Fall 2011
Spring 2010 Championship Spring 2011 Photo Gallery Championship Photo Gallery Scholarship Recipients Scholarship2010 Recipients 2011
Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations 3 Concorde Gate, Suite 204 Toronto, Ontario M3C 3N7 Phone: (416) 426-7391 Fax: (416) 426-7317 Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40050378
Website: www.ofsaa.on.ca Email: see below
Honorary Patron of OFSAA: The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario STAFF
Executive Director Assistant Director Assistant Director Comm. & Marketing Coordinator Office Administrator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator
Doug Gellatly Ext. 4 Michael Suraci Ext. 3 Elizabeth Harris Ext. 2 Lindsey Evanoff Ext. 5 Beth Hubbard Ext. 1 Peter Morris 905.826.0706 Diana Ranken Brian Riddell 416.904.6796 Ken Coffin 905.853.8869
doug@ofsaa.on.ca michael@ofsaa.on.ca elizabeth@ofsaa.on.ca lindsey@ofsaa.on.ca beth@ofsaa.on.ca pgm@idirect.com diana@ofsaa.on.ca theriddler@rogers.com ken@ofsaa.on.ca
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Past President Vice President Metro Region East Region West Region South Region Central Region North Region CODE CODE Member-at-Large Member-at-Large
Lynn Kelman, Barrie North CI Martin Ritsma, F.E. Madill Jim Woolley, Forest Heights CI TBA Linda de Jeu, Adam Scott CVI Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI Brian Fuller, Saltfleet DHS Mark O’Neil, Maxwell Heights SS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin Jim Costello Michael O’Keefe Dale Huddleston Heather Chambers
P: 705.726.6594 F: 705.725.8246 lkelman@scdsb.on.ca P: 519.357.1800 F: 519.357.4137 martrits@fc.amdsb.ca P: 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.1870 jim_woolley@wrdsb.on.ca P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:
705.743.7373 F: 705.743.7831 519.245.8488 F: 519.245.7693 905.573.3000 F: 905.573.2408 905.440.4472 F: 905.666.6370 705.472.8240 F: 705.472.8476 519.336.1500 705.722.3555 613.389.4910 705.474.7681
Greg Reid, St Andrew’s College Sharon Jameson, Bishop Strachan Brian Poste, North Hastings DHS Linda de Jeu, Adam Scott CVI Ken VanderZwaag, Woodland Christian HS Patricia Klassen, St. Benedict CSS Mark Lewis, Seaway DHS Jean Pye, Carleton Place DHS Jenn Lemieux, St. Peter's SS Ross Clarke, Huntsville HS Greg Sora, Georgetown DHS Helen Downey, Bishop Tonnos CHS Mark O'Neill, Maxwell Heights SS Lindsay Norwood, Pine Ridge SS Sean Clancy, Gloucester HS Laura Gillespie, Ottawa-Carleton DSB Darrell Sokoloski, Timmins HVS Anita Anderson, Englehart HS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin Laura Aubertin, Confederation SS Gordon Martin, Manitouwadge HS Lauri McFarlane, St. Ignatious Bruce Dyce, Port Credit SS Jody Miller, Cawthra Park Brian Fuller, Saltfleet DHS Christine Baillie, Stamford Collegiate Greg LeNeve, Northern Collegiate Cathy Johnson, North Lambton SS Paul Solarski, Brebeuf College Patty Johnson, CHAT John Kalantzakos, Runnymede CI Monica Crewe, Weston CI Ellen McConomy, Henry Academy Nick Rowe, Toronto DSB Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI Steve Voros, East Elgin SS David Christie, Keswick HS Jaylene Morrison, Markham DHS
ADVISORS Ministry of Ed John Donofrio Ministry of HP and Sport Parmik Chahal
P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:
905.727.3178 F: 905.841.6911 416.483.4325 F: 416.481.5632 613.332.1220 F: 613.332.0978 705.743.7373 F: 705.743.7831 519.648.2114 F: 519.648.3402 519.621.4050 F: 519.621.4057 613.652.4878 F: 613.652.1315 613.257.2720 F: 613.253.3002 705.734.0168 F: 705.734.0509 705.7895594 F: 705.7892269 905.877.6966 F: 905.873.9689 905.648.4989 F: 905.648.7847 905.440.4472 F: 905.440.7333 905.420.1885 F: 905.420.3714 613.745.7176 F: 613.745.5756 613.596.8211 F: 613.820.6045 705.360.1411 F: 705.268.6603 705.544.2337 F: 705.544.8587 705.472.8240 F: 705.472.8476 705-671-5948 F: 705.897.4202 807.826.3241 F: 807.826.4862 807.344.8433 F: 807.345.1237 905.278.3382 F: 905.278.8936 905.274.1271 F: 905.274.9370 905.573.3000 F: 905.573.2408 905 354 7409 F: 905 354 6618 519.542.5545 F: 519.542.0571 519.786.2166 F: 519.786.5250 416.222.8282 F: 416.229.5364 416.636.5984 F: 416.636.5984 416.394.3200 F: 416.394.4445 416.394.3250 F: 416,394.4429 416.395.3240 F: 416.395.3248 416.394.7300 519.245.2680 F: 519.245.5498 519.773.3174 F: 519.765.1943 905.476.0933 F: 905.476.0929 905.294.1886 F: 905.294.8141
linda_dejeu@kprdsb.ca m.vanbargen@tvdsb.on.ca brian.fuller@hwdsb.on.ca mark_oneill@durham.edu.on.ca lowet@franco-nord.ca costelji@lkdsb.net mokeefe@smcdsb.on.ca gronk13@hotmail.com chambers@ontera.net greg.reid@sac.on.ca sjameson@bss.on.ca bposte@hpedsb.on.ca linda_dejeu@kprdsb.ca k.vanderzwaag@woodland.on.ca patricia.klassen@wcdsb.ca. mark.lewis@ucdsb.on.ca jean.pye@ucdsb.on.ca jlemieux@smcdsb.on.ca ross.clarke@tldsb.on.ca sorag@hdsb.ca downeyh@fc.hwcdsb.edu.on.ca mark.oneill@durham.edu.on.ca lindsay_norwood@durham.edu.on.ca sean.clancy@ocdsb.ca laura.gillespie@ocdsb.ca darrell.sokoloski@dsb1.edu.on.ca anita.anderson@dsb1.edu.on.ca lowet@franco-nord.ca aubertl@rainbowschools.ca gmartin@sgdsb.on.ca lmcfarla@tbcdsb.on.ca bruce.dyce@peelsb.com joanne.miller@peelsb.com brian.fuller@hwdsb.on.ca baillie_sossa@hotmail.com lenevegr@lkdsb.net johnsoca@lkdsb.net paul.solarski@tcdsb.org djpj@rogers.com john.kalantzakos@tdsb.on.ca monica.crewe@tdsb.on.ca ellen.mconomy@tdsb.on.ca nick.rowe@tdsb.on.ca m.vanbargen@tvdsb.on.ca s.voros@tvdsb.on.ca david.christie@yrdsb.edu.on.ca jaylene.morrison@yrdsb.edu.on.ca
P: 416.325.2533 F: 416.325.7247 john.donofrio@edu.gov.on.ca P: 416.314.7187 F: 416.314.6301 parmik.chahal@ontario.ca
Esecutive Director Editorial.................................2 OFSAA NEWS Age Classifications 2011-12................................3 Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates 2011-12..............3 June Bulletin Corrections.....................................3 Try Day Now Full for 2011-12.............................4 OFSAA Launches New Website..........................5 Bridging the Gap Program Extended...................5 OFSAA Staff Member Welcomes New Baby.......6 Welcome Elizabeth Harris .................................6 Changes to OFSAA Playing Regulations..............7 Teacher-Coach Training Update..........................7 OFSAA Sanctioning for Events............................8 KidSpot Ontario Financial Assistance..................9 Register Online via AELS....................................10 Spalding News..................................................11 We Embrace True Sport Values...........................11 Please Support School Sport Sponsors................11 SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS Brian Maxwell Scholarship Recipients.................12 - 13 Pete Beach Award Recipients..............................14 OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Recipients.................15 - 16 OUA Athletic Scholarships..................................16 Leadership in School Sport Award Recipients.......17 Team Sportsmanship Award Recipients................17 SPRING 2011 PHOTO GALLERY.........................18 - 19
12 EVENTS 2010-11 OFSAA Championship Calendar............22 - 23 FESTIVAL RESULTS Boys’ A/AA Field Lacrosse.................................21 Boys’ AAA/AAAA Field Lacrosse........................24 CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Boys’ Baseball...................................................25 Boys’ A/AA Rugby............................................26 Boys’ AAA/AAAA Rugby...................................27 Girls’ A/AA Rugby............................................28 Girls’ AAA/AAAA Rugby...................................39 Boys’ A Soccer..................................................30 Boys’ AA Soccer................................................31 Boys’ AAA Soccer.............................................32 Boys’ AAAA Soccer...........................................33 Girls’ A Soccer..................................................34 Girls’ AA Soccer................................................35 Girls’ AAA Soccer.............................................36 Girls’ AAAA Soccer...........................................37 Tennis................................................................38 Track & Field.....................................................39 - 44 Thank you to the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and the Ministry of Education for their generous contributions and support.
The Bulletin newsletter is written by OFSAA staff and designed by Lindsey Evanoff www.ofsaa.on.ca
Another season of high school athletics is upon us and coaches across the province have begun the annual ritual of tryouts, practices, planning, counseling, and providing an important educational and sport experience for Ontario’s student-athletes. For many coaches and students, a trip to an OFSAA championship is the ultimate goal. When coaches and students hear the name ‘OFSAA’, most immediately associate it with provincial championships for high school sports. OFSAA has a total of 46 championships and 4 festivals on its calendar of events in 19 different sports. But while OFSAA is usually synonymous with championships, the organization has evolved from being a regulatory/ governing body offering championships, to an organization that provides a wide range of programs and services that support the mandate of ‘education through school sport’, and I’d like to take the opportunity to provide you with more information as they may benefit your students and coaches. Coach Education The Women’s Sports School and the Coaching Symposium are each held on an alternating basis every two years. These are two-day conferences designed to train teacher-coaches in a variety of areas and provide practical components they can take back to their schools. This school year, the Women’s Sports School will take place at Brock University on May 3 and 4. We also offer the NCCP accredited Coaching in Ontario Schools program, which is a three and a half hour course that provides teacher-coaches and community volunteers with the special skill set and understanding they need to effectively coach in the school environment. Delivery of this course is coordinated through schools, school boards, and faculties of education and over 1,000 people took the course in 2010-11. Student Participation OFSAA has also made a significant effort to provide direct support to schools as they strive to offer opportunities for students. The Try Day and Bridging the Gap programs both help schools by providing funding and resources. Try Day allows schools to access up to $700 to help introduce a new sport or non-traditional activity to students, while Bridging the Gap partners secondary schools with elementary schools and provides free equipment and resources to both schools. It also provides a leadership opportunity for secondary school students. Recognition Schools may access, at no cost, the Colin Hood Award. Named after OFSAA’s former executive director, this award is available to one graduating male, one graduating female, and one coach in every school in the province, who are committed to the success of school sport. OFSAA also has other awards to recognize teachers including the Leadership in School Sport Award and the Pete Beach Award. For student recognition, there is the Character Athlete Award, which celebrates student-athletes who embrace OFSAA values in their schools. 2
Scholarships OFSAA has developed partnerships with groups to provide scholarship opportunities to students moving on to post secondary education in Canada. These scholarships are provided by the Toronto Maple Leaf Alumni Association, the Brian Maxwell Foundation, and the OFSAA Alumni Association. Resources Some of the other programs and services offered by the Federation that schools and coaches should be aware of include tournament sanctioning, and an online store for ordering score sheets, rule books, and manuals. There is also a poster for schools to post which promotes proper spectator behaviour. A second poster discourages the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Both are available free of charge from the OFSAA office. A travel grant is also available for schools travelling to OFSAA championships to help offset some of their costs. These are a few highlights of some of the programs and services offered by OFSAA. Please contact a member of our staff if you have any questions and to learn how your school may benefit. I also encourage you to visit our newly designed website at www.ofsaa.on.ca and you will be able to access more information. Best wishes for a productive and rewarding year.
Age Classifications for the 2011-12 School Year For the 2011-12 school year, a Midget will be born in 1997 or later, and may only compete at OFSAA in the Midget category for one year in Grade 9. A Junior will be born in 1996 or 1997, and a Senior will be born in 1992 or later. 1991 or earlier 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996-97 1997
ineligible Senior Senior Senior Senior Junior Midget
How old was the student as of January 1, 2011? Years of Eligibility Coaches and students are reminded that students are eligible to compete for no more than five consecutive years from date of entry into Grade 9. There is no appeal to this rule.
Hey, Follow Us! Keep up to date with OFSAA news, photos, videos, championship information, scholarships, conferences, and much more, by following OFSAA on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and FourSquare!
A Word from OFSAA’s Executive Director
Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates Meeting Date Thurs, Oct. 6, 2011 Fri, Nov. 4, 2011 Tues, Dec. 13, 2011 Thurs, Feb. 23, 2012 Thurs, April 19, 2012
Deadline for Applications Mon, Sept. 26, 2011 Thurs, Oct. 20, 2011 Mon. Nov. 28, 2011 Wed, Feb. 8, 2012 Wed, April 4, 2012
To appeal an Association decision, please call the OFSAA office and give the name of the student and school, as well as the name of the principal. A letter will be sent to the student, c/o the principal, stating the date, time and location of the appeal hearing. The letter will outline what information the student must provide prior to the meeting date. All transfer policy information may be found at www.ofsaa.on.ca/resources.
June Bulletin Corrections Badminton Boys’ Singles B Flight results on page 18 should have read: 1. Curtis Chan, Pierre Elliot Trudeau SS (YRAA) 2. Austin Flannigan, É.S.C.L. Citadelle (EOSSAA) 3. Ryan Pham, Leamington (SWOSSAA) 4. Jack Lan, Bethune (TDSSAA) www.ofsaa.on.ca
OFSAA Launches New Website
News Funding Allocated for 2011-12 The OFSAA Grade 9 Try Day program is full for the 2011-12 school year. The Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport has provided grant money for 95 schools to introduce a new or nontraditional sport or physical activity into their physical education program in 201112. These Try Day programs have proved very successful in past years, enabling schools to add a variety of new and exciting sport programs and to offer new challenges for their students. We thank the Ministry for their continued support. To view the Try Day photo gallery, visit www.facebook.com/OFSAA.
We are pleased to announce that OFSAA has launched a new website! We are excited with the results and expect the new site to be easy to navigate, as well as user-friendly. You will be able to find all of the information present on our old site, along with some new information, features and pages! Please browse around and let us know if you have any questions! Scan this code on your smart phone and check out our new site right now!
Bridging the Gap Program Extended The Bridging the Gap through School Sport grant has been extended for one more year to allow more schools to take advantage of the opportunity. Through a grant from the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport, secondary school leadership students may teach students in their elementary feeder schools flag football, flag rugby, and ultimate. This was a win-win situation, as it gave the leadership students an opportunity to develop their skills, introduced a new sport to the local elementary school, and provided both schools with equipment and resources so the sport could continue in future years. School applications will be accepted in the following order: 1. Schools applying for the first time to conduct the ‘Bridging the Gap’ program. 2. Current schools participating in the program but working with a new elementary feeder school. 3. Current schools participating in the program but choosing a different sport. Full details and application form is found at www.ofsaa.on.ca/ programs. 4
Congratulations to Assistant Director Lexy Fogel and her husband Mark, the proud parents of their first child, a baby boy! Hudson Simon Edwin Fogel arrived on June 27 at 5:44 p.m. Lexy says he was 7 lbs, 3 oz of awesomeness, with a full head of black hair. Everyone is happy and healthy, and Lexy is enjoying being a mom! The entire OFSAA family sends its sincerest congratulations to Lexy and her family, and we wish her the best while she is off on maternity leave!
Welcome Elizabeth Harris!
Changes to OFSAA Playing Regulations
OFSAA welcomes Elizabeth Harris to its office team. Elizabeth will be taking over the role of Assistant Director for Lexy, and will be responsible for OFSAA Girls’ Championships, Swimming, and the Women’s Sport School.
Eligibility In order to accommodate the participation of as many students as possible, an addition was made to the OFSAA eligibility rules which states, “A student may only play on one team in the same sport (team or individual) at the OFSAA level during a school year.”
Elizabeth joins us after completing a contract as a Volunteer and Special Events Coordinator within the Recreation & Parks Department in the Town of Halton Hills. Prior to that, Elizabeth was the Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Program Manager at Gymnastics Ontario.
Badminton a) In years where any date(s) of the Canadian Junior Badminton Championships and the OFSAA Badminton Championship overlap, any competitor registered in the Canadian Junior Badminton Championship will not be eligible to compete in the OFSAA Badminton Championship.
Her education background includes a degree in Recreation & Leisure Studies from the University of Waterloo. Elizabeth is excited to join the staff and volunteers at OFSAA and looks forward to the upcoming 2011-2012 season. Elizabeth may be contacted at Elizabeth@ofsaa.on.ca, or (416) 426-7436.
Nordic Skiing The OFSAA Nordic Skiing Championships have added a Demonstration Event to the championship for Para-Nordic and Special Needs Athletes.
Swimming Each event winner from the Association Swim Championship meet, or from an OFSAA qualifying meet may enter OFSAA for that event plus any swimmers making the time standard for the event at the association qualifying meet. Thus, the Top 32 rule has been removed from the playing regulations. Golf An association may enter a maximum of seven golfers with a score of 110 or less on a minimum par 70 course. Each association may enter their top three golfers regardless of their score. The host Association will be permitted to enter two additional golfers. Additional association entries will be added at the discretion of the convenor using a random draw. Field size is limited to a maximum of 128 golfers. Volleyball The OFSAA Boys’ and OFSAA Girls’ Volleyball Championships will now be held over three days. In this transition year, please check the OFSAA Championship calendar in this publication for which championships will be
operating in the old two-day format and which championships will be operating in the new threeday format. Please see the OFSAA Volleyball playing regulations for the new three-day schedule format. The OFSAA Boys' Volleyball Championships shall be held on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the 12th weekend following Labour Day unless extraordinary circumstances dictate a change. The OFSAA Girls' Volleyball Championships shall be held on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the week immediately prior to the March break unless extraordinary circumstances dictate a change. Play should be completed no later than the Wednesday immediately prior to the March break.
OFSAA Staff Member Welcomes New Baby
All matches in pool play (round robin) shall be best two out of three sets, and all matches of the playoffs (consolation and championship quarter finals, consolation and championship semi-finals, consolation finals, bronze medal match, and gold medal match) shall be best three out of five sets. Championship and Festivals Appendix 7 be replaced with the following: a) OFSAA Championship and Festival The OFSAA Championship Review Committee shall receive and evaluate reports from all OFSAA festivals and championships annually to ensure approved criteria is being met and shall, from time to time, make specific recommendations to the respective Sport Advisory Committee for improvements in order to maintain their current status as a festival or championship. Each festival and championship will also undergo a “hard review” every three years to determine whether the event status of a sport should be changed or maintained and provide these recommendations to the Representative’s Council.
Teacher-Coach Training Update OFSAA continues its partnership with the Coaches Association of Ontario and teacher-coaches are encouraged to visit the CAO website – www. coachesontario.ca or a Provincial Sport Organization website for a schedule of NCCP training programs. These programs will keep teacher-coaches updated on current coaching theory and techniques, and help teachers with not only the new terminology, but also the latest integration of the Canadian Sport For Life document, with sport-specific technical training. OFSAA’s Coaching In Ontario Schools - Secondary course continues to be offered to Associations, District School Boards and Faculties of Education across the 6
province. The NCCP-accredited course launched in September 2010 in Thunder Bay and spread right across the province, including stops in Englehart, North Bay, Windsor and Ottawa. Over 50 courses have been conducted, training over 1100 coaches. The newly revised 3.5 hour format gives teachers and coaches the skills they need to coach effectively in the secondary school environment. The on-site workshop covers OFSAA rules, school and Board administrative information, long-term athlete development theory and the Ophea Provincial Safety Guidelines. Contact Michael Suraci at Michael@ofsaa.on.ca for more information. www.ofsaa.on.ca
Some Important Reminders for the School Year Check the OFSAA website under “Sanctioned Events” for: • Necessary forms for requesting OFSAA sanction • Guidelines for invitational events requiring OFSAA sanction • OFSAA-sanctioned meets and tournaments hosted in Ontario for all sports • OFSAA approval of schools that plan to attend events in other provinces • OFSAA approval of schools that plan to attend state or NFHS-sanctioned events in the US Schools that receive OFSAA-sanction to attend invitational events MUST:
• Make sure all participants are eligible under OFSAA and Association rules and regulations • Have the permission of their school principal Hosting an OFSAA-sanctioned Event? • Get your request for OFSAA sanction in early and well before you send out information to schools • Make sure you indicate in the initial mailing that the event is OFSAA-sanctioned • If you are inviting schools from out-of-province, you must submit both the forms to host Ontario schools and Interprovincial schools Should you have any questions regarding sanctioning to host or attend invitational events, contact Diana Ranken at diana.ofsaa.on.ca.
• Have a teacher as the supervisor of the students Basketball Blessed Trinity Junior Girls’ Basketball Tournament October 14-15, 2011 John DiPasquale Blessed Trinity CSS, Grimsby john.dipasquale@ncdsb.com Blessed Trinity Senior Girls’ Basketball Tournament October 28-29, 2011 John Cino Blessed Trinity CSS, Grimsby john.cino@ncdsb.com Early Bird Invitational Boys’ Basketball Classic at Father Henry Carr November 3-5, 2011 Paul Melnik Father Henry Carr CS, Toronto henrycarrhoops@aol.com Blessed Trinity Senior Boys’ Thunder Invitational Tournament December 15-17, 2011 Gaspero Diadamo, Keith Bomberry Blessed Trinity CSS, Grimsby gaspero.diadamo@ncdsb.com
Cross Country Peter Morris Cross Country Invitational Meet September 23, 2011 Al Baigent Etobicoke Centennial, Toronto Neil McNeil HS www.NeilMcNeilTrack.net alan.baigent@sympatico.ca Pirates’ Invitational Cross Country October 5, 2011 Memorial Park, Brockville
Meet Randy Givogue, Karen Kennedy, Jack Weststrate Thousand Islands SS randy.givogue@ucdsb.on.ca karen.kennedy@ucdsb.on.ca jack.weststrate@ucdsb.on.ca
Beaches Boardwalk Cross Country October 21, 2011 Toronto Beaches
Meet Al Baigent Neil McNeil HS alan.baigent@sympatico.ca
Blessed Trinity CSS michael.minicucci@ncdsb.com joseph.pagnotta@ncdsb.com
Marauder Girls’ Junior and Senior Soccer Tournaments Senior - May 8, 2012 Jeff Northrop Junior - May 9, 2012 jnorthrop@mail.scdsb.on.ca Banting Memorial HS, Alliston
Football Eastern Ontario 6-A-Side Football Tournament Sept 6 - Nov 12, 2011 Mike Rumleski Eastern Ontario North Hastings HS rumleski@hpedsb.on.ca National Capital A/AA Football Bowl November 12, 19, 26, 2011 Jason Henderson Eastern Ontario Gananoque SS jason.henderson@ucdsb.on.ca
The Salming Cup Hamilton Region Floorball Tournament October 7, 2011 Dave Soules Sir Winston Churchill SS, Hamilton dave.soules@hwdsb.on.ca The Salming Cup Invitational Floorball Tournament October 27-28, 2011 Roxanne Curtis Sinclair SS, Whitby curtis.roxanne@durham.edu.on.ca The Salming Cup Toronto Region Floorball Tournament October 25, 2011 Bruce Briard L’Amoreaux CI, Scarborough bruce.briard@tdsb.on.ca
Track & Field
St John’s Kilmarnock Invitational Field Hockey Tournament October 14-16, 2011 Leanne Dietrich St. John’s Kilmarnock School, Breslau ldietrich@sjkschool.org
Hungerford-Kinsmen Track and Field Classic May 4-5, 2012 Jack Weststrate, Karen Kennedy, Thousand Islands SS Randy Givogue Brockville jack.weststrate@ucdsb.on.ca karen.kennedy@ucdsb.on.ca randy.givogue@ucdsb.on.ca
Marauder Boys’ Junior and Senior Soccer Tournaments Senior - October 1, 2011 Jeff Northrop Junior - October 2, 2011 Banting Memorial HS Alliston jnorthrop@mail.scdsb.on.ca 13th Annual Blessed Trinity Girls’/Boys’ Indoor Soccer Classic Boys’ - March 27, 2012 Mike Minicucci/Joe Pagnotta
UWO Purple and White Girls’ Hockey Tournament November 23-24, 2011 Tim Clayton, Brian Gosling University of Western Ontario Mother Teresa CSS London t.clayton@ldcsb.on.ca brian.gosling@uwo.ca
Field Hockey
Girls’ - March 28, 2012 Players’ Paradise, Grimsby
28th Annual Senior Boys’ “Bur Bear” High School Hockey Tournament February 2-4, 2012 Dave Wood, Tam Morrison Wave Hockey Inc. Robert Bateman HS Burlington woodda@hdsb.ca tmorison62@cogeco.ca Bell Sensplex Capital High School Invitational Hockey Tournament November 28-29, 2011 David Peddie, Dan Oliver Bell Sensplex, Ottawa Holy Trinity CHS oliverd@bellsensplex.ca 5th Annual Blessed Trinity Girls’ Hockey Classic December 6-7, 2011 Mark Mazzetti Grimsby Peach King Centre Blessed Trinity CSS mark.mazzetti@ncdsb.com St. Thomas Aquinas Boys’ Flames Classic Hockey Tournament December 8-10, 2011 Mike Chaney London St. Thomas Aquinas CSS m.chaney@ldcsb.on.ca St. Thomas Aquinas Lady Flames Hockey Tournament December 13-14, 2011 Mike Chaney London St. Thomas Aquinas CSS m.chaney@ldcsb.on.ca 28th Annual Senior Boys’ “Bur Bear” High School Invitational Hockey Tournament February 2-4, 2012 Dave Wood, Tam Morrison Burlington Robert Bateman HS woodda@hdsb.ca tmorrison62@cogeco.ca 6th Annual Blessed Trinity Senior Boys’ Hockey Clasic January 10-11, 2012 Rich Vrataric Peach King Centre, Grimsby Blessed Trinity CSS richard.vrataric@ncdsb.com 7th Annual Blessed Trinity Junior Boys’ Hockey Classic March 20-21, 2012 Rich Vrataric Grinsby Peach King Centre Blessed Trinity CSS richard.vrataric@ncdsb.com Burlington “Wave” Twin Rinks High School Tournament Schedule 2011-12 Burlington Tam Morrison, Wave Hockey Inc. tmorrison62@cogeco.ca November 10, 2011 November 15, 2011 November 16-17, 2011
Senior Boys’ Quick Start Jamboree Senior Girls’ Start Up Invitational The Wave’s Senior Boys’ Early Edition
December 1-2, 2011 December 15, 2011 December 20-21, 2011 February 14, 2012 February 15-16, 2012 March 22, 2012 March 27, 2012 April 3-5, 2012
The Waves Senior Boys’ Invitational Senior Girls’ Holiday Classic Jamboree Senior Boys’ Holiday Cup Tournament 6th Annual Queen of Hearts Invitational Senior Boys’ Playoff Tune Up Invitational Junior Boys’ Jamboree #1 Junior Boys’ Jamboree #2 The Burlington Wave Junior Tournament
Canlan Classic Hockey Schedule 2011-12 Canlan Ice Sports Al Rose York University Canlan Ice Sports arose@icesports.com Senior Boys’ Schedule Nov. 4, 2011 Nov. 9-10, 2011 Nov. 23-24, 211 Nov. 30, 2011 Dec. 1-2, 2011 Dec. 15-16, 2011 Dec. 20, 2011 Jan. 12-13, 2012 Feb. 9-10, 2012 Feb. 23-24, 2012 March 12, 2012 March 27-28, 2012
Mini Matches Senior Early Bird North York Classic Mini Matches Continental Classic (longer games) Christmas Freezeout Mini Matches New Year’s Festival Canadian Classic (longer games) York University Classic Mini Matches Springfest
OFSAA Sanctioning for Events 2011-12
Junior Boys’ Schedule 2011-12 Nov. 16-17, 2011 Early Bird Nov. 28, 2011 Mini Matches Dec. 13, 2011 Mini Matches Feb. 21-22, 2012 York University Festival Feb. 29, 2012 Mini Matches March 6-7, 2012 March Classic March 23, 2012 Mini Matches April 11-12, 2012 Junior Classic Girls’ Tournament Schedule 2011-12 Nov. 21-22. 2011 Early Bird Nov. 29, 2011 Mini Matches Dec. 6-7, 2011 Christmas Classic Dec. 14, 2011 Mini Matches Jan. 10-11, 2012 New Year’s Festival Feb. 7-8, 2012 Cardinal Carter Classic Feb. 13-14, 2012 Canlan Elite (LONGER GAMES) Feb. 16-16, 2012 “DD” Delight (DD Teams only please) March 1-2, 2012 March Classic March 21, 2012 Mini Matches April 3-4, 2012 Springfest
OFSAA and KidSport Offer Financial Aid for School Sport OFSAA and KidSport will be continuing the grant program that allows studentathletes to apply for financial support in 2011-12. Students may apply for up to $250 per school year to cover their participation fees of any interschool sport teams they otherwise would be unable to afford. Funds will be allocated on a first come, first-served basis. A student may apply as many times as they wish, however
they may only receive a maximum of $250 in the current school year. Once approved for funding, a school official must confirm the student is participating in the sport before funding is released. For more information, an application form, and to read the grant guidelines and rules, please visit our website and click on Programs - KidSport.
Spalding News
Schools that qualify for OFSAA championships in team sports during the 2011-12 school year will be required to register through the OFSAA AELS (Athletic Eligibility List System) program on OFSAA’s website. Benefits for Schools • Ability to track information about teams, studentathletes and coaches at the school level.
OFSAA is pleased to announce that Spalding has renewed its partnership through the 2014-15 school year as the official basketball of OFSAA.
• Track student-athlete involvement in sport throughout their high school career. • Track coach involvement in sport each year.
The TF-1000 basketball will continue to be used exclusively in all games at the OFSAA basketball championships.
• Create and modify athletic eligibility lists for school, local, and regional competition. Some schools have also used AELS for the management for other cocurriculuar activities. • Register for OFSAA championships. Please ensure you have the following information available to complete your online registration. • School and team name • Coach(s) name • Uniform jersey colour
• Permet de tenir compte de l’implication sportive de chacun des élèves athlètes au cours de son séjour au secondaire. • Permet de tenir compte de l’implication sportive de chacun des entraîners au cours de l’année.
• Player names, jersey number, position, birth date, year of entry into Grade 9, transfer information (if applicable)
• Permit de créer des listes d’admissibilité pour des compétitions scolaires locales et régionales. Quelques écoles ont également employé SÉDA pour la gestion d’autres activitiés co-curriculaires.
• Media contact(s)
• Facilite l’inspection aux championnats de la FASSO.
• Seeding information
Assurer que vous avez les informations disponibles suivantes pour accomlir votre inscription:
• Season game results If you would like a copy of the version 2 instruction manual, please visit www.ofsaa.on.ca/resources/forms.
• Nom d’ecole et le nom d’équipe • Nom d’entraîner
Each school has been given their own unique login.
• Couleur d’uniformes
Please check with your program leader or athletic director for your password. If your school does not have their login information or if you need more information, contact Michael Suraci at (416) 426-7440.
• Nom des joueurs, les nombres d’uniforme, les positions, les dates de naissance, date d’antree dans la 9e année, L’information de transfert : (si c’est approprié)
• Contact local des médias
Durant l’année 2011-12 scolaire les d’équipes qui qualifient pour des championnats de la FASSO seront exigés de se servir du système SÉDA (système électronique d’admissibilité athlétique) pour s’inscrire pour les championnats.
• Classement des équipes
Les Avantages pour les Écoles • Permet de retrouver des renseignements au sujet des équipes, des élèves athlètes et des entraîneurs au niveau des écoles. 10
• Résultats de joutes de las saison Si vous voudriez une copie de guide SÉDA (version 2), visite le site web de la FASSO www.ofsaa.on.ca/ resources/forms. Chaque école a été donnée leur propre nom d’utilisateur et mot de passe. Vérifier avec votre chef de programme ou directeur sportif votre mot de passe. Si votre école n’a pas leir information, contactez Michael Suraci au (416) 426-7440.
Spalding has been a strong supporter of high school basketball and we are excited to continue working with them to ensure high quality championships.
We Embrace True Sport Values OFSAA joined the True Sport movement in 2007, and continues to purchase True Sport banners for each championshipto be displayed in the host school. True Sport’s principles are the following: Go For It • Always rise to the challenge. • Discover how good you can be. Play Fair • Play honestly and obey the rules. • Winning is only real when competition is fair. Respect Others • Respect teammates, competitors
and officials, both on and off the field. • Win with dignity and lose with grace. Keep It Fun • Have a good time. Keep a positive attitude and contribute to a positive atmosphere. Stay Healthy • Respect your body. Keep in shape. • Avoid unsafe activities.
Register Online Via AELS/Inscription Par le Système SÉDA
Give Back • Do something that helps your community. We encourage schools to join the True Sport movement. There is no cost to do so, and information is available on their website at www. truesport.ca.
Please Support OFSAA’s School Sport Sponsors OFSAA is fortunate to have several companies supporting school sport in Ontario. Official equipment has been playtested and endorsed by experienced teacher-coaches. Please support these sponsors by using their products. Badminton Yonex • Official racquet of OFSAA: B500, B600 DF, B7000 DF+ • Official shuttlecocks of OFSAA: Mavis 350, Mavis 300, Mavis 7
Black Knight • Official badminton eyewear provider of OFSAA Basketball Spalding • TF-1000 ZK Pro, Official basketball of OFSAA
Milk • The official recovery drink of OFSAA Basketball Volleyball Baden • Baden Perfection 15-0, Official volleyball of OFSAA Field Hockey AK Pro • Official field hockey ball of OFSAA: Grays Astrotec Dimple Ball.
Rugby Monilex • Official supplier of Gilbert rugby balls and rugby related equipment to high schools Soccer Molten • Official soccer ball of OFSAA: Molten FX-1000 official game ball, Molten FX-150 official practice ball Accommodations Westmont Hospitality Group • Official hotel partner of OFSAA Rings Baron Insignia • Official ring supplier of OFSAA Cross Country and Track and Field Nike • Official sponsor
Scholarships & Awards
Brian Maxwell Scholarship Recipients 2011
William (BJ) Cunliffe is a graduate of Courtice Secondary School, where he finished with an average in the high 80s, and qualified for OFSAA every year in both Track and Field and Cross Country.
Named after successful distance runner and co-founder of Power Bar, the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to two student-athletes who have participated in track and field or cross country throughout their high school career, and are continuing their post-secondary education at a Canadian college or university. This year the scholarship was awarded to Tristan Woodfine and Chelsea Mackinnon, who both received awards in the amount of $5,000. Two additional student-athletes also received Recognition Awards of Excellence for $1,000 each. These recipients were William (BJ) Cunliffe, and Laura Morrison. All four recipients were honoured at an awards luncheon at the Sport Alliance building in August, which featured family, friends, and former teammates of Brian Maxwell. These four individuals are all exceptional student-athletes, each of them possessing OFSAA’s values of leadership, commitment, respect, and equity. We know they will be successful in their future endeavours, and we wish them all the best! Tristan Woodfine graduated from Opeongo High School in Douglas Ontario with an average of nearly 90%.
BJ Cunliffe
BJ also placed first in the 2011 Hamilton Indoor Games, fifth in the 2011 Nike John Rowland Games, and participated in the IAAF World Youth Track & Field Championships in Italy. Pretty big accomlishments!
In his school, BJ was a member of the soccer team, holds nine school track records, mentored younger students as a peer tutor, and participated in countless other extracurricular activities. BJ is attending Simon Fraser University this fall and studying Psychology.
Laura Morrison graduated from Catholic Central High School in London with a 95% average, and is at McMaster this fall taking Health Studies. Laura has competed in both the OFSAA Track and Field and Cross Country Championships, and has also participated in hockey, badminton and golf at her school. She was also on her school’s student council and spirit club, Laura Morrison mentored younger students, participated in school fundraising events, and coached house league soccer. Laura has been active in her community as well, volunteering at church activities, at after school children’s programs and summer camps, and fundraising for various other community efforts including the Make a Wish Foundation, and Run for the Cure.
Tristan competed in cross country and track throughout his high school career, and in Grades 9-11 Tristan Woodfine placed first (Grades 10 and 11) and second (Grade 9) in the OFSAA Cross Country Championship. Tristan also competed in the OFSAA Track & Field Championship in Grade 9 and finished first in both the 1500m and 3000m. In his school, he has acted as a mentor to junior students participating in distance running, and has assisted with several endeavours in his community.
Back row, from left: Wayne Haymer (Brian Maxwell Scholarship Committee), Sheila Maxwell (Brian’s sister), Tristan Woodfine, BJ Cunliffe. Front row, from left: Laura Morrison and Chelsea Mackinnon.
Tristan is off to the University of Guelph this year, studying Criminal Justice and Public Policy. Chelsea Mackinnon graduated with a 93% average from Westdale Secondary School in Hamilton, and will be studying Health Sciences at the University of Guelph. Chelsea Mackinnon
From Grades 9-12, Chelsea has placed in the top 10 every year at both the OFSAA Cross Country Championship and in the 800m at the OFSAA Track & Field Championship. She has also been a finalist in several other events including the National Track & Field Championship, Junior Provincial Championships, and the Ontario Summer Games. She has been both the Hamilton City Cross Country and Track and Field champion for the past 10 years. Chelsea was a member of her school’s Athletic Council, Music Council, band, orchestra, waterpolo team, and Alpine Ski team. She has also participated in many efforts in her community.
Scholarships & Awards
Pete Beach Recipients 2011
OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Recipients 2011
The Pete Beach Award is presented annually to one person in each Association who exemplifies the qualities of Pete Beach, a former Executive Director of OFSAA.
OFSAA’s Alumni Association supports student-athletes moving on to post-secondary education through the scholarship fund. For the past seven years, all funds donated have provided scholarships of $500 each to student-athletes in different member associations across the province.
Pete was a rare educator who had the capacity to utilize the medium of school sport to positively influence students in the remainder of their lives. This year’s recipients are individuals who consistently provide an impression of stability and optimism; who enjoy the
company and respect of young people; who embody education through school sport and lead by example; and who emulate the true function of the teacher-coach a source of discipline, a mentor, and a friend. For more information on the Pete Beach Award or to nominate a colleague, please visit the OFSAA website and look under Awards & Scholarships.
Congratulations to all the 2011 Pete Beach Award recipients! CISAA COSSA CWOSSA EOSSAA GBSSA GHAC LOSSA NCSSAA NEOAA NOSSA NWOSSAA
Sheila Kuyper Dave Reynolds Ivan Persin Lynn Carss Walter Brown Greg Sora Kevin Dillon Laura Gillespie James Johnson Ron Dubuc Kathy Clouthier
Mary Caswell Rina Rode Ken Ouellette Doris Chandler Diana Jaam Shahriari Dan Dominico Terry Walzack Domenic Scuglia
Four students were selected to receive the 2011 OFSAA Alumni Scholarships. The calibre of students applying is a positive sign for the future, as all were worthy candidates and the decision by the selection committee was a difficult one. Many thanks to all students who applied. Lauren Kanko (TDSSAA) While attending Martingrove Collegiate in Etobicoke, Lauren took part in cross country, basketball, volleyball, hockey, soccer, and track and field. She was also very involved in other aspects of school life, including the Girls’ Athletic Council, Music Council, Student Council, serving as President in her final year, and the Leadership Program. Lauren’s high academic achievements are a tribute to the type of person she is, considering her extracurricular activities. Her love of sport continues into her community programs as well. School sport has helped her stay focused, be organized and punctual, and has given her goals to strive for and skills to improve upon. The confidence gained from sport has permeated into her classroom setting. Her teacher-coach says of Lauren, “She is a hard working, respectful young woman who will achieve greatness in whatever she undertakes. She has earned the respect of both her peers and staff.” Lauren is studying kinesiology this year, and we wish her all the best! Ian McClure (WOSSAA) Ian attended Oakridge Secondary School in London and participated in volleyball, rugby, badminton, and track and field. He contributes to his community by working for local charities, helping
at tournaments, and taking part in charity runs. He helps coach junior teams and runs tournaments for the elementary schools as well. School sport has taught Ian the important skills that he has been able to apply to all aspects of daily life. He learned that believing in oneself will go a long way towards winning, and that being able to play the game is a reward in itself. As a high school athlete he has been proud to represent his school and considered it an honour to do so. Ian is also very aware of the people in his life who have given so generously to allow him to participate - teachers, coaches and his parents. He believes school sport has helped shape him into a healthy, whole and caring person. “Ian’s leadership ability, integrity, and good sportsmanship are consistent and easily recognized by his peers and coaches,” Ian’s coach said. We wish Ian success as he pursues a science degree at the University of Guelph. Christine Ackerly (LOSSA) As a student at Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby, Christine enjoyed the sports of volleyball, badminton and alpine skiing. While achieving top academic marks, she still found time to be involved with the school newspaper, the concert choir, the environmental club, and the Leadership and President’s Councils. In the community, Christine continued to be involved in sport and volunteered with several groups including the Whitby Youth Council and the Oshawa Hospital Foundation. She believes true character is most clearly demonstrated
Continued on next page 14
Scholarships & Awards by what a person does. Her mentors, coaches, teachers and especially her parents, have inspired her to improve, not only academically, but as a community member, and to commit to giving back to society. “Christine’s academic achievements, athletic contributions, and school and community service have distinguished Christine as a leader who will no doubt accomplish great things,” said Christine’s principal. Congratulations, and all the best as you start the next phase of your life in the Communications and Journalism program at Carleton University.
2012 Alumni Scholarship Applications The 2012 Alumni Scholarship is available to students in NEOAA, CWOSSA, COSSA and TDCAA. Deadline for receipt of applications is April 1st, 2012. Criteria for this scholarship and an application form are on the OFSAA website under ‘Awards and Scholarships’. Four students will be selected to receive a $500 scholarship from the applications received by the deadline. All applications must be sent by mail or courier. No faxed copies will be considered. Please visit www.ofsaa.on.ca - Programs - Scholarships for more information.
OUA Student Athletic Scholarships Did you know athletic awards are offered by Ontario Universities? These awards include scholarships, bursaries, prizes, leadership awards, merit awards, housing, and all other non-employment financial benefit received by an athlete
from their institution. Student-athletes may receive up to $3,500 towards their post-secondary education. For full details on OUA athletic scholarships, please visit www.oua.ca/student/awards
2010-11 Leadership in School Sport Award Recipients The OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award is presented at each OFSAA championship to a teacher-coach who has made a significant contribution to their educational athletic program. The recipient exemplifies the values of fair-play and sportsmanship, while promoting enjoyment, personal growth and educational achievement through school sport. Alpine Skiing Girls’ Field Hockey Girls’ A Basketball Girls’ AA Basketball Girls’ AAA Basketball Girls’ AAAA Basketball Boys’ A Basketball Boys’ AA Basketball Boys’ AAA Basketball Boys’ AAAA Basketball Badminton Boys’ and Girls’ Curling Nordic Skiing Girls’ A Volleyball Girls’ AA Volleyball Girls’ AAA Volleyball Girls’ AAAA Volleyball Boys’ A Volleyball Boys’ AA Volleyball Boys’ AAA Volleyball Boys’ AAAA Volleyball
Karin Augenstein Margaret Alderson Rob Dessen Peter Kaija Andy Hairsine Andrea McCabe Lorie Tremblay Larry Tougas Brian Mulligan Dan Colfax Mary Parsons Russ Wakewich & Karen Saarimaki Annette Wrigley Tammy Dibbits Mary Jane Gillier-Symes Sue Kicul Rob Thomas Rich Fontanna Kerry MacLean Bryan Kussner Dave McAllister
Swimming Girls’ Gymnastics Girls’ A/AA Hockey Girls’ AAA/AAAA Hockey Boys’ A/AA Hockey Boys’ AAA/AAAA Hockey Girls’ A Soccer Girls’ AA Soccer Girls’ AAA Soccer Girls’ AAAA Soccer Boys’ A Soccer Boys’ AA Soccer Boys’ AAA Soccer Boys’ AAAA Soccer Girls’ A/AA Rugby Girls’ AAA/AAAA Rugby Boys’ A/AA Rugby Boys’ AAA/AAAA Rugby Tennis Track & Field Wrestling
Paige Murphy Melanie Sylvestre Ted Hopkinson Sandie Ennett John Elliott Chick Kennedy Brenda Riddell Elaine Stanski John Ivinac Bruno Colucci Mike McKittrick Angelo Geremia Kim Latourell Michael Maiola Thomas “Bubba” Gauthier Kirk Robertson David Whitney David Schaffler Tami Hawkins Gilbert Briscoe & Mary Collinson Ted Fryia
2010-11 Team Sportsmanship Award Recipients The Team Sportsmanship Award is given out at each championship to the team displaying outstanding teamwork, positive attitude, and respect for opponents. Girls’ Field Hockey Girls’ A Basketball Girls’ AA Basketball Girls’ AAA Basketball Girls’ AAAA Basketball Boys’ A Basketball Boys’ AA Basketball Boys’ AAA Basketball Boys’ AAAA Basketball Boys’ Curling Girls’ Curling Girls’ A Volleyball Girls’ AA Volleyball Girls’ AAA Volleyball Girls’ AAAA Volleyball Boys’ A Volleyball Boys’ AA Volleyball Boys’ AAA Volleyball
Brother André CHS Runnymede CI É.S. Theriault Ancaster HS John Paul II HS Pretty River Academy Twin Lakes SS St. Theresa HS St. Ignatius of Loyola Timiskaming DSS M.M. Robinson HS Rockway Mennonite School St. Thomas Aquinas SS Patrick Fogarty SS Woburn CI Woodland Christine Hamilton DCHS É.S.C. Beatrice-Desloges
Boys’ AAAA Volleyball Cathedral HS Girls’ A/AA Hockey Beaver Brae SS Girls’ AAA/AAAA Hockey Saltfleet DHS Boys’ A/AA Hockey Glendale HS Boys’ AAA/AAAA Hockey Hillcrest HS Girls’ A Soccer Charlottenburgh & Lancaster DHS Girls’ AA Soccer Timmins HS Girls’ AAA Soccer St. Ignatius SS Girls’ AAAA Soccer St.Thomas of Villanova SS Boys’ A Soccer Woodland Christian Boys’ AA Soccer St. Joseph’s HS Boys’ AAA Soccer Cardinal Newman Boys’ AAAA Soccer York Mills CI Girls’ A/AA Rugby Mentor College Girls’ AAA/AAAA Rugby Applewood Heights SS Boys’ A/AA Rugby FE Madill SS Boys’ AAA/AAAA Rugby Glebe CI
Spring 2011 Championship Photo Gallery
Festival Results
OFSAA Boys’ A/AA Field Lacrosse Festival Aurora
May 3 - 4, 2012 Brock University, St. Catharines This conference encompasses a wide variety of sessions for both curricular and co-curricular programs, with sessions geared to high school and elementary school teachers. The aim is to increase participants’ knowledge of several areas of school sport, expose them to new/ unconventional sports and teaching methods, and provide opportunities for discussion groups with peers. OFSAA is looking for energetic educators to present at the Women’s Sport School, for a variety of sessions.
One Day Registration - $150 + HST Includes meals and sessions only.
Using the facilities at St. Andrew’s College, a strong field of teams competed over two hard-fought days for the chance to capture the gold medal. Day one proved to be the most challenging with temperatures bringing the humidity into the plus 40 degree range. Athletes and coaches did whatever they could to stay cool but by the afternoon matches it was obvious the heat was taking a toll on players.
Day two saw the playoff format begin and the intensity on the field heat up. Top two seeded teams Hagersville and McKinnin Park were both upset in the semi-finals placing Holy Cross (COSSA) in the final against the host school St. Andrew’s College.
If you are interested, please visit www.ofsaa.on.ca/events for more information.
Plan B - $300 + HST (Early Bird $275) Includes meals and sessions only
Although the months of May and June can be exhaustive for OFSAA convenors with all the championships taking place, there may not have been a busier convenor than Greg Reid from St. Andrew’s College (CISAA), who, in the span of just over two weeks, convened both the OFSAA Badminton Championship and OFSAA Boys’ A/AA Lacrosse Festival.
Once participants had a chance to cool off and cleanup they returned to St. Andrew’s College for the festival banquet which took place in the school’s beautiful dining hall. Students and coaches were treated to a delicious meal before hearing from guest speakers who spoke about the opportunities to pursue lacrosse both in the NCAA and CIS, emphasizing the point that although it takes hard work and practice to achieve post-secondary lacrosse goals, the most important aspect that will get you there is through dedication to your studies and getting good grades.
Want to be a Presenter?
Plan A - $350 + HST (Early Bird $325) Includes 2 nights accommodation, meals, sessions
May 31 - June 1, 2011
Although Holy Cross had now made it to the finals the
Participating Teams
Conference Coordinator: Elizabeth Harris Assistant Director, OFSAA elizabeth@ofsaa.on.ca 416.426.7436
Register now at www.ofsaa.on.ca/events
Hagersville SS McKinnon Park HS Holy Cross CSS St. Andrew’s College St. Stephen’s SS Sutton DHS Gravenhurst HS St. Mark HS
last three of four years without capturing gold, this time they were not leaving without taking the festival title, and capturing the final game in a 11-5 win. Congratulations team members to Shane Alexander, Brad Angevaare, Tyler Brodie, Justin Cavanah, Mike Cavanagh, Chris Clancy, Dustin Cook, Josh Currier, Jesse Davis, Chris Ephgrave, Troy Evans, Turner Evans, Josh Gilbert, Luke Grills, Nicholas Hildendrand, Josh Hiltz, Colin Johnson, Eugene Kim, Brenden Le, Joe Le May, Paxton Leroux, Cameron Milligan, Matt Perras, Kyle Poast, Evan Rutherford, Zack Wainman and coaches Randy Riel, Taylor Evans, Rob Hope, Cory Vitarelli, and Matt Crough. Thank you again to Greg Reid and his committee for hosting a wonderful festival and we look forward to watching the sport of field lacrosse grow at the high school level. Consolation Semi-Finals St. Stephen’s def. St. Mark Sutton def. Gravenhust
7-5 8-0
Semi-Finals Holy Cross def. McKinnon Park St. Andrew’s def. Hagersville
11 - 9 10 - 8
Consolation Final Sutton def. St. Stephen’s
11 - 6
Third Place Game McKinnon Park def. Hagersville
12 - 8
First Place Game Holy Cross def. St. Andrew’s
11 - 5
Championship Results
2011-12 OFSAA Championship Calendar
Boys' Golf Festival (COSSA) Wed - Thurs, Oct. 12 - 13, Belleville Jim Barbeau, Nicholson Catholic P: 613.967.0404 F: 613.967.1963 barbeau@alcdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Mon, Oct. 3
Girls’ AA Basketball (EOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Brockville Matt Reil, St. Mary CHS P: 613.342.4911 F: 613.342.2971 matt.reil@cdsbeo.on.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19
Boys' A Basketball (CISAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, St. Catharines Dave Whitty, Ridley College P: 905.683.1889 F: 905.684.8875 david_whitty@ridleycollege.com Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Girls' Golf Festival (NCSSAA) Wed - Thurs, Oct. 12 - 13, Kanata Kendra Read, All Saints HS P: 613.271.4254 F: 613.591.8127 kendra.read@ottawacatholicschools.ca Entry Deadline: Mon, Oct. 3
Girls’ AAA Basketball (EOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Kingston Kelly Dixon & Dr. Tom Holmes, Holy Cross Catholic SS P: 613.384.1919 F: 613.384.8665 dixon@alcdsb.on.ca, drthomas99@ hotmail.com Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19
Boys' AA Basketball (SOSSA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, St. Catharines Pat Sullivan, St. Francis P: 905.646.2002 F: 905.646.1452 patrick.sullivan@ncdsb.com Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Girls' Field Hockey (YRAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 3 - 5, Markham Cathie Croucher, Newmarket HS P: 905.895.5159 catherine.croucher@yrdsb.edu.on.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, Oct. 29 Cross Country (NCSSAA) Sat, Nov. 5, Ottawa-Gloucester Sean Clancy & Gary Monsour Entry Deadline: Sat, Oct. 29 Boys' A Volleyball (NOSSA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Little Current Peter Kategiannis, Manitoulin SS P: 705.368.7000 F: 705.368.7001 kategjp@rainbowschools.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19 Boys’ AA Volleyball (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Stratford Martin Ritsma, Stratford Northwestern P: 519.271.9740 F: 519.271.7834 martrits@fc.amdsb.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19 Boys’ AAA Volleyball (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Hamilton Andrea McCabe, Cathedral HS P: 905.522.3581 x3040 F: 905.522.7011 mccabea@fc.hwdsb.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19 Boys’ AAAA Volleyball (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Hamilton Andrea McCabe, Cathedral HS P: 905.522.3581 x3040 F: 905.522.7011 mccabea@fc.hwdsb.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19 Girls' A Basketball (CISAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, St. Catharines Dave Whitty, Ridley College P: 905.732.1361 F: 905.732.5066 david_whitty@ridleycollege.com Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19
Boys' AAA Basketball (SWOSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Windsor Peter Cusumano, Catholic Central P: 519.256.3171 F: 519.256.6691 coachcus@yahoo.com Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Girls’ AAAA Basketball (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Belle River Andy Kiss, St. Anne P: 519.727.8908 F: 519.727.9953 andy_kiss@wecdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 19
Boys’ AAAA Basketball (NCSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Ottawa Mike Rowley, Mother Teresa Richard Sutton, Ridgemount HS P: 613.823.1663 richard.sutton@ocdsb.ca michael.rowley@ottawacatholicschools.ca Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Football Bowls (Committee) Wed, Nov. 30 (TBA), Toronto Contact OFSAA office for details. Entry Deadline: TBA Nordic Skiing (GBSSA) Thurs - Fri, Feb. 23 - 24, Huntsville John Cowan, Huntsville HS P: 705.789.5594 F: 705.789.2269 john.cowan@tldsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Fri, Feb. 17
Girls' A Volleyball (TDSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Toronto Gary Krollins, University of Toronto Schools gkollins@utschools.ca Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Alpine Skiing (Committee) Mon - Tues, Feb. 27 - 28, Collingwood Contact OFSAA office for details. Entry Deadline: Thurs, Feb. 16 Snowboarding Festival (TDCAA) Fri, March 1, Mansfield Rainer Wenzl, Father Redmond CSS P: 416.393.5540 F: 416.393.5761 rainer.wenzl@tcdsb.org Entry Deadline: Wed, Feb. 22 Swimming (GHAC) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Etobicoke Kevin Wong, Bishop Reding SS P: 416.905.875.0124 F: 416.875.2908 wongk@hcdsb.org Entry Deadline: Mon, Feb. 27 Wrestling (COSSA) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Peterborough Roger Jenkins, Crestwood SS P: 705.742.9221 F: 705.740.1957 roger_ jenkins@kprdsb.ca Entry Deadline: Mon, Feb. 27
Girls' AAA/AAAA Hockey (ROPSSAA) Tues - Fri, March 20 - 23, Mississauga Melanie Jones & Joel Agnew St. Aloysius Gonzaga P: 905.820.3900 F: 905.820.3902 melanie.jones@dpcdsb.org, joel.agnew@dbcdsb.org Entry Deadline: Wed, March 7 Boys' A/AA Hockey (COSSA) Tues - Fri, March 21 - 24, Peterborough Steve Stanlick, St. Peter's SS P: 705.745.1358 F: 705.745.5025 sstanlick@pvnccdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 8 Boys’ AAA/AAAA Hockey (COSSA) Wed - Sat, March 21 - 24, Peterborough Steve Stanlick, St. Peter's SS P: 705.745.1358 F: 705.745.5025 sstanlink@pvccdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 8 Boys’ & Girls' Curling (SOSSA) Wed - Sat, March 21 - 24, Welland/St. Catharines/Niagara Falls Karen Douglas, Welland Centennial SS Rina Rode, Sir Winston Churchill SS karen.douglas@dsbn.edu.on.ca rina.rode@dsbn.edu.on.ca Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 8 Girls' Gymnastics (Committee)
TBA, Contact OFSAA office for details.
Girls' AA Volleyball (SWOSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 5 - 7, Amherstburg Jeff Miller, General Amherst DHS P: 613.823.1663 F: 519.736.1473 jeff.miller@gecdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Badminton (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, May 3 - 5, Stratford Martin Ritsma, Stratford Northwestern P: 519.271.9740 F: 519.271.7834 martrits@fc.amdsb.ca Entry Deadline: Wed, April 25
Girls' AAA Volleyball (CWOSSAA) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Kitchener Paul Pavan, Forest Heights CI P: 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.1870 paul_pavan@wrdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Tennis (SOSSA) Mon - Wed, June 4 - 6, Toronto Michael Robinson, Lakeshore CHS P: 905.835.2451 F: 905.835.0434 michael.robinson@ncdsb.com Entry Deadline: Sat, May 27
Girls' AAAA Volleyball (CWOSSA) Tues - Wed, March 6 - 7, Kitchener Paul Pavan, Forest Heights CI P: 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.1870 paul_pavan@wrdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 28
Boys' A/AA Field Lacrosse Festival (CISAA) Tues - Wed, June 5 - 6, Peterborough Randy Riel, Holy Cross P: 705.748.6664 F: 705.742.1498 rriel@pvnccdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Wed, May 30
Girls' A/AA Hockey (COSSA) Tues - Fri, March 20 - 23, Belleville David Whitney, Bayside SS P: 613.966.2922 F: 613.966.4564 sdbwhitney@hpeelsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Wed, March 7
Boys' AAA/AAAA Field Lacrosse Festival (ROPSSAA) Thurs - Fri, June 7 - 8, Mississauga Dan Bowyer, Lorne Park SS P: 905.278.6177, x403 F: 905.278-4011
dan.bowyer@peelsb.com Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Girls' A/AA Rugby (NCSSAA) Mon - Wed, June 4 - 6, Ottawa Carrie Bowie & Rick Mellor Mother Theresa and Nepean HS richard.mellor@ocdsb.ca carrie.bowie@ottawacatholicschools.ca Entry Deadline: Tues, May 29 Girls' AAA/AAAA Rugby (NCSSAA) Mon - Wed, June 4 - 6, Ottawa Carrie Bowie & Rick Mellor, Mother Theresa richard.mellor@ocdsb.ca carrie.bowie@ottawacatholicschools.ca Entry Deadline: Tues, May 29 Boys' A/AA Rugby (COSSA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Cobourg Darryll Hancock, St. Mary SS P: 905.372.4339 F: 905.373.4529 dhancock@pvnccdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' AAA/AAAA Rugby (GHAC) Tues - Thurs, June 5 - 7, Hamilton Duane Davis, Cathedral HS P: 905.522.3581 x200 F: 905.522.7011 davisd@fc.hwcdsb.ca Entry Deadline: May 31 Track & Field (EAST) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Brockville Ron Hungerford, Thousand Islands SS P: 613.342.1100 F: 613.342.7758 Entry Deadline: Sun, June 3 Boys' A Soccer (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Windsor Paul Thomas, Academie Ste. Cecile P: 519.969.1291 F: 519.969.7953 paulthomas14@yahoo.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' AA Soccer (NOSSA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, North Bay Ryan Culhane, West Farris SS P: 705.497.2333 F: 705.497.7945 culhaner@nearnorthschools.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' AAA Soccer (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Hamilton John Ivinac, St. Mary's CSS P: 905.528-0214 F: 905.5287418 johnivinac@hotmail.com Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2
St. John’s College P: 519.759.2318 F: 519.751.0526 cromano@bhncdsb.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Girls' A Soccer (EOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Elgin Lisa Rice, Rideau DHS P: 613.359.5391 F: 613.359.6328 lisa.rice@ucdsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Girls' AA Soccer (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, St. Thomas Richard Mommersteeg & Jeff Jenkins St. Joseph’s High School P: 519.675.4434 F: 519.631-6722 r.mommersteeg@ldcsb.on.ca Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Girls' AAA Soccer (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Hamilton John Ivinac, St. Mary CSS P: 905.528.0214 F: 528.7418 johnivinac@hotmail.com Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Girls' AAAA Soccer (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Oakville Greg Sora, Barrie Cu P: 905.257.3534 F: 905.257.3534 bonfigliop@hcdsb.org Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' Baseball (Committee) TBA Boys' Baseball - East Region Semi-Final (SWOSSAA) Oakwood Wed - Thurs, June 6 - 7 Larry Loeback, St. Anne SS P: 519.727.8908 F: 519.735.2779 Larry_Loebach@wecdsb.on.ca Boys' Baseball - West Region Semi-Final (ROPSSAA) Wed - Thurs, June 6 - 7Mississauga Jason Eagles, St. Aloysius Gonzagas P: 905. 820.3900 F: 905.820.3902 jason.eagles@dpcdsb.org Larry_Loebach@wecdsb.on.ca
Boys' AAAA Soccer (CWOSSA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Brantford Carmine Romano & Peter Pomponio,
Festival Results
Championship Results
OFSAA Boys’ AAA/AAAA Field Lacrosse Festival
OFSAA Boys’ Baseball
Qualification Tournaments Toronto/Durham
June 2 - 3, 2011
June 7 - 8, 2011
June 2 - 3, 2011
Long-time lacrosse enthusiast, OFSAA Sport Advisory Committee member, teacher-coach, and now festival convenor, Al Smith of St. Matthew CHS (NCSSAA) led a team of committed volunteers in hosting the 2011 OFSAA Boys’ AAA/AAAA Lacrosse Festival. Using the facilities at Carleton University and the Nepean Sportsplex, athletes were treated to great fields in order to showcase the always improving talent of high school lacrosse. The festival banquet was hosted at Sala San Marco where athletes and coaches were able to satisfy the large appetite created by a full-day of hard hitting lacrosse action.
The meal must have provided just what the students needed, as competition heated up on day two with last year’s gold medallists St. Michael’s College (CISAA) reclaiming their title with a 12-7 win over Paul Dwyer CHS (LOSSA). Congratulations goes to Todd Stewart, Christian Barker, JD Brachman, Anthony Davis, Justin DeMarchi, Georgian Dimopoulos, Joseph French, Alex Guiney, Domenic Lisi, David Miller, Mason Moriyama, John Mullen, Patrick Paolini, Jack Ranson, Jonathan Rudyk, Ryan Zwolinski, Cole Bardawill, Brandon Bourque, Michael DeMarchi, William Loumankis, Andrew Mullen, Brennan Donville, Michael Dowell, Alex DeGagne, Jamie Dowell, Adrian Torok-Orban, Tanner Thomson, Thomas Staples, Tyler Albrecht, Tyson Gibson, Gregory DiTommaso, Riley Mocha, and coaches Alex Frescura, Dean French, Josh Shewell, Angus Dinely, and Matt Pagano. Thank you again to Al Smith and his committee for all their hard work in ensuring a first class tournament.
Participating Teams Paul Dwyer St. Michael’s College Notre Dame CSS (Burlington) Notre Dame College (Welland) St. Pete’s CSS Birchmount Park Mayfield Upper Canada College Sir Wm. Mulock SS St. Joseph HS South Carelton HS Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes 24
St. Michael’s College Notre Dame CSS
9 5
Msgr. Paul Dwyer St. Peter’s
6 (OT) 5
Third Place Game Notre Dame CSS St. Peter’s
8 4
First Place Game St. Michael’s College Paul Dwyer
11 7
In an exciting gold medal game against Ancaster HS (that went into two extra innings!) Holy Names HS (Windsor) went on to win the OFSAA Baseball Championship at the Rogers Centre 5 - 4. Both teams were presented with their medals in a ceremony at home plate by former Blue Jays second baseman and Hall of Fame inductee Roberto Alomar. Roberto also presented the Prentice Cup to the captains from Holy Names. Congratulations to Holy Names team members Connor Soulliere, Ryan Blevins, Spencer Church, Nicholas Curtis, Sergio DeRose, Nicholas Garofalo, Connor Holgate, Mitchell Holgate, Manik Jandoria, Andrew Jobin, Luke Lefler, Derek Loebach, Jake Lumley, Jonathan O’Beid, Brent Rankin, Christopher Renaud, Brett Siddall, Bobby St. Pierre, Andrew Wasyluk, and coaches Jon Blevins, Will Ruttinger, Joe Siddall, Mike Holgate.
competitions. OFSAA very much appreciates the experience they provided for the high school baseball athletes
Despite a rainy spring which saw the regionals pushed back a day, great conditions and, more importantly, some great baseball were the major stories at this year’s OFSAA Prentice Cup Baseball Championships.
The semi finals and finals were played over two days at the Rogers Centre. OFSAA thanks the Toronto Blue Jays for providing the Rogers Centre and support staff to make the championships a memorable event for all student-athletes involved. A very special thank you to T.J. Burton and Rob Jack of the Blue Jays who provided the competitors with a major league experience during their two days at the Rogers Centre.
Paul Rebelo from Bishop Allen in the west and Geoff Whent from Sinclair in the east and their committees did an outstanding job in organizing the regional
Thank you also to Roberto Alomar, who took time away from the MLB Draft to watch the final and present the championship medals.
West Regional Participants
East Regional Participants
Holy Names HS Ancaster HS St. Jean de Brebeuf HS Paris DHS Richview CI Bishop Allen Academy Bill Crothers SS Glendale HS Cardinal Newman CSS
Birchmount Park CI TDSSAA St Marguerite D’Youville ROPSSAA St Michael’s College CISAA Hillcrest HS NCSSAA Ajax HS LOSSA Pickering HS LOSSA St Josephs CSS EOSSAA Nantyr Shores SS GBSSA Prince Edward CI COSSA
Semi-Finals Holy Names St. Michael’s
8 7
Ancaster D’Youville
11 10
Bronze Medal Game St Michael’s SD’Youville
8 3
Gold Medal Game Holy Names Ancaster
5 4
Championship Results
OFSAA Boys’ A/AA Rugby
June 2 - 4, 2011
June 1 - 3, 2011
Experienced convenor David Whitney of Bayside SS (COSSA) provided the leadership for this year’s OFSAA Boys’ A/AA Rugby Championship in Belleville. COSSA, known for its deep rugby roots, had three entries into this year’s championship and were determined to perform well in front of the home town fans. Following day one of competition, participants put their battles on the field behind them and enjoyed a wonderful meal at the championship banquet. Once everyone was fed, a deceptive organizing committee managed to keep the convenor from knowing he was selected as the Leadership in School Sport recipient until his name was announced. A very humble David Whitney, was presented with the award for his over 25 years of high school coaching particularly in hockey and rugby. David has been an active volunteer, hosting OFSAA Championships in Girls’ and Boys’ Rugby and Girls’ Hockey, as well as being President of the Bay of Quinte Athletic Association and a member of the COSSA Executive. Heading into the final days of competition, the host association schools did not disappoint, making up three of the four teams playing in the semi-finals. However, in the end, a strong Barrie Participating Teams Central CI Appleby College Trinity College Trenton HS Brock HS Thomas A.Stewart SS Grey Highlands SS Erin District SS Queen Elizabeth Rockland Barrie Central CI Lester B. Pearson SS Courtice SS Ashbury College Beamsville District SS St.Clair SS F.E. Madill SS
(GBSSA) captured the gold with a 6-0 win over defending champions Trenton HS.
The beautiful city of Oakville was host to this year’s Boys’ AAA/AAAA Rugby Championship.
Congratulations to Byron Boville, Eric McCrea, Gary Smith, Jesse Twigg, Franklin Guillermo, Dylan Atkinson, David Petras, Sean Harrison, C.J. Hudson, Ian Jones, Chris Maybee, Jake Boulding, Patrick Berardi, Damon Vance, Joel Charron, Blair Elliott, Andrew McFadden, Cam Sinclair, Mac Chown, Mark Baker, Kyle Clarke, Dustin Morden, Craig Anderson, Eric Charest-Pekeski, James Johnson, Josh Butt, Braden Atkinson, Akiel Gormandy, Tim Klodnicki, Evan Mallett, and coaches Ron Andres, Steve Porter, and Jay Malandrino.
Thanks to convenor David Schaffler (Oakville-Trafalgar HS) and the hosts at Crusader’s Park, teams were treated to an outstanding tournament which will be sure to leave lasting memories.
The committee is pleased to announce that FE Madill SS (WOSSAA) is the recipient of the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award. The team demonstrated great sportsmanship and a mature attitude in both victory and defeat and should be congratulated, along with their coaches, for being role model student-athletes.
Consolation Quarter-Finals Trinity def. Lester B. Pearson Appleby def. Courtice Rockland def. St. Clair Beamsville def. Erin Championship Quarter-Finals Barrie Central def. Grey-Highlands Thomas A. Stewart def. Ashbury Trenton def. Queen Elizabeth Brock HS def. FE Madill SS Consolation Semi-Finals Rockland def. Trinity College Appleby College def. Beamsville
19 - 3 15 - 5 14 - 10 22 - 5 15 - 0 12 - 10 41 - 10 13 - 10 38 - 10 12 -
Championship Semi-Finals Barrie Central def. Thomas A. Stewart 22 - 0 Trenton def. Brock 22 - 0 Consolation Final Rockland def. Appleby College
32 - 19
Bronze Medal Game Thomas A. Stewart def. Brock
15 - 3
Gold Medal Game Barrie Central def. Trenton
Besides having access to first class rugby fields, participants were fortunate to have a banquet at St. Volodymyr’s Cultural Centre where the convenor ensured no one was left hungry. The banquet also set the stage for the presentation of the Leadership in School Sport Award, which went to the well deserving convenor David Schaffler. Besides convening OFSAA, David has coached high school rugby for almost 20 years at both the junior and senior levels. He has a true passion for rugby and was responsible for starting the girls’ rugby program at Nelson HS. David brings a positive attitude to his teams and always pushes them to do their best. The seeding committee had a number of difficult decisions to make looking at the teams Participating Teams in this year’s Stouffville DSS Streetsville SS Uxbridge SS Oakville Trafalgar Saltfleet DHS Brantford CI Abbey Park HS Medway HS Fenelon Falls SS Innisdale SS Northern SS Upper Canada College Senator O’Connor College Northern CI & VS Earl of March Frontenac SS
tournament as many of the teams took turns beating each other throughout the season. However, in the end the number one and two seeds squared off in the gold medal match. Avenging an earlier season loss, the spirited team from Uxbridge SS (LOSSA) upset the top seed from Stouffville DSS (YRAA) 24-7. Congratulations to Uxbridge team members Lee Cowie, Ryan Croxall, Shawn Cupples, Christopher Gladney, Shaun Kernohan, Tyler Mackinnon, Cody McKenzie, Scott Simmonds, Dylan Smith, Scott Sopel, Donald Will, Eric Wintjes, Kyle Banton-Jones, Casey Belli, Michael Boehm, Richard February, Alistair Gabb, Mitchell King, Graham Klammer, Graham Marsden, Nathaniel Mills, Dylan Ross, Jacob Wilson, and coaches Brian Manorek, Paul Connelly, and Peter Clayton. The convenor and his committee were also pleased to award the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Banner to Glebe CI (NCSSAA) for their fair play and positive attitude throughout the tournament. Thank you again to David and his committee for hosting a wonderful event that many hope will be back in Oakville sooner than later.
Consolation Quarter-Finals Fenelon Falls def. Frontenac SS 21 - 10 Upper Canada def. Senator O’Connor 10 - 0 Innisdale def. Glebe 18 - 7 Northern def. Brantford 7-5 Championship Quarter-Finals Stouffville def. Medway Oakville-Trafalgar def. Saltfleet Abbey Park def. Streetsville Uxbridge def. Northern
19 - 0 19 - 5 14 - 11 29 - 0
Consolation Semi-Finals Fenelon Falls def. Upper Canada Innisdale def. Northern
36 - 8 21 - 3
Championship Semi-Finals Stouffville def. Oakville-Trafalgar Uxbridge def. Abby Park
17 - 3 31 - 24
Consolation Final Fenelon Falls def. Innisdale
15 - 7
Bronze Medal Game Oakville-Trafalgar def. Abbey Park 13 - 0 Gold Medal Game Uxbridge def. Stouffville
24 - 7
Championship Results
OFSAA Girls’ A/AA Rugby
May 30 - June 1, 2011
June 2 - 4, 2011
Photo by Bonnie Edwards www.bephoto.ca
All eyes were on three-time gold medal winners Trenton HS (COSSA) as they returned to uphold their title at this year’s 2011 Girls’ A/AA Rugby Championship.
Tomara Harmond, Zoe Hiscock, Kirsten Whaley-Smith, Lexi Allison and coaches Jennifer Reid, Brian Meindl, and Tom Gauthier for their gold medal win.
Teams knew that they needed to raise the competition to another level to unseat this challenging team.
Thank you to the OFSAA 2011 Girls’ A/AA Rugby Championship, convenor Todd Murray for his commitment and hard work on this great championship. This championship could not have run without you and your dedicated organizing committee.
Over the course of a few games and the gold medal match it became obvious that Trenton HS was once again unstoppable, despite the valiant effort made by their competitors. Congratulations to team members of Trenton HS; Raven Roe, Rachel Maynard, Jenna Verreault, Hannah Wilson, Sara Galloway, Alicia Hamilton, Shannon Lee, Samantha Mcmurter, Avery MacIntosh, Katarina Small, Justine Dodds, Morgan Houde-Pearce, Robyn Neri, Maxine Dinham, Megan Dustin, Keisha Evans, Carly Frost, Jennifer Kelly, Lindsay Kelly, Brooke Lloyd, Alison McWhirter, Caroline Rolf, Cassidy Suijker, Caitlin Taylor, Tenecia Williams, Amanda Rittwage, Jessica Genereaux, Brittney Whiting, Tanya Participating Teams Hasenberger, Trenton HS Arnprior DHS St. Clair SS Bishop MacDonell CHS Beamsville DSS Rockland DHS St. Anne’s CSS Merivale HS Park Street CI St. Mary’s HS Norwood DHS Courtice SS Aldershot HS Blessed Mother Teresa SS Trinity College Mentor College
Congratulations also go to OFSAA Team Sportsmanship winners from Mentor College in Mississauga (ROPSSAA). Your attitude on and off the field is an example to us all. The OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award was given at the banquet to Thomas “Bubba” Gauthier from Trenton HS (COSSA) for his dedication to student athletes and the game of rugby. Tom was instrumental in starting a boys’ rugby program in the 70’s and the girls’ rugby program in the 90’s at his school. Even after retirement he continues to coach, mentor and be a role model for coaches and students alike. The Trenton rugby legacy would not be what it is today without his commitment and guidance.
Consolation Quarter-Finals Park Street def. Mentor College Courtice def Aldershot Rockland def. Mother Teresa St. Mary’s def. Trinity College
27 - 0 17 - 0 31 - 10 22 - 0
Championship Quarter-Finals Trenton def. Merivale 20 - 15 Beamsville def. Bishop MacDonell 10 - 5 Norwood def. St. Clair 17 - 10 Arnprior def. St. Anne’s 15 - 0 Consolation Semi-Finals Courtice def. Park Street Rockland def. St. Mary’s
19 - 0 19 - 0
Championship Semi-Finals Trenton def. Beamsville Arnprior def. Norwood
36 - 5 12 - 7
Consolation Final Courtice def. Rockland
13 - 10
Bronze Medal Game Norwood def. Beamsville
17 - 10
Gold Medal Game Trenton def. Arnprior
36 - 0
Convenor David Jirk and his team of volunteers organized a championship to remember this year in Thornhill. Thank you to David and the YRAA volunteers for the many hours of work put into hosting a great event. Sixteen teams from across the province battled it out, with the hopes of being crowned OFSAA Girls’ AAA/AAAA Rugby Champions. After some close games, Applewood Heights SS (ROPSSAA) reigned supreme and were declared the 2011 Girls’ AAA/AAAA Rugby Champions. Congratulations to the Applewood Heights team members Tabatha Izri, Shannon Kessler, Chrissie White, Hallima Barroo, Paul-Anndra McMorris, Mataya Pasley, Sharien Ridgwell, Milda Sabiston, Norissa Samuels, Devon Stober, Shanique Thompson, Shannon White, Melissa Bonus, Dallas Odd, Jeanine Alexis, Joey Huynh, Nicole Huynh, Sandra Mijatovic, Shalinie Narrine, Tia AndersonHudson, Kendra Austin, Maya Robertson, Jordan Reid, Samantha Sells, Simone Holmes-Thompson, Ebonee Darrall-Essue, Stephanie Ly, Participating Teams Elaine Dang, St. Peter’s SS COSSA Brantford CI & VS CWOSSA Napanee DSS EOSSAA Barrie Central CI GBSAA Banting Memorial HS GBSAA Oakville Trafalgar HS GHAC Pickering HS LOSSA Sir Wilfred Laurier SS NCSSAA Applewood Heights SS ROPSSAA Lakeshore CHS SOSSA Ursuline College SWOSSAA Cardinal Newman CSS TDCAA Malvern CI TDSSAA Stratford Northweastern SS WOSSAA Sacred Heart CHS YRAA Huron Heights SS YRAA
Eliza Gundaker, Sharon Ng, Noha Mahdi, Jennifer South, Jessica Portillo, Danielle Nguyen-Tran and coaches Lianne Turner and Jason Chuck. Applewood Heights also won the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award for their positive attitude toward other teams and officials. Huge congratulations to the team for representing their school so well on and off the field. Long time rugby coach Kirk Robertson from Mayfield SS (ROPSSAA) in Caledon was awarded the OFSAA Leadership in Sport Award during the banquet. Kirk is extremely passionate about developing student athletes through rugby in his school, as well as his community. He has organized six international rugby tours for his school to ensure the athletes receive a variety of playing and learning experiences. Kirk’s philosophy is for his players to develop themselves fully in every facet of their lives and have values and character that they will use in sport and everyday of life. Congratulations Kirk!
Consolation Quarter-Finals Sir Wilfred Laurier def. Huron Heights Napanee def. Ursuline College Sacred Heart def. Stratford Banting def. Cardinal Newman
14 - 0 29 - 10 12 - 5 5-0
Championship Quarter-Finals Barrie Central def. Malvern Lakeshore def. St. Peter’s Oakville Trafalgar def. Brantford Applewood Heights def. Pickering
8-5 6-3 12 - 0 14 - 0
Championship Semi-Finals Barrie Central def. Lakeshore 31 - 0 Applewood def. Oakville Trafalgar 7 - 0 Consolation Final Sacred Heart def. Napanee
10 - 7
Bronze Medal Game Oakville Trafalgar def. Lakeshore
12 - 8
Gold Medal Game Applewood def. Barrie Central
Consolation Semi-Finals Napanee def. Sir Wilfred Laurier 5 - 0 Sacred Heart def. Banting Memorial 36 - 5
Championship Results
OFSAA Boys’ A Soccer
OFSAA Boys’ AA Soccer
June 2 - 4, 2011
Windsor was once again the hot spot for OFSAA soccer, both because of the number of championships hosted there, and because of the 40-plus degree temperatures on championship day.
Repeat convenor JJ Dowhan (WC Kennedy CI) and his committee once again hosted an outstanding OFSAA Boys’ AA Soccer Championship in Windsor. Despite all the spring rain, the fields used were in fantastic condition with athletes being treated to playing the medal matches at Windsor Stadium.
Paul “Doc” Thomas of Academie Ste Cecile (SWOSSAA) led his committee in hosting their second of three consecutive OFSAA Boys’ A Soccer Championships. This committee, that will soon be able to write the book on hosting soccer championships, did not disappoint. Using a venue that allowed for all four fields to be at one site kept things simple for coaches, volunteers, medics, and organizers. And as has become of trademark of Doc’s championships, the national anthem is played prior to every match. It was a fantastic site to see all four fields having teams line up at centre, standing proud for the anthem and upon its conclusion shaking their opponents’ hands. This really helped set the tone for each game, bringing the team closer together, adding prestige to the event, and creating that respect for your opponent before the ball had even been put into play. Following a busy first day, the teams retreated to the Caboto Club where they joined teams taking part in the OFSAA Girls’ AA Soccer Championship for a combined banquet. The Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Mike McKittrick of Catholic Central (SWOSSAA). Mike has dedicated himself to coaching badminton, basketball, track and field, and soccer at the high school level for over 30 years. He has also volunteered as athletic director and sat on the WESSAA Participating Teams Pool A É.S.P. Omer-Deslauriers NCSSAA Kings Christian Collegiate GHAC Elmvale DHS GBSSA John L Forster SS SWOSSAA Woodland Christian HS CWOSSA Pool B Guido de Bres CHS College Francais St. Paul SS Ridley College Marathon HS
Pool D Notre Dame St. Benedicts CSS ES Jean Vanier Academie Ste Cecile St. Patrick SS
Semi-Finals Jean Vanier def. Omer-Deslaurier THE BULLETIN SEPT. 2011
On day 3, as the humidity levels climbed to over 40 degrees, a determined team from St. Christopher SS (SWOSSAA) took home the gold with a 1-0 win. and SWOSSAA Executive, along with convening multiple OFSAA championships, including Boys Basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and already has committed to hosting three more OFSAA’s in the next two years. Congratulations to Mike for all his work and continued passion for school sport. After three hard fought days of soccer, Guido de Bres (SOSSA) emerged as repeat champions with at 1-0 win over É.S. Jean Vanier (SOSSA).
É.S. Pere Rene de Galinee CWOSSAA
Quarter-Finals Omer-Deslauriers def. College Francais Guide de Bres def. Woodland Christian St. Patrick def. Saint-Charles Granier Jean Vanier def. North Lambton
Sun-filled days with a nice breeze provided perfect playing conditions during the first two days of the tournament. There was a lot of depth in the field this year, with most games finishing within a goal of each other.
Congratulations to team members, Nick Dantuma, Matthew Wieske, Steven Boot, Nathaniel Schutten, Matthew deBoersap, Justin Bos, Gavin VanLuik, Tyler Schutten, Evan VanderVelde, Gavin Wieske, Andrew DeJong, Bryan VanDasselaar, Keegan Lodder, Adriaan de Visser, Kyle Jager, Joshua Nobels, Luke Nordeman, Pool C Austin Schulenberg, Devon Sloots, Mitchell DHS WOSSAA Michael Zwaagstra, and coaches North Lambton SS SWOSSAA Timothy Wildeboer and James Lof. E.C. Saint-Charles Granier LOSSA
O’Gorman HS
3-0 2-1
June 2 - 4, 2011
Congratulations also goes to Woodland Christian HS (CWOSSA) for being awarded the Team Sportsmanship Banner. The team impressed convenors and coaches with their fair play and general positive behaviour.
Guido de Bres def. St. Patrick
Bronze Medal Game Omer-Deslaurier def. St. Patrick
Gold Medal Game Guido de Bres def. Jean Vanier
Congratulations to team members Ryan Greenwood, Corey Jackson, Thomas Moxley, Mark Spinozzi, Pietro Restivo, Michael Rocca, Patrick Brennan, Christian Savo, Oren Bell, Danielo Bucci, Chris Kerwin, Anthony Petrucci, Matt Stewart, Austin Spearman, Alex DeCarolis, Rodney Reese, Luke Garrett, Dillon Grondin, Michael Fazzalari, and coaches Richard Prudom, Angelo DiMuzio, and Vince Flamia.
Guest speakers from St. Clair College and the University of Windsor provided positive messages about continuing their athletics into post-secondary education and a number of draw prizes kept athletes attention. The Leadership in School Sport Awards was presented to Angelo Geremia of St. Anne HS (SWOSSAA) where he has been a teacher-coach for over 22 years with the senior boys’ soccer team. Taking his philosophy of “play the game with desire and pride” to his students has helped inspire many of his athletes to do their best and learn to adapt to an ever evolving sport such as soccer. Amazingly, St. Joseph’s HS (WOSSAA) was named the winners of the Team Sportsmanship Banner for the third year. The committee and OFSAA thank the school, and in particular the coaches, for leading by example and being role models for all schools. Once again thank you to JJ Dowhan and his committee for their two years of dedication to hosting wonderful championships.
The banquet was held at the Serbian Centre where athletes and coaches received healthy servings of pasta, chicken, vegetables, salad, and desserts.
Participating Teams Pool A St. Francis SS St. Michael CHS Holy Trinity HS Prince Edward CI Richview CI
Pool C St. Jospeh’s HS St. Paul HS Fort Francis SS Hon. WC Kennedy CI É.S.C. Theriault
Pool B St. Christopher SS St. Mary’s College St. Francis Xavier HS Our Lady of Lourdes HS Thomas L. Kennedy SS
Pool D St. Thomas Aquinas Monsignor J. Pereyma CSS ESP Louis-Riel Cardinal Carter SS Archbishop Romero CSS
Quarter-Finals Our Lady of Lourdes def. Holy Trinity St. Christopher def. Prince Edward WC Kennedy def. Cardinal Carter St. Thomas Aquinas def. St. Paul
2 3 1 3
Semi-Finals Our Lady of Lourdes def. WC Kennedy St. Christopher SS def. St. Thomas Aquinas
3 - 2 (SO) 2-0
0 0 0 (ET) 1
Bronze Medal Game St. Thomas Aquinas def. WC Kennedy
Gold Medal Game St. Christopher def. Our Lady of Lourdes
Championship Results
OFSAA Boys’ AAA Soccer
OFSAA Boys’ AAAA Soccer
June 2 - 4, 2011
Mississauga played host to this year’s Boys’ AAAA Soccer Championship. Using the turf fields at Icelands and the Hershey Centre, athletes were treated to some of the nicer facilities in the City.
The OFSAA Boys’ AAA Soccer Championship made its return to beautiful Kingston this spring, with convenors Colin McCue and David Loken of Kingston C & VI welcoming the province to their city.
Convenors Robert Tucci (Our Lady of Mount Carmel CSS) and David Tucci (St. Francis Xavier CSS) were determined to host a first-class event and they did not disappoint. The championship kicked-off with a banquet dinner at the Mississauga Convention Centre, which provided the student-athletes the fuel they would need for three intense days of competition.
Playing hosts may be an understatement as participants were entertained from start to finish with numerous activities, and an almost festival-type atmosphere, and this is in addition to the soccer championship taking place. After day one of the championship, teams were invited to the Fort Henry National Historic Site for a banquet meal, military demonstration, and guest speakers. This also included the presentation of the Leadership in School Sport Award, which was given to Kim Latourell of La Salle SS (EOSSAA). Kim has been involved as a teacher-coach for over 30 years and has dedicated his time to coaching soccer, hockey, and football. He has also dedicated time as a committee volunteer including assisting with the hosting of the OFSAA Field Hockey Championship. As competitors took to the field on day 2, there was still much to decide regarding who would qualify out of Participating Teams
Congratulations to team members Silent Nyamushanya, Brett Blaszko, Gustavo Coelho, Eric Creavalle, Kyle Fraser, Matt Smiarowski, Brandon Soloman, Troy Pukerin, Nicolas Meija, Matt Colalillo, Abdullah El Badry, Julien John, Devin Lio, Michael Lopes, Juan Lopez, Sean Malizia, Daniel Wise, Nathan Wise, Bishoy Girgis, and coaches Rob Biturajac, Francis Spadafora, and Tomaz Skrban.
Pool C St. Ignatius SS Father Leo Austin CHS Northern CVI Kingston CVI Widdifield SS
Pool B St. Joseph’s HS Frontenac SS R.S. McLaughlin CVI St. Ignatius Loyola CSS Patrick Fogarty SS
Pool D Holy Cross CHS Cardinal Newman CHS London Central HS Silverthorn CI I.E. Weldon SS
Semi-Finals Corpus Christi def. Father Leo Austin R.S. MacLaughlin def. St. Ignatius
the pool play. The strength and equality of this year’s championship was further demonstrated in the playoff rounds, where seven of the eight matches finished with 1-0 scores, including the gold medal match which saw Corpus Christi CSS (GHAC) emerge victorious over RS MacLaughlin (LOSSA).
Pool A Corpus Christi CSS St. Michael HS Southwood SS St. Pius X HS Cardinal Carter CHS
Quarter-Finals Corpus Christi def. Frontenac R.S. MacLaughlin def. St. Pius X St. Ignatius def. Silverthorn Father Leo Austin def. Cardinal Newman
June 2 - 4, 2011
6 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1-0 1 - 0 (SO)
Also to be congratulated is the team from Cardinal Newman CHS (TDCAA) for being awarded the Team Sportsmanship Banner. The convenors indicated that this selection was made because the team “played a highly skilled brand of soccer while maintaining a positive and supportive attitude toward teammates and opponents.”
Bronze Medal Game St. Ignatius def. Father Leo Austin
Gold Medal Game Corpus Christi def. R.S. MacLaughlin
During the banquet, Michael Maiola of Our Lady of Mount Carmel CSS (ROPSSAA) was presented with the Leadership in School Sport Award. Michael has dedicated over 33 years to coaching soccer and volleyball in the high school system. He has been an advocate for improving physical activity programs from special needs students and has been an athletic director for over 25 years. An early morning saw the start of a competitive tournament played under sunny skies and ideal soccer conditions. However, once the semi-finals were set and day three began, the skies clouded over and the GTA was hit with what appeared to be a rotating storm bringing heavy rain, lightning and thunder. As a result, schedules needed to be changed and games were Participating Teams
delayed but as expected the strong organizing committee had contingency plans in place and additional fields booked up until 11:00pm. Eventually all the games were played including the gold medal game which saw local team St. Edmund Campion (ROPSSAA) defeat Holy Names (SWOSSAA) 4-3 in extra-time. Congratulations goes to team members Alexandros Halis, Chris Nanco, Anthony Osorio, Aaron Furtado, Rakeem Roberts, Adam Amaro, Daniel Ruiz, Dennis Aguirre, Joshua Preh, Andrew Gunness, Julian Trotman, Nicholas McDonald, Kingsley Boasiako, Christopher Wrona, Konstantinos Mermigas, Harman Tumber, Tarik Robertson, Jared Agyemang, Cyle Larin, Andrew Okungbowa-Ikponmwosa, Joren RamsayMarshall, Jamaal Coke, Jamie Scott, and coaches Carmelina Galati, Greg Spagnoli, and Justin Camilleri.
Pool A A.B. Lucas SS WOSSAA East York CI TDSSAA St. Edmund Campion ROPSSAA Denis Morris HS SOSSA
Pool C Holy Trinity SS Dante Alighiere Ac. Saltfleet DHS Banting Memorial HS
Pool B St. Marguerite D’Youville Holy Name HS St. Mary’s HS St. Jean De Brebeuf
Pool D Dunbarton HS St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS St. Michael’s College Sir Robert Borden HS
Quarter-Finals Holy Names def. Dante Alighieri St. Edmund Campion def. St. Jean de Brebeuf Dunbarton def. York Mills St. Marguerite d’Youville Semi-Finals Holy Names def. St. Marguerite d’Youville
3 7 4 5
0 0 0 0
York Mills CI (YRAA) should also be congratulated for being awarded with the Team Sportsmanship Award for their strong disciplined play and positive attitude demonstrated throughout the championship. Thank you to those athletes and coaches for being role models to all student-athletes.
St. Edmund Campion def. Dunbarton
Bronze Medal Game St. Marguerite d’Youville def. Dunbarton
Gold Medal Game St. Edmund Campion def. Holy Names
4 - 3 (ET)
1-0 www.ofsaa.on.ca
Championship Results
OFSAA Girls’ A Soccer
OFSAA Girls’ AA Soccer
Pain Court
June 2 - 4, 2011
Twenty teams arrived in Pain Court, bringing a fierce competitive spirit to the fields for the 2011 OFSAA Girls` A Soccer Championship. Many thanks go to Mike Schinkelshoek and his committee for a hosting such a well-organized event, which required many hours to make this a memorable experience for the teams. The 2008 OFSAA Champions, Smithville District CHS (SOSSA) were ready to bring the title back to their school, but faced tough competition playing against last year’s Champions É.S. Macdonald-Cartier (NOSSA). In an exciting championship match, Macdonald-Cartier ended up taking the 2011 championship title, with a final score of 4-2. Congratulations to É.S. Macdonald-Cartier successfully defending their title as OFSAA Provincial Champions. Team members included Tanya Audet, Ashley Béchard, Mélanie Bélanger, Sophie Benoit, Karolyne Blain, Talia
DiMarco, Caitlin Fournier, Brigitte Gélinas, Elyse KlassenChampagne, Cloé Lacasse, Maxime Lapierre, Stephanie Legault, MandyPaquette, Shiayanne Phillips, Courtney Paquette, Natalie St-Laurent, Karyne Valiquette, Stéfanie Vallée, and coaches Raymond Chevrette and Nicole Chevrier. Congratulations to OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award winner, Brenda Riddell from Ridgetown District HS (SWOSSAA) for her many years of dedication to school sport. Brenda has always encouraged athletes to focus on what they have, not what they don’t have and her teams play with heart and hustle no matter what the result says championship convenor Mike Schinkelshoek. One team rose above the rest in their display of sportsmanship, securing the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award banner. Congratulations to Charlottenburgh & Lancaster DHS from Williamstown (EOSSAA) for demonstrating great spirit and teamwork.
Participating Teams
Pool A Villanova College Stayner CI É.S. E.J. Lajeunesse Toronto District Christian HS Walkerton DSS
Pool C Char-Lan DHS West Elgin SS St. Thomas Aquinas HS É.S.C. Sainte-Marie Confederation SS
Pool B Smithville District Christian HS Collège Français St. Paul SS É.S. Algonquin North Lambton SS
Pool D É.S. Macdonald-Cartier É.S. Pain Court Ridley College É.S.P. Deslauriers É.C. Saint-Charles Garnier
Quarter-Finals Villanova College def. Collège Français Smithville def. Walkerton Deslauriers def. Char-Lan Macdonald-Cartier def. West Elgin
2 5 2 7
Semi-Finals Macdonald-Cartier def. Villanova College Smithville def. Deslauriers
2-0 3-0
Bronze Medal Game Villanova College def. Deslauriers
Gold Medal Game Macdonald-Cartier def. Smithville
0 2 1 1
June 2 - 4, 2011
Windsor was the setting for this years’ OFSAA Girls’ AA Soccer Championship and where experienced convenors Mike McKittrick & Stacey Ditchfield showcased their organizational talent and abilities of their dedicated organizing committee. Thank you to Mike, Stacey and their team of volunteers for once again hosting another wonderful championship. Elaine Stanski from St. Anne’s HS (SWOSSAA) in Belle River was honoured with the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award for her years of coaching soccer, volleyball, curling, and badminton as well as her many years as a convenor. She has a relentless work ethic and recognize the importance of “student/athlete”, with the emphasis on student according to Championship Co-convenor Stacey Ditchfield. This year the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award was given to Timmins HS (NEOAA) for their great display of sportsmanship both on and off the field.
Congratulations to players from St. Paul’s HS in Mississauga (ROPSSAA) ; Sarah Alves, Victoria Cordovado, Cara Coutts, Katherine Curitti, Stefanie Di Tella, Martina Ferraro, Amanda Forest, Stephanie Gutierrez, Rebecca Kaiser, Nicole Kolenda, Sydney Martins, Jacklyn Medeiros,Kristina Mlakar, Caitlin Pereira, Luba Sulypka, Katelyn Turk, Erica Van De Coevering, Arianna Vassallo, Stefania Viscardi, Head Coach Randy Sanabria and Assistant Coaches Kevin McTiernan, Craig Vicars and Christina Viscardi for their gold medal win.
Participating Teams Pool A Central Elgin CI St. Basil SS St. Michael CHS Cairine Wilson SS St. Paul HS
Pool C Lester B Pearson SS Norwell DSS Richview CI Timmins H & VS Catholic Central HS
Pool B St. Christopher SS Woodbridge College Holy Cross HS Beaver Brae SS Bishop Strachan School
Pool D Holy Cross CSS Msgr. J. Pereyma CSS Monsignor Percy Johnson Holy Trinity HS Osgoode Township HS
Quarter-Finals St. Paul def. Bishop Strachan Lester B Pearson def. Holy Cross Holy Cross def. St. Basil Holy Trinity def. Richview
3 5 1 2
Holy Cross def. Holy Trinity
2 - 1 (OT)
Bronze Medal Game Lester B Pearson def. Holy Trinity
1 - 0 (SO)
Semi-Finals St. Paul def. Lester B Pearson
Gold Medal Game St. Paul def. Holy Cross
2 - 0
1 3 0 1
Championship Results
OFSAA Girls’ AAA Soccer
OFSAA Girls’ AAAA Soccer
June 2 - 4, 2011
The extreme weather conditions in Hamilton could not dampen the enthusiasm of the organizing committee or athletes and coaches at this year’s Girls’ AAA Soccer Championships. Excitement could be felt throughout the fields despite the mix of blazing sun, humidity, and rain.
Despite the mixed bag of weather at the 2011 OFSAA Girls’ AAAA Soccer Championship in Thornhill, convenor Ralph Sturino and his organizing committee were prepared and ready for the action as teams around the province showed up ready to fight for the championship title.
The championship would not have been possible without the enthusiasm, hard work and problem solving skills provided by the St. Mary’s CSS (GHAC) committee, lead by John Ivinac and Lora Boekhorst. To the relief of many, the hosts successfully secured an indoor playing facility at the last minute which ensured the Championship were not washed out and the games were played as scheduled. The St. Paul Parirots returned to defend their 2010 Championship title and would face some stiff competition this year. St. Paul was defeated by finalist Northern CI & VS in quarter final play but regrouped to claim the bronze. The action heated up in the gold medal game as É.S.C.
Thank you to Ralph and his organizing committee for putting on a fantastic and successful championship. Their hard work and dedication to this event paid off. Louis-Riel battled Northern CI & VS, with Louis-Riel being the ultimate victor. Congratulations to team members Kayla Adamek, Catherine Amyot, Laurianne Brissette-Lesage, Nathalie Campeau, Haisha Cantave, Vanessa Gilles, Melissa Guenet, Chloe Houlton, Carol Ann Hutchinson, Arielle Kabangu, Melanie L’Heureux, Melanie Lacasse, Kristy McGregor-Bales, Morgan McNeil, Alexie Morin-Holland, Anais Robert, Jamie Ryan, Kelsey Saha, Sydney StGermain, Head Coach Joe Fournier, Assistant Coaches Brianna Smith, Marie-ElyseMcGuire, Shawn Main, Francois Cholette, and Glen McNeil for their 6-2 win over Northern CI & VS in the gold medal game.
Participating Teams Pool C Northern CI & VS Regina Mundi College Regiopolis-Notre Dame CHS Cardinal Newman CSS St. Mary CSS
Pool B St. Paul HS SOSSA Lockerby Composite School NOSSA Iona CSS ROPSSAA Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes SS GBSSA Chathman Kent SS SWOSSAA
Pool D É.S.C. Louis-Riel Fr. Leo J. Austin SS Kitchener-Waterloo C & VS Sir William Mulock SS Clarkson SS
Quarter-Finals Lockerby def. St. Ignatius St. Paul def. Ancaster Northern def. Clarkson Louis-Riel def. Regina Mundi
Northern def. St. Paul
Bronze Medal Game St. Paul def. Lockerby
Gold Medal Game Louis-Riel def. Northern
Pool A T.A Blakelock St. Ignatius HS St. Peter’s SS Sir Oliver Mowat CI Ancaster High & VS
Semi-Finals Louis-Riel def. Lockerby
June 2 - 4, 2011
1 1 5 2
0 0 1 1
At the banquet the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to this years’ Co-convenor and long-time soccer coach, John Ivinac from St. Mary’s CSS in Hamilton. John displays the spirit of dedication to the students and sport by holding soccer clinics throughout the year, hosting numerous OFSAA Championships and mentoring athletes year round. The OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award went to St. Ignatius SS from Thunder Bay (NWOSSAA) for their positive attitude toward other teams as well as their own players. Congratulations to St. Ignatius for representing your school so well on and off the field!
The quarter final matches were packed with excitement and intensity, and many final scores reflected close games. In an exciting gold medal game, the Mother Teresa Spartans (WOSSAA) shut out the Holy Trinity Titans (GHAC) 2-0 to win the championship. Congratulations to the team members of Mother Teresa: Lauren Cantin, Katrina Moore, Maria Nelms, Hannah Williams, Mirella Mazza, Brieanna Charlebois, Emilie Campbell, Chantelle Campbell, Erica Mack, Alex Rowe, Ali MacAulay, Alex DeClerck, Lauren Elliot, Courtney James, Heather MacIsaac, Emma Mackie, Victoria Marshall, Sarah Mellick, Ally Sands, Sam Szypula, Shelby Telfer, Chyla Wuytenburg, and coaches Steve Floyd, Suzanne Larouche, Christian Finkenzeller, and
Pool B Holy Trinity SS Bill Crothers SS Glebe Collegiate Thomas of Villanova
Quarter-Finals Mother Teresa def. Glebe 3 Holy Trinity def. Denis Morris 2 Grand River def. Dunbarton 3 Notre Dame def. St. Theresa 1
The Spartans did not let in a single goal over the course of the entire tournament, an amazing accomplishment considering the competitors they faced. The banquet was an event to remember, with a professional singer serenading the athletes, and Character Athlete Awards handed out to one individual per team. The recipients of these awards demonstrated valuable characteristics on their team throughout the season, such as respect, empathy, courage, initiative, and perserverance.
The team from St. Thomas of Villanova SS (SWOSSAA) is congratulated for winning the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award and embodied the positive Pool C attributes of school sport. The girls St. Anne SS SWOSSAA represented the spirit of the game Grand River CI CWOSSA and philosophy of sportsmanship Bishop Allen Academy TDCAA throughout the competition.
Participating Teams Pool A Mother Teresa Lawrence Park CI Denis Morris CHS St. Marguerite D’Youville
Marc Casaubon.
0 0 2 0
Notre Dame CSS
Pool D Grand River CI Pickering HS Waterdown DHS Holy Trinity SS
Semi-Finals Mother Teresa def. Notre Dame 1 - 0 Holy Trinity def. Grand River 1 - 0 Bronze Medal Game Notre Dame def. Grand River 3 - 0 Gold Medal Game Mother Teresa def. Holy Trinity 2 - 0
The OFSAA Leadership in School Sport award was given to soccer coach, Bruno Colucci of Father Bressani HS (YRAA) in Woodbridge for his longstanding commitment to the success of student athletes. Bruno was the first teacher in York Region to organize a Junior Girls Soccer Tournament, which has since been extended to include visiting schools and a Senior division. Both of these tournaments have been running for almost 20 years - a true reflection of Bruno’s dedication and success. www.ofsaa.on.ca
Championship Results
OFSAA Tennis
OFSAA Track & Field
May 30, 2011
June 2 - 4, 2011
OFSAA would like to thank convenor Michael Robinson from Lakeshore CHS in Port Colborne, as well as his organizing committee of Tami Hawkins, Dave Hawkins, Mary Jane Robinson, Dave McCallum and all the numerous volunteers involved in making the championship a success.
On Monday, May 30, more than 360 tennis players from 150 schools converged on the tennis courts at the Rexall Centre and York University in Vaughan for the start of the 2011 OFSAA Tennis Championship. The weather was unseasonably hot and humid, and by Tuesday, three tennis courts began to bubble from the heat, eventually deemed unplayable. Throughout the three days of tennis, spectators witnessed countless edge-of-your-seat tennis matches. Congratulations to all the participants who qualified and participated in the championship. The coaches must be commended for making this possible.
The Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Tami Hawkins, who is presently the Head of Physical Education at Honourable W.C. Kennedy Collegiate in Windsor. She also sits on numerous committees with the board, and over the past five years, Tami has been on the OFSAA Tennis Sport Advisory Committee and a member of the organizing committee. She was instrumental in moving OFSAA tennis from a Festival to Championship status. During this time frame, OFSAA tennis has increased from 120 participants to 363 participants. Congratulations again to all athletes, and the medal winners listed below. Photos by Brianne Robinson. See more at www.briannerobinson.com.
Open Boys’ Singles 1. Norbert Nemcsek, White Oaks SS (GHAC) 2. Matt Erdman, Crescent School (CISAA) 3. Zain Manji, Pickering HS (LOSSA) 4. Griffin Brockman , University of Toronto Schools (TDSSAA)
High School Boys’ Singles 1. Michael Stych, Kingston CVI (EOSSAA) 2. Richard Tomsing, East York CI (TDSSAA) 3. Cole Osborne, Bayridge SS (EOSSAA) 4. Om Patel, Fort Erie SS (SOSSA)
Open Boys’ Doubles 1. Julian DaSilva & Jake Salsberg, Upper Canada College (CISAA) 2. Zachary Green & Nick Somody, Northern SS (TDSSAA) 3. Koros Ghasemi & Justin Ecclestone, York Mills CI (TDSSAA) 4. Ben Sinai & Sean Molnar, Mother Theresa SS (WOSSAA)
High School Boys’ Doubles 1. Alex Harris & Estanisiao de la Torre Garci, St. Andrew’s College (CISAA) 2. Andrew Szilagyi & Rob Szilagyi, Kenner CVI (COSSA) 3. Luke McCullogh & Simon Hamgardt, Thomas A. Blakelock HS (GHAC) 4. Dylan McTavish & Mike Woods, John McGregor SS (SWOSSAA)
Open Girls’ Singles 1. Kristina Sanjevic, Robert Bateman HS (GHAC) 2. Katarena Paliivets, Alexander Mackenzie HS (YRAA) 3. Louise Kwong, Earl Haig SS (TDSSAA) 4. Maja Vujic, A.N. Meyer SS (SOSSA)
High School Girls’ Single: 1. Catherine Cooke, Trinity College School (CISAA) 2. Heather Borsos, Banting Memeorial HS (GBSSA) 3. Isabella Baston, Forest Hill CI (TDSSAA) 4. Camille Zapatos, Edmund Campion SS (ROPSSAA)
Open Girls’ Doubles 1. Cheryl Kukkonen & Elizabeth Branopolski, St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS (YRAA) 2. Casandra Boushey & Isabella Boushey, St. Patrick’s HS (NCSSAA) 3. Paula Saenz & Toni Ormend, Cathedral HS (GHAC) 4. Andrea Micu & Lucy Yao, Sinclair SS (LOSSA)
High School Girls’ Doubles 1. Tamara Babic & Lucienne Nouchikian, Victoria Park SS (TDSSAA) 2. Lela Pacitti & Carole Dela Cerna, St. Joseph Morrow Park CSS (TDCAA) 3. Natalie Goldberg & Karishma Taneja, A.B. Lucas SS (WOSSAA) 4. Claudia Vanderholst & Francis Walker, North Toronto CI (TDSSAA)
Open Mixed Doubles 1. Kyle MacDonald & Kasey Lambert, Oakville Trafalgar HS (GHAC) 2. Dylan Marshall & Alexandra Beran, Appleby College (CISAA) 3. Nigel Nabuurs & Olivia Headford, Huron Heights SS (YRAA) 4. Victor Puvanendran & Danielle Prapavessis, A.B. Lucas SS (SWOSSAA)
High School Mixed Doubles 1. Tushar Gaur & Katia Soulasova, The Woodlands SS (ROPSSAA) 2. Cam Seth & Marisa Seth, Centre Wellington DHS (CWOSSA) 3. Robbie Fitzpatrick & Nicole Engel, Trinity College School (CISAA) 4. Alec DeSouza & Astrid DeSouza, All Saints CSS (LOSSA)
The 2011 OFSAA Track & Field Championships returned to Sudbury for the first time in 13 years, held at Laurentian University. Organizers Gilbert Briscoe and Shawn Tilander provided the leadership and inspiration for the many volunteers and committee members, and ensured the success of the championship for more than 2,000 participants and their coaches from over 500 schools across Ontario.
Julie Ceming, Kelly Heikkilka, Leah Miller, and Laura Aubertin, as well as the countless volunteers. The organizing committee would also like to thank the City of Sudbury for its support of OFSAA as well as the many sponsors who also contributed to the success of these championships.
OFSAA would like to thank the organizing committee members Dave Makela, Denis Gauthier, Todd Zimmermann, Shawn Charron, John Roberts, Lorri Purnis, Marc Savage, Colleen Ballagh, Matthew Daoust, Bill Gordon, Chris Gore, Ron Larwood, Kelsey Bastien, Renee Jacques, Karin Augenstein, Laura Stanyon, Megan Decaire, Lynn Pellerin, Bill McKetsy, Millie Wood-Colton, Midget Girls 100m 1. Leya Buchanan 2. Sade McCreath 3. Oshay Lawes 4. Maya Stephens 5. D’Andra Layne 6. Lindsay Spoerri
Mount Carmel Bill Crothers Erindale St. Roch-Brampton George S. Henry Merivale-Nepean
12.25 12.38 12.44 12.62 12.75 12.76
200m 1. Leya Buchanan 2. Courtney Dwyer 3. Taylor Sharp 4. Sade McCreath 5. D’Andra Layne 6. Lindsay Spoerri
Mount Carmel Glebe St. Mary-Pickering Bill Crothers George S. Henry Merivale-Nepean
25.60 25.92 26.09 26.14 26.24 26.35
400m 1. Taylor Sharp 2. Evelyn Guay 3. Nicole Armstrong 4. Elizabeth Barbon 5. Reilly Jones 6. Oceana Charron
St. Mary- Pickering Abbey Park – Oakville Sydenham Mother Teresa-London St. Michael Notre Dame-Burlington
56.98 57.71 58.08 1:00.13 1:00.47 1:00.49
800m 1. Nicole Armstrong 2. Evelyn Guay 3. Megan Rempel
Sydenham Abbey Park- Burlington E.L. Crossley
2:16.52 2:17.94 2:18.32
OFSAA would also like to thank NIKE for its contribution to the championships. The athlete village was a constant hub for everyone. Congratulations to both Gilbert Briscoe and Mary Collinson for being the recipients of the OFSAA Leadership In School Sport Award. Both Gilbert and Mary have made a significant contribution to high school sport in Sudbury for many years.
4. Erin Sitarz 5. Alanna Shearman 6. Ashley Bickle
Bill Crothers Almonte Woodstock
2:22.76 2:23.05 2:23.99
1500m 1. Megan Rempel 2. Mackenzie Lemieux 3. Brianna Bird 4. Olivia Little 5. Bridget O’Neill 6. Sarah Wismer
E.L. Crossley Humberside F.E. Madill Vincent Massey St.Ignatius of Loyola Centennial- Guelph
4:38.56 4:40.94 4:45.69 4:46.11 4:47.86 4:48.56
3000m 1. Mackenzie Lemieux 2. Olivia Little 3. Sarah Wismer 4. Katie Fisher 5. Maddy Armstrong 6. Alyssa Bollinger
Humberside Vincent Massey Centennial- Guelph Uxbridge Eastview-Barrie Our Lady of Lourdes
9:55.65 10:19.53 10:35.31 10:38.42 10:52.36 10:57.29
80m Hurdles 1. Alexandra Tierney 2. Alex Morrow 3. Naomi Ashley 4. Micaela McLean 5. Kendra Prince 6. Ivy Coulis
Sacred Heart Saugeen Saltfleet Huron Heights Pickering St. David-Waterloo
11.97 12.01 12.13 12.14 12.34 12.61
300m Hurdles 1. Alexandra Tierney
Sacred Heart
2. Ivy Coulis 3. Alex Morrow 4. Vanessa Korolas 5. Carly Pappas 6. Stephanie Shaw
St. David- Waterloo Saugeen Fr. Michael Goetz Earl of March CWDHS – Fergus
4x100m Relay 1. St. Mary – Pickering 2. Pickering 3. Lambton Central 4. Northern – Sarnia 5. Bishop Allen 6. Birchmount Park
50.51 51.16 51.49 51.75 51.89 52.24
46.54 47.02 47.49 48.65 48.78
High Jump 1. Courtney Dwyer Glebe 2. Elizabeth McBride Bracebridge&Muskoka 3. Devyn Mackenzie Abbey Park 4. Chelsea Herman St. Augustine 5. Erin Katerberg Listowel 6. 4 tied
1.59m 1.53m 1.50m 1.50m 1.50m 1.45m
Long Jump 1. Alex Morrow 2. Celina Grey 3. Erica Voss 4. Savannah Scotland 5. Hannah Darling 6. Natalie Coughlin
5.02m 4.95m 4.84m 4.84m 4.82m 4.75m
Saugeen Sydenham Mentor College Bearcreek –Barrie Lakefield DSS General Amherst
Championship Results Triple Jump 1. Erica Voss 2. Angela Mercurio 3. Sara Villani 4. Brittany Graves 5. Madison Merry 6. Emma Li
Mentor College St. Mary’s-Kitchener Brampton Christian St. Joan of Arc Malvern CI Bill Crothers
10.78m 10.77m 10.47m 10.32m 10.32m 10.25m
Shot Put 1. Obeng Marfo 2. Caroline Hummell 3. Kayla Maduk 4. Christina Trent 5. Ravyn Davis 6. Krystin Lawrence
Father Henry Carr St.Christopher – Sarnia John McCrea Lindsay CVI Dunbarton Belle River
10.70m 10.58m 10.20m 9.75m 9.54m 9.41m
Discus Throw 1. Sonya Bergin 2. Megan Smith 3. Ashlynn Illingworth 4. Rebecca Morrison 5. Amanda Tubman 6. Lauren Williams
St.Joseph’s CHS Eastview – Barrie Almonte Erin Renfrew Riverside
29.56m 28.52m 28.11m 27.84m 27.70m 27.63m
Javelin Throw 1. Breanne Wilson-Bennett 2. Jenna Bolton 3. Olivia Prins 4. Deidrah Simmons 5. Adara Dillabaugh 6. Hailey Gagnon
Bill Crothers Lambton Central St. Patrick’s –Sarnia Woodbridge College Glebe W.F. Herman
33.70m 29.90m 28.89m 27.70m 26.93m 26.23m
Junior Girls 100m 1. Christian Brennan 2. Nichelle Prince 3. Ashlee Williams 4. Shelani Fernando 5. Rebecca Murray 6. Alexis Marsh
St. Mary’s-Hamilton Pickering Westview Centennial John McCrea Our Lady of the Lake Notre Dame – Ajax
11.91 12.16 12.20 12.24 12.38 12.41
200m 1. Christian Brennan 2. Rebecca Murray 3. Nichelle Prince 4. Alexis Marsh 5. Shelani Fernando 6. Victoria McIntyre
St. Mary’s – Hamilton Our Lady of the Lake Pickering Notre Dame – Ajax John McCrea Ashbury College
23.87 R 25.16 25.22 25.31 25.33 25.47
400m 1. Christian Brennan 2. Alison Fraser 3. Alison Christiani 4. Ashley Taylor 5. Victoria McIntyre 6. Christina Kyritsis
St. Mary’s –Hamilton John F.Ross - Guelph Loretto Abbey Nelson-Burlington Ashbury College East York CI
53.96 56.61 56.63 56.91 58.30 58.40
800m 1. Christina Kyritsis 2. Ellen Diemert 3. Rachel Bronzovich 4. Madison Clarke 5. Olivia Romaniw 6. Madeleine Kelly
East York CI West Hill –Owen Sound Holy Trinity-Oakville West Park St. Thomas More Fellowes –Pembroke
2:13.84 2:16.37 2:18.20 2:19.74 2:20.54 2:20.63
1500m 1. Jaimie Phelan 2. Hilary Stafford 3. Gabriela Stafford 4. Olivia Romaniw 5. Phoebe Cseresnyes 6. Rachel Faulds
St. Mary’s – Kitchener St. Thomas Aquinas Toronto French School St. Thomas More Westdale- Hamilton Trenton
4:32.03 R 4:37.41 4:42.70 4:44.31 4:44.35 4:45.07
3000m 1. Hilary Stafford 2. Phoebe Cseresnyes 3. Rachel Faulds
St. Thomas Aquinas Westdale- Hamilton Trenton
10:03.44 10:11.46 10:17.87
4. Jordyn Visscher 5. Lindsay Kary 6. Alison Smegal
Woodland Christian St.Matthew- Orleans Paul Dwyer
10:33.77 10:34.50 10:36.73
80m Hurdles 1. Ashley Taylor 2. Allie Harris 3. Karena Evans 4. Megan Parsons 5. Meira Dholakia 6. Trista Jorgensen
Nelson- Burlington Bishop Strachan Pickering Huron Heights-Kitchener Jean Vanier Emily Carr
11.67 11.89 12.06 12.08 12.18 12.23
300m Hurdles 1. Ashley Taylor 2. Bridget Hayes 3. Ali Hicks 4. Rheanna Bulten 5. Rachel Bennett 6. Miranda Lawson
Nelson- Burlington Mother Teresa –Nepean Haliburton Highlands Preston Thousand Islands Northern – Toronto
43.75 45.57 46.57 47.19 47.31 47.74
4x100m Relay 1. Pickering 2. Resurrection 3. St. Roch – Brampton 4. Father Henry Carr 5. Eastview – Barrie 6. Holy Trinity – Simcoe
49.37 49.72 50.75 50.89 51.05 51.26
High Jump 1. Carolyn Adams 2. Mija Naruszewicz 3. Ashlyn Beckman 4. Nicole Smiljanic 4. Jennifer Lesurf 6. Melissa Stapleton
A.B. Lucas Fr. Michael Goetz Galt Midland York Mills Centre Dufferin
1.70m 1.66m 1.63m 1.63m 1.63m 1.58m
Pole Vault 1. Allie Harris 2. Meredith Leitch 3. Emily Loebach 4. Rachel Brandner 5. Lauren Ferguson 6. Kendra Smith
Bishop Strachan Sir Frederick Banting Sandwich SS Kingsville Ridgeway – Crystal Sinclair – Whitby
3.35m 2.95m 2.85m 2.75m 2.65m 2.55m
Long Jump 1. Asha Mohiddin 2. Jordan Bates 3. Celina DeCarolis 4. Madison Nastasiuk 5. Megan Baker 6. Alexandra Symonds
E.S.P. Louis Riel Richview Holy Trinity – Simcoe St. Joseph’s – Barrie Mother Teresa – London Notre Dame College
5.52m 5.41m 5.32m 5.15m 5.01m 4.99m
Triple Jump 1. Jordan Bates 2. Kendra Smith 3. Aaliah Frazer 4. Danielle Quinn 5. Clara Phillips 6. Natalia Augustyn
Richview Sinclair – Whitby Mayfield SS St. Christopher – Sarnia Brookfield – Ottawa Sandwich SS
11.63m 11.41m 11.18m 11.02m 10.98m 10.72m
Shot Put 1. Hannah Pollock 2. Fatim Ammor 3. Nicole Horneman 4. Samantha Jones 5. Kathleen Francis 6. Sarah Collie
St. Joseph’s – Barrie White Oaks - Oakville Medway Sinclair – Whitby London Central Sir Wilfrid Laurier
11.32m 11.22m 11.16m 10.53m 10.43m 10.27m
Discus Throw 1. Kelly Gribbons 2. Quinn Conlon 3. Katie Klatt 4. Ilyssa Boisvenue 5. Kathleen Francis 6. Hannah Pollock
Saugeen Assumption College Fellowes Port Colborne London Central St. Joseph’s –Barrie
36.90m 34.58m 33.57m 33.15m 32.78m 32.09m
Javelin Throw 1. Victoria Smith 2. Stephanie Shepard 3. Samantha Jones 4. Mackenzie Sleaford 5. Natalie Warren 6. Mackenzie Irvine
Belle River Huron Park - Woodstock Sinclair – Whitby Lambton Central A.B. Lucas Immaculata –Ottawa
39.59m 35.33m 34.67m 33.83m 33.03m 32.02m
Senior Girls 100m 1. Khamica Bingham 2. Jellisa Westney 3. Ashley Huard 4. Shaina Harrison 5. Sheereen Harris 6. Cassandra Pascal
Heart Lake St. Benedict- Cambridge E.S. Hanmer St. Maximilian Kolbe Mary Ward St. Marcellinus
11.73 11.79 12.01 12.02 12.18 12.18
1. Khamica Bingham 2. Jellisa Westney 3. Cassandra Pascal 4. Sheereen Harris 5. Sade Lewis 6. Amelia Brohman
Heart Lake St.Benedict - Cambridge St. Marcellinus Mary Ward St.Thomas Aquinas Hillcrest- Ottawa
24.24 24.31 24.61 24.67 25.23 25.43
400m 1. Ocian Archer
Innisdale – Barrie
2. Brittany Lewis 3. Jellisa Westney 4. Sade Lewis 5. Cassandra Jones 6. Evelyn Scott
St.Clair – Sarnia St.Benedict - Cambridge St. Thomas Aquinas Stephen Leacock Perth & District
54.74 55.12 55.70 56.46 57.03
800m 1. Elizabeth Whelan 2. Vanessa McLeod 3. Emma Galbraith 4. Chelsea MacKinnon 5. Samantha Hill 6. Jessica Buttinger
Branksome Hall Father Redmond Franco-Ouest –Nepean Westdale – Hamilton Eastern Commerce Resurrection
2:11.56 2:13.53 2:13.83 2:14.54 2:15.33 2:17.01
1500m 1. Elizabeth Whelan 2. Katie Fleischer 3. Megan Yuan 4. Emma Galbraith 5. Kathryn Tuck 6. Frances Bernard
Branksome Hall Northern - Sarnia St. Ignatius - Thunder Bay Franco-Ouest – Nepean Colonel By Vincent Massey
4:32.12 4:34.33 4:36.92 4:37. 89 4:41.30 4:41.37
3000m 1. Katie Fleischer 2. Karley Rempel 3. Emma Norman 4. Jaclyn White 5. Megan Yuan 6. Kaitlyn Oliver
Northern - Sarnia E.L. Crossley Thousand Islands Mother Teresa - London St.Ignatius - Thunder Bay Aurora
9:51.10 9:55.75 9:55.92 9:59.17 10:05.03 10:07.36
100m Hurdles 1. Nicole Setterington 2. Christine MacNeill 3. Sarah Swain 4. Deanna Thomas 5. Tania Bambi 6. Ariana Jorgensen
Oakridge London Central Chippewa Innisdale Franco-Ouest – Nepean Emily Carr
13.74 13.88 14.08 14.16 14.20 14.32
400m Hurdles 1. Brittany Lewis 2. Taylor Farquhar 3. Ocian Archer 4. Yannique Bennett 5. Helena Reinfels 6. Chanel Marion
St. Clair - Sarnia London Central Innisdale Nantyr Shores Centennial – Guelph E.S. Embrun
4x100m 1. Mary Ward 2. St. Marcellinus 3. Ashbury College 4. Pickering 5. J. Clarke Richardson 6. Vaughan Road
48.20 48.32 49.55 49.87 49.93 50.15
High Jump 1. Emma Suiciak 2. Brooke Rowland 3. Davine Reid 4. Rachel Romu 5. Emma Kikulis 6. Julie Ethier
E.L. Crossley Westside A.Y. Jackson St. Ignatius –Thunder Bay Pine Ridge Fellowes
1.76m 1.74m 1.65m 1.65m 1.60m 1.60m
Pole Vault 1. Alysha Newman 2. Karleigh Parker 3. Robin Bone 4. Sarah Swain 5. Kendall Darnay 6. Emily Kukovica
Mother Teresa – London Cass - Woodstock Oakridge Chippewa St. Michael - Niagara De La Salle
3.80m R 3.50m 3.50m 3.25m 3.25m 3.10m
Long Jump 1. Rachel Romu 2. Emily Omahen 3. Brooke Rowland 4. Nicole Setterington
St. Ignatius St. Anne – Windsor Westside SS Oakridge
5.68m 5.63m 5.55m 5.45m
1:00.12 1:01.25 1:01.38 1:01.40 1:04.76 1:05.16
5. Tori Town 6. Caitlin McClurkin
Wilfrid Laurier Grimsby
5.29m 5.25m
Triple Jump 1. Julie Stille 2. Jackie Bray 3. Kelly Bedek 4. Kendall Monteith 5. Krista Sipprell 6. Divya Biswal
Lisgar – Ottawa St. Teresa - Midland St. Joseph’s –St. Thomas St. Marcellinus London South Sir Robert Borden
11.97m 11.57m 11.49m 11.44m 11.29m 11.20m
Shot Put 1. Rayann Chin 2. Sarah Moss 3. Jacinta Cowan 4. Eilish MacDonald 5. Madison Johnston 6. Ashley Connell
Dunbarton Notre Dame - Welland St. Joseph’s –Windsor Merivale – Nepean Eastview – Barrie South Grenville
12.87m 12.22m 12.01m 11.77m 11.50m 11.19m
Discus Throw 1. Rayann Chin 2. Sarah Moss 3 Madison Johnston 4. Milica Kulidzan 5. Jill Van Damme 6. Eilish MacDonald
Dunbarton Notre Dame – Welland Eastview- Barrie Riverside Bluevale - Waterloo Merivale –Nepean
47.06m 43.72m 43.20m 40.51m 39.54m 39.41m
Javelin Throw 1. Madison Johnston 2. Milica Kulidzan 3. Karleigh Parker 4. Tegan Kilpatrick 5. Rebecca Perry 6. Claire Ball
Eastview – Barrie Riverside Cass - Woodstock Brockville St. Mary’s – Brockville Park Street - Orillia
44.54m 40.58m 39.16m 38.44m 38.04m 37.79m
1500m Steeplechase - Open 1. Katey Codyre Courtice
Championship Results 2. Myles Williams 3. Mitchell Mazzuca 4. Chase Konecny 5. Khalil Parris 6. Ashton Hyde
Dunbarton St.Basil’s – Sault West Elgin Sandwich SS All Saints – Whitby
51.05 51.45 51.47 51.77 52.57
4x400m Relay 1. Father Henry Carr 3:54.52 2. Innisdale 3:56.35 3. Father Redmond 3:57.65 4. Colonel By 4:00.41 5. Catholic Central 4:01.62 6. Mother Teresa – London 4:02.02
800m 1. Alex Freemantle 2. Mickey Day 3. Troy Smith 4. Michael Dirienzo 5. Ciaran Callaghan 6. Phillip Messina
Sacred Heart Holy Trinity – Kanata Grimsby Neil McNeil Sacred Heart St. Michael’s College
1:55.30 1:56.65 1:58.81 1:59.89 1:59.91 2:00.59
Girls’ 100m Ambulatory 1. Sara Kim London Christian 2. Alissa Langman E.S. Hanmer
1500m 1. Alex Freemantle 2. Ben Flanagan 3. Ryan Sleiman 4. Troy Smith 5. Liam Smith 6. Grahan Hansel
Sacred Heart St. Mary’s - Kitchener Kingsville Grimsby Highland West Ferris - North Bay
3:55.99 3:57.65 3:59.36 4:02.66 4:03.12 4:03.66
3000m 1. Matt Stephenson 2. Ben Flanagan 3. Ryan Sleiman 4. Jeremy Coughler 5. Graham Hansel 6. Brandon Allen
R.S. McLaughlin St. Mary’s - Kitchener Kingsville Port Hope HS West Ferris - North Bay General Amherst
8:38.61 8:38.69 8:41.66 8:44.85 8:51.69 8:55.70
100m Hurdles 1. Jordan Sherwood 2. Yazin Joseph 3. Eric Guy 4. Luke Dailleboust 5. Aaron Stemmler 6. Brian Wright
Cameron Heights Pickering Hillcrest F.E. Madill St. David - Waterloo Pickering
13.56 13.65 13.82 13.83 13.87 14.11
300m Hurdles 1. Jordan Sherwood 2. Aaron Stemmler 3. Jacob Plunkett 4. Khalil Parris 5. Jared Kerr 6. Marcus Wu
Cameron Heights St. David –Waterloo Arnprior Sandwich SS St. Edmund Campion Westmount - Hamilton
39.31 40.02 40.54 40.71 40.87 40.93
4x100m Relay 1. Marguerite D’Youville 2. Bill Crothers 3. St. Roch - Brampton 4. Eastview - Barrie 5. Sir John A. Macdonald 6. Essex
44.23 44.45 44.58 45.23 45.30 45.37
High Jump 1. Tacuma Anderson 2. J.T. Hunt 3. Blake Scheerhoorn 4. Rasheed Smith 5. Brandon Mask 6. Dushav Johnson
St. Mary - Pickering St. Michael - Niagara Falls Quinte Christian Fletcher’s Meadow La Salle -Sudbury Notre Dame - Ajax
1.93m 1.88m 1.88m 1.88m 1.88m 1.88m
Pole Vault 1. Brian Choja 2. Connor Young 3. Grahame McNevin 4. Lawson Mac Dougall 4.. Joel Laing 6. Howie Silvey
Oakridge Saunders Sandwich SS Charlottenburgh Uxbridge St. Theresa - Midland
3.90m 3.70m 3.50m 3.30m 3.30m 3.15m
2. Julie-Anne Staehli 3. Zeinab Baydoun 4. Carlee Cassidy 5. Isabelle Kanz 6. Kathleen Wismer
F.E. Madill Vincent Massey St. Thomas Aquinas Garneau ESC Lockerby
Girls’ 800m Wheelchair
1. Anna Laribi 2. Lauren Farish 3. Jeanie Rochon 4. Tanya Quesnel 5. Natalie Watt
Girls’ 800m Blind
1. Meghan Mahon
5:09.71 5:09.76 5:10.60 5:14.92 5:16.09
19.66 22.37
Lawrence Park Sacred Heart –Stittsvile E.S. L’Horizon –Val Caron E.S. Sacre-Coeur Smith Falls
3:43.65 4:38.53 5:06.52 5:44.24 8:33.77
O’Gorman –Timmins
2:53.57 R
Midget Boys 100m 1. Zachary Waslenko 2. Nathan Kyeame 3. Jayden Kelly 4. Alex Peters 5. Mitchell Smiley 6. Daryl Cave
Villanova College Bill Crothers St. Joan of Arc F.E. Madill Northern - Sarnia E.S. Franco Cite
11.17 11.25 11.29 11.35 11.36 11.51
200m 1. Zachary Waslenko 2. Nathan Kyeame 3. Jacob Yearwood 4. Jayden Kelly 5. Logan Jones 6. Kyle Hayes
Villanova College Bill Crothers Cawthra Park St. Joan of Arc Father Henry Carr CASS – Woodstock
22.57 22.98 23.08 23.17 23.35 23.76
400m 1. Jacob Yearwood 2. Carter Day 3. Kyle Hayes 4. Nicholas O’Neill 5. AJ Palumbo 6. Liam Meades
Cawthra Park Sandwich SS CASS – Woodstock Sandwich SS Cardinal Leger Sacred Heart
51.16 51.31 51.67 52.51 53.11 53.26
800m 1. Lyjah Dunn 2. Ben Carson 3. Nick Bedi 4. Michael McCauley 5. Lucas Trapeau 6. Alex Zaranek
Riverside Leaside Waterloo London Central Lycee Slaudel Mount Carmel
2:01.22 2:01.48 2:02.48 2:02.48 2:04.10 2:10.41
1500m 1. Ben Carson 2. Justin Moakler 3. Nick Bedi 4. Michael Petta 5. Alec Jarvis 6. Robbie Elmhirst
Leaside Brampton Centennial Waterloo Northern- Toronto A.Y. Jackson Bill Crothers
4:10.21 4:11.00 4:11.61 4:14.05 4:15.21 4:15.73
3000m 1. Robbie Elmhirst 2. Sebastian Blair 3. Nathan Ackerman 4. Jake Carroll 5. Alec Jarvis 6. Justin Moakler
Bill Crothers Newmarket Courtice Humberside A.Y. Jackson Brampton Centennial
9:09.14 9:09.81 9:10.30 9:12.47 9:14.48 9:15.32
100m Hurdles 1. Brian Betty 2. Connor Finnigan 3. Brett Storr 4. Wyatt Werner 5. Emmanuel Kusi-Aquah 6. Chase Peck
Pickering Resurrection St. Clair - Sarnia Port Perry St. Marcellinus CSS - Belleville
13.97 14.02 14.25 14.41 14.42 14.46
300m Hurdles 1. Trevor Jean-Baptiste 2. Carter Day 3. Madalitso McHaina 4. Nathan Toman 5. Michael Osuntoyinbo 6. Michael O’Connor
Pickering Sandwich SS Southwood-Cambridge Arnprior Sacred Heart –Newmarket Ashbury College
41.46 41.73 42.07 42.31 43.16 43.70
4x100m Relay 1. Pickering 2. Father Henry Carr 3. Sandwich SS 4. Notre Dame - Ajax 5. Arnprior 6. Northern - Toronto
45.04 45.11 45.86 45.98 46.12 46.27
High Jump 1. Paul Galas 2. Logan Fray 3. Myles Daniel 4. Spencer Harrison 5. Cameron Parry 5. Cray Roberge
Mount Carmel Fr. Michael Goetz Anderson – Whitby Birchmount Park Centennial-Welland Notre Dame – Sudbury
1.80m 1.75m 1.75m 1.75m 1.75m 1.75m
Pole Vault 1. Zack Kerr 2. Tyler Smith 3. Paul Henning 4. Barrett Foster 5. Eric Cowan 6. Devon Primeau 6. Tanner Spink
Hillcrest – Ottawa Ridgeway-Crystal Resurrection Oakridge - London Thousand Islands W.F. Herman Charlottenburgh
3.25m 3.15m 3.15m 3.00m 3.00m 2.80m 2.80m
Long Jump 1. Jayden Kelly 2. Trever Jean-Baptiste 3. David Kapetanovic 4. Roland Enache 5. Dejon Hibbert 6. Madalitso McHaina Triple Jump
St. Joan of Arc Pickering Westlane - Niagara Falls Chatham - Kent St.Joseph’s - Barrie Southwood - Cambridge
6.20m 6.18m 5.97m 5.96m 5.78m 5.77m
1. Dejon Brissett 2. Madalitso McHaina 3. Trivel Pinto 4. Angelo Bortolin 5. Joey Foster 6. Chris Poletek
Loyola - Mississauga Southwood - Cambridge Downsview Holy Names - Windsor Penetanquishene Westside - Orangeville
13.37m 13.11m 12.90m 12.71m 12.67m 12.50m
Shot Put 1. Andrew Martin 2. Kendalle Melliphant 3. Stephan Smith 4. Greg Barker 5. Sam Ellenor 6. Jeff Radford
Strathroy Woodbridge College Cathedral – Hamilton Stouffville St. Christopher Moira - Belleville
14.58m 14.41m 14.17m 14.15m 13.93m 13.82m
Discus Throw 1. Ezana Debalkew 2. Jaden Lindo 3. Greg Barker 4. Matt Blanchette 5. Trevor Greenwood 6. Alex Marinez
Don Mills St. Augustine Stouffville Elliot Lake Clarke – Newcastle St. Marcellinus
46.44m 46.31m 43.53m 41.23m 40.73m 40.67m
Javelin Throw 1. Alex Keys 2. Dylan Gosselin-Archer 3. Matt Withers 4. Hayden McLean 5. Tyler Korotki 6. Hube Kemmere
F.J. Brennan Geraldton Northern - Sarnia St. Christopher - Sarnia East Northumberland Kingsville
50.01m 47.33m 46.73m 46.10m 43.42m 42.51m
Junior Boys 100m 1. Andre Azonwanna-Ford 2. Deion Barker 3. Xavier Collis 4. Brandon Bobb 5. Jacob Plunkett 6. Bolade Ajomale
Cardinal McGuigan St. Marcellinus Father Henry Carr St. Charles Garnier Arnprior Alexander MacKenzie
10.53 R 10.97 11.06 11.21 11.32 11.36
200m 1. Andre Azonwanna-Ford 2. Xavier Collis 3. Terence Constantine 4. Blake Mariette 5. Nick Carnovale 6. Jacob Plunkett
Cardinal McGuigan Father Henry Carr Emery CI St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Jean De Brebeuf Arnprior
21.40 R 22.28 22.54 23.01 23.06 23.16
400m 1. Jordan Sherwood
Cameron Heights
Long Jump 1. Deion Barker 2. Braden Cok 3. Danny Ly 4. Joey Zhou 5. Tacuma Anderson
St. Marcellinus Sir John A. Macdonald Maple SS Dr. Norman Bethune St. Mary - Pickering
6.93m 6.51m 6.49m 6.46m 6.45m
6. Brandyn Leitert
Triple Jump 1. Braden Cok 2. Shaundre Kerr-Davis 3. Danny Ly 4. Tacuma Anderson 5. Mathyeu Simard 6. Andrew Umukoro
Sir John A. Macdonald Pickering Maple SS St. Mary - Pickering E.S Algonquin Anderson - Whitby
13.65m 13.42m 13.18m 12.97m 12.67m 12.56m
Shot Put 1. Ryan Hunter 2. Vincent Gionet 3. Eli Pawliw 4. Colin Harris 5. Jackson Welch 6. Dustin Blanchard
E.S. Algonquin Hillcrest Nelson - Burlington Leamington Bill Crothers Thousand islands
16.28m 16.15m 15.64m 15.11m 15.06m 14.52m
Discus Throw 1. Ryan Hunter 2. Nick Zottl 3. Eli Pawliw 4. Josh Vandeven 5. Matthew Armstrong 6. Stefano Pezzetta
E.S. Algonquin Northern - Sarnia Nelson - Burlington Strathroy Nantyr Shores De La Salle
63.05m 55.38m 51.38m 50.15m 48.89m 48.88m
Javelin Throw 1. Josh Shepley 2. Jonathan Nyzorchuck 3. Ryan Smith 4. Hussein Bazzi 5. Jason Rhodes 6. Michael Collins
Belle River East York Vincent Massey Vincent Massey St. Paul – Niagara Falls Belle River
57.00m 50.70m 49.98m 49.35m 49.10m 47.80m
Senior Boys 100m 1. Drelan Bramwell 2. Kyle Bennett 3. Shaquille Lawrence 4. Brendon Rodney 5. Wesley Best 6. Bryan Addo
Northern - Sarnia St. Augustine - Brampton Wilfrid Laurier - Toronto Father Henry Carr J. Clarke Richardson Father Henry Carr
10.80 10.86 10.86 10.88 10.93 11.12
200m 1. Marlon Laidlaw-Allen 2. Brendon Rodney 3. Wesley Best 4. Drelan Bramwell 5. Matt McKeegan 6. Thomas Juha
Bendale - Toronto Father Henry Carr J.Clarke Richardson Sarnia Northern Holy Names - Windsor Michael Power
21.25 21.51 21.68 21.73 22.14 22.17
400m 1. Brandon McBride 2. Alistair Moona 3. Marlon Laidlaw-Allen 4. Isaiah Moses 5. Dylan Brennand 6. Denray Jean-Jacques
W.F. Herman Erindale Bendale - Toronto Gloucester E.L. Crossley Immaculata - Ottawa
46.96 47.78 48.73 48.81 49.51 49.55
1. Brandon McBride 2. Connor Darlington 3. Sebastian Saville 4. Kyle Grieve 5. Corey Bellemore 6. Mohamed Souleiman
W.F. Herman R.S. McLaughlin Colonel By Richview Riverside ES Gisele - Lalonde
1:51.32 1:52.46 1:53.14 1:53.20 1:53.89 1:55.42
1500m 1. Yves Sikubwabo 2. Rob Denault 3. Xavier King 4. Connor Darlington 5. Mackay Wilson 6. Sam Baxter
Glebe Aurora Pickering R.S. McLaughlin Stratford Central St. Mary’s - Kitchener
3:53.97 3:54.63 3:55.29 3:56.68 3:57.49 3:59.09
3000m 1. Yves Sikubwabo
2. Xavier King 3. Tristan Woodfine 4. Andrew Kowalsky 5. Mackay Wilson 6. Jeremy Cooper
Pickering Opeongo Vincent Massey Stratford Central Manitoulin
8:23.92 8:24.35 8:24.58 8:27.53 8:31.78
110m Hurdles 1. Calvin Arsenault 2. Devon Rittinger 3. Izzy Ogieva 4. Keith Cyrus 5. Andre Wright 6. Grant Sparling
St.Mary’s - Kitchener Forest Heights Pickering St.Mary - Pickering Dunbarton St. Anne’s - Clinton
13.67 14.01 14.03 14.13 14.29 14.61
400m Hurdles 1. Dylan Dimock 2. Calvin Arsenault 3. Hayden Peters 4. Saj Al-Haddad 5. Charlie Sutton 6. Grant Sparling
Father Redmond St. Mary’s - Kitchener Sydenham St. Pius X John F. Ross St. Anne’s - Clinton
54.12 54.56 54.57 54.64 55.57 56.71
4x100m Relay 1. Father Henry Carr 2. Wilfrid Laurier- Toronto 3. Thousand Islands 4. St. Marcellinus 5. Pickering 6. St. Edmund Campion
42.09 42.56 42.58 42.85 42.87 43.10
High Jump 1. Branden Wilhelm 2. Chris Cauley 2. Jacob Borgdorff 4. Kyle Brake 4. Rakeeb Nalando 6. Nicholas Grant
Woodstock Thousand Islands Unity Christian HS St. Edmund Campion St. Marguerite D’Youville St. Mary - Pickering
2.10m 1.98m 1.98m 1.98m 1.98m 1.93m
Pole Vault 1. Brendon Talbot 2. Emil Larsson 3. Connor Daly 4. Chris Waugh 4. Hayden Fiset 6. Eric DiTomasso
St. Marcellinus Sir John A. Macdonald Newtonbrook Saunders SS Timiskaming Sandwich SS
4.20m 4.05m 4.05m 3.90m 3.90m 3.90m
Long Jump 1. Branden Wilhelm 2. Mitch Odonnell 3. David Nsabua 4. Cole Pellett 5. Tom Bednarik 6. Dylan Burns
Woodstock Forest Heights É.S.P. Louie-Riel F.E. Madill Chatham - Kent Thousand Islands
7.10m 6.98m 6.98m 6.72m 6.67m 6.55m
É.S.P. Louie-Riel St. Marcellinus Jarvis CI Holy Trinity - Bradford Brebeuf - Toronto F.E. Madill
14.95m 14.21m 14.09m 13.86m 13.85m 13.66m
Vincent Massey Napanee W.F. Herman Christ The King Malvern CI Saugeen
18.31m 18.21m 17.88m 16.22m 15.99m 15.66m
Vincent Massey Essex Napanee Saugeen Philip Pocock Almonte
59.94m 50.22m 49.46m 48.46m 47.82m 47.60m
Triple Jump 1. David Nsabua 2. Vinh Le 3. Jahrece Flemming 4. Richard Jansen 5. Marc Rasing 6. Cole Pellett Shot Put 1. Jordan Young 2. Brandon Deslauriers 3. Darnell Girard 4. Tyler Renton 5. Peter Nikolovski 6. Kevin Bowman Discus Throw 1. Jordan Young 2. Josh Dame 3. Brandon Deslauriers 4. Kevin Bowman 5. Daniel Polinski 6. James Illingworth
Javelin Throw 1. Ray Dykstra 2. Tyler Renton 3. Brad Kreitzer 4. Adam Kovacs 5. Tyler Withers 6. Taylor Kreitzer
Grimsby Christ The King Belle-River St Joseph’s - Barrie Northern - Sarnia Belle-River
2000m Steeplechase 1. Xavier King Pickering 2. Daniel Piticariu Vincent Massey 3. BJ Cunliffe Courtice 4. Jeremie Bourget É.S. Theriault 5. Zac Brown Northern - Sarnia 6. Michael Pesce Innisdale 4x400m Relay 1. Northern - Sarnia 2. Sydenham 3. Thousand Islands 4. Notre Dame- Ajax 5. Innisdale
3:19.01 3:19.78 3:20.15 3:21.40 3:23.03
67.57m 61.43m 60.95m 58.51m 57.31m 55.47m 5:51.81 5:53.25 5:54.60 5:56.83 6:03.25 6:04.48
6. W.F. Herman
100m Ambulatory 1. Josh Fenton 2. Brandon Terrell 3. Brandon Wong 4. Cody Salomons 5. Donald Winter 6. Garrett Fraser-Morris
Centre Hastings Arnprior Alexander MacKenzie London Christian Moira - Belleville Sydenham
13.20 13.24 13.43 13.71 13.86 13.94
1500m Wheelchair 1. Isaiah Christophe 2. Anthony Protomanni 3. Eric Voss 4. Samuel Graham 5. Delmar Garlinski
Bramalea Holy Cross - Woodbridge St. Michael - Stratford É.S. Jeanne Lajoie Confederation - Van Caron
3:45.23 5:23.94 6:08.23 6:19.31 8:01.62
Ajax Unionville Windsor
38 Points 29 Points 27 Points
Team Results Midget Boys
1. Pickering HS 2. Bill Crothers SS 3. Sandwich SS
4. St. Joan of Arc Barrie 5. St.Thomas of Villanova King City 6. Leaside HS Toronto Midget Girls
1. Bill Crothers SS 2. St. Mary 3. Saugeen 3. Sydenham 3. Glebe 6. Abbey Park
Unionville Pickering Port Elgin Sydenham Ottawa Oakville
34 Points 26 Points 24 Points 24 Points 24 Points 22 Points
1. Cameron Heights Kitchener 2. Sacred Heart Newmarket 2. É.S. Algonquin North Bay 4. Sir John A Macdonald Waterloo 5. James Cardinal McGuigan Toronto 6. St. Mary Pickering 6. Pickering Ajax
30 Points 24 Points 24 Points 22 Points 20 Points 19 Points 19 Points
Junior Boys
Junior Girls
1. Pickering HS 2. St. Mary’s 3. Nelson 4. Sinclair 5. Richview 5. St. Joseph 5. St. Thomas Aquinas 5. Bishop Strachan Senior Boys
1. W.F. Herman 1. St. Marcellinus 1. Vincent Massey 1. Father Henry Carr 5. Pickering 6. Northern 6. St. Mary’s Senior Girls
1. St. Ignatius 2. St. Benedict 2. Oakridge 2. St. Marcellinus 5. Innisdale 5. E.L.Crossley Open Boys
1. Northern 2. Pickering 3. Thousand Islands 3. Vincent Massey 3. Sydenham 6. Innisdale Open Girls
1. Courtice 1. Father Henry Carr 3. F.E. Madill 3. Innisdale 5. Vincent Massey 5. Father John Redmond Overall Boys
1. Pickering 2. Northern 3. Father Henry Carr 4. St. Marcellinus 5. Sandwich 6. Vincent Massey Overall Girls
1. Pickering 2. Eastview 3. E.L. Crossley 4. Bill Crothers 4. Saugeen 6. Innisdale
21 Points 20 Points 18 Points
Ajax Hamilton Burlington Whitby Toronto Barrie London Toronto
31 Points 30 Points 25 Points 22 Points 18 Points 18 Points 18 Points 18 Points
Windsor Mississauga Windsor Toronto Ajax Sarnia Kitchener
26 Points 26 Points 26 Points 26 Points 24 Points 22 Points 22 Points
Thunder Bay Cambridge London Mississauga Barrie Fonthill
26 Points 22 Points 22 Points 22 Points 21 Points 21 Points
Sarnia Ajax Brockville Windsor Sydenham Barrie
14 Points 10 Points 8 Points 8 Points 8 Points 7 Points
Courtice Toronto Wingham Barrie Windsor Toronto
10 Points 10 Points 8 Points 8 Points 6 Points 6 Points
Ajax Sarnia Toronto Mississauga Windsor Windsor
91 Points 55 Points 54 Points 51 Points 46 Points 46 Points
Ajax Barrie Fonthill Unionville Port Elgin Barrie
52 Points 39 Points 37 Points 34 Points 34 Points 31 Points
OFSAA Committees and Chairs Coaching Future Directions Transfers Constitutional Review Gender Equity Co-chair Classifications Championship Review Sanctions Alpine Skiing Badminton Co-chair Baseball Basketball - Boys Co-chair Basketball - Girls Cross Country Running Co-chair Curling Field Hockey Boys' Field Lacrosse Football Golf - Girls’ Golf - Boys’ Gymnastics Hockey - Boys Co-chair Hockey - Girls Nordic Skiing Rugby - Boys Rugby - Girls Soccer Co-chair Snowboard Racing Swimming Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Co-chair Wrestling
Terry Olaskey Jim Woolley Jim Woolley Bonnie Glover Clem Contreras, Bishop Allen Elaine Birta, Vaughan SS Terry O’Rourke Helen Downey, Bishop Tonnos CHS Brian Poste, North Hastings DHS Kevin Gosselin, Jean Vanier CHS David Meijer, Cameron Heights CI Michelle Whitney, East Northumberland SS Paul Solarski, Brebeuf College Suche James, Frontenac SS Tom Oliveri, Brebeuf College Erin Gray, Aurora HS Michael Smith, Highlands SS Suche James, Frontenac SS Yvonne Nieuwenhuis Sir Robert Borden HS Sharon Creelman, Appleby College Greg Reid, St. Andrew’s College Barry Rushon, White Pine CVI Debra Austin, Huntsville HS Bob Di Francesco, St. Mary's TBA Steve Stanlick, St. Peter’s John Lyttle, Sir Oliver Mowat Laura Gillespie, Ottawa-Carleton DSB Sian Leyson-Doughty, Mayfield SS Paul Pendakis, Saltfleet HS Ryan Clancy, St. Anne's CHS Heather Windrem, Widdifield SS Pat Lacasse, Colonel By SS Krista Petrie-Wallace, Almonte DHS Kevin Wong, Bishop P.F. Reding SS Michael Robinson, Lakeshore CHS Chris Deighan, Cardinal Carter Helen Thomson, St. Michael CSS Brian Leidl, Chatham Kent SS Randy Budner, St. Patrick HS
P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:
705.422.1620 F: 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.6567 F: 905.722.0180 F: 416.393.5549 F: 905.660.1397 F: 519.235.0880 F: 905.648.4989 F: 613.332.1220 F: 705.445.2043 F: 519.578.8330 F: 613.475.0540 416.393.5508 F: 613.389.2130 F: 416.393.5508 F: 905.727.3107 F: 905.628.2203 F: 613.389.2130 F: 613.829.1287 F: 905.845.4681 F: 905.727.3178 F: 705.945.7181 F: 705.789.5595 F: 905.528.0214 F:
416.229.4077 613.389.8042 416.229.4077 905.727.5804 905.627.2904 613 389 8042 613.829.1287 905.845.9828 905.727.0383 705.945.0726 705.687.4132 905.528.7418
jtolaskey@sympatico.ca jim_woolley@wrdsb.on.ca jim_woolley@wrdsb.on.ca btglover@rogers.com clemencia.contreras@tcdsb.org birtzie@yahoo.ca terry_o’rourke@fcmail.amdsb.ca downeyh@fc.hwcdsb.edu.on.ca bposte@hpedsb.on.ca kevingosselin8@sympatico.ca david_meijer@wrdsb.on.ca mariann_whitney@kprdsb.ca paul.solarski@tcdsb.org jamess@limestone.on.ca acoachyu@yahoo.com eringray@rogers.com michael.smith@hwdsb.on.ca jamess@limestone.on.ca yvonne.nieuwenhuis@ocdsb.ca screelman@appleby.on.ca greg.reid@sac.on.ca rushonb2@email.adsb.on.ca debra.austin@tldsb.on.ca bobbd_89@hotmail.com
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705.745.1358 416.396.6802 613.596.8211 905.846.6060 905.573.3000 519.482.5454 705.472.5711 613.745.9411 613.256.1470 905.875.0124 905.835.2451 905.727.2455 519.271.0890 519.352.2870 807.623.5218
705.745.5025 416.396.6758 613.820.6045 905.584.9823 905.573.2408 519.482.5456 705.474.4223 613.745.4680 613.256.0259 905.875.2908 905.835.0434 905.727.9568 519.271.8250 519.351.8849 807.622.0164
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705.728.6053 519.744.1870 519.744.1870 905.722.0180 416.397.6074 905.660.0318 519.235.3461 905.648.7847 613.332.0978 705.445.0790 519.578.1376