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Given the extraordinary circumstances created by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year the Association took the unprecedented step of conducting a virtual AGM. The one-day event was held May 16, with 597 delegates joining from across the province and a total of 635 participants. A number of members also joined via livestream.
Prior to the meeting, delegates approved a series of amendments to the Handbook by-laws, which among other things, allowed all resolutions to the 2020 AGM to be postponed until next year. With resolutions being postponed until next year, delegates listened to and discussed reports from President Liz Stuart, Treasurer Michel Derikx, Ontario Teachers’ Federation Table Officer Chris Cowley, and General Secretary David Church. There were also presentations from the Association’s auditors at Grant Thornton LLP, and reports about the OECTA Benefits Plan and provincial committees. Delegates also voted to ratify the Association’s Key Priorities/ Challenges for 2020-21.
Despite the effort it took to transition a province-wide meeting online, delegates were pleased with how smoothly the meeting went, with some appreciating the easier commute. Many delegates also took to social media to post photos of how they were participating in this unique experience. In fact, at one point in the meeting, #CatholicTeachers and #OECTAAGM2020 were trending across Canada! That said, we all hope to see everyone again, live and in-person, at AGM 2021.

Despite the uncertainty of the ongoing COVID-19 emergency, the Association remains committed to serving our members and our communities, while protecting everyone’s health and safety.
The Association has taken a number of steps to assist members as you transitioned to working from home and delivering the emergency distance learning program. We have kept in regular contact with you throughout the school closure period by sending a number of COVID-19 Member Updates, to provide you with important information, useful resources, and opportunities to have your say through several member surveys. You can also find a variety of helpful articles in Catholic Teacher magazine. We will continue to provide you with relevant and timely information as it becomes available.
To ensure easy access to information and resources, we have created new section in the Members’ Area of catholicteachers.ca, COVID-19 Resources for Members. There, you will find a repository of all previous member communications, as well as government policy updates and answers to frequently asked questions. You can also access a number of PD resources, including new Distance Learning WebExperience sessions on a variety of topics, as well as a Choice Board Bank, which provides elementary teachers with ready-made, teacherdeveloped resources that span various curriculum areas.
Everyone is facing challenges during this period of uncertainty, and as Catholic teachers we feel an obligation to do what we can to alleviate the suffering of others. To that end, the OECTA Provincial Executive and local units have approved donations of $175,000 to a variety of organizations, such as food banks, women’s shelters, the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses, St. Vincent de Paul, and more.
As we confront these unique and challenging times, the Association remains dedicated to supporting and advocating on behalf of members. Please continue to monitor your personal email for COVID-19 updates.
OECTA recognizes June as Right to Strike Month. We reflect on the effort and sacrifices that led to teachers in Ontario finally gaining the right to strike in 1975, and the hard fights we have undertaken to defend our rights and working conditions. The occasion has special meaning this year, as the Association is coming off our first-ever province-wide strike actions. We will continue to stand firm in promoting and protecting this fundamental right for ourselves and all workers.