Green Labs Checklist - Green Spaces Certification

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THERE ARE 54 SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS BELOW. WHAT’S OUR LAB COMMITMENT? PARTICIPATION (4) 1. Our lab members have been informed and have agreed to follow the applicable actions on this checklist. 2. We share information about our Green Labs Certification with all new students and employees, and encourage them to get involved. 3. We discuss sustainability and the progress of our Green Labs Certification at staff meetings 4. We give priority to safe practises.

WHAT SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS WILL WE ADOPT? WASTE HANDLING (7) As a lab, we… 5. Have assessed whether or not proper recycling bins are present, and have contacted our Facility Services Manager if they are not. 6. Recycle any cleaned glass that is not contaminated with chemicals or biological hazards. 7. Recycle paper and flattened cardboard. 8. Recycle (or reuse whenever possible) plastic that has not been contaminated with chemicals or biological hazards.

9. Have contacted our Facility Services Manager to set up a battery collection program. 10. Arrange for Supply Management Services to pick up and recycle electronic equipment that is university property. 11. Take our personal electronic equipment to get recycled. They can be recycled at the following locations: • City of Edmonton E-Waste (Electronics) Recycling • Electronic Recycling Association, Edmonton location • Shanked Computer Recycling Inc. (local recycling company)

ENERGY (16) In our lab, we… 12. Have a regular cleanup and defrosting schedule for the fridge and freezer. 13. Adjust temperature settings on freezers, heating ovens and other thermal equipment to meet the appropriate needs per task. 14. Do not use chilling incubators as refrigerators. 15. Turn off ovens and chilled centrifuges when not in use. 16. Dispose of old samples in our freezer(s) and refrigerator(s) when no longer needed. 17. Identified equipment that does not need to be left on. We turn it off, unplug it or have installed and use appliance timers on these equipment pieces.

GREEN CHECKLIST LABS 18. Have successfully implemented a UAlberta Shut the Sash Campaign. Labs that have variable volume fume hoods qualify to participate in this campaign. 19. Operate fume hoods for experiments only, not for storage. 20. Ensure that the fume hood is certified, working properly and closed after use. 21. Use rechargeable batteries for frequently used devices. 22. Switch off any unnecessary lights (e.g., take advantage of natural light, only use task lighting if alone in the lab)



WATER (6) In our lab, we… 32. Report all leaks and running taps to the Facilities & Operations Maintenance Desk @ 780-492-4833. 33. Run our glassware washer only when it is full. 34. Only use distilled water when needed. 35. Have contacted Facilities & Operations to coordinate alternative cooling systems instead of using tap water for cooling purposes. 36. Have installed or use timers on continuous or critical water uses.

23. Set all computer devices to energy saver settings, and turn off devices when not in use.

37. Are committed to only using the appropriate amount of water for each task.

24. Upgrade older equipment for newer energy efficient versions when possible.


25. Repair existing equipment rather than purchasing new equipment, when appropriate.

During our lab meetings we…

26. Take into account energy efficiency when purchasing new lab equipment. 27. Ensure regular maintenance of machines and equipment.

38. Distribute agendas and support documents electronically most of the time. 39. Only print what is needed. 40. Provide tap or filtered water in reusable pitchers at meetings.


41. Use reusable dishes when catering meetings.

As a lab we…


28. Reduce and reuse chemical supplies, and only purchase what we need. 29. Replace hazardous chemicals with green or less hazardous chemicals whenever possible. 30. Follow best practices for chemical disposal in a timely manner. 31. Decrease chemical requirements by supplementing with computer simulations when appropriate.

During our lab meetings we…

42. Take steps to reduce idling. 43. Use non-aerosol insect repellants and sunscreen. 44. Immediately and safely clean up any chemical spills. 45. Always wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

GREEN CHECKLIST LABS MISCELLANEOUS (7) In addition to greening our lab we also…

46. Purchase environmentally-friendly disposable gloves. 47. Use reusable food and beverage containers. 48. Recycle all compostable items (e.g., food, organic matter). 49. Print on recycled content paper. 50. Purchase online subscriptions instead of print subscriptions. 51. Purchase (or access SMS Surplus Services for) reused equipment or furniture. 52. Purchase environmentally friendly office supplies.

INNOVATION (1) In our lab we will work together to…

53. Create our own Innovation Action.



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