2 minute read

Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,


Ilook back on my service in REME with fondness and some pride; although it was shorter than most of my contemporaries’ military careers. I look forward to receiving every edition of the Craftsman but, having “come out” in 1982, things have moved on and the present-day Corps and Army is unrecognisable in many ways. I have become accustomed to all of my friends having left the Corps, indeed, some have died already.

This month’s copy was a good read, and I was delighted to see people in it that I knew. On p41, Steve Colling’s article, there is a picture of Brig Probert on his retirement, but who should I see behind him? Major (later Lt Col) Romney Higson, my CO at 5 Armd Wksp, Fallingbostel. His favourite line? “Explain yourself, young man – mine’s a pink gin”.

Turning the page, a super eulogy on our former DGEME, Pat Lee. I was a YO at Arborfield on my OLEE course when he was Commandant REME Trg Centre. At a mess function, we were all detailed to welcome our guests, and engage them in conversation. Enter Brigadier Lee stage left, with Peggy. We introduced ourselves, and I asked, somewhat off frequency, “Have you come far?” His reply was “No, not really – couple of hundred yards across the grass”. My reply – “Ah… ‘that’ Brigadier Lee!” had them in stitches. He pulled my leg about it many times later. A lovely man.

Happy days; since then I’ve had some time in industry in process control and instrumentation, and a whole second career as a Solicitor. Approaching 30 years now and still enjoying the challenges - still a problem solver, but with a different toolkit. Arte et Marte!

Yours ever, Will Cowell

Send your letters/emails to: FAO Craftsman Editor, RHQ REME, The Prince Philip Barracks, MOD Lyneham, Wiltshire, SN15 4XX Or email: craftsmaneditor@reme-rhq.org.uk

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