The Bulletin - Winter 2012

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Winter 2012


Bulletin Social Media: Tips for Schools Scholarships Available in 2012 OFSAA Program Information


Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations 3 Concorde Gate, Suite 204 Toronto, Ontario M3C 3N7 Phone: (416) 426-7391 Fax: (416) 426-7317 Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40050378

Website: Email: see below


Honorary Patron of OFSAA: The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario STAFF

Executive Director Assistant Director Assistant Director Comm. & Marketing Coordinator Office Administrator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator

Doug Gellatly Ext. 4 Michael Suraci Ext. 3 Elizabeth Harris Ext. 2 Lindsey Evanoff Ext. 5 Beth Hubbard Ext. 1 Peter Morris 905.826.0706 Diana Ranken Brian Riddell 416.904.6796 Ken Coffin 905.853.8869

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Past President Vice President Metro Region East Region West Region South Region Central Region North Region CODE CODE Member-at-Large Member-at-Large

Lynn Kelman, Barrie North CI Martin Ritsma, F.E. Madill Jim Woolley, Forest Heights CI Patty Johnson, CHAT Linda de Jeu, Adam Scott CVI Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI Brian Fuller, Saltfleet DHS Mark O’Neil, Maxwell Heights SS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin Jim Costello John Crocco Dale Huddleston Heather Chambers

P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:

705.726.6594 F: 705.725.8246 519.357.1800 F: 519.357.4137 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.1870 416.636.5984 F: 416.636.5984 705.743.7373 F: 705.743.7831 519.245.8488 F: 519.245.7693 905.573.3000 F: 905.573.2408 905.440.4472 F: 905.666.6370 705.472.8240 F: 705.472.8476 519.336.1500 905.735.0240 613.389.4910 705.474.7681


Greg Reid, St Andrew’s College Sharon Jameson, Bishop Strachan Brian Poste, North Hastings DHS Linda de Jeu, Adam Scott CVI Ken VanderZwaag, Woodland Christian HS Patricia Klassen, St. Benedict CSS Mark Lewis, Seaway DHS Jean Pye, Carleton Place DHS Jenn Lemieux, St. Peter's SS Ross Clarke, Huntsville HS Greg Sora, Georgetown DHS Helen Downey, Bishop Tonnos CHS Mark O'Neill, Maxwell Heights SS Lindsay Norwood, Pine Ridge SS Sean Clancy, Gloucester HS Laura Gillespie, Ottawa-Carleton DSB Darrell Sokoloski, Timmins HVS Anita Anderson, Englehart HS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin Laura Aubertin, Confederation SS Gordon Martin, Manitouwadge HS Lauri McFarlane, St. Ignatious Bruce Dyce, Port Credit SS Jody Miller, Cawthra Park Brian Fuller, Saltfleet DHS Christine Baillie, Stamford Collegiate Greg LeNeve, Northern Collegiate Cathy Johnson, North Lambton SS Paul Solarski, Brebeuf College Patty Johnson, CHAT John Kalantzakos, Runnymede CI Monica Crewe, Weston CI Ellen McConomy, Henry Academy Nick Rowe, Toronto DSB Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI Steve Voros, East Elgin SS Shawn Morris Jaylene Morrison, Markham DHS

ADVISORS Ministry of Ed John Donofrio Ministry of HP and Sport Parmik Chahal

P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:

905.727.3178 F: 905.841.6911 416.483.4325 F: 416.481.5632 613.332.1220 F: 613.332.0978 705.743.7373 F: 705.743.7831 519.648.2114 F: 519.648.3402 519.621.4050 F: 519.621.4057 613.652.4878 F: 613.652.1315 613.257.2720 F: 613.253.3002 705.734.0168 F: 705.734.0509 705.7895594 F: 705.7892269 905.877.6966 F: 905.873.9689 905.648.4989 F: 905.648.7847 905.440.4472 F: 905.440.7333 905.420.1885 F: 905.420.3714 613.745.7176 F: 613.745.5756 613.596.8211 F: 613.820.6045 705.360.1411 F: 705.268.6603 705.544.2337 F: 705.544.8587 705.472.8240 F: 705.472.8476 705-671-5948 F: 705.897.4202 807.826.3241 F: 807.826.4862 807.344.8433 F: 807.345.1237 905.278.3382 F: 905.278.8936 905.274.1271 F: 905.274.9370 905.573.3000 F: 905.573.2408 905 354 7409 F: 905 354 6618 519.542.5545 F: 519.542.0571 519.786.2166 F: 519.786.5250 416.222.8282 F: 416.229.5364 416.636.5984 F: 416.636.5984 416.394.3200 F: 416.394.4445 416.394.3250 F: 416,394.4429 416.395.3240 F: 416.395.3248 416.394.7300 519.245.2680 F: 519.245.5498 519.773.3174 F: 519.765.1943

P: 905.294.1886 F: 905.294.8141

P: 416.325.2533 F: 416.325.7247 P: 416.314.7187 F: 416.314.6301




Executive Director’s Editorial..............................2 - 3 OFSAA NEWS Follow Us..........................................................3 Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates...........................3 Officiating Clinic Program...................................3 We Have a Winner!...........................................3 Try Day Funding................................................4 Financial Aid for School Sport............................4 Home Run Sports...............................................5 Online Registration............................................5 Another Year for Bridging the Gap.....................5 Welcome to our Student Intern............................6 OFSAA Alumni News.........................................6 Fun at OFSAA Football......................................7 Hosting Alpine Skiing & Snowboarding...............8 SBX Hosting Guidelines......................................9 OFSAA Women's Sport School...........................10 CIOS Information...............................................11 OFSAA Sanctioned Events..................................12 Conference Opportunities for Teachers...............13 Please Support our Sponsors..............................13 OFSAA and Social Media..................................14-15 SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni Recipients................16 - 17 Scholarships Available in 2012...........................17 Cover Photo by Gerry Angus ( Back Cover Photo by Doug Wilson (

14 EVENTS 2012 OFSAA Championship Calendar................20 - 21 INFORMATION ARTICLES High School Badminton Coaching Clinics.............18 Online Resources for Teacher-Coaches................19 Fear Factor: The "G" Word.................................22 - 23 FALL 2010 PHOTO GALLERY..............................24 - 25 FESTIVAL RESULTS Football Bowls...................................................26 - 28 Girls' Golf.........................................................28 Boys' Golf.........................................................29 CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Girls’ A Basketball.............................................30 Girls’ AA Basketball...........................................31 Girls’ AAA Basketball........................................32 Girls’ AAAA Basketball......................................33 Cross Country....................................................34 - 35 Girls’ Field Hockey.............................................36 Boys’ A, AA, AAA and AAAA Volleyball............37 - 40 Thank you to the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and the Ministry of Education for their generous contributions and support.

The Bulletin newsletter is written by OFSAA staff and designed by Lindsey Evanoff


Schools: Want to Run an Officiating Clinic?

Vince Lombardi is quoted as saying, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”

OFSAA is offering a subsidy program to schools interested in conducting an officiating clinic for high school students. The intent of the program is to encourage students to get involved in sport as an official by reducing or eliminating the cost barrier associated with certification.

This well-known sports quotation has been used over the years by many people. If we take Lombardi’s quote and simply change one word, we can alter its entire meaning and create a statement that should permeate school sport.

We also hope to get students involved in sport who are not necessarily interested in being an athlete. This program will help build student confidence, provide an opportunity for employment, and assist in filling official shortages in the province.

By removing the word "winning" and replacing it with "education", we have an entirely new statement. Education isn't everything, it's the only thing. Similar to a mission statement for an organization, coaches, schools and athletic associations that live by the quote "Education isn't everything, it's the only thing" are doing the best service to their student-athletes. When a mission statement is adopted, it directs all decisions. Everything that is done and accomplished works towards achieving the mission statement. This is true for organizations as well as for coaches and school athletic programs. If you constantly refer back to your mission when developing your athletic programs or making decisions, then you will always stay on track and true to your overall aims and objectives. Coaches have a choice to make when conducting their programs. They can adopt Lombardi’s philosophy of winning, or they can place the emphasis on education and learning. If education is the number one priority, then the coach is advocating for the reason for school sport’s existence. If winning becomes the only thing, then education is quite often sacrificed. This leads to a break down in values important to school sport and studentathletes are victimized because they don’t properly and fully benefit from the experience.

Doug Gellatly

Sport delivered in the proper way teaches students sport-specific skills and team tactics, but it also teaches sportsmanship, respect, team work, time management, school spirit, encouragement, accountability, responsibility, and dedication, among others. As leaders, the coach and athletic director set the tone and are the ones to ensure the students learn these life skills. The pursuit of victory is part of sports competition. It provides a goal to achieve. But winning can take on many forms and may not necessarily mean winning a game or race. It may mean showing improvement over the course of the year, achieving a personal best, or keeping a game close. In the end, no matter what the outcome of a competition may be, every student wins when the coach believes that education is the only thing.

There is limited funding available. Applications will be approved on a first come, first served basis. If they wish, multiple schools within the same area can join together to offer a course to help maximize the number of participants. Courses must lead to either full or partial certification, and courses MUST be endorsed/recognized by the sport’s Provincial or National Sports Body. For more information and to access the application form, please visit the OFSAA website and find the Officiating Clinic Subsidy under Programs. Questions can be directed to Michael Suraci at

Hey, Follow Us! Keep up to date with OFSAA news, photos, videos, championship information, scholarships, conferences, and much more, by following OFSAA on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube!


A Word from OFSAA’s Executive Director

Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates Meeting Date Thurs, Feb. 23, 2012 Thurs, April 19, 2012

Deadline for Applications Wed, Feb. 8, 2012 Wed, April 4, 2012

To appeal an Association decision, please call the OFSAA office and give the name of the student and his/her school, as well as the name of the principal. A letter will be sent to the student, c/o the principal, telling him/her the date, time and location of the appeal hearing. The letter will outline what information the student must provide prior to the meeting date. All transfer information may be found at Resources.

We Have a Winner! Thank you to all the student-athletes, teacher-coaches and parents who participated in an OFSAA Championship & Festival Participant Feedback Survey. Your feedback helps us continue to hold great events. A draw took place for the $50 pre-paid Visa/Master Card gift card for fall sports and the winner is John Kalantzakos, a teacher-coach from Runnymede CI in Toronto. John attended the Girls’ A Basketball Championship in St. Catharines this fall. Congratulations John! Don’t forget another draw will take place for those completing the survey and attending the winter OFSAA Championships/ Festivals. The winter sport survey deadline is April 20, 2012. The survey can be found at OFSAAFEEDBACKSURVEY11-12 and more information can be found on each OFSAA championship website.



Home Run Sports

Continued Success in 2011-12

OFSAA is pleased to announce Home Run Sports as a sponsor of the OFSAA Baseball Championship. Home Run Sports has been a supporter of high school sport not only in Ontario, but in other parts of Canada as well. This sponsorship will help to build the capacity of the championship and enhance the student-athlete experience. Home Run Sports is located in Mississauga. Visit their website at

Online Registration Schools that qualify for OFSAA championships in team sports during the 2012 school year will be required to register through the OFSAA AELS (Athletic Eligibility List System) program on OFSAA’s website.

Kickboxing Try Day.

Try Day continues to be a success in schools across the province. The Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport again provided grant money for 100 schools to conduct a Try Day for their Grade 9 students.

Up to $700 was available for a secondary school to introduce a new or non-traditional sport to their physical education program, and schools quickly took advantage. This program filled up weeks after funding was announced, and Try Days are being held around the province this school year from September to March.

We recommend schools use AELS even if they are not participating in an OFSAA championships, as the system. Benefits for Schools • Ability to track information about teams, student-athletes and coaches at the school level. • Track student-athlete involvement in sport throughout

their high school career. • Track coach involvement in sport each year. • Create and modify athletic eligibility lists for school, local, and regional competition. Some schools have also used AELS for the management for other co-curriculuar activities. • Register for OFSAA championships. To sign into AELS, visit the OFSAA website and click on "AELS Login". If you have any questions regarding AELS, please contact Michael Suraci at or (416) 426-7440.

Another Year for Bridging the Gap

Financial Aid for School Sport Do any of your students need financial assistance to pay their school sport fees? If so, the OFSAA and Kidsport grant may be the answer. • Students can access up to $250 per school year to help them pay school sport fees charged by their school to participate in regular league play. • Only fees directly related to school league play are eligible for reimbursement. 4


• Monies required for tournaments or special equipment do not qualify for these grant monies. • Reimbursement will occur once the application has been reviewed and approved by the committee. • As a breakdown of the school fee is required, it is suggested that the athletic director act as the endorser on the application.

This program has been so successful over the past three years, the grant was extended for an additional one.

• Get your students’ applications in now for the winter sports!

48 high schools across the province have taken advantage of it this year, and are introducing flag rugby, flag football, or ultimate to their feeder elementary school.

For more information go to

Through this program, secondary

• Forms are on the OFSAA website and are to be submitted at the start of the sport season.

school students are encouraging Grade 8 students to participate in school sport. Schools received the necessary equipment and resources for their leadership students to work with the elementary students to teach them these sports. The Grade 8 students then take the equipment back to their elementary school for all of the students to use.


We have welcomed a new member to the OFSAA office, student intern Hannah Roukema. Hannah is currently enrolled as a Masters student in Human Kinetics at the University of Windsor. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology from Redeemer University College and was the Captain of the Women’s Varsity Basketball Team while studying there. She will get to experience many different aspects of OFSAA including the Convenor's Workshop, Women’s Sport School, Coaching in Ontario Schools, as well as assist with the gender and participant surveys, and other areas. We look forward to having Hannah as part of our team from January to April. Hanna can be reached at

OFSAA Alumni News Unfortunately, the annual fall alumni golf tournament had to be postponed, so we are looking at hosting it in the spring this year. Watch the website for details later this winter.

OFSAA Football Fun Though the highlight of the OFSAA Football Bowls would of course the five exciting championship games, there are a lot of other entertaining things that go on that we'd like to share with you! Check out the highlights!

Forms for membership are on the OFSAA website under Recognition. Please pass information on the Alumni Association along to your newly retured teachers so we can expand our membership. All donations to the Alumni Association go directly to the OFSAA Scholarship Fund, which, in the past years has provided scholarships of $500 each to student-athletes in different member Associations across the province. With the ever-increasing costs of post-secondary education, the recipients are truly appreciative of this assistance. We hope to increase alumni membership and contributions to the scholarship fund so that this financial assistance for student-athletes can continue. For more information on the Alumni Scholarship, please see page 17.


Welcome Hannah Roukema!

Former Bills player Steve Christie performs the opening kickoff for the Northern Bowl.

Rayandra Hudson from Cawthra Park School of the Arts performs the National Anthem for the Metro Bowl.

MM Robinson Drumline Performs.

West Humber CI Drumline performs.

St. Andrew's Saints fans



Former Bills kicker Steve Christie with Northern Bowl Champions Superior Heights.

**All photos by Gerry Angus. See more photos at


Guidelines to Follow:

iv. Course must be away from dangerous obstacles.

1. Follow FIS Rules and OPHEA Guidelines.

v. Safety walls, nets or barriers must be placed where required. There must be a clear run-out at the end of the course. No obstacles in the finish area.

2. Need to communicate the details and expectations for the race and then adhere to these details. 3. Equipment: Proper helmets must be worn: For Alpine Skiing: In both the OFSAA Giant Slalom and Slalom competition, hard shell crash helmets (designed for Giant Slalom alpine ski racing) which provide complete head protection (front & back) and full ear protection are mandatory for all Level 1 and Level 2 competitors. Models CE, ASTM or Snell. For Snowboarding: A protective helmet designed for alpine skiing or snowboarding/snowblading must be worn. Alpine ski racers must have ski brakes and snowboard racers must have a snowboard leash. 4. Race Course:


5. Officials:

i. Officials must be knowledgeable of their duties.

ii. It is highly recommended that a certified Alpine Canada official be present.

iii. Gatekeepers: If they are students, then they need to be trained on what to do and ensure they stand in a safe area but visible to the course.

Snowboardcross (SBX) is a competition where an athlete rides a course which has a variety of features including jumps, banked corners, rollers, and gates. Guidelines for Athletes Prior to Competition: Snowboarders will be evaluated on these items before they are allowed to compete: • Athletes shall be able to successfully manage giant slalom race turns • Athletes shall be able to successfully manage shallow rollers • Athletes shall be able to successfully manage small jumps

at a time. This is also referred to as “Slingshot” terrain racing Exhibition Race Protocol Recommendations: • Course Inspection #1: Detailed 30 minute instructional overview • Practice Run #1: Ride through course at their own speed • Practice Run #2: Ride through course a second time • Timed Run (s): Ride through course with timing. • Scoring: In single timed run races, the fastest time wins. In double run timed races, an overall combined time will determine the winner

6. Safety:

• Athletes shall not be beginner snowboarders

i. Recognized ski patrol must patrol the area. (Preferably at the start of the race course for the entire race to allow for immediate response time if necessary.)

Entry Level SBX Courses Features:

ii. A vehicle for emergency purposes must be accessible.

• Athletes must wear a protective helmet designed for snowboarding or skiing preferably one which has ear protection (soft or hard) and a leash. It is also recommended that athletes wear a mouthguard and tailbone padding. Guidelines for SBX Events:

• Jumps: Entry level jumps (tabletop, 1-2ft. high, 1520 ft. total length)

i. Race course must be set by an experienced and Canadian Ski Coaches Federation (CSCF) qualified course setter.

ii. Course maintenance is particularly vital and should start before trouble spots develop and should continue until the last racer has finished. The ski area should provide sufficient equipment on the course (poles, flags, rakes, shovels, drills, etc.). Before the event, make arrangements with the ski area for course preparation.

iii. For Alpine Skiing: alpine ski poles must be full length breakaway style and in good repair. Specifically, look for: proper hinges – not lazy or ones that do not stand up straight and broken gate tops.


iv. Members of the Jury should have formal training as a coach or official.

Secondary School Snowboardcross (SBX) Recommended Guidelines for Hosting Events

7. Course Inspection and Forerunners:

i. Coaches need to be present with their teams when the teams are inspecting the race course.

ii. Racers must not be running through the gates during inspection.

• Competitions will have a single rider on course


Hosting Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding Races

• Banked corners • Rollers: Single or Pump Rollers, shallow in depth, no more than 4 in a row

iii. Forerunners should be used prior to the first skier/ snowboarder.


OFSAA offre un atelier pour les enseignants et enseignantes francophones

May 3 - 4, 2012 Brock University, St. Catharines The Women’s Sport School is a professional development conference that is for female teachers and coaches from across the province. The basis of the conference is to bring together teachers with a wide variety of experiences to share ideas and help motivate with new and exciting workshops.

Le programme de l’EDEO est conçu par l’Association canadienne des entraîneurs et la Fédération des associations du sport scolaire de l’Ontario pour donner aux enseignantsentraîneurs et aux bénévoles de la communauté les compétences spéciales dont ils ont besoins pour œuvrer de façon efficace dans le milieu scolaire. Dans le programme, nous offrons plusieurs informations qui sont utiles pour un nouvel entraîneur qui est intéressé à entraîner une équipe ou un entraîneur avec plusieurs années d’expériences afin de mieux répondre aux exigences du rôle d’entraîneur. Ce programme est un partenariat entre OFSAA, OPHEA et le PNCE qui donne une compréhension complète du rôle de l’entraineur au niveau secondaire. À la fin du cours tu recevras une accréditation du PNCE et une meilleure compréhension aperçu du modèle ACSV (Au Canada, le sport c’est pour la vie).

Various unconventional sports will be introduced, the latest fitness and training trends, and in-class teaching concepts will provide new teaching and learning opportunities for your classroom. Such workshops include: Gaelic Football, Tabate Style Training, Tchoukball and classroom discussions around bullying and mental health. Plan A - $350 + HST Includes 2 nights accommodation, meals, sessions Plan B - $300 + HST Includes meals and sessions only One Day Registration - $150 + HST Includes meals and sessions only.

Comme une des personne-ressource, j’ai eu l’occasion et le privilège de présenter quatre ateliers jusqu’à date soit trois à l’Université de Nipissing et une à l’École secondaire publique Northern. L’expérience fut très positive et ceci me donne l’occasion de partager mes expériences et de discuter avec d’autres entraîneurs afin de mieux comprendre notre rôle comme entraîneur et enseignant.

Conference Coordinator: Elizabeth Harris Assistant Director, OFSAA 416.426.7436

Register now at 10


Au début de décembre 2011, OFSAA a donné un atelier afin de former certains francophones comme personneressource pour la certification de l’EDEO (Entraînement dans les Écoles de l’Ontario (niveau secondaire). Ce programme fut possible grâce au ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario qui a fourni une aide financière pour la traduction des ressources. Le programme est offert en anglais depuis 2009 et avec les efforts du bureau d’OFSAA, le tout est maintenant disponible aux francophones.

Durant les ateliers, nous avons eu l’occasion de discuter


OFSAA Offre un Atelier pour les Enseignants et Enseignantes Francophones

plusieurs concepts dont un entraîneur doit se rendre compte comme les stages de développement d’un athlète, les lignes directrices d’OPHEA, le concept de compétition pour un athlète élite et un athlète au niveau secondaire, les transferts d’OFSAA et le rôle d’OFSAA. Le programme demande aux entraîneurs de discuter de leur philosophie, de partager des expériences comme athlète au secondaire, d’utiliser des stratégies et de trouver des solutions à plusieurs situations en utilisant le procès de prise de décision de l’EDEO. Aussi, nous avons le temps de répondre aux inquiétudes des entraîneurs et de discuter afin d’obtenir des solutions. Un exemple serait la responsabilité de l’entraîneur envers l’équipe (avant, durant et après une pratique ou une compétition), le nombre de joueurs à garder pour une équipe, des conflits avec des parents et comment résoudre les conflits, le montant de temps qu’un athlète participe durant un match ou le prélèvement de fonds pour les programmes. Le programme de l’EDEO nous donne l’occasion comme entraîneur de partager des idées et des connaissances et d’apprendre de nouveaux concepts. Merci Richard Lachance Personne-ressource avec OFSAA pour L’EDEO

Coaching in Ontario Schools Update OFSAA’s Coaching in Ontario Schools program is now available for delivery in French or English. This 3 ½ hour course is NCCP accredited and ideal for anyone coaching in the school environment.

Trained learning facilitators are available to deliver this course across Ontario at a cost of only $20 per participant. If you are interested in planning/hosting a course in your area, please contact Michael Suraci at (416) 426-7440 or


Important Reminders Regarding Sanctioned Events Athletic directors and heads of physical education are asked to make sure ALL coaches are fully aware of the requirements for hosting or attending interprovincial or US events. Applications for OFSAA sanction are due 30 days prior to the start of the invitational. "OFSAA-sanctioned" means that all players are eligible under OFSAA rules and regulations, and the OFSAA supervisory policy is in effect. For Interprovincial competitions • Schools must receive OFSAA sanction in order to participate For attendance at US events • If the event is sanctioned by the host state or the National Federation, schools MUST get OFSAA sanction

• Often this information is not in the registration materials, so schools are advised to get OFSAA sanction for all US events. For hosting U.S. teams • Many US schools must attend only events sanctioned by the host state, so it again is recommended that you get OFSAA sanction for any events involving US teams, or that team may be sanctioned by their state when they return Check out the OFSAA website under Events - Sanctioned Invitationals to make sure the event you are hosting has been correctly entered, or to confirm that you are approved to attend events in other provinces or the US. You can also check the National Federation website to find invitational events to attend (

OFSAA-sanctioned Invitational Events in 2012 Track and Field Hungerford-Kinsmen Track and Field Classic May 4-5, 2012 Jack Weststrate/Karen Kennedy/Randy Givogue Brockville Thousand Islands SS Hockey Senior Boys' "Bur Bear" Invitational Hockey Tournament February 2-4, 2012 Dave Wood/Tam Morrison Burlington Robert Bateman HS Phone: 905-632-5151 Blessed Trinity Junior Boys' Hockey Classic March 20-21, 2012 Rich Vrataric Grimsby Peach King Centre Blessed Trinity CSS Phone: 905-945-6706 Canlan Ice Sports Hockey Tournaments Canlan Ice Centre, York University Al Rose P: 416-661-5900 X251 Senior Boys’ Tournaments Canadian Classic York University Classic Mini Matches Springfest

Junior Boys’ Canlan Hockey Tournaments York University Festival February 21-22 Mini Matches February 29 March Classic March 6-7 Mini Matches March 23 All Ontario Junior Classic April 11-12 Girls’ Canlan Hockey Tournaments Cardinal Carter Classic February 7-8 Canlan Elite February 13-14 "DD" Delight February 15-16 March Classic March 1-2 Mini Matches March 21 Springfest April 3-4 The "Wave" Challenge Series Hockey Tournaments Burlington Tam Morrison Wave Hockey Inc Phone: 905-336-3434 "Queen of Hearts" Feb. 14-16 Senior Boys' "Tune Up" Feb. 15-16 Junior Boys' Jamboree #1 March 22 Junior Boys' Jamboree #2 March 27 The"Burlington Cup" Junior April 3-5

February 9-10 February 23-24 March 22 March 27-28



The OFSAA Women's Sport School

Ontario Coaches Conference

A conference that brings together female physical education teachers from across the province. See page 10 for details.

The 2012 Ontario Coaches Conference will have you spending the weekend with over 500 coaches as you explore new coaching techniques, discover how technology can bring your coaching to new heights, connect with some of the best industry experts and rediscover your passion for coaching.

2012 PARC Symposium (Registration opens Feb 1) The annual PARC Physical Activity Symposium covers a range of physical activity issues, presents the latest research from expert professionals, and encourages practical application. The 2012 PARC Symposium will be held on May 14 – 15, at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. Registration opens on February 1. Visit for more information. The PARC Symposium is coordinated by PARC, the Centre for Excellence for physical activity in Ontario.

The Coaches Association of Ontario dares you to Leave No Stone Unturned and join them for the sixth annual Ontario Coaches Conference in Markham, Ontario from February 24-26. 2012.


Conference Opportunities for Teacher-Coaches

This year, the CAO has partnered with the York Region Athletic Association (YRAA) and will open its doors to more than 250 teacher-coaches in York Region. All valid CAO members are eligible for a $15 discount on the full conference package. Please go to for more information.

Please Support OFSAA’s School Sport Sponsors OFSAA is fortunate to have several companies supporting school sport in Ontario. Official equipment has been playtested and endorsed by experienced teacher-coaches. Please support these sponsors by using their products. Badminton Yonex • Official racquet of OFSAA: B500, B600 DF, B7000 DF+ • Official shuttlecocks of OFSAA: Mavis 350, Mavis 300, Mavis 7

Black Knight • Official badminton eyewear provider of OFSAA Basketball Spalding • TF-1000 ZK Pro, Official basketball of OFSAA

Milk • The official recovery drink of OFSAA Basketball Volleyball Baden • Baden Perfection 15-0, Official volleyball of OFSAA Field Hockey AK Pro • Official field hockey ball of OFSAA: Grays Astrotec Dimple Ball.

Rugby Monilex • Official supplier of Gilbert rugby balls and rugby related equipment to high schools Soccer Molten • Official soccer ball of OFSAA: Molten FX-1000 official game ball, Molten FX-150 official practice ball Accommodations Westmont Hospitality Group • Official hotel partner of OFSAA Rings Baron Insignia • Official ring supplier of OFSAA Cross Country and Track and Field Nike • Official sponsor


With social-networking becoming more popular over the past couple of years, OFSAA is increasingly approached for advice from schools and other organizations about creating social media pages.

Purpose of Your Social Media Presence

To help guide the way inwhich OFSAA uses its social media pages, we have created a social media policy.

When posting media content to social networking sites, it is helpful to remember the reasons you are doing so. Here are some tips to remember:

Here is an exerpt from OFSAA's policy: How OFSAA is Using Social Media As an organization, OFSAA has been an early and eager adopter of social media. These tools have enabled OFSAA to share what is happening in our championships, in our programs, and in our schools and communities with the world, but more importantly, let us hear directly and immediately from our audience and fans.

The primary tools OFSAA is currently using are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. OFSAA championship convenors have also been successfully using Twitter to communicate with their key audience (athletes, coaches, spectators, media).

This “conversation” is what makes social media so different from traditional forms of institutional communication.

• • •


All of these top-level profiles use the official OFSAA logo, communicating to fans, followers, and viewers that content found in these locations is official OFSAA information. In addition to the sites mentioned above, many championship convenors have launched official social media presences as well, similarly branded with their championship logo, or the OFSAA “O” symbol, to communicate that the information they are posting is official and reliable.

If your school or Association has recently created a Facebook or Twitter page, or is thinking about starting one, knowing where to start communicating can be overwhelming.



OFSAA and Social Media

OFSAA’s primary social media presences are:

Orangeville DSS has started a successful Twitter page for their hockey team!

• Promote your mission, vision, and values • Reach your students, but also a wider, more diverse audience • Promote your sports, programs, clubs, etc. • Educate, inform, and entertain • Endorse other programs and initiatives in your community • Promote healthy debate with a view to finding solutions • Engage with others in your school and community • Create excitement!

And here is a tip - interact with others! One of the biggest mistakes you can make in social media is making it all about your own school or organization. Share inspirational articles with your followers, follow others in your community, start a conversation! Doing that will give you the most success. If your school or organization has any questions regarding social media, you may contact Lindsey Evanoff, OFSAA's Communications and Marketing Coordinator at, or (416) 4267437.


Scholarships & Awards

Roger Neilson/Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni Scholarship Recipients 2011 The Roger Neilson/Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni Scholarship Award is awarded each year to two student-athletes who will be continuing their post-secondary education in Canada. One male and one female are each awarded separate scholarships in the amount of $10,000, spread out as payments of $2,500 per year for four years. In addition, the Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni offer one-time bursaries of $1,000 to two additional scholarship finalists. Congratulations to recipients Alyson Rogers from Westlane Secondary School in Niagara Falls and Colin Sharpe from Lakefield College School in Lakefield, and finalists Xin Wei Yan from East Northumberland Secondary School in Brighton, and Jenifer Truong from Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute in Guelph. Hundreds of students from around the province applied for this scholarship, which is awarded on the basis of school athletics, academic achievement, school and community leadership, and financial need. OFSAA thanks the Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni for their generous support of education through school sport. Over the past six years, they have been able to provide much-needed financial support through the scholarship to more than 65 student-athletes in their pursuit of post-secondary excellence. Alyson Rogers graduated from Westlane Secondary School with close to a 90% average and is studying Psychology/ Social work at her university. Alyson faces a rare brain injury that she received during an away basketball game which prevents her from continuing to play contact sports. She is still able to run despite her injury, and has since competed at SOSSA in the 1500m and 3000m races. Her accomplishments and volunteer work are extensive. Alyson was a school embassador, a member of her athletic association, and volunteered in various capacities in her community. Colin Sharpe is a graduate of Lakefield College School, and is currently studying engineering. Colin played for his school's hockey and volleyball teams throughout his time at Lakefield, and was selected captain for both. He also managed to keep his academic average above 90% and had a 93% average in his final year. He also was an active volunteer within his community.



Colin's coaches say he puts forth all of his effort into anything he is participating in, he is a team-player and supportive of his peers and teammates. Xin Wei Yan graduated from East Northumberland Secondary School in Brighton, where played soccer, basketball, and participated in track and field. He was also founder and president of the East Northumberland Soccer Club, Deputy Prime Minister of his school's Student Government, and participated in various other roles in his school, including the athletic council, science alliance, the buddies and mentors program, and as a tutor. Xin graduated with an average over 95%, and is currently studying Kinesiology. Jenifer Truong is currently studying toward a Bachelor of Biotechnology after graduating from the Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute with nearly a 90% average. Jenifer played on her school's badminton, field hockey, soccer, tennis, wrestling, and rugby teams. She was also president of

the Student Senate, Editor in Chief of the yearbook, and a member of her school's athletic council, LINK Leader, and math tutor. Jenifer was also very active in her community, volunteering at the Guelph Youth Council, Breakfast Club, Canadian Cancer Society, local outreach club, and

several other initiatives. Congratulations to these four impressive student-athletes. They are all extremely deserving of this award. We have no doubt they will be successful in their future endeavours, and we wish them the best of luck!

Scholarships and Awards Available for 2012 OFSAA has formed partnerships with a number of organizations, benefitting student-athletes, as well as teacher-coaches across the province.

• Applicants must be continuing post-secondary education at a Canadian post-secondary institution

The following scholarships are available to graduating student-athletes:

Application Deadline: June 15, 2012

OFSAA Alumni Scholarship • Four (two males and two females) separate scholarships •

$500 per student

Character Athlete Award Twice a year, OFSAA awards the Character Athlete Award to two recipients (one male, one female) who embody OFSAA’s values of leadership, commitment, equity, respect and sportsmanship.

The Character Athletes will be profiled in the Bulletin magazine, on the website, and in the OFSAA Enewsletter. They will also receive a plaque from • Applications must be submitted by mail or courier. OFSAA, commemorating this accomplishment. Faxed applications will not be accepted The Character Athlete must be nominated by a teacher or teacher-coach. The nomination form for this award Application Deadline: April 1, 2012 can be found on the website. Roger Neilson/Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni Scholarship The following award is available to student-athletes • Two (one male and one female) separate and teacher-coaches: scholarships in the amounts of $10,000 each spread out over four years in payments of Colin Hood School Sport Award $2,500 per year • Available to one graduating male, one graduating • Available this year to students in COSSA, CWOSSAA, NEOAA, TDCAA only

• Applicants will be scored on academic success, community involvement, leadership qualities, and school activities • Applicants should also demonstrate a clear financial need Application Deadline: April 1, 2012 Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship • Two scholarships, valued at $5,000 each, will be offered to one male and one female track/cross country OFSAA qualifiers

female, and one coach at all schools who have been committed to the success of sport at their school and within their association. Application Deadline: April 30, 2012

For scholarship application forms, please visit the OFSAA website at - Programs Scholarships. Award nominations can be found under Recognition - Awards.


New High School Badminton Coaching Clinics Offered in Ontario With the support of the Coaches Association of Ontario, Badminton Ontario has partnered with the Varsity Blues Program to deliver a new High School Coach Certification program in Ontario. The Focus Clinics series have been a favoured event every year, and this year they have expanded to include three new clinics. This program aims to assist teachers, parents and existing coaches in a high school or elementary school badminton program. Through mini tournaments and game situations, clinic participants will create appropriate and individualized game strategies. Coaches are encouraged to bring their own students to gain a better impact from the day’s events. The program is broken down into three parts: Focus on Singles, Focus on Doubles and Focus on Mixed Doubles. Each part is held on a separate day and breaks down the elements of that event into an easy to use routine. Directed by Wayne King, head coach of the University of Toronto Varsity Blues and NCCP Course Instructor, you will come to learn that his approach is ‘athlete centred coaching’. Technical aspects of the program include game etiquette, Birdzooka feeding techniques, game situations, stroke-



movement patterns, dynamic stretching and cool down routines, defense and attack positioning and more. The program is catered to your level and comfort ability as a coach and mentor. Each coach and player receives a take-home booklet to reference the information taught in the clinic, as well as a shirt from Black Knight, a continued supporter of this program (and OFSAA's official badminton eyewear sponsor). The program starts in January 2012. If you would like more information, please contact or

Information Articles

Online Resources for Healthy-Active Living EatRight Ontario ( EatRight Ontario aims to help Ontarians improve their health and quality of life through healthy eating. It provides easy-to-use nutrition information to help you make healthier food choices. Registered Dietitians provide EatRight Ontario visitors with feature articles on food and nutrition, meal planning advice, healthy eating tips and recipes. We cover a wide range of interesting topics that are updated on a regular basis. Topics include Family Nutrition, Healthy Eating, Healthy Weights, Seniors Nutrition and Disease Prevention. ParticipACTION ( ParticipACTION is a national not-for-profit organization solely dedicated to inspiring and supporting active living and sport participation for Canadians. Their website includes facts and stats, physical activity guidelines, the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card, active-living tips and how to fit it into your lifestyle, programs, events and initiatives. ParticipACTION also has a great active living blog,

found at Human Kinetics ( Human Kinetics' mission is to produce innovative, informative products in all areas of physical activity to help people worldwide lead healthier, more active lives. They providing quality informational and educational products in the physical activity and health fields, and within the physical activity field, recreational and organized sports are a major focus. SIRC ( Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) is a notfor-profit amateur sport organization that provides information and serve the educational needs of organizations and individuals involved in, or responsible for the development of, sport and fitness in Canada and around the world. SIRC has over 6.5 million pages of sport related research dating as far back as the 1700’s, and is the world's leading sport resource centre.


Championship Results

2012 OFSAA Cham pionship Calendar

Nordic Skiing (GBSSA) Thurs - Fri, Feb. 23 - 24, Huntsville John Cowan, Huntsville HS P: 705.789.5594 F: 705.789.2269 Entry Deadline: Fri, Feb. 17

Boys' AAA Basketball (SWOSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Windsor Peter Cusumano, Catholic Central P: 519.256.3171 F: 519.256.6691 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28

Alpine Skiing (Committee) Mon - Tues, Feb. 27 - 28, Collingwood Contact OFSAA office for details. Entry Deadline: Thurs, Feb. 16

Boys’ AAAA Basketball (NCSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Ottawa Mike Rowley, Mother Teresa Richard Sutton, Ridgemount HS P: 613.823.1663 michael.rowley@ottawacatholicschools. ca Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28

Snowboarding Festival (TDCAA) Fri, March 1, Mansfield Rainer Wenzl, Father Redmond CSS P: 416.393.5540 F: 416.393.5761 Entry Deadline: Wed, Feb. 22 Swimming (GHAC) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Etobicoke Kevin Wong, Bishop Reding SS P: 416.905.875.0124 F: 416.875.2908 Entry Deadline: Mon, Feb. 27 Wrestling (COSSA) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Peterborough Roger Jenkins, Crestwood SS P: 705.742.9221 F: 705.740.1957 Entry Deadline: Mon, Feb. 27 Boys' A Basketball (CISAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, St. Catharines Dave Whitty, Ridley College P: 905.683.1889 F: 905.684.8875 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28 Boys' AA Basketball (SOSSA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, St. Catharines Pat Sullivan, St. Francis P: 905.646.2002 F: 905.646.1452 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28

Girls' AAA/AAAA Hockey (ROPSSAA) Tues - Fri, March 20 - 23, Mississauga Melanie Jones & Joel Agnew St. Aloysius Gonzaga P: 905.820.3900 F: 905.820.3902, Entry Deadline: Wed, March 7 Boys' A/AA Hockey (COSSA) Tues - Fri, March 21 - 24, Peterborough Steve Stanlick, St. Peter's SS P: 705.745.1358 F: 705.745.5025 Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 8

Girls' A Volleyball (TDSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Toronto Gary Krollins, University of Toronto Schools P: 416.946.7991 F: 416.978.6775 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28

Boys’ AAA/AAAA Hockey (COSSA) Wed - Sat, March 21 - 24, Peterborough Steve Stanlick, St. Peter's SS P: 705.745.1358 F: 705.745.5025 Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 8

Girls' AA Volleyball (SWOSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Amherstburg Jeff Miller, General Amherst DHS P: 613.823.1663 F: 519.736.1473 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28

Boys’ & Girls' Curling (SOSSA) Wed - Sat, March 21 - 24, Welland/St. Catharines/Niagara Falls Karen Douglas, Welland Centennial SS Rina Rode, Sir Winston Churchill SS Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 8

Girls' AAA Volleyball (CWOSSAA) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Kitchener Paul Pavan, Forest Heights CI P: 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.1870 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28 Girls' AAAA Volleyball (CWOSSA) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Kitchener Paul Pavan, Forest Heights CI P: 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.1870 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28 Girls' A/AA Hockey (COSSA) Tues - Fri, March 20 - 23, Belleville David Whitney, Bayside SS P: 613.966.2922 F: 613.966.4564 Entry Deadline: Wed, March 7

Girls' Gymnastics (GBSSA) Sun - Tues, April 29 - May 1, Base Borden Debbie Grant, Heather Robert Bear Creek SS P: 705.725.7712 F: 705.720.1088 Entry Deadline: Sat, April 21 Badminton (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, May 3 - 5, Stratford Martin Ritsma, Andrea Verhaeghe F.E. Madill P: 519.357.1800 F: 519.357.4137 Entry Deadline: Wed, April 25

Tennis (SOSSA) Mon - Wed, June 4 - 6, Toronto Michael Robinson, Lakeshore CHS P: 905.835.2451 F: 905.835.0434 Entry Deadline: Sat, May 27 Boys' A/AA Field Lacrosse Festival (CISAA) Tues - Wed, June 5 - 6, Peterborough Randy Riel, Holy Cross P: 705.748.6664 F: 705.742.1498 Entry Deadline: Wed, May 30 Boys' AAA/AAAA Field Lacrosse Festival (ROPSSAA) Thurs - Fri, June 7 - 8, Mississauga Dan Bowyer, Lorne Park SS P: 905.278.6177, x403 F: 905.278-4011 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Girls' A/AA Rugby (NCSSAA) Mon - Wed, June 4 - 6, Ottawa Carrie Bowie & Rick Mellor Mother Theresa and Nepean HS carrie.bowie@ottawacatholicschools. ca Entry Deadline: Tues, May 29 Girls' AAA/AAAA Rugby (NCSSAA) Mon - Wed, June 4 - 6, Ottawa Carrie Bowie & Rick Mellor, Mother Theresa carrie.bowie@ottawacatholicschools. ca Entry Deadline: Tues, May 29 Boys' A/AA Rugby (COSSA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Cobourg Darryll Hancock, St. Mary SS P: 905.372.4339 F: 905.373.4529 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2

Boys' AAA/AAAA Rugby (GHAC) Tues - Thurs, June 5 - 7, Hamilton Duane Davis, Cathedral HS P: 905.522.3581 x200 F: 905.522.7011 Entry Deadline: May 31

Girls' AA Soccer (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, St. Thomas Richard Mommersteeg & Jeff Jenkins St. Joseph’s High School P: 519.675.4434 F: 519.631-6722 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2

Track & Field (EAST) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Brockville Ron Hungerford, Thousand Islands SS P: 613.342.1100 F: 613.342.7758 Entry Deadline: Sun, June 3

Girls' AAA Soccer (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Hamilton John Ivinac, St. Mary CSS P: 905.528.0214 F: 528.7418 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2

Boys' A Soccer (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Windsor Paul Thomas, Academie Ste. Cecile P: 519.969.1291 F: 519.969.7953 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' AA Soccer (NOSSA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, North Bay Ryan Culhane, West Farris SS P: 705.497.2333 F: 705.497.7945 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' AAA Soccer (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Hamilton John Ivinac, St. Mary's CSS P: 905.528-0214 F: 905.5287418 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' AAAA Soccer (CWOSSA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Brantford Carmine Romano & Peter Pomponio, St. John’s College P: 519.759.2318 F: 519.751.0526 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2

Girls' AAAA Soccer (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Oakville Greg Sora, Barrie Cu, Darrin Curtis, Peter Bonfiglio P: 905.257.3534 F: 905.257.3534 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' Baseball (Committee) TBA Boys' Baseball - East Region SemiFinal (SWOSSAA) Oakwood Wed - Thurs, June 6 - 7 Larry Loeback, St. Anne SS P: 519.727.8908 F: 519.735.2779 Boys' Baseball - West Region SemiFinal (ROPSSAA) Wed - Thurs, June 6 - 7Mississauga Jason Eagles, St. Aloysius Gonzagas P: 905. 820.3900 F: 905.820.3902

Girls' A Soccer (EOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Elgin Lisa Rice, Rideau DHS P: 613.359.5391 F: 613.359.6328 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2




Fear Factor: The "G" Word By Lynne Smiley

Why is it that one simple word can illicit such fear in the hearts and minds of school administrators and teachers everywhere? You know, the “G” word – Gymnastics. If I called it “fitness” would that help relieve your racing heart palpitations?

In OFSAA Girls’ Gymnastics there are 6 competitive levels. Levels 1 to 3 are beginner levels for girls with little or no experience in gymnastics other than what they have learned in their school programs. Levels 4 to 6 accommodates the athletes who have club or competitive experience. This is a high school sport for girls, and the rules are designed to embrace the inexperienced and experienced athlete, yet is not exclusive to nor dominated by club trained gymnasts. Although many school teams may utilize gymnastics clubs (teacher advisor/teacher coach must be in attendance) to train in a safe environment where equipment apparatus is available, OFSAA Technical Rules mandate that a minimum of one practice a week must take place within their school which could be conditioning practice or working on choreography. Gymnastics is uniquely different than any other of the team or individual sports offered to high school girls due to the artistic and creative nature of the sport, as well as the athletic skills involved. Besides Women’s Artistic Gymnastics, which is comprised of Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam and Floor Exercise, Aerobic Gymnastics is also part of OFSAA Girls Gymnastics. There’s that “G” word again. If I called it “Sport Aerobics” would you start breathing again? What is Aerobic Gymnastics? Aerobic Gymnastics is another exciting and dynamic discipline of the sport of gymnastics. Its popularity is world-wide with programs operating from recreational (Aero-Gym), school-based programs to OFSAA, Provincial, 22


artistic gymnastics event to qualify for the OFSAA aerobic gymnastics team. Aerobic Gymnastics is an activity that can provide enhancement to existing fitness, dance or gymnastics programs in the curriculum; as well as offering the opportunity for high school competition in the sanctioned OFSAA Sport of Girls Gymnastics. To see the sport in action, check out the video clip from the OFSAA 2010 Provincial Championship (

Historically, gymnastics has formed the core of physical education programs throughout the world. Its foundation is based on physical training principles through the learning of fitness and movement fundamentals (balance, locomotion, rotation, springing, swinging, and landing), with or without, or on an apparatus. The training for greater fitness development in endurance, strength, power, flexibility, agility, speed and co-ordination, is the key to successful learning of any sport specific skills, not just gymnastics skills. It is so important to our youth that schools, administrators, teachers, coaches and teacher advisors can offer a variety of activities for students by providing healthy, active lifestyles through sport, while providing safe environments for their participation in sport. With this in mind, let me take some of the fear out of the “G” word by providing information about the sanctioned OFSAA Sport of Girls’ Gymnastics.

Information Articles

No need to fear the “G” word any longer. Please contact your local Athletic Association for information on your Association entry process to attend the OFSAA Gymnastics Championship. Resources Available to You • To learn more about the school-based gymnastics’ programs, workshop sessions are being offered at the OFSAA Women’s Sport School in May 2012. Please go to for more info. • For information on Aerobic Gymnastics please contact Lynne Smiley at 905-648-1662 or email bsmiley25@ National, and International competitive programs. Aerobic Dance (which allows more dance content) is the newest event category to debut on the world stage. Recreation or school-based programs call it Gym Dance.

• If you would like to know about coaching courses available please visit Gymnastics Ontario, call 416-426-7096 or email yuliana@

• The Technical Rules & Playing Regulations are located on the OFSAA website at Lynne Smiley is a retired teacher and former member of the OFSAA Gymnastics Sport Advisory Committee. (Scan the code to the left to watch the YouTube video on your phone.)

Aerobic Gymnastics is a creative combination of aerobic and dance choreography with fitness difficulty elements such as pushups, holds, jumps/leaps and turns. No tumbling is allowed although forward, back, and side rolls may be used for changing levels. It involves highenergy/cardio routines that maximize development of core strength, flexibility and power and is performed in a 12x12 floor area/space (a matted –spring floor is not required). In group routines, lifts are required; however, unlike cheerleading, propulsion on lifts is prohibited. OFSAA Aerobic Gymnastics (aka Sports Aerobics) Aerobic Gymnastics is a team competition. A team may be comprised of 4, 5 or 6 competitors. There are two competitive OFSAA Aerobic Gymnastics (Sports Aerobics) categories. Open: This category may consist of teams from schools competing in artistic gymnastics or may be teams from schools that do not have or compete in the artistic gymnastics program. Novice: All team members must be competing in Artistic Gymnastics Levels 1 – 3. Each member of a school’s Novice Aerobic Gymnastics’ team must have competed as a member of the school’s artistic gymnastics team in at least one artistic gymnastics competition during the current competitive season. Members of the school’s aerobic gymnastics team do not have to qualify for an OFSAA


OFSAA Fall 2011 Cham pionship Photo Gallery

Photo by Doug Wilson,

Photo by Doug Wilson



*To view all of our championship photo galleries, visit


Festival Results

OFSAA Bills Toronto Series Football Bowls Toronto

To many observers, Nelson (2005 Golden Horsehoe Bowl champions) was considered the best team in Ontario. Led by a huge student crowd from the school, they defeated a very good team from St. Paul’s 37 – 0.

November 29, 2011

Nelson dominated the passing game, outdistancing St. Paul 256 yards to 26 yards, and five touchdowns for Nelson were distributed among four players, with John Vandeweed scoring twice from five yards out each time. Northern Bowl Champions - Superior Heights CVI

While torrential rain soaked downtown Toronto, nearly 5,500 enthusiastic spectators were entertained with five exciting football finals inside the warm and dry Rogers Centre, where weather did not affect the outcome. This is the fourth annual OFSAA Football Bowls in the Rogers Centre, held with the support of the Bills Toronto Series, and we are extremely appreciative of the Bills for providing this opportunity for the student-athletes of Ontario. Thank you especially to the organizing committee who did a fantastic job in organizing the event. Sean Allen, Campbell Blake, Dan Del Mastro, Dan Dominico, Lindsey Evanoff, Brian Gaw, Ken Green, Chick Kennedy, Dana McKiel, Peter Morris, Mario Pietrangelo, Erica Phillips, Pat Reilly, Dan Russell, and many student volunteers worked hard to ensure that the event ran smoothly. Thank you also to our many sponsors, including Marchant’s School Sport, Pizza Pizza, Rogers TV, Enwave, Toronto Sun, Baron Rings, CityTV, and Gatorade. The OFSAA Football Bowls could not have happened without your continued support.

Finally, thank you to entertainment from St. Michael's Drumline, M.M. Robinson Drumline, West Humber Drumline, and East York Stage Band, as well as national anthem singers Rosalie D'Cruz, Samantha Barrozino, Talene Francis-Prittie, Jahlen Barnes, Thomas Goetz, and Rayanda Hudson. GAME 1 – Northern Bowl Superior Heights CVI (Sault Ste. Marie) vs Sir Winston Churchill (Thunder Bay) Superior Heights captured their third consecutive Northern Bowl Championship with a very close 34 28 victory over Sir Winston Churchill. Lead by Steve Hiiemma’s two first-half touchdowns, Superior Heights jumped out to an almost insurmountable 31-0 half time lead. However, Churchill didn’t travel all the way from Thunder Bay to be shut out. Lead by an outstanding performance from Cam Claridge, who scored four touchdowns in the second half, Churchill outscored Superior Heights 28-3 and almost completed the comeback. But in the end, Churchill couldn't quite catch Superior Heights, and Superior Heights were declared Northern Bowl Champions.

National Capital Bowl Champions - Frontenac SS

Rodolfo Marinas and Myles Wilson each had seven tackles for Nelson, while Tanner Philip had five tackles for St. Paul. GAME 3 – National Capital Bowl Frontenac SS (Kingston) vs Crestwood SS (Peterborough) The Crestwood Mustangs have not missed a National Capital Bowl appearance since the Bills Toronto Series began four years ago. After defeating Sydenham SS in a thrilling overtime game in 2010, they were no match for the Frontenac Mustangs and lost 49 – 11 this year. The Falcons dominated the Mustangs through the air, with special teams scoring three of their touchdowns. Mitch O’Connor took a pass from Tyler Filson and ran it for a 57 yard play, following it up with a 90 yard kick return to give Frontenac a commanding lead. Mac Clarkson scored the lone Crestwood touchdown with an 18 yard run.

Western Bowl Champions - A.B. Lucas

Continued on next page

GAME 2 – Golden Horseshoe Bowl Nelson HS (Burlington) vs St. Paul HS (Niagara Falls) The past three Golden Horseshoe Bowl games have featured Lakeshore Catholic and Notre Dame, but this year Nelson HS (Burlington) and St. Paul HS (Niagara Falls) were able to break through and qualify for the big game. 26


Golden Horseshoe Bowl Champions - Nelson HS

Metro Bowl Champions - Donald A. Wilson


Festival Results GAME 4 – Western Bowl A.B. Lucas SS (London) vs Northern CI & CVI (Sarnia) It was the first trip to the Rogers Centre for the A.B. Lucas Vikings, and they did not show any nervousnes. Their performance was a memorable one for their team and spectators, and they defeated a strong Northern team from Sarnia 24 – 6 in the Western Bowl Championship. Jimmy Ro led the way for the Vikings, scoring two touchdowns to give his team a 17 - 0 half time lead. Lucas dominated the offensive side of the ball, with a total offense of 463 yards to Northern’s 145 yards. Paul Kaija was the leader for Northern going both ways. He scored a 29 yard touchdown and registered 8 tackles on defense. GAME 5 – Metro Bowl Donald A. Wilson (Whitby) vs St. Andrew’s College (Aurora) Before a large and enthusiastic crowd, Donald A. Wilson Gators rallied to defeat St. Andrew’s College Saints in a nail biting 21 -14 victory which was decided in overtime. Both the Gators and Saints kept the crowd guessing throughout the game. Both teams demonstrated strong offensive and defensive lines.

Led by the strong arm of George Papadakos, who threw for a total of 243 yards, and the offensive threat of Chivon Gallagher, who scored three touchdowns including a beautiful catch in overtime, the Gators kept the balanced St. Andrew’s offense in check after the very talented Yannick Harou, with two touchdowns, had given St. Andrews a 14 – 7 lead after three quarters. All photos by Gerry Angus -

Northern Bowl Superior Heights CVI (NOSSA) Sir Winston Churchill (NWOSSAA)

34 28

Golden Horseshoe Bowl Nelson HS (GHAC) St. Paul HS (SOSSA)

37 0

National Capital Bowl Frontenac SS (EOSSAA) Crestwood SS (COSSA)

49 11

Western Bowl A.B. Lucas SS (WOSSAA) Northern CI & CVI (SWOSSAA)

24 6

Metro Bowl Donald A. Wilson (LOSSA) St. Andrew’s College (CISAA)

21 14

OFSAA Boys’ Golf Festival Belleville

October 11 - 13, 2011

For the first time in several years, the OFSAA Boys’ Golf Festival was treated to mild weather and as close to perfect playing conditions as you can get in mid-October. The host course, Trillium Wood in Belleville, provided what some coaches mentioned was “the perfect course for OFSAA.” Host convenors Jim Barbeau and Stephen Goyer of Nicholson Catholic College, along with the great staff at Trillium Wood Golf Club, ensured a fantastic experience for all coaches and students. The festival kicked-off with an ample banquet dinner, as well as entertainment from a magician which captured the students’ attention throughout the evening. Day one of the competition had students thinking about every shot as they navigated the challenging course,

OFSAA Girls’ Golf Festival Kanata

October 12 - 13, 2011

Loch March Golf & Country Club in Kanata was the backdrop for the festival, which was beautiful with the fall colours on the trees, but it was also a challenging course that created a close battle among the top five golfers.

Again a big thank you to both the convenors of the festival and the staff at Trillium Wood for doing everything they could to ensure a memorable experience for all participants.

At the end of 18 holes it was Brooke Henderson from Smiths Falls HS (EOSSAA) who claimed first place. The Association Award Winner goes to YRAA for the second consecutive year. Congratulations to all participants! Individual Results 1. Osama Khan 2. Paul Doig 3. Josh Whalen 4. Dan Bowling

Thank you to convenor Kendra Read and her organizing committee for their fantastic organization of the festival and for making memorable experience for this year’s golfers.


Smiths Falls HS (EOSSAA) St. Michael's CSS (WOSSAA) Bill Crothers SS (YRAA) Kingsville SS (SWOSSAA) Earl of March SS (NCSSAA)


70 75 76 77 78

On day two, the golfers must have learned from mistakes of the previous day, as scores began to drop and competition heated up. In the end, a sudden death playoff was required for both the gold and bronze medal. Osama Khan of Appleby College (CISAA) came from behind to capture to gold medal and Saunders SS (WOSSAA) won the team component of the tournament. Congratulations to team members Shane Crampton, Brett McIntosh, Adam Libby, and Nick Kennedy for their great golf scores.

The 2011 OFSAA Girls' Golf Festival participants endured some cool and rainy weather, but the girls persevered and preformed well.

Results 1. Brooke Henderson 2. Courtney Tolton 3. Meghan McDougall 4. Alyssa Getty 5. Grace Howie

creating a large contingent of golfers all finishing in and around the even mark.

Association Award Winner YRAA 1. Meghan McDougall Bill Crothers SS 2. Kelsey Sear Bill Crothers SS 3. Grace Chung Bayview SS 3. Claire Hernandez Bill Crothers SS

76 78 80 80

Appleby College (CISAA) Central Huron SS (WOSSAA) Napanee DSS (EOSSAA) Sarnia Collegiate (SWOSSAA)

70 – 66 = 136 (playoff winner) 67 – 69 = 136 70 – 73 = 143 (playoff winner) 70 – 73 = 143

Team Results 1. Saunders SS (WOSSAA): 450 2. Port Perry HS (LOSSA): 452 3. Appleby College (CISAA): 454 4. Sacred Heart CHS (YRAA): 456


Championship Results

OFSAA Girls’ A Basketball

OFSAA Girls’ AA Basketball

St. Catharines


November 24 - 26, 2011

November 24 - 26, 2011

Brockville was the site of this year’s OFSAA Girls’ AA Basketball Championship, and was headed up by coconvenors Matt Reil and Jeff Bates from St. Mary’s CHS. The convenors and organizing committee did an amazing job, and created a memorable experience for the girls by using the schools’ library as a locker room complete with a physiotherapist, merchandise sales and a milk re-fueling station.

Photo by Doug Wilson,

Ridley College in St. Catharines hosted this year’s Girls’ A Basketball Championship, and congratulations to David Whitty and his organizing committee for giving the student-athletes an event to remember. The girls were piped in by a bagpiper for brunch in the Great Hall at Ridley College, and former Olympian Jason Dorland spoke as the guest speaker. Despite having the support of their school and hometown fans, Ridley College was unable to defeat É.S. Jean Vanier, who captured the gold medal in an exciting championship final game. Congratulations to team members Tori Badawey, Sarah Dillon, Robyn Molnar, Brooke-Lyn Murdoch, Melanie Tanguay, Chelsea Léveillé, Katelyn Fontaine, Zhané Hamilton, Diandra Lisicky, Participating Teams Ridley College Hillfield-Strathallan College Walkerton DSS North Grenville DHS Rideau DHS Penetanguishene SS King’s Christian Collegiate Elmwood School É.S. Kapuskasing DHS É.S. du Sacre-Coeur St. Thomas Aquinas HS Fort Erie SS É.S. Jean-Vanier É.S. Lajeunesse Runnymede CI É.S. Monsigneur Bruyere




Nadine Oubayan, Alysha Fontaine, and coaches Tara Poulin, Tricia Poulin, and Alex Spadaro. The OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award was awarded to Walt Szpilewski, who is formerly from Ridley College (CISAA). Walt has coached both boys’ and girls’ basketball for a number of years and continues to assist with local basketball tournaments and OFSAA championships. Congratulations Walt and thank you for dedicating so much of your time to high school basketball! The OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award winners, É.S. Monsigneur Bruyere from London (WOSSAA), displayed great sportsmanship throughout the tournament on and off the court. Congratulations to all members of the É.S. Monsigneur Bruyere team for their accomplishment.

Quarter Finals Rideau def. Penetanguishene É.S. Jean Vanier def. É.S. Lajeunesse Ridley College def. É.S. du Sacre Coeur North Grenville def. Fort Erie

45-37 45-32 41-29 49-30

Semi Finals Ridley College def. Rideau É.S. Jean Vanier def. North Grenville

38-29 56-38

Consolation Champions É.S. Monsigneur Bruyere def. Elmwood


Bronze Medal Match Rideau def. North Grenville


Gold Medal Match É.S. Jean Vanier def. Ridley College


In a close and intense game, General Amherst edged out Barrie Central CI to claim the championship title and gold medal. Congratulations to the team from General Amherst in Amherstburg (SWOSSAA) which included; Christine Belcher, Jaylin VandeBovenkamp, Katie Breault, Lindsay Kondracki, Mackenzie Morencie, Karli Ficociello, Aleah Marton, Rebecca Krug, Rebecah French, Robin Kellam, Alex Leroux, Sarah Bondy, and coaches Dom Silvaggio, and assistant coaches: Greg Scott and Don Parks. This years’ OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Joe Latham of South Grenville District High School (EOSSAA). Joe is no stranger to coaching both girls’ and boys’ basketball, as he has been giving

Participating Teams Bishop Strachan School Thomas A. Stewart SS Bishop Macdonell CHS La Salle SS St. Mary Catholic HS Barrie Central CI St. Thomas Aquinas SS Denis O'Connor CHS St. Matthew HS É.S. Theriault Korah CVS St. Joseph-Scollard Hall SS St. Ignatius SS Centennial SS St. Francis SS General Amherst District HS Vaughan Road CI St. Joseph's HS


back to student-athletes for countless years. He has also coached many other sports, convened the local basketball league, and has also been the EOSSAA Representative for OFSAA. Congratulations Joe for your many accomplishments, and thank you for your dedication to student-athletes. The OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award was given to É.S. Theriault from Timmins (NEOAA) for their model behavior during all of their games, as well as their positive and respectful attitude towards everyone at the championship.

Quarter Finals St. Francis def. Bishop Macdonell Vaughan Road def. É.S. Theriault General Amherst def. LaSalle SS Barrie Central def. St. Thomas Aquinas

52-40 48-43 49-37 49-34

Semi Finals Barrie Central def. Thomas A Stewart General Amherst def. St Francis

42-35 30-12

Consolation Final St Joseph def. Vaughan Road


Bronze Medal Match St Francis SS def. Thomas A Stewart


Gold Medal Match General Amherst def. Barrie Central



Championship Results

OFSAA Girls’ AAA Basketball

OFSAA Girls’ AAAA Basketball


Belle River

November 24 - 26, 2011

The Girls’ AAAA Basketball Championship was held in Belle River and host school St. Anne’s did a great job making everyone feel welcome.

Kingston played host to the Girls’ AAA Basketball Championship this year and the co-convenors, Kelly Dixon and Dr. Tom Holmes coordinated a great championship with the support of their organizing committee. The championship had some interesting and exciting new opponent match-ups as some schools' classifications changed this year. Many games were played at the Queens University Athletic Complex including the medal games, and the venue brought added prestige to the championship experience. None of this could have been possible without the help of the championship organizing committee and support of the host school, Holy Cross CSS. St. Mary’s Crusaders from Hamilton (GHAC) were the ultimate victors of the gold medal match, despite a consistent comeback attempt by A.N. Meyer throughout the game. Congratulations to St. Mary’s team members Emily Hanaka, Jenna Bugiardini, April Coyne, Sarah Sloan, Emily Piccini, Katarina DiFazio, Hilary Hanaka, Amira Giannattasio, Christina Buttenham, Lisa Kehoe, Ally Brandt, Ally Hawthorne, Sarah MacRae, and coaches Rich Wesolowski, Jessie Lamparski, and Nate McKibbon. Team sportsmanship and camaraderie was felt throughout Participating Teams Havergal College Lindsay C & VI North Park C & VS Holy Cross CSS Thousand Island SS Huntsville HS St. Mary's HS Anderson C & VI É.S. Publiques Louis-Riel St. Basil Secondary An Myer SS Northern CI & VS Humberside CI Downsview SS London Catholic Central Dr. John Denison



November 24 - 26, 2011


the entire championship, with the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award presented to Huntsville High School (GBSSA). Congratulations to them for their fair-play and great attitudes throughout the tournament. To display the appreciation for long-time teacher-coach, founder of the Coaching for Coaches clinic, and overall mentor, Frank Halligan of Regiopolis Notre Dame and Holy Cross (EOSSAA) was presented with the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award. Frank has been described as a mentor to young coaches and a keen supporter of high school athletics. Congratulations Frank on your award, and thank you for you all your involvement.

Quarter Finals Northern def. Holy Cross A.N. Myer def. Thousand Island St. Mary's def. London Catholic Downsview def. North Park

48-44 39-20 60-26 51-24

Semi Finals A.N. Myer def. Northern St. Mary's def. Downsview

47-33 47-36

Consolation Final Huntsville def. Dr. John Denison


Bronze Medal Match Downsview def. Northern


Gold Medal Match St. Mary's def. A.N. Myer


Looking to improve their fourth place finish at last years’ championship, St. John’s College would have to beat a strong team from St. Thomas More to achieve their goal. But St. Thomas More played hard throughout the tournament, dominating most of their games, and despite a great effort by St. Johns’ College, they claimed the gold medal and the championship title. Congratulations to the team from St. Thomas More in Hamilton (GHAC), consisting of Paige Seaton, Danielle Boiago, Kayla Karl, Mallory Wood, Kia Nurse, Julia Randazzo, Diedre Edwards, Nicole Ramberg, Abbey Clark, Erin Burns, Kiana Batagelj, Celina Botts, and coaches Luciano Turco, and Blaize DiSabatino. St. Edmund Champion CSS from Brampton (ROPSSAA) was awarded the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award for their model behavior and their display of sportsmanship during the tournament. Congratulations St. Edmund, this award reflects great character! Bob Loebach, of St. Anne’s (SWOSSAA), received the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award for his many years coaching high school basketball and involvement in

Participating Teams St. John’s College Waterloo CI St. Thomas More CSS Pickering HS Glebe CI Notre Dame HS St. Edmund Campion CSS Westdale SS St. Anne SS St. Clair SS Michael Power-St. Joseph’s Eastern Commerce HS Northern SS Mother Teresa CSS Aurora HS


community basketball. Bob has also coached other sports, including baseball, and offered his skills at summer youth leadership camps at St. Anne’s. He has been a part of many OFSAA Championship organizing committees and other programs at school. Congratulations on receiving the Leadership in School Sport Award and thank you for all your hard work. Thank you to this year’s co-convenors Andy Kiss and Danielle Chevalier, who held a great championship, complete with an entertaining banquet in downtown Windsor, with the help of their organizing committee. The championship was memorable for all who attended, and also for those not able to attend, as they could catch many of the games via webcast.

Quarter Finals St. Thomas More def. Michael Power-St. Joseph’s St. John's College def. Westdale Waterloo def. Eastern Mother Teresa def. St. Anne Saints

69-38 54-48 74-55 57-54

Semi Finals St. Thomas More def. Waterloo St. John's College def. Mother Teresa

74-49 45-42

Consolation Final Pickering def. St. Edmund Campion


Bronze Medal Match Mother Teresa def. Waterloo


Gold Medal Match St. Thomas More def. St. John's College



Championship Results

OFSAA Cross Country Ottawa

Team 1. Holy Cross (Kingston) 2. Frontenac SS (Kingston) 3. R.S. McLaughlin (Oshawa) 4. Birchmount Park (Toronto) 5. Centennial CVI (Guelph) 6. Royal St. Georges (Toronto)

November 5, 2011

OFSAA Cross Country 2011 was hosted by the East Region under the leadership of Sean Clancy (Cairine Wilson SS) and Gary Monsour (Hillcrest HS). The championships were held at Green’s Creek Conservation Area (also known as the Hornet’s Nest). Weather conditions were dramatically different from the cold and dreary Saturday in November 2001 when the championship was last held in that location. Clear sunny skies with little wind and a temperature around eight degrees Celsius made the course in 2011 ideal for the athletes. Nearly 1,500 athletes from 300 schools treated approximately 5,000 parents, coaches, and friends to six exciting races on the very spectator-friendly course.

Junior Girls (3800m) Individual 1. Mackenzie Lemieux, Humberside (Toronto) 2. Olivia Little, Vincent Massey (Windsor) 3. Madeline Armstrong, Eastview SS (Barrie) 4. Nicole Armstrong, Sydenham HS (Syndenham) 5. Sarah Wismer, Centennial CVI (Guelph) 6. Zoe Abbott-Tate, Welland Centennial (Welland)

Congratulations to Sean, Gary and their entire organizing committee from the NCSSAA for convening the 2011 championship. OFSAA would also like to thank the numerous volunteers who worked throughout the day to ensure the success of the championship as well as members from the University of Ottawa Cross Country Team.

Team 1. Vincent Massey (Windsor) 2. Centennial CVI (Guelph) 3. Leaside HS (Toronto) 4. Humberside CI (Toronto) 5. Centre Wellington DHS (Fergus) 6. Eastview SS (Barrie)

Nike Canada was once again the official sponsor of the event, and the Nike athletes village added tons of fun and a positive atmosphere for studentathletes.

Senior Girls (5000m) Individual 1. Jamie Phelan, St. Mary’s HS (Kitchener) 2. Rachel Faulds, Trenton HS (Trenton) 3. Hilary Stafford, St. Thomas Aquinas (London) 4. Phoebe Cseresnyes, Westdale (Hamilton) 5. Clara Langley, Regiopolis -Notre Dame (Kingston) 6. Megan Yuan, St. Ignatius HS

Athletes and coaches, don't forget to visit www. for video footage of all races, as well as all photos from the event. We look forward to the OFSAA 2012 Cross Country Championship which will be hosted by the South Region at Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton. Midget Girls (3000m) Individual

1. Chardae Henry, R.S. McLauglin (Oshawa) 2. Jana Walkowski, Glenforest SS (Mississauga) 3. Mackenzie Mayers, Sir Frederick Banting SS (London) 4. Charlotte Prouse, London Central SS (London) 5. Danielle Jossinet, St. Mary’s HS (Coburg) 6. Jessica Armstrong, St. Joan of Arc (Maple) Team 1. London Central SS (London) 182 Points 2. Thousand Islands SS (Brockville) 234 Points 3. Humberside CI (Toronto) 259 Points 4. Glebe HS (Ottawa) 307 Points 5. St. Ignatius Loyola (Oakville) 324 Points 6. Michael Power/St. Joseph’s (Toronto) 371 Points



151 Points 224 Points 290 Points 294 Points 311 Points 315 Points

Team 1. F.E. Madill SS (Wingham) 2. Westdale (Hamilton) 3. St. Mary’s (Kitchener) 4. Sir Winston Churchill (St. Catharine's) 5. St. Christopher SS (Sarnia) 6. St. Thomas Aquinas (London)

198 Points 221 Points 228 Points 260 Points 274 Points 283 Points

179 Points 222 Points 242 Points 310 Points 328 Points 338 Points

Junior Boys (6000m) Individual 1. Robbie Elmhirst, Huron Heights (Newmarket) 2. Nathan Ackerman, Courtice SS (Courtice) 3. Brandon Thomas, Paris District HS (Paris) 4. Ben Preisner, Bishop Reding SS (Milton) 5. Michael Petta, Northern SS (Toronto) 6. Tristan Stewart, St. Theresa’s SS (Midland) Team 1. Sir Winston Churchill (St. Catharine’s) 2. Belle River DHS (Belle River) 3. Birchmount Park (Toronto) 4. Courtice SS (Courtice) 5. R.S. McLaughlin CVI (Oshawa) 6. Thousand Islands SS (Brockville)

165 Points 220 Points 227 Points 251 Points 265 Points 312 Points

Senior Boys (7000m) Individual 1. Yves Sikubwabo, Glebe (Ottawa) 2. Xavier King, Pickering HS (Ajax) 3. Jeremie Bourget, É.S.C. Theriault (Timmins) 4. Dan Piticariu, Vincent Massey (Windsor) 5. Dylan Brown, Huron Heights (Newmarket) 6. Ben Flanagan, St. Mary’s HS (Kitchener ) Team 1. É.S.C. Theriault (Timmins) 2. Highland (Dundas) 3. Thousand Islands (Brockville) 4. Pickering HS (Ajax) 5. Riverside SS (Windsor) 6. Sacred Heart CHS (Newmarket)

114 Points 138 Points 162 Points 240 Points 247 Points 299 Points

Overall Team Girls – Thousand Islands SS (Brockville) Boys – Birchmount Park CI (Toronto)

33 Points 30 Points

Midget Boys (5000m) Individual 1. Kieran L’Abbe, Frontenac SS (Kingston) 2. Muhumed Sirage, Montcalm (London) 3. Matthew Pardo, General Amherst DHS (Amherstburg) 4. Cole Brown-Lafoy, R.S. McLaughlin (Oshawa) 5. Jared Ruest, Georgian Bay SS (Meaford) 6. Emmanuel Zambazis, Crestwood (Toronto)


Championship Results

OFSAA Girls’ Field Hockey

OFSAA Boys’ A Volleyball


Manitoulin Island

November 3 - 5, 2011

For the second time, and hopefully not the last, OFSAA Boys’ A Volleyball made its way to Manitoulin Island. The challenges of facilities, both in numbers and distance apart, didn’t impact either the quality of the tournament, or the enjoyment experienced by both students and coaches. Convenor Peter Kategiannis of Manitoulin SS, was focused on one thing; ensuring a memorable experience for all participants, and no one would argue that he wasn’t successful.

Newmarket High School played host to the 2011 OFSAA Girls’ Field Hockey Championship, and convenor Cathie Croucher and her organizing committee ran multiple sites to host this great event. Typical of past OFSAA Field Hockey Championships, there was a mix of weather, including rain, wind, cold, and finally some sun and warmer temperatures for the medal games. The weather did not put a damper on the spirits or competitiveness of the girls though, and some excellent field hockey was played.

The opening ceremonies set the tone for the tournament as video montages, Aboriginal drummers, and some island trivia served as a pep rally for all teams competing. In a possible first for a boys OFSAA championship banquet, teams weren’t not just invited up for a second helping of food, but also a third helping, and even with that there was food left over!

In a repeat of last year’s championship final there was a battle between CWOSSA rivals Resurrection CSS and Sir John A. MacDonald. Although Sir John A. MacDonald fought hard, defending champions Resurrection outscored them 4-1 to claim the gold medal.

Tatum Dietrich, Erica Howitt, Lauren Hunter, Katelyn Lilja, Katherine MacMillan, Claire Parrott, Lauren Preiditsch, Danielle Buttinger, Brianne Snider, Kellee Snider, and coaches Yvonne Taylor, Gord Buttinger, Susan Frantzke, and Sarah Cook.

Congratulations to the winning team members Madison Thompson, Jessica Dawson, Kirsten Dlugokecki, Shannon Eby, Carley Payerl, Megan Silveria, Melanie Smith, Isabella Thompson, Kathlina Cabral, Hannah Askin,

Pool C Oakville Trafalgar HS Pickering HS Haliburton Highlands SS Brother André CHS

Pool B Resurrection CSS East Elgin SS Ashbury College Sherwood SS

Pool D Regioplis-Notre Dame CHS EOSSAA Nepean HS NCSSAA Newmarket HS YRAA Robert F. Hall CSS ROPSSAA

Quarter-Finals Oakville Trafalgar def. Robert F. Hall Pickering def. Nepean Sir John A. MacDonald def. East Elgin Resurrection def. St. John's Kilmarnock

5-0 2-1 2-0 5-0

Semi-Finals Resurrection def. Oakville Trafalgar Sir John A. MacDonald def. Pickering Bronze Medal Game Oakville Trafalgar def. Pickering Gold Medal Game Resurrection def. Sir John A. MacDonald


The OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award was given to the team from East Elgin SS in Aylmer (WOSSAA) for their positive attitude on and off the field. Congratulations to these athletes and coaches for representing the values of school sport.

Pool A Sir John A. MacDonald SS CWOSSA St. John's Kilmarnock CISAA Malvern CI TDSSAA Michael Power/St. Joseph CHS TDCAA CWOSSA WOSSAA NCSSAA SOSSA


November 24 - 26, 2011


The OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Cathy Coffin formerly from Dr. Denison SS (YRAA) and Scott Croucher from Stouffville DSS (YRAA). Both have taught for many years, convened the local school field hockey leagues, coached field hockey and been integral members of the York Region Athletic Association or OFSAA Sport Advisory Committee. Thank you to Cathy and Scott for everything you have done for high school athletics.

Despite all the humour being thrown around at the banquet, a heartfelt presentation of the Leadership in School Sport Award was had when Peter Kategiannis was announced as the recipient. Peter has been involved as a coach for over 20 years where his dedication to coaching volleyball, basketball, track and field and rugby has shown in both the success his teams have achieved, as well as the respect they have for him as a coach.

Putting the festivities of the previous night behind them, players took to the courts the next day to chase after the gold medal. Unbelievable comebacks, exciting action, and nothing but sportsmanship behaviour filled the next three days of competition. In the end, Quinte Christian HS (COSSA) defeated possibly the most resilient defensive team in the province in Academy Mere-Theresa (GHAC). Congratulations to players Jacob Adams, Kevin Borger, His dedication to ensure student participation in sport Andrew Fox, Benjamin Hottyzer, Hayden VanVark, Thomas Vink, Pool C Pool A Brett Whitley, Blake Scheerhoorn, Quinte Christian HS COSSA St. Thomas Aquinas HS NWOSSAA Troy Wolters, Mark Wikkerink, Smithville DCHS SOSSA É.S. Paincourt SWOSSAA Harrison Leeman, and coaches Toronto District Christian HS YRAA É.S. Embrun EOSSAA John Scheerhoorn and Calvin É.S. Etienne-Brule TDCAA University of Toronto Schools TDSSAA Kennedy. Espanola HS NOSSA É.S.C. Ste-Marie NEOAA Pool B Académie Mère-Teresa GHAC Brampton Christian Academy ROPSSAA Manitouwadge HS NWOSSAA West Elgin SS WOSSAA É.S.C. Saint-Charles Garnier LOSSA

Pool D Woodland Christian HS Manitoulin SS É.S. Marc Garneau Redeemer Christian HS Stayner CI

Consolation Quarter-Finals Toronto District def. Redeemer Marc Garneau def. UTS Paincourt def. Brampton Christian Embrun def. Saint-Charles Garnier

25-17, 25-22 25-16, 25-21 25-17, 18-25, 16-14 25-19, 26-24

3-2 1-0

Consolation Semi-Finals Embrun def. Marc Garneau Paincourt def. Toronto District

25-19, 18-25, 15-7 16-25, 25-18, 15-11


Consolation Final Paincourt def. Embrun

17-25, 25-21, 15-12

Championship Quarter-Finals Smithville def. Manitoulin

23-25, 25-22, 16-14


is further proven by the fact he is the only certified basketball official on the island. Something he took on, not because of any real interest in the sport, but because they needed an official in order to run games.


Also to be congratulated is É.S. Embrun (EOSSAA) for the positive attitudes of both the coaches and the players through the tournament. Thank you again to the convenor and all the fantastic volunteers.

Woodland def. St. Thomas Aquinas 25-21, 24-26, 15-10 Quinte Christian def. West Elgin 25-21, 25-23 Mère-Teresa defeated Étienne-Brulé 25-20, 25-18 Championship Semi-Finals Quinte Christian def. Woodland Mère-Teresa def. Smithville

23-25, 26-24, 15-8 17-25, 25-22, 15-11

Bronze Medal Game Woodland def. Smithville

27-25, 25-22

Gold Medal Game Quinte Christian def. Mère-Teresa

26-28, 25-21, 24-26, 25-13, 15-10


Championship Results

OFSAA Boys’ AA Volleyball

OFSAA Boys’ AAA & AAAA Volleyball



November 23 - 26, 2011

Coming to the rescue of Boys’ AAA and AAAA Volleyball were convenors Andrea McCabe and Antoinette Krusto of Cathedral HS (GHAC). The two championships were without a host and in jeopardy until these two stepped up as convenors. The two did not disappoint, organizing a wonderful championship that was very well-organized and ran close to perfectly.

Stratford played host to this year’s OFSAA Boys’ AA Volleyball Championship, and using the fantastic facilities at the Stratford Agriplex, host convenors Martin Ritsma (Stratford Northwestern) and Patrick Donnelly (F.E. Madill) led a team of dedicated volunteers, including an elite team of minor officials, in hosting a memorable championship. The tournament didn’t get off to the best start for the team from Loyalist C&VI (EOSSAA), which lost a starting player to a broken ankle on the first point of their first game. However, the team showed their perseverance by battling hard the rest of the tournament, taking home the antique bronze medal. At the banquet, guest speaker Tom Valcke, CEO of the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame, captivated the audience with some great stories and even brought along unique items from the Hall of Fame to show the students. Also at the banquet, David Finnie of Stratford Northwestern (WOSSAA) was presented with the Leadership in School Sport Award for his years of coaching and commitment to ensure students have a positive school sport experience. In fact, his dedication to school sport should have been evident to anyone in attendance as David was there to the bitter end with his team of volunteers cleaning up tables and stacking chairs. There was a lot of depth to this year’s tournament so there was no surprise when the gold medal match


Pool A Eden HS John McGregor SS Westminster SS St. Michael Choir School C.W. Jefferys SS


Pool B F.E. Madill SS Dryden HS North Hastings DHS Lester B. Pearson SS St. Andrew’s College


Pool C É.S. Franco-Cite Norwell DHS Ridgeway & Crystal-Beach Timiskaming DSS Clarke HS


Pool D Essex DHS Loyalist C & VI Lo-Ellen Park SS Barrie Central CI St. Paul HS



November 23 - 26, 2011

A breakfast banquet kicked-off the championships, which included guest speaker Chris Lawson, head coach of the University of Waterloo volleyball team. went the full five games, finally being won by Eden HS (SOSSA) who have now established their dynasty with a sixth consecutive OFSAA championship. Congratulations to players Austin Dick, Elijah Lopez, Reed Markham, Adrian Neufeld, Gregory Piggot, Graham Boese, Steven Falk, Josh Horsthuis, Luke Wall, Aaron Wiersma, Nathaniel Trimboli, Clayton Blanchette, and coaches Albino Pereira, and Bill Markham. Also to be congratulated are the players and coaches from Norwell DHS (CWOSSA) who were named as the recipients of the Team Sportsmanship Award. The host committee was very impressed by the way the team conducted themselves on and off the court and believed they were all role models and a deserving team. Consolation Quarter-Finals Westminster def. Leaster B. Person 25-17, 25-18, 25-13 Lo-Ellen Park def. Ridgeway 25-21, 25-22, 25-21 Timiskaming def. St. Paul 25-23, 25-16, 25-20 St. Michael def. North Hastings 25-23, 25-20, 24-26, 25-23 Consolation Semi-Finals St. Michael def. Timiskaming 25-20,18-25,21-25,25-20,15-11 Westminster def. Lo-Ellen Park 21-25, 25-23, 25-19, 25-23 Consolation Final Westminster def. St. Michael 25-17, 21-25, 25-23, 25-18 Championship Quarter-Finals Loyalist def. Norwell 22-25, 25-23, 25-19, 25-21 Franco-Cite def. Essex 26-24, 27-25, 25-21 Eden def. Dryden 25-18, 25-21, 25-22 F.E. Madill def. John McGregor 28-26, 25-15, 25-22 Championship Semi-Finals É.S.C. Fraco-Cite def. FE Madill Eden def. Loyalist

25-22, 25-22, 25-18 27-25, 25-13, 25-23

Bronze Medal Game F.E. Madill def. Loyalist 25-17, 25-17, 23-25, 25-19 Gold Medal Game Eden def. Franco-Cite


The Leadership in School Sport Awards were presented to Marc Gaulin of É.S. George P. Vanier (SOSSA) and Kathy Biros of St. Jean de Brebeuf HS (GHAC). Marc has been coaching volleyball for 28 years at all levels. Despite a lower population at his school, Marc has pushed his students to do their best which has been reflected in the number of championships and league titles the school has won. Marc is well known for his positive attitude and respect for players, coaches and officials. Kathy has been coaching high school athletes for over 30 years in almost every sport available. She has been an avid volunteer within the school and association as well as acting as the physical education head at her school. Kathy is a strong believer in leading by example and has obviously done a good job as many of her students and teams have achieved huge success under her leadership. Congratulations to Marc and Kathy. Coordinating two tournaments at once is a difficult task and the host school boards should be thanked for working together to provide all the required venues to accommodate the eight courts required for game play. The AAA championship saw a rematch of the 2010 gold medal game between Regiopolis-Notre Dame (EOSSAA) and Oakridge SS (WOSSAA). This time it was Oakridge's turn to hoist the trophy as the team took home the gold medal. Congratulations to players Kyle Richards, Mike Choja, Michael Wilkinson, Ben Shantz, Scott Clark, Brad Kuiack, Riley McLay, Niki Nikolov, Andrew Richards, Brian Choja, Cole Jordan, Nick Rybansky, Dylan Zuvic, and coaches Jamie Neilson, Mark Laidman, Mark Morrison, and Andrea Brulé. In the AAAA championship, top teams Bill Crothers SS (YRAA) and St. Michaels College (CISAA) met in the gold medal game to determine this year’s champion. Both teams fought hard, taking turns winning sets. However, St.

Photos by Michael P. Hall/

Michael’s were the ultimate victors and captured gold for the second year in a row. Congratulations to players Dany Demyaneko, Andew Kocur, Eric Roth, Adam Strychaluk, Mark Zanardo, Robert Zanardo, Mark-Joseph Kisirye, Matthew Gasser, Matthew Hinnecke, Jaryd Knight, Nestor Maslej, Dominic Moscarello, Shankar Purai, Dariusz SokolRandell and coaches Alain Arseneau, Enzo Vitullo, and David Fischer. Following the amazing championships, the host committee selected Waterloo-Oxford DHS (CWOSSA) as the AAA and Robert F. Hall (ROPSSAA) as the AAAA Team Sportsmanship winners. Both teams demonstrated a positive attitude throughout the tournament and officials indicated that their behaviour on the court was nothing short of perfect.

Results on next page


OFSAA Committees and Chairs

Championship Results AAA Results Pool A Oakridge SS Lockerby Composite School Francis Libermann CHS Anderson C & VI Cobourg East CVI Pool B É.S.C. Beatrice-Desloges Milton DHS Waterloo-Oxford DHS Kingston C&VI Applewood Heights SS Pool C Regiopolis Notre-Dame St. Joseph’s HS Birchmount Park Ancaster C & VI St. Joseph’s HS


Pool D Upper Canada College Chatham-Kent SS Colonel By SS Maple SS Bishop Ryan CSS


Consolation Quarter-Finals Applewood def. Anderson Colonel By def. Ancaster Bishop Ryan def. St. Joseph’s Kingston def. Libermann

25-22,24-26,15-9 25-22,24-26,15-9 27-25,25-19 23-25,25-20,15-9

Consolation Semi-Finals Colonel By def. Applewood Bishop Ryan def. Kingston

25-19,25-23 25-14,25-14

Championship Quarter-Finals Oakridge def. Waterloo Birchmount def. Upper Can. Notre Dame def. Chatham Lockerby def. Milton Championship Semi-Finals Oakridge def. Birchmount Notre Dame def. Lockerby 22-25,15-10

25-19,25-17,25-14 25-20,25-17,25-21 33-31,25-21,23-25,25-21 25-22,25-15,25-9 25-15,25-19,25-15 25-11,25-18,20-25,

Bronze Medal Game Lockerby def. Birchmount


Gold Medal Game Oakridge def. Notre Dame


Consolation Final Colonel By def. Bishop Ryan 17-25,25-21,15-13

AAAA Results Pool A Bill Crothers SS Saunders SS Bishop Allen Academy Robert F. Hall CSS


Pool D Holy Names HS Glebe CI Brampton Centennial SS Cardinal Newman CSS

Pool B Grand River CI Uxbridge SS Innisdale SS Westmount SS


Consolation Quarter-Finals Innisdale def. Saunders 25-15,25-23 Georgetown def. Glebe 25-17,25-23 King Ac. def. Brampton 28-30,25-20,15-10 Robert F. Hall def. Westmount 22-25,25-21,17-15

Pool C St. Michael’s College Forest Heights CI R.H. King Academy Georgetown DHS



Consolation Semi-Finals Innisdale def. Georgetown King Ac. def. Robert F. Hall


25-20,25-18 27-25,25-14

Consolation Final King Academy def. Innisdale 25-23,26-28,15-10

Championship Quarter-Finals Bill Crothers def. Uxbridge 25-17,26-24,25-18 Holy Names def. Forest Heights 25-22,25-22,16-25,25-24 St. Michael’s def. C. Newman 26-24,25-12,25-13 Grand River def. Bishop Allan 20-25,25-21,25-19,25-16 Championship Semi-Finals Bill Crothers def. Holy Names 25-19,25-20,25-20 St. Michael’s def. Grand River 25-23,22-25, 23-25,25-14,16-4 Bronze Medal Game Holy Names def. Grand River 25-23,25-20,25-20 Gold Medal Game St. Michael’s def. Bill Crothers 25-17,19-25, 25-21,12-25,15-9

Coaching Future Directions Transfers Constitutional Review Gender Equity Co-chair Classifications Championship Review Sanctions Alpine Skiing Badminton Co-chair Baseball Basketball - Boys Co-chair Basketball - Girls Cross Country Running Co-chair Curling Field Hockey Boys' Field Lacrosse Football Golf - Girls’ Golf - Boys’ Gymnastics Hockey - Boys Co-chair Hockey - Girls Nordic Skiing Rugby - Boys Rugby - Girls Soccer Co-chair Snowboard Racing Swimming Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Co-chair Wrestling

Terry Olaskey Jim Woolley Jim Woolley Bonnie Glover Clem Contreras, Bishop Allen Elaine Birta, Vaughan SS Terry O’Rourke Helen Downey, Bishop Tonnos CHS Brian Poste, North Hastings DHS Kevin Gosselin, Jean Vanier CHS David Meijer, Cameron Heights CI Michelle Whitney, East Northumberland SS Paul Solarski, Brebeuf College Suche James, Frontenac SS Tom Oliveri, Brebeuf College Erin Gray, Aurora HS Michael Smith, Highlands SS Suche James, Frontenac SS Yvonne Nieuwenhuis Sir Robert Borden HS Sharon Creelman, Appleby College Greg Reid, St. Andrew’s College Barry Rushon, White Pine CVI Debra Austin, Huntsville HS Bob Di Francesco, St. Mary's Melissa O'Donnell Steve Stanlick, St. Peter’s John Lyttle, Sir Oliver Mowat Laura Gillespie, Ottawa-Carleton DSB Sian Leyson-Doughty, Mayfield SS Paul Pendakis, Saltfleet HS Ryan Clancy, St. Anne's CHS Heather Windrem, Widdifield SS Tony Fiorino Krista Petrie-Wallace, Almonte DHS Kevin Wong, Bishop P.F. Reding SS Michael Robinson, Lakeshore CHS Chris Deighan, Cardinal Carter Helen Thomson, St. Michael CSS Brian Leidl, Chatham Kent SS Randy Budner, St. Patrick HS

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