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5 Considerations When Selecting Fasteners
A dependable supplier helps decrease lead times, improve operations and increase environmental and sustainability progress.
by Paul Przyby, Optimas Solutions
The supply chain—a term once associated with the logistics, transportation and distribution world—has become common in everyone’s vocabulary. Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 crisis and recent geopolitical events, strain remains on the collective supply chain.
How can original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of off-highway mobile equipment mitigate fastener supply chain challenges? The answer lies in the chosen fastener supplier that fits the OEM’s requirements in five key areas—risk reduction, inventory optimization, elevating operations, quality, and electrification and environmental considerations.
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Cummins Announced New CEO
Rumsey is the first woman to hold this title since the company’s inception in 1919.
by Lori Ditoro
Cummins Inc. announced that, effective August 1, 2022, Jennifer Rumsey, president and chief operating officer, will assume the role of president and CEO, and Tom Linebarger will end his term as CEO. Rumsey will be the seventh CEO and first woman to lead the company since it was founded in 1919.
Rumsey is an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion, and women in STEM fields.
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Keys to Reservoir Design in Mobile Equipment
Mobile hydraulic reservoirs are expected to perform as well as their industrial counterparts. However, tanks and reservoirs in off-highway vehicles require special design considerations to deal with more extreme and often adverse conditions, such as machine motion, extreme ambient temperatures, as well size limitations.
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