Essential Offers To see our full range of products & offers visit
ISSUE2 This issue contains all of our current Essential Offers. Including stationery, hardware, cleaning products etc. As they are all grouped together you may find some offers will expire before others, if you are unsure just contact us using one of the methods below.
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email: Office King Ltd
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Unit 3, Wharfside Industrial Estate, Wharf Street, Warrington, WA1 2HT.
Free next day delivery on orders over the minimum spend.
No Pins, No Glue, No Tape. Justick
A Revolutionary Communication Solution Justick™ offers the most advanced next generation collection of White Boards and Notice Boards available. With patented electro-adhesion technology simply place materials on the board and they’ll stick.
Justick™ Lite Notice Board
Justick™ White XCU White Board Powered by 4x AA Batteries* The units operate for up to 9 months before replacement batteries are needed.
Organise your environment and display notices, reminders, illustrations and anything else you’re working on. Product Code
Product Description
Price £/€
Justick™ Notice Board Lite 610 x 915mm
Justick™ White Board XCU Lite 610 x 915mm
Justick™ White Board XCU Large Format 900 x 1220mm
£59.99 £112.99 £169.99
*Batteries not included.VAT Excluded. E&OE.
Write, display and interact with Justick™ White Boards. With the Clear View Dry Erase Overlay, and Justick™ technology, you have the ultimate collaboration tool.
See the technology in action at
System Visitors Books The System Visitors Book with padded cover enables visitors to sign in completing the badge insert in duplicate. • The second copy is retained in the book while the top copy forms the insert for the badge • The reverse of this insert lists instructions and conditions • Confidentiality of visitors is obtained by the inclusion of a security sheet to restrict viewing of previous visitors • Available in 100 or 300 inserts
Best Seller!
Product code
Identibadge System Visitor Book with 100 inserts
Identibadge System Visitor Book with 300 inserts
100 Refill
300 Refill
VAT Excluded. E&OE
Price £/€
Protect, Preserve and Present with GBC Binders and Laminators Don’t forget your GBC consumables!
Perfect for High Volume Lamination
Perfect for Low volume Lamination
Perfect for regular binding requirements
Perfect for low volume strip binding
Treat yourself with up to £50 in Marks and Spencer Vouchers! Code
GB33039 GB33034 GB37183 GB20769
Fusion 5100L A3 Laminator Fusion 1100L A3 Laminator CombBind® C200 Binder Desktop Velobinder
Free £50 Marks and Spencer Voucher Free £10 Marks and Spencer Voucher Free £30 Marks and Spencer Voucher Free £10 Marks and Spencer Voucher
£349.99 £124.99 £229.99 £69.99
VAT excluded. E&OE. Offers valid on orders placed between 01/10/2014 - 31/12/2014 whilst stocks last. To claim your FREE gift, send a copy of your invoice/receipt to or via post to: Marketing, ACCO, Oxford House, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP21 8SZ. Deadline for claims is 31/01/2015. Full terms and conditions are available at:
Could you tear an A4 sheet in to 2000 pieces? Rexel Micro Cut can! Rexel are the world leaders in automatic shredding technology. Rexel is also the only brand that features P-5 Micro Cut (high security) auto feed machines.
Auto+ 750M
Auto+ 500M
Auto+ 300M
Stack, shut, done
Auto+ 100M
Now with
Auto Feed Micro Cut Shredders Spend up to 98% less time shredding Code
RM38765 RM38763 RM38761 RM38759
Auto Feed 750M Auto Feed 500M Auto Feed 300M Auto Feed 100M
Points Price 1000 800 500 400
£2,999.99 £1899.99 £799.99 £334.99
*Max saving when using an Auto+ 500X compared to a traditional feed shredder in a similar price level. Independent test from intertek Testing & Certification Ltd June 2012. VAT excluded. E&OE. Valid for purchases after 01.09.14. 18+. UK, CI, IOM and ROI only. Normal restrictions apply. Min claim value 50 points. Max claim value 1,000 points per person per month. Retain barcodes. Full terms:
Treat yourself twice with Rexel! Plus up to 40 Rexel Rewards points!
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Keeping offices organised since 1939
Free high street shopping vouchers worth up to £10 Code
TW17767 TW13771 RX12131A RX12203
Crystalfile Classic Lateral Files 30mm – Green Crystalfile Flexifile Suspension Files - Green A4 Nyrex Cut Back Folders Assorted A4 Side Opening Pockets Clear
£10 Love2shop Voucher £10 Love2shop Voucher £5 Love2shop Voucher £5 Love2shop Voucher
Points Price 40 40 25 15
£48.99 £49.99 £28.99 £17.99
Prices exclude VAT. E+O.E. Voucher promo: Offers valid on orders placed between 01/10/2014 – 31/12/2014 whilst stocks last. To claim your FREE vouchers, send a copy of your invoice/receipt to or via post to: Marketing, ACCO, Oxford House, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP21 8SZ. Deadline for claims is 31/01/2014. Full terms: Rewards: 18+. UK, CI, IOM and ROI only. Normal restrictions apply. Min claim value 50 points. Retain barcodes. Full terms:
Ensure you comply with the European Motoring Requirements by carrying essential items of accident, emergency and breakdown equipment. European driving laws differ from the UK so to avoid on the spot fines make sure you are prepared. For example, in France you must have the following: GB Sticker Headlamp Beam Convertors High Vis Jacket Warning Triangle First Aid Kit Breathalyser
Kit contents include comprehensive first aid kit, GB sticker, headlamp converter set, warning triangle, high visibility waistcoat and guidance leaflet.
European Motoring Kit Know the law in Europe! Driving in Europe can be challenging so make sure you are prepared before you set off and met all the legal requirements of the country you are travelling by carrying the required equipment. Our RAC European Motoring Kit has got you covered. Please note from 2012 all vehicles travelling in France must carry an NF approved alcohol breathalyser. Code WAC12752 WAC00082
Description RAC European Motoring Kit RAC NF Breathalyser (2)
RRP Sale Price £34.89 £34.89 £8.99 £8.99
Don’t forget the Breathalysers too!
Vehicle Kits
The Good Samaritan law requires, and provides, that: Anyone coming upon the scene of an accident, or directly involved in causing the accident, must go to the aid and assistance of anyone who might be injured. This is a legal obligation in France and throughout the Continent, and the law says you must do that, and that any failure to do so is a criminal offence. The maximum penalty for failure to assist is 5 years imprisonment and a maximum fine of up to £50,000.
Contact us to find out about our full range of first kits and refills. Make sure your workplace is safe and secure!
When driving in Europe, don’t forget to take your full driving license and insurance documents in case of emergencies.
Fashionable with
The Pennybridge leather look organiser pairs paper with technology • Designed to use iPad and paper simultaneously, it is suitable for both left and right hand use. • The A5 organiser section is fully removable and contains a diary, index and a range of notes pages. (iPad not included). Product Code
Filofax Pennybridge Organiser
Every care has been taken to ensure an adequate supply of the products featured is available. Manufacturers’ specifications can change and we reserve the right to change or withdraw if required. E&OE. VAT excluded.
One of the first things drivers learn is to be prepared! Much as we all want to avoid them, emergencies and accidents do happen on the road. Having a fully stocked first aid kit in your vehicle is paramount to ensuring your safety and treating any ailments that may arise. Fix your kit to the cab so you always know where it is Make sure it is always fully stocked Check the expiry date of all contents to make sure they aren’t out of date
Van and Truck First Aid Kit Kit contents include guidance leaflet, vehicle sticker, disposable gloves, waterfall burns dressing and emergency foil blanket. Cab bracket included.
Designed with motorists in mind! Intended for those employees who travel in their vehicle, this Van and Truck First Aid Kit contains the recommended components by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) with additional content. The kit is transportable and comes complete with a sturdy storage case and mounting bracket so it can be screwed to the cab. Code WAC10852
Description Van and Truck First Kit
RRP Sale Price £34.29 £34.29
Vehicle Kits
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Approved Code of Practice states that: "Employers are responsible for meeting the first aid needs of their employees working away from their main site. The assessment should determine whether those who travel long distances or are continuously mobile should carry a personal first aid kit.”
Contact us to find out about our full range of first kits and refills. Make sure your workplace is safe and secure!
Your employer must provide you with an appropriate first aid kit. Check with your first aider that you have the correct kit in your vehicle.
You may not know this but many first aid supplies have a use by date. Keeping products past their use by date can be potentially dangerous and unsafe as the supplies may start to deteriorate and not be effective. It is recommended that you check your first aid kits egularly to ensure: all of the supplies are within their use by date supplies haven’t been used and not replaced contents aren’t damaged The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) states in The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 that: "The contents of first aid containers should be examined frequently and should be restocked as soon as possible after use. Sufficient stocks should be held in a back-up stock on site." Code WAC10424 WAC10080 WAC10210 WAC10040 WAC10041 WAC13335 WAC13336 WAC13337
Description First Aid Refill Kit 10 Person First Aid Refill Kit 20 Person First Aid Refill Kit 50 Person Washproof Plasters Asst (150) Fabric Plasters Asst (150) BS First Aid Refill Kit Small BS First Aid Refill Kit Medium BS First Aid Refill Kit Large
RRP Sale Price £23.49 £22.99 £32.29 £30.99 £32.29 £43.19 £39.99 £10.59 £8.49 £14.99 £14.99 £12.59 £12.59 £19.29 £19.29 £24.89 £24.89 More component parts available - please ask.
You have a responsibility to ensure the safety of your staff and visitors so check your first aid kits regularly and make sure you keep extra supplies on-site to replace used, misplaced, expired or damaged contents.
Contact us to find out about our full range of first kits and refills. Make sure your workplace is safe and secure!
Rotate your stock of refills to ensure that the oldest products are always used first.
You may think your standard workplace first aid kit is satisfactory but you have a duty of care to ensure your first aid kits meet the needs appropriate to the circumstances of your workplace.
All of our first aid kits comply to the latest BSI and HSE regulations.
This involves making an assessment of the various factors including: • The size of your workplace • The number of employees • The type of business you operate • The potential hazards/injuries risks • Whether employees work on or off site • The location of the kits within your premises It is essential that you think about the type of work performed and then try to anticipate the risks such as hazardous substances or burns, the possibility of accidents on or off site such as in a van/truck or in a factory/warehouse. To help, use our handy colour coded guide to make sure your first aid kit meets the requirements of your workplace or you can ask us to carry out a risk assessment. Code WAC13332 WAC13333 WAC13334 WAC10416 WAC10417
Description BS Small Kit BS Medium Kit BS Medium Kit HSE Kit 10 Person HSE Kit 20 Person
RRP Sale Price £23.89 £23.89 £30.79 £30.79 £40.37 £40.37 £28.29 £19.99 £41.39 £39.99
HSE/BSI First Aid
Food Hygiene First Aid
Eyewash Dispensers
Burns First Aid
Body Fluid Disposal
Vehicle First Aid
Contact us to find out about our full range of first kits and refills. Make sure your workplace is safe and secure!
We can carry out a risk assessment of your workplace to ensure you have the correct first aid kits to keep your employees safe and secure.
Complies with HSE regulations and comes complete with fixings for wall mounting.
Large Eyewash Dispenser
Standard Eyewash Dispenser
Eye injuries are one of the most common workplace injuries! You have a duty of care to ensure best safety practices in the workplace as well as providing adequate first aid provision should an eye accident arise. You must be particularly vigilant when working with: Chemicals - exposure and burns Machinery - dust, particles and injuries Medical - exposure to infections and diseases
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) ACOP 3 (36) Eyewash states that: "Where mains tap water is not readily available for eye irrigation, at least 1 litre of sterile or normal saline (0.9%) in a sealed, disposable container, should be provided. Once the seal has been broken the container should not be kept for reuse. The container should not be used after the expiry date.”
Twist 'n' Open Eyecare & Eyepod Dispenser Easy access and theft proof! When rapid response is required for any eye injuries sustained in the workplace the portable Twist 'n' Open eyewash dispenser allows immediate access to eyewash. Simply open by turning the yellow handle and the semi-automatic action opens the bottle and drops it down for immediate use. Code WAC13345 WAC13344 WAC10871
Description Eyewash Dispenser Standard Eyewash Dispenser Large HSE Mezzo Eyewash Kit
RRP Sale Price £27.39 £26.99 £42.39 £41.99 £32.99 £31.99
Eye Wash Dispenser
Contact us to find out about our full range of first kits and refills. Make sure your workplace is safe and secure!
It is imperative that eye wash is sterile so never use an opened bottle or one that is past its expiry date.