OECD Economic Survey of Colombia 2024 - Presentation

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Investing to unlock Colombia’s vast opportunities

Bogotá 17 September 2024


Economic progress has been significant, thanks also to a strong macroeconomic framework

Convergence of GDP per capita to OECD levels

USD, current prices, current purchasing power parity

% of OECD average

Note: Latin America is the simple average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru.

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (database).

A strong recovery from the COVID -19 pandemic has given way to slower growth

Note: Latin America is the purchasing power parity weighted average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 is the first, second, third, fourth quarter.


Colombia Latin America

Growth will pick up

Source: Updated OECD Economic Outlook (database). Real

Consumer price inflation, % (fourth quarter to fourth quarter)

Sustaining strong public finances

Boosting regional development

Improving infrastructure quality requires connecting roads, railways, sea routes, and rivers

Quality of transport infrastructure

Total, score 0-100 (“best”), 2019

Note: LAC is the simple average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru.

Simplifying regulations can improve the business environment

Product Market Regulation: Simplification of the administrative and regulatory burden Score 0 to 6 (“less competition friendly”), 2023

Note: Data refer to the PMR sub-indicator: Communication and simplification of administrative and regulatory burden. LAC is the unweighted average of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru.

Source: OECD Product Market Regulation 2023 (database).

Improving equality of opportunities

Tackling informality is essential for lifting living standards

Note: Data show the ILO definition of informal employment as self-employment in informal enterprises (small, unregistered enterprises) and wage employment in unprotected jobs, meaning jobs with no social contributions, in both

non-wage cost of salaried workers

Expanding childcare and elderly care can boost

Accelerating the climate transition

Meeting emissions targets requires reducing deforestation

Note: 2025 and 2030 targets are from the Nationally Determined Contributions. The target for 2026 is from the 2022-2026 National Development Plan.

Source: OECD calculations based on Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies.


Renewable energy resources

% of total primary energy supply, 2021 or latest

Note: LAC is the simple average of Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico. Primary energy supply is defined as energy production plus energy imports, minus energy exports, minus international bunkers, then plus or minus stock changes.

Source: OECD calculations based on the OECD Green Growth Indicators (database).

Stronger climate adaptation efforts would mitigate climate risks

For more information


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