The Opus Brochure | +971 4 3233 609

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life transformed into art

the art of the opus Dubai is a constantly evolving,

Our projects invent the future,

24/7 city that is itself a unique

define lifestyles in the region and

concept. The Emirate is a

create exciting opportunities for

living example of HH Sheikh

our customers. We drive to invent

Mohammed bin Rashid Al

a new level of expectation and

Maktoum’s vision, energy and

deliver on that seamlessly. Our

inspiration to create an urban

significant market knowledge,

model of excellence. This is

experience and intuition have

ref lected in every fiber of the

qualified us to push the boundaries

city’s personality, from the

of what is possible in the real

diversity of its nationalities, to

estate sphere. Differentiation is

its progressive attitude towards

everything, and we deliver that

business and lifestyle. The most

because intelligent innovation is

evident manifestation of Dubai’s

part of our genetic structure.

vitality and ambition is the real estate landscape. We are proud

In the future, we’d like to see

to be a part of that panorama

ourselves as bespoke experience

and play our role in turning the

builders in the hospitality industry,

leadership’s vision into tangible

crafting inventive solutions for

products of great value.

global trendsetters. Our journey to that end started in 2005, and The

Omniyat’s real estate concepts

Opus is a significant landmark in

do not merely provide

our passage to excellence.

interesting real estate spaces.

Mahdi Amjad Executive Chairman & CEO, Omniyat 04


the art of architecture The Opus. An extraordinary

for all ages and cultures: the

work of art, created by one of

international traveller and local

the world’s most brilliant minds,

residents, the highly mobile, the

thinkers and visionaries in tempo

knowledgeable, the discerning,

with the ambitious, the daring,

and both multinational and

and those with no limits. An

national enterprises.

icon of architectural distinction in downtown Dubai and a

Liveable, workable and playable

destination in its own right

24 hours, ‘the building that

within the recently minted Burj

never sleeps’ represents a

Khalifa district, dubbed

premium lifestyle, the inspiring

‘a city within a city’. An imprint,

and surprising offer, and

a lasting legacy for future

cosmopolitan encounters

generations, and the first foray

afforded by its location.

into Dubai by the world-famous

It ensures a perfect balance

architect Dame Zaha Hadid DBE.

between multicultural service, allure for both local and global

The epitome of the artistry of

visitors, business opportunities,

architecture, it’s where luxury,

relaxation and one-of-a-kind

indulgence and vision converge.

accommodation, accentuated

Infused with state-of-the-art

by a ‘depth’ of experience like

technology and local idioms, the

no other, thanks to a carefully

cube structure – ‘eroded’ by a

sculptured perception of

sensuous curvilinear void which

morning, noon and night activity.

is flooded with light by night – is a cosmopolitan draw-card



zaha the art of revolutionary exploration

A visionary architect, her futuristic sculptural creations run the gamut of design – from large-scale urban architecture


Dame Zaha Hadid DBE, one of

to interiors, furniture and

the most respected and lauded

exhibition spaces – winning her

architects of our time, was

a plethora of awards. In 2004,

born in Baghdad in 1950 into

she became the first woman

a bourgeois intellectual family.

recipient of the prestigious

After completing her studies

Pritzker Prize, often referred

in Switzerland and Beirut, she

to as ‘the Nobel Prize of

moved to London where she

Architecture’. In addition to

graduated from the venerable

her architectural and design

Architectural Association

work, Hadid is a gifted artist

School of Architecture in 1977.

and has exhibited at New

In 1980, after working with

York’s Guggenheim and MoMA.

former professor Rem Koolhaas

She was also recently named

at The Office for Metropolitan

UNESCO Artist for Peace and

Architecture in Rotterdam in

honoured as a ‘Thinker’ in

the Netherlands, she established

TIME magazine’s annual list,

the London-based Zaha Hadid

The 100 Most Inf luential People


in the World.

hadid i believe in the fantastic


Projects by Zaha Hadid

MAXXI: Museum of XXI Century Arts MAXXI supercedes the notion of the museum as ‘object’ or – presenting a field of buildings accessible to all, with no firm boundary between what is ‘within’ and what is ‘without’. Central to this new reality are conf luent lines – walls intersecting and separating to create interior and exterior spaces.



Projects by Zaha Hadid

Serpentine Sackler Gallery, London

Galaxy Soho, Beijing

Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre, Azerbaijan

City of Dreams Hotel Tower, Macau

Galaxy Soho, Beijing by Zaha Hadid Architects

The Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center is a

A 40-story luxury hotel for Macau’s premier

Zaha Hadid Serpentine Sackler Gallery in

has been shortlisted for this year’s Lubetkin Prize

619,000-square-foot building complex in

leisure and entertainment destination known as

London’s Hyde Park, offers a vivid, architectural

by the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Baku, Azerbaijan and noted for its distinctive

“City of Dreams.” The design combines dramatic

antidote. The headline feature of Hadid›s

SOHO China’s Galaxy SOHO is a large

architecture and f lowing, curved style that

public spaces and generous guest rooms with

renovation and extension of the 215-year-old

development comprising a compelling mix of

eschews sharp angles. The Heydar Aliyev Center

innovative engineering and formal cohesion.

building is the languid lily-white roof of the new

office and retail space. With a total gross f loor

represents a f luid form which emerges by the

Development of the new hotel at City of Dreams

gallery›s café and social space. The Serpentine

area of 328,204 square meters, the development

folding of the landscape’s natural topography

commenced in 2013. The project is expected to

Sackler Gallery consists of two distinct parts,

is located on a 50,000 square meters lot in central

and by the wrapping of individual functions

open in early 2017.

namely the conversion of a classical 19th century

Beijing. The lower three levels of Galaxy SOHO

of the Center. An internationally recognized

brick structure – The Magazine – and a 21st

house public facilities for retail and entertainment.

architectural work, the building of the Heydar

century tensile structure. Built from a glass-fibre

The levels immediately above provide work spaces

Aliyev Center has become a signature landmark of

textile, the new tensile structure forms a free-

for clusters of innovative businesses. The top of

modern Baku due to its innovative and cutting-

f lowing white canopy that is supported by five

the building is dedicated to bars, restaurants and

edge design. The building was nominated for

tapered steel columns and outlined by a frameless

cafés that offer views along one of the greatest

awards in 2013 at both the World Architecture

glass wall.

avenues of the city.

Festival and the biennial Inside Festival, and won the award in 2014 for the Design of the Year by London’s Design Museum.



From an ancient trading port

iconic state-of-the-art structures

with a prosperous pearl industry,

and ambitious waterfront

whose golden shores were

developments constantly break

dotted with dhows returning

records. From the world’s most

from the Far East, laden with

luxurious hotel, the Burj Al Arab

silk and porcelain, to the

to the world’s largest artificial

cosmopolitan metropolis it

archipelago, The Palm Islands,

is today, Dubai is where the

visible from the moon.

opulence of Arabia converges with a western sensibility and

It boasts tax-free shopping; the

21st-century affluence, creating

world's largest shopping mall;

an extraordinary ambience

a burgeoning arts scene; vibrant

unlike anywhere else on earth.

nightlife; world-class restaurants; white-sand beaches with crystal-

One of the fastest-growing

clear blue waters; an enormous

cities in the world, the emirate

indoor ski-facility; and, annually,

state grew from little more

it plays host to the richest

than a dusty desert town to the

horse race in the world. Dubai

‘Manhattan of the Middle East’

isn’t just a city – it’s a lifestyle.

in just 50 years. An architect’s

And there’s never been a more

playground, with a ‘bigger,

exciting time to grab on and

better, bolder’ attitude, its

enjoy the ride.

dubai an introduction 14

welcome to dubai the art of building 15

The rapidly emerging, recently

Downtown Dubai, the ‘city within

landscaped gardens, paths

minted Burj Khalifa district in

a city’ that lies below the tallest

and canals. Excellent transport

the heart of Dubai is the city’s

man-made structure in the world

links include a sophisticated

new Central Business District

– the remarkable Burj Khalifa

metro system – automated and

(CBD). This considerable project

skyscraper – is distinguished

driverless – with dedicated

is inspired by the vision of His

by state-of-the-art technology,

stops on the Red Line. The line

Highness Sheikh Mohammed

inherent throughout.

runs from Al Rashidiya to Jebel

bin Rashid Al Maktoum,

Ali and provides a direct line

Vice-President and Prime Minister

The mixed-use district, composed

to Terminals 1 and 3 of Dubai

of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai.

of commercial, residential,

International Airport.

hotels, entertainment, shopping Located between Ras Al Khor

and leisure elements, is set in

and Sheikh Zayed Road within

open green spaces dotted with

burj khalifa district the heart

the location burj khalifa district 16

of the city


the centrepiece of downtown dubai

the Burj Khalifa (previous page) is

The Dubai Mall (top) is the world’s

The Dubai Fountain (bottom) is the

the centrepiece of Downtown Dubai.

largest shopping mall by total

world’s largest choreographed

At 828 m (2,717 ft), it is the tallest

area. It is home to 1,200 shops in

fountain system set on the 30 -acre

building in the world and the tallest

addition to numerous attractions,

manmade Burj Khalifa Lake, at the

man-made structure ever built.

including an olympic-sized ice rink,

centre of the burj khalifa district.

an aquarium and a underwater zoo.



One by Omniyat image © 2013 Digital Globe

Bayswater by Omniyat

Burj Khalifa Burj Park

The Dubai Fountain

the location a perfect entrance 20

The Address Dubai Mall

The Dubai Mall Old Town

The Address Downtown Dubai


a single cube eroded by a free-form 22



A masterwork of design whose repertoire gravitates towards interconnectedness and originality, The Opus comprises two structures that form a single cube which appears to ‘hover’ above the ground, eroded by a f luid void.



the art of the void The Opus captures the void during the day and illuminates it at night bringing to life

the void

the distinct character of the building. The peculiar, ref lective faรงade of the void is the centrepiece of architectural creativity and cultural art form that defines the Opus.

give space to light



me for you

me by meliá experiencebased personality

previous page: The reception of the Me London Hotel.

ME by Meliá is a brand of

possible hotel experience:

experienced-based personality

not all travellers are the same,

hotels; the brainchild of Gabriel

so why should hotels try to treat

Escarrer who founded Meliá

them the same? Now the most

Hotels International (formerly

avant-garde of the company’s

Sol Meliá) in Spain in 1956.

hotel brands, ME by Meliá

With more than 400 hotels and

pervades the world’s global

resorts worldwide, operating

capitals of culture and cool

under seven brands, Melia

with its design-driven,

Hotels International is one

experience-centric establish-

of the world’s leading hotel

ments. The stunning interior

companies. The vision for ME

of ME Dubai is the first ME

by Meliá germinated from

hotel to have been designed by

Escarrer’s passion for service and

Zaha Hadid; her inaugural

his desire to offer guests the best

hotel commission.

hotels 28


ME by meliå With more than 400 hotels and resorts worldwide, operating under seven brands, Melia Hotels International is one of the world’s leading hotel companies. STK Restaurant, London, UK

Radio Rooftop Terrace at the ME London Hotel

The Roof Restaurant at the ME Madrid Hotel in Spain

Nikki Beach Resort, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico 30

ME Hotel, Ibiza 31

ME Hotel arrival Be welcomed by the spatial f low of the vertical cafĂŠs and lounge surroundings.



ME Hotel atrium The aboveground, fine dining area overhanging the atrium, allows guests to mix and mingle in this vertically stacked, place-to-see-and-be-seen cafĂŠ.



ME Hotel reception Make a super quick check-in to the ultimate hotel experience only provided by ME Hotels.



restaurant The fine dining experience from a variety of cuisines awaits the discerning visitor.



lounge and bar This 3rd level bar showcases views of Downtown Dubai and Business Bay, providing a sensational lookout point during the day, and at night when the void is brilliantly lit up.



an eclectic choice of f&b spaces The Opus houses a Michelin 3 star signature restaurant, an international night club, an urban beach club and restaurant, lounge and bar, signature restaurants and cafes.



serviced residences The limited collection of The Opus serviced residences create a truly unique experience combining stylish interiors through dramatic fusion of the indulgence, coziness and privacy.



interiors The Opus apartments epitomise a genuinely incomparable experience of infusing stylish interiors with a home-awayfrom-home sensibility.



interiors The embodiment of the ultimate urban lifestyle... beyond expectations in luxury, style, service and privacy.



interiors The hallmark Apartments offer a dramatic fusion of indulgence and cosiness.



interiors Designed interiors – finished in impeccable detail – represent elegance and grandeur, with each piece of furniture designed or chosen by Zaha Hadid.



interiors Controls appear and disappear as needed, sliding and pivoting panels physically transform the apartment.



interiors The seamless integration of furniture and objects throughout the design form a unique ambiance in the apartment, complementing the amazing views.



interiors Through state-of-the-art technology, each apartment creates experiences that blend personal preferences with elements of surprise.



interiors Technology unifies with architectural design in an aesthetically unique way, creating stylish and personalised living spaces.



roof terrace The duplex penthouse with roof terrace is a traquil space for me-time.



furniture The Opus is furnished with select designs from Zaha Hadid’s exclusive collections and recommendations. The eclectic style of furniture is laden with many ideas, and therefore, has no formal repertoire.


All images presented here are representative, to illustrate the style of furniture at The Opus


me by meliá

à la carte services

Regard ME as your ‘Lifestyle

mosaic of owners. With this in

inspire. These will be arranged



Concierge’, delivering bespoke à

mind, it regards each owner as

by your Aura Manager who is

• Full cleaning

• Arrange your social activities

la carte or pre-selected services

a singular individual and strives

all things to all people, at all

• Linen change (à la carte linen menu available)

• Book you theatre tickets, restaurant

within your personal space,

to exceed their expectations

times: your personal assistant,

• Laundry pick-up and delivery

tailored to your personality. ME

on both a personal and

advisor, concierge, secretary

• 24-hour maintenance

• Plan your events

realises that no two owners are

professional level, delivering

and lifestyle advocate.

• After-a-party cleaning service

• Organise, attend and wrap up your social

alike. Instead, there exists a rich

exceptional experiences which

reservations, activities…

gathering (catering, DJ, decoration,

vibe • Sundown service by ME – light, music, candles, aroma, turndown • Run your bath before you come home with your chosen skin care products

theme, invitations – event planning) • Set up and serve your dinner party

delicious • In-room dining

• Play your music

• Food & beverages restaurant menu

• Set your scene for your surprise

• Specialised beverages and oyster menu • Personalised bar set-up

ease • Pick up and deliver your laundry • Deliver your daily newspaper/weekly magazine • Stock your fridge

All residents have private access to a worldclass spa, gym and swimming pool.

• Receive/organise delivery of parcels • Run your errands • Pack and unpack your luggage • Water your plants • Attend any urgent services • Pick up and drop off you and your guests • Secretarial services

Availability of services is subject to change. Additional fees and charges apply for some services.



pre-selected services ***** basic, yet absolute grooming



• Full weekly-cleaning service

• Emergency repairs, 24/7

• In-room dining service

• Linen-changing

***** life saver

***** not so basic... grooming





• Full-cleaning service twice a week

• 24-hour repair service

• Daily full-cleaning service

• Set your scene

• In-room dining service

• Linen changing

• Arrange your social activities

• Daily linen changing

• Daily sundown service by ME

• Emergency repairs, 24/7

• Concierge service

(provided by ME)

in all bedrooms & living areas

• Laundry delivery and pick up

• Pick up and drop off you

• After-a-party cleaning service

and your guests • Packing and unpacking


• Linen available à la carte

• Run your bath before you come home

• Emergency repairs, 24/7

with your chosen skin care products

• Laundry delivery and pick up • After-a-party cleaning service

• Set your scene


• Daily sundown service by

• In-room dining service

ME in master bedroom • Run your bath before you

• Complete dinner set when ordering from our outlets, vibe included

restaurant menu • Dinner set-up when ordering from hotel outlets • Premium bar set up to your liking • Serve your dinner party • Organise, attend and wrap up


your social gathering (catering,

• 24-hour repair service

DJ, decoration, theme,

• Arrange your social activities

invitations – event planning)

come home with your chosen

• Concierge service

skin care products

• Pick up and drop off you and your guests • Packing and unpacking



upper level



entrance powder room







dining room

tv room



two bedroom apartment

living room bedroom


living room

living room tv room

dining room

dining room kitchen bedroom

duplex penthouse with roof terrace





lower level



one bedroom 71

Fact Sheet The Project

Plot size: 151,303 sq. ft. Total built up area: 2 million sq. ft. Entertainment and F&B dedicated area: 250,000 sq. ft.

Features • Located in the heart of the Burj Khalifa District • Fantastic views of the Burj Khalifa, Mohammed Bin Rashid City and the creek • Fully furnished with exclusive furniture and fixtures selected by starchitect Zaha Hadid • Serviced by ME Hotel • Penthouse apartments include a private rooftop garden • Fully equipped kitchen with premium quality appliances • Private access for serviced residences and separate entrance for hotel • Exclusive, luxury fine dining outlets and a leading international club • Convenient access to the Sheikh Zayed Road and Al Khail Road • Few minutes drive from the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Trade Centre, Dubai Mall and the upcoming Dubai Design District



Average Size (ft )


1 Bedroom



2 Bedrooms



3 bedrooms



2 bedroom Penthouses



3 bedroom Penthouses






• Temperature controlled swimming pool, gymnasium and world-class spa • Hotel lobby lounge • Restaurants/ lounge bar • Renowned international club • Ballroom • Business centre facilities

• 24 hours security • 24 hours valet service • Round the clock concierge • Secure basement parking • Valet parking for visitors • Service packages available that cover basic, not so basic and complete service requirements of residents/ guests


omniyat vision

A veritable tour de force, Omniyat is regarded as one of the most visionary and innovative premium development brands in the Gulf region. Led by Mr. Mahdi Amjad, Executive Chairman and CEO, Omniyat works with the world’s most respected architects, specialty consultants and contractors to create iconic properties – both commercial and residential – that push the limits of what is possible.




innovative, successful and premium development above: ONE BY OMNIYAT, omniyat’s new

next page: bayswater by Omniyat.

signature commercial tower, located just off Sheikh Zayed Road at the entrance to the burj khalifa district.



the opus credits contact Omniyat Sales Office

portrait zaha hadid

dubai city photography

ONE by Omniyat

Adam Weiss (Hollandse Hoogte)

Anna Shtraus

Business Bay, Dubai

Matthew Bigwood Thomas Ruecker

Toll free (within UAE): 800 666 Outside UAE: +971 4 511 5004

architectural photography zaha hadid projects

Gavin Hellier

Iwan Baan

(Getty Images) Any reference to “Omniyat” in this document is a reference to Omniyat Properties Six Limited

The images, artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, appliances and furnishings contained in this brochure are provided for illustrative purposes only. Nothing in this brochure and/or any accompanying document and/or communication from Omniyat (whether verbal or in writing) constitutes a promise, representation and/or warranty in any form whatsoever. Omniyat reserves the right to substitute at any time without notice all or parts of the materials, appliances, equipment, fixtures and other construction and design details specified herein with similar materials, appliances, equipment and/or fixtures of equal or better quality, determined in Omniyat’s sole discretion. All square footages and dimensions are approximate only and may be subject to change at any time without notice. The square footage indicated herein may exceed the usable floor area. Omniyat reserves the right to make any changes to the content of this brochure at any time without notice.

couture photography Andrea Klarin by EW Agency

Chris Mellor Daniel Cheong

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