11'1:i(c ;_Ill o l tlw i ng:rt"(l it•nts. ('N(l,pl for the (ful) '4,lda, in : 1 ,1,fo1kt1· 0 1 ' ,:,II gla.~ over ire: :m(I !lh:d.:.l' Qr ~tir u n1 i l W<.•11 c:om binl><L •rnp with 1h<.• dttl, ;,0<l.1 :m(I g:1mi~h wit h the lime wh.._-.., 1,
2 ~ 1e;L,p,J<m, he i. ho u m, powder • ½ t (•a,1)(.)(•ll rd.,h i po.,. dc r
Sil)fl b r 1.1\ 'II i;u g:1r , l() 1:~I('
l-loj ich:1 ii,~ roa,tcd gn~'.'tl tea r rom Jap;ut :md h pad:.,-<I with :mtioxida n L". .,.·hkh m ay l:cep yvu r hl":u1 ht.~h h)'.
0 F,I)" ,W'h O l'itrw,i11 H rid, 0 f:nn'1{Y /.,oo)ting
I\\';mn 1hc• 11\flll in :1 pan, t he n ;, (It.I 1hc 11..~:, :uul a llow 1o~w<1> for 3 le) 5 m inul1..~.:
S t r.1in t he l <.'-' :rnd ;i(ld, ;.du ng h i1h t h t> r<.•m ai ning iug r,--<li c n t,.11.1 a b h.•n <kr, 6 h.-nd ll!Hil fro1h) , Polir imQ ;, h1..•:11proof'C\IJ) ; ind* ' ''(' :s:s
I (;1l)lo:'f)001I t,::ht.·t.· 1 c::11, 'Ql , dicl'd I ~h •lll (>1, ~lict.'(I • 1 Cc..'kl)' !!lid. .\.lict.•d
5 <'111~ c h ic,;k ,•n MoCk • 2½-i n c h 1~iec;c l)f f N;Sh gi nger, j)e('l ("d ;111( 1,-l ited
I om...:c: (Y, t>~mch) lul.,i It:•" ·(-:., dH.tt>JX·d • 6V. 0 1111.,-e, uncooled g n,."\'111<:111ih
I lt•a t the• g h ee in :11)ao c), er owdi u m hc-:-11, :.chi the~(.) 1'1'0! , :.h.11!<>1 a11d <:c•l cl'} and s;uuf for.:', l1J 8 m ir111h,,., -,r until :.l ig lu ly bl'Q\\' ned. A<.ld tht• ,tc)(I;, ginger, ; i nd mb:i ;m <I t.w-ing U.> ; , hoi l. ~t."(1nc~.- t h l" h<.•ac, <•dcl , 11._. hm t i h . ; 111d ~ i r, S i m nu:r fur 25 m inutt•s, o r until the: h.•mih ;m: cook.t·d 1hro,1gh , S.:,oon tc) t:bu..•, S... n·e .,..,, rm ,