment Financing Forum (GIFF), Paris Report on Mapping Channels to Mobilise Institutional Investment


2-4 June OECD Forum & Ministerial Council Meeting, Paris Report on Aligning Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy


18-19 June OECD Forum on Responsible Business Conduct, Paris Working Paper on Corporate Carbon Reporting Schemes


1-3 July International Tax Dialogue, Paris Report on Taxing Energy Use


3 July OECD Secretary General Lecture on Climate at LSE, London Report on Aligning Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy (APT)


7-10 July Our Common Future Conference, Paris Report on Climate Change Risks and Adaptation


7-8 September Climate Change Experts Group Forum (CCXG), Paris


Papers on transparency, non-state actors, INDCs, mitigation cycles



17-18 November IEA Ministerial Meeting, Paris


Report on World Energy Outlook


5-6 December Global Landscapes Forum, Paris Report on Climate Change Mitigation: Policies and Progress


30 November11 December


Le Bourget PARIS 2015


OECD . 3


1 . TA C K L I N G T E C H N I C A L I S S U E S C O N F R O N T I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L N E G O T I AT I O N S Climate Change Expert Group • The OECD is working on a range of technical issues that are being discussed in international negotiations towards a 2015 climate change agreement through the Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG). Feeding into UNFCCC processes • The CCXG provides a platform for government delegates and experts from developed and developing countries to enable dialogue and enhance understanding of issues feeding into UNFCCC processes. It holds two seminars per year and develops papers on technical issues relevant to the negotiations in consultation with a wide range of countries. The OECD provides the secretariat for the group, together with the International Energy Agency (IEA). Hands-on • In the lead up to COP21 the CCXG is undertaking work on: • Design and elements of a 2015 agreement. • Climate finance. • Post-2020 accounting framework. P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • • •

Working Paper on Estimating Private Climate Finance Mobilisation (March) The Role of the 2015 Agreement in Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change (May) A stock-take of OECD DAC Members’ reporting practices on environment-related Official Development Finance and reporting to the Rio Conventions (June) Climate Change Experts Group Forum and Meeting (CCXG) (17-19 March and 7-9 September) w w w. o e cd. o rg / e nv / cc / cc x g. ht m

2. PROMOTING EFFECTIVE M I T I G AT I O N P O L I C Y Policy instruments • Climate change mitigation depends on coherent and credible market signals that the price of greenhouse gas emissions will increase over time. The OECD is working to support governments in implementing least-cost emissions reduction policies such as taxes, tradable permit systems and the elimination of subsidies for fossil fuels. Fossil-fuel subsidies • The OECD is updating its Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels in 2015 to promote transparency and accountability for environmentally-harmful subsidies. The report Climate Change Mitigation: Policies and Progress to be launched in November will draw on OECD Economic Surveys to provide an overview of mitigation policy settings and emissions trends in OECD countries and partner economies in the context of countries’ international climate commitments. Taxes on energy products • A number of other policy instruments such as energy taxation implicitly price emissions. Taxes on energy products amount to around 70% of all revenues from environmentally related taxation in OECD countries. Taxing Energy Use: A Graphical Analysis – to be updated in 2015 – helps governments understand price signals conveyed by current tax systems and how they might be better geared to support the low-carbon transition. Climate modelling • The OECD’s ongoing Costs of Inaction and Resource scarcity: Consequences for Long-term Economic growth (CIRCLE) project is working to identify how feedback from climate change will affect economic growth and quantify benefits of policy action. P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • Taxing Energy Use 2015 – OECD and Selected Partner Economics (July) • Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels (2015 update, September) • Economic Consequences of Climate Change (September) • Climate Change Mitigation: Policies and Progress (November) w w w. o e cd. o rg / e nv / cc / e co n o m i c s o f climatechangemitigation.htm



Looking across policy areas • Since almost all economic activities generate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), climate policy interacts with policies in many more areas. Its policy instruments, and the economic signals they create, overlay and interact with the goals and instruments of existing policy frameworks. The result can be frictions, unintended consequences or even actively conflicting policy objectives. Core climate policies are therefore essential, but not sufficient to effectively tackle climate change. Governments must look across policy areas and examine how to better align policies for a successful economic transition to low-carbon economies.

Institutional investors • A major shift in investment patterns is needed to meet international climate goals. That shift will depend on effective policy to channel private-sector finance in favour of low-carbon investment, particularly in infrastructure sectors. The OECD is advising countries on domestic policy frameworks for low-carbon investment and how to engage institutional investors – a particularly promising, but currently inactive source of finance.

Correcting policy misalignments • Several misalignments in existing policy frameworks currently hinder the transition to low-carbon economies. They exist in core, cross-cutting economic policy domains (investment, taxation, innovation and international trade), as well as policy governing specific areas that are fundamental to the transition (electricity systems, water infrastructure, urban mobility and rural land use). Correcting them is likely to significantly improve the effectiveness of climate policies. Including other ministries • The OECD, jointly with the IEA, ITF and NEA, is providing first guidance to governments – including ministries insufficiently mobilised in developing and implementing climate-response strategies to date – on alignment of policy and regulatory frameworks with climate goals. P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • •

Aligning Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy (June) OECD Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting with IdeaFactory session on Climate, Carbon, COP21 and Beyond (2-4 June) w w w. o e cd. o rg / e nv i ro n m e nt / low-carbon-transition.htm

Policy guidance • The report on Policy Guidance for Investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure: Expanding Access to Clean Energy for Green Growth and Development advises governments across investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation, energy-market design and competition policy, financial market policy and governance of energy-market institutions. Barriers to international investment • Governments also need to pay attention to barriers to international investment, such as local content requirements, that may hinder low-carbon infrastructure investment. Overcoming Barriers to International Investment in Clean Energy provides guidance to governments on possible impacts of such barriers in solar and wind energy, and how to avoid them in designing support policies for low-carbon energy. Channels for low-carbon investments • Traditional sources of low-carbon investments such as governments and banks face increasing constraints in the wake of the economic crisis. Alternative sources are needed to compensate. Mapping Channels to Mobilise Institutional Investment in Sustainable Energy guides policy makers on the processes and channels through which institutional investors make low-carbon investments, and how to facilitate them. P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • Mapping Channels to Mobilise Institutional Investment in Sustainable Energy (February) • Policy Guidance for Investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure (March) • Overcoming Barriers to International Investment in Clean Energy (May) • OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business (June) • Nuclear New Build: Insights Into Financing and Project Management (June) OECD . 5 w w w. o e cd. o rg / e nv i ro n m e nt / cc/financing.htm OECD . 5






Social objectives • Climate change mitigation policy is likely to encounter political opposition if policy reforms do not take careful account of any social impacts of reform, including potential consequences for households, labour markets and firms. Social objectives should be considered and pursued as an integral part of policy design, to ensure the transition is inclusive.

Measurement & reporting systems for climate finance • Tracking private and public climate finance flows is essential to monitoring progress in the international effort to address climate change, but there are significant data, methodological and knowledge gaps. The OECD is contributing to more transparent and comprehensive international measurement and reporting systems for climate finance in developing countries. The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) collects statistics and monitors development finance targeting climate change mitigation and adaptation using the “Rio markers”. DAC statistics capture an integrated picture of bilateral and multilateral climate-related development finance flows from 2013, and activity-level data is publicly available online. Efforts are ongoing to improve data quality, coverage, communication and use. In 2015, the OECD DAC is also conducting a survey with development finance actors on private finance mobilised by syndicated loans, shares in collective investment vehicles and guarantees.

Distributional effects of energy taxes • Concern about potential impacts of energy sector reform in particular is a major obstacle to reform, but evidence of actual effects is scarce. To help inform policy making and communication with the public, work is being undertaken to advance understanding of distributional effects of energy taxes based on experience in 21 OECD countries. The OECD is also undertaking modelling work to assess potential distributional consequences of fossil- fuel subsidy reform. The work highlights the importance of redistributive schemes to households. Competitiveness impacts of reform • Potential competitiveness impacts of mitigation policy can also represent a major stumbling block to reform. Assessing the extent of any unintended losses – and whether measures such as multilateral policy co-ordination are warranted – means understanding how the economy as a whole will likely adjust to new environmental regulation. Recent and forthcoming work supports governments to this end, based on empirical evidence. The work suggests that competitiveness impacts of reform appear to be largely overstated by industry.

P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • • • •

Working Paper on Distributional Impacts of Energy Subsidy Reform in Indonesia (April) Working Paper on Impacts of Carbon Pricing on Indicators of Competitiveness (April) Working Paper on Competitiveness Impacts of the German Electricity Tax (May) Working Paper on The Distributional Effects of Energy Taxes (May) w w w. o e cd. o rg / s i te / t a d f fs s /

Tracking Private Climate Finance • The OECD also leads a Research Collaborative on Tracking Private Climate Finance. The initiative brings together relevant research organisations, international finance institutions and interested governments to help identify, develop and assess options for measuring private climate finance flows to, between and in developing countries, and determine private flows mobilised by public interventions.

P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • • •

• • •

Climate-related development finance in 2013: Improving the statistical picture Climate-related development finance statistics www.oecd.org/dac/stats/rioconventions.htm A stock-take of OECD DAC Members’ reporting practices on environment-related Official Development Finance and reporting to the Rio Conventions (June) Climate-related development finance in 2014 (October) Estimating Private Climate Finance Mobilisation: Methodological Approaches, Options and Trade-offs Estimating Mobilised Private Climate Finance: Key Messages and Policy Implications (November) w w w. o e cd. o rg / d eve l o p m e nt / environment-development/



7 . A D A P T I N G T O C L I M AT E C H A N G E I M PAC T S

8 . A G R I C U LT U R E A N D I T S R O L E F O R C L I M AT E C H A N G E

Monitoring & strengthening adaptation & risk management • Climate change mitigation efforts need to move hand-inhand with policies and incentives to adapt to the effects of climate change. Countries are scaling up preparations: more than 75% of OECD countries have either published, or are developing, national adaptation strategies. OECD countries are also working to better integrate climate change adaptation into development co-operation and supporting partner countries in building climate resilience.

Sustainable food production • To address climate change issues, agriculture has a key role to play given both its high vulnerability to climate change and its significant contribution to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Managing risk • To reduce risks arising from climate change and improve the management of those risks that remain, countries must identify the range of potential risks, characterise them, explore and choose policy options, and monitor and evaluate risk management measures. The OECD is supporting this process by providing evidence of the costs and benefits of adaptation, guidance on financing required investments and tools to help them measure progress. Sectoral adaptation: agriculture, energy, water and transport • The sectoral level is crucial for implementing adaptation. The OECD, IEA, NEA and ITF are working to support adaptation through the integration of adaptation into their sectoral analyses and policy guidance. For example, the OECD is assisting countries to advance strategic investment in water infrastructure, institutions and information to safeguard growth against the effects of climate change.

P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • • • • • • •

National Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation (April) Securing Water, Sustaining Growth (April) Water and Cities: Ensuring sustainable futures (April) Water Allocation: Sharing risks and opportunities (April) Climate Change Risks and Adaptation: Linking Policy and Economics (July) Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Policy and Planning (September) Climate Change: Assessment of the Vulnerability of Nuclear Power Plants and Cost of Adaptation (September) w w w. o e cd. o rg / e nv i ro n m e nt / cc / adaptation.htm

Adaptation in agriculture • Climate change is already affecting agriculture and is expected to further impact directly and indirectly food production. A report The role of public policies in promoting adaptation in agriculture guides policy makers to identify practical actions that governments can take to improve farmers’ resilience to future climate change and to avoid sending signals supporting practices that increase exposure to climate change risks. Mitigation practices • Agricultural activities are responsible for about 24% of global GHG emissions (including deforestation) and could thus take part in the global mitigation effort. A Review of the Literature on the Cost-Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measure for Agriculture identifies a number of potential mitigation practices in the agricultural sector, several of which appear to be highly cost-effective across OECD countries. Climate smart agriculture • Despite a growing recognition of the need to simultaneously pursue productivity growth, climate change adaptation and mitigation, these objectives continue to be approached in isolation. The OECD workshop Coherent Policies for Climate Smart Agriculture will initiate and facilitate a discussion regarding the consistency of the signals sent by public policies regarding those three objectives.

P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D E V E N T S • • •

Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: A Role for Public Policies (June) Workshop on Coherent Policies for Climate Smart Agriculture (June) Review of the Literature on the Cost-Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measure for Agriculture (August) w w w. o e cd. o rg / t a d / s u s t a i n a b l e -agriculture/agriculture-andclimate-change.htm OECD . 7 OECD . 7

#COP21: K E Y Release Title date


Associated event

27 Feb

Mapping Channels to Mobilise Institutional Investment in Sustainable Energy - REPORT

Analyses barriers faced by institutional investors to clean energy investment

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 9-10 February

3 Mar

Public Interventions and Private Finance Flows: Empirical Evidence from Renewable Energy Financing - WORKING PAPER

Econometric study of private finance mobilisation for renewable energy

Research Collaborative workshop, 16 March

20 Mar

Estimating Private Climate Finance Mobilisation: Methodological Approaches, Options and Trade-offs - WORKING PAPER

Analyses key decision points involved in estimating publicly mobilised private finance and assesses a range of methodological options to address these

Research Collaborative workshop, 16 March

27 Mar

Policy Guidance for Investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure: Expanding Access to Clean Energy for Green Growth and Development - REPORT

Provides guidance on domestic investment policy frameworks for increasing investment in clean energy infrastructure

15 April

National Climate-Change Adaptation: Emerging Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation - REPORT

Reviews recent developments in climate adaptation monitoring and evaluation, including four case studies: Germany, Mozambique, Nepal & UK

Joint OECD DACEPOC Task Team on Climate Change and Development Co-operation, 20 April

20 May

The Role of the 2015 Agreement in Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change WORKING PAPER

Analytical paper exploring how the 2015 Agreement can help to foster enhanced polices and co-ordinated planning for greater resilience and adaptation capabilities at the national level

Climate Change Experts Group Forum (CCXG), 17-19 March

29 May

Opportunities and challenges to mobilise and enable efficient climate finance WORKING PAPER

Builds on previous work analysing opportunities and challenges to mobilise and enable efficient climate finance from various actors and sources inside and outside of UNFCCC

29 May

Issues relating to nationally-determined contributions for mitigation - WORKING PAPER

Short Q&A document on issues relating to nationallydetermined contributions for mitigation

30 May

Overcoming Barriers to International Investment in Clean Energy - REPORT

Takes stock of policy restrictions to international investment in solar PV and wind energy and discusses the impacts of local-content requirements

April/ May

1. Impacts of Carbon Prices on indicators of Competitiveness: A Review of Empirical Findings

Literature review on the empirical effects of carbon prices and energy taxes on competitiveness

2. Competitiveness Impacts of the German Electricity Tax

Analytical paper evaluating the competitiveness effects of the German Electricity tax in the manufacturing sector

3. The Distributional Effects of Energy Taxes

Analytical paper assessing the distributional effects of energy taxes on households in 21 OECD countries


1 June (presented to ministers)

1 June

Stock-take of OECD DAC Members’ Reporting Practices on Environment-related Official Development Finance and Reporting to the Rio Conventions - WORKING PAPER

Presents the results of a survey of DAC members’ reporting practices on environment-related Official Development Finance and on reporting to the Rio Conventions, including how members are tracking and reporting climate-related development finance

5 June

Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: A Role for Public Policies - WORKING PAPER

Identifies practical actions that governments could take to improve adaptation in agriculture sector

19 June

Corporate Carbon Reporting Schemes: impacts on business and investor behaviour WORKING PAPER

Discusses the impacts of corporate carbon reporting schemes

OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct, 18-19 June

1 July

Taxing Energy Use 2015 - OECD and Selected Partner Economies - REPORT

Systematic statistics of effective tax rates on energy for each OECD country and 7 selected partner economies

International Tax Dialogue, 1 July

3 July

Aligning Policies for the Transition to a LowCarbon Economy - REPORT

This horizontal project identifies the policy misalignments that could hamper the effectiveness of low-carbon policies, and provides policy guidance on how to resolve the problems

1. OECD Ministerial meeting, 2-4 June

Analysis of the risk-management tools and techniques for implementing climate adaptation plans

Our Common Future Under Climate Change, 7-10 July

7 July

Climate Change Risks and Adaptation: Linking policy and economics - REPORT

2. OECD SG speech at London School of Economics, 3 July

Release Title date


Associated event

Aug/ Sep

1. Climate Change Adaptation and Development Policy and Planning

Describes how development planning and policy can enhance resilience in developing counties, how adaptation is integrated into development planning & how development finance supports these efforts

2. What enables effective international climate finance in the context of development co-operation? WORKING PAPERS

Presents the results of a survey exploring the current understanding of what makes international climate finance effective, focusing on climate-related development finance

5 Aug

Review of the Literature on the CostEffectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measure for Agriculture - WORKING PAPER

Reviews the literature on the cost-effectivnes of GHG agricultural mitigation measures

1 Sep

Nuclear Energy and Addressing Climate Change BROCHURE

Outlines nuclear energy’s role, alongside other lowcarbon technologies, in helping to limit the increase of global temperatures to 2°C between now and 2100

2 Sep

Potential for the Use of Green Bonds for Chinese Urban Infrastructure Investment WORKING PAPER

Reviews plans, potential and challenges for the use of green bonds in China to finance sustainable urban infrastructure

17 Sep

Estimating Private Finance Mobilisation at sectoral level - WORKING PAPER

Estimates private climate finance for one or more mitigation- and/or adaptation-relevant sectors and its mobilisation

Late Sep

Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels REPORT & DATABASES

Report and associated database identifies, documents and estimates more than 600 measures supporting the production or use of fossil fuels in OECD countries and a selection of non-member economies

30 Sep

Economic Consequences of Climate Change (CIRCLE) - REPORT

Identifies how feedback from poor environmental quality, climatic change and resource scarcity affect economic growth, and how policies may alter this.

5 Oct

Policy Approaches to droughts and floods in agriculture - REPORT

Proposes a framework to identify and analyse appropriate policy responses to improve management of drought and flood risks in agriculture

15 Oct

Climate Change: Assessment of the Vulnerability of Nuclear Power Plants and Cost of Adaptation - REPORT

Assesses the impact of climate change, notably extreme weather events and increasing temperatures, on the operation and safety of nuclear power plants

1 Nov

Climate Change Mitigation: Policies and Progress - REPORT

Compares key climate change mitigation trends and policy settings amongst countries. Shows key emissions and energy trends, climate and energy policy settings as well as energy-related taxation and subsidies for 44 countries

2 Nov

Estimating Mobilised Private Climate Finance: Key Messages and Policy Implications POLICY PAPER

Summarises findings to date of work conducted under and in relation with the Research Collaborative

Research Collaborative workshop,17 September and COP21 in December

10 Nov

IEA World Energy Outlook - REPORT

Presents energy projections to 2040

IEA Ministerial meeting, 17-18 Nov

15 Nov

Abating Carbon Emissions through Price-based Policies - REPORT

Indicators for the OECD and for selected partner economies

20 Nov

Incorporating climate effects in transport appraisal: Valuation of carbon, discounting, risk and uncertainty - REPORT

Presents techniques to deal with risk in transport appraisals, such as risk-adjusted discount rate

21 Nov

Transport infrastructure adaptation to extreme weather and climate change - REPORT

Operational guidance on designing robust adaptation strategies framework for improved project appraisal

22 Nov

Mitigation of CO2 emissions from aviation REPORT

Assesses potential impact in reducing CO2 emissions

25 Nov

Cities in China and India: impacts of policy on CO2 emissions - REPORT

Blueprint for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) to deliver passenger transport CO2 reductions

1 Dec

OECD Reviews of Clean Energy Investment Policy: Jordan - REPORT

Country case study to apply the Policy Guidance for Investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure

2 Dec

Scaling-up Bond Markets for Green Infrastructure Investment - REPORT

Analyses the potential, barriers and policy solutions for scaling up green bonds in their various different forms

Research Collaborative workshop, 7 September

OECD . 9



#COP21: Date


Event and product

10-11 Mar

UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance, Bonn

17-19 Mar

Climate Change Experts Group Forum & Meeting (CCXG), Paris Working Paper on Estimating Private Climate Finance Mobilisation

31 Mar

Climate Finance Forum, Paris

1 Apr

OECD Global Forum on Development: Post-2015 financing for SD, Paris Report on Finding Synergies for Environment and Development Finance

16-17 Apr

G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors Meeting, Washington

20-21 Apr

DAC-EPOC Joint Task Team on Climate Change and Development Co-operation, Paris

11-12 May

Meeting of the G7 Energy Ministers, L端beck

12-14 May

European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Copenhagen

18 May

Metrics for investment - CDC Climate event, Paris

19 May

2nd meeting of Road-to-Paris partners (WBCSD, IEA, SDSN, IDDRI), Paris

19 May

The Finance Sector & Climate Change" Event (2Degree and CDC), Paris

20 May

High-level session of Road to Paris partners, Paris

20 May

Mind the gap, mind the science (CDP, WWF, WRI, UNGC), Paris

19-20 May

Green Investment Financing Forum (GIFF), Paris Report on Mapping Channels to Mobilise Institutional Investment in Sustainable Energy

20-21 May

Business & Climate Summit, Paris

19-21 May

DAC ENVIRONET-WP-STAT Task Team on Improving the Rio markers, Environment and Development Finance Statistics, Paris

22 May

Private Climate Finance Meeting, Paris

22 May

International Climate Finance Day (CDC/EIB), Paris

25-26 May

G20 Energy Sustainability Working Group Meeting, Istanbul

28 May

Ministerial session on climate change: ITF Annual Summit on Transport, Trade and Tourism, Leipzig

1-11 June

UNFCCC negociations, Bonn + UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Tracking Climate Finance, Bonn

2-4 June

OECD Forum and OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM), Paris Report on Aligning Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy

7-8 June

G7 Summit, Elmau


OECD report


OECD engagement

Event and product

10-11 June

Global Landscapes Forum financing event, Paris

17-18 June

Workshop on Coherent Policies for Climate Smart Agriculture, Korea

18-19 June

OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct, Paris Working Paper on Corporate Carbon Reporting Schemes: impacts on business and investor behaviour

29 June

UN Climate Summit - UN General Assembly President, New York

1-3 Jul

International Tax Dialogue on Tax and the Environment, Paris Reports on Taxing Energy Use + Distributional Impacts of Energy Taxes

3 Jul

OECD Secretary General Climate Lecture, London Report on Aligning Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy

7-10 Jul

Our Common Future Conference, Paris Report on Climate Change Risks and Adaptation

13-16 July

UN Conference on Financing for Development, Addis Ababa

31 Aug-4 Sep

3rd Session of Ad Hoc Working Group on Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, Bonn

1-2 Sep

G20 Energy Sustainability Working Group Meeting, Paris

7-9 Sep

Climate Change Experts Group Forum and Meeting (CCXG), Paris Papers on MRV (transparency), Mitigation cycles, Role of non-state actors, INDCs

8-9 Sep

UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance: Forum on Finance for Forests, Durban

21-27 Sep

UN Climate Week, New York

25-27 Sep

UN Summit on SDGs, New York


DAC ENVIRONET-WP-STAT Task Team on Improving the Rio markers, Environment and Development Finance Statistics, Paris

1-3 Oct

G20 Energy Ministerial Meeting, Istanbul

16 Oct

Sixth OECD Roundtable of Mayors and Ministers, “The Metropolitan Century: Policies for Resilient and Inclusive Cities”, Mexico City

19 Oct-21 Oct

4th Session of Ad Hoc Working Group on Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, Bonn

15-17 Nov

G20 Summit, Antalya

17-18 Nov

IEA ministerial meeting, Paris World Energy Outlook

5-6 Dec

Global Landscapes Forum, Paris

30 NovCOP21, Le Bourget PARIS 2015 11 Dec OECD . 11




#COP21 C O N T A C T S Simon.Upton@oecd.org - OECD Environment Director Anthony.Cox@oecd.org - OECD Environment Deputy-Director Simon.Buckle@oecd.org - Climate, Biodiversity & Water Division, OECD CLIMATE CHANGE, ADAPTATION, DEVELOPMENT Jan.Corfee-Morlot@oecd.org Michael.Mullan@oecd.org Henri.Paillere@oecd.org CLIMATE NEGOTIATIONS INCLUDING INDCS, TRANSPARENCY, TRACKING CLIMATE FINANCE Jane.Ellis@oecd.org Raphael.Jachnik@oecd.org Sara.Moarif@OECD.org


Yoko.Nobuoka@OECD.org CLIMATE, FINANCE AND INVESTMENT Robert.Youngman@oecd.org Karim.Dahou@oecd.org Geraldine.Ang@oecd.org Gregory.Briner@oecd.org Kate.Eklin@oecd.org Christopher.Kaminker@oecd.org Jan-horst.Keppler@oecd.org MITIGATION POLICIES Gregory.Briner@oecd.org Mikaela.Rambali@oecd.org ALIGNING POLICIES FOR A LOW-CARBON ECONOMY Richard.Baron@oecd.org Virginie.Marchal@oecd.org ENERGY TAXES Kurt.VanDender@oecd.org Michelle.Harding@oecd.org Florens.Flues@oecd.org Johanna.Arlinghaus@oecd.org MONITORING CLIMATE-RELATED DEVELOPMENT FINANCE Stephanie.Ockenden@oecd.org ValĂŠrie.Gaveau@oecd.org CITIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE Tadashi.Matsumoto@oecd.org AGRICULTURE AND CLIMATE CHANGE Ada.Ignaciuk@oecd.org Franck.Jesus@oecd.org FOSSIL-FUEL SUBSIDIES Jehan.Sauvage@oecd.org


www.oecd.org/env/cc #COP21 @OECD_ENV

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