Presentation - Economic Survey of Costa Rica 2025

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San José 11 March 2025

Economic growth has been robust

Note: Latin America average is an unweighted average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Growth will remain robust

Source: Updated OECD Economic Outlook (database).

Ensuring fiscal sustainability

Costa Rica has met its fiscal targets

Interest paid on public debt

% of GDP, 2023 or latest available year

Note: LAC is an unweighted average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Source: Ministerio de Hacienda; and IMF Public Finances in Modern History (database).

Maximising trade benefits

Note: LAC refers to the unweighted average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

OECD calculations based on Dür et al. (2014).


Tertiary graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

% of all graduates, 2021 or latest available year

Note: The distribution of graduates by field of study is calculated as the share of graduates from each field over the total of graduates. STEM includes all graduates (short-cycle tertiary, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees) with a degree in natural sciences, mathematics and statistics; information and communication technologies; and engineering, manufacturing and construction. LAC is an unweighted average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Transport Infrastructure Index From 0 (“worst”) to 100 ("best")

Note: Transport infrastructure includes road, rail, sea and air. LAC is an unweighted average of Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Source: World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 (database).

Enhancing equality of opportunity

Enrolment in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)

% of children aged 0-2 enrolled in ECEC services, 2020 or latest available year

Simplifying the process of establishing a company would help reduce informality

Product market regulation:

Administrative requirements for limited liability companies and personally-owned enterprises

From 0 to 6 ("least competition friendly"), 2023

Note: The majority of data was collected in 2023. However, in some countries the data collection was completed at a later date. LAC is an unweighted average of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Source: OECD Product Market Regulation (database).

Optimising the green transition

Electricity generation by source in Costa Rica Gigawatt hour (GWh), %, 2023

Source: International Energy Agency Statistics (database).

Improving wastewater collection and treatment would prevent contamination

Connection to wastewater collection system

% of resident population, 2022 or latest available year

Note: OECD refers to an unweighted average of all OECD countries, except Iceland and New Zealand. LAC is an unweighted average of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Source: OECD Environment Statistics: Water (database).


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