1 minute read

Evil Has No Color

Sandip Saha

The color of my skin is brown but I never thought that I am like a crow chick in eagle’s nest rather I always believed in myself not thinking anybody as lion whereas I am a mere deer.


All my sufferings in life that is as mammoth as a whale in the midst of tiny tortoises are no situation has come to me that is favorable to boost my chance. On every occasion I had to fight it out.

They say there are ups and downs in every individual’s life for me my life flows downwards all the time and I am here to lift it up in order to remain floating no crest only trough I find facing me.

I was thrown among wolves at the age of only twelve forced to work like a child labor

by my kins in absence of my parents. I did not even understand that I was being exploited.

During my service, my accomplishment was stolen away by my boss depicting to his senior that it was his. As I exposed his misdeed I was threatened to be sacked from service my promotion was totally stopped.

All my kins and bosses were brown but that did not stop them to oppress me ruin my future. It is not white brown or black that only matters white kills white, brown kills brown, black kills black, evil has no color.

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