Catalog Books 2020

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Title: Every food has a history Author: Joana Monteleone ISBN: 978-85-9500-010-0 Format: Booklet, 162 p.,11 x 21 A delicious piece of work. Several essays, all of them told with the pleasure of a historian who, at this moment, is not making History (the one with capital H), but telling stories. Such storytelling, however, demands culture and talent, and Joana has extra talent and culture: she is a cook, that is, a first-rate storyteller, who moves through several times (despite her confessed a preference for the XIX century) and through several dishes. The book, indicated for readers of any age, shows how much each meal we make is full of stories to be told and to tell us. Title: Cobal Blue Author: Maria Teresa Horta Format: Booklet, 183 p., 14 x 21 ISBN: 978-85-65505-47-5 Maria Teresa Horta (Portuguese poet, fiction writer, and journalist) launches in Brazil Azul Cobalto, a short story book edited by Oficina Raquel (Rio de Janeiro). One of the most important figures in Portuguese literature, Maria Teresa Horta perfectly combines the fierce struggle for the causes she defends and the brilliance of her writing. With a vast and differentiated literary collection that includes poetry and prose, the work of the writer has eroticism and social intervention as constant themes. The texts, on the whole, talk about issues that permeate the feminine universe from stories that value women in time and space within the literary scene. In addition, they deal with themes that were old to literature, especially the Portuguese, such as the pretense and the relationship with the country's history.

Title: The City of Ulisses Author: Teolinda GersĂŁo Format: Booklet, 254 p., 14 x 21 ISBN: 978-85-95000-11-7 A relatively experienced man, Paul, falls in love with a young student, Cecilia. Both are artists. Comings and goings, wonders and tragedies mark the novel that will lead, years later, to an art exhibition in the most important Portuguese museum. In the middle of everything, Lisbon, the theme of the exhibition, place that gives rise to a mythical love story. Mythical as the origin of the title of the novel: the legend says that Lisbon was founded by Ulysses- yes, the character of Homer, the protagonist of the Odyssey, during the trip back to his Ithaca and his great love, Penelope.

Title: Erotic Poems Author: Maria Teresa Horta Format: Booklet, 114 p., 14 x 21 ISBN: 978-85-95000261 Poetry, p.114 Maria Teresa Horta is a great name in Portuguese literature. The erotic poetry of Maria Teresa Horta indicates as images of the real or imagined bodies, the friction of the in constant pleasurable excitement and recovers the tradition of erotic images in our language. Title: Intimate Lovers Author: Rogério Athayde Short Novel, p.200 This book is for lovers. That is, all the people who, at least once, have felt in a loving uneasiness state of mind and, is there a love which is not uneasy? In these stories, there are several inspirations to Rogério, from the singer Carminho, to the philosophy of Nietzsche and Plato, including the Bible, Kafka, Dante, etc., which appear in a flyleaf or epigraph. From these inspirations, the narrators, almost always in first- person, invest in pain and madness reports, telling experiences that extrapolated some limit, either the expectation or the desire, or reason itself. Title: Four days in Joel’s life Author: Victor Vasconcellos Novel, p.176 Joel, an 18-year-old teenager, faces grand obstacles concerning family problems, the dilemma of choosing an university in the critical high school year and the daily stress of the teenage years. Things start changing when he starts a relationship with the mysterious and attractive Fresher Lady, making him experience new feelings and adventures.

Title: Let’s talk about Cianinhas? Author: Marisa Oliveira Novel, p.184 In this volume of the #profissa series, the famous issue “What am I gonna do when I grow up?” is strongly addressed in a group of girls, who, for different reasons, go through self-discovery, debate and reflection processes. This discussion results in a parallel with Cianinha, a crucial character to the development of the story.

Title: Patches Author: Jorge Marques Novel, p.144 Gabo is a high school junior, who faces difficulties in masking his passion for fashion, due to prejudice from his family. In Patches, the characters, teach us how to handle issues present in society, such as alcoholism, racism and homosexuality, as well as showing that friendship may be a huge treasure.

Title: Brazil into Trace: Bolsonarism, the new right and dedemocratization Authors: Rosana Pinheiro- Machado and Adriano de Freixo Non- fiction, p. 120 This volume gathers seven articles, written by professors and researchers from different academic institutions, which, in an interdisciplinary debate, aim to shed light on the causes and consequences of the de-democratization processes and the conservative advancement that has marked up the Brazilian society in the last few years and which emerged in noticeable way after 2013 and continued in the following years, notably after the soft cup of 2016, which removed president Dilma Rousseff and put an end to a cycle of government ruled by the PT (Worker’s Party).

Title: Demonstrations in Brazil: the streets in dispute Author: Adriano de Freixo Non- fiction, p.70 In 2013, as it hasn’t occurred in a long time, the Brazilian streets were swept by public gatherings which demanded, at first, that the bus fares would not suffer readjustment, but which protest and claim arc was soon exponentially enhanced, reaching from the World Cup of the following year to the corrupt political class. Years later, it has been noticed that 2013 did not represent an isolated fact, but it opened doors to a new relation with parts of society with their desires and frustrations: the streets are still, to this day, occupied, receiving a serious dispute which has been modifying, day after day, the light of Brazil.

Title: 2016, the year of the Coup

Author: Adriano de Freixo and Thiago Rodrigues Non- fiction, p. 144 The essays gathered in this volume, articulated by thinkers from several reflections fields, discuss the central issue that surrounds the current Brazilian political scenario: a coup is not only made with tanks or guns in hands. This is the second volume of the Pensar Politico collection, published by the Oficina Raquel, reaffirming the bond of bringing readings that result in the reconsideration of historical practices and in the understanding of this young democracy. Title: Women’s Place: Feminism and Politics in Brazil Author: Livia Magalhães Format: Booklet, 56 p., 104 x 21 ISBN: 9788595000087 Non-fiction, p.104 Women’s Place: Feminism and Politics in Brazil is the third volume of the collection politician thinks. It is a book written by women. For women. And not women. To think the condition of the woman today, in our society, is to think about central aspects of our society as a whole: is to think about minority, civil rights, prejudice and violence. Feminism is the word that includes the reaction to everything that forces the woman. And in Brazil, country of the most contradictory when the subject is a woman, to talk about that is an urgent. Title: On the way, in time Author: Mariana Magalhães Costa Non- fiction, p.176 This travel guide for architecture lovers is a collection of texts originally published in the “Le6ème” blog. The selected texts aim to promote some thinking, concerning architecture from the architect’s experience. Such experience goes beyond the drawings, the scale models and the photographs. This book is a ride through the eyes of a young female architect who loves to travel.

Title: Over thirty books in the table Author: Haroldo Ceravolo Sereza Non- fiction, p.190 The reports and reviews regularly published (in different moments and several forums) by Haroldo Ceravolo Sereza, turned into books, acquiring greater consistency and cohesion. The simple language of the texts barely hides the concern in transmitting to the reader the substance of the writers, the products and cultural artifacts addressed with apparent

lightness, but with clear density.

Title: Writing about the female write Author: Maria Teresa Salgado Non- fiction, p.388 This work originated from the I Encontro Internacional Escritas do Corpo Feminino, in which we aim to discuss the images of the female body in literature, in a dialog with history, arts, psychoanalysis, cinema and other area of the Humanities.

Title: Woman, empowerment and legacy Author: Silvana Mello Non- fiction, p.100 Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss the woman in a Brazilian and overall scenario, your challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face every day. Throught the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searchs to contribute e leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

Title: Latin American Pages Author: Wilson Alves-Bezerra Format: Booklet, 21x14; Pages: 298 Genre: Fiction Latin-American literature is a peculiar investment space of esthetic, political and identity in central issues for the countries in this continent, that is, in this plural place, geographic and culturally full of inner affinities and differences. The texts gathered in this book are dedicated to the Latin-American literature, all written from books or from some specific circumstances, which lead them to reach the panoramic from the individual. And it is just a wide view of the literature, made from Uruguay to Mexico, including Brazil.

Title: Portrait of a Boy: a disciple in Leonardo da Vinci's studio Author: Mário Cláudio Format: Booklet, 21x14; Pages: 154 Genre: Novel Mário Cláudio, one of the most important contemporary Portuguese writers, reaches Brazil with his boy's Portrait, when Raquel is restating the relation of the Studio with the Portuguese literature. The novel narrates, in the fascinating scenery in Renaissance Italy, the loving history experienced by Leonardo Da Vinci and his disciple Gian Giacomo Caprotti, known as Salai. Love and art, intrigues and many adventures mark the events in the book, which the reader will find very difficult to put aside before the final page. Title: Playing Without Ball: Literature, Philosophy and Soccer Author: João Tiago Lima Format: Booklet, 14x21 Pages: 102 Genre: Non-Fiction Synopsis: It is amazing that the bibliography on the possible relations between sports, philosophy and / or literature is so scarce in the so called “land of soccer”. All the more so, in the last decades, the so called human sciences were invaded by transdisciplinary healthy studies. The collection of texts published by João Tiago Lima on the subject fills out, brilliantly, part of this unforgivable gap and, certainly, will stimulate the development of other studies of the same genre. Title: Castaways of hope Author: Lúcia Helena Format: Booklet, 21x14 Pages: 159 Genre: Non-Fiction Synopsis: Castaways of hope tours, as a project, through a determined range of literature to think the non-linear course of the romantic series that was getting organized like a paradigm based on the differential repetition metaphor of the shipwreck. The objective of the book is described by the author herself, the writer and teacher Lucia Helena, one of the most respected Brazilian intellectuals in Human and Social Studies area. When "Fragments of the shipwreck” was divided in three chapters, “By seas never before navigated” and “Shipwreck: metaphor of the existence”, the text examines the metaphor that guides it from the solitude of men in a period marked by the uncertainty.

Title: Actors on the scene: the public and the private in contemporary Brazilian literature. Author: Ângela Dias e Stefania Chiarelli Format: Booklet, 21x14 Pages: 400 Genre: Non-Fiction In this work, Actors on the stage organized by the teachers, Ângela Dias and Stefania Chiarelli presents the reader with an excellent collection on the Brazilian contemporary narratives, which discussion happens based on public and private issues. From several perspectives and divided in blocks, the book brings possible dialogs about the subject, such as: "Auto fiction and trafficking of identity”, “Dimensions of politics and memory impasses” and “Violence and microphysicists of power”.

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