May 2017

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May 2017 Vol. 35, No. 5

Serving the multicultural people of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe


100th Anniversary of Apparitions Our Lady of Fatima



May 2017

Pope to canonize Fatima seers May 13; October date for other saints

This background postcard, was released by the Vatican May 4, marks the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Mary to the three shepherd children in Fatima May 13, 1917. (CNS photo/courtesy of Vatican Philatelic and Numismatic Office)

By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis will declare the sainthood of Blessed Jacinta Marto and Blessed Francisco Marto, two of the shepherd children who saw Mary in Fatima, Portugal, during his visit to the site of the apparitions May 13. The date was announced April 20 during an “ordinary public consistory,” a meeting of the pope, cardinals and promoters of sainthood causes that formally ends the sainthood process. Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints’ Causes, addressing the assembly noted that of the future saints considered at the consistory, five were children or young teenagers. “In our time, where young people often become objects of exploitation and commerce, these young people excel as witnesses of truth and freedom, messengers of peace (and) of a new humanity reconciled in love,” the cardinal said. At the same consistory, the pope set Oct. 15 as the date for the canonizations of two priests and two groups of martyrs, including Blessed Cristobal, Blessed Antonio and Blessed Juan -- also known as the “Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala” -- who were among the first native converts

in Mexico. They were killed between 1527 and 1529 for refusing to renounce the faith and return to their people’s ancient traditions. Pope Francis will preside over the canonization ceremony of the Fatima visionaries during his visit to Fatima May 12-13. The pilgrimage will mark the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparitions, which began May 13, 1917, when 9-year-old Francisco and 7-year-old Jacinta, along with their cousin Lucia dos Santos, reported seeing the Virgin Mary. The apparitions continued once a month until Oct. 13, 1917, and later were declared worthy of belief by the Catholic Church. A year after the apparitions, both of the Marto children became ill during an influenza epidemic that plagued Europe. Francisco died April 4, 1919, at the age of 10, while Jacinta succumbed to her illness Feb. 20, 1920, at the age of 9. Francisco and Jacinta’s cause for canonization was stalled for decades due to a debate on whether nonmartyred children have the capacity to understand heroic virtues at a young age. However, in 1979, St. John Paul II allowed their cause to proceed; he declared them venerable in 1989 and beatified them in 2000. The children’s cousin entered the Carmelites. Sister

Lucia died in 2005 at the age of 97. The diocesan phase of her sainthood cause concluded in February and now is under study at the Vatican. The other canonizations set to take place Oct. 15 include: -- The “Martyrs of Natal,” Brazil, including: Blessed Andre de Soveral, a Jesuit priest; Blessed Ambrosio Francisco Ferro, a diocesan priest; Blessed Mateus Moreira, a layman; and 27 others. They were killed in 1645 in a wave of anti-Catholic persecution carried out by Dutch Calvinists. -- Blessed Faustino Miguez, a Spanish priest and a member of the Piarist Fathers born in 1831. He started an advanced school for girls at a time when such education was limited almost exclusively to boys. While he taught a variety of subjects and wrote numerous textbooks, he also honed an interest in botany, which led him to find a cure for a professor so ill that he was thought to be beyond hope. People then came to him from all parts of the country seeking relief from their sicknesses. -- Blessed Angelo da Acri, an Italian Capuchin priest who was born Luca Antonio Falcone. A famed preacher, he was known for his defense of the poor. He died in 1739 and was beatified by Pope Leo XII in 1825.


May 2017


Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for May/Mayo Christians in Africa. That Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace.

Table of Contents 2

Pope to Canonize Fatima Seers Archbishop’s Letter: Laws Are Meant To Protect Human Beings, Not Break Them Archbishop Response - Funding Early Childhood Archbishop’s Statement on HHS Healthcare Mandate Diaconate Ordinations Priestly Ordinations Vocations 100th Anniversary of Apparitions, Our Lady of Fatima San Felipe de Neri’s Tabernacle Stolen and Returned Catholic Charities 2017 Distinguished Disciples Catholic Education Confirmations Pope’s Encounter in Egypt Lecture on Servant of God, Sister Blandina, SC

4 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 26 35 36

Editorial Assistant/Photojournalist: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month. Check out Media Kit online @ Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement. Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

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(Proverbs 23:25)

Special Collection May 21, 2017

Official Magazine of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Publisher: Most Rev. John C. Wester Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Cristianos de África, testigos de la paz. Por los cristianos de África, para que den un testimonio profético de reconciliación, de justicia y paz, imitando a Jesús Misericordioso.


National Black and Indian Mission Office The National Collection for Black and Indian people continues as the embodiment of the Church’s concern for evangelizing the Black and Indian peoples of the United States. The funds are distributed as grants to dioceses throughout the United States, supporting and strengthening evangelization programs which otherwise would cease. The Collection was formerly known as The Black and Indian Home Mission Collection. A portion of this collection is allocated to the Catholic Home Missions. This Appeal strengthens the Catholic Church in the United States and its territories where resources are thin and priests are few. The Appeal also supports about 25 organizations and religious communities engaged in home mission work. The appeal funds a wide range of pastoral services, including evangelization, religious education, the maintenance of mission parishes, the training of seminarians and lay ministers, and ministry with ethnic groups, especially Hispanics. Featured on front cover: Pope Francis touches a statue of Our Lady of Fatima after praying in front of it during his general audience in 2015 in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Francis will visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima May 12-13. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)



May 2017

Laws Are Meant To Protect Human Beings, Not Break Them


s an archbishop, one of my key responsibilities is to promote unity in our local Church of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. With this in mind, I could not help but be saddened to learn that a statement I recently issued regarding immigration in light of recent presidential executive orders was seen, in the minds of some, as being divisive. A few wrote to me to say, among other things, that they are dismayed at my apparent lack of respect for our immigration laws. Even though this is a complex topic and not one easily addressed in the space of this article, I thought it might be helpful to point to some of the areas I see as pertinent to this discussion, hoping that even a brief exposition may promote a greater understanding and lead to greater unity. Many times I hear people say,

“What don’t you understand about illegal?” The presumption seems to be that supporting undocumented immigrants means that I must not respect the law. I maintain, however, that it is possible to both support the law and defend those who are in our country without legal status. One reason for this is that our immigration system of laws is broken and completely inadequate to deal with the immigration reality we face in our country and in our world. For years and years, the Catholic bishops of the United States have been advocating for immigration reform precisely because we see the need for effective, comprehensive and sound laws that both promote the common good in our country and welcome the stranger in our midst. Good laws promote and connote respect for the law. Sadly, our elected officials have failed us in their inability to enact comprehensive immigration reform. They have come close, especially in June of 2007, but partisan politics and ideological myopia have prevented our representatives from crafting the necessary legislation. Given this reality, I maintain that it is important to do what we can to respect the law to the extent that we are able without violating our consciences. What do I mean by this? I often hear some people refer to undocumented immigrants as “those illegals.” What does that mean? Is someone speeding on I-25 an illegal human being? Are

those who cheat on their income taxes “illegals”? First, it is important to establish that no human being is “illegal”. How we refer to one another makes a difference. Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Holocaust survivor stated, “You who are so-called illegal aliens must know that no human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?” The word illegal is not a noun. It only refers to a person’s actions. Labeling people “illegals” who are here without proper documentation dehumanizes immigrants. It also assigns guilt to persons involved in complex legal circumstances that are, in part, created by a broken immigration system. In our judicial system, the word “legal” or “illegal” means many things because there are many systems of laws and many levels of laws within those systems. There is divine law, natural law, statutory law, regulatory (administrative) law and common law, to name a few. Some laws are classified as criminal and other as civil. And within those categories we differentiate between felonies, misdemeanors and infractions. In reality, we all live under many systems of laws and we are called to respect these laws if we wish to be “law abiding”. But what if there are conflicts between these systems? How do I decide which laws to


MAY 2017


His mercy endures forever obey when, say, civil law quarrels with divine law? Even if I have to pay a penalty under a law that I have broken (not reporting for army duty) I may have a moral obligation to disobey that civil law in order to obey a higher law (God’s law) if my conscience dictates such civil disobedience. In other words, and to my point here, I respect immigration laws in principle, even though they are terribly flawed just now. However, at the same time, I am obliged by my conscience to welcome the strangers in our midst, particularly if they are fleeing economic, political or religious persecution or if they are sure to become victims of violent and organized crime. Pope St. John XXIII, in Pacem in Terris wrote eloquently about the right of all human beings to migrate as well as not to migrate. Pope St. John Paul II added to this teaching when he wrote, in his address to the New World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Immigrants in 1985, “When there are just reasons in favor of it, [a migrant] must be permitted to migrate to other countries and to take up residence there. The fact that he is a citizen of a particular state does not deprive him of membership to the human family, nor of citizenship in the universal society, the common, world-wide fellowship of men.” Naturally, the United States has the right to protect and defend its borders, even an obligation to do so for the safety of all of us. But this is not an absolute right. We are a country that is greatly blessed. We have an obligation to welcome our brothers and sisters, especially those suffering from persecution of any kind. As Pope Francis said when he went to Lampedusa early in his pontificate to mourn the tragic loss of refugees who had drowned seeking

freedom from oppression and suffering, “…we have lost the sense of fraternal responsibility.” Elsewhere he lamented that we have accepted as normal the culture of indifference. It is worth noting that from a moral perspective, intentionality and consequences are critical in determining the morality of an action. Immigrants are motivated by providing a life for their families, becoming loyal citizens one day, and, as I have said, to flee danger and in many cases, death. Furthermore, they make a genuine contribution to our society by enriching our culture, providing needed labor, enlarging tax revenues, forging enduring relationships and sharing their dreams and visions for a better tomorrow. To simply call some of them “illegals” does not do justice to the ethical and human reality of their situation. There is so much more that could be said but I hope these few paragraphs open up for some of us another way of looking at our immigration laws and those who try, but find it impossible to abide by them. Laws are meant to protect human beings, not break them. Sadly, our immigration laws are doing just that. We are told we should fear the immigrant. The facts do not support such an assertion. Study after study has shown that immigrants are hardworking and God-fearing newcomers who contribute to the well-being of our country on a variety of levels. Indeed, if we are to fear anything, it should be those policies that rip apart the fabric of our country, policies that divide us, that demonize immigrants or any other group of people and that distract us from the real dangers to our safety and lives. The greater concern should be about the policies

that isolate ourselves from the world community, that fail to enact common sense gun safety, that weaken our respect for the sanctity of human life through abortion or assisted suicide, and cause divisions in our democracy so great that dialogue and compromise are no longer possible. These are the real threats we face, along with failing to enact comprehensive immigration reform. Hopefully, we will achieve this elusive goal someday but it seems to always elude our grasp, administration after administration. In the meantime, I urge us all not to be taken in by political soundbites or rhetoric that instills fear. Rather, let us take the time to hear the stories of those immigrants coming to our shores and borders. What don’t I understand about “illegal”? Well, there is a lot I don’t understand about it. We are speaking of human beings who have inherent worth and dignity. And I truly don’t understand why we cannot build on the rich legacy of our great country and welcome the stranger in our midst whenever we are able. As Bishop Robert McElroy said in his excellent article in America (February 6, 2017), “‘Who are the people in the United States? All of us.” And from my perspective, that includes the undocumented immigrant who is my brother or sister, a fact that is more compelling to me than his or her legal status and one that I truly believe carries more weight. If it is the law that is flawed, then let’s fix the law so that immigrants don’t have to break it, and it no longer breaks them. Sincerely yours in the Lord,

Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe



May 2017

Las leyes están destinadas a proteger a la gente, no a perjudicarla.


omo obispo, una de mis principales responsabilidades es promover la unidad en la Iglesia local de nuestra Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe. Considerando esto, no puedo dejar de sentir tristeza al saber que, a raíz de las recientes órdenes ejecutivas presidenciales, una declaración sobre la inmigración que hice recientemente, haya sido vista por algunos, como divisiva. Algunas personas me escribieron para decir que están consternadas por mi aparente falta de respeto por nuestras leyes de inmigración. Si bien este es un tema complicado y no es fácil abordarlo en el espacio de este artículo, pienso que sería útil señalar algunos puntos que considero pertinentes para este diálogo, esperando que incluso una breve explicación pueda promover una mayor comprensión y conducir a una mayor unidad.

Muchas veces escucho a la gente decir: “¿Qué es lo que él no entiende

acerca de ilegal?” Parece ser que ofrecer apoyo a los inmigrantes indocumentados significa que seguramente no respeto la ley. Sin embargo, insisto que es posible apoyar tanto la ley como defender a los que están en nuestro país sin un estatus legal. Una razón para afirmar esto es que nuestro sistema de leyes de inmigración está roto y es completamente inadecuado para hacer frente a la realidad migratoria en nuestro país y en nuestro mundo. Por años, los obispos católicos de los Estados Unidos hemos promovido la reforma migratoria precisamente porque vemos la necesidad de contar con leyes efectivas, íntegras y sólidas que promuevan el bien común en nuestro país y que acojan al extranjero entre nosotros. Las buenas leyes promueven y llevan al respeto de las mismas. Lamentablemente, los funcionarios electos nos han fallado en su incapacidad para promulgar una reforma migratoria integral. Han llegado muy cerca, sobre todo en junio del 2007, pero la política partidista y la miopía ideológica han impedido a nuestros representantes elaborar la legislación necesaria. Ante esta realidad, sostengo que es importante hacer todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance por respetar la ley sin desobedecer a nuestras conciencias. ¿Qué quiero decir con esto? A menudo oigo a algunas personas referirse a los inmigrantes indocumentados como “esos ilegales”. ¿Qué quiere decir eso? ¿Es acaso un ser humano ilegal alguien que excede los límites de velocidad en la carretera I-25? ¿Acaso son “ilegales” quienes mienten en sus declaraciones de impuestos? Es

importante establecer que ningún ser humano es “ilegal”. La manera en que nos referimos a los demás hace una gran diferencia. Elie Wiesel, ganador del Premio Nobel de la Paz y sobreviviente del Holocausto, declaró: “Ustedes que son llamados ilegales deben saber que ningún ser humano es ilegal. Eso es una contradicción en términos. Los seres humanos pueden ser hermosos o más hermosos, pueden ser gordos o flacos, pueden ser correctos o incorrectos, pero ¿ilegales? ¿Cómo puede un ser humano ser ilegal?” La palabra ilegal no es un sustantivo. Es una palabra que se refiere a las acciones de una persona. Etiquetar como “ilegales” a las personas que están aquí sin documentación adecuada deshumaniza a los inmigrantes. También culpa a personas atrapadas en complejas circunstancias legales, creadas en parte por un sistema de inmigración que está roto. En nuestro sistema judicial, la palabra “legal” o “ilegal” significa muchas cosas pues existen diversos sistemas y fuentes del Derecho. Existe el Derecho divino, Derecho natural, Derecho constitucional y el Derecho común (Common Law), por nombrar algunos. Algunas leyes se clasifican como criminales y otras como civiles. Y dentro de esas categorías diferenciamos entre delitos graves, delitos menores e infracciones. En realidad, todos vivimos bajo diversos sistemas de leyes y estamos llamados a respetar estas leyes si queremos ser ciudadanos “respetuosos de la ley”. Pero, ¿qué si hay conflictos entre estos sistemas? ¿Cómo decido qué leyes obedecer cuando, por ejemplo, la ley civil está en desacuerdo


MAY 2017


Su miseracordia perdura para siempre con la ley divina? Aunque tenga que pagar una sanción bajo una ley que he infringido (ejem: no presentarme para cumplir los deberes del ejército) puede ser que tenga una obligación moral para desobedecer esa ley civil para obedecer una ley más alta (la ley de Dios) si mi conciencia dicta tal desobediencia civil. En otras palabras, respeto las leyes de inmigración en principio, a pesar de que tengan terribles defectos en este momento. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, mi conciencia me obliga a acoger a los extranjeros entre nosotros, sobre todo si ellos están huyendo de la persecución económica, política o religiosa, o si seguramente se convertirían en víctimas del crimen violento y organizado. El Papa San Juan XXIII, en Pacem in Terris, escribió elocuentemente sobre el derecho de todo ser humano a la libertad de circulación y de residencia. El Papa San Juan Pablo II agregó a esta enseñanza cuando escribió, en su discurso al Nuevo Congreso Mundial sobre la Pastoral de los Inmigrantes en 1985, “Cuando hay razones justas a favor de ello, se debe permitir que [migrante] emigre a otros países y establezca su residencia allí. El hecho de ser ciudadano de un estado particular no le priva de pertenecer a la familia humana, ni a la ciudadanía en la sociedad universal, la comunión universal de la humanidad “. Lógicamente, los Estados Unidos tienen el derecho de proteger y defender sus fronteras, incluso tienen la obligación de hacerlo por la seguridad de todos nosotros. Pero esto no es un derecho indiscutible. Somos un país que ha sido grandemente bendecido. Tenemos la obligación de dar la bienvenida a nuestros hermanos y hermanas, especialmente a quienes sufren persecución de cualquier tipo. Como dijo el Papa Francisco, cuando fue a Lampedusa (Italia) a principios de su pontificado para llorar la trágica muerte de refugiados que se ahogaron buscando liberarse de la opresión y el sufrimiento, “... hemos perdido el sentido

de la responsabilidad fraternal”. El Papa también lamentó el hecho de que hemos aceptado como normal la cultura de la indiferencia. Vale la pena señalar que, desde una perspectiva moral, la intención y las consecuencias son críticas para determinar la moralidad de una acción. Los inmigrantes son motivados por el deseo de ofrecer una mejor vida a sus familias, convertirse un día en fieles ciudadanos, y, como he dicho, huir del peligro y en muchos casos, la muerte. Además, ellos contribuyen auténticamente a nuestra sociedad, enriqueciendo nuestra cultura, proporcionando la mano de obra necesaria, aumentando los ingresos fiscales, forjando relaciones duraderas y compartiendo sus sueños y visión para un mejor mañana. El simplemente llamar a algunos de ellos “ilegales” no hace justicia a la realidad ética y humana de su situación. Hay mucho más que se podría decir, pero espero que estos pocos párrafos abran para algunos de nosotros otra manera de ver a nuestras leyes de inmigración y a quienes intentan, pero les resulta imposible, cumplir con estas leyes. Las leyes están destinadas a proteger a la gente, no a perjudicarla. Lamentablemente, nuestras leyes de inmigración están haciendo precisamente eso. Se nos dice que debemos temer al inmigrante. Los hechos no apoyan tal creencia. Estudios han demostrado que los recién llegados inmigrantes son trabajadores, temen a Dios y contribuyen al bienestar de nuestro país en una variedad de niveles. De hecho, si tenemos que temer a algo, debería ser a las políticas que desgarran a nuestro país, las políticas que nos dividen, que demonizan a los inmigrantes o a cualquier otro grupo de personas y que nos distraen de los peligros reales para nuestra seguridad y nuestras vidas. Las mayores preocupaciones deberían ser las políticas que nos aíslan de la comunidad

mundial, que no pueden establecer provisiones para la seguridad de armas, que debilitan nuestro respeto por la santidad de la vida humana a través del aborto o el suicidio asistido y causan divisiones tan grandes en nuestra democracia que el diálogo y la cooperación ya no son posibles. Estas son las verdaderas amenazas a las que nos enfrentamos, además de no promulgar una reforma migratoria integral. Espero que algún día alcancemos este elusivo objetivo, aunque tal parece que ese objetivo elude nuestra comprensión, administración tras administración. Mientras tanto, exhorto a todos a no dejarse seducir por los mitos políticos o la retórica que engendra miedo. En lugar de eso, tomemos el tiempo para escuchar las historias de los inmigrantes que llegan a nuestras costas y fronteras. ¿Qué es lo que no entiendo sobre “ilegal”? Bueno, hay muchas cosas que no entiendo. Estamos hablando de seres humanos que tienen un valor y dignidad propios. Y realmente no entiendo por qué no podemos construir sobre el rico legado de nuestro gran país y dar, siempre que podamos, la bienvenida al extranjero entre nosotros. Como dijo el Obispo Robert McElroy en su excelente artículo en la revista America (6 de febrero de 2017), “’¿Quién es el pueblo’ en los Estados Unidos? Todos nosotros”. Y desde mi perspectiva, eso incluye al inmigrante indocumentado que es mi hermano o hermana, un hecho que es más convincente para mí que su estatus legal y que yo realmente creo que lleva más peso. Si es la ley la que está mal diseñada, entonces modifiquemos esta ley para que los inmigrantes ya no tengan que infringirla, y esta no los perjudique a ellos. Sinceramente suyo en el Señor,

Reverendísimo John C. Wester



May 2017

Archbishop John C. Wester’s Response to Albuquerque Journal’s Editorial Board Article published on May 8, 2017 Funding Early Childhood Education On May 8, 2017 the Albuquerque Journal’s Editorial Board, in its haste to control the conversation of how to fund early childhood education, fails to read its own front page headline: ”New Mexico 2015 Graduation Rate Worst in Nation”. When I was appointed Archbishop of Santa Fe by Pope Francis, I was shocked by the depth of our children’s poverty. The Journal’s headlines, one after another, have quoted national statistics: we are 49th in children’s wellbeing, ranking #1 for children living in poverty and #2 for children living in hunger in the USA. The Journal headlines have also given credence to the effectiveness of early childhood programs such as home visiting and yet, in the face of their own reporting, they contradict the evidence and science that learning begins at birth. In the Journal’s reporting and editorials, they stress personal responsibility, yet this is best attained by home visiting. First-time parents embrace they are the primary caregivers and educators of their children. The Journal is quick to determine whether a tax is regressive or not. It neglects to consider the consistency the Archdiocese has had in its work to repeal taxes on food and its years of advocacy work to keep New Mexico free of them. Needless to say, the Journal is a supporter of the food tax, the infamous “tortilla tax”. After seven years of the New Mexico Senate’s failure to fully fund early childhood, it is ethical, moral and just for municipalities to search for remedies. It is unconscionable to leave our children in this plight. The Journal deliberately chooses to confuse the public between the political process and the policy process. The Archdiocese chooses to be a 501(c)3 non-profit, which means it chooses not to be in the political process of elevating candidates; but it does not relinquish its constitutional right and its call by God, as all citizens are, to be a voice in the public square for the common good. We all have the obligation to propose a remedy to end the cycle of poverty in which New Mexico is entrenched. In this same trench, our children live in an epidemic of adverse childhood experiences, their future overshadowed by a cloud, denying them their full potential. New Mexico does rank high in one important thing: the children are the owners of the second largest Land Grant Permanent Fund in the nation. For years, we have brought forward the economic research that the projected growth of the fund is an average of 11 percent and year after year that research has been confirmed. Another Journal front-page headline, from May 2, 2017: “The New Mexico Land Grant Fund is up 11%”. This is a growth of $800 million. The Journal uses the term “raid”, but how is using what the fund is intended for a “raid”? The Journal and its business/associations/coalitions continue to say that they believe in the importance of early childhood education but cannot agree on the funding source. Now the Journal second guesses its own reporting by saying there are no gains from Pre-K education. Every rock has been turned over and the only source, without taxation, is utilizing the 83 percent of the Land Grant Permanent Fund called the “common school fund” which is dedicated to education. It is the only sustainable source for early childhood education funding. The Journal comments that funding for early childhood is the “pet cause” of the Archdiocese. All New Mexicans should be offended by the term “pet cause” used to describe our most important cause, the wellbeing of our children. Parents, grandparents and all people of good will do not consider the wellbeing of their children a “pet cause”. The Journal makes a golden calf out of the Land Grant Permanent Fund, only now it is $800 million fatter, approaching $16 billion, and is holding an empty soda can.


May 2017

Archbishop John C. Wester’s Statement on President’s May 4, 2017 Executive Order HHS Healthcare Mandate ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Friday, May 05, 2017—I am pleased to see that President Trump has signed an executive order that will begin the process of bringing relief to religious persons and entities that find certain provisions of the HHS Healthcare Mandate impossible to follow due to conscience considerations. In order to preserve our religious liberty rights, both federal and state governments have traditionally included conscience clauses in the formulation of new laws that allow religious groups, for example, to comply with the law without violating church teaching. I hope that this executive order will eventually lead to a return of such considerations that allow us to be faithful to our long-held beliefs and doctrines. As Cardinal DiNardo has stated, “Religious freedom is a fundamental right that should be upheld by all branches of government and not subject to political whims.” Please find the full text of the USCCB statement below.

USCCB President: Today’s Executive Order Begins a Process May 4, 2017 WASHINGTON– Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has issued a response to President Donald J. Trump’s executive order signed this morning. “Today’s Executive Order begins the process of alleviating the serious burden of the HHS mandate. We will engage with the Administration to ensure that adequate relief is provided to those with deeply held religious beliefs about some of the drugs, devices, and surgical procedures that HHS has sought to require people of faith to facilitate over the last several years. We welcome a decision to provide a broad religious exemption to the HHS mandate, but will have to review the details of any regulatory proposals. In recent years, people of faith have experienced pressing restrictions on religious freedom from both the federal government and state governments that receive federal funding. For example, in areas as diverse as adoption, education, healthcare, and other social services, widely held moral and religious beliefs, especially regarding the protection of human life as well as preserving marriage and family, have been maligned in recent years as bigotry or hostility — and penalized accordingly. But disagreement on moral and religious issues is not discrimination; instead, it is the inevitable and desirable fruit of a free, civil society marked by genuine religious diversity. We will continue to advocate for permanent relief from Congress on issues of critical importance to people of faith. Religious freedom is a fundamental right that should be upheld by all branches of government and not subject to political whims. As president of the Bishops’ Conference, I had the opportunity to meet with President Trump this morning in the Oval Office to address these and other topics.” Media Contact: Judy Keane 202-541-3200.




May 2017

Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Diaconate Ordinations

May 31 at 10:00 a.m. Our Lady of Lavang Parish in Albuquerque, NM All are welcome!

Christopher Martinez Christopher Martinez is 35 years old and he is from Questa, NM. Christopher was raised in a Catholic family and he is the oldest. He has one sister and one brother. His family supports his decision to become a priest. Christopher admits that he got away from the church as a teenager but returned with the help of others who gave him the hint that he might be called to the priesthood. He felt drawn to the idea. At his parish, Christopher taught 9th grade confirmation as well as lecturing at Mass. He loves sports such as basketball and baseball. In 2013, he started his formation at Holy Apostles Seminary and then Mt. Angel Seminary. He has served in various parishes around the Archdiocese: St. Jude’s in Albuquerque, and St. Anne’s in Santa Fe.

John Kimani John Kimani is 36 years old and was born and raised in Kenya. His family is a very devout Catholic Family. Both of his parents, his two sisters, and two brothers are doing well. They support his desire to become a catholic priest. He studied to become a computer analyst after high school and worked in that field for about two years. He then joined a Benedictine Community in Kenya until he could join the Christ in the Desert Community in Abiquiu, NM. He greatly desired to become a priest and through the guidance of his superiors joined the Benedictine Monastery in Pecos, NM. But still he had a great desire for the diocesan priesthood. So in 2013, he entered the Archdiocese of Santa Fe priestly program and went to Holy Apostles Seminary and then Mt. Angel Seminary to study to become a priest. He has served in many parishes around the Archdiocese including: St. Charles Borromeo and St. Anthony’s in Penasco, NM.

Jason Pettigrew Jason Pettigrew is 47 years old and is from Our Lady of Guadalupe in Clovis, NM. Jason did not grow up in a religious home but when he was about 30 he decided to visit various churches of different denominations. He would find himself really drawn to the Catholic faith. So through the help of a parish priest from Gunnison, CO he started RCIA and became a Catholic in 2005. Jason’s work was a cowboy and this parish priest would come to him out in the range to teach him about the faith. This inspired Jason that he might be called to become a priest. He tried various communities in searching for the where God might want him and he ended up here in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He started seminary in 2013 at Holy Apostles Seminary and transferred to Mt. Angel in 2016. He has served in parishes around the Archdiocese including Our Lady of Guadalupe in Clovis and San Clemente in Los Lunas.

Tai Pham Tai Pham is 35 years old and was born in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. He moved to the United States when he was nine years old. He was raised in a Catholic family and he has two brothers. His father passed away but his mother is still alive and doing well. He has Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from UNM. About 9 years ago, Archbishop Sheehan gave a talk about vocations at his parish, Our Lady of Lavang, and he felt an inner calling to become a priest. So he decided to contact the Vocations Director, Fr. DePalma and went to a discernment retreat but was uncertain. He waited one more year and finally decided that this was God’s will for him to become a priest. He entered seminary in 2013 at Holy Apostles Seminary and transferred to Mt. Angel in 2016. He has served in various places around the Archdiocese including: St. Anthony’s in Penasco and Immaculate Heart of Mary in Los Alamos, NM.


May 2017


Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Priestly Ordinations

June 3 at 10:00 a.m. Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi 131 Cathedral Place Santa Fe, NM 87504 All are welcome!

Robert Bustamante

Robert Bustamante is 54 years old. He is the second child of three siblings. He felt the call to the priesthood as a teenager but dismissed it. He withdrew from his Catholic faith until 2006 where he started to take his faith more seriously. At his home parish of St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, he participated in ushering, Eucharistic ministry, taking Holy Communion to shut-ins and daily Mass. He went to Holy Apostles Seminary and Mt. Angel Seminary to complete his priestly studies and has served in several parishes around the diocese including: San Clemente in Los Lunas, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Los Alamos twice, Aquinas Newman Center, and San Miguel in Socorro.

Francisco Carbaja Barajas

Francisco Carbajal Barajas is 34 years old and is from Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico. He is the oldest of five children. He is from a strong and very close Catholic family. His uncle, who is a deacon in the Church, inspired him to become a priest and felt this was his calling. He has a very strong devotion to the Blessed Sacrament where he loves to say the rosary. He has served at his parish as an altar server, singing in the choir, and helping out in festivities. He started his seminary studies at the Mexican American Catholic College in San Antonio, and now attends the Josephinum. He has served in various parishes around the archdiocese including: St. Martin of Porres, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Clovis, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Shrine of St. Bernadette.

Christopher Hallada

Christopher Hallada is 37 years old. He is the oldest of five children. Both his parents are devout Catholics and are actively involved at their parish, Our Lady of Annunciation Parish. Because his father was in the Air Force, he moved constantly from Ohio to England to Colorado and to California before returning to Albuquerque. He worked as the Director of Youth Ministry at Annunciation parish for three and half years. He has felt the call to the priesthood since middle school but when he graduated from High School and attended college, he dreamed of becoming a writer. After attending an archdiocesan vocations retreat in 2011, he found a very clear sign that he was called to the priesthood. In the fall of 2011 he entered the Josephinum. He has served in several parishes around the archdiocese including: St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Clovis, his home parish of Annunciation, and the Shrine of St. Bernadette.



May 2017

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Seminarians

What does your mother mean to you?

Robert Lopez For my mom: My mom is the most supportive person in my life. Always giving me hope for the future and picking me up when I’m down. I love you Mom

Joseph Magoffe Mom, you have showed me that tribulations may be difficult, but in the end Jesus and his Holy Mother will be there to protect me.

Luke Malone For Mom: Thanks mom for all you have done for me, especially for spending the long hours homeschooling me! Your love and support has formed me into the person I am today!

Jason Marshall Now I really do love and appreciate my mother so much more than ever! I love you so much Mom, and I’m truly thankful for your love and support, and for everything you’ve ever done for me - which is a lot!! This is just the beginning!

Christopher Martinez For my mother: Mom, you mean so much to me. I thank God He has given me such a beautiful and loving mother. Thank you for the all the sacrifices you have made for me in your life. I love you mom. You are the best.

Timothy Meurer Mom, Throughout all of the ups and downs in my life, you were the constant support I needed to tackle the next challenge. Thank you for all of your ceaseless prayers; I wouldn’t be here without you. You’re one of the strongest people I know.

Darrell Segura My mom is a very special person in my life because I can talk to her about anything. She is very supportive of me in my discernment, and I know I can rely on her love and support just as Christ relied on the love and support of His Blessed Mother.

Michael Villavicencio My mom is my teacher and guide, who homeschooled me through high school. I thank her for guiding me closer to God through her amazing teaching. I love you very much and thank you for supporting me during my vocation towards priesthood.

Jordan Sanchez Jacob Romero Mom, I decided to write you a Mom: haiku: I am very blessed with a loving mother. She has always sacrificed Mom, you are the best! her personal wants to take care of Better than all the rest! my sister and I from loaning her car Except our Lady… to nursing us when we’re sick. I hope to be as loving and gracious as my mama if God wills me to be a priest.


May 2017

A Message from the Vocations Director

A Taste of Italy Archbishop John C. Wester invites you to join us for an evening at

Piatanzi Bistro 3305 Juan Tabo Blvd, NE, ABQ

August 1, 2017 at 6:30 pm

By Rev. Michael DePalma, Director of Vocations

$60 pp, excluding wine and gratuity


was ordained back in June of 2003 along with four other priests in what is still one of the best days of my life. But as of today, out of the five of us, only myself and Fr. Clement Niggel are still left serving here in the archdiocese. One of the men got transferred back East, Fr. Ed Rivera died after only a year of priestly ministry, and this past month, Fr. Mark Schultz passed away just shy of 14 years of priesthood. Sure, there is the joy that will come at the end of May with the ordination of four new transitional deacons who will become our next priests in 2018, and on June 3, at 10:00AM at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis, three more priests will be ordained for us. We need to thank God for these men and for their sacrifices in becoming priests of God. But part of our prayers for our seminarians, those 30 or so who are working towards their own ordination, is that if none of us know how long we will be on this earth, then obviously, none of us priests know how long God will give us to serve you. It’s kind of a sobering thought to think that us priests only have so many babies to baptize, marriages to bless, confessions to hear and Masses to offer up. Sure, those totals for some may be in the hundreds if not in the thousands. But for some of those bright eyed, eager, and holy young men in that seminarian vocations poster, their priestly career will not be 50 years, for illness, debilitating accidents or even death comes at times we never seem to expect. So what am I asking all of you to pray for as we get ready to celebrate our next ordinations? Please continue to pray that God will always bless us with good, holy men who are looking to become our seminarians and our future priests. But also, for us priests and for our seminarians, please pray that none of us will take the priesthood for granted, that all of us will realize just how precious is this incredible gift that God gives to us, and that we will always cherish every moment of bringing our Lord Jesus Christ to his people.


This is a fundraiser to benefit Seminarian education sponsored by The Serra Club of Albuquerque To reserve:


oin us to kick off the 2017 Seminarian Endowment Challenge

BQ with BINGO and B ns! the Seminaria

The Office of Stewardship is hosting an eve ning full of fun, games, prizes and food! 17 y May 20, 20 Date: Saturda 0pm Time: 6:30-8:3 r atholic Cente Where: ASF C 87120 phs Place NW 4000 St. Jose to th 15 ay by M Please RSVP rg f.o os di ch ar stewardship@ 505-831-8173

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe was chosen by the Catholic Extension to participate in the 2017 Seminarian Endowment Challenge based on our needs as a mission diocese.

What is the challenge? The Cathoilc Extension will match donations up to $50,000 (minimum $1,000 donation). This gives us an opportunity to continue being “Fishers of Men” and establish a permanent seminarian endowment fund. Pledge cards available online at or at event.




n the spring and summer of 1916, nine-year-old Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto were herding sheep at the Cova da Iria near their home village of Fátima, Portugal. They were visited three times by an apparition of an angel. The angel, who identified himself as “The Angel of Peace”, taught them prayers, to make sacrifices, and to spend time in adoration of the Lord. On Sunday May 13, 1917, the children saw a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal goblet filled with the most sparkling water and pierced by the burning rays of the sun.” The lady wore a white mantle edged with gold and held a rosary in her hand. The lady spoke to them and said: “Fear not! I will not harm you.” “Where are you from?” the children asked. “I am from heaven” the beautiful lady replied, gently raising her hand towards the distant horizon. “What do you want of me?”, Lucia asked. ” I came to ask you to come here for six consecutive months, on the 13th day, at this same hour. I will tell you later who I am and what I want.” She asked them to devote themselves to the Holy Trinity and to pray “the rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and an end to the war” that had just begun. The lady also revealed to the children a vision of hell, and entrusted a secret to them, described as “good for some and bad for others”. In the following months, thousands of people flocked to Fátima curious about the visions and miracles. On August 13, the provincial administrator, Artur Santos, took the children into custody, jailing them before they could reach the Cova da Iria to interrogate and threaten the children to get them to reveal the secrets. That month, after they were released, the children saw the Virgin Mary on August 19. She asked them again to pray the rosary daily, spoke about a miracle coming in

May 2017

October, and asked them “to pray a lot, for sinners and sacrifice a lot, as many souls perish in hell because nobody is praying or making sacrifices for them.» The three children saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in a total of six apparitions between May 13 and October 13,1917 and an estimated 70,000 people were in attendance at the site, anticipating the Virgin’s final visit and with many fully expecting that she would work a great miracle. As everyone gazed upward, and saw that a silvery disc had emerged from behind clouds, they experienced what is known as a ‘sun miracle.’ Not everyone reported the same thing; some present claimed they saw the sun dance around the heavens; others said the sun zoomed toward Earth in a zigzag motion that caused them to fear that it might collide with our planet (or, more likely, burn it up). Some people reported seeing brilliant colors spin out of the sun in a psychedelic, pinwheel pattern. The whole event took about 10 minutes. The people were able to look at the bright sun directly, without it bothering their eyes at all. When it was over, all the people and the ground were dry as if it had never rained. While the crowd was staring at the sun, Lúcia, Francisco, and Jacinta said later they saw images of the Holy Family, Our Lady of Sorrows with Jesus Christ, and then Our Lady of Mount Carmel. They said they saw St. Joseph and Jesus bless the people. When the visions had disappeared and the sun was again normal, Lucy was placed on the shoulder of a man in the crowd and carried safely through the masses to the road. As she left, she cried out to the people, pleading with them to convert, return to God and sin no more. Her exact words were, “Do penance! Do penance! Our Lady wants you to do penance!”

May 2017


The Five First Saturdays “Have compassion on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns with ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation to remove them.” Sr. Lucy 12/10/1925 “On December 10, 1925, the Most Holy Virgin appeared to her (Lucia), and by her side, elevated on a luminous cloud, was the Child Jesus. The Most Holy Virgin rested her hand on her shoulder, and as she did so, she showed her a heart encircled by thorns, which she was holding in Her other hand. At the same time, the Child said: ‘Have compassion on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce It at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation to remove them.’ Then the Most Holy Virgin said: ‘Look my daughter, at my heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You, at least, try to console me, and announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death, with all graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months, confess, receive Holy Communion, recite the rosary and keep me company for fifteen minutes meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the rosary with the intention of making reparation to me.’” Jesus explained to Lucia how in the past this devotion is not being fulfilled: “‘It is true, my daughter, that many souls begin, but few persevere to the very end, and those who persevere do it to receive the graces promised. The souls who make the Five First Saturdays with fervor and to make reparation to the heart of your Heavenly Mother, please Me more than those who make fifteen, but are lukewarm and indifferent.’ Jesus explains why this devotion is so dear to His heart: “‘My daughter, the reason (for the Five First Saturdays) is simple. There are five types of offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary: 1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception. 2. Blasphemies against her perpetual virginity. 3. Blasphemies against her Divine Maternity, in refusing at the same time to recognize her as the mother of men.

4. The blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children indifference or scorn, or even hatred of the Immaculate Mother. 5. The offenses of those who outrage her directly in her holy images. The Five First Saturdays of Reparation is a devotion necessary for today more than ever, especially since Lucia herself reminds us that without reparation, many souls will be lost. Join many who will be making the Five First Saturdays of Reparation for this 100th anniversary of this heavenly request. Here are the requirements: 1. Make a good confession (This can be made within eight days before or after the First Saturday) 2. Receive Holy Communion 3. Pray five decades of the rosary 4. Keep Our Lady company for 15 minutes while meditating on the rosary. (This is to be done separately from the rosary using one, several or all of the mysteries). 5. The above four requirements must all be done with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The purpose for this is to compassionately console the Immaculate Heart for the five blasphemies and offenses she receives by those who ungratefully reject her maternal intervention and despise her prerogatives. “Here, my daughter, is the reason why the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspired me to ask for this little act of reparation... and in consideration of it, to move my mercy to pardon souls who have had the misfortune of offending her. As for you, always seek by your prayers and sacrifices to move my mercy to pity for these poor souls.”

Celebrate and Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish will formally make the Five First Saturdays beginning on June 3, 2017 with the 8:30am Mass, followed by the rosary and meditations to keep her company. We will conclude the celebrations at the 47th Annual Rosary Rally Oct 2, 2017 at Isotopes Park at 2:00 PM. Information provided by Deacon Tony Rivera, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque




May 2017

Prayers Answered

San Felipe de Neri Church’s Holy Tabernacle Stolen and Returned

Photos by Leslie M. Radigan/ASF


an Felipe de Neri Church’s holy tabernacle with the sacred Eucharist stolen on April 17, 2017 has been returned. “Our prayers have been answered,” said Reverend Andrew J. Pavlak, pastor, who personally retrieved the sacred vessel late Tuesday afternoon, April 25,2017 after receiving a call from a distressed anonymous caller informing him they had it in their possession and wanted to return it. San Felipe de Neri is Albuquerque’s oldest parish. The church is located at 2005 North Plaza NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104. The tabernacle was stolen from San Felipe’s Father Donato Gaspari Adoration Chapel on Easter Monday. The missing antique brass tabernacle, worth about $4,000, has been returned to the adoration chapel located inside the Church. Rev. Pavlak said though the tabernacle was slightly damaged, he is grateful the thieves had the wisdom to return it with the Blessed Sacrament (the very presence of the body and blood of Jesus) inside. “When I arrived at the caller’s home and saw the blessed sacrament, I prayed with the person who called and returned it to me. The experience reminded me of that first Easter when Mary Magdalene was at first confused, then delighted. For when Jesus called her name, ‘Mary,’ and she responded in awe and joy, ‘Rabbouni,’ which means teacher he then commissioned her to, ‘Go and tell my brothers to meet me in Galliee.’ Then, she went as the first preacher of the resurrection and did as Jesus instructed her. I believe this Easter miracle of our tabernacle being returned with the Blessed Sacrament intact, is nothing short of just that, a miracle.” New security measures have been implemented. Donations made for the replacement tabernacle are now being used to purchase

additional security monitors and an updated digital recording locking system. Contact: Rev. Andrew Pavlak 505.243.4628


May Crowning May 7, 2017

San Felipe de Neri in Old Town celebrated their annual May Crowning May 7, 2017. Pictured here are Rev. Andrew J. Pavlak, pastor, members of the 2016 Fiesta Court, Queen Katrina Lucero, King Sabastian Rodriguez and Princess Natalia Garcia.

May 2017



Archbishop Wester, Catholic Charities Attend Passover Seder

Catholic Charities Receives Prestigious DEI Award Catholic Charities is incredibly honored to receive the Lumen Sancti Spiritu, “Light of the Holy Spirit” Award this year from the Dominican Ecclesial Institute. The award was presented to Catholic Charities by Archbishop John C. Wester. During the presentation, Jim Gannon, CEO and Executive Director of Catholic Charities shared perceptions about newcomers to our land. Jim stated, “At first we may see a ‘refugee’ from a foreign land, but we must see beyond labels, recognizing the human dignity of every individual.” He challenged those in attendance to look past preconceived notions and acknowledge the human dignity inherent in every individual. Catholic Charities is dedicated to finding solutions to the most pressing social challenges in our community. We would like to thank the Dominican Ecclesial Institute Board for their nomination and continued support.

Senior Transportation Drivers come meet urgent need It was mid-March when Lenora reached a critical point in her life. Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, she found herself needing radiation treatments five times a week for five weeks. Transportation was a major concern as she could not drive herself. Lenora reached out to Catholic Charities for assistance. Cathy Aragon-Marquez, Volunteer Developer for Catholic Charities rallied our volunteer drivers and together and created a schedule for Lenora, ensuring that she made all of her appointments during the five-week period. Lenora sent a wonderful thank you letter to Catholic Charities, expressing her gratitude, stating, “It is comforting to know there is an organization like Catholic Charities that is willing to assist others in their time of need…May God bless them and this wonderful organization.” In turn, Cathy thanked our volunteers, “You may not realize you are the answer to someone’s prayer, like Lenora, who did not know where to turn. Our service is the best because of you!” We are grateful for the more than 200 Catholic Charities volunteers who rise to the occasion, give selflessly and ensure that every individual is treated with dignity.

Hussaini Family, Ghassan Jawad, Catholic Charities case manager, and Archbishop Wester

In April, members from many faith communities attended a Passover Seder at the Jewish Community Center (JCC). This year, the JCC reached out to refugee/immigrant agencies to invite them to participate in the Seder as a gesture of support and solidarity in these challenging times. Executive Director, Dave Simon, celebrated our refugee community by planting an Afghani pomegranate tree, at the front of the JCC. He named it their “Tree of Refuge” and spoke about Jews as refugees, again in support of our current refugee crisis. Several refugees and their children, as well as other community members

and their children (including Catholic Charities’ staff and their families) helped plant the tree. Celia Yapita, Kathy Freeze and Danielle Hernandez hosted an information table for Catholic Charities at the Seder. Other agencies in attendance were Lutheran Family Services, the Islamic Center of New Mexico, the ACLU, and the UNM Refugee Well-Being Project. After the planting and sharing information on refugee support, Archbishop Wester joined Kathy Freeze, Ghassan Jawad (case manager) and our interpreter, Parwin Hussaini, with her extended family in the celebration of the Passover Seder.

Catholic Charities Announces Volunteer of the Year By Jess Jungwirth, Executive Assistant, Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is pleased to announce that volunteer Dave Lund has been selected as Volunteer of the Year by the Department of Senior Affairs’ Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). In the award nomination, Catholic Charities Volunteer Developer, Cathy Aragon-Marquez stated, “No trip assignment is too early for Dave, too late in the afternoon or too far. Dave just chuckles and says, ‘Heck I love it, bring it on.’” In addition to Mr. Lund’s award, Catholic Charites Senior Transportation Service was also selected as the Volunteer Group of the Year. This is a tribute to all volunteers who have a hand in providing the service either as a driver or office volunteer. All will be honored at the 17th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Friday, May 12, 2017 at Hotel Albuquerque in Old Town. Congratulations, Mr. Lund, and to all who give their time and talents so generously to serve those in need!



Goldfish and Smiles

May 2017

Social Justice and Social Mission Courses at the Institute for Formation for Christian Service, June 5-9—Register now! Classes in basic Catholic social teaching, the social mission of the Church, service and justice will be offered for catechists, teachers, social justice and parish social ministers at our upcoming Formation Institute on June 1-4 in Albuquerque: SI-2 Living and Teaching Mercy 19-C (Basic Skills) An in depth look at the virtue of Mercy and how to incorporate into our lives and teach others the Corporal and Spiritual works that make mercy a visible reality. Class Schedule: Monday, June 5 from 9:00am-noon only SI-4 Laudato Si (Advanced Theology) Laudato Si is Pope Francis’s landmark work on care for our common home. The Holy Father connects us with the vast world of needs and blessings beyond our own doors. He challenges us to think larger than ourselves, and ask how we can sustain this earth together. We follow the theological reflection steps of seeing, understanding, acting, and celebrating as we dedicate our efforts to this vital need of the environment in our times. Class Schedule: 2 part series: Monday, June 5 from 9:00am to noon and 1:30pm to 4:30pm SI-16 Conversations with Dorothy Day (Advanced Social Justice Skills) Through a dramatic presentation of Dorothy Day’s life and work performed by Sharon SOCIAL JUSTICE continued on page 19

Save the Date AACC Mass Sunday June 25, 12 noon Pictured from left to right: Darius Romero, mom Lucy Romero and Josiah Romero

By Manuel Casias, Vice President of Development for St. Felix Pantry To get these incredible smiles, I promised Josiah and Darius each a box of Goldfish crackers. Making good on my promise, their smiles lasted throughout their visit to St. Felix Pantry. From my perspective, a smiling child is a happy child. However, not all children are this happy. This is especially true for those who go to bed hungry. When school is going full swing, the pain and dreadful reality for hungry children all over means they will typically fall behind their well-fed peers. New Mexico remains number two in the Nation for having the poorest children who also face food insecurity every day. At the pantry, we know we will not solve the hunger issues around the world. We can, however, make a big difference right here in New Mexico. Eighty-eight cents of every dollar donated to the pantry goes to the St. Felix Pantry Food Rescue Program that provides food for the Romero family and the nearly 1,000 other client households that come to the pantry every week. To learn more about St. Felix Pantry visit us at: or call Manuel, Vice President of Development for St. Felix Pantry at 505.270.1366 Save the Date: Feed the Hungry Day, September 30, 2017, St. Pius X Gymnasium-Albuquerque

The AACC will celebrate Mass on Sunday, June 25 2017, 12 noon, at St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church, 5901 St. Joseph’s Dr. NW, Albuquerque. For more information, please call (505) 836-3627 or (505) 831-8167. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Social Justice and Respect Life and the AACC.

Register Now for the National Black Catholic Congress XII, July 5-9, Orlando, FL

“The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me: Act justly, love goodness, and walk humbly with your God” is the theme of this year’s Congress. Join bishops, priests, and your fellow Catholic lay men and women, as we listen to dynamic speakers and presenters, and explore strategies for deepening our faith, and evangelizing our brothers and sisters who do not belong to the fold. There will be workshops, and opportunities for individual prayer and sharing your faith with others from all parts of the country. For more information or to register, go to or call Brenda at 836-3627.

Justice for Immigrants USCCB Migration and Refugee Services has new materials available to assist immigrants who may be targeted for deportation, including “Know Your Rights” videos in English and Spanish, and bilingual materials on “Nine Ways to Protect Yourself” and “Transitioning to a New Administration: How Can We Assist Immigrants and Refugees” You can access these materials at You can help distribute them in your faith community or wherever immigrants gather.

Thank you for participating in CRS Rice Bowl this Lent! Our Archdiocese changed lives this Lent, and CRS Rice Bowl wants to say thank you! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl to your parish. Remember, 25% of your contribution goes for local projects that alleviate hunger and homelessness in our Archdiocese. Find out more about what you can do after Lent at Thank you for your generosity!

May 2017



Holy Child Parish Consecrates to Mary

By Shirley Mallot, Ministry Coordinator, Holy Child

Fr. Mark Granito, pastor of Holy Child Parish in Tijeras, NM, made the following announcement in January. “Holy Child Parish, under Mary’s motherly protection, brings the promise of great graces. Since 2017 is the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance to the children at Fatima, let us make a resolution: To consecrate ourselves this year as a parish to Jesus, through Mary. “Pope Francis tells us, ‘The Virgin offers us her Son as the beginning of a new life.…If we take Him in our arms and let ourselves be embraced by Him, He will bring us unending peace of heart.’ “The book, 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, is a deceptively simple way for us to consecrate to Jesus through Mary. Over 33 days, the book offers little meditations to read, one per day, and to ponder. We will be like Mary who ‘pondered all these things and kept them in her heart’ (Luke2:19). “Today’s solemn feast of Mary, the Mother of God, is the beginning of a New Year, a new life. I challenge us over the following months to make a resolution

affecting each of us for the rest of our lives and into eternity. “…Let us change our lives forever.” So, using Fr. Gaitley’s book and his accompanying videos -- which are available to parishioners on, Holy Child parishioners are preparing for consecrations to be made throughout the year on feast days of Our Lady. Some people prepare during the 33 days on their own, others come together for weekly sharing. The first group of about 20 people consecrated individually on February 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and then together on Sunday, February 12 during Fr. Granito’s Sunday afternoon rosary/Benediction. Three years ago, Fr. Granito inaugurated the weekly rosary/Benediction for the conversion of the enemies of Jesus and His Church. Plans are in the works to make the consecration available for families to come together for the weekly discussions and viewing of the videos. The parish-wide consecration will then occur in December 2017. To Jesus through Mary…these are exciting times for Holy Child Parish.

The San Ysidro Fiestas Are Right Around the Corner!

Fiesta time! The San Ysidro Catholic Church of picturesque Corrales would like to invite all to join in celebrating their annual fiesta. Each year, the people of the parish and Corrales gather to honor San Ysidro the patron saint of farmers. The fiesta will be held Saturday - Sunday, May 20-21, 2017 on our parish grounds located at 5015 Corrales Road, Corrales, NM. The festivities will start with bingo in the parish hall (Hendren Hall) on Saturday, May 20, 2017 from 6-9 p.m. There will be food and fun for families at the bingo. There will be prizes and raffles held at the bingo SOCIAL JUSTICE continued from page 18

Halsey-Hoover in the one woman play, “Conversations With Dorothy Day,” followed by a time of small group sharing and large group discussion we will explore how the Corporal Works of Mercy, particularly “feed the hungry and shelter the homeless” were the guiding principles for Dorothy Day after her conversion to Catholicism. Come and learn about this woman whom Pope Francis mentioned in his address to the United States Congress in September, 2016. Pope Francis said, “In these times when social concerns are so important I cannot fail to mention the Servant of God, Dorothy Day, who founded the Catholic Worker. Her social activism, her passion for social justice, and for the cause of the oppressed were inspired by the Gospel, her faith, and the example of the saints.” Class Schedule: Monday, June 5, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm only SI-22 Non-Violence is the Best Way to Show Mercy (Advanced Social Justice Skills) In this course, we will examine Pope Francis’ 2017 World Day of Peace message titled, “Nonviolence, A Style of Politics for Peace.” We will study and discuss how using nonviolence in our homes, our neighborhoods, and our world will help to create a more just and peaceful world. We will look at ways to use nonviolence to extend mercy to the members of our families, to our neighbors both near and far. In this document, Pope Francis wrote: “The politics of nonviolence have to begin in the home and then spread to the entire human family.” Class Schedule: 2 part series: Tuesday, June 6 from 9:00am to noon and 1:30pm to 4:30pm SI-29 Solidarity in the Catholic Church: Examples from the Church’s Work for Justice at Home and Abroad (Advanced Theology) This course will examine four ways that the Church is involved in the struggle for justice in solidarity with four groups of the vulnerable: immigrants, poverty, the criminal justice system, and caring for creation.

to add to the fun. On May 21, 2017, the fiesta will begin with Mass at 10 a.m. at the Old Church on Old Church Road in Corrales. Mass will conclude with a procession with the patron saint back to the Church grounds (at 5015 Corrales Road) led by Matachines dancers. Food, games, vendors and entertainment will follow. There will be hourly raffle drawings. Call the parish office for any other questions, 505.898.1779. Come and join us in our celebration!

Class Schedule: 4 part series: Wednesday, June 7 through Friday, June 9 from 9:00am to noon and Friday, June 9 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm Registration Information (For more information: Kathy Garcia at 505-8318129 or email ) · $25/week registration fee before May 8. · $50/week registration fee after May 8. · Some courses require additional fees/books. · An additional $5.00 fee will be charged for any registrations at the door. · Register online at: Summerinstitute_17



2 0 1 7

May 2017

Meet Our Distinguished Disciples By Elizabeth Dominick Director, Office of Stewardship

Center on Friday, May 5, 2017. Students, teachers and volunteers alike were nominated by nnually, the Archdiocese their school communities as of Santa Fe hosts the examples of Christ-like charDistinguished Disciple acter. The archdiocese recogDinner. This year’s awards nized 30 individuals from 15 took place at the Catholic schools who emanate genuine


Maria Allocca Queen of Heaven

Marianne Baca Assumption

Billy and Arlene Calcutt Holy Ghost

Malia Dambmann Our Lady of Fatima

Evanne Gallegos Santo Niño

Jeremiah Gasca Holy Cross

Paul Balderamos St. Michael’s

Cali Deprest Our Lady of Fatima

Patrick Giron San Felipe

distinguished disciple-hood. Awardees regularly reach out to those who are less fortunate, volunteer for projects to help the school and larger community, are compassionate and caring to all, and live out Catholic faith on a daily basis.

Marybeth and Kevin Barkocy - St. Pius

Henry Dewey Holy Ghost

Sean Goodyear Assumption

Nathan Barkocy St. Pius

Cole Faris Annunciation

Donnie Greathouse St. Mary’s - Albuquerque


May 2017


According to this definition, Distinguished Disciples: 1) Make a conscious choice to be followers of Christ. 2) Live that choice through actions regardless of the cost to themselves. 3) Treat all they have - both talents and possessions - as blessings to be shared with others. 4) Build the kingdom of God though their example of joyful generosity and sacrifice. Thank you, Distinguished Disciples, for bringing the kingdom of God nearer through your role model in our communities. Congratulations on your awards!

Devin Griego Holy Cross

Julia Hanisee Annunciation

Brett Haworth Queen of Heaven

Emelia Keim Santo Niño

Hunter Littleton St. Thomas

Mia Martinez St. Charles

Felisha and Amador Minjares St. Therese

Yvonne Montoya St. Thomas

Aaron Moreno St. Therese

Catherin Pacheco St. Michael’s

Jessika Romero San Felipe

Dominic Sais St. Mary’s - Belen

Julie Sanchez St. Mary’s - Belen

Lisa Yannoni St. Charles

Charlie Woodcock St. Mary’s - Albuquerque



May 2017

Top Honors for Santo Niño Regional Catholic School Alumni at the St. Michael’s High School 8th Grade Celebration St. Michael’s High School held their 8th Grade celebration on May 2, 2017 to transition the students from middle school to high school. The night was filled with reflection, songs, prayers and awards. It was an honor to have Santo Niño Regional Catholic School Alumni (Class of 2015) be recognized in the top spots. Kyle Peinado received high honors with a 4.44 GPA and Rachel Morgan with a 4.42 GPA. Middle school athletes of the year were Rachel Morgan and Joaquin Armijo. Congratulations, Santo Niño is proud of you!

Santo Niño: Enrollment is Now Open! Santo Niño Regional Catholic School invites you to visit! We have faith, character, exceptional academics, safety, free bus service from parishes, tuition assistance, and all-star teachers! We also have the most affordable Pre-K program in Santa Fe. Did you know that 99% of Santa Fe Catholic School students are college bound? Accepting age 3 to 6th Grade! Call 505.424.1766 or go to

Rachel Morgan

Joaquin Armijo

Kyle Peinado

Holy Ghost Student Wins First Place in “Senior I Know” Essay Contest Congratulations to Mikayla Strickland in third grade. She was one of 30 chosen from more than 2,500 entries in the 35th Annual “A Senior I Know” essay contest. This contest is co-sponsored by the City of Albuquerque and Albuquerque Public Schools. “The winning essays are selected to represent the very best of our students’ writing ability and to show a clear message about a relationship with a senior citizen.” She will be honored at an awards ceremony in early May. Good job, Mikayla!

Santo Niño Regional Catholic School Hosts their 2nd Annual Father/Daughter Dance On Friday, April 21, 2017, Santo Niño Regional Catholic School Parent-Teacher Organization hosted their 2nd Annual Father/Daughter Dance. The event served up a dual dose of girl-glee and dad-delight to their bonding time. There is nothing as special as a relationship between dads and their daughters. It is difficult to find time to spend together, so this event gave them that time. Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, and Brothers participated by taking their girl out to dinner, dancing to a DJ, purchasing candygrams, and taking photos in the selfie photo booth.


May 2017


Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Schools 2017 Faith Challenge Bowl

Fifteen schools participated in the Faith Challenge Bowl held in April at St. Pius X High School. This is a competition to highlight our students’ knowledge of the Catholic faith. Teams of three students from each school competed in the Intermediate Division (grades 3-5) and Middle School Division (grades 6-8). The competition was full of excitement and all participants amazed us with the extent of their knowledge, primarily the american saints and blesseds. Our faith is celebrated as a gift to be known and shared freely. We congratulate all participants for their hard work and perseverance.

The following schools took top honors this year: Intermediate Division 1st place - St. Thomas Aquinas – Rio Rancho, NM 2nd place (TIE) - Annunciation- Albuquerque, Santo Niño – Santa Fe Middle School Division 1st place - St. Thomas Aquinas – Rio Rancho, NM 2nd place - St. Mary’s- Albuquerque, NM 3rd place - Holy Child – Tijeras, NM

Catholic Schools Fourth Annual Art Show The Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Schools held its Fourth Annual Arts Festival on Friday April 28th – Sunday April 30th at the Catholic Center and St. Pius X High School facilities. Over 500 art submissions from elementary, middle and high school students were on display. Awards in various categories were presented, including Best of Show in each age group. Performing Arts featured an All Schools Choir concert (comprised of approximately 80 students from Catholic Schools in the archdiocese), St. Pius X drama performance and St. Pius Choir presenting Spring Fest. Please plan to join us next year on April 20-22, 2018.

Flowers – Emmerich Coombs 1st Grade Watercolor (Holy Child)

Loki (B/W Drawing) – Raven Lente 12th Grade Drawing/Painting (St. Pius X)

Monkey – Claire Lyle 3rd Grade Pastel (Holy Child)

Aspen Trees – Elizabeth Hermina 6th Grade 2D Watercolors (Annunciation)



May 2017

By Melissa Sais, Communications, St. Pius X. High School Making A Difference Against Hunger, a Lenten service project organized by students of St. Pius X High School, worked to package 200,000 meals for hungry New Mexicans on April 12. Hundreds of students from St. Pius with the help of Catholic school students from Albuquerque’s St. Therese, St. Thomas Aquinas, Holy Ghost, Annunciation, Assumption, Queen of Heaven and St. Charles, and St. Terese of Avila in Grants gathered in SPX gyms to help feed the hungry. About 1,200 total students participated in the day-long food packaging event.

All of the food packaged this year will stay in New Mexico. Over the last five years, 80 percent of the food packaged has stayed in New Mexico, while some has gone to areas of the world in need including Haiti, Oklahoma, and the Philippines. This year’s effort will raise the total of meals packaged over the last nine years to almost 1.8 million meals. More than $200,000 has been raised by students since 2009 to purchase the ingredients packaged each year. Sponsors in 2017 include The Catholic Foundation, Donut Mart, the SPX raffle, Frank’s Supply and Old Town Catering Company.

Photo by Jennifer Maldonado

SPX Students Lead the Charge Against Hunger

St. Thomas Aquinas 3rd graders TJ Maldonado and Maya Perea attended the MADAH (Making a Difference Against Hunger) food packing day at St. Pius X High School with their older siblings, Gabriella Perea and Gianna Maldonado. Every year, STAS 3rd graders attend the event as their class service project. This year, the 3rd grade raised over $700 in Lenten folder donations and donated $500 to help purchase food for the project. The remaining $200 was donated to the Missions of the Religions Teachers Fillippini. One hundred per cent of the proceeds goes to purchase food and medicine for the children in the missions of Brazil, India and other locations. Thank you MADAH for this amazing opportunity!

St. Pius Students Honored at Regional Science Fair

By Melissa Sais, Communications, St. Pius X High School

St. Pius X High School student David Stotzer earned a first place $100 award and medal for his Senior Division Physics and Astronomy project at the Central New Mexico Science and Engineering Research Challenge held at the University of New Mexico on March 16-18. His win qualifies him for state competition. SPX biology teacher Deborah Green received the New Mexico Speech, Language & Hearing Association Award Certificate. Listed below are an additional 16 SPX students placed and gained special recognition at the competition: Katerina Gallegos, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics $100 Award and membership in AIAA Heather Gaudette, Senior Division Chemistry Honorable Mention Medal and Austin Hudson LaPore Biochemistry $100 Award Julia Lopez, Mauro Montoya Memorial Encouragement $25 Award and Solar and Sustainability in New Mexico $35 Award Grace Maynard, Senior Division Microbiology Third Place $25 Award and medal, and University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center $50 award

Samantha Multari, Genius Olympiad Invitation to compete at the International Genius Olympiad Katiana Otero, Kiwanis Club of Coronado $150 Award and United States Public Health Service Medicine and Health $100 Award Monica Pareja, Senior Division Behavioral and Social Sciences Honorable Mention Medal, Highway Employees Association of the NM Department of Transportation $20 Award and Rev. Charles and Mary Ashmore Memorial $50 Award Diego Rodriguez, AIC General Contractors Inc. $125 Award Andrew Sanchez, Mauro Montoya Memorial Encouragement $25 Award David Sanchez, Senior Division Animal Sciences Honorable Mention Medal Isaiah Sanchez, N.M. Speech, Language & Hearing Association $50 Award and Schrodenger Indeterminacy $50 Award Karina Scheller, Stockholm Junior Water Prize, Water Environment Federation Certificate and possible advancement to State/Stockholm competition Sebastian Scheller, Stockholm Junior Water Prize, Water Environment Federation Certificate and possible advancement to State/Stockholm competition Amanda Stone, Senior Division Cellular and Molecular Biology Third Place $25 Award and medal, and University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center $50 Award

St. Charles Community Honors Ms. Pamela Wheeldon By Viv Maheu & Barbara Menicucci, St. Charles Borromeo Parish and School For most of her life, Pamela Wheeldon has returned to school every fall either as a student or as a teacher. This fall will be different—Pam will be retired and boarding a plane for a well-deserved vacation. She began her career in 1974 teaching in Texas, then California and Wisconsin. When she finally set down roots in Albuquerque, she focused her love for children in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Ms. Wheeldon has been using her talents to form the minds and spirits of

young children for 26 years (17 at St. Charles). She is greatly loved and respected by students, parents, fellow

teachers, and she will be greatly missed. Her retirement plans include scrapbooking, doggie day care, and travel. What a model Pam is for us all, and we thank her for her faithful stewardship and commitment to God’s important work! The St. Charles Borromeo Parish community will host a reception at the St. Charles Gym from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on Sunday, June 4, 2017. We want to invite all her former students to join Ms. Wheeldon so she can thank them for making her 42 years of teaching a wonderful experience. For more information, please contact St. Charles school at 505.243.5788.

May 2017





May 2017

Revised 3/31/17

“Remember, then, that you received a spiritual seal, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, the spirit of holy fear. Keep safe what you received. God the Father sealed you, Christ the Lord strengthened you and sent the Spirit into your hearts as the pledge of what is to come.” — St. Ambrose

We invite you to keep our confirmandi in prayer.

Confirmation Schedule 2017 Celebrant

Day Date Time

Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Thu May 11 6:00 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Thu May 11 7:00 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Fri May 12 6:00 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Sat May 13 10:00 a.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Sat May 13 5:00 p.m. Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan Sat May 13 7:00 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Sun May 14 10:00 a.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Tue May 16 7:00 p.m. Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan Tue May 16 7:00 pm. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Wed May 17 6:00 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Wed May 17 6:00 p.m. Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan Wed May 17 7:00 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Thu May 18 6:00 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Fri May 19 6:00 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Fri May 19 6:30 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Sat May 20 10:00 a.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Sun May 21 11:00 a.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Tue May 23 6:30 p.m. Monsignor Lambert Joseph Luna, E.V. Tue May 23 6:30 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Wed May 24 6:00 p.m. Monsignor Lambert Joseph Luna, E.V. Wed May 24 6:30 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Wed May 24 7:00 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Thu May 25 7:00 p.m. Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan Thu May 25 6:30 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Thu May 25 7:00 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Fri May 26 7:00 p.m. Monsignor Lambert Joseph Luna, E.V. Sat May 27 10:00 a.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Sat May 27 4:30 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Sun May 28 11:30 a.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Tue May 30 5:30 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Tue May 30 6:00 p.m. Very Reverend John C. Daniel, V.G. Wed May 31 6:00 p.m. Monsignor Lambert Joseph Luna, E.V. Wed May 31 6:30 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Wed May 31 6:30 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Thu June 1 6:30 p.m. Archbishop John C. Wester Sun June 4 12:00 Noon



Our Lady of Guadalupe Clovis Our Lady of Belen Belen Sacred Heart…joined by Clovis …..St. Anthony of Padua, Fort Sumner St. Helen Portales St. Anthony of Padua…joined by Fort Sumner …..St. Mary, Vaughn Sacred Heart Albuquerque St. Rose of Lima Santa Rosa San Diego Mission Jemez Pueblo Our Lady of the Annunciation Albuquerque St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Albuquerque San Ysidro Corrales Immaculate Conception Albuquerque Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Santa Fe Holy Family Chimayo Immaculate Conception Tome Holy Cross Santa Cruz St. Anne Santa Fe Holy Ghost Albuquerque San Isidro Santa Fe St. Augustine Isleta Pueblo Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Taos Shrine of St. Bernadette Albuquerque San Jose…joined by Los Ojos …..St. Patrick, Chama and Santo Nino, Tierra Amarilla St. Francis Xavier Albuquerque Prince of Peace Albuquerque St. Thomas the Apostle Abiquiu Our Lady of Guadalupe…joined by Pena Blanca …..St. Bonaventure, Cochiti Pueblo Sacred Heart Espanola San Juan Bautista Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Estancia Valley Catholic Parish Moriarty Our Lady of Sorrows…joined by Bernalillo …..St. Anthony Mission, Sandia Pueblo Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary… Albuquerque …at St. Joseph on the Rio Grande St. Joseph Cerrillos Church of the Ascension Albuquerque Saint John XXIII Catholic Community Albuquerque Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Santa Fe …..joined by Cristo Rey, Santa Fe




May 2017



Photos by Deacon Michael Wesley

Archbishop Wester presents the Confirmation class of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Albuquerque. Their pastor is Rev. Joe Vigil.

Archbishop Wester presents the Confirmation class of St. Therese Parish, Albuquerque. Their pastor is Rev. Vincent Chavez.

Very Rev. John C. Daniel, V.G. presents the Confirmation class of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos. Their pastor is Very Rev. Glennon Jones.

Very Rev. John C. Daniel, V.G. presents the Confirmation class of San Miguel. Their pastor is Rev. John Anasiudu.



May 2017

St. Vincent de Paul Celebrates Over 1,000 Members

By Eva Pereira, President of the Archdiocesan Council of Santa Fe


n March, 200 St. Vincent de Paul members of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe gathered at the Albuquerque Catholic Center to recognize and celebrate the service of the 1,065 active society members in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The event started with a private Mass held in the Catholic Center’s Sandia room. The celebrant was Archbishop John C. Wester with Fr. John Trambley as co-celebrant; Deacon Robert Vigil was server and Rosalie Dion was the lector. The archbishop’s homily focused on the Gospel of John 5:31-47 where Jesus talks of his credentials to save believers. The Mass reflected for the gathered St. Vincent de Paul worshipers, the embodiment of the Vincentian ethos of simplicity and renewed commitment. Archbishop Wester thanked the group for their service to the archdiocese, and encouraged them to continue serving the needy with compassion and love. To underscore this, he cited Le Misérables, which tells the story of ex-convict Jean Valjean, who, after stealing from a bishop, was not prosecuted, but was instead forgiven. A moved Valjean then followed, in essence, a Vincentian path.

Jubilarian award recipient’s Mollie Padilla’s daughter Corina Ortiz accepts the award from Archbishop John C. Wester.

The evening continued with Deacon Vigil as master of ceremonies. The deacon moved those present with his sharing his experience of Vincentian compassion and kindness. Archbishop Wester then presented the Jubilarian awards. These recognize and honor outstanding retired Vincentians for their years of service to their parishes. This year’s Jubilarian awardees were Mollie Padilla of

St. Alice Parish in Mountainair, and Albert Gonzales of Risen Savior/Prince of Peace in Albuquerque. The two Vincentians honored had accumulative 60 years of service. The program concluded with the presentation of the annual report to the membership and the archbishop. Eva Pereira, President of the Archdiocesan Council of Santa Fe and Juan Pereira, Regional Representative of the St. Vincent de Paul Voice of the Poor, gave the annual report. In 2015-2016, archdiocesan Vincentians provided substantial relief to those in need through goods, support, and services. The organization gave $1,932,891 in direct help to the needy. The highlights of the report included Vincentian’s contribution of 143,931 volunteer service hours, and a remarkable 45,367 visits which provided personal engagement with the people we serve. The council also distributed $98,024 in muchneeded clothing and housewares. Eva Pereira completed the report by noting that numbers tell only part of the story. She related brief examples of Vincentian service in the past year to spotlight the human and spiritual elements of the effort, and challenged the gathered members to continue their good work and to continue working together in 2017. She concluded by thanking those present for their commitment to serve.

Summer Classes for Ministry

Archbishop John C. Wester and Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan extend their appreciation to two fine gentlemen, Mr. Karl Hess, 23 year member of the archbishop’s staff and Mr. J. R. Gutierrez who served five years in the General Services Division. Godspeed in your future endeavors!

ASF/Marcy Gonzales

An incredible opportunity for education and enlightenment will be available this summer for all Catholics, especially those engaged in ministry. The Institute of Formation for Christian Service (Summer Institute) will be held from June 5 - June 9 at Lourdes Hall at the Catholic Center in Albuquerque. Forty-seven classes and workshops will be offered throughout each of these days in three daily sessions – morning, afternoon and evening. Classes will be offered in both English and Spanish. The cost is only $25 for the entire week if you register by May 8. After that date, the cost is still very reasonable at only $50 for as many classes as you want. Class sizes are limited, so you will want to sign-up early. On-line registration: https://form.jotformpro. com/kdavis5430/Summerinstitute_17 or you can call Kathy at 505.831.8129.

Approximately 50 people attended Fr. Emeric Nordmeyer’s 90th birthday with lunch and a cake at the San Juan Diego Franciscan Friary in Albuquerque on April 19, 2017. More than half of those attending were previous members of the Queen of Angels Chapel where Fr. Emeric was pastor before it closed in 2012. Fr. Emeric retired the same year and has been a resident at the friary since.

May 2017


The Philippine American Community to celebrate “Santacruzan”

By Heddy Long


he Philippine American community in New Mexico will celebrate “Santacruzan” on Saturday, May 20, 2017. The event will start with the 4:00 pm Mass at San Felipe de Neri Church in Old Town, Albuquerque. “Santacruzan” is the word that Filipinos use to refer to Santa Cruz de Mayo, a celebration in honor of our Blessed Mother. The celebration commemorates St. Helen’s finding the Holy Cross during the reign of her young son, King Constantine. It is believed that Reyna Elena, Rey Constantino and their subjects asked for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to help them find the Holy Cross which had been taken away from the Christians by the infidels. Santa Cruz de Mayo is celebrated by a procession commemorating this historic event. During the month of May in the Philippines, every evening, towns celebrate Santa Cruz de Mayo. A town usually does it for nine consecutive evenings, like a novena. On the ninth evening, the whole town has a fiesta. It has been a tradition in our New Mexico Philippine-American community to celebrate Santa Cruz de Mayo every year. Nine consecutive evenings is not practical here in Albuquerque, so on Saturday, May 20, we will celebrate the ninth evening. After the procession, there will be a short program in the gazebo of Old Town, Albuquerque. Santa Cruz de Mayo is also referred to as Flores de Mayo. May is the month when flowers are blooming in the Philippines, and the procession is adorned with colorful flowers. For this reason, one of the queens in the procession is called Reyna de las Flores. The participants in the procession are called “sagalas”. They represent the important individuals during the expedition and the angels and saints that were called upon to intercede for them. The main characters in the procession are Reyna Elena, Reyna de las Flores, Reyna Sheba, and Reyna Esther. The Philippine American Community asks you to come and join them as they celebrate this prayerful tradition. For more information, please call Betsy Custodio 505.377.6671, Cora Romillo 505.702.9855 or Heddy Long 505.321.4086.

Holy Mass and rosary, private devotions at the beautiful Church of Our Lady of the Lake in Branson, Missouri from June 30 - July 6, 2017 You will attend the biblical live presentation of “Moses”, taking you back to the lavish splendor and pride of Egypt contrasting with the poverty of the Hebrew slaves and how a humble man of God would come to their deliverance. You will also celebrate our country’s independence as you attend other activities. Travel is by deluxe motor coach. Call the pilgrimage coordinator for a brochure at 505.994.9188.




June 3, 2017 9:00 am – Noon Saturday June 7, 2017 6:00 – 9:00 pm Wednesday **SPANISH** June 8, 2017 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Thursday June 10, 2017 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Saturday July 8, 2017 9:00 a.m. – Noon Saturday July 15, 2017 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Saturday July 22, 2017 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 pm Saturday July 29, 2017 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Saturday **SPANISH**

Archdiocese of Santa Fe 2017 Abuse Awareness Training for Adults: Creating a Safe Environment for Our Children

(formerly known as the Sexual Abuse Misconduct Prevention Workshop) Rev. 05/10/2017

Attendance at the workshop is MANDATORY for all clergy, employees, and volunteers in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Pre-registration is necessary. These workshops are sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Contact: Annette the Victims Assistance Coordinator or Rose Garcia, at 505.831.8144. Note: Do not bring children. No one under age 18 is allowed in the workshop. If you are late you will not be allowed to enter the training. Please contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator to report any abuse that has occurred by Clergy, Employee or Volunteer in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. IN THE EVENT OF BAD WEATHER – CALL 505-831-8144 FOR A RECORDING ADVISING IF THE TRAINING IS CANCELLED.

May 2017

San Clemente 244 Luna Rd. NE, Los Lunas, 87031 Catholic Center 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque 87120 Catholic Center 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque, 87120 Cristo Rey 1147 Cristo Rey St., Santa Fe 87501 Catholic Center 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque 87120 St. Anne’s 511 Alicia St., Santa Fe, 87501 Our Lady of Guadalupe 108 North Davis, Clovis, 88101 Our Lady of Guadalupe 108 North Davis, Clovis, 88101



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May 2017


The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Over the air television Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KRQE TV-13-2, KBIM TV-10-2, KREZ TV-6-2 and KASYMy50TV Cable or satellite providers on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6, FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass donations may be sent online to or mailed to: Vicar General’s Office/TV Mass 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 Check out Sunday and daily readings at

May 14, 2017 5th Sunday of Easter Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz May 21, 2017 6th Sunday of Easter Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz May 28, 2017 Ascension of the Lord Rev. Ronald Bowers June 4, 2017 Pentecost Sunday Rev. Ronald Bowers

ARCHBISHOP'S SCHEDULE May 13 Sat 16 Tue 17 Wed 18 Thu 19 Fri 20 Sat 21 Sun 23 Tue 24 Wed 25 Thu 26 Fri 27 Sat 28 Sun 30 Tue 31 Wed

8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 12:00 Noon 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 12:00 Noon 1:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 10:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m.

June 1 Thu 2:30 p.m. 2 Fri 5:00 p.m. 3 Sat 10:00 a.m. 4 Sun 11:30 a.m. 5 Mon 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 6 Tue 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 10 Sat 10:00 a.m. 11-14 === ======

Procession and Mass, Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque Confirmation and Listening Session, San Diego Mission, Jemez Pueblo Archbishop’s Radio Hour Confirmation and Listening Session, San Ysidro, Corrales Confirmation, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe Confirmation and Listening Session, Holy Family, Chimayo Confirmation and Listening Session, Holy Cross, Santa Cruz Confirmation and Listening Session, St. Anne, Santa Fe St. Pius X High School Mass and Graduation, Location TBD Confirmation and Listening Session, Holy Ghost, Albuquerque Confirmation and Listening Session, St. Augustine, Isleta Pueblo Confirmation and Listening Session, San Jose, Los Ojos Confirmation and Listening Session, St. Thomas the Apostle, Abiquiu Confirmation and Listening Session, Sacred Heart, Espanola Confirmation, San Juan Bautista, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Confirmation and Listening Session, Estancia Valley Catholic Parish, Moriarty Transitional Diaconate Ordination, Our Lady of Lavang, Albuquerque Confirmation and Listening Session, Church of the Ascension, Albuquerque

Confirmation and Listening Session, Saint John XXIII, Albuquerque Holy Hour and Dinner with Priesthood Ordinandi Priesthood Ordination, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Confirmation, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Welcome, Joint Academy of Catholic Hispanic and Black Catholic Theologians Colloquium, Hotel Andaluz, Albuquerque Catholic Charities Matthew 24 Celebration, Albuquerque Curia Meeting, Catholic Center Catholic Foundation Grant Review, Catholic Center Closing Mass, Pilgrimage for Vocations, Santuario de Chimayo USCCB Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN






May 2017


Farewell to a Beloved ‘Shepherd of Souls’ By Linda-Ann Gabrielle Salas, Liturgical/Pastoral Ministries Coordinator


priest is not his own. He depends on Jesus Christ. He draws strength for his mission from the love of his people. He is ordained for service to the faithful.”—Archbishop Fulton Sheen Rev. Mark A. Schultz, warmly called “Fr. Mark,” peacefully entered eternal life on April 8, 2017. He was an honorable priest, a holy priest, with an infectious laugh and a great sense of humor. He was humble, kind and charismatic, a gentle giant Rev. Mark A. Schultz handing out a certificate of graduation to a Holy of a man, large in stature and large in heart. His Ghost School student. strong commanding “Moses” voice never needed a microphone. He was the master of the “sevenminute” homily. Fr. Mark served his flock to the best of his ability with deep love, patience and joy, despite Rev. Mark A. Schultz takes a enduring physical ailments. He was generous to moment of reflection at the altar. a fault, even donating one of his kidneys to his father, and caregiver to his mother. He loved his brothers and would light up when speaking about “big bro,” Rev. Stephen Schultz, Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima in Albuquerque, NM, and “little bro,” Gregory Schultz from Orange Grove, TX. He spoke fondly about past assignments and friends. Fr. Mark’s accomplishments were many (although he would beg to differ). He added a second Spanish-language Sunday Mass and Communions at the Spanish Masses tripled as a result of his willingness to hear confessions before them. Holy Ghost School students adored him. Shouts of “Fr. Mark! Fr. Mark!” could be heard every morning in the courtyard as he made his way to the church for Mass. Parishioners, especially the elderly, understood and identified only too well with his physical ailments. They were encouraged and buoyed up by his example of joyful suffering—suffering he tried to hide. A parishioner said Fr. Mark’s arrival to Holy Ghost Parish in June 2009 “was like a breath of fresh air.” Arriving with his much-loved Shih Tzu, Jean Lafitte, he brought new endeavors to Holy Ghost Church including parish fiestas, summer Bible camps, Lenten missions, live Stations of the Cross and La Pastoral Christmas plays. He once donned a Rev. Mark A. Schultz blessing the gift bearers at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Santa suit to surprise the children and he thrilled parishioners by having the entire robed Mass. choir of The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi perform at the parish. Fr. Mark was hands-on with the parish, school and finance councils and declared that Holy Ghost Parish had the highest caliber of dedicated staff and volunteers. Despite his failing health, Fr. Mark served as spiritual director to many and was faithful to the sacramental duties of his vocation and the countless other demands asked of a pastor. He would often say how blessed he felt to be in a church where parishioners were so accepting and caring. He took seriously his responsibility to “care for the souls” entrusted to him. With a keen sense of the importance of good communication, Fr. Mark was always thinking of ways to promote the parish and school. He believed “one can never make a second first impression” and that it was vital for parishioners and visitors to leave with a welcoming experience. He was proud that Holy Ghost School was the only Roman Catholic school in the state to have earned the prestigious national “Blue Ribbon” award of excellence. He adored the children, frequently saying it gladdened his heart to see so many Catholic future leaders, and that they gave him hope for the future of the Church and the nation. Fr. Mark gave all he had to give. He leaves behind indelible marks of kindness on our Rev. Mark A. Schultz washing the foot of parishioner, Cecilia Sanchez, at hearts. He will forever be cherished and remembered with much love. “Holy Ghost Be a Holy Thursday service. with Us!”

May 2017



A Monthly Journey to America’s ‘Peripheries’ Our new columnist, Fr. Jack Wall, will offer a unique perspective on Catholicism in America By Father Jack Wall


y name is Father Jack Wall, and I have a story to tell. It’s a tale of American Catholics who are living in the poorest counties of the United States. It’s the inspiring story of people richly blessed in faith but living far below the poverty line. It’s the compelling story of people with a dream as beautiful and big as the dream that each of our ancestors had for us and for our families. And it’s the enduring story of Catholic Extension - the vital Church link that tangibly connects us American Catholics together in a bond of solidarity that is nation-wide and soul-deep. Over the past 10 years, I have been privileged to serve as the president of Catholic Extension. We are a Chicago-based papal society that builds churches and strengthens the Catholic Church in America’s poorest places. In this new column, I want to invite you to join me in discovering all the good that is happening in our country’s poorest regions because of the presence of

the Catholic Church. Let me take you to a Texan border town in the Rio Grande Valley - the poorest and most densely Catholic region in the country - where a struggling parish community with meager resources of its own is providing respite and temporary shelter for refugees. Despite their own poverty, Catholics are extending themselves in works of mercy to those who have even less. Journey with me to eastern Kentucky, where Catholics make up only 0.1 percent of the population. Almost two thirds of the Lexington diocese’s 43 counties are areas of persistent poverty. Yet its small Appalachian Catholic communities are living the Gospel by reaching out heroically to their neighbors. Forgotten people living in poverty know that when they are in dire straits, they can turn to Catholics for help. Just south of the U.S.-Canadian border, on a reservation in Montana where as many as 30 percent of residents face drug or alcohol addiction, a Native American Catholic community is bringing hope. This parish has an adult spiritual retreat movement, robust youth groups, and an academically successful school that has become a passport out of poverty for scores of

Native American children. The Spirit of God is truly present at what Pope Francis calls the “peripheries” of our society. The Spirit is palpably alive there because poor Catholics are taking responsibility for being the Church. They know that there will be no Church in their communities unless they deliberately and defiantly choose to be Church together. The Catholics I have met in these communities deeply embody the “joy of the Gospel” that Pope Francis exhorts us to express as hope for the world. They have come to the realization that they are more than the very difficult circumstances they face daily - a message that should remind all of us that we too are much more than our own circumstances. More than any social programs, the lived reality of being part of a Catholic faith community touches something very profound in their lives. That is why, in his apostolic exhortation ‘’The Joy of the Gospel,” Pope Francis says, ‘’The worst discrimination which the poor suffer is the lack of spiritual care.... We must not fail to offer them His friendship, His blessing, His word, the celebration of the sacraments and a journey of growth and maturity in the faith.”



May 2017

E N CO U N T E R I N E G Y P T “Encounter. It’s a word Pope Francis uses often and something he insists is the concrete first step toward faith and toward building a better world.” C. Wooden/CNS Pope, Coptic patriarch honor martyrs, urge unity for peace CAIRO (CNS) -- Placing flowers, lighting a candle and praying at the site where dozens of Coptic Orthodox Christians were killed by an Islamic State militant last year, Pope Francis and Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II paid homage to those who were killed for their faith. Pope Francis and Pope Tawadros walked in a short procession to the Church of St. Peter, where 29 people died and 31 were wounded Dec. 11. The faithful chanted a song of martyrs, and some clashed cymbals under the darkened evening sky. Inside the small church, the leaders of several other Christian communities in Egypt as well as Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople sat before the congregation, which included family members of the victims. A portion of one wall of the complex was splattered with blood, and pictures of those killed -- many with bright smiles to the camera -- were hung above. Some of the church’s stone columns were pock-marked from the debris or shrapnel sent flying from the explosion. Each of the eight Christian leaders seated before the congregation, beginning with Pope Francis, read a verse from the beatitudes in the Gospel of St. Matthew. Pope Francis and Pope Tawadros then each said a few words in prayer, and everyone shared a sign of peace. Pope Francis poses with Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, during a visit in Cairo April 28. The pope was making a two-day visit to Egypt. (CNS photo/ Paul Haring)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and government officials in Cairo April 28. The pope was making a two-day visit to Egypt. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

True faith means loving others to the extreme, pope tells Egypt’s Catholics CAIRO (CNS) -- The only kind of fanaticism that is acceptable to God is being fanatical about loving and helping others, Pope Francis said on his final day in Egypt. “True faith,” he told Catholics, “makes us more charitable, more merciful, more honest and more humane. It moves our hearts to love everyone without counting the cost.” The pope celebrated an open-air Mass April 29 in Cairo’s Air Defense Stadium, built by the anti-aircraft branch of the Egyptian armed forces. The pope concelebrated with Coptic Catholic Patriarch Ibrahim Isaac Sedrak of Alexandria and leaders of the other Catholic rites in Egypt. After spending the first day of his visit in meetings with Muslim leaders, government officials, diplomats and members of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the pope dedicated the second day of his trip to Egypt’s minority Catholic community. Arriving at the stadium in a blue Fiat, the pope was slowly driven around the stadium’s red running track in a small and low golf cart, far from the estimated 15,000 people seated in the stands high above. Yellow balloons and a long chain of blue balloons tied together like a rosary were released into the sky as a military helicopter circled high above the venue.

Unmask violence posing as holy, pope tells religious leaders in Egypt

CAIRO (CNS) -- Calling his visit to Egypt a journey of “unity and fraternity,” Pope Francis launched a powerful call to the nation’s religious leaders to expose violence masquerading as holy and condemn religiously inspired hatred as an idolatrous caricature of God. “Peace alone, therefore, is holy, and no act of violence can be perpetrated in the name of God, for it would profane his name,” the pope told Muslim and Christian leaders at an international peace conference April 28. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople was in attendance. Pope Francis also warned of attempts to fight violence with violence, saying “every unilateral action that does not promote constructive and shared processes is, in reality, a gift to the proponents of radicalism and violence.” The pope began a two-day visit to Cairo by speaking at a gathering organized by Egypt’s al-Azhar University, Sunni Islam’s highest institute of learning. He told reporters on the papal flight from Rome that the trip was significant for the fact that he was invited by the grand imam of al-Azhar, Sheik Ahmad el-Tayeb; Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi; Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II; and Coptic Catholic Patriarch Ibrahim Isaac Sedrak of Alexandria. Having these four leaders invite Pope Francis greets Sheik Ahmad el-Tayeb, grand imam of al-Azhar University, at a conference on international peace in Cairo April 28. The pope him for the trip shows it is “a trip of unity and fraternity” that will be “quite, quite intense” over the next two days, he said. was making a two-day visit to Egypt. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)


May 2017


Archbishop John C. Wester receives The Sultan and The Saint Peace Award By Reverend Jack Clark Robinson, OFM Provincial Minister, Our Lady of Guadalupe Province

Leslie M. Radigan/ASF


rchbishop John C. Wester has long advocated for setting aside fear to bring about peace. In his own words: Our country has potent and painful reminders of what happens when fear rules…the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, the unjust internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, the 1939 tragedy of the S.S. St. Louis in which 937 German Jews were denied entry to the U.S., and most recently, the post 9/11 National Security EntryExit Registration System (NSEERs) requiring “extreme vetting” and the discriminatory targeting of Muslims. Our experience tells us that such programs are ill advised and ineffectual, and fail to honor the basic human dignity of those in need. These responses are based in fear. Our Lord himself tells us that fear is useless, that what is most important is love, compassion, and God’s enduring mercy. (February 3, 2017) It is for his love, compassion and witness of the mercy of the Most High that the Sultan and the Saint Peace Award was presented to Archbishop John Charles Wester on April 20, 2017 at the premiere of the film The Sultan and the Saint, a film about Muslim-Christian peace. The film tells the story of St. Francis of Assisi’s meeting with Sultan Malik Al Kamil during the Fifth Crusade. Due to scheduling conflicts, I had the privilege of accepting the award for him. The event took place at Holy Family Church in Albuquerque. The premiere was sponsored by the Islamic Center of New Mexico and the friars of Guadalupe Province. The film was produced by Unity Productions Foundation, which has produced a number of documentary films shown nationwide on PBS. The Sultan and the Saint is scheduled to be broadcast this December. Prior to that broadcast, Unity Productions is conducting over fifty local premieres of the film, with Albuquerque being, I think, the only one in New Mexico.

One part of the premiere presentations is the naming of one local Islamic and one local Christian recipient, each nominated by the sponsoring organization, of The Sultan and The Saint Peace Award. When our Provincial Council was approached to name a recipient, Archbishop Wester’s name was the very first to come to us. On May 1, 2017 I was once again was honor to present it to him, a bit delayed, but still given with great admiration and appreciation for his leadership.

St. Mary’s Academy, Dayton, OH 1868-1869 St. Peter, Steubenville, OH 1869-1872 Public School, Trinidad, CO 1872-1877 Santa Fe, NM 1877-1881 Public School, Old Town, Albuquerque, NM 1881-1883 Public School Precinct No 12, New Town, Albuquerque, NM* 1883-1886 *Faculties for both Old and New Town lived in Old Town (S. Blandina – superior in Old Town; New Town separated) 1885-1886 St. Vincent Academy, Public School, New Town* 1886-1889 *renamed from Public School District No. 12 St. Joseph Academy, Trinidad, CO 1889-1892 St. Patrick, Pueblo, CO 1892-1893 St. Aloysius, Fayetteville, OH 1893-1894 St. Gabriel, Cincinnati, OH 1894-1897 Santa Maria Institute, Cincinnati, OH 1897-March 19, 1933 *St. Joseph Hospital, Albuquerque *d1900-1901 Motherhouse, Mount St. Joseph, OH 1933-1941

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