People of God August 2010

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A u g u s t 2 0 1 0 • Vo l u m e 2 8 • N u m b e r 7

w w w. a r c h d i o s f . o r g Inside



Cuarto Centenario: 400 Years of Faith............................................................2 Archbishop’s Letter Priestly Anointed Hands.................................................4 Archbishop’s Annual School Fund Dinner......................................................3 Litugical Formation-Making Sacred Time........................................................8 Crumbling Churches Made Stronger..............................................................12 2010 Ordinations..............................................................................................14 “Pack to School”..............................................................................................16 Bioethics: Difficult Pregnancies....................................................................20 Catholic Charities.............................................................................................21 Safe Environment Messages for Kids........................................................... 22 Manhattan Declaration.....................................................................................28

Serving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Ordains Three New Priests

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan ordained three men to the priesthood at a Mass on Saturday, June 26, 2010 in the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe. They are pictured left to right with Archbishop Sheehan: Rev. June Nguyen Ramos, Rev. Fernando Saenz, and Rev. John Trambley. Also pictured is Rev. Michael DePalma, Archdiocesan Director of Vocations. The newly ordained priests were assigned to parishes within the Archdiocese after the Ordination. See p. 14



August 2010

Cuarto Centenario Celebrating 400 Years




the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church 400 years ago. Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Cuarto Centenario Closing Celebration Mass

Sunday, August 15th, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, 131 Cathedral Place, Santa Fe, NM 87504 Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan will be the main celebrant of the Cuarto Centenario Closing Mass to be held Sunday, August 15th, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, 131 Cathedral Place, Santa Fe, NM 87504. The celebration is on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is the original title of the 1610 Church. The Cathedral Basilica is the home of La Conquistadora, the nation’s oldest Marian statue in the nation’s oldest Marian shrine. The Mass closes the year-long celebration of the 400-Year Anniversary of the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church now known as the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Reverend Monsignor Jerome Martinez y Alire is the Rector of the Cathedral. Clergy attending will include 20 Bishops, 60 priests and 60 deacons. Approximately 90 Penitentes will also be present, singing their traditional alabados or hymns.T he area’s first inhabitants will be represented by the Santa Clara Pueblo doing the Basket Dance. Representatives from several other Santa Fe faith communities have been invited to attend.

Four centuries of New Mexico’s history and legend

Threads of Devotion: The Wardrobe of La Conquistadora MUSEUM OF SPANISH COLONIAL ART On Museum Hill, 750 Camino Lejo, Santa Fe, NM The first-ever museum exhibition of many of the historic garments, crowns, and jewels of Santa Fe’s beloved icon, La Conquistadora, covering four centuries of New Mexico’s history and legend.

The Museum has scheduled two special openings September 10, 2010, 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Grand opening for Spanish Colonial Arts Society Members Only (memberships available beginning at $40). Festivities in the Museum Courtyard will include refreshments and special guest appearances, including “La Peregrina” the fascinating “double” for La Conquistadora making a rare appearance and presentedby her guardians, the officers of La Cofradía de la Conquistadora, and her Honor Guard, the Caballeros de Vargas. Other dignitaries include Monsignor Jerome Martinez y Alire, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe’s Don de Diego de Vargas, the Fiesta Queen, and the Fiesta Court. Admission free for Spanish Colonial Society members. To RSVP or to obtain a new membership, contact the Spanish Colonial Arts Society at 505.982-2226. September 19, 2010 Public opening for non-members. Museum exhibit runs through the end of 2010). Regular museum hours:Tuesday -Sunday 10am to 5pm. In true Santa Fe fashion, Threads of Devotion presents a window on the past that shows why New Mexico has flourished as a spiritual and artistic destination for over four centuries. Before New Mexico achieved statehood, the territory of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe governed a large expanse of the region, covering Arizona, parts of Colorado, Utah, and Texas. As the capital, Santa Fe was the center of daily life for the region, which meant that the Cathedral and its beloved icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary towered over Santa Fe legend, with royalty and visitors alike flocking to the statue’s chapel, sometimes at the rate of 100 visitors an hour.

Continued on page 7

August 2010




Priestly Anointed Hands Priesthood Ordination Homily Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

Saturday, June 26, 2010 Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe, NM I. Introduction We are blessed this year to have three fine men to ordain to the Priesthood. • Fernando Saenz is 32 and studied at the North American College in Rome. Fernando is an athlete and did his college years on a baseball scholarship. He also was on the soccer team in the College in Rome. Fernando is from the Cathedral Basilica Parish. • June Ramos is 38 today and is originally from the Philippines. He served three tours as a Marine in Iraq and was seriously injured in a road side bombing incident. He was almost killed and he believed that God has spared him so that he could become a priest. He studied at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell Connecticut and claims San Clemente Parish in Los Lunas as his home parish. • John Trambley is 44 and also studied at Holy Apostles Seminary. He worked for Channel 7 Television for almost 15 years before deciding he wanted to apply for the priesthood. He is from Risen Savior Parish in Albuquerque. II. Relationship of a Bishop with his Priests Last week the Bishops of the United States met for our June meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida. The meeting was more a retreat then a regular business meeting. The theme was the relationship between Bishops and Priests - that a Bishop should try to be a father, brother and friend to his Priests. Cardinal George of Chicago reminded us that St. Paul took pleasure in his sons whom he ordained, such as Timothy and Titus. At Ordination, a Bishop begets a son when he ordains a priest. That’s how I feel about the three of you, whom I ordain today; and the dozens of others I have ordained here in our Cathedral in past years. Sir Christopher Wrenn was the architect for St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Early on, while St. Paul’s was being built, he went around dressed as a common workman, asking men on the job what they were doing. One man said, “I’m putting one stone on

top of another.” The second man said, “I’m earning a schilling a day!” The third man said, “I’m helping Sir Christopher Wrenn build St. Paul’s Church!” Well the third man had the bigger vision. I hope that you men whom I ordain today will have the bigger vision of what we do together – we are building up the Body of Christ in our Archdiocese. As Phil Murnion said, “Ordination isn’t a license for private practice”. You will work with your brother priests and with me and as Archbishop I hope to be a father, brother and a friend to you. In a few moments the Ordination Rite will begin. I will lay my hands on your head and say the ancient words of ordination, the matter and form of the Sacrament of the Holy Order of Priesthood, making you priests. And I will take your hands in mine and you will promise me, and my successors, respect and obedience. I will take your hands in mine and I will anoint them with the fragrant oil of chrism. I will consecrate your hands with the holy oil, consecrating them for your priestly service. At Mass, you will take the bread and wine in those consecrated hands and change them, by the power of Jesus Christ, into his own Body and Blood. Those consecrated hands will perform the other Sacraments and many other things as well. III. Priestly Hands I share with you now some moving words from a priest in Orange, California, Msgr. Mike Heher about his hands being anointed by his Bishop at his ordination and what those priestly hands have done through the years. “This is what I remember: my shaking hands were taken into the Bishop’s confident hands; then hands were placed on my head. The Bishop’s first and then many hands of the priests See HOMILY on page 12

Ungidas Manos Sacerdotales Homilía de la Ordenación Sacerdotal Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan

Sábado, 26 de junio de 2010 Catedral Basílica de San Francisco de Asís, Santa Fe, NM

I. Introducción Este año hemos sido bendecidos al contar con tres excelentes hombres para ordenar al sacerdocio. • Fernando Sáenz, quien tiene 32 años y estudió en el North American College en Roma. Fernando es un atleta y llevó a cabo sus estudios en la universidad gracias a una beca de béisbol. También estuvo en el equipo de fútbol soccer en la Universidad en Roma. Fernando proviene de la parroquia de la Catedral Basílica. • June Ramos, quien hoy cumple 38 años es originario de las Filipinas. Sirvió en tres giras como un soldado de la Marina en Iraq y resultó gravemente herido en un incidente de bombardeo al lado de carretera. En ese incidente en que casi perdió la vida, él sintió que Dios le permitió vivir para que pudiera llegar a ser un sacerdote. Estudió en el seminario Holy Apostles en Cromwell, Connecticut y clama la parroquia de San Clemente en Los Lunas como su parroquia. • John Trambley tiene 44 años y también estudió en el seminario Holy Apostles. Trabajó para el Canal 7 de televisión durante casi 15 años antes de decidir que quería someter una solicitud para el sacerdocio. Él es de parroquia de Risen Savior en Albuquerque. II Relación de un Obispo con sus Sacerdotes La semana pasada los obispos de los Estados Unidos nos reunimos para nuestra junta de

junio en San Petersburgo, Florida. La reunión fue más un retiro que una reunión regular de negocios. El tema fue la relación entre Obispos y Sacerdotes - que un Obispo debería tratar de ser un padre, hermano y amigo para sus sacerdotes. El cardenal George de Chicago nos recordó que San Pablo se complacía en sus hijos a quienes él ordenó, como lo fueron Timoteo y Tito. En la Ordenación, un Obispo engendra a un hijo cuando ordena a un sacerdote. Así es como me siento acerca ustedes tres, a quienes ordeno hoy, y acerca de las decenas de hombres a quienes he ordenado aquí en nuestra Catedral en los últimos años. Sir Christopher Wrenn fue el arquitecto de la Catedral de San Pablo en Londres. Al principio, cuando San Pablo estaba siendo construida, él se presentó en el sitio vestido como un obrero común, preguntándole a los trabajadores qué era lo que hacían. Un hombre dijo: “Estoy poniendo una piedra encima de otra.” El segundo hombre dijo: “Estoy ganando un chelín cada día.” El tercer hombre dijo: “Le estoy ayudando a Sir Christopher Wrenn a construir la Iglesia de San Pablo!” Como verán, el tercer hombre tuvo la visión más amplia. Yo espero que ustedes, a quienes ordeno hoy, tengan una amplia visión de lo que hacemos juntos - estamos edificando el Cuerpo de Cristo en nuestra Arquidiócesis. Como Phil Murnion, dijo, “la Ordenación no es una licencia para la práctica privada”. Ustedes trabajarán con sus hermanos sacerdotes y conmigo, y como Arzobispo, espero poder ser un padre, hermano y amigo para ustedes. En unos instantes comenzará el rito de la ordenación. Yo impondré mis manos sobre su cabeza y recitaré las antiguas palabras de la ordenación, la materia y la forma del Sacramento del orden Sagrado See Homilía on page 23



Archbishop’s Schedule


14 Sat 8:00 a.m. 15 Sun 3:00 p.m. 16 Mon ======== 17 Tue ======== 18 Wed 11:30 a.m. 20 Fri ======== 3:00 p.m. 21 Sat 6:00 p.m. 23 Mon ======== 24 Tue 10:00 a.m. 25 Wed ======== 27 Fri 8:00 a.m. ======== 28-31 === ========

Men Under Construction Retreat, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Closing Mass, 400th Anniversary, Catholic Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Office Appointments Office Appointments Appreciation BBQ for Priests by Archdiocesan Youth Office, Catholic Center Office Appointments Cabinet Meeting, Catholic Center Native American Liturgy, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Office Appointments Catholic Cemetery Association, Mount Calvary Office Appointments Archdiocesan Finance Council, Catholic Center Office Appointments Vacation

September 1-9 === ======== 10 === ======== 12 Sun 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Vacation Office Appointments Procession & Misa de Las Fiestas, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Mass of the Holy Cross, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Candlelight Procession to Cross of the Martyrs, Santa Fe

SEMINARY BURSE The following donations have been made to the Saint John Vianney Burse for the education of our future priests: May 2010 Estancia Valley - Moriarty (Mass stipends)................................................ $1,500.00 St. Anthony – Pecos (Mass stipends)........................................................... $3,000.00 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe – Pojoaque (Mass stipends)....................... $240.00 Our Lady of Belen (Mass stipends)................................................................. $750.18 St. John the Baptist –Santa Fe (Mass stipends).............................................. $500.00 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe – Pojoaque (Mass stipends)....................... $490.00 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass stipends).................................. $490.00 St. Anne – Santa Fe (Mass stipends)............................................................... $500.00 Sangre de Cristo (Mass stipends)................................................................. $1,000.00 Alfred Chavez Jr. – donation in memory of Lucy Lucero........................ $4,000.00 Victoria Hamilton – donation in honor of the Sacred Heart.................... $1,000.00 Anonymous donation.................................................................................... $1,200.00 June 2010 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass stipends).................................. $360.00 St. Anne – Santa Fe (Mass stipends)............................................................... $500.00 St. John the Baptist – Santa Fe (Mass stipends)............................................. $500.00 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del Valle de Pojoaque (Mass stipends).... $200.00 Estancia Valley – Moriarty (Mass stipends)................................................... $950.00 We pray, Lord, that You will continue to bless and enrich Your Church with the gift of vocations. We pray that many may welcome Your call and, with generous and faithful response, continuously bring joy to the Church. Amen. We ask your prayers for the benefactors of the Seminary Burse. Their contribution to the education of our future priests is a sign of their faith and generosity. We continually keep these benefactors in our prayers. We thank these contributors for their donation. Those wishing to contribute to this fund may send their check to: The Saint John Vianney Burse c/o Rev. Michael DePalma, Director , Robert D. Martinez, Office Manager Archdiocese of Santa Fe 4000 St. Joseph Place NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120

Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

August 2010

Donations for TV Mass & The Archbishop’s Hour may be sent online to: or mailed to: Office of Communications 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120-1714

Celine Baca Radigan Director Voice 505.831.8180 Fax 505.831.8248 Email: Archdiocesan Web Site

TV Mass Schedule

The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 7:00 a.m. on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6, and FOX 2

American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted


Readings (Cycle C)

August 8th, 2010 19th Sunday OT Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz

Wis 18:6-9 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12 Luke 12:32-48 or 12:35-40

August 15th, 2010 Assumption of the BVM Rev. James McGowan

Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab 1 Cor 15:20-27 Luke 1:39-56

August 22nd, 2010 21st Sunday OT Rev. James McGowan

Is 66:18-21 Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 Luke 13:22-30

August 29th, 2010 22nd Sunday OT Rev. Andy Pavlak

Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a Luke 14:1, 7-14

Catholic Radio 24 Hours A Day/7 Days A Week! 98.9 FM Albuquerque, Algodones, Bernalillo, Corrales, Isleta, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos, Meadowlake, Peralta, Rio Rancho, Tome; 91.7 FM Clovis; 95.3 FM Farmington; 100.7 FM Gallup/Grants; 88.7 FM Portales; 93.9 FM Roswell; 104.5 FM Santa Fe; 103.1 Santa Rosa; 94.1 FM Shiprock; 99.9 FM Socorro; 88.9 FM Tucumcari Featuring The Archbishop’s Hour (Archdiocese of Santa Fe Programming) Monday - Friday 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m., Encore presentation: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mary Woods, Host • Abad Archuleta, Producer Call in comments and questions are welcome during the 12:00 –– 1:00 p.m. show @ 505.831.8230. You may also email your questions during the show

Letter to the Editor Editor, For those of us who attend Mass daily, sometimes we get distracted by our highly technological, political and social world we live in. I must confess that sometimes at daily Mass, my mind wanders – thoughts, concerns about family, friends, the homeless, and so much more try to crowd my mind; while at the same time trying to clear my mind and be “in the moment” of Mass. …Where there’s no music to inspire us, we must learn to more fully focus and concentrate on the Mass itself; as it’s happening. Mass each morning brings us great hope for the new day and the Mass is to inspire and motivate us to more fully carry out our faith. When we reach the point at Mass when we extend a hand-shake and say “peace be with you,” look deeply into that person’s eyes and really mean “peace be with you!” That one gesture during a sleepy early morning Mass can awaken souls, inspire people, and further strengthen bonds with our fellow Catholics. The rest of the day remains a new gift, as of yet unopened. Br. Francis Scott Hadley (CLC) Immaculate Conception Parish Albuquerque

August 2010

Archbishop Sheehan has made the following assignments • Effective May 31, 2010 – Rev. Patrick Chavez, Pastor at San Juan Nepomuceno in El Rito has been granted retirement. He will continue assisting as Sacramental Minister at San Juan Nepomuceno as he is able during his retirement. • Effective May 31, 2010 – Rev. James Marshall, current Pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle in Abiquiu, has been assigned as Canonical Pastor at San Juan Nepomuceno in El Rito. This is in addition to his present assignment as Pastor at St. Thomas the Apostle in Abiquiu. • Effective June 11, 2010 – Rev. Hilaire Valiquette, OFM, previously assigned Administrator at St. Augustine in Isleta, has been asked by his Provincial to retire due to his fragile health. • Effective June 11, 2010 – Rev. George Pavamkott, O.Praem, previously assigned to hospital Ministry in Albuquerque, has been assigned as Administrator at St. Augustine in Isleta. • Effective June 30, 2010 – Sr. Bernice García, OP, previously assigned Parish Life Coordinator at St. Francis Xavier in Albuquerque has been granted retirement. • Effective June 30, 2010 – Rev. James Vance, previously assigned Pastor at San Ysidro in Corrales has been granted retirement. • Effective July 2, 2010 - Rev. Michael DePalma, has been assigned as Pastor at San Ysidro in Corrales. This assignment is in addition to his previous assignment as Vocations Director of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. • Effective June 30, 2010 – Rev. Tom Zotter, previously assigned Pastor at the Shrine of St. Bernadette in Albuquerque, has been granted early retirement. • Effective July 1, 2010 - Rev. Timothy A. Martinez, previously assigned as Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, has been assigned as Pastor of the Shrine of St. Bernadette in Albuquerque. He has also been assigned as Spiritual Director of the Diaconate. • Effective July 1, 2010 – Rev. Vidal Martinez, previously assigned as Sacramental Minister at large has been granted retirement. • Effective July 7, 2010 – Rev. Augustine J. Moore, PhD, previously assigned Pastor at Sacred Heart of Jesus in Española has been granted retirement. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. Oscar Coelho, previously assigned Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, has been assigned as Pastor at Sacred Heart of Jesus in Española. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Very Rev. John Cannon, previously assigned Dean of the Northeast Deanery and Pastor at St. Joseph in Springer and Immaculate Conception in Cimarron, has been appointed as Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. Emmanuel Izuka, previously assigned Parochial Vicar at St. Jude Thaddeus in Albuquerque has been assigned as Pastor at St. Joseph in Springer and Immaculate Conception in Cimarron. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. Robert Campbell O. Praem, previously assigned to full time hospital ministry has been re-assigned to half-time hospital ministry and half-time vocation ministry in the Norbertine Community. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. Binu Joseph Pazhayaveetil, O.Praem, previously assigned to hospital ministry, has been assigned as Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary under the direction of the Pastor, Fr. Joel Garner, O.Praem. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. Vincent Dominguez, previously assigned Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of the Annunciation in Albuquerque, has been assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Jude Thaddeus under the direction of the Pastor, Rev. John Daniel. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. June Ramos, ordained a Priest on June 26, 2010, has been assigned as Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of the Annunciation under the direction of the Pastor, Very Rev. Bennett J. Voorhies. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. Fernando Saenz, ordained a Priest on June 26, 2010, has been assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho under the direction of the Pastor, Rev. Msgr. Douglas Raun. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Rev. John Trambley, ordained a Priest on June 26, 2010, has been assigned as Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe under the direction of the Rector, Rev. Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Deacon Rudolph Baca, previously assigned Deacon at the Shrine of St. Therese in Albuquerque, has been assigned as Deacon at Sangre de Cristo Parish also in Albuquerque. • Effective July 9, 2010 – Very Rev. Daniel Balizan, Pastor at St. Patrick/St. Joseph Parish in Raton, has been assigned to be the Dean of the Northeast Deanery. This assignment is in addition to his current assignment as Pastor. • Effective July 10, 2010 – Deacon John Peter Samuel Campos, Ordained to the Diaconate on this same date, has been assigned to diaconal ministry at Immaculate Conception in Las Vegas under the direction of the Pastor Fr. George Salazar. • Effective July 16, 2010 – Deacon Leroy Sanchez, previously assigned Deacon at St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho, has been appointed as Parish Life Coordinator of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Albuquerque under the direction of the Canonical Pastor, Fr. Gabriel Paredes.



You’re invited!

Archbishop’s Annual School Fund Dinner

The Dinner is set of the New Mexico for Friday, October 8, Children Youth and 2010. It will be at Hotel Families Department Albuquerque startfrom 1995-1998, she ing at 6:00 p.m. with served five consecutive no host cocktails, silent terms as a United States auction and a basket Representative from raffles. Dinner will be New Mexico. While served at 7:00 p.m. This in the U. S. House of year’s keynote speaker, Representatives she former United States received assignments Representative Heather on the Commerce Wilson, will provide a Committee (later non-Catholic perspective renamed Energy and on the value of Catholic Commerce Committee), education! It is still our Armed Services policy that we do not Committee, and promote any specific Intelligence Committee. candidate or political In addition to these party. However, since responsibilities she Representative Wilson is Original Retablo of Our Lady is wife to attorney not currently in office and of Guadalupe by Dr. CharJay Hone and mothhas no plans of running lie Carrillo and Donated for er to their three chilfor any political office, After-Dinner Auction. dren, Scott, Joshua and the Archbishop decided Caitlin. she would bring a new Don’t miss out on an perspective of what Catholic Schools offer. opportunity to help fund tuition for lowSome may be surprised that many of the income students at Archdiocesan Catholic students in our Catholic Schools are not of Schools. If you’ve been before, you know our Catholic faith. how much your help is needed and appreRepresentative Wilson was honored this ciated. If this will be your first time, past April as a Distinguished Graduate you will get to see the importance of of the United States Air Force Academy Catholic education, witness the acknowlfrom which she graduated in 1982. She edgement of teachers nominated for the served in the Air Force until 1989, when Archdiocesan Teacher of the Year, and she joined the National Security Council applaud the generosity of our many sponStaff as Director of European Defense sors, get to know new people and you Policy and Arms Control. After serving might event be top bidder in the live aucon the Governor’s Cabinet as Secretary tion or win one of the basket raffles.

Archbishop’s School Fund Dinner Reservation Friday, October 8, 2010, 6:00 p.m. Hotel Albuquerque

We will purchase _____ Table(s) for 10 people at a cost of $1,250 each. We will purchase ____ Tickets cost of $125 each We cannot attend this year. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $_____________ for the School Fund. Please mail with check to: Archbishop’s School Fund Dinner 4000 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87120



Comings and Goings Renewal and Celebrations at the Pastoral Ministries Division

Dan McGill

Like the Cathedral parish that is celebrating its past four hundred years this month and looking forward to a bright future after the renovation of its sanctuary, the Pastoral Ministries Division of the Archbishop’s office this summer has a lot to celebrate and look forward to as well. As announced last month, Archbishop Sheehan appointed Dan McGill to serve as the new Executive Director of the division. Dan McGill has served for a little over a year and a half as the Director of Ministry Resources and Formation and has previously served in four other dioceses in a variety of diocesan and parish positions. Dan is replacing Frances Vogel Montaño who is retiring from the Archdiocese at the end of July after 15 years. Frances spent the previous 30 years in numerous positions of ministry leadership throughout the Archdiocese. The Religious Education Office of the PMD celebrated the entrance of Chela Gonzalez into the novitiate for the Grand Rapid Dominican Sisters, which required her to resign as director of this office. Archbishop Sheehan appointed Maria Cruz-Cordoba to take her place, starting in July. Maria has many years experience in catechetical leadership, most recently serving at San Felipe parish as the Director of Religious Education and at San Felipe School as the Middle School Religion teacher. Before coming to Albuquerque, Maria

Deacon Mike Wesley

Kirk Hartom

Dawn Wenzel and Maria Cruz-Cordoba

was the Catechetical Leader at a parish in Florida and later worked for the Archdiocese of Miami in their Religious Education and Adult Faith Formation departments. Maria is a graduate of St. Thomas University in Miami, where she earned her Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministries. Maria is bilingual in Spanish and English. Maria is being joined in the Religious Education Office by Dawn Wenzl as the new secretary. Erin Christopherson recently had to resign because of her husband’s acceptance into an advanced study program in archaeology in Newcastle, England. Previous to starting as secretary, many in the Archdiocese have come to know Dawn as the receptionist at the Catholic Center. The Catholic Schools Office of the PMD said farewell to Kirk Hartom, who has served as the Assistant Superintendant for the last five years in June.

Kirk recently accepted an appointment head of a new charter school for Rio Rancho Schools. A new Assistant Superintendant will be chosen at a later date. The Office of Pastoral Outreach of the PMD is bidding farewell and best wishes to Deacon Mike Wesley who has served since 2008 as parttime Secretary. Deacon Mike will become the new Religion Teacher for grades 5-8 at St. Therese School in Albuquerque in August. He graduated last year from the St. Norbert Program with a Master’s in Theological Studies, which will be very useful in his new position. As always, all in the Archdiocese are welcome to visit all the offices in the Pastoral Ministries Division. We look forward to serving you with these new additions to our staff and are very grateful for the great contributions of those who are leaving.

August 2010

¡Vaya Con Díos, Frances! Fifteen years ago, Archbishop Michael J. S h e e h a n appointed me to lead the Pastoral Ministries Division of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. I was still learning how to do this job as I prepared to retire and leave it in someone Frances Vogel Montano, Retired else’s capable Executive Director/Archdiocesan Pastoral Ministries Division. hands! What A Rare Grace-filled Lady, An a tremendous Inspirational Leader, A Friend --Bar None privilege it has been to serve the Archbishop and the people of God of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in this way. My vantage point has been unique and wonderful, seeing and hearing and experiencing year after year many exciting and life-giving activities of faith in the multitude of ministries that serve the Catholic faithful in our parishes, schools, and Catholic agencies and organizations. As I pass on the responsibilities of this position, I am filled with gratitude to God and to my colleagues in ministry. The greatest blessing of my life has been my vocation to ministry in the Church. I humbly thank God for these past 45 years in ministry, and particularly for the opportunity to serve the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. I am deeply grateful for many partners in ministry over the years, for my husband David, my holy parents, our amazing family, for Archbishop Michael, for the many priests and pastors, religious men and women, deacons and lay ministers, and especially my colleagues in parishes and at the Catholic Center, for teaching me so much, for living lives of faithful discipleship and service, for sharing in Christ’s Paschal Mystery of suffering, death and resurrection to everlasting life with God. I thank each of you for your companionship and support, and for your prayers and kindness to me over the years, which were particularly precious to me during my bout with cancer this past year. Be sure of my ongoing prayers and support for your own ministry and for the mission of the Church, the mission of Christ, here in our dear New Mexico and throughout the world. With great affection and sincere gratitude, Your sister in Christ, Frances Vogel Montano

August 2010

S tewardship




E vangelization

“Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” (Mk 16:15) By Bill Mader, Archdiocesan Stewardship Committee

This month, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is a wonderful example of a good steward. She said “yes” to God’s call to use her life and gifts to “go out to all the world and tell the Good News”. Is it a coincidence that the Sunday scriptures for Ordinary Time during the month of August contain at least one message about stewardship each week? Is the Church trying to teach us something? It most cer-

tainly is! Using God’s gifts to us of time, talent, and treasure is the Christian disciples’ way to both “tell the Good News to all,” and actually “live” that Good News. St. Paul encourages us to evangelize whenever possible, and use words when necessary. His message - our loving, compassionate, supportive actions as Christ’s disciples often speak louder than our words! One of my favorite scripture quotes is from Timothy 1:22: “Write upon my heart,

Continued from page 2 This lavish and fascinating exhibit is more than mere cloth and metal, but rather a fascinating depiction of colonial, frontier, and modern life as encapsulated in the garments and accessories that have all been lovingly hand-made for the diminuitive 30-inch tall statue, such as communal capes, military uniforms, Pueblo mantas, and refashioned bridal gowns. Her wardrobe consists of pieces from every spectrum of society: from simple fashions reflecting the everyday New Mexican determined to make sacred pieces for a beloved universal mother they loved to regal finery designed for movie stars and the Santa Fe elite. The stunning papal crown, a Byzantine cross, and a necklace with a provenance in the gold mines of Madrid, NM, along with other scepters, rosaries, and crowns, this wardrobe casts a timeless spell of days gone by, portraying the struggle of faith in the New World, the syncretism of cultures, and the drama and pageantry of the American Southwest. Curated by Robin Farwell Gavin and annotated with history regarding the ancient confraternity that rescued La Conquistadora from the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, as well as the chapel that houses her, this extraordinary collection, long held cloistered within church walls, gives visitors their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the traces of the past, preserved in fabric, metal, and gemstone. A lecture series during the run of the exhibit will complement the displays. The City of Santa Fe achieved her 400th birthday this year, with the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi also celebrating its own Cuarto Centenario as the oldest parish in the United States. Santa Fe is an internationally-known arts and culture destination with a multitude of galleries, festivals, and markets, including the world-renowned Spanish Market which embraces and celebrates traditional art forms that have survived the test of time with historic antecedents back to Europe, Mexico and the Middle East. Please contact Donna Pedace, Executive Director, for additional information at 505-982-2226, ext. 108 or via email:

O Lord, the lessons of Your Holy Word, and grant that I may be a doer of Your Word, and not a forgetful hearer only.” This is an excellent reminder about our call to be good stewards of God’s gifts. Through listening attentively to the Word of God proclaimed and preached at Mass, we can discern how to answer Christ’s call to follow in his footsteps. Try this listening practice at Mass. Look at the lectors and preacher as they proclaim and apply God’s word. Listen with your

eyes, ears, and heart. How is God speaking to you? To your family? To your parish community? To our world? God’s message is personal, communal and universal. God’s Word frequently addresses a concern or issue you, your parish, or our society may be struggling with at that moment in time. Talk with God about your unique call to “tell the Good News” through sharing your time, talent, and treasure for the sake of others. Then, act upon that call and share the

great joy of Christ’s Good News! “For it is in giving that we receive…” (St. Francis of Assisi). Want to learn more about Christian Stewardship? Join us for the next Archdiocesan Stewardship Workshop on Saturday, August 28 at St. Anne’s Parish Hall in Santa Fe. The $10.00 fee covers all materials and lunch. Three or more from any one parish may attend for only $30.00. For more information and registration, call the Office of Development at 505.831.8258.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Welcomes Graham Golden

I am delighted to serve as the Catholic Campaign for Human Development intern for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe this coming fall. As a Catholic raised in New Mexico and a graduate of St. Pius X High School (’04), I am anticipating this opportunity to work with my fellow New Mexicans in promoting a charitable, just and Catholic approach to the plague of poverty in our state and nation. I entered the Church at age eight enchanted by the sacraments of our Catholic spirituality. The lived reality of the encounter with Christ, the glimpse of the transcendent through the immanent, along with the values of my family, led me to have a strong desire to help others to recognize their inalienable God-given dignity living in the sacrificial love of Christ. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts

in Music and Spanish at the University of New Mexico (’08), I entered the Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid here in Albuquerque. Being the CCHD intern allows me to follow my vocation as a Norbertine living our simple life of contemplation, community and compassionate service nearly 900 years after St. Norbert, known as the Apostle of the

Blessed Sacrament and the Disciple of Peace and Reconciliation, founded our order. It is our Wordcentered communal and liturgical spirituality that ultimate propels me to service in the world, for “…the Christian who takes part in the Eucharist learns to become a promotor of communion, peace and solidarity…” as Pope John Paul II noted in Mane Nobiscum Domine. May the Spirit of Grace guide us in striving to build the Kingdom of God and may we assist one another on the journey to that Kingdom in the world to come. Graham will be available to give presentations to high school youth and adults on poverty, catholic social teaching and the great work of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. To schedule him for a presentation, contact or 505.831.8235.



Fifteen New Men to Enter into Seminary Studies This Fall

By Rev. Michael DePalma, Archdiocesan Director of Vocations & Pastor of San Ysidro Parish, Corrales There are fifteen men who will be in Santa Fe. Three of them are recent making Archdiocesan history this high school graduates, while four August. The largest incoming class others were studying in college. The of seminarians in about 30 years will remaining eight were working in varibe heading off to begin their studies ous occupations before entering semiand formation. A great deal of thanks nary that range from forest service to God needs to be given, not only work to working at the University for these men and their “yes” to the of New Mexico. In future issues we Lord’s call, but to all who have prayed hope to give you a better snapshot of and sacrificed for priestly vocations. all of our 30 seminarians, but here are As has been the case in recent years, the names, ages and places where our the ages of our new men range from 15 new men are from: 18 to 50, but the overall trend for William Woytavich, 50 from Poland us goes against the national aver- Michael Garcia, 41, from Albuquerque age. Nationwide the average age of Rob Yaksich, 41, from Albuquerque a seminarian is 36, but for us in our Guillermo Crespo, 36 from Mexico archdiocese it is 27 as there has been Nhan Ton, 34 from Vietnam a marked increase in the number David Mora, 30, from Los Lunas of younger men seeking to become Carlos Martinez, 24, from Santa Fe Leon Vigil, 24 from Pecos priests. Three of the 15 were born in a Dylan Talley, 21, from Albuquerque foreign country, one coming from James Deoreo, 20 from Corrales Vietnam, one from Poland and one Ronald Mims, 19, from Corrales from Mexico. The rest are from New Paul Chavez, 18, from Pecos Mexico, with 5 of them coming from David Gallegos, 18, from Cimarron rural New Mexico towns. In this Santiago Henderson, 18, from Albuquerque group are three young men who Gregory Montoya-Mora, 18, from Albuquerque May God bless all of these men and graduated from St. Pius High School all of our seminarians in the priestly in Albuquerque, and two who graduated from St. Michael’s High School formation.

August 2010


Seminarians from the Pontifical North American College pray before the start of a soccer match against the Pontifical College of St. Paul in Rome Feb. 27. The U.S. team won the game 2-0. Pictured from left are: Victor Ingalls of the Archdiocese of Mobile , Ala.; Fernando Saenz of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, N.M.; Dan Gallagher from the Diocese of Pittsburgh; Nick Nelson of the Diocese of Duluth, Minn., and Chris Seiler of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) Editor’s note: One of our newly ordained priests is pictured here Rev. Fernando Saenz. Godspeed, Father Fernando!

Episcopal Conferences

As one looks at the particular churches in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the next area to examine is Bishops’ Conferences. Canon 447 states, “the Bishops’ Conference, a permanent institution, is the assembly of all the Bishops of a country or of a certain territory, exercising together certain pastoral offices for Christ’s faithful of their territory.” The focus of the conferences’ work is always the greater good the Church offers to humankind (canon 447). Generally, a Bishops’ Conference includes all those who preside over all the particular churches within the same country. However, it is possible for the Apostolic

By Rev. Kevin Niehoff, O.P., J.C.L., Adjutant Judicial Vicar

See to divide a territory into greater or lesser parts if the diocesan Bishops have been consulted and there is good reason for such a division (canon 448). Only the Supreme Authority of the Church (Roman Pontiff) may erect, suppress or alter Bishops’ Conferences. Further, once established, Bishops’ Conferences become a juridic person (canon 449), which is the same as a moral person in our American civil law system. Those who are members of a territory who belong to the Bishops’ Conference by law are: all diocesan Bishops and those equivalent to them in the law; all coadjutor

Bishops, auxiliary Bishops and other Bishops who function in the same territory by special office assigned by the Apostolic See. Ordinaries of other rites may be invited but have only consultative vote unless the statutes of the Bishops’ Conference decree otherwise. Any other Bishops and Legates of the Roman Pontiff are not by law members of the Bishops’ Conference (canon 450). Bishops’ Conferences are to draw up their own governing statutes, which must be approved by the Apostolic See. Each Bishops’ Conference is to elect officers, the president of which is to preside unless he is lawfully impeded, and they are

to meet at least once a year (canons 451 and 452). All diocesan Bishops have deliberative vote but auxiliary and other Bishops have consultative or deliberative vote by virtue of the statutes. The Bishops’ Conference has the authority to make general decrees but these must be approved by two-thirds of the Bishops belong to the conference, are promulgated in a way determined by the Bishops without compromising the competence of each Bishop (canons 454 and 455). Once the plenary meeting is concluded, the minutes of the meeting are to be sent to the Apostolic See for information. If decrees are passed, they must be approved by the

Apostolic See (canon 456). Each conference is to have a permanent committee who’s job is to prepare the agenda for the plenary meetings. Further, the permanent committee is commissioned to ensure the decisions are implemented (canon 457). The role of the general secretary of the conference is to prepare an account of the acts and decrees of the plenary meetings and the permanent committee with the task of communicating acts and documents approved by the permanent committee not only to all members of the conference but also to neighboring Bishops’ Conferences (canon 458).

August 2010



LITURGICAL Formation Marking Sacred Time – The Liturgical Year By Barbara Guenther, President, Liturgical Commission of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

In the words of Rodgers and Hammerstein: “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.” In the Gregorian calendar, by which we count days, months and years, we begin with January, February, March. The liturgical year, by which we mark sacred time, begins with Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. In his apostolic letter Dies Domini, Pope John Paul II reminded us that each Sunday is a weekly commemoration of Easter, celebrating Christ’s victory over sin and death, the “fundamental event upon which Christian faith rests.” It is the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection which is both our origin and our destiny (Dies Domini, ¶2). Simply put: Every Sunday is Easter. But that raises a question: If every Sunday is an Easter celebration, how can we possibly celebrate 52 Easters each year? The Paschal Mystery – Christ’s life, death, and resurrection – is too big for one particular day, or month, or season, or year. The structure of the liturgical year helps us to organize this incomprehensible mystery into more manageable pieces. By focusing our attention on various aspects of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, we can celebrate a bit of Easter each Sunday of the year. Here’s how we do it: Easter Triduum: Beginning with the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Easter Triduum reaches it’s high point with the Easter Vigil and concludes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. This is the heart of our liturgical year, our most sacred liturgy in which we celebrate the core mystery of our faith – the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. Easter Season: Fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost, the Easter season is one great Sunday. We celebrate the post-resurrection appearances of our Lord to his

disciples, we experience anew his presence in our midst today, and we re-dedicate ourselves to the mission of Christ by renewing our baptismal promises. Lent: The season of Lent is a period of preparation for the celebration of Easter. By recalling our own baptism and by repentance, we are invited to immerse ourselves more fully in the life of Christ. Catechumens (those who are to be baptized) begin the final stage of their journey to full life in Christ, and the faithful (those already baptized) are reminded of our own need for the mercy and love of God. Christmas: Next to the celebration of Easter the season of Christmas is most sacred. Our liturgical celebrations are directed to Jesus’ birth, early life and manifestations, and the beginning of his earthly ministry. Advent: During the season of Advent we focus on hopeful preparation for the coming of the Lord. We prepare both for the celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas, and await Christ’s second coming at the end of time. Advent is a time of joyful expectation. Ordinary Time: These thirtythree or thirty-four weeks are ordinary, but not in the usual sense of the word. These Sundays are “ordinal” time – counted time. While Ordinary Time does not have its own distinctive character, during these Sundays we celebrate the life of Jesus, his parables, miracles, and teachings. Every Sunday liturgy is a commemoration of Easter, the foundation of our faith in Christ. The liturgical year helps us to celebrate the fullness of the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, which is beyond our understanding. The days and seasons of the liturgical year open to us, one piece at a time, the full mystery of Jesus’ life and teachings, his presence in our midst today, and the hope of his eternal kingdom.

Marcando el Tiempo Sagrado – El Año Litúrgico Por Barbara Guenther, Presidenta, Comisión Litúrgica de la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe

En las palabras de Rodgers y Hammerstein: “ Empecemos por el principio, un muy buen lugar para comenzar.” En el calendario Gregoriano, a través del cual contamos los días, meses y años, iniciamos con enero, febrero, marzo. El año litúrgico, a través del cual marcamos el tiempo sagrado, inicia con domingo, domingo, domingo. En su carta apostólica Dies Domini, el Papa Juan Pablo II nos recuerda que cada domingo es una conmemoración semanal de la Pascua, celebrando la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado y la muerte, esto “es el dato originario en el que se fundamenta la fe cristiana.” Es el Misterio Pascual de la vida, muerte y resurrección de Cristo, la cual es tanto nuestro origen como nuestro destino (Dies Domini, ¶2). Expresándolo en una manera simple: Cada domingo es una Pascua. Pero esto plantea una pregunta: si cada domingo es una celebración de la Pascua, ¿cómo pudiéramos celebrar 52 Pascuas cada año? El Misterio Pascual - la vida, muerte y resurrección de Cristo - es demasiado grande para un determinado día, o mes, o temporada, o año. La estructura del año litúrgico nos ayuda a organizar este incomprensible misterio en piezas más manejables. Al enfocar nuestra atención en varios aspectos de la vida, muerte y resurrección de Cristo, podemos celebrar un poco de la Pascua cada domingo del año. Así es como lo hacemos: Triduo Pascual: Comenzando con la Misa nocturna de la Cena del Señor, el Triduo Pascual llega a su punto más alto con la Vigilia Pascual y concluye con la oración de la noche del Domingo de Pascua. Este es el corazón de nuestro año litúrgico, nuestra liturgia más sagrada en la cual celebramos el núcleo del misterio de nuestra fe - la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Cristo. Temporada de Pascua: Por cincuenta días desde el Domingo de Pascua hasta Pentecostés, la temporada de Pascua es un gran domingo. Celebramos las apariciones posteriores a la resurrección de nuestro Señor a sus discípu-

los, experimentamos nuevamente su presencia entre nosotros hoy en día, y nosotros mismos nos re-dedicamos a la misión de Cristo al renovar nuestras promesas bautismales. Cuaresma: La temporada de la Cuaresma es un periodo de preparación para la celebración de la Pascua. Al recordar nuestro propio bautismo y al arrepentirnos, somos invitados a sumergirnos más plenamente en la vida de Cristo. Los catecúmenos (aquellos que serán bautizados) inician la etapa final de su jornada hacia la vida plena en Cristo, y se nos recuerda a los fieles (quienes ya hemos sido bautizados) sobre nuestra propia necesidad de la misericordia y el amor de Dios. Navidad: Después de la celebración de la Pascua, la Navidad le sigue en lo sagrado. Nuestras celebraciones litúrgicas en este tiempo están enfocadas en el nacimiento de Jesús, su vida temprana y manifestaciones, y el comienzo de su ministerio terrenal. Adviento: Durante la temporada del Adviento, nos enfocamos en una esperanzada preparación para la venida del Señor. Nos preparamos para la celebración del nacimiento de Jesús en la Navidad, y aguardamos la segunda venida de Cristo al final de los tiempos. El Adviento es un tiempo de expectativa alegre. Tiempo Ordinario: Estas treinta y tres o treinta y cuatro semanas son ordinarias, pero no en el sentido habitual de la palabra. Estos domingos son del tiempo “ordinal” - o sea, tiempo que se cuenta. Mientras que el Tiempo Ordinario no tiene su propio y distintivo carácter, durante estos domingos celebramos la vida de Jesús, sus parábolas, milagros y enseñanzas. Cada liturgia dominical es una conmemoración de la Pascua, la fundación de nuestra fe en Cristo. El año litúrgico nos ayuda a celebrar la totalidad del Misterio Pascual de la vida, muerte y resurrección de Cristo, el cual está más allá de nuestra comprensión. Los días y las temporadas del año litúrgico nos revelan, una pieza a la vez, el misterio completo de la vida y enseñanzas de Jesús, su presencia entre nosotros hoy, y la esperanza de su reino eterno.



August 2010

Anniversaries Medina Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Ed) Medina were married July 16, 1960 by Rev. Finbar Coyle, OFM at St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe, NM. They renewed their vows at Our Lady of Annunciation Church in Albuquerque on August 1, 2010. Ed and Carlotta were blessed with four children - Andrew and his wife Christina; Matthew and his wife Joanne; Maria Elena and her husband Richard Berry; Carmelita and her husband Dick Minick. They have eight grandchildren. They have been members of Our Lady of Annunciation Church since 1965, where Carlotta has been a Religious Education Instructor, extraordinary minister and involved with vacation bible school for 12 years. Ed is a greeter and has been involved with vacation bible school since its inception. Ed retired from the US Geological Survey and Carlotta retired from the University of New Mexico.

Montoya, Valdez Mr. Joe Valdez and Miss Rosely Montoya and their children Daniel, Lorie and Angela and their grandchildren Danielle and Amber celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, July 24, 2010, with Mass celebrated by Fr. Vincent Dominguez assisted by their nephew Deacon Manuel Montoya (from Santa Maria de la Paz) at Queen of Heaven Parish. A reception and dance followed at the Hispanic Cultural Center. Joe and Rosely were married at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at Velarde, NM on July 23, 1960. Joe and Rosely are the State Pro Life Couple for the Knights of Columbus and volunteer as Extraordinary

Ministers at Lovelace Hospital. Also, they volunteer as docents at the Hispanic Cultural Center, the VA Hospital, and St. Vincent de Paul Society, Our Lady of Guadalupe Society and Joe proclaims at Queen of Heaven. They are also on the Rosary Rally Committee.

Saiz, Martinez Mr. Benny Martinez and Miss Berna Saiz were married on July 16, 1960, at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Alameda, NM. The Late Fr. Edward Rutowski officiated at the marriage. Benny and Berna have been blessed with four children, Anthony, Diane, Carmen and her husband, Roland and Steven and his wife Janet. They also have six grandchildren and one great-grandson, Connor. Benny retired from the Department of Defense after 36 years and Berna worked at Nativity Church office for 15 years and also worked as a travel agent for 10 years. Benny and Berna are active members of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Alameda.

Zaworski, Novak Mr. James Novak and Miss Marilyn Zaworski were joined in holy matrimony on June 18, 1960 at St. Leonard in Berwyn, IL. Their current parish is Shrine of St. Bernadette in Albuquerque. They met while they were both were attending the Pharmacy College of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Medical Center. Their children are James Lawrence, Wendy Rene, Craig Francis, and Jennifer Noelle. They moved to Albuquerque in 2002 and are glad to be enfolded by New Mexico’s long Catholic tradition.

Come and See with the sisters of Charity Federation in New Orleans this Labor Day Weekend, September 3-6. Single Catholic women ages 18-40 who are considering God’s call to consecrated religious life are invited to spend the weekend with Sisters of Charity, ministering to those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Reflecting on the experience of service to Elizabeth Ann Seton, there will be opportunities for prayer and sharing with others on the discernment journey. For more information call SR. Sharon Smith at 913.58.522 or

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, aka “Mother Seton”, was the first native born American to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

August 2010



CATHOLIC EDUCATION The Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Catholic Schools System, was awarded this proclamation due to receiving district accreditation for providing excellence in education and commitment to quality education. The proclamation reads as follows:

District Accreditation Quality Achievement

WHEREAS, this achievement recognizes the quality of education afforded the students in Archdiocese of Santa Fe through the leadership of the superintendent and governing authority, the dedication and service of the professional staff, and the support of community stakeholders.

Archdiocese of Santa Fe

WHEREAS, the Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement of the North Central Association provides international recognition to Archdiocese of Santa Fe, the students, and community for its achievement of accreditation as a quality school system.

WHEREAS, Archdiocese of Santa Fe has faithfully engaged in the process of accreditation to improve the quality of the school system and its schools.

NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, on January 26, 2010, that Archdiocese of Santa Fe is entitled to all the services and privileges of regional, national, and international professional recognition as a quality system.

Presented to the

Albuquerque, NM

WHEREAS, the AdvancED Accreditation Commission has determined that the Archdiocese of Santa Fe meets the Accreditation Standards for a Quality School System, engages in a continuous systemic process of educational improvement, and has effective and efficient quality assurance controls throughout the system and its schools.

Mark A. Elgart, Ed.D President/CEO AdvancED

Sister Camille Anne Campbell Chair AdvanceED

A milestone in St. Pius X History First graduating class celebrates 50th reunion

As the first graduating class of St. Pius X celebrated its 50th reunion in June 2010, it brought back many memories from the early days of the long history of the school. Terry Quinn Reynolds, a 1960 graduate, remembers starting her freshman year in 1956 at St. Pius X in the basement of St. Charles Borromeo Elementary School. She recalls that her class of 40 girls (boys attended separate classes) was crammed into a classroom,

previously a kindergarten, adorned with huge mural of Mickey Mouse. As the school grew, adding a grade each year, St. Pius X appropriated rooms in the gym, barracks, and one room on the top floor of St. Charles. Meanwhile, the parishes of the Heights set out to raise $600,000 of the $800,000 total projected cost of a new school to be built on Louisiana Boulevard. St. Charles, Our Lady of Fatima, Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven), Holy Ghost, and

Groundbreaking ceremony for the Louisiana campus of St. Pius X on June 15 1958. From left, Fr. Daniel Rice, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo, T. Francis O’Rouke, St. Charles memorial gifts chairman, Fr. Burgmeier, Lt. Col. Robert L. Algermissen, Queen of Heaven gifts chairman, Arturo Ortega, St. Charles general chairman, Fr. Majewski, Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne, Fr. Doyle, and Major Prussing.

The class of 1960 celebrates the historic first 50th class reunion of St. Pius X.

Assumption appointed chairmen and organized a fund drive, and on March 2, 1958, Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne personally blessed 700 volunteer workers to kick off a building fund campaign. In August 1958, the groundbreaking ceremony was held, and students entered the new campus in the fall of 1959. From those beginnings, the school grew always offering a strong

Catholic education, surviving ups and downs, and a move to the Westside. But when members of the class of 1960 look back, they recall one of the best features of St. Pius. Mrs. Quinn said, “We were a small class of 80 students. We were all close to each other and to the class of 1961.” The first class grew to be a family, establishing early the strong community that continues today.



HOMILY continued from page 3 who, by this action, made me one of theirs. The Bishop soon anointed my hands and was not stingy with the oil: they smelled of Chrism all day. Quickly my hands were used to embrace, extended in Consecration, spread out in supplication, and put to work distributing Communion. Before I knew it they were used to bless Bishops, parents, family, friends and strangers too, who all gripped and held and kissed them because they had become a blessing. The rest is a blur, quickly, common place, and surprisingly busy. They stretched out to anoint small babies and dying saints, to absolve, to comfort, to strengthen, to bless marriages, to pray for guidance at endless meetings, and to beg that cars won’t crash and planes will land safely and surgeries will be successful. They have locked and unlocked countless doors and tabernacles and safes and storage sheds and car doors on early mornings, on the way home from hospice or hospital. My hands have pointed the way to Heaven and to the nearest restroom. They have picked up trash lying around the parking lot and Cheerios left underneath the pews. They have quickly typed intercessions on Saturday afternoons and letters for the bulletin on Tuesdays. These hands have turned innumerable pages in Sacramentries, Breviaries, Lectionaries, Bibles, memos, homiletic aids, spiritual and theological texts, flyers, newspapers and the quarterly financials of parishes and schools which from time to time were not in the black as one had hoped. They have handed rings to nervous grooms, bowls of Eucharist to ministers, baskets to usher and missalettes to parishioners. They have held bingo balls and winning raffle tickets, documents both civil and religious, Apostolic Blessings, and lost purses, plates of spaghetti and flashlights when the security alarm went off in the church or hall. These hands have counted hosts and collections, lit candles, poured incense into censors, fingered rosary beads and made the Sign of the Cross with monstrances. They have signed memos and petitions and certificates and letters, including lots of begging letters and too many checks against too few deposit slips. They have gestured wildly at times when words failed me or got lost or we`re in the wrong language or were not sufficiently cogent to make what originally seemed to me to be a very simple point. My hands are worn out now, with marks and bumps and calluses. I should put some lotion on them and give them a rest, reward them for what they have done – but I don’t; I can’t for there is much more still to do. The priesthood is a craft as well as a Sacrament. It is an art we priests practice lovingly by means of our hands.” IV Conclusion Your consecrated and anointed hands will be God’s instruments. I pray that he will give you joy in your hearts as priests and that you will have zeal for souls. That you will be Good Shepherds as together we build up God’s Kingdom in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. May Christ’s peace and priestly gifts be yours now and always! Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord,

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

August 2010

Crumbling Churches Made Stronger by Faith By: Rev. Andrew J. Pavlak – Pastor San Miguel & Missions, Socorro County

On June 29, 2010, the northwest corner of the La Sagrada Familia Church in Lemitar, NM (one of the ten churches that make up San Miguel & Missions) collapsed. The call came to my cellular phone just as I was heading back to Socorro County after taping the TV Masses for the next two Sundays. The contractor, Mr. Dewey Christiansen of Christiansen Builders, had been working since the previous November to try and prevent this very collapse from happening. Dewey called and with sadness and shock in his otherwise strapping voice saying, “Father, the church fell.” Of course, my first reaction was, “What?” He repeated, “The church fell.” So it did. With haste, I immediately drove to the site of La Sagrada Familia. With me was the deacon, Mike Ybarra who had assisted with the TV Masses. Once the initial shock of this tragedy started to sink in, I realized I had neglected to ask, “Was anyone hurt?” Praise God, no one was in the building when it fell especially since Dewey and two of his workers had spent the better part of the morning trying to brace the wall that did eventually fall. Soon, it was clear how God, guardian angels and all had protected those workers. That early afternoon of June 29, 2010: They were returning to the site after their morning’s work and a brief lunch break to install cement blocks in the floor boards of the church underneath the scaffolding they had installed earlier. As they drove into the driveway of the church, they watched it fall. Had they arrived ten minutes earlier, these three men would have been in the very floor boards of the church that now had tons of rubble, broken adobes,

twisted roof metal and years of dirt laying on them. They could have died that day. Immediately upon my arrival at the church, the devastation was clear. The better part of the northwest corner where the west wing of the Sanctuary once held choirs, an organ and beautiful stained glass windows was now a gaping hole. The main part of the west wall was gone and the roof was precariously hanging like the giant tooth waiting to be pulled from the very mouth of God. My heart sank. All the work we had done to secure, save and preserve this holy and historic church was now dust rubble and terribly dangerous. For the next hours, creeks and moans from the open wound continued to rumble throughout the battered structure. Every so often, another batch of adobes would fall, and the crack that kept a part of the west wall still standing started growing before our eyes until it finally rested in place leaving a scar on that wall that remains to this day. When I arrived, I asked Dewey the question that I ought to have asked at first, “Was anyone hurt?” He said, “No but someone was watching out for us for sure. “Praise God,” I responded, and kept repeating. It was a miracle that no one was killed or even remotely hurt. How could this have happened? The reasons why old adobe churches fall is becoming something that many of us in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe are coming to become proficient in understanding. We have come to learn a great deal about building materials, types of construction techniques of hundreds of years

See FAITH on page 17

August 2010


Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Hosts 400th Historic Conference


By Marina Ochoa, Director, Office of Historic-Artistic Patrimony and Archives

The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi hosted a 400th Historical Conference in honor of the 400 years of the establishment of the City of Santa Fe as part of its 400th anniversary celebration. The conference held June 18 - 19 had close to 200 registered participants plus about an extra 50 more people who showed up on the first day of the event. The 21 speakers reflected on various events that related to the history of the Church in Santa Fe. Presentations reflected on Santa Fe Church history, the visitation of Bishops or Episcopal Visitors from Durango, past and present artwork in the Cathedral Basilica, Archbishop Lamy’s trip to Santa Fe and his

Rev. Jack Clark Robinson, O.F.M., Presenter

H oly F ather ’s P rayer I ntentions for A ugust 2010

reception there when he arrived, the Sisters of Loretto and Doña Tules, Bishop Lamy’s Petit Seminaire, and the Archbishop’s Garden. Rev. Jack Clark, OFM, from Texas, gave a heartwrenching account that reflected on Archbishop Daeger and his time as Archbishop as well as a rendering of the unsolved murder of Fr. Reynaldo Rivera. Dr. Gary P. Nabhan challenged the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe to bring back to life the Archbishop’s Garden that was once a beautiful and plentiful garden for Santa Fe. Dr. Gabriel Melendez, Enrique Lamadrid and Rosalie Otero presented their book titled Santa Fe Native – a Collection of Nuevomexicano Writing and read from it during their presentation. Terry Garcia, Sacristana, for La Conquistadora with Bob Martinez gave a detailed account of the wardrobe of La Conquistadora and focused on an exhibit titled “Fabric of Our Faith” that was shown at the Cathedral Basilica on July 24. The other presentations were informative and interesting. A dinner honoring the 400th Celebration and the Historic Conference was held at Bishop’s Lodge in Santa Fe in June with 100 people present. Those in attendance at the dinner were invited to visit the original “Bishop’s Lodge” which was the original lodge and chapel built by Archbishop Lamy in the 1870’s. The keynote speaker for the dinner was the Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire, Rector, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi who spoke on St. Francis and reflected on the story of the mouse Francesco. Special events honoring the 400th Celebration also included the Grand Costume Ball held at

Robert J. Torrez, Presenter Bishop’s Lodge on August 7; a special concert by the Santa Fe Desert Chorale at the Cathedral Basilica featuring music composed in 1610 by Claudio Monteverde on Friday, August 13; and the ending of the 400th year on the Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption on August 15, 2010 with a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan and numerous bishops and clergy from throughout the USA. For more information on any of these events contact the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi at 505.982.5619 or visit them on the web at


The Unemployed and the Homeless General: That those who are without work or homes or who are otherwise in serious need may find understanding and welcome, as well as concrete help in overcoming their difficulties. Victims of Discrimination, Hunger and Forced Emigration Missionary: That the Church may be a “home” for all people, ready to open its doors to any who are suffering from racial or religious discrimination, hunger, or wars forcing them to emigrate to other countries.

Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims as he arrives to lead the Angelus prayer at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Aug. 8. The pope said summer vacation should include time for quiet and prayer. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)



August 2010

“Priestly A

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take your hands

consecrating th

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Fr. Trambley beams at his new congregation.

Fr. Saenz lies prostrate during ordination.

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan lays hands on newly ordained Fr. Ramos during ordination.

Fr. Saenz lays hands on Archbishop Sheehan.

Fr. Ramos blesses Msgr. Francis X. Eggert

August 2010


Anointed Hands”

will take your hands in mine and you will promise me, and my successors, respect and obedience. I will

s in mine and I will anoint them with the fragrant oil of chrism. I will consecrate your hands with the holy oil,

hem for your priestly service. At Mass, you will take the bread and wine in those consecrated hands and

by the power of Jesus Christ, into His own Body and Blood. …

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan proudly smiles with the newly ordained members of his flock.

Fr. Trambley’s parents glow with pride for their son.




August 2010

15 Years: “Pack-to School” at Villa Therese Catholic Clinic

Pencils and notebooks, crayons and glue . . . Sometimes the simplest things make the most difference. For many years, the board of Villa Therese Catholic Clinic has strived to make a difference in the lives of its young clients. 2010 will mark the 15th anniversary of a very special program at the Clinic: “Pack-to-School”. Building a child’s selfesteem helps them to function successfully, and its foundations are laid early in life. Children with a healthy sense of self-esteem feel that the important adults in their lives accept them, care about them, and would go out of their way to ensure that they are safe and well. These ideas are at the heart of Villa Therese Clinic’s “Pack-to-School” program. The aim is to build self-esteem by offering encouragement to children who are served by the Clinic, while providing assistance to parents at a time of year that can be expensive for families. With the help of several generous donors, the board works to provide at least 160 children with brand new, high quality backpacks filled with school supplies and a gift certificate to help with school uniforms. Local haircutters also donate their time for that very important back-to-school haircut! Responding to the desperate need for an outpatient clinic in Santa Fe, which would provide free medical care for the indigent poor, Villa Therese Catholic Clinic was established in 1937. It is located downtown in a humble and unassuming building which sits in the shadow of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. For 73 years it has • remained committed to respecting individuals and their human dignity • provided caring medical services that support and promote life for each. individual regardless of race, creed, color or

sexual orientation. • strived for competence in performance of services. • worked in cooperation with other helping agencies. The mission of the Clinic is to promote the healing ministry of Jesus among the poor through programs designed to meet basic medical and social needs - the main out reach being children. The impetus for the creation of this small jewel in Santa Fe was provided by Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerkin. His vision to serve the poor and uninsured set the stage for what has become the work of VTCC. Today, this vision continues to inspire the work of many wonderful people associated with the Clinic. Services provided to families of Santa Fe and northern New Mexico include: • Sick and Well Child Clinics • Dental Clinics • Immunizations • Eye Clinics • Milk Fund Clinic • Podiatry Clinics • Camp/School Physicals • Orthodontic Screening • Counseling/Referral Assistance • Hypertension Screening These services are offered to uninsured families basically free of charge. Though a small donation is requested, no one is ever turned away because they cannot pay. The Clinic recognizes that there are many fathers and mothers in our community, working hard to provide for their families, but falling through the cracks regarding their ability to pay for quality health care. The most amazing

thing about this Clinic is that all services are provided by health care professionals who volunteer their time. For 73 years, doctors, dentists, nurses, and other medical specialists of Santa Fe have been extending their work days to make sure this most vulnerable population is served. Please contact the Clinic 505.983.8561 to learn more about our services, or to make a donation to this very good work.

August 2010

FAITH from page 12

ago and how these materials and techniques do not necessarily co-exist as well as some might think. There are many variables over years that contribute to the collapse of an adobe building like La Sagrada Familia. Water, standing water, water from roof leaks, water from floods, water from irrigating fields nearby, rain from storms and water from the very ground table can all be contributing factors of the demise of a building like this just to name a few. One of the ones that no one seemed to see coming was the advent, the beginning of the use of concrete or silicon based plasters and stuccos. In the 1950’s or so, when these new products hit the markets, it seemed like the annual need to mud and re-mud year after year would no longer be necessary. It was a great new technology and the majordomos of churches all around the Archdiocese and elsewhere were thrilled that this new product would make life so much easier. That was truly the beginning of the end for many structures like this. With no ill will of anyone and not an ounce of malice in the hearts of those who used these products, the plasters and stuccos were put up to protect these structures. Unfortunately, more and more of them are in peril of collapsing like La Sagrada Familia. Similar things have happened in other parts of the Archdiocese and the problem is just beginning. Warning signs: For La Sagrada Familia, we think back to the first of January 2009. The first of January was typically the date of the Fiesta de La Sagrada Familia (The Holy Family) in this community. Actually, in the church universal we celebrate the first Sunday after Christmas as Holy Family Sunday but in this community January first has traditionally been the date. The majordomos, Lorella and Bill Chavez, pointed out to me that there was some plaster falling and that the church floor was starting to buckle right near the front where the nave (main aisle) met the sanctuary (altar area). In the months following, it was clear that there was something significantly wrong and something needed to happen. Also, there was always a musty, mildew sort of smell in the church no matter when you went in there. By November 2009, we knew we had to do some investigation. Dewey Christiansen was called and we began pulling up floor boards and checking the interior of the northwest corner which seemed to be a problem area. What was found was astonishing. Underneath the floorboards there


was a great deal of mold and mildew. A simple review of a few small holes revealed that the adobes in that area were significantly wet. We stopped having Mass there immediately (even though we only had Mass there once a month) and work began in earnest to address this issue. We hoped we had caught it in time and soon we would be returning to Mass in this church that for 179 years was a place of great comfort, prayer, celebration and Sacramental joy. Little did we know what was coming! In the weeks and months following November 2009, engineers, Archdiocesan Officials – John Huchmala, Properties Manager and Tom Masserini – Catholic Mutual Risk Representative at the time and an adobe specialist from Santa Fe – Antonio Martinez were all called for their expertise and guidance. Unfortunately, the first engineer we talked to gave us advice that turned out to be more harmful than helpful. Even though to this day this engineer stands by his advice, it seems that the over $14,000 of work we did to try and preserve the church possibly was a significant factor in the ultimate collapse. After back-tracking from the work suggested by the first engineer, we thought we were truly on track to get the church functioning again. We were quite wrong. Now, as of this writing, the La Sagrada Familia Church in Lemitar has been secured as best as possible. There is still a gaping wound and the majority of the roof has been removed. We continue to have Mass in the area and do so at the home of the majordomos, Lorella and Bill Chavez right near the site of the church. We are awaiting the report from Catholic Mutual and the architects, Darren Sowell and Associates to see what our options might be in saving the part of the church that remains and possibly repairing or replacing the parts that have been compromised. We have depleted all the resources that were in the La Sagrada Familia account and have had to use some funds from the San Miguel accounts to cover the costs of securing the building for safety. We really are not sure what the future will be but we do believe that being the Church, the people of God, who have endured floods, storms, droughts and worse throughout history, we will endure. I believe that some sort of church will again stand on that site and will reflect the dignity, history and sanctity of the ages and all those who have called La Sagrada Familia their church home. More upsetting news: A couple of

weeks after La Sagrada Familia fell, Antonio Martinez, the adobe specialist from Santa Fe came to Socorro (San Miguel Church) and Polvadera (San Lorenzo Church) to take samples of the adobes to be tested. At first glance, the church in Polvadera seemed to be in okay shape. Unfortunately, the north wall of San Miguel was not. “Here we go again,” was my first thought and the pit in my stomach once again groaned in pain and wonder. Certainly, we will move forward and begin anew procedures under the direction of Antonio to prevent what happened at Lemitar to hap-


pen at Socorro. This came on the heels of the establishment of 400th Anniversary planning committee to begin thoughts for that celebration in 2015. With great faith and hope in our God we believe that the crumbling churches of this area and the whole of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will grow stronger because of the faith of her people. Perhaps we can all pray and work together as we walk this journey of uncertainty and discern how we will all save this great patrimony of faith that has been entrusted to us.



Christianity Faces Great Challenges: Germans, Muslims, and Vikings , Part V

August 2010

Diaconate Ordination and Institution of Readers By Deacon Steve Rangel, Director of Deacons

By Daniel McGill, Director of Ministry Resources and Formation

Christian ideals throughout following centuries, including the era of the Crusades. Magic and superstitions from previous religions came to be Christianized. However, just as Christianity reestablished itself in Western Europe, disaster struck first from the south and then from the north. As with the Germans, both of Many complain about Catholics these disasters involved the invawho seem to only go through the sions of warrior peoples. The motions—arriving late or leav- Vikings began to invade Europe ing early from Mass, maybe not from Scandinavia in the north attending Mass except Christmas at the end of the eighth centuand Easter, or only coming for ry, with raids in Ireland. Their their children’s sacraments, wed- raids grew larger with time and dings or funerals. Such com- expanded into widespread settleplaints are very ancient. During ments throughout Europe, espethe fourth century when the cially in coastal regions. Initially Roman emperor Constantine and the Vikings were not Christian, his descendants became Christian, but gradually both the Viking joining the church came to be raiders as well as all Scandinavia fashionable instead of dangerous. became Christian. The Viking era passed long ago Before, when you could die for being a Christian, anyone join- into history. But the other invading had to take their faith seri- ers from the south remain very ously. Afterwards, with the end present today—the Muslims. of persecutions, more and more In 610, an Arab trader named Christians just “went through the Mohammed began receiving revelations that he claimed supermotions.” Then, from the fourth to the seded the Jewish and Christian sixth centuries, German tribes revelations, although he built his invaded the Roman Empire religion on their foundation. A and settled there, especially in warrior as well as a merchant and the west, replacing the orthodox religious mystic, Mohammed and Christian government. In trying his followers conquered much of to convert the German tribes who the Arabian Peninsula by the time had conquered them, Christians of his sudden death in 632. His found their greatest success followers then began a spectacular numerically through the conver- series of conquests that swallowed sions of the chieftains. Once a much of the Christian world— chieftain became Christian, all of conquering Syria, Jerusalem, his subjects followed. This led to much of the Middle East, North many shallow conversions: many Africa and even Spain by 711, were never instructed and were all within less than 80 years after Mohammed’s death. Christians in name only. I invite you, reader, to join me As a result of the partial conversion of the Germans, Western during The Archbishop’s Hour on Christianity began itself to change. Catholic Radio, as I discuss more Generations called themselves completely this period in Catholic Christian with very little under- history and how it affects us standing of the gospel message today. Understanding this period or conversion, just like some peo- can greatly help understanding of ple today. The warrior spirit of our modern world and its chalthe Germanic peoples influenced lenges.

On Saturday, July 10th, Fr. George Salazar and the parishioners of Immaculate Conception Church in Las Vegas, NM, hosted a joyful celebration. There, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan ordained John Peter Samuel Campos as a deacon and installed thirteen men beginning their final year of Diaconate Formation to the Institution of Reader. These men have heard God’s call and have answered with the support of their wives and families. In his homily, Archbishop Sheehan encouraged them to continue their own personal spiritual growth in order to truly serve others. He gave the analogy of how adults are instructed on airlines

that in the event of an emergency, they should put the oxygen mask on themselves first and then take care of any children next to them. At first this may seem selfish, but without oxygen themselves, the adults would pass out and be of no help to the children. He stressed how important it is to be spiritually fed. We will be no good to anyone if we are not working on our own spiritual development. The Archbishop shared with the men his mantra: If you give yourself to the Lord the best you can, (and it won’t be perfect, but the best you can) He will take care of you. Congratulations and may God bless the following men in their ministries:

Deacon Peter Campos, assigned to his home parish, Immaculate Conception in Las Vegas, NM Institution of Reader: Name: Parish: Hector Aguirre San Jose, Albuquerque Jose Alfredo Gomez St. Gertrude the Great, Mora Michael S. Irving Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos John Albert Krepps Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos Mark Thomas Leonard San Clemente, Los Lunas Michael Alexander Montoya Our Lady of Belen, Belen Victoriano Ceballos-Moreno San Martin de Porres, Albuquerque James Francis O’Hara Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos Lawrence Anthony Rivera Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque R. David Russell St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Michael Andrew Salazar San Isidro – San Jose, Santa Fe John Gordon Sutton Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos Manuel Osmond Trujillo Our Lady of Belen, Belen

August 2010



CRS’ Fr. David García Addressed Conference for Deacons By Anna Huth, CRS Southwest

Fr. David García of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) delivered a keynote address at a conference for deacons from five states held in Albuquerque July 30 – Aug. 1. Deacon Steven Rangel, Director of Deacons for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and the conference’s coordinator, considered CRS’ promotion of global solidarity essential to the conference’s theme of the Church’s social mission. In his role with CRS, Fr. García speaks to clergy about global solidarity and the mission of CRS. One of his favorite stories to relate took place at St. Charles Borromeo School in Albuquerque. Fr. García asks, “Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?” then continues: “While I was giving a talk to some Catholic grade school students about our responsibility to those in need throughout the world, I noticed a fifth-grade student who raised his hand. He shared that he had asked his parents not to give him any gifts this past Christmas and, instead, to send that money to an organization that buys malaria nets for poor children overseas. He had learned how malaria, which can be prevented, kills thousands of children each year in developing countries. He also read that malaria nets, at $10 each, were a part of effective prevention. His contribution bought several nets. That fifth-grader is smarter than most of us.” Fr. García talked with Anna Huth, his CRS colleague in Albuquerque, about his keynote address to deacons: Huth: What was the key message you shared in your talk?

García: I pointed out the importance of the deacon’s ministry in calling people to global solidarity. The deacon is traditionally the one who reminds us all of our obligations to care for those in need. Today the great need is for Catholics in the United States to have a universal vision of Church and to understand clearly in their daily lives of faith that they are truly brother and sister to everyone on this planet, most especially to half the planet who suffer extreme poverty. Huth: How have you seen deacons develop solidarity through their ministry? García: Deacons understand that to be Church we must be constantly doing the works of charity and justice. These are as essential as preaching the Word and celebrating the sacraments. I have seen deacons involved in solidarity efforts such as Operation Rice Bowl, Fair Trade and solidarity pilgrimages to the developing world. Some deacons have also modeled their personal lives in solidarity with those in poverty by their preaching, modest use of resources, careful reflection on consumption, recycling and personal giving. Deacons influence their parishes to be more aware that they can model solidarity in the same ways. Huth: Thanks for calling us all to become as smart and as generous as that fifth-grader at St. Charles Borromeo School. Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United State. For more information, please visit

Fr. DePalma’s first Sunday Liturgy, July 10, 2010. From left to right, Deacon Steve Rangel, Rev. Michael DePalma, Deacon Don Roseborough, and Seminarian James Larkin.

San Ysidro Parish, Corrales, Welcomes Fr. Michael DePalma By Deacon Steve Rangel We, the parishioners at San Ysidro Parish in Corrales, NM, are excited to welcome Fr. Michael DePalma to our parish. We look forward to working together with him to continue to develop a spiritually strong and vibrant parish community. We also want to thank Fr. James Vance for his years of dedicated service to our church and wish him a blessed and happy retirement.






August 2010

M aking Sense Out of Bioethics

Difficult Pregnancies, Precarious Choices, and the Absolute Value of Innocent Lives By Fr. Tad Pacholczyk

missing fish


Some medical conditions can be made worse by becoming pregnant. Pulmonary hypertension, for example, is often exacerbated by pregnancy: the additional blood volume of the pregnancy burdens the mother’s weakened heart and, in extreme cases, can result in heart failure and the death of both mother and child. Although direct abortion is sometimes counseled to pregnant women who face this life-threatening difficulty, such a choice can never be moral. In these circumstances, medical strategies which seek to care for both mother and child need to be pursued, as they often provide satisfactory outcomes for both. Recent advances in obstetrics and pre-natal medicine, along with socalled “expectant management” (close monitoring of a pregnancy with tailored interventions), have enabled an ever greater number of these high-risk pregnancies to be managed at least until the child reaches viability. Labor can then be induced or a C-section delivery can be scheduled. This ordinarily

IMMIGRATION: A Faith Perspective

Immigration is a hot issue! We all have strong opinions on it. Bombarded everyday with information or misinformation from all sides of the spectrum…Where do we get our information on this particular issue? As believers, as Christians, as Catholics, we are called to form our conscience and our opinions on the values of our faith traditions and on the teachings of our different churches. Deacon Juan Barajas, Director of Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe has produced a 30 minute TV program, Immigration: A Faith Perspective” and it will be aired on TV 32 KAZQ (Channel 32 on regular TV and on Direct TV; Channel 22 on Comcast Cable) on the following dates and times: - Tuesday, August 17, at 10:30 am - Wednesday, August 18 at 7:00 pm - Sunday, August 22, at 1:00 pm - Saturday, August 28, at 11:30 am We invite you to pray on this issue, to learn, assess, and act… according to the values of our faith traditions; according to the sacred Scriptures, to the Gospel, and according to the teachings of our Church. For more information call Deacon Juan Barajas at 505.831.8152 or

allows both mother and child to be saved. An April 2010 research study showed impressive survival rates for pregnant mothers with pulmonary hypertension. This was achieved by combining multi-specialty collaboration with planned and managed delivery. The results, published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (BJOG), indicated that all nine of the patients in the small study group survived along with their unborn children. Nevertheless, there are times when our best medical efforts to save both mother and child will fail, and we face the heart-wrenching situation where nature may have to take its course. In these circumstances, some ask: Wouldn’t a direct abortion be permissible to save the mother (for example, a suction curettage procedure, a common form of abortion where the fetus is often dismembered and parts are evacuated from the uterus)? An analogy can help us grasp the unacceptability of direct abortion in a situation like this. Let’s suppose that several firefighters enter a burning building to evacuate a child trapped on the 3rd floor. The firefighters discover that part of the building has collapsed onto the only stairwell, with heavy, immobile concrete girders blocking the passageway further up to the landing. There is only a small hole in the girders that the firemen would need to crawl through to get to the trapped child, but the passage is blocked by the body of a man who collapsed from smoke inhalation right in the crawl space where the firefighters need to go. He is wedged in there in such a way that his unconscious, but living, body cannot be moved aside or out of the way. As the fire pulses dangerously around them, it becomes apparent that the only way the firefighters might be able to quickly pass would be to take a saw and cut the body of the collapsed man into pieces, causing his death, and then pull out sections of his body until a passage large enough for them

to pass through had been opened up. Clearly, the firefighters would be obligated to try everything else to save the child and the collapsed man (shifting his body this way or that, trying to rouse him from his unconsciousness, etc.) but they could never choose to directly kill him by cutting up his body, even for the very good reason of gaining access to the next floor and saving the trapped child. This example points towards an old adage sometimes cited by moralists: Better two deaths than one murder. Some might say that “murder” would not fit here, given that the term generally connotes a callous, wanton, and premeditated act of killing, instead of an urgent, emotional and difficult decision in the face of few or no alternatives. But even the strongest emotion and the greatest difficulties surrounding such cases must be focused through the lens of a similar affirmation: Better two deaths than the direct taking of an innocent life. Directly killing an innocent human being, even in the hopes of saving his or her mother, is an instance of engaging in an intrinsic — or absolute — evil, even if good may follow. By always repudiating the direct killing of the innocent, and acknowledging that this represents an exceptionless norm, we set in place the framework to safeguard human dignity at its root. Affirming this most basic norm leads us away from the injustice of playing God with other people’s lives. These challenging “life of the mother” cases allow us to begin acknowledging some of our own limitations, and the mystery of God’s greater Providence, in the realization that we may not be able to “manage” or “correct” every difficult medical situation we face. Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See

August 2010



Catholic Charities at Age 65: Still Looking Forward By James Gannon, Executive Director, Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will be celebrating its 65th birthday on December 26, 2010. At 65 years of age, a lot of folks start looking at slowing down and clearing their life of clutter. But Catholic Charities is looking forward not to a slowed pace, but to doing even more. Over the next few months, People of God will highlight the work and impact of Catholic Charities in our community. You will get a glimpse of the work accomplished, the challenges tackled and the work to be done. Catholic Charities came from humble beginnings, starting with a small office in Santa Fe providing case management services to families in need. Over the course of 65 years, it has grown and taken on new missions and turned some missions over to others. Today it helps over 10,000 persons a year with intergenerational services from Early Head Start to transportation assistance for elderly individuals. We have programs geared to assist children, adult education students, immigrants, refugees, teen

parents and families facing homelessness. This last year and a half has seen more and more of our neighbors turn to us for assistance as they face evictions and lost of stability in their lives. We in turn need increased resources from the Catholic Community, all people of good will and from government to address the issues we face. Among our strongest advocates is our Archbishop the Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan. Archbishop Sheehan urges his fellow bishops in America to do more. He seeks funding locally for us and he wrings additional funds from the Annual Catholic Appeal to give us the resources to make a difference in one more family’s life. We rejoice for the families who did not have to leave their home, for children whose school lives have not been disrupted, for seniors who can still look forward to living in their homes, and numerous positive stories in our communities because of Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities demonstrates that the presence of Christ and the hands of the Holy

Spirit are in our world, in our community and that they are here among us. There are also the families we could not help in spite of our best efforts. There is the child who is waiting at home for an opportunity to come to our Children’s Learning Center. Perhaps an elderly gentleman will not get a ride to the pharmacy tomorrow morning because a volunteer was not available in his neighborhood. It is the Holy Spirit that whispers to each of us. “Is their more that you can do?” Catholic Charities cannot rest at 65 years of age. Like all human service agencies, Catholic Charities looks forward to the day it can retire. Because that will mean there will not be a hungry child, that there will not be a family fearing eviction, there will not be a senior feeling abandonment, and refugees will not be fleeing their homeland due to threats of death and genocide. It will mean that we will have created: A community thriving in the abundance of God’s love and selflessly serving the needs of one another.

Catholic Charities Honors Three Samaritans for their Contribution to Community Service By Ellen Mather, Catholic Charities

As part of its long-standing tradition of charity, Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe has honored three individuals for their extraordinary commitment to the agency’s mission of creating hope for those in need. Recipients of the Hands of the Holy Spirit Award were Msgr. Richard Olona, Peter Robinson and Sr. Rose Therese Wich. They were recognized in June at the agency’s annual Matthew 25 Giving Society Celebration at the Hispano Chamber of Commerce. “While charity is one of the cornerstones of Catholic faith, the commitment to give back, without fanfare or for the purpose of seeking recog-

nition, strengthens and benefits our entire community,” said Jim Gannon, executive director of Catholic Charities. “Through their tireless volunteer efforts, these Samaritans demonstrate their commitment to charity each and every day. The Hands of the Holy Spirit Award is our way of expressing gratitude in a public way.” Msgr. Richard Olona, pastor of Risen Savior Catholic Community, has served the archdiocese as chancellor and priest for many years. In addition to serving on the Catholic Charities board of directors, he has been an advocate for the work of the agency, assisting the organization in securing the

Archbishop Michael Sheehan presents Catholic Charities’ Hands of the Holy Spirit Award to Msgr. Richard Olona.

Archbishop Sheehan presents Catholic Charities’ award to Sr. Rose Therese Wich..

resources it needs, and providing counseling and advice to management. “Msgr. Olona is a true Samaritan who does not wait to be called upon but seeks opportunities to serve,” said Gannon. Peter D. Robinson, a long-time Catholic Charities volunteer and parishioner of the Aquinas Newman Center at the University of New Mexico, has spent more than 13 years teaching English, math and study skills to students of all ages through the agency’s Center for Educational Opportunity. Robinson has also served on the agency’s finance See SAMARITANS on page 23

Peter Robinson accepts his award from Archbishop Sheehan. Photos by Stuart Prager



August 2010

Bishops’ Child Protection Office Lists Messages Children Hear in Safe Environment Programs By Sr. Mary Ann Walsh, Director, Media Relations, USCCB

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan gratefully accepts a $10,000.00 check for vocations from Mr. Fidel Madrid, member of the Knights of Columbus Council #4205 in Clovis. The check was a donation from both Clovis parishes, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Sacred Heart. Archbishop Sheehan said he had planned for seven new seminarians; however, God had other plans and blessed the Archdiocese with 15 new seminarians! Costs for each seminarian include tuition, books, room and board and other expenses amount to $25,000 per year.


Bob Sheppard, announcer for the New York Yankees from 1951-2007, died July 11 at age 99 at his home in Baldwin, N.Y. Referred to as the “Voice of God” for his distinct style, Sheppard, a Catholic, served as a lector at St. Christopher Church in Baldwin a nd taught speech at his alma mater, St. John’s University. He is seen delivering a speech in 2005. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic)

WASHINGTON - As schools launch a new academic year, millions of children also are set to learn the ABC’s of child protection. In Catholic schools and parishes nationwide, safe environment training gives children the skills necessary to protect themselves from would be-offenders. Mary Jane Doerr, associate director of the Secretariat for Child and Youth Protection of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has listed here some of the messages children hear in safe environment programs. 1. Abuse is never a child’s fault, a point that children need to hear over and over again. Offenders try hard to make children feel complicit in the abuse or to blame them for the abuse. Children learn that that is never true! The blame always belongs to the adult who is taking advantage of a child’s trust and vulnerabilities. 2. God loves children forever and wants them to live holy and happy lives. If a child has been abused, that child learns they are still innocent and loved by God and their families. The shame of child sexual abuse needs to be put where it belongs: on the abuser. 3. Abuse that has happened should be reported. Children learn to tell a parent or another trusted adult if someone is hurting them and to keep telling until they are believed. One study shows that children tell of their abuse an average of nine times before someone believes them. Parents can help children learn whom they can trust by pointing out the adults who can be trusted. Parents can also teach children the correct names of private body parts. This simple step gives children the vocabulary to tell others what happened to them. 4. You can recognize abuse when it happens. Children learn to trust that feeling that says something isn’t right and to tell a parent or other trusted adult when something happens that makes them feel uneasy. Children learn to question if someone is telling them to do what the child doesn’t like but says it is because he loves the child. Children learn to tell parents or trusted adult if another person makes them sad or

confused or tries to get them to break rules. This can stop the process of grooming by which an abuser lures a child toward danger. A child who questions another’s inappropriate behavior can send a message to the offender that this child is not an easy target, but one that will tell what is being done to him/her. 5. There are ways to spot a grooming process. Offenders are willing to spend a great deal of time grooming the family, the child and even the community so they may be seen as a trusted family friend. Children learn that anyone who lets children break rules, gives them alcohol or shows them pornography needs to be reported to parents and other trusted adults. Children learn not to keep secrets from parents. They learn that they should tell parents when someone gives them special gifts or is always touching them or tickling them and says not to tell. 6. Parents or other trusted adults will talk about this subject. Children often try to protect their parents from bad news, so they need to learn they can tell their parents anything. This lesson is conveyed when parents stay involved in their children’s activities and talk with them about what is happening in their lives. This is how children learn what can be shared with parents. The more effective safe environment programs include parents in the learning process. This gives the child a clear signal that this subject is not off limits but instead is something to be talked about with family members. 7. Boundaries exist. Learning about personal boundaries can protect children and their knowing boundaries reinforces the teaching to listen to one’s instincts. Children who listen to the voice that says, “This doesn’t feel right,” can protect themselves. 8. Children can stand up for themselves. Children need to be respectful and obey, yet at the same time need to know there are times when it is okay to say no to an adult. Children learn when it is appropriate for them to say, “No, stop doing that.” For example, they hear they can say no to someone who makes them uncomfortable, shows them pornograSee PROGRAMS on page 26

August 2010



SAMARITANS from page 21 and audit committee and now acts as treasurer on the Catholic Charities board of directors. “Pete has helped many of his students graduate and achieve citizenship. He recognizes how different their life experiences have been and always treats them with respect,” said Gannon. “He is an inspirational example of laity answering the call to serve.” Sr. Rose Therese Wich is a sister of charity of Mount St. Joseph and parishioner at Our Lady of Annunciation Parish. A retired Catholic educator, she helps coordinate the senior transportation services program, offered through Catholic Charities’ Center for Life and Family Skills Development. Seniors from throughout the Albuquerque metropolitan area call upon Wich for help in getting to doctor’s appointments, the grocery store, the bank or other community appointments. “Rose has a distinguished history of service to the church and the archdiocese, but instead of retiring, she remains an active parishioner with a busy schedule. Even winter snow does not keep her from coming in to respond to calls for help,” Gannon said. Matthew 25 Giving Society The Matthew 25 Giving Society’s members demonstrate their support for the mission and vision of Catholic Charities by making financial contributions, serving on the board of directors and committees, and volunteering their time. They represent all walks of life, religions and socio-economic backgrounds, coming together to make a difference in the lives of those in need. About This Agency Celebrating its 65th year, Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe brings a variety of organizations together to support families, reduce poverty, and build communities, regardless of race, religion, country of origin, disabilities, gender, age or sexual orientation. Working with local churches and secular community organizations, 100 staff members and more than 300 volunteers assist over 10,000 individuals and 5,400 families throughout Bernalillo, Santa Fe and Sandoval counties each year. If you would like to contribute or volunteer, please call 505.724.4670.

Homilía from page 3 del Sacerdocio, haciéndolos sacerdotes. Y voy a tomar sus manos en las mías, y ustedes me prometerán a mí y a mis sucesores, el respeto y la obediencia. Tomaré sus manos entre las mías y las ungiré con el aceite fragante del crisma. Consagraré sus manos con el santo aceite, consagrándolas para el servicio sacerdotal. En la Misa, ustedes tomarán el pan y el vino con esas manos consagradas y los convertirán, por el poder de Jesucristo, en su Cuerpo y su Sangre. Esas manos consagradas llevarán a cabo los otros sacramentos y muchas otras cosas también. III Manos Sacerdotales Comparto con ustedes ahora algunas emotivas palabras de un sacerdote en Orange, California, Monseñor Mike Heher acerca de sus manos cuando fueron ungidas por su obispo en su ordenación y lo que han hecho esas manos sacerdotales a través de los años. “Esto es lo que recuerdo: mis manos temblorosas fueron tomadas en las confidentes manos del Obispo; después, algunas manos fueron colocadas sobre mi cabeza. Las del obispo primero y, a continuación, muchas manos de los sacerdotes que, por esta acción, me hicieron uno de los suyos. El obispo enseguida ungió mis manos y lo hizo sin reserva alguna con el aceite: olí a Crisma todo el día. Rápidamente mis manos fueron utilizadas para abrazar, fueron extendidas en la consagración, y puestas a trabajar distribuyendo la Comunión. Antes de darme cuenta, fueron utilizadas para bendecir Obispos, padres, familia, amigos y también extraños, quienes las tomaron y besaron porque se habían convertido en una bendición. Elrestoesunpasajeborrosoyconrápidosmovimientos, un lugar común, sorprendentemente ocupado. Esas manos se extendieron para ungir a bebés pequeños y a santos muriendo, para absolver, para consolar, para dar fuerza, para bendecir matrimonios, para orar por una guía durante incontables juntas, y para rogar que los autos no chocaran y los aviones aterrizaran con bien y las cirugías fueran exitosas. Esas manos han cerrado y abierto incontables puertas y tabernáculos, cajas de seguridad y bodegas, y han abierto puertas de carros temprano por las mañanas después de visitar un hospicio o algún hospital. Mis manos han señalado el camino al cielo y al baño más cercano. Han recogido basura tirada en el estacionamiento y Cheerios dejados bajo las bancas. Han escrito apresuradamente las intercesiones los

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sábados por la tarde y las cartas para el boletín los martes. Estas manos han volteado incontables páginas de Sacramentarios, Breviarios, Leccionarios, Biblias, memos, ayudas para homilías, textos espirituales y teológicos, folletos, periódicos y los reportes financieros de parroquias y escuelas que algunas veces no eran tan positivos como yo hubiera esperado. Estas manos han entregado anillos a novios nerviosos, tazones de la Eucaristía a los ministros, canastas a los ujieres y misales a los feligreses. Han sostenido bolas de bingo y boletos ganadores de las rifas, documentos civiles y religiosos, bendiciones Apostólicas y monederos perdidos, platos de espagueti y linternas cuando ha sonado la alarma de seguridad en la iglesia o los salones. Estas manos han contado las hostias y las colectas, encendido velas, vertido incienso en incensarios, tocado las perlas del Rosario y hecho la señal de la Cruz con custodias. Han firmado memorandos y peticiones, certificados y cartas, incluyendo muchas rogando por algo y demasiados cheques en comparación con las pocas formas de depósito. Se han movido en forma loca a veces cuando las palabras han fallado o se han perdido, o están en el lenguaje equivocado, o no eran lo suficientemente convincentes para expresar lo que originalmente me hubiera parecido un punto muy simple. Mis manos ya se han desgastado, tienen marcas, protuberancias y callos. Debería poner algún ungüento sobre ellas y darles un descanso, recompensarles por lo que han hecho – pero no lo hago; no puedo hacerlo porque todavía hay mucho por hacer. El sacerdocio es una habilidad, así como un Sacramento. Es un arte que nosotros los sacerdotes practicamos amorosamente por medio de nuestras manos”. IV conclusión Sus manos consagradas y ungidas van a ser los instrumentos de Dios. Oro para que él les de alegría en sus corazones como sacerdotes y que tengan el celo por las almas. Que sean Buenos Pastores mientras juntos edificamos el Reino de Dios en la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe. Que las paz de Cristo y los dones sacerdotales están siempre con ustedes! Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheehan Arzobispo de Santa Fe



R Father Robert E. Auman, age 91, a resident of Belen, NM, passed away on Monday, June 21, 2010. He was born in Eric, PA. FatherAuman was a Priest of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, NM. He was ordained June 1,




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F at h e r R o b e rt E . A u m a n

1947 in Columbus, OH (The Pontifical College Josephinum). His Parishes included at on one time or another, Peñasco, Trujillo, Wagon Mound, Ruidoso (twice), El Rito, Las Vegas, Sapello, Juarez Mexico, Bernalillo, Tome, La Joya, Tor C, Ft. Sumner, Mountainair and Vaughn. Of all his Parishes he loved Tome best of all.

GALLI – Fr. Clarence F. Galli, was called home on August 5, 2010, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Galli was born on November 5, 1925 in Blossburg, NM. He attended Swastika Elementary School and St. Patrick Academy High School in Raton, NM. He served with the United States Army Air Corps from August 1943 to November 1945 where he flew P38 Lockheed Fighters. He was also a longtime Albuquerque pilot. On January 18, 1946, he entered Lourdes Seminary in Albuquerque. He then attended Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Santa Fe and St. Thomas Seminary in Denver, CO. On May 21, 1953, he was ordained by Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne at St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe, NM. On May 24, 1953, he celebrated his First Solemn Mass in Tome, NM. His Parish Assignments since Ordination: June 22, 1953, Assistant Pastor, St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa; June 30, 1954, Assistant Pastor, St. Therese, Albuquerque; June 28, 1955, Administrator, St. Joseph, Mosquero; July 2, 1958, Pastor,

Custom Rosaries


August 2010

Father Auman published two books “The Three Centuries of Tome” and “Eucharist Through the Centuries”. His pen name was “Roberto De La Vega” a translation of his last name. Father Auman gave all rights of his second book to the Legion of Christ, published by Circle Press, Handen, CT. Father Auman requested no flow-


ers but to have masses said for the repose of his soul. He was preceded in death by his parents, Anthony and Mary and two brothers, Jerome and Harry. Father Auman is survived by all former parishioners. Services were held at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, in Tome, Interment followed at the Tome Catholic Cemetery.

F a t h e r C l a r e n c e F. G a l l i San Francisco de Asis, Taos; June 17, 1962; Pastor, San Ignacio, Albuquerque; July 1, 1965, Pastor, St. Edwin, Albuquerque; January 15, 1977, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; January 15, 1982, Pastor, St. Therese, Albuquerque; August 8, 1988, Pastor, Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; October 1, 1996, Retired for 3 and 1/2 months; January 15, 1997, Pastor, San Ysidro, Corrales. He was preceded in death by his parents, his brother; Fr. Robert Galli, sister; Marie Yob, and nephew; Vinco Yob Jr.

Fr. Galli is survived by his nephews; David and Joe Yob, niece; Debbi Yob, cousins Sister Ann Pierre and Mary Lynn Roper and numerous extended family, friends and his church family. Memorial contributions may be made to Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School, 4020 Lomas Boulevard, NE 87110 or St. Theresa’s Caatholic School at 311 Shropshire, NW, 87107 in Fr. Galli’s name in lieu of flowers. Please share your condolences, sympathies and memories at

RESTORED 14TH-CENTURY FRESCO OF JESUS, ST. PETER AT MAMERTINE PRISON IN ROME A 14th-century fresco of Jesus and St. Peter is seen on a wall of the top level of the Mamertine prison in Rome July 27. Tradition holds that St. Peter was held in the prison before he was crucified. Recent excavations support that belief. (CNS photo/Pau l Haring)

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August 2010


Many of us are uncomfortable discussing death and funeral arrangements. Most of us find ourselves unprepared to deal with the decisions and costs that we are faced with when a loved one dies. Planning ahead protects families from having to make hasty, difficult and costly funeral arrangements. Pre-planning funeral arrangements is just as important as planning for other phases in life. Here are just a few reasons to consider pre-planning.




August 2010 Sat, Aug 21 9:30AM-12:30PM Annual Meet and Greet (of Catechetical Leaders) A light breakfast will be served at 9:30AM Catholic Center - Sandia Room, Albuquerque Dawn Wenzl 505.831.8129


Cusimano, Rev. Joseph Gabriel, OSB Garner, Rev. Joel P., O.Praem Maes, Rev. Clarence Klein, Rev. David, CSB Marshall, Rev. James Fisher, Rev. Leo, CFR Savilla, Rev. Edmund DePalma, Rev. Michael Salazar, Rev. George Shedlock, Rev. John R. Conway, Rev. John (Ret.)

16 17 18 19 21 22 22 25 27 29 31

Candelas-Aguilar, Rev. Ignacio, OFM Johnson, Rev. Gerald Nkumbi, Rev. Paul * Daniel, Rev. John

5 6 10 14


Roman Catholic & Popular New Mexican Saints Calendar


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe Assumption of Mary St. Stephen of Hungary St. Joan of the Cross St. Jane Frances de Chantal St. John Eudes St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. Pius X Queenship of Mary St. Rose of Lima St. Bartholomew St. Louis of France St. Joseph Calasanz St. Monica St. Augustine Martyrdom of John the Baptist St. Jeanne Jugan Sts. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

St. Giles Blessed John Francis Burté and Companions St. Gregory the Great St. Rose of Viterbo Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Blessed Claudio Granzotto Blessed Frederick Ozanam Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Peter Claver St. Thomas of Villanova St. Cyprian Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. John Chrysostom


PROGRAMS from page 22 phy, or offers them alcohol. 9. There are ways to explain inappropriate behavior. Children learn how to describe what’s happening when someone is doing something that just seems a “little weird” even though it may not seem wrong. The ability to articulate what has happened to a child enables a child to more easily confide in a parent or other trusted adult. This can alert the adult to a potentially dangerous situation so it can be avoided. This is ultimately the goal of safe environment education.

Mon, Aug 9 6:30PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque 505.839.7952 or 505.831.8117 Tues, Aug 10 6:30PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe 505.982.5619 Wed, Aug 11 6:30PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated Our Lady of Assumption, Albuquerque, 505.256.9818 Wed, Aug 11 6:30PM-9PM Sing God’s Glory Among All the People A Workshop for Cantors, Songleaders & Accompanists with Fabian Yanez Immaculate Conception, Albuquerque Angela Flores, 505.831.8194 Mon, Aug 13 - Wed, Aug 15 4:00PM 36th Annual Southwest Catholic Charismatic Conference The opening liturgy celebrated with Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Registration: $5/child/youth $45/adult Lifeway Glorieta Conference Center 505.247.0397 or visit for more information Sat, Aug 14 9:00AM - 3:00PM Fertility is Power! This is a workshop/retreat for college students, single adults, and married couples-old and young. Participants will receive practical steps to build healthy relationships at all stages of their lives: single life, courtship, newlyweds, young married couples to senior married couples. $25/participant, $5/student (lunch included) Lourdes Hall, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Family Life 505.831.8117 Sat, Aug 14 7:00AM Fourth Annual Catholic Men’s Conference - Men Under Construction Register at www Cost: $25 Even if you can’t budget the fee, please register and come join us for the day! Fr. D’Arco Hall, St. Thomas Aquinas, Albuquerque 505.277.0549 Sat, Aug 14 8:30AM-4:30PM Escuela de Ministerios, Year One in Albuquerque Meets the second Saturday of every month starting this month Parish Hall of St. Anne’s Church, 1400 Arenal SW, Albuquerque Rocio Gonzales 505.379.4932 Sat, Aug 14 8:45AM-12 Noon Fair Trade Training Workshop - English Please pre-register for this FREE event John XIII Catholic Community 4831 Tramway Ridge Dr. NE, Albuquerque, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life 505.831.8167 Sat, Aug 14 9AM-11:30AM Sing God’s Glory Among All the People A Workshop for Cantors, Songleaders & Accompanists with Fabian Yanez Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa FeAngela Flores, 505.831.8194 Sat, Aug 14 1:15PM-4:30PM Fair Trade Training Workshop - Spanish Please pre-register for this FREE event John XIII Catholic Community 4831 Tramway Ridge Dr. NE, in Albuquerque Office of Social Justice and Respect Life 505.831.8167

Mon, Aug 16-Thurs, Aug 19 6:30PM-8:30PM Guitar Clinic with Fabian Ya–ez Registration fee: $10 St. John the Baptist Parish Center 1301 Osage Ave. Albuquerque Angela Flores 505.831.8194 Mon, Aug 16 7PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated Risen Savior, Albuquerque 505.821.1715 Sun, Aug 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sun, Aug 15 3:00PM Closing the year-long celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the Roman Catholic Church known as the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan presiding Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Tues, Aug 17 7PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated San Clemente, Los Lunas 505.865.7385 Wed, Aug 18 11:30AM-1:30PM Appreciation BBQ for Priests with Archbishop Sheehan Catholic Center - Sandia Room, Albuquerque, 505.831.8142 Wed, Aug 18 6:00PM Complicated Grief Support Group Have you ever lost a loved one through accident, murder, suicide, or unexpected death? Have you lost two or more loved ones through death within a short period of time? If so, Complicated Grief Support Group is for you. Catholic Center, Albuquerque Family Life 505.831.8117 Thurs, Aug 19 10AM-Noon Santa Fe Youth Ministry Deanery Meeting for Youth Ministers and Teen Youth Leaders Santa Maria de la Paz, Santa Fe 505.831.8142 Thurs, Aug 19 6PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated Parish Hall, St. Mary’s, Vaughn 505.584.2954 Sat, Aug 21 8:30AM-4:00PM Escuela de Ministerios, Year One in Albuquerque Meets the second Saturday of every month starting this month Parish Hall of St. Anne’s Church, 1400 Arenal SW, ABQ. Roc’o Gonzales, 505.379.4932 Sat, Aug 21 8:30AM-4:00PM Escuela de Ministerios, Year Two in Santa Fe Meets the third Saturday of every month starting this month Parish Hall of St. Anne’s Church, 511 Alicia St., Santa Fe Angie Kollasch 505.471.0554 or 505.470.5551 Sat, Aug 21 9AM-11AM Southwest Deanery Youth Ministry Deanery Meeting For Youth Ministers and Teen Youth Leaders Focus: Planning for the Upcoming Year Our Lady of Guadalupe, Peralta 505.831.8142 Sat, Aug 21 9AM-1PM Catechist & Adult Retreat Holy Family Parish, Albuquerque 505.831.8142

Sat, Aug 21 10:30AM-2:00PM Sing God’s Glory Among All the People A Workshop for Cantors, Songleaders & Accompanists with Fabian Yanez Participants are encouraged to bring a sack lunch. Drinks and cookies will be provided. St. Joseph/Santa Nino, Los Ojos Angela Flores 505.831.8194 Sat, Aug 21 6PM-9PM f ollowed by dance until 11PM Youth and Young Adult Retreat with Fr. Tony Ricardo from the Archdiocese of New Orleans Holy Family Parish, Albuquerque 505.831.8142 Mon, Aug 23 6:30PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque 505.839.7952 or 505.831.8117 Tues, Aug 24 6:30PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe 505.982.5619 Wed, Aug 25 6:30PM Doves - Support for Divorced, Widowed & Separated Our Lady of Assumption, Albuquerque 505.256.9818 Wed, Aug 25 9AM-12PM Catechist Skills Classes BCL-1: Catholic Identity Presenter: Dr. Lynn Bridgers Kiva Room - Catholic Center, Albuquerque Dawn Wenzl 505.831.8129 Wed, Aug 25 1PM-4PM Catechist Skills Classes ACL-4: Curriculum Planning & Development Presenter: TBA Kiva Room - Catholic Center, Albuquerque Dawn Wenzl 505.831.8129 Sat, Aug 28 9AM-4PM The Wonder of Myself A special one-day class for mothers and their adolescent daughters, ages 10-12, designed to emphasize the beauty and gift of human sexuality Cost: $15 per person Lourdes Hall, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Office of Family Life 505.831.8117 Sat, Aug 28 10:30AM-2PM Sing God’s Glory Among All the People A Workshop for Cantors, Songleaders & Accompanists with Fabian Yanez Participants are encouraged to bring a sack lunch. Drinks and cookies will be provided. St. Joseph, Springer Angela Flores 505.831.8194 Sat, Aug 28-Sun, Aug 29 National Youth Ministers Certificate Program Cycle Two, Course Two - Fostering the Faith Growth of Youth through Prayer and Worship with Stan Cordero Help insure the success of your youth program through solid, practical training in Catholic youth ministry for your principal youth leaders! Cost: $225 Participants do not have to have taken the previous courses in sequence Della Montano 505.831.8142 Sun, Aug 29 Noon The Albuquerque African American Catholic Community celebrates Mass St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church St. Joseph’s Dr. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 505.836.3627

Thurs, Sept 2 6:30PM-9PM Sing God’s Glory Among All the People A Workshop for Cantors, Songleaders & Accompanists with Fabian Yanez St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque Angela Flores 505.831.8194 Fri, Sept 10 12:30PM The University of Notre Dame Alumni Club of New Mexico’s annual golf tournament is at Paa-ko Ridge Golf Course. Proceeds benefit the club’s summer service programs at Brothers of the Good Shepherd, Dismas House, Health Care for the Homeless and the Little Sisters of the Poor. The cost is $130 which includes golf, cart, range balls, and lunch before the tournament. Joe Carney at 505.553.3612 or Fri, Sept 10 - Sun, Sept 12 TBA Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled marriages. Includes a weekend experience & 7 follow-up sessions over a 3-month period TBA. 505.890.3495 Sat, Sept 11 9AM-11:30AM Sing God’s Glory Among All the People A Workshop for Cantors, Songleaders & Accompanists with Fabian Yanez Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque. Angela Flores 505.831.8194 Sun, Sept 12 10AM-6PM Parish Fiesta Music, food, games, Bingo, Silent Auction, family & friends Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 9502 4th St. NW, Albuquerque Chonita 505.898.5253 ext. 1 Sun, Sept 12 1:30PM Catholic Singles Intro to Icons: Windows in Heaven presented by Karen Smart $3/person Catholic Center Family Life 505.831.8117 Fri, Sept 17 6-9PM Quincea–era Retreat Holy Rosary Parish Della Monta–o 505.831.8142 Sun, Sept 19 1:30PM Catholic Singles Scripture Study with Ben Baran $3/person Catholic Center Family Life 505.831.8117 Sat, Sept 25 8:30AM St. Vincent DePaul Walk-Run for Fun at St. Pius X High School Contact St. Vincent DePaul 505.265.5868 or Sat, Sept 25 10:00AM Quincea–era Mass Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan presiding Holy Rosary Parish Della Monta–o 505.831.8142 Sat, Sept 25 9AM-4PM The Wonder of Myself A special one-day class for mothers and their adolescent daughters, ages 10-12, designed to emphasize the beauty and gift of human sexuality Cost: $15 per person Lourdes Hall, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Office of Family Life 505.831.8117 Sat, Sept 25 1-5:30PM Santa Fe Deanery High School Youth RallyFREE BBQ, games, contests, prizes and Mass with Fr. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz. Permission slips are required - registration and information through your parish youth minister Santa Maria de la Paz Sat, Sept 25 10:30AM-2PM Sing God’s Glory Among All the People A Workshop for Cantors, Songleaders & Accompanists with Fabian Yanez Participants are encouraged to bring a sack lunch. Drinks and cookies will be provided Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas Angela Flores 505.831.8194 Fri, Oct 1 6:00-7:30PM Friends of Cristo Rey HS Event National Hispanic Cultural Center Brother Jim Adams. Sun, Oct 3 2:00PM 41st Rosary Rally at Isotopes Stadium Deacon Manuel Montoya 505.344.3791

August 2010






PEOPLE OF GOD Invitation from Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Doors Open: 7:00 a.m. • Breakfast: 7:15 a.m. Program: 8:00 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. Albuquerque Convention Center

August 2010

July 7, 2010 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As you know, we were able to make great progress this year at the State Legislature in promoting the dignity of human life and traditional marriage and family. We were able to be successful by building bridges with the Evangelical community that strongly supports these values just as we do. You are probably aware of the Manhattan Declaration which was issued a year ago in which Catholic and evangelical leaders declared our commitment to these basic values. Reverend and former Congressman Bill Redmond, who is an Evangelical leader in our State, and myself have been working together to organize the Evangelical/Catholic Conference on the Manhattan Declaration. It will take place at the Albuquerque Convention Center on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 beginning with breakfast at 7:15 a.m. and concluding at 2:15 p.m. The morning session will be open to clergy and laity from the Catholic and Evangelical Churches of New Mexico. Lunch at noon will be reserved for the New Mexico Catholic Clergy and Evangelical Pastors and so that we can discuss ways in which we can promote the values that we hold in common. There is a $25 charge which includes breakfast. We have Dr. Michael Novak who is a prominent Catholic thinker as well as Joseph Bottum

who is the Editor of First Things. Chuck Colson who began a special prison ministry in the Country and Os Guinness will be the two Evangelical leaders. I believe that the presentations that will be made and the conversations will be very valuable to us. The three areas that we stand strongly in favor of are: 1. Human life from conception to natural death 2. Dignity of traditional marriage as a conjugal union of man and woman 3. The rights of conscience and of religious liberty We know that these values are being threatened and under assault from powerful cultural forces in our country and we are compelled to speak and act in a united way and cogently in their defense. I invite you to come to the New Mexico Evangelical/Catholic Conference on the Manhattan Declaration. You, the laity of the Archdiocese, are welcome to attend the morning session which includes breakfast. Please register no later than August 15, 2010. Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord, Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan

Archbishop of Santa Fe

REGISTRATION FORM New Mexico Evangelical/Catholic Conference on the Manhattan Declaration Registration for Laity Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Doors Open: 7:00 a.m. • Breakfast: 7:15 a.m. Program: 8:00 a.m. – 2:15 p..m. Albuquerque Convention Center

___Yes, I will attend the morning session which is open to the laity and includes breakfast. Enclosed is my $25.00 check for the registration fee.

Please return both this registration form and your check to:

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Manhattan Declaration Conference c/o Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan 4000 St. Joseph Pl NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120

Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________ Parish: __________________________________________________________

A Soul-Centered Life: Exploring an Animated Spirituality By Michael Demkovich

People today are searching for meaning and purpose. They know that something is missing in their lives and long to fill this void. Many books on spirituality attempt to fill this need, and the approaches are nearly as numerous as the searchers themselves. Such a widespread desire in the human heart speaks to the spiritual hunger at the core of each one of us. It is this hunger of both the head and the heart that Michael Demkovich sees as key to spiritual integration. In this volume readers will rediscover that there really is something more to life, and spirituality meets the mystery of this something more. A genuine spirituality must ad-

dress two essential characteristics: It cannot be meant for an elite few, yet it must answer life s toughest and most basic questions: How did we get here? What are we destined to become? It recognizes the crucial role of religious tradition and community; it is not merely eclectic and individualized therapy, focused only on my well-being. Retrieving a theological understanding of the soul, Demkovich explores an animating spirituality that integrates faith and life, the moral and the intellectual, into an animated spirituality that makes life meaningful and satisfying. If you find something is missing in the very soul of your being, then I am certain that this

book has something for you. About the Author Michael Demkovich, OP, is the Gerald Vann Visiting Lecturer in Catholic Thought and Life at Blackfriars, Oxford. He is the founding director of the Dominican Ecclesial Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and holds his doctorate from the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. He is the author of various articles and Introducing Meister Eckhart (Ligouri, 2006). He will host a talk and book signing at the Aquinas Newman Center, the Catholic Campus Parish of the University of New Mexico.

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