r c h i t e c t u r e d e p a r t m e n t
It’s an Idea project for creating connection in different areas through the lakes for the people of different age. Designing facility on water edge. Conceptual ideas.
Gulshan 2
Gulshan, Baridhara, Banani ( GBBL) MAHJABIN ISLAM 08308012 BRAC University Settlement Banani Badda Connecting bridge
Gulshan 1
Creating pocket spaces as Plaza
Case study: Venice, Italy Extended surface
Walkway beside the cannel
Using the left over pocket spaces By creating plaza beside the water edge will ensure the lake boundary Sitting Tea stall Gather space
Section. Walk way beside the lake
Ghat /Deck
Mohakali road
By designing a Ghat beside the road it’s possible to create connection.
Walk way beside the lake
Residence and Commercial building
High and middle income group people area Existing Banani and Gulshan lake side.
Common gathering space for the high and lower group of people
Low income group of people area Slum