Trailer Playlists
OESIS members may watch these trailers and the entire faculty PD videos on OESIS-XP. Click on the left icon to access each playlist or the right screenshots to watch specific trailers.
Competency-Based Education CBE replaces the traditional temporal approach to learning with a more personalized approach that meets students where they are, empowers their learning, and permits teachers to track and act on student progress.
CompetencyBased Education
Competency-Based Paradigms Landscape from Public to Private Allison Powell, former Vice President of Research INACOL 4.55-minute trailer
Rightsizing Skills: Finding Goldilocks Zone Between the Trivial & Obscure Ray Ravaglia, Chief Learning Officer, Opportunity & Founder, Stanford Online High School & Jeff Scarborough, Director of Curriculum and Assessment, Quest Forward Learning,
Cohort Pathways: An OESIS Network Member Assessment Jude Ross, an art teacher, The Alexander Dawson School (NV) 5-minute trailer
Opportunity Education 5.41-minute trailer
MakerSpaces are places that facilitate the creation portion of the design thinking process, where students transform ideas into reality.
Building a Maker Mindset: A Maker Sequence PreK-12 Jason Kern, Assistant Head of School for Innovation and Learning, All Saint’s Episcopal School (TX) 5-minute trailer
Passion-Based Learning Through Social Media Nate Green, History Teacher, Flint Hill School (VA) 5-minute trailer
MakerSpace Panel 2019 Michael Garrant, Blair Academy (NJ); Jim Tiffin Jr., Mount Vernon Presbyterian School (GA); and Tim Schwartz, Whitby School (CT) 4.22-minute trailer
Project-Based Learning Playlist PBL can be an effective tool in giving students ownership of their learning and can be crucial for increasing students’ sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
PBL Art and English: Masters to Master Jeff Robin, Founding Faculty Member, High Tech High (CA) and OESIS Network Leader 6.02-minute trailer
A Core Sequence of Philosophies in Science and the Humanities Jonathan Weil, Division Head of Core, Stanford Online High School (CA) 4.49-minute trailer
City as our Campus: Use of Expert Mentors to Facilitate Student-Centered PBL Graig Marx, Science Department Chair, Winchester Thurston School (PA) and OESIS Network Leader 4.5-minute trailer
Trailer Playlists
OESIS members may watch these trailers and the entire faculty PD videos on OESIS-XP
PBL Playlist PBL can be an effective tool in giving students ownership of their learning and can be crucial for increasing students’ sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
More Voice and Choice into Project-Based Learning Andrew Miller, National Faculty, Buck Institute, and Instructional Coach, Shanghai American School 4.43-minute trailer
Sustainable Systems in Integrated Sciences Dr. Aidyl Gonzalez-Serricchio, Co-Chair Science Department and STEAM Director, The Buckley School (CA) 5.08-minute trailer
The Importance of Timing, Feedback & Whole-Group Discussion in PBL Jeff Robin, Founding Faculty Member, High Tech High and OESIS Network Leader (CA) 4.42-minute trailer
SEL Schools with successful SEL programs are safe, engaging and well-managed environments where children can focus on learning. Teaching SEL reduces violence and conflict while creating an atmosphere of trust, engagement, and curiosity.
Hot Cognition Teaser: SEL for Brain Engagement Cherilyn Leet, Assistant Director of Education, Six Seconds, Emotional Intelligence Network (CA) 4.53-minute trailer
21st Century Skills
Six Seconds Frameworks & Contexts Around EQ, SEL, & Student Wellness Anabel Jensen, President, and Cherilyn Leet, Assistant Director of Education, Six Seconds, Emotional Intelligence Network (CA) 4.47-minute trailer
Wellness, Achievement and Assessment Deborah Dowling Associate Head for Academic Affairs Chadwick School (CA) 4.54-minute trailer
A potpourri of innovative ideas: What is Mastery? Why is an experience different than a product or service? Why is it critical to hit the metacognitive level with our students on a regular basis?
Mastery Gradebooks and Rubrics Tara Quigley, Director, Miss Fine’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Princeton Day School (NJ) 4.52-minute trailer
What is a 21st century experience? OESIS President Sanje Ratnavale and OESIS Vice President Joel Backon 5.01-minute trailer
Future-Focused Learning Beyond the 3Rs AJ Webster, Christy Durham and Tedd Wakeman, The Founders, The Sycamore School (CA)
Trailer Playlists
OESIS members may watch these trailers and the entire faculty PD videos on OESIS-XP
CompetencyBased Education
Formative Assessment
10 Elements of Mastery-Based Education Allison Powell, former Vice President of Research INACOL 5.3-minute trailer
Competency-Focused Collaborative Work in the PBL Classroom Tara Quigley, Director of Miss Fine’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Princeton Day School (NJ) 4.41-minute trailer
Cross-Curricular 21st Century Skills across K-12 Curriculum Dr. Deborah Dowling, Assistant Head for Academic Affairs, Chadwick School (CA) 6.26-minute trailer
Formative Assessment Andrew Miller, National Faculty, Buck Institute, and Instructional Coach, Shanghai American School 4.2-minute trailer
Formative Assessments & the Hippocampus Angela Neff Director of Digital Learning Innovation de Toledo High School (CA) 4.5-minute trailer
Formative Assessment Tools and Strategies Glenn Milewski Chief Program Officer ERB (NY) 3.37-minute trailer
PBL Playlist PBL can be an effective tool in giving students ownership of their learning and can be crucial for increasing students’ sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Creating a PBL Classroom: Conceptual Art & Physics Jeff Robin, Founding Faculty, High Tech High (CA), and OESIS Network Leader 3.27-minute trailer
PBL: Design Dots for Student Reading Collaboration Tara Quigley, Director of Miss Fine’s Center, 6th Grade & Humanities Teacher, Princeton Day School (NJ) 9.08-minute trailer
Trailer Playlists
OESIS members may watch these trailers and the entire faculty PD videos on OESIS-XP
Cultural Competency Playlist Schools that are safe and build trust for all students transcend the single-lens cultural narrative, building on cultural similarities and celebrating differences.
Developing an Online Course in Cultural Competency Mike Gwaltney Upper School Head Rocky Hill School (RI) 5.14-minute trailer
Equity Playlist
Issues of Race, Gender and Social Justice: A Paradigm for Empowering Students Laura Robertson Dean of Faculty Development St. Anne’s-Belfield School (VA) 5.08-minute trailer
Teaching to the Context of African American Students Joycelyn Hughes Chief Intellectual Officer Howard University (DC) 6.24-minute trailer
Now that we understand the same learning experience for all actually promotes inequity, we learn to meet students where they are, the essence of equity.
Equity in the Classroom 2019 OESIS-XP Community/ Diversity Coordinators Panel Jeff Robin, OESIS Network Leader and PBL Cohort Teacher, and Founding Faculty Brett Lipshutz, University School of Milwaukee (WI); Lily Medina, St. Thomas Member, High Tech High (CA) 1.54-minute trailer Episcopal Parish School (FL); and Priya Singhvi, Greenhill School (TX) 5.27-minute trailer
Equity Maps and other Participation Tools Jared Colley, English Department Chair, The Oakridge School (TX) 5.01-minute trailer
Standards-Based Grading Playlist If we are to grade, we must grade in an objective manner, void of emotion, history, and implicit bias.
Standards-Based Grading in High School Biology Kevin Quick, Teacher, The Webb Schools (CA) 5.01-minute trailer
Standards-Based Grading in Middle & Upper School Humanities Erin Nordlund, English Dept. Chair, Chadwick School (CA) 5.01-minute trailer
Standards-Based Grading in World Languages Guy Vandenbroucke, French Teacher, Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences (CA) 4.5-minute trailer