The Do-It-Yourself Guide for Backyard Builders
David and Jeanie Stiles

Figure 5.1 Irish Garden Shed
Irish Garden Shed
Isaw this shed while bicycling through the British Isles. Like most things in Europe, it was built to last for centuries It was probably used to store farming tools. I have taken the liberty of changing the roof, from what was originally thatch, to the more readily available hand-split cedar shakes. You may prefer thatch, board and batten, or even sod (see types of roofing, pages 36–38). Please do not use asphalt shingles; this shed deserves a more elegant roof
This shed (see Figures 5.1 and 5.2) features timber frame construction, as do several others in this section Timber framing is one of the traditional construction methods that builders have used for centuries. Building a shed using timbers can be just as easy as conventional stud or “stick framing” (building with 2 x 4s) A timber-built shed requires fewer pieces, fewer joints and fewer cuts than a stick-built shed, and the end result is often more visually satisfying
The other outstanding feature of this shed is its log-filled walls. The locust logs take about a day and a half to cut and one week to cement into place, but the materials cost is minimal and the results are spectacular. Locust is among the most rot- and insect-resistant woods growing in the United States Years ago, houses were built on locust-post foundations, and locust was preferred for fence posts. For your supply, call firewood dealers, landscapers or tree specialists and ask for 12 seasoned 6to 10-inch-diameter trees cut into 4-foot logs and extra branches, which you will cut into 5-inch sections to fill between the larger logs. If locust is not available, use any other hardwood, sealing the edges with preservative. Make sure the logs are all well seasoned a radial crack in the log end is a good indication the crack can be filled while building the wall

Figure 5.2 Irish Garden Shed plan and elevation

A pyramid roof and tiny cupola grace this partially hidden garden shed, painted a soft dove grey The interior walls are lined with shelves and the ceiling is covered with willow reeds. Photographs by Alexa L.B. Taylor.
Aprivate sauna, a silver cedar-shake boat shed with a panoramic ocean view, a country hideaway with a double Dutch door you can turn contemplative visions into real places with willpower and hammer power. Here is a collection from the whimsical (the oriental shed) to the practical (the attached garden shed) to the fantastic (the free-form ferro cement shed)
In the photograph section, th sheds were designed by the auth Shed, Bike/Garden Shed, Firewo Irish Garden Shed, Basic 8 x 10 S Pool Pavilion, Japanese Boat She 9 x 10 Storage Shed on Posts, Three-Sided Tool Shed, 7 x 9 Shed/Playhouse, Storage Shed with ThreeGable Roof, and 10 x 11 Potting Shed.