People of God, August 2018

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August 2018 Vol. 36, No. 7

Serving the multicultural people of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Archbishop John C. Wester presents the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Newly Ordained Class of 2018 Permanent Diaconate Front Row: Louis Hernandez, Tim Parker, Greg Romero, Ernest Salazar, Marcus Montano, Tien Bui, Andrew Lopez, Jerry Baca | Middle Row: Charles Morrison, Edward Leyba, Christopher Torres, Lincoln Richey, Kenneth Peccatiello, Eric Buenaventa, Stephen Sais | Back Row: Rev. Tim Martinez, Director, Diaconate Formation, Deacon Andres Carrillo, Diaconate Formation/Permanent Deacons, Patrick Sena, Archbishop John C. Wester, Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan, Alex Valdez, Rev. Daniel Gutierrez. Campos Creative Portraits, Inc.



August 2018

Pope Francis gestures before speaking about the death penalty at an event marking the 25th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at the Vatican in this Oct. 11, 2017, file photo. The pope ordered a revision to the catechism to state that the death penalty is inadmissible and he committed the church to its abolition. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)


By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Building on the development of Catholic Church teaching against capital punishment, Pope Francis has ordered a revision of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to assert “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person” and to commit the church to working toward its abolition worldwide. The catechism’s paragraph on capital punishment, 2267, already had been updated by St. John Paul II in 1997 to strengthen its skepticism about the need to use the death penalty in the modern world and, particularly, to affirm the importance of protecting all human life. Announcing the change Aug. 2, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said, “The new text, following in the footsteps of the teaching of John Paul II in ‘Evangelium Vitae,’ affirms that ending the life of a criminal as punishment for a crime is inadmissible because it attacks the dignity of the person, a dignity that is not lost even after having committed the most serious crimes.” “Evangelium Vitae” (“The Gospel of Life”) was St. John Paul’s 1995 encyclical on the dignity and sacredness of all human life. The encyclical led to an updating of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which he originally promulgated in 1992 and which recognized “the right and duty of legitimate public authority to punish malefactors by means of penalties commensurate with the gravity of the crime, not excluding, in cases of extreme gravity, the death penalty.” At the same time, the original version of the catechism still urged the use of “bloodless means” when possible to punish criminals and protect citizens. The catechism now will read: “Recourse to the death penalty on the part of legitimate authority, following a fair trial, was long considered an appropriate response to the gravity of certain crimes and an acceptable, albeit extreme, means of safeguarding the common good. “Today, however, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes. In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by

the state. Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens but, at the same time, do not definitively deprive the guilty of the possibility of redemption,” the new section continues. Pope Francis’ change to the text concludes: “Consequently, the church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that ‘the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person,’ and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.” In his statement, Cardinal Ladaria noted how St. John Paul, retired Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis had all spoken out against capital punishment and appealed for clemency for death-row inmates on numerous occasions. The development of church doctrine away from seeing the death penalty as a possibly legitimate punishment for the most serious crimes, the cardinal said, “centers principally on the clearer awareness of the church for the respect due to every human life. Along this line, John Paul II affirmed: ‘Not even a murderer loses his personal dignity, and God himself pledges to guarantee this.’” Pope Francis specifically requested the change to the catechism in October during a speech at the Vatican commemorating the 25th anniversary of the text’s promulgation. The death penalty, no matter how it is carried out, he had said, “is, in itself, contrary to the Gospel, because a decision is voluntarily made to suppress a human life, which is always sacred in the eyes of the Creator and of whom, in the last analysis, only God can be the true judge and guarantor.” Cardinal Ladaria also noted that the popes were not the only Catholics to become increasingly aware of how the modern use of the death penalty conflicted with church teaching on the dignity of human life; the same position, he said, has been “expressed ever more widely in the teaching of pastors and in the sensibility of the people of God.” In particular, he said, Catholic opposition to the death penalty is based on an “understanding that the dignity of a person is not lost even after committing the most serious crimes,” a deeper understanding that criminal penalties should aim at See DEATH PENALTY continued on page 23


August 2018


Prayer Intentions AUGUST/AGOSTO Universal: The treasure of Families That any far-reaching decisions of economists and politicians may protect the family as one of the treasures of humanity. Universal: La familia, un tesoro Para que las grandes opciones económicas y políticas protejan la familia como el tesoro de la humanidad. Pope Francis greets Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan outside the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari, Italy, July 7. The pope met leaders of Christian churches in the Middle East for an ecumenical day of prayer for peace in the region. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Inside This Month’s Issue 2 4 8 11 12

Pope: Death Penalty is “Inadmissible” Archbishop’s Letter: The Slow Track to Heaven Icons of Christ the Servant Immaculate Conception Parish Celebrates 150th Anniversary of Jesuits in Albuquerque 5th Annual Archbishop’s Luncheon with Pueblo Governors

13 14 16 18 24 25 26 30 32

The Gift of a Child to the Nation: Sr. Blandina Segale, SC ASF Parish Gift Shops Mary Untier of Knots President of SPX: Fr. John Trambley Catholic Charities African American Catholic Community News US Church Official Favor Balance of Priests, Laity in Marriage Prep Strengthening the Will Archbishop Wester’s Calendar

Second Collection: August 18-19, 2018 for Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Archbishop John C. Wester has approved an annual Second Collection to benefit Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The 2018 Catholic Charities Second Collection will take place on the

weekend of August 18 and 19. With your support, Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe has served the community for more than 70 years and remains dedicated to finding solutions to some of the most pressing social challenges individuals, children and families face regardless of race, religion,

Together We Can Reach Our Goal!


Your donation will remain confidential, and is protected within the Annual Catholic Appeal Foundation of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a New Mexico Non-Profit Corporation, as a separate organization. Your donation does not fund legal claims.” Visit our new ACA Website at: to donate to ACA 2018, watch Archbishop Wester’s ACA video, and much more!

10% of ACA contributions help

DID Catholic Charities serve the most vulnerable in our community. YOU Check out our newest section, ACA Recipient Spotlight, KNOW? which will regularly highlight ministries and organizations supported by donations to the ACA. See page 28

country of origin, disabilities, age or sexual orientation. Funding from this important second collection will support vital, ongoing programs serving our community including refugee support, low-cost immigration and citizenship legal services, self-sufficiency and housing assistance, bilingual early childhood education, adult basic education classes, free senior transportation, and a monthly food pantry. This second collection is an opportunity to love your neighbor by ensuring they can receive the assistance they need. Please be generous and share your gift of hope with those who need it most either by returning your envelope during the second collection or by going online to and clicking donate. Catholic Charities thanks you for helping us support those who look to us for hope.

Special Collection: Seminarian Support September 8-9, 2018 Archdiocesan campaign for the support of local seminarians in their studies and formation. People of God

Official Magazine of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Publisher: Most Rev. John C. Wester Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Assistant Editor/Photojournalist: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month. Check out Media Kit online @ Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement. Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official •

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW • Albuquerque NM, 87120 • (505) 831-8162



August 2018

The Slow Track to Heaven


h, summertime, when the “livin’ is easy.” I always looked forward to summers when everything slowed down and the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life went into low gear. But, wait! What happened? As this summer continues to unfold, no one seems to be slowing down. People are driving just as fast as ever on the Coors Raceway or the I-25 Indianapolis 500. As always, we seem to be jockeying for the quickest lane at the grocery store and throw our hands up in the air when we inevitably choose what turns out to be the slowest line. My friend still calls me, wondering why I have not answered the e-mail he sent to me two minutes ago. I am still having trouble waiting until the end of dinner before I whip out my smart phone to settle the dispute as to which picture won the Academy Award in 1980. (Put your phone down, it was Kramer vs. Kramer.). Maybe there was a time when things slowed down during summer but it seems long, long ago. Our fast-paced, digitally obsessed world is going faster and faster and our ability to “stop and smell the roses” is receding farther and farther into oblivion. We must as a people of Faith learn to be still and know the presence of God even in our chaotic and conflicted world. This is why I believe the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, which we celebrate this August 15, offers an important lesson for all of us. Here in New Mexico, we have had a special relation to Our Lady. The oldest Marian devotion in the United States began with the arrival of Nuestra Señora de La Asunción. Brought to this land by the Friars her intercession has great

meaning for the diverse cultural membership of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Mary was assumed into heaven not because she was adept at multitasking and getting ahead of everybody else but rather because she stopped long enough to ponder the Word of God in her heart and allowed that Word to take root in her life. Luke tells us that Mary” kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) She allowed for quiet time, peaceful time, down time in her life so that she could be present to the “still, small voice” of God. (1 Kings 19:12) We are at a moment as a society where we need to learn from her example and take the time to ponder, finding the stillness of our hearts to see God’s mystery. Mary lived in the now moment, not in the past with guilt nor in the future with fear. This allowed her to deepen in her love of the God who first loved her. It was in this context that she became the mother of God and the mother of the Church. Through her intercession as patroness of New Mexico she continues to show us this motherly care in our cities, at our borders, in our public discourse. Moreover, it is because of her ability to slow down and to be a present to the one who abides in silence that she was assumed into heaven through the salvific work of the Son she bore in her womb. It is this Incarnate Word that she draws us to, inviting us to open our hearts to God’s love. But we must take time to be still, to slow down. This “slowing down” reminds me of a time when a dear priest friend of mine took three of us seminarians to a retreat in Sedona, Arizona. We drove

from San Francisco for 14 hours straight and were making great time when we decided to stop in the middle of the Mojave Desert at 2 a.m. Despite our desire to get to the retreat house as soon as possible and disregarding our somewhat ridiculous goal of setting a new speed record, we pulled over, stopped the car, and spent 20 minutes gazing at the incredibly bright stars and taking in the smells of the night desert. In fact, it was then that our retreat had begun. We realized that in order to arrive you must stop along the way or you will never get there. Very often the order of grace unfolds unexpectedly, in the hidden hours and moments of our day. It is counterintuitive, somewhat confusing, but true. As T.S. Eliot said in Little Gidding, “…What we call the beginning is often the end and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” This gets at what Our Lord meant when he referred to himself as “the way, the truth and the life.” The journey leads to Christ, it starts with Christ, it is Christ. Mary knew, as we found out in the desert, that in Jesus Christ we have already arrived. There is, therefore, no need to rush. Yet, I confess, I do rush. I cannot seem to help it. There is so much to be done and so little time in which to do it. As Robert Frost said so trenchantly, so wistfully, “…the woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep.” Perhaps a good prayer for us this August as we celebrate the Assumption is to ask Mary to pray with us for the grace to ponder more. Pray that we might be more deeply aware of how God is present to us in every moment of our lives. It doesn’t take much to realize that so many poets and pundits echo the words of Mary’s Magnificat. Elizabeth Barrett Browning knew this

August 2018

when she wrote, “Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes. The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.” By rushing around so much, do I miss the real goal of my life, union with God who is one with me right now? Like Mary how can I hear the Annunciation of God’s voice in my spouse, my child, my parents, my loved one, when my ears are filled with the rushing winds of my fast-paced life? Am I humble enough to admit that my goals, my desires and all those things that I am rushing to achieve pale in the presence of an all loving and all merciful God who is with me in the present moment? Can I come to the humble recognition that I do not have to be the first one in line, the first one to know the answer, the first one to be recognized because God, whose love knows no bounds, has already made me number one, loving me into existence and calling me to himself for all eternity? What more could I want? As we celebrate the Assumption this year, I am praying that we can deepen in an appreciation of the difference between what is urgent and what is important. Many of the things that occupy our attention and cause us to scurry about may be urgent but, in truth, they are often not that important. As I am talking to a dear friend over a cup of coffee, I begin to see that the ringing phone may be urgent but right now, at this moment, it is not important. Mary knew what was important. She knew that listening to God’s word, trusting in that word and allowing the promise of that Word to unfold within her as she is caught up in a divine dance with God himself is all that really matters. Mary teaches us that there are no fast tracks to heaven, only slow ones that prayerfully ponder God’s mysteries. We get there in due time, in Sabbath time, in God’s time. So let us all take it easy this summer and let God set the pace, echoing Mary’s fiat voluntas tua –thy will be done. Sincerely yours in the Lord,

Most Rev. John C, Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe


y c r e r M e v s i e r H o F s e r u d En




August 2018

Paso a paso hacia el Reino de los Cielos


ahh! ¡El verano! Cuando “la vida es fácil” ... Siempre he esperado con ansia el verano cuando parece que la marcha se desacelera y disminuye el trajín de la vida cotidiana. Pero, ¡un momento! ¿Qué ha pasado? A medida que va transcurriendo el verano, ¡nadie parece estar aflojando el paso! Los automovilistas siguen conduciendo tan rápido como siempre al transitar por el Coors Raceway o por la autopista interestatal 25, como en la carrera de 500 millas de Indianápolis. Como siempre, seguimos ingeniándonos para quedar parados en la fila más rápida del supermercado y gesticulamos desesperados cuando inevitablemente descubrimos que estamos en la fila más lenta. Un amigo no deja de llamarme para preguntarme por qué no he contestado el mensaje electrónico que me mandó hace dos minutos. Todavía se me hace difícil esperar hasta el final de la cena para sacar de inmediato mi teléfono móvil con el fin de resolver la disputa acerca de la película que fue premiada en 1980. (Guarde su teléfono, fue Kramer contra Kramer). Tal vez hubo una época cuando las actividades se desaceleraban en el verano, pero eso parece ser algo del pasado. Nuestro mundo acelerado y obsesionado por lo digital se mueve cada vez más aprisa y nuestra capacidad para detenernos y darnos tiempo para, por ejemplo, apreciar la naturaleza, ha ido retrocediendo cada vez más hacia el olvido. Como personas de fe, debemos aprender a detenernos para lograr percatarnos de la presencia de Dios en nuestro caótico y conflictivo mundo. Es por eso que me parece que la Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Virgen María que celebramos el 15 de agosto, nos ofrece a todos una lección importante. En Nuevo México hemos tenido una relación especial con Nuestra Señora. La más antigua devoción mariana en Estados Unidos tuvo su inicio cuando los frailes

franciscanos trajeron a esta tierra la imagen de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. Su intercesión tiene un gran significado para las personas de las diversas culturas que integran la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe. María fue llevada al cielo no porque fuera hábil para realizar muchas cosas a la vez y adelantarse a los demás, sino más bien porque se detuvo lo suficiente para reflexionar profundamente en su corazón sobre la Palabra de Dios, permitiendo así que dicha Palabra se arraigara en su vida. Lucas nos dice que María “observaba cuidadosamente todos estos acontecimientos y los guardaba en su corazón” (Lucas 2, 19). Ella se permitió tener en su vida momentos de paz, de quietud, de inactividad, de modo que pudiera estar atenta al “suave murmullo” de la voz de Dios (1 Reyes, 19,12). Como sociedad estamos en un momento propicio para aprender de su ejemplo y darnos tiempo para reflexionar y encontrar en nuestro corazón la quietud necesaria para poder percatarnos del misterio de Dios. María vivió en el momento presente, no en el pasado con sentimientos de culpabilidad ni en el futuro con temor. Por eso pudo profundizar su amor por el Dios que primero la amó. Fue en este contexto que ella se convirtió en la madre de Dios y la madre de la Iglesia. Mediante su intercesión como patrona de Nuevo México ella ha continuado brindándonos su protección maternal en nuestras ciudades, en nuestras fronteras, en nuestros debates públicos. Además, es debido a su capacidad para detenerse y ser un don para aquellos que guardan silencio, que fue llevada al cielo mediante la obra salvífica del Hijo que llevó en el vientre. Ella nos atrae hacia la Palabra Encarnada, invitándonos a darle entrada en nuestro corazón al amor de Dios. Sin embargo, debemos darnos tiempo para estar en calma, para aminorar la marcha.

Esto de “andar más despacio” me trae recuerdos de cuando un querido amigo sacerdote nos llevó a tres seminaristas a un retiro en Sedona, Arizona. El trayecto por tierra desde San Francisco nos tomó catorce horas y, como íbamos haciendo buen tiempo, a las dos de la mañana decidimos parar en medio del Desierto de Mojave. Aunque estábamos ansiosos por llegar al centro de retiros, pasamos por alto el objetivo algo ridículo que teníamos de establecer una nueva marca de velocidad, nos acercamos al borde de la carretera y detuvimos el auto. Pasamos veinte minutos mirando las increíblemente brillantes estrellas, mientras aspirábamos los aromas nocturnos del desierto. En efecto, fue en ese momento cuando empezó el retiro para nosotros. Nos dimos cuenta de que para llegar a un lugar debemos detenernos en el camino o nunca llegaremos. Muy a menudo la gracia se revela inesperadamente, en las horas y en los momentos ocultos de nuestro día. Es algo un tanto confuso, pero cierto, que parece oponerse a lo que indica la intuición. Como expresó T. S. Elliot en su obra Little Gidding: “...Lo que llamamos el principio muchas veces es el final y llegar al final es comenzar de nuevo. El fin está en nuestro punto de partida”. Esto apunta hacia lo que dijo Nuestro Señor al referirse a sí mismo: “Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida”. El camino nos conduce a Cristo, empieza con Cristo, es Cristo. María sabía, como nos dimos cuenta nosotros en el desierto, que en Jesucristo ya hemos llegado. Por lo tanto, no necesitamos apresurarnos. No obstante, confieso que yo sí me apresuro. Parece que no puedo evitarlo. Hay tanto que hacer y poco tiempo para hacerlo. Como dijo Robert Frost tan mordazmente, con cierta tristeza, “... los bosques son bellamente oscuros y profundos, pero tengo promesas que cumplir y millas que recorrer antes de poder dormir”. Cuando celebremos la Asunción en este mes de agosto, tal vez sea apropiado rogarle a María que se una a nosotros en oración para que podamos profundizar más sobre

August 2018

la gracia. Oremos para que percibamos, a un nivel más profundo, la forma en que Dios se nos presenta en cada momento de nuestra vida. No es difícil darse cuenta de que tantos poetas y tantos eruditos han hecho eco de las palabras contenidas en el Magníficat de María. Elizabeth Barrett Browning sabía esto cuando escribió: “La Tierra está atestada de cielo / Y todo matorral común ardiendo con Dios / Pero solamente el que ve se remueve los zapatos. El resto holgazanea y recoge zarzamoras”. Al apresurarme demasiado, ¿pierdo el verdadero objetivo de mi vida, la unión con Dios que es uno conmigo ahora mismo? Así como María, ¿cómo puedo oír lo que anuncia la voz de Dios en mi cónyuge, mi hijo, mis padres, mi ser querido, cuando en mis oídos repercute el sonido de las ráfagas de viento de mi vida acelerada? ¿Soy lo suficientemente humilde para admitir que mis objetivos, mis deseos y todas esas cosas que me apresuro por lograr pierden importancia ante la presencia de un Dios plenamente amoroso y misericordioso que está conmigo en el presente momento? ¿Puedo reconocer humildemente que no tengo que ser el primero en la fila, el primero en saber la respuesta, el primero en ser reconocido, porque Dios, cuyo amor no conoce límites, ya me ha puesto en primer lugar, demostrándome su amor al darme la existencia y llamándome hacia él por toda la eternidad? ¿Qué más podría desear? Al celebrar la Asunción este año, me dispongo a rezar para que nuestra apreciación de la diferencia entre lo que es urgente y lo que es importante sea más profunda. Muchas de las cosas que acaparan nuestra atención y que nos mueven a apresurarnos tal vez sean urgentes, pero, en verdad, muchas veces no tienen tanta importancia. María sí sabía qué era importante. Ella sabía que prestarle atención a la palabra de Dios, depositando su confianza en esa palabra y permitiendo que se manifestara en su interior la promesa de esa palabra como si quedara atrapada en una danza divina con el mismo Dios, es todo lo que realmente importa. María nos muestra que no existen vías rápidas para llegar al cielo, solamente aquellas que con lentitud y mediante la oración nos llevan a reflexionar sobre los misterios de Dios. Llegaremos allá a su debido tiempo, en el Día del Señor, y cuando Él lo disponga. Así pues, procedamos con calma este verano y dejemos que Dios determine el ritmo de nuestra vida, haciéndole eco a la frase de María: “fiat voluntas tua—hágase tu voluntad”.



a i d r e o r c i p r e m e s i i s m a Su ra par u d per

Sinceramento suyo en el Señor,

Arzobispo John C. Wester

Traducción voluntaria de: Anelle Lobos




August 2018

By Deacon Andy Carrillo, Director, Permanent Deacons n June 16, 2018, the doors to the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi were opened at 8:30 in the morning. Within about 15 to 20 minutes, the cathedral was full. The faces of all present showed their excitement. The atmosphere was that of a church fully alive. The ordination of 17 men to the permanent diaconate was to begin at 10:00 a.m. Those present included deacons from throughout the archdiocese as well as many of the priests. Seventeen men were to be ordained and called to be Icons of Christ the Servant. The ordination of those to be ordained to the diaconate began after the Gospel. Deacon Andy Carrillo called those to be ordained using the following words, “Let those who are to be ordained deacon, please come forward.” The men were then called by name and each one responded, “Present.” Each of the men went to Archbishop John C. Wester and made a sign of reverence. Fr. Tim Martinez, Director of Diaconate Formation, addressed the archbishop, requesting he ordain the men for service as deacon. Archbishop Wester asked, ‘Do you judge these men to be worthy?” Fr. Tim responded, “After inquiry among the people of Christ and upon recommendation of those concerned with their training, I testify they have been found worthy.” Archbishop Wester gave his consent, “We rely on the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, and we choose these men, our brothers, for the order of deacons.”

After the homily, Archbishop Wester questioned the men about their willingness to be ordained and discharge the office of deacon with humility and love. After this questioning, each candidate went to the archbishop, knelt before him and placed his joined hands between those of the archbishop and promised obedience to the archbishop and his successor. The archbishop alone stood and prayed, “Lord God, hear our petition and give your help to this act of our ministry. We judge these men worthy to serve as deacon and we ask you to bless them and make them holy.” He then invited the men to kneel and laid hands on each of the candidate’s head, in silence. Vested as a deacon, the newly ordained went to the archbishop and knelt before him. The archbishop placed the Book of the Gospels in the hands of newly ordained and said: “Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you now are. Believe what your read, teach what you believe and practice what you teach.” Lastly, the archbishop stood and gave the kiss of peace to the new deacon saying: “Peace be with you.”, and the deacon responded, “And with your spirit.” All the deacons present also gave the sign of peace to the newly ordained. The Liturgy of the Eucharist followed. Two of the newly ordained deacons assisted the archbishop. At the end, the archbishop assigned each newly ordained to deacon to a parish. All of the newly ordained were assigned to their home parish.

August 2018



Newly Ordained Permanent Deacon Assignments Jerry Robert Baca

Our Lady of Belen · Belen

Eric Pete Buenaventa

Our Lady of Sorrows · Bernalillo

Tien D. Bui

Our Lady of La Vang · Albuquerque

Louise John Hernandez

St. Charles Borromeo · Albuquerque

The candidates gather around the sanctuary as Fr. Tim Martinez responds to Archbishop about them being found worthy.

Edward Jude Leyba

St. Thomas Aquinas · Rio Rancho

Andrew Lee Lopez

St. John the Baptist · Santa Fe

Marcus D. Montaño

Sacred Heart · Albuquerque

Charles Gilbert Morrison St. Anne · Tucumcari

Timothy Carson Parker Risen Savior · Albuquerque

Kenneth Allen Peccatiello

Estancia Valley Catholic Church · Moriarty The candidates prostrate themselves and the cantor began the Litany of the Saints.

Lincoln Richey

Estancia Valley Catholic Church · Moriarty

Mark Gregory Romero

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del Valle de Pojoaque · Pojoaque

Stephen Alex Sais

Campos Creative Portraits, Inc

Queen of Heaven · Albuquerque

The archbishop prayed the Prayer of Consecration as the deacon candidates knelt before him. After the Prayer of Consecration, each of the newly ordained deacons were vested by a deacon or priest. They put on a deacon stole and then a dalmatic.

Ernest James Salazar Holy Cross · Santa Cruz

Patrick Alexander Sena

Our Lady of the Annunciation · Albuquerque

Christopher Torres

Immaculate Conception · Las Vegas

Joseph Alex Valdez

Sacred Heart · Española



August 2018

Oblates of the Norbertine Order

By Joseph Sandoval, MTS, Director of Communications, Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey

In addition to the priests and brothers living at the Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey, there are five non-resident members of the community. These women and men are oblates of the Order of Prémontré. Oblates can be recognized by the slight variance in the religious habit they wear, compared to that worn by the resident members of the abbey. Oblates wear a white tunic with a hood (as opposed to the hooded shoulder capes of the resident members), a scapular over the tunic, and a sash. Still, many visitors to the abbey want to know what an oblate is. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, an “oblate” refers to “a person dedicated to a religious life, but typically having not taken full monastic vows.” Though they may not profess “formal” religious vows as such,

each oblate of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey is nevertheless dedicated to a religious way of life through a discerned individual calling. They serve in various ministries of the abbey, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish and St. Norbert College. Specific ministries include Pastoral Associate of Faith Formation at Holy Rosary Parish, Director of the Norbertine Spirituality Center, Associate Director of the St. Norbert College MTS Program in New Mexico, and Director of Communications at Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey. As non-resident members of the community, they participate in the life of the abbey by being present and contributing to community activities, praying morning and evening prayer at the abbey, and sharing community meals as their busy schedules allow. Oblates are also members of various abbey committees, and serve as acolytes, readers, and cantors at abbey Masses. Though an oblate typically does

not take full religious vows, the oblates at Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey make life-long promises to the community through a “Covenant of Friendship.” Although each oblate makes similar promises, individually they discern and live them in unique ways. Yet, the commonality of each oblate’s personal calling is a deepening bond of friendship with the Norbertine community overall as well as with its particular resident members. The individual path each oblate follows is in contrast to the community formed by the Norbertine Associates. Since 2006, Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey has invited (which is the only path to becoming an oblate) seven individuals to join the Order as oblates. The five women and men currently promised to the abbey are under the guidance of Fr. Gene Gries, O. Praem., their formator, who journeys with each individual through an oblate novitiate and continues to serve as a spiritual guide.

Jubilarian, Sr. Julie McCole, OSF The Sisters of St. Francis 2018 Jubilee Celebration was held on Sunday, June 10, at Our Lady of Angels Convent in Aston, PA. During the liturgy the jubilarians renewed the vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience—vows they had first professed many years ago and which they continue to live out daily. Following liturgy the jubilarians and their guests joined in a celebratory luncheon. Golden jubilarian Sr. Julie McCole, OSF, is a golden jubilarian celebrating 50 years of religious profession. During her previous ministry in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, she served as associate director for programs and service at the Sangre de Christo Center. Currently Sr. Julie ministers as the director of resident services at Assisi House, the congregation’s retirement residence in Aston, PA.

August 2018



By Carol Johansen and Natalie Williamson, Immaculate Conception Church, Albuquerque

F Saturday, September 22, 2018 You are cordially invited to join Immaculate Conception Parish to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Jesuits in Albuquerque with an afternoon of food, fun and Christian fellowship, located in the heart of downtown at 619 Copper Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 on Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 3:00 - 7:00pm. This blessed event will include a beautiful celebration of the Eucharist, dinner and entertainment for people of all ages; and an opportunity for a chance to win a grand prize of $10,000. Please call the Immaculate Conception Parish office at 505.247.4271 to purchase a $100 raffle ticket and/or a $10 dinner ticket before the big event!

or any one person who takes the time to read this, here is a glimpse into the making of the Catholic Jesuit history in Albuquerque. After independence from Spain in 1821, Ecclesiastical church authority was transferred from the hands of Mexico to the Catholic Church in the United States. New Mexico was named as a provisional diocese, and Jean Baptiste Lamy, a Jesuit brother, was named its vicar. New Mexico officially became the Diocese of Santa Fe in 1853. In 1860, Bishop Lamy of Santa Fe was in Rome looking for more priests to staff the vast Catholic diocese. Jesuit Fathers who were exiled from their native province of Naples, Italy, were assigned to him. With robust Ignatian courage, these men devoted themselves to teaching the Christian faith, building churches, and laying the groundwork for Catholic education in the terrains of New Mexico. These men began their trek across the Santa Fe Trail encountering heavy rain, flooding, cholera (bacterial disease), and attacks by enemies. By God’s good graces, they untiringly labored under primitive conditions, while managing to keep the Catholic faith alive. With the arrival of the railroad in 1880, the Jesuit brothers recognized the need for a new church in Albuquerque in what was called “New Town.” At a cost of $15,000, the first Immaculate Conception Church was built to stand 34 feet high and was 84 x 40 feet. It was a small parish with about a dozen parishioner families. The first church services (lead by the Jesuit brothers) were held on July 1, 1883. In 1893, the new pastor, Fr. Alfonso Mandalari, SJ, built a rectory and started the first term of St. Mary’s Catholic School, at $3.03 per pupil. By 1903, the parish had outgrown the church building. Hence, Fr. Mandalari, SJ, began a campaign to raise $30,000 to double the seating capacity of the church. In May 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt visited the church and the school and said, “of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating the body, the mind, and above all the character, giving spiritual and moral training to those See JESUITS on page 12

Original Immaculate Conception Church 1883



5th Annual

Archbishop’s Luncheon with

Pueblo Governors

By Alan Cherino, Native American Ministry Advisory Board Member


he Native American Ministry Office held its Fifth Annual Archbishop Luncheon with the New Mexico Pueblo Governors at the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Catholic Center in Albuquerque in May. Shirley Zuni, Director of the Native American Ministry Office and the Native American Ministry Advisory Board look forward each year to hosting this luncheon as it unites Archbishop John C. Wester and the newly appointed Pueblo governors, tribal leaders and those who continue to serve their Pueblo communities. Archbishop Wester addressed the luncheon guests – current and former Pueblo leaders, religious priests and deacons from among the archdiocese, Archdiocese of Santa Fe office directors and staff members, and several other invited guests – while they started with their delicious lunch served for the afternoon. Archbishop Wester spoke of his “deep love of the Pueblos”. As a young boy, Archbishop recalled reading two books that stand out vividly in his memory: one on

the capitals of the United States, and the other about the Native American people. He recalled feeling the love and respect the Native Americans have for their traditions and culture, and the beauty of all it encompasses. Archbishop said, “We speak different languages, but we have the common language of love. Jesus came to teach us the language of love.” Then he posed the question, how can we come together to celebrate [God’s love]? He said, “We can celebrate the rich culture we have [together].” Archbishop Wester was glad to meet with the Pueblo governors and mentioned he tries to attend the Pueblo feast days as much as he can each year. Governors and tribal officials representing Pueblos Cochiti, Isleta, Jemez, Santo Domingo, Tesuque, and Zia attended the luncheon. Other officials also in attendance were Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan, Chairman of the All Indian Pueblo Council of Governors, E. Paul Torres, Sr., and former Isleta Second Lt. Governor, Isidor Abeita. The luncheon concluded with an Apostles’ Cross given to each Pueblo by Archbishop Wester and posing for our group photo.

August 2018

JESUITS continued from page 11 who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation.” Hereafter, the construction of the renovated Immaculate Conception parish was completed in May 1908. Fast-forward to 1957, as the Catholic parish continued ICC Bell Tower, to grow and more a historical than doubled in downtown members, the landmark original stone structure of Immaculate Conception was torn down to make way for a new (and well-needed) church. It took two years to construct, at a cost of nearly one million dollars, including furnishings. Today, Immaculate Conception’s bell tower is one of the most historical landmarks in downtown Albuquerque, as it stands 110 feet tall, and contains three bells from the original church. If that’s not enough, at the top of this beautiful site, there is a crucifix that rises high above the city. The crucifix stands over a crown with 12 stars, which symbolizes the stars that divinely surround Blessed Virgin Mary. On March 26, 1960, Bishop Bernard T. Espalage stated in the new church’s first sermon, “I urge you all to become practical Catholics now, this church is your gate to Heaven.” Protected and directed by divine province, today’s Jesuit brothers of Immaculate Conception continue to carry out this sacred work for the greater glory of God, as they are devoted to providing daily Catholic Masses and confessions, regularly attend to anointings for the sick, provide communion to the homebound and the community, and preside at first holy communion, confirmation, and funeral Masses. The church’s “Bread and Blessing” feeds the homeless from 11:30am to 1:00pm every Sunday morning (and has for the last 10 years) and St. Mary’s Catholic School continues to provide education for children, intertwined with the teachings of the Catholic faith.

August 2018



The Gift of a Child to the Nation: Sr. Blandina Segale, Servant of God, Patron of Immigrant Children

By Allen Sánchez, President, CHI St. Joseph’s Children

healthcare to the most innocent, the orphans of the territory of New Mexico. She brought consolation, health care and forgiveness to the guilty, to Throughout the history of the Unites States, bandits and to swindlers. What a gift scores of children have arrived at our borders of humanity this one child brought to and ports in waves of humanity searching for our country. Sr. Blandina, as a child, was freedom and safety. a gift to our Nation and is a patron of One such child was Maria Rosa Segale immigrant children. who, in 1855 at the age of five, found herself Why is it that today, some of us arriving from Italy at the Port of New Orleans cannot recognize the human dignity with her family, seeking a new home, with no of the children and families presenting knowledge of where they would settle as they themselves at our borders? How do we traveled up the Mississippi. Ultimately, her not know the children whose little eyes family landed on the shores of the Ohio River are peering at us through chain link in Cincinnati, OH. This little immigrant girl fences can be our salvation? quickly learned the power value of multiple I call on the memory of Sr. Blandina cultures contributing to one society. At the who is now in the official process of an age of 17, she entered the Congregation of Inquiry of Heroic Virtue for Sainthood, The Sisters of Charity in Cincinnati. In 1872, to inspire us. Her story can inspire at the age of 22, she was missioned to the Catholics and non-Catholics alike. new frontier of the West. In her book, At the Sister Blandina (Maria Rosa)Segale, SC, When the Acts of the Investigation of End of the Santa Fe Trail, a compilation of Servant of God Heroic Virtue were presented to the diaries, letters and memories, she tells the Photo Courtesy of Palace of the Governors - Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA) Negative #67735 Congregation for the Cause of Saints story of an immigrant girl who contributed to at the Vatican in Rome, the chancellor the founding of Catholic and public schools receiving the documents declared, “Regardless of whether Sr. in Colorado and New Mexico, the cofounding of hospitals, social Blandina is made a saint or not, you have offered this little one’s institutions and orphanages, some of which still exist today. Her story as an example to the world.” ministries are now part of Catholic Health Initiatives, the largest The world is watching us today. healthcare system in the United States. Most Americans share a legacy of migration to this wonderful Sr. Blandina showed great courage in confronting lynch mobs, country. Do we not have a memory of the sacrifices and disarming them of their guns, lynching ropes, and hate, always contributions of our ancestors who brought their children to bringing out the best in everyone she encountered. She brought the United States through uncertain circumstances, just as these mothers and fathers are doing? How disappointed they must be as they look down on us, a nation dispatching tents for makeshift child prisons. America, we are better than this. Once again, the story of Sr. Blandina encourages me to believe that we can overcome this. Hers is simply a story of one immigrant, but all our ancestors’ stories together create the whole of what came to be the United States of America. I invoke the memory and intercession of Sr. Blandina the Servant of God during this crisis of children being separated from their parents. We must show fortitude and we must show love.




August 2018

Archdiocese of Santa Fe

arish Gift Shops

providing faith-based gifts and religious items

Kim MontaĂąo, Director, Accounting Parish Support

The historical churches of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe are visited visitors by pilgrims, tourists and faithful from all corners of the globe. The Archdiocese has much to boast about in the churches, which are more than historical. They are living structures where the sacred continues to be celebrated. For the people of New Mexico our churches are places of encounter with the living God; where the sacraments are celebrated and the joyful and sorrowful moments of the lives of our families and communities are celebrated. Our churches, while visited by many people, remain sacred places of encounter for our people. Catholic churches, whether directly sought out by the faithful, pilgrims, tourists or accidently stumbled upon, often become places where the visitors, regardless of their motives, also have an encounter with the living God, or at the very least feel the sacredness of our churches. The experience leads to the desire to share the experience, their personal encounters, and the holiness found in our churches. Many of our churches provide a means of taking those experiences home with them by providing gift shops where post cards, paintings, prints, and hundreds of various religious articles can be purchased as a memento of their experience of encounter. Gift shops at our churches have grown in popularity and can often be a lucrative means by which the church community supports the maintenance of the church building and

of the community. The gift shops in the Archdiocese have become a ministry whereby our church communities are providing visitors of all types the opportunity to take home a memento of their lived experiences. The gift shops also provide communities an opportunity to showcase local art sought after by the intentional and incidental visitors who are so often intrigued with the rich multi-cultural and creative-rich Land of Enchantment. The gift shops highlight and make accessible the tin work, straw applique, retablos, pottery, paintings, prints, jewelry and many other art forms that are a rich part of the multi-cultural heritage of the Archdiocese. The gift shops also provide religious and devotional items the faithful seek to mark the moments in the lives of our people; baptisms, First Communion, confirmation, weddings, and birthdays. Holy cards and medals sold at the church gift shops help to foster their faith and to invite the saints to accompany them in their efforts to grow in holiness. St. Michael medals are for our service men and women, St. Joseph statues to ask the intercessions in selling homes, and rosaries to give as gifts for marking special family moments are popular in the gift shops. The Catholic Church has always accepted and encouraged the use of sacramental objects related to the faith to evoke an increase of faith, devotion to the saints, and deeper relationship with God. Sacramentals help Christians to make tangible the spiritual and ephemeral, a means of holding the sacred reality of encounter with God. The gift shops throughout the Archdiocese make sacramentals available to all who walk through, pray, and appreciate our sacred churches in New Mexico. Recently, gift shop managers, pastors, employees, volunteers, and archdiocesan personnel gathered at a workshop in Albuquerque to discuss the ministry that our gift shops provide. The workshop was fruitful in reviewing good business practices to foster the careful stewardship of the gift shops. A draft policy to guide the gift shops in the Archdiocese was shared to assure that the ministry provided by our churches in providing gift shops conforms to effective business practices and provide good stewardship. Reverend Dennis Garcia, Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe contributed to this article.


August 2018

Santuario de Chimayo Gift Shop and Museum: The Santuario de Chimayo is a National Historic Landmark, visited by thousands of faithful Catholics every year, especially during Holy Week. The gift shop makes it possible for pilgrims to purchase a remembrance of their visit. The Gift Shop is stocked with hundreds of well-chosen religious articles. The Museum is a display of the rich history of the Santuario, the Chimayo area and the people who call this magical place home.

Below is a preview of our six largest gift shops

Santuario de Chimayo Gift Shop and Museum

San Felipe de Neri Gift Shop and Museum: Located adjacent to the parish office in the Sister Blandina Convent, which once housed the Sisters of Charity. The Museum is home to furnishings and religious art that have been used in the life and liturgy of the parish throughout the centuries. The Gift Shop has a tasteful, colorful array of religious articles to choose from. You will not leave this gift shop without an appreciation for beauty in religious artwork.

san felipe de neri gift shop and museum

San Francisco de Asis Gift Shop: This gift shop is located in Ranchos de Taos, next to the historic San Francisco de Asis church, one of the most visited sites in northern NM. For the faithful of northern NM and the many visitors from far away, the gift shop is a source for rosaries, crosses, statues, medals, retablos, books, prints, tiles, jewelry and wall hangings.


san francisco de asisi gift shop

Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi: Our beautiful Cathedral Basilica is in the heart of the Santa Fe plaza. The gift shop is located in the entrance of the Cathedral and hosts thousands of visitors each year. There is a diverse inventory of items for sale. Each item is unique and beautiful enough to meet the standards of a shop in downtown Santa Fe.

Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi

shrine of st. bernadette

Shrine of St. Bernadette: The Shrine Gift Shop offers holy water from Lourdes, sacred art, a large selection of religious articles and jewelry, and an extensive collection of St. Bernadette items including books and films.

Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is located on Guadalupe Street in Santa Fe, and is the oldest standing shrine in the United States. The Shrine consists of the historical chapel – the Santuario de Guadalupe, a new larger, Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the El Cerro de Tepeyac – a walking path featuring six tile mosaics by the artist Arlene Cisneros Sena, illustrating the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, and the newest addition, a 12-foot statue of our Lady of Guadalupe which stands in front of the Santuario de Guadalupe, greeting visitors. You’ll find the gift shop attached to the historical chapel. There are many beautiful items to choose from.

shrine of our lady of guadalupe



August 2018

Mary Untier of Knots

Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi Santa Fe, New Mexico By Wanda Q. Vint, Pastoral Associate of Operations, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi has a new life size statue, Mary Untier of Knots. The statue was blessed on April 27, 2018. Those in attendance were the donors, The Drury Foundation (which included members of the Drury family and friends), and Mr. and Mrs. Millard Pickering, who donated the pedestal upon which the statue rests. The Cathedral would like to share the real history of Mary Untier of Knots. How did this devotion start? To show us the mission granted to the Virgin Mary by Her Son, an unknown artist painted Mary Untier of Knots with great grace. Since 1700, his painting has been venerated in the Church of St. Peter in Perlack, Germany. It was originally inspired by a meditation of St. Irenaeus (Bishop of Lyon and martyred in 202) based on the parallel made by St. Paul between Adam and Christ. St. Irenaeus, in turn, made a comparison between Eve and Mary (the new Eve), saying: “Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot of disgrace for the human race; whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it.” But what are these knots? They are the problems and struggles we face for which we do not see any solution. Knots of discord in your family, lack of understanding between parents and children, disrespect, violence, the knots of deep hurts between

husband and wife, the absence of peace and joy at home. They are also the knots of anguish and despair of separated couples, the dissolution of the family, the knots of a drug addict son or daughter, sick or separated from home or God, knots of alcoholism, the practice of abortion, depression, unemployment, fear, solitude… Ah, the knots of our life! How they suffocate the soul, beat us down and betray the heart’s joy and separate us from God. We are living in difficult times where the problems, the knots, the temptations, the lack of peace and the evils are all around us. Like a roaring lion, your adversary, the devil, prowls around, looking for See MARY continued on page 23 Through your grace, your intercession, and your example. deliver us from all evil, Our Lady, and untie the knots that prevent us from being united with God, so that we, free from sin and error, may find him in all things may have our hearts placed in him and may serve him always in our brothers and sisters. -Prayer of Pope Francis to Mary Untier of Knots

someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). For that reason, Mary, who

August 2018


Stewardship Corner


What Does Stewardship Mean to You? Very Reverend John C. Daniel Vicar General, Vicar for Clergy and Moderator of the Curia What is Stewardship to me? As I ponder this question I found myself thinking about a song I heard last Christmas that was performed and written by a music group called Pentatonix. This song is called “That’s Christmas To Me.” The song speaks of all the things that make the Season of Christmas a special time of year, ranging from gift giving, Christmas trees, concern for others and the gathering of family and friends. Stewardship is very much like Christmas as it is embraced and understood. It is a special way of life that transforms the person who embraces Stewardship and transforms that person’s relationship with God, the Church and humanity at large. Just as the true meaning of Christmas can only be understood and embraced within the context of a loving God who sent His only Son into the world for our Salvation. So it’s the same with Stewardship and “That’s Stewardship to Me”. Office of Stewardship • 505-831-8173 •

Quinceañera Retreats Across the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

By Jessica Rios Archdiocese of Santa Fe Young Adult & Campus Ministries Coordinator

The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries is excited to announce there will be Quinceañera family retreats and team trainings across the Archdiocese of Santa Fe! Quinceañera family retreats have successfully promoted family evangelization, encouraged youth to participate, be active in their parish life, and has refocused the tradition to its religious roots. “Although the Quinceañera is primarily, but not exclusively, a sociological and a cultural celebration, it is also religious. In history, there have been rites when young men and women are introduced to society. The girl becomes a “señorita” with new

38th Annual Archdiocesan Youth Conference October 26-27, 2018

Retreat at the Catholic Center in Albuquerque, July 7, 2018

privileges and new responsibilities on the feast of the Quinceañera. The combination of these elements transform this celebration into a tradition that goes beyond the social event, adding a profound religious and spiritual meaning when the woman-to-be recognizes the Christian values and the challenges these values bring upon her.” (Archdiocese of Santa Fe Quinceañeras, Pastoral Guidelines 2016) As this ministry continues to expand, all pastors and/or

youth ministers are invited and encouraged to attend team trainings and retreats if they are interested in providing this ministry at the parish. An Archdiocesan Quinceañera Mass will be celebrated September 8, 2018, for any Quinceañeras who would like to receive a blessing for their 15th year from Archbishop John C. Wester. For more information, please call the Youth and Young Adult Ministries Office at 505.831.8142 or visit our website at

The Theme for the conference is “Becoming What We Pray”. This year, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary will be hosting us. The date of the conference is October 26-27, 2018. The fee is $40.00 for both days. The registration deadline is Friday October 12, 2018. Our Keynote Presenter for Saturday is Jacob DeRusha. This is a top conference for high school youth (15-18 years old) in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The excellent speakers and workshops will deal with issues that affect young people in everyday life. Faith and catechetical experiences, included is the sacrament of reconciliation and Mass. This is an excellent kick off for confirmation. Visit our website: for more information or contact Della at 505.831.8142 or from the Office of Youth & Young Adult, Campus Ministry.



August 2018

Fr. John Trambley Joins St. Pius X as President By Melissa Sais, St. Pius X Connections St. Pius X High School now has a president. Effective June 15, 2018, Fr. John Trambley is serving as the school’s first president. He joins Principal Dr. Barbara Rothweiler. Through collaboration, this president/principal model will ensure that St. Pius X High School continues its academic and faith formation excellence. “I am happy to be here,” said Trambley, who will combine the president role with

additional responsibilities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. “Since I am the vocation director, it will give me the opportunity to speak with young people as they discern where God is calling them. As president, it enables me to work with our community and find ways for students, teachers, parents, benefactors, alumni, and the entire community to live out our Catholic Faith.” The appointment was made by Archbishop John C. Wester, who has desired a president/principal model for St. Pius X High School since coming to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in 2015. Archbishop Wester was a member of the faculty at Marin Catholic High School in Kentfield, CA for five years and served two years as its president. “He understands the value of a president/

principal model,” Trambley says. “He knows there are many responsibilities that come with running a modern Catholic high school and it works well to share the workload between the president and the principal.” In the school’s new collaborative model, the president and the principal are on the same level working together to provide leadership and administration to the school. The president will focus on advancement, marketing, campus ministry, the chaplain services, and will remain connected to the Theology Department. He will also be teaching one class of theology. This frees the principal to focus on the academic departments, athletics, counseling department, maintenance, security, facilities,

We Welcome Our New Principals Rebecca Hodges Rebecca Hodges comes to Holy Cross with four years of teaching second grade at Holy Cross and three years teaching at St. Paul’s in San Pablo, CA. She has done a variety of things in her adult life such as a professional Girl Scout, stay at home mother and volunteering. She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Northern Iowa and Master’s Degree in Outdoor Teacher Education from Northern Illinois University. She has two adult children who live out of state. Currently she lives in Santa Fe and spends most of her time helping students and families at Holy Cross. Melinda Mader Melinda Mader comes to Our Lady of Fatima (OLF) with 14 years experience within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Schools. She taught 7th grade religion, social studies, language arts, and literature at St. Mary’s (Albuquerque) before completing her administrative certification through Loyola-Marymount University. Ms. Mader believes the many leadership opportunities provided under the direction of fabulous principals and colleagues guided her to the path of administration. Ms. Mader is a native of Albuquerque and a product of Catholic Education including St. Mary’s, St. Pius X High School and most recently Loyola-Marymount University. She completed her undergraduate work at the University of New Mexico. It is Ms. Mader’s belief that it is her job to promote an atmosphere conducive to Christ-centered learning and show each child they are valued for who they are, and encourage students to achieve beyond their own expectations. She is excited about being the new principal at OLF and is looking forward to a wonderful, faith-filled year. Dirk Steffens Dirk Steffens holds a Masters of Science Degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Catholic Education from the University of Dayton. He has a Masters of Art of Theological Studies from the University of St. Thomas School of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary, and a Bachelors of Arts majoring in Theology from the University of St Thomas. He taught theology at the university and high school level and was a Director of Campus Ministry and Chair of Theology at a high school in Texas. Dirk is new to New Mexico and was drawn to the area because of the deep Catholic culture. He believes the greatest job, responsibility and mission we have is being a Catholic educator. He arrived at Catholic education later in life, and built a deep passion for the Catholic educational system and how it shapes young people and the world.

See TRAMBLEY on page 19

August 2018



An Act of Charity in Catholic Education: The Sol Gutierrez Story By Edward Steven “Eddie” Castoria, M.A., J.D., Immediate Past President, Board of Directors, St. Pius X High School Foundation We are taught by our families and in our Catholic schools to be charitable – to love and be benevolent toward even the least of our fellow man. In 2004, a little Ecuadorian girl named Sol Gutierrez needed life-saving surgery to correct her severely deformed back, a complicated surgery not available in her home country. By the grace of God, a surgeon at a New York City hospital agreed to do the surgery for free, and the hospital waived most of its costs, everything but $30,000, which the Gutierrez family did not have. When told of Sol’s situation by culinary arts teacher Lynne Peckinpaugh (Sol’s Godmother), the students of St. Pius X High School went into action and raised over $12,500 toward the cost of that first surgery. On their way to New York City, Sol and her mother visited St. Pius X, and the students absolutely fell in love with her. Without this clear demonstration of the virtue of charity by those wonderful students, Sol would not be alive. Nor, after nine back surgeries TRAMBLEY continued from page 18 and student services. Both work together with the finance department. Trambley said the collaborative model requires constant communication between president and principal. “We have been in many meetings together already,” he said. “We have toured the campus and explored the tunnels under the campus as well!” One of their first projects is to complete the plans for the new campus chapel, which will be built soon. Trambley brings his experience gained from working in parishes, and Rothweiler brings her experience gained from her many years at St. Pius X. “Working together ensures the chapel will be a place of worship that meets the needs of St. Pius X High School students for many years to come,” Trambley said.

and two leg surgeries, would Sol be the vibrant, intelligent, talented 17-year-old she is today. The Sol Gutierrez story has a truly happy ending. Sol’s dream since that first visit in 2004 to attend her beloved “San Pio” as a student will come true, as the school has given her a special admission as a Senior for the Spring 2019 semester. She will attend regular classes and be involved in student activities like music and choir (she has a beautiful voice and speaks excellent English). A group of St. Pius X faculty and alumni is now raising funds to pay for Sol’s expenses while in Albuquerque. You can help by donating online at



August 2018

St. Mary’s Catholic School, Belen By Melodie Good, Principal, St. Mary’s, Belen St. Mary’s Catholic School in Belen is celebrating 91 years of providing a strong moral, academic and challenging curriculum to students in Valencia County. As the only Catholic school in Valencia County, St. Mary’s has grown over the past five years and is thriving today. Teachers and support staff are dedicated to nurturing the whole child—mind, body and spirit. Student engagement in every classroom is embedded into our rigorous curriculum and is evidenced in our practices. St. Mary’s grades PreK-5th uses a proficiency-based grading and reporting system, which allows us to: • Aligned to the St. Mary’s School mission • Provide more consistent and precise feedback to students and parents • Encourage students to take a more active role in the learning process • Ensure student proficiency of grade-level standards • Provide increased rigor and greater enrichment opportunities Students at St. Mary’s are kicking off the year with a free STEM

Saturday Adventure, September 8, inviting families from both Los Lunas and Belen to join us to participate in many science, technology, engineering and math related demonstrations highlighting the excitement of STEM. St. Mary’s started our first STEM MakerSpace classes last school year with first and second grades and will be offering MakerSpace classes to older students this school year. These classes also include the R (religion) and the A (art) added to STEM to make STREAM activities for our students. Come watch PreK-8th graders in their lab jackets exploring all aspects of science through the Lab Learner Science Program! St. Mary’s is a great place for families. Recognizing that parents are the first and greatest teachers of our students, we ask parents to partner with us in setting our students on the path to becoming caring and productive followers of Christ.

In-Depth Learning in the New St. Charles Enrichment Room By Christine Gaudette Teacher, St. Charles Borromeo Parish School St. Charles School will be opening a new enrichment room this fall. The purpose of the enrichment room will be to allow students to use hands-on Montessori materials in mathematics, geometry, geography, history, and science. The materials are already organized in the classroom according to topics, making it easy for different classes to come in throughout the week and reinforce what is being taught in the classrooms. The mathematics and geometry materials are designed to match students’ levels, thus providing more practice and in-depth learning. If a child has mastered a concept, they can move on

to the next level. Additional materials provide students with opportunities to explore and research topics in geography, science and history. The benefit for the teacher is the materials complement their existing lesson plans and offer the students many more resources. The teacher’s time is spent on identifying a student’s level and how they can better serve the needs of the children. Grades 1st through 5th will be the target audience to use the enrichment room, however the resources will also be valuable to students in the upper grades as needed. The enrichment room will provide a strong base in all academic areas for students’ future academic success, and it will allow them to develop their God-given curiosity and talent for learning.

August 2018





August 2018

A New Choice: Forgiveness JustFaith: Faith in Action By Carol Feeney, Project Rachel Coordinator In the Gospel of John, Jesus spoke to the woman caught in adultery after her accusers had gone away. They had become unwilling to stone her to death because they were unable to pretend anymore that they themselves were without sin. The woman’s accusers had failed in their attempt to trap Jesus with a moral dilemma: The first choice was for Jesus to go against His merciful nature, and instead follow Jewish law and condemn her to death by stoning. The second choice facing Jesus was to pardon the woman and defy the law. However, Jesus made a third choice. He asked the accusers to look inside themselves and judge if, as men, they were truly worthy of condemning her. To be worthy of condemnation would mean to be free of sin themselves. In doing this, Jesus gave the decision-making back to them. They could continue as hypocrites and pretend to be blameless, or be compassionate and let her live, acknowledging their own imperfect nature. Then Jesus straightened up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She replied, “No one, sir.” Then Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.” John 8:10-11 A different story is told by Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth, who became obsessed, compulsively rubbing her hands trying to wash away what she imagined to be a permanent blood stain from her hand, the “damned spot” of her guilt. Tragically, her unresolved guilt ended in self-destruction. “What a sigh is there! The heart is sorely charged”. (Macbeth Act V Scene 1. William Shakespeare) The good news is that Jesus offers us a compassionate alternative to the path of self-destruction. Like Lady MacBeth’s experience, an abortion may remain in the memory even after a period of numbness, denial and justification. St. Pope John Paul II reminds us in Evangelium Vitae that an alternative choice can be to “Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance” no. 99 (1995) Past decisions can haunt us with regret. We have an invitation to release those regrets. If we are able to face reality, grieve the loss and reconcile with God and the Church through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, our sins no longer remain in God’s memory and we are called to “go and sin no more.” Our lives are wiped clean, and reconciliation with God can lead to self-forgiveness, release and spiritual renewal. The long road is learning how to forgive ourselves. There is hope! If you have been involved in, or affected by an abortion decision and you are ready to face it honestly, grieve the loss of your child and ultimately reconcile with God, please call the Project Rachel help line at 505.831.8238.

By Judy Traeger, Parishioner St. John XXIII Catholic Community

During the past school year, I had the privilege of facilitating JustFaith at St. John XXIII. JustFaith is an intensive, small-group process for faithful Christians looking to deepen their commitment to care for vulnerable people and our planet. Through prayer, study, dialogue, and immersions, we became a community of friends dedicated to exploring Catholic social justice teachings and our call to follow Christ in serving our world. I’d like to share some of our participants’ reflections on their experiences: Theresa: I realized if I step out of my box, look deep within, pray, and listen to what God is calling me to do, I can make a difference in our world. JustFaith deepened my faith. I became more aware of opportunities to help make our world better. I learned that I--yes even I--can be the change that is needed. JustFaith shifted my way of thinking because once I learned about why our world is hurting, I could not “unlearn” what I learned. Rose: Through readings, discussions, connections to outside resources, and

experiences with needs in our area, I began to define how I can live a faith of compassion and caring. JustFaith helped me see ways I can more productively contribute to the wellbeing of the world. It taught me to see the world through lenses different than my own. It gave me new insights into my faith and has contributed to my next steps in the journey of life. Terri: Through JustFaith, I realized we often live our daily lives oblivious to what is happening in our city, our state, our country, and outside of the USA. I learned it about the people around me who are suffering, in pain, who need prayer, a friendly smile, a helping hand. JustFaith woke me up and made me alert to my surroundings each and every day of my life. George: The loving, trusting environment of true dialogue in this program is without match. Perhaps these comments will encourage you to think about starting a JustFaith group at your parish. The prophet Micah reminds us what the Lord desires of us: “Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Blessings on your journey!

Welcome to the New CCHD Intern, Rachel Baca! Rachel Baca is this year’s intern for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Rachel is a Master’s of Social Work student at New Mexico Highlands University. She has volunteered and interned at Catholic Charities, both on her free time as well as for school. Rachel has been involved in youth ministry work since she was confirmed in high school as a 10th grader, and she has continued to participate and even work at her parish as the Youth Ministry and Rachel Baca, CCHD intern, is pictured here Confirmation Coordinator. Rachel has receiving an award from Archbishop John C. a passion for working with those living Wester at the 2017 Catechetical Luncheon. in poverty and those who are suffering from homelessness. As the intern through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Rachel hopes to teach those in our communities about how perfectly our Catholic faith ties in with Catholic social teaching and helping those in poverty! Please contact Rachel at 505.831.8235 to set up a presentation to your youth, young adult or adult formation group on what Catholic social teaching says about poverty, and how you can help!

August 2018



A Summer Retreat

Part II The Pursuit of Justice and Other Needed Virtues

Connie Baca

By Ian A. Wood, D+E+I Chief Administrator

Catholic Daughters of the Americas New Mexico State Officers of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas held a combined workshop for regents and district deputies at the Catholic Center in Albuquerque in June. The agenda included regents’ roles and responsibilities, spiritual team building, robe protocols, financial review and submission and Parliamentary Procedure. National representative Emily Guilherme (in black sweater) is with NM State officers: Treasurer Rosie Duran, Secretary Dr. Catherine Collins, Regent Angelina Romero, 1st Vice Regent Angela Herrera, and 2nd Vice Regent Yvette Griego. DEATH PENALTY continued from page 2 the rehabilitation of the criminal and a recognition that governments have the ability to detain criminals effectively, thereby protecting their citizens. The cardinal’s note also cited a letter Pope Francis wrote in 2015 to the International Commission Against the Death Penalty. In the letter, the pope called capital punishment “cruel, inhumane and degrading” and said it “does not bring justice to the victims, but only foments revenge.” Furthermore, in a modern “state of law, the death penalty represents a failure” because it obliges the state to kill in the name of justice, the pope had written. On the other hand, he said, it is a method frequently used by “totalitarian regimes and fanatical groups” to do away with “political dissidents, minorities” and any other person deemed a threat to their power and to their goals. In addition, Pope Francis noted that “human justice is imperfect” and said the death penalty loses all legitimacy in penal systems where judicial error is possible. “The new formulation of number 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church,” Cardinal Ladaria said, “desires to give energy to a movement toward a decisive commitment to favor a mentality that recognizes the dignity of every human life and, in respectful dialogue with civil authorities, to encourage the creation of conditions that allow for the elimination of the death penalty where it is still in effect.”

D+E+I presents the eagerly anticipated follow-up to last summer’s acclaimed retreat, Living the Dominican Spirit with Dominic and Catherine, by Sr. Geneal Kramer, OP, D. Min. A Summer Retreat, Part II opens on Friday, August 17, 2018, and continues Saturday, August 18, 2018. Sr. Geneal is a noted spiritual director and adjunct faculty in the Master of Theology Program of the Ecumenical Institute for Ministry. In 2014, she received the Lumen Ecclesiae Award for lifetime achievement in ministry, adult faith formation, spirituality, and theology. Friday, August 17, 2018 6:30 PM- 8:00 PM Living the Dominican Spirit with Dominic and Catherine A review of last year’s retreat providing a recap for those who had attended and, for everyone, a foundation upon which to build the new content to be discussed the following day. Saturday, August 18, 2018 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM In two parts, with lunch The Pursuit of Justice and Other Needed Virtues Both St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Catherine of Siena wrote extensively on virtues. Pope Francis continues to emphasize the need of virtue in our world today in his letter, Rejoice and Be Glad. Together we will explore their insights and discover how we can internalize these virtues in our Christian life journey. In three sessions, one Friday evening and two on Saturday we listen to their counsel and ponder their words. Saturday’s program includes time for prayerful reflective silence and sharing in small groups as we struggle to discern our role as Christian people in the world today with its risks, challenges, and opportunities. A Summer Retreat, Part II will be held in the chapel at the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God at 901 Br. Mathias Pl NW near Old Town. Admission this year is complimentary, but space is limited so registration is needed. The cost for lunch on Saturday is $15. For more information please go to DEIabq. org, email, or call 505.831.8212.

MARY continued from page 16 undoes the knots, chosen by God to crush the evil one with her feet, comes to us to reveal herself. She comes to provide jobs, good health, to reconcile families, because she wants to undo the knots of our sins which dominate our lives, so that, as sons of the King, we can receive the promises reserved for us from eternity. She comes with promises of victory, peace, blessings, and reconciliation. This devotion had a profound impact on the devotional life of Pope Francis. As Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he introduced and encouraged the devotion to Our Lady, Untier of Knots. The devotion was so intensely popular throughout Argentina and Brazil that the British Guardian called it “a religious craze.” During the Jubilee Year of Mercy (2015-/2016) Pope Francis encouraged this devotion to the faithful. Fr. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz, pastor of the Cathedral, decided to embark on an effort to have a statue commissioned to mark the Year of Mercy. Many parishioners and visitors joined in the effort and with joy word was received that the Drury Family (of the Drury Plaza Hotel – our neighbor to the east of the Cathedral) would like to pay for the statue in honor of Robert and Ann Drury. Please come and visit Mary Untier of Knots and feel free to leave your “knots” with her. She is located on the East side of the Cathedral.



August 2018

Adult education fall 2018 registration begins soon After honoring our many students who have completed our adult basic education programs with a commencement ceremony held at St. Pius X High School on July 28th, Catholic Charities’ Center for Educational Opportunity is ready to kick-off the new school year. Classes for the fall 2018 semester will begin on August 27th. New student registration sessions for the fall 2018 semester will be held on August 21st – 23rd at 9am, 12pm and 6pm at Catholic Charities 2nd floor, 2010 Bridge Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105. The only cost is a $10 course registration fee. Learn more at or call 505-724-4672.

Still time to get our foursome at the RGCU Golf Tournament! Rio Grande Credit Union has chosen Catholic Charities and Prosperity Works as the beneficiaries of its 6th Annual Golf Classic on September 20, 2018 at the stunning Sandia Golf Club. Arrive at noon to warm up, purchase mulligans, get raffle tickets, check in and receive a box lunch. A 1:00 p.m. shotgun start will send the teams off. The cost is $150 for a single golfer, $300 for a twosome, and $600 for a foursome. Tickets include 18 holes of golf with cart, player gifts, awards ceremony, polo shirt, and boxed lunches. To learn more or to register for this fun way support those in need in the community, visit or call Rebecca Pierre, RGCU Community & Outreach Specialist, at 505-366-5045 or

Pilgrimage for Human Dignity Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Pilgrimage for Human Dignity in July to support our brothers and sisters struggling with a broken immigration system. About 150 people turned out to pray and march silently from Catholic Charities to Holy Family Parish. It was a beautiful event, made possible with the help of Allen Sanchez (NMCCB Executive Director and CHI St. Joseph’s Children President), Rev. Patrick Schaefer (Holy Family Parish Pastor), and Rev. Oscar Coelho (Santuario De San Martin Pastor).

Catholic charities senior transportation program touches many lives At Catholic Charities, we recently received this touching letter from a very grateful rider in our senior transportation program: Thank you for providing transportation services. What a joyful blessing it has been to share happy times, lots of laughs, and many memories with my loved one, a resident in a memory care facility. I appreciate the drivers’ unique personalities, kindness, and care shown to me. For example, recently a young air force officer newly stationed at Kirtland Air Force Base was my driver and upon arrival at the memory care facility, he connected with some of the staff and enjoyed conversation with my loved one and me. Later, we shared lunch topped off with warm peach cobbler. My loved one invited us to join him on the patio gazing at a close-up view of our majestic Sandia Mountains. My driver commented about our beautiful city and enjoying a comfortable and satisfying Sunday afternoon. All of us benefitted from having this time and are grateful for this young person’s presence and that he clearly wanted to spend time with this 86 year old lady and her 93 year old sweetheart! Thank you Cathy and your elite transportation team! Our senior transportation program is always in need of more kind-hearted volunteer drivers such as this young air force officer. If you are interested in sharing a journey with a friend, please contact Cathy Aragon-Marquez at 505-724-4634 or


August 2018


Convoy of Hope By Deacon Steve Rangel

In June, the Convoy of Hope was held in Albuquerque at the Convention Center Downtown. The Convoy of Hope is a faithbased, nonprofit organization that helps people throughout the world by sharing food, water, emergency supplies, agricultural knowhow, and opportunities that empower people to live independent lives, free from poverty, disease, and hunger. They partner with churches, businesses, individuals and other humanitarian organizations who are intent on doing good work among the impoverished and suffering. We were blessed to have them come to Albuquerque for the first time to serve those in need here in our city. We had over 5,000 people in attendance along with 1,500 volunteers sharing hope and love with our guests. Over a million dollars’ worth of goods and services were given out including lunches, shoes, family portraits, groceries, haircuts, free medical services, and resources provided by nonprofits and government agencies. The Catholic agencies participating were The Good Shepherd Center, Catholic Charities, CHI St. Joseph Children, and the Knights of

Kathy Freeze (Catholic Charities), Cathy Aragon-Marquez (Catholic Charities), Deacon Steve Rangel (St. John Vianney Catholic Church), Archbishop John C. Wester, and Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies (Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish) at Convoy of Hope with Dignity Bags prepared by Annunciation Catholic School 3rd Grade Class. Columbus from St. John Vianney Parish and St. Jude Thaddeus Parish. Archbishop John C. Wester shared this story with everyone at The Convoy of Hope about a homeless gentleman who came to the door of St. Thomas rectory in San Francisco where he was assigned at the time. “He asked for a sandwich, a pair of shoes and directions to the nearest public library. He also mentioned that the last sandwich I made for him was rather dry and he would like more mayo! I gave him the sandwich, telling him that I hoped this one was better than the last, told him we were out

of shoes at the moment, and then gave him directions to the public library. I made the observation that this wonderful gentleman and his rather unique requests were symbolic of the fact that he was a human being, with many needs, abilities and potential. He was not just a ‘homeless person’ but a real, unique, precious human being with all the complexities that entails. He needed food for the journey, shoes to walk the journey and a book to give him vision, insight and direction on the journey.” All of these add up to hope, the hope that we celebrated at the Convoy of Hope.

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community Mass Sunday, August 26, 2018 – 12 noon

Please join the Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community for Mass on Sunday, August 26, 2018, 12 noon at St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Catholic Church, 5901 St. Joseph’s Dr. NW, Albuquerque. For more information, please call 505.836.3627

School Supply Drive for ASF Catholic Schools The Archdiocese of Santa Fe (ASF) African American Catholic Community (AACC) is currently collecting school supplies for distribution to ASF Catholic Schools from August 1-31. Contributions of gift cards and supplies (paper, pencils, notebooks, binders, calculators, backpacks, crayons, etc.) are needed and appreciated. Drop offs for supplies are located at Garson’s Catholic Store, 2415 San Pedro Drive NE, Albuquerque, 87110 (just south of Menaul on San Pedro), Risen Savior Catholic Community, 7701 Wyoming Blvd, NE, Albuquerque 87109, and Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Center, 4000 St. Joseph’s Place NW, Albuquerque, 87120. For more information on how to donate, please contact Mrs. Louise Davis at 505-821-0071 or the office 505-831-8205. All donations remain with the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.


African American Catholic Community Fr. Rollins Lambert Family Day Annual Picnic September 8, 2018

Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community invites you to their annual Fr. Rollins Lambert Family Day Picnic on Saturday, September 8, 2018, 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm at the Sandia Lakes, 76 Sandia Lake Road, Bernalillo, NM. Please bring a dish to share, a veggie dish, salad or dessert. Meat, drinks and paper goods will be provided. Also, bring a chair. For more information, call Darly Barkley, 505.363.3435 or Gabrielle Pierre-Louis, 505.401.8983.



August 2018

U.S. Church Officials Favor Balance of Priests, Laity in Marriage Prep

By Zita Ballinger Fletcher, Catholic News Service

too.” A bigger problem facing the church, Archbishop Wester says, is lack WASHINGTON (CNS) — Amid controversy caused by a Vatican of parenting. Although much time is spent on marriage preparation, official’s assertions that priests “have no credibility” in marriage he describes lack of essential parenting skills as a major issue hurting preparation, representatives from dioceses across the United States families everywhere. maintain that both priests and laity have integral roles in the process. “We’re seeing the breakdown of the family. One of the reasons is “It’s not an either-or situation. There needs to be balance,” that parenting skills are not there,” he said. Archbishop John C. Wester of Santa Fe, New Mexico, told Catholic “We need to spend more time on parenting. That’s something that News Service. Archbishop Wester also has served in the dioceses of people don’t necessarily know how to do,” he added. “They just repeat San Francisco and Salt Lake City. their experience, which may or may not be the best.” “Both priests and laypeople have something Archbishop Wester said he believes unique to offer,” said Archbishop Wester. society’s focus on responsible parenting “It’s not an either-or situation. There needs “I think any marriage preparation program has deteriorated in recent years, to be balance,” Archbishop John C. Wester should include both clergy and lay involvement especially given lack of work-life balance of Santa Fe, New Mexico, told Catholic and leadership. To have one or the other would for parents and changing role dynamics News Service. Archbishop Wester also has be deficient. We need to have both.” in households. As a result, he said, the In an interview with the Irish bishops’ church is encountering more people served in the dioceses of San Francisco magazine Intercom, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, with a definite lack of parenting skills. and Salt Lake City. head of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, “I think that’s an area the church can “Both priests and laypeople have Family and Life, said “priests are not the best do more in — helping couples reflect on something unique to offer,” said people to train others for marriage.” and better prepare to be good parents, Archbishop Wester. “I think any marriage “They have no credibility; they have never across the world, and especially in the preparation program should include both lived the experience; they may know moral United States,” the archbishop said. clergy and lay involvement and leadership. theology, dogmatic theology in theory, but to The Diocese of Orange, California, To have one or the other would be go from there to putting it into practice every also accomplishes marriage prep deficient. We need to have both.” day … they don’t have the experience,” said through cooperative efforts of clergy Cardinal Farrell, former bishop of Dallas. and laypeople. Like Archbishop Webster, While expressing personal respect for church leaders in Orange emphasize Cardinal Farrell, Archbishop Wester said, the importance of teamwork between based on his own experience in multiregional dioceses, he believes priests and laity in this area. priests are extremely competent in marriage preparation, given their “Marriage preparation needs to be conducted by the whole pastoral interactions with couples and families within their parish community of faith through an intentional and collaborative communities. Priests have opportunities to develop greater skills in partnership of family, clergy, catechists, other instructors and other the seminary or in collaborative programs after ordination, he said. married couples,” said Linda Ji, diocesan director of pastoral care for “We always had rich, wonderful lay participation in marriage families in all stages. preparation,” he said, referring to his experiences with marriage From the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, Msgr. Philip D. Halfacre said prep programs across dioceses in three different states. “They he believes priests not only can be good listeners, but inspirational complemented the priests’ preparations. I saw them working handshepherds to their parishioners. in-hand very closely and very effectively. There should be robust lay “In my own experience as a priest for the past 27 years, I see the involvement in marriage preparation, and the same for clergy involved, sense in which the church is indeed something of a ‘field hospital,’ as Pope Francis has said,” said Msgr. Halfacre. He said many people come to ordinary parish priests on a daily NOBODY DELIVERS FASTER basis just to talk. “The faithful have the intuitive sense that they can share with their priests the burdens they carry as well as the great joys of their life,” said Msgr. Halfacre. He said that, over time, priests begin to recognize patterns in the way people describe relationships and thus develop insights about how to advise them, which Msgr. Halfacre said is an important OFFICE SUPPLY element in forming a priest’s “pastoral wisdom.” He said priests are “in a unique position to keep before the minds of their parishioners the hope that they really can live a good life, a holy Business & Workplace Products life that is pleasing to God.” New Mexico’s Largest Home Owned & Independent Office Supply Company “And having encouraged them and giving them the sense that 345-3414 we believe in them, they often find the strength to aim higher and to 5900 Midway Park NE • Albuquerque, NM achieve more than what they previously thought was possible,” he added.


August 2018



Lou is a life-long member of the Knights of Columbus, St. Rose Choir (38 years), belongs to the fire department, a NM Parole Board Member, and a county commissioner. Etta is a homemaker, belonged to the St. Joseph’s Guild, active member of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, St. Rose Choir, belonged to the Garden Club and was store manager at Truckstops of America. They enjoy traveling and being with the family.

members since they returned from working in Washington, D.C. in 1974. Cande is honored to donate her wedding gown to have a dress made for La Conquistadora, Our Lady of Peace.

Branch, Sandoval

Mr. Martin Sandoval and Miss Mildred Branch were united in holy matrimony on July 17, 1948 at St. Gertrude the Great in Mora, NM. They were blessed with eight children, Martin Jr. (Debbie), Anthony (Libby), James (Lucille), Frances (Albert), Gene, Lawrence (Evenne), Doris (Randy), Leonardo (Belinda). From them, they have been blessed with 18 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren, three step-grandchildren, four step-greatgrandchildren, three great-great grandsons. They are both retired school bus drivers for Mora Independent Schools. Martin, a lifelong rancher and farmer enjoys his life to the fullest tending his cows. Mildred patiently waits for the arrivals of her babies with a brand new quilt for each – either pink or blue. They thank Our Lady of Mount Carmel for each of their children and their children. They served as mayordomos several times for their beautiful church in El Carmen, NM where they have resided all their 70 years.

Vargas, Sanchez

Cordova, Mackey

Mr. Howard Mackey and Miss Cande Cordova were joined in holy matrimony on August 16, 1953 at Holy Cross Church in Santa Cruz, N.M. They were blessed with two daughters, Camala Nissen and Cassi (husband Pete Chenen) and two grandchildren, Gentry Nissen and Quinn Nissen. Both Howard and Cande are Docents and Ministers of Hospitality at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi where they have been

Mr. Ernest Sanchez and Miss Priscilla Vargas were married on August 2, 1958 at San Jose Parish in Albuquerque. Their current parish is San Felipe De Neri in Old Town. Ernest retired from Sandia Labs and Priscilla from Albuquerque Public Schools. Ernest and Priscilla have five children: Chris Sanchez, Yvonne Sanchez, Michael Sanchez (wife Shirley), Loretta Sanchez and Luis Sanchez of Denver (wife Veronica). The couple have 12 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. They plan to celebrate this amazing accomplishment with their family.

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Chavez, Chavez

Mr. Luciano Lou Chavez and Miss Henrietta Etta Chavez were married by Fr. Manuel Alvarez at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Santa Rosa, NM on June 7, 1958. They have lived there all their lives being active in the church and the community. Lou and Etta have three children: Edwin(Mary), Elitta(Pablo) and Elvin(Vicky). They have two granddaughters Morgan (Drew), Sarah (Saul) and two grandsons, Evan(Erika) and Gabriel, and two great granddaughters Elyse and Isabella.

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Gabriel A. Portillo Vice President


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Archbishop John C. Wester’s Statement On the Retirement of the Entrada de Don Diego de Vargas Archbishop John C. Wester issued the following statement regarding the “Retirement of the Entrada de Don Diego de Vargas”. I am filled with hope by the decision to retire La Entrada de Don Diego de Vargas. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the esteemed group of dedicated community leaders representing the All Pueblo Council of Governors (comprised of 20 sovereign Pueblos), Los Caballeros de Vargas, the City of Santa Fe, and Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc., who worked diligently on the negotiation process and am grateful the Archdiocese of Santa Fe was invited to participate. This outstanding group of men and women fortified the future of our community for the greater good through peaceful dialogue. We pray this historic step will allow for healing, and lead to further solidarity with our brothers and sisters of all cultures. I invite you to take a moment to reflect on Saint Francis’ Prayer of Peace, our patron saint, as we continue on our journey to eternal life. Peace Prayer of Saint Francis Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

August 2018

Pope Appoints New Mexico Bishop as Coadjutor for San Jose WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Oscar Cantu of Las Cruces, New Mexico, to be coadjutor bishop of San Jose, California. Bishop Cantu, 51, has headed the Diocese of Las Cruces since February 2013. Bishop Patrick J. McGrath, who turned 73 June 11, has headed the Diocese of San Jose since 1999. The appointment was announced July 11 in Washington by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States. A Mass of welcome will be celebrated for Bishop Cantu Sept. 28 at the Cathedral Basilica of St Joseph in San Jose. The Diocese of Las Cruces plans to celebrate a Mass of farewell for the bishop but did not announce a date. “I congratulate Bishop Cantu on his appointment and thank him for his willingness to come west,” Bishop McGrath said in a statement. “I look forward to collaborating with him in Bishop Oscar Cantu our ministry of service to the people Photo by J. D. McNamara, Diocese of Las Cruces of this local church. As we prepare to welcome Bishop Cantu to San Jose, I ask the people of this diocese and all of our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church to join us in praying for Bishop Cantu.” The 1,300-square-mile diocese has a total population of just over 1.9 million people, of whom 620,000, or about 32.3 percent, are Catholic.

August 2018



George Washington Embraced Immigrants, and So Does the Catholic Church By Dr. Tim Muldoon Dr. Tim Muldoon

The United States has a distinctive history of immigration. The U.S. is, in the words of Walt Whitman, a “teeming nation of nations,” a place defined by migration. George Washington expressed his hope for America in a letter to Joshua Holmes in 1783: The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges, if by decency and propriety of conduct they appear to merit the enjoyment. Washington recognized that the freedom of his nascent country from England rested on welcoming immigrants who would contribute to the common weal, even if they were not welcomed in the lands from which they came. Still, immigrants to the United States have perpetually been under threat, from the Know-Nothing Party, to the Chinese Exclusion Act, to the Internment of Japanese Americans made possible by the Korematsu v. United States supreme court decision, recently overturned. Somehow, a nation built on immigration has always feared immigrants. The history of Catholic Extension’s work on the peripheries of U.S. society shows something of the perennial challenge that immigrants have faced in this country. Our founder, Fr. Francis Clement Kelley, wrote an editorial in 1906 which, with slight modification, applies to our situation today. “The Catholic Church Extension Society could devote all its energies to this work alone and find more than enough to do.” He pointed specifically to the large number of Italians that worked on railways in New England and in the mid-Atlantic states, also calling to mind the Irish who had undertaken that work half a century earlier. He exhorts his fellow Catholics to recall how immigrants will refresh the U.S. Church: “If we are faithless to our trust and let them go by default it simply means that the Church misses a great opportunity to strengthen itself by holding those who belong to it by right.” He praises the new immigrants as moral, law-abiding, and willing to work—a blessing to the country, whose children will comprise its citizenry and populate its churches. Today’s immigrants from Mexico and Central America are, by the most reliable studies, similarly hard working, law abiding, and likely to raise children who contribute significantly to the economy of the United States. They are also mostly Catholic. A survey of immigrants from Mexico and Central America suggest that the primary drivers of immigration are high homicide rates, gang activity, and other violence. According to a 2014 report by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, poverty and violence were the forces that led to the mass of unaccompanied minors apprehended at the U.S.Mexico border in 2014. If asylum seekers from Mexico and the Northern Triangle are fleeing violence or escaping economic insecurity, the criminalization and harsh treatment of immigrants and their families constitutes a humanitarian crisis. Just as it built churches, orphanages, schools, and other institutions to serve the Irish who fled famine, so now the Church reaches out to children whose parents are deported; offers resources to men and women who have recently been

Temporary shelter for asylum seekers outside La Posada Providencia, San Benito, Texas.

deported; provides respite to those who have escaped violence in order to seek asylum in the United States; offers temporary homes to migrants who seek a new life; and shares the Eucharist which makes all baptized Catholics members of a family, regardless of national borders. Individual Catholics have often differed on political questions such as immigration. Yet what has remained constant through waves of immigration over the decades is the Church’s commitment to care for “the stranger in your midst,” to use language from the Old Testament. Reflecting Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, when He urges His followers to welcome strangers as Christ himself, the Church seeks to serve immigrants and to support them in their desire to find a dignified life for themselves and their families. Catholic Extension is proud to work with many men and women who serve migrant communities throughout the United States. We support the diocese of Yakima, Washington, whose seminarians spend time in the fields to understand the lives of migrant workers. We support parish communities in Arkansas, many of whose members work in the chicken processing industry. We support farm workers in the Central Valley of California, whose labors provide much of the fruits and vegetables Americans consume. We support ministries in the diocese of Kalamazoo, home to the largest number of migrant camps in the country. And we support many ministries along the U.S.-Mexico border, the area which has occupied so much of our political discourse in recent weeks. While our leaders continue to debate the questions of just immigration reform, the Church continues to serve the families who are new to the country, and who will—like so many generations before them—nurture citizens and future leaders. Tim Muldoon is the author of the award-winning Living Against the Grain and other books, and serves as Director of Mission Education at Catholic Extension.



August 2018

Strengthening the Will By Rev. Glenn Jones, Chairman, ASF Presbyteral Council Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Los Alamos Thought about writing an article on that beautiful virtue of humility, but while perusing the news Saturday morning, I was battered by several headlines which touched upon another virtue … or lack thereof, really: self-control … and its close relation: self-mastery. The headline was of a television exec accused of decades of abusing women … just the most recent of innumerable instances we read of sexual harassment and abuse. Child molester sent to prison for a decade. Missing children and Amber alerts. Celebrity marriage infidelities, sexual assaults, brawls in restaurants, drunken drivers causing accidents and deaths. Hmmm … maybe it’s better on page 2. Nope. But something really hits home very painfully and close for me because of its very despicableness and myself being a priest: continued allegations of sexual impropriety, and even child molestation by clergy. Sigh; will that plague, that contagion—that horror—never end? If you wonder whether Satan really exists, I think that his presence is most evident in such heinous criminality toward children, for few things destroy faith in God than such treachery by the often most trusted toward

the most trusting, helpless and innocent … and thus against God Himself. Jesus, of course, had great care for children: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Luke 18:16) … and warned: “…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea...” (Matthew 18:6). While such stories of clergy abuse of children are painful in the extreme, it helps at least a little bit to see that perpetrators are now (albeit very overdue) being held to account. Perhaps the excision of such gangrenous cancer, while painful to witness, will now bring at least some healing and comfort to victims and to the people of God. Mercy is good, but so is accountability. The Bible’s—and Jesus’ own— harshest criticisms and warnings are directed toward unfaithful and corrupt religious leaders, for those in whom so much is entrusted more easily lead God’s flock over a cliff. Thus St. Paul advises: “…for those [elders/priests/clergy] who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.” (1 Timothy 5:20) Such crimes, as do all sins and crimes of passion, speak much of the lack of that great virtue of self-control, and the need for strengthening of the will. We are all tempted by baser animal instincts … covered by a thin (and often societally-forced) veneer of civilization and morality. But that doesn’t in any way mean that we cannot resist and refuse such temptations. The sexual drive especially is the strongest other than that of survival itself, See WILL on page 31

To the Friends I’ve Known Rev. Ron Rolheiser, OMI Recently, reading Commonweal magazine, I was struck by this line by Jerry Ryan, a Little Brother of Jesus: “I have lost contact with so many people who meant a lot to me at different stages of my life, people I loved dearly and really cared for and who had given me so much and made me what I am.” That’s so true for me and, I suspect, for most of us. People enter our lives, friendships develop, and then some of those friends disappear from our lives. Sometimes we move away, sometimes they move away, sometimes things change and we drift apart, or sometimes the affective bonds that held us together disintegrate and they, and we, move on. To the degree that we’re sensitive, there’s always some pain and guilt in this. It’s not an unhealthy thing to feel the loneliness of that loss, nor is it unhealthy to feel that somehow we’ve failed and been less than attentive. Indeed sometimes we have been less than faithful, but mostly the blame for that (to the extent that some applies) lies inside our inculpable inadequacy. Only God is adequate. Only God has a heart big enough to be attentive to everyone personally and intimately at the same time. Only God never moves away or grows tired. And only God has the strength to forever be faithful. We cannot not be inadequate. I struggle mightily with that inadequacy. Being a missionary, given the work I do, and given the quirks of my personality, I find myself perennially overwhelmed by my inadequacy in the area of staying close to family and friends, including very dear friends. The task isn’t easy. First, I come from a very large family which through the generations has expanded into a virtual tribe. It could be a fulltime job just staying in touch with family. Next, I’ve been ministering for more than forty years and during that time have lived inside various Oblate houses with almost two hundred different people. Community is family and, again, it would

be a fulltime task just staying in meaningful touch with them all. Then, during my years of doing graduate work, I had the privileged opportunity to develop long-lasting friendships with a number of classmates from different parts of the world. Finally, during all those years of ministry, I’ve met hundreds of students in classrooms and thousands of people doing workshops and retreats. Most of those encounters were temporary and casual, but through the years a good number of meaningful friendships developed there as well. And, while all this was happening, I’ve lived and worked in four different countries and made friends in each of those places. Then today there’s the further struggle to stay in touch with all the contacts that one necessarily has to deal with on social media. How does one keep meaningful contact with everyone? How does one not betray friends by simple neglect? Even as I’m deeply thankful to have so rich a treasury of family and friends, not infrequently I’m overwhelmed with the task of staying in meaningful contact with them and at those times I feel some guilt about forever being out of touch with so many people I was once close to. Sometimes friends whom I have been out of touch with remind me, and not always delicately, of my neglect of our friendship. But as the years go by and the problem grows larger rather than smaller, I am making more peace with my inadequacy and guilt – if not always with some of my neglected friends. What helps is to remind myself constantly of what a great grace it is to have so large a family and to have such a large number of friends. There are few things for which to be more grateful. Next, I do try to stay in meaningful touch with them to the extent that time, energy, and distance allow. Most importantly, though, given my inadequacy, I try to meet my See FRIENDS on page 31


August 2018 WILL continued from page 30

which leads otherwise reasonable persons to toss judgment to the wind and risk family, hatred, detestation, career and even years in prison for a momentary assuaging of desire. But … the will; that force within us that, driven by reason, can be our great defense against such temptation and evil. By the will we daily behave morally in public, and thus by the will we can do so when there are no eyes to see; in fact, such adamant resolve is one of the greatest indicators of character and source of true self-esteem and good conscience. When inevitable temptations arise, look to the greater good and seek to advance that good. Self-absorption and selfishness are the traits of the immature, the mean … the small. After all, what is among the first words of a toddler? “Mine!!”… even to the embarrassment of his parents. Yet, what is a first thing we try to teach children? To share … to seek the good for not only self, but even more so for others. For us Christians, one of the great helps against temptations is to contemplate the temptations of Jesus in the desert (Matthew 4). When Satan tempted Him, Jesus simply responded: “It is written…”; in other words, God has decreed such and such, and so that is what I will do! As St. Paul writes: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13). What drives soldiers and police to move toward hostile fire despite


danger to life and limb? What impels firefighters to advance into flames regardless of the peril? What drove Christian martyrs to forfeit their lives for their faith? It is the power of the will … willing that a perceived greater good be realized. We Christians have witnessed the reality of the adage: “The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians,” for many have come to the Christian faith by witnessing the dedication of those who have given their lives for it. This same will for good resides in each of us; we need only activate it with determination. As we build the habit of following the good, doing good becomes less an activity requiring conscious thought and more of becoming reflexive response. The evil we might have at least considered in the past is automatically rejected by reason—which drives the will—as contrary to good. Forewarned is forearmed, and expecting that temptation will come when least expected helps us be prepared. Having been raised in rattlesnake-abundant west Texas, to this day I am ever scanning the ground ahead wherever I walk … ever watching for the serpent. Likewise, let us be ever vigilant against those temptations which may confront us—the attractive and flirtatious married co-worker, the opportunity for undetected theft, etc., willing that the true good be done and facilitating its realization by self-mastery—one of the most kingly of virtues. As St. Thomas Aquinas, the great priest-philosopher of the Middle Ages, wrote: “How does one become a saint? WILL it!” Reprinted with permission, Los Alamos Daily Post

FRIENDS continued from page 30

Eucharistic Pilgrimage to the Blessed Sacrament Shrine and to the St. John Paul Eucharistic Center located in Hanceville, AL and to Mother Angelic’s Our Lady of the Angels Chapel in Irondale, AL October 25 to November 2, 2018

The trip will include the Eureka Springs, Arkansas famous Live Passion Play, visit to Graceland in Memphis, TN. The cost of $1095.00 per person double occupancy includes round trip by deluxe motor coach transportation, eight nights hotel accommodations with breakfast daily and two lunches. Call Julio J. Garcia, pilgrimage coordinator for a brochure at 505.994.9188.

To advertise in People of God, THE MAGAZINE contact Leslie M. Radigan at 505-831-8162 or email

June/July 2018 Vol. 36, No. 6

Under the direction of Deacon David Little of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Rio Rancho.

Join all the fun! This year’s theme is Hawaiian style grill, live music, entertainment, dancing, kid’s area and a silent auction. St. Felix Pantry’s annual festival provides a wonderful opportunity to support your community and help Take A Bite Out Of Local Hunger! Music By: The High Desert Band • Hawaiian Chef: Peter Sipili Ticket Price: $10.00 general admission includes entertainment and dinner. Purchase tickets online: or email or call Manuel at 505270-1366, Aloha! Location: Boys & Girls Club 4600 Sundt Road NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 St. Felix Pantry is sponsored by the Felician Sisters of North America

Serving the multicultural people of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

“Follow me and I will make you

Fishers of Men.” Matthew 4:18-22

With great joy and gratitude, Archbishop John C. Wester presents the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s newest priests following their Mass of Ordination on Saturday, May 26, 2018 at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe, NM. Pictured in the front row are our newly ordained Reverend Tai Pham, Reverend Jason Pettigrew, Reverend John Kimani, Reverend Christopher Martinez. Second row: Abbot Philip Lawrence, OSB, Archbishop John C. Wester,Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan. Third/Fourth rows: Deacon Timothy Muerer, Reverend John Trambley, ASF Director of Vocations, Deacon Paul Chavez, Deacon Nathan Lopez, Reverend Michael Niemczak, ASF Associate Director of Vocations. See page 8.


family and friends at a place where time, energy, and distance are eclipsed by an immediate, intimate presence. There’s one place where we’re not inadequate, where we can be at more places than one at the same time and where we can love countless people individually and intimately, namely, inside the Body of Christ. Scripture tells us that, as believers, we form together a body that, as much as any living body, is a true living organism, with all parts affecting all other parts. Inside that body we’re present to each other, not fully consciously of course, but deeply, truly, actually. And to the extent that we’re living our lives faithfully and sharing honest friendship and fellowship with those who are immediately around us, we’re not only healthy enzymes helping bring health to the body, we’re also present to each other, affectively, in a way that touches us at the deepest level of our souls There is a place where we are not neglecting each other. And so, to all my friends: we’re still together!





AUGUST 16 Thu 7:00am 6:00pm 17 Fri 2:30pm 18 Sat 5:15pm

Catholic Charities High Bidder Golf, Albuquerque Isotopes Baseball with the Bishop (School Fund Raffle Winners) Committee on Ongoing Priestly Formation, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Native American Mass, Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe

SEPTEMBER 7 Fri 6:00am 12:00pm 6:00pm 8 Sat 5:00pm 9 Sun 9:30am 7:00pm 11 Tue 1:00pm 6:00pm 12 Wed 11:30am 2:00pm 13 Thu 12:45pm 6:30pm 14-16 ====

Misa de Pregon, Rosario Cemetery, Santa Fe Pueblo of San Ildelfonso Meeting, San Idelfonso Canossian Casa Angelica Dinner, Sandia Resort, Albuquerque Archdiocesan Quinceañera Mass, St. Francis Xavier, Albuquerque Procession and Fiesta Mass, Rosario to Cathedral, Santa Fe Mass and Candlelight Procession to Cross of the Martyrs, Cathedral Basilica Executive Finance Committee, Catholic Center, Albuquerque St. Pius X High School High Bidder Dinner, Albuquerque Catholic Charities Luncheon and Reception, TBD Curia Meeting, Catholic Center, Albuquerque Lunch with Jesuit Community at Rectory, Albuquerque Adult Confirmation, Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho Retreat Master for Deacons, Diocese of Gallup

Archdiocese of Santa Fe 2018 Abuse Awareness Training for Adults: Creating a Safe Environment for Our Children

(formerly known as the Sexual Abuse Misconduct Prevention Workshop) Rev. 7/11/2018

Attendance at the workshop is MANDATORY for all clergy, employees, and volunteers in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Pre-registration is necessary. These workshops are sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Contact: Annette the Victims Assistance Coordinator or Rose Garcia, at 505.831.8144. Note: Do not bring children. No one under age 18 is allowed in the workshop. If you are late you will not be allowed to enter the training.Please contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator to report any abuse that has occurred by Clergy, Employee or Volunteer in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe IN THE EVENT OF BAD WEATHER – CALL 505-831-8144 FOR A RECORDING ADVISING IF THE TRAINING IS CANCELLED

August 2018

The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Over the air television Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KRQE TV-13-2, KBIM TV-10-2, KREZ TV-6-2 and KASY-My50TVCable or satellite providers on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6, FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass donations may be sent online to or mailed to: Vicar General’s Office/TV Mass 4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 Check out Sunday and daily readings at

Date Time Place


August 2018


SEMINARY BURSE The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends and other contributions collected at the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for the months of June and July 2018. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at parishes. The archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education. Parish Name/City

Amount Received

Anonymous 1,100.00 Immaculate Heart of Mary – Los Alamos 1,120.00 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Albuquerque 500.00 Our Lady of Guadalupe – Albuquerque 7,000.00 Our Lady of Lavang – Albuquerque 12,000.00 Our Lady of Sorrows – Bernalillo 1,000.00 Our Lady of Sorrows – Las Vegas 5,000.00 Our Lady of the Annunciation – Albuquerque 2,737.00 Sacred Heart of Jesus – Espaola 3,600.00 San Francisco de Asis – Ranchos de Taos 500.00 Sangre de Cristo – Albuquerque 2,393.50 St. Augustine – Isleta Pueblo 3,075.75 St. Joseph on the Rio Grande – Albuquerque 6,330.00 St. Patrick – St. Joseph – Raton 800.00 St. Thomas Aquinas – Rio Rancho 1,015.00 Total $ 48,171.25


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August 2018

Rest in Peace Deacon James A. Baca Deacon James A. Baca, age 95, of Rio Rancho, NM passed away peacefully on June 7, 2018. Deacon Baca is survived by his niece, Dr. Maria Carlota Baca of Santa Fe; nephews, Major Thomas Baca of Albuquerque, and former Mayor Jim Baca of Albuquerque; four grandnieces and nephews and nine great grandnieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Delfin and Lenore Baca; sister, Rupertita and brother Fermin. Deacon Baca, a Veteran of the Pacific Theater during World War II, was born in Peña Blanca, NM on January, 1923. He dedicated his life to his faith and his students while teaching in the Bernalillo Public Schools. He was a founder of the New Mexico GI Forum which fought for civil rights for returning Latino War II Veterans. He was ordained a deacon in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and served in many parishes around New Mexico. He spent most of his time as a deacon at St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho where he made many friends and provided assistance to many parishioners.

Sr. Lois Dunphy, SL A funeral Mass for Loretto Sister Lois (formerly Sister Mary Carol) Dunphy was celebrated May 29 at the Church of the Seven Dolors on the grounds of Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, KY. She was a longtime educator and superior who served for 18 years in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Sr. Lois also served in Colorado, Missouri and Texas. She died May 26 at Loretto Motherhouse Infirmary. Sr. Lois was 93 and in the 77th year of her life as a Sister of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross. Sr. Lois was born Dec. 2, 1923, in Eastlake, CO, the second child of Coloradans Edith Louise (Molholm) and Arthur John Dunphy. She attended Holy Family High School in Denver, graduating in 1941. In October of that same year she entered the Loretto novitiate. She was received into the congregation April 25, 1942, donning the habit and taking the name of her older sibling, Carol. Sr. Lois made her first vows April 25, 1944, and her final vows Aug. 15, 1947. In the late 1960s, she resumed her baptismal name. Sr. Lois earned a bachelor’s degree in history, with minors in education and English, from Loretto Heights College in Denver in 1954 and a master’s in history from Creighton University in 1961. In the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Sr. Lois taught at Immaculate Conception School in East Las Vegas (1949-1952) and at Our Lady of Sorrows School in West Las Vegas, where she also served as superior and principal (1960-1966). She was superior and taught at St. Joseph School in Taos (1967 to 1973) and worked in parish ministry at Immaculate Conception in Tome (19811982). Sr. Lois also taught ESL (English as a Second Language) classes and was a religious education teacher in Taos from 1989 to 1991. In 2001, she retired to the Loretto Center in Littleton, CO, moving to Loretto Motherhouse Infirmary in 2003. Residing at the Motherhouse, she helped guide its committee on peace and justice, enjoyed daily exercise, cross-stitching and making dream catchers, and carried out a ministry of prayer and presence until her death.

Sr. Carol Denise Koenig, OP Sr. Carol Denise Koenig, formerly known as Mary Catherine Koenig, died on Sunday, July 1, 2018, at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, MI. She was 85 years of age and in the 67th year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation. Sr. Carol Denise was born in Ottoville, OH, to Carl and Elizabeth (Landwehr) Koenig. She graduated from St. Joseph Academy in Adrian, MI, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Siena Heights College (University) in Adrian, MI. She also had training as a hospital chaplain and in pastoral ministry. Sister spent 23½ years ministering in elementary and secondary education in Detroit, Southgate and Ypsilanti, MI; Mundelein and Hometown, IL; Henderson, NV; Albuquerque, NM (Sacred Heart, Albuquerque, 1960-1964, Elementary Teacher), and Cleveland, OH. She taught religious education and was pastoral minister for nine years in Ypsilanti, and for 17 years was development and alumnae director for the Dominican Learning Center (St. Joseph Academy) in Adrian, MI. In 2005, Sister came to reside at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian. Sister Carol Denise was preceded in death by her parents. Sister is survived by a brother, Dennis Koenig (Elaine) of Glendale, AZ.


August 2018


Fiesta Calendar

Fiesta de Santa Fe September 1 - 9

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The Santa Fe Plaza 9 a.m. to 5 PM Santa Fe Plaza

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The Santa Fe Opera For Tickets Call 1-800-280-4654 or 505-986-5900

For our complete event calendar visit: Performers, times and locations are subject to change at the discretion of Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc.

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