Schools,Academies,AcademyTrusts andTeachingAlliancesacrosstheUK trustECMtosupportthem acrossall areasineducation.Wehavethe expertise,knowledgeandskills tohelp youwhetheryouaredevelopingyour schoolIMPACTplan,focussingon improvingthequalityofeducationand leadershipandmanagement or supportingneworexperiencedstaff throughmonitoring&evaluation.Our strengthisinourteam,andweare proudofthewealthofexperienceand knowledgethatwehavehereatECM Wehaveaproventrackrecord ofhow wehavehelpedschoolsoverthelast decadetobethebesttheycanbe Weworkwithschoolleadersandstaffto provideawiderangeofbespoke guidance,support,coaching, mentoringandtraining opportunities OurSchoolImprovementPartners work withyourleaders toidentifyyour school’sneedsand supportthemthen inimplementingstrategiestoimprove schooleffectivenessandpupil outcomes. ECMcanworkwithyour schoolto co-designaSchool ImprovementPartner(SIP)dayora packageofsupportbasedaroundyour ownidentifiedneeds.
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Why choose ECM?
ECM Support for your School
Scope of Work
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Working Together
What you can expect from us
How to book our Services
Staff Meetings and Insets
ECM Service Offer
Meet our School Improvement Partners (SIPS)
ECM Education Consultants are a well respected and reputab educational training and consultancy company, established September 2010.
ECM currently work alongside and support a large number of across the UK and abroad ECM work in partnership with a wide range of outstanding associates who are able to offer high quality skills and expertise to meet the specific needs of all leaders.
Oursolutionfocussed,needsdrivenapproachensuresthatschoolsare continuouslyimproving,withtheirstaffhavingtheknowledgeandskills todotheirjobstoahighlyeffectivelevel,thisinturnsupportspupilsto achievethebestpossibleoutcomes.
SupportedReviewsof CurriculumandSchool Effectiveness-Secondary
Establishingabespokesolutiontomeetyour School’sneeds-definedinpartnershipwith Schoolleaders.
HowcanECM supportyour School?
Experiencedprofessionalssupporting yourteamacrossthefullrangeof educationaldisciplines
CapacityBuilding -Leadership
Theuseofhigh-quality ECMmaterials&resourcesadaptedtotheneedsofthetrust.
Objectivevalidationandsuggested developmentofeachschool’swork
“ECM has played a pivotal role in our journey. from the earliest days of this growing trust, large numbers of school leaders were trained in exceptional systems which dovetailed together – systems which have been praised for their effectiveness in Ofsted inspections and provided a coherent and Trust-wide approach”
Choosetheserviceorservicesthatyou requirefromourrangeofofferings showcasedinthisbrochure. 1
2 TakealookatourAssociateTeamand choosewhoyou’dliketoworkwith.Or skipthisstepandgostraightto3!
3 Getintouchwithus!Completeouronline enquiryformhereorcall08443351022.
4 BeginyourjourneywithECM!
OurStaffMeetings/Twilightsessionscanbeheldforyourownschool oraclusterofschoolsasliveonlinesessionsorFacetoFace.Most courseswithinthisbrochurecanbedeliveredinschool Tobooka staffmeetingorINSET,pleaseemailadmin@ecmeducationconsultants.co.ukorcall08443351022.
Please be advised that all costs are exclusive of VAT For in-person training, mileag additional charge at a rate of 0 45p per mile Additionally, accommodation expen assured, we strive to assign a course leader nearest to your location to minimise in
INSET Day (6-hours) In Person INSET Day
1 School with up to 15 delegates £800 00 + VAT £750 00 + VAT
staffmeetings andINSETsby signingupto ourECM Membership Rewards below.
3+ Schools with up to 15 delegates each £550 00 per school £450 00 per school
5+ Schools with up to 15 delegates each. £450.00 per school
Additional Cost if more than 15 delegates.
£20.00 per delegate
£350.00 per school
£20.00 per delegate
Staff Meeting & Governor (2-hours) In Person Staff Meeting Online Staff Meeting
1 School with up to 15 delegates. £395.00 + VAT
3+ Schools with up to 15 delegates each. £250.00 per school
£350.00 + VAT
£200.00 per school
5+ Schools with up to 15 delegates each. £200.00 per school £150.00 per school
Additional Cost if more than 15 delegates.
£20.00 per delegate
£20.00 per delegate
By joining forces with other schools, we amplify our pricing value, foster collaboration with like-minded professionals, and enhance expertise sharing for collective growth
Don‘t miss out on your FREE ECM Membership Please join our NEW ECM Membership to enjoy exclusive rewards, discounts and benefits securing the very best value for your money! It’s completely free to join and be a part of.
1SIPDayinschool(6hours)noNoteofvisit (NOV)included.
1SIPDayinschool(6hours)plusNoteofVisit (NOV).
5-hoursSIPinschool+NoteofVisit(NOV). £650.00+VAT
HalfdaySIPinschool(3hours)–noNoteof Visit(NOV).
HalfdaySIPinschool(3hours)+Noteof Visit(NOV)
NoteofVisit(1-pagesummaryofstrengths andareasfordevelopment-1hour)
HeadteacherPerformance Management -4hourprocess
CEOPerformance Management
TeachingandLearningReview (TLR)-Supportedand Coached
Reviewofprevioustargetswith HeadteacherandGovernors. Analysisofschooldocuments,IDSR,SIP, SEFetc.
SettingnewtargetswithHeadteacher andGovernors
Gainvaluableinsightsintothe effectivenessofaspecificsubjectwithin yourschoolwithourone-dayreview PartneringwithanECMconsultant,this processevaluatesstrengthsandareasfor improvement,providingclearactionsto driveeducationaloutcomes
BasedonthenewInspectionFramework wewillcompleteafullreviewofQualityof Education,Behaviourandattitude's, PersonalDevelopment,Leadershipand ManagementandEarlyYearsor6thForm.
OurTLRsarefocussedonproviding detailedassessmentswithoutincluding overalleffectiveness
WecanreviewyourcurriculumINTENT long-termplansineachofthenational curriculumsubjectswithafocuson:
Highexpectationsineachyeargroup Progressionandsequencing Knowledgeandskillfocus Schoolcontext
Startingfrom £2,400.00+VAT
Service Overview Price
ADeepDiveintoYour ChosenSubject
InspectionReadyTelephone Conversation
AcoachedapproachthroughtheDeep Diveprocessavailablein:English,Early readingandphonics,Maths,Science, History,Geography,D&T,PE,Music,RE,Art, Computing,Languages
1dayvisitincludingNoteofVisit highlightingstrengthsandnextsteps.
Allaspectsofearlyyearsprovision evaluatedalongsideyouandearlyyears staffincludinglessonvisits,curriculum auditsandinterviews.Onedayinschool.
NoteofVisithighlightingstrengthsandnext steps.
Halfdaytelephoneconversation rehearsingtheprocessandapproachof thecallwithinspectorspriortoinspection.
Audit,reviewandreportonthe effectivenessandimpactofyourschools useofPupilPremiumFunding
1dayvisitincludingNoteofVisit highlightingstrengthsandnextsteps.
£650.00+VAT Ifyouprefera moredetailedreport +£200toRRP=£850 Enquire/Book Here
Service Overview Price
QualityofEducationor CurriculumReview
Interviewswithschoolleaders,subject leaders,teachersandpupilsaswellas lessonobservations
Wewillevaluatethestrengthsandareas fordevelopmentneededatyourschool readyforinspection, Thiswilltypicallybe in2subjectareasin1day
1dayvisitincludingNoteofVisit highlightingstrengthsandnextsteps.
Fullevaluationoftheeffectivenessofyour SENDprovision/co-ordination
1dayvisitincludingNoteofVisit highlightingstrengthsandnextsteps
£650.00+VAT Ifyouprefera moredetailedreport +£200toRRP=£850
Pre-readingofschoolIDSR,SEF,and SIP/SDP
Ofsted-stylecoachedinterviewwith yourgovernors(Headsmayattendif desired)
Feedbackandcoachingonbest responses
Summaryreport(NoteofVisit) highlightingstrengthsand recommendations
Opportunitytobookafollow-up sessionatthesamerate
£650.00+VAT Ifyouprefera moredetailedreport +£200toRRP=£850
Overview Price
Option1: Halfday(3-hours)preparationplus telephoneinterview/call 1dayinschool(6-hours) NoteofVisit(NOV)-summaryof areasfordevelopment.
ECMSafeguarding Audit/Review
Option2: asabovebutreplacingsummary reportwithamoredetailedRecordof Visit(ROV)-3pagesummaryof strengths&areasfordevelopment
OrganisationalDevelopment -StrategicReview
Thisone-dayreviewatyourschool, featuringanECMconsultantworking alongsideyourleaders,willprovidea criticalyetsupportiveprocesstoevaluate theeffectivenessofoneofyoursubjects andidentifyareasofstrengthand actionsfordevelopment
Dr.TonyBirchwillworkalongsideleaders inyourestablishmenttofacilitatea processofreflection,review,and planninglinkedtosomeorallaspectsof yourself-evaluationframework
Startingfrom £700.00+VAT
1-to-1Self-EvaluationSummary(SES)or SchoolDevelopmentPlan(SDP)writing support-onedayinschool,includingall materialsandresources
Tailoredforclusters,Multi-Academy Trusts(MATs),orindividualschools,the sessioncanbedeliveredeitherface-tofaceorasaliveonlineevent.
Remotereviewofyourwebsitelookingat compliance Includesfullreport identifyingstrengthsandareasto improve
Startingfrom £395.00+VAT
We have found the services of ECM to be excellent: truly supportive and professional. We embarked on a journey of improvement with their support and I feel they have guided us diligently and expertly allowing my SLT and MLT to grow in confidence and knowledge. Their friendly, credible and knowledgeable staff have provided us a great deal of guidance which has impacted on leaders' wellbeing in addition to their professional ability. Consultants were honest, whilst nonthreatening. Supportive but also challenging us to think smarter. Their range of experiences and expertise means we all could learn and valued their input.
We engaged with various development opportunities and were impressed and appreciative of the level of service they gave us through the opportunities. We are more on track now than we have ever been which we know means our children are benefiting the most.
Donna Fitzgerald | Principal Healing Academy
“ECM’s aim is to make certain that school leaders have the support and assistance to complete major tasks effectively and to a high standard, whilst providing excellent value for money. I can highly recommend ECM”.
Mark Elms | Director of Education for Reach South
Paul was Headteacher at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Cumbria for seven years, the highest performing school in that county During this time, Paul also worked as an Ofsted Inspector for four years until 2022 in the Northwest. Prior to this, he was Deputy Headteacher at North Halifax Grammar School, Calderdale for 10 years.
Paul’s early career included experience in three comprehensives in North Yorkshire and Leeds, including time as Assistant Headteacher in Horsforth School Paul has led two large Comprehensive English faculties but has extensive experience of deep dives in most subject areas. Paul has led on many areas of school improvement: CPD, Behaviour for Learning, Quality Assurance, student outcomes and attendance.
Paul is an advocate of the Mindsets philosophy and encourages students and colleagues to grasp every experience as a learning opportunity. Paul is a school improvement consultant with experience across many trusts and contexts in the North, in addition to being an Associate for ECM. Paul also coaches colleagues through NPQ programmes, writes for The Good Schools Guide and Teach Secondary and has his own blog, Tales from The Headteacher’s Desk
Leadership and management
Ofsted preparation
Making clear judgements about the quality of teaching, learning and assessment and supporting schools in working towards school improvements; teamwork and developing leadership across school, including robust self-evaluation, governance; safeguarding and headteacher appraisal
Alison Gormally is the Director of Leadership Ltd, which is an education consultancy specialising in School Improvement, Systems Leadership, and Workload and Wellbeing Alison has worked in a wide variety of leadership posts in secondary education for over 30 years. She retired as Headteacher of Golborne High School in December 2023, having led the school to an ‘outstanding’ judgement in January 2023. Alison has vast experience in raising achievement across all cohorts, particularly among disadvantaged and SEND learners
In 2018, Alison founded Trinity Teaching Alliance, offering ITT, ECF, and NPQ expertise. As part of a Teaching School Hub, she led the Wigan cohort and has extensive knowledge and experience of the ECF and NPQ programmes. She serves as a coach for Headteachers as part of the Early Headship course and works as a facilitator for various organisations, including the National Institute of Teaching.
Alison has extensive experience in supporting schools and MATs across the North West region. She was part of the Executive Steering Group for Greater Manchester, which provides leadership coherence and school improvement across Greater Manchester Alison also worked as part of the Wigan School Improvement Board, supporting school improvement across the Wigan Borough. Alison believes in inspirational and innovative leadership that is underpinned by research-led best practice and wellinformed self-evaluation She is committed to building sustainable leadership structures throughout Greater Manchester and believes in the transformational power of great leadership to deliver exceptional educational provision for young people.
With over 20 years reviewing schools and leading reviews, Jim specialises in the quality assurance of schools He has expertise in working with primary, secondary, including sixth forms, and all-through schools
He has worked in consultancy for over fifteen years During this time, he has worked with government agencies to develop teacher training and professional development for teachers He has worked with many schools and multi-academy trusts to review the quality of provision for pupils, the quality of leadership and governance Jim has had a wide range of experiences and opportunities to support a significant number of schools in many different circumstances
Jim enjoys reviewing a wide range of subjects, especially mathematics. Jim has supported subject leaders and senior leaders in developing their practice in assessing the quality of provision for pupils. He has worked with leaders and teachers to improve education for pupils. He has led many reviews of schools and assisted leaders in making accurate evaluations of school practices. He has expertise in helping leaders to identify areas for development and monitoring school improvement.
Quality assurance of schools and monitoring improvement
Supporting leaders in developing quality assurance skills
Assisting teachers in improving their practice and developing subject expertise, especially in mathematics