March 2013 People of God

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March 2013 • Volume 31 • Number 3 •

Ser ving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Inside this Issue Archbishop’s Letter on Pope Benedict’s Resignation ...........2 Archbishop’s Letter: Election of a New Pope ................... 3 2013 confirmation Schedule ...........5 Pray. Act. Fast. ................................. 7 Divine Mercy Sunday ...................... 9 Cardinal Electors ............................11 Inside the Conclave ........................14 For your Marriage ...........................18 RCIA .................................................21

‘Sede vacante’ seal

Vaya con Dios, Santo Padre!

This is the Vatican insignia representing a the “sede vacante” (vacant see). the emblem is used between the death of a pope and the election of a new one -- a period known as the interregnum. the holy See will be considered vacant at 8 p.m. in rome Feb. 28, the official time of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. (cNS illustration/tim Meko)

Pope Benedict XVI walks with his cane at the Vatican following his final general audience Feb. 27. (cNS photo/l’Osservatore romano)



March 2013

Christians around the world are united in a special way during Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Our hearts, mind and prayers are also especially aware of the Holy Land.Once a year on Good Friday, we are called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on the collection for their lives.As a pontifical collection requested by Pope Benedict XVI, the annual Good Friday Collection offers a direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of peace and to help protect the Holy Places. When you donate on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the Holy Land.Franciscans and others in the Holy Land are housing and feeding the poor, providing religious formation and education, maintaining shrines and parishes, and conducting pastoral ministry. For more information, visit Good Friday Collection is requested by the Holy Father. Please be as generous as your abundance allows.

March 2013




Election of a New Pope Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

While you are reading this column, I am in Rome. I am leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Rome. There are a total of 39 on this pilgrimage. We left on Monday, March 4, and will return on Saturday, March 16. Since this column is written almost a month prior to its publication in the People of God, we anticipated that the College of Cardinals would be in Conclave around mid-March to elect a new pope. Pope Benedict XVI has made a courageous decision and I encourage you to keep him in your prayers. For the pope to make the decision to resign effective February 28, 2013 took a lot of prayer, courage and strength. All of us who are senior citizens can attest to the changes in our bodies and energy levels. What is a Papal Conclave? This

refers to the enclosed meeting of the cardinals to elect a pope. The word conclave come from two Latin words, con meaning with and clavis meaning key. It was Pope Gregory X who initiated the election to take place behind locked doors in 1274. Once a decision is made, which requires 2/3 majority of votes of the cardinals under the age of 80, white smoke rises from the Sistine Chapel so that the world knows that we have a new pope. Our Holy Father is a wise and balanced teacher whose leadership

brought great stability to the Church. He expressed the sound and orthodox teachings of doctrine and faithfulness to the liturgical traditions of the church. He wrote three beautiful and readable books on Jesus of Nazareth. He canonized Kateri Tekakwitha, the first American Indian Saint, which gave great joy to our many Native American Catholics of New Mexico. Pope Benedict XVI resigned effective February 28, 2013. The last pope to resign was Pope Gregory XII in 1415. He will spend his remain years living a cloistered life in Rome.

Let us pray for Pope Benedict XVI. We are grateful for his priesthood, for his episcopacy and for his papacy. May God grant him peace while he enters a cloistered life. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to enter the hearts, minds and souls of our cardinals as they elect our new pontiff. Let us remember that Our Savior, Jesus Christ, promised that he would be with the church he founded until the end of time. A copy of my letter to all the faithful, read at Masses of February 16-17, is included in this issue of the People of God. Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord,

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

La Elección de un Nuevo Papa By Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan Cuando esta columna se publique, yo estaré en Roma. Estaré dirigiendo una peregrinación a la Tierra Santa y a Roma con 39 personas participando. Partiremos el lunes 4 de marzo y regresaremos el sábado 16 de marzo. Como esta columna se escribe casi un mes antes de su publicación en el periódico People of God, se tenía previsto a ese momento que el Colegio Cardenalicio se reuniera en su Cónclave a mediados de marzo para elegir a un nuevo Papa. El Papa Benedicto XVI ha tomado una decisión muy valiente, por lo que yo los invito a ustedes a mantenerlo en sus oraciones. Tuvo que haber mucha oración, valor y fortaleza para que el Papa tomara la decisión de renunciar a su papado a partir del 28 de febrero

de este año 2013. Todos los que somos ya mayores podemos dar testimonio de los cambios que nuestros cuerpos y niveles de energía sufren con la edad. ¿Qué es un Cónclave Papal? Este suceso se refiere a la reunión cerrada de los Cardenales para elegir a un Papa. El cónclave, palabra viene de dos palabras en latín, con y clavis, esta última significado llave. Fue el Papa Gregorio X, quien inició la costumbre de que la elección se celebrará a puerta cerrada en 1274. Una vez que se toma una decisión, que requiere una mayoría de 2/3 partes de los votos de los cardenales menores de 80 años de edad, el humo blanco se eleva de la Capilla Sixtina para que el mundo sepa que tenemos un nuevo Papa. Nuestro Santo Padre es un maestro

sabio y equilibrado cuyo liderazgo trajo una gran estabilidad a la Iglesia. Expresó las enseñanzas sólidas y ortodoxas de la doctrina y de la fidelidad a las tradiciones litúrgicas de la Iglesia. Escribió tres libros hermosos y fáciles de leer sobre Jesús de Nazaret. Canonizó a Kateri Tekakwitha, la primer Santa indio- americana, lo que dio una gran alegría a nuestros muchos católicos nativo-americanos de Nuevo México. El Papa Benedicto XVI renunció a partir del 28 de febrero del 2013. El último Papa en renunciar fue el Papa Gregorio XII en 1415. Benedicto XVI Pasará el resto de su vida viviendo una vida de clausura en Roma. Oremos por el Papa Benedicto XVI. Estamos muy agradecidos por su sacerdocio, de su episcopado y en su papa-

do. Que Dios le conceda paz, mientras él entra en una vida claustral. Oremos para que el Espíritu Santo para entrar en los corazones, las mentes y las almas de los Cardenales, ya que elegir a nuestro nuevo Pontífice. Recordemos que nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo, prometió que estaría con la Iglesia que él fundó hasta el fin de los tiempos. Una copia de esta carta a todos los fieles, leído en las misas de febrero 16-17, se incluye en esta edición del Pueblo de Dios. Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheehan Arzobispo de Santa Fe

Cardinals’ Meetings Begin with Business, Then Look Toward Choosing Pope VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The world’s cardinals were to begin meetings at the Vatican March 4, and while onlookers are focused on who may be the next pope, the cardinals have business to deal with. Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa said the general congregations begin with the actual business of running the church during the extraor-

dinary period when there is no pope. While the cardinals do not have to plan and set a budget for a funeral and burial -- which past general congregations have had to do after the death of a pope -- there still is a “sede vacante” budget to approve and the formal authorizing of sede vacante stamps and coins. In the general congregation, the cardinals set the date for the begin-

ning of the conclave, but the Vatican spokesman said that is unlikely to happen on the first day. The cardinals also begin examining together and in depth the rules for the conclave and for electing a new pope, Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga told Catholic News Service March 1. They invite experts in canon law to join them and give advice if some points are unclear

or in dispute. Only after they deal with practical business, he said, will they begin discussing the main challenges facing the church. In 2005, he said, they had broad discussions, then broke up into small groups, according to continent, “so we could define better the challenges” particular to their region. “I believe we will do the same” this time, the cardinal said.



Archbishop’s Schedule March 2 Sat 4-16 === 17 Sun 18 19

Mon Tue

20 21

Wed Thu

22 24

Fri Sun



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30 31

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April 1-3 === 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 8

Sun Mon









11:30 a.m. ======== 2:00 p.m. 4:00-7:00 p.m. ======== 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. ======== 11:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 10:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 12:00 Noon 8:00 a.m. ======== 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m 8:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.

Annual Mass & Lunch, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Sacred Heart, Española Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Rome Mass, Legion of Mary Acies, St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque 62nd Annual Brother Matthias Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner, Albuquerque Convention Center Office Appointments Presbyteral Council, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Deans, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Archdiocesan Evangelization Commission, Catholic Center, Albuquerque College of Consultors, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Priests’ Day of Sanctification, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Chrism Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Office Appointments Ecumenical Blessing of Palms, Santa Fe Plaza Palm Sunday Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Tape Easter TV Mass, Catholic Center, Albuquerque IH Radio Representative, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Archbishop’s Radio Hour Archdiocesan Finance Council, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Office Appointments Prayer at Morada with Penitentes Mass of the Last Supper, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Walking Pilgrimage from Santa Cruz to Santuario de Chimayo Stations of the Cross, New Mexico State Penitentiary, Santa Fe Easter Vigil Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Sunday Easter Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe

======== ======== 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. ======== 7:00 p.m. ======== 7:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ======== 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Region XIII Bishops’ Retreat, San Diego, CA Office Appointments Confirmation, St. Helen’s, Portales Confirmation, St. Anthony of Padua, Fort Sumner (joined by Vaughn) Confirmation, St. Francis Xavier, Albuquerque Office Appointments Confirmation, St. Therese, Albuquerque Office Appointments Confirmation, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque Welcome, Diaconate Meeting, Marriot Pyramid, Albuquerque Confirmation, Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque Office Appointments Closing Mass, Diaconate Meeting, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Diaconate Banquet, Marriot Pyramid, Albuquerque Confirmation, Mision de San Juan Diego, Meadowlake

March 2013

Seminary Burse The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends to the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for the period January 2013. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at Parishes. The Archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education. January 2013

Our Lady of Belen (Mass stipends) .................................................. $10,000.00 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass stipends) ............................. $750.00 Teresa Gies ............................................................................................... $25.00 Our Lady of the Annunciation (Mass stipends) ..................................... $944.00 St. Francis Xavier - Clayton (Mass stipends) ........................................ $210.00 St. John the Baptist – Santa Fe (Mass stipends) ..................................... $470.00 St. Joseph on the Rio Grande (Mass stipends)........................................ $600.00 Our Lady of Sorrows – Las Vegas (Mass stipends) ............................. $3,425.00 San Ysidro – Corrales (Mass stipends) ............................................... $1,560.00 Immaculate Conception – Tome (Mass stipends) .................................. $250.00 St. Gertrude the Great – Mora (Mass stipends) .................................. $1,000.00 St. Anne – Santa Fe (Mass stipends) ................................................... $1,000.00

St. Katharine Drexel, S.B.S. School builder and founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People When she asked Pope Leo XIII to send more missionaries to Wyoming, he asked her, “Why don’t you become a missionary?” As a young, wealthy, educated girl from Philadelphia, this was hardly the expected lifestyle for young Katharine Drexel. But raised in a devout family with a deep sympathy for the poor, Katharine gave up everything to become a missionary to the Indians and African Americans. She founded schools in thirteen states for African Americans, forty mission centers and twenty-three rural schools. She also established fifty missions for Indians in sixteen different states. She died at the age of ninety-six and was canonized in the year 2000.

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Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

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March 2013





March 2013

God Finds Moses in Ordinary Conditions This is the fifth column in a 14-part series.

By Cackie Upchurch, Director of Little Rock Scripture Study Many of us carry in our minds a picture of Moses that is more like the late Charlton Heston on screen than one molded from the biblical account found in Exodus. We are a people whose imaginations are sometimes more in tune with Hollywood than with the great story of salvation. Who is this Moses who takes center stage in the core story of the Old Testament? And why are the events surrounding him important to us in the 21st century? His birth and infancy occupy only ten verses (Exodus 2:1-10). He was the child whose mother and older sister heard of Pharaoh’s diabolical plans to kill the Hebrew children and craftily hid him in a basket floating along the banks of the Nile. He was the child who was further protected from harm by Pharaoh’s daughter who lifted the child from the water and raised him in the royal courts of Egypt. It is the adult Moses who draws our attention in this Year of Faith. The first scene of his adulthood (2:11-22) finds him murderously lashing out at a cruel slave master abusing one of the Hebrews. With the killing of the Egyptian slave master, Moses becomes a wanted man, on the run from the law and willing to settle in a foreign land for protection. In the desert of Midian, he befriends a sheep-herding priest, marries one of his daughters and begins to settle into family life. Moses spends his days in the ordinary routine of tending a flock of sheep. He would have walked the desert with them looking for signs of water and areas of shade at the foot of rocky hills and mountains. He would never have expected a burning bush that would not be consumed or a divine encounter that would consume him! Just before that famous scene, we read, “The Israelites groaned under their bondage and cried out, and from their bondage their cry for help went up to God. God heard their moaning and God was mindful of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God saw the Israelites, and God knew …” (2:23b-24). This is the first we hear of any public outcry from those who are oppressed. In articulating their pain, they are in some small way acknowledging that they are powerless. At the same time, they are acknowledging that God can exercise power on their behalf. And indeed God does just that. Here is where we begin to see that the God of the burning bush, the God of Israel, is different from other presumed gods. Israel’s God cannot be bribed for favors and is not impervious to human need. Israel’s God, unlike Pharaoh himself, relieves suffering rather than adding to its depth.

The God of Israel “saw” and “knew” what they suffered. This divine knowing is not about gathering information; rather it is an intimate sharing in the experience of suffering. When we hear that God remembers the covenant, or is mindful of Israel, it does not mean that God had somehow forgotten them. God’s seeing and knowing indicates to us that God is renewing with fervor the commitment to be with them. God uses their raw openness to begin to transform their situation and to transform them. And God uses an ordinary man, Moses, to begin this work. Moses’ encounter with the divine did not occur in a conventional way or in a predictable place. He was not journeying to a holy place seeking an encounter. He was doing something quite mundane, caring for sheep, and God came in search of him. Moses was not exceptional. But he was attentive, and open, and curious. He paid attention to his environment, saw a moment of opportunity and the ground where he stood became holy. It became holy because he met God there. It became holy because, after some hesitation — five objections in fact — he responded to God in that place with the Hebrew word, “Hineni” which means “Here I am” (3:4). In this Year of Faith, we have the same opportunity Moses had. We can go about the routines of our lives, but do it with an attentiveness that helps us to recognize God’s presence. We can be willing to put aside the routine when we are invited and even urged to do something out of the ordinary in response to God. Study Questions • What are some descriptive words that come to mind when you simply think of Moses? • What experiences or knowledge of oppression help you to understand the importance of God’s response to the Hebrew slaves (Exodus 2:23-24; 3:7-9)? • How might Moses’ early life experiences have influenced his initial response to God’s command to go to Pharaoh and take the Hebrews out of Egypt (Exodus 3:7–4:18)? • What can you do to become more attentive to the burning bushes that God may be putting in your path? This article was originally published in Arkansas Catholic Feb. 9, 2013. Copyright Diocese of Little Rock. All rights reserved. This article may be copied or redistributed with acknowledgement and permission of the publisher.

Dios Encontró a Moisés en Las Circunstancias Ordinarias de La Vida Este es el 5º artículo de una serie de catorce.

.Por Cackie Upchurch, Directora del Estudio Bíblico de Little Rock Muchos de nosotros tenemos en la mente una imagen de Moisés que se parece más a Charleston Heston en pantalla que al que se moldea en el relato bíblico que se encuentra en Éxodo. Somos un pueblo cuya imaginación a veces está más en sintonía con Hollywood que con la gran historia de la salvación. ¿Quién es este Moisés que atrae el foco de la historia principal del Antiguo Testamento? Y ¿por qué son los acontecimientos que le rodean tan importantes para nosotros en el siglo XXI? Su nacimiento e infancia ocupan solamente diez versos (Éxodo 2,1-10). Era un niño cuya madre y hermana se habían enterado de los planes diabólicos del Faraón de matar a los niños hebreos. Ellas lo escondieron astutamente en un cesto que flotaba a las orillas del Nilo. Fue el niño que después sería protegido del mal por la hija del Faraón, que sacó al niño del agua y lo crió en la corte real de Egipto. Es el Moisés adulto quien nos llama la atención en este Año de la Fe. La primera escena de su edada adulta (2,11-22) lo encuentra atacando de muerte a un cruel capataz de esclavos que estaba maltratando a uno de los hebreos. Con la muerte del capataz egipcio, Moisés se convierte en prófugo de la justicia, dispuesto a refugiarse en tierra extraña. En el desierto de Midián se hace amigo de un sacerdote pastor, se casa con una de sus hijas y empieza a asentarse en una vida familiar. Moisés pasa sus días en la rutina ordinaria de cuidar un rebaño de ovejas. Caminaría por el desierto con ellas buscando signos de agua y zonas de sombra al pie de colinas rocosas y montañas. ¡Nunca se hubiera imaginado una zarza ardiente sin consumirse o un encuentro divino que lo consumiría! Antes de esa escena famosa leemos: “Los israelitas gemían en su esclavitud y clamaban, y desde su esclavitud, su grito de auxilio subió a Dios. Dios escuchó su gemido y recordó su

alianza con Abraham, Isaac y Jacob. Dios vio a los israelitas, y Dios supo…” (2,23b-24). Esta es la primera vez que escuchamos un lamento público de los oprimidos. Al expresar su dolor, de alguna manera están reconociendo que son impotentes. Al mismo tiempo, reconocen que Dios puede obrar poderosamente a favor de ellos. Y de hecho, Dios así lo hace. Aquí es donde empezamos a ver que el Dios de la zarza ardiente, el Dios de Israel, es distinto de otros supuestos dioses. El Dios de Israel no puede ser sobornado y no es sordo a la necesidad humana. El Dios de Israel, en contraste con el propio Faraón, alivia el dolor en lugar de ahondarlo. El Dios de Israel “vio” y “supo” que sufrían. Este conocer divino no se trata de reunir información; más bien es un compartir íntimo de la experiencia del dolor. Cuando escuchamos que Dios recuerda la alianza, o que recuerda a Israel, no quiere decir que de alguna manera, Dios los había olvidado. La manera de ver y conocer de Dios nos indica que Dios renueva con fervor el compromiso de estar con ellos. Dios utiliza su desgarrada apertura para comenzar a transformar su situación y a transformarlos personalmente. Y Dios utiliza a un hombre corriente, Moisés, para comenzar su trabajo. El encuentro de Moisés con lo divino no ocurrió de manera convencional o en un lugar predecible. No viajó a un lugar santo a buscar el encuentro. Estaba haciendo algo bien mundano — cuidar de sus ovejas — y Dios vino a buscarle. Moisés no era un hombre excepcional. Pero era atento, abierto y curioso. Prestaba atención a su entorno, vio un momento de oportunidad y el suelo que pisaba se hizo sagrado. Se hizo sagrado porque es ahí donde se encontró con Dios. Se hizo sagrado porque, después de algo de duda — de hecho, cinco objecciones — respondió a Dios en ese lugar con la palabra hebrea

Continued on page 22

March 2013





March 2013



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World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. In 2012, World Mission Sunday was celebrated on October 21. Annually, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on the next-to-last Sunday in October. As described by Pope John Paul II, World Mission Sunday is “an important day in the life of the church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world.”

March 2013


Mary’s Mercy Draws Souls to the Fount of Divine Mercy Fr. Michael Gaitley ShareS “The Second Greatest Story Ever Told” STEUBENVILLE, OH—When Dr. Valentin Fuster, the American cardiologist representing the postulators of St. Faustina Kowalska’s cause for sainthood, rose to leave the banquet following the canonization on April 30, 2000, Pope John Paul II motioned to him. “I just wanted to tell you,” the aging pope said to Fuster, “today is the happiest day of my life.” “Great joy, the deepest joy, comes from fulfilling one’s mission in life, one’s vocation,” said Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, who spoke to an overflow crowd at Franciscan University of Steubenville last month. “And John Paul II, at the beginning of his pontificate, said that promoting the message of Divine Mercy ‘is a special task assigned to me by God.’” Fr. Gaitley’s talk, “Mary’s Gift of Mercy: John Paul II and the Second Greatest Story Ever Told,” traced the role of the Divine Mercy message in recent salvation history, a story that Fr. Gaitley considers second only to that of Sacred Scripture itself. The story, he said, began on the eve of World War II when Jesus appeared to Sister Faustina Kowalska, a humble Polish nun, and revealed his message of Divine Mercy, and the image of pale and crimson rays emanating from his heart. “Mercy is a particular form of love when it encounters poverty, weakness, brokenness, sin,” Fr. Gaitley said. “Mercy is love when it meets suffering.” The message spread through an agonized, broken Europe after World War II, as people took solace from the words, “Jesus, I trust in you.” However, after a bad translation of the message was sent to Rome, the message was banned. As people asked the Church to reconsider, one bishop in Poland listened to their pleas and sent a better translation of the message to Rome, and the Church lifted the ban. Six months later, Fr. Gaitley explained, that bishop was elected pope, and took the name John Paul II. After devoting his life to promoting the message of Divine Mercy, Pope John Paul II lay dying on April 2, 2005, the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday, the feast that he instated at St. Faustina’s canonization. Archbishop Dziwisz (now Cardinal), the pope’s 40-year personal secretary, felt the unmistakable urge to offer Mass right then. As it was Saturday evening, he prepared for the vigil Mass, which was the Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday, and Pope John Paul II received one droplet of the Precious Blood. “Less than an hour later … John Paul II went to his eternal reward,” Fr. Gaitley said. “As Pope Benedict XVI himself puts it, he went to the Lord in the arms of mercy.” Fr. Gaitley said that two messages were integral to Pope John Paul II’s papacy: “Be not afraid,” and “Jesus, I trust in You.” “We’ve got the two sides of the same coin right here,” Fr. Gaitley said. “‘Be not afraid.’ Why? Because we trust in Jesus, who has revealed himself as infinite love and mercy.” Fr. Gaitley, author of the Marian consecration book, 33 Days to Morning Glory, said that it is the Blessed Mother who brings us into Divine Mercy by drawing us to its fount, the pierced side of Christ. He emphasized the devotion of Marian consecration, which gives Mary permission to make one’s life into something beautiful for God. “Mary’s whole being is to bring us to the mercy of God,” Fr. Gaitley said. “I believe the triumph of her Immaculate Heart is the triumph of Divine Mercy, because that’s the spark that will prepare the world for the Lord’s final coming.” This year, the feast of Divine Mercy will be celebrated on Sunday, April 7.


Ecumenism 101 Why is ecumenism worth our parish’s effort? While faithfulness to the teachings of the Church must always be guided by charity, the Second Vatican Council exhorts us “to pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to be genuinely self-denying, humble, and gentle in service to others and to have an attitude of brotherly generosity toward others” (UR, no. 7). In his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul urges the same manner of heart, “I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve unity of the spirit through the bond of peace; one body, one Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:1-6). John Paul II echoes this exhortation in his encyclical Christ the Redeemer of Man, Redemptor Hominis, [RH], writing that “we must seek unity without being discouraged at the difficulties that can appear or accumulate along that road; otherwise we would be unfaithful to the word of Christ; we would fail to accomplish His testament. Have we the right to run this risk” (RH, no. 6)? Parochial life makes the Church visible. She benefits most by being Christ’s Church. To be Christ’s Church is to seek unity in faith.—from the Archdiocesan Handbook for Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs, 11) Taken from The Archdiocesan Handbook for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Affairs, page 11). The EcumenicalCommission of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is dedicated to enabling Catholics throughout the archdiocese to respond faithfully to Christ’s call for unity. The article represents the sixth in an on-going series of articles on frequently asked questions related to ecumenism.



March 2013

CATHOLIC EDUCATION St. Pius X High School Loving Catholic Education! Annual Mardi Gras Gala , Fundraiser

Photo by Nathan Young

By JaninE BurFOrD Fifth Grade Teacher, Queen of Heaven School, Albuquerque

larry and Dorothy rainosek and charlene and Dick Knipfing are enthusiastic supporters of St. Pius X high School. charlene Knipfing was the first female graduate of St. Pius X high School in 1960. By Evan gOnzalEs St. Pius X High School Advancement Office

St. Pius X High School Foundation hosted their annual Mardi Gras Gala fundraiser in February with a “fiesta” motif. The funds raised from this festive event help St. Pius X High School to continue the commitment of quality Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. This event truly lived up to its hype providing an enjoyable evening for all attendees, inclusive of the Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan and Mayor Richard and First Lady Maria Berry. Attendees enjoyed a silent auction with over 200 items that included more than 40 beautiful gift baskets, and a live auction featuring private dinners with the archbishop and the mayor and first lady. Guests enjoyed a range of entertainment from current and past students and strolling mariachis. Many SPX students and parents served as volunteer hosts, greeters and attendants for the evening. Becky Montoya-Ballou, Assistant Director of Advancement, would like to thank all of our sponsors, attendees and volunteers for your commitment to Catholic Education and for making this event a success. “This event would not be possible without of the support of so many caring people. We are truly blessed to have such a great community. It was wonderful seeing so many people enjoying themselves and dancing right up to that last dance.” Special thanks to all of our sponsors for being a part of the SPX community

and making this event a great success: Corporate Sponsors: Frontier and Golden Pride Restaurants, The Fitness Superstore, Dr. Buttner Orthodontics and Franks Supply Table Sponsors: Bank of America, Berger Briggs Real Estate, Hotel Albuquerque, Johnny Boards Indoor Advertising, KP Sports, Maestas & Ward Commercial Real Estate, Mileshosky & Co. CPAS, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, MVD Express, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Our Lady of Assumption Parish, Pacheco Bail Bonds, Peoples Bank, Piñon Perinatal, Rizek Inc., San Bar Construction, and Vigil & Associates. Faculty/Staff Table Sponsors: Frontier and Golden Pride Restaurants and Radiology Associates of Albuquerque. VIP Advertisers: DRB Electric and St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Friends of SPX Sponsors: The Billstrand Family, The DiLorenzo Family, Calvert Menicucci, Our Lady of Annunciation Parish, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish and Camino Real Imports. Save the date, March 1, 2014 for next year’s St. Pius X Mardi Gras! You do not have to be connected to SPX to attend. The Mardi Gras Gala is open to anyone who would like to enjoy and evening of fine dining, dancing, entertainment all in support of quality Catholic Education. If you would like more information about registration for 2013-2014 school year, please visit Support Catholic Education and Saint Pius X High School.

January 28-31, 2013 was Catholic Schools Week. This week occurs each year to celebrate the commitment and sacrifice families, teachers and staff, and our church makes to provide amazing Catholic Education for our children. Many fun activities occur including the Catholic School’s Mass which was celebrated at the Cathedral in Santa Fe this year. All 16 Catholic Schools attended this Mass as a communal reminder of our ONE faith and love of God.

At Queen of Heaven, the fifth grade class was asked to write essays on why they love their Catholic school. Art Linkletter use to say, “Kids say the darnedest things.” He was right! Here are some responses: “I would like to acknowledge all teachers and staff who help me to become an awesome fifth grader!” –S. Pineda “I think teachers are important because they teach and without them, I or any other kid at Queen of Heaven would not be able to learn every step of the way. You will grow up to use See EDUCATION on page 25

Annunciation Catholic School Cooking Up Some Help! By kathy FrEEzE Catholic Charities

Social Justice programs and projects can come in a variety of forms. For instance in January, the students at Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic School collected pots and pans for Catholic Charities. This program was sponsored by the 3rd grade class who distributed flyers and created posters to support their efforts. The program was titled Cooking Up Some Help and all their efforts paid off! By the end of January, they had collected 161 pots and pans. These needed kitchen items are used by Catholic Charities to support the refugee and housing families. Thank you to Annunciation school for all your creative and needed support! On January 23, 2013 a special Mass was held at San Felipe de Neri in downtown Albuquerque. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan celebrated the Mass which included a special board blessing for Catholic Charities. Much appreciation and praise was given to the departing board members: Kevin Daniels, Fred Gorenz, Dollie Lowery, Very Rev. Tim Martinez, Pennie Pate, and Very Rev. Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies. New board members were acknowledged and given a special blessing as well. Catholic Charities is proud to announce our new board members: CHAIRPERSON Pete Robinson VICE CHAIRPERSON John Emerson

TREASURER Rick Fellerhoff SECRETARY Eddie Gallegos EX-OFFICIO John A. Menicucci BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE Lori Muller Larry Schissel Directors Very Rev. John Cannon Robert Casey David H. Grieves Larry (Ed) Larranaga Christina Medina Rev. Juan Mendez Michael F. Menicucci Michael Rich Jerry Sais Virginia Schroeder Victor A. Valdez Catholic Charities would like to thank the archdiocese and all the parishes for their continued prayers and support.

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March 2013

6th Annual Blue Mass The 6th annual Blue Mass was held at St. Pius X High School gymnasium in February. The tradition of the Blue Mass was started in 1934, by a Catholic priest, Fr. Thomas Dade from the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He held the first Blue Mass on September 29, 1934, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church to thank the men and women of the police and fire department for keeping their community safe and protected. The name originated because both agencies wore blue uniforms. The Blue Mass then became an annual tradition in the Northeastern cities of the United States. The first Blue Mass in Albuquerque was held in 2007 at Immaculate Parish downtown with 50 people in attendance. There were over 2,000 in attendance at this year’s Blue Mass. The Blue Mass celebrated at the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is a little different because other responder agencies beside the police and fire department are

included: the military, the corrections department, Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and Emergency Medical Service. At the Mass, there is a memorial presentation with memorial prayers from each agency led by their chaplains. Each year, a family is picked to represent all the fallen ones who lost their lives protecting our community. This year, Connie Tibbetts, wife of Chief Jon Tibbetts, Sandoval County Fire Department, was chosen to represent the families of those who gave the ultimate price in keeping our community safe and protected. We take this opportunity to thank the men and women who put their lives on the line each day they go to work for choosing a career that serves our community. So please take the opportunity to say thank you when you see any one of our first responders and their families for the sacrifice they make for us. If you are interested in helping with the annual Blue Mass, please contact the Pastoral Outreach Office at 505.831.8174.

Photos by Celine

By DEacOn stEvE rangEl, Director of Pastoral Outreach/Deacons

Photo by Alicia Kassa


March 2013



CRS Rice Bowl: What You Do For Lent Saves Lives here in New Mexico! By Br. JamEs OWEns, O.PraEm, CRS Intern

CRS Rice Bowl, the Lenten formation program of the U.S. Bishops that includes the practice of prayer, learning, fasting and almsgiving, makes a huge difference to others. Each Lent, the U.S. Bishops ask that Catholics use Rice Bowl to pull together to make eating possible for people in their own dioceses and for people around the world. We are pleased to announce the grant recipients from the 25% retained by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Rice Bowl from last Lent. The 2012 Rice Bowl collection grossed $46,964. 75% of the collection is sent to CRS to help fight hunger overseas. The remaining 25% stays in our Archdiocese to fund local hunger projects. In Lent 2012, CRS Rice Bowl returned over $11,000 to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe for hunger related projects. The generous parishioners of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe exhibited unparalleled generosity, increasing the gross contribution from $37,275in 2011 to $46,964 in 2012. This represents a gratifying 26% increase over 2011. So as you receive your Rice

Bowl, begin to fill it and use the spiritual reflection guide this Lent, know that your contributions to Rice bowl make a difference both locally and across the world. Remember, what you do for Lent, saves lives! Here are eleven wonderful organizations working to alleviate hunger and homelessness throughout our Archdiocese that received Rice Bowl funds from last Lent’s collection. St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry (Española) partners with churches in the area to serve over 10 tons of food yearly. Little Poor Ones Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order (Taos) operates a food bank from a room in Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Taos. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (Villanueva) assists needy families and educates them about nutrition. Holy Family Parish, St. Vincent de Paul (Albuquerque) partners with the Roadrunner Mobile Food Pantry Program to serve hungry families. Good Shepherd Center (Albuquerque) serves the homeless population since 1951, dishing up 160,000 meals a year.

A Passion Week Meditation By DEacOn mark BussEmEiEr Risen Savior Catholic Community

Hello, my name is Yoshua. Oh, I’m sorry, some of you are Greek speakers, you would probably know me better as Jesus. No, not that Jesus. I’m Yoshua Bar-Abbas, Jesus, son of the father. I was born and raised here in Judea and it’s been hard to watch what’s happening to our country under Roman rule. They extort taxes from us just to pay the soldiers who are here to keep us under control. And here we are, at the Passover, and what have they done? They’ve increased the guard to “protect” us. They’ve increased the guard to protect their interests! Even Pontius Pilate has come into the city from his palace at the sea to watch over us. Our “friends,” the Romans. Hah! I’ve waited all my life for the words of the prophets to come true. Scripture and the prophets all point to our time, now, for the Messiah to come. But where is he? A few

years ago I followed the Baptizer, John. He preached that the kingdom of God was at hand and repentance. But, now he’s dead. The Messiah is supposed to come and raise up a mighty army and defeat our enemies. We’ll drive out all those who would hope to put us into slavery or to death. But where’s the Messiah that Scripture tells us about? I don’t know, but John made me believe that it’s time. I felt that I couldn’t wait any longer for him to make his move. Maybe God wants us to take matters into our own hands. And what better time could there be than during Passover, when the city swells to four times its normal size? That’s why I did what I did. Yesterday, I sneaked up behind a centurion and took his short-sword from its scabbard. Before he could react I made a quick thrust and he lay dead at my feet. I called others to join me. “There’s tens of thousands of us and only a See MEDITATION on page 23

Catholic Charities (Albuquerque) helps over 250 refugees annually, currently arriving from Somalia, Iraq and Pakistan and needing culturally appropriate food. St. Felix Pantry (Rio Rancho) is sponsored by the Felician Franciscan Sisters and serves over 4,000 families a month. St. John the Baptist Soup Kitchen (Santa Fe) began 29 years ago to serve the hungry in Santa Fe. Immaculate Conception Parish Soup Kitchen (Albuquerque) serves a Sun-

day restaurant style meal to 130 people a week since 2008. St. Vincent de Paul Society (Albuquerque) has 46 parishes diocesan wide that provide home visits and emergency assistance. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (Santa Fe) feeds lunch to 400 day-laborers a week who wait for work on the corner of Guadalupe and Agua Fria. For more information about using Rice Bowl this lent, or to order your own Rice Bowl, go to .

Light is On for You!! The Sacrament of Reconciliation, commonly known as Confession, offers Catholics a beautiful way to unburden the weight of sin and be assured of the forgiveness of a loving God. This Lent, which begins February 13, 2013, each parish in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is asked to participate in the Light is on for You campaign. Through the Light is on for You, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered each Friday evening during the eight weeks of Lent so that those who seek to be reconciled with Christ and his community, the church, will have the opportunity to do so. Light is on for You is a wonderful way to prepare your heart for the joy of Easter. Contact your local parish for times when Confession will be offered.

Parish History Training Days As part of the celebration of the Year of Faith, all parishes in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe have been asked to organize and present a Parish History Day where the story of the parish, its pastors and its people can be celebrated, shared and remembered. Bilingual trainings for parish teams are being organized by the Pastoral Ministries office and will be presented by the Office of Archives and Historic Patrimony, with the help of deanery representatives of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council. The deanery wide trainings will be held on Saturdays from 9am-4pm, with Marina Ochoa, Director of the Office of Archives and Historic Patrimony and John Taylor a local historian as presenters. Cost is

$10 to cover lunch. The trainings are scheduled for the following locations: Sat. March 23, 2013 Cristo Rey, Santa Fe for parishes from Santa Fe and NW Deanery Sat. April 27, 2013 Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas for parishes of Northeast Deanery Sat, May 18, 2013 St. Anthony’s Fort Sumner for parishes of the Southeast Deanery In addition, there will be one makeup session scheduled for August 24, 2013 at the Catholic Center 9am-4pm for parish teams who may not be able to make the scheduled date and times for their deanery. To sign up you parish team contact Rita from the Pastoral Ministries Division at 505.831.8126.




Pacheco, Lopez

Mr. Leandro Lopez, Jr. and Miss Nancy Pacheco lovingly exchanged their vows of holy matrimony on February 22, 1963 at St. Antonio de Padua in Peñasco, NM, where they have been life-long residents and parishioners. They were blessed with four children, Nanette Tafoya and husband, David, Maurice and wife, Ruth, Cedric and wife, Bronwen, Joseph and wife, Melissa, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Leandro and Nancy own and operate Travelers Service Station in Peñasco. They enjoy serving their community and are notorious for their unconditional love and support to the entire Lopez family. They always have time to share with family, friends and the outdoors. They celebrated 50 years of marriage on the same date in their home town of Vadito, NM at Nuestra Señora de Delores. This Mass of thanksgiving, where they first began their life sustaining journey, was celebrated with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren followed by a dinner in Santa Fe.

Esquibel, Rodriguez

Mr. John B. Rodriguez and Miss Lorraine Esquibel were united in holy matrimony on January 12, 1963 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Santa Fe. Their 50 year-marriage is blessed with three married daughters; Michelle and Greg Adamson (four children), Denise and Andrew Cole (four children), and Kristina and Brian Johnson (five children). John and Lorraine are retired professionals who enjoy traveling, golfing and doing historical research and writing. They are members of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Santa Fe, and the Marian Catechist Apostolate based at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse, WI. The couple celebrated their anniversary with a Mass presided over by Fr. Pio O’Connor, OFM.

Help for Divorced, Widowed, or Separated By JErOmE JacksOn, President, Beginning Experience Albuquerque

There is a program to help grieving single-again persons emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning, and move into the future with renewed hope. It’s called Beginning Experience, and it helps deal with the natural grief process and offers an opportunity, through God, for turning the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. The Family Life Office of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will have a Beginning Experience weekend April 5 – 7, 2013, designed to be a time of closure on the past and renewed hope for the future. Those who attend should be beyond the initial feelings of anger and despair which usually follows the loss of a loved one. They should be at the point of wanting a new beginning and ready to work to make that desire a reality. The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce, or death is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. It can re-

sult in nearly unbearable feelings of loneliness and grief. As a result, many who have suffered this loss feel left out by their church, uneasy around married friends, unsure of themselves and uncertain about their future. This is where a Beginning Experience weekend can help. Referred to as “Weekend away for a Lifetime of Change”, Beginning Experience was founded by a Catholic nun and rooted in Christian tradition, the ministry’s open, ecumenical sprit serves those of all faiths. Those who’ve attend the weekend program report: Increased emotional health and self-respect; new skills to deal with the pain of loss; healthier family relationships; renewed energy to be more effective parents, and they return to their church, improving their standard of living for themselves and their families. If you are ready to move toward a new beginning in your life, call the Family Life Office at 505.831.8117 for more information on the April 5 – 7, 2013, Beginning Experience Weekend.

March 2013

Discover the Secret to a Happier Marriage at a Marriage Encounter Weekend, March 23 & 24 By Erica asmus-OtErO Board Member with Marriage Encounter

John and Ann Betar of Connecticut were never supposed to get married; in fact, Ann’s father had arranged for her to marry another man until she and John eloped in New York. Today, more than 80 years later, they are still together and were named the “longest married couple in the United States” for 2013 by Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Their secret for such a successful marriage? For one, there are no secrets; secondly, John and Ann say they have tried to not live beyond their means; third, it’s important to let go of anger and resentment; and fourth, the two say that cherishing family is the key to longevity and happiness. The bottom line is that open, honest communication needs to be at the core of any marriage. Oh, and John added that it’s important to let “your wife be the boss.” Kidding aside, the desire for a happy marriage like the Betars is why we vow before friends, family and God to love, honor and cherish our spouse for the rest of our lives. We all hope for a lifetime of memories with our spouse, happy times with our children, to see our children’s children grow up, and to love and be loved. But the reality of work demands, financial burdens, and other responsibilities can hinder communication, leading to disillusionment with marriage. When you factor in spending less time with each other, a happy marriage can sometimes feel out of reach. Like anything worth having, marriage takes effort from both partners to be successful. That’s why there’s Marriage Encounter – a weekend designed for married couples to rediscover for themselves why they fell in love in the first place. On March 23 and 24, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will host a Marriage Encounter Weekend at the Madonna Center located at the St. Pius X campus in Albuquerque. The weekend is, in essence, a crash course in communication where practical techniques are shared through a series of heartwarming discussions led by a team of lay couples and a director or priest. Time is allowed for each couple to open up the lines of communication with each other in the privacy of their own room without distractions. The weekend is not a retreat, dialogue group, counseling, or sensitivity training and couples do not share personal information with anyone else in the group. Instead, it is a weekend for couples who care deeply about their marriage to build a deeper relationship with their spouse, with God, their family, and themselves. Marriage Encounter helps us remove the masks that we often hide behind, and challenges us as individuals and as a couple to reconnect with what’s important. The program helps couples to communicate on a more intimate level, building trust, closeness, and cooperation. At the end of the program, most couples walk away with a joyful sense of renewal. The most common response from couples is that Marriage Encounter was the “best weekend since their honeymoon.” Whether or not you’re married for 80 years, like John and Ann Betar, you owe it to each other and yourself to nurture your relationship. Marriage Encounter is not something you need; it’s what your marriage deserves. Space is limited and fills quickly. For more information visit http:// To register, call Harold or Brenda Culbertson at 505.352.1306 or email Duane Andersen at


Ash Wednesday at the Metro Detention Center By DEacOn stEvE rangEl Director of Pastoral Outreach/Deacons

On Ash Wednesday, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan went to MDC to visit the inmates and distribute ashes, which he has done faithfully each year since arriving at the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He distributed ashes to over 400 inmates and staff at MDC. Along with the help of our faithful volunteers, ashes were distributed to over 50 % of the 2500+ inmates housed at the facility. The archbishop told the inmates that because they couldn’t come to him, he came to them. He said the ashes are an external sign of an internal sign of commitment to our God, and these 40 days will give them a chance to change the direction of their lives. He said he would keep them and their families in his prayers at Mass that evening at the Cathedral Basilica.

In Matthew 25:31-46, we hear when the son of man comes in His glory, we will stand before the Son of God and we will have to account for what we did or didn’t do to the least of these brethren. We are called to help the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned. The archbishop sets the example for living the gospel of Matthew by serving the least of our brethren, even the ones in prison. He let them know they are not forgotten and that God’s love can change their lives. Please take time to see our brethren and let the gospel move you into action by following the Gospel scripture and serving the least of our brethren when the opportunity comes your way. If you want to live Matthew 25:3146, call the Pastoral Outreach Office which has 12 outreach ministries. The number to call is 505.831.8174.

The Relic of St. Jude Comes to Albuquerque By Fr. rich litzau, OP, Associate Pastor, Aquinas Newman Center, UNM

Recently, two parishes in the archdiocese were blessed with the presence of one of the apostles, or at least, the forearm of an apostle. The relic of St. Jude Thaddeus came to Aquinas Newman Center at UNM and St. Jude Parish, giving Catholics and people of faith an opportunity to venerate and be blest by it. The relic, which is housed at the Dominican Shrine of St. Jude, is reputed to be the largest relic of an apostle outside Rome. The Shrine has been a source of prayer, comfort and healing for people around the world since its founding in 1929. Not much is known about Jude Thaddeus. A close relative of Jesus, he appears in all four Gospels, listed in Luke as an apostle. Matthew and Mark use the name Thaddeus without Jude, perhaps inspiring Catholic scripture scholars to hold Jude and Thaddeus as the same person. A letter, the penultimate book of the Bible, is attributed to him. Although post-biblical traditions have described parts of his ministry, no reliable documentation exists to support those details. One tradition relates that St. Jude traveled throughout Mesopotamia preaching the Good News. In another tradition, St. Jude was martyred, his body buried temporarily in Mesopotamia and

later given permanent interment in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome with the other apostles. At some point, his forearm was encased in a silver reliquary and located for many centuries in Armenia. At the beginning of the 18th century, Armenian Dominican missionaries fled their country in the face of religious persecution and brought the relic to Smyrna, Turkey. The relic was then given to the Provincial of the Dominican Province of St. Peter Martyr in Turin, Italy. In 1949, the relic was presented to the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great for permanent display and veneration at the Dominican Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus at St. Pius V Church in Chicago, where regular Novenas drew crowds of faithful and had since its founding at the start of the Great Depression. Devotion to St. Jude continues today, drawing hundreds five times a year to a Novena at St. Pius V and St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church in suburban Chicago. Recitation of the Rosary, prayers to St. Jude, celebration of the Eucharist, and a special blessing of the Oil of St. Jude make up the central parts of the nineday Novena to St. Jude Thaddeus. The final day is marked by the exposition of the Relic, and a Mass of Healing. The website for the shrine is


March Events at Nativity By DEacOn michaEl a. illErBrun, Director Religious Education

Even in our year of celebration for our 100th birthday, as we enter Lent, our tone becomes subdued and our events reflect the meditative mood of the season. For the month of March, our activities begin in Lent and end with the highest celebration of our Church year…the Easter resurrection of our Lord! We are offering adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the church every Friday from 9:30 – 5 pm, followed by benediction. We also continue to experience the wonderful community building activities of our Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers each Friday evening beginning at 5:30pm in the church and then the parish hall. Come join us for supper and faith building conversation. We continue to learn about our faith with our Thursday evening classes on Catholicism, taught by our deacons. We begin with Mass at 6:30pm and follow immediately with videos and conversation about our faith. We are also planning to have a special presentation on our Blessed Mother in celebration of our Patroness. The presenter and time are still being worked out. Contact the church office at 505.898.5253 x 0 for more information. As we approach Holy Week, we are planning to host a Seder Meal on the afternoon/early evening of March 28, to remind all of our faithful about our Jewish Roots and gain a better appreciation for the Holy Thursday Mass which we will celebrate at 7pm.

AACC Anniversary Mass with Msgr. Ray East, April 28 - save the date!

Photo by Leslie M. Radigan

March 2013

louise Davis is an active member of the african american catholic community. The African American Catholic Community of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe invites you to join them for a Mass and Celebration of their 21st Anniversary on Sunday, April 28, noon at St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church, 5901 St. Joseph Dr NW in Albuquerque. Msgr. Ray East of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church in Washington, DC will be the homilist. For more information, call Brenda Dabney at 836-3627.



March 2013

Rice Bowl Works!

One of the feasts prepared for the group of Global Fellows who travelled to east timor in June 2012. By DEacOn kEith Davis, Director of Ministry Resources and Formation

The little boxes are back – you know, the ones with all the pictures and the slot for making donations on top. But the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl program is much more than a cute little box. Inside each rice bowl you will find the 2013 Lenten Spiritual Guide which offers prayers and information related to how CRS Rice Bowl is making a difference in people’s lives around the world. And CRS is making a difference! Last June I got a first-hand look at the impact of Rice Bowl on the people of East Timor (a country just north of Australia). Utter poverty due to civil war and the lack of natural resources has devastated this tropical country of just over 1 million people. With unemployment reaching nearly 75% and one of the highest population growth rates in the world, it might be easy for the East Timorese to despair. But their faith (East Timor is the most Catholic country in the world at 96%) and the work of Catholic Relief Services – funded by your donations – has resulted in

a culture that is forward thinking and full of hope. It took me almost two days to get to East Timor. While I was there I met farmers who, because of CRS, had hope they would be able to produce enough food to feed their family for an entire year. Before CRS, the food they could produce resulted in months of famine. I also experienced the collaboration between CRS and the Maryknoll sisters who are helping with the development of farm coops that grow healthy crops – reducing the incidence of child mortality due to malnutrition. The people of East Timor are wonderfully hospitable. I was given ample opportunity to “feast” on the local cuisine. You don’t have to sit in an airplane for two days to experience their culture. Get a taste of the country by trying out the CRS Rice Bowl Recipe for Batar Da’an. You can find it in the Lenten Guide inside your rice bowl. You will also find information about how CRS is stopping the spread of tuberculosis. Visit crsricebowl. org and you can see the whole story, register your rice bowl and receive daily reflections to help you on your own Lenten journey.

CRS Rice Bowl: What You Give Up For Lent Changes Lives! As Jesus’ disciples, we have a responsibility to care for our brothers and sisters in all nations. Our archdiocese is participating in Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowl this Lent as a sign of solidarity with our global family. Visit www. for extra educational resources and activities including great recipes that correspond to the focused country of the week, bonus lesson plans, videos that bring

the projects alive, and more! Through Rice Bowl, Catholic Relief Services gives more than short term assistance to poor countries; it establishes long term, person-focused sustainable programs that provide better opportunities for each individual, and it remains in communities to help those efforts succeed. And don’t forget to turn in your Rice Bowls to your parish or school immediately after Easter!

Be A Faithful Citizen: Stay Up To Date on the New Mexico Legislative Session Allen Sánchez, Director of the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops, presents the concerns of the three Catholic Dioceses of New Mexico at our New Mexico legislature in Santa Fe. The purpose of the conference is to promote the greater good of human-

kind by addressing issues of moral concern and social justice as seen through the eyes of

the Catholic faith. The conference informs and educates its members and the public about

those issues and encourages all to advocate for those issues and the betterment of humanity. This year is the 60-day session, which began on Jan 15 and ends on Mar 16. Life, being the greatest gift from God, is top priority, as is concern for the poor. Listen to Catholic

Radio daily or go to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe website ( for more legislative updates from Allen. Sign up to receive the latest information from the NMCCB and the 2013 legislative session by calling the Office of Social Justice 505.831.8167.

March 2013



Chosen by Christ, Called to Continuing Conversion By FaBian yañEz, Director Office of Worship and Christian Initiation

This year on Sunday, February 17 at the Cathedral Basilica, on Saturday, February 23 at St. Rose of Lima Church in Santa Rosa and on Sunday, February 24 at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Albuquerque, 247 catechumens were chosen by Archbishop Sheehan for full initiation at the Easter Vigil. 337 baptized candidates, who desire to make their profession of faith in the Catholic Church and to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, were also welcomed by him. These

days of the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion were full of the promise of the evangelizing mission of the Church and her future by the swelling of the ranks of the faithful. But how did these folks get to this point at the onset of the season of Lent? For the unbaptized it began with a period of inquiring into the life of the Church. This time was concluded with the Rite of Acceptance when they were enrolled into the Order of Catechumens. The period of the Catechumenate is normally to be a period of at least one year, so that the catechumens may be catechized by a

complete cycle of the Word of God proclaimed at Mass, catechetical sessions and the rites of the Church. This period comes to an end, when the catechumens are sent by their parish and are “elected” by the Archbishop. They sign their names into the Book of the Elect which symbolizes the Scriptural enrollment of those chosen by Christ. We are familiar with the penitential practices of the Church during the season of Lent. These are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These practices are rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Christian Scriptures and the early Fathers of the Church. These take on particular significance for the newly-Elect. This is their time of purification and enlightenment. This time includes special rites for their spiritual perfection,

since the vocation of every member of the faithful is holiness. For the newlyElect this is the time for preparation for the sacraments of initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. On the First Sunday of Lent it is common to celebrate the Rite of Sending; the parish community sends those who have been participating in the catechumenal process to meet the Archbishop. As we have already seen above, this is where they are elected or called to continuing conversion. An optional rite for the Second Sunday of Lent is a Penitential Rite for those in the process who already baptized. The Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent can have the Cycle A readings proclaimed, which focus on baptismal themes. On these Sundays we solemnly celebrate the scrutinies which are reinforced by exorcisms. Thinking of the scrutinies and exorcisms, please set aside any Hollywood notions. The scrutinies and exorcisms are meant to uncover and then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the Elect. They are celebrated to deliver the Elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation and to give them strength in Christ. When I witness these Lenten rites, in a sense, I vicariously live my own call to holiness through those preparing for the Easter sacraments. May our Lenten journey be one that brings us into a more intimate union with Christ and his Church.



What Are You Doing for the Year of Faith? By DEacOn kEith Davis, Director of Ministry Resources and Formation

We are about halfway into the Year of Faith – a year that celebrates our faith in Jesus Christ. As Pope Benedict XVI put it, “To rediscover the content of the faith that is professed, celebrated, lived and prayed, and to reflect on the act of faith, is a task that every believer must make his own, especially in the course of this year.” The Archdiocese of Santa Fe and its parishes are offering many programs and classes to help us to rediscover and to reenergize our lived faith. The Formation for Christian Service Office offers many classes that can be taken for certification credit or simply because you want to understand your faith a little better. These classes are held in many locations throughout the archdiocese. A current schedule of classes can be found at: HostedSites/Org.asp?ID=21641

The archdiocese provides many resources that can be used by parishes, families and individuals to celebrate the Year of Faith and enrich the faith journey. The Ministry Resource Center at the Catholic Center has about 10,000 holdings which include books and videos (DVDs). This free lending library is for any Catholic in the archdiocese. Those outside the metro Albuquerque area can have materials mailed directly to their house or the parish. Suggestions for the Year of Faith are books, articles and videos related to the Second Vatican Council are the Catholicism video series by Fr. Robert Barron, videos such as “For Greater Glory,” “October Baby,” or “The Way.” There are many videos and books about the lives of the saints, church history, spirituality, Scripture and more. Children and youth resources are also available. Check out the online catalogue at: http://library. html

March 2013

Ask the Padre Dear Fr. Sampson, Would my husband, upon his death, be able to have a funeral Mass and burial in the church? It is his desire to be able to have this. My husband is not Catholic (baptized Presbyterian); however, we were married in the church, our children have been baptized, received First Communion and Confirmation and raised Catholic. All three are attending Catholic High School. Maureen Tarbox Dear Maureen, Yes, absolutely, your husband may have a funeral Mass and burial, if this is his desire and especially since his family members are practicing Catholics. In fact, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe willingly permits this. I applaud the fact that he has not interfered with your practice of the faith and that he has seen to it that your children were brought up in the faith. He must be a good man. You did not say whether his death is imminent. If he is ill and if you feel prayerful accompaniment would be helpful to you and your family, please don’t hesitate to ask your parish ministers who regularly visit the sick to come pray with you. May the Lord be with you and yours now and always. Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Jim

62nd Annual Brother Mathias Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner March 17, 2013 4 – 7:30 pm In the West Convention Center The proceeds will benefit the Good Shepherd Center, which helps the area’s homeless population. Tickets can be purchased at the door. There will be a full Irish feast, children’s games and entertainment. Cost is $15 adults, children 12 and under, $5. Take out dinners available.

Casa Angelica Auxiliary

Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show

Casa Angelica Auxiliary is having their Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show on Saturday, April 6, 2013 at the Hotel Albuquerque 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW Albuquerque, NM 87104. Doors open at 10:00 am for a silent auction. For tickets and information, contact Dolores Stoll at 505.275.2470.

Continued from page 6 “Hineni”, que significa “Aquí estoy” (3,4). En este Año de la Fe tenemos la misma oportunidad que tuvo Moisés. Podemos seguir en la rutina de nuestras vidas, pero hacerlo con una atención que nos ayude a reconocer la presencia de Dios. Podemos estar dispuestos a dejar la rutina cuando se nos invita e incluso se nos urge a hacer algo extraordinario en respuesta a Dios. Preguntas para la reflexión y discusión • ¿Cuáles son algunas de las palabras descriptivas que te vienen a la mente al pensar en Moisés? • ¿Qué experiencias o conocimientod e opresión te ayudan a comprender la importancia de la respuesta de Dios a los esclavos hebreos (Éxodo

2,23-24; 3,7-9)? • ¿Cómo podría la experiencia de infancia temprana haber influido en Moisés en su primera respuesta a la orden de Dios de ir al Faraón y sacar a los hebreos de Egipto? (Éxodo 3,7—4,18)? • ¿Qué puedes hacer para hacerte más atento a las zarzas ardientes que Dios podría estar poniendo en tu camino? Este artículo fue originalmente publicado en el Arkansas Catholic el 9 de febrero de 2013. Derechos de autor Diócesis de Little Rock. Todos los derechos son reservados. Este artículo podrá ser copiado o redistribuido con reconocimiento y permiso del editor.

March 2013




few thousand of them. We can overthrow them.” But, no one joined me and I was quickly captured. And I thought that I’d end up being a martyr, and maybe that was God’s plan for me. But even that didn’t happen. This morning I was yanked out of my cell, and instead of being taken to Golgotha, I was brought before Pilate, himself. And to my surprise, I wasn’t the only Jesus there. The Nazarean, the prophet was there and Pilate was asking the crowd which one of us they wanted released; the son of the father, or the king of the Jews. What chance did I have of being picked against the prophet? Surely the crowd would rather have Him freed. But from the back of the crowd came a few voices that shouted, “Bar Abbas, and they got louder, “BAR ABBAS” and more joined in, “BAR ABBAS” until it seemed that everyone was calling my name. The next thing I know, I’m being thrown into the street in front of the Praetorium. I started to move away, not waiting for someone to change their mind, thinking myself lucky. But, I couldn’t make myself leave. Soon, they brought out the Nazarean, dragging the beam that He was to be crucified on. They had beaten Him, and He was bloody and weak. It was all He could do to drag the great beam of wood. I still couldn’t leave. I was compelled to follow, puzzled by the humility of this just man. I watched as He slowly made His way out of the city gate near the palace to the place of the skull. They stripped Him of His clothes and nailed Him to the beam. Then they raised the beam, and I saw his anguish as his weight pulled at the nails. It was only after some people came to take his body away that I stopped to consider all that had happened. I can’t believe what they’ve done! This man was innocent! I was guilty, not Him! How could they have crucified Him and let me live? I’m the criminal. He died for my sins. He died so that I might live!



March 2013

God Has Done, Marvelous Deeds! In February, the Santa Fe Archdiocesan Religious Vocation Committee hosted a vocation awareness day entitled Focus 11. This event provided an opportunity for approximately 370 sixth graders from across the archdiocese to attend a Mass for Vocations, participate in question and answer panel sessions, and visit congregational exhibits of both male and female religious serving in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Many were impressed with the high energy of the students who spent their day growing in knowledge and experience of religious life, deepening their understanding of service in the church and exploring the meaning of a religious vocation. Fr. Vincent Chavez, pastor of Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus-Shrine of the Little Flower, celebrated Mass; Sr. Shirlee Tremont, MPF, from Brooklyn, NY, prepared a meaningful reflection about being called to serve in the church and hosted the question and answer panel; Sr. Mary Seraphine Moynier, CSSF, serving in Pomona, CA animated the day; Fr. James V. Marchionda, OP, Sr. Julianna Francis Marie Vagnozzi, CSSF, Fr. David Rico, OFM, and Sr. Veronica Marie Lucero, CSSF, provided liturgical music for the event and the Baca family (Nestor, Nellie and Dennis) offered their technical assistance and broad range of service. A special thank you to all the Catholic schools and religious congregations that participated in Focus 11: Annunciation Catholic School, Holy Ghost Catholic School, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School, Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School, Queen of Heaven Catholic School, San Felipe de Neri Catholic School,

For advertising information please call Leslie at 505.831.8162 or email lradigan@

Photo by Barbara romero

By sr. vErOnica mariE lucErO, cssF, Co-chair of the Focus 11 event

isaiah Valdez and ivan Delgado, from St. therese School, carry the gifts of bread and wine at the Focus 11 Mass. St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, St. Mary’s Catholic School-Albuquerque, St. Mary’s Catholic School-Belen, St. Therese Catholic School, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, Santo Niño Regional Catholic SchoolSanta Fe, Holy Child Catholic SchoolTijeras, Holy Cross Catholic SchoolSanta Cruz Women religious groups who attended: Canossian Daughters of Charity, Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, Sisters of St. Dominic-Adrian, Sisters of St. Dominic-Grand Rapids, Sisters of St. Dominic-Racine, Felician Franciscan Sisters, Religious Sisters Filippini, Ursuline Sisters Men religious groups who attended: Franciscan Friars of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, Good Shepherd Brothers, Canons Regular of Premontre-Norbertines, Order of PreachersDominicans

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Msgr. Jerome Martinez y alire, pastor of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del Valle de Pojoaque church, recently officially installed nine acolytes to this parish in Pojoaque, NM. Pictured from left to right are Sean ewy, Gerard Martinez, Marty Martinez, Deacon reuben roybal, Nicholas romero, Msgr. Jerome, Mike Martinez, harry Montoya, Greg romero, Gary Johnson & Donald yardman.

D+E+I 2013 Artisano de Honor: Penne Roberts By Fran WhElan D+E+I Trustee and Co-Chair of Annual Tea

The Dominican Ecclesial Institute (D+E+I) is thrilled to announce Penne Roberts as the 2013 Artisano de Honor recipient. She has been commissioned to create this year’s D+E+I Lumen Cross awards. Ms. Roberts is a locally renowned artist who specializes in clay and pottery. She has been actively involved in the New Mexico art scene over the years: served on the Board of the New Mexico Potters & Clay Artists Association; was editor of the NMPA newsletter; served as the Ghost Ranch Workshop Coordinator. It was at Ghost Ranch where Ms. Roberts got her real passion for working with clay and learning from master potters from across the country. Her work is on display in several galleries: The Yucca, The Weems, The Handmaiden, The Patrician, and The Wild Side (Key West, FL). This year’s afternoon tea will be honoring Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan with the Lumen Ecclesiae award for his ongoing support and encouragement of adult forma-

tion throughout the archdiocese. Further honoring the archbishop will be the prior of the St. Albert the Great Dominican province, Fr. Charles Bouchard, OP, who will be speaking on the Dominican charism, Fr. Jim Marchionda, OP, will be assembling a multi-parish choir for the occasion. Along with the archbishop, D+E+I will recognize and honor parish staff and volunteers who actively engage in adult formation in their parish with the Lumen Gentium awards. These individuals and the programs they run are a testament both to their pastors and the archbishop’s vision for adult formation. This year’s afternoon tea and Lumen Awards is being help at the Sheraton Uptown on April 28, 2013 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. There is still time to hop on board and join the festivities! Tickets are $50/person or $475/table. If you are interested in purchasing tickets, sponsoring the tea, donating items to the silent auction, or congratulating the archbishop on his award, please contact D+E+I ( / 505.243.0525)

March 2013


Rest Rev. Paul M. Baca

At age 88, Fr. Paul M. Baca passed away on February 8, 2013 after completing a life of service to all of us here in New Mexico. Please send your memory of Fr. Paul to his online Book of Memories at: Contributions in Fr. Paul’s name may be made to:

Rev. Albert J. Podvin

Rev. Albert J. Podvin passed away Thursday, February 21, 2013. Fr. Podvin is survived by his sisters, Sr. Catherine Podvin, O.P. of Adrian, Michigan, and L. Virginia Podvin of Albuquerque. He was preceded in death by his parents, Armedose and Marie Podvin. Fr. Podvin was born in Saginaw, MI, on February 2, 1923. He served in the United States Army during World War II. Fr. Podvin was ordained on May 12, 1952, by Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne and served at many parishes before retiring from Sangre de Cristo Parish in 2004. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that those who wish celebrate Mass in honor of Fr. Podvin. Please visit the online guestbook for Fr. Podvin at


Peace Flossie B. Mitchell

Age 83, passed away Monday, January 21, 2013. She was born December 26, 1929 in Smith County, TX to Minnie and Jimmy Wayne Mumphrey. Flossie was a professional educator that worked in the field of home economics ranging from being a food caterer to a home economist in the San Felipe Pueblo; a teacher in the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Shiprock – Laguna, NM. She also taught on the Navajo Reservation at Chinle Boarding School and Many Farms High School; finishing her teaching career with Chinle Public School after 25 years. She also worked as an office clerk at O’Hara Airport, Chicago, IL. While living in Many Farms, Flossie attended St. Anthony’s Parish and was elected as parish council president for 17 years. After retiring, she worked as a Volunteer at St. Pius X High School which lead her into tutoring youngsters at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. She was a member of the Arizona Home Economics Hall of Fame; active member of the Catholic Daughters, and the Female Educators Professional Sorority – Alpha Delta Kappa. She was a dedicated, steadfast part-time employee of the Catholic Center of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. She was preceded in death by her parents, and a son, Jimmy Sanford. Flossie is survived by her son, Kenneth Sanford; sisters, Eva Crisp and Kathleen Raibon; two grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. She was a wonderful woman who loved her family and her God.


EDUCATION from page 10

what they taught you.” –J. Rivera “You can have a class pet. We have two….no eight…our hamsters just had babies.” -E. Fritts “Our PE Coach, Ms. Warren, is having a jump rope fundraiser to raise money for kids with sick hearts. You should donate.” -V. Vu “We offer extra-curricular classes; fun ones like Art, PE, Library, Music and Spanish!” –N. Elevario “Queen of Heaven is the best school around town and there is no waiting list to get in!” -A. Owens “Our school is so awesome. Our teacher and principal were even on the radio telling everyone about our Catholic School.” –I. Dopson “At Catholic schools, the teachers, principal, priests and deacons are very nice.” E. Nguyen If you are considering sending your child to a school with amazing academics and one which teaches good moral values, Queen of Heaven school is it! All Catholic Schools are in the process of registering students for the fall 20132014 school year. Financial aid and scholarships are also available to help families. Visit one today and see why students love our Catholic Schools!



March 2013

Mark Your Calendar Date



Mar 9-10



Engaged Encounter Weekend retreat, lodging and meals included

Madonna Center, Abq

505.352.1177 or 505.771.8331 (Free) Sacred Music Concert

Sun, Mar 10

Concert 3:00 pm

schola cantorum of santa Fe, includes ancient gregorian chant of Passio Domine “Passion”

Preview at 2:30 pm Incarnation, RR

Tues, Mar 12 Tues, Mar 19

9:30 am -11:15 am

“vatican two”, Fr tom noesen & gerry Wood’s adult study, w/archival footage from the council

Risen Savior, Abq No Charge for Sessions


Lenten Retreat - Mission of San Jose de los Duranes

505.247.0397 to register or

8:30 am3:45 pm

your Faith Does not rest on the Wisdom of men, But on the Power of god/Fr vitus & Dan schneider 62nd annual Brother mathias corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner to benefit the Good Shepherd

St. Patrick, Chama



Alb Convention Center $15 adult and $5 children


Mon, Mar 18

st. Patrick/st. Joseph Feast Day, Est. 1891 & Est. 1920, Est. 1988 (combined)

St. Patrick, Raton St. Joseph, Raton


Tues, Mar 19

st. Joseph Pueblo Feast Day

Laguna Pueblo


Tues, Mar 19

san José Parish Feast Day, Est. 1857

San José, Anton Chico


Tues, Mar 19

st. Joseph Feast Day, Est. 1939

St. Joseph, Cerrillos


Tues, Mar 19

san José Parish Feast Day, Est. 1883

San José, Los Ojos


Tues, Mar 19

st. Joseph Feast Day, Est. 1882

St. Joseph, Springer


Thurs, Mar 21

chrism mass “Fish & Go” order full fish dinner, drive thru & pick up @

St. Mary’s School, 224 7th St, NW (adult $8, child $4)

505.338.1754 or fax 505.242.4837

Mar 23-24

Marriage Encounter, helps couples to reflect on ways to enhance their commitment to each other

Madonna Center, Abq (St. Pius X Campus)

505.352.1306 or 505.877.0062

Sun, Mar 24

Palm sunday of the Passion, Passion of the lord

Sat, Mar 16

st. Patrick Parish Feast Day, Est. 1964

Sun, Mar 17 Sun, Mar 17

Fri, Mar 22

3:30 pm 6:30 pm

Mon, Mar 25

OlOa Parish Feast Day, Est. 1959

OL of the Annunciation, Abq


Mon, Mar 25

church of the incarnation Feast Day, Est. 2003

Incarnation, RR


Thur, Mar 28

holy thursday/Evening mass of the lord’s supper


Fri, Mar 29

good Friday – Friday of the Passion of the lord

Sat, Mar 30

holy saturday (sunset @ 7:27 pm; Celebration of the Vigil begins after 8:15 pm)

Sun, Mar 31

Easter sunday of the resurrection of the lord

Sun, Mar 31

risen savior Feast Day, Est. 1979

Risen Savior, Abq

Apr 5-7

Designed to help the Divorced, Widowed or Separated find hope and strength for the future

Madonna Ctr, Abq


Hotel Albuquerque, in Abq Open at 10am w/auction

505.275.2470 Tickets & Information

Sun, Apr 7

casa angelica auxiliary annual luncheon Fashion show, and a silent auction 2nd sunday of Easter (or sunday of Divine mercy)

Mon, Apr 8

the annunciation of the lord

Sat, Apr 6

10:00 am

Roman Catholic Saints Calendar March

“May the Dear Lord bless you...” March

Rev. Stephen Imbarrato Rev. Richard Rohr, OFM Rev. Jose Flavio Santillanes Rev. Bryant Housfeld, OFM Rev. Samuel Falbo Rev. Mark Byrne, SOLT Rev. Charles Brown Rev. Steven A. Sanchez Rev. Denis Kaggwa Rev. Msgr. Douglas Raun Very Rev. Daniel Balizan


Rev. Sean Murnan, OFM Rev. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz Very Rev. Richard F. Litzau, OP Rev. Scott Mansfield Rev. Ronald J. Schulz Rev. James Sanchez, SOLT Rev. John Plans, SF Rev. Arkad Biczak Rev. Kevin Azubuike Iwuoha Rev. George Pavamkott, O.Praem Rev. Emmanuel U. Izuka Rev. Eric Nordmeyer, OFM

19 20 21 25 25 25 26 27 28 30 31 2 2 4 4 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 12

TV Mass Schedule

St. Louise de Marillac St. Clement Mary Hofbauer St. Patrick St. Cyril of Jerusalem Solemnity of St. Joseph St. Salvator of Horta Blessed John of Parma St. Nicholas Owen St. Turibius of Mogrovejo St. Catherine of Genoa Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord Blessed Didacus Joseph of Cadiz Blessed Francis Faà di Bruno St. Hesychius of Jerusalem Blessed Ludovico of Casoria St. Peter Regalado St. Stephen of Mar Saba

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

St. Hugh of Grenoble St. Francis of Paola St. Benedict the African St. Isidore of Seville St. Vincent Ferrer St. Crescentia Hoess St. John Baptist de la Salle St. Julie Billiart St. Casilda St. Magdalen of Canossa St. Stanislaus St. Teresa of Los Andes St. Martin I Blessed Peter Gonzalez

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KrQe tV-13, KBiM tV-10, KreZ tV-6 and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass Donations may be sent online or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM.


Readings (Cycle C)

march 10, 2013 4th Sunday Lent Rev. Andrew Pavlak

Jos 5:9a, 10-12 Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 2 Cor 5:17-21 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

march 17, 2013 5th Sunday Lent Rev. John Cannon

Is 43:16-21 Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 Phil 3:8-14 Jn 8:1-11

march 24, 2013 Palm Sunday/Passion Rev. John Cannon

Lk 19:28-40 / Is 50:4-7 Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 Phil 2:6-11 / Lk 22:14—23:56 Lk 23:1-49

march 31, 2013 Easter Sunday Most Rev. Michael Sheehan

Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Col 3:1-4 / 1 Cor 5:6b-8 Jn 20:1-9 / Lk 24:1-12 Lk 24:13-35

april 7, 2013 2nd Sunday Easter/Divine Mercy Rev. Vincent Chavez

Acts 5:12-16 Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 Jn 20:19-31

March 2013


Kid’s Corner




March 2013

A special pilgrimage through an International Cultural Corridor of Faith in honor of the

Venerable Sor María de Ágreda The Lady in Blue Saturday, April 20, 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Pilgrims will travel from Hotel Albuquerque via a chartered air-conditioned bus to St. Augustine, Isleta Pueblo; Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Mountainair; and return to Hotel Albuquerque. Cost $50.00 - Includes travel, continental breakfast, lunch. Contact Venerables Margil y Sor Maria de Agreda Initiative 505.294.4157/505.797.1026

Sor María de Ágreda, Spain (1602-1665, aka The Lady in Blue,) served as the spiritual and political advisor of King Philip IV of Spain for more than 22 years. The two maintained a regular correspondence with over 600 letters written to one another. Based upon her transcendent visionary experiences, Sor María chronicled the life of Mary, mother of Jesus of Nazareth, in the book Mystical City of God, a work the Spanish Inquisition temporarily condemned. Today Sor María is lauded in Spain as one of the most influential women in its history and in the United States as an inspiring pioneer. In 1620, Sor María de Ágreda with the gift of bilocation, is reported to have appeared over 500 times to the Jumanos, a Plains tribe at the Salinas Pueblo Missions Monument near Mountainair, New Mexico as well as in southwestern Texas. In her apparition, Sor María de Ágreda asked the Jumanos to travel to the Pueblo of Isleta to ask the Franciscan priests for a missionary to be assigned to their tribe to guide them in the Faith. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe welcomed the First International Pilgrimage by a group of pilgrims visiting from Ágreda, Spain. The pilgrims gathered information regarding Venerable Sor María de Jesús de Ágreda and her contributions in New Mexico in hope of advancement of her cause to sainthood. They reported their findings including a special blessing by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan and a historical proclamation by the Governor of Isleta to their bishop Most Rev. Gerardo Melgar Viciosa, Bishop of OsmaSoria, Spain and to Padre Gaspar Calvo, Vice Postulator for the Cause of Sor María and President of the Pontifical International Marian Academy of Rome, Emeritus. The New Mexico pilgrimage took place July 9-12, 2012.

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