Multi Hinge Rig Jamie Sinar
Looking for a versatile, aggressive pop up rig that never tangles? The Multi Hinge Rig could well be what you are looking for… Many, many moons ago I was shown a rig on the local canal which is now commonly known as the Multi Rig. I was amazed at the simplicity, ease of tying but more importantly its hooking efficiency. Until recently it was still my go to pop up rig for 80% of my fishing with the other 20% using a choddy or hinge rig dependant on venue and swim choice. But following an autumn and winter targeting a lake with a hell of a lot of leaf litter that made presenting a standard Multi Rig difficult, I needed to review my presentation. Lengthening the overhand loop at the hook end to sit the bait above any leaf litter or detritus was the logical first change and it did work to some degree with fish still being landed, but what changed was the consistency of the hook holds. Some were nailed, others were in the scissors, and the inevitable happened with a few dropped fish. The Multi Rig just wasn’t as effective with the longer loop sitting the bait higher off the bottom, and the Combilink even in high breaking strains didn’t seem stiff enough to effectively turn a size 5 Chod Twister with a 15mm pop up.
The rig was an instant success, with every fish landed absolutely nailed in the bottom lip. When using very slow sinking baits the hook was often several centimetres back. The next hurdle came with the loop on the hook slipping on a big or punchy cast, something most Multi Rig users will have encountered. The inclusion of a medium piece of Blow Out Tube (0.75mm) sat below the eye solved the problem of slippage. If you want to cast really hard you can wedge the tube inside the eye for additional security. The combination of the best parts of two of the greatest pop up rigs has for me produced a super rig. By varying the coated braid boom you can use it over any bottom and with any end tackle. I favour it on a helicopter set up with a boom around 8-10 inches (20-25cm).
WHEN AND WHERE • Aggressive hooking low lying pop-up rig • Upright section can be varied to combat leaf litter, silt or light weed • Great choice over a good spread of boilies • Excellent anti-tangle properties for long casting and single hookbaits • Allows hooks to be changed instantly
After a lot of trial and error I had a Eureka moment combining the stiff hinge rig properties with the quick change principle of the Multi Rig. I played around with swivels and links on the doubled over hooking section but it took the rig away from the great advantage of the Multi Rig - simplicity. I settled on an Albright knot to connect a 20lb Combilink boom section to a 35mm looped section of 25lb Chod Link.
Take 12 inches (30cm) of 20lb Combilink and strip off approximately 3 inches (7-8cm) to expose the inner supple braid.
Take 3-4 inches (7-10cm) of 25lb Chod Link and double the material over to create a large loop.
Fold the Chod-Link roughly 35mm down this will create the base loop for the Albright knot.
Whip the stripped Combilink nine times up around the parallel Chod Link, keeping the whippings neat and parallel.
Then whip four times back down over the top of the initial whippings and then pass the tag end back through the loop.
Trim the three tag ends you are left with, two Chod Link and one Combilink.
Using a lighter carefully blob the tag ends of the Chod Link, and the single Combi Link tag.
YOU’LL NEED… • Combilink 20lb • Chod Link 25lb • Chod Twister Size 5 • Hook Swivel or Bait Screw • Medium Blow Out Tube • Hooklink Sleeve Slim • Cling-On Putty
Taking the supple end of the Combilink pass it through the smaller loop down to the join where the coated skin starts.
• 15mm pop ups
Moisten the knot barrel and push the whippings tight together right down to the apex of the Chod Link loop as you draw the tag end tight.
Slide a piece of medium Blow Out Tube on to the Chod Link, followed by a size 5 Chod Twister and a Hook Swivel or Bait Screw.
Pull the loop down over the hook so it passes between the strands of Chod Link and forms a D Loop. Push the Blow Out Tube underneath the eye of the hook to prevent the D slipping on a long cast.
Counter balance with Cling-On Putty over the Albright knot. Try slow sinkers for better hookholds..
Chod Twisters have specially enlarged eyes making them perfect for this Multi Rig style attachment. If you still struggle, use a length of Bait Floss or light mono to pull the Chod Link through.
Add your chosen hook bait either using the blob method or a Bait Screw.
Finish the rig with a figure of eight loop knot in the other end of the Combilink for improved mechanics. Start with a boom section of around 8-10 inches (20-25cm).
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