Webinar Series on Testing and Assessment Methodologies: AOP Development Programme A second webinar in the series of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) was organised on Wednesday 15 January 2020. It focused on the importance of weight of evidence in the process of developing AOPs, the types and lines of evidence assembled, examples demonstrating the lines of evidence and understanding why quantitative AOPs are developed. https://oe.cd/testing-webinars
The third webinar in the series of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) was organised on Thursday 30 January 2020. It focused on the core information and telecommunication technologies applications that were built to support AOP development, management and dissemination. Tools and technical tips to facilitate scientific knowledge assembling and evaluations were also presented. https://oe.cd/testing-webinars
Webinar Series on Emerging Science to Improve Chemical Safety: Promoting Good practices in the licensing of protected elements in Test Guidelines The webinar was held on 27 April and was he opportunity to explain to the public, and especially test method developers the importance of establishing Fair, Reasonable and NonDiscriminatory conditions in licensing protected elements of a test method to the users. This ensures broad access to the new technologies contained in OECD Test Guielines. The recording of the webinar is available online: https://oe.cd/science-webinars
Virtual Joint session of the Working Party on Hazard Assessment (WPHA) and the Extended Advisory Group on Molecular Screening and Toxicogenomics (EAGMST), 24 June 2020 This joint session was organised to discuss how the outputs of the OECD AOP programme can be better aligned to support regulatory needs of countries and how limited resources available for AOP reviews can be streamlined. The main conclusion of the session was that regulatory relevance should be an overarching consideration for AOP development and review, and good coordination between OECD groups is of great importance. Regulators noted that in order to increase the regulatory uptake of AOPs, those that are selected for review need to be integrated with test methods and IATA under development in other on-going projects.