Adult Degree Program – Ministry

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MINISTRY DEGREE PROGR AM DETAILS Whether you currently serve in your church in a pastoral or educational role, are an active lay member eager to do more, or you have felt the call to serve as you have engaged in work outside the church, the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Ministry at Belmont University may be the next stop on your path. Offered in a day and evening format, ministry classes equip you with the Biblical, theological, historical and practical knowledge of ministry while facilitating personal growth.

FACULTY CREDENTIALS As a ministry student, you will join a close community of faculty and students who are all seeking to understand God’s claim upon their lives. You will be mentored by faculty who want to help you clarify and affirm your call to ministry and introduce you to ministry as a vocation.


Enhance Your Knowledge: Belmont’s ministry degree is applicable to a wide range of ministry fields. You’ll build a strong foundation in biblical and theological studies and develop the skill set needed to become well-trained, well-grounded, and wellequipped for your unique calling. Expand Your Leadership Skills: Prepare for ministry as you grow in knowledge, faith and leadership. Through coursework and mentoring, you will comprehend and apply effective leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills. Maintain Lifestyle: Continue working full-time with the flexibility and convenience of our 8-week evening courses, where you attend class one night a week and complete the rest of the coursework online, or our 15-week courses, which are offered in the day and evening.

CAREER IMPACT Ministry graduates have accepted positions in churches, social service agencies, educational institutions and corporations concerned with ethical issues. The Bachelor’s Degree in Ministry also provides a strong foundation for graduate-level coursework.

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“Finishing my degree at Belmont placed me in a position to apply for and qualify for jobs I would not otherwise have qualified for, and I have received two promotions since I graduated. It was also a platform to say, “Yes, I can do this.” In my current job as Assistant Director of School Nutrition for Metro Nashville Public Schools, my ministry degree equipped me with the tools to tie other people into resources and allows me the opportunity to minister and show compassion every day.”

BACHELOR OF ARTS or BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Ministry Degree Requirements BELL Core/General Education Requirements Junior Cornerstone Written Communications Oral Communications Mathematics Fine Arts Social Sciences Humanities Wellness Religion Sciences If pursuing a Bachelor of Science: 7–8 hours of Sciences 6 hours of Math If pursuing a Bachelor of Arts: 6 hours of Foreign Language (2000 level) 7–8 hours of Sciences 3 hours of Math

MINISTRY CURRICULUM The B.S. or B.A. in Ministry program consists of a minimum of 128 credit hours, including BELL Core general education requirements. The ministry degree allows students to gain a solid foundation in all facets of ministry, thus students pursuing this degree type will complete a set of Ministry Prerequisite and Core Courses, as well as courses in the Area Emphasis to complete the major. Students also get to complete general elective courses, which can be designed around additional areas of interest.

TR ANSFER CREDIT You’ll need a total of 128 credit hours minimum to graduate from any of Belmont’s undergraduate adult degree programs—and our flexible transfer credit policy puts you well on your way. A minimum of 32 hours must be completed at Belmont. At least 64 hours of transfer work must come from a four-year institution. Contact us to complete a free unofficial transcript analysis of your previous college coursework so we can see how many courses you have left to take at Belmont.

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Ministry Major Courses Prerequisites New Testament & Exegesis Christian Doctrine Core Emphasis Vocation & Christian Life Spiritual Formation Christian Ethics Colloquium Area Emphasis Understanding Church History Education in the Church Dynamics of the Local Church Pastoral Care Missions & Church Development Worship & Preaching Servant Leadership Electives Credits Required for Graduation


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