www.allseas.com Allseas is a leading contractor in the offshore energy market with dynamism, rapid progress and pioneering spirit at its core. Since 1985, we have been at the forefront of offshore innovation, transforming bold ideas into state-of-the-art solutions to meet the market’s ever changing needs.
Allseas Group S.A. Route de Pra de Plan 18 1618 Châtel-Saint-Denis Switzerland phone +41 21 948 3500 mail sales@allseas.com
Our expertise lies in pipelay, transportation, installation and decommissioning of offshore facilities and deep-sea polymetallic nodule collection. Designed and optimised in-house, our record-breaking vessels exceed the limit of what is possible above and below the water surface.
Stand 3115 Our mission is to remain a frontrunner in current and future offshore energy markets by continuously pushing technical boundaries. As new markets emerge, so do opportunities to apply our engineering expertise to develop new technology that will play a key role in the energy transition. We excel in the design and implementation of large and complex offshore energy infrastructure projects, with a proud history of delivering first-class services, operational excellence and dedicated expertise to clients worldwide. Allseas pioneers the development of groundbreaking offshore technology, driven by creative thinkers who dare to try new things.