People of God, June/July 2015

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June/July 2015 • Volume 33, Number 6 •


Serving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Our New Shepherd Most Reverend John C. Wester 12th Archbishop of Santa Fe



2015 Installation and Ordinations........................................ 2 Archbishop’s Letter: Abide In Christ................................... 3 God Bless You, Msgr. Francis X. Eggert............................... 7 Archbishop Sheehan Meets With Pueblo Governors........... 7 World and National News................................................... 10 Seven New Priests!............................................................. 23 Transitional Diaconates....................................................... 25


Archbishop John C. Wester’s Installation Mass




June/July 2015

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Deacon Juan Martinez, Archbishop John C. Wester, Deacon Filiberto “Manny” Montoya, Roger M. Cardinal Mahony, archbishop emeritus of Los Angeles, and His Excellency Most Rev. Carlo Maria Viganò gather for a group photo after the Installation of Archbishop Wester as the 12th archbishop of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

2015 Priestly Ordination

Newly ordained priests Rev. William Woytavich, Rev. Valentine Phu Ngoc Au, Rev. Benoit Treu Van Vu, Rev. Joseph Van Tao Nguyen, Rev. Edgar Sanchez, Rev. Rob Yaksich, and Rev. Michael Garcia all gather with Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Rev. Simon Carian, Rev. Michael DePalma, Vocations director and Rev. Clement Niggel, Associate Vocations Director, after the priestly ordination in May 2015. This was largest priestly ordination in 50 years.

2015 Transitional Diaconate Ordination

Pope Francis places hands on face while speaking to journalists

Pope Francis places his hands on his face while speaking to journalists aboard his flight from Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, to Rome June 6. The pope announced on the return flight that a decision soon will be announced concerning alleged Marian appariti ons in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for June & July 2015

Celine Baca Radigan/ASF


Rev. Simon Carian, Rev. Mr. Ted Butler, Rev. Mr. Leon Vigil, Rev. Clement Niggel, Associate Vocations Director, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Rev. Michael DePalma, Vocations Director, Rev. Mr. John Paul Afuecheta and Rev. Mr. Angelo Marquez celebrate the seminarians’ ordination to the Transitional Diaconate in May 2015.

UNIVERSAL: Immigrants and refugees That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come. EVANGELIZATION: Vocations That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life.


UNIVERSAL: Politics That political responsibility may be lived at all levels as a high form of charity. EVANGELIZATION: The poor in Latin America That, amid social inequalities, Latin American Christians may bear witness to love for the poor and contribute to a more fraternal society.


Father’s Day

June/July 2015

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,


s I made my final preparations to move to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, I would like to thank you most sincerely for the good wishes and prayers that you have sent my way in the past few weeks. I was truly humbled by your warm and gracious welcome when I was with you a few weeks ago. Although it is never easy to leave a place that has been home these past eight years, your kindness and enthusiastic faith give me comfort and deepen my excitement about my new ministry in your midst. I have had the opportunity to visit the archdiocese several times in the past and have been very impressed with the rich cultures of New Mexico, the vibrant faith, the beauty of the land and the warmth of the people. I realize that I have a lot to learn and I look forward to listening to you and learning from

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


ientras realizo los preparativos finales para mudarme a la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe, me gustaría darles las más sinceras gracias por los buenos deseos y oraciones que me han hecho llegar en estas últimas semanas. Me sentí verdaderamente honrado por su cálida y amable bienvenida cuando estuve con ustedes hace unas semanas. Aunque nunca es fácil dejar un lugar que ha sido el hogar por los últimos ocho años, su amabilidad y fe entusiasta me confortan y aumentan mi entusiasmo por mi nuevo ministerio entre ustedes. En el pasado, varias veces he tenido la oportunidad de visitar la Arquidiócesis y siempre me han impresionado las ricas culturas de Nuevo México, la fe tan vibrante, la






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you in the years ahead. Archbishop Sheehan has been very kind and welcoming to me and he has been lavish in his praise of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. There is a real joy in the people of the archdiocese and a contagious energy about celebrating and spreading the Catholic faith. I had the pleasure of joining you in 2010 for the 400th anniversary of Christianity in the Southwest. This same vital spirit was evident then as now and it excites me to be joining you as your Shepherd. God has certainly blessed you and now through you I am blessed. Please pray for me during these days of transition. I am asking the Lord to guide me and to assist me in supporting all the good work taking place in the archdiocese. I have observed already priests, deacons, religious and lay leaders who give generously of themselves in service to the church. I have heard of the rich diversity in our parishes, schools and other Catholic communities that reflect the long

tradition of our faith in the archdiocese. I am impressed with the authentic and sincere work that has been done to provide a safe environment for children and the vulnerable, recognizing that we must be rigorously vigilant in protecting our precious young people. I am eager to learn about the native cultures and traditions that inspire and enliven our Catholic faith, giving the Gospel message new vitality and vigor. Most of all, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to make new friends as I journey with you on the path the Lord has marked out for us together. Please keep Archbishop Sheehan in your good prayers as well as he begins this new chapter in his life. His love, concern and affection for all of you are most evident and I count myself fortunate to succeed such a dedicated shepherd and compassionate leader. Again, please remember me in your prayers as I assure you of mine. These are very exciting and

Archbishop John C. Wester

full days for us and I ask the Lord of all mercy and love to raise his arms of benediction over us now and always. Sincerely yours in the Lord,

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Most Rev. John C, Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe

belleza de la tierra y la calidez de la se está realizando en la Arquidióce- con ustedes el camino que el Señor gente. Me doy cuenta de que tengo sis. Ya he observado a sacerdotes, ha trazado para nosotros juntos. mucho que aprender y anhelo poder diáconos, religiosos y líderes laicos Por favor, mantengan también escucharles y aprender de ustedes que dan generosamente de sí mis- al Arzobispo Sheehan en sus bueen estos próximos años. Arzobis- mos en su servicio a la Iglesia. He nas oraciones ahora que comienza po Sheehan ha sido muy amable y oído hablar de la rica diversidad este nuevo capítulo en su vida. Su acogedor conmigo y muy generoso en nuestras parroquias, escuelas y amor, preocupación y cariño para en sus elogios por la Arquidióce- otras comunidades católicas que re- todos ustedes son muy evidentes y sis de Santa Fe. Hay una verdadera flejan la larga tradición de nuestra me considero afortunado de ser el alegría en la gente de la diócesis y fe en la Arquidiócesis. Estoy im- sucesor de un pastor tan dedicado y una energía contagiosa acerca de presionado con el auténtico y sin- un líder compasivo. Una vez más, la celebración y difusión de la fe cero trabajo que se ha hecho para por favor, acuérdense de mí en sus católica. Tuve el placer de unirme a proporcionar un ambiente seguro oraciones mientras yo les aseguro gro.npara oitalosdnniños uofcyillas ohpersonas taceht.vulwwwlas• mías. 1092Estos .278serán .505unos días muy ustedes en el año 2010 para el 400º aniversario de la cristiandad en el nerables, reconociendo que tene- emocionantes y ocupados para nosuroeste. Este mismo espíritu vital mos que estar rigurosamente vigi- sotros y le pido al Señor de toda era tan evidente entonces como lo lantes en la protección de nuestros misericordia y amor que eleve sus es ahora y me emociona unirme a preciados jóvenes. Estoy ansioso brazos de bendición sobre nosotros ustedes como su pastor. Dios cier- por aprender sobre las culturas y ahora y siempre. tamente los ha bendecido y ahora tradiciones nativas que inspiran y a través de ustedes yo estoy siendo dan aliento a nuestra fe católica, Sinceramente suyo en el Señor,  bendecido. dando al mensaje del Evangelio una Por favor oren por mí durante nueva vitalidad y vigor. Por encima estos días de transición. Le pido de todo, estoy profundamente agraal Señor que me guíe y me ayude decido por la oportunidad de hac- Reverendísimo a apoyar todo el buen trabajo que er nuevos amigos mientras recorro John C. Wester





Archbishop Sheehan has made the following Assignments

• Effective Monday, March 16, 2015 – Deacon Martin A. Gallegos Jr., previously assigned to diaconal ministry at San Isidro Parish in Santa Fe, has been assigned to diaconal ministry at St. John the Baptist Parish in Santa Fe under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Nathan Libaire. • Effective Monday, June 1, 2015 – Rev. Felipe Valadez, currently parochial vicar at Our Lady of Belen in Belen, has been appointed as pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows in La Joya and its missions. The current pastor Rev. Denis Kaggwa will be returning to his home diocese of Kiyinda Mityana, Uganda. • Effective Monday, June 1, 2015 – Rev. Christopher Bernabe, currently parochial vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho, has been appointed as pastor of two parishes – St. Anthony of Padua in Fort Sumner and St. Mary in Vaughn and their missions. The current pastor Rev. Paul Nkumbi will be returning to his home diocese of Kiyinda Mityana, Uganda. • Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Msgr. Francis X. Eggert, currently pastor at Our Lady of Fatima in Albuquerque will be retiring. He will be celebrating 57 years as a priest on May 24, 2015. • Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Stephen C. Schultz, currently pastor at Our Lady of Belen in Belen, has been appointed as pastor of Our Lady of Fatima in Albuquerque. • Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Clement Niggel, currently pastor at Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in Taos, has been appointed as pastor of Our Lady of Belen in Belen. • Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Daniel Gutierrez, currently parochial vicar at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and Cristo Rey Parish in Santa Fe, has been appointed as pastor of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in Taos and its missions. • Effective Friday June 12, 2015 – Rev. Steven Abaukaka, currently assigned to Hospital Ministry in Albuquerque, has been appointed as parochial vicar at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and Cristo Rey Parish in Santa Fe under the direction of the rector, Rev. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz.

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• Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Rick Zerwas, currently pastor at Sacred Heart in Clovis, has been appointed as pastor of Sacred Heart in Albuquerque.


• Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Deacon Christopher Raymond Gilbert, currently temporary parish administrator at Sacred Heart in Española, has been re-appointed to diaconal ministry at Sacred Heart in Española under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Dominic Pierson.

Special Collection: Peter’s Pence June 28, 2015

The Peter’s Pence Collection enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to aid the most needy throughout the world—those who suffer as a result of war, oppression dn natural disasters. It likewise provides the faithful with a tangible opportunity to not only empower the weak, defenseless and voiceless, but also sustain those who suffer.

Seminary Burse

The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends to the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for April 2015. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at parishes. The archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education. Parish Name/City



• Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Stephen Imbarrato, currently pastor at Sacred Heart in Albuquerque, has been granted permission to perform full time ministry with Priests for Life. He continues to possess priestly faculties of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

• Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Dominic Pierson, currently parochial vicar at San Juan Bautista in Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, has been appointed as pastor of Sacred Heart in Española and its missions.

Together We Can Reach Our Goal!



• Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Rev. Simon Ross Carian, currently parochial vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish in Albuquerque, has been appointed as pastor of Sacred Heart in Clovis and its mission in Melrose.


All inquiries regarding the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Sr. Blandina Segale, SC (aka Maria Rosa Segale) should be sent to the Postulator of the Cause, Most Rev. Ricardo Ramirez, Bishop Emeritus of Las Cruces c/o the Petitioner of the Cause, Mr. Allen Sánchez, 1516 5th St. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 505.319.3334 or For more information, go to Sister Blandina Segale photo courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA) Negative #67735

• Effective Friday, June 12, 2015 – Very Rev. John Cannon, has been appointed as parochial vicar of San Isidro in Santa Fe under the direction of the pastor, Very Rev. Franklin D. Pretto-Ferro. This is in addition to his current appointments as Chancellor, Moderator of the Curia, Vicar for Priests and Vicar for Religious.

June/July 2015



Our Goal 3,150,000 $

ST. PIUS X 2015 SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS BOYS BASKETBALL June 15 – June 19 Ages 9 - 14 Cost: $100 Coach: Damian Segura FOOTBALL June 20 Ages 9 – 15 8am – 12pm Cost: $50 Coach: San Juan Mendoza GIRLS SOCCER August 3 – August 6 Ages 12 - 17 8am – 11am Cost: $100 Coach: David Sullivan, Jr.

BOYS SOCCER August 6 : 8am - 11am August 7 : 8am – 11am August 8 : 8 – 11 am Lunch 11am – 12pm Incoming 5th – 9th grades Cost: $100 Coach: A.J. Herrera

AQUATICS July 2 – July 3 Ages 6 - 14 9:30am – 12pm West Mesa Pool 12pm – 3pm Cost: $20 Coach: Tom Burke

VOLLEYBALL July 27 – July 30 Incoming grades 5-8 : 8am - 11am Incoming grade 9 : 11am – 2pm Incoming grades 10-12 : 2pm – 5pm Cost: $110 Coach: Jeanne Fairchild

Go to www. to register for SPX Summer Camps! Please register online before the first day of camp. We would like to start our camp on time and you can help us by registering early.

Amount Received

Anonymous............................................................................................................................... 5,393.87 Estancia Valley Catholic Community – Moriarty......................................................................... 1,000.00 Immaculate Heart of Mary – Los Alamos................................................................................... 2,140.00 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Albuquerque.......................................................................410.00 Nuestra Señora De Guadalupe – Taos........................................................................................ 1,700.00 Our Lady of the Annunciation – Albuquerque...............................................................................772.50 St. John the Baptist – Santa Fe.......................................................................................................500.00 St. Joseph on the Rio Grande – Albuquerque................................................................................740.00 Total $12,656.37

Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. John C. Wester Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan-Yodice Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8162 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

June/July 2015




Congratulations, Archbishop John C. Wester on your Installation as Archbishop of Santa Fe The Babies in New Mexico Welcome You!






June/July 2015

Dear Archbishop Wester, We have been praying for you each day for the past year, that you “may have the loving and pastoral heart of Pope Francis and the courage of our Lord Jesus, the Brave Shepherd.” ¡Bienvenido a la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe! Your Sisters and Brothers at Saint Therese Parish and School. The Shrine of the Little Flower.

June/July 2015





The Archdiocese Celebrates A Quintessential Pastor’s Retirement We will forever be grateful, Msgr. Francis X. Eggert By Deacon Keith Davis, ASF Director of Ministry Resource Center/Formation of Christian Service

with his generous and devoted love. Msgr. Eggert’s service, of course, has gone far beyond his nineteen years in service as a pastor. He was a consummate administrator and educator, serving as principal of St. Pius High School in Albuquerque and as Rector of Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Santa Fe. His fellow priests, many of whom came to support him at his retirement celebration express great respect for a man who has helped many of them to overcome difficulties in their own ministry. Though he celebrates his 85th birthday this month, Msgr. Eggert will continue to serve – to share Christ’s love with others. He plans on being available to assist wherever he is needed.

Celine Baca Radigan/ASF

On June 7, the Feast of the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Msgr. Francis X. Eggert celebrated his last Sunday Mass as pastor at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Albuquerque. This was followed by a celebration of his retirement which was attended by hundreds including parishioners, former students, and fellow priests. It was certainly appropriate that this monumental event occurred on this particular feast. As St. Augustine reminds us in regards to the Blessed Sacrament – we become what we receive. Msgr. Eggert is a quintessential example of St. Augustine’s words. After presiding over the Eucharist for 57 years as a priest, this beloved pastor brought the love of Christ to thousands

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan’s Luncheon with Pueblo Governors

The Second Annual Luncheon with the Archbishop and Indian Pueblo Governors was held on May 11, 2015 at the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Catholic Center in Albuquerque. In attendance were Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Pueblo Governors and their tribal officials, Pueblo church pastors and officials, and archdiocese staff, Michelle Montez, Executive Director of the Pastoral Ministries

Division, Shirley Zuni, Coordinator of Native American Ministry, Bernadette Jaramillo, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and several members of the Native American Ministry Advisory Board. Pueblos represented at the luncheon were Cochiti, Isleta, Jemez, Laguna, Picuris, San Felipe, Sandia, Santa Ana, Santa Clara, Santo Domingo, and Tesuque. The luncheon provides an opportunity

for the Archbishop and Pueblo Governors to meet in-person and get to know one another. Archbishop Sheehan opened the luncheon with a few remarks and praised the Pueblo communities for their continued devotion and worship within the Catholic faith. Catholic ministry work continues throughout Pueblo country with Shirley Zuni reaching out to Pueblo people with assistance from the recently formed, Native American Ministry Advisory Board. The luncheon was also an

opportunity to thank Archbishop Sheehan for his many years of faithful service as he retires from his position as Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The pueblo communities are thankful for his support and reaching out to the Pueblo people over the years. The luncheon concluded with Archbishop Sheehan presenting the Pueblo officials with a beautiful retablo of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American to become a saint in the Catholic Church.

Leslie Radigan-Yodice /ASF

By Alan Cherino, Native American Ministry Advisory Board Member





June/July 2015

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Ordained Seven Seminarians to the Priesthood Class of 2015 largest in 50 years

n Saturday, May 23, 2015 at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis in Santa Fe, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan was rewarded for his many years of support and encouragement for priestly vocations

Saturday, May 23, 2015 • 10:00 A.M. Mass

by ordaining seven men to the priesthood. This was the largest ordination class in recent memory, certainly the largest class in the past 50 years. The seven men who will become Roman Catholic priests represent the

great universality that is the Church. Three of the men are from Vietnam, one is from Poland, one from Mexico, and the two from Raton and Albuquerque, New Mexico represent rural and city parishes of our archdi-

ocese. This day will be a cause of great joy for all Catholics in the archdiocese as we have been blessed not with a shortage but with an increase of seminarians in recent years.



Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe, NM

June/July 2015





Celine Baca Radigan/ASF

“Follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men…” Matthew 4:19





June/July 2015


Climate encyclical expected to send strong moral message to the world By Barbara J. Fraser

LIMA, Peru (CNS) -- Pope Francis’ upcoming encyclical on ecology and climate is expected to send a strong moral message -- one message that could make some readers uncomfortable, some observers say. “The encyclical will address the issue of inequality in the distribution of resources and topics such as the wasting of food and the irresponsible exploitation of nature and the consequences for people’s life and health,” Archbishop Pedro Barreto Jimeno of Huancayo, Peru, told Catholic News Service. “Pope Francis has repeatedly stated that the environment is not only an economic or political issue,

The New Mexico Conference of Churches is pleased to welcome Archbishop Wester to the Land of Enchantment We look forward to continuing our 50 years of ecumenical work together. We also give thanks for Archbishop Sheehan’s ministry with us and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

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but is an anthropological and ethical matter,” he said. “How can you have wealth if it comes at the expense of the suffering and death of other people and the deterioration of the environment?” The encyclical, to be published June 18, is titled “Laudato Sii” (“Praised Be”), the first words of St. Francis’ “Canticle of the Creatures.” Although Archbishop Barreto was not involved in the drafting of the encyclical, he worked closely with then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio in 2007 on a document by the Latin American bishops’ council that included an unprecedented section on the environment. The encyclical is not expected to be a theological treatise or a technical document about environmental issues, but a pastoral call to change the way people use the planet’s resources so they are sufficient not only for current needs, but for future generations, observers said. The document “will emphasize that the option for stewardship of the environment goes hand in hand with the option for the poor,” said Carmelite Father Eduardo Agosta Scarel, a climate scientist who teaches at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina and the National University of La Plata in Buenos Aires. “I think the pope wants us to become aware of this,” said Father Agosta, who was involved in preparatory consultations about the encyclical. “He is aiming at a change of heart. What will save us is not technology or science. What will save us is the ethical transformation of our society.” The pontiff probably foreshadowed the encyclical

during his first public Mass as pope on March 19, 2013, Father Agosta said. In his homily, he said, “Let us be ‘protectors’ of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.” Although the document will be published in the wake of a seminar on climate change in April at the Vatican, it will not be limited to that issue and will probably focus on the relationship between people and their environment, Archbishop Barreto said. “What the pope brings to this debate is the moral dimension,” said Anthony Annett, climate change and sustainable development adviser to the Earth Institute at Columbia University and to the nonprofit Religions for Peace. “His unique way of looking at the problem, which is deeply rooted in Catholic social teaching, resonates with people all across the world.” Annett called the timing of the encyclical “extremely significant.” A month after it is published, global representatives will meet at a conference on financing for development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In September, the pope will address the United Nations at a session that is likely to see the approval of a new set of global development objectives, the Sustainable Development Goals, which include environmental criteria. And in December, negotiators and world leaders will converge on Paris to finish hammering out a treaSee CLIMATE ENCYCLICAL on page 20

Cardinal: Lay ministers co-workers in evangelization mission of church ST. LOUIS (CNS) -- As the role of the laity in the Catholic Church expands, lay ministers have a co-responsibility with their ordained counterparts in furthering

the church’s mission of evangelization, said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston. Cardinal DiNardo was the opening speaker at the Lay Ecclesial Ministry Summit June 7-8 in St. Louis. About 120 bishops and pastoral leaders reflected on “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord,” the bishops’ statement on lay ecclesial ministry released 10 years ago. They also discussed the current landscape of lay ministry and what the future holds. The summit, held just prior to the bishops’ annual spring general assembly June 1012 in St. Louis, was sponsored by U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, Committee on Cultural Diversity

in the Church and the Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service, with the support of the Committee on Doctrine. There are more than 39,600 lay ecclesial ministers in the United States, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. They are primarily involved in religious education, sacramental preparation, liturgy and/or music ministry and general parish administration. Cardinal DiNardo said the bishops’ statement was a “watershed document” that offered a slice of a fuller picture of “delineating the meaning about co-responsibility among the faithful and the shepherds for the church’s mission of evangelization.”

June/July 2015





Announcing the 30th Anniversary Spirituality Institute Summer Program By Bro. Brian Dybowski Discover how God prays in you and with you. Enjoy St. Therese of Lisieux, the sweetest of our modern saints, and doctor of the Church. Rejoice in Our Lady’s surprising gifts to us, her children. Delight in Christ’s parables. These topics will be offered in Santa Fe, at St. Michael’s High School. Bro. Joseph Schmitd, FSC, M.A., Brother Brian Dybowski, FSC, Ph.D., and Rev. Bob Patterson, MA will present these spiritual gems from June 21 to July 11. You can enjoy praying your experiences, following St. Theresa’s Little Way, dwelling in Our Lady,

and probing Christ’s parables. Bro. Joseph will help you to pray your daily events. He will unveil God speaking to you in what’s happening, and teach you to preserve your experience by journaling. From Sunday night, June 21st through Wednesday night, June 24th, Bro. Joseph will provide evening sessions for those who work, and morning sessions for those who are free. God reveals Himself in daily details. He reaches out to you every instant of the day. Learn how to recognize His loving caress, and respond lovingly. Bro. Joseph will start his second week, on St. Therese, Monday morning,

June 29th, and will offer two sessions per morning through Friday noon, July 3rd. Evening sessions run Monday through Thursday. He will present insights to his popular book “Walking the Little Way of St. Therese of Lisieux”. Learn her way of love, expressed by doing small things to please God. Bro. Brian Dybowski, FSC, Ph.D. will explore the wonders

of Our Lady, Mother of God, and our mother, from Sunday night July 5th through Friday noon July 10th. He will offer five evening sessions, Sunday through Thursday, plus two morning sessions per day, Monday through Friday. Listen to Mary our mom speaking just a few sentences from scripture, but volumes from her great example. See how she provides Jesus for us, and nur-

tures His life in us. Learn from St. John Paul II, and from Pope Benedict XVI, how to trace Our Lady’s gentle influence on us. The Spirituality Institute offers these events free of charge, with optional donations. Generous donors cover costs of these presentations. More details are available at, or email, or call Bro. Brian at 505.470.0377.

Congratulations and blessings, Archbishop John C. Wester from the Catholic Charismatic Center of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Catholic Charismatic Center of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Archbishop John C. Wester C Congratulations and prayerful b wishes on your installation. best M the Archdiocese of Santa Fe May grow in faith and love with your spiritual guidance.





June/July 2015

June/July 2015





The Coat of Arms of His Excellency Most Reverend John Charles Wester 12th Archbishop of Santa Fe


h e Most Reverend John C. Wester’s Coat of Arms reflects Faith, Devotion and Union with Christ -- and contains symbols of his personal journey of faith: The Sacred heart of Jesus, Mary the Mother of God, and words from the Gospel of Saint John the Evangelist. The heart surrounded by thorns and surmounted by flames is the traditional symbol of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This represents Archbishop Wester’s personal devotion to the Sacred Heart and his complete reliance on Christ’s ineffable and unfathomable love. As the church prays during the Eucharist, it is in Christ that we live and move and have our being. It was on Friday, June 19, 1998, the Feast of the Sacred Heart, that Archbishop Wester received news of the Holy Father’s call to become a bishop. The red rose, or rosette, is an ancient symbol of Mary, the Mystical Rose. Archbishop Wester’s family has lived for many years in Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Daly City where he attended grammar school and furthered his deep devotion to the Mother of God, a devotion which took its beginnings in the cradle of his home where the rosary was often prayed. The Book of the Gospels is open to the first words of the Gospel of Saint John the Evangelist, Archbishop Wester’s patron saint: In Principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum. (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.) Archbishop Wester humbly acknowledges his desire to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, at all times and in all places. By following

Christ’s call, he seeks to reflect the light of Christ in our world. The pronounced use of blue and green gives witness to Archbishop Wester’s Swedish and Irish heritage, and so honors his father and mother, Charles and Helen, the first teachers of their son in the ways of faith and love. Archbishop Wester’s motto, “Abide in Christ,” also honors the Evangelist of the Fourth Gospel and is taken from Jesus’ discourse at the Last Supper, John 15:4 “Abide in me, as I abide in you.” The use of the word “abide” underscores the intimate and permanent relationship we have with Christ. As branches only live if they are attached to the vine, so we live only in union with Christ, the Lamb of God. All this is seen in the sinister impalement (right side) of the device. By heraldic tradition, the arms of an archbishop, (impaled) with the arms of his jurisdiction, seen in the dexter impalement (left side) of the shield, in this case the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. These arms are composed of a red field (background) on which is displayed a gold (yellow) cross, of “The Faith,” to signify the name of the See City, “Holy Faith.” In the upper left quarter, that is created by the cross, is a tower triple-towered, of Castile (Spain). Issuing from the base of these arms are the crossed arms of Christ and St. Francis of Assisi, a classic representation of Saint Francis, to honor the titular of the Cathedral in the See City and also the Franciscan Missionaries who first evangelized in this area. All these arms are rendered in red and gold (yellow) which are traditional Spanish colors, signifying that the area around Santa Fe was, for a long time, a Spanish Colony. The device is completed with the external ornaments which are a gold archiepiscopal (two cross members) processional cross, which is placed in back of the shield and which extends above and below the shield, and

Archbishops of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Most Rev. John Baptist Lamy Fides et Opera 1st Archbishop of Santa Fe 1850 - 1885 Most Rev. John Baptist Salpointe Fides 2nd Archbishop of Santa Fe 1885 - 1894 Most Rev. Placid Louis Chapelle Deus Providebit 3rd Archbishop of Santa Fe 1894 - 1897 Most Rev. Peter Bourgade Ego Mater Sanctae Spei 4th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1899 - 1908 Most Rev. John Baptist Pitaval Iter paratutum 5th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1909 - 1918 Most Rev. Albert Thomas Daeger Devs Mevs et Omnia 6th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1919 - 1932 Most Rev. Rudolph Aloysius Gerken Non Ego Sed Tu Domine 7th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1933 - 1943 Most Rev. Edwin Vincent Byrne Mihi Vivere Christus Est 8th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1943 - 1963 Most Rev. James Peter Davis In Viam Pacis 9th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1964 - 1974 Most Rev. Robert Fortune Sanchez Instumentum Pacis 10th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1974 - 1993 Most Rev. Michael Jarboe Sheehan Love One Another Constantly 11th Archbishop of Santa Fe 1993 - 2015

WELCOME Archbishop John C. Wester St. Anne’s Parish in Santa Fe welcomes you to New Mexico and the Santa Fe Archdiocese. Fr. Leo W. Ortiz and the Parishioners of St. Anne’s Church

Most Rev. John Charles Wester Abide in Christ 12th Archbishop of Santa Fe 2015 -

a pontifical hat called a gallero, with its ten tassels, in four rows, on either side of the shield, all in green. The Pallium, which is seen below the shield, is the symbol of a special relationship with the Pope and expresses besides the power, that, in they are in communion with the Church of Rome. The Pallium is worn by Metropolitan Archbishops; those who oversee a Province of Diocese. These are the heraldic insignia of a prelate of the rank of Archbishop, by instruction of The Holy See of March 31, 1969.





June/July 2015


native of San Francisco, California, John Charles Wester was ordained a Roman Catholic priest for the Archdiocese of San Francisco on May 15, 1976. He earned degrees from Saint Joseph College, Mountain View, Saint Patrick Seminary, Menlo Park, the University of San Francisco and Holy Names College, Oakland. Following his priestly ordination, he served in Bay area parishes, Catholic high school administration and as Administrative Assistant to Archbishop John R. Quinn. In 1997 Pope John Paul II named him a Prelate of Honor with the title of Monsignor. He served as Vicar for Clergy in the Archdiocese and in 1998 was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco. From 2005-2006 the Bishop was the Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese. On January 8, 2007 Bishop Wester was appointed the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Salt Lake City and installed in Utah on March 14, 2007. His kind and thoughtful manner reflects his Episcopal motto: Abide in Christ. Throughout his ministry, Bishop Wester has served on numerous committees and boards locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. He currently serves on the following United States Conference of Catholic Bishop committees: the Administrative Committee, the Subcommittee on the Church in Africa, Committee on International Justice and Peace and is a consultant for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. Presently the Bishop chairs the USCCB Communication and Migration Committees and is a member of the Vatican Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.





Most Reverend John C. Wester 12th Archbishop of Santa Fe Santa Fe’s new archbishop says his place ‘is squarely in your midst’ By Marie Mischel Catholic News Service SANTA FE, N.M. (CNS) -- In his homily for his installation Mass June 4 as the new archbishop of Santa Fe, Archbishop John C. Wester recalled that Christ is represented symbolically as both the good shepherd and the lamb of God. “You and I are called to resign to ourselves in front of Our Lord Jesus as he did when he became one in us,” the archbishop said in Spanish. “As his disciples, the Lord calls us to give one and another so we can be the body of Christ, the church.” Switching to English, the archbishop developed these themes more deeply. “The image of the lamb in our churches points to the Good Shepherd in today’s Gospel, who cares for the sheep so much that he laid down his life for them, becoming the lamb of sacrifice,” he said. “It is precisely as the lamb of sacrifice that Jesus fulfills his role of shepherd, leading us through the cross to the Father, at whose right hand he sits.” Saying he was grateful to God for calling him to New Mexico, he added, “I am eager to listen to you and to learn from you how God has been working in your midst, calling you to new and ever-deepening life.” Archbishop Wester, 64, had headed the Salt Lake City Diocese, which encompasses the entire state of Utah, since 2007. On April 28, Continued on page 19

Leslie Radigan-Yodice /ASF

June/July 2015





June/July 2015

Archbishop John C. Wester, our new shepherd.

The Apostolic Decree is presented by Deacon Filiberto “Manny� Montoya.

His Eminence, William J. Cardinal Levada, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own Unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. JOHN 15:4

34 Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Abbots prepare for the historic liturgy.

Los Hermanos Penitentes offer the communion hym

Archbishop John C. Wester embraces his m Wester and receives a kiss from her after h on June 4, 2015.

June/July 2015





The Laguna Eagle Dancers offer praise and exaltation directed to the Almighty.

mn O Pan del Cielo Admirable.

mom Mrs. Helen his Installation Mass

People of God would like to thank the cathedral for their incredible work during this historic event. Please watch our website for a video of vespers and installation to be posted soon.


Intermountain Catholic

Our beloved, Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan.

La Conquistadora, Our Lady of the Conquest with Los Caballeros de Vargas. The title has come to be use as a symbol of the manner in which the Blessed Mother can conquer the hearts of her people with her faith and love.

Numerous clergy, religious and lay leaders representing dioceses throughout the USA included Salt Lake, San Francisco, Seattle packed the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.





June/July 2015

Pilgrimage to North American Shrines and Divine Mercy Conference

(Divine Mercy Conference Oct. 12 at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy at Stock Bridge, Mass.)

October 11 to 17, 2015

Price $1800. per person (includes all taxes and airfare) • Price Land Only $1200.

Speakers: Father Chris Alar MIC (Father Joseph), Bob and Maureen Digan, Dr. Bryan Thatcher and Father Seraphim Michalenko (if Fr. is available)

Also• Talks on Healing the Family Tree through Divine Mercy throughout the trip by William Wiebe

Shrine of the North American Martyrs St. Joseph Oratory, Montreal and St. Anne de Beaupre View the spectacular New England foliage On the last day we will stay at Niagra Falls In the evening we will have dinner on the famous revolving dining room at the Skylon Tower and watch the fireworks over the falls

Price includes round trip airfare from all the major US cities, transportation, tours, hotels and two meals a day. Call Scott Scaria at 860.289.2606. Make check payable to Poland-Medjugorje Pilgrimage and mail to Poland-Medjugorje Pilgrimage, P.O. Box 281059, East Hartford, CT 06128. We will have a spiritual director and daily Mass. Also, for other pilgrimages to Europe in 2015 visit our website at or contact Scott Scaria at 860.289.2606.

We’d like to congratulate and welcome our new Archbishop John C. Wester!

June/July 2015


Pope Francis named him to succeed Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan. His installation Mass was celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe. “Taking my cue from Pope Francis,” he said in his homily, “I realize there will be times when I lead from the front of the flock, or from behind, but always my place is squarely in your midst, giving thanks for your willingness to receive me, and assuring you of my desire to serve you to the best of my ability. Although he will miss the church in Utah, he said, “it is their love and their support that now will enable me to open myself to you, my brothers and sisters of this pilgrim church in the Southwest for years to come.” He mentioned that his father and friends, such as Sulpician Father Gene Konkel “and so many other family and friends in the Communion of Saints, are praying for me at this very moment. My Swedish father probably is tapping Father Gene on the shoulder and saying, ‘How did that square-head ever make it to Santa Fe.’ But I’m sure he’s also saying, ‘That’s my boy.’” Another theme of Archbishop Wester’s homily was that Catholics are

Nancy Wiechec/CNS

ARCHBISHOP continued from page 15

called “to serve the presence of God in the public square and to lead others to the good news that has found us and has taken hold of us. We who recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd are called to bring hope to the whole world, inviting others into the fold through our evangelization, our living of the Gospel,” he said. By pointing out God, who is in everything, to others, especially those who are suffering, he said, “we bring them evangelical hope; that is, we re-




mind them that they are not alone -Christ is there with them, and in the midst of it all, and he will never, ever abandon them.” When Catholics encounter strangers, “our first concern is not whether they have the proper documentation; our first concern is to welcome them and show them hospitality, and know that we are one with them in Jesus Christ,” he said. “That stranger is not always someone from another country. It can also be someone in our own family, our own parish, our own neighborhood.” He added that many people “in our midst” suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, fear of losing their employment, mental illness, bigotry or loneliness. The Catholic Church of Santa Fe has many other issues to address, including poverty, ensuring that the sanctity of human life is valued and upheld, and maintaining a safe environment for youth and young adults, he said. “In all of this, you and I are called not simply to point to the Good Shepherd, but to enlarge the fold, to help others realize that we are one, and we give of ourselves not out of charity, necessarily, but because we are one in Christ, united in love and mercy,” he said. Referencing Psalm 145, the arch-

bishop said justice and mercy must go together. “We must always show mercy to everyone, since God loves all his children, especially those who are most vulnerable, whose lives hang in the balance like a smoldering wick or a bruised reed, whether in the womb, living in the streets, or far from home,” he said. Archbishop Wester told the congregation he cannot be their bishop unless he is one with them. “And I can’t be one with you unless you embrace me as your bishop. I look forward to the years ahead as we journey with each other in the process of becoming one with Christ and one with each other, giving glory and praise to God as we are called to the Supper of the Lamb.” Ending his homily in Spanish, he said: “Please pray for me so I can keep following Christ, our good shepherd, giving myself completely to this faithful church of Santa Fe as your new pastor, so that in the upcoming years our loving God blesses and guides our steps as witnesses of the Lamb of God present in our midst in all the Southwest.” Copyright (c) 2015 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops


Archbishop John Wester

The People of San Miguel & Missions of Socorro County New Mexico Welcomes our new shepherd

ARCHBISHOP JOHN CHARLES WESTER THE 12TH ARCHBISHOP FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE May God bless you in the ministry here! Bienvenido Hermano Arzobisbo Juan Carlos!



NS de Esquipulas del Santuario de Chimayó, San José de Gracia de Las Trampas, NS del Rosario de Truchas, San Antonio de Padua de Córdova, San Miguel de El Valle, Santo Tomás de Ojo Sarco, Santo Domingo de Cúndiyo, San Isidro y Sagrado Corazón de Rio Chiquito



CLIMATE ENCYCLICAL from page 10 ty aimed at reducing the emis- zil, who works with Maryksion of greenhouse gases that noll’s Faith-Economics-Ecolcontribute to global warming. ogy Program. Some politicians have alThe pope has spoken out in ready questioned the pope’s the past on the “throwaway credentials for wading into culture, both of material goods the issue of climate change, that we buy and use for a few but that is only one of sever- months and then throw out, al environmental problems the and also throwaway people,” pope is likely to address, said he said. David Kane, a Maryknoll lay Kane hopes the encyclical missioner in Joao Pessoa, Bra- will help people understand



that overusing resources, from forests to fish to water, results in scarcity that can both increase and be exacerbated by climate change. He expects Pope Francis will remind people of the responsibility of caring for God’s creation. “Whether you think climate change is a problem or not, you cannot deny that running out of fish, oil, water and other resources is a really big prob-

4333 Pan American Fwy. NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107


PHONE: (505)

247-0444 FAX: (505) 243-1505


Welcome Archbishop John C. Wester!

Archbishop Sheehan

Thank you your We wish you God’s many blessings asforyou leadership over the past continue your faithful service the People of 22 years,toArchbishop Sheehan. May God God of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. bless you in your retirement.

June/July 2015

lem. The solution is a radical change in our concept of what makes a person happy. We need to move away from the idea that the more things we have, the happier we’ll be,” Kane said. Archbishop Barreto expects some controversy once people read the document, because resisting the “throwaway culture” by being satisfied with less means “putting money at

the service of people, instead of people serving money.” “(The encyclical) will have many critics, because they want to continue setting rules of the game in which money takes first place,” he said. “We have to be prepared for those kinds of attacks.” Copyright (c) 2015 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops


and congratulations Archbishop Wester May G o d ble ss you in your ne w role a s our she pherd.

—The staff of Berger Briggs 505.872.2901 •


505.872.2901 •

Thank You

Archbishop Sheehan Thank you for your leadership over the past 22 years, Archbishop Sheehan. May God bless you in your retirement.

505.872.2901 •

June/July 2015









With Thanksgiving to Almighty God,

Our Lady of Belén Parish and Saint Mary’s School of Belén welcome The Most Reverend John C. Wester as the Twelfth Archbishop of Santa Fe


June/July 2015

June/July 2015









June/July 2015

June/July 2015









June/July 2015

June/July 2015









June/July 2015

Parishioners, Deacons and Staff

The St. Pius X High School Community send their prayers and heartfelt congratulations to Archbishop John C. Wester as we welcome him as the 12th Archbishop of Santa Fe.

Of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Albuquerque, New Mexico


Archbishop John Wester To the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Father Juan Mendez, Pastor The Most Reverend Arthur N. Tafoya Bishop Emeritus of Pueblo, Colorado

June/July 2015


Rudolph, Cordrey Mr. Oren Cordrey and Miss Theresine (Terrie) Rudolph received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony on May 8, 1965 at Immaculate Conception Church in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Oren served in the United States Navy,

Ruiz, Santana Deacon Joe Santana and Miss Gloria Ruiz were joined in holy matrimony on June 12, See RUIZ, SANTANA on page 31




graduated from UNM and was employed at Seimens Transmission Systems as an accountant until retiring. Terri was employed at Albuquerque Public Schools, New Mexico Youth and Family Services and University of New Mexico Care Management Department. They are currently members of The Shrine of St. Bernadette in Albuquerque where Oren has served as an usher in the hospitality ministry. Terri has volunteered in the reli-


gious education ministry and presently volunteers at the St. Bernadette’s Gift Shop. She has previously volunteered at Catholic Charities. With faith, love and patience, Oren and Terri raised two wonderful sons, Gregory, wife Stephanie and daughter Skyler; Todd, wife Margo and children Alexi, Zane and Lincoln. Oren and Terri would like to give thanks to God for all of his blessings bestowed to their family.



“May the Dear Lord Bless You” June Rev. Joseph M. Vanderholt SJ 6/17 Rev. Nathan Libaire 6/20 Rev. Luis Regalado OSB 6/20 Rev. Ricardo Russo OFM 6/20 Rev. John Carney 6/25 Rt. Rev. Dom Philip Lawrence OSB 6/25 Rev. June N. Ramos 6/26 Rev. Jonas Romea 6/27 July Very Rev. Jack Clark Robinson OFM 7/4 Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan 7/9 Rev. William McNichols 7/10 Rev. Francis Dorff O.Praem 7/12 Rev. Gerald Steinmetz OFM 7/14 Rev. Javier Gutierrez SF 7/17 Rev. Ronald Stone 7/19 Rev. Jeffrey Tennison Whorton 7/20 Rev. Thomas Mayefske 7/22 Rev. Casimiro Roca SF 7/24 Rev. Jerome D. Mueller 7/25 Rev. Lawrence R. Brito 7/26 Rev. Colman Heffern OSB oliv. 7/27 Rev. Don Billiard OFM 7/28 Rev. Msgr. Anthony Bolman 7/28 Rev. Bernard Cranor OSB 7/30 Rev. Stephen Schultz 7/30 Very Rev. Glennon Jones 7/31 August Rev. Mark Granito 8/8 Rev. Msgr. Leo Gomez 8/12 Rev. Charles Dougherty C.P. 8/14 Rev. Antonio Mondragon 8/14


June/July 2015

Mark Your Calendars June 2015 Fri, June 12 Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Fri, June 12 Sacred Heart Feast Day, Est. 1903 Sacred Heart, Abq Fri, June 12 Sacred Heart Feast Day, Est. 1906 Sacred Heart, Clovis Fri, June 12 Sacred Heart of Jesus Feast Day, Est. 1950 Sacred Heart, Espanola Sat, June 13 St. Anthony de Padua Feast Day, Est. 1929 St. Anthony, Dixon Sat, June 13 St. Anthony of Padua Feast Day, Est. 1958 St. Anthony, Fort Sumner Sat, June 13 San Antonio de Padua Feast Day, Est. 1827 San Antonio de Padua, Peñasco Sat, June 13 St. Anthony of Padua Feast Day, Est. 1862 St. Anthony, Pecos Sat, June 13 St. Anthony Parish Feast Day Sandia Pueblo Sat, June 13 St. Anthony Parish Feast Day, Est. 1841 St. Anthony, Questa Sat, June 13 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Feast Day IHM, Los Alamos Mon, June 15 St. Alice Parish Feast Day, Est. 1911 St. Alice, Mountainair Sat, June 20 World Refugee Day Sat, June 20 Priestly ordination of Graham Golden, O. Praem 10 am Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Albuquerque Sun, June 21 Father’s Day Mon, June 22 La Santisima Trinidad Feast Day, Est. 1946 La Santisima Trinidad, Arroyo Seco Wed, June 24 St John the Baptist Feast Day Est 1953 St. John the Baptist, SF Wed, June 24 San Juan Bautista, & its Missions Pueblo Feast Day, Est. 1598 San Juan Bautista, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Sat, June 27 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Feast Day, Est. 1974 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Abq July 2015 Sat, July 4 Independence Day Tue, July 14 St. Bonaventure Feast Day Cochiti Pueblo Thu, July 16 Estancia Valley Feast Day, Est. 1972 Estancia Valley, Moriarty July 20-24 ASF Christian Leadership Institute Immaculate Conception Retreat Center, Las Vegas, NM Sat, July 25 San José Parish Feast Day, Est. 1883 San José Parish, Los Ojos Sun, July 26 St. Anne Parish Feast Day, Est. 1910 St. Anne Parish, Tucumcari Sun, July 26 St. Anne Feast Day Santa Ana Pueblo Sun, July 26 St. Anne Parish Feast Day, Est. 1929 St. Anne, Abq Mon, July 27 Holy Family (Roy), St. Joseph (Mosquero), St. George (Roy), Misa del Cerro Parish Feast Day, Est. 1894 Holy Family, (Roy) St. Joseph (Mosquero) St. George (Roy) Fri, July 31 San Ignacio Parish Feast Day, Est. 1916 San Ignacio, Abq Fri, July 31 St. Anne Parish Feast Day, Est. 1942 St. Anne, SF August 2015 Sun, Aug 2 San Diego Mission Feast Day, Est. 1905 Jemez Pueblo Tue, Aug 4 St. John Vianney Feast Day, Est. 2013 St. John Vianney, Rio Rancho Tue, Aug 4 St. Dominic Feast Day Santo Domingo Pueblo Feast of the Assumption Sat, Aug 8 Men Under Construction St. Pius X High School Gymnasium

TV Mass Schedule The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6 and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass Donations may be sent online to or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 Date Readings (Cycle C) June 21, 2015 Jb 38:1, 8-11 12th Sunday Ordinary Time Rev. Ronald Bowers LV 13:1-2, 44-46 Ps 107:23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31 2 Cor 5:14-17 Lk 7:16 June 28, 2015 12th Sunday Ordinary Time Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24 Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 Cf. 2 Tm 1:10 Mk 5:21-43 July 5, 2015 Ez 2:2-5 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3-4 Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem 2 Cor 12:7-10 Cf. Luke 4:18 Mk 6:1-6 July 12, 2015 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time Am 7:12-15 Rev. Daniel Gutierrez Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 Eph 1:3-14 Cf. Eph 1:17-18 Mk 6:7-13 July 19, 2015 Ex 3:1-6, 9-12 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Rev. Daniel Gutierrez PS 103:1b-2, 3-4, 6-7 See Mt 11:25 Mt 11:25-27


July 26, 2015 2 Kgs 4:42-44 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Rev. Ronald Bowers Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18 Eph 4:1-6 Lk 7:16 Jn 6:1-15 August 2, 2015 Ex 16:2-4, 12-15 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54 Rev. Ronald Bowers Eph 4:17, 20-24 Mt 4:4b Jn 6:24-35 August 9, 2015 1 Kgs 19:4-8 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time Rev. Andrew Pavlak Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Eph 4:30—5:2 Jn 6:51 Jn 6:41-51

505.242.0561 575.763.6947 505.753.4225 505.579.4389 575.355.2320 575.587.2111 575.757.6345 505.228.2757 575.586.0470 505.662.6193 505.847.2264 505.873.4399 575.776.2273 505.983.5034 505.852.4179 505.256.1539

505.465.2226 505.832.6655 505.831.8142 575.588.7473 575.461.2515 575.834.7300 505.877.3121 575.485.9633 505.243.4287 505.983.4430 575.834.7300 505.892.4449 505.465.2226 505.831.8165

Roman Catholic Saints Calendar June 2015 15 St. Marguerite d’Youville 16 St. John Francis Regis 17 St. Joseph Cafasso 18 Venerable Matt Talbot 19 St. Romuald 20 St. Paulinus of Nola 21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga 22 St. Thomas More 23 St. John Fisher 24 Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist 25 Blessed Jutta of Thuringia 26 Blessed Raymond Lull 27 St. Cyril of Alexandria 28 St. Irenaeus 29 Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul 30 First Martyrs of the Church of Rome

15 St. Bonaventure 16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel 17 St. Francis Solano 18 St. Camillus de Lellis 19 St. Mary MacKillop 20 St. Apollinaris 21 St. Lawrence of Brindisi 22 St. Mary Magdalene 23 St. Bridget 24 St. Sharbel Makhluf 25 St. James 26 Sts. Joachim and Anne 27 Blessed Antonio Lucci 28 St. Leopold Mandic 29 St. Martha 30 St. Peter Chrysologus 31 St. Ignatius of Loyola

July 2015 1 Blessed Junipero Serra 2 St. Oliver Plunkett 3 St. Thomas the Apostle 4 St. Elizabeth of Portugal 5 St. Anthony Zaccaria 6 St. Maria Goretti 7 Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions 8 St. Gregory Grassi and Companions 9 St. Nicholas Pick and Companions 10 St. Veronica Giuliani 11 St. Benedict 12 Sts. John Jones and John Wall 13 St. Henry 14 St. Kateri Tekakwitha

August 2015 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori 2 St. Eusebius of Vercelli 3 St. Peter Julian Eymard 4 St. John Vianney 5 Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica 6 Transfiguration of the Lord 7 St. Cajetan 8 St. Dominic 9 St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) 10 St. Lawrence 11 St. Clare of Assisi 12 St. Jane Frances de Chantal 13 Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus 14 St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe

June/July 2015

RUIZ, SANTANA from page 29 1965 at Holy Ghost Parish. They were blessed with three daughters, Jennifer (husband Charles), Julia (husband Greg), and Jolene (husband Eric) and five grandchildren, Cameron, Casey,


Xavier, Courtney, and Tobias. They will welcome their first great-grandchild in July 2015. Joe retired from Sandia National Laboratories after 38 years of service. Gloria retired from managing a pediatric office. Joe was



ordained into the diaconate in 2003 and is assigned to the Shrine of St. Bernadette in Albuquerque where he is currently on staff. Gloria enjoys quilting, volunteering at the Shrine and spending time with her family. Italy is in their


future plans; a trip with other deacons and their wives. We are grateful to the many people who served as examples and mentors in this journey of married life, especially our parents, our pastors, and our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Parish Staff and the Community of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church welcomes Archbishop John C. Wester. Le deseamos buena salud y la bendicion de Dios. Fr. Nathan Libaire, Pastor





June/July 2015

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