Belmont University Department of Art

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DEPARTMENT OF Nationally accredited by SACS and NASAD, we offer a bachelor of fine arts in studio art, design communications, and art education as well as a bachelor in art and art history. Our vision is to provide students with an intensive education in

Nashville, Tennessee, artistic opportunities and various creative endeavors are abundant. Creativity abounds here and is a vital asset to the university. Approximately one in every six students studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

the visual arts in an effort to cultivate their professional, aesthetic, intellectual, spiritual and personal development.

SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

NASAD - National Association of Schools of Art and Design

ar t

The Department of Art at Belmont University, within the College of Visual and Performing Arts, offers students a unique opportunity to study in an intimate learning environment of a private Christian University. Nestled within the larger community of

becca hadzor | nashville, tn | class of 2005...

casey gill summar | nashville, tn | class of 2002...

am responsible for all visual and creative aspects of the

Lawyers for the Arts (TNVLA). After graduating from

marketing campaign for both the Nashville Symphony

Belmont, I decided to work to support the arts

and the newly constructed Schermerhorn Symphony

community by going to Vanderbilt University Law

Center. I am responsible for creating newspaper and

School and starting TNVLA, a nonprofit organization

magazine ads, program notes and playbills, annual

that provides free legal services and education to

career: executive director for the Tennessee Volunteer

career: graphic designer for the Nashville Symphony. I

reports, ticket design, season brochures,

low income artists. I find my work incredibly

invitations, billboards and other print and

rewarding, and it is great and very satisfying

promotional materials that contribute to the overall visual identity of the new Nashville

...what alumni

Symphony and all of their numerous expansive associatives and divisions.

are saying

to be able to continue creating and exhibiting photographs in my spare time. about belmont: After taking my first photography class at Belmont, I knew I

about belmont: the thing I most appreciate

wanted to pursue photography seriously. I did

about my experience at Belmont would have to be

consider transferring to an art school but realized that

the student/teacher interaction. It is rare to find a

I had everything I needed to succeed at Belmont:

university like Belmont that recognizes the importance

great facilities and an inspiring and dedicated

of mentorship and enables students, faculty and

faculty. I received a truly remarkable amount of

staff the unrivaled opportunity to shape meaningful

personal attention from professors who had the

relationships. I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

wonderful capacity to motivate and encourage me while also nurturing me on a personal level.

small class sizes

average class size: 15/studio, 25/lecture, full time faculty = 7 will always feel part of a family in our program. Small class sizes mean that you get to know your classmates and professors. Each student is assigned an academic advisor who helps provide guidance on your personal academic path. There are many activities that extend beyond the classroom in which to participate with your art friends. The Art Student Council hosts events and workshops and participates in community events such as art openings. Every year the Art Student Council hosts the Senior Art Crawl as well as the annual Juried Student Exhibit with jurors from the design and art community.

st ud y ab r o a d

“The experiential learning trip to Greece was my first journey out of the U.S., making it a truly amazing experience for me. The completely new culture was overwhelming and exciting to me, and I could feel it as soon as I stepped off the plane.” - Christa Ellis

...Belmont students are strongly encouraged to study abroad by spending a summer, semester or year in an intensive language or interdisciplinary program. In addition, an array of studio, art history and design classes are available through study abroad programs. These courses can fulfill an art elective, general education or Junior Cornerstone requirement. Faculty members from the Department of Art regularly lead study abroad trips to Italy and Greece with programs developed through Belmont’s Rasmussen Center for International Education.

BLVD st u d i o s

student-run established february 2004 ...our program offers many opportunities for practical experience. BLVD Studios is a fully student-run design and photography studio, managed and operated entirely by design and photography students who work for clients on and off campus. The BLVD Design Studio won one of 10 people’s choice awards at the first annual AIGA Nashville SHINE exhibition. In addition, Nashville is a very active creative arts and design community, providing a rich environment for practical experience in the form of apprenticeships and internships.

d e si g n c o mm un i c a t io n s communications is an intensive program that begins during the sophomore year with Intro to Design, an exclusively hands-on course. The group each year then progresses through the program in one of our state-of-the-art graphics labs, where students learn advanced technical and problem solving skills, building upon the knowledge gained along the way. Web, Typography and Design History are primary courses, along with six sequential core design courses. Students choose one emphasis area (e.g.

design administration, studio art or web development) within the field of design communication. All of the courses, along with the final senior portfolio course, are grounded in the creative process of design. Our classes provide exposure to opportunities in the profession, ranging from corporate work, information design, packaging and non-profit advocacy. Belmont’s design communications program is dedicated to offering the very best education for entering the creative arts field.

Career options with a B.F.A. in Design Communications: animation web designer tv/film graphic artist environmental designer information designer package designer typographer multimedia designer corporate designer art director creative director magazine designer

Careers stemming from a B.F.A. in Studio Art: gallery owner or director public artist conservator illustrator muralist set designer children’s book designer fine artist art librarian textile designer museum curator museum educator


...the study of studio art at Belmont provides students with a diverse set of skills to pursue a career in the arts, artrelated fields or graduate school. Students work closely with an academic advisor and other professors to best plan studies for either a liberal arts B.A. with a minor, or a professional B.F.A. degree in studio art in addition to exploring post-graduate opportunities. The department offers courses and areas of emphasis in drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking and photography as well

as a minor in art history. Each student culminates their experience with a senior exhibition created in conjunction with a Senior Capstone course that assists in career planning. Studio art students have participated in group exhibits at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, created multimedia painting and sculpture based on designs by Red Grooms and his wife Lysiane Luong, and assisted local artist Steve Benneyworth with the installation of his sculpture in front of the art building.

a rt e d u c ation

...the B.F.A. in art education is an option for those who intend to teach art at the K-12 levels or in a community arts setting. Students work closely with their art education advisor to plan the sequence of courses required for a teaching license in the state of Tennessee. Along with professional art education courses and a studio curriculum to provide a solid foundation in art practices, students participate in supervised teaching in local schools. During their final semester, students will also prepare an exhibition of their studio work. All art education students are encouraged to participate in

volunteer or intern teaching opportunities at local fine arts institutions and non-profit organizations. This provides additional experience within the classroom and with diverse age levels before the semester of student teaching. A B.F.A. in art education from Belmont means that you will be fully qualified and prepared for a career as an art educator in elementary, middle and secondary school settings, as well as in a variety of non-profit arts organizations. Graduates of this program may also choose to pursue graduate studies for teaching positions in higher education and museum education.

a rt h i s t or y history is a rich and varied field of study that stimulates the imagination and requires intellectual curiosity. It builds critical thinking and visual literacy skills that help students succeed in a wide range of real world endeavors, including business and non-profit sectors. The Art Department will offer a new B.A. degree program in art history. This degree provides a solid foundation in the study of visual art and architecture through time and across cultures using a process of investigation that is interdisciplinary in approach. A B.A. in art history is suitable for those who wish to pursue further study at the graduate level and/or a career in museum curatorship or education, galleries, library sciences, art organizations or publishing.

Careers stemming from a B.A. in ART HISTORY: museum curatorship or education galleries library sciences art organizations publishing

...each studio area has a designated space. The photography studio is for black and white processing with 13 stations and three advanced private darkrooms for oversized prints. The ceramics lab has 14 wheels, five kilns (three electric, one large gas and one outdoor raku) and ample room for hand building. The sculpture lab is fully equipped. Oversized work is completed in the senior annex where senior art students also have designated space to work. The two graphics labs include a total of 33 Macintosh workstations and support peripherals. Additionally, all labs have key-in security access.




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112 111 129


122 gallery 121


013 022



ceramics fabrication sculpture offices classroom graphics lab two audio/visual gallery 121 offices painting drawing printmaking graphics lab one photo lab office emergency exit

center for the visual arts

013 014 022 111-114 115 116 117 121 122-129 204 205 206 207 216/217 224


If you are interested in pursuing a B.F.A. or B.A. degree from Belmont University, or would like to arrange a tour of our facilities with a faculty member, please contact the Belmont Office of Admissions at 615.460.6785 or 1.800.563.6765. Visiting students and their parents are also welcome to sit in on our classes. Admissions Requirements: In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission to the university, students desiring to pursue a B.F.A. in art education, studio art, design communications or a B.A. in art, must submit a CD portfolio of 20 examples of work. Portfolios are not required for admission into the B.A. art history program. Scholarships: Frank and Margaret Leu Visual Art Scholarships are awarded to freshmen who exemplify high personal character, a strong work ethic, a commitment to excellence, and who show great potential to become a professional artist or designer. For more information on scholarship requirements, contact the Department of Art at 615.460.6770.

1900 Belmont Blvd. Nashville, TN 37212 615.460.6770


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