June/July 2014 People of God

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June/July 2014 • Volume 32 • Number 6 • www.archdiosf.org




Archbishop’s Letter, “Go and Preach the Gospel!”................................. 3 Tributes to Archbishop............................................................................. 5 Archbishop’s Communiques.................................................................... 7 New Construction/Renovations............................................................. 10 Church Preservation & Archbishop’s Commission................................ 12 San Martin de Porres Ground Breaking, Blessing................................. 13 Ordinations 2014................................................................................... 14 Distinguished Disciples.......................................................................... 18 Jubilees................................................................................................. 20 Serving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe





June/July 2014

…One Another Constantly

I’m interested in people and in helping people get to heaven. Archbishop Sheehan


his June/July issue of People of God is dedicated with love, respect and gratitude to our shepherd, Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan, STL, JCD installed as the 11th Archbishop of Santa Fe on September 1993. In the issue we attempt to highlight a few of his copious good works and some of the tributes to Archbishop we received while squeezing in a bit of news from around the archdiocese into our 28 page newspaper. This in itself was quite a challenge, but a true honor. We hope we did it justice as we join

him in celebrating Archbishop Sheehan’s 75th Birthday on July 9, 2014--the day he will submit his resignation to Pope Francis per Canon 401 §1 of the Code of Canon Law which states that diocesan bishops must submit their resignation to the pope on reaching the age of 75. Golden Jubilee--50 years of service to the priesthood (19 years of priesthood, 10 Bishop of Diocese of Lubbock, and 21 years as Archbishop of Santa Fe). During Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan’s tenure as the lead archdiocesan shepherd, he rebuilt the archdiocese during a tumultuous period, created a safe environment built on a bedrock of Zero Tolerance for all his

flock and even with his retirement around the bend he continues to strengthen New Mexico’s >400 years of faith with his extensive theological prowess and deep fervor. A highly-regarded spiritual leader and prolific writer, he is noted for his high energy rarely turning down a meeting with parishioners, and State and community leaders throughout the archdiocese’s 61,142 square miles. His joyful leadership as a trailblazer has been an inspiration for many including myself having served in his administration for 18 years as Director of Development and Programs for the Catholic Schools System, Director of Communications/Media and as a member of his cabinet. I have been truly blessed. Recently, I was fortunate to interview Archbishop about his life as a priest. What follows will hopefully give you, the reader, another lens to learn more about this energetic, joyful 75 year-old man who is regularly heard saying “I love being a priest. I can’t imagine doing anything else”. Always armed with heady expressions and a unique leadership style I asked Archbishop Sheehan to elaborate on a few. Happily and uncomplicatedly Catholic Coming from a strong Catholic family Archbishop said these words described his father. “He was happily Catholic and he wasn’t worried about divisions in the Church or different theologies or different liturgies or anything, just uncomplicatedly Catholic.” He said, “To me, it meant just to focus on the truth of the

Church and put all the little differences and the unique things that Catholics can be upset about in their proper prospective…Being uncomplicatedly Catholic is to focus on the truth of the faith, the joy of the faith, the Apostolic traditions going all the way back to Christ and Peter and all of the Popes, all the way to the saints.” A bird needs a left wing and a right wing to fly straight. “Well it’s real clear, try to avoid extremes. I look for the truth, what’s the best thing in this situation. On some things I might be considered liberal, other things I might be considered conservative, but I try basically to be a middle-of-theroad person. I’ve got to be the bishop for the people on the extreme left, the ultra-liberals, as well as the people that want everything like it was in 1950. So, to try to keep all the different groups of Catholics together to be happily and uncomplicatedly Catholic with the Holy Father and focusing on the continuing the traditions that we have, we must not to be aligned with only one group of people, but have room for everyone.“ When asked to describe his leadership style he said, “Well, I think pastoral is the word, I’m interested in people and in helping people get to heaven. I try to help people meet the challenges they face in the modern world by being a Believer in a society that has become in some ways rather Pagan. Our American society has shifted away from spiritual values. We must be able to keep our Catholic people focused on the spir-

itual things and not go another direction. My pastoral sense has been very important to me my whole life, to be concerned about the spiritual needs of the people and the practical aspects of it.” Seventy-five years old, retirement are mere words when listening to his intense schedule. I find it hard to believe that many in our bountiful seminarian class can keep up his pace. When asked about his schedule, he said “The People of God calendar is only what we know about two months before it’s going to happen, so a lot of times things get added to my calendar because of the needs at that moment…I keep very busy. I think it is very important to exercise. I’m almost 75 and I was out this morning to do my two mile walk, some running and daily calisthenics. I’ll be at the gym tomorrow to do my third of a mile swim at the pool and work the machines because I can’t do my priestly and Episcopal work without having my health...And, of course obviously, the importance of prayer life… Pope Francis has spoken about the importance of bishops and priests being men of prayer, because they wouldn’t have anything to offer people if they themselves weren’t regular in their prayer life, you know, morning prayer, evening prayer, readings, the Mass, regular confession, visits to the Blessed Sacrament. During Lent, I do the Stations of the Cross every night, so prayer life, spiritual life is very important.” Thank you, Archbishop, for helping us get to heaven. Celine Baca Radigan, Editor

June/July 2014





IN THE RISEN LORD Go and Preach the Gospel! Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

St. Basil the Great once said, “Whoever has been called to the preaching of the Gospel should obey instantly and without delay.” An appropriate quote for the men who are called to holy orders this month of June in 2014! Each man is called to a different level of ordination. Rev. Mr. Christopher Bernabe, Rev. Mr. Dominic Pierson, and Rev. Mr. Felipe Valadez are currently transitional deacons. They use the term “Rev. Mr.” because they are in a kind of a holding pattern between being a seminarian and a priest. These three men will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, June 7, at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe. They

will again make the promise to obey me as archbishop and my successors. They will receive the authority to forgive sins in the name of Jesus Christ and to celebrate Mass where they will change bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ (transubstantiation). They already made the promise of celibacy and received the authority to baptize, witness marriages, and preach the Gospel during their diaconate ordination. All three are being ordained to the diocesan priesthood so they do not take a vow of poverty. Only those who are ordained to a religious community take a vow of poverty during ordination. In fact, diocesan priests do not take vows at all– they make promises; religious community priests do take vows. These three men will be welcomed by their brother priests during

part of the ceremony. Upon ordination be welcomed by permanent deacons to the priesthood, they will continue to during part of the ceremony. Upon be under my authority, or my succes- ordination to the transitional diaconsors’ authority. They are not under the ate they will be under my authority, or authority of the vicar for priests (cur- my successors’ authority. They are not rently Fr. John Cannon) or the vicar under the authority of the vocations digeneral (currently Msgr. Lambert Jo- rector (currently Fr. Michael DePalma) seph Luna), but they can go to them but they will continue to receive direction and guidance from him. for guidance. We have 11 men to be ordained to The following six seminarians: Michael Garcia, Edgar Sanchez, Beno- the permanent diaconate! They are: it Trieu Van Vu, William Woytavich Kevin Barkocy, Luis Bernal, Ted and Rob Yaksich will be ordained to Branch, Mark Buie, Harold Gallegos, the transitional diaconate on Saturday, Steve Garcia, Chris Gilbert, Sal MerJune 7, at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral cado, Maurice Rodriguez, Joseph ValBasilica of St. Francis of Assisi in dez, and Larry Torres. Their ordinaSanta Fe. They make the promise of tion will take place on Saturday, June obedience to me as archbishop and my 21, 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral Basilsuccessors and the promise of celiba- ica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa cy. They will receive the authority to Continued on page 17 baptize, witness marriages, and preach the Gospel. Upon ordination they will Editor’s note: This article was be referred to as “Rev. Mr.” They will submitted prior to the ordination.

¡Vayan y Prediquen el Evangelio! Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan

San Basilio el Grande dijo una vez: “El que ha sido llamado a la predicación del Evangelio debería obedecer al instante y sin demora.” ¡Una frase muy apropiada para los hombres que son llamados a las Órdenes Sagradas este mes de junio del 2014! Cada uno de ellos ha sido llamado a un diferente nivel de ordenación. Los Reverendos Señores Christopher Bernabe, Dominic Pierson, y Felipe Valadez actualmente son diáconos transitorios. Utilizan el título de “Reverendo Señor” porque se encuentran en un período de transición entre ser seminaristas y sacerdotes. Ellos serán ordenados al sacerdocio el sábado 7 de Junio a las 10:00 am en la Catedral Basílica de San Francisco de Asís en Santa Fe y harán de nuevo la promesa de obedecerme a mí como su Arzobispo y a mis sucesores. Ellos recibirán la autoridad para perdonar pecados en el nombre de Jesucristo y para celebrar la misa, donde cambiarán el pan y el vino en el Cuerpo y en la Sangre de Cristo (transubstanciación). Durante su Ordenación Diaconal ellos ya hicieron la

promesa de ser célibes y recibieron la autoridad para bautizar, ser testigos de matrimonios, y predicar el Evangelio. Los tres serán ordenados al sacerdocio diocesano, por lo que no harán votos de pobreza. Solamente aquellos que son ordenados para una comunidad religiosa hacen votos de pobreza durante su ordenación. De hecho, los sacerdotes diocesanos no hacen votos, sino promesas; los sacerdotes de comunidades religiosas sí hacen votos. Los tres hombres arriba mencionados serán recibidos por sus hermanos sacerdotes durante la ceremonia y tras su ordenación al sacerdocio continuarán estando bajo mi autoridad o de la autoridad de mi sucesor. No bajo la autoridad del Vicario para Sacerdotes (actualmente el Padre John Cannon) ni del Vicario General (actualmente el Monseñor Joseph Lambert Luna), pero pueden acudir a ellos en busca de orientación. Los siguientes seis seminaristas: Michael García, Edgar Sánchez, Benoit Trieu Van Vu, William Woytavich y Rob Yaksich serán ordenados al di-

aconado transitorio el mismo sábado 7 de Junio a las 10:00am en la Catedral Basílica de San Francisco de Asís en Santa Fe. Ellos harán su promesa de obediencia a mí como su Arzobispo y a mis sucesores, y de ser célibes. Recibirán también la autoridad para bautizar, ser testigos de matrimonios, y predicar el Evangelio. Tras esta ordenación cada uno de ellos será conocido como “Reverendo Señor” y serán recibidos por los diáconos permanentes durante la ceremonia. Tras la ordenación al Diaconado Transicional, ellos estarán bajo mi autoridad o la autoridad de mis sucesores, no bajo la autoridad del director de vocaciones (actualmente el Padre Michael DePalma), pero continuarán recibiendo dirección y orientación de su parte. Tenemos 11 hombres que serán ordenados al diaconado permanente. Ellos son: Kevin Barkocy, Luis Bernal, Ted Branch, Marcos Buie, Harold Gallegos, Steve García, Chris Gilbert, Sal Mercado, Maurice Rodríguez, José Valdez, y Larry Torres. Su ordenación se llevará a cabo el sábado 21 de Junio

a las 10:00 am también en la Catedral Basílica de San Francisco de Asís en Santa Fe. A estos hombres se les dará la autoridad para bautizar, ser testigos de matrimonios, y predicar el Evangelio. Todos estos hombres harán la promesa de obediencia a mí como su Arzobispo y a mis sucesores. Harold Gallegos y Larry Torres son los únicos solteros de este grupo. Los otros nueve hombres saben que si su esposa falleciera, ellos no podrían casarse de nuevo a menos que el Vaticano les otorgara el permiso para hacerlo. Ellos serán recibidos por sus hermanos diáconos permanentes durante la ceremonia. De acuerdo a nuestra tradición en esta arquidiócesis, estos hombres no utilizarán el término “Reverendo Señor.” Su título será Diácono. Tras la ordenación al Diaconado Permanente, estos hombres estarán bajo mi autoridad o la autoridad de mis sucesores, no bajo la autoridad del director del Diaconado PermanenContinued on page 17 Nota del editor: Este artículo fue sometido previo a la ordenación.



Archbishop’s Schedule

June 7 Sat 10:00 a.m. 8 Sun 12:00 Noon 9 === ======== 10-13 === ======== 15 Sun 10:30 a.m. 16 Mon ======== 17 Tue ======== 18-19 === ======== 20 Fri 4:00 p.m. 21 Sat 10:00 a.m. 22 Sun 12:00 Noon 3:00 p.m. 23 Mon ======== 24 Tue ======== 5:30 p.m. 25 Wed ======== 27 Fri 8:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 28 Sat 9:30 a.m. 29 Sun 3:00 p.m. 30 Mon ======== July 1 2 4 6

Tue ======== Wed 10:00 a.m. Fri ======== Sun 4:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 7 Mon 6:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8 Tue 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 9 Wed ======== 11 Fri 11:15 a.m. 14 Mon 8:00 a.m. 15 Tue ======== 16 Wed ======== 18 Fri 4:00 p.m. 19-21 === ======== 21 Mon 6:00 p.m. 22 === ======== 23 Wed ======== 25 Fri 11:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 26 Sat 10:00 a.m. 27 Sun 8:00 a.m. 28-31 === ========

Priesthood & Transitional Diaconate Ordination, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Confirmation, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe joined by Cristo Rey, Chama, and Cerrillos Priest Retreat, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe USCCB Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA Confirmation, St. Mary’s, Vaughn joined by Fort Sumner Office Appointments Office Appointments North American College Reunion, New York Vatican International Eucharistic Miracle Exhibit, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Permanent Diaconate Ordination, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Corpus Christi Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Corpus Christi Procession, Santa Fe Office Appointments Office Appointments Catholic Charities Matthew 25 Appreciation Event, St. Joseph Community Health Office, Albuquerque Office Appointments Archdiocesan Finance Council Archbishop’s Catholic Radio Hour Annual Scouting Awards Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Vespers/Procession from Cathedral Basilica to Rosario Cemetery, Santa Fe Office Appointments Office Appointments College of Consultors, Catholic Center Office Closed Procession from Rosario Cemetery to Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe Pontifical Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Closing Novena, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Mass for 7th Anniversary of the Summorum Pontificum, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Presbyteral Council, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Deans, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe Office Appointments Mass & Lunch with Catholic Center Employees and Advisors 50th Anniversary of Priesthood Celebration, Catholic Center Cochiti Pueblo Feast Day Mass Office Appointments Office Appointments Mass, 50th Anniversary of Priesthood, Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe Time with Family Serra Club Priest Appreciation Dinner, Hotel Albuquerque Office Appointments Office Appointments Judge Spanish Market Artwork, Santa Fe Opening Liturgy, Southwest Catholic Charismatic Conference Crowne Plaza Hotel, Albuquerque Mass, Sacred Heart Mission, Moses Spanish Market Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Vacation

August 1-7 === ======== Vacation 8 Fri 4:00 p.m. Masses, Philmont Boy Scout Ranch 9 Sat 11:00 a.m. Mass, 150th Anniversary of Parish, Immaculate Conception, Cimarron 10 Sun 9:00 a.m. Mass, Feast Day, Picuris Pueblo



June/July 2014

Archbishop Sheehan has made the following assignment:

Effective Tuesday, May 27, 2014 – Rev. Baaju Izuchi CSSp, Director of Hospital Chaplaincy Services will be in residence at the rectory of Sacred Heart Parish in Albuquerque. Effective Sunday June 1, 2014 – Rev. Steven Abaukaka, assigned to Hospital Ministry will be in residence at the rectory of Queen of Heaven Parish in Albuquerque. Effective Friday, June 20, 2014 – Newly Ordained Rev. Felipe Valadez, has been appointed as Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Belen in Belen, under the direction of the Pastor, Rev. Stephen Schultz. Effective Friday, June 20, 2014 – Newly Ordained Rev. Dominic Pierson, has been appointed as Parochial Vicar at San Juan Bautista in Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo and its missions under the direction of the Pastor, Rev. Larry Brito. Effective Friday, June 20, 2014 – Newly Ordained Rev. Christopher Bernabe has been appointed as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho under the direction of the Pastor, Rev. Msgr. Douglas A. Raun. Effective Tuesday, July 1, 2014 – Rev. Michael DePalma, currently Pastor at San Ysidro in Corrales, has been appointed as Pastor of Aquinas Newman Center in Albuquerque. Rev. DePalma will continue as the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Effective Tuesday, July 1, 2014 – Rev. Simon Carian, has been appointed as Parochial Vicar at Aquinas Newman Center in Albuquerque under the direction of the Pastor, Rev. Michael DePalma. Effective Tuesday, July 1, 2014 – Rev. James McGowan, currently Pastor at St. Helen in Portales, has been appointed as Pastor of San Ysidro in Corrales. Effective Tuesday, July 1, 2014 – Rev. Charles Ugochukwu, currently Pastor at San Juan Nepomuceno in El Rito, has been appointed as Pastor of St. Helen in Portales. Effective Tuesday, July 1, 2014 – Rev. Albert Mutebi Ssekabembe, currently Parochial Vicar at San Juan Bautista in Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo and its missions, has been appointed as Pastor of San Juan Nepomuceno in El Rito and its missions. Effective Monday, July 7, 2014 – Rev. Oscar Coelho, has been appointed as Adjutant Judicial Vicar at the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Tribunal under the leadership of the Judicial Vicar, Very Rev. Dennis Garcia. Rev. Coelho will be in residence at the rectory of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Albuquerque.

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Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan cradigan@archdiosf.org

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan-Yodice lradigan@archdiosf.org Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official


June/July 2014





ributes have been flowing in for Archbishop. You can read some here. KUDOS On behalf of the Pueblo of Isleta and St. Augustine Parish, we wish to express our sincere love and gratitude to Archbishop Michael Sheehan. The Archbishop has been very supportive and caring for the people of the Pueblo and our parish community. Over the years St Augustine has celebrated many successes and historical celebrations, such as St. Augustine Church’s Restoration rededication, the church’s 400year old celebration, and other numerous feast days, of which Archbishop has presided over and blessed us with his presence. Because of his love and recognition of our continued faith within our community and strong convictions for our Catholic and Native traditions, Archbishop Sheehan honored us with the Shrine of St. Kateri Tekakwitha for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. We thank you, Archbishop Sheehan, for all your years of love and dedication to our Pueblo. May the Lord bless you on your new journey into retirement. You will always remain in our hearts and prayers here at St. Augustine. Governor Edward P. Torres, Sr., Fr. George Pavamkott, O.Praem, Pastor, The People of St. Augustine Parish Archbishop Sheehan brought my wife and me into the Catholic Church. He helped me to tell the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande, which I was serving, why effective leaders must follow their conscience above all. And in the transition, he was a pastor’s pastor, staying in touch every week. We love him! Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson, Ordinary, Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter Bishop Oscar Cantú and the people of the Diocese of Las Cruces wish to thank Archbishop Michael Sheehan for his unwavering support, his wise counsel, and his loving presence over the last 21 years. May God continue to bless his ministry to the archdiocese and the province. Archbishop Sheehan has truly been a blessing to me personally and to my family for many years, but especially since I took office in 2009. His leadership in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe has inspired me, as the mayor, in many ways. He is a good friend and mentor and a great example of true servant leadership. Mayor Richard Berry, Albuquerque I was privileged to have known Archbishop Sheehan since the time both of us were young priests. We met at the Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC) in San Antonio, TX, where I was the director and the future archbishop a member of the

board of directors. Fr. Sheehan was totally supportive of our work at MACC, a pastoral center serving the needs of the growing Hispanic community in the church of the United States. His cheerful personality has been his enduring hallmark and he has always embodied the expression of Pope Francis: “THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL.” We became bishop friends when he was appointed the first bishop of Lubbock and I was serving as the first bishop of Las Cruces. Out of our meager funds in Las Cruces, I sent him $2,000 to help him get started and as a token of support. The next week another bishop sent me $10,000 as a gift to our new diocese! God is indeed full of surprises! When he became the archbishop of Santa Fe, he became my metropolitan archbishop. He has been a great neighbor, a dear friend and a most helpful spiritual brother to me all the years he has been in New Mexico. I have admired his strong leadership, his creativity in pastoral endeavors and the joy he brings to any occasion. As he approaches retirement, I will be happy to “show him the ropes” of a bishop emeritus! Bishop Emeritus Ricardo Ramirez, C.S.B., Diocese of Las Cruces


I first met Archbishop Michael Sheehan in 1990 at IHM Seminary Santa Fe when I was the Archdiocesan Vocation Director and he was the Bishop of Lubbock Texas. I immediately sensed his joyful enthusiasm for the life of the church. His enthusiasm for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe: its people, clergy, history, culture, traditions, has been unwavering and inspiring. Thank you Archbishop Michael for your personal friendship and complete dedication to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Msgr. Richard Olona, Pastor, Santuario de San Martin de Porres It was 1993, and our archdiocese was reeling from Archbishop Sanchez’ stepping down and the long simmering clergy abuse crisis. I was pastor of Santa Maria de La Paz Community, a new parish in Santa Fe in the process of building a new church. When Archbishop Sheehan took charge, his financial advisors told him to stop the work on our church; to rather use the designated money for it to pay off the lawsuits. He called me to relay his decision: “I didn’t come to this archdiocese to go back, but to move forward.” The church was built and the archdiocese has moved on with his steady leadership! Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire, Pastor, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Del Valle de Pojoaque

We want to take this opportunity to thank Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan for his support. Because of the Archbishop’s support, our deacon community has grown from 66 to 214, since his arrival here in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. We are truly grateful Archbishop Sheehan has always befriended me and we pray for God’s blessing on him. Deacon personally and has always helped our monastic com- Steve Rangel, Director of Deacons & Diaconate munity at Christ in the Desert. I have wonderful Formation memories of visits to his home, meals there and even passing the night there because it was too far for me In 2002, as vice chancellor for the Archdiocese of to drive back to the monastery. He has braved our Denver, I accompanied newly ordained Bishop Jose road numerous time to be present with us for great H. Gomez (now Archbishop of Los Angeles) and two events. Thank you, Archbishop! Abbot Philip Law- busloads of Denverites on an overnight pilgrimage rence, OSB, Abbey of Christ in the Desert to the Santuario de Chimayo and the Santa Fe fiesta. When I called Archbishop Sheehan’s office to ask After many years of collaboration with Arch- if then Bishop Gomez could concelebrate the Santa bishop Sheehan in the ministry, I am so moved by Fe Fiesta Mass, Archbishop Sheehan was most grathe concern he has for priests and seminarians. I cious; not only did he allow Bishop Gomez to conhave never known a bishop who took a greater in- celebrate, but he also invited him to give the homily. terests in vocations, and now we are blessed with After Mass, Archbishop Sheehan personally escorted scores of fine young men studying for the priest- Bishop Gomez around the plaza introducing him to hood. This will be archbishop’s greatest and lon- those present. I was deeply grateful and proud of the gest lasting gift to our archdiocese. Msgr. Doug- way our “New Mexico” archbishop treated Bishop las A. Raun, Pastor,St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Gomez with such kindness and respect. Linda-Ann Gabrielle Salas, Liturgical/Pastoral Ministries Coordinator, Holy Ghost Parish Archbishop, I appreciate your collaborative style of leadership, your openness to suggestions, your pastoral sensitivity, and your sense of humor. You truly hold the spiritual welfare of all faithful in your heart. Thank you for being a calm and steady shepherd. May blessings continue to flow in the years to …One Another Constantly come. Beth Lukes, Director, Family Life





my observation is that he tolerates all of this because it is necessary. The new facilities that Catholic Charities will be opening in the near future, in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, are not the legacy of Archbishop Sheehan. They are built on his legacy. They are tools in furthering Catholic Charities’ service to our communities. Archbishop Sheehan’s legacy is, “LOVE ONE ANOTHER CONSTANTLY”. Jim Gannon, CEO, Catholic Charities Archbishop Sheehan assisted with the arrival of the World Trade Center Twin Tower Beams to Sacred Heart in 2002. He is the reason I am a deacon today. I was contemplating politics and was at a ground breaking ceremony for the 911 Bell Tower Chapel at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Archbishop Sheehan laid hands on me that day prayed over me about the possibilities of becoming a deacon for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and the rest is history! He is a strong supporter of the Barelas community somewhat of a politico himself! Deacon Robert Vigil, Director, Pastoral Outreach Thirty one years ago, we welcomed you as the first bishop in Lubbock and worked with you serving people in need. Today we celebrate you as bishop/ archbishop. We value your friendship and faithful service to the church. We pray God’s blessing on you. Steve & Palmira Hay, former directors, Pastoral Outreach I have enjoyed working with Archbishop Sheehan ever since 2003 when he first inquired about starting a Catholic radio station in the archdiocese. He has been a true leader for the church, and a wonderful support for our work. God has blessed all of us through Archbishop Sheehan. Doug Sherman, President, Immaculate Heart Radio In my many wonderful years of working closely with Archbishop Michael, one of the enduring gifts I witnessed time and again even in very difficult situations is his amazing ability to stay positive, seek the good in everything, and move forward with hope! How grateful I am to know him! Frances Vogel Montano, former Executive Director of Pastoral Ministry I could say how in front of a dozen witnesses, he said that Catholic Charities was the archdiocese’s “Crown Jewels”. The truth is his legacy; his contribution to Catholic Charities is both simpler and far greater. Archbishop Sheehan’s legacy revolves around a simple statement, “LOVE ONE ANOTHER CONSTANTLY”. This is his motto found below his coat of arms. However, printing or saying words does not create a legacy of love. His legacy at Catholic Charities was built through actions of tenderness. He answers the calls to host more glamorous fundraising events, write a letter of support to a foundation, or to convince a donor that Catholic Charities is a good investment. He lends an ear to a tired director frustrated with the bureaucracy of it all. He will even occasionally twist a pastor’s arm for us. But,

To Archbishop Michael Sheehan from the trustees and staff of The Catholic Foundation: You will be remembered always, with gratitude, for leading and inspiring all of us in our work to build God’s Kingdom on earth. May you be eternally blessed! Shepherding his flock for Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan has always included the less fortunate. In this case those who are incarcerated. Since the early days of his episcopate, he established a process of personal commitment to prisoners. It has entailed a routine of visiting the incarcerated on special feasts of the Catholic Church. Long ago he decided he would be present to the imprisoned at Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Christmas, serving their spiritual needs and offering them solidarity, while advocating for the teachings of the church on the death penalty and other injustices of the prison system. Archbishop Sheehan annually visits the Penitentiary of New Mexico in Santa Fe, Central New Mexico Correctional Facility in Los Lunas and Metropolitan Detention Center in Albuquerque. On behalf of the inmates and a multitude of volunteers, we are grateful for his support and wish him well in his retirement. Deacon Andy Carrillo, Prison Ministry, Santa Fe, Deacon Lorenzo Castillo, Prison Ministry, Albuquerque, Ed Gomez, Volunteer, Prison Ministry I have so many fond memories in my blessed experience working with Archbishop. After traveling to the Apple Store with him to set him up with an iPhone 5 and an iPad 2, I quickly became his personal “iGal”. He would come (and still does!) to our office fairly regularly for teaching moments. My favorite was when he came in, shaking his iPhone in a panic, “Wh- why are all those little things dancing on my phone? I can’t make them stop!” If you need technological assistance in your retirement, Archbishop, I’m just around the corner! Leslie Radigan-Yodice, Editorial & Digital Media Assistant, Office of Communications/Media On coming to NM, he initiated what became a popular Spanish Market award – the Archbishop’s Award in 1993 that has continued to this day. He

…One Another Constantly

June/July 2014

was instrumental in having the ASF Office of Historic-Artistic Patrimony, Archives and Museum opened in 1993 and supported exhibits and other events held there. His involvement with the Penitentes, the pilgrimages, especially to Chimayo, the support to church preservation and their re-dedication and to me specifically when I received the NM Heritage Preservation Award in 1996 particularly will always hold a place in my heart. The trip to the Holy Land I was invited to and which he led in 1996 was such a significant event in my life that I will always remember it with great joy. Thank you. Marina Ochoa The archbishop is a father and a friend. He is welcoming, sociable and interested in knowing his seminarians by name. He encounters me on a personal level and it is quite amazing. May God bless him abundantly. John Paul Oluchi Afuecheta, Seminarian, Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT Even though I have only known Archbishop Sheehan for two years, he has greatly impacted my life and discernment as a seminarian. The way he lives his life and reaches out to others inspires me to conform myself to the image of Christ. His involvement with the people of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe reflects his love for God and the Church. Darrell Segura Jr., Seminarian, Holy Trinity Seminary, Irving, TX Last March, Archbishop Michael Sheehan and Director of Vocations Fr. Michael DePalma visited us in the Holy Apostles Seminary. The archbishop asked me many questions. One of his questions was: “Where is your home parish?” I was Benedictine until I joined the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. I had never served in a parish. Therefore, I did not know how to answer the archbishop’s question, but he repeated that question, and so I had to answer: “My home parish is in Vietnam.” The archbishop said, “It is too far … too far!” Benoit Trieu Vu, Seminarian, Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT My name is John Kimani, a seminarian from Kenya, currently studying in Holy Apostles Seminary. My great moments with the Archbishop Michael J. Sheen was the first time I entered his office for the interview and he asked me how old I are you? I answered, 30 years old, Archbishop, he bubbled in words and said I thought you were 17! ...Are sure you are 30? Hah! And now every time we meet, he always starts with “how old are you John”? Hah! For me, that was a great moment I will never forget! John Kimani, Seminarian, Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT There will be many memories I will cherish, like seeing Archbishop pass every day in front of my office window here at the Catholic Center and of course his jokes and sense of humor. Archbishop Michael, I want to wish you good health and an enjoyable retirement. Keep skiing in Taos and remember me to my Taos Mountains. All of God’s blessings to you Archbishop Sheehan. Rosalie Romero, Ministry Resource Center

June/July 2014





A mere sampling of Archbishop’s writings. What Do You Mean I’m Not Registered! Ministry to the Inmates of Our Prisons and Jails Statement on Assisted Suicide – NMCCB Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan’s Op Ed Piece Posted in the Albuquerque Journal. Late Term Abortion Ban Archbishop encourages all Albuquerqueans to vote FOR the proposed ordinance to BAN late term abortion. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan’s statement on late term abortion ban on the ballot of the City of Albuquerque. Statement: Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan on Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage I am not surprised, but I am deeply disappointed regarding today’s Supreme Court ruling to strike down the Federal Defense of Marriage Act and failure to support California’s Proposition 8. As a result, the definition of Marriage has radically changed. The repercussions of the Court’s decision will prove to be very difficult for our society and family law. We respect all our brothers and sisters regardless of sexual identity. However, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will continue to uphold and defend the Biblical definition of marriage (Matthew 19:4), the sole union between one man and one woman. Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI Pope Benedict XVI has made a courageous decision and I encourage you to keep him in your prayers. For the pope to make the decision to resign effective February 28, 2013 took a lot of prayer, courage and strength. All of us who are senior citizens can attest to the changes in our bodies and energy levels. Plenary Indulgence for the Year of Faith in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe 12.11 Canonization of St. Kateri Tekakwitha By Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Sunday, October 21, 2012 was a memorable, moving and historic day! That was the day Pope Benedict XVI canonized St. Kateri Tekakwitha. I led a pilgrimage to Rome for the event and the majority of the pilgrims were Native Americans from various pueblos, plus from the Navajo Reservation and Mescalero Apache. I Never Would Have Imagined It is certainly true that moral values in our country have dropped terribly in recent years. When I was ordained a priest in 1964, I would never have thought abortion, the killing of an unborn child in the womb, would become legal. I would never have imagined the definition of marriage would become a topic of great disagreement and that so many states would approve of same-sex marriage. Archbishop’s Letter: Catholic Schools – The Crown Jewel of the Catholic Church In a few weeks, our Catholic School students will be heading off to school again. I recall as a boy growing up in Texarkana, Texas how much I enjoyed Sacred Heart

School and how much I learned there not only about the regular subjects but about my Catholic faith. I remember serving at the school Mass and then trudging the half mile from the church north on Spruce Street to start school. We had the Ursuline Nuns and they were excellent teachers. The priests who served in the parish were very fine men who made me interested in becoming a priest myself. The Problem of Out of Wedlock Births The decline of marriage in our American society is our most ignored national crisis. Recent studies have shown that more than half of births to mothers under age 30 now occur out of wedlock. It seems as though we are casting aside the institution of marriage and with it the notion that children should be raised in stable two-parent families. This is a social catastrophe. (from Time Magazine, March 5, 2012, article by Rich Lowry, page 13) Archbishop Sheehan responds to the accommodation to the original HHS Mandate. “It is not acceptable,” says Archbishop. An alarming message from Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan regarding the Department of Health and Human Services and every employer being forced to offer their employees health coverage that includes sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception... Give the Gift of Life - Organ Transplants Life is the greatest gift of all and today it is a gift that can be shared through organ and tissue donations, people have the potential to reach out and do good in this world. They can save the lives of those who would die without help. They can give new hope to their families. They can transform and improve lives like restoring sight, health and wholeness. Pastoring a Multicultural Church - Keynote address presented to Creighton University, Omaha NE by Archbishop MIchael J. Sheehan November: It’s Not Just for Eating Turkey! The month of November is usually associated with Thanksgiving Day in the United States and for most it means a meal with turkey. It is always good for us to be thankful to God for the many blessings he gives us. And it is always an appropriate holiday to spend with family.

Parents You Promised (A letter on Confirmation) Every year, around this time I receive a few letters inquiring as to why, in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, children have to wait until they are in high school to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation while some neighboring dioceses grant the Sacrament in elementary years or younger. I am asked if I would consider changing the Confirmation age because it would be easier on the parents to ensure their children are confirmed. Licenses for all Drivers (A letter from the NMCCB): We strongly support the positive impact that mmigrants have made in our state and nation while, at the same time, we recognize the right of our country to regulate its own borders and to control international immigration. Those controls, however, should be influenced by a sense of justice and mercy in light of the God-given right of people to migrate when faced with grave social or economic dangers. Cohabitation: We have three groups of people who are living contrary to the Gospel teaching on marriage: those who cohabit; those who have a merely civil union; and those who have a civil union who were married before. Death Penalty - A Bad Idea - Statement: Governor Susana Martinez has expressed her desire that the death penalty be reintroduced in the State of New Mexico for certain crimes. I believe that repealing the repeal of the death penalty would be a step backwards for our State. Honor We Must Give the Deceased. All Souls Day Pastoral Letter Reverence for the Eucharist 150th Anniversary of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe From Despair to Hope: Drug Abuse in New Mexico Sacrament of Reconciliation Evangelization Infant Baptism Legalized Euthanasia - An Enemy to Civilized Society Seeds of Struggle The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

…One Another Constantly

NB These and others may be found on our archdiocesan website www.archdiosf.org.





“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.� Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi

June/July 2014

June/July 2014









June/July 2014

June/July 2014




Groundbreaking for Solar Panels at St. Therese School, Albuquerque

Groundbreaking for New Church Construction, St. Patrick’s, Chama

Groundbreaking for New Church Construction, St. Jude Thaddeus, Albuquerque Groundbreaking for OurLady of Belen’s Parish Hall, Gym & Cafeteria

Groundbreaking for La Sagrada Familia Mission Church, Lemitar

Dedication of New Church Addition, Immaculate Conception, Albuquerque






June/July 2014

Church Preservation and the Archbishop’s Commission for the Preservation of Historic New Mexico Churches By Antonio Martinez, ASF Church Preservation Consultant and Members of the CPHNMC This article is the third of a three part series of articles on church preservation.


f the church has a flat roof the parapets need to be maintained. Even if the church is plastered in cement any cracks in the plaster should be maintained (See picture Rociada-house). With pitched roofs, when rain drains off, it hits the ground and splashes back, eroding the base of walls. A solution to this was adding a contra pared. A contra pared (concrete apron/ abutment) at the base of church walls traps moisture. During the removal of cement stucco, as was previously discussed, the contra pared will also need to be removed. It should be removed in 3 foot sections at a time and it should not be pulled off with any type of machinery because the cement may have adhered to a stone foundation or may be somewhat adhered to the adobe. Any damage to the foundation or adobe should be repaired prior to another section being pulled off. Any repairs to adobe walls should be done with traditional adobes and semi-stabilized or fully stabilized adobes should not be used. Churches that have been

repaired with cement stucco on the exterior often also have cement on the interior walls and the same procedures performed on the exterior should be followed so that the walls can dry slowly. Lime or mud is the only plaster that should be used on adobe walls. Lime plaster should be prepared with 3 or 4 parts sand to 1 part lime. In order for the lime plaster to “fatten up,” it should “work” in the mixer for at least 1 hour prior

the better and a lime wash can then be applied (mix lime and water and a handful of table salt to about the consistency of milk, the more washes the better). General maintenance to the churches should include creating and maintaining positive drainage away from the base of the walls so that water does not pond and this should be maintained constantly. Please keep in mind that the footprint of all buildings traps moisture.

Chamisal to being applied to the walls. Experience has shown that the longer the lime works in the mixer the better it gets. Never empty out the mixer completely but allow some lime to remain in the mixer to get the next batch started. Lime is very caustic and should be treated with caution and eye and hand protection should always be used. The slower the lime dries once applied

All types of materials like plastic, landscape fabric, brick, asphalt, and concrete that covers the ground will trap moisture. When any of these materials are placed against the base of the church walls, the moisture trapped will get drawn up into the walls through capillary action. Once the moisture is in the walls the cement plaster will not allow it to dry. All window sills should also

Ramirez House, Rociada drain moisture. Any vegetation growing too close to the base of the church walls should be cut and removed. Do not pull any trees out because the roots may have invaded the adobe walls and could cause damage (See photograph of Chamisal). All water should be dealt with on the surface. A French drain is only recommended when the water table is very high. Some churches still have a mud torta (layer) over the vigas (ceiling decking). Any holes in the roof will create a leak and the mud will hold the moisture until the decking/ vigas are rotted out. Some churches may have a short over hang (eaves) and it is recommended that they be extended to a minimum of 24 inches. Another problem affecting the churches is pigeon droppings and bat guano. All holes leading to the attic should be sealed to prevent

the pigeons and bats from entering. If dirt is filtering into the church due to gaps in the decking the dirt should not be removed all at once because the building has gotten used to the weight, and removing all the dirt will de-stabilize the building. The dirt can be removed in 6 foot sections at a time and any cracks/voids in the decking can be sealed and new dirt/weight added to stabilize the building. Another 6 foot section as previously done can then be done until the length of the church is completed. Keep in mind that prior to conducting repairs on churches the approval of the parish priest is needed and the Archbishop’s Commission should be contacted. Any concerns, questions or if you would like an assessment of your church, contact the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Archives at (505) 983-3811.

La Cofradia de la Conquistadora will be having an Exhibit of Our Lady’s Wardrobe, at the Cathedral Basilica on Friday, August 15, 2014, from Noon to 4:00 pm and on Saturday, August 16, 2014, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. There will be a Mass on Friday, August 15, 2014, at 5:15 pm, for the 300th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Chapel (La Parroquial) at the Cathedral Basilica. There will be a $5.00 donation for the exhibit; children under nine years old are free. NO PHOTOS OR VIDEOS ALLOWED.

June/July 2014





New San Martin de Porres Parish Building Blessed, Community Breaks Ground for New Church


“Temporary things become permanent if you don’t watch out.” Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

large grateful crowd of San Martin Parish community members gathered on Sunday, May 13, 2014 to greet Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan who was invited to bless their new parish hall and break ground for their new church. Archbishop thanked Msgr. Richard Olona, pastor, and the numerous parishioners that kept the dream alive for over thirty years. He said, “I am very happy to be here to dedicate the new office building. I know that the office building represents a few milestones for the parish.” He commended those who worked side-by-side sharing their talents, using their own hands and tools to lay the foundation, frame the walls, hang the sheet rock, windows and doors. Installing all the plumbing, electrical necessities, etc. to build the beautiful much-needed office building. Archbishop also thanked all the subcontractors, Archdiocesan administration, community leaders and the Catholic Extension Society for their generous matching grant and other donors who came forward and will continue to come forward to make the new church a reality. He said,” You deserve a proper place where all people can come to inquire about preparing to receive the Sacraments, the offerings for Mass, to plan for a Quinciñera, a wedding, sometimes even a funeral or to seek spiritual guidance and instruction from your priests and deacons and catechetical instructors. We thank God today for this opportunity and for the blessings that will come to San Martin. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of your Holy Spirit.”





June/July 2014


O R D I N A T I O NS 2 0 1 4

n Saturday, June 7, 2014 at 10:00 A.M., Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan ordained three men to the priesthood and five men deacons for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The Rite of the Ordination to the Priesthood and the Rite of the Ordination to the Diaconate took place at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe, NM. Rev. Christopher Bernabe (Albuquerque, NM), Rev. Dominic Pierson (Albuquerque, NM), and Rev. Felipe Valadez (Monterrey, Mexico) were ordained into the priesthood.

These traditions go back centuries and are rooted in the Holy Scriptures, St. Stephen being not only the first martyr for Christianity, but also the first deacon. Seminaries address four types of formation: human, spiritual, academic, and pastoral. In addition to the academic course work, seminarians participate in a full schedule of spiritual activities (daily Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, spiritual direction, retreats). At each level of seminary training, the seminarian prepares for future pastoral ministry in various settings such as schools, Rev. Christopher Bernabe first blessing of religious education programs, hospitals, and parishes. The Archbishop Sheehan. formation of priests also includes practical learning (preaching, saying Mass, pastoral counseling). The ordination is a sacramental ceremony in which a man becomes a priest and is enabled to minister in Christ’s name and that of the church. The ordination ceremony includes various rituals, rich in meaning and history. Only a bishop can ordain a priest because he shares in the ministry of Jesus passed down through the apostles. The essential rite of the sacrament took place when Archbishop Sheehan and other concelebrating priests invoked the Holy Spirit to come down upon the men to be ordained, giving him a sacred character and setting him apart for the designated ministry. During the ceremony, the ordinands will lied prostrate during the ordination symbolizing their unworthiness for the office to be assumed and their dependence upon God and the prayers of the Christian community.

Photos by Celine/ASF

Rev. Mr. Michael Garcia (Albuquerque, NM), Rev. Mr. Edgar Sanchez (Mexico City, Mexico), Rev. Mr. BenoRev. Dominic Pierson’s first blessing of it Trieu Van Vu (Ninh Binh, Vietnam), Rev. Mr. William Archbishop Sheehan. Woytavich (Krakow, Poland) and Rev. Mr. Rob Yaksich (Albuquerque, NM) were ordained to the transitional diaconate. The term “Rev. Mr.” is used because the men are in a transitional period between being a seminarian and a priest. Seminarians are first ordained to the transitional diaconate where they will serve as deacons for a short time before being ordained to the priesthood. Men who are ordained as permanent deacons are often married, but need not be. However, once a married deacon’s wife passes away, he may not remarry. Furthermore, a single man who is ordained a deacon may not marry after becoming a deacon.

Priests who belong to a religious order (Benedictine, Dominicans, Jesuits, etc.) take the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Diocesan priests make two promises – celibacy and obedience; these promises are part of the ordination cer- Rev. Felipe Valadez first blessing of Archbishop Sheehan emony.

“Follow me and Fishers o

June/July 2014





I will take your hands in mine and you will promise me, and my

successors, respect and obedience. I will take your hands in mine and I will anoint them with the fragrant oil of chrism. I will consecrate your hands with the holy oil, consecrating them for your priestly service. At Mass, you will take the bread and wine in those consecrated hands and change them, by the power of Jesus Christ, into His own Body and Blood‌.Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

Rev. Felipe Valadez, Rev. Dominic Pierson, Rev. Christopher Bernabe

It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed

you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. John 15:16

Photos by Celine/ASF

d I will make you of Men.�

Matthew 4:18-22 Priests lay hands on men being ordained.





Rev. Mr. Edgar Sanchez, Rev. Mr. Rob Yaksich, Rev. Mr. Michael Garcia, Rev. Mr. Trieu Van Vu and Rev. Mr. William Woytavich

Rev. Mr. Michael Garcia lies prostrate during ordination as he becomes a transitional deacon.

June/July 2014

June/July 2014

Continued from page 3


Fe. These men will be given the authority to authority to baptize, witness marriages, and preach the Gospel. These men will all make the promise of obedience to me as archbishop and to my successors. Only Harold Gallegos and Larry Torres are currently single. However the other nine men understand that if their wife dies, they are not free to marry again unless the Vatican grants them permission to do so. They will be welcomed by their brother permanent deacons during part of the ceremony. These men will not use the term “Rev. Mr.” per our archdiocesan tradition, their title will be deacon. They

will be welcomed by their permanent brother deacons during part of the ceremony. Upon ordination to the permanent diaconate, they will be under my authority, or my successors’ authority. They are not under the authority of the director of the permanent diaconate (currently Deacon Steve Rangel) but they can go to him, or their assigned pastor, or the spiritual director of the permanent diaconate (currently Fr. Timothy A. Martinez) for guidance. In all of the above cases the “authorities” given to each man are only valid if he enjoys the faculties of the archdiocese. Faculties are the



privileges which I, as archbishop, or in my absence my designate, usually moderator of the curia (currently Fr. John Cannon), grant. An ordained man who is placed on, or granted, a leave of absence does not enjoy the faculties of the archdiocese. Ordinations are a very visible sign of the health of a diocese. We indeed enjoy a good bill of health! We have a record number of seminarians studying for us this fall – 44! Let us all pray that God will grant all of these men the graces they each need to serve the people of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe – the faithful, the inactive and the unchurched!

Continued from page 3 te (actualmente el Diácono de 44 seminaristas estudiando cada uno necesita para servir Steve Rangel), pero pueden para nosotros. Oremos para al pueblo de la Arquidiócesis ir a él, a su párroco asignado, que Dios conceda a todos es- de Santa Fe – los fieles, los ino al Director Espiritual del tos hombres las gracias que activos y los no creyentes! Diaconado Permanente (actualmente The Serra Club of Albuquerque el P. Timothy A. Martínez) para invites you to attend our pedir orientación. En todos los casos anteriores, Hotel Albuquerque ~ Old Town las “autoridades” 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM dadas a cada uno de estos hombres Monday, July 21, 2014 solo son válidas 6 pm ~ Cocktails (no host bar) si cuentan con las 7 pm ~ Dinner $100 pp facultades de la Arquidiócesis. Las We are very pleased to have in attendance facultades son los privilegios que yo, Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan, STL , JDC como Arzobispo, o ~ Archbishop of Santa Fe en mi ausencia mi designado, por lo and general el ModeraReverend James Wehner, STD dor de la Curia (acRector, Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA tualmente el Padre

Priest Appreciation Dinner

John Cannon), concedemos. Un hombre ordenado quien es situado en, o a quien se le aprueba un permiso de ausencia no goza de las facultades de la Arquidiócesis. Las ordenaciones son un signo visible de la salud de una diócesis. ¡Siendo así, nosotros disfrutamos de una muy buena salud! Para este otoño contaremos con un número récord

~ Keynote Speaker


115th Commencement at the Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, OH

Graduates from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe were Timothy Davis (Bachelor of Philosophy), David Gallegos (Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy) and Ronald Mims, Jr. (Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy).



Pilgrimage/Tour to Mexico November 12 - 24, 2014 Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Taxco, Puebla, Oaxaca, San Cristobal De las Casas, San Juan Chamula, Palenque, Chechen Itza, Sumeridero Canyon, Uxmal, Campeche City, Tulum, Playa Del Carmen and Xel-Ha Park on the Caribbean Sea. Call (505)994-9188 for a brochure. All pilgrimages will have Fr. Flavio J. Santillanes as the spiritual director.

"Forming Future Missionary Priests for the New Evangelization.” To pay with a credit card, please visit our website: www.SerraClubAlbuquerque.org

where you can reserve seating, sponsor a table, sponsor a Priest, make a donation to support vocations, or become a Silver Sponsor.

To pay by check, send check and portion below, including names and contact information. -------------------------------------------------------------Please reserve a space for ___ guests @ $100 each = __________ Reserve _____tables (8 people + Priest) @ $800 each = ________ Silver Sponsor: See our website for details. $1500 Entrée is Mixed Grill (steak, chicken, shrimp) OR Vegetarian

Serra Club of Albuquerque

P.O. Box 3971 Albuquerque, NM 87190-3971 For more information, call: 505-977-8222 Reserve no later than July 14!!

We thank our Premier Sponsor:

Pilgrimage to America’s Catholic Shrines Spiritual Direct – Fr. Jose F. Santillanes August 11 - 20, 2014 Visit the Shrine of Our Lady Perpetural Help, Our Lady of the Snows in Bellville,IL St. JudeThaddeus Shrine in Chicago, IL America’s Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse,WI. Call Julio J. Garcia at 505.994.9188 for a brochure





Distinguished Disciples 2014

June/July 2014

role models in our communities and congratulate them on their award.

In May, the Office of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe hosted the Distinguished Disciple Dinner at the Hotel Albuquerque. This year, in consultation with the principals, the name of this event was changed from Character Counts to Distinguished Disciple Award. The change was made in order to move from a more secular award to an

award that represents our call as Catholics to be disciples in our faith. According to this definition, disciples share five characteristics: 1) they make a conscious choice to be followers; 2) they live that choice through actions; 3) they do not care about the cost—the sacrifice—to them-

selves of their actions; 4) they treat all they have both talents and possessions, as gifts and blessings to be shared with others; and 5) they share what they have as away to further build the kingdom of God. At this dinner, we recognized 29 individuals from 15 schools who have distinguished themselves in their communities as

Abigail Valdez, St. Therese

Andrea Almodovar, St Thomas

Anita Marquez, San Felipe

Brianna Salcido, St. Mary’s Alb.

Cameron Dixon, OL Assumption

Cassandra Campanozzi, St Thomas

Cynthia Howard, OL Annunciation

Emily Deakin, OL Annunciation

Evangeline Nanez, OL Fatima

Jeff Turcotte, St. Pius

Joann Carrera, Queen of Heaven

Karen Gonzales, St. Mary’s Alb.

Lisa Morrison, Santo Niño

Michael Pacheco, Holy Cross

Reuben Coombs, Holy Child

Salmon, Sunny Velasquez, Holy Cross

Sofia Sena, Santo Niño

Naseem Madani, San Felipe

Raymond Quintana, St. Therese

truly embracing what it means to be a distinguished disciple. Reaching out to those who are less fortunate, volunteering for projects to help the school and community, being compassionate and caring to all, living the Catholic faith on a daily basis are just a few of the descriptors of these deserving individuals. We thank them for being

Adam Armijo, St. Charles

Cassandra Luna, OL Fatima

Donna Gallegos, St. Charles

Sohalia Lucero, St. Mary’s Belen

Ben GeGuio, St. Pius

Christina Gopal, OL Assumption

Jane Dilworth, Queen of Heaven

June/July 2014






Sr. Ruth Mary Coleman, OP, Celebrates Diamond Jubilee

Sr. Ruth Mary Coleman, OP, will celebrate her 60th jubilee in June 2014. A Mass will be held in Queen of the Rosary Chapel at Sinsinawa Mound, WI on Sunday, June 8, for her and 21 other Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters celebrating 60 years. Sr. Ruth Mary’s home parish is St. Luke, River Forest, in the Chicago Archdiocese. She is the daughter of the late Ruben Coleman, the late Ruth (Norton) Coleman, and the late Catherine Coleman. Sr. Ruth Mary’s ministry has been dedicated to teaching and religious education. In the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Sr. Ruth Mary ministered as a spiritual director in the Albuquerque area, 1995-2000, and Aquinas Newman Center, Albuquerque, 2000. Sr. Ruth Mary is currently living in community at St. Dominic Villa, Sinsinawa.

70 years in Minstry/Sr. Carolita Helping to Feed the Hungry and Provide Clothing in New Mexico

I never personally met St. Felix, however I met Sr. Carolita. “Today, she represents the spirit of St. Felix” says Manuel Casias, VP of Development for St. Felix Pantry. On her first visit to the pantry in Rio Rancho, Sr. Carolita spent little time engaging the clients, volunteers and anyone else she happened to come across. Wearing her sneakers, she was ready to








Sr. Ancille Furlong, OP, Celebrates Platinum Jubilee

Golden Jubilarian, Sr. Lisa Marie Cecil

Sr. Lisa Marie Cecil, a native of New Hope, KY, is celebrating 50 years as an Ursuline Sister. She taught at Cristo Rey School, Santa Fe from 1988-91. She has also served in Grants, in Kentucky and Missouri. Since 2010, she has been the librarian assistant at the Ursuline Motherhouse in Maple Mount, KY.

Deacon Jose Leroy Martinez Celebrates 40 Years as Deacon

Sr. Ancille Furlong, OP, celebrated her 70th jubilee in June. A Mass will be held in Queen of the Rosary Chapel at Sinsinawa Mound, WI on Sunday, June 8, for her and eight other Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters celebrating 70 years. Sr. Ancille’s home parish is St. Luke, River Forest, in the Chicago archdiocese. She is the daughter of the late Francis and Mary (Charlton) Furlong. Sr. Ancille’s ministry has been dedicated to teaching, library science and religious education. In the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Sr. Ancille ministered at St. Therese School, Albuquerque, as support staff, 1980, and facilitated baptismal instruction, 1990-1998.

In March, Deacon Jose Leroy Martinez celebrated his 40th year as a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He was ordained in 1974 by the late Archbishop James P. Davis in Las Vegas, NM at Our Lady of Sorrows Church. Deacon Martinez served at Our Lady of Sorrows and missions in surrounding areas such Mora, Wagon Mound, and Roy until his retirement in 2012. His ministries included working as chaplain for the City of Las Vegas Police, the state hospital, the county detention center and he also served as parish life coordinator at Our Lady of Sorrows for several months. Deacon Martinez and his wife Judy of 53 years raised five children and now enjoy 10 grandchildren.   take on any task needing attention. When told that the pantry provides food to nearly 1,000 clients weekly, almost immediately Sister asked, “Where am I needed?” “I could almost hear in the background St. Felix’s salutation, “Deo gratias. It was a good feeling,” adds Casias. While working on her family farm, Sr. Carolita heard the Lord’s call to enter into the convent. Wisconsin native Carolita Turzinski entered into the Felician Sisters at the age of 15. Today, still going strong, Sr. Carolita stays busy through various outreach ministries. When I asked her what she does today, Sr. Carolita said with tremendous enthusiasm “I visit shut-ins, enjoy ministering to people with disabilities and am a patient escort at St. Michael’s Hospital.” Sr. Carolita still lives in the St. Clare Convent that was built in 1915 just shortly after the original con-

vent in Polonia, WI was destroyed by fire. “Your presence with us for the next two weeks will be a blessing. It gives our clients such joy and hope to see the Felician Sisters actively involved at the pantry.” Says Jack Bunting, President of St. Felix Pantry. St. Felix Pantry, a Felician-sponsored ministry accepts food at its location on 4020 Barbara Loop SE Tuesday through Saturday from 6am until 12 noon. St. Felix Pantry is a nonprofit charitable organization incorporated in 1992. For well over 20 years, the pantry has been a safety net for people struggling to support their families in times of crisis. We provide food, clothing, household items and referral services free-of-charge to those in need. For more information about St. Felix Pantry please call Manuel Casias at 505.994.1857 or email: manuelcsfp@cableone.net





June/July 2014

The Ecumenical Institute for Ministry’s Ecumenical Education for Discipleship Program

By Jennifer Murphy-Dye, Community Outreach, Ecumenical Institute for Ministry


he Ecumenical Institute for Ministry offers Christian education and leadership development in an ecumenical environment. Many dioceses and conferences grant continuing education units (CEUs) for these courses. For more information or to register for a course, contact Dr. Judith Todd, EIM-EED program coordinator, at judithatodd@aol.com or call 505.873.4399 ext. 229. Summer 2014 Offerings July 2014 “A Video Sharing Course: The Beecher Lectures on Faith”

Facilitators: Rev. Greg Henneman and Rev. Bert Scott Tuition: $60.00

Course Description: The 2013 Beecher Lectures series, sponsored by Yale Divinity School on Faith, were given by the Rev. Robin Meyers of Mayflower Congregational UCC Church in Oklahoma City. The recovery and renewal of the church provide the input for this series of classes. We will watch the lectures and then divide into discussion groups for response and ideas for church renewal. Rev. Meyers is a dynamic and interesting lecturer who speaks out of his experience within the local church setting, reflecting on three areas of faith development:

Santa Fe Institute for Spirituality’s 29th Summer Program By Bro. Brian Dybowski, FSC, Ph.D. Are you impressed by God’s glints and glimmers in this world? Do you want to respond more intensely? Then join us for enlightening and inspiring discussions. The Santa Fe Institute for Spirituality invites you to its 29th summer program: July 12-22. See God’s glints and glimmers focused and clarified by three of His saints, two of them canonized. How gracious of God to give us His saints to help us get to Him! St. Francis of Assisi is no doubt our favorite saint, followed closely by St. Therese of Lisieux. Dietrich Bonhoeffer probably will not be canonized, but he certainly died a martyr, a shining witness for God, against Hitler’s National Socialist oppression. When government rampages, we learn how Bonhoeffer opposed oppression. Be with us to review these holy people, who lead us through Jesus to God. Saturday, July 12, Rev. Bob Patterson, M.A. reviews Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s courage and wisdom. Rev. Bob’s dynamism will arouse us to strive like Bonhoeffer to discern good from bad spirits, then work with the good against the bad. These four discussions are at Santa Fe’s St. Michael’s High School, in room 111, starting at 9:30am. Each session lasts an hour, with half an hour between the two in the morning and afternoon. We break for lunch at 12, returning at 1:30 for afternoon discussions. Then St. Francis of Assisi fascinates us for a week. July 13-18, Bro. Brian Dybowski, FSC, Ph.D. presents our most beloved saint, radiating Christ’s love throughout the world. His friars expanded and maintained our dear saint’s work. Evening presentations are at 7pm, and mornings at 9:30 and 11. All sessions are at St. Michael’s High School, in room 111. Each discussion lasts about an hour. July 20-22, at 7pm, Bro. Joseph Schmidt, FSC, M.A., shares St. Therese of Lisieux, presented in his books: Walking the Little Way, and Everything is Grace. St. Therese is renowned for showing how to make little things count for eternity. For more information on these programs, please revisit the May issue of People of God. You can view it online at www.archdiosf.org

Faith as Resistance to the Ego Faith as Resistance to Orthodoxy Faith as Resistance to Empire

Wednesdays, July 9, 16, 21 7:00 – 9:00 pm Central United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall Register by Wednesday, July 2, 2014. August 2014 “The Hard Sayings of Jesus” Instructor: Rev. Jeff Lust, Provost of the New Mexico Conference of the United Methodist Church Tuition: $80.00 Course Description: An experienced writer and teacher, Jeff Lust will lead this class in an explora-

tion of the sometimes surprising meaning behind the things Jesus said. Images and words that have a particular meaning to us in 21st century America do not always have the same meaning in 1st century Palestine. As we dig deeper into Jesus’ teachings, we see more clearly how to incorporate them into our daily lives so that we come closer to being the people God intends. We will examine the Bible through class presentation and lively conversation. Thursdays, August 14, 21, 28 and September 4 7:00-9:00 PM Central United Methodist Church Room 311-312 Register by Thursday, August 7, 2014

Felician Sisters from Lodi, NJ Reaching out to St. Felix Pantry

By Manuel Casias, Vice President of Development, St. Felix Pantry, Inc.

Recently, St. Felix Pantry received a check for $1,558.00 from Felician Sisters all the way from Lodi, NJ. It was in response to our Feinstein challenge which helps us raise money for the St. Felix Pantry. In addition to the Felician Sisters and the laity who go to their chapel, this donation also included the contributions of the Felician Sisters who reside in Our Lady Two Sisters from the Felician Sisters Convent of Lourdes Care Center (their infirmary) and in Rio Rancho greet a friend of the Pantry of the sisters who minister in the Felician School for Exceptional Children. Both are Casias, Vice President of Development for St. Felix Pantry in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. St. part of their Felician complex in Lodi. A Palm Sunday collection for the poor has Felix Pantry has been actively feeding New become a tradition at their Felician Sisters’ Mexico’s hungry for over 20 years. Today, we Chapel in Lodi. Sr. Virginia Tomasiak says, are helping to feed an average of 1000 client/ “the Felician Sisters and the laity who join us households at no cost from the entire state,” in the celebration of the eucharist on Sundays he added. The gifts we received from Felician complete their Lenten observance of prayer, Sisters all over the United States during the fasting and almsgiving by offering donations Feinstein challenge will go a long way to feed to a particular charity. This year, we selected hungry New Mexicans. This summer, students from Immaculate St. Felix Pantry in New Mexico which is a Felician sponsored ministry.” She adds, “Your Conception High School in Lodi (right next to ministry is most important. In the difficult their convent) will come to give service at St. economic times that we are experiencing, you Felix Pantry. Sr. Tomasiak says with exciteare a beacon of hope to people in need, espe- ment, “We are pleased these young ladies are cially people who used to be independent and eager to reach out to help. There were many girls who asked to be included in this trip. Unnow have fallen on hard times.” Every dollar that comes to us is a tremen- fortunately, the school could not accommodous blessing. The need to feed the hungry date all in their plans. But isn’t it great to see grows daily. Recently, our local news reported their enthusiasm for mission?” For more information about the St. Felix that New Mexico ranks #1 two years in a row for the nation’s poorest children. “We are not Pantry please visit our new website at www. surprised at all by the news,” says Manuel stfelixpantry.org or call 505.891.8075.

June/July 2014






upport the works of the Holy Father during the weekend of June 28-29, 2014. Parishes are asked to take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering.

1910 S. Ashland Ave. • Chicago, IL 60608 • www.OPCentral.org • 312.243.0011

You will remain in our hearts and



ou may already know

prayers for a long time to come.

that the Dominican

Many of the friars who served

Friars are preparing to

you over the years are now on

leave Aquinas Newman Center

“limited service” (our name for

in Albuquerque after more than 60 years.

retirement, because friars never really

We have made many friends in those

retire!). We also have nearly 30 young

years, so it will be a sad day for us when

Dominicans in formation. We would be

the last friar leaves the Newman Center

most grateful if you would consider a

on June 30. I am happy to say that Fr.

contribution or an estate gift to help us

Tom Noesen will continue to serve at

care for those in retirement and educate

Risen Savior, and Fr. Jon Alexander will

those preparing for ordination.

remain at Cerillos.

Blessings on the Church of Santa

We serve in many different places,

Fe, and on Fr. Michael DePalma as he

but we always want build up the local

assumes leadership of Aquinas Newman

Church for future generations. We hope


that we have left you a love of preaching and liturgy and that in some small

Fr. Charles E. Bouchard, O.P. Prior Provincial

way we have helped deepen your faith. We are grateful for all of the fine people we met in Albuquerque over the years.


Blessed Sacrament • Madison, WI » Holy Rosary/Santo Rosario • Minneapolis, MN » St. Albert the Great • Minneapolis, MN St. Dominic • Denver, CO » St. Pius V • Chicago, IL » St. Vincent Ferrer • River Forest, IL CAMPUS MINISTRY

St. Paul Catholic Center • Indiana University » St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center • Purdue University St. Thomas More Newman Center • University of Missouri-Columbia EDUCATION/SPIRITUALITY

Aquinas Institute of Theology • St. Louis, MO » Dominican Ecclesial Institute • Albuquerque, NM Fenwick High School • Oak Park, IL » Shrine of St. Jude • Chicago, IL




28th Annual Social Action Summer Institute - Register Now! Setting the Captives Free: Embracing Christ in the Victim, Offender and Community July 20-24, 2014 Washington University, St. Louis, MO

The annual national Social Action Summer Institute is July 2024 in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO and is co-sponsored by the Roundtable Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Directors in partnership with USCCB/ Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development and Catholic Campaign for Human Development; Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services and JustFaith Ministries. The institute, which serves diocesan and parish social action ministry personnel, provides a prayerful, intensive education and advocacy training that covers the foundations of Catholic Social Teaching. This year’s event will focus on restorative justice, and prison ministry. Participants from dioceses throughout the country as well as numerous local parishes will be invited to experience immersions in local projects and programs that address victim and offender healing

and restorative justice. They will also participate in diocesan and parish ministry workshops aimed at sharing best practices in social action ministry. Scholarships are available from Roundtable and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. For more information or to register, go http://www.catholicroundtable.org/ or call the Social Justice and Respect Life Office. For more information check out our Facebook page “Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official”

How to Deal with Same Sex Attraction

By Rev. William E. Young, Jr., pastor, Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque

There is a positive way of support and help along this journey that Catholics who deal with same sex attraction (SSA) and strive to live a chaste life can be part of. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan has invited the Courage ministry to establish a chapter here in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He has initially entrusted the guidance of the ministry to me. In 1979, Terence Cardinal Cooke, archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York, asked Fr. Benedict Groeschel to suggest a way of providing pastoral care for Catholic men and women with SSA. Fr. Groeschel immediately contacted Fr. John Harvey, a sensitive and caring priest, who had helped many in this area of life. I worked with Fr. Harvey and Courage for several years as a seminarian and newly ordained priest in New York. Soon, Courage was founded. Fr. Harvey’s concept was shaped by many years of pastoral care of people with SSA. He

had come to the conclusion that a supportive group of fellow Catholics with SSA who had the same commitment to chaste living would be a basis of growth in the ability to better accomplish this goal. Courage is a spiritual program. It offers a spiritual plan to redirect one’s life, spiritual direction, association with others for support, and regular meetings where confidentiality is a main principle. Discussion of specific personal matters and the identity of participants are not divulged outside of the meetings. Briefly stated, the “Five Goals of Courage” are: to live chaste lives in accordance with the teaching of the Catholic church; dedication to Christ and living that dedication through service, prayer, meditation and frequent reception of the sacraments; fostering a spirit of fellowship in trust so that no one will have to face the problems of homosexuality alone; being mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are essential in a Christian life and providing encouragement and support in sustaining that life; and finally, living in a manner to


June/July 2014

Courses in Social Justice Offered in June Don’t Miss the Summer Formation Institute Classes in Social Justice and the Social Mission of the Church Teachers, catechists, social concerns ministers, youth ministers, come learn a more about the social teachings of the church and make local applications to your ministry! As part of the Summer Formation Institutes, the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life will be offering a class in basic Catholic social teaching. Catechizing for a Just World: Catholic Social Teaching and the Catechist Monday, June 23, Santa Maria de la Paz, Santa Fe, 1:30pm-4:30pm —Kathy Freeze, instructor Our Catholic faith is rooted in biblical justice and calls us to transform the world through the social mission of the church. In this skills workshop, catechetical leaders and parish ministers will review the social teachings of the church, learn ways to assist catechists and families to integrate the social teachings of the church into religious education and family life through practical models of reflection, service, justice and action. Links will be made to the National Certification Standards for Catechetical Leaders. The cost is $10 a class/$25 for week. To register, call the Office of Religious Education, 505.831.8129

give good example to others. The Twelve Steps of Courage makes use of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and has the AA World Service, Inc., permission to adapt them to the particular needs of Courage. Courage DOES NOT require that men and women with SSA attempt to or express a desire to change sexual orientation; nor provide a format for debate about church teaching; nor affirm any behavior contrary to the moral teaching of Jesus in the Catholic church. Courage DOES affirm the God-given dignity of every human person and engages each person on that level without labeling anyone according to sexual orientation; make referral to a well qualified Catholic psychologist when needed or requested; provide support and compassionate pastoral care to men and women with SSA struggling to

live a chaste life, and all aspects of spiritual care to anyone making a sincere effort to live that commitment; support and encourage people with SSA who of themselves want to attempt to change orientation to seek the therapy necessary to do that. There is also a component in the Courage ministry for parents and family and friends of loved ones with SSA. This is called Encourage and has been a great help to many. You will find a wealth of information on the Courage website which includes more about Courage, a listing of various sources and books, church teaching, and personal testimonies. Visit www.couragerc.org to learn more. Courage is already started in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. To make inquiries, please contact me, Fr. William Young, at Queen of Heaven Parish, Albuquerque, 505.881.1772.

June/July 2014


Leo Rodriguez

Rolling With Andy Lopez at Santo Niño Regional Catholic School

Andy Lopez is the driver of the Santo Niño Regional Catholic School bus and so much more. The school is offering a promotional free bus service in August for Santo Niño students.

By Leo Rodriguez, Advancement Director, SNRCS, Santa Fe Elementary school bus drivers often go unnoticed yet they carry our most precious cargo to and from school every school day. What distinguishes Andy Lopez, the bus driver at Santo Niño Regional Catholic School in Santa Fe, really goes beyond the bus. Sure, he takes care of the school’s bus to keep it looking and running like new, but he does the most with the kids. The kids on the bus know the saint of the day and Andy cares about their grades and encourages them every day. He knows the kids on his bus are all on the honor roll. Andy knows enough about each student on his bus to know that they may have tutoring after school today or that they are trying out for the basketball team. He knows and he cares. Andy cares about his role in supporting the church in the Santa Fe area. Not only does he drive the school bus for the Catholic elementary school but he is involved in the youth ministry at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, he is a proud member of its

Knights of Columbus council, he studies for the deaconate, and he supports fundraising events with his event truck -- his own private investment in food preparation and bingo playing. Andy’s investment is as big as his love for his faith and the kids see that. Santo Niño Regional Catholic School is offering a free trial period in August for all students enrolled at Santo Niño. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of the bus, its five stops along its downtown route, and save a great deal of commuting time and gas. Beginning September 1, parents who want to continue using the bus after August will be billed $85 monthly for full-time service and $50 monthly for parttime service; otherwise, they can opt out by contacting the school before September 1. The August back-to-school transition is a period of time when families are adjusting to school routines. With a free promotion, Santo Niño parents will have a wonderful opportunity to transition easily into the school routine. With a driver like Andy Lopez, the students will be in safe and confident hands.




Affirmation Luncheon 2014

By Maria Cruz Cordoba, Director, Office of Religious Education

Every year, the Office of Religious Education for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe names one person who has a strong awareness of God’s grace in his or her own life and has a dedication to service and commitment to teaching within the Roman Catholic tradition for its Distinguished Service Award. This year’s recipient is Deacon Héctor H. Avitia of San Juan Diego Mission in Meadowlake, NM. “I am honored to have been chosen for such an award,” says Deacon Avitia. Deacon Avitia is also following in the footsteps of one of his mentors, Sr. Dolorita Martinez, who was the recipient of the same award in 2012. Deacon Avitia says, “Sr. Dolorita was instrumental in my faith formation.” As a young man, he was not a devoted Catholic, but God had a plan for him. At the age of 21, he had not received his sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. After being asked by a child to be a sponsor, and speaking with the local priest, both the child and young Hector received their sacraments together. Deacon Avitia entered into the deaconate program in 2005. He has served in various ministries including, usher, eucharistic minister, RCIA director, pastoral council, marriage enrichment, baptismal classes, marriage preparation, and many others. He also provides training to others called to become lectors and eucharistic ministers. Lizette Enriquez, catechetical leader at San Juan Diego Mission says, “Deacon Avitia lives his life as a faithful witness, and this shines through to everyone he meets. He continuously reminds all he encounters that our faith and Catholic traditions always surrounds each one of us any where we may be.” Along with Deacon Avitia, one catechist from every parish within the archdiocese will be recognized for their service in the catechetical ministry. The office believes that in affirming one person, we are affirming the many catechists who show diligence, initiative and creativity in our parish programs that serve children, youth or adults! The catechists being affirmed by deaneries are:

A Deanery Debra Calderon Anne McCluskey Ylaine Hetes Diane Barajas Joe Cordova Margaret Nava Candyce Martinez Felipe & Jacqueline Rael B Deanery Sue St. Cyr Linda Granato Viola Garcia Lydia Plant Jim Lowell Doug and Sarah Feery Christine Sena Miriam Benedict Yvette Fraga-Andes C Deanery Juan Montoya Debbie Saavedra Sandra Carrasco Beatriz Perez Michelle Sena Tonita Jaramillo Christine Dauber Vivian Crespin Araceli Medina Santa Fe Deanery Anthony Lucero Rosemary Archuleta Margie Quintana Rose Roybal Phil and Liz Madrid Southeast Deanery Flora Gallegos Erlinda ‘Lindy’ Esquibel Southwest Deanery Margaret Berry Ted Lopez Dulema Espinoza Victoria Adame Terri Saavedra

Our Lady of Sorrows St. Thomas Aquinas Church of the Incarnation St. Therese Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. John Vianney-Rio Rancho St. Joseph on the Rio Grande St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Our Lady of the Annunciation Our Lady of the Assumption Queen of Heaven Church of the Risen Savior Sangre de Cristo John XXIII Catholic Community Prince of Peace Catholic Community St. Charles Borromeo Our Lady of the Sandias-KAFB Holy Family Sacred Heart Church of the Ascension Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary St. Francis Xavier St. Augustine San Ignacio Immaculate Conception Santuario de San Martin de Porres Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi St. John the Baptist Santa Maria de la Paz St. Anthony de Padua-Pecos San Isidro St. Mary-Vaughn Our Lady of Guadalupe-Clovis Our Lady of Belen St. Alice-Mountainair Our Lady of Guadalupe-Peralta San Juan Diego Mission- Los Lunas San Miguel-Socorro

Northeast Deanery Rhonda Lee Hicks Immaculate Conception-Cimarron Lana Gallegos Our Lady of Guadalupe-Villanueva Tyler Pina Our Lady of Sorrows-Las Vegas Grace Herrera Immaculate Conception-Las Vegas Lora Madrid St. Patrick/St. Joseph-Raton Northwest Deanery Joanne Lestone Immaculate Heart of Mary- Los Alamos Eutimia Visarraga San Antonio de Padua-Peñasco Jeffrey E. Martinez San Juan Bautista,-San Juan Pueblo Tonie Baros Sacred Heart of Jesus- Española Carmella Martinez Santa Cruz de la Cañada-Santa Cruz Juan Chavez St. Thomas the Apostle-Abiquiu

St. Pius X High School in Albuquerque has limited opportunities for transfer students into 10th and 11th grades for next fall. Late admissions for incoming 9th graders also are available. Call today as these opportunities are limited. For information, contact Jeff Turcotte, director of enrollment, at 505.440.9370.

Jennifer Maldonado

Transfer Opportunities at St. Pius for Fall 2014

Mrs. Emily Hiller and her third grade class at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School honor Our Blessed Mother at May Crowning. Later that week, they also celebrated their first holy communion.





June/July 2014

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June/July 2014


R e s t Deacon Thomas E. Jones

Deacon Thomas E. Jones passed away on Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014, at the age of 81. Tom was born on May 25, 1932 in Pocahontas, IA. Tom was a deacon at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church where he would have been a deacon for 40 years on May 15, 2014. He was a long time member of the Knights of Columbus and served as a past state deputy. Tom is survived by his children: Cathy Jones, Tom Jones, Randy Jones, Suzy and Joel Platt, Jeff and Vanessa Jones, and Scot Jones of Albuquerque; his grandchildren, Samantha Platt, Elias and Parker Jones of Albuquerque; and brothers, John Howard Jones of St. Paul, MN, and Bob Jones of Norristown, PA. Tom was preceded in death by his father Cecil Jones, mother Jane Wallace Jones, his aunt Emma Wallace, uncle William Edward Wallace, sister Wanda Jones, and his infant son Zachary in 1964.


i n

Growing up in Storm Lake, IA, he served as an altar boy, played basketball, was a life guard, and was a Boy Scout. Earning the rank of Eagle Scout, which is the highest honor in the Boy Scouts of America, was one of Tom’s proudest achievements in life. He received his undergraduate degree from St. Thomas University. He attended Notre Dame Law School before entering the Air Force and later received his law degree from the University of Iowa. He moved to Albuquerque in 1961 where he worked as an attorney for over 50 years up until his death. He was a member of both the New Mexico and the Iowa State Bar Associations. Tom was a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force and a Two-Star General in the NM State Defense Force. Tom served as president of St. Pius X School Board in late 80’s and early 90’s. Tom wanted to thank everyone who had Masses said for him.



P e a c e

Rev. Vidal Martinez

Rev. Vidal Martinez passed away at the age of 69, on Monday, May 5, 2014 in Fairview, NM. Rev. Martinez was ordained on May 23, 1970 for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Before he retired in 2010, Rev. Martinez served at the St. Paul Newman Center in Las Vegas, Church of the Ascension in Albuquerque, St. Anthony in Dixon, Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Sorrows in Las Vegas. Rev. Martinez also served at San Juan Bautista in Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, St. Anne in Albuquerque, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Maria de La Paz, and The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, San Juan Diego Mission in Meadowlake and at UNM Hospital in Albuquerque.

Sr. Marciana Zeimen

School Sister of St. Francis Marciana Zeimen, who lived her religious vocation in education and pastoral ministry, died May 4, 2014, at St. Joseph Convent in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. Sister was 88 years old. The daughter of Sarah and Nick Zeimen, she was born March 19, 1926, in Mapleton, Iowa. She was received into the School Sisters of St. Francis June 13, 1946; made her first profession of vows June 21, 1948; and final (perpetual) vows June 21, 1954. Sister Marciana is survived by her sisters, Mary Lally of Denison, Iowa, Ann Whited of Hillsboro, Ore-

gon, and Sister Maria Zeimen, OSF; her brothers, Gilbert of Denison, Iowa, Joseph of Garden Grove, California, Raymond of Denver, Colorado, and Robert of Denison, Iowa; nieces and nephews; and the School Sisters of St. Francis with whom she shared life for 68 years. Beginning in 1950, Sister Marciana ministered in New Mexico, New York, Arizona, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Mississippi for 64 years. In the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Sister served as a case manager at St. Elizabeth Shelter in Santa Fe (19902001).





Mark Your Calendar

June/July 2014

Roman Catholic Saints Calendar JUNE 15 Servant of God Orlando Catanii 16 St. John Francis Regis 17 St. Joseph Cafasso 18 Venerable Matt Talbot 19 St. Romuald 20 St. Paulinus of Nola 21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga 22 St. Thomas More 23 St. John Fisher 24 Solemnity of the Birth of John The Baptist 25 Blessed Jutta of Thuringia 26 Blessed Raymond Lull 27 St. Cyril of Alexandria 28 St. Irenaeus 29 Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul 30 First Martyrs of the Church of Rome

“May the Dear Lord bless you...” May 17 Very Rev. John Trambley 21 Rev. Robert Coughlan 22 Rev. Leo Ortiz 28 Rev. Thomas Pulickal, O.Praem 29 Rev. James Flanagan, SOLT June 1 Rev Linus Nwatarali 4 Rev. Anthony G. Maes 5 Rev. Edward Domme 7 Rev. Stephen Abaukaka 8 Rev. C. John Brasher 8 Rev. Eugene Gries, O.Praem 17 Rev. Vincent G. DeFazio 11 Rev. Msgr. Francis Eggert 11 Rev. Julio Gonzalez, SF 11 Rev. Juan Mendez 17 Rev. James V. Marchionda, OP 17 Rev. Joseph M. Vanderholt, SJ 20 Rev. Nathan Libaire 20 Rev. Luis Regalado, OSB 20 Rev. Ricardo Russo, OFM 25 Rev. John Carney 25 Rt. Rev. Dom Philip Lawrence OSB

July 1 Blessed Junipero Serra 2 St. Oliver Plunkett 3 St. Thomas the Apostle 4 St. Elizabeth of Portugal 5 St. Anthony Zaccaria 6 St. Maria Goretti 7 Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions 8 St. Gregory Grassi and Companions 9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions 10 St. Veronica Giuliani 11 St. Benedict 12 Sts. John Jones and John Wall 13 St. Henry 14 St. Kateri Tekakwitha

26 Rev. June N. Ramos 28 Rev. Paul Juniet, OFM July 9 Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan 10 Rev. William McNichols 12 Rev. Francis Dorff, O.Praem 14 Rev. Gerald Steinmetz, OFM 17 Rev. Javier Gutierrez, SF 19 Rev. Ronald Stone 20 Rev. Jeffrey Tennison Whorton 22 Rev. Thomas Mayefske 25 Rev. Casimiro Roca, SF 25 Rev. Jerome D. Mueller 26 Rev. Lawrence R. Brito 27 Rev. Colman Heffern, OSB oliv. 28 Rev. Don Billiard OFM 28 Rev. Msgr. Anthony Bolman 30 Rev. Bernard Cranor, OSB 30 Very Rev. Vitus Ezeiruaku 30 Rev. Stephen Schultz 31 Very Rev. Glennon Jones Aug 8 Rev. Daniel C. Davis, O.P. 8 Rev. Mark Granito 12 Rev. Msgr. Leo Gomez 14 Rev. Charles Dougherty, C.P. 14 Rev. Antonio Mondragon

TV Mass Schedule The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6 and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass Donations may be sent online to www.archdiosf.org or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120

June 15, 2014 Holy Trinity EX 34:4B-6, 8-9 Rev. Andrew Pavlak DN 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 2 COR 13:11-13 JN 3:16-18 June 22, 2014 Body & Blood of Christ DT 8:2-3, 14B-16A Rev. Andrew Pavlak PS 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 1 COR 10:16-17 JN 6:51-58

Golf Tournament Honors Hugh Reilly and Benefits Local Catholic Charities The Notre Dame Club of New Mexico will hold its annual

Hugh Reilly Memorial Golf Tournament at Noon on Friday, September 12th at Paa-ko Ridge Golf Club. This event is open to fans of Notre Dame and supporters of Brothers of the Good Shepherd, Barrett House and Villa Guadelupe in Gallup. The event is named for former club president and cancer victim, Hugh Reilly. Hugh was a devoted father, a loving

husband and a proud Catholic, committed to serving the Albuquerque community. His work at Dismas House, Habitat for Humanity and Casa Esperanza inspires the Notre Dame Club to continue his mission of service through support of the University’s Summer Service students. Look for more information in our August edition of People of God.

June 29, 2014 Mass During the Day Vigil Mass Solemnity of Sts. Peter/Paul ACTS 12:1-11 ACTS 3:1-10 Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz PS 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 PS 19:2-3, 4-5 2 TM 4:6-8, 17-18 GAL 1:11-20 MT 16:13-19 JN 21:15-19 July 6, 2014 14th Sunday OT ZEC 9:9-10 Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz PS 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14 ROM 8:9, 11-13 MT 11:25-30 July 13, 2014 th 15 Sunday OT IS 55:10-11 Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem PS 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14 ROM 8:18-23 MT 13:1-23 or MT 13:1-9 July 20, 2014 16th Sunday OT WIS 12:13, 16-19 Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem PS 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16 ROM 8:26-27 MT 13:24-43 or MT 13-24-30 July 27, 2014 17th Sunday OT 1 KGS 3:5, 7-12 Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz PS 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-128, 129-130 ROM 8:28-30 MT 13:44-52 or MT 13:44-46 August 3, 2014 18th Sunday OT IS 55:1-3 Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz PS 145:8-9, 15-16, 17-18 ROM 8:35, 37-39 MT 14:13-21 August 10, 2014 th 19 Sunday OT 1 KGS 19:9a, 11-13a Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem PS 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14 ROM 9:1-5 MT 14:22-33

June/July 2014






NOTICE (“Posted Notice”)


STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO. if you were abused or suffered injury by clergy or other persons working for the DIOCESE OF GALLUP or for a catholic parish, school or mission WITHin the TERRITORY OF THE DIOCESE OF GALLUP and you contend the DIOCESE OF GALLUP is responsible, you must act now to file your claim. the last day to file claims is

5:00 P.M. MDT ON MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2014. The United States Bankruptcy Court has ordered that all persons claiming injury against the Diocese of Gallup for acts of sexual abuse must file a claim on or before 5:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time on Monday, August 11, 2014. YOU MUST COMPLETE A PROOF OF CLAIM IF YOU CONTEND THAT the DIOCESE OF GALLUP IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY


RY OF THE DIOCESE OF GALLUP FOR WHICH YOU CLAIM THE DIOCESE OF GALLUP IS RESPONSIBLE. For additional information or to obtain a proof of claim form please call toll free in the United States at 1-888-5706269, or go to the Diocese of Gallup website at http://www. dioceseofgallup.org. Spanish and Navajo translators are available through the toll free number. You can also download the forms from and follow the directions to the link on the website.





Congratulations Archbishop Sheehan on your 50th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood. We thank the Lord for your Vocation to the children of the Archdiocese. The Archbishop came to New Mexico for our children, valiantly making tremendous decisions - difficult and joyful. We praise the Archbishop for being the first to recognize the needs of our children from prenatal through school years, inside and outside of the church. The Archbishop has been a voice to our policy makers courageously being the first to endorse the Constitutional Amendment for Early Childhood. CHI St. Joseph’s Children (also known as St. Joseph Community Health) now operates the largest home visiting program for children, from prenatal to three years old, in the United States. For more information about our program visit www.stjosephnm.org

June/July 2014

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