January 2012 People of God

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w w w. a r c h d i o s f . o r g

Inside this Issue

Ser ving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Pope Benedict XVI Honors Two New Msgrs Archbishop’s Letter: Spread the Good News! Norbertine Community Elevated to New Canonry Blessed Kateri on Her Way to Sainthood Celebrating Catholic Education! 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Sorrows, Mountainair In Remembrance of Our Dearly Departed 2011 Year in Review

2 3 5 7 9 13 19 22

Photos by Celine

New Mexico Centenary 1912 - 2011


The Archdiocese of Santa Fe welcomes Msgrs. Bowman & Voorhies! See page 2



Former Episcopal Bishop to Head New US Ordinariate for Ex-Anglicans Fr. Jeffrey N. Steenson of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pope Benedict XVI has established the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter to serve former Anglican groups and clergy in the United States who wish to become Catholic. He also named the 59-year-old Fr. Jeffrey N. Steenson of Houston, TX to lead the new structure as its ordinary. The creation of the ordinariate and the appointment of Fr. Steenson were publicized in Washington, January 2, by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, apostolic nuncio to the United States. Similar to a diocese though national in scope, the ordinariate will be based in Houston, TX, and will include parishes and communities across the United States that will be fully Catholic, while retaining elements of their Anglican heritage and traditions. To date, over 100 clergy have applied to be ordained Catholic for the ordinariate and 1,400 individuals from 22 communities have asked to join the ordinariate. Jeffrey Steenson was born April 1, 1952 in Camp Rucker, AL and was raised on a family farm in Hillsboro, ND. A former

Episcopal bishop, he received his theological training at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois and Harvard Divinity School, and a doctor of philosophy degree from Oxford University. He was ordained an Episcopal priest in 1980 and served as an assistant at a parish in Highfield, Oxford, then as rector of three parishes in the United States. He was an officer for the Episcopal Synod of America, and Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 2004, Fr. Steenson was elected bishop of the Diocese of Rio Grande. He resigned in 2007 and was received into the Catholic Church. Fr. Steenson was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in 2009 under the pastoral provision for married former Anglican clergy. Since that time, he has been the Carl and Lois Davis Professor in Patristic Studies at the University of St. Thomas Center for Faith and Culture in Houston. Fr. Steenson is married. He and his wife, Debra, have three adult children and one grandchild.

Former Episcopal Bishop Blesses Catholic Bishop at Ordination Mass Former Episcopal Bishop Jeffrey N. Steenson, right, blesses Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan of Santa Fe, N.M., during Steenson’s ordination to the Catholic priesthood at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Rio Rancho, N.M., Feb. 21, 2009. Father Steenson spent 24 years as an Episcopal priest and three as a bishop in New Mexico. (CNS photo/Celine Baca Radigan, Archdiocese of Santa Fe)


January 2012

Pope Benedict XVI Honors Two Archdiocesan Priests

Fr. Anthony “Tony” Bolman was honored with the title of Prelate of Honor of His Holiness and is now called Monsignor Bolman! Archbishop received word late on Friday, December 16, 2011 that this honor was bestowed on November 11, 2011. Msgr. Bolman was born July 28, 1926 in Croswell, MI. His parents, Henry Tresch and Anna Bolman, are both deceased. Msgr. Bolman was ordained by Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne on May 28, 1960 at Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe. He served as Parochial Vicar at St. Francis Xavier in Albuquerque and at Our Lady of Sorrows in Manzano. He was named administrator of Santa Clara in Wagon Mound in 1964 and then its pastor in 1965. He has also served as pastor of St. Rita in Carrizozo, St. Rose of Lima in Santa Rosa (twice – 1969 and 1991), Our Lady of Sorrows in Bernalillo, St. Anthony in Pecos, St. Mary’s in Vaughn, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Pojoaque, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Albuquerque, St. Joseph’s in Raton, St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho, and Church of the Ascension in Albuquerque. Msgr. Bolman “retired” on July 17, 1999. Since that time he has filled his time by assisting his brother priests so that they can take vacations, retreats, or at time of illness. He is a humble priest who lives to provide sacramental ministry. He also served on the Priest Personnel Board and was a member of the College of Consultors. Prior to becoming a priest, Msgr. Bolman served in World War II! We congratulate Msgr. Bolman and give thanks to God for his energy in providing the Sacraments. Fr. Bennett J. Voorhies, current pastor of Our Lady of Annunciation Parish, was honored with the title of Chaplain of His Holiness, also on November 11, 2011, which happens to be his birthday! He was born on November 11, 1957 to Bennett J. Voorhies, Jr. (deceased) and Lenore Dorothy Voorhies. Msgr. Voorhies was ordained by Pope John Paul II (now Blessed) at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City State, Rome on June 12, 1983. He is fluent in English, Italian and some French. He was ordained for the Diocese of Lafayette and served as associate pastor at Saints Peter & Paul in Scott and Sacred Heart of Jesus in Ville Platte, administrator of St. Patrick in Lafayette and pastor of St. Michael the

Archangel in Crowely. He also served as Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Lafayette. For health reasons, he asked for permission to serve in a drier climate. On January 17, 1997 he was appointed as Parochial Vicar at Santa Maria de La Paz in Santa Fe, then pastor of St. Anthony’s in Pecos. He was named Chancellor, Vicar for Priests and Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe on June 4, 2001, following then Msgr. Joseph Pepe who had been named as Bishop of Las Vegas. When the Diocese of Lafayette was appointed a new bishop he called Fr. Voorhies to return home. He returned to Lafayette on January 3, 2005. His health again prevented him from staying in the humid climate of the Lafayette Diocese. He was named Pastor of Our Lady of the Annunciation on May 27, 2005 and then given the additional duty of Dean of Albuquerque B Deanery on June 1, 2005. He was incardinated in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe on July 12, 2006. Congratulations Msgr. Voorhies, thank you for your priestly ministry and your wonderful sense of humor. The various ranks of Monsignori are Protonotary Apostolic, Prelate of Honor of His Holiness and Chaplain of His Holiness. These are distinctions bestowed among the general ranks of Priests at the recommendation of their (Arch)bishop and it is the Vatican who decides the rank bestowed. Monsignori become part of the “papal household” and are listed in the Annuario Pontificio. We currently have 11 Monsigorni living in the archdiocese. In addition to the two newly named above, we also have Msgr. Robert Calles, now retired from the Diocese of El Paso; Msgr. Francis X. Eggert, Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima in Albuquerque; Msgr. Leo Gomez, now retired from the Diocese of Gallup; Msgr. Leo Lucero, now retired; Msgr. Lambert Joseph Luna, Vicar General of the Archdiocese and Pastor of St. Joseph on the Rio Grande in Albuquerque; Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire, Rector of The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe and Dean of the Santa Fe Deanery; Msgr. Richard Olona, Pastor of Risen Savior Catholic Community in Albuquerque; Msgr. Douglas A. Raun, Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho and Dean of Albuquerque A Deanery; and Msgr. Sipio A. Salas, now retired.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for JANUARY 2012 General: Victims of Natural Disasters That the victims of natural disasters may receive the spiritual and material comfort they need to rebuild their lives. Mission: Dedication to Peace That the dedication of Christians to peace may bear witness to the name of Christ before all men and women of good will.

Pope Benedict XVI is scheduled to visit three cities in Mexico and two cities in Cuba March 23-28. (CNS graphic/Emily Thompson)

January 2012



IN THE RISEN LORD Spread the Good News!


Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

e are all called to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. He is Our Lord and Our Savior and we are grateful to Him for all time. Rest assured that our Catholic faith is growing and spreading. It is witnessed when over 3,500 young people and adults receive their Sacrament of Confirmation each year. It can be seen when whole families are returned to the sacramental life of the Church as couples have their marriages blessed during the group weddings. And it can be seen through the many projects that have happened recently, are currently underway or being planned for the near future. I want share that we are in need of larger Catholic Churches and new religious education classrooms because of the growth of our Catholic population! Here are a few of the projects: This past September, I dedicated a newly constructed church for the Church of Incarnation Parish in Rio Rancho under the pastoral care of Fr. Rick Zerwas. This church sits over 1,300 people. It took over 10 years of dedicated teamwork by parishioners to raise the 50% of the funds needed to build this beautiful church which will provide a place of worship for generations to come. This past October, I dedicated another newly built church for the parish of St. Jude Thaddeus in Albuquerque under the pastoral care of Fr. John Daniel. This Church also sits over 1,300 people! This parish outgrew their old church some time ago; the parishioners worked together and quickly raised the funds, planned the building and with God’s blessings, it has become a reality. Just this December, I dedicated the newly renovated Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission Church in Encino. This is a financially challenged community but through the determination of the parishioners and their new pastor, the renovation has been completed just under $100,000. St. John the Baptist in Santa Fe, under the pastoral care of Fr. Nathan Libaire, has taken the church into the future by adding solar panels which will provide energy to the entire campus. This will save the parish several thousands of dollars over the years and the funds can be used to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Albuquerque under the pastoral care of Fr. Juan Mendez followed suit. This parish also is installing solar panels to provide energy for their entire campus. St. Patrick’s in Chama has broken ground and laid the foundation for their new church which is anticipated to be completed within the next several months. If you recall, their old church caved in

under the weight of snow in 2001. The parishioners have worked in unison with their pastors to raise the funds needed, some through grants, and 11 years later they will have a new church – a place of worship for their future generations. St. Francis Xavier in Clayton is in the midst of planning a new religious education building and the people have already raised the majority of the funds they need to break ground! Children, youth and adults will enjoy the new facility while learning about our rich Catholic faith. Sacred Heart Mission Church in Costilla has received permission to proceed with building a new parish hall for the use of the entire parish! This is a mission of St. Anthony Parish in Questa. Currently under the pastoral care of Fr. Andrew Ifele, the parishioners in the missions of Costilla and Amalia had raised the funds needed for the parish hall under the pastoral care of Fr. Dino Candelaria; prior to the collapse of the Church in Questa. In sensitivity to the parishioners in Questa, they delayed asking for permission to proceed with the new parish hall until the Questa Church had come to a decision regarding the church building. A private group of citizens from Questa are currently trying to renovate the St. Anthony Church. The parish hall in Questa is currently being used for the celebration of the Eucharist. It is hoped the new parish hall at the mission of Costilla will provide a common ground for all parishioners to come together at various times during the year. Rio Rancho continues to grow in population and the mother parish of St. Thomas Aquinas is in the planning stages of planning a new church, religious education building and parish offices. This will entail the parishioners coming together, working with their pastor and committing to raise the 50% of the required funds before they can proceed with groundbreaking. This parish has given birth to Church of the Incarnation Parish and the Mission Church of St. John Vianney. We pray that God will bless the efforts of this community to provide a much needed, much larger parish campus. We have 28 seminarians studying for the archdiocese with more asking to enter. I will ordain two of them priests in May and three to the transitional diaconate. Please continue to pray for vocations! Good News indeed! We pray that God will continue to bless all of these efforts and many more in the pipeline.   Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord, Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

¡Compartamos las Buenas Nuevas!


Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan

o m o s llamados a compartir las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo. Él es nuestro Señor y Salvador y le estamos agradecidos en todo momento. Tengan por seguro que nuestra fe católica continúa creciendo y extendiéndose. Esto lo podemos ver cuando cada año más de 3,500 jóvenes y adultos reciben el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Puede verse cuando familias enteras regresan a la vida sacramental de la Iglesia al recibir las parejas la bendición nupcial durante las bodas en grupo. Puede verse a través de los muchos proyectos que se han llevado a cabo recientemente, algunos que están actualmente en marcha, y los que se están planificando para el futuro cercano. Quiero compartir que necesitamos iglesias católicas más grandes y nuevos salones para la educación religiosa, todo esto por razón del crecimiento de nuestra población católica. He aquí algunos de estos proyectos: durante el pasado mes de septiembre, dediqué una nueva iglesia para la parroquia de la Encarnación en Rio Rancho, bajo el cuidado pastoral del padre Rick Zerwas. Esta nueva iglesia tiene una capacidad para más de 1,300 personas. Tomó más de 10 años de ardua labor de equipo por parte de los feligreses para reunir el 50% de los fondos necesarios para edificar esta hermosa iglesia, la cual proporcionará un espacio para el culto y la alabanza para las generaciones venideras. Este pasado mes de octubre dediqué otra recientemente construida iglesia para la parroquia de San Judas Tadeo en Albuquerque bajo el cuidado pastoral del Padre John Daniel. ¡Esta iglesia tiene también una capacidad para más de 1,300 personas! Esta parroquia superó la capacidad de su antigua iglesia hace ya algún tiempo; los feligreses colaboraron y juntos rápidamente reunieron los fondos necesarios, planearon la construcción y, con la bendición de Dios, esta nueva iglesia se ha convertido en una realidad. Justamente en este mes de diciembre dediqué la recientemente renovada misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Encino. Esta es una comunidad con dificultades financieras, pero gracias a la determinación de sus feligreses y de su nuevo párroco, la renovación se completó por un costo de un poco menos de los $100,000. La Parroquia de San Juan Bautista en Santa Fe, bajo el cuidado pastoral del Padre Nathan Libaire ha colocado a su iglesia

en el futuro al añadir paneles solares que producirán la energía eléctrica para toda su propiedad. Esto ahorrará a la parroquia varios miles de dólares en el transcurso de los años y esos fondos podrán utilizarse para difundir las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo. La Iglesia de la Natividad de Nuestra Santísima Virgen María en Albuquerque, bajo el cuidado pastoral del Padre Juan Mendez siguió el ejemplo y ahora está también instalando paneles solares para producir energía eléctrica para toda su propiedad. La parroquia de San Patricio en Chama ha iniciado la colocación de los cimientos para su nueva iglesia, con espera de completarla durante los próximos meses. Si recuerdan, su antigua iglesia se derrumbó bajo el peso de la nieve en el año 2001. Los feligreses han trabajado en unísono con sus párrocos para recaudar los fondos necesarios, algunos de ellos a través de subvenciones, y 11 años después tendrán su nueva iglesia - un espacio de alabanza y culto para las generaciones futuras. La parroquia de San Francisco Javier en Clayton se encuentra en la etapa de planificación para un nuevo edificio de educación religiosa y la gente ha ya recaudado la mayoría de los fondos necesarios para iniciar el proyecto. Los niños, jóvenes y adultos disfrutarán de las nuevas instalaciones mientras aprenden acerca de nuestra rica fe católica. La misión del Sagrado Corazón en Costilla ha recibido permiso para proceder con la construcción de una nueva sala parroquial para ser utilizada por toda la parroquia. Esta es una misión de la parroquia de San Antonio en Questa. Actualmente bajo el cuidado pastoral del padre Andrew Ifele, los feligreses en las misiones de Costilla y Amalia habían recaudado los fondos necesarios para la sala parroquial cuando estaban bajo el cuidado pastoral del Padre Dino Candelaria, antes de que la iglesia de Questa se colapsara. Tomando en consideración a los feligreses en Questa, se había retrasado la petición del permiso para proceder con la construcción de una nueva sala parroquial hasta que la Iglesia de Questa llegara a una decisión sobre el edificio de la iglesia. Un grupo privado de ciudadanos de Questa están actualmente tratando de renovar la iglesia de San Antonio. La sala parroquial en Questa está siendo actualmente utilizada para las celebraciones de la Eucaristía. Se espera que esta nueva sala parroquial en la misión de Costilla proporcione un terreno común para que todos los feligreses de esta área se reúnan en diferentes ocasiones durante el año. La ciudad de Rio Rancho continua Continued on page 5



Archbishop’s Schedule

January 13 Fri 6:00 p.m. 14 Sat 11:00 a.m. 16 Mon 6:00 p.m. 17 Tue 5:00 p.m. 18 Wed 8:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 6:00 p.m. 19 Thu 5:00 p.m. 20 Fri ======== 21 Sat 11:00 a.m. 22 Sun 9:00 a.m. 23 Mon ======== 24 Tue ======== 25 Wed 9:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 27 Fri 8:00 a.m. ======== 28 Sat 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 30 Mon ======== 31 Tue 10:00 a.m.

Investiture of Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque ACA Kickoff, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe ACA Kickoff, Catholic Center Bishops of the State, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Legislative Breakfast, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe Sanctity of Life Mass, Concelebrated by Bishops of the State, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Investiture of Msgr. Tony Bolman, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Mass, Catholic Health Association, Hotel Albuquerque Office Appointments ACA Kickoff, Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas Confirmation & Chinese New Year Mass, Our Lady of LaVang, Albuquerque Office Appointments Office Appointments Mass for St. Mary’s School, Immaculate Conception, Albuquerque Catholic Charities Annual Board Blessing, San Felipe de Neri, Albuquerque Archdiocesan Finance Council, Catholic Center Office Appointments Mass, Dedication of Pojoaque Pueblo Church Immaculate Conception Church Fundraiser, Hotel Albuquerque Office Appointments Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Mass, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque

February 1 Wed 10:00 a.m. 3 Fri ======== 5:00 p.m. 4 Sat ======== 5 Sun ======== 6-8 === ======== 10 Fri ======== 6:00 p.m. 11 Sat 11:-00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Mass, Santa Maria de La Paz, Santa Fe Office Appointments Archdiocesan Vocations Discernment, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Archdiocesan Vocations Discernment, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Archdiocesan Vocations Discernment, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Skiing, Taos Ski Valley Office Appointments Santo Niño Regional Catholic School Mardi Gras, Hotel Historic Plaza Santa Fe Archdiocesan Group Wedding, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque St. Pius X High School Mardi Gras, Hotel Albuquerque

Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official


January 2012

Archbishop Sheehan has made the following assignments: • Effective January 20, 2012 -Rev. Paul Nkumbi, currently assigned as pastor of Holy FamilySt. Joseph in Roy/Mosquero and Santa Clara in Wagon Mound has been appointed as pastor of St. Anthony of Padua in Fort Sumner. • Effective January 20, 2012 -Rev. John Brasher, currently serving as pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows in Las Vegas, has been appointed as pastor of Holy Family-St Joseph in Roy/Mosquero and Santa Clara in Wagon Mound and both of their missions. • Effective January 20, 2012 -Rev. Douglas Mitchell, currently serving as pastor of San Clemente Parish in Los Lunas and Dean of the Southwest Deanery, has been appointed as pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows in Las Vegas, NM and its missions. • Effective January 20, 2012 -Rev. James Marshall, currently serving as pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle in Abiquiu and pastor of San Juan Nepomuceno in El Rito has been appointed as pastor of San Clemente Parish in Los Lunas and its missions. He has also been appointed as dean of the Southwest Deanery. • Effective January 20, 2012 -Rev. Joseph A. Vigil, a priest from the Diocese of Pueblo, CO, has been appointed as pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle in Abiquiu and San Juan Nepomuceno in El Rito, NM and both of their missions. • Effective January 20, 2012 -Rev. Donatus Onyeke, CSSP, a religious priest of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria has been assigned as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Peralta under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Hoi Tan. • Effective January 20, 2012 -Rev. Charles Ugochukwu, a priest from the Diocese of Awka, Nigeria, has been appointed as parochial vicar at Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish in Albuquerque under the direction of the pastor, Very Rev. Bennett J. Voorhies.

Sem i n ar y B u rs e The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends to the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for the period October 2011 through December 2011. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at parishes. The Archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education. From October 2011 to December 2011 Our Lady of Belen (Mass stipends) $1,475.29 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass stipends) $820.00 Estancia Valley – Moriarty (Mass stipends) $1,000.00 St. Anthony – Pecos (Mass stipends) $1,000.00 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass stipends) $650.00 Anonymous donation $1,500.00 St. Anne – Santa Fe (Mass stipends) $1,000.00 St. Thomas Aquinas – Rio Rancho (Mass stipends) $305.03 Our Lady of Guadalupe – Taos (Mass stipends) $240.00 San Clemente – Los Lunas (Mass stipends) $10,000 Our Lady of the Annunciation (Mass stipends) $1,565.00 St. Anthony of Padua – Pecos (Mass stipends) $1,000.00 Estancia Valley Catholic Parish – Moriarty (Mass stipends) $1,000.00 St. Joseph on the Rio Grande (Mass stipends) $370.00 St. John the Baptist – Santa Fe (Mass stipends) $500.00

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Catholic Center in Albuquerque was closed on January 5, 2012 following an armed robbery of the Catholic Center and shooting the previous evening. A police investigation is currently underway and 24-hour security is in place. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan extends his prayers and gratitude to the security guard, his family and the civil authorities during this traumatic time. He invites you to do the same.

January 2012



5th Annual Blue Mass Photo by Leslie M. Radigan

February 21, 2012

Celebrating a blessing of all Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, Firefighters, Military, Emergency Medical Personnel and Correction Officers in New Mexico and to honor our fallen heros who have given their lives. To pray in thanksgiving for their service to our community and to pray for

their families who love and support them. This is an All-Faith Celebration St. Pius X Gymnasium 5301 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Noon Archbishop Michael J. Shee-

han will celebrate the Mass For more information, please contact Monica Justice, Pastoral Outreach Office 505.831.8174 or porsec@archdiosf.org Reception immediately following the Mass to meet and thank the men and women who risk their lives for us every day.

parishes of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Albuquerque, St. Augustine at Isleta Pueblo, and Our Lady of Belen, as well as in hospital ministry and other sacramental and social action capacities. The Norbertines, or Premonstratensians as they are formally known, were founded almost 900 years ago in Prémontré, France. On Christmas Day 1121, Norbert of Xanten and his friends inaugurated the Canons Regular of Prémontré. They dedicated themselves to seeking Christ by means of community living, poverty, obedience, celibacy and a dedication to the active priestly ministry. Norbert held before them the dream of the first Christians after Pentecost whose community life was characterized by the power of the Spirit and a desire to be of service to others. Unlike monks whose ministry and life was confined to the monastery, this new Order of Canons Regular would serve in parish and other ministries, and live together in community, gathering daily for prayer in common. Today the Norbertines number approximately 1,300 worldwide

and serve in Europe, Australia, South America, Canada, India, Africa and the United States. The “golden triangle” of community, contemplation and compassionate service is the guiding force of their lives as they strive, according to the Rule of Saint Augustine which they follow, to “be of one mind and heart on the way to God.” The Norbertines’ home in Albu-

querque’s South Valley is also the location of St. Norbert College’s Master of Theological Studies program in New Mexico, and the home of the Norbertine Hermitage Retreat and The Norbertine Library which are open to the public. For more information on these resources, please go to www.norbertinecommunity.org. or call 505.873.4399.

Continued from page 3

Actualmente contamos con 28 seminaristas estudiando para la Arquidiócesis y otros que desean ingresar. En el mes de mayo ordenaré a dos de ellos como sacerdotes y a tres al diaconado transitorio. ¡Por favor, continúen orando por vocaciones! ¡Todas estas son muy buenas noticias! Oramos para que Dios continúe bendiciendo todos estos esfuerzos y muchos más que se encuentran en diferentes etapas de planeación. Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

December 12, 2011, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Norbertine Community of New Mexico celebrated its independence as it was “elevated to a new canonry.” “After twenty-six years serving the church in New Mexico, we have reached this milestone, which means that we will now be self-governing and independent of our mother abbey, St. Norbert Abbey in Wisconsin, while maintaining close ties of friendship with our brothers there.” Fr. Joel Garner, O.Praem., Superior, Norbertine Community of New Mexico

Celebrating the Priory’s independence were Archbishop Michael Sheehan, Abbot Gary Neville, O.Praem. of St. Norbert Abbey, Abbot Richard Antonucci, O.Praem. of Daylesford Abbey near Philadelphia, and Abbot Eugene Hayes, O.Praem. of St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange, CA, as well as friends, Oblates and Associates of the local community. The Priory of Santa Maria de la Vid (Our Lady of the Vine), the religious community’s home in the South Valley, currently has 14 members, four of whom are in formation. The Norbertines serve the

Photo by Celine

The Norbertine Community of New Mexico Elevated to New Canonry

creciendo en población y la parroquia madre, Santo Thomas de Aquino se encuentra actualmente en la etapa de planificación para una nueva iglesia, edificios para la educación religiosa y oficinas parroquiales. Esto implicará que los feligreses trabajen junto con su párroco y se comprometan a recaudar el 50% de los fondos requeridos antes de que puedan proceder con el inicio de la construcción. Esta parroquia ha dado luz a la Iglesia de la Encarnación y a la misión de St. John Vianney. Oramos para que Dios bendiga los esfuerzos de esta comunidad para proporcionar el tan necesitado mayor espacio parroquial.

Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheehan Arzobispo de Santa Fe


Pastor Bonus Appendices By Rev. Kevin Niehoff, O.P., J.C.L. Adjutant Judicial Vicar

The conclusion of the document Pastor Bonus contains two appendices. Appendix one provides more instruction as to “The Pastoral Significance of the ad limina visit;” and Appendix two is divided into two parts: 1) provides more instruction on “The Collaborators of the Apostolic See as a Work Community; and, 2) the Apostolic Letter Apostolica Sedis by John Paul II on the meaning of the work performed for the Apostolic See.” Many Catholics are aware that their Bishop goes to Rome to have a face-to-face meeting with the Pope every five years. This practice of going to see the Roman Pontiff finds its roots in the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Galatians and signifies in the modern age a moment of communion of the Church through the office of the Bishop as a leader of the particular church and the leader of the universal Church in the office of the Pope. During the ad limina visit, the Bishop of a diocese is to visit the tombs of Peter and Paul. The Bishops also have access to the other offices of the Holy See. The visit allows the Bishop to dialogue with the offices of the Holy See so they may be instructed as to the questions the various offices address and with which they are experienced. The Bishop also has the opportunity to hone is pastoral knowledge of the issues facing the Church. To quote Pastor Bonus, “the institution of the ad limina visit is an instrument of the utmost value, commanding respect because it is an ancient custom and has outstanding pastoral importance. In all truth and reality, these visits express the catholicity of the Church and the unity and communion of the College of Bishops, qualities rooted in the successor of Peter and signified by those holy places where the Princes of the Apostles underwent martyrdom, qualities of a theological, pastoral, social, and religious import known to all.” The first part of Appendix two addresses the relationship the Holy See has with its employees. The work of the Church cannot happen without the support of many individuals who do the day-to-day functions of the offices, both clerics and laity. As the total document Pastor Bonus addresses the organization and functioning of the Holy See and its offices, this part of Appendix two defines the role of the Labor Office (Human Relations) and the interdependence between the work and the ministry present at this level of the Church. The second part of Appendix two is addressed to the Vatican Secretary of State and defines his role in the Church. Remember the Vatican, in addition to being the center of the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy, is also its own State and has relations with not only the country of Italy but also other countries throughout the world; including the United States of America. The proper functioning of the Church requires proper relations with its employees as well as other countries.

January 2012

Sister Jacqueline Stoll Professes Final Vows with Adrian Dominicans Sr. Jacqueline Stoll, OP, who ministers at the University of New Mexico Medical Center in Albuquerque, made her Final Profession of Vows with the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary in Adrian, MI during a special Liturgy held in December at Holy Rosary Chapel, on the Congregation’s Motherhouse campus. Dominican Fr. Robert Kelly, OP, Motherhouse chaplain, presided. Sharing this milestone event with Sr. Jacqueline were her sister, Karen Kitchen; a friend, Deborah Markee; her witnesses, Sr. Geneal Kramer, OP, and Sr. Lorraine Reaume, OP; Adrian Dominican Sisters and Associates; and friends. Many who could not be present in Adrian witnessed the Profession on their computers through livestreaming technology. Before professing her vows, Sr. Jacqueline stated her intent was to “respond to God’s loving call and the deepest desire of my heart, which is to give myself completely to Christ for the rest of my life.” She asked for God’s help and guidance so that “my work, my life and my entire being may always and everywhere be a preaching of the Word of God until the day I die.” Sr. Jacqueline professed her vows

Photo by Sr. Elise D. García, OP


Sr. Jacqueline Stoll, OP, approaches the altar in Holy Rosary Chapel to make her Final Profession of Vows. to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Dominic, and Sr. Attracta Kelly, OP, Prioress, and Sr. Attracta’s lawful successors, until death. The vow statement was followed by the official signing of the profession papers and the blessing and presentation of Sr. Jacqueline’s ring, symbolic of her fidelity to Jesus Christ. In her reflection, Sr. Lorraine contrasted the traditional waiting of the

Ecumenism? What’s That? By Jennifer Murphy-Dye Member, Ecumenical Commission & Director, Pastoral Ministry, Risen Savior

Some “church” words seem odd and awkward, especially words like consubstantial and incarnate. While we need to know how to say these two words and understand their meaning, when it comes to others, like ecumenism, it’s more important to understand the concept. Ecumenism is the movement promoting unity among Christians, including Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and Episcopalians, among others. The adjective form of the word, ecumenical, from the Greek oikoumene, is used in the New Testament more than a dozen times, in reference to the earth and/or its people. Any activity that encompasses the world or involves the inhabitants of the world can be described as ecumenical. The term has also been used to describe a gathering of all the bishops of the world, along with the pope, to discuss matters of faith and morals. Genuine ecumenism is about recognizing the unity that we all share as believers and followers of Jesus Christ. Yes, unity is there—even if we can’t see it, or choose not to. Ecumenism is not about convincing non-Catholics to become Catholic nor is it about pre-

tending that we are not Catholic. It is about coming to mutual understanding of what it means to be the body of Christ, the Church. It is a quest for members of different traditions and denominations to honor everything that unites them, even as they discuss respectfully the things that divide them. First and foremost, ecumenism is about celebrating our shared faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. John’s Gospel tells us Jesus prayed three times for unity among believers. First, he prayed for those the Father had given Him, “Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, just as we are.” Second, he prayed for unity among those who would come to believe in Jesus through their (the disciples’) word: “I pray…for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that the world may believe you sent me.” Third, Jesus prayed that the glory already given in Christ may bring all believers “to perfection as one.” When we Christians come together to reflect on the glory God has revealed to us in Jesus Christ and to pray to be perfected in our faith, we

Advent Season to everyday waiting. “Advent waiting chooses to be present,” she said. “Advent waiting honors the time it takes for something special to happen,” she said. “I believe religious life is also a witness to Advent waiting. It’s a public statement that waiting on our God is worthwhile, so worthwhile and fulfilling, in fact, that we are willing to give our lives to it, as See VOWS on page 21 The schedule for the prayer services are as follows: January 18 The Santuario in Truchas at 6:30 pm January 19 Risen Savior with several neighboring Christian Communions at 7:00 pm January 25 at Rio Grande Presbyterian with Holy Rosary Catholic Community at 7:00 pm January 25 at Our Lady of Annunciation with neighboring Christian Communions at 7:00 pm practice what is know as spiritual ecumenism. Between the Feast of St. Peter on January 18 and the Conversion of St. Paul on January 25, Christians worldwide join in the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity, eight days of deep prayer for an end to separation in the Church. We pray for healing of all divisions, and for the day when the glory of God brings us to perfection as one. During this year’s Octave, several parishes in the archdiocese will offer ecumenical prayer services. The Church encourages participation in ecumenical prayer as a sacred response to Christ’s call for unity. Make this Octave a time of sincere prayer for unity. It’s the ecumenical and thoroughly Catholic thing to do.


Photo by Celine

January 2012


Blessed Kateri On Her Way To Sainthood! The Native American Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is jumping for joy as the final miracle to declare Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha a saint has been accepted by the Holy Father. Many here have been praying for her sainthood for a lifetime. Now it’s just a matter of time before the date is set for her canonization! Thanks be to God!

Jenny Blue Water Talache-Wheat: Life as a Native American Catholic practices are acceptable and encouraged. The most notable expression of blending her faith and culture happens during the annual Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of Nambe Pueblo, Jenny participates in the Yellow Corn dance, but takes time to join in the vesper procession around the village. She carries the saint which symbolically blesses the area where the dances take place“It’s a reminder that holy people are looking out for our well being, not just on feast day but all year.” Jenny is a member of Our Lady of Gua-

dalupe Parish in Pojoaque. St. Francis de Assisi in Nambe Pueblo is a mission of Guadalupe parish. She and her husband John have been married eight years and together have four children: Joshua 7, Landon 5, Dominic 3, and Noah six months. All of which have been baptized and introduced to the traditional ceremonies of her Pueblo. Jenny’s message to Native people is this “There is a Higher being than us, we belong to our Creator-God who holds things sacred such as family, mankind, and nature. We should strive to live in unity, respecting each other and caring for each others needs, living in harmony with our traditional belief system and the Catholic faith so that one day when this life is over we may be joined together as one in Heaven”

We should strive to live in unity, respecting each other and caring for each others needs, living in harmony with our traditional belief system and the Catholic faith so that one day when this life is over we may be joined together as one in Heaven”

By Lee Moquino Santa Clara Parishioner

Jenny Blue Water Talache-Wheat of Nambe Pueblo, shares her faith and traditional values by living with both a Catholic and Puebloan belief centered life. She states, “As an infant I was baptized and also given my Indian name. My father took me to both church and the community house; there was never conflict nor question of religion or belief.” Choosing to live

as a Native American Catholic, she hopes to be examples to her people, showing them that both Ceremonial and Catholic

“As an infant I was baptized and also given my Indian name. My father took me to both church and the community house; there was never conflict nor question of religion or belief.”

Jenny is completing a Bachelors degree in Business Administration at the University of New Mexico.



January 2012

Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day Mass/March/Rally

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 12:00 Noon Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis NM State Capitol, Santa Fe

Photos by Leslie M. Radigan

Join us as the three Dioceses of New Mexico prayerfully mark the 39th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion with a Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day on January 18, 2012. The day includes a noon Mass with the three Bishops of New Mexico, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan (Archdiocese of Santa Fe), Bishop Ricardo Ramirez (Diocese of Las Cruces) and Bishop James S. Wall (Diocese of Gallup) at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis in Santa Fe, a prayer procession and rally with Allen Sánchez at

the Roundhouse. Participants are asked to bring baby items like diapers, blankets, bottles, etc. and/or socks and toiletries for the elderly to be collected at the Mass and distributed to organizations that provide support to expectant mothers in need or nursing homes. Sponsored by the NM Conference of Catholic Bishops. For more information, call the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Social Justice and Respect Life, 505.831.8167. Note: Other groups are hosting events surrounding the Mass, march and rally.

Feast of the Holy Innocents

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Following the Annual Mass Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan led the crowd in Eucharistic procession to the front of the abortion facility where they prayed the Rosary.


On December 28th, Archbishop Michael Sheehan celebrated his annual Mass on the Feast of the Holy Innocents at the Holy Innocents Pro-Life Chapel located in Albuquerque at 625 San Mateo Blvd NE next to Planned Parenthood. Approximately 75 people attended the Mass. The same day, an article appeared in the National Catholic Register, which spoke about Project Defending Life’s chapel and the weekly Eucharistic processions. The article stated that chapels are beginning to open around the country next to abortion facilities. A few years ago, while speaking to all the bishops of the USCCB, Archbishop Sheehan spoke about the need for chapels near abortion facilities. Since then several more have opened and more are scheduled to open in the near future.

he Church’s position on the matter of abortion is unambiguous. The child in his or her mother’s womb is a human life which must be protected. Abortion, which is the destruction of an innocent unborn child, is contrary to God’s will, for the value and dignity of human life must be protected from conception to natural death. The Church … must be committed to offering help and support to women and couples tempted to seek an abortion, while remaining close to those who have had this tragic experience and helping them to grow in respect for life. She acknowledges the courage of governments that have legislated against the culture of death – of which abortion is a dramatic expression – in favour of the culture of life. ~ Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Exhortation Africae Munus (70), November 19, 2011

January 2012



CATHOLIC EDUCATION Catholic Education in Archdiocese Has Deep Roots School Name




SANTA FE Cristo Rey Loretto Academy Our Lady of Guadalupe Santo Niño Regional Catholic St. Anne St. Catherine Indian School St. Francis Cathedral St. Francis Opportunity St. Michael’s High School

Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe

1954 2006 1853 1966 1926 1969 2006 1947 1998 1887 1998 1903 2006 1937 ? 1859

Consolidated Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Consolidated Closed Open

ALBUQUERQUE Cristo Rey (Introduced 2010) Holy Ghost Immaculate Conception Lourdes (Ranchos de Abq) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Our Lady of Annunciation Our Lady of Assumption Our Lady of Fatima Queen of Heaven Sacred Heart San Felipe de Neri San Ignacio San Jose St. Anne St. Anthony Home for Boys St. Charles Borromeo St. Francis Xavier St. Joseph HS St. Pius X HS St. Therese

Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque Albuquerque

2010 ? 1953 1893 ? 1966 2003 1959 1954 1949 1952 1910 1976 1881 1949 1969 1958 1970 1949 1965 1913 1970/1971 1952 1929 1983 1984 1988 1956 1947

Open Open Open St. Mary’s Closed Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Open

OTHER ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE SCHOOLS St. Thomas Abiquiu ca.1954 1969 Nativity Alameda 1961 1971 St. Mary’s Belen 1927 Our Lady of Sorrows Bernalillo 1875 1966 (St. Nicholas 1872-1950) St. Patrick Chama 1942 1964 Our Lady of Guadalupe Clovis 1927 1988 Sacred Heart Clovis 1921 1989 St. Anthony Dixon 1925 1973 Immaculate Heart of Mary Holman 1946 1964 San Diego Mission Jemez Pueblo 1961 Immaculate Conception Las Vegas 1921 1966 Our Lady of Sorrows Las Vegas 1846?/1869 1970 St. Gertrude Mora 1864 1964 St. Joseph Parkview 1918 1964 St. Anthony Pecos 1923 1968 San Antonio de Padua Peñasco 1927 1987 St. Francis Ranchos de Taos 1937 1969 St. Joseph Raton 1924 1965 San Miguel Ribera 1880’s 1964 St. Thomas Aquinas Rio Rancho 2000 St. George Roy 1921 1964 San Juan San Juan Pueblo 1929 1968 Holy Cross Santa Cruz 1928 St. Rose of Lima Santa Rosa 1950 1978 Hilton Mt. Carmel Socorro 1879 1970 St. Joseph Springer 1928 1968 Central High School Taos 1863* 1966 (Our Lady of Guadalupe-St. Joseph Parochial School 1929-1973 St. Joseph Taos 1863 1973 Holy Child Tijeras 1008 St. Anne Tucumcari 1920 1969 Our Lady of Sorrows Villanueva 1916 1968


Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Closed



January 2012

CATHOLIC EDUCATION St. Mary’s Catholic School in Albuquerque says, “Yes, Lord!” St. Mary’s Catholic School in downtown Albuquerque has chosen the theme of “Yes, Lord!” for the 2011-2012 school year. At St. Mary’s, we believe one of the most important qualities we can instill in our students is to act as Jesus and Mary would act by saying yes to God! One way that our students say “Yes, Lord!” is by helping others. Our school is very service-oriented, participating in many charitable events throughout the year. We collect non-perishable food, warm clothing, and other necessities for needy families. Our school also participates in “Operation Christmas Child.” St. Mary’s students have participated in St. Jude’s Math-a-thon, raising money for St. Jude’s Research Hospital, for over a decade. It is the

Photos by Janie Armijo

By Melinda Singkanati 7th Grade Teacher, St. Mary’s

L-R Diego Salazar, Maria Elena Maestas, Arianna Martinez giving nature of our school family that allows us to participate in many charitable events throughout the year. Students at St. Mary’s also learn that by using their talents and doing their best in everything they do, they are saying “Yes, Lord!” St. Mary’s offers students the chance to participate in several different

sports throughout the year allowing students to use their talents as well as learn good sportsmanship. Students are also able to participate in other activities such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, chess club and our newly formed band. Striving to do their best academically is another way that students say “Yes, Lord!” Our cur-

St. Pius X Welcomes Prospective Students to Informational Session

Have you ever thought about writing poetry for a literary magazine? What about creating animation on your computer? Do you think you could use math to build a functioning model bridge? These are some of the things that St. Pius X students are challenged to do in the classroom. The challenge also goes beyond the classroom. SPX challenges students to be better citizens, artists, athletes, and children of God. To find out about how SPX students strive to be the best they can be, SPX invites prospective students for fall 2012 to shadow a current student. “Shadow Days are truly the best way for a potential Students meet challenges in classes in the arts as well as academics. student to get a feel for the comComputer graphics class is one of the many subjects offered at SPX. munity of St. Pius. By spending a day with a current student, they see our teachers and students in Students from last year’s gradu- For others, the entrance exam their actual environment, and I am ating class were accepted at Har- will be given on January 21 at the confident that all our guests will be vard, Columbia, Stanford and school. SPX strives to admit all academconvinced that St. Pius is the place Notre Dame. The class members garnered over $7.25 million in ically qualified students, regardless for them,” said Jeff Turcotte, adscholarships. Daily prayer, monthof their ability to pay, and fosters a missions director. ly Masses, a strong theology curdiversity of individuals within the SPX provides many benefits, inriculum by masters in Catholic student body. Need-based tuition cluding small class size, a range teachings are integral in student assistance helps to make an educaof honors and advanced placelife. This academic excellence and tion at SPX affordable. ment courses, teachers with adFor the 2011-2012 school year, vanced subject area degrees, out- sincere Catholicity are obvious advantages in preparing students for 33% of the student body received standing fine arts, and top athletic life. some form of tuition assistance. programs. Over 98 percent of the Most students who attend area For more information, please congraduates attend college, and Catholic elementary schools take tact the school at 505.831.8400 or many are admitted to the most the entrance exam at their school. visit www.saintpiusx.com. prestigious academic institutions.

Mrs. Jeanne Snyder with (L-R) Joseph Vigil, Gabriel Valenzuela, Isaac Salsberry riculum is designed to challenge students as well as provide a quality education. Students not only study the core subjects of reading, history, mathematics, and science, but they are also given the opportunity to study the areas of art, music, Spanish, physical education

and computer. There are many reasons why we choose to send our children to a Catholic School, but our number one reason should be to remind them that it is easy to make positive choices and to say “Yes, Lord!”

Our Lady of Annunciation’s Project Give By Alexandria Charney & Makayla Saenz 7th Graders, Our Lady of Annunciation

During the months of November and December, Annunciation Catholic School’s 7th grade students raised money for middle school aged refugees sponsored by Catholic Charities. Their goal was to purchase Christmas gifts and daily necessities for this peer group. These 48 students hosted three different fundraisers to accomplish this task. A bake sale (in which every 7th grader contributed a total of 1,234 baked goods) brought in $576. Another $478 was collected in donations when sponsoring a hat or jersey day. Lastly, 7th grade students hosted “Parents’ Night Out.” Elementary aged students were left under the care of these students and their parents for a $20 fee. $460 was raised through this effort. A total of

$287 was collected in additional donations. This class was able to shop for 23 students – spending $1,801.94. They purchased necessities, some fun gifts and $25 gift cards for each recipient. The gifts were wrapped and delivered to Catholic Charities. While there, our students enjoyed some refreshments with those receiving the gifts. Annunciation students were struck by the smiles and words of thanks. Annunciation student, Alexandria Charney said, “This was a great way to give thanks for the miracles that are given to us and to meet new people.” This is the second time Annunciation’s 7th graders have conducted this service project, Project Give. They hope to make it an annual tradition.

St. Pius X to Hold Mardi Gras St. Pius X High School Foundation will hold its annual fundraising event, Mardi Gras 2012 at 6 p.m. on Saturday, February 11, at the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town. The dinner, dance and silent/live auctions will benefit the SPX Foundation. Tickets are $100. Call 505.831.8406 or visit www.saintpiusx.com for tickets. Buy your tickets by Jan. 21 and be entered into drawing for a free night at Hotel Albuquerque on the night of the event.

January 2012



CATHOLIC EDUCATION Queen of Heaven’s Super Science Students Reach for the Stars By Janine Burford Fifth Grade Teacher, Queen of Heaven

Queen of Heaven students love to learn Science! Why? “Science is hands-on and fun,” stated one teacher. “We get to build and destroy things,” added another middle school student. Science is not just taught out of a text book; it’s practiced daily by all students. To make it even more exciting, Queen of Heaven has partnered with the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base to bring alive Science, Math, and Engineering. “Our goal of all our student programs is to ignite a love for Science in students in the hopes that they will pursue Science and Engineering fields in the future,” said Ronda Cole, Director of AFRL

La Luz Academy. The La Luz Academy begins in 5th grade with Marsville. Marsville is the study of the planet Mars and our goal of colonizing this sister planet. “It’s cool to watch the students light up when you mention it’s time for Science. They love learning more about Mars each day and constructing life support systems so that they can survive on Mars when they arrive,” stated Mrs. Burford, their teacher. Mrs. Burford teaches the standards that every 5th grader should master. Then she ties these lessons to colonizing Mars and the planning of how to survive. Students draw on knowledge about Earth and apply it to

Mars. Queen of Heaven is only one of over 39 schools who participate in Marsville. The culmination of this project concludes the first week of May when all schools meet at the Albuquerque Convention Center. Students “land” on Mars, build habitats, share their life support systems, and discuss their knowledge with other 5th graders from around Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico. AFRL also has a program for middle school students. The 6th grade program uses Newton’s Laws of Motion as well as the various States of Matter (solids, liquids, gasses) in various ways. The 6th grade class learn how to use GPS devises to locate objects. They learn to fly planes on simulators. But the most ex-

Our Lady of the Assumption: The Place to Be! By Christina Gopal, Paul Kilman & Jessica Valerio OLA Parents & Marketing Committee

stitute. We are a family and community-oriented school sustained in a Christian environment. We are dedicated to providing a solid, well rounded education program based upon the Catholic tenets of faith, love and forgiveness. Our school develops and nurtures young, cre-

Most Christ-Like Photo by Kim Madrid

Parents and guardians, if you are looking for a high-quality education that instills Christ-like behavior, look no further. Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School provides this and much more…. Our Lady of the Assumption is a fully accredited educational in-

Jacob Madrid won the Christ Like Behavior Award at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School for the month of November (awarded in December). He is the son of Michael and Kim Madrid, who are parishioners at Our Lady of the Assumption parish.

ative minds and prepares them for a responsible role in society and lifelong success. All students are expected to be respectful of adults and their peers in word and action. Our children can be children, to mature and grow in a loving, disciplined environment. We develop smart, kind, thoughtful students who love God and learning, who practice social justice, and embrace cultural diversity. We help shape young children into productive members of society. For over 50 years, Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School has been providing academic excellence and we are proud of the following offerings: • Test scores consistently wellabove National Average • Safe, esthetic, and loving environment conducive to learning • Low student/teacher ratio • Tailored curriculum and “buddy” system • Nationally sponsored activities • Sports program • Extracurricular activities • And so much more This year we are launching the school’s new angel logo. Please join our community where we have a strong commitment to our Catholic faith, academic growth and development, and responsible behavior. Registration begins January 27th. We are hosting an open house on January 27th and February 3rd, we look forward to seeing you… God bless!!

citing project is the construction and racing of their carbon dioxide (CO2) race cars. Talk about a renewable resource vehicle! 7th graders build on Newton’s Laws of Motion as they learn about, design and launch full size rockets. This program begins in August and last several sessions. Near the end of October, students travel with parents, teachers, and the AFRL staff to the West Mesa to light their creations and watch them disappear in the atmosphere. Most of the time, the rockets return safely to Earth. However, this year, our 7th grade class’ rocket flew so high; its final landing location couldn’t be located so that the rocket could to be brought back to school. Have you ever wanted to build your own robot? After constructing

their robots, 8th graders at Queen of Heaven spend their days learning how to write code to make their robots move. Sounds easy, but it’s not! The robots must maneuver through a specifically designed obstacle course. “We almost had it, but it bumped into the wall right at the end of the course,” said Emily, a frustrated 8th grader. “We tweaked the code but the robot went crazy and we had to start all over again.” Science is one of the most popular classes at Queen of Heaven because it is real world and hands on for the students. We hope that learning about our world and the way it works will help the next generation to make our planet better for all of us. Here at Queen of Heaven, our students are reaching for the stars!

Catholicity and the Arts Prosper at Holy Child Catholic Classical School

By Jim Grogan Principal, Holy Child

The Good News of Catholic education is planting its roots in the East Mountains at Holy Child Catholic School in Tijeras. In only its fourth year, the school has already established a culture of life through its unique philosophy of connecting all learning to the church’s pursuit of truth throughout the ages. A classical education integrates traditional academic regimen with the greatest moral and theological ideas from art, literature, science and history. Everything is taught from a Christocentric perspective therefore students study much

more about our church than is presented religion class alone. How has this philosophy worked over the first four years? Middle school teacher Connie Rogers, who has taught at schools for nearly 40 years, had this to say about our students: “I never have witnessed such love of God and neighbor as I experience here at Holy Child Catholic School. This Christian spirit carries over into the classroom. Not that we don’t have the healthy competition and battle of wills occasionally among the students, but overall there is a spirit of genuine joy in one another’s successes and a helpful hand or See HOLY CHILD on 12



CATHOLIC EDUCATION Our Schools Score Above National Average

Each year the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe administer the National Assessment ACRE (Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education) developed by the National Catholic Education Association. This assessment is designed to assist in the evaluation

of catechetical / religious education programs in Catholic schools and parishes. The schools have consistently performed above the national average in all areas of faith knowledge. The charts show the Archdiocesan averages as they compare to the national average by grade level.

Come Visit Us, Come Home to Fatima By John Dungan Parent and School Advisory Council, Vice-President.

What is it that makes a school special? A safe and compassionate learning environment? Class sizes small enough to provide individual attention to every child, yet challenge every child’s potential? A competitive sports program that emphasizes teamwork? The highest quality of faculty available? A strong sense of community, or a high level of parent involvement? A place where your concerns are not only heard, but actually acted upon? What makes a school the right choice for you and your child? Established in 1950, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School offers an exceptional learning experience. It has one of the lowest student-to-teacher ratios among local schools and a faculty with a proven record of success in both education and industry. Our Lady of Fatima is one of the only parochial schools in Albuquerque to offer Advanced Placement Mathematics courses to our students which provide high school level content. Our students consistently score higher in Iowa Standard Aptitude

tests overall than students in APS. We offer highly competitive sports programs for both boys and girls. This year alone, our football team won the flag football championship, and our two girls’ basketball teams, varsity and C-team, brought home league championship titles! Though small, Our Lady of Fatima offers a broad variety of subjects, including classes in Spanish, art, music, physical education, and computer literacy. Our mission is to provide a well-rounded education for every child and to offer each the opportunity to be a successful student. It’s the best-kept secret in Albuquerque! Our Lady of Fatima offers one of the finest private education values available. If you’d like to experience what makes our school the right choice for you and your child, please join us at one of our Open House events on Saturday, January 21 at 10:30am or Saturday, January 28 at 1:00pm. Come visit us and “Come Home to Fatima.”

HOLY CHILD from page 11

word always available to those who need it. And frequently a teacher hears at the end of class, an unsolicited ‘Thank you’ as they file out the door. Simply put, the students practice Christian love and gratefulness.” Thanks to the Catholic Foundation and a few committed volunteer and partially

paid art teachers, Holy Child also is committed to a vision that includes the arts as an important element of student formation. This is a key aspect of a classical education because the truth that we seek is so much expressed by the arts within our culture, and within Catholic culture especially.

January 2012

January 2012



100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, Willard, NM Mission Church of St Alice Parish, Mountainair, NM September 14-15, 2012

By Rev. Fernando Saenz Pastor

When the Lord Jesus Christ gave his apostles the command to go into all the world with his authority, to make disciple of all nations, to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and to teach the people to observe all that He commanded (Matt 28:18-20), little did they know that new churches would still be established and erected nearly 1900 years later. Little did they know that the Church would still be growing, not only after so long a time, but in a place they had no idea even existed. In Willard, NM, the Catholic Church of Our Lady of Sorrows will be celebrating its one hundred year anniversary, giving thanks and praise to Almighty God that His promise at this “great commission� to be with his apostles and disciples until the close of the age (Matt 28:20) is still being fulfilled and His will still being carried out. It is anticipated, fittingly, that one of the successor of the apostles themselves, His Excellency, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, will be the principal celebrant of the Mass on this festive occasion. Over the course of time, the parish church in Willard became

a mission church, as the parish was transferred to St Alice in Mountainair. Nevertheless, the work of the Lord continues in Willard to this day. On behalf of the faith community who, like the early church, still gathers for the breaking of the bread, I would like to invite

all to join us for the celebration. The events will take place on Friday and Saturday, September 1415, 2012. For more information on the events, please contact the parish office of St Alice in Mountainair, 505.847.2264, or if you would like to assist in the plan-

ning and preparation. Support in any way is also warmly welcomed, whether your prayers, small financial assistance, providing historical information, or any other support that might assist us in providing a celebration worthy of God so that he indeed

be praised and glorified for his marvelous works. As the day approaches, we hope to have more information available. Thanks in advance, and may the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus and conquers all things, be always with you.



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January 2012

January 2012





January 2012

Garcia, Torrez Mr. John Garcia and Miss Heidi Torrez were both born in Belen and were married on December 27, 1956 in Our Lady of Belen Catholic Church. They moved to Albuquerque in 1958 and have been members of the Shrine of St. Bernadette since

1960. They have two boys, Andy and Patrick and two girls, Ruth and Lisa. They have eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and two more on the way.

Heidi is a mother and homemaker, always putting her family first since the elementary school days helping out as a den mother for Boy Scouts, class mother for all four children and now as a loving grandmother. John retired from Sandia National Laboratories as a supervisor from the manufacturing technology department after 38 years of service. Now he enjoys spending time with the family and enjoying his grandchildren. John and Heidi are devoted members to the Shrine of St. Bernadette.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary School

We will be having an open house for interested families Thursday January 26 2012 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon PRE-K & KINDERGARTEN

January 2012



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Close to Kirtland AFB,Sandia Labs, VA Hospital & Lovelace Sandia, Medical Center, CNM, UNM

Pastor: Father Mark Schultz Principal: Noreen Duffy Copeland, Ph. D.

Queen of Heaven Catholic School Please come in anytime Monday-Friday from8am-4pm for a tour, meet our staff, and talk withour current students.

We offer: • One of the lowest tuitions of all private schools in Albuquerque • State certified teachers • Standards based curriculum, including Religion and Spanish • Computers, Art, Music, P.E. courses for all students • 100% 8th grade acceptance rate at St. Pius High School • On-line grade checks for parents • An emphasis on the 3 R’s: Reverence, Respect & Responsibility • New playground equipment • A top notch athletic program • All religious denominations accepted

Queen of Heaven Catholic School is registering students for the 2012 - 2013 school year for grades PK-8. If you are looking for a safe, disciplined and rigorous academic environment for your child, then Queen of Heaven Catholic School is for you!

5303 Phoenix Ave. NE;



Historic Art of the Americas

Photo by Leslie M. Radigan


Sixteenth through Nineteenth Century Spanish Colonial Viceregal Paintings, Sculpture and Objects from the Americas at the Peyton Wright Gallery 237 East Palace Avenue, Santa Fe, 87501 As part of their continuing Devotional Arts exhibits, Peyton Wright Gallery has invited us to a private viewing of the Historic Art of the Americas with a curatorial discussion by gallery owner, John Wright Schaefer on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:00 pm at Crispin Hall, Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe. The collection features New World paintings, sculpture, silver, and furnishings from the Spanish Colonial period that represent the struggle between the complex traditions and belief systems of the Spanish and indigenous people. The exhibition depicts a time and place that was shaped by a particular kind of devotion. The collection showcased in the Historic Arts of the Americas is without equal in a commercial venue in the United States and includes works from the collection of

Dr. Jose Neistein, which will be exhibited for the first time. A light supper will be served at the gallery. There is free parking at the gallery off Paseo de Peralta, just north of Palace Avenue. Relics of the Saints at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi Come and explore the wisdom of the holy ones whose memory is honored at the new reliquary at the Cathedral Basilica. Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire, rector of the Cathedral Basilica, will introduce some of the saints as well as the tradition of keeping the saints close to us in the form of relics. The reliquary helps us to remember our roots and the people of faith who have gone before us. A light supper will be served at Crispin Hall, starting at 5:45pm prior to the presentation.



January 2012

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Eighteen New Mexicans including Very Rev. John Cannon, ASF Chancellor and three out-of-towners made a ten day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in November. Overheard after the pilgrimage: “Being in a small group was a blessing. We were able

to visit a lot of places and we all felt we had walked the Bible. It was an experience that cannot be explained. It was a wonderful opportunity to be able to walk where Jesus walked.” Photo courtesy of Tina Trujillo.

By Brenda Sais Youth Minister & Family Life Coordinator, San Clemente Parish, Los Lunas

Chris Stefanick shares the love of the Father with tens-of-thousands of people both nationally and internationally every year at retreats, rallies, and chastity assemblies. But he is most proud that he gets to share that love with his wife and five kids. This 13-year Youth and Young Adult Ministry veteran served at a parish in the East LA area and is currently Director of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry for the Archdiocese of Denver. Chris is a regular in Catholic media, appearing on Relevant Radio, Catholic Answers Live, EWTN, and in nationally syndicated articles. His first book (co-authored with Matthew Pinto), Do I Have to Go - 101 questions about the Mass, the Eucharist, and Your Spiritual Life was

released in January 2008. His second book (co-authored with Jason Evert), Raising Pure Teens - 10 Strategies to Protect (Or Restore) Your Teenager’s Innocence was released in August 2010. Chris shares his own experiences of dating, being a husband and a dad that range from hilarious to deeply moving. Now you and your teens have the opportunity to spend an evening with Chris Stefanick on Sunday, January 29 at San Clemente Catholic Church in Los Lunas. From 7pm - 8pm he will be addressing parents of teens on Morality and Chastity and from 8pm - 9pm he will be hanging out with our teens and young adults discussing these same topics. It is sure to be a night you don’t want to miss. Contact Brenda Sais at San Clemente Parish at 505.865.9370 for more details or information on this event.

4333 Pan American Fwy. NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107 PHONE: (505)

247-0444 FAX: (505) 243-1505

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Photo by Sharon M. Kilkenny

Parents – Protect Your Child’s Innocence!

Left to right: Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire, Canonical Pastor, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Glenn Holmes, parishioner Cristo Rey Catholic Church in Santa Fe was honored to have Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan officiate at their feast day Mass and join the parishioners for a luncheon honoring Christ the King. Through the hard work of many volun-

teers, parishioners, and nonparishioners Cristo Rey parish was able to raise $818,358.00 which exceeded our minimum goal of $800,00.00. As of November 15, 2011 Cristo Rey has received $237,356.11 in paid pledges and donations.

January 2012



Catholic Cemeteries and Mortuaries

In Remembrance of those individuals interred in our Catholic Cemeteries for the year of 2011 Gate of Heaven Cemetery 7999 Wyoming Boulevard Alb., NM 87109-5553 Adamiak, John Martin Aggus, Helen J. Allensworth, Joan M. Alongi, Helen G. Anschutz, Helen Apodaca, George Aragon , Hope G. Aragon, Robert Archuleta, Amelia M. Arellano, Paul Armijo, Alicia E. Armijo, Angie A. Atkinson, Fred Avuka, Bernadette J. Baca, Nora C. Bachicha, Robert L. Baker, Doris B. Baldonado, Frances C. Barela, Eliza Barela, Frutoso Bargas, Mary S. Bateson, Lynn Christine Berg, Jayne Berry, Katherine L. Blair, Robert F. Bober, Belinda A. Boers, Jack E. Bonilla, Hugo E. Borowiak, Loretta Rose Boudro, Daniel J. Brewer, Anna Nita Brians, Matthew Joseph Briones, Manuel P. Canada, Lowrane W. Carrillo, Leo C. Carson, Richard T. Casados, Ernest N. Casaus, Victor M. Castro, Rose L. Cave, Ivan D. Chapel, Curtis C. Chavez, Candelario G. Chavez, Lucas R. Chavez, Sara B. Chavez, Simodosea L. Christilaw, Preciliana Civerolo, Mary T. Clemmons, Onieta Contreras, Joanna D. Contreras, Leonard M. Contreras, Leonard M. Crawford, Georgia Cremonese, Gerald J. David, Ann S. Davis, Fred Davis, Jr., Charles E. DeBlassie, Geraldine DeMaggio, Joseph V. DiLorenzo, Margaret M. Dobson, Anna E. Domenici, Catherine M. Dominguez, Alice P. Dominguez, George L. Domme, Susie Y. Dorn, Betty R. Dougherty, Patrick Joseph Downey, Kenneth Dave Duckert, Karen L. Duffy, William J. Duggan, Vicky B. Ekofo, Sokombe Louis Ellsworth, Betty O. Fenske, Gerald J. Fernandez, James H. Fillare, Rita Fischer, Andrew J. Fiumara, Fortunata N. Flores, Alice G. Forsyth, Mildred Franchini, John Frankenfeld, Philip Frazell, Annie M. Garcia, Annabell Garcia, Dorothy R. Garcia, Frances C. Garcia, Paul D. Garcia, Tom C. Gardner, Anne Garrity, Barbara Gautsch, Violet L. Giaquinta, John Gongora, Hector Gonzales, Faustin Gonzales, Fidel Grant, Bertha L. Guerin, Mary Alice Guest, John D. Gunn, Betty M. Gutierrez, Narciso Gutierrez, Rosendo Haddow, Mary G. Hamilton, Henrietta L. Hazlewood, Marilyn Hardy Herrera, Sadie Hollenbach, Roy Holmes, Donald L. Janowski, John H. Jaramillo, John Gilbert Jefferson, Florine R.

Johnson, Wayne M. Kassak, Helen Marie Keith, John L. Kersey, Brian D. King, James C. Knack, Mary P. Kuehnert, Marion E. Lafrenz, Rev. James Larsen, Bruce A. Lehman, Thomas P. LeMon, Frances D. Lente, Carol Leyba, Demetrio Lieber, Marguerite Loehr, Marie Pat Longmire, Paul A. Lonz, Gary L. Lopez, Nicanor Lujan, Frank Jr. Luna, Mary Alice Lyle, John R. Maes, Jesusita G. Maine, Regina Marie Malizzo, Frank M. Malizzo, Mary G. Manzanares, Ofelia G. Marchese, Diego Marquez, Manuel Martinez, Alexander B. Martinez, Eleanor J. Martinez, George Joseph Martinez, Gilbert E. Martinez, Linda M. Matthews, Gail M. McAnany, Mary Rita McCarthy, Dorothy J. McLane, Betty J. McLaughlin, Charles W. Melia, Dolores I. Millard, Katherine C. Miller, Odessa R.S. Moline, Bertil N. Montano, Grace Montoya, Adelina M. Moore, Irma Nadolny (Dyer), Jeanne Nava, Juan Navalesi, A. Merle Nelson, Patsy Nguyen, Calvin Nguyen, Got T. Nguyen, Lien Nickels, Jerry D. Nickels, Kay H. O’Canna, Lucille C. Olguin, Maria A. Pacheco, Lucy C. Padilla, Louis G. Padilla, Nichole Dawn Palmer, Murph Paone, Karen B. Paruta, Joseph Patterson, Marvin L. Patterson, Shirley C. Payne, Mattie L. Pelot, Joseph J. Perea, Eduardo J. Peterson, Leatrice J. Pitti, Aneda A. Poccia, Anthony R. Quinn, Shannon Randel Schlick, L. Beverly Reese, James J. Rein, Hilburn D. Renaud, Raymond R. Rivera, Bolivar V. Roerick, Andrew H. Romero, Juanita V. Romero, Susana M. Runyan, Teresa F. Ryan, Brigid Gianna Sadler, Lovinia C. Saiers , Steve W. San Miguel, Enedina G. Sanchez, Michael R. Santistevan, Myron Sauer, Myrla Jean Sawyer (Szwaja), Sr. Mary Doloria Scott, Reed Clark Sears, Melvin R. Segebarth, Lawrence A. Selva, Ralph H. Serrano, Simon Slifka, Sophie Smith, Norman D. Soapes, Lesbia C. South, Belinda M. Sparks, David Stanton, Eileen Steigerwald, Margaret Stone, Robert Stoval, James Strascina, John Strohman, Cody L. Stromberg, Marcella Jane Tafoya, Rachel Tafoya, Steven Thai, Vinh Phu Thomas, Gary Tolle, Jayne S. Tourville, Robert R. Tran, Kevin D. Trillanes, Louis P. Trujillo, Betty Ann Trujillo, Robert Dean

Truong, Khanh Kim Valdez, Terecina Valenzuela, Gladys T. Valenzuela, Rumaldo C. Van Hagel, Alvin Vandenberg, Thomas P. Vedda, Angelo A. Venner, Roy H. Wagner, Florence S. Waibel, James Walters, Marguerite Walton, Mary Weber, Mary Louise Weidle, Dolores N. Wellborn, Emily R. Weselak, Veronica White, Betty J. Wieland, Robert J. Wienczkowski, Rosemary E. Wiesch, Katherine Wilkowski, Anthony L. Wilson, Randall D. Witiuk, Doris G.

Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery 1900 Edith Boulevard NE Alb., NM 87102 Abeyta, Mary L. Abeyta, Michael Acosta, Susie Aguero, Carmen Aguilar, Antonia Aguilar, William Aguilar-Maestas,Mikayla Rose Alderete, Telesfor Amiri, Anis Gui Anaya, Rosie L. Anaya, Samuel N. Andazola, A. Steven Apodaca, Leo A. Aquirre, Carlos G. Aragon, Anthony Aragon, Theresa M. Archibeque, Daniel Paul Archibeque, Richard J. Archuleta, Paul F. Archunde, Dominica Armijo, Bessie Arredondo, Frank Jr. Arretche, Clara Almagro, Enrique Avila, Ada Elena Ayon, Leroy J. Baca, Barbara Baca, Carmen Baca, David A. Baca, Jessica Baca, Jose I. Baca, Lorraine Baca, Louie Baca, Mary I. Baca, Rosanna C. Baca, Vera Lois Baeza, Martha Barela, Dionisio Barraza, Reyna B. Baumgardner, Gerard Beagen, Margaret S. Bencomo, Melany Bloom, Mary Lou Blythe, William Brito, Robert Jr. Bustamante, Albino C. Bye, Cerrie Ray Camillo, Frank T. Candelaria, Eloy S. Candelaria, John J Candelaria, Laura Caraveo, Kenneth Cardenas, Jose Alejandro Castillo, Corina L. Carrillo, Helen Z. Carrillo, Remijio “Ray” T. Casias, Lena Castillo, Lucille Castillo, Richard F. Chavez, Alfonso G. Chavez, Anthony A. Chavez, Bess C. Chavez, Beulah Chavez, Eleuterio E. Chavez, Elsie Chavez, Emma M. Chavez, Ernestine E. Chavez, Evelyn E. Chavez, Fred Chavez, Gilbert Chavez, Gloria Mae Chavez, Jennie “Juanita” Chavez, Leonardo J. Chavez, Lorenzo I. Chavez, Renaldo A. Chavez, Sally M Chavez, Tom Chavez, Vivian Cito, Frank L. Clifton, Anna L. Coats, Isabel Lovato Contreras, Maria Cooney, Barbara

Cordoba, Armando M. Cordova, Isidro Cordova, Maxine J. Cordova, Phillip Corona, Margaret Cox, A. Bruce Cross, Norman Cuellar, Joe R. Dalton, Genevieve De La Cruz, Nasario Degani, Leo Delgado, Jesus Delicate, William T.G Delwiche, Evangeline DesMarais, Nina DeVenzeio, Dorothy O. Devine, Eric V. Diaz, Yolanda Gonzales Dominguez, Armando Donoghue, David Carl Doyle, Alice L Doyle, Sheryl Duran Juanita Duran, Ezequiel Duran, Irene Duran, Martin Duran, Michael L. Jr. Duran, Paul P. Durand, Prudencio Eastwood, Grace Eckels, Brian Jon Ellefson, Betsy Embry, Sandra C. Encinias, Cristobal Donald Espalin, Lucy Espalin, Quirino G. Esquibel, Paulin Estrada, Edward Felix, Justin Floras, Rey Frein, Cora M. Fuente, Soledad S. Fuentes, Raymond Gabaldon, Rosalia Gallegos, Anthony Gallegos, David Gallegos, John N. Gallegos, Johnny F. Gallegos, Nellie Gallegos, Paul C. Gallegos, Ralph Gallegos, Richard Gallegos, Samuel Gallegos, Thomas R. Gallegos, Johnny Gallegos, Lawrence Garcia, Arthur Garcia, Benjamin Garcia, Daniel Garcia, Florencio Garcia, Frank S. Garcia, Frances M. Garcia, Fred P. Garcia, Gertrude G. Garcia, Joe M Garcia, Lawrence C. Garcia, Leopoldo Garcia, Prescilla Garcia, Ruth Garcia, Sheila K. Garcia, Yolanda Garcia, Lugardita (Laura) Garduno, Daniel F. Jr. Gargoura, George A. Gay, Jennifer Giannini, Sammie Giron, Phillip Gomez, Santos Gonzales, Deniece M. Gonzales, Domitillia Gonzales, Frances Gonzales, Gabriel Jr. Gonzales, Gertrude Gonzales, Jesus Gonzales, Margaret Gonzales, Mary S. Gonzales, Nieves Gonzales, Pamelia Ann Gonzales, Victor Gonzalez, Fransisco Gonzalez, Jose F. Sr. Goode, Josephine Green, Maria Griego, David L. Griesbacher, Fredrick J. Gutierrez, Diego Gutierrez, Eutimia Hererra, Andrea M. Herrera, April Dariling Rose Hernandez, Adrian Hernandez, Anna C. Hernandez, Tony Hernandez, Tomas Hoover, Robert Huey, Wilma Jean Ibarra, Modesta Jaramillo, Elizabeth Jaramillo, Adelina Jaramillo, Frank W. Jaramillo, Larry Jelso, Josephine Johnston, Rosemary Jojola, John P. Jauriqui, Lisa Kinney, Patrick T. Landavazo, Loretta

Lawrence, Angela Lesperance-Keller, Martha Lew, Joseph Michael Llewelyn, Dorothy G. Long, Cyril A. Lopez, Benjamin R. Lopez, Emma Lopez, Eumelia Lopez, Lazaro Lopez, Maria D. Lopez, Mary Ann Lopez, Nancy L. Lopez, Robert C. Lopez, Virginia Lovell, Rosella B. Lucero, Cora Lucero, Deborah Lucero, Estella Lucero, Filia D Lucero, MaryEIIen Lucero, Reyna G. Luedtke, Irene T. Lujan, Aurora Lujan, Dolores Lujan, James L. Lyons, Frances E. Macias, Federico S. Maddalen, Rev. Vincent Madrid, Michael G. Sr. Madrid, Neomi A. Maes, Pablo Maestas, Arthur Maestas, Vickie Ann Maestas-DeMicco, Sandra Mahoney, Richard Maldonado, Herminio Manning, Patricia Soila Marquez, Brandon J. Marquez, Celina Marquez, Paul A Marquez, Robert Martinez, Abelino Martinez, Antonia Martinez, Candido Martinez, Cecilia Martinez, Celestino Martinez, David Poncho Martinez, Dolores Martinez, Emilio Jr. Martinez, Gabriel Robert Martinez, Joe A. Martinez, Joseph P. Martinez, Julian Martinez, Lee P. Martinez, Mary L. Martinez, Matias Martinez, Michael Martinez, Monique T. Martinez, Petra Martinez, Ralph H. Martinez, Ray E. Martinez, Raymond Martinez, Renee Martinez, Richard Martinez, Sam Martinez, Tina G. Mason, William Matthew, Isabel Maya, Phyllis McBride, Theresa McRedmond, Anne M. Medina, Arthur Mendoza-Solis, Pedro Mente, Michael J. Meyer, Henrietta Michael, Frances Michel Herrera, Francisco Miera, Olive Montano, Ida Montgomery, Robert Dodds Montoya, Adam R Montoya, Andrew Montoya, Carmen Montoya, George Montoya, Gilbert Montoya, Gilbert R. Montoya, Helen Montoya, Mary Montoya, Ramon Montoya, Tillie A. Montoya, Tom Mora, Carmen Mora, Maggie C. Moya, Bertha M. Moya, Michael Muller, Josie A. Najera, Erick Navalesi, Gene Navarrete, Carmen Nevaraz, Beatrice A. Nieto, Ernest F. Nieto, Fermin Ochoa, Ralph O’Dowd. Nancy J. Olguin, Carlos Olguin, Maria M. Olivas, Steve M. Olivas, Tillie Oquin, Hughry Ortiz, Arthur M. Sr. Ortiz, Patricia Ortiz, Reynaldo E. Otero, Margaret Otero, Porfirio Padiila, Cornelio Padiila, Joe

Padilla, Dora Padilla, Roger Sr. Padilla, Louise Paez, Mary C. Paiz, Roman Jr. Paiz, Roman Sr. Palacios, Genevieve Palladini, Robert Pargas, Armelinda Pedrego, Margarita O. Pena, Raymond Peralta, Lawrence Peralta, Pearl Peralta, Drucella Perea, Arthur Michael Perea, Elosia V. Perea, Logie Perez, Joseph Eric Perez, Placido III Perez, Vincent Perez-Gutierrez, Maria Estella Piazza, Alphonse J. Pino, Ray G. Ponce, Theresa Portillo, Patrick Quinn, Kathryn Rael, Eddie P. Ramirez, Anthony M Ramirez, Ernest Ramos, Eduvigues Raybon, Grady E. Rendace, Eugenia Rios, Roman Rivera, Eutimio U Rivera, Dora A. Robles, Philip F. Rodriguez, Bonnie Rodriguez, Gabriel Gage Lopez Rodriguez-Chavez, Elizabeth M. Rojo, Eva Romero, Bennie Romero, Carlos Romero, Carol R. Romero, Darlene A Romero, John Romero, Louisa Romero, Rafaelita Romero, Samuel III Romero, Vitalia Roque, Edgar P. Royall, Denise Roybal, Clara Roybal, Kenneth “Kenny” Roybal, Santiago E. Roybal, Suzanna Rozzi, John Rubalcaba, Jesus Saavedra, Ramona Saenz, Mary Sedillo Saiz, Robert A. Saiz, Stephanie Saiz, Stephen James Jr. Salas, Maclovio Salas, Cora Salas, Elsira J. Salas, Jose Guadalupe “Lupe” Salas, Richard E. Salas-Sanchez, Theresa Salazar, Irene S. Sanchez, Bennie L. Sanchez, Clara H. Sanchez, Felicia Ann Sanchez, Guadalupe Sr. Sanchez, Josephine Sanchez, Laura Sanchez, Lorenzo B. Sanchez, Nellie C. Sanchez, Richard Sanchez, Rudy M. Jr. Sanchez, Trinidad Sanchez, Vivian Sandoval, Betty Sandoval, Betty M. Sandoval, Esther Sandoval, Esther L. Sandoval, Georgia Sandoval, Juan Sandoval, Louisa M. Santillanes, Leroy J. Sawaya, Mary M. Schmitz, Ida A. Sediilo, Gilbert Sedillo, Estella Sedillo, Irene Shearer, Daniel S. Sheehan, Joseph Sheldon, Daniel Shije, Francis D. Shirk, Elizabeth (Betty) Silva, Erminia Silva, Lily S. Sisneros, Frutosa Springer, Manuel D. Strickland, James L. Tafoya, Genevieve Tapia, Maria Terrazas, Leonel Thomen, Carmen S. Torres, Deborah Torres, Donaciana R. Torres, Helen Torres, Martha A. Torres, Chistopher M. Torres, Lucy Torres, Mauro Trudo, John W.

Trujeque, Antionette R. Trujeque, Grace Trujillo, Catalina S. Trujillo, Johnny “Bobby” Trujillo, Patrick Trujillo, Zemira Faith Trujilo, Joe Dan Turrietta, Donald Ulibarri,Connie L. Valdez, Frances L. Valdez, Ida M. Van Inwegen, Allan Vargas, Alejandro Vasquez, Angel W. Vega, Manuel Velarde, Genera Velasco, Cesar J. Velasquez, Michael J. Venzor, Rafael Olivas Vescovi, Ann M. Vigil, Harold Vigil, Ruben Villas, Henry Walters, Ryan Paul Wechsler, Janet Wessel, Patricia White, Charles C. Wilson, Mary D. Wolfel, Henry S. Wright, Patricia R. Yanes, Larry Zamora, Josefita Zamora, Susie E. Zeyaee, Najiba

Rosario Cemetery 499 N Guadalupe St Santa Fe, NM 87501 Ahumada, Dolores Anderson, John Apodaca, Mary Archuleta, Leroy Archuleta, Mary Baca, Edith Baca, Eric Baca, Esther Baca, Patrick Baca, Walter Barela, David Basham, A & J Batizy, Csaba Blea, Debrah Branch, David Branch, Lucille Busse, Ruby Bustos, Ernest Butz, fr. Crispin Cardenas, Annie Castellano, Richard Cervantes, Edna Chacon, Maria Chancey, William Chavez, Jose Chavez, Tanya Cisneros, Patricia Cisneros, Rebecca Cole, Ramona Coriz, Jose Corriz, Anita Cowell, Helen Crawford, William Cuddy, Eleanor Dagh, Louise DeDoes, Dorothea & Leroy Deforest, Emily Dimas, Brandi Dimas, Robert Dueweke, Dolores Duran, Alfonso Duran, Andrew Duran, Edward Duran, Mark Ellis, Aaron Ellis, Frederick Erdman, Barbara Espinoza, Mabel Esquibel, Diego Ferrero, David Forte, Eleanor Gallegos, Ester Gallegos, Eugene Gallegos, Julia Gallegos, Sara Garcia, Delia Garcia, Eloisa Garcia, Floyd Garcia, Joanne Garcia, Julian Garcia, Troy Gatto, Frank Gianardi, Albina Gilsdorf, Br. Felix Gladfelter, Kevin Gladfelter, Ralph Gladfelter, Ralph Gonzales, Elizabeth Gonzales, Emiliano Gonzales, Hazel Gonzales, Jenny Gonzales, Johnny Gonzales, Johnny & Esmeralda Gonzales, Manuel

Gonzales, Santiago Gonzales, Soraida Gonzalez, Luis A. Gurule, Joe Gurule, Albert Gurule, Frank Gutierrez, Verona Hernandez, Jesus Herrera, Presiliana Herrera, Tita Herrera, Tony Higgins, William Jaramillo, Gabriel Jimenez, Denise Johnson, Frank King, Aberlynn Kleczka, Violet Knobbe, Alan Koppus, Clyde Kuchan, Ines Larranaga, Gilbert Lawler, Gertrude Lopez, Mary Lou Lucero, Polly Lyon, Mary Maes, Basilio Martin, Monte Martinez, Barbara Martinez, Corinne Martinez, Juanita Martinez, Kathleen Martinez, Orlando Martinez, Vincente Martinez, Wilma Mays, William Mendez, Charles Merlino, Harriet Miera, Louana Mirabal, Steven Mondragon, David Montoya, Carmen Montoya, Orlando Mora, Florela Moxley, Wilma Muse, Frances Nelson, Edith Nelson, Harold Nelson,Juana Norris, James O’dell, Susan P. Olguin, Joseph Ornelas, Brendon Orosco, Maria Ortega, Juan Ortiz, Andrew Ortiz, Cathy Ortiz, Genevieve Padilla, Leroy Parshall, C. Beatriz Perales, Alexandro Perea, Frances Quintana, Miguel Reinecke, Ruth Richardson, John Rodriguez, Eliseo & Angie Rodriguez, Mark Rodriguez, Steve Romero, Debbie Romero, Manuel Romero, Roberta Romero, Stephanie Rotunno, Domenick Roybal, Isabel Roybal, Julian Salazar, Aurora Sanchez, Linda Sanchez, Rhoda Sanchez, Robert Sandoval, Larry Segura, Donald Segura, Maria Shaw, Catherine Sieters, Helen Silva, David Silva, Irene Soria, Emanuel Sugrue, Mary Sutton, Toni Swent, Timmie Tapia, Isabel Tapia, John Thompson, Janet Tiano, Alice Trejo, Jessie Trujillo, Agnes Trujillo, Clorinda Trujillo, Isabel F. Trujillo, Larry Trujillo. Juanita Turrietta, Leonard Turrietta, William Valdes, Bernardita Valenzuela, Elodia Vigil, Anthony Vigil, Bennie Vigil, Clorinda Vigil, Gabriel Vigil, Michael Vigil, Rachel Visarraga, Julio Ward, Richard West, Charles Wilson, Calvin Wohletz, Ann



January 2012

Haiti: Two Years On, the Future Is Brighter By Robyn Fieser, Regional Information Office for CRS Dominican Republic & Anna Huth, CRS Southwest Area Relationship Manager

Two years ago this month, a massive earthquake devastated Haiti. People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe responded with prayers and an archdiocesan-wide collection. Those donations, sent to Catholic Relief Services (CRS), have saved lives and are making recovery possible. CRS worked effectively in the phase of emergency relief, as reported previously in People of God. Now two years after the earthquake, in the recovery phase, the significance of CRS’ work to help Haitians reestablish their lives is clear. Leopald lost his home-with-bakery in the earthquake and spent months living with virtually nothing. CRS built him a transitional shelter which doubles as a

bakery and gave him a $500 small business grant. Leopald used the money to buy an industrial-sized sifter and enough 100-pound bags of flour to get his business going again. Today, he has five employees and sells bags of fresh-baked bread to hungry neighbors. Leopald is just one person helped through CRS’ Community Resettlement and Recovery Program. So far, this program has erected more than 10,700 transitional shelters, modest but sturdy buildings resistant to quakes and storms. The program will support 25,000 families transitioning from camps back to their neighborhoods. Program services include demolition, rubble removal, house repairs

and shelters with clean water and sanitation. Key to helping Haitians get back on their feet is job creation and other incomegenerating activities: • CRS provides grants and business training to hundreds of entrepreneurs, like Leopald, who lost their businesses during the earthquake or have feasible ideas for starting new ones. • The Cash for Work Program has provided employment and health insurance to thousands of people since January 2010. • Rubble to Reconstruction, another innovative initiative, provides entrepreneurs training and equipment to recycle rubble into marketable sand and gravel for new construction -- including CRS transitional shelters. • CRS is helping people in sever-

al communities form savings groups. These groups, mainly women, save small amounts of cash and lend it within their group to finance small business start-ups. Catholics in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe are encouraged to continue praying for the people of Haiti and learning about how they’re doing, to ask congresspersons to keep on target for Haiti’s full recovery, and to reach out in solidarity through donations to CRS targeted for its work in Haiti. Catholic Relief Services is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States; see www.crs.org. For more information on the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s participation in CRS’ work, contact Anne Avellone, Director, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life, 505.831.8167, justice@archdiosf.org.

New Year’s Resolutions for “Poverty in America Awareness Month” By Nicole Holcomb CCHD Intern

Observing Poverty in America Awareness month in January is a great way to begin the New Year. While many are enjoying Christmas gifts, US Census data states that more than 46 million people are living below the poverty line. That’s more people than the entire state of California. 20.5 million people are living in extreme poverty, and 49.9 million Americans do not have medical insurance. Faith calls us to respond with charity and justice. Charity involves responding to immediate needs. Acts of charity are important ways to help, especially after generous holiday giving is over. We can be thankful for what we have, and share with others. January is a perfect time to donate coats, hats, gloves, and blankets to those in need. Food banks are also in need of items after Christmas. As Catholics, it is equally important to reflect on the root causes of poverty, and ask why so many go hungry in the U.S. and across the world. As Pope Benedict XVI

stated in his encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, “If we love others with charity, then first of all we are just towards them. Not only is justice not extraneous to charity, not only is it not an alternative or parallel path to charity: justice is inseparable from charity, and intrinsic to it.” While we perform important acts of charity, it is imperative to reflect on the causes of the injustices leaving so many hungry and cold. When we do this, we put faith into action and work towards promoting a more just world. Caritas in Veritate also focuses on the common good. “To love someone is to desire that person’s good and to take effective steps to secure it. Besides the good of the individual, there is the good that is linked to living in society: the common good. It is the good of “all of us”, made up of individuals, families and intermediate groups who together constitute society.” What changes can we make so that our lives are focused on the common good for all? Here are some ideas for action that we can all do: • LEARN more about poverty in the USA and in the world • JOIN a legislative advocacy group and UGANDA – Pictured is Fr. Benedick Mayindwe, Pastor of St. Charles Church of the Kiyinda Metyana Diocese. Standing to his right is Umberto Morales, E. Rosina Salazar and Samuel Gonzales from the Espanola Valley who traveled September 1st to the 13th to Uganda to deliver clothing, educational equipment and medical supplies for the poor. For more information contact Fr. Denis Kaggwa at San Juan Catholic Church in Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico at 505.852.4179.

urge elected officials to enact just social laws • WORK with poor and low-income people on issues of mutual interest in your community • SUBSCRIBE to a free quarterly newsletter called Helping People Help Themselves by emailing cchdpromo@usccb.org • SHOP and INVEST WISELY by making financial choices that bring economic opportunity to low-income communities, and buying Fair Trade Certified items

There are many ways to get involved during the month of January, and throughout the year. If you have just one minute today you can pray for justice. Begin the New Year by resolving to be just to one another. Give to others what they need through charity, and put faith into action by working for justice. Nicole is available to make presentations about Catholic social teaching and poverty to youth and adults. Contact her at nholcomb@archdiosf.org .

Catholic Charities Helps Refugee Find Success

By Anna Musciotto Job Developer, Catholic Charities

Mohammed S. Mubarek, his wife Suzan, and their three-year old daughter Fatima came to Catholic Charities as refugees. They had fled from Iraq in December 2008 and hoped to find freedom and a new start in the USA. When Mohammed first arrived at Catholic Charities in Albuquerque, he spoke very little English, but he brought a big desire to work hard and learn English in order to support his family. Mohammed had previously owned a restaurant in Iraq, but now he was faced with starting over from scratch. In March of 2009 Catholic Charities assisted him in finding his first job in Amer-

ica at “Which Wich? Superior Sandwiches.” At the same time he registered for English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) classes offered by Catholic Charities. Now, after three years of being in the United States, his English is perfect. His work performance at the sandwich shop has also been excellent and has caught the attention of the shop owners. He was recently promoted to the position of Manager. “Which Wich” is projected to open a new store on Paseo del Norte in 2012, where Mohammed will be the assigned Manager. Mohammed is a great example of an individual who is determined, motivated and focused on accomplishing his goals. Catholic Charities congratulates Mohammed on a job well done!

January 2012


Seeing the Word: An Illuminating Tradition

The Reason for the Season By Deacon Steve Rangel Director, Pastoral Outreach Ministry

This year, our parish at San Ysidro in Corrales entered two floats in the Star Light Parade that was held early December in Corrales. The Knights of Columbus Council #14999 and the Religious Education program joined together to work on the floats. There was a great turn out of Knights, parents and children who participated in the parade. Fr. Michael DePalma thought it was a great opportunity to reach out to our community and remind them of the “Reason for the Season.” One float had students dressed up as a live Nativi-


ty, and the other float had the RE Program Children’s Choir. The Knights and their families walked along with the floats handing out candy canes with a message attached explaining the meaning of the candy cane and how it symbolizes Christ. It is easy to get caught up with all the distractions of retail stores, commercials and advertisements. The students in our religious education program were able to help the Corrales Community to see the true meaning of Christmas. The reason for the season is Christ himself and the great love He has for us that He took the form of a baby so we could have eternal life.

VOWS continued from page 6 Sr. Jacqueline displays her ring, symbolic of her life-long fidelity to Jesus Christ. Rejoicing with her are Sr. Geneal Kramer, OP, left, one of her witnesses, and Sr. Attracta Kelly, OP, Prioress.

By Johnny Cordoba Contributing writer for the Office of Religious Education

Seeing the Word of God as it transpires in our lives and the lives of those around us is not as easy as it seems. As faithful Catholics we attend Mass regularly on Saturdays or Sundays and during Holy Days of Obligation. From our pews we listen attentively to the liturgy of the word as professed by our lectors and deacons. We make the connection between the Holy Scriptures and our lives as explained by our priest. We understand the meaning of the holy readings and feel good about ourselves in church. However, once “the mass has ended” many of us return to our communities in “peace,” but unable to transform the social nature at the heart of the liturgy into authentic action in our daily lives. Illuminating the Word of the Saint John’s Bible is a hands-on workshop offered by the Office of Religious Education that presents all Catholics, but particularly catechists, with an opportunity to learn how to use scripture in their ministries and bring the Word of God into their lives, communities, and classrooms. This workshop will help participants to transform, nurture, reflect and revitalize the heart of the liturgy into our role of being an active catholic within the church. By engaging participants in the processes and techniques behind The Saint John’s Bible, and through scripture passages and their illuminations, attendees will feel that there is no better way to understand and experience the Liturgy of the Word. Barbara Sutton, Associate Dean, of Formation

and Outreach, at the School of Theology·Seminary at St. John’s University, will lead the workshop and has high expectations for the event. “This workshop is designed to tell the story of The Saint John’s Bible, teach a prayer process called visio divina that can be used for all ages.” Thomas Leech, Curator of the Press at the Palace of the Governors is responsible for the care of the artwork from The Saint John’s Bible currently displayed at the New Mexico History Museum in Santa Fe. “When I think of Santa Fe I think of art, history and religion. The Saint John’s Bible represents all three of those topics.” Tim Ternes, Director of The Saint John’s Bible at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library in Collegeville, MN adds that “The Saint John’s Bible is a work to be shared and reinforces that the Bible is communal. It is not an illustrated Bible. The images are visual, spiritual meditations that serve to invite people in to come together with others to make meaning.” The Illuminating the Word of the Saint John’s Bible workshop will be held at the St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral Basilica in Santa Fe, Friday, January 20, 2012 from 3pm-5pm. A tour of The Saint John’s Bible at the New Mexico History Museum will immediately follow the workshop. Please dress comfortably and wear comfortable shoes. Workshop fee is $15.00 includes refreshments and materials. To register contact Dawn at the Office of Religious Education at 505.831.8129.

Sr. Jacqueline professes her vows to Sr. Attracta Kelly, OP, Prioress, while Sr. Lorraine Reaume, OP, one of her witnesses, stands behind her.

Jackie is doing this day….In a culture that values instant gratification, the vows say there is something deeper worth waiting for, something you might miss if you don’t learn to wait.” A native of Akron, OH, Sr. Jacqueline received a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Bowling Green State University; a master’s degree in psychiatric nursing from Boston College; a master’s degree in health care mission from Aquinas Institute of Theology; and post-graduate certification as an adult nurse practitioner through Columbia University in New York City. She entered the Adrian Dominican Congregation in 2004.

Before her current ministry at the University of New Mexico Medical Center, Sr. Jacqueline ministered for the Archdiocese of Anchorage, AK, as coordinator of the archdiocesan Parish Nursing and Parish Health Ministry Program. Sr. Jacqueline also ministered as a nurse practitioner at the medical clinic at Francis Homeless Shelter, operated by Catholic Social Services of Anchorage. She received the Ruby Award from the Anchorage branch of Soroptimist International in recognition of her work to open and administer a similar clinic at Clare House, a shelter for women and children.



January 2012

Employees of the Catholic Center Celebrate Anniversaries

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Center Employees Celebrate 90 years of Service 15 years Celine Baca Radigan, Director, Communications/Editor/Webmaster Cathy Salcido, Director, Human Resources 10 years June Chavez, Finance Assistant, Property/Construction Management Rocio Gonzalez, Executive Secretary, Chancellor’s Office


Winter Charismatic Conference

Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 8:30am to 6:30pm. San Jose de los Duranes Mission Church at 2110 Los Luceros Rd. NW in Albuquerque is hosting a Winter Charismatic Conference. The speakers will be Fr. Daniel Balizan, Fr. Michael DePalma and Sr. Magdalena Casas-Na-

Fr. Kevin Niehoff, OP, Adjutant Judicial Vicar, Tribunal 5 years Abad Archuleta, Producer, TV Mass/ Catholic Radio Jeffrey Chavez, Postal/Copy Tech, Mail/Copy Center Fr. Michael DePalma, Director, Vocations Linda Krehmeier, Director, Worship/Christian Initiation Louellen Martinez, Notary II, Tribunal Mary Woods, Host, Catholic Radio

U.S. Archbishop Edwin Edwin F. O’Brien leads an Ash Wednesday service at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington in February 2007. Among his many priestly assignments, Cardinal-designate O’Brien served as a chaplain in the U.S. Army, including in V ietnam in the early 1970s. He had led the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services and the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He is now pro-grand master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

va. Come and enjoy a day of praise and worship, inspiring teaching and fellowship in the Spirit. For more information call the Catholic Charismatic Center 505.247.0397 or visit www. asfccc.org

ASSEMBLY APPLAUDS CARDINALDESIGNATE DOLAN AT NEW YORK CATHEDRAL Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan of New York smiles as the assembly at Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York Jan. 6 applauds the announcement that he was named a cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI. He is among 22 new cardinals named that day by Pope Benedict. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz)

January 2012



Becoming The Woman God Made You To Be By: Tammy Evevard Publisher: Servant Books, September, 2011

Tammy Evevard addresses the issues women face as they struggle to find their true identity. Becoming calls women to a greater selfconfidence, a deeper appreciation of their gifts and how to use them, and a clearer understanding of what it means to be an authentic, spiritually faithful woman in today’s culture. Full of stories and practical advice, this book’s message is clear: Belonging to God means becoming the woman you are meant to be! A Guy’s Guide To The Good Life, Virtues For Men By: Robert P. Lockwood Publisher: Servant Books, April, 2009 What if the good life has less to do with prestige and plenty and more to do with prudence, hope and faith? Would you still want a guide to get there? Maybe the idea of a life based on the virtues creates an uneasy feeling. Too hard, you might think, too boring. Robert Lockwood sets the record straight in A Guy’s Guide to the Good Life. Lockwood weaves Scripture, Church teaching and everyday stories from Babe Ruth’s funeral to the author’s doomed efforts to make the varsity basketball team revealing the virtues for what they really are: a call to action and our tie to the living God. The virtuous life isn’t just the good life; it’s the best life, the life you were made for. The Catholic Briefcase By: Randy Hain Publisher: Liguori Publications, November, 2011 The Catholic Briefcase helps Catholics integrate their faith with their jobs through practical tips, relevant examples, and the inspirational stories of others who have successfully learned how to bring their Catholic identity with them to work. This book provides tips and ideas for finding time for prayer and reflection throughout the day and explores ways to make business decisions through the filter of Catholic teaching. Being a light for Christ is ultimately the best way to share your faith with others as they will be drawn to you by your good example and joy. The Catholic Briefcase helps the reader evaluate where they have been in their business life and where being a light for Christ can take them. The practical nature of the content gives the reader a roadmap to a deeper faith in an area (the workplace) they have likely ignored in the past. The Pope & The CEO: John Paul II’s Leadership Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard By: Andreas Widmer Publisher: Emmaus Road Publishing, September, 2011 John Paul II showed me what real leadership looks like. He modeled for me how to pursue our God-given potential. Not coincidentally, this also makes us and those around us better employees, more capable of and more willing to work hard at building a stronger company. That’s something that makes both good human sense and good business sense. - Andreas Widmer Former Swiss Guard, CEO and business leader. Andreas Widmer gives a behind-the-scenes look into Pope John Paul II, the most authentically human person I’ve ever met, and reveals how those memories shaped and forged his success as a corporate executive. In what papal biographer George Weigel calls a powerful example of leadership at work, Widmer recounts his personal experiences serving Blessed Pope John Paul II in the Swiss Guard, and the secrets of successful leadership that he learned at the feet of the great pope.




R e s t

i n

Sr. Mary Susanne Wittwer Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Mary Susanne Wittwer died Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011, at the age of 87 at Mother Margaret Hall, the nursing facility of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. She was born Susanne Wittwer on Dec. 7, 1924, in Detroit, MI, the daughter of James B. Cavanaugh and Mary Brogan. Sr. Mary Susanne entered the Community in 1945. She was a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati for 66 years. Sister earned the Bachelor of Arts in English from the College of Mount St. Joseph, Cincinnati, OH, in 1956 and the master’s degree in special education from Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI, in 1968. Sr. Mary Susanne taught at elementary schools in Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, and Ohio including St. Mary in Santa Fe from 1949 – ’55. “When you saw the expression on ‘Suzie’s’ face, you knew you were looking at a saint,” said Sr. Rosemary Schmid. Sr. Mary Bodde thought of Sr. Mary Susanne “as a very sweet person who loved teaching. She is remembered to this day by students who were inquiring about her in the last several months.” Her sister Betty Lantz, nieces, and nephews survive Sr. Mary Susanne Wittwer. Her sisters Mary Catherine Sheets, Mary Jane Diola, and her brother James Cavanaugh preceded her in death.

January 2012

P e a c e

Philadelphia Catholics at funeral consoled for ‘death in family’

Mary Eunice McGreevy

Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Mary Eunice McGreevy died Friday, Dec. 16, 2011, at the age of 87 at Mother Margaret Hall, the nursing facility of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. She was born Mary McGreevy on March 12, 1924, in Chicago, IL, the daughter of John Joseph and Mary (Connolly) McGreevy. Sr. Mary Eunice entered the Community in 1941. She was a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati for 70 years. Sr. Mary Eunice taught at schools and served as pastoral assistant in many dioceses including the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Sr. Mary Eunice retired as a volunteer at the St. Joseph Medical Center in Albuquerque, N.M. in 1997. Sr. Mary Eunice was remembered by her friend Sr. Kay Tardiff who said, “She was one of the most loving Sisters of Charity. She just delighted in being a Sister as much as she delighted in being Irish. She had great Irish wit, a sense of humor and jokes that came from the joy of life lived in service to the Lord.” Sr. Mary Eunice is survived by her brother Marty McGreevy as well as nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her sister Ann Tuch and her brothers, Jack, Bill and Mike McGreevy.

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) -- Philadelphia Catholics who filled the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul Dec. 16 for the funeral Mass of Cardinal John P. Foley were consoled for the “death in the family” and urged to emulate the prelate known for his sense of humor, intellect and strong faith. In his homily, New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, praised the late cardinal for his wit, gentle spirit and love for Jesus and the Catholic Church, which he said was “indeed the passion of John Patrick

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Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies

Foley’s life.” He urged Philadelphia Catholics to always remember that Cardinal Foley “considered you his family” and he never stopped talking and bragging about the archdiocese “as much as many of us begged him to,” the archbishop quipped. The cardinal, who spent more than two decades leading the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and later worked for the church in the Middle East, was born in the Philadelphia suburb of Darby Nov. 11, 1935. He was ordained a priest in Philadelphia when he was 26 and died Dec. 11 after a battle with leukemia. He died at the residence of Villa St. Joseph, the home for retired Philadelphia archdiocesan priests in Darby. “A local church that can give us the likes of such a noble, gentle man, whose message literally went out to the ends of the earth, is a church which can endure and come out ever the stronger in the face of woe and tears,” the archbishop said. Referring to the cardinal’s 25-year role as the English-language commentator for the pope’s midnight Mass, Archbishop Dolan said although the “Vatican’s voice of Christmas may now be silent,” Christ’s message continues through the example of people such as Cardinal Foley. He urged the congregation to “praise God’s grace and mercy” for Cardinal Foley’s response to “God’s whisper” to become a priest and also his “yes to God’s plan in recent years ... as he gradually bowed to leukemia.”

January 2012





January 2012

Mark Your Calendar

“May the Dear Lord bless you...”

Roman Catholic Saints Calendar JANUARY 15 St. Paul the Hermit 16 St. Berard and Companions 17 St. Anthony of Egypt 18 St. Charles of Sezze 20 St. Fabian 21 St. Agnes 22 St. Vincent 23 Blessed Mother Marianne Cope 24 St. Francis de Sales 25 Conversion of St. Paul 26 Sts. Timothy and Titus 27 St. Angela Merici 28 St. Thomas Aquinas 30 St. Hyacintha of Mariscotti 31 St. John Bosco FEBRUARY 1 St. Brigid of Kildare 2 Presentation of the Lord 3 St. Ansgar 4 St. Joan of Valois 5 St. Agatha 6 St. Paul Miki and Companions 7 St. Colette 8 St. Jerome Emiliani 9 St. Apollonia 10 St. Scholastica 11 St. Gregory II 14 Sts. Cyril and Methodius

JANUARY Rev. Samuel Dennis, OSB oliv. Rev. Rafael Garcia, SJ Rev. Fernando Rubio-Boitel Rev. Johnny Lee Chavez Rev. Berard Doerger, OFM Rev. Franklin D. Pretto-Ferro Rev. Thomas Pesaresi, MM Rev. Oren Key, SJ Rev. Symeon Galazka, OSB oliv.

15 18 20 26 27 27 29 31 31

FEBRUARY Rev. Albert Podvin Rev. Donald Kapitz Rev. Bruce Housfeld, OFM Rev. Donald Starkey Rev. Lucian Hendren Rev. Tien-Tri Nguyen Rev. Jose A. Hernandez Rev. William Sanchez Rev. Dennis Garcia Very Rev. Hyginus Chuks Anuta

TV Mass Schedule

2 3 5 7 8 8 9 12 12 13

The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6, and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass Donations may be sent online www.archdiosf.org or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM.


Readings (Cycle B)

January 8, 2012 Epiphany of the Lord Rev. Andrew Pavlak January 15, 2012 2nd Sun OT Rev. Andrew Pavlak

Is 60:1-6 Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Mt 2:1-12

1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 1 Cor 6:13c-15A, 17-20 Jn 1:35-42

January 22, 2012 3rd Sun OT Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz

Jon 3:1-5, 10 1 Cor 7:29-31 Mk 1:14-20

January 29, 2012 4th Sun OT Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz

Dt 18:15-20 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28

January 2012







January 2012

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