People of God

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A p r i l 2 0 1 2 • Vo l u m e 3 0 • N u m b e r 4

w w w. a r c h d i o s f . o r g

Inside this Issue Archbishop’s Letter: The Problem With Out of Wedlock Births ............3 April is Child Abuse Awareness Month .....................................................7 Catholic Education ....................................................................................10 The Shepherd’s Project: Rev. Patrick Hough, SJ ...................................13 World Day of Prayer for Vocations...........................................................14 D+E+I Lumen Awardee Wardene Crowley ...............................................17 Second Special Round Table on the Blue Nun .......................................19 Celebrating Our Dedicated Catholic School Teachers ..........................28

Ser ving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Pope asks Christians to reread Gospel accounts of Easter By Catholic News Service


ike many residents of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI spent the Easter Monday holiday outside the city, but he suggested that people use at least part of the extra day off to look again at the Gospel accounts of the Easter story. Reading the accounts “allows us to meditate on this stupendous event that transformed history and gives meaning to the life of every person,” the pope said April 9 as he greeted visitors gathered in the courtyard of the papal villa at Castel Gandolfo. Before reciting the “Regina Coeli,” a Marian prayer used in place of the Angelus from Easter to Pentecost, Continued on page 24


rchbishop Michael J. Sheehan will be traveling to the Vatican along with bishops representing Region XIII to meet with Pope Benedict XVI for their Ad Limina Visit. The visit will is set for April 30th through May 6, 2012. The last Ad Limina Visit was in 2004. The Ad Limina Visit report will cover the January 2004 to December 2011 time frame. For more information see “What is an Ad Limina Visit?” by Archbishop Sheehan posted online at and in the March 2012 issue of People of God.

Pope Benedict XVI greets the crowd after delivering his Easter blessing “urbi et orbi” (to the city of Rome and to the world) from the central loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican April 8. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

W o r l d D a y o f P r a y e r f o r Vo c a t i o n s Good Shepherd Sunday, April 29, 2012 The faithful of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe have contributed over three million dollars to the National Retirement Fund for Religious. Thank you for your continued generosity of $159,921.10 in 2011! (See page 15)


April 2012

Photo by Celine


Proposal to Pay for Contraceptive Cost ‘Radically Flawed,’ Say Bishops WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Even with a new federal proposal that third-party administrators pay the costs of contraceptives for religious employers who object to the coverage, the health reform law’s contraceptive mandate “remains radically flawed,” according to the U.S. bishops. The bishops

made the comments in an internal memo March 29. A copy of it was released to Catholic News Service April 2. The memo came in response to a rule proposed by the U.S. Department for Health and Human Services in a 32-page document that was published March 21 in the Federal Register. HHS has

proposed new ways for religious organizations that have moral objections to providing free contraceptives to their employees to comply with the requirement. Among the suggestions are having the costs covered by a “third-party administrator” of a health plan or “independent agency” that receive funds from other sources, such as rebates from drug makers. Before it makes a final decision on the proposed ruling, the Obama administration is seeking public comment until June 19. In their memo, the


bishops said the details of the proposal are “both tentative and complex and demand further study.” But based on an initial analysis, they said, the proposal had “the same fundamental issues” they had addressed in a March 14 statement titled “United for Religious Freedom.” The bishops said they would be commenting on the HHS proposal in more detail and inviting others to add their comments as well. The memo also said representatives from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will continue to meet with administration officials to discuss the new proposal.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for APRIL 2012

Pope Benedict XVI prays as he leads the Good Friday service in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican April 6. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

General: Vocations That many young people may hear the call of Christ and follow him in the priesthood and religious life. Mission: Christ, Hope for Africans That the risen Christ may be a sign of certain hope for the men and women of the African continent.

April 2012



IN THE RISEN LORD The Problem of Out of Wedlock Births Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

The decline of marriage in our American society is our most ignored national crisis. Recent studies have shown that more than half of births to mothers under age 30 now occur out of wedlock. It seems as though we are casting aside the institution of marriage and with it the notion that children should be raised in stable two-parent families. This is a social catastrophe. (from Time Magazine, March 5, 2012, article by Rich Lowry, page 13) Out of wedlock births account for 73% among African Americans, 53% among Latinos and 29% among AngloSaxons. Almost 70% out of wedlock births are attributed to high school dropouts and 51% to high school graduates. But those who have gone to college have only an 8% experience of out of wedlock births. We know that the breakdown of the family is very tough on children. Children in two-parent families are more likely to graduate from high school and college, get a decent job and enjoy a stable family life themselves. Children born into or raised in single parent households have real challenges. They are often raised by extended family members such as grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles, which can strain the mother-child or fatherchild relationship. The single parent struggles to juggle the strains of parenthood, education and employment. The Church must encourage them and assure them that God loves them.

The Catholic Church, in accord with the Bible, has always taught that sexual activity belongs in the relationship of marriage between a man and a woman. The further we get away from the teachings of Christ in the Church the more problems come into people’s lives. The trend toward out of wedlock births is an extremely serious problem. We need to do a better job of educating our teenagers and young adults in the truth of our Catholic teaching. We need to encourage marriage and family as the only source of true happiness for the children and for the couples themselves. I ask our priests, deacons and religious educators to teach about this important subject and to keep reminding our young people of the moral teachings and the need to have some self discipline and, if needed, a spirit of sacrifice and prayer to remain chaste. And to look forward to marriage as the proper place for the intimacy that results in the birth of a child. Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord,

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

Vatican Workshop Looks at Helping Couples Overcome Infertility VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The majority of the world’s fertility specialists have spent so much time and effort trying to promote and perfect in vitro fertilization that they have wasted resources and time that could have been used to find ways to prevent and treat infertility, a U.S. physician told a Vatican audience. “Infertility is a symptom of an underlying condition,” and too many physicians do not even attempt to find the cause and treat it; they simply recommend in vitro fertilization, said Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and director of the Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction in Omaha, Neb. Hilgers

was one of 16 speakers at a workshop Feb. 24 sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Life to discuss the latest research on the causes, prevention and treatment of infertility. According to the academy, infertility affects about 15 percent of the population in the industrialized world and up to 30 percent of the population in some developing countries. “We want to offer a contribution to try to reduce as much as possible this phenomenon, which makes it impossible for so many people to procreate a child and to satisfy their just desire for responsible parenthood,” Bishop Ignacio Carrasco de Paula, academy president, told the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.

El Problema De Los Nacimientos Fuera Del Matrimonio Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan

La decadencia de matrimonios en nuestra sociedad Americana es nuestra crisis nacional más ignorada. Estudios recientes han demostrado que más de la mitad de los nacimientos de madres menores de 30 años ahora ocurren fuera del matrimonio. Parece ser que estamos haciendo a un lado la institución del matrimonio y con ello la noción de que los niños deberían ser criados en una familia de dos padres. Esta es una catástrofe social. (de la revista Time, Marzo 5, 2012, artículo de Rich Lowry, pág. 13) Los nacimientos fuera del matrimonio representan un 73% entre los Afroamericanos, 53% entre los Latinos y 29% entre los Anglosajones. Casi 70% de los nacimientos fuera del matrimonio se atribuyen a jóvenes que han desertado a la escuela antes de concluir la preparatoria y 51% a graduados de la preparatoria. Pero quienes han ido a la universidad cuentan con solo un 8% de experiencias de nacimientos extramaritales. Sabemos que la desintegración de la familia es muy dura para los niños. Los niños que crecen en familias de dos padres tienen más probabilidades de graduarse de la preparatoria y de la universidad, obtener un empleo decente y disfrutar de una propia familia estable. Los niños nacidos en hogares con un solo padre se enfrentan a verdaderos desafíos. A menudo son criados por miembros de la familia como abuelas,

abuelos, tías y tíos, lo que puede sobrecargar la relación madre-hijo o padre-hijo. Las madres o padres solteros hacen malabares para enfrentar los desafíos de ser padres, de su educación y de su empleo. La Iglesia debe motivarlos y asegurarles que Dios los ama. La Iglesia Católica, de acuerdo a la Biblia, ha siempre enseñado que la actividad sexual pertenece a la relación matrimonial entre un hombre y una mujer. Mientras más nos alejamos de las enseñanzas de Cristo en la Iglesia, más problemas llegan a las vidas de la gente. La tendencia hacia los nacimientos fuera del matrimonio es un problema extremadamente serio. Necesitamos hacer un mejor trabajo al educar a nuestros adolescentes y jóvenes adultos en la verdad de la enseñanza Católica. Necesitamos fomentar el matrimonio y la familia como la única fuente de la verdadera felicidad para los niños y para las parejas mismas. Pido a nuestros sacerdotes, diáconos y educadores religiosos que enseñen sobre este importante tema y sigan recordando a nuestros jóvenes las enseñanzas morales y la necesidad de tener cierta autodisciplina y, si es necesario, un espíritu de sacrificio y oración para permanecer castos. Y esperar al matrimonio como el lugar idóneo para la intimidad que resulta en el nacimiento de un niño. Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheehan Arzobispo de Santa Fe



Archbishop’s Schedule April 14 Sat 15 16

Sun Mon









22 23

Sun Mon









29-30 === May 1-6 === 7 Mon 8






12 13

Sat Sun

8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. ======== 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. ======== 7:00 p.m. ======== 7:00 p.m.

Confirmation, San Felipe, San Felipe Pueblo Keynote, Deacon In-Service, St. Pius X High School, Albuquerque Mass, Deacon In-Service, St. Pius X High School, Albuquerque Confirmation, Risen Savior Catholic Community, Albuquerque Office Appointments Confirmation, St. Jude Thaddeus, Albuquerque Executive Presbyteral, Catholic Center Confirmation, St. Anne’s, Albuquerque Office Appointments Confirmation, Church of the Ascension, Albuquerque Office Appointments Confirmation, Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas joined by San Miguel del Vado, Ribera and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Villanueva 10:00 a.m. Confirmation, Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas 7:00 p.m. Confirmation, St. Patrick-St. Joseph, Raton 12:00 Noon Confirmation, St. Francis Xavier, Clayton ======== Office Appointments 7:00 p.m. Confirmation, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho 12:00 Noon Archbishop’s Radio Hour 7:00 p.m. Confirmation, Holy Family, Albuquerque joined by St. Edwin’s, Alb. 10:00 a.m. Catholic Foundation, Catholic Center 6:00 p.m. Confirmation, St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque 8:00 a.m. Archdiocesan Finance Council, Catholic Center 11:45 a.m. Gathering of Nations Pow-Wow, UNM Pit, Albuquerque 7:00 p.m. Confirmation, St. Anthony, Questa (at Sacred Heart Mission, Costilla) 10:00 a.m. Confirmation, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Taos joined by Santisima Trinidad, Arroyo Seco ======== Ad Limina Visit, Rome, Italy ======== ======== 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. ======== 7:00 p.m. 12:00 Noon 10:00 a.m.

Ad Limina Visit, Rome, Italy Office Appointments Confirmation, San Antonio de Padua, Peñasco joined by St. Anthony, Dixon Presbyteral Council, Madonna Retreat Center, Albuquerque Deans, Madonna Retreat Center, Albuquerque Confirmation, Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho College of Consultors, Catholic Center Annual Religious Jubilarian Mass & Dinner, Archbishop Residence Office Appointments Confirmation, St. Anthony of Padua, Pecos Confirmation, Santa Maria de La Paz, Santa Fe Confirmation, San Diego Mission, Jemez Pueblo

April 2012

Seminary Burse The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends to the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for January – March 2012. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at parishes. The archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education. Parish Name/City

From January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012 St. Anne – Santa Fe (Mass stipends) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass stipends) St. John the Baptist – Santa Fe (Mass stipends) St. Joseph on the Rio Grande (Mass stipends) Our Lady of Belen (Mass stipends) St. Thomas Aquinas – Rio Rancho (Mass stipends) Donation – James and Peggy Schwebach Church of the Risen Savior (Mass stipends) Estancia Valley – Moriarty (Mass stipends)

Amount Received

$2,000.00 $1240.00 $1500.00 $890.00 $1,670.27 $586.05 $300.00 $2,500.00 $1,800.00

Archbishop Sheehan has made the following diaconal assignments: • Effective Thursday, March 1, 2012 – Deacon Constantino Avalos-Sanchez, previously assigned to diaconal ministry at Santuario de San Martin de Porres in Albuquerque has been appointed to diaconal ministry at Holy Family Parish also in Albuquerque, under the direction of the pastor, Fr. Gerald Steinmetz, OFM • Effective Monday, March 16, 2012 – Deacon Steve Rangel, currently assigned to diaconal ministry at San Ysidro Parish in Corrales has been appointed to diaconal ministry at San Diego Mission in Jemez Pueblo under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Paul Juniet, OFM. This is in addition to his archdiocesan responsibilities as Director of the Permanent Diaconate and Director of the Office of Pastoral Outreach. • Effective Monday, March 16, 2012 – Deacon Thomas R. Burns, currently assigned to diaconal ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Rio Rancho, has been appointed to diaconal ministry at San Ysidro Parish in Corrales, under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Michael DePalma. • Effective Monday, March 16, 2012 - Deacon Thomas Tynan, a deacon incardinated in the Diocese of Norwich and currently residing in this archdiocese, has been granted the local faculties and has been appointed to diaconal ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Rio Rancho under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Msgr. Douglas A. Raun.


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Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

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April 2012



The Easter Message


“You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.”

By sr. . margaret mary Lavonis Office of Communications, Sisters of the Holy Cross

Easter, An Ecumenical Celebration By Beth Lukes, Chair eCumeniCaL & inter-reLigious Commission Archdiocese of Santa Fe

The Lord is risen, alleluia! This is the season when Christians throughout the world joyfully proclaim Christ risen from the dead. This shared proclamation makes Easter a most ecumenical (unifying) time. Yet the unifying dimension of Easter escapes most of us. Christ rose that all who believe might rise with Him in faith. Still, Catholics and other Christians worship and pray apart from one another and avoid sharing spiritual gifts. Yes, our particular Easter services are open to all, but they remain separate. This fact belies the unifying intent of Easter. Granted, the church teaches that Christ bestowed on it all divinely revealed truth and willed all the means of grace, but it also acknowledges that we, its members, fail to live by Christ’s truth and grace with all fervor (UR, no. 4). Easter is a time to examine how we lack proper fervor for the church’s ecumenical mission--how we discourage unity in faith. The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms ecumenism as the church’s answer to Christ’s desire for unity in faith. It professes the church to be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic and portrays the separation among the Christians as a wound to the body of Christ (CCC 817). It reiterates the point made in the Council’s Decree on Ecumenism that Christ bestowed unity on His church from the beginning. Al-

though Christ continues to give His church the gift of unity, the church “must always pray and work to maintain, reinforce, and perfect the unity that Christ wills for her.” It sees the desire to recover unity of all Christians “as a gift of Christ and a call of the Holy Spirit (CCC 820).” The Catechism goes further to state that “certain things are required in order to respond adequately to this call: “permanent renewal of the church...; conversion of heart as the faithful try to live holier lives according to the Gospels…; prayer in common…; knowledge of each other; ecumenical formation of the faithful, especially the priests; dialogue among theologians and meetings among Christians of different churches and communities; and collaboration among Christians in… service to mankind (CCC 821). “ As we reflect on the promise of Easter, we might also prayerfully ask whether we have adequately responded to its unifying grace. Have we taken an active and intelligent part in the work of ecumenism? If we have, was our participation fully and sincerely Catholic? Or have we hindered unity by glossing over important distinctions? Have we shared the Catholic understanding of the faith in charity and truth? Have we read church teaching on ecumenism (Ut Unum Sint [That They May Be One], Unitatis Redin-

tegratia [Decree on Ecumenism])? Do we pray for unity privately and in unison with other Christians at prayer services offered during the Octave of Christian Unity? As catechists, are we prepared to address difficulties that students of interdenominational families may have? Have we attended the archdiocesan workshop on ecumenism offered through the Catechetical Leadership Training program? We should also consider practical ways to promote unity among Christians. Guidelines and resources for doing this are given in the Archdiocesan Handbook for Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs which is available on the archdiocesan website. The handbook offers priests and parish lay ministers easy-to-follow templates for including neighboring ecclesial communions in prayer, study, and charitable works. The Archdiocesan Office of Family Life periodically offers forums for inter-church families to explore commonalities and differences of respective Christian traditions with assistance from an interdenominational panel of clergy. Members of inter-church families may also consider approaching their pastors about forming an interdenominational family prayer and study group at their parish or an ecumenical committee. Assistance with these and other initiatives is available through the Office of Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs at the Catholic Center. This Easter, may our shared proclamation of the Risen Lord be

Most people would find it difficult to get through a day without reading or hearing about some violent or painful situation. It can be about people being beaten or killed for protesting an unjust situation in their countries, or about the threat of nuclear bombs being used by an unstable ruler. There are stories about homes and lives being destroyed by natural disasters or of a company who has to lay off many of its employees due to the poor economy. A friend’s only child is killed or our brother gets a brain tumor in the prime of his life. We all could probably give many other examples. Often people wonder why there is so much needless suffering and why a merciful God does not intervene, especially in a case like the innocent victims who were allegedly gunned down by an American soldier in Afghanistan. Our faith in the resurrection means that we believe God brings good out of suffering and evil and that the way to conquer sin is by love. This, of course, is not a popular stance in today’s environment where there is so much hatred and violence in our world and, sadly, sometimes in our homes. As we wrap up this season of Lent and celebrate the feast of Easter, it may be good to reflect on our own attitudes. Do we feel justified in wanting to punish hatred with more violence? What are our thoughts about the death penalty (which is what Jesus died under)? Do we ever pray for the conversion of our enemies, even cruel dictators and terrorists? Sometimes it can be easier to forgive people “out there,” rather than those who have hurt us personally. We must be willing to go deeper and discover the roots of evil and then use love to conquer it. On the Feast of Easter we celebrate that we believe and proclaim that, like in the case of Jesus, God can and does bring good out of suffering and that his life conquered sin and evil. Just imagine what our lives would be like if every Christian in the world would really live the commandment of love. There would be much less war, hatred and violence. People would ask for and offer forgiveness. No one would be hungry because people would share with one another. The only news to report would be good news. As Christians who believe in the resurrection, we must strive to be models of love and hope. Our good works during Lent must continue throughout the rest of the year. We have a mission to make Christ known by our love. We must express our belief that, even in this gloomy, dark time, God will not abandon us—just like he did not abandon his son, Jesus. Each of us is called to go out to all the people in our own little world and proclaim this good news. And if current events sometimes make it hard for you to believe that God is still present in all of this, ask God to deepen your faith and to help you to remember times when he brought you out of difficulties in your life or the life of someone you know. Easter tells us that God never leaves us in our pain and often brings good out of evil. Happy Easter season.



Why Try? By DeaCon steve rangeL Director, Pastoral Outreach

The Pastoral Outreach Office has been working on addressing the substance abuse problem plaguing our city and state. As the latest report from the March 5th Albuquerque Journal article, “Hip-Hop Spin on Anti-Drug Message,” states that New Mexico is ranked first in the nation for drug overdose deaths, and the growing number of those deaths are among our youth. This is a serious problem in our community. Over the last four years, the Pastoral Outreach Office has been developing a taskforce consisting of people from a variety of faiths, businesses, and community organizations to deal with substance abuse. At our meetings, we discuss ways

to help our youth with this problem. Recently, one of our members introduced the group to a program called “Why Try.” The Why Try program helps youth with the decision-making process that will aid them in dealing with the many challenges

April 2012

es in their lives and to prepare them for the transition from 8th grade to high school. The event was a success, but the plan is

The Why Try Mission: To help people achieve freedom, opportunity, and self-respect through education and interventions that motivate and create positive change. We offer hope and an answer to the question: Why try in life? they face in their lives. It is always amazing to see God’s hand at work. Through His grace and the combined efforts of our taskforce, Manzano High School, Grant, Roosevelt, Jackson, and Kennedy Middle Schools, we held the first major Why Try event in early March. There were close to 600 8th graders involved in the Why Try Program at their schools to help them deal with challeng-

to not just have a onetime event. Instead, we The Why Try? official tshirt plan to continue working with the youth using the Why Try con- to substance abuse as they learn how to handle the challenges facing them without cepts next year at Manzano High. All of us will agree that we have to do turning to drugs or alcohol. If you want more information or want whatever we can to change our ranking of number one in overdose deaths in the na- to join our Substance Abuse Taskforce, tion. The Why Try Program will give the please call the Pastoral Outreach Office at students involved a positive alternative 505.831.8174.

St. Vincent de Paul’s Archbishop’s Banquet By LinDa strasBurg Archdiocesan Council President for SVdP

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul celebrated its annual Archbishop’s Banquet on in March at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in Albuquerque. Including Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, in attendance were Bishop Arturo Tafoya, Fr. Juan Mendez, Fr. Jerome Mueller, Fr. Vincent Chavez and Deacon Steve Rangel. Our celebration began with Mass cel-

ebrated by Archbishop Sheehan followed by lunch and a short meeting. At this annual function, the latest fiscal report is shared with the archbishop and the general membership. This year’s report shows a decrease in the number of conferences; 48 parishes have active conferences but there are 91 parishes in the archdiocese. The total people helped with either direct financial assistance or in-kind assistance increased nearly 18% for a total of over $2.7 million dollars. Included in Archbishop Sheehan’s re-

marks was a grateful thank you for all the work our Vincentians do to assist those in need. He is very appreciative of their willingness to work with the less fortunate in our communities. Archbishop Sheehan would like to see many more youth and young adult members in the Society so they can continue this vital work of those who have been members for many years. It is also his desire to see a St. Vincent de Paul conference in every parish in the archdiocese. Vincentians who have devoted many

years to this ministry were also recognized with the St. Vincent de Paul Jubilarian award. This year, the four Vincentians honored had a cumulative 111 years of devotion to the poor and downtrodden. They included Jose and Lorie Madrid from St. Charles Borromeo, Lucille Gonzales from San Felipe de Neri and Rita Last from Our Lady of Sorrows in Bernalillo. Anyone interested in becoming a Vincentian or starting a conference at their parish can contact either Deacon Steve Rangel, office of pastoral outreach at 505.831.8174

April 2012



April is Child Abuse Awareness Month By annette kLimka Victim Assistance and Safe Environment Coordinator

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe along with the rest of the country shares the sentiments that we must take responsibility for protecting our children, and the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe is doing just that. Time and again we have learned that telling people the good news about the church can be a hard sell, especially when the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe

2012 Abuse Awareness Training for Adults: Creating a Safe Environment for Our Children (formerly known as the Sexual Abuse Misconduct Prevention Workshop)

Rev. 03/27/2012 Attendance at the workshop is encouraged for all Catholic adults and is required of the following persons: a. All priests and deacons currently serving in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe; b. All religious employed by or volunteering for the Archdiocese or any of its entities; c. All employees of the Archdiocese, Catholic schools, parishes and affiliated entities; d. All volunteers serving in Archdiocesan and affiliated Catholic schools; e. All volunteers in Archdiocesan parishes whose services place them in regular contact with or close proximity to children and youth; and f. All persons who supervise those who work with children and youth in any capacity. Pre-registration is necessary. These workshops are sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Contact: Annette in the Victims Assistance Coordinator’s Office 505.831.8144. Note: Do not bring children. No one under age 18 is allowed in the workshop. Date



Catholic Center 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, 87120 CallAnnette: 505.831.8144 Santa Cruz de la Canada 126 S. McCurdy Rd. Santa Cruz, 87567 Call office: 505.753.3345 St. Joseph 605 – 5th St. Springer, 87747 Call office: 575.483.2775 Catholic Center 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, 87120 Call Annette: 505.831.8144 Catholic Center 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, 87120 Call Annette: 505.831.8144 Catholic Center 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque, 87120 Call Annette: 505.831.8144

April 19, 2012


6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

April 26, 2012


6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

April 28, 2012


1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

May 16, 2012

Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

June 23, 2012


9:00 a.m. – Noon

July 26, 2012


6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

subject is the clergy sexual abuse crisis. Today our church is working diligently to restore that shattered trust. One very important step is to let people know what we are doing in our archdiocese and across the county to keep children safe and to reach out to victim/survivors. The archdiocese provides monthly training for adults to recognize signs and symptoms of sexually abusive behaviors, the complicated issues of harassment, how to respond to disclosures, understanding reporting procedures, and background checks of all clerics, employees and adult volunteers in the parishes. We continue to train employees and volunteers alike which now number over 20,000. The children in the archdiocese who receive classes in self protection are over 24,000.

The Dallas Charter is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Through the charter, the bishops have made clear that it has been and always will be our responsibility to ensure the protection of our children and young people. We have created a safe environment for everyone. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe has established and implemented policies such as codes of conduct, policies and procedures for the prompt reporting and handling of allegations, safe environment training, and nationwide criminal and sex offender background checks. Building safety barriers around children is an effective wall of protection from harm. Highlighting respect for the life and dignity of children continues to be the overarching goal of church efforts to heal victims/survivors and to protect chil-

dren. Anything that disrespects one’s life and dignity is wrong, and it needs to be corrected. The public seeks assurance that the bishops understand the terrible ramifications of child sexual abuse and, as they say, “get it.” Continued compliance with the Dallas Charter through the audit process helps prove that. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe has always been in compliance with the Dallas Charter. We, as members of the church, should celebrate in what we have achieved even as we are mindful that is not an accomplishment that leads to a lessening of our efforts. Our efforts will always continue and grow. For more information on Abuse Awareness Trainings, go to www. and click on the prevention workshops link.

1. The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People was established by the USCCB in June 2002 and revised in June, 2011. It is a comprehensive set of procedures for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. 2. The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability, and the prevention of future acts of abuse. The Church has learned a painful lesson and seeks forgiveness for its failure to protect children in the past. Since 2002, the Church in the United States has experienced a crisis without precedent in our times. The sexual abuse of children and young people by some deacons, priests, and bishops, and the ways in which these crimes and sins were addressed, have caused enormous pain, anger, and confusion. As bishops, we have acknowledged our mistakes and our roles in that suffer-

ing, and we apologize and take responsibility again for too often failing victims and the Catholic people in the past. From the depths of our hearts, we bishops express great sorrow and profound regret for what the Catholic people have endured. 3. Dioceses/eparchies heard from 683 adults who were victims/survivors of sexual abuse in the past and came forward for the first time this year. These people were offered help with healing, and 453 people accepted support. Another 1,750 people who reported abuse in the past continued to receive support. 4. Nationwide, 184 clerics were removed from or put on restricted ministry because of allegations of sexual abuse of a minor that occurred either in the past or was current. This ongoing removal demonstrates the bishops’ commitment to zero tolerance. 5. Of those clerics accused of past sexual abuse of minors, 253

were deceased, 58 had already been laicized, and 281 had prior allegations and had been previously removed. 6. Training employees and volunteers to recognize the behavior of offenders and what to do about it is one way the Church has reacted to charges of sexual abuse of minors. Safe Environment training is a critical component to preventing child sexual abuse in institutions. There are 2.18 million trained volunteers and employees in our churches and schools. 7. Requiring background evaluations is another way to protect children. It keeps away those people who should not have access to children because of past criminal behavior. Over 2.2 million employees and volunteers have undergone background screening. 8. Codes of Conduct clearly spell out what is acceptable be-

Did You Know…

See KNOW on page 17



April 2012

The Catholic Church, Marriage and Regulation of Births By BenJamin sanChez Parishioner, Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque

The Catholic Church encourages couples to intelligently and freely decide how many children they can responsibly care for. The church teaches that couples needs to take into consideration very serious factors, such as: physical health, psychological health, economic ability, and social conditions. Based on these factors, a couple needs to decide how many children to have (a large or smaller family), whether to space their children or to not have any further children. A moral method must be used to achieve these ends, which is chaste continence and reserving conjugal relations for the natural fertile or infertile cycles of the wife. The couple must always trust in God’s providence and maintain the proper interior attitude toward new life. The church also teaches that there are certain actions that are immoral and must never be practiced, such as: direct interruption of conjugal relations, sterilization (temporary or permanent), artificial contraceptives, abortifacients and surgical abortion. The church so forcefully rejects these acts, that they are categorized as “intrinsically evil.” This means that each and every one of these acts

-- every time they are performed -- can never be ordered to God or the good of humanity, regardless of intention or circumstance. (This article does not address the issue of medically necessary procedures, such as hysterectomies.) What are the church’s theological and philosophical foundations for these teachings? The church’s teachings are grounded in God’s revelation, the constant tradition of the church and human reason. Based on these sources of knowledge, the church has a clear understanding of Christian marriage and accepts some actions for being moral and rejects other actions for being immoral.

God Created Humanity as Man and Woman and Instituted Marriage

“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14). Our existence as male and female, as man and woman, as husband and wife, and as father and mother originates in God’s wisdom and almighty power. God created us and did so with a purpose. In creating human beings, he

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endowed human nature with an immortal spirit and a body. God gave us three powerful gifts: reason or a thinking ability, free-will to choose to act or not act, and the senses. He gave us these abilities so that we can intelligently, freely and richly participate in His work. The author of the book of Genesis articulated this when he taught that God made humanity in His image and likeness, he made us fertile, and he gave us our mission: “Be fertile and multiply fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:26-28). Leo XIII wrote this about the mission God gave to man and woman: “God thus, in His most far-reaching foresight, decreed that husband and wife should be the natural beginning of the human race, from whom it might be propagated and preserved by an unfailing fruitfulness throughout all time.” God also gave man and woman the mission to “subdue” the earth, which means they are to make the earth a more fitting place for human life, using its resources for the good of humanity and offering everything to the glory of God (Ephesians 1:12). Jesus called man and woman to live together in marriage as God had originally intended from the beginning of creation (Mark 10:112). Leo XIII wrote this about Jesus’ renewal of marriage: “In truth, Christ our Lord, setting himself to fulfill the commandment his Father had given him, straightway imparted a new form and fresh beauty to all things, taking away the effects of their time-worn age.” In addition to this, Jesus raised the union of a man and woman in marriage to a sacrament. Pius XI wrote: “He raised it to the rank of a truly great sacrament of the New Law, restored it to the original purity of its divine institution, and accordingly entrusted all of its discipline and care to His spouse the church.” Jesus -- in order to guard and strengthen married couples in their love and important work -- raised marriage to a sacrament. A sacrament is a sign instituted by Jesus that confers grace or the life of God, giving people the power to obey God’s will and Jesus’ Gospel. The loving and caring union of a man and woman in marriage is a sign of the mystical union between Jesus and the church and it confers divine grace to the couple, to sanctify and strengthen them. Pius XI, continuing the tradition of the church, taught that the union of a man and woman in marriage is ordered to three primary goods. Quoting St. Augustine,

Pius XI wrote: “’These,’ says St. Augustine, ‘are all the blessings of matrimony; on account of which matrimony itself is a blessing: offspring, conjugal faith and the sacrament.’” With a better understanding of Christian marriage and the mission God gave to man and woman; knowing that Jesus renewed marriage and raised it to a sacrament, married Christians will more intelligently and freely live their vocation. This knowledge also makes it easier to understand why the church rejects immoral actions as detrimental to marriage.

1. Contrary to Christian love.

For Christians, the model of love between husband and wife is the love Jesus has for the church. Jesus’ love for the church is total, sacrificial and salvific (Ephesians 5:25). As Jesus unites the church to himself in faith, hope, love and sacrament, Christian marriage is two people united in mind, heart, will and body. It is a relationship of authentic love and care for each other, helping each other to reach fulfillment as man and woman and in love of God and neighbor. Christian love is a complete offering of oneself to the other, including offering one’s fertility. Using contraceptives or other unnatural acts in order to prevent conception is contrary to love. It is saying: “I give myself, but not all of myself.” It is holding back a fundamental aspect of who one is and injures the union of husband and wife. In addition, John Paul II, Paul VI, and Leo XIII taught that because of the tendency to sin within human nature, there is a great risk for the man or woman to isolate the pleasure that comes with conjugal relations, at the expense of the dignity of the persons and the true meaning of human sexuality. Given that every human being is a person with an intellect, freedom and the ability for self determination, reason demands that a person must never be used solely as a means to an end. A person is of such high dignity, he or she must be the end of one’s actions; not used as a means to other ends, such as used solely for physical gratification. To use a person simply as a means to an end is especially contrary to the dignity of women as wives and mothers. Leo XIII wrote this when discussing the abuses women and children have endured by men, due to their deviations from God’s love and justice: “When the licentiousness of a

husband thus showed itself, nothing could be more piteous than the wife, sunk so low as to be all but reckoned as a means for gratification of passion or the production of offspring.”

2. Contrary to the blessing of fertility and children.

Marriage, being the loving and caring union of a man and woman, is naturally ordered to having children: “A child does not come from outside as something added onto the mutual love of the spouses, but springs from the very heart of that mutual giving, as its fruit and fulfillment.” The Christian teaching that fertility and children are blessings from God is opposed to the modern contraceptive and abortion mentalities, which views fertility and pregnancy as disease states to be prevented or eliminated. These false ideas are contrary to God’s wisdom and order for life. Contraceptives or immoral acts done to prevent conception creates very negative and evil attitudes toward new human life. Human beings conceived when they are not desired are often given the pejorative labels of accidents, burdens, mistakes, obstacles to success, biological waste, blobs of tissue and so forth. These are very false and evil attitudes to have toward human beings, especially toward one’s children. It is easy to recognize that when human sexuality is manipulated to achieve ends contrary to its true purpose, a mentality develops within the couple and toward their children that is completely contrary to Jesus’ command to love. Justice to God demands deep respect and love for each other and for the transmission of human life.


The church’s teachings about Christian love and her rejection of immoral actions are rooted in her proclamation of the goodness of God’s creation, especially the union of man and woman in marriage and the creation of new life. The church’s teaching comes from Jesus, his renewal of marriage and his call for people to conform to God’s wisdom, justice and love. Benjamin Sanchez, a parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima in Albuquerque is married and a father of four children. Through his website,, he encourages Catholics and all people of good will to study the writings of the popes and develop a more mature understanding of Christianity.

April 2012


Penalties for Particular Offenses – Part II By rev. kevin niehoff, o.P., J.C.L. Adjutant Judicial Vicar

Continuing with particular offenses, the last five parts part are: 1) Usurpation of Ecclesiastical Offices and Offenses Committed in Their Exercise; 2) the Crime of Falsehood; 3) Offenses Against Special Obligations; 4) Offenses Against Human Liberty; and, 5) General Norm. Should a priest have a sexual relationship with a woman, and gives her absolution, except in danger of death, he receives the penance of excommunication. Others who may receive excommunication are: a person who is not ordained attempting to celebrate Mass, and someone who attempts to hear a confession and gives absolution, which could include other penalties (canon 1378). Anyone not mentioned above who tries to administer a sacrament is to receive a just punishment (canon 1379). Anyone who buys or sells ecclesiastical pardons or offices is to be punished with an interdict or suspension (canon 1380). No one may usurp or hold onto an office without a just penalty (canon 1381). A bishop who without papal mandate consecrates another person a bishop suffers excommunication (canon 1382); further, a bishop who ordains someone else’s subject is prohibited from conferring ordinations for one year and the person unlawfully ordained is suspended (canon 1383). Anyone not already mentioned, who unlawfully exercises the office of a priest or another sacred ministry may be punished with a just penalty (canon 1384). A person who traffics mass stipends for profit may receive censure or another just penalty (canon 1385). Bribes to do or not to exercise an ecclesiastical function are punishable with a just penalty

(canon 1386). A priest, who in confession, convinces someone else to act out against the sixth commandment is to be punished in accord with the gravity of the offense (canon 1387). A confessor or interpreter who violates the seal of confession receives excommunication (canon 1388). A penalty commensurate with the gravity of the crime is to be levied on someone who abuses ecclesiastical power or an office, or through culpable negligence who acts unlawfully or with harm to another (canon 1389). Individuals who denounce a confessor or slanders an ecclesiastical superior are subject to a just penalty (canon 1390). People who libel in a public fashion, alter documents or asserts something false to be true is to be punished according to the gravity of the offense (canon 1391). Clerics or religious who engage in trading or business contrary to the canons may be punished appropriately (canon 1392) as may someone who does not fulfill his/her penalty (canon 1393). A priest or religious who attempts marriage is subject to an appropriate punishment (canon 1394). The same holds true to a priest or religious who holds someone in concubinage or in other ways commits offenses against the sixth Decalogue (canon 1395). Someone who violates the obligation of residence connected to office is to receive a just penalty (canon 1396). Likewise, homicide and abortion are punishable offenses (canons 1397 and 1398). Finally, anyone who externally violates divine or canon law may be punished with a just penalty depending on the gravity of the offense (canon 1399).

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Our Future Lies Within Our Youth Last month, People of God ran a story about the exceptional youth who were recognized for leadership in their parishes. There were 43 young adults that were recognized from 24 parishes and at least one parish from each deanery in the archdiocese. Throughout the year, we will feature these role models and some information on each one. Congratulations to all the young adults that were recognized and thank you for all your hard work! Humberto Lopez Holguin Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pastor Fr. Juan Mendez

Andrea Griego Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pastor Fr. Juan Mendez

Humberto is an excellent role model for the young people of his parish. Throughout high school and now that he is in college, he has been an active member of the choir, playing trumpet and guitar. He also chooses to volunteer as a lector at both Spanish and English Masses. Humberto is a very meticulous in his preparation and very articulate in his delivery. Humberto also serves on the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Young Adult Advisory team, where he took on his first leadership role by hosting a young adult Lenten Faith Sharing Group.

Andrea has been teaching religious education for three years. She is a college student who attends full time and still takes the time to prepare for and deliver a catechism class for 1st graders every week. She also works two jobs, both that involve working with children. Most people do not even consider the fact that she is deaf, because she has done so much to be a part of the mainstream. Her kids’ love her and she teaches without and special requirements because of her perceived handicap. Her kids appreciate her for what she is, rather than what she is not. She is a great example to other young people.


Valdez, Mondragon

Mr. Teodoro H. Mondragon and Miss Eleanor Dollie Valdez were married on June 7, 1952 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Taos by Rev. Paul Hatch. The witnesses were Juan Valerio & Mercedes Valerio and Juan Mondragon & Cecelia Valdez. They will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on June 7, 2012. Their immediate family will gather for a blessing of their marriage on June 9 by Rev. Larry Brito at the San Antonio Chapel in La Loma. They are members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic community in Taos, and have been most their married life. Dolly was a member of this parish since her birth, and Ted was a member of San Francisco de Asis parish in Ranchos de Taos. They have been blessed with six children, 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Ted and Dollie have been active members in many parish organizations including the Cursillo movement and the Knights of Columbus.



April 2012


It Is Better To Give Than To Receive

St. Pius X Students Serve Community By Jo saLWay Communications, St. Pius X High School

St. Pius X life is steeped in service. Service clubs and other organizations tackle problems, large and small, to help people from their campus all the way to Latin America. School-wide food and toy drives, led by Community Outreach, help homeless women and children at Barrett House and other low income families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Outreach’s Valentine Day Carnation Sale supports as many as six students for a year at the Sisters of Charity school in Pumo, Peru. The Making a Difference Against Hunger club, continued to steer the schoolwide project for the fourth year to raise money and package meals for local food banks. ˆ sells argyle lanyards for ids to raise money for autism. It is not just the service clubs that give, many organizations and classes take on special projects. The National Honor Society (NHS) members spend hours before and after school, giving up their lunches and study hall, for other students who need tutoring in their peer tutoring pro-

gram. NHS also contributes to the Project Gabriel, which helps unwed mothers-tobe before and after the baby is born, and gives food and toiletries to the Brothers of the Good Shepherd and Casa Esperanza. The Student Council is collecting food to be distributed by the Blue Star Mothers for soldiers overseas and is planning other projects. The juniors in theology teacher Kevin Barkocy’s social justice classes promoted the Be Aware, Be Thankful project to raise awareness to the United Nations list of eight millennium goals to ease global suffering. The United States and 48 other countries have committed to efforts aimed at everything from reducing infant mortality and homelessness to increasing education rates and gender equality. Students filled the school with posters, signs and table toppers with statistics about global poverty, homelessness and tragic living conditions experienced by billions of people every day to raise awareness. The posters also encourage students to be thankful for the little things taken for granted like food, clothing, shelter and education.

SPX student reach out to help others. Senior Taylor Roach and other members of Argyle for Autism sell argyle lanyards, ribbons, water bottles and T-shirts to raise money for autism research.

Holy Ghost Catholic School Fourth Grader to perform The Pilgrim Virgin Visits at Carnegie Hall Our Lady of Fatima

A famous missionary statue of Our Lady of Fatima was brought to Our Lady of Fatima parish. This Pilgrim Virgin statue and has traveled the world many times over. It was first struck in Portugal where the Marian apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima occurred in 1917. There have been reports of miraculous physical and spiritual healings brought about by the statue as well as stories of the statue having been observed weeping over the sins of the world. Four of the eighth grade boys carried her in the Mass in procession. It really was a rare privilege for Fatima to be able to host a visitation by the famous statue. Photo by Jani Hacket-Riffe, 5th Grade Teacher, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School.

Cody Osborn, a fourth grader at Holy Ghost Catholic School, received a Gold Medal for his piano skills at the Golden Key Music Festival held in Tucson, AZ this past January. The Tucson festival is part of a nationwide event open to participants between the ages of five and twenty-six. Participants are selected by their respective music instructors for possessing and

demonstrating exceptional mastery of the piano as well as a high degree of technical and interpretive skills. With this Gold Medal comes the distinct honor of performing at Carnegie Hall, New York City, NY in April. Osborn will perform a piano recital with other participants from around the United States. Osborn is the son of Shawnda and Daniel Osborn from Belen, NM.

April 2012




Not Even St. Peter Could Deny This Much Fun In the New Comedy Bible Bingo: An Act of Charity…in Two Acts Vicki Quade, creator of the hit comedy, Late Nite Catechism, brings to life a new comedy, Bible Bingo: An Act of Charity…in Two Acts. The new show is about the Catholic culture of fundraising and bingo. In this interactive comedy, the parish needs money and the archdiocese has a new bingo department. Bring the two together and you have a night of bible trivia, audience interaction, improvised moments, and the funniest quiz about the Holy Family you’ve ever seen. Add to that a box of wacky prizes, fun bingo cards, and a lot of Catholic humor. In this interactive bingo show, you’ll actually play bingo, and still learn a little something about what it means to be Catholic! The show gets the audience talking about everything from Adam & Eve to modern sins. You’ll be laughing so hard, you’ll have to be careful watching your bingo cards!

“As the creator of Late Nite Catechism, Vicki Quade knows a thing or two about what makes a one-person show successful,” -- Pioneer Press, Chicago. The show “comes off so smoothly,” says Elaine Laws,

head of the theater department at Althoff Catholic High School in Belleville, IL. After watching Vicki Quade on stage, Laws called her, “an improvisational genius.” After watching the show at St. Joseph’s parish in Mishawaka, IN, audience member Linda Wojciechowski declared, “We loved the Bible Bingo!” Go ahead…. resurrect your social life in this guaranteed night of divine entertainment! More fun than Sodom and Gomorrah! So much fun, you’ll have to confess it! saturday, may 19, 2012 National Hispanic Cultural Center 7:00 PM $30.00 per ticket For more information call 505.831.8173 Proceeds will benefit the Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance Program

Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Recognizes Fr. John Foley for Excellence in Education Who is Fr. Foley? you might ask. His story is one of amazing faith and mission. What began as an obedient answer to his calling has led to a national movement which is impacting education right here in Albuquerque. The Cristo Rey Network website gives the history. “In 1995, John P. Foley, S.J. was invited to return to his hometown of Chicago by his Jesuit Provincial. Fr. Foley had spent the past 34 years working primarily in education with the poor of Tacna, Peru. His Provincial wanted to create a quality, Catholic, college preparatory high school in the Pilsen community of Chicago, a Hispanic neighborhood of workingclass families with very limited options for giving their children the kind of education that families in other neighborhoods too often take for granted. Other Jesuits had literally walked the streets of the Pilsen neighborhood, asking the residents what they and their families needed most. A college-prep high school was their response.” “Fr. Foley and his team created an audacious plan – to implement an innovative business model whereby students work five days each month in an entry-level job at a professional company, with the fee for their work being directed to underwrite tuition costs.” “No school like this had even been attempted. Fr. Foley and his team saw a need and believed this un-

Cristo Rey Network Founder John Foley Photo by Leslie M. Radigan

conventional approach to education was their best shot at responding to the need. They were right. Cristo Rey Jesuit High School opened with Fr. Foley as founder and the first president” (

Since the first school opened in 1996, 24 other communities have reached out to develop their own Cristo Rey High School. Albuquerque has been developing one to be established in the South Valley. Cristo Rey Schools have been extremely effective. One hundred per cent of graduates are accepted to two- or four-year colleges, 97% of seniors (85% freshmen) graduate. Cristo Rey Schools target students who otherwise could not attend Catholic schools. Students are all low income and typically two years behind grade level. Through a unique job program, each student will work five days per month in a white-collar, corporate setting using their earnings to help pay tuition. But it is the friendship developed in these work programs that help students receive that “aha” moment. Where God has opened their minds to see “I can be a doctor, lawyer, accountant…” These life-changing moments happen for over 6,000 students throughout the network each year, and soon here in Albuquerque. So who is Fr. Foley? He is a servant of Christ, who obediently answered a call that seemed impossible at the time, but allowed Christ to perform the miracle. Truly the schools are in glory of “Christ the King”. To find out more about the Cristo Rey movement in Albuquerque, call Kevin Cronk, Coordinator at 505.414.3781 or visit their website at



Vatican Museums, Patrons of the Arts Comes to New Mexico

April 2012

Sacred Folk Songs

By rev. vinCent PauL Chávez Pastor, St. Therese of the Infant Jesus

In February, two cocktail receptions with information meetings took place at Immaculate Heart of Mary Conference and Retreat Center in Santa Fe and at St. Therese of the Infant Jesus in Albuquerque while surrounded by the fine works of religious art inside the magnificent Shrine of the Little Flower. The Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums is a group of people dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of the vast and unique collection of art contained in the Vatican Museums. The patrons have been in existence since 1982 when a major exhibition of Vatican art toured the United States in New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Restoration of the art contained in the exhibition was made possible by donors recognizing the unique opportunity to participate in the work of the Vatican Museums. One year later, the patrons organization was officially launched. Patrons worldwide have accepted the same membership in this exclusive work of art history. Patrons receive many exclusive benefits at the Vatican in addition to the privilege of preserving one of the world’s greatest collections of art, now and for years to come. Although the Vatican Museums host 15,000 visitors each day, the sale of tickets only provides for the daily operation of the museums. The museums are not subsidized

Rev. Mark Haydu with Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan by the Holy See and must be selfsufficient which means that the work of restoration and conservation must be supported by patrons dedicated to the unique spiritual and cultural mission of the Vatican Museums and Pontifical Galleries. While often unseen, the conservation of the irreplaceable art collections is an invitation to be personally involved in important work regarding the art expressions of our human culture. For the February events here in New Mexico, Fr. Mark Haydu, the international director of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums was present from the Vatican. This is an international organization and for many years, patrons have had an interest in starting a chapter here in New Mexico. This

is because New Mexico has the reputation of long, strong Catholic and even ancient artistic traditions. Our royal and holy city of Santa Fe is noted as the third largest art market in the world after Paris and New York City. For information about the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums, please contact Fr. Vincent Paul Chávez at The Shrine of the Little Flower, Parish of Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus here in Albuquerque at 505.344.8050 Visit the website of Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museum (Minnesota Chapter) . Visit the website of Saint Therese at to take a virtual tour of the art and religious treasures inside the Shrine of the Little Flower.

4333 Pan American Fwy. NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107 PHONE: (505)

247-0444 FAX: (505) 243-1505

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Dede Walden

By Dan PauLos, DireCtor, St. Bernadette Institute, Albuquerque

It’s all about the poor. And about women and children in far away lands who were being refused medical treatment because of their gender and customs. They were dying. But in 1914, a young Austrian woman, Anna Maria Dengel, heard the call and responded by leaving her family to study in Ireland. It was during World War I, and thus, Anna was completely cut off from her family. She spent her final year of internship in England. In 1920, she received her certification as a doctor. She was 28. After all the years she prepared for hospital work, she was finally able to travel to India where she began treating thousands in need. Anna realized that she alone couldn’t possibly serve the needs of all of these people. Through a great deal of prayer, Anna decided to establish a religious congregation of women who would serve the needy in the field of health care. She felt this could best be accomplished in the United States. For a full year, she wrote letters and accepted speaking engagements which paid off in an enormous way: the Medical Mission Sisters were established in Washington, D.C. on September 30, 1925. Mother Anna saw her young congregation flourish, and she was proud that her followers were the first Roman Catholic Sisters to serve as physicians, surgeons and obstetricians. The heritage which she would leave her 700 sisters is simple for it focuses on the inherent right of all people to live fully as human beings. As the congregation journeyed toward the 1960s, Mother Dengel realized the upcoming Vatican Council would bring many liturgical changes. And so she asked one of her young members, Sr. Miriam Therese, to give up her dream of becoming a doctor, in order to study liturgy and music so she could teach the upcoming changes with ease. Sr. Miriam Therese (Sr. MT) agreed and became one of the first Catholic musicians to compose sacred folk songs for liturgical celebrations. Soon, 11 Medical Mission Sisters left their Philadelphia Motherhouse for a New York City recording studio where they recorded 24 of their songs in seven hours. It didn’t take long for the Medical Mission songs to fly high. The sisters’ first album, Joy is Like the Rain, turned heads and hearts. So much so that the recording went gold. Soon the nuns’ songs were being sung in churchSee FOLK SONGS on page 13

April 2012


Holy Ghost Church Rosary Makers Ministry Benefit Missionary Countries

By L-a gaBrieLLa saLas Holy Ghost Parish

“To Honor and please our Blessed Mother for the Love of Christ” is the mission statement for the Holy Ghost Catholic Church Rosary Makers ministry (HGRM). Under the leadership of President Luana Salazar, the HGRM ministry is known throughout the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. As a young girl, Salazar was captivated by the intrinsic delicacy of hand-made rosaries. Her childhood dream, fueled by her love and devotion to our Blessed Mother, was to one day make “enough rosaries for everyone around the world.” An active member of the parish St. Vincent de Paul ministry, Salazar answered the call a few years back to join the already established ministry of rosary makers. “This (ministry) has been such a blessing in my life -- especially after the devastating loss of my son over three years ago. I feel it was a calling to give of my time and talent to the Lord through our Blessed Mother,” said Salazar. The rosary ministry (in addition to her work with St Vincent de Paul) has brought Salazar much peace. “It has deepened my love for the rosary and our Blessed Mother,” added Salazar. “There is great power in this.” Several parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Santa Fe have contacted Salazar requesting the HGRM’s help in starting a rosary ministry in their respective parishes. St. Augustine Catholic Church is one of those parishes. Margaret Zuni, Director of Religious Education for St. Augustine’s, is grateful to the HGRM for their help. “My FOLK SONGS from page 12

es, schools and homes not only in our own country, but literally around the world. I emailed Sr. MT to ask if she’d permit the Institute to produce new albums of her songs, re-recorded by well known singers. After praying about it, Sr. MT wrote to give

goal is to teach our parish children how to recite the rosary as well as how to make the rosaries,” said Zuni. “My intention is to hopefully get younger adults involved in our parish (through this ministry).” Holy Ghost Rosary Makers ministry is made up of 18 volunteer members ranging in age from 10 to 95. Salazar assumed the leadership role when the previous leader stepped down at the age of 92. The ministry meets once a week and begins each gathering with recitation of the rosary. Materials needed to make these rosaries are purchased through donations from the Knights of Columbus Council 15183 and the proceeds from bake sales. Much of the materials are donated by the members themselves. Over the last seven years, the rosary ministry has provided several thousand rosaries to missionary countries abroad and to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe for distribution to hospitals, prisons, nursing homes and religious education classes. Last year the ministry donated 3,000 rosaries for distribution at the annual Rosary Rally event. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church parishioners Deacon Manuel Montoya and his wife Eileen spearhead this annual event. “There is a misconception out there that the rosary rally is funded by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe -- it isn’t -we are self-funded,” said Montoya. “That is why we are especially grateful to Luana and the Holy Ghost rosary makers for their very generous donation of 3,000 rosaries.” To contact the Holy Ghost Rosary Makers ministry, call the parish office at 505265-5958 and leave your name and phone number. her approval. I began writing to musicians across the country asking them to participate. The responses were overwhelming. The first album, Loving You, features 21 songs. Some of the noted singers who participated on this CD are: Irish tenor John McDermott; Broadway performers Melba Moore and


The Shepherd’s Project Rev. Patrick Hough, SJ, Immaculate Conception Church, Albuquerque Submitted by parishioners and friends of Immaculate Conception Being surrounded by the Jesuits and having attended the ancient Jesuit school of Stonyhurst College in England, left little doubt that Patrick Hough would later become Fr. Patrick Hough, SJ. Through music, athletics, teaching and traveling, he seeks to bring the message of Christ to people. His grandmother often told him to get out among the people, and that he has done. It is the simple things in life that bring the most pleasure. This beautiful truth is personified in Fr. Hough. This newly ordained Jesuit who came to our town for his first year as a priest, has done an unbelievable job at shepherding the Catholics of Albuquerque. And it is those simple things that he does that make all the difference. Dinner with a family, anointing a parisFr. Hough celebrates his first Mass as honer’s loved one, saying Mass with a Jesuit priest on June 5, 2011. Photo by great reverence; all draw people to Vincent Orlando. their faith. A lot of hard work, to make those simple things possible, brings people together and makes them proud the Kingdom in person. In the Sacred to be Catholics. This is what Fr. Hough Host, He is present, the true treasure, is all about. always waiting for us. Only by adorHe is at Immaculate Conception Par- ing this presence do we learn how to ish, but also spends a lot of time out in receive Him properly-we learn the reservice to many. He goes to the pris- ality of communion.” Fr. Hough’s adoon to hear confessions, and also has a ration is clear in the way he celebrates great time with the youth of his parish Mass and is a beautiful example to the and around town. Fr. Hough’s passion congregation. One cannot help but be for the priesthood does not go unno- drawn to the sacred presence that is the ticed; young men who spend time with Eucharist. him see the joy he has for his vocation. Fr. Hough will be leaving in June to It inspires them and makes them think teach in Tampa, FL. He will leave beabout the possibilities of their vocation hind a community honored to have had as a priest. this time with him. A true shephard Pope Benedict XVI, in an address to just by doing what he has been called religious and seminarians, said, “The to do – pastor the people, and show hidden treasure… is Jesus Himself, Christ to his fellow man.

The Shepherd Project


We can do no great things; only small things with great love. —Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

e would like to invite you to share your stories of priests, religious sisters or religious brothers who have made a difference in your life for publication consideration. Please limit your submission to 400 words. Remember to include the name of the person you are writing about as well as your name and parish, or let us know if you’d like remain anonymous. Deadline is the 10th of each month. Email to or write to People of God 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120-1714.

Patti Cohenour; Protestant gospel singers Cynthia Clawson and Stephen Hill; Catholic singers Annie Karto, Seraphim, Bob Rowe, Kate HaggertyVarley; and Folk singers Janis Ian, Elisabeth von Trapp, The Limeliters - to name but a few. Loving You is now available at The Shrine Gift Shop, 11509 Indian School

Road, NE, Albuquerque. The CDs may also be purchased directly through the nuns: Medical Mission Sisters, 8400 Pine Road, Philadelphia PA, 19111 or Medical Mission Sisters, 77 Sherman Street, Hartford CT, 06105. The CDs are $14.95 each plus $3.00 shipping. All funds go to serve the world’s needy.



April 2012

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The Largest Blue Mass Ever: Over 2,400 In Attendance Since 1963 when Pope Paul VI first called for a world day of prayer for vocations, this celebration has taken place on Good Shepherd Sunday, April 29. The day of prayer is meant to foster all Christian vocations which come from our Baptismal call. There are those who choose vowed re-

ligious life as their way of living out the Baptismal call. We choose this month to feature three people from our archdiocese who have responded to their call to proclaim the Good News through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in religious orders.

All vowed religious of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe are invited to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday, April 29 at the Felician Center, 4210 Meadowbrook Lane, Rio Rancho, with a prayer service at 2:30 pm followed by a social and potluck supper. Contact Sr. Sera-

Sr. Desiré Anne-Marie Findlay

Sr. Chela Gonzalez, OP

Br. Samuel Hakeem, OP

My name is Sister Desiré Anne-Marie. I am currently 25 years old. I am originally from Albuquerque, and a parishioner of St. Jude Thaddeus in Paradise Hills. As of August 20, 2011, I am living in Enfield, CT: far from home; far from family; far from a land and life I was so familiar with. Why? Well, because I decided to embark on a journey with the Sisters of Saint Felix of Cantalice, otherwise known as the Felician Sisters. I was always attracted to the religious life – its prayer, pace and people seemed ideal and I enjoyed thinking about what life in a convent would be like. As we all know, no one and no thing is perfect, but out of the many daily choices we must make, there is always one that seems to work best. As I reached the ripe age of 22, I came to view vocations, the religious life, married and single life, as lifestyles in which we are enabled to grow in love of God and neighbor. Just like any choice, there is always one that works the best, and each individual has the ability to find a vocation in which they will best love God and neighbor. For me, that was the religious life. I knew that living in a community with other women who are also striving to live Christ’s Gospel would be a wonderful support in my own efforts to live that same Gospel. I knew that the constant reliance on prayer and its use throughout the day would create an environment in which I could truly grow spiritually. When I met the Felician Sisters, I knew this was the place and these were the women who would be a part of that journey. I chose the Felician Sisters because they joyfully embrace their unique journey as a congregation by working to develop and apply each sister’s gifts and talents. Now that I have entered the convent, I am more ready to share the talents with which God has blessed me. I am happy to try new things (like playing the flute!) and I enjoy sharing such endeavors with others even if I have not yet perfected my skills. I feel more confident in doing so, not necessarily because I am good at the things I attempt,

Throughout my adult life, I never sought a job, but always applied for a ‘ministry.’ Thus, my entire work life has been in ministry – and I always aspired to do ministry at the diocesan level. And because I have such a love for study and learning, I took courses, earned certificates, attended workshops, and pursued advanced degrees in theology, formation and spirituality, etc., in order to better prepare myself for the ministries I was serving. This allowed for a rich and wide experience in ministry, including that of Catholic School Teacher, Youth Minister, Parish Director of Religious Education, Liturgical Music Minister, Formation for Pastoral Lay Ministry Institute, Pastoral Administrator, Catechist Formation, Supervisor of Seminarians in Theological Field Education, Diocesan Director of Permanent Deacon Formation, and Archdiocesan Director of the Office of Religious Education. I directed retreats and became a certified Spiritual Director. By invitation I presented workshops, retreats and keynotes throughout the country. Yet, while I enjoyed what I was doing and felt like I was on top of the world, I often felt that something was missing… It was while doing my doctoral studies that I became very fond of St. Catherine of Siena, one of the first woman doctors of the church. Not knowing much more about St. Catherine, nor that she was a Dominican, I befriended her and claimed her as my patron saint, and often she pulled me through my doctoral studies. What little else I knew about her, I came to admire her character and her deep love and strong desire to serve God. When I finally stopped long enough to pay attention to the void I was experiencing in the midst of my joy for ministry, I discovered that the missing piece was community – but not just any community, for I had several communities I belonged to and related to at the time. What I was missing was a community who shared the same charism, the same love for study, for prayer, and for

See SR. DESIRĖ on page 17

See SR. CHELA on page 17

Br. Samuel Hakeem, OP professed Simple Vows as a Dominican in 2011 and is now in his first year of theological studies at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, MO. Growing up in Albuquerque, I had always dreamed of becoming an astronaut. This dream grew up with me, and I did what I could in order to make this dream a reality. During my years at St. Pius, I took advanced math and science classes. I graduated from St. Pius in 2005 and was accepted to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ where I would earn a bachelor’s degree in Space Physics. During my college years, thoughts of the priesthood entered my mind from time to time. I was quick to dismiss these seemingly random thoughts as I remained focused on my goal of spaceflight. However, during my senior year of college, these thoughts about the priesthood and religious life overwhelmed me. I decided to give in and began discerning God’s call for my life and praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit. I graduated from Embry-Riddle in 2009 and was accepted into UNM’s Optical Science and Engineering PhD program--the next step to becoming an astronaut. As I began my studies, I met the Dominicans at the Newman Center. After much prayer and discernment, I decided to leave graduate school after one year of studies and began formation with the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great. Like the vast majority of people, I did not receive an extraordinary message from God. There was no booming voice in the night or flash of light in the sky. The Spirit instead spoke to me through feelings of peace and joy. During visits to different Dominican priories across the province, I noticed that, in each of the priories, I felt as though I were at home among the friars. There was a peace to the entire process--a peace which gave me the strength to abandon my plan and follow God’s plan. Now in my second year of formation with the Dominicans, this feeling of peace has remained--a feeling which, to me, is God’s “yes” to my vocational journey.

April 2012



Religious brothers added to class survey Men, women considering vocation at younger age WASHINGTON—Women and men entering religious orders today are younger and more educated than new members of the recent past. They also have participated in numerous church activities, including parish youth ministry and campus ministry, according to a national survey. The findings were made public in New Sisters and Brothers in Perpetual Vows, a study of men and women religious who professed perpetual vows in 2011. The study was conducted by the Georgetown University-based Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). Profession of perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience marks a final step of incorporation of new members into religious communities. The CARA survey was commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bish-

ops (USCCB) Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. The survey was sent to sisters and brothers identified by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR), the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM), and over 150 contemplative communities. A total of 84 out of the 122 religious who were contacted responded, representing 52 women’s and eight men’s religious congregations, provinces, or monasteries. The report was slated for formal release February 2, the Church’s celebration of the World Day for Consecrated Life. Major findings note: • The average age among women professing perpetual vows in 2011 was 39, which is four years younger than last

year’s survey respondents; among men it was 42. Half of the responding women religious are 39 or younger; among responding brothers, half are 44 or younger. • Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of those surveyed identify themselves as white while nearly one in five (19 percent) identify as Asian, and almost one in ten (nine percent) identify as Hispanic. Seventy percent were born in the United States. Of those born outside the United States, the most common countries of origin are Vietnam, the Philippines and India. • More than nine in ten (94 percent) respondents have been Catholic since birth. About eight in ten (79 percent) come from families in which both parents are Catholic. • Nearly half of responding religious (48 percent, about equal for women and

men) attended a Catholic elementary school. Respondents are also more likely than other U.S. Catholics to have attended a Catholic high school (36 percent of responding religious, compared to 22 percent of U.S. adult Catholics) and much more likely to have attended a Catholic college (25 percent of women religious, compared to just 7 percent of U.S. adult Catholics). • The responding religious are highly educated. Sixteen percent of responding religious earned a graduate degree before entering their religious institute (including 26 percent among brothers). Nearly six in ten (57 percent) entered their religious institute with at least a bachelor’s degree or more (56 percent for women See STUDY on page 21

2012 Priest Appreciation Dinner Hosted by The Serra Club of Albuquerque, Sponsored by Daniels Family Funeral Services June 18, 2012 6:00pm Hotel Albuquerque 800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104

The Serra Club of Albuquerque is pleased to acknowledge Daniels Family Funeral Services $10,000 sponsorship of the 2012 Priest Appreciation Dinner. The dinner will take place June 18, 2012 at the Hotel Albuquerque near Old Town, beginning at 6:00 PM with cocktails, followed by dinner at 7:00 PM. Noted Catholic apologist and author, the Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas, will be the keynote speaker, speaking on “Priesthood Today.” Honored guests are Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan and priests of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. All are invited to come and show appre-

ciation for our priests. The easiest way to reserve seating is via the Serra Club website at People can also make reservations by sending a check for $75 per person along with their names and the names of the guests of their party to: The Serra Club, P. O. Box 3971, Albuquerque, NM, 87190. The entrée will be a mixed grill of steak, chicken, and shrimp. A vegan/vegetarian entrée is available upon request. The club encourages making reservations early as seating is limited and will be made on a firstcome-first-serve basis. The deadline for

reservations is June 10. Questions concerning the dinner can be answered by calling 505.239.9314. Those interested in sponsoring the event along with the Daniels Family Funeral Services, the premier sponsor, can choose to become a “Silver Sponsor” for $1,500 which includes a table of 8, with priority seating, their logo on the event’s audio/visual presentation, and their name displayed on the table. Sponsorship details are posted on the Serra website given above. Proceeds from the event support vocations to the priesthood and religious life.



April 2012

National Guard and Air Force Join St. Pius X’s Service Project to Help Feed the Hungry By Jo saLWay Communications, St. Pius X High School The National Guard, members of the Air Force from Kirtland AF Base and area Catholic elementary students joined 800 St. Pius X High students marking Holy Week by packaging 200,000 meals for the hungry of New Mexico. A total of 1,500 people helped with the daylong packing project. SPX students raised over $23,000 to purchase the bulk ingredients for the meals which the

student prepared, packaged and boxed all day on April 4 in the SPX gym. This was the fourth year SPX students have been involved with this project. “After this year, St. Pius and all the other participants will have packaged over 850,000 meals total in the last four years. Next year, we will probably hit the million mark,” said Alicia Eiler, community service coordinator.

This year New Mexico received 100% of the specially designed meals by Food for Kidz, the mobile arm of a national program to fight world hunger. The special meals are 52% protein, rice, six vegetables with an additional 21 vitamins and minerals formulated by a team of food scientists to fight the affects of starvation. The meals will be distributed to Joy Junction, The Storehouse, St. Felix’s Pantry, the Rio Grande Food Project and St. Martin’s Center for the homeless. The yearlong fundraising proj-

ect is culminating during Holy Week which is a time to reflect upon the sacrifices and giving many of the students observed during Lent. SPX students were joined by area Catholic schools, including

Holy Ghost, Our Lady of Annunciation, Our Lady of Assumption, Queen of Heaven, St. Therese, St. Thomas Aquinas, San Felipe de Neri, St. Mary’s Belen, and Grants schools St. Teresa of Avila and St. Joseph Mission.

April 2012



D+E+I Announces 2012 Lumen Awardees Wardene Crowley Honored as Lumen Ecclesiae By kris Coffey Vice-chair, Board of Trustees, D+E+I Wardene Crowley has been named the 2012 Lumen Ecclesiae (“Light of the Church”) Awardee by the Dominican Ecclesial Institute (D+E+I) for her history of outstanding adult faith formation in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Professor, Retreat Master, Spiritual Director, Woman of Faith, Scholar, Follower of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, Leader for our Times.

Enjoy the amazing “The Power of Preaching through Music” by the internationally renowned, Fr. James Marchionda The D+E+I Lumen Ecclesiae Award recognizes an individual outstanding in adult faith formation, touching women and men from many corners of the church. Ms. Crowley’s scholarly work focuses on the metaphorical language of Christian mysticism and spiritual development. She was adjunct professor in the UNM Religious Studies Program 1994-2008, on the Religion and Communications faculty of CNM 1995-2010, taught at the NM Conferences of Churches: Ecumenical Institute for Ministry 1996-2002, Caminos De Fe Northwest Deanery School of Ministry and Emmaus Journey 1996-2010, Canossian Spirituality Center 2005-201, the Spiritual Renewal Center 1994-2006 and numerous other vocational and volunteer ventures to touch minds and hearts from the young to the elders. Earning a B.A. and M.A., both with distinction from UNM, she had further training in Spiritual Direction and Religious Education, was a professional member KNOW from page 7 havior in parishes and schools. These codes let people know what behaviors are and are not acceptable as well as what behavior can be expected. Codes of conduct can encourage bystanders to report inappropriate behavior before a child is harmed. 9. Trained adults can prevent child sexual abuse. Adults who know the warning signs and are willing to step forward and report what they see can protect children from harm. Sexual offenders can be spotted by their behavior. 10. The warning signs of sexual abusers include adults preferring to be in the company of children. They may go overboard touching, tickling or wrestling with children. These signs should be reported to supervisors. 11. Warning signs of sexual abusers include adults who let children do things their parents would not allow; using drugs or alcohol, showing children pornography. These activities wrongfully make the child feel complicit in the abuse and keep them silent. 12. Warning signs of sexual abusers include adults who prefer to be with children rather than adults. They are frequently alone with children and may exclude other adults from activities involving children. 13. Across the country, 1.8 million volunteers in Catholic parishes and schools are trained to create safe environments and to protect children. An additional 249,000 employees are likewise trained.

16th Annual D+E+I Awards Presentation Three-Course High Tea

Sunday, April 29, 2012 3:30–5:30 pm Sheraton Uptown, Menaul & Louisana, Albuquerque of the American Academy of Religion and the National Communication Association, in addition to publishing nearly a dozen scholarly papers and presentations. Join in congratulating Wardene at the awards presentation at the 16th Annual D+E+I afternoon tea and Lumen Awards on Sunday, April 29, 2012 at the Sheraton Uptown, 3:30 – 5:30 pm. Enjoy the amazing “The Power of Preaching through Music” by the internationally renowned, Fr. James Marchionda, OP. Contact D+E+I for tickets ($50/Table of 10 $475), sponsorships, program ads and silent auction contributions: 243.0525 or kyle@d-e-i. org.Join in the fun--silent auction, the Teapot Treasures and a special live auction. See

Lumen Gentium Awards to Outstanding Laity The Lumen Gentium (“Light of the People”) Award recognizes women and men who minister to the needs of adult believers. Inspired by the call of Vatican II, this award furthers the call of the laity in the church. The 2012 Awardees come from all about the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Carmen Chacon – Sacred Heart Parish, Espanola Bruce Eklund – Aquinas Newman Center Ken Griesemer – Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Carmen Lucero – St. Augustine Jennifer Murphy-Dye – Risen Savior Janet Ortiz – Holy Cross Church, Santa Fe Robert and Mary Lou Santiago – Our Lady of Fatima 14. Children know their abusers in 90% of abuse cases. They are more likely to be abused by relatives or family friends than by strangers. This relationship makes it hard for children to report abuse. Parents need to let their children know they can tell them anything. 15. Children will often not report abuse because they fear no one will believe them. The adult often has more power than the child and is respected by the child. Training children to report abuse to their parents or other trusted adults is an important part of their training. 16. Nationwide over 4.8 million Catholic children were taught to recognize a grooming process, say No, and to tell parents and other trusted adults about such behavior. 17. The Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection helps dioceses/eparchies/become and maintain compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and to integrate the Charter into the diocesan way of life. 18. The Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection develops resources for use by dioceses/eparchies. These resources include facts and information for parents. 19. The Causes and Context of the Sexual Abuse Scandal Study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice found no one cause for the increase and decline of sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy, but rather a confluence of events. The National Review Board is developing a set of recommendations based on the Study.

D+E+I Wardene Crowley 2012 Lumen Ecclesiae (“Light of the Church”) Awardee. Professor, Retreat Master, Spiritual Director, Woman of Faith, Scholar, Follower of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, Leader for our Times Najla Sluder – John XXIII Larry Torres – Holy Trinity, Arroyo Seco Frederick Unsworth – St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Jane Richardson Schindler - St. Charles Borromeo Matt Sholler - the Center for Action and Comtemplation

2012 Artisano de Honor Award to Janice Myers D+E+I announces their 2012 Artisano de Honor Awardee, Janice Myers, who has been chosen to be their honored artist who creates and produces the crosses granted to their Awardees and major donors funding the annual operations of D+E+I.

SR. DESIRĖ from page 16 but because I am surrounded by people who will support my mere effort. The Sisters of Saint Felix of Cantalice are compassionate individuals who have learned how to work as one family, and I am truly blessed to have joined their mission to work with Christ in the spiritual renewal of the world. SR. CHELA from page 16 ministry. I longed and recognized my need for continued growth and someone or someone(s) to challenge me. I met the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids when I moved to New Mexico. It was there that I finally responded to a constant nudge – better known as God’s call – to religious life. After much prayer and discernment, I entered on December 12, 2009, moving in with the sisters in Albuquerque while continuing my ministry in the archdiocese. In June of 2010, I resigned my position at the archdiocese and went into the novitiate. I will make first profession with the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids in the spring of 2012.



April 2012

San Miguel’s Class on Mudding a Huge Success rev. anDreW J. PavLak, Pastor On a bright Saturday morning, March 24, 2012 about 50 people gathered at the historic (nearly 400 yearold) San Miguel Church in Socorro County. The purpose for this gathering was two-fold. First, those gathered (primarily students from The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology University -- AKA “TECH”) and parishioners with their teachers Mr. Antonio Martinez a professional in the preservation, care and repair of adobe structures with Mr. Dewey Christensen -- contractor for the San Miguel restoration project to learn the recipe to make appropriate mud and the process of applying said mud to adobe structures. Secondly, the group was present to have hands on experience in applying the mud to the historic San Miguel Church. This was not just your normal class it was truly the best of hands on learning. Those who were planning the event were very pleased with the turn out of students and parishioners present. Victoria Ramirez, Junior at the “TECH” and life-long parishioner of The Shrine of St. Bernadette, was the main student responsible for gathering the other students for this event. Victoria hopes that this will become a very regular event so that students from all over the State of New Mexico will not only learn this art but also take the knowledge back to their home parishes and assist them in the preservation of similar churches. According to Fr. Andy Pavlak, Pastor of San Miguel and Missions in Socorro County and member of the Commission for the Preservation of Historic New Mexico Churches, currently, there are quite a large number of churches like San Miguel that are in need of attention. These churches, like the La Sagrada Familia Church in Lemitar -- that collapsed in June of 2010 -- are in danger of severe damage and potentially being lost. “The loss of any of these churches would be most devastating to patrimony of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,” Pavlak said. Furthermore Fr. Pavlak shared, “The process to protecting and preserving these churches need not be as labor intensive as some might think.” While getting these churches repaired might take a great deal of work, the annual or semi-annual maintenance would be pretty much what this crew did on the 24th of March. What did this crew do? After a fairly short instruction on the recipe of how to make the mud, particular to each region of the State, they actually took the mud and applied it to the exterior walls of the church. What was expected to take approximately

four hours only ended up taking one and one half hours. After the workers were done, Mr. Christensen provided a meal -- courtesy of the Bursum Family of the First State Bank in Socorro -- and all were done and cleaned up by noon. The community is excited to be taking on the responsibility of maintaining the integrity of this church. The insight of the students from “TECH” as a driving force working with people of the parish for years to come shows the faith of all these young (and not so young) people and sense of sharing in the posterity of the patrimony of the church. San Miguel and Missions, Socorro, NM

April 2012



2nd Special Round Table Scheduled Featuring Recent Information of Bilocations of the Cloistered Nun

Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda, The Blue Nun – 1602-1665 Saturday, April 21, 2012 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, No Admission Fee National Hispanic Cultural Center, Ortega Hall 1701 4th St., Albuquerque, NM, Information: 505.294.4157

Mystical Lady in Blue, published by University of New Mexico

In 1620, Sor María de Agreda, with the gift of bi-location, is said to have appeared over five hundred times to the Jumanos, a Plains tribe in southwestern Texas and also at the Salinas Pueblo Missions Monument in New Mexico. In her apparition, María de Agreda asked the Jumanos to go to New Mexico to ask for a missionary for their tribe.

St. Augustine Parish, Isleta, NM formerly San Antonio Mission at Isleta Pueblo, was the site where Fray Perea and his party met in 1629 with Fray Alonso Benavides to discuss the news of the Blue Nun


Ms. Marilyn Fedewa, from Lansing, Michigan. Author, Of the upcoming event, Dr. Henry F. Casso said, Mystical Lady in Blue will share “This forum is an opportunity to showcase New Mexico’s role as the Gateway to Western the reactions of audiences from Civilization. The evidence presented by the around the country about her scholars will provide important information findings, writings, and research heretofore not presented sufficiently in social in her book. studies and history text books.” Dr. Anna Nogar, University of New Mexico Professor. Author, Sor Maria de Agreda, Impact on the Southwest, is being published by the Notre Dame Press. A native New Mexican with sixteen years of research experience on Sor Maria de Agreda. Mr. Marc LeFrancois, Chief of Interpretation for the U.S. Park Service at the Salinas Pueblo Missions Monument Mountainair, New Mexico. A key figure in convincing the prime movers of the Fray Antonio Margil, OFM/Sor Maria Jesus de Agreda Initiative as a significant piece of American and World history which took place at the door step of the American Frontier--New Mexico. Since the Jumano Pueblo Indians are key in this narrative and since history has them dispersed into three divisions, Mr. LeFrancois will show where the Jumano Indians lived, what happened to them, and where they are today. He will discuss how the Jumano Indians traveled to the Isleta Pueblo in New Mexico, just south of Albuquerque following the direction of Sor Maria Jesus de Agreda to


ou are invited to attend the Second Special Round Table Forum featuring recent information about one of the most unrecognized major events in New Spain, the >500 bilocations of the cloistered nun, Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda of Soria, Spain. The seventeenth-century nun served as the spiritual and political advisor of King Philip IV of Spain for more than 22 years. The two maintained a regular correspondence with over 600 letters written to one another. Based upon her transcendent visionary experiences, Sor Maria chronicled the life of Mary, mother of Jesus of Nazareth, in Mystical City of God, a work the Spanish Inquisition temporarily condemned. Today Sor Maria is lauded in Spain as one of the most

influential women in its history and in the United States as an inspiring pioneer. The Second Special Round Table Forum will take place on Saturday, April 21, 2012 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. in Ortega Hall at the National Hispanic Cultural Center located on 1701 4th St., Albuquerque, NM. Distinguished researchers, historians and authors will discuss the findings about this cloistered nun who in 1620 bilocated from Spain to New Mexico’s Mountainair area, Western Texas and Arizona. During these times, Sor Maria de Jesus sought out the Jumanos, a Plains tribe from southwestern Texas, as she remained in Spain. Though she instructed them about Christianity in her native Spanish language, they understood her in their own native language.

contact the Franciscans in order to have their mission built for their baptisms. This is where they encountered Fray Antonio Benavides, OFM the head of the Franciscans in New Mexico. Upon hearing their request, Fray Benavides, then made a lengthy trip to Madrid, Spain to seek the permission of the King to build the mission, since the King would pay for it. Benavides then traveled to the Vatican for the Papal approval, important since the missions were part of the Vatican strategy for Evangelization of the natives in New Spain. Our writer and researchers seem to indicate that the site of the bilocations were in the Salinas Missions monument area. The mission was approved and built in the Salinas Pueblo Missions Monument area. Three Special Interlocutors will ask probing questions of the authors to find pieces the puzzle which have been lacking in order to to reveal critical elements of the development of our Western Civilization within the midst of our Southwest territories. Dr. Felix Almaraz, representing Most Reverend Gustavo García-Siller, Archbishop of San Antonio and the Mission Park Heritage Site is, distinguished retired distinguished Professor of History, University of Texas. San Antonio and President of the Texas Catholic Historical Society. Dr. Joe Sanchez, Director of the Spanish Colonial Research Center, University of New Mexico Dr. Henry J. Casso, President, Project Uplift Mr. Robert Martinez, History Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools Results of a recent visit with Isleta Pueblo leadership reveals a willingness to be part of unfolding the narrative of this important facet of our history as well as those discussed at special meeting held in Mountainair recently to develop a master plan for the area. This will be also described by the presenters.



April 2012

Solidarity with People of the Sahel This is the first article of “Solidarity with…”, a series of articles on how Catholic Relief Services (CRS) makes a difference in the lives of people in a particular part of our world. CRS is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States; see org for more information. The Sahel stretches east-west across northern Africa, lying in between the Sahara Desert to its north and the Sudanian Savanna to its south. It is a vast, multi-nation area where the land changes from desert into grasses, spiny shrubs, and woodland. Farming and raising animals have been possible in the Sahel for thousands of years, some periods more easily than others. Now is a tough time. Over-farming and over-grazing have resulted in erosion. The area has major dust storms and extended droughts. Now people of the Sahel face a food crisis. CRS has responded by establishing programs to help the people help themselves and their communities.

In one such project, CRS teaches dryseason gardening. In another, CRS pays cash to those who work projects to improve the land. Another cash-for-work project is building wells. But some situations are so acute that immediate, coordinated response by people outside the situation is essential. The Sahel currently has areas marked by this level of need. For example, in northern Mali, conflict between the army and a rebel group has led to massive migration as people flee the fighting. Whether fleeing within Mali or to another country, the places the refugees go to are already stressed by the food crisis. In Niger, early March estimates indicated 500 people a day crossed the border. All basics of life are in jeopardy. Coordinating with other efforts, CRS focuses on water, sanitation, and hygiene. CRS improves that area’s wells, extends pipeline and increases the number of points where water is available. CRS’ hygiene kits provide soap and other hygiene materials, along with special instructions for preventing disease. For reasons of health, CRS builds latrines, showers and

Mali refugees in Niger gather to meet with CRS. Photo by Jean-Philipe Debus / CRS

washing stations; promoting the dignity of each human person, these are built in ways that protect privacy. Through prayer, learning, and giving to-

ward CRS’ practical work, U.S. Catholics stand in solidarity with people of the Sahel as they face a food crisis and deal with massive refugee migration.

Photo by Celine

By anna huth CRS Southwest Area Relationship Manager

Peter Kimeu of CRS Kenya is on a national speaker tour for Operation Rice Bowl. He is pictured here with Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan and Judge Geraldine Rivera, member of the Catholic Relief Services’ board of directors. In one of his talks, he mentioned that many days, he would wait for others to spit out their sugar cane so he could eat it in order to have energy for the rest of the day. He has dedicated himself to helping the hungry in his native Horn of Arfrica. “If there is hunger, anger, anywhere, then we cannot proudly say we are in communion,” Kimeu said, “because those brothers and sisters of ours who are hungry – we need to be able to satisfy them. This is the message, and particularly the message to everyone in America, that we are brothers and sisters with them.”

Catholic Charities Provides Immigration Forum By Diane kay Catholic Charities

In February, Catholic Charities’ Center for Immigration and Citizenship Legal Assistance hosted a discussion about immigration issues and experiences in our community. This meeting included leadership from the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency and Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (CISOMB) as follow-up to a recent White House Community Action Summit in Albuquerque. Government participants included: Adrian Macias, ICE Field Office Director, and additional ICE leadership, and January Contreras, DHS

Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman. This meeting was not a formal presentation, but instead a chance for participants to learn more about local community experiences with DHS and to continue to develop communication and relationships at the local level. Catholic Charities provides immigration assistance to families and legal assistance to immigrant victims of domestic violence. It is the only nonprofit agency providing low-cost or free services to immigrants statewide. The attached letter was recently received in appreciation for Catholic Charities ability to facilitate discussion between government officials and local community service providers.

April 2012



M AKING SENSE OUT OF BIOETHICS Black & White, or Gray? One widely-encountered idea today is that there is no black and white when it comes to morality, only a kind of “gray area.” This is often taken to mean that we really can’t know with certainty what is right and wrong, allowing us to “push into the gray” as we make certain moral decisions that at first glance appear to be immoral. The behavior of the semi-legendary figure of Robin Hood is sometimes mentioned as an example of this “gray area” phenomenon, since he was a character who would steal money (morally bad) for the purposes of helping the poor (morally good). By focusing on the good intentions motivating our choices, and by arguing that morality is ambiguous and mostly “gray” anyway, a person can more easily justify and provide cover for morally problematic actions. When we begin to scrutinize the claim that morality is “gray,” however, we encounter significant problems and contradictions. The romanticized exploits of Robin Hood, for example, end up providing little more than a “veil of gray” that quickly dissolves when we place ourselves in the firstperson situation of being the victim of his

thievery, having our own windows broken and our own goods plundered. Those who have been robbed of their possessions will often describe afterwards, in vivid detail, the awful awareness of personal violation, the crushing of their feeling of security, etc. In these circumstances, we see the moral problem with Robin Hood’s depraved actions, and appreciate the direct, black and white character of the universal moral injunction against stealing. Universal moral prohibitions are clearly at the heart of any discussion about the “grayness” of morality. Many human actions, when freely chosen, will always be unacceptable. These actions, referred to as “intrinsic evils,” are immoral regardless of circumstance. Adultery would be an example of an intrinsic evil. Regardless of how much a married man may desire to be with a new romantic flame, and regardless of how terrible his current marriage and sex life may appear to be, the decision to have sexual relations with someone who is not his spouse will invariably constitute an act of moral depravity on his part. Every wife who has suffered infidelity on the part of her husband, and every child who has seen the betrayal of their mother by their father can attest that there is no such thing as a “gray zone” for adultery. Many people who rec-

STUDY from page 15

percent) or a vocation retreat (39 percent). “Religious sisters, priests and brothers are treasured by the Church, and we support their sacred commitment to be poor, chaste and obedient in imitation of Christ and at his service. By virtue of their life they help us set our heart’s goal not on this life, but on eternal life,” said Archbishop Robert J. Carlson of St. Louis, chairman of the Committee for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. “In a world where human frailty is acutely felt, they remind us of God and bring Christ’s redemptive love to all they meet. The bishops of the United States are delighted to support their vocations in religious life.” “We are encouraged by the report’s findings that men and women are considering a vocation at a younger age. As Catholics recognize their responsibility to build a vocation culture in its parishes, schools and families, children and youth are being introduced to the various vocations in the Church,” said Mercy Sister Mary Joanna Ruhland, associate director of the Secretariat . “This helps them respond to God’s love and will generously and willingly. We congratulate these sisters and brothers and pray that the vitality and joy of their vocation be experienced by all whom they meet.” The entire survey can be found at http:// vocations/consecrated-life/professionclass/.

and 76 percent for men). • Many respondents were active in parish life before entering their religious institute. One third participated in a young adult group and one in five participated in a youth ministry or other youth group. About one in four (24 percent) was active in campus ministry or a Newman Club on campus. • Nearly all (95 percent) responding religious regularly participated in some type of private prayer activity before they entered their religious institute. Two-thirds joined in retreats (more common among women than men) or regularly prayed the Rosary and three in five participated in Eucharistic Adoration before entering. About half regularly participated in a faith sharing or Bible study group and/or in regular spiritual direction. • On average, responding religious report that they were 19 years old when they first considered a vocation to religious life, but half were 17 or younger when they first did so. This reflects an earlier consideration than last year’s class. • A great majority of the religious of those professed in 2011 (86 percent) participated in some type of vocation program or experience prior to entering their religious institute. Most commonly, this was a “Come and See” experience (61

ognize that an action may be black may still be tempted to think that because their intentions are white, the “gray” action may be done. But good intentions cannot bleach the blackness of a deed. Acknowledging the existence of intrinsic evils and recognizing the binding character of absolute moral prohibitions is an important part of our own moral growth and awakening. Indeed, morality itself, as an inner determinant of man’s character, is not fundamentally “gray” at all, but is, by its very nature, a code of black and white. In the final analysis, the cult of moral grayness is too easily a revolt against fixed and essential moral values. Although fixed moral values must always guide our decisions, correctly applying a general moral principle to a particular situation will often require specific knowledge of the circumstances and details of that situation. For example, I might have to grapple with the question of whether I have a moral duty to get out of bed and go to work in the morning. Whenever a particular set of circumstances prevail (I am healthy; today is a workday; my employer expects me to be present at the workplace; my vehicle is functioning normally), then I would reasonably conclude that I have a moral duty to go to work because of the objective moral

committments I have as a company employee — and, likely, the other employees who would “take up the slack” would resent my absence. Meanwhile, if I am very sick, I might reasonably conclude that I do not have a moral duty to go to work. Of course, deciding to stay in bed all day out of mere laziness would constitute an objective failure in terms of my moral duty. The question of my moral duty to go to work, then, is not a “gray area” at all, nor a matter of relative morals, but rather a question of careful discernment, weighing of variables, seeking to do the good, and so on. In sum, the objective lines of our moral obligation may sometimes be difficult to discern, and may even appear gray at first glance, but when we sort out the relevant details and seek to purify our own motives, and become willing to submit to the binding character of absolute moral prohibitions, that gray haze can dissipate, enabling us to see the real moral lines that were there all along. Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See



Cardinal Daoud, former Syriac Catholic patriarch, dies at 81 VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Mourning the death of Syrian-born Cardinal Ignace Moussa Daoud, who died April 7 in a Rome hospital, Pope Benedict XVI also prayed for the people of the Middle East “living through difficult times.” The 81-year-old cardinal was the retired prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches and the former patriarch of the Syriac Catholic Church. His funeral was scheduled for April 10 in St. Peter’s Basilica. In a condolence message to Syriac Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan of Antioch, Pope Benedict called the cardinal a “faithful pastor who devoted himself with faith and generosity to the service of the people of God.” The pope also assured the patriarch that during “these days, when we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord,” he was offering special prayers “for the peoples of the region who are living through difficult times.” Cardinal Daoud was born Basile Moussa Daoud in Meskene, Syria, Sept. 18, 1930, and had served as archbishop of Homs, one of the cities now being most deeply affected by violence as the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reacts to efforts to oust him.

Cuban-born priest renowned for his ministry in US declared venerable NEW YORK (CNS) -- The Vatican has declared as venerable Father Felix Varela, a 19th-century Cuban priest who worked in New York for many years and also lived in Florida. Both the New York and Miami archdioceses, where there are many proponents of Father Varela’s sainthood cause, announced the declaration Easter Sunday, April 8. It recognizes the priest lived heroic Christian virtues and is the first official step on the priest’s path to sainthood. The second step is beatification, and the third is sainthood. In general, each of those steps needs a miracle to be accepted by the church as having occurred through the intercession of the prospective saint. During Pope Benedict XVI’s March 26-28 visit to Cuba, he praised Father Varela as “’a shining example’ of the contributions a person of faith can make in building a more just society,” noted Miami Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski in a press release posted by the archdiocese. “Varela in his own words reminds us that ‘there is no authentic fatherland without virtue.’” The March 14 decree from the Congregation for Saints’ Causes declaring Father Varela venerable cited the priest’s own words at a time of upheaval in Cuba that ultimately led to the nation’s independence: “I want to be a soldier of Christ. My purpose is not to kill men, but

to save souls.” Father Varela, who died in exile in the United States in 1853, is not only a model of holiness for Cuban Catholics; both the communist government and its opponents invoke him as an inspiration for their actions. One measure of his lasting impact on Cuba is that the day the declaration was issued by the Vatican, The Washington Post featured a story about a recent program at a former seminary that now houses the Father Felix Varela Cultural Center in Havana. The Post described “a hall packed with professors, dissidents, clergy, bloggers, leftists, diplomats. The subject matter once unthinkable.”

Pope reviews trip to Mexico, Cuba, says religious freedom is needed VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI said that during his recent journey to Mexico and Cuba, he experienced “unforgettable days of joy and hope.” While he went as “a witness of Jesus Christ,” it was also an opportune occasion to call for reform, especially in allowing greater religious freedom, he said. At his weekly general audience April 4 in St. Peter’s Square, the pope told an estimated 11,000 pilgrims and visitors about his March 23-28 visit. “I reminded everyone that Cuba and the world need change,” he said. However, real change will come about “only if everyone opens up to the whole truth about mankind -- a binding requirement in order to achieve liberty -- and decides to cultivate in their lives reconciliation and brotherhood, building their life on Jesus Christ,” he said. Only Jesus “can dispel the darkness of error, helping us conquer evil and all that oppresses us,” the pope said. The church does not seek to secure any special privileges for itself, he said, just the freedom to be able to preach and celebrate one’s faith even in the public sphere and “bring the Gospel message of hope and peace to every part of society.” He said he appreciated all that has been done up to now by Cuban authorities but that he emphasized it was necessary to continue on this path of allowing “ever fuller religious freedom.” Such progress, he said, will require “an effort of sincere collaboration and patient dialogue for the good of the country.”

Santa Rosa Diocese will ‘shut down’ if HHS mandate imposed, bishop says SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) -- If the Diocese of Santa Rosa is required to cooperate with the Obama administration’s mandate requiring most religious employers to provide no-cost contraceptive coverage, the diocese won’t, said Bishop Robert F. Vasa. “If they shut me down, they shut me

down,” the bishop said March 30 following a speech on Catholic health care at a threeday conference on Catholic health care reform hosted by Life Legal Defense Foundation and the Christus Medicus Foundation. The Archdiocese of San Francisco and the dioceses of Sacramento, Oakland and Santa Rosa were among the sponsors. However, in an interview with Catholic San Francisco, the archdiocesan newspaper, Bishop Vasa said he believes the church will prevail on the issue because religious liberty is “enshrined in our Constitution. Precisely because Jesus healed the sick, the church is involved in healing ministry,” Bishop Vasa said in his keynote address to the conference, stressing the Catholic Church’s commitment to health care. “We are involved in this based on the conviction that each person has unique dignity.” Catholics must unite as they never have before if they hope to prevail against the federal contraceptive mandate, because the alternatives are bleak, according to speakers at the March 29-31 conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco. “I think we have to mobilize our church in a way we never have before,” said William Cox, president and CEO of the Alliance of Catholic Health Care, an association of California Catholic hospitals. “This is something we cannot fight unless we are united,” said Richard Doerflinger, associate director of the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities.

Review of Arizona law has implications beyond state’s own immigrants WASHINGTON (CNS) -- When the Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of Arizona’s 2010 immigration law April 25, the weight of an eventual ruling will come to bear on far more than one border state’s relationship to its own residents. The half-dozen states that have passed laws modeled on Arizona’s, the 20 that have considered doing so and the remaining states that haven’t weighed in legislatively on immigration all could be affected by the outcome of Arizona v. United States. So could the practices of churches, employers and social service providers. Foreign relations and business ventures also may be affected. And there’s a chance the court won’t be able to come to a clear decision because Justice Elena Kagan has recused herself from participating, leaving the possibility of a 4-4 vote. Unless that happens, the court is likely to issue a decision just before it recesses at the end of June. Meanwhile, “copycat” legislation, much of it drafted by the same Kansas attorney who helped write Arizona’s S.B. 1070, roiled other states over the last year, particularly Alabama. As that state’s law, among other provisions, made it illegal to rent or provide utility service without proof of the customer’s immigration

April 2012

status, thousands of immigrants moved away, leaving Alabama’s agriculture industry reeling from lost workers while crops rotted, unpicked in the fields. The Arizona law passed in April 2010 amid a bruising economic decline and in the heat of political rhetoric blaming undocumented immigrants for the murder of a well-respected rancher as he patrolled his property about 30 miles north of the border. The shooting of Robert Krentz has never been solved, and the law that the bill’s sponsor linked to his death has partly taken effect. But its harshest provisions remain blocked by federal courts.

Holy Land pilgrimages on rise and could increase during Year of Faith WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Fear of violence in the Middle East has not kept pilgrims away from the Holy Land, according to U.S. Franciscan priests who frequent the sites commemorating the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. Any hesitancy to visit these places is “overcome by faith and interest,” said Franciscan Father Jeremy Harrington, commissary and guardian of the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washington. The holy sites, he added, remain safe places to visit despite unrest in the region. Father Harrington also is sure the number of pilgrims will increase during the Catholic Church’s Year of Faith, which will begin Oct. 11 -- the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council -- and conclude Nov. 24, 2013 -- the feast of Christ the King. In pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith, U.S. Cardinal William J. Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, stressed the importance of pilgrimages to St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City and to the Holy Land, “the place which first saw the presence of Jesus, the Savior, and Mary, his mother.” When pilgrims visit the Holy Land, they not only come away with a deeper sense of their faith, but they also show solidarity with the Christians living in the region, Father Harrington told Catholic News Service. Franciscan Father Garret Edmunds, a pilgrimage guide in the Holy Land and vice commissary of the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washington, said the number of pilgrims from Europe and North America has been stable. In recent years, he has seen an influx of pilgrims from Eastern Europe, Russia, India, the Far East, Africa and Brazil, which he attributes to emerging economies. Franciscan friars know plenty about the Holy Land because they have been there for a long time. For more than 750 years, they have had a ministry there preserving shrines, welcoming pilgrims, leading parishes and schools and housing, and feeding those in need.

April 2012



BOOKS Secret of the Plumed Saint

Indivisible By James Robison & Jay W. Richards Publisher: FaithWords (February 2012)

By Elizabeth Ann Galligan Publisher: ABQ Press (January 2012) “I’ve never held a saint before,” Ernie said as he cradled the 100-year-old carving of the Santo Niño de Atoche, the Holy Child. When the long-cherished statue of the Santo Niño de Atoche disappears, village leaders decide to keep the news from the church hierarchy for fear of reprisal. They suspect the culprits are among local hippies, Protestants, drug dealers, Anglos and other outsiders. But when the statue mysteriously reappears and their beloved chapel sacristan is attacked, favorite son Jay Sierra and his pal, Ernie Lucero, team up to investigate. Long forgotten facts about the little statue take everyone by surprise and lead to the cozy conclusion of this delightful crime mystery set in an elbow of time during the 1970s in a high mountain valley in northern New Mexico. The story, with its artistic flow of words and scenes, offers an intriguing invita-

tion to take a pilgrimage to the Land of Enchantment with its glorious traditions, customs and diverse cultures. Dan Paulos, Director of the St. Bernadette Institute of Sacred Art. This is truly a New Mexican story, echoing the reality of the continued disappearance of santos from village chapels and Penitente moradas. Charles M. Carrillo, Ph.D., saint carver and expert on religious folk art of New Mexico.

Many books have been written on conservative politics. Many more have been written calling Christians to holiness and spiritual revival. Few, however, have managed to combine a clear explanation of the conservative political perspective with its corresponding personal and spiritual virtue. In Indivisible, James Robison, the founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, partners with Jay Richards, Ph.D., a writer who has appeared in both the New York Times and The Washington Post. Together, they tackle tough, controversial political issues facing conservative Christians today, including abortion, stem cell research, education, economics, health care, the environment, judicial activism, marriage, and others. Written to appeal to a broad spectrum of believers, Indivisible not only argues political questions from a Scriptural standpoint, it also provides simple arguments that Christians can use to support their beliefs in public settings.

A Heart On Fire: Catholic Witness and the Next America By Archbishop Charles Chaput Publisher: Image Books (March 2012)

This is the right book by the right author at the right time. Archbishop Chaput calls our attention to the growing hostility to religion in public life. “In government, the media, academia, in the business community and in the wider culture,” he says, “many of our leaders no longer seem to regard religious faith as a healthy force.” Indeed, “The America emerging in the next several decades is likely to be much less friendly to Christian faith than anything in our country’s past.” He is particularly concerned about the way this “new orthodoxy” is impacting young people. It would be wrong to conclude that Archbishop Chaput is demonizing the elites. No, there is a lot of blame to go around. “We can blame the mass media, or the academy, or science, or special-interest groups for creating the environment we now face,” he writes. “But we Christians— including we Catholics—helped shape it with our eagerness to fit in, our distractions and overconfidence, and our own lukewarm faith.” The e-book comes at a time when Catholics, and people of all faiths, are genuinely concerned about the way the Health and Human Services mandate will weaken our First Amendment right to religious liberty; it is the publishing house’s

first e-book original. It also comes at a time when radical secularism has become increasingly aggressive in our culture.

Most significantly, Robison and Richards recognize that the point of origin for spiritual and moral transformation is the individual. “We are convinced by historical precedent that long term cultural change requires not merely sound thinking and public good works but rather, God’s spiritual and moral transformation of us as individuals, which will then transform our churches, our communities, our culture, and ultimately our politics.”

Symbols That Surround Us By Johan van Parys, PhD Publisher: Liguori Publications (March 2012) Learn the what, why, and how about symbols that you see in church. What do they mean, why are they are important, and how can they can help you grow in faith? Includes reflections and questions that connect symbols with daily living. Christian symbols, imagery, and ritual gesture date back to the time of Jesus, yet they still have meaning today. Discover their meaning and grow in your faith!



R e s t

i n

Sr. Mary Dominic

April 2012

P e a c e

Sr. Mary Patrice Mahoney

Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Marian Schlueter (formerly Sr. Mary Dominic) died Saturday, March 17, 2012, at the age of 87 at Mother Margaret Hall, the nursing facility of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. She was born Marian Edith Schlueter on May 6, 1924, in Cincinnati, OH, the daughter of William J and Mary (Bankemper) Schlueter. Sr. Marian Schlueter was a Sister of Charity for 69 years. Sr. Marian was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, attending St. Matthew’s elementary school and Regina High School before entering the Sisters of Charity in 1942. She was proud of her 50-year ministry in education which included the states of New Mexico, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. Sister began her teaching at St. Vincent in Albuquerque, N.M., where she served from 1944 – ’47; from 1947 –’52 she taught junior high students at Guardian Angels, Detroit, Mich., and moved to St. Mary’s, Marion, Ohio, to serve as elementary principal, (1956 – ’58). She taught junior high again at St. William, Cincinnati, Ohio, for the 1958- ’59 school year. In 1959, she returned West, serving as principal at St. Mary and San Felipe, both located in Albuquerque, (1959 – ’67). In her autobiography, Sr. Marian refers to her special time at San Felipe. “My greatest satisfaction came at San Felipe convent and school,” she said. “Achievement results improved so much that the superintendent of schools questioned how we did it. Many of our children were bilingual. To encourage the parents to send their children to the Head Start program, I visited them. So many benefitted from the program that Sargent Shriver (founder of the national child development Head Start program) gave me a special award.” A dear friend, Sr. Mary Grafe, recalls Marian’s love of life and the affirmations she gave to others. “I don’t think she ever met a stranger; she was such a delightful person that people felt at ease with her,” Sr. Mary stated. “I know she is happy to be with God, her mother and dad in heaven.”

Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Mary Patrice Mahoney died Friday, March 9, 2012, at the age of 98 at Mother Margaret Hall, the nursing facility of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. She was born Mary Elizabeth Mahoney on May 31, 1913, in Springfield, OH, the daughter of Patrick John and Josephine (Ryan) Mahoney. Sr. Mary Patrice Mahoney was a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati for 79 years. Sister taught high school Latin for over 30 years and from 1967 through 1969 she taught at St. Vincent and St. Mary, both located in Albuquerque, N.M. A close friend for many years, Sr. Pat McNally remembers Sr. Mary Patrice as a true Irish woman, full of patience and faith; she never complained even though she could not see or hear well for the past decade. “She could see the hand of God in everything” Sr. Pat recalls. “She could see enough of the Notre Dame football game to know when they won. All these gifts and a ready sense of humor help define this Sister of Charity. We will miss her.” Continued from page 1

Sr. Robert Ann Wheatley, OSU Sr. Robert Ann Wheatley, 91, an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph of Maple Mount, KY, died Easter Sunday, April 8, at Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse. She was in her 72nd year of religious life. A native of Cloverport, KY, Sr. Robert Ann was an educator for more than 30 years. She served as librarian and tutor at St. Charles Borromeo School, Albuquerque from 198385. She also taught at Sacred Heart School, in Farmington. She retired to the Motherhouse in 1993.

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) aid the four Gospels do not try to describe or explain the moment of Jesus’ resurrection; “that remains mysterious -- not in the

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sense of less real, but hidden.” Instead, the Gospels describe how the women went to the tomb and found it empty. “In all the Gospels, the women have a great space in the accounts of the apparitions of the risen Jesus, just as they do in the accounts of the passion and death of Jesus,” the pope said. “At that time in Israel, the witness of the women could not have an official, juridical value,” he said, but the Gospels’ emphasis on their stories demonstrates that they “lived an experience of a special bond with the Lord.” That special bond, he said, “is fundamental for the concrete life of the Christian community and this is true always, in every age, and not just at the beginning of the church’s story.” Pope Benedict was scheduled to return to the Vatican April 11 for his weekly general audience, then head back to the papal villa, about 15 miles south of Rome, until April 13.

April 2012





April 2012

Mark Your Calendar

Roman Catholic Saints Calendar April 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Blessed Caesar de Bus St. Bernadette Soubirous St. Benedict Joseph Labre Blessed James Oldo Blessed Luchesio and Buonadonna St. Conrad of Parzham St. Anselm St. Adalbert of Prague St. George St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen St. Mark St. Pedro de San José Betancur St. Louis Mary de Montfort St. Peter Chanel St. Catherine of Siena St. Pius V

May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

St. Joseph the Worker St. Athanasius Sts. Philip and James Blessed Michael Giedroyc St. Hilary of Arles Sts. Marian and James St. Rose Venerini St. Peter of Tarentaise St. Catharine of Bologna St. Damien Joseph de Veuster of Moloka’i St. Ignatius of Laconi Sts. Nereus and Achilleus Our Lady of Fatima St. Matthias

“May the Dear Lord bless you...” April Rev. Emmanuel U. Izuka Rev. Eric Nordmeyer, OFM Rev. Oscar Coelho Rev. Odon Nguyen, OSB Rev. Lawrence Merta Rev. Joe D. Vigil Rev. Rick Zerwas Rev. Joel O. Bugas Rev. J. Patrick Hough, SJ Rev. George Reynolds, OP Rev. Vincent Chavez Rev. Bijoy Francis, O.Praem Rev. Sotero Sena Rev. Virgil Furfaro

11 12 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 23 24 24 24 26

May Rev. Vincent Dominguez Rev. Chrysostom Partee, OFM (Ret.) Rev. Thomas Kayammakal Rev. Joseph Tin Mahn Bui Rev. Michaelangelo Cimino Rev. J. Stephen Hickman Rev. Kevin Iwuoha

4 5 5 7 10 10 10

TV Mass Schedule The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel sunday at 6:30 a.m. on krQe tv-13, kBim tv-10, krez tv-6, and foX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted

TV Mass Donations may be sent online or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM.


Readings (Cycle B)

April 15, 2012 Acts 4:32-35 2nd Sun Easter (Divine Mercy) 1 Jn 5:1-6 Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz Jn 20:19-31 April 22, 2012 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 3rd Sun Easter 1 Jn 2:1-5a Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz Lk 24:35-48 April 29, 2012 Acts 4:8-12 4th Sun Easter 1 Jn 3:1-2 Rev. Mark Schultz Jn 10:11-18 May 6, 2012 Acts 9:26-31 5th Sun Easter 1 Jn 3:18-24 Rev. Mark Schultz Jn 15:1-8

April 2012







April 2012

Thank You For Your Years of Service to Our Schools 5 Years Holy Ghost San Felipe Our Lady of the Assumption Janie armijo

Santo Nino Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of the Annunciation

St. Mary’s-ABQ

Queen of Heaven St. Pius X High School

Jim Cook

St. Charles

St. Therese St. Thomas Geisel

Sarah Madigan Geraldine Lucero Marianne Griesbacher Mary Kay Parker Donna Saiz Aaron Chavez Herman Padilla Jasmine Ielacqua Stefani Bur Vita Fox Pelletier Sr. Marilu Ibarra, FdCC Marilyn Urenda Isabel Behncke Nicole Mares Renee Montoya Ann Marie Silva Ester Tambor Kay Taylor Gloria Quasada Patrick Carey Laurence Godret Fr. Anthony Maes Dorothy (Susie) Sanchez Janet Bridgers Jovannah Saenz Rebecca Romans Angela Mc Bride Valerie Oliver Susan Peterson Militzah Zamora de Kimberly Maese

Barbara Ducaj

10 Years Holy Ghost Our Lady of the Assumption Santo Nino St. Mary’s-ABQ Queen of Heaven St. Pius X High School

Julia huchmala

robert kaiser

Heidi Sims Cecilia Haynes Stella Esquibel Martha Romero Paul Salcido Terri Klas Jan Christie Penn Verna Helland Dominic Kollasch Paula Sandoval Diana Perea Robert Shields

10 Years continued St. Pius X High School St. Therese St. Thomas

Lillian Torrez Tom Trujillo LeAnn Lucero-Cisneros Darcy Mascarenas Carol Donlin

15 Years Holy Ghost St. Pius X High School

Fred Jenkins Dan Cappleman Alicia Eiler Michael Knight Trini Lopez Jim Renshaw Rosanne Villareal

20 Years Santo Nino St. Mary’s-ABQ St. Pius X High School

Julianne rivera

Paula Pinson Janie Armijo Julianne Rivera Jim Cook Barbara Rothweiler Jeff Turcotte

25 Years Our Lady of the Annunciation St. Pius X High School

Cindy Shields Barbara Ducaj Jackie Suttle

Barbara rothweller

30 Years Our Lady of the Assumption St. Pius X High School

Robert Kaiser Julia Huchmala

50 Years St. Pius X High School St. Pius X High School

Ronald Tybor Phil Zuber

This information was received from the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

ron tybor

Paula Pinson

Jeff turcotte

Cindy shields

Jackie suttle

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