People of God February 2011

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Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 • Vo l u m e 2 9 • N u m b e r 2

w w w. a r c h d i o s f . o r g Inside this Issue

Serving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Thousands March to Capitol on Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day The dignity of life calls us all to recognize each human being as an image of God. We teach that life is sacred in all its stages. –NMCCB

Msgr. Richard Olona, Light of the Church ............................. 2 Archbishop’s Letter: Awakening Faith ..................................3 Marriage, A Sacrament ..............................................................6 Vocations....................................................................................8 Reconciliation ..........................................................................10 Bioethics: Working Through A Hard Death .......................... 11 St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Annual Basket Ministry........12 Sanctity of Life .........................................................................13 Annual Catholic Appeal ..........................................................14 Catholic Education ..................................................................16 Our Lady of Lourdes ...............................................................22 NMCCB 2011 Legislative Agenda ...........................................28


Tiny coffins line the outside of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, N.M., Jan. 19. Pro-lifers made a peaceful pilgrimage to the front steps of the state Capitol to call for an end to abortion and pray for the new legislative session as well as other agenda items outlined by the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops. (CNS photo/Leslie M. Radigan, Archdiocese of Santa Fe)

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe, the Diocese of Gallup and the Diocese of Las Cruces prayerfully marked the 38th Anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion with the Sanctity of Life Unity Awareness and Unity Day on January 19, 2011. The three Bishops of New Mexico invited all to join them in prayer for the protection of life, God’s greatest gift.

St. Joseph on the Rio Grande Donates Over $150,000 to Mozambique Orphans

Lent begins March 9, 2011

María Alemán, representative from Cross International Catholic Outreach, visited St. Joseph on the Rio Grande in Albuquerque on December 4 and 5, 2010. The purpose of the visit was to thank Monsignor Lambert J. Luna, pastor and parish members for support rendered to the Reencontro Project in Mozambique, Africa. The project targets children orphaned by the HIV virus, providing shelter, food and education. St. Joseph has supported this project since 2006, by donating 5% of their monthly collection. Contributions have totaled more than $150,000.



February 2011

Msgr. Richard Olona is the Light of the Church By Fr. Matthew T. D. Strabala, OP, Executive Director, D+E+I

Most People of God readers know about the Dominican Ecclesial Institute (D+E+I), a unique ministry of the Dominican Friars and the Archdiocese providing ongoing theological education for lay men and women, teachers and clergy of our Archdiocese. In an engaging atmosphere balancing the teaching of classic Catholic theology and the experiential sharing of its participants, D+E+I has helped deepen the theological roots of men and women of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe for over 15 years. If you have

not yet experienced one of the D+E+I Presentation and Discussion Sessions (P&Ds), come join us at your earliest

convenience. Don’t be intimidated; theology is a topic about which Catholics know much more than we realize. With varied and timely topics, D+E+I P&Ds help Catholics build on what we already know, better articulate what we already believe, deepen our connection with our Church and strengthen our relationship with God. D+E+I also sponsors the Catholic Business Forum, a monthly event in the fall and spring for men and women of the local business community to gather over a great lunch, share fellowship and networking, and hear a local business, civic or religious leader share about

Albuquerque Deanery A, B & C Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Augustine, Isleta Pueblo St. Francis Xavier Incarnation, Rio Rancho O. L. of the Sandias, KAFB

Sun. Thurs. Mon. 6:30pm Fri. 7pm Tues. 7pm

Jan. 9 - Feb. 13 Deacon Manuel Montoya Feb. 3 - March10 Shirley Zuni Jan. 10 - Feb. 14 Deacon Leroy Jan. 28 - March 4 Bill Mader Jan. 4 - Feb. 8 Office

505-345-4596 505-869-6661 505-246-5201 505-892-7603 505-846-5691

Southwest Deanery San Clemente, Los Lunas Estancia Valley C.C., Moriarty Sts. Peter & Paul, Estancia St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Edgewood SMDLP / San Isidro-San Jose San Pablo / San Pedro Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thurs.7pm Thurs.7:00pm Wed.6:30pm Thurs.7:00pm Thurs.6:30pm Tues.6:30pm Thurs.7:00pm

Jan. 13 - Feb. 17 Jan. 13 - Feb. 17 Jan. 12 - Feb. 16 Jan. 20 - Feb. 24 March 10 - April 18 Jan. 18 - Feb. 22 Jan. 13 - Feb. 17

Deacon Bob Office Office Office Office Office Office

505-865-7385 505-832-6655 505-832-6655 505-832-6655 505-473-4200 505-832-6655 505-898-5253

Thurs.6:30pm Tues.6:30pm Thurs.7:00pm

March 10-April 18 Jan. 18 - Feb. 22 Jan. 13 - Feb. 17

Office Office Office

505-473-4200 505-832-6655 505-898-5253

SPANISH LANGUAGE SMDLP / San Isidro-San Jose San Pablo / San Pedro Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for February 2011 General Intention: That the family may be respected by all in its identity and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized. Missionary Intention: That in the mission territories where the struggle against disease is most urgent, Christian communities may witness to the presence of Christ to those who suffer.

how his or her faith impacts, strengthens and challenges their daily life and work. As Executive Director of D+E+I, I believe the Institute’s ministry is critical in our modern society. In the Dominican tradition, theology is not simply a set of propositions to be asserted against opponents, rather it is a process of engaging the problems and questions of each age and using the Church’s treasury of scripture and tradition respond to each age in the most appropriate manner. Theology is an active process of critically engaging the world and sorting the good from the bad, the useful from the dross, and truth from falsehood. This is the Dominican vision of theology which D+E+I supports, encourages and teaches. The Dominican Ecclesial Institute is not funded by either the Archdiocese of Santa Fe or the Dominican Friars; it subsists on the donations of generous individuals like yourself. This year we will be hosting our an-

nual fundraiser on Sunday April 10 from 3-5pm at the Sandia Resort in Albuquerque. Our principle honoree will be Msgr. Richard Olona of Risen Savior Catholic Community who will receive the Lumen Ecclesiae (Light of the Church) award from D+E+I in recognition for his outstanding support of ongoing adult Catholic education and formation. Also honored for their service in adult Catholic formation will be several men and women from parishes of the Archdiocese who will receive Lumen Gentium (Light of the Nations) awards. We invite any who would like to support D+E+I and honor Msgr. Olona and the Lumen Gentium award winners to join us that afternoon. We are also looking for special donors to help underwrite the event. Event tickets are $65.00 each and official donor tiers are $1000.00, $600.00 and $300.00. For further information, to order tickets or to become a donor call 505.243.0525 or email us at

Pope Embraces Child During Weekly Audience Pope Benedict VVI embraces a boy, who managed to sneak through security and reach the pontiff, during the his weekly general audience in Paul VI hall at the Vatican Feb. 2. (CNS photo/ Alessandro Bianchi, Reuters)

February 2011



IN THE RISEN LORD Awakening Faith Reanima Tu Fe Esfuerzo para Reaching Out to Alcanzar a Inactive Catholics Católicos Inactivos Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

We are very blessed indeed to have a new evangelization effort working very powerfully in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Many of our parishes have established Awakening Faith groups under the guidance of the Pastors or Parish Life Coordinators to invite inactive Catholics back to the practice of the Sacraments. The program calls for six sessions focusing on hospitality and discussion for all those who have been away to invite them back. Our American culture has become very secular and materialistic and clearly God has been pushed to the side in many ways. I understand that the YMCA is dropping the word Christian from its name because some people that would go to the Young Men’s Christian Association might be more inclined to participate if the word Christian was gone! This secularized culture has indeed affected many of our own Catholic people. We need to do everything we can to share the richness of our Catholic teaching with them and let them know they are welcome. When someone abandons their Catholic faith, they put their immortal soul at risk! During Advent, many of you saw the TV spots with my 30-second message inviting people back for Christmas. The spot played on the three local channels 250 times! Michelle Montez, Director of our Evangelization Office, reported to me on January 10 that there had been over 11,000 hits on our dedicated webpage for Awakening Faith as a result of these TV spots. I thought she must be exaggerating, but she showed me the statistics. The TV spots end with the webpage address ( made available to those watching television and over 11,000 people have contacted with the site. This means we will have to do everything we can to help those who show an interest in returning to actually return. Michelle also informed me (on January 10) that we have already trained

61 parishes/missions of which nine were Spanish sessions; and we have trained 225 volunteers in the Awakening Faith process. She still has more parishes/missions asking for training! When Jesus called Peter and his brother Andrew to come off their boat and follow him and then did the same with James and his brother John, He meant this invitation not only to these first Apostles, but for all of His followers for all time to evangelize – share His Good News! I urge pastors, parochial vicars, deacons, parish secretaries and receptionists, and parish leaders to give a warm welcome and help things to go smoothly so that these people can come back. Some people have left the Church, or become inactive, because of the scandals or because they were upset over something that a bishop, priest, deacon, parish employee or lay leader had done. I tell people in this situation not to put their faith in the priest or the bishop - we do the best we can but being human sometimes we fail. Put your faith in the things that can’t disappoint such as Holy Communion, the Mass, the Sacraments, Jesus, and the Bible. I tell them never to leave the Church because of human weakness, but to put their faith where it cannot be hurt. I ask all of you to pray that our efforts to reach out to the inactive Catholics and unchurched will bear fruit to give glory to God! Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord,

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan Hemos sido en verdad bendecidos de contar con un nuevo programa de evangelización que está funcionando en forma impresionante en la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe. Muchas de nuestras parroquias han establecido grupos de Reanima tu Fe bajo la guía de los Párrocos y Coordinadores de la Vida Parroquial para invitar a los católicos inactivos a regresar a la práctica de los Sacramentos. El programa consta de seis sesiones enfocadas en la hospitalidad y el diálogo para invitar a quienes se han alejado a regresar. Nuestra cultura americana se ha vuelto muy secular y materialista y Dios ha sido empujado hacia el lado en muchas maneras. Tengo entendido que la asociación YMCA está tratando de eliminar la palabra Cristiana de su nombre porque algunas de las personas que pudieran acudir a esta Asociación de Jóvenes Cristiana pudieran inclinarse más a participar ¡si la palabra Cristiana se eliminara del nombre! Esta cultura secularizada de hecho ha afectado a mucha de nuestra propia gente católica. Necesitamos hacer todo lo que podamos para compartir las riquezas de nuestra doctrina católica con ellos y dejarles saber que son bienvenidos. ¡Cuando alguien abandona su fe católica, está poniendo su alma inmortal en riesgo! Durante el Adviento, muchos de ustedes vieron segmentos en TV con un mensaje de 30 segundos de mi parte, invitando a las personas a regresar para la Navidad. ¡Estos segmentos se transmitieron en tres canales

locales 250 veces! Michelle Montez, Directora de nuestra Oficina de Evangelización, me reportó el 10 de enero que más de 11,000 usuarios de la Internet habían visitado nuestra página Web dedicada al programa Awakening Faith – Renima tu Fe como resultado de estos segmentos en televisión. Llegué a pensar que tal vez la cifra era exagerada, pero ella me mostró las estadísticas. Los segmentos en TV concluían con la dirección de la página Web ( para información de los televidentes, a raíz de lo cual, más de 11,000 personas han contactado este sitio. Esto significa que tendremos que hacer todo lo posible para ayudar a las personas que han mostrado interés en regresar, a en verdad hacerlo. Michelle también me informó (el 10 de enero) que ya hemos entrenado a 61 parroquias/misiones, de las cuales 9 recibieron el entrenamiento en español; y hemos entrenado a 225 voluntarios en el proceso de Reanima tu Fe. ¡Todavía más parroquias/ misiones le han solicitado entrenamiento! Cuando Jesús llamó a Pedro y a su hermano Andrés a dejar su bote y seguirlo, y luego hizo lo mismo con Santiago y su hermano Juan, quería hacer esta invitación no solamente a estos primeros apóstoles, sino a todos sus seguidores de todos los tiempos para evangelizar – ¡compartir Sus Buenas Nuevas! Insto a todos los párrocos, vicarios parroquiales, diáconos, secretarias, recepcionistas y a los líderes parroquiales a ofrecer una cálida bienvenida y ayudar en todo lo posible para que todo resulte See INACTIVOS on page 11



February 2011

Archbishop’s Schedule

February 12 Sat ======== 13-16 === ======== 18 Fri 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 19 Sat 9:00 a.m. 20 Sun 9:00 a.m. 21 Mon ======== 22 Tue 12:00 noon 23 Wed ======== 25 Fri 11:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 26 Sat 6:00 p.m. 28 Mon ======== March 1 Tue ======== 7:00 p.m. 2 Wed 10:00 a.m. 6:15 p.m. 4 Fri 1:00 p.m. 6 Sun 5:00 p.m. 7 Mon ======== 8 Tue ======== 9 Wed 7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 11 Fri ======== 13 Sun 2:30 p.m.

Re-Dedication of St. Augustine Cathedral, Tucson Skiing, Taos Ski Valley Mass, Teacher In-Service, St. Pius X High School Gym, Albuquerque Victory Noll Sisters, Catholic Center Welcome & Prayer, Prison Ministry, San Jose Mission, Duranes Mass, Chinese New Year, Our Lady of La Vang, Albuquerque Office Closed Archbishop’s Catholic Radio Hour Office Appointments Invocation, 3rd Annual Eagle Scout Recognition Banquet, Embassy Suites, Albuquerque Preliminary Budget Meeting, Catholic Center Santo Niño Mardi Gras, Santa Maria de La Paz, Santa Fe Pilgrimage Gathering, Catholic Center Office Appointments

Office Appointments Permanent Review Board, Catholic Center Archdiocesan Budget Review, Catholic Center Annual Family Life Dinner, Catholic Center Prayer Service, Blessing & Dedication of New Museum, Santuario de Chimayo Mass, UNM Students, Aquinas Newman Center, Albuquerque Office Appointments Office Appointments Distribution of Ashes, Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center, Albuquerque Ash Wednesday Services, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Center Employee Lenten Retreat, Madonna Retreat Center Rite of Election, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi

“Welcoming” Key to Christian Living

Dear Editor, The Jan. 1st front page presents Governor Susana Martinez, who is identified as a Catholic, and her husband, outside of the Cathedral on a very cold New Year’s Eve, knocking at the door which then opened, being told “welcome” by the Archbishop who then blessed them. This event is symbolic of what Christianity is about. I hope this ritual reminds Gov. Martinez of the Christian-biblical teaching of welcoming the immigrant who is in desperate need. The governor has the correct stance on “welcoming” the unborn child, who legally and unjustly is not considered a person and can be aborted up to the 9th month of pregnancy. Immigrants should not be criminalized, harshly treated, nor should families trying to survive be hastily deported. This is not only Catholic teaching, it is basic human love and respect. “Securing” the border is not the only task or responsibility for our leaders. I hope that the governor will do what she can to prevent immediate family separation due to deportations. The Christmas story in Matthew’s Gospel of Joseph, Mary and the child Jesus fleeing to Egypt on short notice, based on an inspiration from God, to protect the child’s life, is gravely relevant today. How do we know that an honest family is not being inspired by God to leave for a land of abundance and opportunities to “save” their children’s lives? As a nation based on Judeo-Christian values, we should do better than “pagan” Egypt did during Jesus’ time. The U.S. has unjust laws regarding the legal status of both the innocent unborn child and the non-criminal immigrant. Fr. Rafael Garcia, S.J.

This was a letter sent to the Albuquerque Journal from Fr. Rafael Garcia, S.J., Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Albuquerque.

A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY TO FRANCE on September 19—29, 2011

Visit Lourdes, Lisieux, Notre Dame Cathedral, Shrine of St. Catherine Laboure, Chartres, Normandy Beaches and much more. Mass will be celebrated daily by the spiritual directors Frs. Nathan Libaire and Juan Mendez. Space is limited to 35. For more information and brochures call 505.983.5034 x 5 in Santa Fe and 505.898.5253 x 0 in Albuquerque or

Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

February 2011

The Chapter of Canons and The Pastoral Council By rev. Kevin niehOFF, O.P., J.c.l., Adjutant Judicial Vicar

The 1983 Code of Canon Law defines the chapter of canons as “a cathedral or collegiate chapter being a college of priests whose role is to celebrate the more solemn liturgical functions in the cathedral or collegiate church” (canon 503). The topic of the chapter of canons is foreign to people who experience only the Roman Catholic Church in the United States because there are very few canons here and there are no cathedral chapters of canons. The Apostolic See approves a chapter of canons (canon 504), however, once established the local Bishop regulates the functioning of the chapter. This includes approval of the statutes (canon 505); the number of canons admitted to the chapter and their remuneration (canon 506); and, who presides over the chapter and what other offices are needed and who may hold these offices (canon 507). Every chapter of canons, either cathedral or collegiate, has a penitentiary who by law has ordinary faculties, which cannot be delegated, to absolve in the sacramental forum from latæ sententiæ censures which have not been declared and are not reserved to the Apostolic See. Examples of a latæ sententiæ censure include but is limited to: apostasy (formal renunciation of the faith), heresy (rejection of one or more principles of dogma or doctrine), schism (rupture of ecclesiastical union or unity), and abortion. Where there is no chapter of canons with a penitentiary, the Bishop is to appoint a priest to serve in this capacity (canon 508). Only the diocesan Bishop may appoint members to the chapter of canons and only priests who are of sound doctrine and life, who have exercised ministry, may be appointed canons (canon 509). Parishes are not to be connected to a chapter of canons and if there is a parish church with canons then they are to have a parish priest appointed to serve their pastoral needs. Further, the Bishop is to ensure that the role of the parish priest and the canons is distinct; and, any alms given to the church are presumed to be given to the parish, unless it is established otherwise (canon 510). The 1983 Code of Canon Law stipulates, “a pastoral council is to be established in each diocese in so far as pastoral circumstances suggest.” The local Bishop has authority over the pastoral council which is to study and weigh those matters which concern the pastoral works in the diocese, and to propose practical conclusions concerning them (canon 511). Members are individuals of Christ’s faithful in full communion and may be clergy, members of institutes of consecrated life, and laity; as determined by the Bishop (canon 512). The statutes determine terms of service and the council’s work ceases when the see becomes vacant. Finally, the pastoral council possesses only a consultative vote, is convened by the Bishop alone; and, the Bishop is to convene the council at least once a year (canon 514).



Annual Catholic Appeal 2011 “Sowing the Seeds of Faith” The Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) 2011 is beginning. In parishes across the Archdiocese, thousands of Catholics are making their financial pledge to support the ministries and services of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe which in turn support all parishes of the Archdiocese. The following letter is written to all Catholics by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan:

To donate to the 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal by credit card online, go to and click on the right side of the home page “Donate Online – Annual Catholic Appeal”. You may also contact your parish or call the ACA Office at 505-831-8155 to donate. Thank you for your continuing support!



Healthy Marriages, Wise Couples By Hillary A. Bravo MA, Program Director, Healthy Marriages

Couples flourish in their relationships when they have the proper support structures in place to face life’s challenges. There is an 80% probability that an individual will marry by the age of 40. Yet 50% of those marriages will end in divorce. It does not have to be that way. Good marriages can be great marriages. An encouraging, nurturing environment made up of healthy relationships and solid marital role models can be key ingredients to the survival and health of a marriage. There is a way for a church to intentionally create this nurturing environment. The Family Life Office, in partnership with Samaritan Counseling Center’s Healthy Marriage Program, will host several FREE Wise Couple trainings in 2011. The eight-hour training, which would

normally cost $195.00 per couple, is provided free through Healthy Marriage’s Federal grant. The training will equip couples to use the Prepare-Enrich inventory and materials. Deacon Mark Bussemeier from Risen Savior Catholic Community has observed, “It’s not only those preparing for marriage who have benefited from the Wise Couple program; the married Wise Couples themselves have also grown in their marriages.” Clinical Psychologist, Dr. David Dennedy-Frank who represents the Pastoral Counseling Center in Santa Fe and attends Santa Maria de la Paz found that “Wise Couples’ marriages have been enriched and their “training” of other couples is a strong and vital example of peer support that is invaluable in our busy and challeng-

Marriage, A Sacrament By Heddy Long, Director, Family Life

I can remember how PROUD and HAPPY I was on our wedding day. Fr. McCarron described me “as happy as a bird chirping all the way to the altar to be with my soon-to-be-husband, Dick.” That’s because I was firmly sure and I still am, I was marrying the right man. Because of some superstitious beliefs, I wasn’t allowed to see Dick the day before the actual ceremony. I remember my sister-in-law having a fit, because Dick and I talked to each other at the beauty parlor. Hesitatingly, I had to ask Dick to leave. I remember my mother crying because her littlest one was getting married. I was only 24. I will always cherish that memory in my heart. What Dick remembered most was “feeling out of control, moving in a dream world.” We were married in Manila and all the traditions and ceremonies were unfamiliar to him. He expressed, “I knew I was going to end up with the deal of my life. I liked the idea of Heddy bring-

ing me closer to God. Marrying her was like buying an insurance policy --- she was my guarantee to heaven.” In spite of that, Dick further explained, “I didn’t think much of God that day. It was a ritual…Heddy and I were already married in spirit.” On our wedding day, I never thought of our sacrament as a covenant with God. I always thought of matrimony as a means that we use to get God’s and the Catholic Church’s approval of our union. I never thought of Christ being an active part of our union. I thought of Him as the King who was giving us His blessing and His approval that we live together till death do us part. As the years went by, as we continued to work on our marriage relationship and our covenant with God, our attitudes, beliefs and even our feelings about our Sacrament changed because we began to work on our relationship with one another. It may be true that our marriage is made in heaven, but the maintenance has to be made on earth, which was what we did. We See SACRAMENT on 24

ing world. As an Advisory Board member of the Healthy Marriages program, I have been convinced about the value of this innovative approach to making committed relationships stronger.” Wise Couples are couples who: • Have been married at least 5 years • Are willing to provide education and support based on program resources and their own experience to other couples • Are willing to mentor at least one other couple within a year of training Many parishes have already taken advantage of this opportunity offered both in English and Spanish; Risen Savior, Aquinas Newman Center, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Community, Prince of Peace, Santa Maria de la Paz, Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, San Martin de Porres, to say a few. This unique opportunity can help

February 2011

build and strengthen your marriage enrichment program. Myrna B. Fraker, LPCC, a Catholic Therapist stated that “The program is a wonderful tool in helping young couples to discern the marital vocation with honesty and love.” We feel honored Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan has encouraged parishes to incorporate our program into their marriage preparation and enrichment programs. The next 2011 training opportunities are: February 12, March 5, and June 11. Our team is passionate about strengthening marriages and we want to work with your parish to help more couples make this a priority in 2011! If more information is needed or to register for a training, visit or call 505.247.1511. We are happy to partner with parishes, for more information, contact Healthy Marriages Director Hillary Bravo at extension 405.

Rules for Good Fighting Fight constructively for the relationship, rather than destructively against each other. Remember that you are fighting with your best friend. A fight should be held in order to reach a solution, not to gain a victory. 1. Touch to comfort and heal. Hold hands while fighting. 2. Stick to the subject. Fight about one thing at a time. Be sure that you know what the subject is. 3. Don’t revive past history or fights that have already been settled. Stick to the issue at hand. 4. Don’t garbage dump. (That is, don’t bring up all the terrible rotten things that you think your spouse did to you). 5. Don’t hit below the belt. (Don’t take unfair advantage of your spouse’s sore points or weaknesses). Don’t wear your own belt too high. (Don’t be over-sensitive to remarks about yourself). 6. You can complain about what your spouse does, but not about who he or she is. 7. No name calling. You may not remember what the fight was about, but you will never forget the names you called each other. 8. Don’t walk out on a fight. Don’t go to bed without each other. Don’t refuse to fight. If something is very important to one spouse in a marriage, it is worth fighting over. (Some fights should be postponed or “put on hold,” in order to let one spouse, or the other, or both, cool off. But be honest and don’t use this “cooling off” idea as a cop out). 9. It is okay to agree to disagree on an issue. 10. Listen actively and openly to your spouse’s points. Maybe, by working together, you can reach a solution that is good for both of you.

February 2011



Anniversaries Valencia, Cases Miss Frances Priscilla Valencia and Mr. Paul Cases, Jr. were joined in Holy Matrimony by Fr. McNiff on February 11, 1961 at San Miguel Parish in Socorro, NM. They were blessed with four children, Yvette, Darryl, Kimberly, and Tanya. They have ten grandchildren, Tara, Daniel Paul, Alex, Andreas, Taylor, Ashley, Cameron, Mickey, Zachary, and Paige. Paul retired from the Socorro Electric Co-op. Frances is the Socorro Municipal Judge. They are active in the San Miguel Parish and the Mountain Sam’s RV Club. They enjoy their grandchildren’s activities as well as travel the U. S. and abroad.

Vigil, Gallegos Stella Vigil, daughter of the late Antonio and Felicita Vigil of El Pueblo, NM and Luciano Gallegos, son of the late Antonio and Aneda Gallegos of Sena, NM were united in Holy Matrimony on February 11, 1961 at the San Miguel Del Vado Catholic Church in San Miguel, NM. They have been blessed with two daughters Donna and husband Chris Anthony, and Yolanda and husband Heraclio Eric Garcia, Sr. Grandchildren Antoinette and husband David, Anthony, Eric, Jr., Christopher, Mariam and Erica.

Great-grandchildren Gabriel and Araceli and 19 Godchildren. They are members of Sangre de Cristo Catholic Church in Los Lunas, NM and are past members of St. Edwin Catholic Church in Albuquerque.

Miera, Martinez

Miss Angelica Miera and Mr. Elias Martinez were joined in Holy Matrimony on February 11, 1961 at St. Gertrude’s Church in Mora, NM by Fr. John McHugh. They are still members of St. Gertrude’s Church. They were blessed with three children (Elias, James and Tammie), seven grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. They raised their family in Denver, CO, but returned to Mora in 1977, where their children finished high school. Soon after the youngest graduated, they returned to Denver, until retiring in 1999; at that time, they made their home in Guadalupita, NM. They enjoy their time at home, going to the casino, and visiting their sons’ families in Denver, CO, and their daughter’s family in Placitas, NM. In celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary, the family is taking a trip to Las Vegas, NV.

Gutierrez, Pohl Miss Rose (Refujio) Gutierrez and Mr. Albert Pohl of Chilili, NM will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on February 24, 2011. They have 11 children, Joe & Carol Pohl

of Albuquerque, Albert Pohl, Jr. of Albuquerque, Ernest Pohl of Albuquerque, Beverly & Paul Romero of Albuquerque, Alfred & Roberta Pohl of Chilili, Richard & Kim Pohl of Albuquerque, Raymond & Christine Pohl of Grand Prairie, TX, Carl Pohl of Albuquerque, Carol & Elmer Aragon of Chilili, Patrick Pohl of Albuquerque, Annette & Antonio Ortiz, of Chilili. They have 26 Grandchildren and 26 Great-grandchildren. They enjoy spending time at the ranch in Chilili with their family and spoiling their grandchildren. They are currently members of the Holy Child Parish, Mission Church San Juan Nepomuceno in Chilili, and attended Our Lady of Fatima in Albuquerque prior to moving to the ranch.

Martinez, Salazar Mr. Jose Salomon Salazar and Ms. Flora Martinez were joined in holy matrimony on August 20, 1950 at the St. Thomas Catholic Church in Abiquiu, NM by Fr. Francis Nava and have been lifelong members of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Española. Salomon was born and raised in El Guache, NM, to Jose Miguel Salazar and Teodorita Montoya Salazar, the oldest of eight children. Flora Martinez was born and raised in Medanales, NM to David Martinez and Matilde Martinez, the youngest of three children. They have lived in El Guache for the past 60 years where they raised their family. Their children are Teresa and husband Lyle Kerstiens, Dea-

con Miguel Salazar and wife Rosalie, Gloria and husband Robert Shuttles, and Jose Salazar. They have been blessed with eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Flora was a stay at home mother who enjoyed gardening and sewing. Salomon began working in 1944 for the US Corp of Engineers and then Zia Company, subcontractors to Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. He retired from Zia with 44 years of service in 1988, and now operates their small farm.

Giron, Torres Mr. Vicente Torres, Jr. and Miss Agnes Giron were joined by the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on January 28, 1961 at San Lorenzo Catholic Church in Polvadera, NM. They currently belong to San Miguel Parish in Socorro. They reside in Luis Lopez, NM and have been blessed with three loving children, daughters Yvonne and husband Richard Murillo, Shelley and husband Alfredo Benavidez all of Luis Lopez, son Kenny Torres and wife Isabel of Albuquerque. They are also the proud grandparents of ten grandchildren and greatgrandparents of seven wonderful great-grandchildren. Vicente is retired from the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy and Agnes is retired from the Socorro Head Start Program.



February 2011

Quo Vadis: Where are you going? Vocation Event Sponsored by the Serra Club of Albuquerque

By Melanie Mascarenas Serra Club Member

On Sunday, January 9, 2011, the Serra Club of Albuquerque kicked off National Vocation Awareness Week by hosting a vocation program at Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish for 50 young people who are preparing for Confirmation this spring. This day, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, marks Jesus’ initiation into public ministry. It is a time to reflect on our own baptism and how we too are called to holiness and commissioned to proclaim the Good News by living out our special calling, our vocation, from God. At this event, young people heard panelists share how God called each of them, how they discerned their call, and how they then said “YES!” to God and gave Him their lives.

Fr. Michael DePalma, director of vocations for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, presented information on vocations and discernment, and Fr. Bennett J. Voorhies and Sr. Linda Carandang, FdCC led the prayers and reflections. The program— themed Quo Vadis: Where are you going?—featured the following guest speakers, who shared their vocation stories: Priest − Fr. June Ramos Brother − Brother Graham Golden, O.Praem Deacon − Deacon Victor Bachechi Sister − Sr. Magdalene Casas-Nava, DLJC Married Couple − Jeff and Jana Brewer Fr. DePalma discussed how all people are called to live out their respective vocations to the single life, married life, diaconate, priesthood,

L-R (back row): Deacon Victor Bachechi; Sr. Magdalene Casas-Nava, DLJC; Fr. Bennett J. Voorhies; Jeff Brewer; Brother Graham Golden, O.Praem. L-R (front row): Sr. Anthony Birdsall, DLJC; Sr. Linda Carandang, FdCC; Fr. June Ramos; Fr. Michael DePalma; Jana Brewer (Picture taken by Gay McCollum)

or religious life. No matter how we are called, we must “live out [our] baptismal call to bring Christ to others.” Vocations are a gift from

God and an invitation to love and serve Him and His Church in a particular state or way of life. “Hearing See WHERE on page 9

Catholic Extension Awards $125,000 to Archdiocese of Military Services to Support Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program Program has proven hugely successful in identifying and promoting vocations to the priesthood among active duty Catholics in the U.S. Armed Forces Chicago, Ill.-Catholic Extension

announced today it will award $125,000 to the Archdiocese of Military Services (AMS) to support its

Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program, which encourages and educates the next generation of ordained Catholic leadership in the military in co-

Seminarian Dillon Chitto, Santiago Henderson, Scott McKee, Rob Yaksich, Sergio Cianci, Ronald Mims, James DeOreo not pictured are Michael Niemczak and Christopher Bernabe (on skype)

On the first Sunday of 2011, some of our seminarians of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe home for Christmas break, attended Mass and a breakfast brunch hosted by San Ysidro Parish in Corrales.

It was a nice chance to meet and greet the young men who are studying for the priesthood as well as gave them an opportunity to catch up with each other before returning to their studies.

operation with other U.S. dioceses. The program originated in 2008 as part of a long-term strategy to recruit seminarians in response to the severe shortage of Catholic military chaplains. It has quadrupled the number of participating seminarians from seven to 28 in just two years. However, its success has driven up costs to $350,000 annually-an amount the AMS has committed to provide even while it has no funds set aside specifically for the initiative. Catholic Extension’s grant will make it possible for the AMS to continue with this hugely successful program. “There is an unfortunate shortage of priest chaplains to serve the Catholics of the U.S military,” said Joseph Boland, Senior Director of Grants Management for Catholic Extension. “Catholic Extension is pleased to partner with the Archdiocese of the Military to fund this innovative co-sponsored seminarian program, which helps attract as well as educate men who feel the dual call to serve God and country.” Men in the military who are ex-

ploring a vocation to the priesthood are co-sponsored during their seminary training by the AMS and their civilian home diocese. The AMS funds 50 percent of a seminarian’s education; the diocese funds the remaining 50 percent. Upon ordination, the priest provides three years of pastoral service to his civilian diocese before returning to serve on active duty in the Armed Forces as a military chaplain. “These brave military members have already demonstrated attributes of honor, self-discipline, obedience and valor, which are fundamental for the priesthood,” said Father John McLaughlin, the Vocations Director in the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. “Catholic Extension’s funds will make it possible for us to continue promoting priestly vocations from within this incredible group of dedicated men.” To learn more about Catholic Extension or to contribute, contact the Development Office at or 1-800-842-7804. CathSee PROGRAM on page 9

February 2011



54 Seminarians Instituted as Lectors ROME, 16 January 2010 On Sunday, 16 January 2011, 54 seminarians of the Pontifical North American College were instituted to the Ministry of Lector during a celebration of the Eucharist. Christopher Bernabe of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, who is his first year of theological studies, was among those seminarians instituted. The Most Rev. Edwin F. O’Brien, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, celebrated the Mass and instituted the new lectors. Handing the book of Sacred Scriptures to each seminarian, he said, “Take this book of holy Scripture

and be faithful in handing on the Word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of His People.” In his homily, Archbishop O’Brien explained, “Today you are commissioned by our Church to be men of the Word, His Word. From this day forward we expect you to grow in a knowledge and love of the Word until that day, please God, when through the laying on of hands, you will be empowered to speak that Word that will—literally, sacramentally—move Heaven to earth.” The institution as lector is one of the ministries semi-

WHERE from page 8

the call” or “discerning” means trying to figure out how God is calling you to serve Him. It is a life-long process of growth and listening to how God moves our hearts. Discernment is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you and not being afraid to ask God for direction. If you are exploring the idea of a vocation as a priest, deacon, or religious sister or brother, please call your parish priest to assist with your discernment. The Serra Club is part of an international organization that fosters, affirms, and promotes religious vocations in the Catholic Church. For information on the local chapter and/or to bring a vocation program to your parish, email and/or visit www. Let us pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and families. Blessed Junipero Serra, pray for us. PROGRAM from page 8

olic Extension will award more than 1,000 grant requests this year to poor and isolated communities across the U.S. and its territories. Last year the organization invested $14 million in America’s 86 “mission dioceses,” geographic regions of the country where the Catholic Church is growing and needs are great. Catholic Extension was able to do so through contributions from 47,000 individual donors who share its commitment to strengthen communities and sustain the Catholic faith throughout the country. About Catholic Extension Since 1905, Chicago-based Catholic Extension has been empowering Catholic communities by providing them funds to establish themselves; become self-sustaining; provide religious education and outreach ministries; build and renovate church buildings; and train the next generation of lay, religious and ordained Catholic leaders. Catholic Extension has distributed nearly $500 million to communities across America throughout its history.

narians receive as they proceed towards diaconal and priestly ordination. As the rite indicates, a lector is charged with proclaiming the Word of God in the liturgical assembly, instructing children and adults in the faith, and preparing them to receive the sacraments worthily. The Pontifical North American College just completed its 150th anniversary celebration. Founded in 1859 by Blessed Pius IX, the college serves as the American house of studies in Rome, where over 5000 of priests have been formed near the heart of the

Church for service in dioceses across North America and around the world. The College strengthens the bonds between Rome and local Churches worldwide,

and it allows its students to study the Church’s rich religious and cultural heritage at close range. Photo by North American College.

Vatican Plans Document on Internet and Seminaries By Sarah Delaney

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -The Internet can be a valuable tool for Catholic education and evangelization, and its proper use should be encouraged in seminaries as well as other church institutions, Pope Benedict XVI said. “Internet, with its capacity to reach across distances and put people in contact, offers great possibilities for the church and her mission,” the pope said in an address to members of the Congregation for Catholic Education holding their plenary meeting at the Vatican Feb. 7-9. The pope said the congregation was working on a document titled “Internet and Formation in Seminaries,” but did not say when it would be published. When used with caution and discernment, the pope said, the Internet can be useful for future priests

not only for studying, but for pastoral work in areas of evangelization, missionary action, catechism, educational projects and administration of various institutions. The church will therefore need well-prepared teachers to keep the seminarians up to date on the “correct and positive” use of information technology, he said. Addressing congregation members, the pope said the education and formation of future priests in seminaries is “one of the most urgent challenges” of the church today because of the culture of relativism dominant in contemporary society. “For this reason, the service performed by so many formation institutions in the world that are inspired by the Christian vision of man and reality is so important today,” the pope said. The seminary is one of the most important institutions of the church and requires a thorough program that

takes into account the context in which they exist today, he said. “Many times I have said that the seminary is a precious phase of life, in which the candidate for priesthood has the experience of being ‘a disciple of God,’” he said. The pope has made recent references to the potential -and the dangers -- offered by new media technology. Last month in a message for the upcoming World Communications Day he said, “this means of spreading information and knowledge is giving birth to a new way of learning and thinking, with unprecedented opportunities for establishing relationships and building fellowship.” He encouraged the use of social media such as Facebook as a means of spreading the Christian message, but warned of the dangers of substituting human relationships with virtual contacts.



February 2011

LITURG ICAL Formation Reconciliation By Fr. Paul Turner

Our Catholic church treasures the sacrament of reconciliation. Many parishes offer a communal celebration of penance, especially during Advent and Lent. But private reconciliation is usually available every week of the year. If you’d like to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation, here’s what to do: Prepare. Prayerfully recall your sins. Some will be specific actions. Some represent a more general pattern of behavior. Go to the priest. Visit when he’s in the reconciliation room or ask for an appointment. You may either kneel anonymously behind a screen, or sit in a chair where you may speak face to face. We become. You and the priest may greet each other. Make the Sign of the Cross. He may urge you to have confidence in God. You may indicate the interval since your last confession or anything else that will help. Just use common sense. Either you or the priest may read from Scripture. Confess your sins. Some penitents begin with a formula like, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” But you don’t have to.

Communal Reconciliation The communal reconciliation service provides a unique opportunity for Catholics to confess sins and find forgiveness. In the past, people often stood in a long line while waiting their turn for private confession. Today they have another option: the communal service. The communal celebration has certain advantages. The parish may celebrate one service with individual confessions instead of a sequence of private services. People confess their sins; they support and pray for other penitents; they are nourished by the proclamation of the Word and spiritual song; and they receive the support and prayer of others. Communal reconciliation reminds us that our sin affects others and that others will forgive the wrong we’ve done.

Let the priest know your sins. You may discuss the sins you confess, so the priest can give you the best counsel. Receive a penance. the priest will recommend some action to do after you leave to indicate to God the sincerity in your heart. Usually he suggests prayer of self-denial. If it sounds difficult, let him know. Pray for forgiveness. The priest may invite you to say a prayer of sorrow aloud. If you remember the Act of Contrition, you may use it. But you may also speak from your heart. Receive absolution. This is the best part. The priest proclaims absolution, and God forgives your sins. Conclude. The priest may say, “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” If so, answer, “His mercy endures forever.” Or he may conclude informally. Change! Go forth, and with God’s help, begin to live a new life of freedom from the slavery of sin! This bulletin insert originally appeared in Modern Liturgy, a pastoral planning resource. Copyright ©1995 by Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by special permission.

When you take part in a communal celebration of reconciliation, your confession takes a slightly different form. You perform some parts of the service as a community, not as individuals. Therefore, when you go individually to the priest in communal services: • You need not make the sign of the cross. • You need not say, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” • You need not say how long it has been since your last confession unless this information would be helpful. • You may say hello. • You may say something about yourself which will help the priest extend God’s mercy to you. • You should confess your sins. • You need not say the act of contrition. • Yo u should See RECONCILIATION on page 11

Reconciliación Por Fr. Paul Turner

Nuestra Iglesia Católica atesora el sacramento de la reconciliación. Muchas parroquias ofrecen una celebración comunal de penitencia, especialmente durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma. Pero la reconciliación privada normalmente está disponible cada semana del año. Si te gustaría celebrar el sacramento de la reconciliación, esto es lo que hay que hacer: Prepararte. En oración, recuerda tus pecados. Algunas serán acciones específicas. Algunas representan un patrón más general de comportamiento. Acudir al sacerdote. Acude cuando él esté en el confesionario o pide una cita. Puedes hincarte anónimamente tras una pantalla, o sentarte en una silla en donde puedas hablar con él frente a frente. El sacerdote y tú pueden saludarse. Haz la señal de la Cruz. Tal vez él te anime a tener confianza en Dios. Puedes indicar el intervalo desde la última vez que te confesaste o algo más que pueda ayudar. Simplemente usa el sentido común. Ya sea tú o el sacerdote pueden leer de la Escritura. Confesar tus pecados. Algunos penitentes inician con la una fórmula como: “Bendígame Padre, porque he pecado.” Pero no tienes

Reconciliación Comunal El servicio de reconciliación comunal proporciona una oportunidad única para que los católicos confiesen sus pecados y encuentren el perdón. En el pasado, la gente comúnmente hacía una larga fila esperando su turno para la confesión privada. Hoy en día tenemos otra opción: el servicio comunal. La celebración comunal tiene ciertas ventajas. La parroquia puede celebrar un servicio con confesiones individuales en lugar de una secuencia de sesiones privadas. La gente confiesa sus pecados; apoyan y oran por otros penitentes; son alimentados por la proclamación de la Palabra y del canto espiritual; y reciben el apoyo y la oración de otros. La reconciliación comunal nos

que hacerlo así exactamente. Dile al sacerdote tus pecados. Puedes discutir los pecados que confieses, para que es sacerdote te pueda dar el mejor consejo. Recibir una penitencia. El sacerdote te recomendará hacer algo particular una vez que te retires para indicarle a Dios la sinceridad en tu corazón. Normalmente el sacerdote sugerirá oraciones de abnegación. Si esto es difícil para ti, déjaselo saber. Orar por perdón. El sacerdote puede invitarte a decir una oración de arrepentimiento en voz alta. Si recuerdas el Acto de Contrición, puedes rezarlo. Pero también puedes hablar desde tu corazón. Recibir absolución. Esta es la mejor parte. El sacerdote proclama la absolución, y Dios perdona tus pecados. Concluir. El sacerdote puede decir algo como: “Demos gracias al Señor porque él es bueno.” Si dice eso, contesta: “Su misericordia es eterna.” O tal vez concluya en una manera informal. !Cambia! Ve, y con la ayuda de Dios, inicia una nueva vida de libertad de la esclavitud del pecado! Este inserto de boletín apareció originalmente en Modern Liturgy, un recurso de planeación pastoral. Copyright ©1995 por Resource Publications, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Reimpreso con permiso especial. recuerda que nuestro pecado afecta a otros y que otros perdonarán el mal que hemos hecho. Cuando participas en una celebración comunal de reconciliación, tu confesión toma una forma ligeramente diferente. Llevas a cabo ciertas partes del servicio como una comunidad, no como individuos. Por lo tanto, cuando te acercas al sacerdote en forma individual durante los servicios comunales: • No necesitas hacer la señal de la cruz. • No necesitas decir: “Bendígame, Padre, porque he pecado.” • No necesitas indicar cuándo fue la última vez que te confesaste, a menos que esa información se útil. • Puedes saludar al sacerdote. See Reconciliación on page 11

February 2011




Working through a hard death

Caregivers and health care professionals can and often do greatly assist those who are suffering and dying. Even with careful pain management and comfort measures, however, the dying process can still be agonizing and difficult. Each death has a unique and particular trajectory, but even the most difficult and unpleasant deaths often have powerful graces and remarkable opportunities for growth mysteriously interwoven into them. Some time ago, I corresponded with a registered nurse about her mother’s final battle with lung cancer. She described the unexpected shifts in her mother’s condition that had taken place over a period of eight days: “…passing through a day of Cheyne-Stokes respirations [a pattern of deep breathing, followed by stoppage of breathing, followed by repetition of the cycle], days of such shallow breathing that death seemed literally one breath away, days of calm coma, two days where the smell of imminent death was detectable, signs of diminished extremity perfusions coming and then going, coming and then going, day after day, no urine output, then urine output, then no urine, then urine again, emerge from this

state and embark upon three hours of increasingly severe respiratory distress culminating in a violent respiratory arrest.” No stranger to death and dying, this nurse had assisted countless other patients with pain, air and hunger management. During her mom’s final hours, she had significantly increased morphine doses per hospice protocols, but with little or no apparent relief. Her mother’s death ended up being very hard. Reflecting on it afterwards, she realized that if she had not been both a healthcare professional and a person who trusted deeply in God, she would have been, to use her own words, “out of my mind with horror.” Why certain deaths are so much harder than others is no easier to explain than why certain lives are so much harder than others. It gives us pause, though, to ask whether suffering doesn’t have some hidden but important meaning, however it enters our lives. As we seek to use the tools of medicine to alleviate the suffering of those who are dying, we realize how delicate a balancing act it can be, fraught with difficult decisions about dosages and interventions, and not always guaranteed to work. When pain and suffering cannot be alleviated, patients ought to be helped to appreciate the Chris-


expect very little conversation and advice from the priest because others are waiting. • You should arrive on time and stay for the end. The bulletin insert reConCiLiAton originally appeared in Modern Liturgy, a pastoral planning resource. Copyright ©1995 by Resource Publications, Inc. The bulletin insert CoMMunAL reConCiLiAton originally Reconciliación from page 10

• Puedes decir algo sobre ti que le ayude al sacerdote a extenderte la misericordia de Dios. • Necesitas confesar tus pecados. • No necesitas decir el acto de contrición. • Habrá muy poca conversación y consejos por parte de sacerdote pues hay otros esperando. • Debes llegar a tiempo al servicio y quedarte hasta el final. El inserto de boletín reConCiLiACiÓn apareció originalmente en Modern Liturgy,

tian understanding of redemptive suffering. The nurse described how she and her mother had experienced this Christian understanding themselves: “My Mom and I prayed hard and much over this past year. She was expected to die a year ago. As we began to understand that she was actually improving and that she (and I) had been given this gift of time, we became increasingly devoted to the Divine Mercy of Jesus. I am of the opinion that God gave Mom an opportunity to be on the cross with Him.” Real suffering engages a lot of complex emotions. We may worry that our crosses will be more than we can bear. We may not see how our sufferings could really have any value or meaning. In the end, suffering can make us bitter or it can make us better, depending upon how we respond to it and use it to enter into deeper union with the Lord who suffered and died a hard death for us. I’m reminded of a story I once heard about a priest in Poland who taught at the seminary. Each year, there had been fewer candidates entering the seminary, rarely more than 8 or 9, and it was becoming a serious concern for the seminary and the diocese. One day, this priest learned he had a terminal illness, with only

appeared in Modern Liturgy, a pastoral planning resource. Copyright ©1998 by Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by special permission. Fr. Paul Turner is pastor of St. Munchin parish in Cameron, MO and its mission, St. Aloysius in Maysville. A priest of the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, he holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant’ Anselmo in Rome. http://www. un recurso de planeación pastoral. Copyright ©1995 por Resource Publications, Inc El inserto de boletín reConCiLiACiÓn CoMunAL apareció originalmente en Modern Liturgy, un recurso de planeación pastoral. Copyright ©1998 por Resource Publications, Inc. www. Todos los derechos reservados. Re-impreso con permiso especial. El Padre Paul Turner es el párroco de la parroquia St. Munchin en Cameron, MO y su misión, St. Aloysius en Maysville. El es un sacerdote de la diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph, cuenta con un doctorado en Teología Sagrada de Sant’ Anselmo en Rome. http://

a few months to live. Shortly afterwards, he turned to God and said: “Lord Jesus, I will do my best to offer up the sufferings that lie ahead of me, whatever they may be, but I would ask that you send us 18 new candidates for next year’s incoming class.” The good priest faced an excruciating death, but a few months later when the candidates started showing up at the seminary, there were exactly 18 new students in the class. His story speaks of how suffering has meaning whenever we unite it to the redemptive sufferings of Christ. Our sufferings and struggles are an important, albeit temporary, part of our journey. They are a harbinger of a greater destiny and a promise of our transformation. Pope John Paul II once described it this way: “The cross of Christ throws salvific light, in a most penetrating way, on man’s life... the cross reaches man together with the resurrection.” Our experience of suffering and death, even a very hard death, offers us mysterious and dramatic graces, with the reassurance that God himself is ever near to those who carry their cross.

Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See

INACTIVOS from page 3 sin contratiempos y estas personas puedan regresar. Algunas personas han dejado la Iglesia, o ya no participan debido a algunos escándalos o porque se molestaron por algo que algún obispo, sacerdote, diácono, empleado parroquial o algún líder seglar ha hecho o dicho. Yo les digo a las personas en esta situación que no basen su fe en el sacerdote o en el obispo – hacemos lo mejor que podemos, pero siendo humanos, a veces fallamos. Basen su fe en las cosas que no pueden decepcionarlos, como la Sagrada Comunión, la Misa, los Sacramentos, Jesús y la Biblia. Yo les digo que nunca dejen la Iglesia por las debilidades humanas, sino que pongan su fe en donde no puede ser dañada. ¡Les pido que oren para que nuestros esfuerzos por tratar de alcanzar a los católicos inactivos o a quienes no tienen una iglesia, produzcan frutos para la gloria de Dios! sioneros, para alimentar a los desamparados, etc. – simplemente, hablen con su Párroco! Dios nos ha bendecido. ¡Compartamos Sus bendiciones con otros menos afortunados! Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheehan Arzobispo de Santa Fe



February 2011

Annual Christmas Basket Ministry


Wilfred J. Brennan Director Emeritus Albert Arrigoni Director Emeritus

John A. Menicucci, CPM President / Real Estate

Frederic Brennan, CPCU President / Insurance William F. Raskob President / CEO

Gabriel A. Portillo Vice President

t. Joseph on the Rio Grande parishioners and friends of all ages joined together to make their annual Christmas Basket Ministry their most efficient and successful one yet. From December 17 through December 19, parishioners worked tirelessly demonstrating their Christian love and generosity by preparing boxes of food from a mountain of nutritious food including turkeys, eggs, potatoes, fruit, as well as clothing and toys. Almost 100 families were recipients of the Christmas 4333 Pan American Fwy. NE cheer provided by the amazing efforts ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107 of these generous parishioners. PHONE: (505) 247-0444 FAX: (505) 243-1505 Special acknowledgement goes to: Dorothy Tomlinson, Cathie Bieri, DayThe specialists of Berger Briggs handle all types of real estate and na Wilkie, Joy Jones, Juanita Meade, insurance: commerical, industrial, and investment real estate; Kevin Slimak, Curtis & Sandra Mares, full property management; and all lines of insurance. Liz & Roger Martinez, Drew & Kathy For over 70 years, in a field where reputation and high ethical Malechuk, Mike & Virginia Carrion, standards really count, clients have trusted Berger Briggs. and Val Shulfer. There were also countless of other volunteers who carted boxes and bags out to the cars REAL ESTATE & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INSURANCE and trucks, and made sure the deliverCurtis A. Brewer, CCIM Larry McClintock Sherry Anderson Melissa A. Portillo ies would go without a hitch. Special Samantha Clark Timothy P. Mullane Sylvia Austin Brent Ratliff Barbara Cole Vangie Pavlakos CCIM thanks go to all the teens from the St Trudy Best, CISR Angela Romero Mike Dennett Jim Schneider Pius Make a Difference Club who doRyan Brennan Dee Silva James Ellis Stuart Sherman nated scarves and footballs so other Paul DeBlassie Ann Skelley, CISR Connie Frierson Grant Stockdale teenagers could have a gift; to Grace Frank Melendez Debra Stiles Bruce Golden Dave Vincioni Weber’s Middle School Group, and Joseph Menicucci Jessica Vargas Dan Hernandez, JD Alan Vincioni Confirmation students whose boundPam Muzzi Vanessa Villegas Steve Kraemer less energy, real attentiveness to the Brian O’Malley ACCOUNTING process, and stamina made it possible Jeannie Boyd Mary Jo Dawson Dede Walden for the more senior volunteers to stick it out to the end.

February 2011



NM State Bishops Protect Sanctity of Life

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Santa Fe


Bishop Ricardo Ramirez, Las Cruces

Bishop James S. Wall, Gallup

For the last six out of seven years, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan has celebrated Mass on the feast of the Holy Innocents at the chapel of the Holy Innocents (December 28) located next to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in NM, the country, and the world. This year, almost 90 people, including families and young children, attended the Mass and joined the Archbishop in Eucharistic procession to the front of Planned Parenthood.

Photos by leslie M. radigan/aSF

he Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Diocese of Gallup, and Diocese of Las Crucess marked the 38th Anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion with the Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day on January 19, 2010. The day began with the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Annual Legislative Breakfast held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Santa Fe. The breakfast was followed by a visit and blessings at the State Capitol, Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and a march to the Capitol by thousands of pilgrims praying for protection life.



February 2011

February 2011





February 2011


Gift of Giving

By nOah agleS, 5th graDe StuDent Vice-President of Student Council, Santo Niño Regional Catholic School

Advent is a time for giving. This year, the student council decided to collect canned food and clothing for local people in need. We made posters and hung them around our school. Many students supported our Advent service project: Keep Santa Fe Warm and Canned Food Drive. Over Christmas break Bethany Gallegos, student council secretary, and I delivered the food and clothes to local organizations with a little help from our families. Mr. Padilla, a sixth grade teacher, helped us organize this community service project. We are thankful to him for his continued kindness and support with student council. First, we went to the Food Depot where we unloaded 319 pounds of food. The volunteer working there told us that they would be able to provide 425 meals to hungry people with all of the food that we brought. I felt bad knowing many

people in my community would be hungry this Christmas. When the volunteer told me how many people our donations would feed, I did not feel as bad. Next, we made a special delivery to the Saint Elizabeth Shelter. We brought six large garbage bags full of coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and socks. As we were leaving the shelter there was a poor man sitting out front. He looked tired, sad and cold. We all smiled at him and said: “Merry Christmas!” After seeing that, I hoped the man would get some of the warm clothes we brought and will be able to stay warm this Christmas. The local organizations were very thankful for our donations. I am glad the student council was able to lead this community service effort. I am very proud of my school for supporting this Advent service project. Through the generosity of our community, we were able to help many

Holy Ghost Wins the Bee! By Julie DOwnS, 7th graDe teacher, Holy Ghost Catholic School

Saturday, January 15, 2011, approximately 33 students from Albuquerque Catholic Schools competed in the area Private & Parochial Schools Spelling Bee. The top two finishers advance to the New Mexico State Spelling Bee to be held on March 12. Margaret Downs, an 8th grader at Holy Ghost Catholic School was the first place winner (Second place was Bryan Metzger from Bosque School.). This will be Margaret’s second trip to the State Spelling Bee. She placed 3rd in 2007, as a 4th grader. The winner of the State Bee advances the National Spelling Bee.

Santo Niño Executive Student Council Members (left to right) Noah Agles-Vice President, Bethany Gallegos-Secretary, Savannah Lovato-Treasurer, Channing Vakharia-President. Photo by Roselle Agles

people in need this Christmas in Santa Fe. May God Bless everyone during the New Year, 2011. As we look forward to the Lenten season, we have many exciting ideas for our school-wide Lenten service projects. The student council will go to Santa Maria de la Paz to help prepare and deliver food for the Interfaith Community Shelter. We would also like to visit the elderly at a senior facility, bringing them cookies and Valentine cards. The student

council wants to visit and help out at an animal shelter too. It is important to remember all of God’s creatures, big and small. Perhaps we will be involved in “Kids Against Hunger” again this year. The student council will lead our school in prayer daily through the Lenten season especially during our weekly prayer services. We want to be faithful leaders in our school and teach others about the importance of giving.

St. Pius X Highlights Evangelization By JO Salway, cOMMunicatiOnS, St. Pius X High School

When the Archdiocese charged the parishes to address youth ministry, St. Pius X also joined in the efforts. St. Pius X, like other Catholic high schools, is instrumental in the goal of the ministry to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community. While youth has always been important in the Church, about a year and a half ago, the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Archdiocese, now headed by Bernadette Jaramillo, formed a committee to address the Church’s ministry with adolescents. Using the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) document “Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry” (RTV), the committee developed a tool to help assess the weaknesses and strengths

of the parishes and schools in their effort to help the youth become disciples of Jesus. RTV set out goals and components of a comprehensive vision of ministry with adolescents. The eight components include the ministries of advocacy, catechesis, community life, evangelization, justice and service, leadership development, pastoral care, and prayer and worship. Each parish and school selected one of the ministries to focus on first. “For St. Pius X, evangelization was chosen, because, as the document says, it is the energizing core of all ministry with adolescents,” said Rania Garnem, a St. Pius X theology teacher and member of the committee. The topic of evangelization was presented at a faculty meeting at the beginning of the school year. Teachers were asked, “How do we do this now?” and “What makes this diffiSee ST. PIUS on page 17

February 2011



CATHOLIC EDUCATION ST. PIUS from page 16 cult?” As they discussed the questions, the faculty celebrated the things it was already doing. “We are a Catholic school and have the freedom and privilege to preach the Gospel,” said Ms. Garnem. Teachers also suggested better communication so that teachers know what is going on in the different departments and to better identify what the student groups are doing on campus. Each teacher examined their personal and the school’s role in evangelization, and now the individual insights are being compiled. Ms. Garnem said, “The discussion on evangelization helped me emphasize to my seniors that they are never too young to preach the Gospel. It is not something to put off. They are being called now to be disciples of Christ; it is not something for the future. I challenge them even more to be disciples and to help each other be disciples. Often the students react and listen when guidance comes from their peers. Teachers can talk all day, but students are really influenced when they see someone their own age living the faith--that is one of the greatest witnesses for youth. There are many ways to evangelize. For some people preaching may be on the football field, or for others it may be in a club after school or in fine arts.”

assistant Superintendent for catholic Schools

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe is seeking an Assistant Superintendent for Catholic Schools. There are 17 schools in the Archdiocese: 1 PreK, 2 PreK-5, 12 PreK - 8, and 2 high schools. The Assistant Superintendent is responsible for the coordination of instructional services for Catholic schools in the Archdiocese, including developing curriculum, coordination of testing programs and federal programs, assisting with staff development opportunities for principals and teachers, and other responsibilities required by the Superintendent. The successful candidate will be a visionary leader with excellent communication and human relations skills who is dedicated to fostering a community of academic excellence within an environment that emphasizes Catholic identity and values. Qualifications include:

Principal Opening St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, located in Albuquerque, NM is seeking a principal for the 2011-2012 school year. St. Charles is a K-8 school with an enrollment of 277 students and has been in operation since 1952. St. Charles is accredited as part of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe district accreditation through AdvancEd. St. Charles Borromeo School provides a challenging academic curriculum fostered by Catholic values in a safe, diverse, family-oriented community. Their aim is for everyone to model respect, service and compassion for others, and to exercise self-discipline in order to reach their full potential. The successful candidate will be a visionary leader with excellent communication and human relations skills who is dedicated to fostering a community of

• Practicing Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church • A master’s degree in educational administration or similar field • Five years experience as an administrator in a Catholic School • Be eligible for licensure in the state of New Mexico • Skill in organizational development, administration, supervision, management, and staff development and training. • Proficiency in practical application of educational and training theory to the methodology of teaching. • Knowledge of resources and materials related to curriculum improvement and development. Qualified and interested individuals should contact: Susan M. Murphy, Superintendent of Catholic Schools Archdiocese of Santa Fe 4000 St. Joseph PL NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 505.831.8172,

academic excellence within an environment that emphasizes Catholic identity and values. Qualifications include: • Practicing Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church • A master’s degree in educational administration or similar field • Five years experience as a teacher or administrator in a Catholic School • Be eligible for principal licensure in the state of New Mexico Qualified and interested individuals should contact: Susan M. Murphy, Superintendent of Catholic Schools Archdiocese of Santa Fe 4000 St. Joseph PL NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 505.831.8172,

The Office of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe thanks all of the teachers and principals for their commitment to Catholic Education. The success of our Catholic schools depends upon the professional competence, quality and the commitment of all teachers to Christ. The following teachers are celebrating milestones in their ministry with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. 5 Years Jennifer Olivas -- St. Therese Monica Sanchez- Glover -- St. Therese Heather Garcia --Holy Ghost Leticia Gomez -- Assumption Renee Carrillo -- Annunciation Mary Sagartz -- Annunciation Debbie Sanchez -- Annunciation Cynthia Shropshire -- Annunciation Jack Davidson -- St. Pius Rania Garnem -- St. Pius William Gater -- St. Pius Lorraine Schierstein --St. Pius Taffy Tagliaferro -- Queen of Heaven Cassandra Osterloh --Queen of Heaven Lissa Warren -- Queen of Heaven Richard Dodson -- Queen of Heaven Carla Romero -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Lisa Salcido -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Sister Kay Taylor -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Carmen Borrego -- Holy Cross 10 Years Elisa Morelli- Hobbs -- St. Therese Patricia Valdez -- San Felipe Angel-Anne Parr -- Annunciation Margaret Rouse -- Annunciation Sylvia Raigosa-- Santo Niño Miqui Hernandez -- Santo Niño Johanne Heard -- Queen of Heaven Deborah Garland -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Deborah Courtney -- St. Thomas Abigail Walden -- St. Thomas Mary Helen Schulte -- St. Thomas Kenneth Cantwell -- St. Thomas Teresa Bency -- St. Thomas

15 Years Mary T. Houlihan, O.P. -- Holy Ghost Kevin Borroughs -- Holy Ghost Donna Gallegos -- St. Charles Debbie Mele -- Annunciation Juan de Dios Baca -- St. Pius Marc Hilton -- St. Pius Diane Lacen -- St. Pius Tracey Jennings -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Carol Johansen -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Joanie See -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Teresa Martinez -- Holy Cross Patricia Wilson-- St. Mary’s Belen 20 Years Laraun Harrison-- St. Charles Pam Wheeldon -- St. Charles Kathleen Mulhern -- St. Charles Patricia Carlton-McQueen -- St. Pius Kevin Hillsey -- St. Pius James Penn -- St. Pius Kathleen Stratmoen --St. Pius Shannon Morgan -- St. Mary’s Albuquerque Diane Wisor --St. Mary’s Albuquerque 30 Years Pat Pecos -- Assumption 35 Years Vivian Mohler -- Annunciation Heidi Mullikan – St. Thomas William Pichette – Fatima

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February 2011

Catholic Charities’ Children’s Learning Center Receives $18,000 Gift from Archdiocese of Santa Fe By Ellen Mather

In remembrance of the Feast Day of St. Nicholas, on Dec. 6, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe made a generous $18,000 gift to Catholic Charities’ Children’s Learning Center. The funds will be used to maintain the center’s important Early Childhood Education and Development programs in Albuquerque’s South Valley. “Catholic Charities is very grateful for the leadership of the Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan in addressing the needs of so many in our community. With this gift, the Archbishop and the Archdiocese continue the tradition of St. Nicholas,

the patron saint of charity to children in need, by helping to maintain these essential services,” said Catholic Charities Executive Director Jim Gannon. “This gift should serve as a reminder to the importance of charity not only during the Christmas season, but throughout the year.” One of the few five-star licensed and accredited preschool programs in New Mexico, Catholic Charities’ Children’s Learning Center prepares young children for a successful transition to elementary school through its Early Headstart and early childhood programs, including beginning literacy, English as a Second Language and beginning

numeracy, as well as multicultural learning materials and experiences. The Archdiocese’s gift represents a supplemental donation to Catholic Charities’ Children’s Learning Center and is of particular importance because it offsets the sate’s earlier reduction of funds to support the agency’s Early Childhood Development and Educational services during this fiscal year. On Dec. 26, 2010, Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe celebrates its 65th Anniversary of service. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe is the largest private funding source of Catholic Charities services.

About Catholic Charities Celebrating its 65th year, Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is the local arm of Catholic Charities USA, the largest private network of social service organizations in the United States. The regional agency brings a variety of organizations together to support families, reduce poverty and build communities, regardless of age, country of origin, disabilities, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Working with local churches and secular community organizations, 100 staff members and more than 300 volunteers assist over 11,000 individuals and 5,400 families throughout Bernalillo, Santa Fe and Sandoval counties each year.

To See the Face of Christ By Br. Graham Golden, O. Praem. Intern for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

What is more Catholic than an openness to discern the will of God, striving to put aside personal prejudice, and seeking to live a life of conversion through the par-

ticipation in the sacraments of reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist? These aspects of my faith have been strengthened and put into a new light since I began participating in

Catholic? Want to Make a Difference? Be an Intern with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)!

Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s (CCHD) Archdiocesan office in Albuquerque is looking for Catholics who have a passion for service and justice, to apply for a paid position, 18-20 hours/week, $12/hr for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. The internship is a great opportunity to learn more about social justice education, poverty relief, community development, economic development and Catholic social teaching. Job skills needed include ability to speak/ understand basic Spanish, good organizational skills, leadership

experience, community service experience and effective writing and communication skills and computer skills. CCHD has a particular interest in helping low-income Catholics to participate in a practical learning experience that ordinarily would be out of their reach due to financial limitations. Applications can be requested by e-mail at justice@ . Contact Anne Avellone, Office of Social Justice, 505.831.8167, for more information. Applications must be received by March 1, 2011. Don’t pass up this wonderful opportunity!

the JustFaith program last September. JustFaith is a parish faith formation program for adults to learn more deeply about the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church. Groups meet one evening a week for about 30 weeks. Over time I began to experience JustFaith as not only an academic learning exercise, but as an opportunity to truly encounter Christ. Our group is a diverse assortment of people in age, education, ethnicity and life experience. We share the stories of our lives and our understanding of God. We study social doctrine and discuss, grapple with and struggle to understand what the Church teaches. We struggle to reconcile what we see and experience in the world around us and what we may personally believe with how God calls us to live in this world through the wisdom of the Church. Central to this is our prayer together and reading of scripture. We also engage the world around us. We participate in “border crossings” in which we meet with and hear the stories of those who are marginalized in our society. We had a very powerful and moving experience at the county jail. We met with women in the substance abuse rehabilitation program. I spoke

with a woman who was from one of our Norbertine parishes. From her story and the stories of other women I learned more about the power of grace and the spirit in that conversation than from my formal theological studies. For me, human suffering was given a face, a face shared by Jesus. It has helped me to more deeply see Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament as well. We have discussed issues of racism, poverty, the environment and immigration in light of our own experiences and Church teaching. None of these are easy topics. I found hard discussions are more meaningful with other people seeking to know and live the truth of our faith. JustFaith is a call to conversion, a chance to open one’s heart to God and to live a more compassionate life in solidarity with the wider human family. My experience in JustFaith reminds me that my own ministry in the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life is the work of Christ and work for Christ. Our lives as Catholics are inspired by a real encounter with Jesus and experience of faith. If you would like more information on participating in a JustFaith group please contact the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life at 505.831.8205 or by emailing

February 2011



Choosing Widening Our Circles of Kinship Chocolate and Justice business: Homeboy Bakery with a mission to create an environment that provided training, work experience, and above all, the opportuAbout 145 people gathered on short no- nity for rival gang members to work side by tice in early January for an inspirational and side. Today Homeboy Industries’ nonprofit challenging evening with Fr. Greg Boyle, economic development enterprises include Homeboy Bakery, SJ, known around the Homeboy Silkscreen, country for this transHomeboy/Homeformational work with girl Merchandise, gang members in Los and Homegirl Café. Angeles. The Office of Homeboy’s services Social Justice and Reenable young people spect Life hosted Fr. to redirect their lives Greg as a JustFaith and provide them with event. Members of hope for their futures. JustFaith groups, JustFor those employed at Faith graduates, pasHomeboy Industries tors, prison ministers, in job training or work-readiness positions, youth ministers, high school teachers and students were among those who attended. Fr. each has a case manager and takes classes or Greg Boyle’s new book, Tattoos on the Heart: uses services as part of their work day. As Executive Director of Homeboy IndusThe Power of Boundless Compassion, is a breathtaking series of parables distilled from tries and an acknowledged expert on gangs the past two decades of Gregory Boyle’s life and intervention approaches, Fr. Boyle speaks working with gang members in Los Angeles, at conferences about the importance of adult and was used this year in the JustFaith 30- attention, guidance and unconditional love in week curriculum. This book is available for preventing youth from joining gangs. Fr. Greg and several “homies” were featured speakers check out in our Ministry Resource Center. JustFaith is a 30-week parish-based inten- at the White House Conference on Youth in sive formation experience in Catholic social 2005 at the personal invitation of first lady Laura Bush. teaching. Through One youth of our prayer, retreats, “You are exactly what God Archdiocese said study, and direct enhad in mind when He made you. that he was the best counters with those Once you know that truth, once you speaker she has ever who are on the marinhabit that truth, you become that heard. Another pergins of our socitruth. No bullet can pierce that, no son stated that Fr. ety, JustFaith is defour prison walls can keep that out and Greg spoke from his signed to challenge death can’t touch it…because it is so heart and touched participants to see huge.” — Fr. Greg all our hearts. Yet anthe world with new other stated, “He is a eyes: to see those very compassionate who are suffering, poor, homeless, outcast with the eyes of Je- pastor and gifted speaker!” Our Youth and sus, with the eyes of the heart. Fr. Greg is an Young Adult Office would like to bring Fr. example of a person who “sees with compas- Greg and some of his youth back for a youth conference. sion.” In his book and in person, Fr. Greg speaks While Fr. Greg served as pastor of Dolores Mission in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of “widening our circles of kinship” to stand of Los Angeles from 1986- 1992, he accom- with those who are on the margins of society, panied youth caught in gang wars that stole in order to see the person for who they really their souls and many times, their lives. He are, creating a circle of compassion. “Then also served as prison chaplain in both Mexico we imagine no one standing outside of that and California. Through these experiences, circle…We stand there with those whose digFr. Greg had the vision to offer alternatives to nity has been denied. We locate ourselves the gang life. He created “Jobs For a Future” with the poor and the powerless and the (JFF) in 1988 at Dolores Mission parish. In an voiceless…We stand with the demonized so effort to address the escalating problems and that the demonizing will stop….Kinship is unmet needs of gang-involved youth, Fr. Greg what God presses us to…” (Tattoos, p. 190). and the community developed positive alter- It is with this sense of kinship we welcomed natives, including establishing an elementary Fr. Greg, and as he left us, he challenged us to school, a day care program and finding legiti- “widen our circles of kinship” as Jesus did. Please see page 24 for a review of “Tattoos mate employment for young people. This eventually led him to launch the first on the Heart”

Sophie Tranchell/Divine Chocolate

By Anne Avellone Director, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life

A member of Kuapa Kokoo Fair Trade cocoa cooperative holds a bar of Divine Chocolate, which are sold via the CRS Fair Trade website.

By Anna Huth CRS Southwest Relationship Manager

Ah, chocolate! Sharing chocolate on Valentine’s Day, maybe giving up chocolate during Lent, selling chocolate during springtime fund-raisers, then feasting on Easter chocolate! And let’s not forget that Mother’s Day isn’t that far off, bringing another time for indulging in chocolate. These are times for chocolate; they also are times for practicing Catholic Social Teaching. What’s the connection? People – that’s why Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe are using space in People of God to talk about this. It’s all about people. People grow the cacao beans that the chocolate is made from, other people process those beans to make chocolate, and still others transport and distribute the goods. Our Catholic faith invites us to consider the people who have been part of getting this chocolate to us; Fair Trade provides us a way to do that. “Fair Trade” is a movement that focuses on the workers who produce products we use: coffee, foods, handcrafts and, yes, chocolate. Workers participating in the Fair Trade movement are guaranteed a living wage, decent working conditions, and assistance to produce quality products using environment-friendly methods. This resonates with Catholic social teachings about the dignity of work and the rights of workers, care for God’s creation, and solidarity, to name just three. CRS helps farmers know the best methods for producing those crops and assists establishing cooperatives involved in the processing, transportation and distribution. Workers have said that, because of their involvement in Fair Trade, they See CHOCOLATE on page 21



WORLD Court decisions, congressional actions challenge health reform law WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The health reform law passed last year faces continuing challenges in the courts, Congress and at the administrative level within the federal government. In a lawsuit involving 26 states, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson threw out the

entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional because of the section requiring all Americans to have health insurance by 2014 or face government penalties. “I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the act with the individual mandate,” Vinson wrote in a 78-page opinion. “That is not to say, of course, that Congress is without power to ad-


dress the problems and inequities in our health care system. ... The principal dispute has been about how Congress chose to exercise that power here.” The Florida judge’s Jan. 31 ruling followed a December decision by a federal judge in Virginia that the individual mandate was an unconstitutional expansion of government power. The law appears headed ultimately to the U.S. Supreme Court for a decision. Two other judges had earlier ruled that the individual mandate was constitutional. But the president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association believes the law will ultimately be affirmed and “we will all benefit” from the law by bringing 32 million uninsured American under the health insurance umbrella and making other improvements in the U.S. health system through provisions of the law. Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity who was one of the staunchest supporters of the health reform law, acknowledged in a Feb. 3 telephone interview with Catholic News Service that the law still faces “some pretty significant journeys before it is all settled.”

Egyptian unrest hits home with Coptic Christians in US, Canada

HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE St. Patrick’s-St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Raton, NM Hosted by: Fr. Daniel M. Balizan Celebrating his 22nd Anniversary Of Ordination to the Priesthood

May 24- June 2, 2011 (10 days)

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February 2011

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The primary concern in Cairo is to fix the constitution and meet the needs of the Egyptian people, said Father Beshoi Anis, pastor of Holy Family Coptic Catholic Church in Toronto. “The U.S. and Egypt are friends and they should pay attention to the demands of the people and what they require,” the priest said. Although they are half a world away, members of Coptic Catholic and Orthodox parishes in North America turned their attention to Egypt as civil unrest that sparked in late January continued. Tens of thousands of Egyptians were protesting in the streets of Cairo, calling for President Hosni Mubarak’s immediate resignation and demanding political and economic reforms. Egypt is home to a Coptic Christian population estimated at about 10 percent of the Egyptian population. Of that number, about 90 percent are Coptic Orthodox, with most of the remainder Coptic Catholic. Most Coptic Catholics are concentrated in Upper Egypt, although in recent decades some have migrated to other parts of the country and other nations, including the United States and Canada. Father Anis had a worried yet hopeful insight into the unrest plaguing Egypt. He stressed in a phone interview with Catholic News Service Feb. 2 that he does not speak for the church but that he personally believes Christians and Muslims are brothers who will come together to rescue Egypt. When asked if he believed the religious rights of minorities would be preserved, he replied, “We are not looking for protection for the minorities, we are looking for protection of the whole country. This is not just Christians and Muslims, we are Egyptians.”

Pope’s prayers: Could Internet increase spread of intentions? VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- If the pope used Twitter or Facebook to rally people together to pray for one intention, how many millions of prayers could be

raised to heaven within minutes? In some countries, Facebook and the Internet already are being used by the Apostleship of Prayer to build community and distribute the pope’s monthly prayer intentions. But in most places in the world, when the pope makes a special public appeal for prayers, people hear about it only through the Catholic media. For 167 years, members of the Apostleship of Prayer have begun each day offering their lives to God and praying for the needs of the universal church and the intentions of the pope. The offering and the prayers are the basic membership requirements, and in most places the apostleship has “no registration, no groups, no fees, no special meetings,” so no one really knows how many people belong. Jesuit Father Claudio Barriga, who oversees the organization from the Jesuit headquarters near the Vatican, said he estimates there are about 50 million people fulfilling the membership requirements in the apostleship and its youth wing, the Eucharistic Youth Movement. The Jesuit said he was in Vietnam in January and discovered that there are Apostleship of Prayer groups in every diocese with an estimated 1 million involved. A government-approved bishop in mainland China reported that there is a group of people who makes the offering and prays for the pope’s intentions each day in his cathedral, Father Barriga said. In the United States, he said, “it’s mainly a digital community” thriving through the use of the website -- which includes links to a daily audiovisual meditation posted on YouTube -- and through both national and parish-based Facebook pages.

Revised Bible provides ‘more clarity, more detail’ for today’s Catholic WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The revised New American Bible that will be released on Ash Wednesday, March 9, may seem most notably different to casual readers for its efforts at providing context and clarity in how the passages fit together, according to the coordinator of its publication. “It will be like going from regular TV to high-definition,” said Mary Elizabeth Sperry, associate director of New American Bible utilization for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. “You’ll have the same programs but more clarity, more detail.” What is being called the New American Bible Revised Edition, or NABRE, will include the first revised translation since 1970 of the Old Testament. The New Testament translation is the same as in 1986 and later editions of the New American Bible. The NABRE also will include the updated Book of Psalms, which was revised between 1991 and 2010 and has been included in versions of the New American Bible published since 1991. The new Bible will be available in an assortment of print, audio and electronic formats, from a variety of publishers. Individual publishers will roll out their versions on their own schedules. For instance, Oxford University Press announced its line of compact NABRE editions will be available by Easter, April 24, and its study Bibles will be on the market for fall 2011 courses. The NABRE’s publication will not affect what Scripture texts are used for Mass. The Lectionary translation has already been updated recently.

February 2011


Love, the Greatest Gift By Deacon Steve Rangel Director, Pastoral Outreach

Each year at Christmas, we get to witness the love people share with family and friends. It brings out the best in people far beyond the gifts that are under the tree. It’s a time to show the love we have for each other, motivated by our Lord who gave us the greatest gift of all, that of Himself. This example of love is shown each year as we reach out to our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated in jails, prisons, and youth detention centers in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Just like last year, we reached out to seven different prison facilities and provided them with goodie bags and Christmas parties. In order to do this, we needed volunteers and money. So we let people CHOCOLATE from page 19

now have money to feed their families, purchase medicine and provide their children with education. For more information on Fair Trade and CRS, see Part of the pastoral plan of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is promoting Fair Trade as a way of living out Catholic Social Teaching. This in-

know about our plans and asked for their help and financial support. I’m always humbled to witness the generosity of people when given the opportunity to help. With the help and support of many people, we were able to serve our brothers, sisters, and youth. We held five Christmas parties and provided the 1100 inmates with goodie bags which contained different snack items and a prayer card of our Blessed Mother. It was an opportunity for us to share the love of God with the inmates. I want to thank everyone who helped us with the goodie bags and Christmas parties for the incarcerated for without your help, we couldn’t have accomplished it. I pray that even though Christmas may be over, the love of Christ will continue to live in us throughout the year.

cludes buying and selling Fair Trade chocolate! For more information or to get your Fair Trade chocolate and other Fair Trade products go to www. As Virginia Pitts says, “Eating and selling fairly traded Divine Chocolate, as we’ve been doing on a regular basis at Holy Rosary, satisfies my yearning for really good chocolate but, more important-


From the Fire and Ashes of Darkness Comes the Light of the World By Deacon Steve Rangel Director, Diaconate Program & Pastoral Outreach

In December, the Secretary of Correction for the State of New Mexico, Joe Williams, returned the crucifix that hung in the Catholic Chapel at the State Penitentiary in Santa Fe during the 1980 Penitentiary Riot to Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan. The Penitentiary Riot happened February 2-3, 1980 and lasted for 36 hours. At the time of the riot, there were 1,157 inmates in the prison with only 25 Correction Officers on ly, it makes me feel connected to the chocolate producers and their families in Ghana. I think of the children especially who may now be able to attend school because their families are earning enough money from their fair trade coops to send them. My one bar of chocolate doesn’t change the families’ lives—but all the chocolate bars we buy collectively can.”

duty. During the riot, 33 inmates lost their lives at the hands of other inmates. There were 13 guards who were beaten, stabbed, and held hostage, but fortunately no guards were killed. The rioters destroyed many parts of the prison and set several fires during the riot. One of the fires set in a room next to the Catholic Chapel came over the top of the wall and scorched the top part of the crucifix and damaged some of the fingers of Christ. The crucifix was stored in a warehouse for many years before being found by Secretary Williams who kept it in his office in Santa Fe and is now returning it back to the Catholic Church. The fact that the crucifix survived the fire gives witness to the light of Christ even in the darkest moments in life.



February 2011

“Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth” 1 John 3:18 Our Lady of Lourdes By SharOn Sullivan Parishoner, John XXIII Catholic Community

Bernadette Soubiroux and her friends were out gathering firewood one day in Massabielle when she noticed a beautiful woman standing in a hollow of rocks. The Lady was dressed in white, and a lovely blue sash hung around her waist. She also had a Rosary draped over her right hand. Then the apparition began to speak to Bernadette . . . There were a total of 18 apparitions that took place in 1858, spanning from February 11 to July 16. Bernadette always fell into a trance whenever the apparition of Our Lady appeared to her. No one else

except her was able to witness these encounters. On one occasion, Bernadette was told to drink from a fountain inside the grotto. However, there was no such fountain to be found there at the time. Bernadette obeyed and began to dig. A spring immediately gushed forth from the site. The Lady wished that a chapel could be built on the spot. Bernadette told the clergy of the apparition’s request. They would not believe Bernadette’s account until she asked for the Lady’s name. The apparition then revealed to her: “I am the

Immaculate Conception”. Our Lady revealed 15 promises to those who recite the rosary (Catholic Online, 2011): • Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the rosary, shall receive signal graces. • I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the rosary. • The rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies. • It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the heart of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the

desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means. See LOURDES on page 23

Jewish Catholic Dialogue of New Mexico 18th Annual Interfaith Spring Colloquium On Tuesday, March 1, 2011, Jewish Catholic Dialogue of New Mexico presents the 18th annual interfaith Colloquium at Congregation B’Nai Israel, 4401 Indian School Rd. NE in Albuquerque, 7:30am-3pm. Rabbi Min Kantrowitz and Dr. Megan McKenna will present an exegesis of the Book of Job. This narrative poetic book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture, is versified by the skillful use of parallelism, that is, of the balanced and symmetrical phrases, peculiar to Hebrew po-

For advertising information please call Leslie at 505.831.8162 or email lradigan@

etry. Named after its protagonist Job, this dramatic poem addresses the challenge of the suffering of the innocent and of retribution. The Book of Job belongs to the general class of wisdom or didactic literature, so called because their chief purpose is instruction. Tuition for this day of study and prayer is $40, $20 for students and includes continental breakfast and delicious lunch. To register or for more information: Betty Kohlmann, treasurer, 505.299.3807.

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February 2011


Awakening Faith at Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish leSlie MOnet, Director, Youth & Young Adult, Our Lady of the Annunciation

Last spring during Lent, Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish piloted the Awakening Faith program. The day I received my first phone call about the program, I realized how spiritually uplifting the process of evangelization could be for all involved. The voice on the other end of the line was quite excited to join our group. She told me that she had been away from the church for 30 years and that she was “on fire to find the truth.” Indeed, Awakening Faith gave my parish a way to help her find her way back to the truths of our faith in a welcoming and nonjudgmental environment. By using the Awakening Faith program as our guide, my parish was able to step into the world of evangelization and live out the words of our Parish Mission Statement which calls us “to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by ministering to all.” Suddenly we were not just talking about the concept of evangelization, we were living it by connecting one on one through dialogue with other Catholics who had questions and concerns about our faith. As each session unfolded we got to know

the different people who came to listen and dialogue on the various topics. Some people came to all the sessions while others were more selective about the topic. Some people came to draw a little closer to a group of people who believed in the truth, while others came to heal the hurt of having a loved one in their family who had stopped practicing their faith. Camaraderie was established, smiles and greetings were exchanged. One night after a session everyone lingered around the refreshment table, talking, eating and most importantly listening to each other. Truly the Holy Spirit was present quietly moving all of us along in our walk of faith. Today the fruits of the program are still with us. Some people have chosen to continue seeking the truth of our faith by joining study groups, others are more diligent about attending daily Mass, and still others are exploring their relationship with Jesus in the quiet of our Adoration Chapel. Most importantly Awakening Faith has enabled all who participated to keep the fire of God’s truth and love burning in our hearts.

• The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the rosary, shall not perish. • Whoever shall recite the rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life. • Whoever shall have a true devotion for the rosary


shall not die without the sacraments of the Church. • Those who are faithful to recite the rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise. • I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the rosary. • The faithful children of the rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven. • You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.

• All those who propagate the holy rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities. • I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death. • All who recite the rosary are my son, and brothers of my only son Jesus Christ. • Devotion of my rosary is a great sign of predestination. Our Lady of Lourdes’ feast day is February 11. She is the patron saint of bodily ills.

The 12 Gardens of Stewardship By BiShOP rOBert MOrneau GARDEN OF THE BODY Get proper nutrition, exercise and rest; avoid chemical abuse, smoking, obesity. GARDEN OF THE SOUL Cultivate a life of prayer. GARDEN OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS Take the time to nurture relationships with those important to you. GARDEN OF THE GLOBE Care for the environment; recycle; don’t waste natural resources. GARDEN OF EMOTIONS Aim for an emotional balance in life; work at being in good humor. GARDEN OF THE “POLIS” Be politically aware, be an informed and involved citizen and vote; participate in community meetings. GARDEN OF THE MIND Keep learning.

GARDEN OF DECISIONS Make well-informed choices; work toward understanding and consensus; keep the vision and mission of Jesus in mind. GARDEN OF THE CHIP Use technology for good purposes. GARDEN OF HISTORY Know and value the thinks of the past; keep the lessons of history fresh in the mind. GARDEN OF THE ARTS Listen to, read, and watch the best in books, music, movies, theatre, artwork, radio and television. GARDEN OF MONEY Use financial resources well; set and keep a budget; set spending limits; ask how much money is enough. Bishop Robert Morneau is auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Green Bay, WI and one of the original authors of the US Bishops’ statement, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response



February 2011


The Closet’s All Mine! From a Seraphic Single

vice, and fractured social life of a serious young Catholic woman who--no matter what--is determined to remain true to the Church’s moral teachings. Witty and accessible, it includes such sections as “No Sex in the City”; “Men Are the Caffeine in the Cappuccino of Life”; and, “Live Alone and Like It.” Set in the United States, Canada, and Europe, this book is an intelligent take on the contemporary dating scene that will leave women of faith shouting, “Hallelujah!” Wise, insightful, and at times poignant, The Closet’s All Mine! is a must-read for women who wish to maintain the fine balance between dating and faithfulness to God.

By Dorothy Cummings Liguori Publications (May 1, 2010)

Being single is tough. Parents and friends bombard you with questions about when you’re going to (finally!) get married and worry that not being “in a relationship” will leave you depressed and unfulfilled. This humorous narrative reveals the thoughts, ad-

Tattoos on the Heart By Fr. Gregory Boyle, SJ

Free Press (February 22, 2011) Fr. Boyle came to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in January for a JustFaith event. To read about the evening, please see “Widening Our Circles of Kinship” on page 19. “Destined to become a classic of both urban reportage and contemporary spirituality.” —The Los Angeles Times “An extraordinary reflection of a life totally committed to reshaping and redirecting the lives of countless young gang members (from L.A.’s gang culture), Greg Boyle’s Tattoos on the Heart proves one man with courage is a majority.” —Martin Sheen “Tattoos on the Heart is an honest, raw, and compelling collection from Father Greg Boyle’s life and work with gang-involved youth. His commitment should teach us all a lesson in compromise, sharing, learning, loving, and, most important, living life to the fullest.” —Anjelica Huston

U Got 2 Love!

By Fr. Stan Fortuna, C.F.R. Published by Our Sunday Visitor (November 13, 2009) Love energizes and empowers us. Love is an energy and enthusiasm to beautify all that has been made ugly. Love makes us more than conquerors.

“Tattoos on the Heart is an astounding book and a remarkable testament. No one brings more triumph and tragedy to the street gang story than Greg Boyle. No one brings more conviction and compassion than Greg Boyle. And no one writes the gang story more beautifully.” —Malcolm Klein, Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California “A spiritual masterpiece touching the innermost sanctum of the human soul. Boyle approaches each person as a child of God and fully deserving of love and compassion. His capacity to reach the heart of the most hardened, and to see the best in everyone, inspires. I laughed, wept, and underlined on virtually every page.” —Kerry Kennedy, Founder of the RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights “Father Boyle reminds us all that every single child and youth is a part of God’s ‘jurisdiction’—and when they know that we are seeing them as God does, they are capable of great things. Father Boyle is a national treasure.” —Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children’s Defense Fund

U Got 2 Love! ... But HOW? In order to love, you’ve got to know yourself as being loved. In this world, we chase after a love that is frantic and destructive impoverished. But the Love of God has the power to transform us, and He wants nothing else from us than our love in return. R U ready to love and be loved? Make a connection with God today.

SACRAMENT from page 6 now know that Christ is an active part of our union, that we have a covenant with Christ. We also now know that our sacrament is not any less than the other sacraments Christ instituted. It is as truly a sign of Christ’s Love as is the Eucharist. We now know that the sacrament we entered into is not to enrich only us, but it is also to enrich His church. When the priest said on our wedding day, “You are about to enter into a union most sacred and most holy,” that union referred to a greater union

than that of just the two of us. It referred to the union of Dick, Heddy, Christ and His church. My husband Dick passed away 40 years and 7 months after our wedding day. I continue to be grateful to God for instituting the Sacrament of Marriage. It really and truly was an instrument, along with the other Sacraments we received, in bringing Dick and me closer to each other and bringing each other closer to God. These sacraments have helped us to be good and dedicated parents to our children and grandchildren.

February 2011





“May the Dear Lord bless you...”

February Cannon, Very Rev. John Zotter, Rev. Thomas Bortolotti, Rev. Serafino (Ret.) Pavlak, Rev. Andrew Brennan, Rev. Terrence Schultz, Rev. Mark Rivera, Rev. Guadalupe (Ret.) Brand, Rev. Frederick (Ret.) Padget, Rev. Leo March Chavez, Rev. Carlos Lucero, Rev. Msgr. Leo, VG Emeritus Pazhayaveetil, Rev. Binu Joseph, O.Praem Tourangeau, Rev. John, O.Praem Amiro, Rev. Raymond (Ret.) Lane, Rev. John Thomas, SSS Carrillo, Rev. Ron, SF McKenna, Rev. John Wolff, Rev. Jim * Nicosia, Rev. Vincent, SOLT

15 15 21 21 22 24 28 29 29 1 1 4 4 7 7 8 8 9 10

Roman Catholic & Popular New Mexican Saints Calendar February 15 St. Claude la Colombi re 16 St. Gilbert of Sempringham 17 Seven Founders of the Order of Servites 18 Blessed John of Fiesole 19 St. Conrad of Piacenza 20 Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto 21 St. Peter Damian 22 Chair of Peter 23 St. Polycarp 24 Blessed Luke Belludi 25 Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio 26 St. Porphyry of Gaza 27 St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows 28 Blessed Daniel Brottier March 1 St. David of Wales 2 St. Agnes of Bohemia 3 St. Katharine Drexel 4 St. Casimir 5 St. John Joseph of the Cross 6 Servant of God Sylvester of Assisi 7 Sts. Perpetua and Felicity 8 St. John of God 9 St. Frances of Rome 10 St. Dominic Savio 11 St. John Ogilvie 12 Blessed Angela Salawa 13 St. Leander of Seville 14 St. Maximilian



Sun, Feb 13

valentine’s Day Dinner and concert Dinner & concert - $60 concert only: $20 adults, $12 Students

Sun, Feb 13

Dinner 5pm Concert at 7:00pm

Deepest Desire chapel concert Featuring the taos chamber Music group Dinner ($40), concert ($20)

Sun, Feb 13


wings Ministry (wings Ministry invites those who are physically or mentally challenged, blind, hard of hearing, and their families, friends, and caregivers)

7pm-9pm 8:30am-3pm

great adventure Bible timeline Presenter Scott Powell

Fri, Feb 18 Sun, Feb 20

7 9 5 1 4 2 6 8 3

3 4 2 8 6 7 9 1 5

1 6 8 5 9 3 2 7 4

6 3 4 9 5 8 7 2 1

Risen Savior Catholic Church

Please call the parish office at 821.1571 to RSVP

Our Lady of the Annunciation

Contact the parish office at 298.7553 Info: 890.3495 in ABQ or 1.800.470.2230

Presidents’ Day

Fri, Feb 25 Sat, Feb 27

Canossian Spirituality Center

Call 505.452.9402 to register

St. Jude Parish rummage Sale (Donation drop offs accepted at the Parish hall Only on Friday, February 25)

St. Jude Parish Hall

Call Kevin O’Brien at 897.3831 or


TV Mass Schedule The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 7:00 a.m. on KrQe tv-13, KBiM tv-10, KreZ tv-6, and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted

8 5 7 2 1 4 3 6 9

For more info or to purchase tickets contact Linda Marianiello at 505.475.4513 or

Journaling workshop Presenter: Br. Bernard lococo, FSc registration begins at 4:30pm retreat will begin with dinner at 6:00pm

Sat, Feb 26

9 2 1 7 3 6 5 4 8

Immaculate Heart of Mary Retreat and Conference Center (Santa Fe)

Mon, Feb 21


5 1 6 4 7 9 8 3 2

Advance tickets: 505.474.4513

retrouvaille – a lifeline for troubled Marriages (consists of a weekend experience and a series of 7 follow-up sessions over a 3 month period)

Featuring The Archbishop’s Hour (Archdiocese of Santa Fe Programming)

2 7 9 3 8 1 4 5 6


valentine’s Day

Feb 14 Fri, Feb 18 Sat, Feb 19

Place Immaculate Heart of Mary Retreat and Conference Center (Santa Fe)


Dinner 5pm6:30pm Concert at 7:00pm

Catholic Radio 24 /7

4 8 3 6 2 5 1 9 7

February 2011

Monday - Friday 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m., Encore: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Call in (505.831.8230) or email ( your comments/questions during the M-F 12:00 –– 1:00 p.m. show. Mary Woods, Host; Abad Archuleta, Producer Donations may be sent online to or mailed to Chancellor Office, TV Mass/Archbishop’s Hour 4000 St. Josephs Pl NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 98.9 FM Albuquerque, Algodones, Bernalillo, Corrales, Isleta, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos, Meadowlake, Peralta, Rio Rancho, Tome; 91.7 FM Clovis; 95.3 FM Farmington; 100.7 FM Gallup/Grants; 88.7 FM Portales; 93.9 FM Roswell; 104.5 FM Santa Fe; 103.1 Santa Rosa; 94.1 FM Shiprock; 99.9 FM Socorro; 88.9 FM Tucumcari


Readings (Cycle A)

February 13, 2011 Sir 15:15-20 Sunday of the 6th Week in OT 1 Cor 2:6-10 Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan & Fr. John Cannon Mt 5:17-37 February 20, 2011 Sunday of the 7th Week in OT Rev. Anthony Maes

Lv 19:1-2,17-18 1 Cor 3:16-23 Mt 5:38-48

February 27, 2011 Sunday of the 8th Week in OT Rev. Anthony Maes

Is 49:14-15 1 Cor 4:1-5 Mt 6:24-34

March 6, 2011 Sunday of the 9th Week in OT Rev. Ronald Bowers

Dt 11:18, 26-28, 32 Rom 3:21-25,28 Mt 7:21-27

Hope So: B






























King of Hearts A 19 N 10

B 7 O 26

C 8 P 2

D 14 Q 12

E 16 R 21

F 13 S 4

S A I N 4 19 15 10 T 6

H E 9 16

S A I N 4 19 15 10




G 24 T 6

T 6

H I J K 9 15 20 11 U V W X 5 22 3 17 C 8

T 6

H E 9 16



M E 23 16

T 6

B I 7 15



M 23 Z 18

Y R I L 1 21 15 25

M O N K 23 26 10 11

T 6

L 25 Y 1

A N D 19 10 14

H O D I 9 26 14 15 S 4


H O 9 26



U 5

S 4

P 2



Office of Hispanic Ministry: TV Masses on the Road Beginning in March 2011 the Office of Hispanic Ministry will take the Show on the Road and the Spanish Television Masses will be filmed on site at different parishes throughout our Archdiocese. This will be a wonderful opportunity for parishes to show on television the beauty of their churches and the talent of their parish communities. The masses will be presided by the pastor; lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and music ministry will be provided by the parish. The following is the schedule for the TV Masses during the months of March and April. Date and Time to Film

March 1, 5:00 pm March 8, 5:00 pm March 15, 8:00 am March 22, 5:00 pm March 29, 5:30 pm April 1, 7:00 pm April 12, 4:00 pm April 19, 10:45 am April 27, 7:00 pm

Place to Film

San Felipe, in ABQ Holy Rosary in ABQ San José Parish in ABQ San Martin in ABQ St. Anne in ABQ Holy Family in ABQ Catholic Center in ABQ Catholic Center in ABQ Holy Ghost in ABQ

Liturgical Feast

9th Sunday Ord. time 1st Sunday of Lent 2nd Sunday of Lent 3rd Sunday of Lent 4th Sunday of Lent 5th Sunday of Lent Palm Sunday Easter Sunday 2nd Sunday or Easter

Dates to be Aired

March 6th and 10th March 13th and 17th March 20th and 24th March 27th and 31st April 3rd and 7th April 10th and 14th April 17th and 21st April 24th and 28th May 1st and 5th

Deacon Juan Barajas, Director 505.831.8152, Elvia Becerra, Secretary, 505.831.8147,

February 2011







Allen Sánchez, Executive Director, NMCCB speaks at the Roundhouse in support of New Mexico’s kids and their future.

February 2011

Gov. Susana Martinez shares a laugh with a future legislator.

New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops’ 2011 New Mexico Legislative Agenda The 2011 Legislative Agenda of the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops is as follows: Life, being the greatest gift from God, is top priority, as is concern for the poor. The Bishops support the passage of • SB 230 - Parental Notification Act for a minor to have an abortion • SB 222 - Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and HB 179 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Because of new research, we are able to argue that children in the womb feel full human pain after 20 weeks gestation. Thus, we support the legislation scheduled to be introduced to ban abortions after 20 weeks. (NB - The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law" (No. 2271), the United States Supreme Court ruling allows some regulations limiting abortion. We fully

support the ban on late-term abortion and any abortion.) • Invest in Kids Now Celebrates early childhood and brings attention to the urgent need to get children on the path to success. For further information contact Miguel Gomez at 505.924.8000 • Farm worker-workman’s compensation • Funding for social programs for the poor (ex. school breakfast for poor children) • Support for tuition scholarship tax credits • The Bishops will oppose bills that cut funding to children’s programs, cut benefits to the poor, establish food tax, or create domestic partnership. You can get more information and follow the progress of these bills by visiting the website www. and clicking on "2011 Bill Locator" on the right side of the page. We invite you to join us as Catholic citizens and become informed about the issues, then make "our voices" heard as well as the voices of those who can't speak for themselves.

The talented hosts of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Santa Fe served an amazing traditional New Mexican breakfast.

Bishop Ricardo Ramirez and NM Attorney General Gary King at the 2011 Legislative Breakfast.

Fr. Joseph Mary and Br. Maximiliam Mary greet Gov. Martinez. Photos by Leslie M. Radigan

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