People of God, September 2011

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S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 1 • Vo l u m e 2 9 • N u m b e r 8

w w w. a r c h d i o s f . o r g Inside this Issue

9/11 Memorial Mass .................................................................2 Archbishop’s Letter: Parents, You Promised! ................3 Driver’s Licenses for All Drivers ...........................................5 The Shepherd Project: Fr. Rafael Garcia, SJ ....................8 Coach Tybor Leads in Years of Service at SPX..............11 Rededication of St. Augustine, Isleta Pueblo ..................14 Rocking Civilization’s Cradle...............................................17 Cremated Remains Committal Service.............................24 Santa Fe’s Hill of Tepeyac ....................................................28

S e r v i n g T h e M u l t i c u l t u r a l P e o p l e o f t h e A r c h d i o c e s e o f S a n t a Fe

ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Isleta Pueblo, NM Established 1613

Rededication & Blessing Mass • August 13, 2011 •

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September 2011

Committee r e w o T ll e B l a ri o m e M ndraiser

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hen Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan wrote to Cardinal Edward Egan, archbishop of New York, he and other community members requested the donation of two steel beams which would be incorporated into Sacred Heart’s bell tower. Fr. James Moore, former pastor of Sacred Heart said, “When we put the beams in the church, I heard 3,000-plus people sigh. At last, they had found a resting place. I feel I have a responsibility to keep their memory alive, to pray for them. These beams are sacred,” Moore said. One of the beams appears to have been horrifically ripped apart.”They really tell the story of what war, destruction and terrorism does. And I hope they tell it from here to all eternity.” On Saturday, September 10 at 7:30pm, the New Mexico Philharmonic Orchestra will perform and there will be a Memorial Mass at 3:00pm. Both events will take place in the church. Everyone is invited.

This is one of the beams from the remains of the World Trade Center, NY that was transported across country and was installed as part of the bell tower of Sacred Heart Church in Albuquerque.

Ten Year Memorial Mass for 9/11 Mr. & Mrs. Sosimo Padilla are pictured here with Rev. James Moore, former pastor of Sacred Heart Parish . Mr. Padilla served as chair of the Sacred Heart Parish’s 2003 9/11 Memorial Bell Tower committee who through their intense effort and dedication brought the revered beams to New Mexico.


Pope John II holds his head while addressing the crowd in St. Peter’s Square during his weekly audience, Sept. 12, 2001, the day after the terrorist attacks on the United States. The attacks horrified the pope and Vatican officials, who unequivocally con demned terrorism and offered prayers for the dead, the survivors and the rescue workers. (CNS photo/Vincenzo Pinto, Reuters)

Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 3:00pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church 309 Stover Ave SW Albuquerque

42nd Annual Rosary Rally Sunday, OctOber 2, 2011 at 2:00pm

Isotopes Park, 1601 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE Theme: “The Lord Has Chosen You; Go and Bear Fruit” Everyone is inviting to this blessed and moving event.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for September 2011 General Intention: For all teachers, that they may convey love in truth and educate in authentic moral and spiritual values. Missionary Intention: That the Christian communities spread throughout the Asian continent may proclaim the Gospel with fervor, bearing witness to beauty with the joy of the faith.

September 2011



IN THE RISEN LORD Parents – You Promised! Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

Every year, around this time I receive a few letters inquiring as to why, in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, children have to wait until they are in high school to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation while some neighboring dioceses grant the Sacrament in elementary years or younger. I am asked if I would consider changing the Confirmation age because it would be easier on the parents to ensure their children are confirmed. I know of a handful of dioceses throughout the country that confirm before First Communion. I am among those who feel strongly that we should not move Confirmation to a time before the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. That would put Confirmation in the 3rd Grade for them. I believe it is pastorally harmful to deprive our teenagers of the opportunity to make a commitment to their faith as they receive the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit at a time in their lives when they can understand it and need it badly. We have over 300,000 Catholics in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and about 3,500 teenagers are confirmed every Spring after Easter. It would be a terrible thing to deprive those teenagers of that experience. They have one or two-year program of religious education, prayer, community service, retreat, and Reconciliation prior to receiving Confirmation. Has anything been found to replace that wholesome process? Some say that there could be a new rite of passage prepared for high school students to replace Confirmation in the later years. I’ve been hearing that story for a long time and nothing has been created that would involve 3,500 teenagers in my Archdiocese every Spring and give me the opportunity to have a pastoral relationship with them that I presently have. Such a rite would draw just a handful. Let me confess when I was Bishop of Lubbock, Texas (1983-93) I actually experimented at our Cathedral with the earlier Confirmation age having it at the same Mass when they received First Communion. The rector worked very hard to prepare the children. But I’m afraid the children didn’t have a clue what was going on! The experiment was eventually abandoned for Confirmation in high school where the youth had a better understanding of the Sacrament.

Some will say that many teenagers don’t get confirmed because they get involved in work or school and they fail to be confirmed but if they were confirmed before Holy Communion we would have a higher percentage of them and they need the grace of Confirmation early on. I would rather focus on the grace of the Sacrament of Baptism and Eucharist which seem to me should provide the graces that are needed, if used. Some will say we should follow the traditional order of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. But to me, the pastoral needs of teenagers in our secular world trumps the traditional order big time. Is Confirmation then to be a graduation rite or a Sacrament connected to psychological maturity? Of course not, but in this day and age if we remove the opportunity for deepening the faith of countless teenagers at a moment when they need that grace, we are going to lose countless thousands of young people to secularism or other churches. Confirmation in high school years is much more pastorally sensitive to our youth. I feel, as you can see, very strongly that Confirmation belongs in the high school years where it makes a deep impression on the young people. If they have received all their sacraments by the third grade you’re going to see very few of them again! Some might say that there are many kids that fail to get confirmed, but I would say that it is the job of the parents, as you promised on the day of your marriage and on the day you baptized your children, to make sure that your children are formed in our Catholic faith and part of that includes ensuring they receive Confirmation. As parents, you need to encourage your high school children to seek the Sacrament of Confirmation. Of course it is up to the individual Confirmandi to decide if they are ready. It may be that some will decide to concentrate on school and work activities at this time and seek Confirmation in later years. But parents, please keep your promise – ensure your children are formed in our Catholic faith and receive all their Sacraments. Sincerely yours in the Risen Lord,

Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Archbishop of Santa Fe

Padres de Familia – ¡Ustedes lo prometieron! Arzobispo Michael J. Sheehan

Cada año alrededor de este tiempo recibo algunas cartas preguntando el por qué los niños en la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe se tienen que esperar hasta que están en edad de asistir a la escuela preparatoria para recibir el sacramento de la Confirmación, siendo que algunos estados vecinos otorgan este sacramento en la edad de escuela primaria o aún más jóvenes. Se me pide que considere cambiar la edad de la Confirmación porque esto haría más fácil la labor de los padres de familia al asegurarse de que sus hijos sean confirmados. Yo sé que unas cuantas diócesis en el país llevan a cabo la Confirmación antes de la Primera Comunión. Yo me cuento entre los que creemos firmemente que no debemos cambiar la edad de la Confirmación para ubicarla antes del sacramento de la Sagrada Eucaristía. Eso significaría que se llevaría a cabo cuando los niños estén cursando el 3er. grado escolar. Yo creo que desde un punto de vista pastoral, sería dañino el privar a nuestros adolescentes de la oportunidad de comprometerse con su fe mientras reciben el Sacramento del Espíritu Santo en una época en sus vidas en que más lo necesitan y puedan entenderlo. Tenemos más de 300,000 católicos en la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe y cerca de 3,500 adolescentes son confirmados cada primavera después de la Pascua. Sería algo terrible privar a estos adolescentes de esta experiencia. Ellos participan en un programa de educación religiosa por uno o dos años, en los cuales rezan, llevan a cabo servicios comunitarios, participan en retiros y reciben la Reconciliación antes de recibir su Confirmación. ¿Se ha encontrado algo que remplace a este fabuloso proceso? Algunos piensan que podría haber un nuevo ritual preparado para estudiantes de preparatoria que remplace la Confirmación en estos años. He escuchado esta historia por mucho tiempo y nada se ha podido establecer que involucre a 3,500 adolescentes en mi Arquidiócesis cada primavera y que me de la oportunidad de tener una relación pastoral con ellos como la que tengo ahora. Un ritual así atraería solamente a unos cuantos. Quiero confesarles que cuando fui Obispo de Lubbock en Texas (1983-93), yo mismo experimenté en nuestra Catedral con la edad de la Confirmación, llevándola a cabo en la misma misa en la que los niños recibían su Primera Comunión. El Rector de la Catedral trabajó arduamente para preparar a los niños. Pero quiero decirles que los niños realmente no tenían idea de lo que estaba sucediendo! Esa experiencia fue abandonada eventualmente para llegar a la Confirmación durante la edad de escuela preparatoria, a cuyo tiempo los jóvenes podían tener un mejor entendimiento del Sacra-

mento. Algunos dicen que muchos adolescentes no reciben la Confirmación porque están muy ocupados con la escuela o sus trabajos, y que si pudieran ser confirmados antes de su Primera Comunión tendríamos un porcentaje más alto de personas recibiendo el sacramento, y que además necesitan la gracia de la Confirmación a una edad más temprana. A mí me gustaría que nos enfocáramos más en la gracia del Sacramento del Bautismo y de la Eucaristía, pues me parece que a esa edad, estos sacramentos pudieran proporcionar las gracias necesarias, si son utilizados. Algunos piensan que deberíamos seguir el orden tradicional: Bautismo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión. Pero para mí, las necesidades pastorales de los adolescentes en nuestro mundo secular sobrepasan en gran manera el orden tradicional. ¿Es acaso la Confirmación un ritual de graduación o un sacramento ligado a la madurez psicológica? Por supuesto que no, pero en esta época, si eliminamos la oportunidad para que una infinidad de adolescentes profundicen su fe en el momento en que necesitan esa gracia, vamos a perder a miles de jóvenes al secularismo o a otras iglesias. La Confirmación durante la edad de la escuela preparatoria es algo pastoralmente más sensible para nuestra juventud. Como pueden ver, siento fuertemente que la Confirmación pertenece a la edad de los años de escuela preparatoria, en los cuales puede dejar una profunda impresión en los jóvenes. Si para el 3er. grado ellos ya han recibido todos sus sacramentos, es probable que veamos a muy pocos de ellos nuevamente. Algunas personas pudieran decir que hay muchos jovencitos que no se confirman, pero yo les diría que es la labor de los padres de familia, como lo prometieron el día de su matrimonio y el día que bautizaron a sus hijos, el asegurarse de que ellos sean formados en nuestra fe católica y parte de ello incluye el asegurarse que reciban su Confirmación. Como padres de familia, necesitan motivar a sus hijos en edad de escuela preparatoria a que busquen el sacramento de la Confirmación. Por supuesto, es la decisión de quien va a ser confirmado saber si está listo o no para recibir este sacramento. Puede ser que algunos decidan concentrarse en la escuela y el trabajo durante este tiempo y buscar la Confirmación más tarde en su vida. Pero les pido a ustedes, padres de familia que cumplan con su promesa – asegúrense que sus hijos sean formados en nuestra fe católica y que reciban todos sus sacramentos. Sinceramente suyo en el Señor Resucitado,

Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheehan Arzobispo de Santa Fe



Archbishop’s Schedule Procession & Misa de Las Fiestas, Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Holy Cross, Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe 8:00 p.m. Candle Light Procession to Cross of the Martyrs, Santa Fe 12 Mon 10:00 a.m. Presbyteral Council, Madonna Retreat Center, Albuquerque 2:00 p.m. Deans, Madonna Retreat Center, Albuquerque 13-14 === ======= Memorial Mass for Archbishop Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio, Washington, DC 15 === ======= Catholic Relief Services Board Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland 16 Fri 10:00 a.m. College of Consultors, Catholic Center 17 Sat 4:00 p.m. Mass, Catechetical Congress, IHM Retreat Center, Santa Fe 18 Sun 2:00 p.m. Pilgrimage Reunion, Santa Fe 19 Mon 10:30 a.m. Cemetery Board, Mount Calvary Cemetery, Albuquerque 20 Tue 11:30 a.m. Catholic Foundation Awards Luncheon, Sandia Resort, Albuquerque 21-22 === ======= Santa Fe Province Bishops Meeting, Tucson, AZ 23 Fri 8:00 a.m. Archdiocesan Finance Council, Catholic Center ======= Office Appointments 7:00 p.m. Dedication, Church of the Incarnation, Rio Rancho 24 Sat 6:30 p.m. Mass, St. Anthony Mission Church, Sandia Pueblo 25 Sun 10:45 a.m. Mass, Deacon In-Service, Glorieta 26 Mon ======= Office Appointments 5:00 p.m. Opening Prayer, Escuela de La Cruz, Madonna Retreat Center 27 Tue ======= Office Appointments 5:30 p.m. Archbishop’s Circle, Santa Fe 28 Wed ======= Office Appointments 6:00 p.m. St. Pius X High School Mardi Gras High Bidder Dinner, Albuquerque 30 Fri 10:00 a.m. Stewardship Workshop for Priests, Catholic Center

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Sun Mon Tue

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Archbishop’s School Fund Dinner:

Friday, October 7, 2011, 6:00 p.m. Hotel Albuquerque

September 11 Sun 9:30 a.m.

October 1 Sat

September 2011

11:00 a.m. Mass & Banquet, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Shrine of St. Bernadette, Albuquerque 2:00 p.m. Annual Rosary Rally, Isotopes Stadium, Albuquerque ======= Office Appointments ======= Office Appointments 5:30 p.m. Archbishop’s St. Francis of Assisi Awards Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe ======= Office Appointments ======= Office Appointments 6:00 p.m. Archbishop’s School Fund Dinner, Hotel Albuquerque 5:30 p.m. Mass, St. John the Baptist, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo 8:00 a.m. Mass, San Diego Mission Church, Tesuque Pueblo 11:00 a.m. Mass, St. Raphael Archangel Mission Church, San Ildelfonso Pueblo

Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Publisher: Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan Editor/Photography/Design: Celine Baca Radigan

Editorial Assistant/Photography: Leslie M. Radigan Production: Christine Carter

Published monthly with the exception of July. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit, or edit any article or advertising copy submitted for publication. All items submitted for consideration must be received by the 10th of the previous month.

Advertising listings do not imply Archdiocesan endorsement.

4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW

Albuquerque NM, 87120 (505) 831-8100 Friend us on Facebook: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official

Catch this bit of excitement and pass it on! This year, the Archbishop’s School Fund Dinner, which raises funds to assist with Catholic School tuition, will have lots to cheer about. Please see your invitation and reservation form in this issue. There will be a live auction which will feature 1) a bulto of Our Lady of Guadalupe donated by Marie Romero Cash, internationally known santera; 2) two tickets to the Green Bay Packer’s vs. Minnesota Vikings NFL Game at Green Bay on Monday, November 14 (which includes a room for one night and a $500 gift certificate for air travel); 3) Disneyland Adven-

ture to include airfare; and 4) the ever popular Dinner for Six with the Archbishop at his home. We will also announce the members of the Archbishop’s Circle who have committed to donate $5,000 annually to assist Catholic Schools. As always, we are deeply grateful to our major sponsors who continue to support this event annually (from $5,000 - $15,000). Please support their efforts!

You’re Invited! Archbishop’s Annual School Fund Dinner ATTENTION FOOTBALL FANS - The Green Bay Packers called St. Norbert’s College “home” for its 53rd consecutive training camp this summer. The relationship between the private college and the Green Bay Packers marks the longest continual use of any training camp facility by an NFL team. Players take up residence in Victor McCormick Hall, a 60-room coed dormitory used to house 225 students during the academic year. The Packers use their own practice and team meeting facilities at Lambeau Field during training camp, with the St. Norbert’s College serving as housing headquarters. Players return to St. Norbert every evening for a team dinner. St. Norbert College was founded by the Norbertine order of priests in 1898 and is the only Norbertine institution of higher learning in the world. Thomas Kunkel took over as St. Norbert’s seventh president in July 2008. Prior to his appointment at St. Norbert, Kunkel served for eight years as Dean of the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland where he also served as President of the American Journalism Review. A writer and editor, Kunkel spent much of his early career in newspaper management. He was Deputy Managing Editor of the San Jose Mercury News and has worked worked for The Miami Herald, The New York Times, The Cincinnati Post, and Arizona Trend Magazine. He has written and/or edited five books: Genius

in Disguise, the critically praised biography of New Yorker editor Harold Ross which was a New York Times Notable Book of 1995; Enormous Prayers: A Journey into the Priesthood, an ethnographic portrait of 28 Catholic priests, in 1998; Letters from the Editor, a compilation and analysis of Ross letters, published in 2000. Kunkel worked with legendary editor Gene Roberts on the Project on the State of the American Newspaper, a two-year, in-depth examination of the newspaper industry. He later updated the series for a two-volume anthology published by the University of Arkansas Press. Kunkel was born and raised in Evansville, IN. He earned his B.A. in political science at the University of Evansville in 1977 and his master’s degree in humanities from UE in 1979. He and his wife, Debra, have four daughters. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to help fund tuition for low-income students at Archdiocesan Catholic Schools. The dinner is set for Friday, October 7, 2011 at 6:00 pm at Hotel Albuquerque in Old Town. If you have attended before, you know how much your help is needed and appreciated. If this will be your first time, you will get to see the importance of Catholic education, witness the acknowledgement of teachers nominated for the Archdiocesan Teacher of the Year, and applaud the generosity of our many sponsors, get to know new people and may even be top bidder in the live auction or win one of the basket raffles.

September 2011



The following is a Letter to the Editor written to the Albuquerque Journal: Dear Editor: In recent days, your front page has brought me joy, rather than disappointment and anger with the usual stories of corrupt officials, violence, people taking advantage of others to make money – the typical ‘bad news’. The Antonio Diaz Chacon story revealed refreshingly ‘good news’ and the protagonist is an unassuming, undocumented, 24 year old humble young man, a mechanic, with a wife and two young children and little money. Thank you for making this a “front page” story. His spontaneous reaction to save the child being kidnapped speaks of a good heart and of exemplary concern for neighbor – and risk-taking. How moving to learn that when he and his wife were offered a new washing machine by an admirer of the heroic action, their response was that theirs was being fixed, to please donate the new washer to a ‘family in need’. What an example of unselfishness for our materialistic society! I’m also moved by Mayor Berry’s response and actions. You reported that he said, “the last time I checked, the criteria for a hero isn’t based on race, creed, color, national origin or immigration status’. This event and news story happened the same week when the New Mexico Catholic Bishops’ statement on the issue of driver’s licenses was published in the Journal. The bishops show that the Christian position is so often a counter-cultural position – of the dominant culture, of course. From Abraham to Mary, Joseph and the newborn Jesus, the Bible is filled with stories of the need to migrate. In the Mary and Joseph story, God inspires them to migrate – immediately – for survival of the child Jesus. Another hopeful part of the article is the use of the term “undocumented immigrant” rather than “illegal alien”. Maybe Diaz Chacon will move some hearts to realize that lack of “documentation” does not equal “illegality” or worse yet, “criminality”. The Bible, our nation’s history and the present reality show that migration is often a last resort for survival and care for family. The immigrant is a human being, who is not a criminal just because he/she migrated. He/she labors behind the scenes typically with fear and often enduring abuse, but their labor is needed and makes our nation function. Diaz Chacon and many other immigrants act heroically daily to the benefit of others and for their families! Rev. Rafael Garcia, SJ Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Albuquerque

SEMINARY BURSE The following parishes have sent in excess Mass stipends to the Archdiocesan Finance Office for seminarian education. These receipts are for August 2011. Excess Mass stipends are from multiple Mass intentions celebrated at parishes. The archdiocesan policy is for excess Mass stipends to be used for seminarian education.

Parish Name/City

St. Anne – Santa Fe Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe - Pojoaque St. Joseph on the Rio Grande - Albuquerque Our Lady of Belen - Belen Our Lady of the Annunciation - ABQ Holy Ghost – ABQ Immaculate Conception – ABQ John XXIII Catholic Community Our Lady of the Assumption – ABQ St. Edwin – ABQ Immaculate Heart of Mary – Los Alamos

Amount Received From 8/1/11 to 8/31/11

500.00 610.00 450.00 240.16 1,485.00 450.00 434.16 250.00 3,852.65 5,000.00 5.00 $ 13,276.81

The Saint John Vianney Burse Archdiocese of Santa Fe 4000 St. Joseph Place NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120



September 2011

2011 Spanish Market Archbishop’s Awardee Juan Lopez By marIna ocHoa Director, ASF Office of Historic-Artistic, Patrimony & Archives Juan Lopez, a well known artist of filigree jewelry and other filigree art was the winner the 2011 Archbishop’s Award at the annual Spanish Market in Santa Fe held the last weekend in July. The winning piece was a silver filigree image of Our Lady of Guadalupe with her face and the face of the angel beneath her feet done in carved antler. Filigree is a unique form of working in metal that is made from twisted wire and was started by the Phoenicians who may have adapted it from Egyptian art. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in twisted wire fits over a wooden base painted in black made to fit and its total height is less than one foot. The image is further enhanced with gem stones placed randomly on Our Lady’s robe. Juan Lopez has been working in filigree jewelry for about 13 years and his work is beautiful. Most of the work he does is in jewelry although he has done other three dimensional pieces including a Monstrance, a Volkswagen and small dinning sets. His winning piece is certainly unique in all aspects – from the fine twisted silver wire, to the antler carved faces and the gem stones to the delicate and intricate lines and folds. Another of his pieces which won acclaim was the beautiful necklace chosen for the

Spanish Market poster this year and held in a private collection. This year, the Spanish Colonial Arts Society celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Traditional Spanish Market. The market is held on the Santa Fe Plaza every year and this is the 18th year the archbishop has given his award. The Archbishop’s Award was started in 1993 when Archbishop Sheehan was serving as Apostolic Administrator for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The award to Juan Lopez was given to him by the Archbishop on the plaza bandstand following Spanish Market Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi on Sunday, July 31. The Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Sheehan joined by Bishop Wall from Gallup and other visiting priests. Previous winners of the Archbishop Award include Tim Valdez, winner of the first Archbishop’s Award in 1993, Felix Lopez, Lorrie Garcia, Arlene Cisneros Sena, Charlie Carrillo, Nabor Lucero and others. The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi sponsored award for youth artists was given to Joseph Lujan a ten year old from Santa Fe who did a beautiful crucifix titled Cristo Crucificado done in the New Mexico Penitente style. The Santa Maria de la Paz sponsored award in the name of Emilio and Senaida Romero given to youth artist as well was given to Micaiela Cordova from El Prado for her tinwork piece titled Cruz de Amor y Fe.

Archdiocesan Native American Mass

By Deacon Joe Herrera, Jr, DIrector Native American Ministry To the music of native chant, drums, and dance, Native American Catholics from across the Archdiocese gathered on August 20th with Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan to celebrate the Annual Native American Mass. Catholics from various Pueblo villages ministered as deacons, lectors, gift bearers, water bearers, cantors, choir members, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers and greeters, dancers, chanters and drummers. The Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Carmen Florez Mansi, added their voices to the praise and thanks. A new Mass, Mass of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha,

composed by Barbara Guenther of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, was strongly sung by the entire assembly. Deacon Joe Herrera, Jr. (Cochiti and Laguna Pueblos) was commissioned by the Archbishop and blessed by the entire assembly as he began his official duties as the Archdiocesan leader of Native American Ministry. The homily, preached by Deacon Joe, invited all to answer the question that Jesus posed to his disciples in the Gospel: “Who do YOU say that I am? As Native American Catholics and Catholics of all races, if we believe that Jesus came to bring justice, then we must practice justice. If we believe

that Jesus is the one who stands with the poor and vulnerable and ensures that they will not be exploited, then we Catholics need to stand with Jesus in their defense. If we say Jesus is the one who brings God’s kingdom of peace and unity to a troubled world, then we Catholics need to commit ourselves to the practice of peace and unity, rather than stir up conflict and division. If we say Jesus is the one who saves us from evil and calls us to do what is right and good, then we Catholics must consciously choose to do good and avoid doing or speaking evil in our daily lives. If we say Jesus is the one who sacrificed himself to bring us to new life, then we Catholics must also practice self-sacrificing love so that new life in Christ may spring forth for ourselves and others. The Act of Praise after Communion in-

cluded the Prayer of Peace sung and signed by the ladies choir of San Juan Mission and the Eagle Dance, offered and drummed by men of Laguna Pueblo. Archbishop Sheehan concluded the Mass by announcing a “New Evangelization” initiative, forming and training Pueblo leaders to be catechists and youth ministers in their villages. Participants after Mass remarked, “This was a most beautiful prayer together”! A tourist from Boston remarked, “I have never experienced anything like this! I wish we were able to celebrate a liturgy like this in Boston!” To learn more about Native American Ministry, contact Deacon Joe Herrera, Jr. at 505.228.2757 or at joeherrerajr@comcast. net.

September 2011



Our Specialty: Family Reunions and Youth Retreats By eStHer-marIe nagIel, DIrector Madonna Retreat & Conference Center I remember as a child how exciting it was to visit my grandparents. Their house was the best place in the world—my home away from home. As all of us grow up, we begin to realize that finding a home away from home is a treasure. For many in our archdiocese, the Madonna Retreat & Conference Center (MRCC) in Albuquerque and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Retreat Center (IHM) in Santa Fe have become a second spiritual home. I like to think of them as our Mother’s houses—the Madonna’s houses. Perched on the edge of the west mesa in the northeast corner of St. Pius X’s campus, the Madonna Center offers up to 100 guests a look at the big picture with its panoramic view of the Sandia Mountains, the Rio Grande River, and the City of Albuquerque. It is a place to step out of the busyness of life, see spectacular southwestern sunrises and sunsets, gain a new perspective, and let the peace of God’s loving presence envelope you. Nestled in a sunny, near rural setting on the edge of Santa Fe’s museum district, IHM is a tranquil haven of southwestern hospitality in the piñon covered foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Both private and dormitory over-

night rooms, a beautiful chapel, the conference rooms, and attractive grounds, accommodate up to 90 guests with easy access to downtown Santa Fe. We host retreats for people from around the world, but we want to invite those from our own archdiocese to come home to our retreat centers. We are an ideal setting for family reunions, parish or youth retreats, conferences, seminars, trainings, workshops, and planning sessions. Church communities, education and government agencies, professional and community organizations are all welcome. More information about rates and amenities is available on the archdiocesan website Click on the “Retreat & Conference Center” tab and/or go directly to: or

Vicars Forane, Rectors of Churches, Chaplains By rev. KevIn nIeHoFF, o.P., J.c.l. Adjutant Judicial Vicar In the United States, Vicars forane are known as deans of deaneries. Deans are to be priests and are appointed by the bishop with consultation of other priests at the bishop’s discretion (canon 553). To be appointed dean, one must be consider suitable and is appointed for a certain period of time and may be removed for a just reason any time by the bishop (canon 554). The duties and rights of the dean are defined as 1) to promote and coordinate common pastoral actions; 2) see the clerics in his deanery are living an appropriate lifestyle; 3) to ensure religious functions and sacraments are being celebrated regularly and suitably; 4) to supervise the continuing education of priests; 5) to ensure spiritual assistance is available to priests; 6) to make sure priests do not lack spiritual and material help; and, is obliged to visit parishes in his district as arranged with the diocesan bishop” (canon 555). Rectors of church are to be understood as priests to whom is entrusted the care of the some church which is neither a parish or capitular church, nor a church attached to a religious house of a religious institute” (canon 556). A rector may be elected but the bishop may freely appoint this person and/or confirm someone who has been elected by a group of priests. A bishop appoints the rector of a church that belongs to a religious institute but only if presented by the

superior; and, the rector of a church attached to a seminary is rector of that seminary unless otherwise determined by the diocesan bishop” (canon 557). The rector needs the permission of the bishop to perform all sacraments (canon 558) and may conduct religious functions as long as they do not compromise the parish ministry (canons 559 - 561). It is the obligation of the rector to ensure liturgical celebrations are commemorated worthily (canon 562) and he may be removed from this office for a just reason by the bishop (canon 563). Chaplains are defined as a priest to whom is entrusted in a stable manner the pastoral care, at least in part, of some community or special group of Christ’s faithful, to be exercised in accordance with universal and particular law (canon 564). Bishops appoints a chaplain unless the law provides otherwise or unless special rights lawfully belong to someone else (canon 565). Chaplains must be given all the faculties due pastoral demands, and a chaplain in hospitals and prisons may absolve from serious censures (canon 566). The local Ordinary may not appoint a chaplain to a religious house without consultation of the Superior and is responsible for liturgical functions (canon 567). Chaplains may be appointed for groups not served by a parish priest, armed forces chaplains are governed by different law, the chaplain must maintain a relationship with the parish priest, and the chaplain may be removed only for a just reason (canons 568 – 572).

Little Instructions for Aligning Your Life to God Ten Steps to Making God Our First and Most Important Priority By leISa anSlInger Instruction #7: Decisions are steps “Enter the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.” (Matthew 7: 13-14). The decisions we make each day are the steps that either lead toward a life centered on God, or on a life that has as its center things that are not of God. Some decisions are clearcut: Sunday Mass, beginning each day with prayer, cherishing family, friends, and your faith community, serving those in need as a reflection of God’s love in the world. Other decisions need the focus and direction of Church teaching, often through the personal guidance of the pastor or a knowledgeable staff member or teacher. The Catechism of the Catholic Church illustrates the importance of conscience formation in walking the narrow path to which Jesus refers: “In the formation of conscience the Word of God is the light for our path; we must assimilate it

in faith and prayer and put it into practice. We must also examine our conscience before the Lord’s Cross. We are assisted by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, aided by the witness or advice of others and guided by the authoritative teaching of the Church.” (CCC, 1785) The steps that lead us toward God are not always easy ones, as Jesus indicates in the passage above, but, we are certain that our Lord walks with us throughout the journey. What steps on the narrow road do you find yourself needing to take? In what ways are you tempted to take the easy way instead? How will you take a step in which you put God and God’s ways first? Instruction #8: Trust in God Ultimately, the steps on the path of faith and discipleship require us to make a decision: do we trust in God or in the things of this world? It is not that the world is bad; Jesus came to redeem this world, and to restore our path toward God, but we do seem to have a great tendency to become consumed by worry and attention toward the See GOD on page 21



September 2011

The Shepherd Project We can do no great things; only small things with great love. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta We would like to invite you to share your stories of priests, religious sisters or religious brothers who have made a difference in your life for publication consideration. Please limit your submission to 400 words. Remember to include the name of the person you are

writing about as well as your name and parish, or let us know if you’d like remain anonymous. Deadline is the 10th of each month. Email to lradigan@ or write to People of God 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120-1714.

The Shepherd’s Project: Fr. Rafael Garcia, SJ

Norbertines Profess Vows

By DIanne Dragoo, PreSIDent Pastoral Council, Immaculate Conception Parish Fr. Rafael Garcia, SJ, pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Albuquerque, recently marked the 18th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. The parish honored Fr. Garcia at a reception in July. A native of La Habana, Cuba, Fr. Garcia grew up in Miami and studied architecture at the University of Miami. After working as an architect for several years, Fr. Garcia entered the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1983. He was ordained in 1993 at Gesu (Jesuit) Church in downtown Miami, the parish where he, his mother and brother worshiped after their arrival from Cuba. Fr. Garcia’s brother, Emilio, and several other relatives still live in Miami. During Fr. Garcia’s years of formation and as an ordained priest, he has lived in Louisiana, Tampa, Tijuana, Toronto, Madrid, El Paso and, for the last three years, Albuquerque. His previous assignment was as pastor of El Paso’s Sacred Heart Church, a Jesuit parish, for 13 years. In addition to his role as pastor of Immaculate Conception Church and St. Mary’s School, Fr. Garcia is also a consultor to his Jesuit Provincial and a religious delegate to the Archdiocesan Presbyteral Council. Fr. Garcia is active in jail ministry, is a member of an inter-religious coalition for immigrant rights, and serves as a member of the Rachel’s Vineyard post-abortion healing retreat team in El Paso. Under his pastoral leadership, Immaculate Conception Church has created several new ministries, including a young adults ministry, Just Faith classes and workshops, a social concerns ministry, a Spanish-language family religious education program, and Bread and Blessings, a Sunday meal for guests who are homeless. Thank you, Fr. Garcia, for all you have done, and all you continue to do!

Jaime Avila-Borunda, Stephen Gaertner, and Graham Golden professed temporary vows of poverty, consecrated celibacy, and obedience in the Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the Feast of St. Augustine, August 28, 2011 at a Sunday Eucharist at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Community. The priory is a daughter house of St. Norbert Abbey in Wisconsin – an order of Canons Regular following the Rule of St. Augustine. The priory is presently in the process of seeking independence. Born in Chihuahua, Mexico, Jaime holds a BA in Psychology and Spanish from the University of New Mexico. He joined the Norbertine Community in 2002, but left in 2005 and returned to his home in Chihuahua where he received a Master Degree in Education, and became a teacher. In December of 2010 he rejoined the community, studied philosophy at UNM, and ministered to the immigrant community at Holy Rosary. Jaime is the son of Laura Avila-Borunda of Holy Rosary Parish. Stephen Gaertner was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and is a magnum cum laude graduate in English from St. Norbert College in Wisconsin, and an MA graduate in English from Michigan State University

in 2002. In addition to completing doctoral classes at Michigan State, he has been a teacher at Lansing Community College. During his Apostolic year, Stephen worked on a RCIA team, co-facilitated an “Awakening Faith” program, and participated in a 30-week Just Faith action seminar while taking philosophy courses at UNM. Stephen is the son of Robert Gaertner of Midland, Michigan. Graham Golden was born in Albuquerque and graduated from St. Pius X High School in 2007. He is a magnum cum laude graduate of the University of New Mexico with a BA in music and Spanish. For the past year, Graham was an intern in the Social Justice and Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese. His principle functions were to promote awareness of poverty issues in conjunction with Catholic social teachings through giving presentations, workshops, and retreats in Catholic schools and parishes, with particular emphasis of working with youths and young adults. Graham is the son of Dan and Deborah Golden of Seaside, Oregon. Upon completing their “apostolic year”, all three have now moved to the Norbertine House of Studies in Chicago, Illinois, where they will study for the priesthood at Catholic Theological Union.

D+E+I Catholic Business Forum

Celebrating 15 Years of Integrating Business and Faith By Kyle KemP, executIve DIrector Dominican Ecclesial Institute Imagine a room full of business professionals gathered to share their stories, make business contacts, and listen to engaging speakers describe how their faith and their career has interconnected, all while sharing lunch with their colleagues. This scene has repeated itself six times

a year for 15 years as part of the Catholic Business Forum (CBF) sponsored by the Dominican Ecclesial Institute (D+E+I). Started in 1996, CBF is still the way to gather Catholic professionals together in order to promote socially responsible approaches to business activities. The goals of the CBF are simple: provide outstanding speakers who enable personal and professional growth; communicate

useful business values and ethical concepts in a thoughtful way; and foster effective, innovative, partnering opportunities among business people. In other words it is an opportunity to join with other local Catholic business leaders and professionals for stimulating presentations on the role and impact of one’s faith in the business community, while enjoying great food and prime networking opportunities.

This year, CBF will focus on the interconnectivity of faith and politics by inviting community leaders, who can offer new perspectives on how they balance their faith with their positions. Both businesses and governments currently face the challenge of balancing budgets while maintaining See FORUM on page 9

September 2011



Register for the 2011 Golf with a Padre (GWP) Tournament By BetH luKeS Serra Club Volunteer

Registration for the 2011 Golf with a Padre (GWP) Tournament is underway. The tournament will take place Monday, October 10, at Tanoan Country Club, rain or shine. All are invited for a relaxing day of golf with our padres. One to four person teams are welcome. Cost is $125 for single player, $250 for two, $375 for three, and $500 for four. Registration includes welcome gift packages, a sack lunch and a cookout with Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan following the tournament. Get in the swing of supporting our priests by registering today! Email Tom McCollom at, or call him at 505.298.6343 to register.

Priests and brothers took swing at supporting ASF seminarians in the 2009 GWP Tournament. This year’s Tourney will take place Monday, October 10, 2011.

Seeds of Faith By Deacon Steve rangel Director of Deacons/Pastoral Outreach In August, Sr. Desire Anne-Marie Findlay celebrated her entrance into religious life as a Felician Franciscan Novice at a Mass held at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Convent in Rio Rancho. The chapel at the convent was filled with joy and happiness as family members and friends of Desire gathered at the special Mass for her. I can’t describe how happy and proud I was to be with Desire as she entered into religious life. For you see, Desire was one of my youth when I was the youth director at St. Jude Thaddeus Parish in Albuquerque. As youth directors, our role is to guide, nurture, and encourage our youth in their faith and provide them with opportunities to encounter Christ in different community services. Desire’s mom, Margaret Blackledge, shared how the seed of becoming a sister was planted when our youth group went to Jemez Springs to help the Handmaids of the Precious Blood Sisters. The seed grew over the years with the help of her family and her friends who God placed in her life, and then it finally produced fruit in August. Desire shared with me that she, too, hopes to be able to work with youth in some capacity. I was blessed to see Desire grow in her faith and to answer God’s call to become a sister. Youth directors don’t always get to witness how our youth will grow in their faith. We are farmers who plant seeds of faith and pray for them to grow. We never know what will happen, but we place our faith into God’s hands. I encourage all of you to become farmers and plant as many seeds of faith as you can, because with God’s grace, they will grow.

FORUM from page 8

services to their customers (constituents). Reflecting the centrality and universality of these challenges, CBF sessions will explore how faith may influence and frame the solutions. CBF has served a vital mission in the Santa Fe Archdiocese for 15 years. It has done so by providing business and professional men and women with the opportunity to deepen their personal faith and professional ethics. It has achieved this milestone thanks to its many members and sponsors over the years. CBF is currently registering members for the 2011-2012 program with sessions scheduled for Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Feb. 14, March 13, and April 10 at the Embassy Suites. The current speakers are Robin Dozier Otten, Martin Esquivel, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Demesia Padilla, Maggie Hart Stebbins, Brian Colon. If you would like more information on CBF or would like to become a member, contact me (505.243-0525 / Kyle Kemp is the new Executive Director of the Dominican Ecclesial Institute, replacing Fr. Matt Strabala, OP who has been reassigned to St. Louis, MI. Kyle has a Master’s in Theology from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and has been active in pastoral ministry for over 40 years.



September 2011


St. Pius X Welcomes Largest Freshman Class in Last Three Years This August, St. Pius X High School welcomed 236 new freshmen to the campus. An increase of about 45 more students than last year makes this class the largest new class at school in the last three years. As always, SPX helps its new students to make the adjustment to high school. Since 1993, the school has devoted a day of activities to launch the students into high school life with its freshman orientation, known as Frosh Camp. In addition this year, SPX has introduced a semester-long freshman seminar to proactively help students transition academically, socially, and interpersonally. Freshmen who elect a study hall will attend the seminar two days a week during study period. Freshman orientation welcomes students with a mock graduation ceremony, which creates a strong vision of graduating from high school. Students march into the gym to their parents’ applause and cheers. The rest of the day introduces the students to other students, teach-

ers, and their new schedules. With new schedules in hand, students scramble the halls in search of their classrooms. “It is like a scavenger hunt,” said Jeff Turcotte, director of activities, in charge of freshman orientation. “They first scatter out nervously, and then by the end they have figured it out and are much calmer,” added Mr. Turcotte. At orientation, the freshmen get the feel of the campus. “They are the only students on the campus for the day. It is a way to show them they are truly welcome and to celebrate the newest members of the community,” said Mr. Turcotte. During school year, the freshman seminar introduces academic topics such as study skills, including note taking, test preparation, test-taking strategy, stress management, organization. Also communication, respect, self awareness, Catholic identity, healthy decision making and community participation are offered to help with personal development. Subjects like bullying and proper use of social media are included also. The seminars are presented by the SPX Counseling

St. Pius X freshmen are surprised by the applause and cheers of their parents as they unknowingly walk into the mock graduation ceremony at orientation. Department. “The seminar will help improve students’ academic preparedness and their ability to take full advantage of being a part of the SPX communi-

ty,” said Dominic Kollasch, head of the counseling department. “These skills help students see what they can do to take the opportunity to flourish in high school,” continued Mr. Kollasch.

Holy Child Catholic School Receives Grant from Catholic Foundation Holy Child Catholic School in Tijeras has been award a $3000 grant from the Catholic Foundation for its Kindergarten/Pre-School P.M. enrichment program, its after-school tutoring program, and its summer school program. Kindergarteners will be able to take two-afternoon classes a week in Suzuki

violin, Suzuki violin guided practice, and art. The after-school tutoring program for all students takes place at 3:30-4:30 MondayThursday. Summer school takes place in the month of June. There were 25 students from the greater Tijeras area who participated in the 2011 Summer School.

Calling all Santa Fe Catholic School Alumni

Pictured above is Vivian Grogan (Kindergarten) and Thomas Weber (Pre-k 4) with their Suzuki violin teacher, Laura Wright of Hawn Violin Studios.

The Santo Niño Regional Catholic School Advisory Council is currently working on sending an Alumni Newsletter out to all Santa Fe Catholic School Alumni. The newsletter will include school updates, events, and information about the Regional Catholic School in Santa Fe. If you are interested in receiving a copy, please email Angela Peinado at with your full name, mailing address, city, state, zip, and email address.

September 2011




Coach Tybor Leads in Years of Service As the school year opened with a Mass and a ceremony awarding faculty and staff for years of service, Coach Ron Tybor was given a special recognition for his 45 years at Pius with a service pin and a Sartan football jersey numbered 45. It was also announced that Coach Tybor will be the Grand Marshall of this year’s Homecoming Parade at 2:40pm on Sept 12 at Ben Rios Field at the school In honoring Coach Tybor, Orlando Rodriguez, assistant principal, said, “He is a very sincere, religious, and a caring individual who always has positive things to say. Above all, this teacher is a witness to Christ in the world.” Teacher Phil Zuber was recognized for his 30 years of service to St. Pius X. “He is innovative and dynamic in his teaching and has inspired students to understand and love Shakespeare. He is very caring and the ultimate Sartan booster who has given much time and energy to St. Pius and its students,” said Mr. Rodriguez. “Teachers are recognized with a service pin that is a sign of love and fidelity to the students and school. It recognizes the many hours spent at school and often at home preparing lessons and activities, grading papers, doing administrative work, maintaining school grounds, and providing a safe and orderly campus,” said Mr. Rodriguez. Pins are given for the first year and then for every 5 years of service.

St. Pius X Takes Up Rachel’s Challenge St. Pius X students enthusiastically took up Rachel’s Challenge. Speakers from Rachel’s Challenge told the story of Rachel Scott, the first student shot at Columbine High School on April 30, 1999. Rachel’s dream was to start a chain reaction of kindness to touch hearts around the world. Her acts of kindness and compassion coupled with the contents of her six diaries have become the foundation for one of the most life-changing school programs in America. Students heard about Rachel’s essay she wrote a few months before her death, which stated, “My definition of compassion is forgiving, loving, helping, leading, and showing mercy for others. I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go.” After her death, her father found her essay and diaries about her dreams for the kindness, and he and other family members

formed a foundation to promote Rachel’s message around the world. After the assembly, students signed a poster pledging to accept Rachel’s Challenge, and over 200 students volunteered to immediately attend a Rachel’s Club workshop to come up with ideas on how to bring Rachel’s Challenge to SPX. Some of the ideas to make the campus an even more accepting environment were to make an effort to welcome the new, transfer, and foreign exchange students, a kindness Facebook page, to sit with someone different in the cafeteria on Fridays, to have a senior-freshman mentoring system, to place a note of encouragement for fellow students on their lockers, and to have a week of appreciation for faculty, maintenance, and other groups. “Rachel’s club isn’t so much a club on its own but a movement. Hopefully, the ideas and acts of kindness can be incorporated in the clubs and activities already on campus,” said Jeff Turcotte, Director of Activities.



September 2011

Spiritual Renewal Center It Is Not Enough To Give Gifts Other Non-Profits A Piece of Bread… By Fran WHelan Board President The Spiritual Renewal Center officially closed their retreat doors earlier this year in January 2011. The property was sold to the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande. The retreat ministry had a long and fruitful history in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. It began in 1955 when Sisters from the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine de Ricci came to Albuquerque. The original Dominican Retreat House was on South Coors Blvd in the South Valley, where the Norbertine Community now resides. In the 1990’s, the retreat center remained in the South Valley on Pajarito Road. By 2001, it then moved to its permanent place on North Coors near the Bosque. It also changed hands to the Board of Directors and renamed the Spiritual Renewal Center. The SRC kept its Dominican roots when Srs. Amata and Margaret Mary stayed and worked and ministered up into 2009. With the economic down turn of recent years, the SRC struggled to keep the doors open for business. When a buyer was found, the SRC Board saw it as a blessing. The sale of the property not only helped pay off the mortgage, it allowed the Board of Directors to financially gift other groups. Twenty-nine groups were vetted and nominated to receive funds. They were invited to apply, show 501 (c) (3) non-profit status, and tell the board how they would use the funds. Checks were delivered in person in

By Deacon SantoS aBeyta and lInDa StraSBurg

July. The first and foremost group to receive substantial funding was the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine de Ricci. They received two checks to help continue their two remaining retreat centers. Several other religious congregations received money: Sisters of Charity, Canossan Sisters, Benedictine Sisters (in Gallup Diocese), Sisters of the Poor, Norbertine Community, and the Good Shepherd Brothers. Other local charities include Barrett House, Catholic Charities, Catholic Foundation, D+E+I, FOCES, OLF School gym restoration, St Martin’s Hospitality, APS Homeless Project, and several others. FOCES is using the money to fund three scholarships in the names of Sr. Amata, Sr. Margaret Mary and St. Catherine de Ricci. The SRC Board felt it needed to give back to the community that supported it for so many years. The impact of the SRC will live on in these other groups, especially within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe community.

Would You Like to Help the Good Shepherd Center? By Deacon mIcHael a. IllerBrun Voice of the Good Shepherd Have you ever wondered how you can help the Good Shepherd Center accomplish its mission of feeding the poor? The Voice of the Good Shepherd organization has developed a “Provide a Meal” program for businesses or individuals who would like to help. For only $250 you can provide meals for 300 poor and disadvantaged people! You can make a memorial or honorarium donation and the Brothers will place your name in the Good Shepherd “Book of Life.” If this sounds like something you would like to do, it is easy to participate. Simply send your name, address, phone and email, along with your donation to:

Good Shepherd Center 218 Iron St Albuquerque, NM 87102 Make sure you note on your donation that it is for the “Provide a Meal” program. If you would like your donation to be designated for someone’s memory or honor please include their name in your correspondence. If you can’t afford $250 but still want to help, the Brothers welcome any amount of help! Your donations will all be appreciated. If you have any questions about this program or about the center itself, please call Brother Gerard at 505.243.2527 x102. If you would like to learn more about the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, check out their website

For advertising information please call Leslie at 505.831.8162 or email

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been in existence in the world for over 175 years and in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe since 1923 when the first conference was established at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. Blessed Frederic Ozanam founded the society with the vision to embrace the world in a network of charity. For many years now, the members of the society have done just that by personto-person service to those who are in need or suffering. In order to follow Catholic Social Teaching, we must also be aware of the injustices in this world and hear the cries of the poor and see the injustice of their situation. Our lives are all interdependent and only when we understand how society is structured to give unfair advantage to some and work to correct these disadvantages will we be truly living our faith. Our spiritual growth doesn’t happen when something goes down easily. It comes from what is different and even difficult. Pope Paul VI said, “If you want Peace, work for Justice.” When we enter the social justice realm, we begin to look at the prob-

lems and conditions facing us in our own communities and look for ways to correct these structures that perpetuate the very needs that we alleviate through our social services. Our mission statement says that in order to continue the works of Jesus, we must pray, empower the poor and stand in solidarity with them, advocate for justice on behalf of the less fortunate, mobilize people to engage societal structures, seek to make policy changes to benefit the poor, and educate others about the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church. We invite you to join us to learn more about Catholic advocacy and being a voice for the poor. All are invited to be part of this event!

Voice of the Poor Advocacy Congress Saturday, October 15 at St. Pius X High School in Albuquerque 8:00 am to 4:00pm Registration: $10 in advance or $15 at the door (to cover cost of lunch) Checks should be made out to: Archdiocese of Santa Fe SVdP and mailed by October 1 to Linda Strasburg , P.O. Box 50835, Albuquerque, NM 87181 Allen Sanchez, Executive Director of the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops and President and CEO of St. Joseph Community Health will speak about Catholic Doctrine and advocacy, especially as it relates to protecting the most vulnerable. In his work, Allen assists the Bishops of New Mexico to bring Catholic moral and social teachings to bear in forming the policies of our state. Allen will lead us as we explore how best to network with other organizations so that we become one voice united in service to the poor of our community. Other groups of service and advocacy will also be joining us and it is our hope that those who attend will be inspired to work together with increased effectiveness in advocating for and with the poor. In Frederic’s words, “Charity is not sufficient. It treats the wounds but does not stop the blows that cause them…. Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveler who has been attacked. It is Justice’s role to prevent the attacks.”

September 2011



World Youth Day

Church in Spain Catholics Weekly Mass attendance Priests Catholics per priest Parishes


4.2 million, 93% 19% 25,700 1,634 22,600


Portugal Europe


Sources: 2011 Catholic Almanac, Center for the Applied Research in the Apostolate ©2011 CNS

Pilgrims from Prince of Peace catholic community traveled to madrid Spain for World youth Day 2011.

ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH, ISLETA REDEDICATED By alan cHerIno St. Augustine Church Preservation Committee Co-Chair On August 13, 2011 after years of planning and restoration, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan rededicated the St. Augustine Church in Isleta Pueblo with a Blessing Mass, Native American dances, and a pueblo meal served to more than 1,000 people in attendance. “All the people of Isleta are rightly proud of this beautiful church dedicated to St. Augustine,” Sheehan said during his homily. “When you think of the history of this place – my goodness, how powerful.”

Established in 1613 as St. Anthony, the church was nearly destroyed during the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Twelve years later, Don Diego de Vargas discovered the church in ruins with the walls still standing. It was rebuilt in 1710 and renamed St. Augustine around 1720. After six years of planning and researching, the restoration became a reality. “We were lucky a few years ago when funding became available and the church qualified as a cultural resource project,”

Visit or scan this

said Isleta Governor Frank Lujan. “With the tribal council’s approval, the funds were allocated and approved.” The project then embarked on a 17-month restoration. Among those involved in the project were the St. Augustine Church Preservation Committee, the Isleta Culture Committee, Father Hilaire Valiquette (former pastor), Father George Pavamkott (present pastor), the Isleta Governor’s Administration, and Crocker Ltd. (contractor). Meeting bi-weekly throughout the project, the church was restored to its present-day look but maintained many of

its historical attributes. Archbishop Sheehan said “My hope is that the faith will indeed not be just a building. A building is important, but even more is that it has to be in our hearts. We are the church, we who are the people. The building is one thing, but the real church is the people, the people of Isleta.” Gov. Lujan said with the church rebuilt, the parish’s spirit has also been restored. “There is something about the human spirit that wades through trying times and rakes through the ashes of despair, then makes the decision to rebuild,” Lujan said. “Faith

is reconstruction after ruin. I believe it takes more faith to rebuild for a second time than to build the first time. It means a chance to rebuild our faith and provide guidance to future generations to come.” Father George said he is very proud of the parish and the hard work of everyone involved. “Today our dream is fulfilled. Today, our church looks very beautiful, new and ready to worship our God.” (We are grateful to Clara Garcia, Editor/News-Bulletin, who contributed to this article.) See photos on pages 14 & 15

to check out a beautiful slideshow on St. Augustine



September 2011


Rededication &

• August

Archbishop Mic

“My hope is that the faith will indeed not be just a building. A building is important, but even more is that it has to be in our hearts. We are the church, we who are the people. The building is one thing, but the real church is the people, the people of Isleta.” — Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

“There is something about the ashes of despair, then believe it takes more faith chance to rebuild our faith

September 2011




& Blessing Mass

t 13, 2011 •

chael J. Sheehan, Presider

Photo by


t the human spirit that wades through trying times and rakes through makes the decision to rebuild. Faith is reconstruction after ruin. I to rebuild for a second time than to build the first time. It means a h and provide guidance to future generations to come.” — Governor Lujan



September 2011

Villa Therese Catholic Clinic Honors Volunteers By nIco roeSler Nestled between the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and the former Cathedral School quietly sits Villa Therese Catholic Clinic. Modest in its traditional Santa Fe style, and humble in the personalities of the people maintaining the tradition of service to the community, Villa Therese is a community fixture. In June, the Board of Directors held an appreciation reception for eight long time volunteers that have quietly helped to keep the clinic operating to serve the poor and uninsured. “These doctors come on their lunch hours, they come before their practices open, they come at the end of an already long day,” Lynn Cheek, chair of the board of directors, said. “They see these kids and they don’t expect anything in return.” The volunteers honored were Dr. Ed Williams, Dr. Edward Urig, Cyndi and Brian Boddy, Edwina Wood, Dr. Jeffery Wheaton, Dr. Sue Katz, and Dr. Fred Kullman.

Dr. Williams, a local podiatrist and 35 year veteran admires the clinic’s commitment to those who “fall between the cracks” when it comes to health care. “The philosophy and the spirit of giving at the clinic have not changed,” Dr. Williams said as he received a plaque for his years of service. Dr. Urig, an oral surgeon volunteer for 25 years, went to school with Sisters of Charity in Colorado. For Dr. Urig, his service to the clinic is an answer to the call to be Christian. “When you can help somebody who really needs the help, just by taking out a tooth, he said, “It’s really a blessing.” He describes his work as more of a personal blessing and hopes to volunteer for at least another 15 years. “As long as I can squeeze my hand and take out teeth, I’ll probably do it,” he said. Dr. Fred Kullman, a 30 year veteran stated, “I was attracted to Villa Therese mostly because of your mission to provide quality medical care to the uninsured and needy population of Santa Fe. I grew up Catholic, and for me one of the most im-

portant values of the Catholic Church is its strong emphasis on social justice for all. It has been a wonderful relationship and I am leaving with a bit of sadness in my heart.” As the Santa Fe sun set over the clinic,

the honorees and their families joined with the entire Villa Therese family of 30 medical volunteers and many, many nonmedical volunteers to celebrate an ongoing commitment to the clinic’s mission.

Returning to Honduras By terry DavenPort, granD KnIgHt Knights of Columbus Council#10517, Santa Maria de la Paz, Santa Fe In July, Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz M.Div, pastor of the Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community, led a group of 14 parishioners including Knights and Ladies from Council 10517 on a service mission to Guaimaca, Honduras. Santa Maria de la Paz has been sending groups to serve in Honduras since 2003. Through the years, the generous parishioners have donated tens of thousands of dollars in aid for needy Honduran school children plus a small mountain of clothing, school and medical supplies. The parishioner members of the Knights of Columbus Council have helped build three village churches and a home for a needy family who lost their home in the floods in Danli, Honduras last fall. This service mission included more medical supplies, a wheelchair for a disabled Honduran child, school supplies and the construction of a house for use by a needy family that is owned and maintained by the Guaimaca St. Vincent DePaul Society. “I’ve always loved helping others ever since I was a little girl. Going to a third world country is a great way to help myself to be more appreciative and grateful for what I

have been given”, said Ashley, a 16 year old high school student at St. Michael’s High School who participated in her first service mission. Ann, mother of a Santa Fe High School senior said, “I thought it would be a good idea for my son to go, and I cannot ask him to go if I’m not willing to go myself.”

U.S. Mexico

Guatemala Trujillo



The group picture was taken by Fr. Craig, pastor of the Guaimaca, Honduras parish.


Honduras Tegucigalpa

El Salvador Nicaragua ©2011 CNS

The Bajo Aguan valley in Honduras encompasses parts of the dioceses of Trujillo, Juticalpa and Yoro. Conflicts over land reform have plagued the region for several years. (CNS graphic/Emily Thompson)

September 2011


Rocking Civilization’s Cradle

By JuDge geralDIne e. rIvera Member of Catholic Relief Services’ Board of Directors Recently, as a member of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Board of Directors, I had the privilege of accompanying fellow board member Bishop Joseph R. Cistone of the Diocese of Saginaw, Michigan, to Ethiopia and Kenya. Catholic Relief Services is the humanitarian arm of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, whose mission it is to serve the

most vulnerable around the globe. The purpose of our trip was to observe, first hand, the work done by CRS in these two East African countries related to emergency food distribution, AIDS/HIV treatment and water and sanitation engineering that provides healthy sanitation and water to remote villages for drinking and irrigation. We began our journey in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at CRS offices where we informally met with all personnel. CRS has been providing emergency relief and development assistance to the people of Ethiopia for over 53 years. The majority of staff is native to the region and performs various jobs for the agency. For example, in a country where HIV/AIDS is prevalent, it is necessary to employ and partner with educated and well-trained personnel who can assist our clients with

antiretroviral therapy, nutrition advice, AIDS/HIV education, and individual and family counseling services. On the other hand, it is also important to employ drivers (who are also mechanics), clerical staff, finance/accounting personnel and persons with water, sanitation and agricultural expertise. During our entire time with the staff, we were struck by

their dedication to CRS and their passion for their work and the well being of the people they serve. We began our visits in the field with the Daughters of Charity where Sister Marguerite escorted us around

the premises. Sister Marguerite operates an HIV/ AIDS counseling and testing laboratory in partnership with CRS. It is an incomegenerating project (minimum payment) for people infected and affected by the virus. Bishop Cistone and I accompanied Sister Marguerite into a neighborhood she serves where we visited teens and young children who are orphans or otherwise impacted by AIDS. We also visited cli-

ents in their multi-family, two-room mud home where women and children affected by AIDS sat spinning cotton on hand-held stick spools. The only light in the room came from a door-like opening as they sat nursing


their babies and carrying on with their work. Their living conditions and poverty were remarkable, but their positive attitudes, their gratitude to CRS and their love for Sister Marguerite were clearly apparent. We finished the day with Bishop Cistone saying Mass in the Daughters of Charity chapel, followed by a delicious dinner cooked by one of the sisters. Eating in community with these nuns as they laughed together and teased

one another about this and that ranks high among my most pleasant memories of Africa. Next day we visited the Sidist Kilo site of the Missionaries of Charity (MOC). MOC is the religious order

founded by Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. My experience in the presence of the sisters made me think how it must have been to watch Mother Teresa work among the poor. Sidist Kilo is one of 18 facilities run by the MOC throughout Ethiopia. It is supported by CRS, including private funding, in partnership with a U.S. Government Title II grant, that provides food commodities. Those cared for at MOC are the worst of the worst---the ones who neither their families nor the government can care for. The calling and the devotion of these Sisters in doing Christ’s work are beyond words. We were asked by one of the Sisters to pray for their faithfulness. Their calling has placed immense demands upon them physically, mentally and spiritu-

ally. How could it not? Much of Sidist Kilo is open air where dormitories and sick rooms have only shutters to keep out the elements. The facility is mostly made of cement for easier cleaning, since it must be completely and thoroughly sanitized daily. At the time we visited, the facility housed and cared for over 1,200 patients, many severely ill, and residents. Some of the residents were healthy newborns and small children. Only 160 nuns, volunteers and employees serve this population. Included in the count were residents who were healthy enough to assist in the upkeep of the facility. There were a number of cooks, in groups assigned to cook for the various populations. A daily staple is the Injera, an Ethiopian flatbread that is a sour tasting sponge-like bread made from fermented batter that is cooked on a hot plate like a tortilla and then rolled up like a jellyroll. It keeps people alive at an inexpensive cost, but it is definitely an acquired taste. The patients at Sidist Kilo suffer from AIDS/HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, cancer, skin bacteria and other deadly diseases that will eventually end their lives. We also saw beautiful babies awaiting adoption and young children with running noses who just couldn’t wait to hug us, or hold hands with us and follow along behind. In contrast, we saw a Sister See AFRICA on page 22



September 2011

Imagine Peace in Your Community- Lessons from Rwanda By carla e. aguIlar Catholic Relief Services In Dioceses along the U.S./Mexico border, Catholic Relief Services is teaching adult and youth leaders the skills to be peacebuilders in their communities. Many of these skills come from experiences gained in developing countries where the Catholic Church is a natural vehicle for peace because of its special ability to involve all people regardless of race, creed, and class. The aim of peace building is to transform the way people, communities, and societies heal and sort out their relationships to promote justice. The Archdiocesan Catholics who heard CRS’ Kathleen Kahlau on The Archbishop’s Hour know the Catholic Church has been a powerful presence for peace building in Sudan because it is one of the few institutions left standing after decades of civil war. In Rwanda, where 55 percent of the population is Catholic, it was a natural for peace building to be carried out by the local Church working with CRS’ Rwanda program. CRS trains priests and diocesans to lead a reconciliation process to help communities heal. Jeanne Sinunuayabo is a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda who, after hearing her own priest talk about reconciliation, considered forgiving the man who killed her family. If I forgive him, Jeanne thought, maybe

I can finally live in peace. It took a while, but Jeanne decided she would visit him in prison. There, in person, she forgave the man who killed her family. Like many others in Rwanda, Jeanne’s attitudes and behavior changed to after participating in a long-term process facilitated by Catholic Relief Services called peace building. “Rwanda taught us that if conflict and its underlying causes are ignored, the consequences could be devastating,” said Anna Alicia Chavez, Border Program Coordinator for Catholic Relief Services Southwest. “This is why it is so crucial to provide safe spaces in border regions where people can dialogue and dream of a better world and better future.” The peace building training encourages participants to think critically about their own reality and initiate peace building projects relevant to their communities. “Peace building is about putting your faith into action and being a co-creator with God on building His kingdom on earth,” said Chavez. Surely, stories like Jeanne’s show us that individual and communal peace is possible. To read the full story of Jeanne and peace building work in Rwanda visit For more information about CRS, call Anne Avellone, Director of the Office for Social Justice and Respect Life, at 505.831.8100.

Catholic Charities’ Attorney Honored By DIane Kay Melissa Ewer, Immigration Attorney in Catholic Charities’ Center for Immigration and Citizenship Legal Assistance, has been honored by the Mexican Government for her work in assisting immigrants. She provides legal help to people seeking legal immigration status in the United States who have been victims of domestic abuse or sexual assault. Her clientele is predominately made up of Mexican women who have suffered at the hands of spouses or others who threaten them with potential deportation if they speak out. Ms. Ewer has had an exceedingly high success rate in her advocacy for these women. She is one of the only people in the state of New Mexico to provide these services. The Mexican Consulate in Albuquerque invited Ms. Ewer to attend a special conference in Mexico City at the expense of the Mexican Government this past August. The conference title in English is “The 85th Informative Conference of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad: Gender and Migration.” Delegates to the conference were invited from around the

world to participate. Ms. Ewer is one of only two invited from New Mexico. Ms. Ewer has been working for Catholic Charities for over 10 years and has developed expertise in her area of legal practice. Her ability to speak fluent English and Spanish has proven invaluable in her work on the VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Immigration program. Cases are referred to her from police, shelters, counselors, and others dealing with cases of violence. Because the US Government’s immigration process works very slowly, her cases may take years to complete and she may have as many as 300 cases working at any given time. But the joy occurs when she finally gets to tell her clients they are approved to stay in this country. The women often cry or scream with delight. It means their dark days of fear are over. Catholic Charities is very proud of the fine work done by Ms. Ewer in her service to the community. She is a personification of the agency’s mission: “To create hope for those in need by promoting self-sufficiency, strengthening families, fighting poverty and building community.” Congratulations to Melissa Ewer.

Jeanne Sinunuayabo sits with two of her sons. Jeanne’s two oldest sons were killed in the 1994 Rwandan genocide by her friend and neighbor. Thanks to CRS’ peace and reconciliation work in her diocese, Jeanne has forgiven the man. She even visits him in prison where he is serving a 27-year sentence.

Celebrating 10 Years of Spanish Religious Arts The 10th Annual Santero Market at San Felipe de Neri Parish in Albuquerque’s Old Town will be October 1-2, 2011. Santero Market is an entertaining and fun filled public event held for the past nine years, coinciding with the opening weekend of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. This year’s market will feature 40 artists from throughout New Mexico, showcasing primarily traditional Spanish religious art. This year’s

market will include an artist lecture at 2:00pm on Sunday October 2. Market hours are Saturday 8am – 6pm and Sunday 8am – 5 pm. The public is invited to attend Santero Market, with ongoing entertainment and food available throughout the weekend. Additional information is available at (special events), or by contacting the San Felipe de Neri parish office at 505.243.4628.

Fiesta Time in Socorro! The historic San Miguel Church of Socorro will be celebrating their annual fiestas from Friday, September 30 through Sunday, October 2, 2011. Coronation of the Senior King and Queen Paul and Frances Cases will take place on Friday at 5pm in the context of evening prayer. All booths and activities will follow, and a Mariachi Mass will be celebrated Saturday at 5pm. The Grand Fiesta Mass will be celebrated Sunday at 10am and will include coronation of the fiesta queen and junior prince and princess. This grand Mass will be followed by a procession through the streets of Socorro to the town plaza and back to the fiesta

grounds on the church property. Great music, dancing, food, games, silent auction, indoor mercado and other attractions will be available all on the fiesta grounds. Please come and join in this celebration of this holy and historic faith community! For more information contact the church office at: 575.835.2891. See you there!

September 2011



Catholic Coalition of Churches Build Homes for Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity By JuDItH lucero, executIve DIrector Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity In the last eleven years, Albuquerque’s Catholic parishes have provided funding and volunteer assistance in building 10 Habitat for Humanity homes for low-income families who are employed but cannot qualify for a conventional mortgage. Habitat has built or refurbished 157 homes in the greater Albuquerque metro since 1987. Most of the earlier homes were funded by two parishes, Prince of Peace and Risen Savior Catholic communities, along with some individual donations. Over the years other parishes have joined in the effort. Because of rising costs to build homes, the Catholic Coalition has formed an ecumenical collaboration with area Presbyterian churches and other faith based communities. The relationship continues as money is raised to sponsor and build the eleventh home in early 2012. The Catholic Coalition Committee, staff and Board of Directors for Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity would like

to thank the following Catholic parishes who have participated over the last ten years: Church of the Assumption, Holy Ghost, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Prince of Peace, Queen of Heaven, Risen Savior, and St. Jude Thaddeus. The Catholic Coalition looks forward to building its twelfth Habitat House in 2012. The participating parishes invite all Catholic parishes within the greater Albuquerque area to join in this ecumenical Christian ministry to make a difference in the lives of others. Habitat for Humanity is committed to its misParishioners from many of our Catholic parishes contributed their time and skills by participatsion of building simple, decent ing in the home’s construction and in providing lunches for the workers. and affordable housing for lowincome working families. querque is great, with 15,000 doc- parish community can become contact Carolyn Burgholzer, VolHabitat homes create decent umented families whose income involved in providing hard work- unteer Fundraiser, Catholic Coaliand safe neighborhoods in which is extremely low and are forced to ing families with the peace of tion, 505.821.7882 or cburgholzour families can experience hope live in substandard housing condi- mind homeownership can bring., or Judy Lucero, and make positive contributions tions. To learn more about the ministry Executive Director, Greater Alto the community in which they We invite you to contact Great- of the Catholic Coalition and the buquerque Habitat for Humanity, live. To continue our mission we er Albuquerque Habitat for Hu- good works of Greater Albuquer- 505.265.0057x105 or judy@habineed your help. The need in Albu- manity to learn how you and your que Habitat for Humanity, please

Annual Mora Youth Group Sponsored by Cornerstones Community Partnership

By BernaDette lucero arcHIval/ curatorIal aSSIStant Office of Historic- Artistic Patrimony & Archives Cornerstones Community Partnerships annually sponsors the Mora Youth Group along with the parish of St. Gertrude in Mora. The youth group consists of young adults who are trained in traditional adobe building skills. Cornerstones initiated the program in 1995 under the guidance of Executive Director Barbara Zook and Fr. Tim Martinez who was the pastor of Mora at the time. The program provided summer employment and a way to educate the youth in the traditional building skills and preservation techniques for adobe churches in the Mora area. During a week in August, Antonio Martinez, supervisor and trainer for the Mora Youth Group, assisted the youth in applying adobe mud plaster to the mission church of San Rafael in La Cueva. The youth participating in the project were Daniel Kelly, Robbie Kelly, Appleonya Sandoval and Austin Montoya. The program is held three weeks during the summer months and consists of 32 hour

work weeks Monday through Thursday under the guidance of Antonio Martinez. Over the years, the Mora Youth Group has worked on various mission churches of Mora which include San Antonio de Padua in Chacon, San Antonio de Padua in Cleveland, Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rainsville, Santa Rita in Lucero, San Acacio in Golondrinas, San Jose in Cañoncito, El Santo Niño de Atocha in Monte Aplonado, and San Rafael in La Cueva. The mission of San Rafael in La Cueva has been repaired by previous Mora Youth Groups and this is the third time since the foundation of the youth group that the mission church has been worked on. Members of the community of La Cueva and the surrounding area also participated in the restoration work in August. The Mora Youth Group is a three week annual program and this year the group will finish their third week working on El Santo Niño de Atocha in Monte Aplonado.



September 2011

LITU RG I CA L Formation

The Liturgy of the Eucharist La Liturgia Eucarística

By KrIStoPHer Seaman Eucharist, as we know, means “thanksgiving.” To be thankful is to be grateful—to offer gratitude. “Thank you” is the response we make to someone who has either given something to us or has done something for us. God did not give us something, as much as he gave us someone: his very own Son. In the Eucharistic Prayer we pray to God the Father, through the Son, that the Holy Spirit will transform bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ so that we might enter deeper communion with God and one another. We also pray that we are transformed, so that we “may be filled with every grace and heavenly blessing.” This prayer, then, is our response to God’s immense gift of love given to us, especially in the Eucharist. The Eucharistic Prayer, the prayer of thanksgiving and sanctification, is the “center and high

point” of the Mass (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 78). Because this prayer is the summit, everything that happens in the liturgy is leading us to this high point. The altar is prepared, gifts of bread and wine are brought up in a procession, given to the priest celebrant (or deacon) so that these gifts might be prepared. Then, the Eucharistic Prayer begins with the priest presider proclaiming, “The Lord be with you.” The great prayer concludes with the liturgical assembly singing, “Amen.” Following the Eucharistic Prayer is the Communion Rite, which is a subsection of the LitSee LITURGY on page 21

New Roman Missal includes 17 additions to Proper of Saints WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Along with the more noticeable changes taking place in the third edition of the Roman Missal come more subtle ones, like the addition of 17 saints on the U.S. calendar. The Proper of Saints is part of the missal that identifies the calendar of saints’ days and lists prayers for each day. It is approved

by the Vatican, but the bishops of each country can modify it to better serve their people. Some of the new names have been on the U.S. calendar before, but are only now appearing in the edition for the universal church. At the local level, priests may choose not to observe all See MISSAL on page 21

Por KrISoPHer Seaman Como sabemos, el vocablo eucaristía, significa “acción de gracias”. El dar gracias significa ser agradecidos, es decir, dar gratitud. “Gracias” es la respuesta que ofrecemos a alguien que ha hecho algo por nosotros o que nos ha dado algo. No es tanto que Dios nos haya dado algo, sino que nos dio a alguien: a su propio Hijo. En la Plegaria Eucarística dirigimos nuestra oración a Dios, por medio del Hijo, para que el Espíritu Santo convierta el pan y el vino en el cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo, para que así entremos en una comunión más profunda con Dios y con los demás. También pedimos para que seamos transformados, para que “llenos de su Espíritu / seamos un solo cuerpo y un solo espíritu”. Por lo tanto, esta oración es nuestra respuesta al inmenso regalo de amorque nos ha sido dado, especialmente en la Eucaristía. La Plegaria Eucarística, la oración de acción de gracias y santificación, es el “punto central y el momento culminante de toda la celebración” (Ordenación General para el Uso del Misal Romano, 78). Puesto que esta oración es la cumbre, todo lo que sucede en la liturgia nos conduce a este punto culminante. Se prepara el altar, las ofrendas del pan y el vino se traen en procesión, se entregan al sacerdote celebrante (o diácono) para preparar estas ofrendas. Entonces, comienza la Plegaria Eucarística cuando el sacerdote presidente proclama las palabras: “El Señor esté con ustedes”. La gran oración concluye con el canto litúrgico del “Gran Amén” por parte de toda la asamblea. A la fecha, existen once Plegarias Eucarísticas de las cuales el sacerdote puede escoger una de ellas: I–IV, 2 para Misas de reconciliación, 1 para Misas por varias necesidades y ocasiones, y 4 para Misas con niños. A la Plegaria Eucarística le sigue el Rito de la Comunión, que es una subdivisión de la Liturgia Eucarística. Este rito consiste en la Oración del Señor (Padre Nuestro), el Rito de la paz, la Fracción del pan, la Procesión para la comunión, el periodo de silencio y/o el canto de acción de gracias y, finalmente, la Oración después de la comunión. La Ordenación General para el Uso del Misal Romano (IGMR), el documento que contiene la mayoría de las rúbricas para la celebración de la Misa, declara: “En la oración dominical se pide el pan cotidiano, que para los cristianos evoca principalmente el Pan eucarístico, y se implora la purificación de los pecados, de modo que, en realidad se den a los

santos las cosas santas” (81). Esta es una bellísima declaración: “de modo que, en realidad se den a los santos las cosas santas”; lo que nos hace santos, el cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo. Una vez que hemos pedido el “pan de cada día” se nos invita a ofrecer un signo de paz. La Sagrada Escritura nos presenta a Cristo mismo, extendiendo este saludo de paz a sus discípulos: “¡La paz sea con ustedes!”. A la vez que Cristo nos ofrece su paz, nosotros mismos extendemos nuestra paz a los demás. La paz de Cristo nos llama a la santidad y nos prepara para la recepción de su cuerpo y de su sangre. Entonces se canta el “Cordero de Dios” o “Agnus Dei” mientras que el sacerdote celebrante o el diácono fracciona la hostia consagrada como preparación a la Procesión para la comunión. Este no es un momento funcional, sino que contiene en sí mismo una hermosa teología: “nosotros, que somos muchos, en la comunión de un solo pan de vida, que es Cristo, nos hacemos un solo cuerpo” (ver IGMR, 83). Esta es una definición de comunión: muchos nos convertimos en uno en Cristo Jesús. En la Procesión de la comunión ocurren tres cosas. La primera acción es la procesión en sí misma; la segunda es el Canto de comunión o de la antífona; y la tercera, es la recepción del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. El fin del Canto de comunión: “Debe expresar la unión espiritual de quienes están comulgando, demostrar la alegría del corazón y poner de relieve el carácter comunitario de la precesión de los que van a recibir la Eucaristía”. La acción de procesar, el canto mismo y la recepción del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, manifiestan todos juntos el ser mismo de la asamblea litúrgica que es llevada a una comunión o unidad más profunda con el Dios Trino. Finalmente, la Liturgia de la Eucaristía concluye con un período dedicado a la oración en silencio y la Oración después de la comunión. Esta es la oportunidad para que la asamblea litúrgica ore para que el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo den fruto en su vida misma. Cada parte de la Liturgia de la Eucaristía—así como de la Liturgia de la Palabra—está relacionada al Dios Trino que actúa en nuestro medio y que nos llama a ser santos, como nuestro Dios, que es santo. Revisión del Misal Romano: La Liturgia Eucarística © 2010 Arquidiócesis de Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60609; 1-800-933-1800; www. Foto © John Zich. Esta imagen puede reproducirse solamente para uso personal o parroquial. La noticia de copyright debe aparecer con el texto. Puede descargar el texto visitando www.

September 2011


LITURGY from page 20

urgy of the Eucharist. This rite consists of the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father), the Sign of Peace, the fraction rite, the Communion Procession, the period of silence and/or the Song of Thanksgiving and finally the Prayer after Communion. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (the document containing the majority of rubrics for the Mass) states, “In the Lord’s Prayer a petition is made for daily bread, which for Christians means principally the Eucharistic Bread, and entreating also purification from sin, so that what is holy may in truth be given to the holy” (81). This is a beautiful statement: “. . . so that what is holy may in truth be given to the holy.” What makes us holy, the Body and Blood of Christ. After praying for our “daily bread” we are invited to offer a sign of peace.

In scripture, Christ wished his disciples the greeting “Peace be with you!” on several occasions. As Christ offers us peace, we extend that peace to others. Christ’s peace calls us to holiness and prepares us for the reception of his body and blood. Then, the “Lamb of God” or Agnus Dei is sung while the priest celebrant or deacon breaks the host in preparation for the Communion procession. This is not a functional moment, but contains a beautiful theology: The one host is broken for the many so that the many may become one body (see GIRM, 83). This is a definition of Communion: Many become one in Christ Jesus. In the Communion Procession, three actions occur. The first action is the processing forward itself; the second is singing the Communion Chant; and the third is the


reception of the body and blood of Christ. The Communion song’s “purpose being to express the spiritual union of the communicants by means of the unity of their voices, to show gladness of heart, and to bring out more clearly the ‘communitarian’ character of the procession to receive the Eucharist” (GIRM, 86). The act of processing, the singing the song, and the receiving of Christ’s Body and Blood all manifest the liturgical assembly’s being brought closer into communion or unity with the Triune God. Finally, the Liturgy of the Eucharist concludes with a period of silent prayer and the Prayer after Communion. This is the opportunity for the liturgical assembly to pray for Christ’s Body and Blood to bear fruit in their lives. Each part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist—as well as the Liturgy of the Word—is MISSAL from page 20

of the new remembrance days in their parish. Whether a priest chooses to celebrate certain memorials or not usually depends on the needs of the parish, because the life of each saint offers a unique opportunity for teaching specific lessons and highlighting certain virtues. Joining the Proper of Saints are canonized men and women from all walks of life, such as St. Rita of Cascia, a wife, mother, widow and nun who con-

about the Triune God working in our midst and calling us to become holy as God is holy. Preparing Your Parish for the Revised Roman Missal: Homilies and Reproducibles for Faith Formation © 2011 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago IL 60609; 1-800-933-1800; Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal and The General Instruction of the Roman Missal © 1973, 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). All rights reserved. Photo © John Zich. This image may be reproduced for personal or parish use. The copyright notice must appear with the text. Published with Ecclesiastical Approval (Canon 823, 1) formed herself to the crucified Christ, and St. Lawrence (Lorenzo) Ruiz, a father and husband who spread the Gospel through the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan with his companions. Other saints added include St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, a virgin and martyr born Edith Stein, who converted to Catholicism from Judaism, entered the Carmelite order and died in Auschwitz in 1942, and St. Apollinaris, the bishop of Ravenna, Italy, who was martyred in the second century.

GOD from page 7

passing things of this world rather than on putting God first in our lives. Jesus knows this, and offers this instruction: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat (or drink), or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteous-

ness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. (Matthew 6: 25-27, 31-34) How will you take a step to be reasonable in your acquisition of material goods? How will you trust in God’s care and love, even when life seems uncertain? Next installment: Instruction #9: Eucharist and Reconcilliation. Leisa Anslinger writes for Our Sunday Visitor and on her website: www.thegenerousheart. com.

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September 2011 AFRICA from page 17

Duran, Gutierrez Mr. Con Gutierrez and Miss Lucille Duran were married on May 26, 1951 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Springer with Fr. Colombo performing the ceremony. They have lived in Springer for their 60 years of married life. They have been blessed with four children, David, Steve, Patricia and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Gutierrez also have nine grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Con and Lucille are now enjoying their retirement and their children.

Esquibel, Flores Mr. Louis Flores and Miss Eloisa Esquibel were married on September 21, 1951 at Our Lady of Sorrows in Las Vegas, NM. Fr. C. H. Lomme performed the ceremony. They have five children: Max, Ken, Theresa, Paul and Ted. They have seven grandchildren: Frank, Kenneth, Louis, Berna, Phillip, Gabriel, and Adam; and have been blessed with six great-grandchildren Joshua, Elijah, Vicente, Luis, Cruz, and Rose. Louis has been retired from the public school system for 27 years. Eloisa has been by his side, taking care of the house and children. Louis is a Past Grand of the Knights of Columbus and an active member. Eloisa is a member of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. They belong to St. Rose of Lima in Santa Rosa. Fr. Joseph will bless their 60th wedding anniversary on September 17 at the Puerto de Luna Mission Church.

Garcia, Romero Mr. Julio J. Garcia and Rosina M. Romero were united in Holy Matrimony on August 12, 1961 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Santa Fe and renewed their vows at their 50th wedding anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving at Cristo Rey Church, also in Santa Fe with Msgr. Leo Lucero and Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire as celebrants. The Garcias have been Cristo Rey parishioners since 1961. Julio served on the Cristo Rey School Board, was the Cub Scout & Boy Committee Chair, and was the co-chair for the Annual Cristo Rey Fiesta for many years. Rosina and Julio are now extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist. They have been blessed with three sons and one daughter: Frank Julio (wife Lisa), Jerome Jay (wife Christina), James Joel, and Sarah Theresa (husband Michael). They also have four grandchildren: Erica Nicole & Marissa Juanita Garcia and Kayla Marie & Jacob Michael Moehn. Julio retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1930 after 30 years. Rosina worked for the New Mexico Adjutant General’s Office until their first child was born. She was a homemaker until 1977 when she was employed by St. Vincent’s hospital and retired in 1997 after all four children received their under-graduate and graduate degrees. Since their retirements, they have dedicated themselves to a “special Marian Ministry” organizing and guiding Marian Shrine Pilgrimages in the United States, Mexico, Europe, South America, the Holy Land and Medjugorje.

Sanchez,Cordova Miss Anita Sanchez and Mr. Eusebio Cordova were joined in Holy Matrimony at Our Lady of Belen and have been blessed with six children. They are Alice, Sandra, Carl, Kenneth, Dorothy, and Janet. They raised their children in Los Chavez where they all went to Dennis Chavez Elementary and graduated from Belen High School. Anita and Eusebio are very proud of their children and are blessed to have nine (9) grandchildren from them. Currently Eusebio and Anita enjoy traveling around the world in their RV. Every chance they get, they load the RV and take off for weeks at a time fishing and meeting other people. Another past time is when their children and grandchildren visit and have cookouts. Anita and Eusebio are celebrating 50 years of marriage and are looking forward to many more years of happiness with their family.

cradling a small baby-like girl sick with cancer. That child fit the images so familiar to us all of African malnourished children with thin arms and legs, large bellies and gaunt faces. The child moaned as Sister rocked her to ease her suffering. I asked the baby’s age and was told she was not a baby; she was eleven years old and in the last stages of her life. I asked to excuse myself. We spent the next day visiting the American Ambassador, Donald Booth, and the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop George Panikulam. Ambassador Booth discussed with us some of the political and economic conditions in Ethiopia, as well as the food distribution and financial aid partnership between CRS and the U.S. Government. The Ambassador expressed his confidence that CRS would continue its important work in Ethiopia. We, likewise, expressed our gratitude for the Ambassador’s support and that of the U.S. Government in our joint endeavor to address the plight of those less fortunate. We travelled to Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, to view water, sanitation and agricultural programs in rural villages. CRS has partnered with the Haraghe Catholic Secretariat to build integrated rural development projects. Singing villagers, expressing their gratitude to CRS and HCS for bringing the projects to their village, greeted us in the village of Leliftu. Because of the work of CRS and HCS, women no longer have to walk for over 16 hours a day carrying water 7 to 15 km in 20 liter containers to bring clean water home to their families. Moreover, our efforts to help them construct grass huts that serve as toilets, and teaching them about cleanliness and washing hands frequently, have been successful in reducing illness and disease. Indeed, fruit trees are now planted in the areas “fertilized” with human waste, ashes and soil. The fruit from the trees is used for village consumption and sale to the local markets. CRS, HCS and the U.S. Government supplement food supplies for approximately half the year, as the residents struggle to survive in the face of climate variability. We visited the immense tents that house the food in Dire Dawa. The size of the project was striking. We concluded our stay in Dire Dawa with visits to MOC Dire Dawa and a visit to a small furniture making and repair shop. As a teen, the 20 something year old owner had trained in furniture repair, while participating in a CRS program for children orphaned by AIDS/HIV. The owner, who lives modestly himself, shows his gratitude by training other young orphaned men and paying them for their work as they progress in their skill. These young men live by pooling their meager wages for food and rent. There, again, we saw Jesus in action! After a fulfilling and educational 6 days in Ethiopia, we continued on our journey to Nairobi, Kenya. We met CRS staff and were briefed about current programs. We later enjoyed lunch at the residence of the Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency Archbishop Alain Paul Lebeaupin. In the evening, we attended a meeting at Catholic University of East Africa with the bishops of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA). AMECEA is comprised of 118 dioceses in eight East African countries; Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Somali and Djibouti are affiliate members. CRS has partnered with the bishops to “open new opportunities to be in solidarity with each other, and strengthen the capabilities of the Church in East Africa to share compassion, charity and faithful witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” The following day we were fortunate to travel outside the city to visit Nazareth Hospital, a CRS partner and Catholic teaching hospital that is well known in the region for its treatment of AIDS and urological diseases. As in Ethiopia, we were briefed on Kenya’s political and economic situation by Scott Gration, the U.S. Ambassador to Kenya. On behalf of CRS, we expressed our gratitude to the Ambassador for the economic assistance and partnership we share with the U.S. Government in aiding the people of Kenya. As our trip came to an end, I reflected on many of the things that I saw and heard during my time in Africa. My thoughts, though, return to the 11- year old girl at MOC Addis Ababa, who lay dying of cancer. She is a symbol of why CRS must continue to have such a strong presence in Africa. She represents the most vulnerable among us. I, like others, have wondered why a good and gracious God permits such dreadful suffering, especially the suffering of children and old people who cannot do for themselves. I will never fully understand His reasons, but I believe that when we witness such dreadful adversity of others, God is giving us a great opportunity to live and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and to act on our Catholic faith. We are called to help others in need by contributing, as we are able, our time, treasure and talent to ease the suffering of those less fortunate. Catholic Relief Services exists because of the sound direction and guidance of the U.S. Catholic bishops, the dedicated staff both in the U.S. and overseas operations, and the unparalleled generosity of American Catholics. These efforts follow in the path of our Savior.

September 2011



BOOKS The Death of Magister Aycardus By M. Thomas-Paul Demkovich Publisher: Lumen Library - Dominicans Province of St. Albert the Great (January 2011) Gottfried Reisner is charged by the legendary Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa to discover the truth about a death which happened long ago. It was the death (some say murder) of one of the greatest preachers, teachers and mystics of all time. How could so famous a friar preacher die, and there be no record? A death, kept hidden by time and an oath of secrecy that now needed to be disclosed. How did he die? Where was he buried? These are the questions Gottfried faces as he unravels the political intrigue and social struggles at play in the death of Master Eckhart. At the dawn of the Renaissance, this adventurer must find his clues amid the shards of a waning Medieval Christendom. The Avignon papacy and Holy Roman emperor, the growing wealth of the merchants and the dwindling power of the nobles—these are all factors in the tragic mystery that Gottfried must solve. At the same time, he discovers divine consolation; in the midst of suffering, he learns the lesson of life.

Colorful Creation By Lucy Moore and Honor Ayres Publisher: Liguori Publications (March 2010) From shuddering, juddering, bubbling muddle of mud, God created a colorful creation, a gift to treasure and care for. This book is a feast of sound and color, awe and wonder, with a few surprises along the way This modern take on the classic story of Creation, is approached with creativity, joy, and wonder. Children of all ages will be delighted with the beautiful illustrations and simple storytelling. Each spread of this imaginative book explains the work of a day, as God builds our planet. Perfect reading tool for children 5 to 9, but also is an easy read-along for Sunday schools, libraries, and bedtime at home.

Oil Mining Process Fuels Drive to Stop Pipeline Across Central US

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Maryknoll Father Jim Noonan hopes the five or so hours he spent in jail recently will be noticed by President Barack Obama. A staff associate in the Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns, Father Noonan, 77, was among 65 people arrested Aug. 20 during the first day of a planned two-week protest to call attention to the environmental dangers he believes are posed by a proposed 1,711-mile pipeline to carry Canadian crude oil to refineries in Oklahoma and Texas. Through Aug. 30, nearly 600 people had been arrested. “I wanted to do anything I possibly could to be a voice,” Father Noonan told Catholic News Service three days after his arrest for participating in the first sit-in. “I wanted to ask the president please do not authorize this pipeline because your children and your grandchildren will rue the day that this was authorized.” Father Noonan’s angst is aimed at preventing Obama from signing a permit allowing construction of the Keystone XL Project by TransCanada Corp., from Montana to Texas. The pipeline expansion, opponents believe, would open the door to a rapid increase in oil mining in northern Alberta, endangering a fragile ecosystem and escalating the release of greenhouse gases. The $7 billion project has raised sensitivities in both the United States and Canada. The debates revolve around the benefits of economic development and jobs in a deep recession and the long-term impact on climate change. The issue has pitted labor union against labor union and community group against community group. Elected officials are eyeing potential new tax revenues to continue basic government services. Indigenous people in Canada fear the loss of their way of life should the mining expand rapidly or a disaster rob them of access to water and food.

When the third edition of the English-language version of the Roman Missal is implemented at Advent, it will mark the continuing evolution of the eucharistic liturgy that began more than 2,000 years ago. (CNS graphic/Emily Thompson) The proposed Keystone XL Project consists of a 1,711-mile crude oil pipeline and related facilities that would primarily be used to transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada, to Oklahoma and Texas. (CNS graphic/Emily Thompson)



September 2011

Cremated Remains Committal Service November 2, 2011 • All Soul’s Day Bringing Your Loved One Home Message from Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan’s 1997 pastoral letter….


he Book of Genesis tells us that God made the human person in His own image and likeness. The Church teaches that each person is unique and unrepeatable, and every person must be respected because of his or her human dignity as a child of God: as this is true in life, so too in death. All too often people say, “Funerals are for the living, not the dead.” For a Catholic such a statement is woefully incomplete. Rather, a Catholic funeral affords an opportunity to praise and thank God for the love and mercy He has shown the deceased person. The funeral is a time to pray for the repose of the soul of the departed, and to offer consolation to family and friends. The long standing practice of reverently burying the deceased in a grave or placement in a mausoleum, in imitation of Jesus, continues to be encouraged by the Church. Some families have abandoned the practice of having a Catholic Funeral Rite. This approach indicates an erosion in our belief about the hope of eternal life, about death, and respect for the human person. The practice of cremation is being chosen by a significant number of families for a variety of reasons including economy and practicality. If the cremated remains are not treated with proper dignity, cremation can allow opportunity for disrespect of the human body. The practice of scattering cremated remains over the mountains, or keeping them at home is not the reverent disposition that the Church requires.

Annual Cremated Remains Committal Service and How it Works The Catholic Cemetery Association is offering a program that gives families, who have kept their loved one’s remains at home, an opportunity to “bring their loved one home.” The program is intended to assist families bury their loved one, as instructed by the Catholic Church.

PROGRAM DETAILS: • A committal service will be scheduled annually by the archbishop’s office. Notification of the service’s dates and times will be communicated through the People of God, parish bulletins and the Catholic Radio station. • Prior to the service families can visit either Mt. Calvary Cemetery, in Albuquerque, or Rosario Cemetery, in Santa Fe, to arrange enichement preparations for their loved one. • The cremated remains should be received at least two days prior to the committal service date in a container that does not exceed 8 ¼” in height, 6 ¼” wide and 4 ¼” deep. • If the cremated remains are received in a container that surpasses the required dimensions, Catholic Cemetery personnel will transfer the remains to a liner that meets the size requirement. • The cremated remains will be properly secured until the date of the service. • On the day of the committal service families are encouraged to attend the services, at which time the cremated remains will be placed in the crypt by the staff. Once all the remains have been enniched the staff will secure the crypt front. • A plaque commemorating the burials will be placed on the crypt front; however, there will be no individual memorialization. Definition of Terms Committal Service: is a brief prayer service at the gravesite Enichment: is the placement of the cremated remains in a wall enclosure referred to as a niche. Memorialization: is an inscription, on a plaque or headstone, of a prayer or details about the deceased, i.e. name, date of birth and death, etc.

For more information on the Annual Cremated Remains Committal Service please contact one of the following offices: Rosario Cemetery 11:00am Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan presiding 499 N. Guadalupe St., Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-983-2322 Mt. Calvary Cemetery 2:00pm Very Rev. John Cannon presiding 1900 Edith Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-243-0218

September 2011





“May the Dear Lord bless you...” September Very Rev. Francis Malley Rev. Dennis Dolter, SOLT Rev. Luis Jaramillo (Ret.) Rev. Ramon Smith Rev. Jerome Plotkowski (Ret.)

16 19 21 25 30

October Rev. Frank Prieto, (Ret.) Rev. Michael J. Shea Rev. William E. Young

2 6 15

TV Mass Schedule The Catholic Center St. Joseph/St. Francis Chapel

Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KrQe tv-13, KBIm tv-10, KreZ tv-6, and Fox 2 American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreted TV Mass Donations may be sent online or mailed to: Chancellor’s Office/ TV Mass, 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW, Albuquerque, NM.

Date September 11, 2011 24th Sun OT Rev. Anthony Maes

Readings (Cycle A) Sir 27:30-28:7 Rom 14:7-9 Mt 18:21-35

September 18, 2011 25th Sun OT Rev. Ronald Bowers

Is 55:6-9 Phil 1:20c-24, 27a Mt 20:1-16a

September 25, 2011 26nd Sun OT Rev. Ronald Bowers

Ez 18:25-28 Phil 2:1-11 Mt 21:28-32

October 2, 2011 27rd Sun OT Rev. Andy Pavlak

Is 5:1-7 Phil 4:6-9 Mt 21:33-43

Roman Catholic Saints Calendar September 15 Our Lady of Sorrows 16 St. Cyprian 17 St. Robert Bellarmine 18 St. Joseph of Cupertino 19 St. Januarius 20 Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang and Companions 21 St. Matthew 22 St. Thomas of Villanova 23 Blessed Pica Bernardone 24 St. Pacifico of San Severino 26 Sts. Cosmas and Damian 27 St. Vincent de Paul 28 St. Wenceslaus 29 Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael 30 St. Jerome October 1 St. Theresa of the Child Jesus 2 Feast of the Guardian Angels 3 St. Mother Theodora GuŽrin 4 St. Francis of Assisi 5 Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 6 St. Bruno 7 Our Lady of the Rosary 9 St. John Leonardi 10 St.Francis Borgia 12 St. Seraphin of Montegranaro 14 St. Callistus I

Mark Your Calendar

September 2011

September 2011







September 2011

El Cerro de Tepeyac de Santa Fe


n August 7, 2011, Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan dedicated six exquisite concrete tile mosaics illustrating the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe as well as one of San Juan Diego. Rev. Tien-Tri Nguyen, pastor of the the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Santa Fe and his parishioners served as host for the momentous occasion. Representatives of the clergy included Rev. Msgr. Eduardo Chavez, Postulator for the Canonization of Juan Diego, and Rev. Msgr. Jerome Martinez y Alire, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. The panels, located on a slope just outside the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, are six feet high and three feet wide and are now know as “Cerro de Tepeyac de Santa Fe,” or Santa Fe’s Hill of Tepeyac. Ms. Arlene Cisneros Sena is the internationally known artist of the retablos from which the mosaics were crafted.

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The Hill of Tepeyac is the site where San Juan Diego met the Virgin of Guadalupe and received the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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