People of God, October 2011

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O c t o b e r 2 0 1 1 • Vo l u m e 2 9 • N u m b e r 9

w w w. a r c h d i o s f . o r g Inside this Issue

Ser ving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

n September 23, 2011, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan dedicated the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s newest church, Church of the Incarnation located at 2309 Monterrey Rd NE in Rio Rancho. To accommodate its fast growing community, the 26,717 square foot church will seat 1,300 people.

Archbishop’s Letter: November – It’s Not Just for Eating Turkey!........................... 3 Roman Missal: Two Months and Counting...... 6 Vocations.............................................................. 8 Catholic Education............................................ 10 St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, Shrine of the Little Flower................................ 13 Church of the Incarnation Dedication Mass... 14 Social Justice..................................................... 18 Safe Environment Month.................................. 23

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Dedicates the Archdiocese’s Newest Church, Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho

The stunning beauty of the new church is far more than the materials from which it is made. Church of the Incarnation is built in a Romanesque/Cruciform design, modeled after the Basilica of St. Paul located outside the walls of Rome. The church’s design is based on both Catholic tradition and theology. The apse, sanctuary, and nave form the shape of a cross recalling Jesus’ sacrifice for each of us.

Photo bLeslie M. Radigan

More on page 13



October 2011

Cremated Remains Committal Service All Soul’s Day Bring Your Loved One Home Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, Presider Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 11:00 a.m. Rosario Cemetery, Santa Fe 499 N. Guadalupe St. Santa Fe, NM 87501 • 505.983.2322 Very Rev. John Cannon, Presider Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 2:00 p.m. Mt. Calvary Cemetery 1900 Edith Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87120 • 505.243.0218

Annual Cremated Remains Committal Service The Catholic Cemetery Association is offering a program that gives families, who have kept their loved one’s remains at home, an opportunity to “bring their loved one home. The program is intended to assist families in burying their loved one as instructed by the Catholic Church. For more information call us or visit and find out program details in the September issue of People of God.

Driver’s License Update By Allen Sánchez, Executive Director New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops

In August, the Bishops of New Mexico issued a statement regarding driver’s licenses being issued to undocumented immigrants which was printed in the September issue of People of God. The statement called for a compromise that would strengthen the law and yet allow licenses to be issued. Through education, public opinion has changed. A recent poll shows that 64% of New Mexicans support a compromise. In the special session, no action was taken to repeal the 2003 law that allows the issuance of licenses, nor was there any action taken on a compromise. Dialogue and compromise, many times, help us reach a solution for the common good. It is anticipated the issue of driver’s licenses will emerge in January during

the 2012 Legislative Session. If this poll is any indication to public sentiment, a compromise becomes more appealing to legislators. The bishops are hoping and anticipating that the governor will put pro-life issues on the call. The January session is a 30-day budgetary session and any other issues can only be heard at the will of the governor’s call. There is great support in both legislative chambers for legislation to create parental notification for a minor to have an abortion and for a ban on late term abortions. We ask people to continue to pray for God’s will. Mark your calendars for the Sanctity of Life Unity Day on January 18 which will begin with Mass with the three bishops at the Cathedral at noon followed by a march to the State Capital and a rally. Last year, New Mexico State Police estimated that there were 3,000 participants.

POPE BENEDICT GREETS METROPOLITAN HILARION OF RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AT VATICAN Pope Benedict XVI greets Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the chief ecumenist of the Russian Orthodox Church, at the papal villa in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Sept. 29. Metropolitan Hilarion said he was impressed with the pope’s knowledge of Orthodox tradition and with how closely the pope follows the official Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters)

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for October 2011 General Intention: That the terminally ill may be supported by their faith in God and the love of their brothers and sisters. Missionary Intention: That the celebration of World Mission Day may foster in the People of God a passion for evangelization with the willingness to support the missions with prayer and economic aid for the poorest Churches.

October 2011



IN THE RISEN LORD NovemberIt’s Not Just for Eating Turkey! Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

The month of November is usually associated with Thanksgiving Day in the United States and for most it means a meal with turkey. It is always good for us to be thankful to God for the many blessings he gives us. And it is always an appropriate holiday to spend with family. I will be with my two brothers, John and Joe, and their families in Kansas City. Happy Thanksgiving to all! But I want to bring attention to two other days that are of importance to Catholics in the month of November. These are All Saints Day which is a Holy Day of Obligation and the Feast of Christ the King. All Saints Day is a solemnity which honors the Saints of the Church and is always celebrated on November 1. In the early days the Christians were accustomed to solemnize the anniversary of a martyr’s death for Christ at the place of their martyrdom. In the 4th century dioceses began to interchange feasts and to join in a common feasts. Frequently groups of martyrs suffered on the same day, which led to a joint commemoration. In the persecution of Diocletian the number of martyrs became so great that a separate day could not be designated for each martyr. The Church felt that every martyr should be venerated so it appointed a common day for all. It was Pope Gregory III who consecrated a chapel in the Basilica of St. Peter to all the saints and fixed the anniversary for November 1. Then Pope Gregory IV extended the celebration to the entire Church. We need to be thankful to God for all the Saints who serve as role models for us to emulate so that we can reach Heaven to spend eternity with God. The Feast of Christ the King celebrates the complete authority of Christ as King and Lord of the universe. Christ the King Sunday used to be celebrated on the last Sunday of October, but since the 1969 calendar reforms, the Feast now falls on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, which is the Sunday before Advent. This year is it Sunday, November 20. It is fitting that the Feast is observed right before Advent, when we liturgically wait for the promised Messiah (King). Jesus knew the domineering nature of secular kings, and in contrast, he connected his role as King to humble service and commanded his followers (us) to be servants as well. While Christ is coming to judge the nations, his teachings spell out a kingdom of justice and judgment balanced with love, mercy, peace, and forgiveness. When we celebrate Christ as King, we are not celebrating an oppressive ruler, but one willing to die for us. We must never forget that Christ redefined and changed the concept of kingship. Surely we must give thanks to God for his greatest gift to humanity, Our Lord and Savior – Christ the King!

¡El mes de noviembre no se trata solamente de comer pavo! Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan

El mes de noviembre en los Estados Unidos se asocia normalmente con el Día de Acción de Gracias, y para la mayoría significa una comida con pavo. Siempre es bueno estar agradecidos con Dios por las muchas bendiciones que él nos da, y es además apropiado que pasemos esta celebración en familia. Yo pasaré ese día con mis dos hermanos, John y Joe y con sus familias en Kansas City. ¡Les deseo a todos ustedes que pasen un feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! Sin embargo, quiero también enfatizar otros dos días en el mes de noviembre que son de gran importancia para los católicos. Estos dos días son la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, el cual es un día en que obliga la misa, y la Festividad de Cristo Rey. El día de Todos los Santos es una solemnidad que honra a los Santos de la Iglesia y es siempre celebrada el día 1 de noviembre. En los primeros días, los cristianos estaban acostumbrados a solemnizar el aniversario de la muerte como mártir de Cristo en el lugar del martirio. En el siglo IV las diócesis empezaron a intercambiar festividades y a reunirlas en festividades comunes. Frecuentemente, grupos de mártires sufrían en el mismo día, lo que llevó a una conmemoración conjunta. En la persecución Diocleciana, el número de mártires llegó a ser tan grande que no podía designarse un día para cada mártir. La Iglesia sintió que cada mártir debía ser venerado, por lo que estableció un día común para todos. Fue el Papa Gregorio III quien consagró una capilla en la Basílica de San Pedro para todos los santos y quien fijó el aniversario para el día 1 de noviembre. Más tarde, el Papa Gregorio IV extendió esta celebración a toda la Iglesia. Necesitamos estar agradecidos con Dios por todos los Santos que han servido como modelos a seguir para que podamos emularlos y alcanzar el cielo para pasar la eternidad con Dios. La Festividad de Cristo Rey celebra la total autoridad de Cristo como Rey y Señor del universo. El Domingo de Cristo Rey solía celebrarse en el último domingo de octubre, pero desde las reformas al calendario en el año 1969, esta festividad se celebra ahora en el último domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, el cual es el domingo antes del inicio del Adviento. Este año será el domingo 20 de noviembre. Es apropiado que esta festividad sea celebrada justamente antes del inicio del Adviento, cuando litúrgicamente esperamos la llegada del Mesías prometido (Rey). Jesús conocía el carácter dominante de los reyes seculares, y en contraste, él conectó su papel como Rey al servicio humilde y mandó a sus seguidores (nosotros) a ser también siervos. Mientras que Cristo viene a juzgar a las naciones, sus enseñanzas deletrean un reino de justicia equilibrado con amor, misericordia, paz y perdón. Cuando celebramos a Cristo como Rey, no estamos celebrando a un gobernante opresor, sino a uno dispuesto a morir por nosotros. Nunca debemos olvidar que Cristo redefino y cambió el concepto de la realeza. Seguramente debemos dar gracias a Dios por su más grande regalo a la humanidad, Nuestro Señor y Salvador – ¡Cristo Rey!

Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord,

Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheehan Arzobispo de Santa Fe



Archbishop’s Schedule

Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

October 2011

Archbishop Sheehan has made the following assignments: •

Effective September 26, 2011 - Archbishop Sheehan has granted Rev. Barry Eneh, a priest of the Archdiocese of Military Services, the faculties to minister in this archdiocese. Fr. Eneh serves at the VA Hospital as chaplain and can assist parishes as his schedule permits.

Effective September 28, 2011 - Rev. Andrew Pavlak, has been officially incardinated as a Priest of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe after a period of five years ad experimentum and discernment to seek excardination from his Dominican Order.

Effective October 1, 2011 - Rev. Steven A. Sanchez is returning to active service after one year leave of absence. He has been appointed to Hospital Ministry under the guidance of Deacon Steve Rangel, Director of Pastoral Outreach.

Effective October 14, 2011 - Rev. Ronald Stone, currently assigned as Pastor of St. Alice in Mountainair, has been appointed to Hospital Ministry under the guidance of Deacon Steve Rangel, Director of Pastoral Outreach. Fr. Stone’s residence will be at St. Thomas Aquinas Rectory in Rio Rancho.

Effective October 14, 2011 - Rev. Fernando Saenz, currently assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho, has been appointed as Pastor of St. Alice in Mountainair and its missions.

Effective October 14, 2011 - Rev. Anthony Akabogu, a priest from the Diocese of Awka, Nigeria, has been appointed as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho under the direction of the Pastor Msgr. Douglas A. Raun.

October 2011



The Miracle of the Eucharist By Deacon Fabian Gagnon Director of Chaplains for Lovelace Hospitals

Lovelace Eucharistic Ministers spent the day in a reflective spirit as they gathered in the Chapel of the Brothers of the Good Shepherd on Mountain Road to center on the Holy Eucharist in conjunction to their role as hospital ministers. The Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was exposed as ministers spent an hour reaffirming their love and devotion to the Lord in their role as ambassadors to the bread of life. Dr. Finian Murphy of Risen Savior Parish and a volunteer minister of the Eucharist for Lovelace Medical Center presented his keynote address on how valuable and crucial the Eucharist is during time of illness and despair. “Ministers of the Eucharist bring a wonderful component to healing and health,” said Dr. Murphy. “The ministry provides hospital patients a ray of hope in time of illness but it also reaches out to the sick, acquainting them to the Lord’s promise of solidarity.” The retreat day invited the ministers to share

their experiences, to discuss the topic of the day and ended the day promising another year of commitment in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Deacon Fabian Gagnon, Director of Chaplains for Lovelace Hospitals coordinates the Volunteer Program, stated “We are truly blessed to have the Eucharist with us

Participants: Assumption Parish St. Joseph’s on Rio Grande Queen of Heaven Immaculate Conception Holy Child Parish Nativity Parish KAFB Catholic Chapel Our Lady of Fatima Holy Ghost Holy Rosary Sacred Heart St. Anne’s Risen Savior and John XXIII

and ministers who provide a comforting but dedicated spirit to our Catholic patients”. There are currently 52 Catholic Eucharistic Ministers, seven days a week of service, with over 11,000 patients visited by ministers, priests and deacons from January to August of this year. Records are kept and monthly

reports are sent to Lovelace administration. There are ministers who have been ministers of the Eucharist for over 35 years. If you have the time and would like more information on being a hospital minister of the Eucharist, please call Lovelace Chaplain Department 505.727.2700.

St. Joseph Community Health Partners to Give Our Children a Better Future By Allen Sánchez, Executive Director New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops and President and CEO, St. Joseph Community Health

St. Joseph Community Health, in a partnership with the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops, have been advocating for funding of early childhood programs to the state legislature. St. Joseph Community Health takes no state or federal funding but advocates for others. These crucial years of prenatal through five years are when 90% of brain development takes place. It is crucial that young parents gain parenting skills and children receive quality programs. Research shows today for every dollar we invest in children from prenatal through 5 years old, there is a 10% return on the investment for the life of the person. In these hard economic times, a new tax would be burdensome to the public so creative thinking has taken advocates to the idea of making the state’s investments serve our children. New Mexico has the second largest land grant permanent fund in the nation, over

$10 billion, yet New Mexico ranks 49th in children’s well-being. The fund grows an average of 11% per year from investment of the fund as well as from new gas and oil leases of state property. A proposed constitutional amendment would expand the definition of education to include our youngest members of society. This would change the distribution formula and create 1.5%, approximately $150 million, per year for early childhood programs. St. Joseph “gets” there is a need and many state legislators “get” there is a need to find out if the population of New Mexico also “gets” it. St. Joseph Community Health commissioned a poll from Research and Polling Inc. and at a press conference held on September 27, Brian Sanderoff, President of Research and Polling, Inc, reported the results of a random sample that can be reliably generalized to the voting age popu-

lation. Summary: If the election were held today, 70% would support the Constitutional Amendment - moreover, 80% percent believe that voters should get the right to decide. Key Findings: Approximately four-in-five (78%) residents statewide feel early childhood education for children under the age of 5 is important; The majority think we need greater state involvement in early childhood education programs (Mr. Sanderoff commented that this result is interesting in light of the otherwise skeptical views we hear about government); Seven-in-ten support the State of New Mexico dedicating more funds to early childhood education programs (Mr. Sanderoff noted that this result is remarkably high given the current insecurity about the economy and government spending); Most feel an appropriate way to fund early childhood education programs is through use of the State’s Land Grant Permanent Fund. In fact, after being informed of how the State

Permanent Fund is currently used for education and the current amount being distributed, 71% of residents say they would support allocating an additional 1.5% of the Permanent Fund to be used for early childhood education programs, with just 14% saying they are opposed to the idea; The vast majority (80%) of residents surveyed believe the state legislature should pass a resolution that would put an early childhood funding amendment to the voters and let them decide whether or not the Permanent Fund should be used to support early childhood education programs. Brian Sanderoff noted that New Mexicans appear to be very committed to “putting their money where their mouth is” to support early childhood care and education. The level of support shown here is unusually high in comparison with other important public policy questions – as usually the public is less receptive to spend money to resolve public policy challenges. See page 16 for more information



October 2011

Roman Missal: Two Months and Counting By Mar Muñoz-Visoso

On November 27, the First Sunday of Advent, the Roman Missal, Third Edition, the ritual text containing prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass, will be implemented in the United States of America. If you have been hearing the buzz but are not completely up to speed on the new Roman Missal, here are ten things you need to know: 1. It is not a new Mass, it is a new translation for a new edition of the Missal. Because a new edition of the Missale Romanum, the Latin Roman Missal, was promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 2000, it was necessary for all the countries of the world to translate this missal into the various local languages. The new missal has added features: prayers for the celebration of recently canonized saints, additional prefaces for the Eucharistic Prayers, additional Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Intentions, and some updated and revised rubrics (instructions) for the celebration of the Mass. In the case of the English-speaking world, a common translation of the common text was sought through the International Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL) to ensure uniformity.

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2. Vatican guidelines for translation. The translation of the new Roman Missal was carried out under the newest Vatican guidelines for translating prayers into modern local (i.e., vernacular) languages. These were given in the instruction Liturgiam Authenticam, published in 2001, urging a stronger adherence to the original Latin wording and structure than earlier directives. In the new translat ion, the unique style of the Roman Rite is closely maintained. The texts are marked by a heightened style of English speech and a grammatical structure that follows closely the Latin text. In addition, many biblical and poetic images—such as “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof…” (Communion Rite, taken from Matthew 8:8) and “…from the rising of the sun to its setting” (Eucharistic Prayer III, taken from Psalm 113), that were lost in the 1973 translation—have been restored. 3. Particular adaptations to the U.S. are included. The new English-language Missal also includes Vatican-approved adaptations requested by the Bishops of the United States as well as texts for observances that are proper to the United States (such as the prayers for the Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and prayers for Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day). 4. “And with your spirit.” The translation of several phrases in the Order of Mass had been previously decided by the Vatican in the instruction Liturgiam authenticam. Among these are “certain expressions that belong to the heritage of the whole or of a great part of the ancient Church, as well as others that have become part of the general human patrimony…” Such is the case of the response “Et cum spiritu tuo.” What had originally been translated in 1973 as “And also with you” becomes now “And with your spirit.” This places the English translation in line with the way this has always been translated in most other languages, including Spanish, French, German, and Italian 5. Changes in the people’s parts. In addition to the response to the greeting “The Lord be with you”, people are going to find a number of other changes in the translation of common prayers throughout. This includes the various parts of the Penitential act (“I confess to Almighty God…”), the Gloria, the Creed (both in the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed), the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy), the Mystery of Faith, and the invitation to communion. (Samples of comparative texts for the new and old responses can be found at the USCCB Roman Missal website. [ romanmissal/samples-people.shtml] 6. “For many.” One of the points that has generated more discussion is the translation of qui pro vobis et pro multis ef-

fundétur in remissiónem peccatórum, presently translated “which will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be given.” In the new edition of the Roman Missal, “for all” will be changed to “for many.” There a several reasons for this change. First, “for many” is a more accurate translation of the Latin phrase pro multis than the present translation. This is also the wording used in the Biblical narrative account of the Last Supper found in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. Even though it is a dogmatic teaching of the Church that Christ died on the Cross for all men and women, the expression “for many” is reflective also of the fact that this salvation is not brought automatically, without one’s own willing participation, but rather is a gift to be accepted. Also, in the context of the Last Supper, Jesus was speaking to the Twelve, extending the reach of his sacrifice beyond the boundary of his closest disciples. In the context of the celebration of the Eucharist, the phrase “for you and for many” connects the particular gathered assembly with the larger sense of the Church in every time and place, as if to say “not only you gathered here, but many more as well.” 7. Gradual implementation for Musical Settings. Though official implementation is set for the First Sunday of Advent 2011, Diocesan bishops may permit the gradual implementation of various musical settings of the people’s parts in the Order of Mass starting in September to allow the congregation time to learn them. This applies only to the Glory to God, the Holy, Holy, Holy, and the Memorial Acclamations. Composers have readjusted previous musical settings and new compositions are also being prepared. New musical settings of the Amen and the Lamb of God, the texts of which are not changing, can be introduced at any time. 8. What’s not changing. The structure and rite of the Mass itself is not changing, so the Mass will look and feel the same. Some texts of the Mass are not changing, including the Lord’s Prayer and the Lamb of God. The translation of Scripture readings used at Mass will remain the same, so those who proclaim the readings (lectors and deacons) will not be affected in their ministry by the introduction of the new Missal. Much of the hymnody and other chants sung at Mass will not be affected by the changes, although many hymnals and other participation aids are being revised to reflect the changes in the parts of the Mass. 9. Symbolism of posture and gestures. The symbolism of some traditional gestures has been recaptured in the new missal. The gestures themselves have always been prescribed, but the introduction of the new Missal provides an opportunity to teach about these long-standing customs. One such example is striking oneself over

the chest during the Penitential Act (Confiteor) while reciting the words “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault,” (mea culpa), as a show of remorse, a tradition that had not always been followed in the U.S. Another example is the reverent bow during the recitation of the Creed. After the words “For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,” at the words that follow up, “and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man” all bow as a sign of reverence for the mystery of the Incarnation. 10. Proximate preparation. Parishes and dioceses are now abuzz with preparations for the reception of the new Missal. The Roman Missal itself is the primary source of training and instruction for the new translation. It displays rubrics, sentences printed in red that instruct a priest on what to say and do, how and when to gesture, and when to sing the common prayers in the Order of Mass. It provides instructions that guide the celebrant in leading the liturgy and the people assembled in ritual response for each occasion. It also dictates the words used by a priest during the Mass. In addition to the homily at Mass, during which many priests will offer instruction about the new text, many parishes are making use of various small- and large-group catechetical sessions to help the people learn the new responses and be aware of upcoming changes. A variety of print and online resources for use in parishes, in group settings, and in homes are available from many publishers. The introduction of a new translation for the Roman Missal gives people an opportunity to pause to think about the words they are saying every time they participate in the Mass. It is an opportunity for the entire Church in the United States to deepen its understanding of the Sacred Liturgy, of its meaning and importance in their lives. It also puts Catholics in contact with the Church’s tradition of prayer and helps create a historical awareness. The new translation and the education Catholics shall receive before it is implemented offer Catholics a chance to “brush up” on their knowledge of the Mass and of the Church’s beliefs. Those leading the efforts to educate the community hope the changes “will invite the faithful to pause and reflect on what, after so many years, we may have taken for granted” and that such meditation will redound in an “enrichment of people’s spiritual life.” To learn more about the new English translation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, visit the USCCB Roman Missal website. [ romanmissal/] Mar Muñoz-Visoso is assistant director of Media Relations at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

October 2011


Pastor Bonus – Part I By Rev. Kevin Niehoff, O.P., J.C.L. Adjutant Judicial Vicar

In November of 1982, Pope John Paul II promulgated the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus. The purpose of the document was for the organization of the Roman Curia, or those offices in Rome that head the pastoral ministry of the Roman Catholic Church. This organization is provided by Pope John Paul II for the orderly conduct of the business of the Roman Catholic Church. Pastor Bonus is divided into nine sections and has two appendices. I will try to give an overview the sections and the appendices. Section I is General Norms. As in all philosophical dialogue one beings with the universal principles and then works to the particular principles. The norms begin with defining the notion of the Roman Curia as “the complex of dicasteries and institutes which help the Roman Pontiff in the exercise of his supreme pastoral function for the good an service of the whole Church, and of particular Churches.” The norms then define the structure of the dicasteries and the procedures they use including defining the official language of the Roman Catholic Church as Latin. The document then defines the role of the Cardinals and the structure of their meetings. The norms go onto define the rationale behind the ad limina visits, the five year visits each Bishop must make and report on the status of their dioceses to the Roman Pontiff individually. Finally, the general norms define the Central Labor Office which “deals with the working conditions within the Roman Curia and related questions (which we refer to as Human Resources in the United

States); and, concludes by stating the way and means of transacting business is delegated to another document, Ordo servandus. Section II addresses the role of the Secretariat of State which is divided into two sections. One: defines the daily business of the Roman Pontiff; and, two: how the Roman Pontiff relates to other States (or countries). Remember that Vatican City is also a state unto itself and has relations with other heads of state throughout the world. Section III defines the congregations or dicasteries in the Roman Catholic Church. Because writing about the role of each congregation is a book in itself, I will list the dicasteries so you can get an idea of how the work of the Roman Pontiff is divided. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith The Congregation for the Oriental Churches The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments The Congregation for Bishops The Pontifical Commission for Latin America The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples The Congregation for the Clergy The Pontifical Commission for Preserving the Patrimony of Art and History The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life The Congregation for Seminaries and Educational Institutions I will continue with the other sections and the appendices in subsequent articles. Pastor Bonus is available on the Vatican website:


Little Instructions for Aligning Your Life to God Ten Steps to Making God Our First and Most Important Priority By Leisa Anslinger

Instruction #9: Eucharist and Reconciliation “For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.” (1 Cor 11: 23-26) What better way to really put God first than to remain in Christ through regular and active participation in the Eucharist and in the Sacrament of Penance? While we might sometimes think to ourselves, “how do I put God first whom I cannot see or hear, when there is so much around me that cries out for my attention that I can see and hear?” Yet when we take just a few moments to reflect on it, we realize we can see and hear God’s presence and voice with clarity every time we participation in the Mass and in Reconciliation. We also remember that the sacraments celebrate our communion with Christ and with each other. As members of Christ’s Body, the Church, we bear responsibility for drawing others to our Lord or more deeply to our Lord, to evangelize. Pope John Paul II, in his letter at the turn of the century said this: “To make the Church the home and the school of communion: that is the great challenge facing us in the millennium which is now beginning, if we wish to be

faithful to God’s plan and respond to the world’s deepest yearnings. A spirituality of communion indicates above all the heart’s contemplation of the mystery of the Trinity dwelling in us, and whose light we must also be able to see shining on the face of the brothers and sisters around us. A spirituality of communion also means an ability to think of our brothers and sisters in faith within the profound unity of the Mystical Body, and therefore as “those who are a part of me”. This makes us able to share their joys and sufferings, to sense their desires and attend to their needs, to offer them deep and genuine friendship. (Novo Millennio Ineunte. #43) There is much in our society that tries to convince us that we do not need community in our lives. Yet, we know that the Christian life is lived within the community of faith. Community places demands upon us, and we might prefer to be singularly focused on our lives as individuals or within our family at home. Yet we also recognize that being a “lone ranger” is not the Christian way. Being a part of a community that knows each other as “those who are a part of me” will give us the support, the call to be accountable, and the sense of belonging that we need in order to prioritize our lives with God at the center. How will you take a step toward more authentic participation in Mass, in the life of your parish, in the Sacrament of Penance? How might you draw others to Christ through the Body of Christ, the Church? Next installment: Instruction #10: Learn from the saints. *Leisa Anslinger writes for Our Sunday Visitor and on her website: www.

Bishops Reissue 2007’s ‘Faithful Citizenship’ with New Introduction By Nancy Frazier O’Brien Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- A new introduction to the U.S. bishops’ document on political responsibility reminds Catholics that some issues “involve the clear obligation to oppose intrinsic evils which can never be justified,” while others “require action to pursue justice and promote the common good.” The brief Introductory Note to the 2011 reissue of “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” was signed by the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the chairmen of nine USCCB committees. It was approved by the bishops’ Administrative Committee at its mid-September meeting and made public Oct. 4. The introduction says that “Faithful Citizenship,” one in a series of documents that have been issued before

every presidential election for nearly 35 years, “has at times been misused to present an incomplete or distorted view of the demands of faith in politics” but “remains a faithful and challenging call to discipleship in the world of politics.” “It does not offer a voters guide, scorecard of issues or direction on how to vote,” the introduction adds. “It applies Catholic moral principles to a range of important issues and warns against misguided appeals to ‘conscience’ to ignore fundamental moral claims, to reduce Catholic moral concerns to one or two matters, or to justify choices simply to advance partisan, ideological or personal interests.” The introduction lists six “current and fundamental problems, some involving opposition to intrinsic evils and others raising serious moral questions:” -- Abortion “and other threats to the lives and dignity of others who are

vulnerable, sick or unwanted.” -- Conscience threats to Catholic ministries in health care, education and social services. -- “Intensifying efforts to redefine marriage” or to undermine it as “the permanent, faithful and fruitful union of one man and one woman.” -- An economic crisis that has increased national and global unemployment, poverty and hunger, requiring efforts to “protect those who are poor and vulnerable as well as future generations.” -- “The failure to repair a broken immigration system.” -- “Serious moral questions” raised by wars, terror and violence, “particularly the absence of justice, security and peace in the Holy Land and throughout the Middle East.” The introduction calls the U.S. Catholic Church “a community of faith with a long tradition of teaching and action on human

life and dignity, marriage and family, justice and peace, care for creation and the common good.” American Catholics “are also blessed with religious liberty which safeguards our right to bring our principles and moral convictions into the public arena,” it adds. “These constitutional freedoms need to be both exercised and protected, as some seek to mute the voices or limit the freedoms of religious believers and religious institutions,” it says. Urging Catholics to “share the message of faithful citizenship and to use this document in forming their own consciences, the Introductory Note adds that “this kind of political responsibility is a requirement of our faith and our duty as citizens.” It is signed by Archbishop Timothy See BISHOPS on page 8



Distance Does Not Keep Albuquerque Family Away From Their Sister

Albuquerque’s Maes family traveled miles to celebrate their sister’s 90th birthday at the Dominican Monastery in Ortonville, MI in September. When Sr. Anne Mary, O.P., Prioress of Monastery, sent an invitation announcing Sr. Maria Maez’s 90th birthday, she never expected relatives Paul and Mary Alice Maes, her brother and sister-inlaw, to be able to make the long trip. With the help of daughter Paula Maes, a leading figure in Albuquerque and National broadcasting, and family friend Mary Ann Jojola, the trip was made possible. After receiving her 8th grade education in the 1930’s at St. Francis parochial school in Rancho de Taos, Sr. Maria became a Professed Dominican Sister and spent many years teaching in Michigan, New Mexico, Canada and Peru. Three of her teaching years were spent in Albuquerque’s Our Lady of Fatima parochial school in the 1960’s. In between teaching and studying, Sr. Maria spent many summers at the Maes family home in Rancho de Taos. In 1978, Sr. Maria transferred to the contemplative branch of the Dominican

Order at Mt. Thabor Monastery. Since then she has served the monastery as a seamstress, cook, gardener, SpanishEnglish translator for publications, and housekeeper. She has become especially well known for her daily commitment to prayer for all who contact the nuns beseeching prayerful support in their joys and sorrows. Bishop Francis Reiss, Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, presided at the Mass celebrating her birthday which was well attended. The Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Shafique Masih Hadayat, Monastery Chaplain; Fr. Michael Green, O.S.B., Prior of Saint Benedict Monastery in Oxford, MI, along with Fr. John Martin Shimkus also of St. Benedict’s; Fr. Loren O’Dea, long-time friend of the nuns; and Dominican Fr. Michael Monshau, O.P., of the Pontifical Angelicum University in Rome. Anyone interested in learning more about Our Lady of Mount Thabor Monastery or submitting prayer requests may visit the web site at www.

THE ST. THOMAS MORE SOCIETY CATHOLIC CHARITIES cordially invite you and your family, friends and associates to participate in the Annual Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, traditionally known as

The Red Mass

The homily will be presented by Most Rev. Joseph A. Fiorenza, retired Archbishop of Galveston-Houston The principal celebrant will be Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan, Archbishop of Santa Fe This sacred event seeks divine guidance for lawyers, judges and all other participating in the administration of justice

Friday, October 14th, 2011


12:00 Noon

Immaculate Conception Church 619 Copper NW • Alb, NM

October 2011

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Deacon Steve Rangel and Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan By Deacon Steve Rangel Director of Deacons, Pastoral Outreach

In September, the Deacon Retreat, held every year for the deacons and their wives, was held at Glorieta Conference Center. It is a chance to get away and to spend time with the Lord in a spirit-filled weekend. Because of their ministry and the time they spend serving others, it’s vital for them to be able to get away and to be renewed and recharged. This year, we had Fr. W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D., Executive Director for the USCCB office for Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations. His talk was on “Meditation on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit” which was enlightening and insightful. One thing that stood out was the point to have a happy heart, even in the BISHOPS from page 7 M. Dolan of New York, USCCB president, and the chairmen of nine committees -- prolife, migration, education, communications, doctrine, domestic justice, international justice and peace, cultural diversity, and laity, marriage, family life and youth. The committees are headed, respectively, by: Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of GalvestonHouston, Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, Auxiliary Bishops Thomas J. Curry and Gabino Zavala of Los Angeles, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington, and Bishops Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, Calif.; Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, N.Y.; Jaime Soto of Sacramento, Calif.; and Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind. The document it introduces remains unchanged since its approval by the full body of bishops at their November 2007 meeting

midst of times of hardship. There were over 312 deacons and wives in attendance at the retreat and were again blessed to have Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan celebrate the Mass on Sunday. Glorieta Conference Center has been the location the deacon community has used for over 25 years. With the beautiful mountains and trees found there, it has been a perfect, peaceful place to hold the retreats. However, we were told that this would be the last year that the center would be available because of the financial situation they are facing which is causing them to close the center eight months of the year. I would like to thank the Glorieta staff and volunteers who have served and helped our community over the years. We will truly miss you all and your wonderful conference center. in Baltimore. It “represents the continuing teaching of our bishops’ conference and our guidance for Catholics in the exercise of their rights and duties as participants in our democracy,” the introduction says. The USCCB is launching a new website for “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” at It will offer a wide range of web-based and written materials and tools to assist pastors, parishes, Catholic organizations and individuals. The document with the new Introductory Note will be available in print by the end of October and is already available online: Copyright (c) 2011 Catholic News Service/ U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop

October 2011


Works of the Heart


D+E+I Dialogues: Spirituality and Healthcare By Kyle Kemp Executive Director of the Dominican Ecclesial Institute

By Deacon Steve Rangel Director of Deacons, Pastoral Outreach

On September 22, we gathered for the Catholic Foundation Annual Grant Award Luncheon. This year was special because it was the 20 year anniversary of the Catholic Foundation. The Catholic Foundation was founded as part of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan, under the leadership of Michael Keleher and Ray Zimmer, community and church leaders. The foundation is a charitable organization for endowment funds that gives grants to organization responsive to human needs. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan has embraced the work of the foundation and has become the spiritual leader and advocate. The Catholic Foundation has been able to give out grants each year because of the many people who believe in what it stands for and have given their financial support.

The Pastoral Outreach Ministry of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe was blessed this year to received two grants from the foundation: one for Step into Freedom and the other for the Threshold ministry. The Step into Freedom is a prison ministry program that trains volunteers to minister to inmates at prisons, jails, and detention centers. Threshold is a prison ministry program that helps inmates coming out of prison reintegrate into the community. With this financial support provided by the grants, both ministries will be able to reach out to more inmates. We would like to thank all the people who work at the Catholic Foundation and the many supporters who give financial contributions for their willingness to support our outreach ministries. “…in prison and you visited me…” Matthew 25:36

It is our worst nightmare: receiving a call from emergency room informing us that a loved one has been involved in a life threatening accident. Suddenly, our lives are thrown into chaos, in the midst of which we are expected to make lifealtering choices and decisions surrounded by strangers, and with any luck, our parish priest. Events such as these happen every day in Albuquerque, and most people are unprepared to face them. On October 28, D+E+I Dialogues will host “Spirituality and Health Care: A Day for Health Care Providers, Chaplains and the General Public,” an exploration of many of the issues and questions in today’s healthcare field from a uniquely Catholic perspective. Our keynote speaker for the dialogue is Fr. Charles Bouchard, OP, the current Provincial for the Province of St. Albert. Prior to being named provincial, Fr. Bouchard served as Vice President for Theological Education at Ascension Health with the primary responsibility for the development of a theological and spiritual formation program for boards of Ascension’s health care ministries. In addition, Fr. Bouchard has served as President and Associate Professor of Moral Theology at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis for 18 years and was instrumental in beginning Aquinas’ Master of Arts in Health Care Mission program.

To better address the myriad of issues involved with severe trauma and end of life decisions, the dialogue will offer a morning reserved for healthcare professionals and clergy, and an afternoon session which is open to the public. The morning sessions, reserved for physicians, nurses, healthcare providers, priests, deacons, and chaplains, will explore how these professions can work more closely as a team so that care is truly patient-centered. This session will include input from the presenter, smallgroup discussion of various scenarios and a question/answer session. During the afternoon session, we will discuss how modern medicine has changed our attitudes toward death. The session will start with a discussion of societal, medical, and spiritual attitudes toward death followed by a panel discussion exploring the challenges and care options for different end of life scenarios. The session will conclude with the spiritual perspective of healthcare reform, showing how we have distanced ourselves from death and how this is making efforts at health care reform difficult. If you would like to register for the D+E+I Dialogues or receive more information on this exciting opportunity to explore a wide range of healthcare issues and options, visit the D+E+I website or call 505.243.0525.

Share the Harvest Benefitting Brothers of the Good Shepherd The 21st annual fall luncheon, fashion show, and silent auction to benefit the Brothers of the Good Shepherd Center for the Homeless will be held Sunday, October 30, 2011 from 11am until 2:30pm. The event will take place at the Agave Del Sol Event Center located at 7500 Montgomery Northeast. Tickets are $40 each and may be purchased by contacting Mayra at 505.359.4048. The Good Shepherd Center was the first homeless refuge in Albuquerque. Following the Gospel mandate of Jesus

Christ to love God and neighbor, its mission to the poor is expressed in direct service programs to the homeless and unwanted members of society. The Center provides food, clothing, shelter, health services, emergency assistance, and community resource referral. It also serves as a service outlet for other homeless programs that do not provide residential shelter including emergency medical and posthospitalization aftercare and health care for homeless referrals.



October 2011


New Principal Reinvigorates Queen of Heaven By Janine Burford 5th Grade Teacher, Queen of Heaven School

Queen of Heaven has a new principal, Virginia (Gina) Guitard. She officially began transforming Queen of Heaven School on July 1, 2011. She has 14 years of experience with Catholic schools

as a teacher here in New Mexico. She is a product of the Catholic schools she attended throughout the United States and received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from NMSU.

“Queen of Heaven is an amazing, vibrant Catholic school,” stated one teacher, “however, she (Gina) has added her own unique style.” Mrs. Guitard’s goals are to beautify the school from top to bottom, raise enrollment and build a better community environment.

Photo by Jennifer Maldonado

Our Lady of Fatima’s Future Leaders of America

Our Lady of Fatima First Graders, Isabella Macias, Eva Love, Gianna Maldonado and Luciano Brito gather for a group hug after their first day back at school.

Want More Good News? We ’ r e o n l i n e - j o i n u s !

Upon her arrival, Mrs. Guitard and her staff began scrubbing walls, discarding old trash, repairing neglected items. She also discovered that the computer system was outdated and began researching ways to update the existing technology. Queen of Heaven students, teachers and parents will be using this new system by November 2011, if all goes well. Enrollment has been holding steady over the summer. However, with the renewed vibrancy of the school, Queen of Heaven has added 30+ new students to its classes. Mrs. Guitard credits the teachers at Queen of Heaven, who have the expectation of holding their students highly accountable, both academically and spiritually, as the reason for this increase. “Our teacher and staff turnover is low, as they work as a collaborate team to help the students succeed. When they arrive at St Pius X and other Albuquerque high schools, they are very well prepared to face a rigorous academic curriculum,” Mrs. Guitard stated enthusiastically. Mrs. Guitard began building a better school community by uniting the student body each morning in the gym. As soon as the bell rings, students gather in the gym for prayers, pledge and important announcements. She

has the 8th graders assist in rolemodeling behaviors for the rest of the student body. They assist younger classes, read the saint of the day to the school and make sure the USA and New Mexico flags are proudly displayed each morning. Students are not confined to their own class each day. The buddy system helps older students teach younger students. For example, Mrs. Aguilar’s kindergarten class is read to and gets assistance in reading and writing their names from their 5th grade buddies. The community lives by the 3R’s: Respect, Reverence and Responsibility. Mrs. Guitard is very excited to be at Queen of Heaven, as she knew of the excellent reputation and was excited to now be a part of it. “This school has a reputation as one of the top Catholic schools in the state. The parish serves over 2,000 families and our students assist them with various service projects. I have talked with people all over the state who have various ties with Queen of Heaven. I am a big sports fan, so I am excited to have our students play in the amazing gym here at Queen of Heaven. Very few Catholic schools have a beautiful, big gym like we do. It is an honor and privilege to be the principal of this school,” stated Mrs. Guitard.

October 2011




Queen of Heaven Students Honor 10th Year of

September 11th Tragedies By Janine Burford 5th Grade Teacher, Queen of Heaven School

If you walked onto Queen of Heaven campus on Friday, September 9, you would have seen a strange site. Hundreds of soda cans laid about the playground. Trash you ask? No, it was a beautiful tribute to the fallen victims and first responders to the September 11th tragedies. The fifth graders at Queen of Heaven School were mere newborns when this tragedy occurred. Yet, in learning about this in current events in Social Studies, they were compelled to do something to help people they did not even know. This event tied in with the Bullying and Mediation classes that occur at our school. “We teach students that bullying can lead to violent events like the September 11th incidents. Learning how to mediate disagreements and solve problems peacefully helps make our world a more God-like, peaceful place,” stated Mrs. Bee, their teacher. Flyers, emails and our school newsletter informed the community that the fifth grade class was collecting clean, non-crushed soda cans to be used to make a mural honoring those involved ten years ago. Then, the cans would be recycled and the proceeds would be sent to a non-profit fund for the families of the victims of 9-11. Work began the first week of school. Students planned and drew models of possible

murals. Student used their math skills to count, sort and graph the cans by color. In Social Studies and Religion, students learned about historical facts and attitudes which lead up to and occurred on that fateful day. In Science, students learned about recycling so that we can help take care of the Earth. They even visited the Albuquerque recycling center on the west side to learn how our city handles the recycled items they receive. Students documented the planning and implementation of this project including how hate and violence could have been avoided through mediation and tolerance. “Overall, we learned that mediation training is not just for the playground. It’s about solving conflicts peacefully not only at school, but in our world today,” stated one fifth grader. A school prayer service was held on the playground near the mural in remembrance of those who lost their lives in the unnecessary attacks. Songs like God Bless America were sung bringing some students and staff to tears. After school, the mural was deconstructed. Cans were brought to a local recycling station. This powerful lesson is one that Mrs. Bee hopes the children will not soon forget. “If it helps make our world a more peaceful place, then I consider myself lucky to have taught these children a valuable life lesson.” The entire community of Queen of Heaven agrees: This was a project worth constructing.

Holy Ghost Parish Receptionist Retires After 14 Years of Service By Donna Doporto Holy Ghost Parish

Retiree Betty Gonzales offers Holy Ghost parish a glimpse (captured by the photographer through the window) of what the Catholic Church is called to be. “Betty has seen pastors serve and move on. She has filled the Sacramental Books with memories of Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Marriages and Funerals,” said Pastor Rev. Mark A. Schultz. “Betty smiles, laughs and loves; and I am confident that she will forever serve our Lord,” added Schultz.

A much loved and valued employee of Holy Ghost Parish retired Sept. 29. Receptionist Betty Gonzales, 83, worked at the parish office for more than 14 years and volunteered for ten years prior to that. Along with her many duties as receptionist, Gonzales served as a reference book of parish information dating back over 30 years. (And, reportedly, her red chile is the best anywhere.) “The amount of information Betty has stored in her memory is simply amazing,” said business manager Barbara Valdez. “Betty retains zip codes, telephone numbers, dates and full addresses. Betty never used

a computer—with her recall abilities she didn’t need one.” It will be an adjustment for all who visit the parish office not to be greeted by Gonzales. Gonzales worked with a long list of priests. She first served Fathers Stadtmueller, Podvin and Berry. More recently she assisted Fathers Mayefske, Virgil and current pastor Rev. Mark A. Schultz. “I love them all,” said Gonzales with a hint of nostalgia. “I’ve enjoyed every minute of every year working at Holy Ghost. “I’m not going too far,” she reassured. “I will still be around to volunteer and you will see me at Mass.” A reception was held for Gonzales after the 8 a m. Mass Oct. 2.



Shepherd’s Project: Rev. Vincent Paul Chavez, Pastor, Shrine of the Little Flower Parish of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus

in every Mass he presides. He helps people to understand the scriptural and traditional significance of even the smallest detail of the building from the brass to the glass. Fr. Vincent is especially compassionate as he serves the sick, dying and their families. Someone shared with me that Fr. Vincent was the reason they were so close to their faith. They were not regular church goers until their son died. Fr. Vincent showed them a side of the Church they had never seen before. I have seen him drop everything on a Saturday night to anoint a person from a another parish when they couldn’t find their own pastor. I have known him to stay overnight with family members as they waited for God to take their loved one. Fr. Vincent invests much of his time preparing for his parishioners’ funeral Masses. He believes if people turn to the Church in their greatest need, the Church should welcome them and roll out the red carpet. Fr. Vincent does not disappoint! For this we are grateful.

Helping Hands: Mrs. Mary Trujillo, Parishioner, St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, Shrine of the Little Flower By Margaret Villanueva Parishioner

Mrs. Mary Trujillo is one of our devout senior parishioners at St. Therese. Maria served as cook for St. Therese priests for many years. Mary (aka Maria) enjoys telling stories about how she was so lucky to find a house right across from the church. She remembers looking across the street from the parish hall and thinking how lucky that person was to be living so close. She met the women and discovered she was moving and was in the process of selling her home. Maria recalls buying the house and moving in one of her happiest moments. This was a perfect setting for Maria who was widowed and her

Helping Hands: Margaret Villanueva, St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, Shrine of the Little Flower By Camille Romero parishioner

By Camille Romero Melton & Corkey Baca parishioners

Fr. Vincent Chavez has New Mexican roots going back 400 years. His parent’s families are from the ranching and farming tradition of Torreon, NM. Both his maternal and paternal families were faithful, active, contributing Catholics. He attended Holy Ghost Elementary and St. Pius X High School. He attended Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Christian Brothers College of Santa Fe, American College of the Immaculate Conception, and The Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. As a pastor, he has served in many parishes of Northern New Mexico and he served six years in Belgium. Now as the pastor of the Shrine of St. Therese in Albuquerque, he calls the North Valley home. He loves being in Albuquerque where his parents and brothers are just a short drive away. He enjoys working in his garden and he likes New Mexican food as well as the rich Belgium dishes. He likes any meal he can share with family and friends even when it is just Frito pie served at Life Teen, one of St. Therese’s many ministries focusing on youth and young adult education. Fr. Vincent sees Christ in beauty and as such has helped to accentuate the beauty at St. Therese – in the garden, in the school, in the parish hall, but especially in the sanctuary. His special touch highlights the altar for the Holy Sacrifice with seasonally specific designs, altar drapes, and vestments. His attention to literature details cannot be missed

October 2011

mother’s caretaker. Because of the proximity to the church, Maria was able to check on her mother frequently and still fulfill her duties as cook for the priests. Maria is unable to drive anymore. Up until a few months ago, she could walk to church even though she had two canes to assist her. Maria’s brother now comes every morning and takes her to church in a wheelchair. Maria never had children but has several nieces and nephews that are also always checking in on her. Maria never complains if you ask how she is doing. She just thanks See HELPING HANDS on page 22

Editor’s Note: Certain threads of brilliance we encounter in life stay with us as we continue on our journey. Some unnoticed by many, some to only few. Our Church is over 2000 years strong. Why? Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan always reminds us that the Church is you, our people…the PEOPLE OF GOD. This month’s Helping Hands feature is a serendipitous breath of fresh air. I invited Father Vincent Chavez to ask his parishioners to submit an article about a member of the St. Therese community who exemplifies St. Therese. Lo and behold I had the privilege of meeting Margaret Villanueva who was tasked with the assignment. The turnaround time was short; however, she came through as you will see in the article featuring Maria Trujillo below. Our Lord indeed has a sense of humor…a few days later, I received the beautiful piece, also below, featuring the very same Margaret Villanueva submitted by another parish treasure, Camille Romero. Our Church continues to grow because of the strong faith and actions of our people in the pew, threads of brilliance that call them to action fulfilling every day, sometime mundane tasks, that continue fortify our Church. With these kinds of role models, I can’t wait to see what the next 2,000 years will bring! Celine Margaret Villanueva is the image of St. Therese in our community. As a parishioner of 20 years, she did not join every ministry or participate in every event. She is the quiet presence of love. She was raised by her grandparents who loved her tremendously. They taught Christ’s love and compassion for her. She learned her faith by practicing it daily as a child. St. Therese of the Little Flower said, “It is not great deeds, but great love.” Her message was beautiful, inspiring, and simple. Margaret lives her life with great love – beautiful, inspiring, and simple.

If you come to St. Therese, you won’t notice Margaret right away. It may be a while before you see her. But you cannot help but notice her presence. She is the person at the monthly food distribution who does the job everyone else avoids. She takes people to their doctor’s appointments, hair appointments and for groceries. She takes the neighbor boy to school when he misses the bus. She pays for the breakfasts of the people who find themselves short. She buys whatever the school kids are selling so they won’t be discouraged. She buys burritos she will never eat from the woman who sells them as her sole income. She cries with the family outside of Mass who is mourning the one year anniversary of their loss, whether she knows them or not. I have seen her buy something at a thrift store and give it to the woman who is having a yard sale to pay her rent. As a member of St. Vincent de Paul Society, she is always available to visit with the poor of the community. And let’s not forget the least of these. Margaret feeds and cares for the stray cats. If she can corral them, she takes them to the vet for care and sterilization. You might not notice Margaret but the cats do. When her car drives up, they come running out to greet her! As a daily communicant, it is obvious the source of her strength. She is often found visiting the Blessed Sacrament. I wonder how a heart so big can fit into such a petite body. The answer is simple. All that love doesn’t fit so she has to continually give it away to anyone and everyone she comes in contact with!

October 2011



Shrine of the Little Flower Parish of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus St. Therese Catholic School 3424 Fourth St. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 “Little Flower of Jesus, please pick a rose from the heavenly garden and send it to me, to me.” This month People of God is launching a series of the Archdiocese’s beautiful and holy shrines. Others will be featured throughout the next year. We begin with Shrine of the Little Flower, founded April 25, 1947. Its school, St. Therese Catholic began classes on September 15, 1947. We invite you to visit this beautiful and holy place located in Albuquerque. In the first part of the 20th Century, after the canonization of Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Therese became one of the most popular and most beloved saints in the world. Albuquerque became one of numerous places throughout the world to establish shrines to St. Therese. Other USA locations include Baltimore, MD; Darien, Il; Fresno, CA; Juneau, AK; Pueblo, CO; Royal Oak, MI; Niagara Falls, NY; and San Antonio, TX.

doors, great rose window and 51 other stained glass windows which were designed and fabricated by Santa Fe Studios of Church Art. Two of the finely carved marble altars contain first class relics of the bones of St. Therese.

During the 1954 Marian Year, construction began on the Shrine of the Little Flower. It was dedicated on Sunday, December 1955 by Most Rev. Edwin Vincent Byrne, Eighth Archbishop of Santa Fe.

St. Therese Church is designed in the Romanesque style of architecture and is one of the finest ecclesial buildings in New Mexico. The plans for St. Therese by the Albuquerque architectural firm Burwinkle & Associates were originally drawn up for Immaculate Conception Parish in downtown Albuquerque. In the early 1950s, this venerable parish of the city knew that it needed a much larger church building. By 1954, the parishioners of St. Therese were already begging the archbishop and archdiocese for its church building and an assurance of funds. The plans were transformed from Immaculate Conception to St. Therese. Immaculate Conception would not be ready with funds for a few more years. The original “millions of dollars” price tag was considered unfathomable in 1954. This was because of the tons of bronze, marble, oak and Italian mosaic tiles used in the walls, floors, baldachino, altars and furnishings, the fine oak statues, 26 oak and bronze

Founding parishioners of the Parish of Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus. May they and their incredible vision continue to bless us the faithful at St. Therese School and Parish. See SHRINE on page 28



Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan Dedicates the Archdiocese’s Newest Church, Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho

October 2011

October 2011




his sacred building with its furnishings and materials meets the General Instruction of the Roman Missal’s description to be “...truly worthy and beautiful and be signs and symbols of heavenly realities.” The new organ fills the church with reverberations of music that amplifies voices lifted up in praise and adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ. The new church building is designed to be energy efficient and is expected to serve the community well for many years to come. The Church of the Incarnation has indeed risen up in the desert from humble beginnings 16 years ago. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, under the leadership of Rev. Msgr. Douglas A. Raun, was instrumental in bringing the Mass to the Catholic faithful. The first Mass was celebrated on the

first Sunday of Advent in 1995. Approximately 50 families attended the weekly Sunday morning Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the Mountain View Middle School gym. At that time, the church was still a mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in southern Rio Rancho. Early on, plans were made to move to a permanent site, The 14.5 acres of land on Monterrey Road was a gift from the Archdiocese. A large portable building was purchased and remodeled to become the temporary church building. Unfortunately, the original marble altar cracked and was put into storage. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan dedicated the temporary church on July 1, 2003. A building campaign began immediately. With the start-up funds, an initial infrastructure was created. Rev. Guy Roberts was named founding pastor. Rev. Rick Zerwas succeeded him as pastor 18 months later. See DEDICATION on page 21



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October 2011

October 2011



San Ignacio Fiesta Queen, Olivia Ayon By Loretta A. Naranjo-Lopez parishioner

The Fiesta de San Ignacio was different this time. Why? Queen Olivia Ayon

brought such abundance of joy. Olivia is in her thirties and throughout her life has been special. To expect such joy from someone who has had the challenges she has faced in her life would be unthinkable.

St. Jude Thaddeus Parish to Celebrate Opening of Newly Expanded Church on Oct. 28 with Dedication Mass

However, Olivia was front and center on at Evening Prayer on Vesper night throwing kisses to all. She thanked everyone for making her dream come true. She was the queen who sold the most tickets ever recorded in the history of the fiesta. Olivia has a part-time job and takes classes at CNM. She has been able to do this with the love and support of her family especially her mother, Rosalie. If you have never met Olivia, the first time you meet her she makes you feel as if you have known her all her life. Our San Ignacio would rejoice at such a blessing as to have a person with such unique gifts to be able to share her love of God with others. The Fiesta de San Ignacio started off with Vespers during which was crowning

of the royal court. The celebration takes place every year on the weekend closest to July 31, the Feast of San Ignacio de Loyola. Vespers is an evening honoring the life and ministry of a saint who always believed that his work was all for the “Greater Glory of God.” Vespers were followed by a short procession around the church followed by a festive pot luck supper. The Sunday Fiesta Mass is followed by a procession of the Santo around the neighborhood blessing home altars. The annual fiesta also provides music, games, rides, and great food every year. Que Viva la Fiesta de San Ignacio! Que Viva la cultura! Que Viva los comunidad de San Ignacio! Que Viva la Reina Olivia Ayon!

Come spend

An Evening with the President of National Right To Life - Carol Tobias

By Erica Asmus-Otero, Parishioner St. Jude Thaddeus, Albuquerque

Known as the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes, Jesus’ twelfth apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, is often called upon to intercede when difficult circumstances present themselves. It’s only fitting that St. Jude Thaddeus Church in Albuquerque, one of the fastest growing parishes in the State, has finally received an answer to desperate pleas and countless prayers for a bigger church. On Friday, October 28 at 6pm (exactly a year ago to the day that the new church’s Mass and groundbreaking ceremony took place), Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan along with Pastor Fr. John Daniel will lead the congregation in a dedication Mass to celebrate the opening of a brand new church for St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, replacing the former church. The dedication Mass will be followed by a complimentary barbecue dinner in the church hall. St. Jude Thaddeus Parish originally opened the existing church in 1980, with 600 registered families. Today, there are 2,550 registered families with an average of 20 new families registering each month. In the last 10 years alone, there has been a 63% increase in the number of registered families. As growth on the West Side of Albuquerque has continued to skyrocket, St. Jude and its leader, Fr. John, kept pace with the growth by adding additional weekend Masses, expanding the Religious Education program, helping numerous organizations create chapters

at St. Jude including the Gabriel Project and Catholic Daughters, assisting 434 families with utility bills and other services, and allowing more baptisms daily during and after Masses. Subsequently, there have been significant increases in confirmations, First Holy Communions, weddings and other sacraments such as Baptisms (which increased by nearly 50%), compared to 2007 and earlier. Two months after Fr. John was assigned to St. Jude in August 2007, Archbishop Sheehan asked him to lead the effort to build a new church. Fr. John began developing a master plan that was approved by the archdiocese in April 2008. Mullen Heller Architects were hired in December 2009 and input from parishioners was collected and considered when developing the schematic design. Formal fundraising commenced with a capital campaign called “Rebuild My Church.” To date, 827 families have pledged almost $1.4 million towards construction of the new church which will be matched by the archdiocese. However, the work is not completely over, as $55,892 still needs to be raised to meet the church’s goal of $1.5 million. An answer to many prayers, St. Jude Thaddeus’ new 22,000 square foot church can accommodate more than 1,200 parishioners, compared to the existing 8,000 square foot church that held only 600. Meet the Archbishop, Fr. John, future and existing parishioners, and everyone who brought the new church to life on October 28 at St. Jude Thaddeus Parish.

A resident of New Mexico, Carol has served on NRTL’s board since 1987. She also was executive director of North Dakota RTL for eight years and political director for NRTL for 14 years. Dinner will be held at Glory Christian Fellowship Hall at 2417 Wyoming on October 22 at 6:30. For reservations or questions, contact Right To Life’s state office in Albuquerque at 881-4563.

Archdiocese of Santa Fe 2011 Abuse Awareness Training for Adults: Creating a Safe Environment for Our Children (formerly known as the Sexual Abuse Misconduct Prevention Workshop) Rev. 09/27/2011

Attendance at the workshop is encouraged for all Catholic adults and is required of the following persons: a. All priests and deacons currently serving in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe; b. All religious employed by or volunteering for the Archdiocese or any of its entities; c. All employees of the Archdiocese, Catholic schools, parishes and affiliated entities; d. All volunteers serving in Archdiocesan and affiliated Catholic schools; e. All volunteers in Archdiocesan parishes whose services place them in regular contact with or close proximity to children and youth; and f. All persons who supervise those who work with children and youth in any capacity. Pre-registration is necessary. These workshops are sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Contact: Annette in the Victims Assistance CoordinatorÕs Office 505.831.8144. Note: Do not bring children. No one under age 18 is allowed in the workshop.



Albuquerque Interfaith Organizes “Preach and Teach” for Fair Treatment of Immigrants allow us, as a nation of immigrants, to benefit from their contributions without sacrificing our values of freedom, fairAlbuquerque Interfaith organized six- ness, and opportunity teen congregations and schools, includ“All of our religious and democratic ining five Catholic parishes, in an ecu- stitutions teach us to value immigrants,” menical “Preach and Teach” Labor Day said Fr. Joel Garner, pastor of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Community and a long-time leader with AlbuFr. Joel also addressed the more querque Interfaith. “Chrispractical issues involved in the tians are taught to love our immigration debate. “Immigrants neighbor, just like the Good Samaritan, and the Hebrew pay taxes and help grow our Scriptures remind us we all economy,” said Fr. Joel. Their were once immigrants.” hard work and their commitment to “Our parish has been especially hit by recent family and community make us a deportations and anti-imbetter country. They are vital to migrant rhetoric,” said Fr. our economic future. They are Garner. “We need to follow our teachings to weltruly our neighbors.” come immigrants and make them full participants in our community.” weekend to address immigration and our Fr. Joel also addressed the more pracfaith traditions. Over 12,000 churchgo- tical issues involved in the immigration ers heard homilies, sermons, and Sunday debate. “Immigrants pay taxes and help grow our economy,” said Fr. Joel. Their hard work and Msgr. Richard Olona, pastor of their commitment to family Risen Savior Catholic and community make us a better country. They are vital Community and co-chair of Albuquerque Interfaith, has also to our economic future. They are truly our neighbors.” spoken about the economic Msgr. Richard Olona, pasbenefits of allowing immigrants tor of Risen Savior Catholic Community and co-chair of out of the shadows. “Scripture Albuquerque Interfaith, has calls upon us to welcome the also spoken about the ecostranger as ourselves. If we nomic benefits of allowing immigrants out of the shadwelcome and embrace immiows. “Scripture calls upon grants, we will reap the benefits us to welcome the stranger in love and a stronger economy. as ourselves. If we welcome It is both a moral and an and embrace immigrants, we will reap the benefits in love economic imperative.” and a stronger economy. It is both a moral and an economic imperative.” school teaching about the call to love our The “Preach and Teach” weekend inneighbor and welcome the stranger as cluded Catholic, Presbyterian, Unitarwe struggle with immigration issues. ian, United Church of Christ, Islamic, Many clergy drew on the recent let- Lutheran, and Quaker congregations and ter from Archbishop Sheehan, Bishop three public charter schools, with each Ramirez, and Bishop Wall calling on addressing immigration issues from their public officials to address the issue of own faith and democratic traditions. driver’s licenses for immigrants with Albuquerque Interfaith includes 24 fairness and mercy. In their letter, the congregations, schools, union locals, bishops noted that issuing licenses to and non-profits. Its funders include the New Mexico residents without Social United States Conference of Catholic Security numbers makes all New Mexi- Bishops and the Catholic Campaign for cans safer. They endorsed policies that Human Development.

October 2011

A “Festival of Trees” Update Tickets on sale and we need your help!

By Kip Bobroff Albuquerque Interfaith, Lead Organizer

Arranging gifts for the Silent Auction is Cecilia Montanes, a Catholic Charities employee. By Diane Kay Catholic Charities

The Festival of Trees is a gala blacktie event that kicks off the Holiday Season in high style. It is also a fundraiser for Catholic Charities’ programs to provide assistance to those facing homelessness, persons needing to learn English or to study for their GED, people that need a low-cost preschool for their children, Refugees arriving from wartorn countries, and persons seeking to become legal citizens of the USA. A lot of people receive help from this once-ayear event, and you have the opportunity to give them a helping hand, while at the same time enjoying an evening of music, good food, wine, Christmas shopping, and pleasant company. This event is not advertised to the general public, like some other holiday events. We only invite people that we believe will care deeply about our mission to help the needy. As a reader of People of God, we think you might share our concerns, so we would like to invite you to this special event. It will be held on the evening of Saturday, November

19, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Spa and Resort. Tickets are $150 per person. This is a chance to make an important contribution to our community, while also giving yourself a marvelous evening. For ticket information, please call 505.724.4602, Do you have any items you could donate for the Festival of Trees? We are looking for items to go into our silent auction. The kinds of things that work best are new gift-type items such as home decorations, jewelry, handbags, gift cards for various types of services or merchandise, Christmas wreaths, nativity sets, “theme” baskets of goodies or skin products, wine accessories, electronics, etc. But you can use your imagination and bring us something different! We can also sometimes utilize used items if they are in certain categories like antique pots, Native American rugs or artworks, autographed books, etc. We will be happy to come and pick up your items. The proceeds from this event go to help the needy within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. For further information, please contact Rose Pando at 505.724.4602.

Penny Strickland, a Catholic Charities employee, shows off a decorated tree during the annual Festival of Trees.

October 2011


Fair Trade Increasing in Archdiocese of Santa Fe By Anna Huth CRS Southwest Relationship Manager

October is Fair Trade Month. Celebrate with a cup of Fair Trade coffee and a piece of Fair Trade chocolate, while enjoying the beauty and art of Fair Trade goods! Certified Fair Trade is a network of people working together to guarantee quality products and a fair wage for all involved in producing them and getting them to market. It is a system that respects the life and dignity of growers, artisans, processors, testers, transporters and sellers. Purchasers benefit too; through Fair Trade, purchasers have a way to know they are buying quality goods made available in ways that are just to the workers involved. Think of Fair Trade as Catholic Social Teaching in action through the simple, everyday decisions we make as consumers. During this month that is also Respect Life month, how appropriate to use our purchasing power to support the life and dignity of the human persons who supply the goods we need and enjoy! The Archdiocese of Santa Fe, as part of its Pastoral Plan, promotes use of Fair Trade. The Madonna Retreat and Conference Center recently announced that it is serving Fair Trade coffee and selling Fair Trade chocolate. During the pre-Christmas season various parishes hold Fair Trade Fairs, making coffee, chocolate and artisan goods available. In some parishes, Fair Trade coffee and chocolate is sold year-round. Fair Trade trainings and conversations, articles in this paper, and Catholic radio interviews help spread the good word.

Anne Avellone, Director of the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life, initiates and nurtures efforts around the Archdiocese to use and promote Fair Trade. She can assist Archdiocesan offices, parishes, schools, and other groups with easy ways to participate in Fair Trade. For more information please contact her at or at 505.831.8167. As Catholics, we do additional good by practicing Fair Trade through Catholic Relief Services (CRS). When CRS Fair Trade products in particular are used, a small percentage of the cost goes to CRS’ programs that assist poor communities and cooperatives in Latin America, Africa and Asia to enter the Fair Trade system. CRS prepares the workers in the agricultural practices and the production of artisan goods to produce the quality necessary for Fair Trade certification. It assists them to develop the business practices of quality control and accountability necessary for that certification. And CRS helps producers set up the methods and contacts for bringing their products to the Fair Trade market. For more information and for access to CRS Fair Trade products, please see Catholic Relief Services is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community of the United States; see .

Catholic Charities Grateful Recipient of Spiritual Renewal Center’s Goodness By Linley B. Daly Director of Development, Catholic Charities

Bible study, spiritual direction, contemplative prayer, uplifting Christian music; these are the memories of a 12 year old Catholic school girl attending her first retreat at what was then, the Dominican Retreat House. Over the years, the retreats evolved and that young school girl developed a solid Catholic foundation that would serve her well in the years to come. For more than 50 years the Dominican Retreat House/Spiritual Renewal Center (SRC) served as a place of contemplation, quiet, and spiritual renewal. It had a

rich history in the Dominican tradition of prayer, preaching, and learning. It was a restful place where one could stop to hear the voice of God and was always a place of peace, hospitality, hope and renewal for persons of all faiths. As time passed, the SRC Sisters retired and the Center was sold to the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande. However, as was always its tradition of service, the SRC found a way to once again, give to those in need. The money from the sale has been returned to the community who gained a great deal from the work of the Dominican Sisters for so many years. In July, Catholic Charities was one of


Defending Human Dignity: The Catholic Call By Nicole Holcomb CCHD Intern

October is Respect Life Month, and a great opportunity to reflect upon the full meaning of respecting life from start to finish. As explained by Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, in his award address “Ascent or Descent? Wonder or Horror? Mystery of Life Grand Prix,” he states, “A primary task for the pro-life movement is to draw society into deeper reflection about the mystery, wonder and value of human life. We need to promote an alternative to the technological outlook which seeks to control and manipulate birth and death, to reduce nature to “matter,” to elevate having over being, to depersonalize the body and sexuality, and to replace the criterion of personal dignity with the criterion of efficiency, functionality and usefulness. Our task is to call our brothers and sisters’ hearts and minds to wonder and awe, (2008).” For Catholics, Respect Life encompasses the impact of reproductive technologies, embryo research, contraception, abortion, disability, the death penalty, euthanasia, and, even war on the life and dignity of the human person. Additionally, Respect Life encompasses quality of life and dignity of the human person, celebrating and cherishing life as a gift. Unfortunately, many people struggle to meet the day to day necessities of life. According the most recent US Census statistics collected for 2009, there were over half a million more children in poverty in 2008 than 2007: 14.1 million altogether. In 2008, the poverty rate for related children under six living in families was again over 20 percent—one child in five. For 14.1 million children living in poverty in the US today, they are struggling without the basics of life, including food, clothing, medical care, education or shelter. They are living without quality of life, and without their full dignity as a human person, as God intends for each of us. the many grateful recipients of the generosity of the SRC sale. A gift of $18,000 was given to Catholic Charities’ Violence Against Women Act Project (VIP), which provides free legal representation on immigration matters for battered immigrants throughout the entire state of New Mexico. The VIP helps battered immigrants address the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault in their lives. Over the years, Catholic Charities has helped thousands of battered women, eligible under the Violence Against Women Act(VAWA), the Battered Immigration Protection Act of 2000 and VAWA 2005 Law, obtain employment authorization documents enabling them to secure economic empowerment for themselves and their children.

Additionally, the number of elderly persons age 65 and older living in poverty increased to 3.7 million. Many of these millions of individuals are living without adequate healthcare, or without adequate living assistance, such as geriatric care providers. For these 3.7 million elderly Americans, dignity and quality of life is denied as well. This also applies to persons on death row, or living with disabilities, or victims of war or crimes such as human trafficking. Human life, no matter where, is sacred, and we are called to respond. Respect Life means treating the human person with dignity from conception to natural death, whether that person comes to us as an “unplanned pregnancy,” a criminal, a terminally ill person, an immigrant, an elderly person, or a person living with a disability. As Cardinal Pell explained in his address, we are asked to reflect on the mystery, wonder, and value of life, and whether a person living in extreme poverty is experiencing the full value and dignity of their life. To find out more about poverty, Catholic Social Teaching, how our faith calls us to respond and what you can do to get involved, or contact Nicole Holcomb, CCHD, Intern to schedule an educational presentation for a youth, young adult or adult group at your parish, 505.831.8235, For more information visit the CCHD website, http:// And so the Spiritual Renewal Center’s gift of faith formation and service to those in need continues. That young Catholic school girl followed in the tradition of the Dominicans who fed her spirit. As Director of Development for Catholic Charities, she now invites others to financially support the work of Catholic Charities which creates hope for those in need by promoting self-sufficiency, strengthening families, fighting poverty and building community. The spirit of the Dominican Retreat House/Spiritual Renewal Center that nourished individual of all faiths will live on in the work of our Episcopalian brothers and sisters, and through the many lives touched by its final gift of financial support.



October 2011

LITU RG I CA L Formation “Lord, I Am Not Worthy . . .” D. Todd Williamson

Few Gospel accounts are as powerful as the story of the Roman Centurion who has heard of Jesus and his great deeds. The Centurion seeks out Jesus to help him, for his servant is paralyzed and suffering. Of course, Jesus agrees and offers to come to the Centurion’s home to cure the servant. In faith, the Centurion utters these powerful words: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant will be healed” (Matthew 8:8, NRSV; see also Luke 7:6). This is, truly, a story of faith. Recall, that the Centurion is a Roman— a Gentile—one who would be considered ineligible for the promises that the Lord had made to his Chosen People, Israel. Yet he had faith that Jesus could heal his servant. He even called Jesus “Lord.” Because of this, Jesus was willing to go to his house—an act that would have been forbidden and would, according to Jewish standards, made Jesus unclean. Yet Jesus was willing to do this. In the end, this story is as much about the faith of the Centurion as it is a story of the ends to which Jesus will go to bring health, wholeness, and salvation. Is it any wonder, then, that the Church puts the words of the Centurion on the mouth of every member of the liturgical assembly as we too prepare to receive health, wholeness, and salvation through the gift of the Eucharist? With the implementation of the English translation of the third edition of The Roman Missal, this full statement of the Centurion will be our response to the invitation to Holy Communion: “Behold the Lamb of God, / behold him who takes away the sins of the world. / Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” It is no accident that these words, in this exchange, should take place at this point of the Mass. Look at what is happening: we are being invited to “behold” the Lord, as he is present in the Eucharist. Not simply to “look,” not simply to “notice.” We are to “behold” him—to see him, with the eyes of faith, and to see what he is doing for us in this liturgy. He is preparing to feed us with his very body and blood! This makes the most sense if we look closer at the Gospel accounts and the story of the Centurion, particularly from the Gospel according to Matthew (it is also recounted in Luke), for it is only in the Matthean account that Jesus replies to the Centurion “many will come from the east and the west, and will eat with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven [emphasis added] . . . Go; let it

be done for you according to your faith” (Matthew 8:11, 13, NRSV). Now look again at the liturgical exchange at this point in the Eucharist. We are invited to “Behold the Lamb of God.” The invitation references the vision of the book of Revelation (19:9, NRSV), where the angel says to Saint John, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” The wedding feast of the Lamb, and the “banquet in the kingdom of heaven,” that Jesus references in Matthew (see above) are the same great banquet! And we are being invited to that banquet, at this moment in the liturgy! Surely, there are no better words with which to respond to this invitation— “Lord, I am not worthy / that you should enter under my roof, / but only say the word / and my soul shall be healed.” The liturgy invites us, at this moment, to the same faith, to the same conviction, as that of the Centurion belief in what Jesus can do. Then, as the Centurion was assured presence at the great banquet of heaven, so too might we be admitted to that same banquet, here, in this Eucharist! If there was hope for him, then surely there is hope for us, too! Notice that in the revised translation of this exchange, the emphasis is not on our unworthiness. Truly, in fact, none of us is worthy of so great a gift as the Eucharist. And that’s the point! It is not our merit that admits us to this great banquet. Rather, it is our faith in Jesus Christ—the same faith as that of the Centurion! God’s grace given in the sacrament of the Eucharist is free gift. We need only respond and accept this gift. The full response of the Centurion helps us to recognize that Christ’s promise of health, wholeness, and salvation is ours if we accept the invitation. That promise is fulfilled in the Eucharist, in Holy Communion which we are about to receive!“Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb!” Preparing Your Parish for the Revised Roman Missal: Homilies and Reproducibles for Faith Formation © 2011 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60609; 1-800933-1800; Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 1973, 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). All rights reserved.. The copyright notice must appear with the text. Published with Ecclesiastical Approval (Canon 823, 1).

“Señor, No Soy Digno . . .” D. Todd Williamson

Pocos relatos del evangelio tienen tanta fuerza como el relato del centurión romano que había escuchado grandes cosas acerca de los hechos y dichos de Jesús. El centurión busca a Jesús para que lo ayude, pues su sirviente está paralizado y sufriendo los embates de la enfermedad. Por supuesto, Jesús acoge favorablemente su petición y se encamina a su casa para sanar a su sirviente. De hecho, el centurión pronuncia estas contundentes palabras: “Señor, yo no soy digno de que entres en mi casa, pero basta que digas una sola palabra y mi criado quedará sano” (Mateo 8,8, Bilblia de América; Lucas 7,6). Esta historia es una historia de fe. Recordemos que el centurión es un ciudadano romano: un gentil, es decir, alguien que estaba excluido de las promesas que Dios había hecho a Israel, su pueblo escogido. Aun así, el centurión tenía fe en que Jesús podía sanar a su sirviente. Inclusive, se dirige a Jesús como “Señor”. Esta es la razón por la cual Jesús camina hacia su casa—acción que estaba prohibida y, de acuerdo con los criterios judíos, esta acción dejaría impuro a Jesús—. Pese a esto, Jesús quiere ir a su casa. Al final, este relato tiene como centro la fe del centurión siendo a la vez una historia que tendría como final el hecho de que Jesús iría a su casa para llevar la salud, la plenitud y la salvación. ¿Acaso hay alguna duda ante el hecho de que la Iglesia ponga las palabras del centurión en la boca de cada miembro de la asamblea alitúrgica a medida que nos preparamos para recibir la salud, la plenitud y la salvación mediante el regalo de la Eucaristía? Con la implementación de la traducción de la edición típica del Misal Romano, toda esta declaración que hace el centurión romano será nuestra respuesta a la invitación a la Sagrada Comunión: “Este es el Cordero de Dios, que quita el pecado del mundo. Dichosos los invitados a la cena del Señor”. No es mera casualidad que estas palabras, en este intercambio deban decirse en este momento de la misa. Seamos conscientes de lo que pasa, se nos está invitando a “contemplar” al Señor pues está presente en el sacramento de la Eucaristía. No es una simple invitación a “ver”, a que nos “demos cuenta” de que está ahí. Somos invitados a “contemplarlo”—a verlo con los ojos de la fe y a ver lo que hace por nosotros en la liturgia—. ¡Nos está preparando para alimentarnos con su cuerpo y sangre! Tendrá mucho más sentido si damos una mirada cercana a los relatos del Evangelio en los que aparece la historia del centurión, particularmente en el relato según san Mateo (también se narra el mismo evento en el Evangelio según san Lucas), dado que

solamente en el evangelio mateano Jesús responde al centurión: “Por eso les digo que vendrán muchos de oriente y ccidente y se sentarán con Abrahán, Isaac y Jacob en el reino de los cielos . . . Vete y que suceda según tu fe” (Mateo 8,11.13 Biblia de América). Veamos nuevamente este intercambio en la liturgia eucarística. Se nos invita a contemplar el “Cordero de Dios”. La invitación hace referencia a la visión que Juan tiene y que aparece relatada en el Apocalipsis (19,9), donde el ángel le dice a san Juan: “Escribe: Dichosos los invitados al banquete de bodas del Cordero”. El banquete del Cordero y el banquete en “el reino de los cielos” al que Jesús se refiere en el Evangelio según san Mateo, ¡son el mismo banquete! Así pues, en este momento de la liturgia, ¡estamos siendo invitados a ese banquete! Estoy seguro de que no hay mejores palabras para responder a esta invitación: “Señor, no soy digno / de que entres en mi casa, / pero una palabra tuya / bastará para sanarme”. En este momento la liturgia nos invita a tener la misma fe, la misma convicción que el centurión romano tuvo en lo que Jesús puede hacer. Entonces, así como se le aseguró al centurión su presencia en el gran banquete celestial, también nosotros seremos admitidos a ese mismo banquete, aquí, en la Eucaristía. ¡Si hubo esperanza para él, también hay esperanza para nosotros! Note que en la nueva traducción del texto que aparece en este intercambio no se acentúa nuestra falta de dignidad. De hecho, ninguno de nosotros es digno del gran regalo de la Eucaristía ¡Y ese es precisamente el punto! No es mérito nuestro el que seamos admitidos a este gran banquete; sino por nuestra fe en Jesucristo, ¡la misma fe del centurión! La gracia de Dios que nos es dada en el sacramento de la Eucaristía es un regalo totalmente gratuito. Lo único que tenemos que hacer es aceptarlo y responder a ese regalo. La respuesta completa del centurión nos ayuda a reconocer que si aceptamos la invitación, entonces la promesa que Cristo nos hace de bienestar, plenitud y salvación será nuestra. ¡Esta promesa se cumple en la Eucaristía, en la Sagrada Comunión que estamos a punto de recibir D. Todd Williamson. © 2011 Arquidiócesis de Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60609; 1-800-933-1800; www.LTP. org. Los extractos de los textos litúrgicos corresponden al Ordinario de la Misa © 2008, Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa, A.C. Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (CEM). Todos los derechos reservados. La noticia de copyright debe aparecer junto con el texto. Para obtener más información acerca del Misal, visite www.

October 2011



9/11 First Responder and Survivor Capt. Al Fuentes to Head K of C Disaster Response Program By Andrew Walther & Patrick Korten Knights of Columbus

Knights’ long history of disaster relief includes the “Heroes Fund,” which provided funding for families of hundreds of emergency services personnel killed on 9/11

(NEW HAVEN, Conn.) – At its 129th annual convention in Denver last month, the Knights of Columbus announced the launch of a new project headed by 9/11 first responder and survivor Capt. Alfredo Fuentes, a New York City Fire Captain who coordinated the rescue of survivors

DEDICATION from page 15

A core of 500 families diligently and sacrificially contributed to two subsequent building campaigns conducted during Church of the Incarnation’s first decade. Other fundraisers included several Golden Autumn Ball celebrations and golf tournaments. On Oct. 31, 2009, Archbishop Sheehan blessed the site and broke ground for the new church. The original marble altar removed from the temporary building was broken apart and placed directly under the site of the new altar along with a variety of religious artifacts from parishioners including prayer cards, rosaries, missals, and statues. The following summer, parishioners witnessed the frame being raised. One of those metal beams, which forms the apse (the projecting portion of the church that is semicircular and vaulted), contains the signatures of many parishioners.

religious affiliation – dubbed the “Heroes Fund.” Understanding the dramatic impact on countless families, on Sept. 12, 2001, the Knights of Columbus’ launched the “Heroes Fund” to provide immediate assistance to the families of hundreds of emergency first responders who lost their lives in the rescue and recovery efforts. The fund was created with a $500,000 donation from the Supreme Council and was matched by a $500,000 donation raised by Knights of Columbus councils throughout the world. At a news conference on Sept. 13, 2001, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson formally announced the formation of the Heroes Fund and revealed that the first three checks had been processed and paid to the families of New York Fire Department personnel. Between September 2001 and July 2002, the Knight’s field force delivered hundreds See PROGRAM on page 28

Under the leadership of Rev. Rick Zerwas, pastor, construction began in March 2010. Serving as chairman of the parish building committee; Dave Jensen; architect, Mark Baczek of Dorman Breen; construction was done by Britton Construction; and, liturgical designer, Rohn and Associates Design, Inc. The marble furnishings were fabricated by Pedrini Sculptors in Avenza, Italy. Susan Marquez, Bill Mader, and other Church of the Incarnation members contributed to this article. For more information call the parish office 505.771.8331 Visit our website www.archdiosf. org for an upcoming slideshow and photo gallery.

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including other emergency services personnel and was seriously injured when the North Tower collapsed, burying him in rubble. Fuentes will direct the new Knights of Columbus Disaster Response Program, which will provide K of C support to the victims of natural and man-made disasters. Knights have long provided such help on a local basis, the most notable recent examples being Hurricane Katrina and the tornados earlier this year in Missouri and Alabama, but the new program will organize “second responder” disaster relief plans in advance, with special emphasis placed on involving Knights who are current and retired first responders as well as other experienced volunteers. The Knights of Columbus was also one of the first organizations to mobilize in the aftermath of 9/11, offering immediate financial assistance to the devastated families of fallen police, firefighters, and emergency personnel, regardless of their

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Beginning Experience A Program for the Divorced, Widowed and Separated

Duran, Gutierrez Mr. Con Gutierrez and Miss Lucille Duran were married on May 26, 1951 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Springer with Fr. Colombo performing the ceremony. They have lived in Springer for their 60 years of married life. They have been blessed with four children, David, Steve, Patricia and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Gutierrez also have nine grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Con and Lucille are now enjoying their retirement and their children.

Luchini, Norero Mr. Miguel (Mike) Norero and Miss Carolina (Carrie) Luchini were married September 2, 1951 at St. Isadore Catholic Church in Garfield, NM. After they got married, they moved to Albuquerque, where Mike already had a job and became a partner of Welborn Paint Co. Mike was also an amateur artist whose work was shown in many arts and crafts fairs in Old Town and the greater Albuquerque area. As a homemaker, Carrie was very busy raising their five children. They were among the first members of Salve Regina Parish (now Queen of Heaven) in northeast Albuquerque where they were very active for many years. Their children all attended and graduated from Queen of Heaven Catholic School. In order to be closer to their children, they made the difficult decision to move to Paradise Hills in northwest Albuquerque in 1998 and are currently members of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Rio Rancho where Carrie has also been very active. They have three children living in Rio Rancho, one in Moriarty, NM, and one in Roseville, CA. Mike and Carrie currently have nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Nolan, Sanchez Mr. Lorenzo Sanchez married Miss Julia Nolan on August 31, 1946 at St. Andres Church in Miami, NM with Fr. Paul Holly officiating. They have resided in Cimarron, NM for 60 years. They are members of Immaculate Conception Church, where they were mayordomos for 27 years. Their strong faith and love have set great examples for everyone. Lencho retired in 1985 from the State Highway Dept after 25 years of service, and worked another five years with Swope’s Transportation. Julia was a homemaker who lovingly raised her children, grandchildren, and many others, who still call her grandma. She’s still the best cook anywhere. They celebrated 65 wonderful years of marriage with their 5 children, Isabel Herrera, Pauline Garcia, Susan (Tom) Mondragon, Emily (Anthony) Serna, Andrew (Lita) Sanchez, ten grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. HELPING HANDS from page 12 God he has kept her on earth for 88 years. Walking into Maria’s house is like entering a church. She has saints and angels everywhere. Many saints were given to her as gifts. They are on display now. Maria also has many prayers written down that she says every day. Some are worn and torn, but she tapes them together. She has prayers that she says at a specific time each day. If she happens to be busy when she is supposed to say a certain prayer, she doubles up on her prayers. Maria fell down a few weeks ago she is recovering pretty fast. Her relatives put some restrictions on her so there are things she isn’t supposed to by herself. Maria used to sit outside and say some of her prayers and also pray for everyone going by. Maria also always attends divine mercy prayer on

October 2011

Friday. She still remembers some of the prayers that her mother used to say. Prayers that have been long forgotten by many. Another thing Maria misses is the time when churches were open all the time and she could go in and sit and pray. Maria still goes every Friday for adoration. Maria belongs to the secular Franciscans and does not like to miss any meeting. She calls friends or relatives until she finds someone who will take her. Maria has also belonged to Catholic Daughters and feels the same about attending those meetings. In 1992, Maria made a trip to the Holy Land with some people from St. Therese. Maria has many happy memories of the trip. She can remember in great detail many of the places she saw. Maria is very happy with life. Maria Trujillo, a prayerful lady…a truly special helping hand.

By Jerome Jackson, President Beginning Experience Albuquerque

If you are divorced, widowed, or separated and need help for the heartache of finding yourself alone again, consider attending the Beginning Experience weekend October 28, 29 and 30 at the Madonna Retreat Center in Albuquerque. The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. It can result in nearly unbearable feelings of loneliness and grief. Many people who have suffered this loss feel left out by their church, uneasy around married friends, unsure of themselves and uncertain about their future The Beginning Experience weekend program helps grieving single-again persons emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning, and move into the future with renewed hope. The program helps deal with the natural grief process and offers an opportunity, through God, for turning the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. The Beginning Experience weekend is designed to be a time of closure on the past and renewed hope for the future. Those who come should be beyond the initial feelings of anger and despair which usually follow the loss of a loved one. They should be at the point of wanting a new beginning and ready to work to make that desire a reality. Those who’ve attended the weekend program report: • Increased emotional health and self respect • New skills to deal with the pain of loss • Healthier family relationships • Renewed energy to be more effective parents, return to their church, and improved the standard of living for themselves and their families For information contact the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Family Life Office, 505.831.8117, in Albuquerque. The program begins Friday October 28 at 7:00 p.m. and ends Sunday about 4:00 p.m. It is: “A weekend away for a lifetime of change”. The Beginning Experience weekend offers the opportunity to move toward a new beginning in life. Its quality and effectiveness are well documented. • Developed by respected professionals in grief psychology, ministry, education and organizational process, the program is both psychologically and spiritually sound. • The ministry has been honored by the North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics and the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers, participated in the International Conference for the World Federation for Mental Health in Ireland, and addressed the Australian government’s Year of the Family Congress. • To ensure the integrity of the copyrighted program, the Beginning Experience International Ministry Center periodically certifies 120 peer ministry teams worldwide to present the program.

October 2011




COVERS OF BOOKS ON PRAYER AND THE MASS These are the covers of “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass: Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy” by Edward Sri, “The Mass in Scripture” by Stephen J. Binz and “The Essential Guide to Catholic Prayer and the Mass” by Mary DeTurris Poust. The bo oks are reviewed by Brian T. Olszewski. (CNS) (Sept. 30, 2011)

October is Safe Environment Month Ten Points to Create Safe Environments for Children By Teresa M. Kettelkam Executive Director, Secretariat of Child & Youth Protection

Sexual molestation is about the victim Many people are affected when a priest abuses a minor, but the individual most impacted is the victim who has suffered a violation of trust that can affect his or her entire life. The abuser, the family of the abused, and the parish community are all affected by this sin and crime, but the primary person of concern must be the victim.

These barriers come in the form of protective guardians, codes of conduct, background evaluations, policies and procedures, and safety training programs. The residual effects of having been abused can last a lifetime Those who have been abused seldom just get over it. The sense of violation goes deep into a persons psyche and feelings of anger, shame, hurt and betrayal can build long after the abuse has taken place. Some have even described the feeling as if it has scarred their soul.

No one has the right to have access to children If people wish to volunteer for the church, for example, in a parish or school, they must follow diocesan guidelines on background checks, safe environment training, policies and procedures, and codes of conduct. No one, no matter who they are, has an automatic right to be around children or young people who are in the care of the church without proper screening and without following the rules.

Feeling heard leads toward healing Relief from hurt and anger often comes when one feels heard, when ones pain and concerns are taken seriously, and a victim/survivors appropriate sense of rage and indignation are acknowledged. Not being acknowledged contributes to a victims sense of being invisible, unimportant and unworthy; they are in some way revictimized.

Common sense is not all that common It is naive to presume that people automatically know boundaries so organizations and families have to spell them out. For example, no youth minister, cleric or other adult leader should be in a childs bedroom, alone with the child.

You cannot always predict who will be an abuser Experience shows that most abuse is at the hands of someone who has gained the trust of a victim/survivor and his/her family. Most abuse also occurs in the family setting. Sometimes the nicest person in the world is an abuser, and this niceness enables a false sense of trust to be created between abuser and abused.

Child sexual abuse can be prevented Awareness that child sexual abuse exists and can exist anywhere is a start. It is then critical to build safety barriers around children and young people to keep them from harm.

There are behavioral warning signs of child abusers Training and education help adults recognize grooming techniques that are precursors to abuse. Some abusers isolate a potential victim by giving him or her undue attention or

lavish gifts. Another common grooming technique is to allow young people to participate in activities which their parents or guardians would not approve, such as watching pornography, drinking alcohol, using drugs, and excessive touching, which includes wrestling and tickling. It is also critical to be wary of age-inappropriate relationships, seen, for example, in the adult who is more comfortable with children than fellow adults. Parishes can set up rules to guide interaction between adults and children. People can be taught to identify grooming behavior which are the actions which abusers take to project the image that they are kind, generous, caring people, while their intent is to lure a minor into an inappropriate relationship. An abuser may develop a relationship with the family to increase his credibility. Abusers might show attention to the child by talking to him/her, being friendly, sharing alcohol with a minor and giving the child status by insinuating that the child is their favorite or special person. Offenders can be patient and may groom their victim, his or her family, or community for years. Background checks work. Background checks in churches, schools and other organizations keep predators away from children both because they scare off some predators and because they uncover past actions which should ban an adult from working or volunteering with children. If an adult has had difficulty with some boundaries that society sets, such as not driving while intoxicated or not disturbing the public peace, he or she may have difficulties with other boundaries, such as not hurting a child. Never forget that offenders lie.



October 2011

Catholics for “Real” By Deacon Juan Barajas Director, Hispanic Ministry

This is the season for the annual United Way campaign. Please think of us at Catholic Charities as you sign up for payroll contributions through your employer. Please call (505) 724-4670 if you would like additional information.

Father’s day this year… Celebrate!

Priesthood sunday october 30th! Celebrate priests by: • Writing a note of thanks. • Praying the rosary of intercession1 for priests. • Joining The Serra Club2 of Albuquerque • Donating to The 100 Club3 1

online at: online at:

2, 3

sponsored by the serra Club of albuquerque

For advertising information please call Leslie at 505.831.8162 or email

Of all the beautiful and holy elements of our Christian Catholic faith, which one identifies us as Christians and as Catholics? Could it be what we believe? Possibly. St. Paul says by faith we are justified. On the other hand, Jesus said it is not the one who calls me Lord who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of the Father and keeps my commandments. Could it be the way we live our lives? But, how could we possibly live holy lives if we do not pray? Could it be the way we pray? On the other hand, how could we say we are Catholics if we do not gather with our community to celebrate what we believe, to be fed by the Word of God and by our communion with our Lord Jesus? Is it attending Church, receiving the Sacraments (especially the Eucharist) what really identifies us as Catholics? The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines four elements as essential for what it means to be a Catholic: What we believe, what we live, what we celebrate, and what we pray. And truly how could we claim to be Catholics unless we believe, unless we live what we believe, unless we celebrate what we live, and unless we are in constant communication with our God through the sacraments and prayer. While all these elements are essential in our Catholic faith, there is one I believe epitomizes, captures and summarizes what been a Catholic is all about. I believe it is the Eucharist. In communion, we believe what we receive. In communion we pray. In communion we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and in communion, we are called to live what we become. A Catholic who for whatever reason may not be receiving communion should do whatever needs to be done in order to receive it. For communion is not only what we receive; it is what we believe, what we do, what we celebrate, what we

live, and what we pray. This wonderful sense of communion can easily be broken and unfortunately it is by another sacrament, or by the lack of it: marriage. There are many Catholic couples who often enter a marital relationship, cohabiting or married civilly, without being properly married by the Church. By living in this situation, couples are rejecting the teachings of the Church on the sacraments, they are not living according to the teachings of the Church; do not receive communion and are not partaking of the spiritual life of the Church. Couples in this situation are not allowed to be sponsors for baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation. In April, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan wrote a pastoral letter reminding us the gravity of this situation and saying that couples in this situation should either get married or separate. A solution for couples in this situation could be group weddings. Group weddings offer to help couples celebrate their sacrament of matrimony in a more accessible and in a more affordable way. This program is totally free, and for any couple who is not committed to a previous marriage. Couples will be invited to participate in a preparation process and celebrate their sacramental marriage around Valentine’s Day of 2012. “Catholics for Real” are invited to believe the Word of God, to live it and to put it into practice. As Catholics we are always challenged to do what we can to follow the teachings of the Church and to put them into practice. May you and I be blessed today with the necessary graces to continue living our discipleship in the best possible way participating in the fullness of the life of the Church so at the time of the harvest we may also be able to participate of the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is what being a Catholic is all about. For information on group weddings call Deacon Juan Barajas 505.831.8152 or jbarajas@archdiosf. org

October 2011





Mark Your Calendar

“May the Dear Lord bless you...” October Rev. William E. Young Rev. Msgr. Lambert Joseph Luna Rev. Clement Niggel Rev. Simeon (Frank) Wimmershoff, OFM Rev. Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire Rev. Robert Campbell, O.Praem November Rev. Msgr. Sipio Salas (Ret.) Rev. Msgr. Robert S. Calles (Ret.) Very Rev. Gino Correa, OFM Rev. Fernando A. Saenz Very Rev. Bennet J. Voorhies Rev. Patrick J. Chavez Rev. Andrew Ifele Rev. Millan J. Garcia (Ret.)

15 16 17 18 26 27 1 1 5 7 11 11 11 11

TV Mass Schedule The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel

Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6, and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass Donations may be sent online or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM. Date

October 9, 2011 28th Sun OT Rev. Andy Pavlak October 16, 2011 29th Sun OT Rev. Ronald Bowers October 23, 2011 30th Sun OT Rev. Ronald Bowers October 30, 2011 31st Sun OT Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz November 6, 2011 32nd Sun OT Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz

Readings (Cycle A)

Is 25:6-10a Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 Mt 22:1-14 Is 45:1, 4-6 1 Thes 1:1-5b Mt 22:15-21 Ex 22: 20-26 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Mt 22: 34-40 Mal 1:14b-2:26, 8-10 1 Thes 2:7b-9, 13 Mt 23: 1-12 Wis 6:12-16 1 Thes 4:13-18 Mt 25: 1-13

Roman Catholic Saints Calendar October 15 St. Teresa of Avila 16 St. Margaret of Cortona 17 Blessed Contardo Ferrini 18 St. Luke 19 St. Isaac Jogues, John de BrŽbeuf and Companions 20 Blessed James of Strepar 22 Blessed Pope John Paul II 23 St. Hilarion 24 St. Anthony Claret 25 St. Ant™nio de SantÕAnna Galv‹o 28 Sts. Simon and Jude 29 St. Narcissus of Jerusalem 30 St. Alphonsus Rodriguez 31 Blessed Thomas of Florence November 1 Feast of All Saints 2 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 3 Venerable Solanus Casey 4 St. Charles Borromeo 7 St. Didacus 8 Blessed John Duns Scotus 9 Dedication of St. John Lateran 10 St. Leo the Great 11 St. Martin of Tours 12 St. Josaphat 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 14 St. Nicholas Tavelic and Companions

October 2011

October 2011







October 2011

SHRINE from page 13

This wax statue of St. Therese, reclining and dressed in a Carmelite habit, located in the St. Therese Church Shrine Room, is one of four in the world. It was created by a Trappist Monk in 1926. This particular statue has been loaned to St. Therese Parish by Rev. Bill Sanchez, Pastor of St. Edwin Parish in Albuquerque. One of the wax statues is located in Lisieux, France at the Carmelite Monastery encased above the burial of St. Therese. The other two statues are located in Italy and San Antonio, TX. Sign currently located in front of St. Therese Parish: “May your dress, attire and composure be of the founding men of the parish in suit and tie—please be respectful of the celebration you are attending and of this beautiful and holy place.” Mass Schedule: Saturday 8:00am and 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am (Spanish), 10:0am and 12:00 noon Weekdays (Monday to Saturday) 8:00am Call Shrine of the Little Flower, parish office of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus at 505.344.8050 to arrange a pilgrimage for parishioners or for your yourself. Visit to view a virtual tour of the Shrine. Photos courtesy of St. Therese Parish.

PROGRAM from page 21

of checks to the families of firefighters, law enforcement officers and emergency medical personnel who perished in the attacks. Recalling the events of September 11 and the Knights of Columbus response, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson noted: “The Knights’ immediate response in support of the families of fallen heroes on September 11 grew out of our long history of helping those most in need. We were honored to help the families of these heroes with a program that was able to quickly get emergency funds directly into the hands of families who needed help with expenses following the loss of a loved one and helped prevent financial concerns from compounding the tragedy these families had already suffered.” He added: “Led by Knight and 9/11 first responder and survivor Alfredo Fuentes, our Second Responder program will help us to respond to those in need quickly and effectively in times of disaster as we provide necessities for those affected by the crisis. We could have no better coordinator of this program that Capt. Alfredo Fuentes, who knows firsthand what it means to coordinate relief in the most difficult circumstances imaginable.” The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal group and one of the most active charities in the United States. Last year the Knights donated $155 million and 70 million volunteer hours to charitable causes worldwide.

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