People of God, February 2013

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Febr uar y 2013 • Volume 31 • Number 2 •

Ser ving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Protect Life

The penitential season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13 this year. The artwork includes a palm frond -- a symbol of Christ’s passion. (CNS/Nancy Phelan Wiechec)

The headquarters of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is seen in Washington. (CNS photo/Nancy Phelan Wiechec)

Inside this Issue

Archbishop’s Letter: The Changes and the Newest Bishop!............................................. 3 It’s Catholic Press Month ........................................... 5 World Marriage Day................................................... 9 Catholic Education................................................... 10 Sanctity of Life ........................................................ 13

Annual Catholic Appeal ......................................... 14 Catholic Charities ................................................... 18 Bioethics: Debating Birth Control in the Public Square .......................................................... 21 SWLC Recap ............................................................24 Youth & Young Adult Awards ....................................28

Photo by Leslie M. Radigan

Catholic groups still studying new proposed rules issued by HHS WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Catholic institutions were still analyzing the effect of a new set of proposed rules on insurance coverage of contraceptives issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. The 80-page document released Feb. 1 by HHS attempts to address objections that the previous rules would force religious employers to stop providing employee health insurance because the federal requirement to include contraceptive coverage violates their religious beliefs. Four days after the proposed rules were released, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Catholic Health Association were still studying the details of the proposal before rendering opinions on the changes. The thousands of dioceses, parishes, charities and medical organizations that look to the USCContinued on page 12



February 2013

On the Journey to Holy Orders of Deacon Twelve Men Instituted to Readers DeaCOn JiM sneLL Director of Formation

In his apostolic letter regarding the Holy Orders of Deacon, Pope Paul VI said that Christ instituted a variety of ministries in the Church. He talked about how the diaconate, since the apostolic age, has been held in high honor within the church, especially in these ministries. As men are prepared for ordination the permanent diaconate, they go through a series of minor rites, called ministries. These rites are: Admission to Candidacy at the beginning of their second year of formation, Institution of Readers in their third year, and Institution of Acolytes in their fourth year. On January 26, 2013, at St. Jude Thaddeus

Parish, 12 men currently in formation for ordination were instituted as readers (lectors). As such they are now ministers of the Word and are to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture preparing themselves to proclaim the Gospel once ordained. Those men instituted to readers are: • Kevin Barkocy, Prince of Peace, Albuquerque • Louis Bernal, Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho • Theodore “Ted” Branch, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe • Mark Buie, Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho • Salvador “Sal” Mercado, St. Jude Thaddeus, Albuquerque • Harold Gallegos, St. Patrick, Chama

• Steven Garcia, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Clovis • Christopher Gilbert, Sacred Heart, Española • Maurice Rodriquez, Holy Child, Tijeras • Larry Torres, Holy Trinity, Arroyo Seco • Joseph Valdez, St. Patrick, Chama • Jose Villegas, St. Anne, Santa Fe • Brother James Owens, Norbertine Community (previously instituted) The Diaconate Formation Team thanks Fr. John Daniels and the parishioners of St. Jude Thaddeus for their warm welcome and assistance. We ask for continued prayers for these men as they journey on toward Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate.

Forty Days of Lent... Quadragesima, That we may begin with holy fasting….


By FaBian ruBen yañez Director, Office of Worship and Christian Initiation

rant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting this campaign of Christian service, so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils, we may be armed with weapons of selfrestraint.” So with these words from the Collect (kol-ekt) for Ash Wednesday, we launch into Quadragesima , our forty days of Lent. These are bold words that speak of our purpose in observing this holy season. It is a

time for no mere trifling with appearances or denials of little importance. We desire to enter into the Easter Mystery with pure hearts and proper dispositions of great joy. This is the season for combatting the devil, the same tempter that tried to bring his sway over the Lord Jesus as he retreated to the desert for forty days and forty nights. Although there is the need for penance whenever we sin, the Church vigorously guides us through this penitential season so that we may hear and

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for February 2013 General Migrant Families. That migrant families, especially the mothers, may be supported and accompanied in their difficulties. Missionary Peace. That the peoples at war and in conflict may lead the way in building a peaceful future.

act on the Lord’s admonition to “Go and sin no more. ” The prophet Joel calls us to rouse our sensibilities by prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We set aside the noisiness of our daily activities to meditate on the graciousness of a Father who would give his Only-Begotten Son to lead us on a new Exodus by paying the price for our sins by His passion, death and resurrection. When we do these acts of self-denial, we are joined in the experience of Him as Suffering Servant and Risen Savior. The origins of the season of Lent are cloudy, but it is clear

Pope greets crowd after attending concert with Italy’s President Napolitano at Vatican Pope Benedict XVI acknowledges the audience as he leaves with Italy’s President Giorgio Napolitano, right, after attending a concert in Paul VI hall at the Vatican Feb. 4. The concert marked the 84th anniversary of the Lateran Pacts, which recognized the Vatican’s full sovereignty over its territory. Also pictured, behind the pope, is Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state. Also pictured is Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

that the earliest Christians saw a need for fasting before celebrating the Easter Mystery, whether that was week-byweek or in the supreme celebration of the annual event at the time of the Passover. Over the centuries the fast has taken different forms. The current regulations concerning Lenten fasting and abstinence for Roman Catholics in the United States are as follows. • Abstinence from all meat is to be observed by those 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday, on all Fridays of Lent, and on Good Friday (which is not part of Lent, but rather part of

the Paschal Triduum). • Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. • All Catholics who have reached the age of reason are required to confess their sins to a priest at least once a year. • After being initiated into the Holy Eucharist, the faithful are to receive communion at least once during the Easter season, that is, sometime within the time from Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday The Collect for Ash Wednesday is a prayer repeated every day throughout Lent.

February 2013




The Changes and the Newest Bishop! Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Since my arrival as Archbishop of Santa Fe in 1993, the Dioceses of the Province of Santa Fe and Region XIII have gone through changes in Episcopal leadership. The Province of Santa Fe consists of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and the Dioceses of Las Cruces, Gallup, Phoenix and Tucson. • In 1993, the bishop of Tucson was Bishop Manuel Romero who resigned in 2003 and is now deceased; and the current bishop is Gerald Kicanas. • In 1993, the bishop of Phoenix was Bishop Thomas O’Brien who resigned in 2003; the current bishop is Thomas Olmsted and they also have an Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Nevares. • In 1993, the bishop of Gallup was Bishop Donald E. Pelotte who resigned in 2008 and is now deceased; the current Bishop of Gallup is James S. Wall. • In 1993, the bishop of Las Cruces was Bishop Ricardo Ramirez CSB who resigned in 2011 on his 75th birthday as all bishops are required to do. Just recently, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he appointed Bishop Oscar Cantu to serve as the second bishop of Las Cruces. His installation is scheduled to take place on Thursday, February 28, 2013. The Region XIII is made up of the

Province of Santa Fe plus the Archdiocese of Denver and Dioceses of Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and El Paso. • In 1993, the bishop of El Paso was Bishop Raymundo Peña who was appointed as bishop of Brownsville and is now retired. He was followed in El Paso by Bishop Armando Ochoa who was appointed as bishop of Fesno in 2011. This diocese is currently vacant. • In 1993, the bishop of Pueblo was Bishop Arthur Tafoya who retired in 2009 and is currently living in Albuquerque; the current bishop of Pueblo is Fernando Isern. • In 1993, the bishop of Colorado Springs was Bishop Richard Hanifen who resigned in 2003; the current bishop is Michael J. Sheridan. • In 1993, the bishop of Cheyenne was Bishop Joseph Hart who resigned in 2001. He was followed by Bishop David Ricken who was assigned to the Diocese of Green Bay in 2008; the cur-

rent bishop of Cheyenne is Paul Etienne. • In 1993, the bishop of Salt Lake City was Bishop William Weigand who was installed as the bishop of Sacramento in 1994 and is now retired. He was followed in Salt Lake City by Bishop George H. Niederauer who was appointed as Archbishop of San Francisco in 2005 and is now retired. The current bishop of Salt Lake City is Bishop John C. Wester. • In 1993, the archbishop of Denver was Archbishop James F. Stafford who was appointed as President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity in 1996, then elevated to a cardinal and appointed as to various International posts and is now retired. He was followed in Denver by Archbishop Charles Chaput who was assigned as Archbishop of Philadelphia in 2011. The current Archbishop of Denver is Samuel J. Aquila. I am happily still here serving my flock. I too will be required to submit my resignation on my 75th birthday per Canon Law on July 9, 2014. We trust God to prepare the heart of the

one whom he will choose through our Holy Father to serve as the next Archbishop of Santa Fe. For now, we express our deep appreciation and respect for Bishop Ricardo Ramirez CSB who has served as Las Cruces’ only bishop since it was erected as a diocese on August 17, 1982. He brought this infant diocese into its adulthood, ensuring that its spiritual and temporal needs were met. Now we pray that he is blessed with many years of retirement filled with good health, strong faith and surrounded by good friends and family. We also welcome Bishop Oscar Cantu to the State of New Mexico, the Province of Santa Fe, and Region XIII. Bishop Cantu is a young man, only 46 years old, who will bring new energy to the Diocese of Las Cruces. He served as Auxiliary Bishop of San Antonio since April 2008 and is fluent in Spanish and English. We pray that his Episcopal ministry will be blessed richly and that his pastoral leadership will harvest many souls for God. Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord,

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

¡Los Cambios y el Nuevo Obispo! By Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan Desde mi llegada como Arzobispo de Santa Fe en 1993, las diócesis de la Provincia de Santa Fe y de la Región XIII han pasado por cambios en el liderazgo episcopal. La Provincia de Santa Fe está compuesta de la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe y de las Diócesis de Las Cruces, Gallup, Phoenix y Tucson. • En 1993 el obispo de Tucson era el Mons. Manuel Romero, quien renunció en el año 2003 y posteriormente falleció; el actual obispo es el Mons. Gerald Kicanas. • En 1993 el obispo de Phoenix era el obispo Thomas O’Brien, quien renunció en el año 2003; el actual obispo es Mons. Thomas Olmsted y también tienen un obispo auxiliar, quien es el Mons. Eduardo Nevares. • En 1993 el obispo de Gallup era el obispo Donald E. Pelotte, quien renun-

ció en 2008 y más tarde falleció; el actual obispo de Gallup es Mons. James S. Wall. • En 1993 el obispo de Las Cruces era el obispo Ricardo Ramírez CSB, quien presentó su renuncia en el año 2011 a sus 75 años de edad, como todos los obispos están obligados a hacerlo. Recientemente el Papa Benedicto XVI anunció que ha nombrado al Obispo Oscar Cantú para servir como el segundo obispo de Las Cruces. Su instalación está programada para llevarse a cabo el jueves 28 de febrero. La Región XIII se compone de la Provincia de Santa Fe más la Arquidiócesis de Denver y las diócesis de Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Colorado Springs, Pueblo y El Paso. • En 1993 el obispo de El Paso era el Mons. Raymundo Peña, quien fue designado después como obispo de

Brownsville y ahora está jubilado. Le siguió en El Paso el obispo Armando Ochoa, quien fue designado como obispo de Fresno en 2011. Esta diócesis se encuentra actualmente vacante. • En 1993 el obispo de Pueblo era el Mons. Arthur Tafoya, quien se jubiló en 2009 y actualmente vive en Albuquerque; el actual obispo de Pueblo es el Mons. Fernando Isern. • En 1993 el Obispo de Colorado Springs era el obispo Richard Hanifen, quien renunció en 2003; el obispo actual es Mons. Michael J. Sheridan. • En 1993 el obispo de Cheyenne era el obispo Joseph Hart, quien renunció en 2001. Fue seguido por el obispo David Ricken quien en 2008 fue asignado a la diócesis de Green Bay; el actual obispo de Cheyenne es el Mons. Paul Etienne. • En 1993, el Obispo de Salt Lake City era el obispo William Weigand,

quien fue instalado como obispo de Sacramento en 1994 y ahora está jubilado. Le siguió en Salt Lake City el obispo George H. Niederauer quien fue nombrado arzobispo de San Francisco en 2005 y ahora está jubilado. El actual obispo de Salt Lake City es el Mons. John C. Wester. • En 1993, el arzobispo de Denver era el arzobispo James F. Stafford quien fue designado como Presidente del Consejo Pontificio para los Laicos en 1996, y luego elevado a cardenal y nombrado a puestos internacionales diferentes y ahora está jubilado. Le siguió en Denver el arzobispo Charles Chaput, quien fue asignado como arzobispo de Filadelfia en 2011. El actual arzobispo de Denver es Mons. Samuel J. Aquila. Yo sigo felizmente todavía aquí sirviendo a mi rebaño, pero también esContinued on page 17



Archbishop’s Schedule February 9 Sat 10 Sun 11 Mon 12




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6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. ======== 3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. ======== ======== 12:00 Noon ======== 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 12:00 Noon ======== ======== ========

March 1 Fri 2 Sat

10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.




St. Pius X High School Mardi Gras, Hotel Albuquerque Mass, Our Lady of LaVang, Albuquerque Office Appointments Catholic Cemetery Association Board, Catholic Center Executive Presbyteral, Catholic Center Blue Mass, St. Pius X High School, Albuquerque Review Board, Catholic Center Distribution of Ashes, Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center Mass, Chapel of St. Joseph & St. Francis, Catholic Center Ash Wednesday Service, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Center Employee Lenten Retreat, Madonna Retreat Center Parish History Day, Catholic Center Rite of Election, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Office Closed, President’s Day Office Appointments Catholic Relief Services Board Teleconference Office Appointments Archdiocesan Finance Council, Catholic Center Invocation, Eagle Scout Banquet, Embassy Suites, Albuquerque Rite of Election, St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa Installation of New Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Clovis Mass, Sacred Heart, Clovis Rite of Election, Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque Archbishop’s Radio Hour Office Appointments Vespers for Bishop Oscar Cantu’s Installation, Las Cruces Installation of Bishop Oscar Cantu, Las Cruces Archdiocesan Budget Committee, Catholic Center Annual Mass & Lunch, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Sacred Heart, Española Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Rome

Archbishop Sheehan has made the following assignments: • Effective Friday, January 18, 2013 –Deacon Gilbert Valdez, formally assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Santa Fe has been appointed as the parish life coordinator of St. Joseph’s in Cerrillos under the direction of Rev. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz, canonical pastor. The current pastor, Rev. Francis Malley, will be retiring.

Seminary Burse The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends to the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for the period December 2012. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at parishes. The archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education. December 2012

Our Lady of Belen (Mass stipends) ............................. $1,000.00 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass stipends) ....... $330.00 Teresa Gies .......................................................................... $25.00 Our Lady of the Annunciation (Mass stipends) ................ $921.00 Immaculate Conception - ABQ (Mass stipends) .............. $210.00 St. John the Baptist – Santa Fe (Mass stipends) ............... $300.00

February 2013

62nd Annual Brothers Mathias Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner

Sunday, March 17, 2013, 4-7:30 pm, Albuquerque Convention Center East Side Ballroom Entertainment, food and fun for the entire family to benefit the Good Shepherd Center The 62nd Annual Brother Mathias Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner will be held Sunday, March 17, 2013 from 4-7:30 pm at the Albuquerque Convention Center East Side Ballroom. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children. There will be Irish food, entertainment, and games for children. Advance purchase tickets are available at the Good Shepherd Center, Garson and Sons, Holy Family Bookstore and Religious Supplies, Barrett House Attic, Immaculate Conception Church, and Faith Works. Tickets will also be available at the door. For more information, please call Mary Rose at 505220-1679 The Good Shepherd Center was the first

homeless refuge in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Following the Gospel mandate of Jesus Christ to love God and neighbor, its mission to the poor is expressed in direct service programs to the homeless and unwanted members of society. The Center provides food, clothing, shelter, health services, emergency assistance, and community resource referral. It also serves as a service outlet for other homeless programs that do not provide residential shelter including emergency medical and post-hospitalization aftercare and health care for homeless referrals. The Center is also involved in reaching out to the homeless in focusing on the causes of their dilemma in self-destructive behaviors.

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, R.S.C.J. Missionary to Native Americans

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was a passionate young woman with a heart for missionary work. She joined the Visitation nuns at the age of 19, but a few years later, convents were shut down during the French Revolution, and Rose was forced to return to life as a lay woman for many years. Ten years later, she was finally able to rejoin a convent, this time as a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart. In 1818, she was sent to the Louisiana Territory as a missionary, facing illness, hardship and hunger to bring Catholicism to the Native Americans. She opened the first free school for girls west of the Missippi river, as well as the first Catholic school for Native Americans. She was known among the Pottowami Indians as the “Woman Who Prays Always.”

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Together We Will Reach Our Goal!

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Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

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February 2013


It’s Catholic Press Month! You hold in your hands something unique. Nobody does what this Catholic newspaper does. There is no one else who can accomplish the many vital missions the People of God performs for you in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. This newspaper is by far the most authoritative and comprehensive source of news that is of vital interest to Catholics – locally, nationally and internationally. This is the place to find religion. Our ability to provide this to Catholics in New Mexico is unique. For many of our readers, we are the only source of news on these topics. For all of them, we are the most accurate. We inspire our readers and help inform their faith lives and faith perspectives. We clarify and elucidate the church’s position on many issues, some of them controversial and needing public discussion and a well-informed perspective. Our stories are often real-life illustrations of the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of people urgently in need of spiritual help. Our stable of columnists provide points of view that often help illuminate our faith lives and remind us how to stay grounded in our basic Catholic principles. For many elderly Catholics, we are their main connection to the Catholic community to which they have belonged all their lives. We are a pillar of the Catholic community. We are of vital benefit to other essential Catholic institutions. Without the People of God’s presence,

partnership and assistance, Catholic Charities, Catholic schools, colleges and other organizations would be much less able to perform their missions successfully. The People of God provides a forum for civil discussion on topical issues Catholics care about. This isn’t sound-bite journalism. Catholic newspapers are a reflective medium – making readers think. It’s adult faith formation that respects everyone. We like to think the People of God provides two deliverables: information and inspiration. By the numbers, People of God: 1. Provides clear Catholic teaching. 2. Enriches with facts people’s conversations about our faith. 3. Challenges Catholics to live morally and justly. 4. Inspires noble acts. 5. Deepens spiritual and prayer life. 6. Celebrates Catholic traditions. 7. Strengthens Catholic identity. 8. Enlivens out Catholic community into action. We’re here for your journey. We provide context and background to put the news into perspective. We’re in the business of introducing Catholics to one another – with the end goal of helping one another see Jesus Christ in each and every one of God’s children. In a year’s worth of issues, you get a good idea of what our Catholic community looks like and what

matters to us all. Tired of looking at a computer screen all day and want to relax and hold something in your hands that’s visually appealing, tactilely satisfying, spiritual rewarding? Sit down with People of God! People of God, Member of Catholic Press Association of the USA and Canada.




February 2013

Abraham and Sarah Answer Call of Faith This is the fourth column in a 14-part series.

By Clifford M. Yeary, Associate Director, Little Rock Scripture Study


s the title “Genesis” implies, the first book of the Bible is concerned with beginnings. In its opening verses the heavens and the earth are created and pronounced good. Man and woman are brought into being as beautiful reflections of their Creator. Genesis, read not as science, but as revelation, informs us of God’s purpose in creating the universe and our calling to serve God within it (1:1-31). Genesis also begins the account of evil in the world, when humans are seduced by a desire to be their own gods, proudly making “good and evil” subject to private rationalization (3:17). Envy soon follows pride and brings forth murder (4:1-16). Eventually the entire earth is infected by evil. “The Lord regretted making human beings on the earth, and his heart was grieved” (6:6). When we read the accounts of Abraham and Sarah’s faithful response to God’s calling, it is important that we view it in the context of a world that had run amok. Even after God sends a flood to destroy the world, saving only a single family and a remnant of the earth’s creatures, evil returns to creation (9:20-28). In the most subtle beginning of all in this book of beginnings, God begins the plan to mend the world and to redeem humanity by calling on Abram (Abraham) and his wife Sarai (Sarah) to leave their home and begin a journey of faith with God. Many today might view the world as rife with evil and strewn with chaos. But hopefully some of us will dare to hear ourselves called to be sources of goodness, peace and healing in an effort to right the world. This was God’s call to Abraham and Sarah. “The Lord said to Abram: ‘Go forth from your land, your relatives, and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the families of the earth will find blessing in you. Abram went as the Lord directed him’” (Genesis 12:1-4). Beginning with St. Paul, Christians have always understood the promise to Abraham that, “all the families of the earth will find blessing in you,” as a prophetic indication that God’s plan of redemption was universal, intended for all peoples, and not just for Abraham’s physical descendants (Galatians 3:8-9). That is the broad scope of what Christians see in God’s promise to Abraham. But for the

aged Abraham and Sarah, they had not yet even a single child to inaugurate the promise of becoming a great nation (Genesis 16:1). As great as God’s promises were to them, responding to God’s call required tremendous faith. Their journey through the land promised to them brought them no permanent home, and when they entered Egypt Abraham’s cowardly offering of Sarah to Pharaoh (Genesis 12:1020) must have been a great trial to Sarah’s faith in her husband! But Abraham’s faith would be most severely tested after Sarah bears a son in her old age: Isaac. “God said: Take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. There offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the heights that I will point out to you” (Genesis 22:2). Only after Abraham binds Isaac to the kindling and raises his knife to slay him does an angel of God prevent the horrific deed. God once again renews the promise to Abraham. His descendants will be countless and all nations of the earth will find blessing in Abraham (Genesis 22:16-18). What begins with Abraham is not only the beginning of God’s plan of redemption for humanity, but also of the oft repeated scriptural theme of a “calling” from God. From Abraham, through Moses, the judges of Israel, David, the prophets, and the New Testament disciples, Scripture is filled with accounts of God personally calling individuals to help fulfill God’s redemptive will, often with little personal reward for those who accept their calling. In this Year of Faith, we are reminded by Abraham and Sarah of our own calling, announced in our baptism, to be prophets, priests and royalty in service to the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are to be good news to the world. Study Questions • Where do you most clearly see the goodness God intended creation to be? • What was God beginning with the call of Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 12)? • In what ways do you feel yourself called by God? • What does St. Paul say is the significance of Abraham to Christians (Romans 4:13-25; Galatians 3:1-14). This article was originally published in Arkansas Catholic Jan. 26, 2013. Copyright Diocese of Little Rock. All rights reserved. This article may be copied or redistributed with acknowledgement and permission of the publisher.

Abraham y Sara Responden a la Llamada de La Fe Este es el 4º artículo de una serie de catorce.

Por Clifford M. Yeary, Director Asociado Estudio Bíblico de Little Rock


omo indica el título “Génesis,” el primer libro de la Biblia trata de los comienzos. En sus versos iniciales se crean los cielos y la tierra y se declaran buenos. El hombre y la mujer vienen a la vida como bellos reflejos de su Creador. Si no se lee como ciencia, sino como revelación, el Génesis nos informa sobre el propósito de Dios al crear el universo y nuestra llamada a servir a Dios dentro de él (1,1-31). El Génesis también comienza el relato del mal en el mundo, cuando los humanos se ven seducidos por el deseo de ser sus propios dioses, orgullosamente haciendo que el “bien y el mal” estén sujetos a la racionalización privada (3,1-7). La envidia pronto sigue al orgullo y atrae el asesinato (4,1-16). Al fin, toda la tierra está infectada de mal. “El Señor se arrepintió de haber hecho a seres humanos en la tierra y su corazón se afligió” (Génesis 6,6). Cuando leemos los relatos de la respuesta fiel de Abraham y Sara a la llamada de Dios, es importante que lo hagamos a la luz de un mundo que se había descarrilado. Incluso después de que Dios enviase una inundación para destruir el mundo, salvando solamente a una familia y a un resto de creaturas terrestres, el mal regresa a la creación (9,20-28). En el inicio más sutil de todos en este libro de comienzos, Dios empieza su plan para componer el mundo y para redimir a la humanidad llamando a Abrán (Abraham) y a su esposa Sarai (Sara) a que dejen su hogar y se embarquen en una peregrinación de fe con Dios. Muchas personas hoy día ven al mundo como lleno de mal y caos. Pero es de esperar que algunos de nosotros nos atrevamos a escuchar la llamada a ser fuentes de bien, paz y sanación en el esfuerzo de corregir el curso del mundo. Tal fue la llamada de Dios a Abraham y Sara. “El Señor le dijo a Abrán: ´Sal de tu tierra, deja a tus parientes y la casa de tu padre y ve a la tierra que te mostraré. Haré de ti una gran nación y te bendeciré; engrandeceré tu nombre y serás bendición para otros. Bendeciré a quienes te bendicen y maldeciré a quienes te maldigan. Todas las familias de la tierra encontrarán bendición en ti´. Y Abrán partió según el Señor le había dicho” (12,1-4).

Desde tiempo de san Pablo, los cristianos siempre han entendido la promesa a Abraham de que “todas las familias de la tierra encontrarán bendición en ti” como una indicación profética de que el plan de redención de Dios era universal, dirigido a todos los pueblos, y no sólo para los descendientes físicos de Abraham (Gálatas 3,8-9). Este es el gran alcance de lo que los cristianos ven en la promesa de Dios a Abraham. Pero los ancianos Abraham y Sara, no había siguiera tenido un hijo que inaugurara la promesa de convertirse en una gran nación (16,1). Aunque las promesas de Dios para ellos eran muy grandes, responder a la llamada de Dios exigía una fe tremenda. Su camino hacia la tierra que se les había prometido no les proporcionó un hogar permanente, y cuando entraron en Egipto, la cobardía de Abraham al ofrecer a Sara al Faraón (12,1020) debe haber sido una gran prueba para la fe de Sara en su marido. Pero la fe de Abraham sería aun más duramente probada después de que Sara diera a luz a un hijo en su ancianidad: Isaac. “Dios dijo: Toma a tu hijo Isaac, tu único hijo a quien amas, y vete a la tierra de Moriah. Ofrécele allí como sacrificio en una de las colinas que te mostraré” (22,2). No es hasta que Abraham ata a Isaac a la piedra y levanta el cuchillo para matarlo que el ángel de Dios impide tal hecho terrorífico. Una vez más, Dios renueva su promesa a Abraham. Sus descendientes serán innumerables y todas las naciones de la tierra encontrarán bendición en Abraham (22,16-18). Lo que comienza con Abraham no es sólo el comienzo del plan de Dios para la redención de la humanidad, sino también el tan repetido tema de la Escritura de la llamada de Dios. Desde Abraham, a través de Moisés, los jueces de Israel, David, los profetas y los discípulos del Nuevo Testamento, toda la Escritura está llena de relatos en los que Dios llama personalmente a la gente para ayudarle a cumplir su voluntad redentora, a menudo con poca gratificación para quienes aceptan su llamado. En este año de fe, Abraham y Sara nos recuerdan nuestra propia llamada, anunciada en

Continued on page 17

February 2013



Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Awarded Silver Beaver by the Boy Scouts of America By MeLissa r. aLLen, Member, Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting

On Saturday, January 26, 2013 many Boy Scout volunteers (Scouters) gathered for the annual presentation of the Silver Beaver Award. This is the highest honor any Scouter can receive at the council level. It is awarded to those who implement the Scouting program and perform community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication, and many years of service. It is given to those who do not actively seek it. While he is not a registered Scouter, the Great Southwest Council awarded The

Silver Beaver to Archbishop Sheehan for his extraordinary support and commitment to Scouting in the state of New Mexico. He has advocated for stronger Scouting programs in Catholic parishes and encourages parish pastors to form a partnership with Scouting. He visits Philmont annually and conducts Mass for those Scouts and Scouters beginning or ending their treks on the mountain. He also presides over the “Graduation Mass” for those Scouters attending the Scouting in the Catholic

Church at Philmont Training Center. He personally presides over the annual Religious Emblems Conferral Mass which honors hundreds of Scouts annually who have completed their Religious Emblems program. These programs reinforce our Catholic faith in the Scouts who participate in them. His encouragement and funding of the Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting allows volunteers from Boy Scouts, American Heritage Girls and Girl Scouts the opportunity to work together to further the Catholic formation of all Scouts in the Archdiocese.

Archbishop Sheehan was among the 11 individuals awarded the Silver Beaver for 2012. The other recipients include: Kevin Abarrientos, Wallace Ashley, Debra Couls*, Nancy Holmes*, Richard Jones, Daniel King, Cliff Lattier, Barbara Munk, Kenneth Ouellette* and Brian Thoimpson* (*denotes Catholic Scouters).

Alan Gross: Eagle Scout

By JiM anD reBeCCa GrOss, parishioners, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

In December 2012, Alan Gross, senior at St. Pius X High School, achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Alan’s Eagle Scout Service Project benefited St. Therese Catholic School. Enlisting the help of fellow members of Troop 280, St. Pius X classmates and adult troop leaders, he was able to complete playground and classroom improvements. In the music classroom, they assembled new cabinetry. They also furnished an area for musical interaction with a keyboard and iPod. The space was complemented with music related wall hangings, clock and pillows for students to sit on. On the playground, they sanded, primed and painted the middle school gazebo. Three tetherball courts were also

installed. Alan supplied the tetherball poles and balls, concrete and paint. This was made possible through Alan’s fund raising efforts and generous donations provided by: The Home Depot, Help Bail Bonds and Carousel of Music. Alan also donated an electronic keyboard, iPod docking station and wireless microphone to the school. Troop 280 is based at Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish where Alan attended middle school and is a parishioner at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. Alan would like to thank Mrs. Donna Illerbrun, principal of St. Therese Catholic School, and everyone who generously gave of their time, talent and resources to help him complete his Eagle Scout Service Project. Alan hopes the students at St. Therese will continue to benefit from these projects for years to come.



Fifty-Five Seminarians Instituted as Readers By JhOnatan BarBOsa, Assistant for Media Relations Pontifical North American College

On Sunday, 13 January 2013, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, 55 seminarians of the Pontifical North American College were instituted to the Ministry of Reader during a celebration of the Eucharist. Michael Anthony Niemczak of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, who is in his first year of theological studies, was among those seminarians instituted. His Eminence, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, and an alumnus of the college, celebrated the Mass and instituted the new readers. Handing the book of Sacred Scriptures to each seminarian, His Eminence said, “Take this book of Holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the Word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of His people.” In his homily, Cardinal DiNardo spoke about the “divine compassion” of Our Lord in His willingness to be baptized by John, and in His ministering to the “smoldering wicks”, those of weak faith, that He encountered. The cardinal invited the newly instituted readers to contemplate their own participation in the divine compassion,

and exhorted them to spread God’s Word to those smoldering wicks that they may encounter along the path to priesthood. The Ministry of Reader is one of the ministries seminarMichael Niemczak ians receive as they proceed towards diaconal and priestly ordination. As the rite indicates, a reader is charged with proclaiming the Word of God in the liturgical assembly, instructing children and adults in the faith, and preparing them to receive the sacraments worthily. Founded in 1859 by Blessed Pius IX, the Pontifical North American College serves as the American house of studies in Rome, where over 5,000 priests have been formed near the heart of the church for service in dioceses across North America and around the world. The college strengthens the bonds between Rome and local churches worldwide, and it allows its students to study the church’s rich religious and cultural heritage at close range.

Jewish-Christian Dialogue’s 20th Annual Spring Colloquium By JenniFer MurPhy-Dye President, Jewish-Christian Dialogue

On March 8, 1994, Fr. John Paulikowski and Rabbi Leon Klenicki presented their perspectives on the topic “God’s Mercy Endures Forever: Guidelines for the Presentation of Jews and Judaism in Christian Preaching.” This was the first Jewish-Catholic Dialogue Colloquium, the result of years of small interfaith gatherings in New Mexico begun by Rabbi Paul Citrin and Fr. Ernest Falardeau. In the ensuing years, the monthly dialogue continued, along with the annual colloquia, covering a range of topics from scripture to music to suffering to worship. The presenters were Catholic priests, religious, and laity; Jewish rabbis and cantors; professors, musicians, ministers from other Christian denominations; and Muslim religious leaders. March 5, 2013 marks the 20th Annual Spring Interfaith Colloquium, along with a name change for the sponsoring organization. In 2012, which saw the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the 2nd Vatican Council, the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue, in the spirit of ecumenism, changed its name to Jewish-Christian Dialogue. For the past 20 years, both the monthly dialogue and the annual colloquium have been faithfully attended by non-Catholic Christians, and the group’s new

name reflects the broadening participation of Christians involved in supporting and furthering the mission of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue: to promote mutual respect and understanding of each other’s faith traditions, and to bring this message of love to our community. The theme of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue’s 20th Annual Spring Colloquium is “50 Years of Vatican II: Where Are We Now?” Honored guests will be the founders of the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue, Fr. Ernest Falardeau and Rabbi Paul Citrin. Presenters are Rabbi Harold Rosenfeld, Mary Frances Reza, and Rev. Dr. Wallace Ford. The colloquium will be 7:30 AM-3:00 PM on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at Congregation B’nai Israel. A continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch, along with materials, are included in the $40 fee for the day program. In honor of the 20th anniversary, there will be a special evening program, from 6:45-8:30 pm featuring Rabbi Citrin and Fr. Falardeau, who will discuss the history of their friendship in faith. For more information, contact Jennifer Murphy-Dye at 505.550.1618 or Vatican II was a watershed council, one that changed how we are church in many ways, including how we relate to those of different faiths. For 50 years, Jews and Christians have witnessed great strides, but this is a dynamic, ongoing endeavor. In our time, we must continue the conversation.

February 2013

Ecumenism 101

Why is ecumenism worth our parish’s efforts? In his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul urges the Church, “to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve unity of the spirit through the bond of peace; one body, one spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:1-6). Faithfulness to the teachings of the Church must always be guided by charity. In its Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, the council exhorts us “to pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to be genuinely self-denying, humble, and gentle in service to others and to have an attitude of brotherly generosity toward others” (UR, no. 7). Ecumenism, then, is worth parish effort because it involves acting on the one hope of our call to faith, namely to be one in Christ Jesus that the world might believe. John Paul II echoes this exhortation in his encyclical Christ the Redeemer of Man, Redemptor Hominis, [RH], writing that “we must seek unity without being discouraged at the difficulties that can appear or accumulate along that road; otherwise we would be unfaithful to the word of Christ; we would fail to accomplish His testament. Have we the right to run this risk” (RH, no. 6)? Parochial life makes the Church visible. She benefits most by being Christ’s Church. To be Christ’s Church is to seek unity in faith. Taken from The Archdiocesan Handbook for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Affairs, page 11). The EcumenicalCommission of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is dedicated to enabling Catholics throughout the archdiocese to respond faithfully to Christ’s call for unity. The article represents the sixth in an ongoing series of articles on frequently asked questions related to ecumenism.

February 2013



World Marriage Day: What Vision of Marriage Will We Celebrate? By Beth Lukes Director, Family Life

Twenty-eight years ago, Worldwide Marriage Encounter began encouraging a worldwide celebration of marriage on the second Sunday of February. Marriage warrants our wholehearted recognition and prayerful attention. Today, however, there is much confusion about what marriage is, which makes it difficult to say precisely what our culture will be celebrating this February. Will it be the celebration of an adult-centric institution, intended solely for the self-gratification of the couple? Or will it be the celebration of marriage as an institution that unites a man and a woman with each other and any children born from their union? How we as a culture answer these questions has serious consequences for every family and the whole society. No doubt many of you have had conversations around the dinner table about the purpose of marriage and who should be allowed to marry. A great source for sorting out the confusion surrounding marriage today is a small book by William B. May, entitled Getting the Marriage Conversation Right. The book points out that as sex, child bearing, and child rearing have become increasingly disassociated with mar-

riage over the last forty years, marriage is now almost universally perceived as adult centric. The Catholic Church attributes this disconnect to the widespread use of artificial birth control. Others, May included, cite no-fault divorce as the culprit. Regardless the cause, the result is obvious, our culture is on the verge of effectively redefining marriage as a committed relationship that is only valid as long as both parties are happy. In truth, marriage is much more than an institution for adult fulfillment. Marriage between a man and a woman is still the only institution that unites children with their moms and dads. Granted, not all men and women in marriage have children, but every child has a mother and a father. Marriage is the only institution that unites children to their moms and dads, and for that reason it is a good that must be protected by law. “In marriage,” May writes, “a man and a woman freely choose to make themselves irreplaceable to each other. Before marriage, everyone is replaceable. This free choice for irreplaceability and a commitment to the common good of the unit is precisely what prepares couples to receive the fruit of their union, a new person, as a gift of equal value and

dignity to each of them” (15). May further points out that this is not one man’s opinion or an obsolete religious construct. It is reality. For “in reality,” he writes, “the man and woman are irreplaceable to their child, and their child is irreplaceable to the mother and father: it was marriage that started that circle of irreplaceability that we call family” (16). May warns that when marriage is only an institution for individual fulfillment and happiness, there is no longer any inherent connection between the relationship of the adults, procreation, children, and a family of common ancestry. As a result, there is no reason for marriage to be recognized only as a union between a man and a woman. “The term same-sex marriage,” he writes, “gives the appearance of same-sex couples merely participating in marriage, but in reality that is impossible. To accommodate same-sex couples would require redefining marriage as merely the public recognition of a committed relationship for the fulfillment and happiness of adults” (16). While same-sex couples may have sincere and loving relationships, and desire to call them marriages, the decision to redefine marriage must center on the public interest. What are the consequences of chang-

ing the definition of marriage, particularly on the ability for society to promote the unique value of encouraging men and women to marry before having children? Statistics show that traditional marriage serves the public interest. They reveal, for example, that 71% of poor families are not married; that marriage decreases the probability of a child will live in poverty by 82%; that fatherless or single parent homes produce children who are 2 times more likely to be arrested for juvenile crime, 2 times more likely to be treated for emotional and behavioral problems, 2 times more likely to be suspended or expelled from school, 33% more likely to drop out of school, and 3 times more likely to end up in jail by age 30. Compared to intact families, children raised by single parents are 50% more likely to suffer poverty as adults. Compared to intact families, girls raised by single parents are 2 times more likely to have a child outside of marriage. These are but a few of the statistics that illustrate the serious peril that future generations face if we lose sight of the reality of marriage, namely that marriage is the only institution that unites a man and a woman with each other and with any children born from their union. Sadly, a growing number of

young people reject this reality. A Pew Foundation Survey of high school students revealed that 56% think it is OK to be unmarried and have children. Another Pew survey found that only 30% of 18 to 39 year olds think that marriage is very important if a couple has children together and 44% of 18 to 29 year olds think marriage is obsolete. It appears that the best celebration of marriage today would be for us to focus on the victims of the breakdown of marriage—future children deprived of mothers and fathers, and young people deprived of their dreams for marriage because of misconceptions about love, sexuality, and marriage. This year’s celebration should be a time for us to start learning to give clearer voice to the reality of marriage. A good first step in this endeavor would be for each of us to learn how to express the truth about marriage charitably and reasonably to believers and non-believers alike who would have marriage be solely about adult fulfillment. William B. May’s book offers a clear, unbiased framework for doing just that, namely for—Getting the Marriage Conversation Right: A Guide for Effective Dialogue. I recommend it highly to everyone who cares about the future of family life.

Marriage Encounter: It’s What Your Marriage Deserves By Duane anD Fran anDersen Marriage Encounter

Every relationship goes through periods of romance, true joy and periods of frustration, disillusionment and apathy. It’s easier to let everything slide than go through the frustration of arguing. We have learned to live with the little things, but little things have a way of building up inside of us. That’s when we fly off the handle and start yelling or screaming at each other. Then remorse

sets in and we start apologizing for the rotten things we said to each other. The more often these occurrences happen the worse they get. All those little things that lead up to the bursting point or anger are symptoms of spiritual divorce. There are these little symptoms in every relationship. You are not alone. Knowing when and how to recognize them is what we all need to know and how to handle them. Below is a short list of some

of those symptoms. Read the list and think about them for a minute. Which ones can you identify with in your relationship? 1. Lack of intimacy in the relationship. 2. Loneliness. 3. Lack of appreciation. 4. Doing activities separately. 5. You do your thing, and I’ll do mine. 6. No more dating your spouse. 7. Very little meaningful conversation. 8. Disagreements on money

matters. If you identified with more than one or two of these symptoms or other symptoms you can think of, well maybe, just maybe, it’s time for a relational tune up! We know we have to mop the floors in our home when they get messed up or dirty. We wouldn’t think of NOT changing the oil in our car every 3,000 miles. Then why don’t we do a tune up for our marriage, not wait until our marriage is in trouble. Marriage Encounter (ME)

has been tuning up marriages for over 30 years. ME has helped many couples learn how to build and enhance their relationship. We believe for every marriage helped, a family is better off. Marriage Encounter is not something your marriage needs it is what your marriage deserves. The next weekend is March 23-24, 2013. For more information call Harold & Brenda Culbertson at 505.352.1306 or the Family Life Office, 505.831.8117.



February 2013


Freedom Isn’t Free Each semester, the Queen of Heaven middle school students perform community service hours. This semester, the 8th grade class did a group project. The class chose to collect basic toiletries, puzzle books and snacks for Veterans receiving medical treatment at the VA hospital for their fall semester community service project. As part of the project, the class of nine boys chose to personally deliver gift bags to the patients in 4D and the SCI unit, as well as sing a song with hand chimes they learned in music class. The importance of

the visit was for the students to understand that freedom does not come free. Many men and women have fought for the freedoms we enjoy and often take for granted. After the visit, the boys were asked to write about how their visit made them feel. Here are some of their responses: “I realized Veterans aren’t just people I see on TV, fighting wars in other countries and then coming home to a parade and being interviewed by the news stations. The people we visited today could’ve been a grandparent, parent or even sibling of someone I know. They were so happy to see us, because not many of them get a lot of visitors. I wanted to go home and put a flag in my yard because meeting them made me proud to be American.” “Today at the VA was cool. At first, I was scared to talk to the Veterans, especially since some of them were really sick. I didn’t want to look at them because I didn’t want them to think that I was staring at them. I wanted to know their story behind the reason for their injuries or illness, but I didn’t know how to ask. I didn’t want them to think I was a rude kid.

As we met more people, I found that they were very nice, and would answer our questions. We talked to one guy who was eating his lunch,

Photo by Dianne de Herrera

By Lisa PinO, Queen of Heaven parent anD LueLena GOnzaLes, mid-school Science teacher

St. Charles Youth Award

and he started to cry when he said that being in the military and fighting in battle was worth it, and that he’d do it again if he could. He said that he lives in the greatest country in the world.” “My grandpa is a Veteran. He is proud that he served his country, but he doesn’t really like to talk about when he went to war. I thought the Vets we met with today were very nice because they answered our questions about what wars they were in and how they got injured or why they were in the hospital. We met a lady who was 90 years old, and she had the most stories to tell. I felt bad that we had to leave right away, to talk to more people, but I wouldn’t mind sitting in her room and listening to her stories another time. “ “Today, we gave the gift bags to the veterans at the VA. We also sang “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and played the hand bells. We weren’t very good, but everyone seemed to think that we did OK. I think it was mostly because they hadn’t seen the hand bells before. Ms. G. always tells us that Christmas isn’t about receiving presents. She says it’s about how your heart feels when you give someone something. I thought that was dumb. When we gave people the gift bags, they were so happy. It wasn’t anything special. There was some deodorant, some toothpaste and a toothbrush, some granola bars and a puzzle book. I thought it was kind of lame that we were giving them that stuff. The Vets were so thankful for our visit. It made me feel good about going over there to visit. I think that I understand why our Veterans are so important, and that they deserve their day, and that it should be more than a day off of school but a day to really thank a Veteran for making and keeping America free.”

Congratulations to Arial de Herrera, the 2013 recipient of the St. Charles Young Catholic Service Award! Presented by the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the award recognizes outstanding youth in the parish. For the past six years, Arial has trained all new altar servers. A student at St. Pius X High School, Arial is an excellent leader who serves as a wonderful role model for the young servers. She was recently honored at a celebration hosted by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Arial is pictured here with Fr. Jerome D. Mueller, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo.

Holy Ghost Catholic School “Cares for Creation” By MiChaeLa Bruzzese, HGS Projects Coordinator/Care for Creation Program

Spring is still a few months away, but the HGS K-1 and first grade students are bursting with pride and awe as they see their “labor of love” take root. In November of last year on the feast of All Saints Day, the Holy Ghost Catholic School community officially welcomed two new “urban gardens” with a special blessing by pastor, Rev. Mark A. Schultz. The purchase of the gardens was made possible thanks to a generous donation from the Catholic Foundation of Albuquerque. Program Manager, Marta Santiago of the Catholic Foundation, honored the school with her presence at the All Saints Day school Mass and blessing. “The gardens offer a hands-on opportunity to strengthen students’ math and science skills, as well as a deeper understanding of the Catholic Church’s teachings on caring for creation” said principal Dr. Noreen Copeland. The gardens purchased from the Urban Store will be cared for by students from the first grade and K-1 classes. The gardens, which measure 4’x8’, will help introduce children to the wonder of God’s creation, new life, and caring for our world. Special plastic covers will allow the gardens to be used year-round. Teachers Heidi Simms, Helen Copeland, Greta ValenzuContinued on page 17

February 2013



Crosses for the Unborn Dozens of volunteers united to construct the Memorial to the Unborn that now sits on the grounds at St. John Vianney Mission Church in Rio Rancho. In August 2012, Fr. Scott Mansfield, parochial vicor, gave his blessing for parishioners Mark and Joyce Fafard and Mike and Sandy Romero to petition the congregation for funds and volunteers to erect 3,315 crosses in memory of the babies aborted each day in the United States (low estimate). Deeply committed volunteers selflessly gave of their time to help clear the football sized field of land that began the process to prepare it for its eventual purpose. People of all ages showed up with shovels and rakes for consecutive days. Once supplies of wood and nails arrived, volunteers congregated at the Fafard’s residence to assemble the cross-

es. Inspiration from talented men and women progressed efforts in assembly, as well as drove the many conversations which strengthened their faith, formed new friendships and moved them to prayer for those countless precious souls. Weeks passed and the weather grew colder. Painting crosses continued, in the garage when necessary, with passions for the cause never waning. Volunteers again came through when the day came to plant the crosses in the cold, hard ground. They were not deterred by the blowing winds and frigid temperatures. Instead, they came with drills, extension cords, hammers and anything necessary to bore the holes in which to place the crosses. It took consecutive weekends to complete this portion of the task. The sign was placed in front of the memorial on the last day, the Saturday before

Events at Nativity! By DeaCOn MiChaeL iLLerBrun Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Albuquerque

As part of our ongoing celebration of 100 years since the dedication of our church, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary continues to accomplish special events to help our community come together as one faith community. We began the year with a new bell system and a special ceremony of rosary, Mass and interment for all of the bones of our past ancestors who had originally been buried at the old church. They are all now

safely re-buried in consecrated ground at our San Carlos cemetery. February brings its own challenges and faith offerings for our community. As our children celebrate their first reconciliation, we will begin the month by hosting Fr Allen, a well known Franciscan speaker. On February 3, 2013 Fr. Allen gave a presentation on theology with a paintbrush and listening to the Word (what it is to be hu-

Photo by David Ripple

By JOyCe FaFarD, parishioner, St. John Vianney Mission Church, Rio Rancho

Christmas, and the last crosses were pounded in by Fr. Scott with much joy and a few tears. This memorial is so profoundly sad, yet necessary, to bring light to the tragedy of loss that happens daily in our country. It is also to give sufferers the opportunity, wheth-

man). It was also interpreted for the deaf community. Our confirmation kids, as well as some of our parishioners will be traveling to the Santuario in Chimayo for a pre-lenten pilgrimage on February 9, 2013. This is always a great time for people to reflect on their relationship with God and prepare for Lent. Ash Wednesday, begins a very busy period for the parish. We will have five services to provide everyone with ample opportunities to come and receive ashes to begin Lent. Beginning on Thursday,

er it be mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, or simply believers, to mourn, spiritually lay to rest, and pray for the babies that were denied life outside the womb. Fr. Scott encourages those affected and in search of healing to adopt a cross by adding

February 14 and continuing for the next six weeks, our deacons will be presenting the “Catholicism” series to help the community learn more about the rich faith passed down by our ancestors. We will start with Mass at 6:30 pm in the church, followed by our program at 7 pm in the pastoral center. We will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the church every Friday in Lent from 9:30am to 5 pm, with Benediction just prior to Stations of the Cross which begin at 5:30 pm, followed by a soup and bread supper in the parish hall.

a name, teddy bear, flowers, etc., or to simply pray on a cross of their choice. Please pass the word to those you feel may be in need of this memorial, and come by to visit and pray yourself. Then continue the work necessary to help to end abortions forever.

Finally, on February 21, we will be hosting a pilgrimage to five different Marion churches here in Albuquerque (OLO the most Holy Rosary, OLO Fatima, OLO the Assumption, OLO the Annunciation and Queen of Heaven). We will leave Nativity at 9 am, travel to the various churches for tours and we will also stop for lunch along the way. We look forward to sharing our faith with other faith communities in the city. Please call Rose at 505.898.5253 x 0 or Monica at extension 1 for information on any of our February events.



Continued from page 1 CB and the CHA for guidance were biding their time as well. A statement Feb. 1 from Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, president of the USCCB, said the bishops “welcome the opportunity to study the proposed regulations closely. We look forward to issuing a more detailed statement later.” Mercy Sister Mary Ann Walsh, spokeswoman for the USCCB, told CNS Feb. 5 that “we need a thorough understanding” of the proposed changes before a position is announced. The CHA likewise issued a statement saying it would provide an analysis once the regulations were evaluated. Some entities were quick to issue opinions on the rules, which are open for a 60-day comment period. The rules are expected to be finalized this summer. Critics of the proposed rules included the Becket Fund, a nonprofit, public interest law firm that represents several nonprofit and for-profit organizations in their lawsuits against the federal government, which challenge the requirement of the Affordable Care Act. “Today’s proposed rule does nothing to protect the religious freedom of millions of Americans,” said a Feb. 1

statement from Kyle Duncan, Becket Fund general counsel. “For instance, it does nothing to protect the rights of family businesses like Hobby Lobby.” Hobby Lobby is a craft retailer owned by a Christian family. The owners object to being required to provide insurance that covers drugs that some consider to be abortifacients. The company has sued over the requirement. Its request for an injunction to protect it from providing the coverage while the legal challenge works through the courts was rejected Dec. 26 by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who covers the federal court circuit handling the case. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia in a Feb. 4 column posted on the archdiocesan website called it an “ambiguous compromise.” “The White House has made no concessions to the religious conscience claims of private businesses, and the whole spirit of the ‘compromise’ is minimalist,” he said. “One of the issues America’s bishops now face is how best to respond to an HHS mandate that remains unnecessary, coercive and gravely flawed. In the weeks ahead the bishops of our country, myself included, will need both prudence and courage

-- the kind of courage that gives prudence spine and results in right action, whatever the cost,” Archbishop Chaput said. The Becket Fund also represents the Eternal Word Television Network and several religiously run institutions of higher education including Ave Maria University, Belmont Abbey College, Colorado Christian University, East Texas Baptist University, Houston Baptist University and Wheaton College. The new proposals specifically said no nonprofit religious institution -- including churches, universities, hospitals and charities -- will have to “arrange, contract, pay for or refer for” contraception insurance for employees or students who want it. But Duncan’s statement said the new proposal “does not meaningfully expand the ‘church-only’ exemption -which is the real relief that our clients are entitled to under our Constitution.” Michael P. Warsaw, CEO of EWTN, also issued a Feb. 1 statement saying that the network’s initial conclusions about the rules “are not promising.” He said it did not appear EWTN would qualify for the exemption, and the proposed process for self-insured entities “simply kicks this can far-

Demonstrators make their way toward Supreme Court in Washington during March for Life

Demonstrators make their way toward the Supreme Court building during the March for Life in Washington Jan. 25. Bitter cold and snow did not stop tens of thousands of people from marching against abortion for the 40th year since the Supreme Court’s Roe v . Wade decision legalizing abortion in U.S. (CNS photo/Lisa Johnston, St. Louis Review)

February 2013

ther down the road.” “We will continue to study this notice with our attorneys, but are highly doubtful it will provide EWTN with any relief from this immoral mandate,” he said. “EWTN remains firmly committed to pressing forward with our case in the federal courts and will take all steps necessary to challenge this unjust mandate.” Others said the new rules seem to accommodate the problems that led Catholic dioceses, universities and other organizations to sue over the previous proposed rules. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, a harsh critic of the previous rules, said in a Feb. 1 statement that the new rules “appear to go a long way toward rectifying the most

problematic provisions of the mandate. Essentially, the rules provide insularity for Catholic institutions: They will not be directly involved in providing health insurance coverage for contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs.” He said many aspects of the new proposal need to be evaluated, but that the expansion of religious exemptions and the shift to using the Internal Revenue Code definition of eligible organizations “is a sign of good will by the Obama administration toward the Catholic community.” He said the issue of private employers who raise a religious objection to providing contraceptive insurance is unresolved, but, “because the new rules have not been finalized, and there is an opportunity for

It is great to be a Knight of Columbus, especially because we are pro-life. December 8, 2012, to honor the Immaculate Conception, San Ysidro Council 14999 spearheaded a prayerful Father and Son protest at Boyd’s Late Term Abortions at 522 Lomas NE, Albuquerque. Fifty Knights and sons prayed and held pro-life signs for the public to see. January 16 my wife Eileen and I along with New Mexico’s other State officers, attended Sanctity of Life Day in Santa Fe. It was good to hear our three New Mexico bishops celebrate Mass and encourage our pro-life efforts. I visited our Speaker of the House’s office and am communicating with him on our prolife needs. I would like New Mexico to eject Curtis Boyd, M.D. and his late term abortion clinic from our state! Last Wednesday, January 23, 2013, my wife and I flew to Washington, D.C. for the Pro-Life March. The next morning, I attended the Law for Life Summit, sponsored by Ave Maria School of Law, and met many leaders of our pro-life movement, including the lawyer who represents Jane Roe of the Roe v. Wade decision. Roe’s real name is Norma McCorvey. A

Catholic since 1998, McCorvey is a pro-life activist. Thursday evening, Eileen and I attended the Pro Life Mass in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception church on the campus of Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. This wonderful church is the largest in the Americas. Spectacular in design and size, it is decorated inside with mosaic tile. Its mosaics are the most beautiful I have seen in person or in books. Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston concelebrated the Mass with dozens of bishops and priests, including our Knights of Columbus Supreme Chaplin, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore. There were several thousand worshipers at Mass, far more standing or sitting on the floor than in pews. It took 15 minutes for the hundreds of priests and deacons to proceed from the altar after Mass. Friday morning, more than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND people attended the rally on the National Mall between the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building. Cardinal O’Malley, several

Knights of Columbus New Mexico State Advocate’s Message

Continued on page 17

February 2013



“We’re here not only to pray for the unnecessary abortions but to also give thanks to God for life.” Bishop Ramirez Homily by Bishop Ricardo Ramirez, Diocese of Las Cruces.

There was wonderful representation from St. Pius X High School as well as several other Catholic schools.

Allen Sánchez, Executive Director, New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan thank everyone who made the Mass and rally possible.

anctity Sof ife L The March for Life was started 40 years ago.

Photos by Leslie M. Radigan

Wonderful group of homeschooled teens showed up in abundance!

“We pray that every child shall enjoy you and me.” Bishop James Wall, Diocese of Gallup

Hundreds of yellow “life” balloons were released in honor of life. The students here are from St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in Rio Rancho.

T Awesome students from Eldorado and La Cueva riding the Railrunner back to Albuquerque. Garrett CanThe Roundhouse was jam-packed! A chant throughout the delaria, Leah Wing and Caitlyn Knowlson are parishrally: “Why are we here? ‘For Life!’ The crowd responds.” ioners of Prince of Peace Catholic Community.

wo thousand people participated in the Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day to prayerfully mark the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion. The day included a noon Mass held at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe, NM concelebrated by the three bishops of New Mexico: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan, Archbishop of Santa Fe; Most Rev. Ricardo Ramirez, Bishop of Las Cruces; and Most Rev. James Wall, Bishop of Gallup. The day also included a prayer procession to the New Mexico State Capitol and a spirited wall-to-wall rally held in the Roundhouse.



February 2013

February 2013





February 2013

February 2013



HOLY GHOST Continued from page 10

OBISPO Continued from page 3

ela, and Raquel Bogue helped the students choose a patron saint for each garden: St. Kateri Tekakwitha, patron saint of the environment for the first grade garden; San Ysidro, patron saint of farmers for the K-1 class. With the help of Chuck Alex of the Urban Store, students planted their crops of radishes, beets, arugula, chard and kale. The gardens are the latest addition to Holy Ghost Catholic School’s “Care for Creation” program which seeks to inform students about Catholic teaching on the environment and creation, and also to change the school’s practices to conform more fully with these teachings. As part of this program, the school has also initiated a food waste recycling program with

taré obligado por el Derecho Canónico a presentar mi renuncia en mi cumpleaños número 75, el 9 de julio de 2014. Confiamos en Dios para que prepare el corazón de aquel a quien va a elegir a través de nuestro Santo Padre para servir como el próximo Arzobispo de Santa Fe. Por el momento, expresamos nuestro profundo agradecimiento y respeto por el obispo Ricardo Ramírez, CSB, quien ha servido como el único obispo de Las Cruces desde que fue erigida como diócesis el 17 de agosto de 1982. El llevó a esta naciente diócesis a su edad adulta, asegurándose de que sus necesidades espirituales y temporales estuvieran cubiertas. Ahora oramos que él Soilutions of Albuquerque, a solid waste recycling program with Unicor LLC, and has enhanced the physical beauty of the campus by planting more water-wise plants and vines. “The Care for Creation program will help to bring the beauty and wonder of God’s creation ever closer to the lives of the Holy Ghost Catholic School community, added Copeland.

MESSAGE Continued from page 12 Greek Orthodox Bishops, Senator Rand Paul, former Senator Rick Santorum and other prolife activists addressed the massive crowd. Eileen and I were just thirty feet from the stage, but Jumbotrons were placed every 100 yards or so behind us so all present could see and hear. We marched slowly from the Mall to the Supreme Court Building, from which Justices have told our nation’s greatest lies for 200 years, including: Africans are not human, American-born Japanese are not Americans, Indians are not Americans, whites should have separate schools, and now, the 55 million babies we have killed in this country since Roe v. Wade, are neither humans nor Americans.

It strikes me how our holocaust, or sin offering, of 55 million babies in our country, and hundreds of millions elsewhere, is similar to God the Father’s offering of His only begotten Son to death on the cross. Like Jesus, our babies are innocent and have done nothing to deserve being put to death. And like Jesus, our babies are dying because of our horrific sin. Against the immeasurable wrong of abortion, I am reminded how petty is my pride for my selfish wants. May each of us offer our own sufferings, small and large, to Jesus on the cross, in humble recognition of the world’s greatest offense against God, our rejection of Him, in our abortion of God’s babies.

LA FE Continued from page 6 nuestro bautismo, a ser profetas, sacerdotes y reyes al servicio de la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo. Debemos ser buena noticia para el mundo. Preguntas para la reflexión y discusión • ¿Dónde ves más claramente la bondad de la Creación diseñada por Dios? • ¿Qué estaba Dios iniciando con la llamada de Abraham y Sara (Génesis 12)? • ¿En qué modos te sientes llamado por Dios?

sea bendecido con muchos años de jubilación llenos de buena salud, una fe fuerte y esté rodeado de buenos amigos y familiares. También damos la bienvenida a Monseñor Oscar Cantú el Estado de Nuevo México, a la Provincia de Santa Fe, y a la Región XIII. El obispo Cantú es un hombre joven, de tan solo 46 años de edad, quien traerá nueva energía a la Diócesis de Las Cruces. El se desempeñó como obispo auxiliar de San Antonio desde abril de 2008 y es bilingüe en español e inglés. Oramos para que su ministerio episcopal sea bendecido abundantemente y que su liderazgo pastoral coseche muchas almas para Dios. • ¿Cuál es el significado de Abraham para los cristianos según san Pablo (Romanos 4,13-25; Gálatas 3,1-14)? Este artículo fue originalmente publicado en el Arkansas Catholic el 26 de enero de 2013. Derechos de autor Diócesis de Little Rock. Todos los derechos son reservados. Este artículo podrá ser copiado o redistribuido con reconocimiento y permiso del editor.



In response to the increased need for our services, we have embarked on one of our greatest endeavors to date — the construction of Catholic Charities’ community service center known as Casa de Corazon. This project, in the heart of Albuquerque’s South Valley, will also allow Catholic Charities to create a single campus where essential services and programs can be distributed to more than 12,000 individuals who seek assistance each year.

CASA DE CORAZON – FUTURE HOME OF CATHOLIC CHARITIES COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER General Inquiries 505-724-4670 Current Locations 3301 Candelaria NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 505-724-4670 2010 Bridge SW Albuquerque, NM 87105 505-247-0442 4985 Airport Rd Santa Fe, NM 87507 505-424-9789

February 2013

Taking Aid to a Higher Level MISSION

Our unique purpose that defines why we exist, whom we serve and what we produce. We create hope for those in need by promoting self-sufficiency, strengthening families, fighting poverty and building community.


The compelling future state toward which we aspire and strive. A community thriving in the abundance of GOD’s love and selflessly serving the needs of one another.


ora” and her three children entered the La Luz transitional housing program in the fall of 2010. Upon entering the program, Nora faced numerous barriers that needed to be overcome in order for her to gain the support necessary for her family of four. One of the first decisions Nora made was to attend regular counseling sessions, participating with her children in the ABQ/APS funded family program at their elementary school. She attended life-skills classes offered by Catholic Charities (job development, parenting) and obtained childcare for her youngest son, in order to accommodate her work schedule. Even with this support, Nora found that she still struggled to become self sufficient because of inadequate income and not meeting the education requirements for many of the job opportunities she was interested in applying for. Nora chose to resolve this by attending CNM’s GED program. She studied very hard for several months and passed her test after only three months of being in the program, earning her GED and increasing her options for employment. Over the next year and half, Nora made many important gains for herself and her family towards her eventual graduation from the transitional program in the fall of 2012. Nora was able to gain full-time employment with an in-home care provider, purchase a used vehicle (van) for her families growing needs and is set to gain a unit with Albuquerque Housing Services within the next 4 months. One of Nora’s biggest challenges while in the program was learning to set limits with her family members, including her mother and the father of two of her children. As Nora and her family became empowered by all of their accomplishments and strength from their gains, she was able to set limits with family member and gain control over parts of her life that had proved very difficult for her in the past. Congratulations Nora, on all you have accomplished.

February 2013




hank you to Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe for their continued support and prayers. 2012 was a successful year for Catholic Charities and we are looking forward to making a difference in the lives of our people in 2013. Thank you to our Giving Tree Sponsors:

Immaculate Conception Church Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic School 1st & 8th Grades Shrine of St. Bernadette St. John XXIII St. John Vianney in Rio Rancho Students at St. Pius X Bear Restoration Boy Scout Troop #220 Enterprise Electric Service, Inc. Home Instead Senior Care Virginia Schroeder - Key Impact Sales Sandia Financial Group UNM - Student Activities Association

Thank you to the following sponsors: Presenting ‘Support’ Sponsor Risen Savior Catholic Community Our Lady of Annunciation Church ‘Self-Sufficiency’ Sponsors Gerald Martin Berger Briggs Real Estate and Insurance, Inc. ‘Life-Skills’ Sponsors Peoples Banking Unusual Wells Fargo ‘Opportunity’ Sponsors Archdiocese of Santa Fe Calvert – Menicucci, PC Carlo Inc. & Max Maintenance and Construction Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Computer Literate, LLC Dyron Murphy Architects/Chavez-Grieves Engineers Cookie & John Emerson FRENCH Funerals - Cremations Kent & JoAnna Jones Lovelace Health Plan Minton Family & Friends Mark & Lori Muller/Jerry & Melissa Sais Brian & Jennifer Murphy-Dye NCA Architects OMSA Our Lady of Sorrows Parish-Bernalillo Mick Rich Contractors Risen Savior Catholic Community Santa Maria de la Paz Parish St. Joseph Community Health Services Stelzner, Winter, Warburton, Flores, Sanchez & Dawes, PA Van Gilbert Architects/Chavez-Grieves Engineers Vigil & Associates Architectural Group, PC

Trade Sponsors Allegra Print & Imaging Computer Literate, LLC PRATT Van Lines, LLC Casa Verde Salon & Spa MeTV Albuquerque St. Clair Winery & Bistro Telemundo Nuevo Mexico Saffron Tiger

Special Thanks:

FOT Chairperson — Christina Medina Master of Ceremonies – Steve Stucker KOB Eyewitness News 4 Auctioneer – Allen Sanchez, President/CEO St. Joseph Community Health Entertainment – Elias Lucas Video Presentation – Jim Cooney Cooney Productions Computer Guru & Photographer — Stuart Prager Delivery Team — Pratt Van Lines

Festival of Trees Volunteers

Thank you to ALL the volunteers that made this such a successful event! Our sincere apologies for anyone else we may have forgotten. We are blessed to have such wonderful parish and community support. The reality is that each day, more and more people in our community are faced with economic uncertainty and longterm unemployment and are looking to Catholic Charities for assistance. They are the poor and marginalized. A staggering statistic is that 18.1% of New Mexico’s children live in poverty. Global economic and social injustices are driving record numbers of desperate refugees and immigrants into our state. While federal and state funding continues to decline, the need for services provided by Catholic Charities is growing exponentially. More than ever before, Catholic Charities needs your help.

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Save the Dates for 2013: Festival of Trees on November 23 and

Partners in Excellence on December 12 and 13



February 2013

Lent as a Practice of Love By LOri Ortiz-GaLLeGOs CCHD Intern 2012-2013

There could be no better combination than the month of February and the commencement of Lent. God is love (1 John 4:8) and God’s love is so strong, so deep and so complete that He sent His only Son in atonement for our sins. God teaches us the most perfect way to love through His son. If we take heed of Jesus’ teachings, we understand whoever loves God must also love his/her brother and sister (1 John 4:21). Our brothers and sisters are not only those who sit at our table but also those who are most often excluded from our tables. Traditionally, prayer, fasting and almsgiving are intricate parts of Lenten practice. “Every time when, for love of God, we share our goods with our neighbor in need, we discover that the fullness of life comes from love. Love, then, gives almsgiving its value; it inspires various forms of giving, according to the possibilities and conditions of each person” (Pope Benedict XVI, 2008). Our call is to be so in love with God that we let His light shine through us through our practice of almsgiving during Lent.

Paid Faith and Justice Internship available in Albuquerque, New Mexico Catholic? Interested in fighting poverty? Be an Intern with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)! Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the domestic anti-poverty social justice program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Through annual collections in parishes throughout the U.S., CCHD is able to provide local Archdiocesan grants to promote and support communitybased efforts and education for justice that work to end the root causes of poverty. The internship is a great opportunity to learn more about social justice education, poverty relief, community development, economic development and Catholic social teaching. Contact Person/Information: Anne Avellone Director, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 505-831-8167, e-mail: Job Description: Assist office in implementing a public education campaign to promote poverty education and Catholic Social Teaching in parishes and schools of the Archdiocese, develop a presentation to be used with youth and adults Assist with outreach to parishes with educational materials and information on the CCHD collection, grant process and funded groups Assist with grant reviews and site visits to CCHD funded projects, including Community Development and Economic Development awarded sites Write articles for submission to Archdiocesan and local papers featuring funded projects, catholic social teaching and poverty awareness Areas of Interest Encouraged to Apply: Relevant areas of interest/study include theology, communication, public service, sociology, social work, education, liberal arts, political science, and religious studies. Requirements, Qualifications, and Skills: The applicant must be Catholic, have leadership experience, community service experience, and effective writing, communication and computer skills. Bi-lingual (English/Spanish) candidates preferred. An openness to the CCHD values of solidarity building, participation of the poor, and Catholic social teaching is essential. CCHD has a particular interest in helping lowincome Catholics to participate in a practical learning experience that ordinarily would be out of their reach due to financial limitations. Salary/ Time Commitment: $12/hour, 15-18 hours /week for 12 weeks in Fall 2013 and 12 weeks in Spring 2014. The exact days and hours are flexible and are arranged around the intern’s schedule. Application Process: Applications can be downloaded from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe web site, Go to Social Justice page, scroll down to 2013 Application for CCHD Internship Position under Education, requested by e-mail: or requested by phone: 505.831.8167.

Applications must be received by March 1, 2013.

A friend of mine was a shining example of God’s love. She gave gifts to a family in need one Christmas but wanted to know what else they needed. She was very aware that if a family is in need in December, they are likely going to be in need at other times of the year. What they told my friend was that their daughter needed help with her homework, and asked if she could call once a week to see if the daughter needed help with homework that week. The family said this would be a greater gift than any ‘thing’ my friend could give. She called weekly for three years. Lenten almsgiving happens “not only through the distribution of money, but through the sharing of our time and talents” (USCCB, 2012). My friend is a beautiful example of how the one person’s love can help those in need. With one in four children in New Mexico are living in poverty, there is a need. Allow Lent be a time to practice almsgiving to our neighbors in need. And while we do, “keep in mind the words of our Lord Jesus who said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35). During the Lenten season, you can set up a time to learn more about poverty by contacting me at 505.831.8235.

February 2013




Debating Birth Control in the Public Square Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, in his Dec. 13, 2012 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, argues that the cost of birth control could be reduced by eliminating the required doctor’s visit to get a prescription — making contraception available “over the counter.” If it were made available this way, it would no longer be reimbursable by health insurance, and people could simply purchase it on their own. Jindal posits that this approach would result in “the end of birth control politics.” He relies on several simplistic assumptions and inadequate moral judgments, however, as he tries to advance this argument. First, he misconstrues the objective. The goal should not be to remove birth control from political debate, but rather to arrive at reasonable medical, ethical and constitutional judgments about birth control and public policy. Contraception is an important topic for public discussion because it touches on basic human and social goods, such as children, family, and sexual fidelity. Indeed, laws about contraception have always been based upon concerns for the public good and public order, as in the case of the State of Connecticut, which in 1879 enacted strong legislation outlawing contraception, specified as the use of “any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception.” This law, similar to the anticontraception laws of many other states, was in effect for nearly 90 years before it was reversed in 1965. These laws codified the longstanding public judgment that contraception was harmful to society because it promoted promiscuity, adultery and other evils. It relied on the nearly universal conviction that children should be seen as a gift and a blessing to society, and that, in the words of one social commentator, “a healthy society, however tolerant at the margins, must be based on the perception that sex is essentially procreative, with its proper locus in a loving family.” Yet Gov. Jindal fails to engage these core concerns, and instead retreats behind a common cultural cliché when he goes on to say: “Contraception is a personal

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Gov. Jindal goes on to argue, “As an unapologetic pro-life Republican, I also believe that every adult (18 years old and over) who wants contraception should be able to purchase it.” Yet Gov. Jindal is really quite apologetic (and inconsistent) in his pro-life stance by arguing in this fashion. Contraception can never be pro-life. It regularly serves as a gateway to abortion, with abortion functioning as the “backup” to failed contraception for countless women and their partners. Abortion and contraception are two fruits of the same tree, being anti-child and therefore anti-life at the root. Certain “emergency” contraceptives (like Plan B and the new morning-after pill known as EllaOne) also appear able to function directly as abortifacients. IUD’s can function similarly, making the uterine lining hostile for an arriving human embryo, and forcing a loss of life to occur through a failure to implant. Gov. Jindal, a committed Catholic, should not be minimizing the medical and moral risks associated with promoting contraceptive use, nor lessening social vigilance by promoting “over the counter” availability. Committed Catholics and politicians of conscience can better advance the public discourse surrounding contraception by avoiding such forms of circumlocution, and instead, directly addressing the medical and ethical evils of contraception and the unacceptability of the coercive HHS mandate itself. Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See

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matter—the government shouldn’t be in the business of banning it or requiring a woman’s employer to keep tabs on her use of it.” If it is true that contraception is often harmful to individuals and families, to marriage and to women’s health, then it clearly has broader public policy implications, and is, objectively speaking, not merely a “personal matter”. Consider just a few of the health issues: contracepting women have increased rates of cardiovascular and thromboembolic events, including increased deep vein thrombosis, strokes, pulmonary emboli (blood clots in the lungs), and heart attacks. Newer 3rd and 4th generation combination birth control pills, which were supposed to lower cardiovascular risks, may actually increase those risks, and recently there have been class action lawsuits brought against the manufacturers of Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella, because women have died from such events. In seeking to serve the public interest, the government may determine to become involved in such matters, as it did back in 1879, through specific legislative initiatives or through other forms of regulatory oversight. Indeed, the recent deployment of the HHS contraceptive mandate, as a component of ObamaCare, reflects an awareness of the public ramifications of this issue, even though the mandate itself is profoundly flawed and ultimately subverts the public interest. It compels Americans, unbelievably, to pay for the sexual proclivities of their neighbors, not only by requiring employers to cover costs for the Pill in their health plans, but also to pay for other morally objectionable procedures, including direct surgical sterilizations and potential abortion-causing drugs like the “morning-after” pill.

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February 2013

Anniversaries Roybal, Chavez

Perea, Farfάn

Mr. Eddie Chavez and Miss Angelina Roybal were joined in Holy Matrimony on Dec. 28, 1952 and have recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They were married at St. Anthony’s Church in Pecos, NM. Eddie retired after 36 years in law enforcement and Angie retired after many years in the electronics industry. They are the parents of Eddie Chavez and his wife, Sandy; Bruce Chavez and his wife, Phyllis; and Cindy Chavez. They have five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. They are and have been members of the Shrine of St. Bernadette for over 50 years.

Miss Viola N. Perea and Mr. Clifford L. Farfάn were married on March 23, 1963 at San Ysidro Parish in Corrales, NM and are celebrating 50 years of marriage. They still continue their faith as parishioners San Ysidro Parish. They have been very blessed with three children, eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. As they reflect on their marriage, they say that it has been a beautiful 50 years, along with some heartaches. They understand that it is part of “for better or for worse”. However, they give thanks to their best friend, Christ Jesus, that it has been far “better” than “worse”. Their children have always been very stable minded, so there is a lot of peace of mind there. Both Viola and Clifford still work, going on 16 years after retirement. They have always been very active at San Ysidro and were very blessed to have Fr. Michael DePalma as their pastor. After his homilies, you have no questions. All in all, they thank God for all the overwhelming blessings they have received.

Pope Benedict XVI on the Church’s “Yes” to Marriage By Marriage Unique for a Reason Pope Benedict XVI continues to speak and preach about marriage, giving us ample wise words to reflect on. This “Pope Quote” comes from a recent papal address (January 19, 2013) given to the participants in the plenary meeting of the pontifical council Cor Unum. In this address, the Holy Father lays out two visions of the human person, and of what brings happiness. In doing so, he shows how intimately connected marriage is with what it means to be human, particularly man’s social nature.

Pope Benedict XVI: “The Christian vision of man is, in fact, a great ‘yes’ to the dignity of persons called to an intimate filial communion of humility and faithfulness. The human being is not a self-sufficient individual nor an anonymous element in the group. Rather he is a unique and unrepeatable person, intrinsically ordered to relationships and sociability. Thus the Church reaffirms her great ‘yes’ to the dignity and beauty of marriage as an expression of the faithful and generous bond between man and woman, and her no to ‘gender’ philosophies, because the reciprocity between male and female is an expression of the beauty of nature willed by the Creator.”

February 2013




From the Heart – Stories of Love, Loss, & Life Compiler: Erin Cartaya Publisher: Liguori, Release Date: November 1, 2012

Commemorating the 100-year anniversary of the Liguorian, we celebrate with love, the wonderful contributions to the Redemptorist mission. Each of these stories offers a unique look at how we experience love throughout our lives. While these stories reflect the beauty and mystery of love, they also touch on the reality of love and the reality of God’s love in our lives.

wit. Creator of the beloved detective Father Brown, Chesterton also wrote novels and short stories. “Thinking”, wrote Chesterton, “means connecting things.” His ideas are not only connected to each other, they are also connected to us, showing that the thought of Chesterton is timeless. In a world of increasing specialization, Chesterton connects us to the big picture by helping us see how the many and varied elements within our experience fit together. He sheds light on almost every subject and opens doors from one thing to another with dazzling clarity. Drawing on literally hundreds of references from Chesterton’s vast writings, Dale Ahlquist conducts a symphony, with Chesterton playing all the instruments in perfect harmony. Chesterton’s thoughts on almost everything--from east to west, from old to new, from politics to economics, from Shakespeare to Dickens--are woven together to create an illuminating whole.

The Seven Big Myths about the Catholic Church

The Complete Thinker, The Marvelous Mind of G.K. Chesterton

By Christopher Kaczor Publisher: Ignatius Press (October 2012)

By: Dale Ahlquist Publisher: Liguori, (October 17, 2012)

The Roman Catholic Church has long been the target of suspicion and hostility. But how much of this is based on ignorance and prejudice and how much is the fruit of thoughtful consideration of the facts? This book separates fact from fiction. Without excusing or justifying wrongdoing, author Christopher Kaczor clarifies official Catholic teaching and demonstrates that much popular opinion about Catholicism is based on misunderstanding and misinformation. He also provides robust and lucid arguments for Catholic belief and practice. No one book can answer everyone’s questions or objections about Catholicism, but this work examines seven of the most controversial and most common myths about the Catholic Church.

What does it mean to be a “complete thinker”? It means being able to take on a wide variety of ideas and disciplines and put them all together in a way that they work together. It means thinking like G.K. Chesterton. The English author G.K. Chesterton (18741936) was one of the most prolific and wellknown writers of his time, and one of the most widely quoted in our own. For newspapers and magazines, he wrote social commentary, literary criticism, and poetry with poignancy and

Light is on for You!! The Sacrament of Reconciliation, commonly known as Confession, offers Catholics a beautiful way to unburden the weight of sin and be assured of the forgiveness of a loving God. This Lent, which begins February 13, 2013, each parish in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is asked to participate in the Light is on for You campaign. Through the Light is on for You, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered each Friday evening during the eight weeks of Lent so that those who seek to be reconciled with Christ and his community, the Church, will have the opportunity to do so. Light is on for You is a wonderful way to prepare your heart for the joy of Easter. Contact your local parish for times when Confession will be offered. As part of the celebration of the Year of Faith, all parishes in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe have been asked to organize and present a Parish History day, where the story of the parish, its pastors and its people can be celebrated, shared and remembered. Bilingual trainings for parish teams are being organized by the Pastoral Ministries office and will be presented by the Office of Archives and Historic Patrimony, with the help of deanery representa-

tives of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council. The deanery wide trainings will be held on Saturdays from 9am-4pm, with Marina Ochoa, Director of the Office of Archives and Historic Patrimony and John Taylor a local historian as presenters. Cost is $10 to cover lunch. The trainings are scheduled for the following locations: Sat. February 16, 2013 ASF Catholic Center for parishes of the ABC Albuquerque Deaneries and SW Deanery Sat. March 23, 2013 Cristo Rey, Santa Fe for parishes from Santa Fe and NW Deanery

Sat. April 27, 2013 Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas for parishes of Northeast Deanery Sat, May 18, 2013 St. Anthony’s Fort Sumner for parishes of the Southeast Deanery In addition, there will be one make-up session scheduled for August 24, 2013 at the Catholic Center 9am-4pm for parish teams who may not be able to make the scheduled date and times for their deanery. To sign up you parish team contact Rita from the Pastoral Ministries Division at 831-8126.



Over Thirteen Hundred Attend 51st Annual SWLC Study Week

February 2013

By FaBian ruBen yañez Director, Office of Worship and Christian Initiation

During the week of January 1619, 2013, the Albuquerque Convention Center and the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque Hotel were filled with the sights and sounds of the 51st Annual Southwest Liturgical Conference Study Week. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe served as host for the Study Week for the fifth time, the last time in 1993. The theme “Listen, I Will Tell You a Mystery…And We Shall Be Changed” drew nearly 1300 over the week. “…that Mystery which we celebrate in all of our sacraments demands a missionary response from each of us, members of the Body of Christ: the assembly gathered weekly around the table of the Word and the table of the Eucharist.” Linda Krehmeier, former director of the Office of Worship and Christian Initiation People of God October 2012 The Southwest Liturgical Conference is comprised of representatives from the Dioceses of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. The Conference has consistently met annually to reflect on the liturgical movement initiated by the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council. Keynote addresses were delivered by Dr. Jerry Galipeau, Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas – Bishop of Tucson, Rev. Paul Turner and Dr. Timothy Matovina. The Study Week Eucharist was celebrated at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Church. The addresses and each liturgy were beautifully accompanied by a mystagogical reflection by Pat Kerwin. Opportunities for learning and spiritual growth were provided in over 70 breakout sessions. Each year at the Study Week the SWLC Board of Directors bestows the “Faithful Servant Award” on a person who has dedicated years of service to Catholic liturgy and has made significant contributions to the Southwest Liturgical Conference. This year one of our own, Dr. Dolly Sokol, was chosen to receive this award. She has served the SWLC as board member, speaker, and regional representative to Region X of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. Dr. Sokol was director of the Archdiocesan Office of Worship and Christian Initiation for six years, served on the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission, and is now the

Over 1,300 people attended the study week. Executive Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Development. Barbara Guenther – Chairperson of the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission and Pastoral Associate for Liturgy and Music at Holy Rosary parish was the primary coordinator. Fabian Yañez – Director of the Office of Worship and Christian Initiation served as co-chairs. So many people gave tirelessly to the Study Week. Their time, resources and energies made this event a huge success. The 52nd SWLC Study Week will be hosted by the Diocese of Beaumont, January 22- 25, 2014. The theme is “Through Him, With Him, And In Pictured here are Sr. Lois Paha, OP, President of SWLC, Mrs. Cynthia Goerig, Him.” For more information visit Chair of SWLC Nomination Committee, and Dr. Dolly Sokol, Faithful Servant Award Recipient

11th Annual Detention Ministry Day

In January at San Jose Mission in Los Duranes, people who volunteer in Prison Ministry gathered together for the 11th Annual Detention Ministry Day, an event held every year to thank the volunteers. Prison ministry is one of 12 ministries in the Pastoral Outreach Office at the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The Prison Ministry has three different groups of people and various facilities at which we serve like prisons, jails and detention centers. There are over 6,300 people incarcerated in the state of New Mexico in our prisons alone, not to mention the jails or detention centers.

The volunteers’ dedication and willingness to serve others is amazing and has made a major difference in peoples’ lives. Our key note speaker, David Huerta, director of Recidivism Reduction for the New Mexico Corrections Department, shared his appreciation for their service and commitment. He offered his perspective and views on how we as a community need to work together to help the men and women transition back into their community. His hope is some of our prisons would be closed because of the reduction of in-

mates such as what has happened in our neighboring state of Colorado which has now closed three of their prisons. Most of us can’t imagine the challenges returning citizens have to face as they try to reenter society after serving their sentence. It is a hard road they have to travel to be successful, and reports show that only 44% of them make it. It is through the efforts of volunteers we will be able to raise the percentage of success. If you feel called to join in this worthwhile ministry, contact the Pastoral Outreach Office at 505.831.8174.

February 2013






Sr. Alyce Mary Pruss, CSSF

Fr. Donald Richard Joseph Kapitz

Felician Franciscan Sr. Alyce Mary Pruss, CSSF, passed away on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Convent in Rio Rancho, NM. The daughter of Stanislaus and Eustasia Maciejewska Pruss, Alice Eva was born in Manville, WY, on June 15, 1916. When she was school age, in order to attend Catholic School, Alice lived with her grandparents in Ashton during the week and spent weekends with her family in Loup City. Her father’s death when she was seven created challenges for a young mother and three small children but the blessings outweighed the hardships. The kindness and joy of the Felician Sisters in Ashton sowed the seed of a vocation in young Alice and in 1930 she began her High School studies at Mother of Good Counsel in Chicago, IL. In 1934 she entered the religious Congregation of the Felician Sisters on Peterson Avenue in Chicago, where at her Investiture she was given the name Mary Lucillia. In 1936, she began her long career in education. Sister taught in 15 schools in Missouri, Illinois, Alabama, California, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas. In addition to teaching a grade or two, Sister served as vice-principal at Queen of Heaven in Albuquerque, NM from 1991-1992. From 1992-1996, she served as the Administrator of St. Clare Center at the provincial house of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rio Rancho, NM. During the next several years Sister was involved in numerous internal ministries, assisting others wherever she could. With failing eyesight Sr. Alyce devoted her life to the Prayer Ministry, beginning in 2005.

Fr. Donald Richard Joseph Kapitz died on February 2, 2013 after a lengthy and courageous battle with Parkinson Disease. He was born in Santa Fe on February 3, 1948 and was raised in Clovis. He was preceded in death by his mother Lupe Rubio Kapitz. Fr. Kapitz is survived by his father Richard Kapitz of WI, sister Mary Watson, brother Paul Kapitz (Cheryl), nephews and nieces Thomas Watson (Carly) Kelton and Alexander, Donny Watson (Shayna) Lucy and Aze, Ryan, Jordan, Madison and Gabriella. Fr. Kapitz attended IHM Seminary in Santa Fe and Assumption Seminary in San Antonio, TX, where he also received a Master Degree in Social Work from St. Mary University. He was ordained a priest by Archbishop James P. Davis on October 4, 1973 at Sacred Heart Church in Clovis. His assignments include St. John the Baptist Church in Santa Fe, Vocations Director, spiritual director of IHM seminary, and served as Spiritual Director for the Marriage Encounter Lay Ministry for many years. He earned a PhD in Moral Theology from the University of Notre Dame at the same time working at St. Adalbert Church in South Bend, IN. Upon his return to the archdiocese he became a professor at the University of Albuquerque and pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows in La Joya. His last assignment was pastor of Our Lady of Fatima in Albuquerque until his early retirement due to health issues. Fr. Kapitz requested that his body be donated to the Science Department of the University of New Mexico.




February 2013

Mark Your Calendar





Mardi Gras Fiesta-Largest Fundraiser, hosted by sPX hs Foundation, auctions, Dinner & Dancing

Hotel Albuquerque, Old Town in Albuquerque, tickets $100 pp


Catholic Campaign human Development, seeking Catholics for a paid internship, 15/hrs wk $12/hr

Abq Deadline 3/1/13 12 weeks each Fall & Spring

application @

Shrine of St. Bernadette 11401 Indian School Rd, NE Abq


2/9 – 3/8 Sat, Feb 9


Sun, Feb 10

World Marriage Day

Feb 10-16

national Marriage Week World Day of the sick

Mon, Feb 11 Mon, Feb 11

9 am & 6 pm

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes/World Day of the sick, Mass and anointing of the sick ash Wednesday

Wed, Feb 13 Feb 15-16

Pre-Cana, Prepares engaged Couples for Marriage

St. Charles, Abq (call to register)


Feb 15-17

retrouvaille, support & enrichment for marriages in trouble, 7 follow-up sessions over 3 months

Madonna Ctr, Abq,

505.890.3495 1.800.470.2230

Feb 16-17

Weekend for the engaged in spanish

Misión San Juan Diego, Los Lunas


Feb 16-17

a los comprometidos: Los invitamos a participar en un programa que les darά la oportunidad de enriquecer su relación, costo $60 por pareja

Misión San Juan Diego, Los Lunas

505.866.0553 or To register call: 505.831.8117 Alb

First sunday of Lent, rite of election, Call to Continuing Conversion

Cathedral Basilica, SF


Sun, Feb 17

2:30 pm

Presidents Day observed

Mon, Feb 18 Sat, Feb 23

11:00 am

rite of election, Call to Continuing Conversion

St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa


Sun, Feb 24

2:30 pm

second sunday of Lent, rite of election, Call to Continuing Conversion

Our Lady of the Assumption, Abq


Sun, Mar 10

2:30 pm 3:00 pm

incarnation Concert series presents schola Cantorum-sF, “Passio Domini”/Passion of Our Lord

Church of the Incarnation, RR 2:30 pm Concert Preview


Roman Catholic Saints Calendar


“May the Dear Lord bless you...” February

Rev. Thomas Zotter Very Rev. John Cannon Rev. Andrew J. Pavlak Rev. Terrence Brennan Rev. Thomas Noesen, OP Rev. Mark Schultz Rev. Ronald F. Walters, OFM Rev. Guadalupe Rivera Rev. Frederick Brand Rev. Leo Padget


Rev. Msgr. Leo Lucero Rev. Carlos Chavez Most Rev. Arthur N. Tafoya Rev. Binu Joseph, O.Praem Rev. Raymond Amiro Rev. Ronald Carrillo, SF Rev. Jim Wolff Rev. Vincent Nicosia, SOLT

15 15 21 22 24 24 25 28 29 29 1 1 2 4 7 8 9 10

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

St. Claude la Colombière St. Gilbert of Sempringham Seven Founders of the Servite Order Blessed John of Fiesole St. Conrad of Piacenza Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto St. Peter Damian Chair of St. Peter St. Polycarp Blessed Luke Belludi Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio St. Porphyry of Gaza St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Blessed Daniel Brottier

TV Mass Schedule

The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6 and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass Donations may be sent online or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM.


readings (Cycle C)

February 17, 2013 1st Sunday Lent Rev. Richard Litzau

Dt 26:4-10 Ps 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 Rom 10:8-13 Lk 4:1-13 Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 Ps 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14 Phil 3:17—4:1 Phil 3:20—4:1

February 24, 2013 2nd Sunday Lent Rev. Richard Litzau

March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

St. David of Wales St. Agnes of Bohemia St. Katharine Drexel St. Casimir St. John Joseph of the Cross Servant of God Sylvester of Assisi Sts. Perpetua and Felicity St. John of God St. Frances of Rome St. Dominic Savio St. John Ogilvie Blessed Angela Salawa St. Leander of Seville St. Maximilian

Lk 9:28B-36 March 3, 2013 3rd Sunday Lent Rev. Andrew Pavlak

Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15 Ps 103: 1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 Lk 13:1-9

February 2013


Kid’s Corner




Our Youth & Young Adults… A Class Act By Bernadette Jaramillo, Director On January 26th, the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Young Adult Advisory team held their 18th Annual Young Adult Appreciation Banquet. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan celebrated a special Mass and spent time getting to know and thanking the many young adults who work so hard to share the Good News in our archdiocese. There were a total of 38 recipients and all deaneries were represented. Congratulations to all of the young adult recipients and thank you for all you do!

“L IVE WITH P ASSION !” Passionist Fr. Cedric Pisegna’s TV program airs nationally and locally on KAZQ.

KAZQ-32 (and Dish/Direct) Sunday 2:30 pm Monday 9 pm Wednesday 11 am

Tune in for encouragement and inspiration.

February 2013

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