People of God November 2010

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N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0 • Vo l u m e 2 8 • N u m b e r 1 0

w w w. a r c h d i o s f . o r g Inside

Serving The Multicultural People of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe



Archbishop’s Letter: St. Francis of Assisi Awards’ Homily......................................3 Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter on Honoring the Dead ...............................................4 Awakening Faith.............................................................................................................5 Catholic Education . ......................................................................................................9 St. Francis of Assisi Award Recipients . ...................................................................13 St. Jude Thaddeus Groundbreaking..........................................................................16 Cristo Rey & Holy Rosary Celebrate Anniversaries.................................................17 Archbishop’s Thoughts on “Bodies – The Exhibition”............................................23

A Prayer Answered St. Jude Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan joins St. Jude’s community in ground breaking celebration. Target completion date is October 2011.

See page 16

Rev. Thomas J. Steele, S.J November 6, 1933 – October 23, 2010 Jesuit Priest, Professor, Historian, Friend and Cowboy

See page 2

Photo by Celine

Mrs. Mary Frances Reza Receives MacManus Award On Friday, October 8, 2010, the sixteenth McManus award was presented to Mary Frances Reza at the banquet during the national meeting of the Diocesan Liturgical Commissions in Alexandria, Lousiana. The Monsignor Frederick R. McManus Award was established in January 1995 to honor an individual who has made a significant contribution to pastoral liturgy on the national level. Mary Frances was recognized for her contributions to liturgical music both in the US and world-wide. In particular she is known for her work with music in Spanish and for the development of Spanish language liturgical formation in the United States. Her music is known and sung in Spanish-speaking and bilingual communities throughout the world and she is in demand as a speaker and workshop presenter throughout the United States. A native of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Mary Frances is locally well-known and loved for her work as director of the Office of Worship, a consultant and resource for training liturgical ministers in the Archdiocese, director of music at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, liturgical musician at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Albuquerque, composer and choir director for various events throughout the Archdiocese.

Photo by Leslie M. Radigan

St. Jude Thaddeus

Thanksgiving Prayer Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks. Thank You for all the graces and blessings You have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage. Our food and shelter, our health, the love we have for one another, our family and friends. Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year. This we ask in the name of Jesus, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.




Jesuit Priest, Professor, Historian, Friend and Cowboy

On Monday morning of October 25th, Fr. Thomas Steele passed on from this life to God. Fr. Steele, born in St. Louis, Missouri, was 76 years old. Fr. Steele had been a Jesuit for 59 years. He was ordained a priest on June 16, 1964 at St. Mary’s College in Kansas. After his ordination, he completed a PhD in English at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He then taught English at Regis College in Denver for nearly 30 years, retiring in

1997 as Professor Emeritus. Around 1966, while studying at UNM, Fr. Steele also studied religious folk art of the Southwest and wrote several books about religious art and culture, including Santos and Saints: The Religious Folk Art of Hispanic New Mexico. The Santos became his passion. Over many years, he developed the Regis Santos Collection, an extensive collection, which is currently housed within the library at Regis University, Denver. One of the Santos from the

collection was given to Pope John Paul II during his visit to Regis University, Denver, in 1993 as part of World Youth Day. Although an excellent scholar and a professor, Fr. Steele was also an accomplished cowboy! He had friends who had cattle and he enjoyed herding cattle with his friends. In 1966, Fr. Steele began living part of the year at the Jesuit community here in our parish. Eventually, he moved here, though still commuting regularly to Denver to care for the Santos collection. He was curator of that museum for many years. During the week, Fr. Steele engaged in research and authoring books while also helping out at Immaculate Conception Church with Masses and Confessions. The people whom he served here in Albuquerque became his great love. On weekends, he faithfully served for many years the communities of Carnuel, Chilili, Escobosa and Sedillo. The people in those communities loved him and his love for them


was evident, since often when he spoke of them, tears nearly came to his eyes. This summer, due to deteriorating health, Fr. Steele moved to the Xavier Jesuit Community in Denver, which provides greater assistance and healthcare to aging and infirm Jesuits. He is survived by three sisters, Marybel Cova, Missouri; Betty Relling, Arizona; Dotty Steele, Arizona. Many of you knew Fr. Steele well and for many years. We, the Jesuits of Albuquerque, the parish staff to which he became so dear, as well as all of you who knew him, miss him. May he rest in peace with God, now free from his recent pain and suffering due to illness. Father Steele’s Funeral

Mass was held on October 30th. at St. John Francis Regis Chapel in Denver. Burial followed at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. A Memorial Mass was celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church, Albuquerque, on November 2 (All Souls’ Day). Fr. Rafael Garcia, S.J., Pastor, Immaculate Conception Church; Religious Superior, Jesuits of Albuquerque

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for November 2010 Drug Addicts and Victims of Every Form of Dependence General: That victims of drugs or of other dependence may, thanks to the support of the Christian community, find in the power of our Saving God strength for a radical life-change. The Continent-wide Mission in Latin America Missionary: That the Churches of Latin America may move ahead with the continent-wide mission proposed by their bishops, making it part of the universal missionary task of the People of God.

Pope Benedict XVI blesses the tomb of Pope John Paul I on All Souls’ Day at the Vatican Nov. 2. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano, via Reuters)

november 2010




Archbishop’s St. Francis of Assisi Awards Homily Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

Dear Brother Priests, Honored Recipients of the Archbishop’s St. Francis of Assisi Award and Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I Introduction Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. He was a true leader of the Church. God called him to help rebuild the Church in the 13th Century and he had a great impact on the Church then and now, hundreds of years later. He founded the Franciscan Fathers and assisted in the foundation of many groups of Sisters. His holiness and leadership are what we celebrate today. But all of you here are leaders in your own way. That’s why you have been recommended by your pastor or parish life coordinator for the Archbishop’s St. Francis of Assisi Award. You have given Christian leadership in your parish and in the Archdiocese. II God’s Gifts You are all talented, gifted people. God has given you abilities. You are recognized as having leadership responsibilities. We have talents, not just to use for ourselves but rather to use for others to help make our world and our community a little bit better. It is important to recognize that our gifts are God-given and require humility before God and gratitude. Henry VanDyke once said we should use whatever talents we possess, large or small. He said, “The woods would be silent if no birds sang there except those who sang the best”. III Truth Anyone who aspires to be a leader must start out with a conviction. Certainly, love for our Catholic faith and our desire to put it into practice. But we must believe there is real objective, moral truth – that there is real right and wrong; that we seek the truth and not try to change it to suit our fancy. A leader must seek the truth and live by it. Not just to seek what is popular. I therefore urge you, who exercise leadership roles in the different ministries in your parishes, to seek the moral truth, to know what is right and to follow it with all your heart. This is called integrity and every leader must have that quality. IV Leadership Involves a Price To be a leader today in the United States,

there is always a price to pay. Our society is unduly hard on leaders. Leaders give time, talent and treasure and yet it can be tough. Many qualified people shy away from leadership because of the way they will be treated. There is, at times, a misreading of our motives, the making of a mountain out of a mole hill, the savaging of a public person as happens often times on talk shows, and the ingratitude of the grumpy and negative people. These all add up to be a dear price for being a leader today. And so a leader must have the internal strength and the stomach to bear up under what at times is a heavy price. One must have a thick skin and the leader must have a support system to help him or her to keep going. It is necessary to have strong faith and it helps to have a sense of humor. I came across a humorous description of a leader the other day that I will share with you entitled “Anatomy of a Leader” which read: He/she must be agile as a monkey because one spends so much time out on a limb. He/she needs a big chin so one can lead with it; and a thick skin so one can ward off the stings of insult and ingratitude. He/she has to have strong legs so one can stand on their own two feet all day and still be limber enough to kneel at bedtime in prayer. He/she has to have a big mouth so one won’t choke when one puts their foot in it; and a good appetite so they can swallow their pride and eat their words. One needs a deaf ear for flattery, a good ear for criticism, and judgment enough to distinguish between the two. Most of all, one needs a rubber neck so one can turn the other cheek, face reality, look back at history and forward to the future, confront issues and face the music! V Is it worth it? The question can be asked, “Is it worth it?”. Is it worth all the work, putting up with the price of leadership and the personal grief that comes with it? Of course See Homily on page 22

Homilía del Arzobispo para la Misa de la entrega de Premios San Francisco de Asís Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan

Queridos hermanos sacerdotes, personas que reciben el Premio San Francisco de Asís del Arzobispo y hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, I Introducción Hoy celebramos la Festividad de San Francisco de Asís. Él fue un verdadero líder de la Iglesia a quien Dios llamó para que ayudara a reconstruir la Iglesia del siglo XIII, y quien tuvo y ha tenido un gran impacto en la Iglesia de ese entonces y de ahora, cientos de años después. Él fue quien fundó los Padres Franciscanos y asistió en la fundación de muchos grupos de Religiosas. Hoy celebramos su santidad y su liderazgo. Pero todos ustedes aquí presentes son también líderes en su propia manera. Es por ello que han sido recomendados por su Párroco o Coordinador de la Vida Parroquial para recibir el Premio San Francisco de Asís del Arzobispo. Ustedes han practicado el liderazgo en su Parroquia y en la Arquidiócesis. II Los Dones de Dios Todos ustedes cuentan con muchos talentos y dones. Dios les ha dado esas habilidades. Son reconocidos por sus responsabilidades en el liderazgo. Tenemos talentos, no solamente para utilizarlos para nosotros mismos, sino para los demás, para ayudar a hacer de nuestro mundo y comunidad algo mejor. Es importante reconocer que nuestros dones han sido otorgados por Dios y requieren de humildad ante Dios y de gratitud. Henry VanDyke una vez dijo que deberíamos de utilizar cualquier talento que poseemos, grande o pequeño. Él dijo: “Los bosques estarían en silencio si solamente las aves que cantan mejor

fueran las que cantaran”. III Verdad Cualquiera que aspire a ser un líder debe empezar por tener una convicción. Sin duda, tenemos que tener amor por nuestra fe católica y un deseo para ponerlo en práctica. Pero debemos creer que existe un objetivo real, la verdad moral - que el bien y el mal existen en verdad; que buscamos la verdad y no tratamos de cambiarla para satisfacer nuestros gustos. Un líder debe buscar la verdad y vivir por ella. No solamente buscar lo que es popular. Por lo tanto, los invito a que ejerzan sus funciones de liderazgo en diferentes ministerios en sus parroquias, a buscar la verdad moral, a saber lo que es correcto y a seguirlo con todo su corazón. Esto se denomina integridad y cada líder tiene que tener esa cualidad. IV El Liderazgo Tiene un Precio Para ser un líder en los Estados Unidos hoy en día, existe siempre un costo que se tiene que pagar. Nuestra sociedad es extremadamente dura con los dirigentes. Los líderes dan de su tiempo, talento y recursos y aún así esto puede ser difícil. Muchas personas calificadas se rehúsan a ser líderes por la forma en que serían tratadas. Existen a veces malinterpretaciones de nuestros motivos, la creación de una montaña de un puñado de tierra, la devastación de una persona pública como sucede a veces en los programas radiales o televisivos, y la ingratitud de la gente gruñona y negativa. Todo llega a ser un costo enorme que hay que pagar por ser un líder hoy en día. Por lo tanto, un líder tiene que tener la fuerza interna y las agallas para soportar lo que a veces puede ser un precio muy alto. Uno debe tener una piel gruesa y contar con un sistema de apoyo para ayudarle a continuar. Es necesario tener una fe muy firme, y Homilía en pagina 22



Archbishop’s Schedule

November 13-18 === ======== 19 Fri 12:00 noon 20 Sat 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 21 Sun 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 22 Mon ======== 7:00 p.m. 23 Tue ======== 24-26 === ======== 28 Sun 10:00 a.m. 29 Mon 12:00 noon 30 Tue 10:00 a.m.

USCCB Bishops Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland Archbishop’s Radio Hour Installation of Deacon Candidates as Acolytes, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Catholic Charities Annual Festival of Trees, Tamaya Hyatt, Santa Ana Pueblo Mass, Cristo Rey, Santa Fe ACA Donor Event, Catholic Center Office Appointments Jewish Catholic Clergy Dinner, Albuquerque Installation of Archbishop-Elect Gustavo Garcia-Siller MSPS, Archdiocese of San Antonio Annual Family Thanksgiving Reunion, Seattle Mass, First Sunday of Advent, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Relief Services Conference Call Catholic Cemetery Association Board, Gate of Heaven, Albuquerque

December 1 Wed 8:00 a.m. ======== 3 Fri ======== 6 Mon 9:00 a.m. 7 Tue ======== 8 Wed ======== 9 Fri ======== 6:00 p.m. 12 Sun 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Archdiocesan Finance Council, Catholic Center Office Appointments Catholic Center Employee Advent Retreat, Madonna Retreat Center New Mexico Conference of Churches Annual Retreat, Canossian Spirituality Center, Albuquerque Office Appointments Office Appointments Office Appointments Annual Serra & Hundred Club Christmas Dinner, Tanoan Country Club Mass, Sacred Heart, Clovis Mass, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Clovis

The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends to the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for the period August 3, 2010 through November 8, 2010. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at Parishes. The Archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education. With the increase in the number of seminarians to 30, the cost of education, room, board, and health insurance will be approximately $1,000,000 for fiscal year 2010-2011. The cost also includes the Vocations Office. Amount Received

Parish Name/City

St Anne – Santa Fe Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe - Pojoaque St Joseph on the Rio Grande - Albuquerque Our Lady of Belen - Belen Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - ABQ Our Lady of the Annunciation - ABQ St Anthony - Questa San Ysidro – Corrales Holy Ghost – ABQ Our Lady of Sorrows – Las Vegas St Jude Thaddeus – ABQ St Francis Xavier – Clayton St Augustine – Isleta Pueblo Estancia Valley Catholic Parish – Moriarty Our Lady of Guadalupe – Santa Fe Our Lady of Guadalupe – Peralta San Clemente – Los Lunas Santa Maria de La Paz – Santa Fe Immaculate Conception – Tome St Thomas Aquinas – Rio Rancho

From Aug. 3, 2010 to Nov. 8, 2010

$ 500.00 610.00 960.00 785.46 1,150.00 1,749.00 3,000.00 680.00 500.00 700.00 2,000.00 290.00 383.00 300.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 200.00 310.00 $ 47,617.46


Honor We Must Give the Deceased All Souls Day Statement Pastoral Letter Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan October 2010 “I believe in the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.” The Apostles’ Creed My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Soon we will observe All Souls Day. Never are the truths of Christianity more consoling than when we face the mystery of death. We are able to face the end of our earthly existence without fear or despair because of Him who declared, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. The one who believes in Me shall never die.” These great truths have always been expressed in the funeral rites of the Church, and the care we take in the burial of our dead. However, in our own day, we see even among Catholics a misunderstanding of these great truths, resulting in an abandonment of the traditional practices of the Church. I wish to call your attention to two of these mistaken practices today. 1. From ancient times, the heart of the funeral of a Christian has been the celebration of the Eucharist for the departed, with the earthly remains of the deceased present whenever possible. This is the Mass of Christian Burial. The primary purpose of a Catholic Funeral is to plead the mercy of God upon the soul of the departed person. It is an infallible teaching of the Church that Purgatory does exist, and that the souls there can be helped with our prayers and it is the common teaching of the Church that most of the faithful who depart this life after the age of reason will have some time of temporal punishment for their sins in Purgatory. The Mass is, of course, the most powerful prayer we can offer God, and therefore we, the living, have an obligation in charity to offer the Mass for the departed. In the Mass of Christian Burial we also thank God for the gift of salvation given by Christ to the departed, and ask that the consolations of faith be given to those who mourn. The presence of the body or remains of the departed in God’s House is a final act of honor to that body which was the Temple of the Holy Spirit in this life and will be a glorified body of a saint in the resurrection on the Last Day. To fail to provide for the Funeral Mass, substituting some sort of “memorial service”, or “celebration of life” gathering, or not providing for any funeral service at all, is gravely wrong. The funeral of a Catholic is to be celebrated in a church, preferably the parish church of the See LETTER on page 20

Advent Penance Services November/December 2010

November 29 Risen Savior Catholic Community (Albuquerque) - 7:00 p.m. December 1 Estancia Valley, Moriarity - 7:00 p.m. December 6 Santa Maria de La Paz Catholic Community (Santa Fe) - 6:30 p.m. December 9 Our Lady of the Assumption (Albuquerque) - 7:00 p.m. December 10 Aquinas Newman Center (Albuquerque) - 7:00 p.m. December 13 Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi (Santa Fe) - 6:30p.m. December 13 Prince of Peace Catholic Community (Albuquerque)- 7:00 p.m. December 14 Shrine of St. Bernadette (Albuquerque) - 7:00 p.m. December 21 Our Lady of the Annunciation (Albuquerque) - 7:00 p.m. For more information, please call your parish

Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

november 2010



Awakening Faith in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Liturgical Year 2010-2011 (Part I of II) By Michelle Montez, Director, Pastoral Planning and Evangelization

Fight Poverty In America: Defend Human Life and Dignity Support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development! By Anne Avellone, M.Div, LMSW, Director, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life

The poverty rate in America increased between 2008 and 2009 when nearly 44 million Americans lived in poverty. Jobs were lost, incomes dropped, savings dwindled, and families struggled to keep their heads above water. As Catholics, we are called to respond to this immense human suffering! The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) funds programs in communities across the United States where people living in poverty join together to identify problems, make decisions and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. CCHD helps people to break the cycle of poverty and provides educational opportunities for Catholics to learn about a faith response to poverty and to interact with those affected by it. Helping poor people help themselves is as important as our charitable works for the poor. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Socio-economic problems can be resolved only with the help of all the forms of solidarity: solidarity of the poor among themselves, between rich and poor, of workers among themselves, between employers and employees in a business, solidarity among nations and peoples” Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1941. CCHD funds organizations that foster this solidarity that can help address the root causes of back breaking poverty. CCHD was founded in 1970 by the Catholic Bishops of the US as their domestic antipoverty program. They realized that outreach through established charitable services was not creating the changes needed to keep people out of poverty. The bishops saw a need to address policies and systems that perpetuate poverty as a complement to their direct service programs. CCHD is a unique and essential part of the much broader Catholic commitment to overcome poverty. CCHD pursues “the institutional path . . . of charity, no less excellent and effective than the kind of charity that encoun-

ters the neighbor directly. . .” (Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 7). The USCCB just completed a review and renewal process that reaffirms CCHD’s Catholic foundations and priority for the poor, responds to concerns about some of CCHD’s funding policies, and makes “10 Commitments” to strengthen CCHD as a faithful and effective expression of Catholic teaching and the Gospel mandate to defend the lives and dignity of those who are poor in our nation. Today, in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, groups funded by CCHD such as Sawmill Community Land Trust, Taos County Economic Development Corporation, Albuquerque Interfaith, New Mexico Acequia Association and OFFCenter Community Arts Project have done great work in our communities. They give poor people a chance to improve their lives and neighborhoods by advocating for more just policies (affordable housing, preserving the acequia way of life in New Mexico, comprehensive immigration reform, getting basic water/sewer services, access to jobs and just wages), or by starting small businesses and creating jobs that provide some stable income. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan states, “I am firmly committed to CCHD’s vision, and support the collection and grant process, and I ask you to do the same. Commitment to charity and justice is a central part of our Catholic faith and is articulated in our Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan. Please give generously to the CCHD parish collection the weekend of November 20-21, 2010!” At this time of great economic suffering, it is more important than ever for the Church in the United States through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ “to bring good news to the poor, liberty to captives, new sight to the blind and to set the downtrodden free” (Lk 4:18). For more information, see

The Need to Evangelize According to the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey recently released by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Catholics account for nearly one-quarter of U.S. adults. The Catholic Church continues to attract a fair number of converts; 2.6% of U.S. adults have switched their affiliation to Catholicism after being raised in another faith or in no faith at all. Nevertheless, former Catholics outnumber converts to Catholicism by roughly four-to-one and approximately one-in-ten American adults are former Catholics. No other major faith in the U.S. has experienced greater net losses over the last few decades as a result of changes in religious affiliation than the Catholic Church. While 31.4% of Americans were raised Catholic, only 23.9% of the adults surveyed consider themselves still to be Catholics. Overall, roughly one-third of those who were raised Catholic have left the church. To respond to this urgent need, the Office of Evangelization, at the direction of Archbishop Sheehan, is coordinating an welcoming home campaign throughout the Archdiocese of Santa Fe for the coming year Using the Awakening Faith: Reconnecting with your Catholic Faith process design by the National Paulist Catholic Evangelization Association, the office of Evangelization will assist the parishes in their efforts to engage inactive Catholics as well as those who desire to update their faith. Questions about Awakening Faith What is Awakening Faith? Awakening Faith: Reconnecting with your Catholic Faith, is a small group process that helps inactive Catholics return to the practice of their faith. The group meets once a week for six weeks of conversation and socializing. The conversations are based on short, easy to read essays about spirituality, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God’s mercy, the Mass, and the Church. The meetings foster reflection, prayer, and honest sharing in a setting of hospitality and acceptance. Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes. How are people invited? How do they get involved? Participants are invited through local media efforts: parish billboards, newspaper articles, radio and TV ads, website, social networking (twitter, facebook) as well as by personal invitation by active parishioners. Prayers, Bulletin and Pulpit announcements will also be provided to promote awareness to parishioners. When will it begin? The program is recommended to begin in parishes following the baptism of Jesus (Sunday, January 9) and ending before Ash Wednesday. The six sessions should be presented sometime during that 8 week time period in every parish in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. What are the topics? There are 6 core sessions: Spirituality, Who is Jesus?, Do we need the Spirit?, Can I accept God’s mercy?, Is life meaningful?, The Church and me. There are four additional topics: Is Faith possible today?, Searching for Love; Marriage, Divorce, and Annulment, and Money and the Treadmill of life. Is the program available to Spanish speaking Catholics? All program materials are available in Spanish as a download, free of charge, on the Awakening Faith website. Training in Spanish can also be provided as the need arises. Will there be a youth component to this program? The Offices of Evangelization, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Catholic Schools and Religious Education, in conjunction with the Paulists, are currently developing six sessions, appropriate for youth, using the same basic themes as the Adult version.





The Liturgy as Summit and Source By Fabian Yañez, Associate Director for Music, Office of Worship

When I was a child and people spoke of the Church, I would think of the holy place in which my family worshiped each Sunday with our fellow parishioners, or I thought of a huge organization with Pope Pius XII as the leader. It was he who eloquently wrote in the early 1940s of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ. By reflecting on the words of St. Paul he reminded us, “Though many we are one body in Christ.” Because we are all members of one body in Christ, “we move and have our being” in common purpose bringing Christ to the entire world. This is exhibited in the many good works of faith, hope and charity that we do as the people of God. Yet the endeavor to do good things is not enough for a Christian. “For the aim and object of apostolic works is that all who are made sons of God by faith and baptism should come together to praise God in the midst of His Church, to take part in the sacrifice, and to eat the Lord’s supper.” [No. 10, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Vatican Council II] For us Catholics, “the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows.” [No. 10] At all times, whenever we pray, eat, sleep, work or take our leisure, our lives should be fully devoted to God. This is how we are able to “pray constantly,” with the liturgy as the highest act of praise and thanks that we can offer. As we offer ourselves to the Father, through the Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God bestows upon us the graces, the life and energy to proceed with the activity of the Church. You can tell by now, that being a

La Liturgia como Cumbre y Fuente By Fabian Yañez, Director Asociado para la Música, Oficina de Culto

Catholic is not being merely a spectator. We are called by “one faith, one Lord, one baptism” to be engaged in life. That is why we read further: “In the restoration and promotion of the sacred liturgy, this full and active participation by all the people is

Cuando yo era un niño y las personas hablaban de la Iglesia, yo pensaba del lugar sagrado en el cual mi familia adoraba cada domingo con nuestros compañeros feligreses o pensaba en una gran organización con el Papa Pío XII como líder. Fue él quien escribió con elocuencia

the aim to be considered before all else; for it is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit…” [No. 14] The liturgy is the dynamo that generates “the true Christian spirit.” It is where we receive the power to act in the name of Christ. We should choose to participate weekly in the celebration of the Mass and of the sacraments, not only because we might fail in our duty, but because we need to offer praise and thanks to God, so that being renewed, we will be able to meet what faces us this week and in the life to come.

a principios de 1940 de la Iglesia como el Cuerpo Místico de Cristo. Reflexionando las palabras de San Pablo nos recordaba: “Aunque muchos, somos un cuerpo en Cristo.” Porque todos somos los miembros de un cuerpo en Cristo, “nos movemos y tenemos nuestro ser” en un propósito común de traer a Cristo a todo el mundo. Esto se nuestra en las muchas y buenas obras de fe, esperanza y caridad que hacemos como pueblo de Dios. Sin embargo el esfuerzo por hacer cosas buenas no es suficiente para un cristiano. “Puesto que la meta y objetivo del trabajo apostólico es que todos los que son hijos de Dios por la fe y bautismo se

reúnan para alabar a Dios quien está en su iglesia, para tomar parte en el sacrificio y comer la cena del Señor”. [No. 10, Constitución sobre la Sagrada liturgia, Concilio Vaticano II] Para nosotros los católicos, “la liturgia es la Cima hacia la cual se dirige la actividad de la Iglesia; al mismo tiempo es la fuente de la que todo su poder fluye”. [No. 10] En todo momento, cuando oramos, comemos, dormimos, trabajamos o descansamos, nuestras vidas deben ser totalmente dedicadas a Dios. Así es como somos capaces de “orar constantemente,” con la liturgia como el acto supremo de alabanza y agradecimiento que podemos ofrecer. Al ofrecernos nosotros mismos al Padre, a través del hijo, en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, Dios nos otorga las gracias, la vida y la energía para continuar con la actividad de la Iglesia. Por ahora, ya puedes ver que un católico no es simplemente un espectador. Estamos llamados por “una fe, un Señor, un bautismo” a participar en la vida. Por eso leemos más adelante: “en la restauración y la promoción de la liturgia sagrada, esta participación plena y activa de todos los miembros es el objetivo que deben considerar ante todos los demás; porque es la fuente principal e indispensable de la cual los fieles derivan el verdadero espíritu cristiano [No. 14] La liturgia es el dínamo que genera “el verdadero espíritu cristiano.” Es donde recibimos el poder de actuar en nombre de Cristo. Deberíamos participar semanalmente en la celebración de la misa y de los sacramentos, no sólo porque podríamos fallar en nuestro deber, sino porque necesitamos ofrecer alabanzas y gracias a Dios, para que siendo renovados, seamos capaces de enfrentar lo que nos espera esta semana y en la vida venidera.

november 2010



THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISE OF GIVING Mature Catholic disciples make a conscious, firm decision, carried out in action, to be followers of Jesus Christ, no matter the cost. (from Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, USCCB) Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the power to change how we understand and live out our lives. Stewards turn the act of giving into a spiritual exercise by taking the time to reflect on how much and why they give. Reflect on your giving from these five perspectives: PLANNED - Stewardship is an intentional planned response to God’s generosity. It calls for a decision to re-focus our priorities and values.


If your weekly household income is:

Weekly Parish Contribution

Weekly Income 5%





























PROPORTIONATE - Is what you give in proportion to your income and family circumstance? Biblical guidance suggests giving 10% of our gross income. Archbishop Sheehan recommends that 5% be given to your parish, 2-3% to the Annual Catholic Appeal and other Archdiocesan needs, with the remainder given to other charities of your choice. A way to begin giving proportionately is to calculate exactly what percentage of your income you are currently giving to your parish, to the ACA and Archdiocese and to other charities. If you have not yet reached 10%, make a conscious decision to increase













your giving in small increments over the next few years, remembering that stewardship giving is response to God’s many gifts to us. Here is a chart to help you do this. SACRIFICIAL - Giving as a spiritual exercise of stewardship often requires some life changes and re-ordering of priorities. As Christ sacrificed for us, we are called to sacrifice for others. IN THANKSGIVING - Eucharist means thanksgiving. We make our weekly donation during Mass as an expression of praise and thanks for all God has given us.

“It is in giving, that we receive”. From the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi November 13-14 is Stewardship of Treasure Weekend in the parishes of Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Prayerfully reflect on what you will give in 2011: To your parish (5%) To ACA and Archdiocesan Appeals (2-3%) To other charities (1-2%) Make your commitment to God to do this.

GIVING FREELY - A true gift is given “without strings attached” and without any expectation of receiving something in return. Giving without conditions is a Catholic steward’s response to God’s generosity.

The Diocesan Curia By Rev. Kevin Niehoff, O.P., J.C.L., Adjutant Judicial Vicar

Most Catholics are aware that the Bishop of a diocese has his own staff and office. Many dioceses refer to the office as “The Chancery.” In the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, this office is called “The Catholic Center.” In this office are those individuals referred to as the diocesan curia. The purpose of the diocesan curia is to support the Bishop of a diocese in governing the entire diocese, especially in directing pastoral actions, administration and exercising judicial power (canon 469). The appointment of individuals to the curia belongs to the Bishop and those who work on the curia must promise to

fulfill their role faithfully and observe confidentiality (canon 470 and 471). The administration of the entire diocese is for the good of the people of God and the Bishop is to supervise the Vicars general and Episcopal Vicars, if there are any (canon 473). Any acts of the diocese which may have juridic affect are assigned by the ordinary and notarized by the Chancellor who is to notify the moderator of the curia, if that person is different than the Chancellor (canon 474). Each diocese is to have a Vicar general to assist the Bishop but there may be more than one Vicar general if the size of the diocese warrants more than one (canon 475). The Bishop, depending on the size of the diocese,

may ask for another Bishop to assist him as an episcopal Vicar (canon 476). Both the Vicar General and episcopal Vicars are appointed at the discretion of the Bishop and may be removed from office by the Bishop. If one of the above Vicars is impeded in any way from serving, the Bishop may appoint someone else for a time (canon 477). By the law of the church, a Vicar general and/or an episcopal Vicar are to be at least thirty years of age, have a doctoral or licentiate in canon law or theology, or well versed in these disciplines, and are known for their sound doctrine, integrity, prudence, and practical experience (canon 478). By virtue of his office, the Vicar general has the same executive power throughout the whole diocese

that belongs to the diocesan Bishop unless he has reserved certain things to himself or which are required by the Bishop himself (canon 479, paragraph 1). An episcopal Vicar has the same power but only for the region over which he has authority and except for those things the Bishop reserves to himself or which are required by the Bishop himself (canon 479, paragraph 2). Typically, a Vicar general and the episcopal Vicar(s) have the same faculties which the Apostolic See has granted to the Bishop. In other words, they may execute rescripts unless it is expressly provided otherwise, or unless the execution was entrusted to the Bishop on a personal basis.” The Vicars are obliged to remain in contact with the Bishop and offer reports (canon 480).



Catholics Can ‘Share in the Care’ of Elderly Religious Parishes to Conduct Annual Collection for Retired Sisters, Brothers, Priests in Religious Orders By Beth Kennedy National Religious Retirement Office, USCCB

Catholics in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will have the opportunity to “Share in the Care” of senior religious by participating in the annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious (RFR), to be held December 11-12, 2010. The collection is coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office in Washington and provides financial support for the day-to-day care of thousands of elderly Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. Last year, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe contributed $156,119.60 to this collection. In 2010, the Benedictine Monks and he Brothers of the Good Shepherd received financial assistance made possible by the RFR. Additionally, women and men religious who serve or have served in the archdiocese but whose institutes are headquartered elsewhere may benefit from this fund. Since 1988, Catholics in the United States have donated $617 million to this initiative. Nearly 95 cents of every dollar is used to aid senior religious. Despite the overwhelming generosity to this fund, many religious communities continue to lack resources sufficient to support retirement and elder care. Of 573 communities submitting data to the NRRO in 2009, fewer than seven percent were fully funded for retirement. Traditionally, religious served for small stipends that did not include retirement benefits. Their sacrifices now leave their religious communities without adequate savings for retirement. Compounding the funding shortage are the rising cost of care and the substantial loss of

income that has resulted from the declining number of religious able to serve in compensated ministry. “As the number of wage-earning religious drops, so does income,” explains NRRO Executive Director Sister Janice Bader, a member of the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of O’Fallon, Missouri. “Census projections indicate that by 2019, religious past age 70 will outnumber those under 70 by nearly four to one. We want to do everything possible to help religious communities prepare for the dramatic income reduction that will accompany this demographic shift.” As a result of the 2009 collection, which garnered over $28.1 million, the National Religious Retirement Office was able to distribute more than $23 million in financial assistance to 477 communities, representing more than 45,000 women and men religious. By underwriting necessities, such as prescription medication and nursing support, these funds help religious communities provide for the ongoing care of elder members. Additional funding was allocated to initiatives targeted for religious institutes with the greatest needs. Like many other Americans, religious communities struggle with the ever-rising cost of health care. In 2009 alone, the total cost of care for nearly 35,000 women and men religious past age 70 exceeded $1 billion. “Despite the troubling statistics, many religious communities have made great strides in addressing their funding deficits,” notes Sister Bader. “Religious are humbled by the generous donations to this fund and determined to make the most out of every dollar.” To learn more, visit


BREAKING NEWS! San Miguel Church Closed 11/7/10 Greetings All, This is just to let all the interested parties know that we have now closed San Miguel Church. Upon the recommendation of Antonio Martinez, Darren Sowell, John Huchmala and in collaboration with Debbie Blea at Catholic Mutual, we immediately cleared all the precious articles from the church after the last Mass yesterday (Sunday November 7, 2010). By 2 pm, the main altar, back altar and most of all the statues were removed to the parish hall where the church will be gathered for the next months (or years if necessary). We understand that there was some concern with our having services in the church this past weekend because of the problems with the structure. Praise God, nothing unfortunate happened. We acted as quickly as we could to abide by the Archdiocesan direction. We are extremely grateful to the Archdiocese and all the associated professionals who are assisting us on getting this holy and historic

church restored and reopened as soon as realistically possible. We understand that this will be a potentially long and expensive process. I can assure all of you that we have the strength of faith and courage to attain that goal. We understand that in Antonio’s report that there are many aspects of structural concerns that need to be addressed. We do look forward working with John and Darren to prioritize that list of things to do to move forward in a professional and safe manner. The people of San Miguel are resilient and energized to do whatever it takes to insure this place of prayer is preserved for many more years to come. It is our ultimate hope and desire to have all of the work completed, if possible, by the 400th anniversary in 2015. Thank you for all your attention to all of our churches. Sincerely, Fr. Andrew J. Pavlak -- Pastor San Miguel & Missions, Socorro

Pictured above: Sister Mary Josephine, O.P. made her first profession of vows as a Dominican Sister of Saint Cecilia congregation in Nashville, Tennessee on August 8, 2010.

Nine Profess Vows as Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation By Sr. Mary Emily, O.P. Vocations Director

Nine young women professed the simple vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience as Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia congregation in Nashville, Tennessee on August 8, 2010. Among those who made their first Profession was Sr. Mary Josephine Spellman, O.P., a former parishioner of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The Mass for the Rite of First Religious Profession was celebrated at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville. The Most Rev. David Choby, Bishop of Nashville, TN was the principal celebrant. Concelebrants were the Most Rev. Joseph E. Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville, KY; the Most Rev. Ronald W. Gainer, Bishop of Lexington, KY; the Most Rev. Moses B. Anderson, S.S.E., retired Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, MI; and Rev. Larry Brito of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Rev. Mr. Merle Runck of the Diocese of Pueblo, CO assisted as Deacon. The homilist was Rev. Andrew Hofer, O.P., Dominican Friar of the Province of St. Joseph.

november 2010



Sam Govea

St. Michael’s High School, Santa Fe Principal Sam Govea joined St. Michael’s High School in Santa Fe after more than 25 years at Cathedral High School in El Paso, TX. He earned a BS in education from the College of Santa Fe in 1984, and then began teaching U.S. History and coached varsity basketball at Cathedral High School. He went on to serve as dean of students and then vice principal of the school; he also served as athletic director and principal of the school for 11 years. He earned his master’s in education from CSF in 1999, at the Dona Ana campus, the same year he was appointed principal of Cathedral. An El Paso native, Mr. Govea graduated from Cathedral High School in 1980. At St. Mike’s, Mr. Govea has “hit the ground listening.” He is assessing and evaluating the school’s block schedule and continuing to build the school’s Catholic identity. Mr. Govea has significant training and experience in Lasallian education issues, including four summers at the Huether Conference and participation in the Lasallian Administrators Workshop. He has been selected twice as a delegate to the district chapter for the New Orleans-Santa Fe District, he is a board member of the Diocese Education Assistance Fund, and he is a member of the National Catholic Educators Association and the National Secondary School Principals organization.

Timothy H. Whalen Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque

Having served for over 30 years as an administrator in the public schools, I am so proud to be entering my third year as principal at Our Lady of Fatima. It has been a long-time dream to serve in this capacity, dating back to my days as a student at St. Mark’s Catholic School in Peoria, IL. Schooled at L.S.U. and U.N.M., I entered this profession with a double major in English and History, a counseling certificate, and administrative license. This preparation has permitted me to pursue the passion I have for interacting with young people, their parents, and my peer educators. A “work hard/play hard” philosophy keeps me balancedmostly! I am a car nut, boat nut, sports nut, and a toy train nut! (I have never met a Lionel train that “talked back” or was disrespectful!) Our mission promotes developing young people into the best they can be: “compassionate, responsible, discerning citizens”. Life is good; our job is to make it better!

Twelve Archdiocesan principals were highlighted in the last two issues of People of God.

Theresa Lobato Vaisa

Santo Niño Regional Catholic School, Santa Fe Theresa was born and raised in Santa Fe where she attended Loretto Academy and graduated from St. Michael’s High School. She received her BS from New Mexico State University and her MEd from Colorado State University. She has 30 years of educational experience, three children and two grandchildren. She has been the principal of Santo Niño Regional Catholic School for the past two years and feels that she has “come home”. With her years of Catholic education, she feels she can now lead a Catholic community and provide the leadership that was instilled in her when she attended Catholic schools, along with the leadership experiences she had prior to SNRCS. Her love of learning and belonging to a “Christ-centered” community enables her to work in a community.

Noreen Duffy Copeland, Ph.D. Holy Ghost Catholic School, Albuquerque

In August of 2010, Noreen Duffy Copeland, Ph.D. entered her eighteenth year as principal of Holy Ghost Catholic School, the first Catholic school in New Mexico and the only school in Albuquerque to be awarded the 2009 Blue Ribbon Excellence in Education recognition from the United States Department of Education. This award is bestowed on schools whose students excel academically, have a middle school foreign language program, and have an outstanding faculty who are committed to continuous school improvement. Dr. Copeland attended Catholic schools herself from first grade through undergraduate school at Saint Louis University where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with an emphasis in education. She earned her Masters in Elementary Education and her doctorate in Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies from the University of New Mexico. After her two children entered grade school, she began her teaching career in the Albuquerque Public Schools. Her last position in APS was as a clinical support teacher, working with first year, novice teachers before becoming principal at Holy Ghost in 1993. For the past 25 years Dr. Copeland has also worked in the field of conflict resolution as a mediator, trainer and author of curriculum materials for students and teachers and juveniles in the justice system. She has trained teachers, parents, social workers and students in how to effectively resolve disputes. Dr. Copeland has been married to her husband, Guild, for 36 years. In the last year, they have become doting grandparents to their granddaughter, Stella, and grandson, John.

Sr. Anne Louise Abascal, MPF Principal of St. Thomas Aquinas School, Rio Rancho

Sr. Anne was born in New York City to Fermin and Ramona Abascal. She attended St. John Chrysostom School from kindergarten to grade 8. She was taught by the Sparkill Dominicans. After graduation from the 8th grade, she entered the Religious Teachers Filippini. Her high school education was completed at Villa Walsh, Morristown, NJ. She received her Bachelors and Masters degrees from Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ. Sister taught first grade for many years and was principal in New Jersey for 20 years. She now serves at St. Thomas Aquinas School as principal.






It’s Not Just Joking Around! The Catholic Schools Office will host the best-selling author and national speaker Jodee Blanco on the topic of school bullying. The evening presentation is open to the public. Her bestselling books Stop Laughing at Me and Stop Laughing at Us will be available for purchase following the presentation and Jodee will personally sign each book. St Pius X High School Gym Thursday, December 2 7:00 – 8:30 Audience: Parents, Teachers, Youth Groups, Community Members The Voice of America’s Bullied Students, “Jodee Blanco, a former victim who’s dedicated her life to transforming her pain into purpose, is one of the nation’s preeminent authorities on school bullying. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, Please Stop Laughing At Me… One Woman’s Inspirational Story, referred to by many as the ‘anti-bullying bible,’ and its award-winning sequel Please Stop Laughing At Us… One Survivor’s Extraordinary Quest to Prevent School Bullying, both of which are required reading in schools and universities coast to coast.” From fifth grade through high school, Jodee was shunned and tormented by her peers for the same reason so many kids are today, simply for being different. She’s presented her anti-bullying program It’s NOT Just Joking Around! ™ to tens of thousands of students, teachers and parents at the behest of such entities as The United States Department of Interior, The United States Department of Justice, The National Catholic Educational Association, among many others. For more information on Jodee Blanco go to: For more information on this event please call: 505.831.8172

Photos by Celine

A survivor’s guide to school bullying and peer abuse

Black Hawk Up! By Angelica Castillo, Secretary St. Charles Borromeo, Albuquerque

What an amazing sight! On October 20, 2010, the St. Charles Cardinals were screaming, “We’re Drug Free, We’re Drug Free!” as a National Guard helicopter landed on the football field. This was all part of the Red Ribbon Week celebration. Red Ribbon week is an alcohol, tobacco and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. The students wore camouflage to school

and the theme for the day was “Be a Hero Everyday, Be Drug Free. Join the Fight Against Drugs”. Ret. Gen. Mel Montaño and Principal Barbara Rossow-Deming worked together to make this event happen. Gen. Montaño suggested we invite the Archbishop and Ms. Rossow-Deming asked that the superintendent, Susan Murphy also fly. Ms. Laraun Harrison, Assistant Principal, accompanied both guests. National Guard members, Army and Air Force were on the ground to guide the chopper and to answer any questions.

november 2010



CATHOLIC EDUCATION SPX Baseball Field Takes Top Honors The St. Pius X baseball field was selected as one of the top eight high school baseball fields in the country by the National High School Baseball Coaches Association (BCA). The coaches association named a winner from each of its eight districts, choosing St. Pius X as the best field in District 7 which includes Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and Idaho. Maintained by head baseball coach Marc Hilton and groundskeeper David Sullivan, the field was nominated by several New Mexico coaches and the New Mexico Activities Association. From the eight districts, the best field in the coun-

try will be selected and named at the Annual BCA Convention in Nashville, TN December 3. The St. Pius X community has worked for over a decade to complete the field, the dugouts and the stadium seating. The original baseball field was planned and built by a group of St. Pius X alumni and parents, including Don Power, George Andresen, Don Korfe, John Menicucci, Sr., and former St. Pius baseball coach Ron Murphy. The stadium seating was completed later with support of Wade Hopkins, Charles Otero, Sun Country Redi Mix, Sunset Trucking, La Farge Southwest, and Hernandez Concrete Pumping.

The St. Pius X High School baseball field was recently named one of the top high school baseball facilities in the country. Built with the help of SPX families and friends, it is a symbol of the spirit of community at SPX.

The Six Pillars of Character By Annamarie Micono Senior, St. Pius X High School

Thanks go to Deacon Rene and the St. Sabastian Club who, because of their vision to inspire reflection on the Six Pillars of Character, this mural came to be at St. Pius X Assumption Hall. My mother and I have an extensive background in Art and have recently been making efforts to create a mural business together, working with various mural projects around town. Deacon Rene was aware of this and this is how I became involved in the creation of this mural. After studying samples of various art techniques, we came upon the Art

of Diego Rivera. His artwork is vividly colorful, with clear form and it captured my attention at once. The artist was born in 1886 in Mexico and famous for his paintings and fresco murals on public walls and buildings, depicting Mexican culture and folk tradition. We agreed his portrayals would be a remarkable art style to use to visually express the Pillars of Character. I set out to closely duplicate Diego Rivera’s individual fresco paintings. In some cases, we altered a detail or color in the scene to better express the characteristic we were focusing on or to simplify the scene. We used dry brush stroke technique to create the rough shadows on the subjects and

Homecoming Parade at St. Pius X

The St. Pius X faculty and staff had a bit of a surprise for students at the parade for Homecoming 2010. For

the first year, the teachers built and entered their own float in the paSee PARADE on page 22

Photo by Leslie Radigan

An Art Mural in the Style of Diego Rivera

objects to better reproduce the fresco appearance, also applying highlight to create dimension and depth. It was a six step process: 1) applying a base coat of white background to the panel, 2) drawing in the composition using grid guidelines for better accuracy, 3) laying in basic colors, 4) shadow and highlight, 5) detailing, and 6) polyurethane. It was easy to associate his individual pieces to certain char-

acter traits because the subjects in his paintings are frequently involved in acts of caring and service. It took just over one month to complete the mural working two to four hours several days per week. I was blessed to have the opportunity to offer my time and art interest toward this project. I hope others will be blessed by God and inspired by it also.

Teacher of the Year Awards Carmen Borrego, Computer Teacher, Holy Cross Catholic School Ms. Borrego has eight years of teaching experience and five years with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. She provides students with strong technology skills and was instrumental in obtaining a grant to improve the technology at Holy Cross School. Ms. Borrego serves as volunteer on several Holy Cross committees and has made it her mission to work in Catholic education. She has touched many lives by serving as a school and community volunteer. She loves children and has a

passion for teaching. Frances Torres, Mid-School Math & Religion Teacher, Our Lady of the Assumption Ms. Torres has ten years of teaching experience and has been with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe since January 2005. She is a member of the National Association of Mathematics Teachers. She has the keen ability to challenge students from where they are in math development. She provides them with both motivation and learned confidence. She is dedicated to the CathSee TEACHER on page 12



TEACHER from page 11

olic faith and to assisting students to grow in their faith and self-discipline. Margaret Jane Riffe, Fifth Grade Teacher, Our Lady of Fatima School Ms. Riffe has eight years of teaching experience in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe serving at St. Mary’s in Albuquerque and Our Lady of Fatima. She was instrumental in creating a school-wide Language Arts assessment program. In her role as religion coordinator she has provided many resources to teachers in order to improve the Catholic Identity of the school and enhance the students’ experiences in the practice of the Catholic faith. Ms. Riffe’s professionalism, wealth of knowledge, sense of humor, deep Catholic faith, and generosity are a great asset to the community of Our Lady of Fatima. Marie Barger, Computer Teacher, Queen of Heaven School Ms. Barger has been with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe for seven years. She has taught at both Queen of Heaven and St. Mary’s in Belen. She holds a Masters Degree in Education and a Certificate of Completion as a Catechist. She received the Character Counts award in 2005. She teaches students that the use of technology, especially computers,

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is an excellent way to complete tasks easily. Mrs. Barger also helps students prepare for their transition into St. Pius X High School. She is always setting the example of the 3Rs – Reverence, Respect, and Responsibility. Robyn Dow, Business Technology, St. Pius X High School Ms. Dow has five and a half years of teaching experience at St. Pius and is also an alumnus of the school. She currently serves as the Department Chair for Business and Technology. Ms. Dow also goes the extra mile, as is evident in her involvement with the students in extracurricular activities including: DECA club, Model UN, Mock Trial Coordinator and sports teams coach. She received the Make a Difference Award in 2010, chosen by the students and parents of SPX, and Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges award in 2002. Olga Sandoval, Pre K – Kindergarten, St. Mary’s School – Belen Ms. Sandoval has ten years of teaching experience in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe at St. Mary’s School. She received the Catholic Award for Teachers in Recognition of Excellence in Teaching by the Catholic Foundation in 2008. Mrs. Sandoval has a great affection for her students and is a dynamic teacher who encourages love for learning. She stresses the Catholic faith in all aspects of her teaching and is a model of the finest qualities of a Catholic School teacher. Susan Peterson, Second Grade Teacher, St. Therese Catholic School Mrs. Peterson has taught in Catholic schools for 11 years in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and the Diocese of Gallup. She completed the Basic Catechist Certification Program with Diocese of Gallup in 2003, and continues with classes at St. John’s in Santa Fe to keep current on best practices and to enhance her own learning. Mrs. Peterson brings creative new ideas to students and instills in them a lifelong love for learning. She brings joy, happiness, and the love of God to her classroom.

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holy FaMily rEliGious suppliEs

Steven M. Herrera, Math: Grades 6, 7, 8, St. Thomas Aquinas School Mr. Herrera has eight years of teaching experience with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He has been recognized by the Rio Rancho Chamber of Commerce as an Education Star. Under Mr. Herrera’s direction, the middle school math program has grown and prospered. Due to his commitment in this area, many more students are being accepted into high school honors’ programs. Mr. Herrera is an asset to all students, teachers and parents in the St. Thomas community. Mr. Herrera brings faith and love of God to all facets of his life. Patty Payne, Kindergarten Teacher, San Felipe de Neri School Mrs. Payne has 18 years of teaching experience in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe at San Felipe de Neri School. She has a Masters in Elementary Education. She works tirelessly to build the spiritual, emotional and educational foundation of her kindergarten students in order for them to succeed in the coming grades. Mrs. Payne strives to provide her students with the best and is continually learning new techniques and methods to enrich the kindergarten program at San Felipe. She has been an inspiration to many of her students. Cecelia Jimenez, First Grade Teacher, Santo Niño Regional Catholic School Ms. Jimenez has 15 years of experience, five of which are at Santo Niño School. She was nominated for the Golden Apple Award and is also known for being an outstanding mentor for new teachers. Ms. Jimenez has high standards and challenges all students in her class. Her lessons are meaningful, challenging and motivating. She works diligently to meet the needs of all of the students in her class to ensure their success. She has immense knowledge and expertise in the field of education. Archdiocesan Teacher of the Year 2010 Rose M. Haley, Fifth Grade Teacher, St. Charles de Borromeo School

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Presenting t he 9t h Annual

St. Francis of Assisi Award Recipients O


4, 2010

These award recipients are vital to the life of their Parish and their service to the Church is pleasing to God. The award recipients represent a wide range of backgrounds; however, they are all united by their love for Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our rich Catholic faith. May God bless each recipient and their loved ones in a special way with many graces! Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

Gene Ayala from John XXIII Catholic Community, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Arkad Biczak, Pastor

Nestor & Nellie Baca from Shrine of the Little Flower-St. Therese, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Vincent P. Chavez, Pastor

Kevin & Elizabeth Slimak from St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque Presented by: Msgr. Lambert Joseph Luna, Pastor

Lillian Baca from Our Lady of Guadalupe, Peralta Presented by: Fr. Hoi Tran, Pastor

Kevin & Marybeth Barkocy from Prince of Peace, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Michael J. Shea, Pastor

Edalia Branch from St. Thomas the Apostle, Abiquiu Presented by: Fr. James E. Marshall, Pastor

Bernadette Galvez from San Juan Nepomuceno, El Rito Presented by: Fr. James E. Marshall, Canonical Pastor

Dolores R. Vigil from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Espanola Presented by: Fr. Oscar Coelho, Pastor

Susan Whittington from St. John the Baptist, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Presented by: Fr. Denis Kaggwa, Parochial Vicar

George W. Andresen, Jr. from Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Bennett J. Voorhies, Pastor

Filemon & Alice Gonzales from St. Charles Presented by: Fr. Jerome Mueller, Pastor

Sylvia Baca from St. Helen, Portales Presented by: Fr. James M. McGowan, Pastor

Lorraine Bowen from Holy Family, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Gerald Steinmetz OFM, Pastor

Odilia Cantrell from St. Gertrude the Great, Mora Presented by: Fr. John S. McHugh SOLT, Pastor

Anna Villegas from Church of the Ascension, Albuquerque Presented by: Deacon Leon Jones

The following also received the Archbishop’s St. Francis of Assisi Award but were not present for the award presentation: Florencio & Isabel Gonzales from San Antonio de Pauda, Penasco Johnny & Clorinda Gutierrez from San Martin de Porres, Albuquerque Lynell G. Skarda from Sacred Heart, Clovis Jesus Francisco & Elizabeth Torres from St. Anthony of Padua, Fort Sumner William White from Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe Photos by Paul Herrera

John & Elena Rabel from Holy Ghost Parish, Albuquerque. Presented by Fr. Mark A. Schultz, Pastor

Adrian Ancira from Our Lady of Guadalupe, Clovis Presented by: Fr. Sotero A. Sena, Pastor

Mary Baca from St. John the Baptist, Santa Fe Presented by: Fr. Nathan Libaire, Pastor

Michael & Bobbie Barrera from Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Michelangelo Cimino, Parochial Vicar

Steve Catanach from St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho Presented by: Msgr. Douglas A. Raun, Pastor

Edward & Carlotta Medina from Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Bennett J. Voorhies, Pastor

Photo by L-A Gabriella Salas

William & Lucille Chavez from San Felipe de Neri, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Dennis Garcia, Pastor




St. Francis of Assisi Award Recipients

Alice Chavez from St. Anne’s, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Irby Nichols, Pastor

Dolores Cordova from San Jose, Anton Chico Presented by: Rick Romo, Head Mayordomo

Mary Louise Davis from Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Simeon Wimmershoff, Parochial Vicar

Arsenio & Valentina Duran from Our Lady of Sorrows, Bernalillo Presented by: Deacon Gonzalo Calderon

Patricia Duran from San Ignacio, Albuquerque Presented by: Sr. Annette Lucero OP, Parish Life Coordinator

Lonnie & Virginia Duran from St. Anthony of Padua, Dixon Presented by: Fr. Vitus Ezeiruaku, Pastor

Wilma Brandt from Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Joel P. Garner O.Praem, Pastor

Dan B. & Lupita Flores from St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa Presented by: Fr. Joseph Thomas Kanavallil CMI, Pastor

Miguel & Christine Gabaldon from Cristo Rey, Santa Fe Presented by: Deacon Thomas Van Valkenburgh, Parish Life Coordinator

Daniel Garcia, Jr. from San Miguel del Vado, Ribera Presented by: Fr. Thomas Kayammakal, Pastor

Lauren “Bill” Gates from Risen Savior Catholic Community, Albuquerque Presented by: Msgr. Richard Olona, Pastor

Sonia Cazares from Estancia Valley Catholic Parish, Moriarty Presented by: Fr. William E. Young, Pastor

Stella Gonzales from St. Anthony of Padua, Pecos Presented by: Fr. Leo Oriz, Pastor of St. Anne’s, Santa Fe

Bob Johnson from St. Jude Thaddeus, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. John Daniel, Pastor

Wayne & Cathy Kohlrust from Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos Presented by: Fr. John F. Carney, Pastor

Jane Gurule from Santa Maria de La Paz, Santa Fe Presented by: Fr. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz, Pastor

Kathy Littlefield from St. Alice, Mountainair Presented by: Deacon Charles E. Schwenn

Eloisa Lopez from San Diego Mission Parish, Jemez Pueblo Presented by: Fr. Paul Juniet OFM, Pastor

Louise Johnson from Immaculate Conception, Cimarron Presented by: Fr. Emmanuel Izuka, Pastor

Vicki Villareal from St. Joseph, Springer Presented by: Fr. Emmanuel Izuka, Pastor

Greg & Gina Joyner from Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque Presented by: Msgr. Francis X. Eggert, Pastor

Jimmy & Cecilia Juarez from Shrine of St. Bernadette, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Timothy A. Martinez, Pastor

John & Rose Martinez from Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Joe D. Vigil, Pastor

John & Lorrie Maurer from San Clemente, Los Lunas Presented by: Fr. Douglas Mitchell, Pastor




St. Francis of Assisi Award Recipients

Marcus & Yvette Montano from Sacred Heart, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Clarence Maes, Pastor

Joe Manny Montoya from Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe Presented by: Fr. Tien-Tri Nguyen, Pastor

Michael & Roni Montoya from St. Francis Xaiver, Albuquerque Presented by: Deacon Leroy Sanchez, Parish Life Coordinator

Edward & Gina Perea from St. Anne’s, Tucumcari Presented by: Fr. Hyginus Chuks Anuta, Pastor

Celsa Quintana from St. Anthony, Questa Presented by: Fr. Dino Candelaria, Pastor

Dolores “Lola” Quintana from Our Lady of Belen, Belen Presented by: Fr. Bijoy Francis O.Praem, Parochial Vicar

Telesfora Rios from San Miguel, Socorro Presented by: Fr. Andrew J. Pavlak, Pastor

Julian Robles from Our Lady of Guadalupe, Taos Presented by: Fr. Clement Niggel, Pastor

Harry & Judy Reisch from Our Lady of the Assumption, Jemez Springs Presented by: Fr. Gregory McCormick sP, Administrator

Conrado Otero from Immaculate Conception, Tome Presented by: Fr. Jose A. Hernandez, Pastor

Michael & Mary Ellen Redman from Holy Cross, Santa Cruz Presented by: Sr. Angelina Gonzales OP, Parish Representative

Ernesto & Aida Rodriguez from San Jose, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Gabriel Paredes, Pastor

Gabriel Romero from San Francisco de Asis, Ranchos de Taos Presented by: Fr. William McNichols, Parochial Vicar

Liz Ronquillo from Holy Family, Chimayo Presented by: Joanne Dupont Sandoval, Parish Council Chair

Henry & Gloria Sanchez, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Albuquerque Presented by: Deacon Leonard Martinez

James & Jean Shuba from St. Joseph, Cerrillos Presented by: Fr. Jonas Romea, Sacramental Minister

Angelina Sena from Our Lady of Guadalupe, Villanueva Presented by: Fr. Thomas Kayammakal, Pastor of San Miguel del Vado

Dolores Tafoya from San Ysidro, Corrales Presented by: Deacon Stephen Rangel

Stanley & Deborah Talik from Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho Presented by: Deacon George Meyerson

Virginia Schroeder from Immaculate Conception, Albuquerque Presented by: Fr. Leo Leise SJ, Parochial Vicar

John Tapia from St. Anne’s, Santa Fe Presented by: Fr. Leo W. Ortiz, Pastor

Pete & Anna Trujillo from St. Edwin, Albuquerque Presented by: Self

Tommie Trujillo from St. Francis Xavier, Clayton Presented by: Fr. Glennon Jones, Pastor

Thelma Ulery from San Isidro-San Jose, Santa Fe Presented by: Fr. Franklin D. Pretto-Ferro, Pastor



Photos by Leslie Radigan

Blessing of Animals



n honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the Aquinas Newman Center and St. Mary’s Catholic School held their annual Blessing of Animals in early October. Fr. George Reynolds, O.P. blessed any animals that were brought to the Newman Center and Fr. Leo Leise, S. J. blessed all the pets at

St. Mary’s. “We had a couple of horses, many cats and dogs, a couple of ferrets, a

mini goat, as well as a gorgeous chicken which was about the size of a dove,” said Fr. George. “St. Francis must have been taking care of them all. Some dogs barked at each other, but there was nothing violent or frightening, even though many were all in the patio at the same time.” St. Mary’s was bursting with animals of all sorts: turtles, rabbits, birds and fish as well as the beloved cats and dogs. St. Francis has always been associated with care and gentleness with animals. Since he was a deacon and not a priest (only priests could preach), Francis preached to the animals and birds in the fields. But the people were

St. Jude Thaddeus Groundbreaking

plan that was approved by the Archdiocese in April 2008. Mullen & Heller Architects were hired in December 2009 and input from parishioners was collected and considered when developing the schematic design, which was approved in June 2010. Formal fundraising commenced with a capital campaign called “Rebuild My Church.” The cost of the work is $5 million and to date, over 800 families have pledged almost $1.5 million towards the capital campaign. This will be matched by the Archdiocese and added to the amount already saved by the church to provide the needed amount. On October 23, 2010 Klinger Constructors was chosen as the builder. Construction will begin immediately with an estimated completion date of October 29, 2011. The current church holds up to 550 people; the new church and chapel will hold up to 1200, which will help to accommodate the approximately 2,400 registered families.

Photos by Leslie Radigan


groundbreaking ceremony for the newly expanded St. Jude Thaddeus Church took place on the evening of Tuesday, October 26, 2010. The ceremonies began at 6 p.m. with a Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan, and concelebrated by St. Jude Pastor Fr. John C. Daniel, Parochial Vicar Fr. Vincent Dominguez, Chancellor Fr. John Cannon, and retired Pastor Fr. John Conway. Also in attendance were Deacon Robert Aragon, Deacon Frank Lucero Jr., Deacon Nestor Garcia, Deacon Harry Beare and Deacon Gene Tuma of Holy Rosary, and St. Jude parishioners and volunteers. Following the Mass, the group proceeded to the future site of the new church - which replaces the existing church - located just south of the current parish hall. Seven groups of parishioners who were pivotal in the campaign process, along with the architects and builders, took turns breaking ground with the Archbishop. A reception followed in the parish hall. The original St. Jude Thaddeus Church building was constructed in April 1968 and now serves as the parish office. The current church was constructed in 1980, and the rectory and parish hall were built in 1992 to accommodate the rapidly growing northwest side of Albuquerque. When the pastor, Fr. John C. Daniel, was assigned to St. Jude in August 2007, he was informed by the Archbishop that a new church needed to be built. Starting in October 2007, Fr. John, leaders of the church, and an architect began meeting and developing a master

november 2010

Blessed by Beginnings:

60 Years of Parish Life, 25 Years of Norbertine Pastoral Leadership By Christina Spahn, Norbertine Oblate Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary’s Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation and Outreach

In October, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Community in Albuquerque celebrated two significant anniversaries. On that day, Bishop Arturo Tafoya, one-time assistant pastor at Holy Rosary, presided at a Eucharist of Thanksgiving for the parish’s 60th year as a faith community and the 25th year of Norbertine pastoral leadership. When a small group of West Mesa neighbors first gathered in the late 1940’s to discuss the possibility of establishing a new parish, they could hardly have envisioned the ways in which their plans would be blessed. First housed in World War II barracks, Holy Rosary parishioners eventually constructed a church building which was dedicated in 1955. Four years later, this building was destroyed by fire, but was quickly rebuilt and rededicated in December of 1959. A school, convent, and rectory were also built. Many years later, it became clear that the community had outgrown its church seating capacity, and in 1992, the current church was dedicated. This was followed by a renovation of the family center (the former school) and parish offices in 2004 and, just completed, the renovation of the church plaza, which Bishop Tafoya also blessed. Important as construction has been in our parish’s history, of more significance is the development of the spirit of prayer, of community and of service which

See HOLY ROSARY on page 24

Bienvenidos a Cristo Rey This November, Cristo Rey Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King, honoring the people, history and 70th anniversary of Cristo Rey Church. You can attend the celebration at a special program “The Voices for Cristo Rey” on Sunday, November 21 from 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. The free program features the talents of mariachis, The Children’s Choir, and marimbas from the Cathedral Basilica, the Bell Choir from Santa Maria, the Cristo Rey Choir, and George Anaya, Jr. There will be a special appearance from previous Cristo Rey pastors, associate pastors… and more. ¡Que viva Cristo Rey!



Debemos Honrar a los Difuntos Declaración en la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos Carta pastoral Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan Octubre 2010 “Creo en la resurrección de los muertos y en la vida del mundo futuro.” Credo de los Apóstoles Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Muy pronto estaremos observando el Día de los Fieles Difuntos. Nunca son las verdades del cristianismo más consoladoras que cuando nos enfrentamos el misterio de la muerte. Somos capaces de hacer frente al final de nuestra existencia terrenal sin temor ni desesperación gracias a aquel quien declaró: “Yo soy la resurrección y la vida. Aquel que cree en Mí, nunca morirá.” Estas grandes verdades han sido siempre expresadas en los ritos funerarios de la Iglesia, y en el cuidado que tenemos al sepultar a nuestros difuntos Sin embargo, en estos tiempos vemos, incluso entre los católicos, un malentendido con respecto a estas grandes verdades, resultando en un abandono de las prácticas tradicionales de la Iglesia. Quisiera mencionar dos de estas prácticas erróneas de hoy. 1. Desde los tiempos antiguos, el corazón del funeral de un cristiano ha sido la celebración de la Eucaristía por los difuntos, con los restos terrenales del fallecido presentes siempre que esto sea posible. Esta es la Misa del Funeral Cristiano El propósito principal de un Funeral Católico es pedir la misericordia de Dios sobre el alma del difunto. Una enseñanza infalible de la Iglesia es que el purgatorio existe, y que las almas que allí se encuentran pueden ser auxiliadas por nuestras oraciones; la enseñanza común de la Iglesia es que la mayoría de los fieles que abandonan esta vida después de la edad de razón pasarán un tiempo de pena por sus pecados en el purgatorio. La misa es, por supuesto la oración más poderosa que podemos ofrecer a Dios, y por lo tanto, nosotros, los vivos, tenemos una obligación de caridad de ofrece r la misa por los que se han marchado. En la Misa del Funeral Cristiano, le damos también gracias a Dios por el don de la salvación otorgado por Cristo a los que fallecen, y pedimos el consuelo de la fe para los que sufren. La presencia del cuerpo y los restos del fallecido en la Casa de Dios es un acto final para honrar a ese cuerpo que fue el Templo del Espíritu Santo en esta vida y será el cuerpo glorificado de un santo en la resurrección en el Día Final. El no ofrecer una Misa de Funeral, sustituirla por algún otro tipo de “servicio memorial”, una reunión de “celebración de la vida”, o el no proporcionar un servicio funeral el algo profundamente equivocado. El funeral de un católico debe ser celebrado en una iglesia, de preferencia en la parroquia del fallecido, y no en una casa funeral, o en cualquier otro lugar, con la rara excepción en la que el párroco juzgue que la congregación será demasiado grande para la capacidad de la iglesia. 2. Ya hemos hablado acerca de la dignidad del cuerpo de un cristiano fallecido. En esta vida, nuestros cuerpos son tabernáculos vivientes; en la eternidad, nuestros cuerpos compartirán la gloria de la Resurrección. Por lo tanto, tratamos a los cuerpos de nuestros difuntos como algo sagrado, pues lo son. Los invito a utilizar nuestros Cementerios Católicos cuando esto sea posible y a sepultar a sus difuntos en suelo consagrado. Esto proporciona un espacio sagrado al cual los seres queridos pueden acudir para visitar y rezar por sus almas. La Iglesia recomienda que se cumpla la costumbre piadosa de sepultar los cuerpos de los fallecidos; sin embargo, no prohíbe la cremación, a menos que ésta haya sido elegida por razones contrarias a la enseñanza cristiana. Sin embargo, si se elige la opción de la cremación, sigue siendo obligada la sepultura de los restos en un lugar consagrado. Es necesario hacer esto tan pronto como sea posible después de la Misa del Funeral Cristiano. Especialmente condenadas son las prácticas de esparcir las cenizas, hacerlas parte de una pieza de joyería, dividirlas entre los familiares para mantenerlas como recuerdo, o hacer otras cosas extrañas con ellas. Tales prácticas no dan honor al cuerpo y, en forma indirecta, son una afrenta a nuestras creencias en la resurrección de los muertos. Hay algunos que dicen que quieren mantener las cenizas en su hogar para poder “sentirse cercanos” a sus seres queridos. Esto muestra una falta de fe en la comunión de los santos, por la cual estamos espiritualmente unidos a los que se han ido, una forma más maravillosa que mantener los restos en una repisa en nuestros hogares. Pido a nuestros párrocos que continuamente enseñen estas verdades a los fieles y a hacer todo lo que está en su poder para asegurarse de que cada católico reciba los ritos funerales de la Iglesia como lo merece por ser un cristiano bautizado. Mis amigos, la luz del Evangelio que disipa la oscuridad de la muerte es nuestra posesión más preciosa. No permitamos que nos confunda la atmósfera del paganismo que nos rodea, la cual rechaza la existencia del alma, la santidad del cuerpo, la misericordia de la Redención, y la vida eterna con Dios en el cielo. Más bien, paguemos la deuda de amor que debemos a los difuntos orando frecuentemente por su eterno descanso, y dejemos que nuestras celebraciones funerales muestren al mundo entero lo que en verdad creemos: “en la resurrección de los muertos, en la vida del mundo futuro” ganada para nosotros por la muerte y resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Recuerden orar por sus seres queridos y amigos ya fallecidos, especialmente en el Día de los Fieles Difuntos. Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

Señor Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan, Arzobispo de Santa Fe




The Archdiocese of Santa Fe welcomes Rev. Aloysius Ngozi Abaneke. Rev. Abaneke was born on June 21, 1965 in Ikpanta Urualla in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo, Nigeria. In 1982, Rev. Abaneke attended secondary school in Umueshi where he joined the altar knights (servers). It was there he was inspired by the late Pastor Rev. Justin Agu: the way he provided pastoral care to the sick students and by his involvement in the community. These, along with the support of his family, were his motivating factors in becoming a Catholic priest. Rev. Abaneke studied Philosophy and Theology for eight years at Seat of Wisdom Major Seminar Owerry, Nigeria. He was ordained a priest on August 15, 1998 (Assumption Day) for the Catholic diocese of Orlu, Nigeria. He was the associate pastor and then pastor of three different parishes in Nigeria before he was sent by his bishop to Holy Cross of Davao in the Philippines where he completed his Master’s

Degree is pastoral ministry. Rev. Abaneke also completed seven units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington DC. He is a member of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Legion of Mary Societies and is also a member of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains. Rev. Abaneke appreciates psychology involving caring, empathy, and genuineness and applies these attributes to his work in pastoral care. He thanks God everyday for the opportunity to experience pastoral care. Fr. Abaneke also loves quite moments, listening to Christian music, swimming and track events. Fr. Abaneke is working full-time in Hospital Ministry under the direction of Deacon Steve Rangel, Director of Pastoral Outreach. We are very blessed and grateful to have Rev. Abaneke as a part of the Pastoral Outreach Hospital Ministry team.

Queen of Heaven Catholic School will have an OPEN HOUSE Thursday, December 9 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in our library for prospective PK-8 students and their parents.

We offer: • One of the lowest tuitions of all private schools in Albuquerque • State certified teachers; certified Resource teacher • Standards based curriculum, including Religion and Spanish • Computers, Art, Music, P.E. courses for all students • 100% 8th grade acceptance rate at St. Pius High School • On-line grade checks for parents • An emphasis on the 3 R’s: Reverence, Respect & Responsibility • New playground equipment • A top notch athletic program • All religious denominations accepted

Queen of Heaven Catholic School is registering students for the 2011-12 school year for grades PK-8. If you are looking for a safe, disciplined and rigorous academic environment for your child, then Queen of Heaven Catholic School is for you!

5303 Phoenix Ave. NE;


Photo by Monica Justice

By Monica Justice Office of Pastoral Outreach

Photo by Leslie M. Radigan

Welcome, Fr. Abaneke!

The Annual Red Mass was held in early October at Immaculate Conception Church in Albuquerque. The Red Mass, which originated in 13th century Europe and England was attended by judges and lawyers at the opening of each term of work to invoke God’s Blessing and guidance through the Holy Spirit for their labors in the cause of justice. The Mass took its name from the color of vestments and robes worn by participating priests and jurists. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe has been honoring St. Thomas Moore and St. Ives since 1975. Prayer of St. Thomas More Give me the grace to long for Your holy sacraments, and especially to rejoice in the presence of Your body, sweet Savior Christ, in the holy sacrament of the altar. Amen.

november 2010



Reveille for the Soul: Prayers for Military Life

Anniversaries Esquibel, Nuanez

Mr. Bernard Nuanez and Miss Irene Esquibel were married December 3, 1960 at the old church of Our Lady of Guadalupe a month before they closed it. They have decided to repeat their 50th wedding anniversary vows at the same El Santuario De Guadalupe Church. They were married by Rev. Louis O’Hare. Although they are very devoted to their parish of St. Anne, they decided to repeat their anniversary vows at El Santuario De Guadalupe because El Santuario De Guadalupe is very special to them. God has blessed them with two sons, three grandchildren, and eight great-grand children.

Lopez, Lury Mr. Charles Lury and Miss Linda Lopez were married August 20, 1960 by Rev. Finbar Coyle, OFM at St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe, NM. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 14, 2010 with a reception hosted by family and a blessing of their marriage on August 15, 2010 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Santa Fe ollowed by an Alaskan cruise. They were blessed with four children – Michael and wife Monica, Danny and wife Cindy, Leann and husband Mike, and Charles and wife Albertina. They also have 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild. They are members of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church where they are active in the Knights of Columbus and the Altar Society.

Garcia, Gutierrez

Mr. Adam Gutierrez and Miss Dolores Garcia were joined in holy matrimony on October 22, 1960 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Clovis, New Mexico. They are blessed with five children – Christine and her husband Jim, Cathi and her husband Hector, Adam Jr. and his wife Tracy, Larry and his wife Letty, Edwina and her husband Jesse. They have 10 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. They have been members of St. Helen’s Catholic Church since 1960. Dolores is a member of Catholic Daughters of the Americas and Adam is an usher and volunteer.

By Marge Fenelon Liguori Publications (April 1, 2010)

Finally, a book of military prayers written by those serving in our armed forces. Reveille for the Soul provides support and solace for those serving their country, as well as those who served before them. Divided into four sections, Reveille for the Soul contains: Prayers for those in transition -- accepting diversity in the military, first base, training, leadership and promotion. Prayers for those at home -- family in the military, non-accompanied tours, preparing for the unexpected, loneliness, missing family milestones, and more... Prayers for comrades in arms -for all those in the service, who have fallen, or left, and those who will serve in the future. Prayers forever -- in and out of uniform, life after the military, soldier for life, and a prayer for peace. Perfect for every soldier, placed in the breast pocket for that time of need, but it is also for you and me.

Prayer on Veterans Day “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, those whom we honor today are examples of your words: “Greater love than this no one has: that he lay down his life for his friends.”

God bless you, Veterans

They gave up their lives in the defense of freedom for their loved ones and their country. Teach me to appreciate the virtue of patriotism -a true and Christian love of country. Let me love my country, not to follow it blindly but to make it the land of goodness that it should be. Let my patriotism be such that it will not exclude the other nations of the world, but include them in a powerful love of country that has room for all others too.” St. Joseph People’s Prayer Book




A History of the Catholic Catholic Charities Provides Church in the World Part VIII Many Reasons to Be Thankful Renaissance, Age of Discovery, Reformation

stead of simply quoting past authorities. Scholars revolutionized religion, reading the Bible like a book in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek, no longer relying upon brief Latin excerpts in theology books and homilies. The invention of the moveable type printing press vastly increased access to printed works. Where people today spend too much time on the Internet, back then people seemed to spend too much time with their noses in books. When Martin Luther raised justifiable objections to the corruption of By Daniel McGill, indulgences in Germany, his views Executive Director, Pastoral spread like wildfire through printMinistries Division ing. And when an unresponsive Do you remember when we were church threatened his life, his words told computers would make our became more extreme, setting aside lives easier?! Well, they have— the human religious authorities in but they also make our lives much favor of the ancient book of Scripmore complicated. Not only do we ture that he presumed was closer neglect healthy exercise while rest- to God. Today we see this point of lessly surfing the Internet, but our view as somewhat naïve, given the society is afflicted by much dark- human element in Scripture as well, er things like a global explosion in but it led to a deconstruction of the child pornography, identity theft, whole Christian world. human trafficking, and terror netLuther taught that we are saved by works that also take advantage of grace alone, not by our own works the Internet. undertaken by our own free will. In a similar way, the rediscov- This led to Calvin explaining that ery of the Hebrew, Greek and Lat- since everything depends on God, in texts of the ancient world during everyone is either predestined to the Renaissance (beginning around salvation or damnation. Most unthe fourteenth century) seemed to fortunately, this led to a very dark promise a better world in the return assumption that if people didn’t of lost worlds and points of view. agree with your religious point of Around the same time, explorers view they were already damned. from Western Europe discovered Centuries of warfare, torture and new routes to eastern Asia around bloodshed followed. the horn of Africa, and then at the In the new world of the Americas, end of the fifteenth century, Colum- European diseases decimated the bus discovered the Americas, which native populations while the Euroto people of European ancestry has peans debated whether the natives long seemed a wonderful mira- were even human. Catholic and cle. But these discoveries, both of Protestant nations competed with things ancient and forgotten as well one another in claiming all the New as things new and unimagined, not World for themselves, heedless of only revolutionized Western Civi- the rights of the native peoples who lization, but also brought immense bore the brunt of their brutality. Yet suffering and confusion as well. despite all of these things, a better The Renaissance sought to escape world has in many ways emerged the problems of the late Middle Ages from this period. Please join me through an optimistic return to the for an examination of this period of classical world of Roman and Greek Church history on The Archbishop’s antiquity. A renewed interest in all Hour on Catholic Radio on Thanksthings human began to supplant an giving, November 25. We will find earlier focus on things divine. Early much good, thankfully, emerged science presented new insights into from this age of many sorrows. the world by direct observation in-

By Diane Kay Catholic Charities

In this season of Thanksgiving, we are especially mindful of the blessings of having a roof over our heads, a bustling kitchen full of relatives and friends, and a warm cozy bed to sleep in when the weather is cold outside. Homeless people in our community do not have the same luxuries we do. They may be trying to find warmth in an old sleeping bag under a freeway overpass. Or a family might be huddled uncomfortably in their car overnight. Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is working hard to prevent and reverse homelessness in our area. This is not done by building another homeless shelter, but by providing temporary rental assistance, and by helping participants gain the skills needed to obtain a job and become self-sufficient. Catholic Charities offers four programs that provide

this assistance; the La Luz program (offers transitional housing and case management for up to two years), the Partners in Housing Program (offers permanent supportive housing for those who have been chronically homeless and have a disability), the Courtroom Advocacy Homeless Prevention Program (pays up to one month of rent for those with a judgment for eviction) and the Homeless Prevention & Rehousing Program (HPRP)* (provides rental assistance and case management for those who are homeless or facing eviction, for up to 12 months). Now here is the good news. In a typical month Catholic Charities statistics are as follows: • Combined the La Luz and Partners in Housing Program serves, on average, 66 households, including 115 children. Those in this program were previously homeless; either staying See THANKFUL on page 21

LETTER from page 4

deceased, and not in a mortuary, or any other place, with the rare exception when the pastor judges that the congregation will be too large for the church. 2. We have already spoken of the dignity of the body of a deceased Christian. In this life our bodies are living tabernacles; in eternity our bodies will share the glory of the Resurrection. Therefore, we treat the bodies of our dead as befits something sacred, for so indeed they are. I urge the use of our Catholic Cemeteries if possible and the burial of our deceased loved ones in consecrated ground. This provides a sacred place where loved ones may visit and pray. The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burying the bodies of the dead be observed; it does not, however, forbid cremation unless it has been chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching. However, if the option of cremation is chosen, the obligation to entomb the remains in a consecrated place remains. This is to be done as soon after the Mass of Christian Burial as possible. Especially to be condemned are the practices of scattering the ashes, enclosing them in jewelry, dividing them among relatives as keepsakes, or doing other bizarre things with them. Such practices do not give honor to the body and, indirectly, are an affront to our belief in the resurrection of the dead. There are those who say they wish to keep the ashes at home so that they “may feel close” to their loved ones. This shows a lack of faith in the communion of saints, by which we are spiritually united to the departed, in a way far more marvelous than keeping their remains on a shelf in our house. I would ask our pastors to often teach these truths to the faithful, and to do all in their power to see that each Catholic receives the funeral rites of the Church as they deserve as baptized Christians.

My friends, the light of the Gospel, which dispels the darkness of death, is our most precious possession. Let us not be mislead by the atmosphere of paganism around us , which rejects the existence of the soul, the sacredness of the body, the mercy of the Redemption, and eternal life with God in heaven. Rather, let us render the debt of love we owe the dead in frequent prayer for their eternal rest, and let our funeral celebrations show to the entire world that we indeed believe “in the resurrection of the dead, and the life everlasting”, won for us by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember to pray for your deceased loved ones and friends, especially on All Souls Day. Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord, Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

november 2010


Catholic Relief Services: Restoring Living Waters and Human Dignity


By Anne Avellone Director, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life

Maji Ni Uhai … “Water is Life”, says a sign in Swahili at a watering station in a remote area near Same, Tanzania, where villagers come to water their livestock and draw water for their families. Water is also the connection between people continents away, a place of solidarity. As CRS works with the small rural communities in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia and Same, Tanzania to gain access to a reliable, sustainable and clean water source and manage it with local leadership, the people in New Mexico also work to preserve centuries old systems of irrigation called acequias and to protect precious water and crops in an arid landscape. As I flew into to Dire Dawa, from the air I could see landscape that seemed familiar. Dry, rocky hills and mountains dotted with low growing scrub plants and succulents like Sisal, an Agave plant that produces stiff fiber used in twine, varieties of cactus like prickly pear, juniper interspersed with flat, desert like areas with a rich brown, sand or red color, and dry river beds—a land very much like the desert southwest in the United States. As our truck climbed into the mountains outside of Dire Dawa, the dry landscape gave way to a more lush area, created entirely by the local people’s hard labor to terrace harsh rocky hillsides that had been previously been bare and prone to erosion. The terraces, I learned, helped to provide catchments for scarce rain water, and simultaneously restored the diminishing watershed in a very dry area, served as crop planting area, enriched the soil and channeled the water to newly replanted sapling trees. In one remote community, the spring, almost dry from overuse and contaminated by cattle and wildlife, was restored by practices that protected the water source and restored the trees surrounding it. By carefully maintaining the spring, the local villagers are able to bring clean water by pipes laid by the labor of their own hands to remote areas as well as build reservoirs and fish hatcheries, thus improving the quality of life, hygiene, sanitation and economic stability of

these remote villages. Natural vegetation was restored and erosion was stopped. And their spring increased its yield. Living waters renewed. Water is life—to us and to the animals and plants that share it. I am reminded of how Jesus speaks of living water (John 4:1-42) and the life giving waters of baptism. Water is essential for human life. Without it we die. Through the waters of baptism and with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, we are called into mission in service to and in solidarity with all those who are in need. Waters of baptism give us life and strength to serve those in need, and urge us to respond to so many who live without the basic human needs of food, water, shelter, basic education and sanitation. Water sustains us and connects us. Standing with our CRS delegation at one of the successful projects in a remote area of Same, villagers spoke of how this water has improved their quality of life and their dignity. Women don’t have to walk all day to a water source to collect water. Because the water station is maintained and fenced, cattle and other livestock cannot foul the water that surrounds it, which protects the health of the community. As it is here in the desert southwest, “grey water” is collected and used on trees, and on unique “sack” gardens, made of large potato sacks that are filled with dirt and slit so that a family may plant and grow small vegetables to maintain a healthy diet. Villagers select a leadership team to manage the water, and the accompanying projects. The leader in the village spoke proudly of their accomplishment, and when he learned that some parts of the U.S. shared the arid landscape and water saving techniques, he asked us to share ideas with him so that he may learn. I learned from him as he asked to learn from me. Humbled by his request, I realized that solidarity means honoring the wisdom and knowledge of others, no matter where they are. Our human life and dignity connect us. Water and landscape connects us. Maji Ni Uhai, water is life.

CRS Africa Delegation with Archbishop Josaphat Louis Lebulu of Arusha, Tanzania

Residents at water station outside of Same, Tanzania. Photo by Anne Avellone

Woman standing at the local water station with sample “sack gardens” watered with grey water. Same, Tanzania. Photo by Anne Avellone.

THANKFUL from page 20 at a shelter or possibly their vehicle. • The HPRP Program assists, one average, 72 households at any give time, with a total of approximately 187 individuals avoiding life on the streets. • The Courtroom Advocacy Homeless Prevention program serves, on average 25 households per month, allowing them to avoid being evicted from their residence. These statistics represent hundreds of people who have a big reason to thank God during this season of Thanksgiving! Additionally, Catholic Charities Center for Self-Sufficien-

cy and Housing Assistance has been able to create at least five new case manager jobs, making a few more employees happy to be employed in this tough economy. Catholic Charities is thankful to all those who remember us and support us in their prayers, and to those who contribute to our work. You create a ripple of blessings that flow outward from you, to our agency, to the homeless, and beyond. * The HPRP is made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in collaboration with the City of Albuquerque and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.


HOMILY from page 3 the answer I give is yes. Our society would fall apart without people willing to step forward. Our community or organizations would crumble if leaders refused to come forward – with creativity, with courage, and with humor to take over the reins of leadership roles. But we know that it brings great satisfaction to us when we have served in a ministry and we have helped make the world a little bit better. The sense of fulfillment keeps many leaders going. So give yourself to be a leader in the parish ministries that you exercise and in the broader PARADE from page 11 rade, which they entitled “Out of this World”. Each class year constructed a float on the theme, “Space Odyssey” to compete for the best of the parade award. The senior class won with a 10-foot transformer complete with moving arms. The homecoming parade, a longstanding St. Pius X tradition, included performances by the cheerleaders, The Spirit Drill Team, and the football


areas of the parish and community in which you live. Don’t hesitate to do your part and to do your very best. In closing, Emily Dickenson, one of our great poets wrote about leadership and service in 1864. “If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. If I can ease one life the aching or cure one pain, I shall not live in vain. Or help one fainting robin into his nest; again, I shall not live in vain.” Well, you good people do a lot to help others. You do it in spades! And so you shall not live in vain. Thank you and God bless you for your leadership in the ministries of the Church! players. The soccer teams, volleyball team, and cross country track team appeared along with the members of the Homecoming Court. The court included Queen Mary Rose Barlett, King Devin Roach, Princess Danielle Rivera, Prince Billy Tapia, Duchess Veronica Young, Duke Gavin Metzgar and the high court, Charlie Bachechi, Ian Maloney, Ralph Pesce, Robby Sachs, Olivia Chavez, Alexandra Gallegos, Naomie Germain, and Loren Madrid.

Dr. Scott Hahn “Scripture and Your Catholic Faith” By Ekaterina Puccini Timofeyew-Zimmer Bible Study & Evangelization, Prince of Peace Prince of Peace Catholic Church is very pleased to welcome Dr. Scott Hahn to Albuquerque. Dr. Hahn will be speaking on “Scripture and Your Catholic Faith” at Prince of Peace Catholic Church on January 8, 2011 from 8:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Available seating is very limited. An exceptionally popular speaker and teacher, Dr. Hahn has delivered numerous talks nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics related to Scripture and the Catholic faith. Hundreds of these talks have been produced on audio and videotapes. These talks have been effective in helping thousands of Catholics, Protestants and fallen away Catholics to (re)embrace the Catholic faith. “We should rejoice and thank God for the wondrous gift of God’s revelation to us in Sacred Scripture. We can also be grateful for scholars such as Scott Hahn, who help us open the Scriptures in continuity with the living Tradition of the Church.” – Donald W. Wuerl, STD, Archbishop of Washington

Dr. Hahn is a Professor of Theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has taught since 1990, and is the founder and director of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. In 2005, he was appointed as the Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, PA. Dr. Hahn is also the bestselling author of numerous books including The Lamb’s Supper, Reasons to Believe, and Rome Sweet Home (co-authored with his wife, Kimberly). Some of his newest books are Many Are Called, Hope for Hard Times, The Catholic Bible Dictionary, Covenant and Communion, Signs of Life. Scott received his Bachelor of Arts degree with a triple-major in Theology, Philosophy and Economics from Grove City College, PA, in 1979, his Masters of Divinity from GordonConwell Theological Seminary in 1982, and his Ph.D. in Biblical Theology from Marquette University in 1995. Scott has ten years of youth and


Homilía from page 3 ayuda también el tener un buen sentido del humor. El otro día encontré una graciosa descripción de lo que es un líder y la compartiré con ustedes. Se titula la Anatomía de un Líder y dice así: Él/ella debe ser tan ágil como un mono porque se pasa demasiado tiempo colgando de la cuerda floja Él/ella necesita un mentón grande para guiar a los demás; y una piel muy dura para protegerse de los piquetes del insulto y la ingratitud. Él/ella tiene que tener unas piernas fuertes para poderse parar en sus propios pies todo el día y al mismo tiempo tener la flexibilidad suficiente para arrodillarse en oración por las noches. Él/ella tiene que tener una boca grande para no ahogarse cuando “mete la pata” en ella y un buen apetito para poderse tragar su orgullo y sus palabras. Uno necesita un oído sordo para la adulación y un buen oído para la crítica; y el juicio suficiente para distinguir entre estos dos. Más que nada, uno necesita un cuello elástico para poder voltear la otra mejilla, hacerle frente a la realidad, mirar hacia atrás en la historia y hacia adelante en el futuro, enfrentar los problemas y encarar la música! V ¿Vale esto la pena? Puede surgir esta pregunta: ¿En verdad vale la pena? ¿Vale la pena todo el trabajo, pagar el precio del liderazgo y el dolor personal que

viene con ello? Por supuesto que la respuesta que doy es un sí. Nuestra sociedad se desintegraría si no hubiera personas dispuestas a dar un paso hacia adelante. Nuestra comunidad y nuestras organizaciones se desmoronarían si los líderes se rehusaran a adelantarse - con creatividad, con valor, y con humor para tomar las riendas de las funciones de liderazgo. Sabemos que sentimos una gran satisfacción cuando hemos servido en un ministerio y hemos ayudado a hacer del mundo algo mejor. La sensación del cumplimiento mantiene a muchos líderes trabajando. Así es que, entréguense a ser líderes en los ministerios parroquiales en los que se desarrollan y en las áreas más amplias de la parroquia y la comunidad en la que viven. No duden en llevar a cabo su parte y en hacerlo lo mejor que puedan. Para terminar, Emily Dickenson, una de nuestras grandes poetas escribió en 1864 acerca del liderazgo y el servicio. “Si puedo evitar que un solo corazón sufra, no habré vivido en vano. Si puedo aliviar o curar el dolor de una vida, no habré vivido en vano. O ayudar a una ave desmayada en su nido; una vez más, no habré vivido en vano.” Pues bien, ustedes hacen mucho por ayudar a los demás, y lo hacen en grande! Por lo tanto, ustedes no vivirán en vano. Les doy las gracias y le pido a Dios que los bendiga por su liderazgo en los ministerios de la Iglesia!

Prince of Peace Catholic Church Presents

“Scripture and Your Catholic Faith”

Scott Hahn January 8, 2011 12500 Carmel NE, (Paseo del Norte & Tramway) Internationally renowned speaker and author

8:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Tickets available at these locations Garson’s, Faith Works, St. Bernadette’s, Holy Family Religious Supplies or online at, 866-443-8849 Seating is limited and tickets are selling fast.

pastoral ministry experience in Protestant congregations (in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Massachusetts, Kansas and Virginia) and is a former Professor of Theology at Chesapeake

Theological Seminary. He was ordained in 1982 at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fairfax, VA. He entered the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil, 1986.

november 2010



TEACHER from page 12 Ms. Haley has 17 years of teaching experience, all with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Ms. Haley was chosen by the national publication Today’s Catholic Teacher as a premier Catholic Educator and her work was featured in a four part series titled “Learn from the Best”. She is an exceptionally spirited teacher with a strong faith-based work ethic. Her goal for her students is to teach the skills that will help them succeed throughout their academic careers and life. Her charismatic personality, educational knowledge and ability to reach children are second to none. Kathy Sullivan, Kindergarten Teacher, Our Lady of the Annunciation School Mrs. Sullivan has 20 years of teaching experience and 16 years with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. In 2001, she was awarded the Archdiocesan Catholic Teachers Award. Mrs. Sullivan also earned her Advanced Catechist Certification. She has persevered through over 16 years of teaching and has done so with grace. She has displayed a positive attitude throughout and always keeps what is best for her students in mind. Mrs. Sullivan is admired by her colleagues for her devotion to Annunciation School. Carol Sanchez Johansen, Sixth Grade Math and Science Teacher, St. Mary’s School – Albuquerque Mrs. Johansen has been teaching for 14 years at St. Mary’s School in Albuquerque. She has received many awards over the years that include: Golden Apple Teacher of the Year, Who’s Who Among American Teachers, and Outstanding Science Teacher. Mrs. Johansen has enormous enthusiasm for the children she teaches. She takes time to get to know all of her students and has a passion for discovering each student’s talents. The students feel whole and valued in her classroom. Christine Hyde, Elementary Teacher, Holy Ghost School Mrs. Hyde has been with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe since 2002 at Holy Ghost School. She has wonderful communication skills with children, parents and with her follow teachers. Christine is an open-hearted, open-minded person who teaches her students to mature and grow in both their spiritual lives as well as their education. Christine has a gift and love for teaching

St. Mary’s School

of Our Lady of Belen Parish

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Bodies – The Exhibition A Comment from Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

This exhibit opened at the Albuquerque Convention Center on September 10, 2010 and runs through August 31, 2011. No doubt that many have or will attend this exhibit and look at it as an educational experience. It will allow people to see the human body in a way that is out of the ordinary for most of us. However, as Catholics we view our bodies as Temples of the Holy Spirit, even after death. All human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, so we treat the body with great respect. Archbishop Pilarczyk of Cincinnati has stated, “Bodies – the Exhibition does not proceed from the proper respect for the body. The public exhibition of plasticized bodies, unclaimed, unreverenced, and unidentified, is a different matter entirely. It is unseemly and inappropriate.” As Archbishop of Santa Fe, I do not support our Catholic Schools taking field trips to this exhibit. However, if parents choose to take their children on their own, that is their right as a parent. I would hope that they explain to their children our Catholic teaching regarding the respect we have for the dead.

Bodies – The Exhibition (Cuerpos - La Exposición)

Un comentario por parte del Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan Esta exposición fue inaugurada en el Centro de Convenciones de Albuquerque el 10 de septiembre del 2010 y que estará abierta hasta el 31 de agosto del 2010. Sin duda alguna muchas personas asistirán a esta exhibición y la verán como una experiencia educativa. Permitirá a las personas ver el cuerpo humano en una forma que no es ordinaria para la mayoría de nosotros. Sin embargo, como Católicos, nosotros consideramos a nuestros cuerpos como Templos del Espíritu Santo, aún después de la muerte. Todos los seres humanos hemos sido creados en la imagen y semejanza de Dios y por lo tanto, tratamos al cuerpo con gran respeto. El Arzobispo Pilarczyk de Cincinnati ha declarado: “Bodies – the Exhibition (Cuerpos - La Exposición) no otorga el respeto adecuado para el cuerpo. La exhibición pública de órganos plastificados, no reclamados, no honrados, y no identificados es algo totalmente distinto. Es impropio e inadecuado.” Como Arzobispo de Santa Fe, yo no apoyo que nuestras Escuelas Católicas realicen visitas a esta exhibición. Sin embargo, si los padres de familia optan por llevar a sus hijos, tienen todo el derecho de hacerlo como padres. Sin embargo, me gustaría que explicaran a sus hijos la enseñanza católica sobre el respeto que nosotros tenemos por los muertos.

Mother of God, Similar to Fire

Advent Evening of Reflection with Fr. William Hart McNichols, Friday, December 3, 2010 at Queen of Heaven Church, 5311 Phoenix Ave. NE. Mass at 5:30 p.m. followed by the Advent Reflection. Fr. Bill is a priest of the Archdiocese and lives in Taos, NM. He has been described by Time magazine as being “among the most famous creators of Christian iconic images in the world.” He is the author of many books, including his newest book of icons called, Mother of God, Similar to Fire in which he and mystical author, Mirabai Starr collaborate to help make the words and images reflect the perennial appeal of Mary, source of compassion, gentle consoler, fierce protector and feminine face of the Divine. Fr. Bill will be referring to many of these icons in his presentation. The book can be purchased ahead of time for $25.00 at www.fatherbill. org or by calling Pamela Scalora at 1.866.576.1134.















Sr. Mary Jo Jay

Sr. Margaret Anne Henn, OP

Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Sr. Mary Jo Jay (forSr. Margaret Anne Henn, OP (Mary DeMontfort), died merly Sr. Agnes Mary) died Wednesday, October Oct. 5, 2010, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, WI. The 6, 2010, at the age of 73 at the Sisters of Charity funeral Mass was held in Queen of the Rosary Chapel of Cincinnati nursing facility, Mother Margaret at Sinsinawa Oct. 8, 2010, followed by burial in the Hall, Mount St. Joseph, OH. She was born Mary Motherhouse Cemetery. Jo Anne Jay on March 16, 1937, in Mitchell, SD, Sr. Margaret Anne made her first religious profesthe daughter of Donald L. and Pearl (Brady) sion as a Sinsinawa Dominican Aug. 5, 1947, and Jay. her final profession Aug. 5, 1950. She ministered as a Sr. Mary Jo Jay was a Sister of Charity for 55 teacher for 22 years; a nurse for 13 years; in support years serving in several ministries. Sr. Mary Jo roles for schools, parishes, and community for seven taught elementary grades at St. Mary School, Albuyears; and volunteered for five years. Sr. Margaret Anne querque from 1971 – ’74. served in Illinois, Wisconsin, Montana, Iowa, California, Sr. Mary Jo enjoyed writing poetry and painting with Arizona, and New Mexico. watercolors. She won third place for her painting, Christ, in the 2009 In the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Sr. Margaret Anne volunteered at EnAOPHA Art and Writing Show and third place in the poetry category. cino House East, Albuquerque from 1992-1997.

Photo by Christina Spahn

HOLY ROSARY from page 17

Bishop Arturo Tafoya and Norberine Concelebrants during Holy Rosary’s Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving. characterize us. From its beginning, these have been foundational values of our parish, evidenced in the many community events of the early years, the parish organizations and ministries that have developed, the seven liturgies each weekend, and Holy Rosary’s many outreach efforts including our covenant with our sister parish, San Eugenio, in Tijuana, Mexico. The pastoral ministry of Norbertines at Holy Rosary for the last 25 years has enhanced the values to which the parish was already committed. Founded in 1121 in Premontre, France, Norbertines are a world-wide community dedicated to contemporary expression of the “golden triangle” of community, contemplation, and compassionate service. They have wholeheartedly entered into the life of the parish

and, in a number of ways, have invited parish involvement in their community. Parishioners are welcome to join them at Santa Maria de la Vid Priory on South Coors for prayer and liturgy, to visit The Norbertine Library with its collection of over 14,000 books, to attend workshops and retreats, and to spend quiet time at the priory. In addition, linked to the 15 Norbertines living at the priory and engaged in a variety of ministries in Albuquerque, there are also four Norbertine Oblates and currently 12 Norbertine Associates, men and women who relate to the priory community with differing degrees of involvement. Through 60 years of faith-filled vision, community and service and 25 years of Norbertine pastoral leadership, our parish has been blessed. We are grateful!

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in her early years.

Pastors Who Have Served at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary 1950 - 1953 Fr. Carl Hammer 1953 - 1956 Fr. Leo Fay 1956 - 1967 Fr. Richard Spellman 1967 - 1970 Fr. Francis Rienberg 1970 - 1982 Fr. Francis O’Byrne 1982 - 1985 Fr. Anthony Bolman 1985 - 1986 Fr. Edward Sdano, O. Praem. 1986 - 1993 Fr. Joel Garner, O. Praem. 1993 - 1996 Fr. Dominic Rossi, O. Praem. 1996 - Present Fr. Joel Garner, O. Praem.

november 2010


Many of us are uncomfortable discussing death and funeral arrangements. Most of us find ourselves unprepared to deal with the decisions and costs that we are faced with when a loved one dies. Planning ahead protects families from having to make hasty, difficult and costly funeral arrangements. Pre-planning funeral arrangements is just as important as planning for other phases in life. Here are just a few reasons to consider pre-planning.





Alanis, Rev. Francisco, OSB Culotta, Rev. Joachim, OP Mazon, Rev. Diego, OFM Moore, Rev. James (Ret.) Vance, Rev. James Mitchell, Very Rev. Douglas Nichols, Very Rev. Irby Paredes, Very Rev. Gabriel Nguyen, Rev. Peter Hung, SOLT McGowan, Rev. James Butz, Rev. Crispin, OFM December

McGowan, Rev. Richard, SJ Leisy, Rev. Christian, OSB Dunham, Very Rev. Larry, OFM Aragon, Rev. Salvador, OFM Lussier, Rev. Robert, OSB oliv. Sampson, Rev. James, sP Candelaria, Rev. Dino

16 17 20 21 23 24 24 24 25 26 27 3 10 11 13 14 14 15

Roman Catholic & Popular New Mexican Saints Calendar

November 16 St. Margaret of Scotland 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 18 Dedication of St. Peter and Paul 19 St. Agnes of Assisi 20 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 21 Feast of the Presentation of Mary 22 St. Cecilia 23 Blessed Miguel Agust’n Pro 24 St. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions 25 St. Columban 26 St. Catherine of Alexandria 27 St. Francesco Antonio Fasani 28 St. James of the Marche 29 Servant of God John of Monte Corvino 30 St. Andrew December 1 Blessed John of Vercelli 2 Blessed Rafal Chylinski 3 St. Francis Xavier 4 St. John Damascene 5 St. Sabas 6 St. Nicholas 7 St. Ambrose 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception 9 St. Juan Diego 10 Blessed Adolph Kolping 11 St. Damasus I 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe 13 St. Lucy 14 St. John of the Cross 15 Blessed Mary Frances Schervier

Fri Nov 5 - Sun, Nov 7 Weekend for the Engaged Our Lady of Belen Deacon Rudy & Lucille Zamora, 864.8872 Sat, Nov 13 10am-2pm Junior High is Fun Day Saint Francis Xavier-Clayton Sat, Nov 13 Sun, Nov 14 Stewardship of Treasure Weekend. Please give generously

Sun, Nov 14 1:30pm ASF Catholic Singles Events: Scripture Study with Ben Baran Catholic Center Heddy Long, 505.831.8117 Sat, Nov 20 Festival of Trees. Catholic Charities will be holding its annual Festival of Trees fundraising event on November 20, 2010 at the Tamaya Resort. Tickets are $150 per person. For ticket information, please call 505.724.4670.

TV Mass Schedule The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel Sunday at 7:00 a.m. on KRQE TV-13, KBIM TV-10, KREZ TV-6, and FOX 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted Date

Readings (Cycle C)

November 14, 2010 33rd Sunday OT Rev. Andy Pavlak

Mal 3:19-20a 2 Thes 3:7-12 Luke 21:5-19

November 21, 2010 The Solemnity of Christ the King Rev. Anthony Maes, O.Praem

2 Sm 5:1-3 Col 1:12-20 Luke 23:35-43

November 28, 2010 1st Sunday of Advent Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz December 5, 2010 2nd Sunday of Advent Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz

Is 2:1-5 Rom 13:11-14 Mt 24:37-44 Is 11:1-10 Rom 15:4-9 Mt 3:1-12

December 12, 2010 3rd Sunday of Advent Rev. Joel Garner, O. Praem

Is 35:1-6a, 10 Jas 5:7-10 Mt 11:2-11

Catholic Radio 24/7 Featuring The Archbishop’s Hour (Archdiocese of Santa Fe Programming) M-F 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m., Encore: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Call in (505.831.8230) or email ( your comments/questions during the M-F 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. show. Donations may be sent online to: or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office, TV Mass/Archbishop’s Hour 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 98.9 FM Albuquerque, Algodones, Bernalillo, Corrales, Isleta, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos, Meadowlake, Peralta, Rio Rancho, Tome;91.7 FM Clovis; 95.3 FM Farmington; 100.7 FM Gallup/ Grants; 88.7 FM Portales; 93.9 FM Roswell; 104.5 FM Santa Fe; 103.1 Santa Rosa; 94.1 FM Shiprock; 99.9 FM Socorro; 88.9 FM Tucumcari - Rev. John Cannon, Chancellor; Mary Woods, Host; Abad Archuleta, Producer


Sat, Nov 20- Sun, Nov 21 CCHD Parish Collection Sat Nov 20-Sun Nov 21 Engaged Encounter Madonna Center 505.352.1177 Sun, Nov 21 2pm ASF Catholic Singles Events: Thanksgiving Dinner Catholic Center Heddy Long, 505.831.8117

Sat Nov 20 Sun Nov 21 CCHD Parish Collection Sun. Nov 21 Solemnity, Our Lord Jesus Christ the King (34th week of Ordinary Time) Thur., Nov 25 Thanksgiving Day - proper Mass (US) Sun., Nov 28 First Sunday of Advent (cycle A)

Calendar of Events for D+E+I

Presentation & Discussions Monday, November 15, 2010 7:00-8:30 PM Church of Reformation and Counterreformation (Rise of the nation states, the Avignon Exile & Western Schism, Reformation and Counter Reformation) + Hosted at: Aquinas Newman Center 1815 Las Lomas NE Thursday, November 18, 2010 6:30-8:00 PM And With Your Spirit - The Upcoming New Translation of the Mass + Hosted at: St. Francis Xavier Parish-820 Broadway SE Monday, November 29, 2010 7:00-8:30 PM Church of the Trent (Tridentine stability, modernist crisis, loss of the papal States) + Hosted at: Aquinas Newman Center Monday, December 6, 2010 7:00-8:30 PM Church of the Modern World (Vatican II and beyond, triumphs and controversies) + Hosted at: Aquinas Newman Center Advance Registration Please call 505.243.0525. Suggested donation is $9.00 per person.

november 2010








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