1 minute read


William David

Water racing over the edge with no hesitation at all, unable to resist that gravity’s call. Unwavering in that downward direction we see it pull. Waterfall. Like a waterfall, life can go crashing down with great speed, while we’re just trying to fulfill a need. Sitting safely above the ledge, survival indeed. Nothing ventured nothing gained, as the saying goes. While everyone knows, it can be scary as Hell, looking over that ledge and to let go. But we know all too well, in order to prosper and grow, sooner or later, we need to go with the flow. We can’t stay upstream forever. Though it may be comfortable to, in our hearts, we know what we need to do. If we stood still then we’d never know, what wonderful possibilities our lives might show. It could be the best thing ever, ….…what’s waiting here below!


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